Enhanced Secure Data Sharing Over Cloud Using ABE Algorithm
Enhanced Secure Data Sharing Over Cloud Using ABE Algorithm
Enhanced Secure Data Sharing Over Cloud Using ABE Algorithm
Cloud Computing provides a convenient way of sharing of data, which brings various benefits for both the society
and individuals. Security is becoming a wide necessity in day-to-day life. Data security is the most obliged security
of all. The data in our system is opened to high potential risks. Due to many security reasons we adopt diverse
methods. Now everyone is being dependent on the cloud platform for security and storage but even it is
vulnerable to various threats. The data inside cloud is not well-secured as it can be accessed by anyone who would
have our credentials. But there exists a resistance for users to directly outsource the shared data to the cloud
server as the data often contains valuable information. So we propose an Enhanced Security to the data using
encryption- The ciphertext-policy (CP) attribute-based encryption (ABE) (CP-ABE) and Byte Rotation
Algorithm emerging as a promising technology for allowing users to conveniently access data in cloud computing,
giving security to outsourced information, while thinking that client is not stressed while transferring their
classified information. Moreover, the privacy of users are protected in this scheme. The security and performance
analysis shows the scheme is secure, efficient and privacy-preserving.
Keywords: Cloud computing, CP, ABE, Encryption, Decryption, Privacy preserving.
CSEIT195433 | Received : 03 Oct 2019 | Accepted : 25 Oct 2019 | September-October-2019 [ 4 (8) : 125-128 ]
Virangni Gaikwad et al Int J Sci Res CSE & IT, September-October-2019; 4(8) : 125-128
investing in the infrastructure and maintenance. A. Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme for
However, the loss of control over data and Mobile Cloud Computing
computation raises many security concerns for A lightweight information sharing plot (LDSS) for
organizations, the wide adaptability of the public portable distributed computing. It receives CP-ABE,
cloud. The loss of control over data and the storage an entrance control innovation utilized as a part of
platform also motivates cloud customers to maintain typical cloud condition, be that as it may, changes the
and have control over data (individual data and the structure of access control tree to make it reasonable
data shared among a group of users through the public for versatile cloud situations. LDSS moves a vast
cloud) Moreover, the privacy and confidentiality of segment of the computational serious access control
the data is also recommended to be cared for by the tree change in CP-ABE from cell phones to outer
customers. The confidentiality management by a intermediary servers. Moreover, to lessen the client
customer ensures that the cloud does not have any renouncement cost, it acquaints property depiction
information about the customer data. The data ends with execute apathetic disavowal, which is a
encryption is done before storing to the cloud. The prickly issue in pro-gram-based CP-ABE frameworks.
access control, key management, encryption, and The trial comes about demonstrate that LDSS can
decryption processes are handled by the customers to successfully lessen the overhead on the cell phone side
ensure data security. However, when the data is when clients are sharing information in portable cloud
shared among a group, the cryptography services need situations.
to be flexible enough to handle different users,
B. Low Latency for File Encryption and Decryption
exercise the access control, and manage the keys in an
Using BRA Algorithm in Network Security.
effective manner to safeguard data confidentiality. A
separate key for every user is a cumbersome Data security is significant deterrent in various zones
solution.The changes in the data require the like military, bank application, educational
decryption of all of the copies of the users and organization. Document is forward starting with one
encryption again with the modified contents. The area then onto the next area in the organize.
existing and legitimate group members might show Numerous programmers are unlawfully get to the data.
illegitimate behaviour to manipulate the data. The To give answer for this issue many creators has
data can be decrypted, modified, and re-encrypted by presented diverse calculations and strategies. The
a malicious insider within a group. Consequently, a distinctive calculations like DES, triple DES and AES
legitimate user in the group may have the access to accomplish greater security however it sets aside more
certain unauthorized files within the group. On the opportunity for encryption and decoding records. This
other hand, it is necessary for a user to possess a key to algorithm gives greater security and takes littlest
conduct various operations on the data. The possession measure of time for record encryption and decoding.
of the key also implicitly proves the legitimacy of a This encryption can apply on various sorts of records
user to operate on the data. Nevertheless, like content, picture, sound, video records. In the Byte
simultaneously dealing with both the issues related to Rotation Encryption Algorithm include two
the key is an important issue that needs to be addressed procedures. One is irregular key era procedure is
effectively. utilized. What's more, second is parallel encryption
and decoding is process utilizing multithreading
II. Related Work procedure.
Literature Review
These are various surveys which we are studied
C. Analysis of multi-threading time metric on single decryption of data will be done by owner, and
and multi-core CPUs with Matrix multiplication. randomly selected number, and the output will be
With the landing of multi-centre CPUs, to accelerate obtained encrypted data.
execution of frame-works utilizing parallelism is Step 5: A set of user attributes AU and the encrypted
prompting new approaches. Prior techniques to data are supplied to the input of the decryption
actualize parallelism in applications were constrained function, and the output will be obtained decrypted
to either utilization of excess equipment assets or message.
direction level parallelism (ILP). This requested the Step 6: Safe data retrieval.
need of part the undertaking or process into little Step 7: End
sections that can keep running in parallel in the
errand's unique circumstance, and strings have been 2. Byte Rotation Algorithm:
presented. It is normal that the quantity of centres per Step 1: Start
processor would duplicate with increment in silicon Step 2: The Data is partitioned into fixed length of
do- main on chip. Keeping in mind the end goal to blocks. These blocks are represented by matrix Mp.
achieve most extreme centre usage of equipment, Step 3: The numerical values is assigned to the data in
programming needs to nourish. Multi-threading is sequence.
prevalent approach to enhance application execution Step 4: The value of Key matrix is randomly selected
speeds through parallelism. As each string has its from the given range.
possess autonomous asset for assignment execution, Step 5: Calculate the Transpose matrix of data block
various procedures can be executed parallel by matrix Mp which is denoted by Mt.
expanding number of strings. Parallelism is the Step 6: Calculate the encrypted key matrix Kc .
running of strings in the meantime on centres of a Step 7: Add both matrix Mt and Kc. The resultant
similar CPU. Multi-threading is famous approach to matrix is denoted by Cpk.
enhance application execution speeds through Step 8: Rotate the first 3 row horizontally of Cpk
parallelism. As each string has its claim free asset for matrix. The resultant matrix will be matrix Chr.
assignment execution, various procedures can be Step 9: Rotate the first 3 column of Chr matrix. The
executed parallel by expanding number of strings. resultant matrix is denoted by Cvr.
Parallelism is the running of strings in the meantime Step 10: Replace the numerical values of Cvr matrix by
on centres of a similar CPU. the corresponding blocks.
1. Attribute Based Encryption Algorithm: In several distributed systems a user should only access
Step 1: Start data, If a user possess a certain set of credentials or
Step 2: Generating the symmetric key for the register attributes. Currently, the only method is to employ a
users. trusted server to store the data and mediate access
Step 3: A set of user attributes is supplied to the input control. However, if any server which is storing the
of the private key generation, and the output of the data is compromised, then the confidentiality of the
algorithm turns user's private key. data will be compromised. In this survey paper we are
Step 4: The input is fed to the encryption function presenting a system for realizing complex access
which it is necessary to encrypt, a set of attributes, control on encrypted data that we call ciphertext-
policy attribute-based encryption. The encrypted data
can be kept confidential even if the storage server is Dhruva R. Rinku, Dr. M Asha Rani 3rd
untrusted; moreover, our methods get secure against International Conference on Advances in
collusion attacks. In previous attributes where used to Electrical, Electronics, Information,
describe the encrypted data and built policies into Communication and Bio-Informatics
user's keys in attribute-based encryption systems (AEEICB17)
while in our new system attributes are used to describe [5]. V. Maitri, Dattatray S. Waghole, Vivek S.
a user's credentials, and a party encrypting data Deshpande, IEEE Senior Member, \Low latency
determines a policy for who can decrypt. for _le encryption and decryption using BRA
algorithm in network security", 2015
IV. CONCLUSION International Conference on Pervasive
Data which is available in the cloud can be at risk if
not handled or protected in a rightful manner. This
paper discusses various risks and security threats to Cite this article as :
data in the cloud and given an overview of three types
Virangni Gaikwad, Ekta Bhosale, Ankita Istalkar,
of security concerns. The major concerns of this paper
Rajashri Tapkir, Prof. Sachin Patil, "Enhanced Secure
was data security and its malicious threats and
Data Sharing Over Cloud Using ABE Algorithm",
solutions in cloud computing. Data has been discussed
International Journal of Scientific Research in
along with the techniques which are efficient for
Computer Science, Engineering and Information
encrypting the data in the cloud. To build a cost
Technology (IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 4
effective and secure data sharing system in cloud
Issue 8, pp. 125-128, September-October 2019.
computing, we proposed the notation called ABE-
Journal URL : http://ijsrcseit.com/CSEIT194829
Attribute-based encryption is a type of public-key
encryption, and ciphertext policy.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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