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Text12 PDF
When two words come together, the last letter of the first word and the first
letter of the second word are combined together using certain rules. The
combination of these letters is known as sandhi.
There are three kinds of sandhis:
(1) Svr-siNx> When two vowels are combined together it is known as
(2) Vyn-siNx> When two consonants are combined together it is known as
(3) ivsg-siNx> When visarga (:) is joined with any vowel or a consonant it is
known as visarga-sandhi.
The following table gives a complete classification of all the letters of the
Sanskrit alphabet. This table will be useful while learning sandhis especially
Vynain Consonants
kQaerVynain m&Vynain
Svra> Hard Consonants Soft Consonants
Vowels ^:ma[> ALpa[a> mhaa[a> ALpa[a> mhaa[a> Anunaiska> ANt>Swa> mhaa[a>
Sibilants Unaspirate Aspirate Unaspirate Aspirate Nasals Semivowels Aspirate
A Aa k o! g! "! '! h!
#$ z! c! D! j! H! |! y!
\ ;! q! Q! f! F! [! r!
s! t! w! d! x! n! l!
%^ p! )! b! ! m! v!
@ and @e are both guttural and palatal; Aae and AaE are guttural and labial; and v
is both dental and labial.
Textbook 81
The following table gives the three types of sandhis and their subdivisions.
5. Ayaid-siNx> 5. prsv[-siNx>
6. pUv
p-siNx> 6. uTv-siNx>
7. prp-siNx> 7. uTv-siNx>
8 . kitav-siNx> 8. pUvsv[R-siNx>
9. DTv-siNx>
10. 'mufagm-siNx>
82 Easy Sanskrit
12.1 Svr-siNx>
4. y[! 5. Ayaid
3. v&i 6. pUvRp
2. gu[ 7. prp
12.1.1 dI"R-siNx>
A + A = Aa Aa + A = Aa
A + Aa = Aa Aa + Aa = Aa
(B) # + # = $ # + $ = $
$ + # = $ $ + $ = $
% + % = ^ % + ^ = ^
^ + % = ^ ^ + ^ = ^
\ + \ = \ + =
+ \ = + =
12.1.2 gu[-siNx>
> Pini Stra (1.1.2)
If the vowels #, % , \ and short or long, follow A or Aa , then they are
substituted with @ , Aae, Ar! and Al! respectively.
(A) A + # = @ A + $ = @
Aa + # = @ Aa + $ = @
The vowel # in the second word #N> follows A in the first word %p. A single
vowel @ is substituted in the place of both A and #. Thus, we have %p + #N> =
Here are some more examples:
$r + #CDa = $reCDa
lta + #v = ltev
pU[R + #N> = pU[NRe >
Textbook 85
g[ + $z> = g[ez>
A + % = Aae A + ^ = Aae
Aa + % = Aae Aa + ^ = Aae
pr + %pkar> = praepkar>
sUyR + %dy> = sUyaeRdy>
dez + %it> = dezaeit>
ga + %dkm! = gaedkm!
iht + %pdez> = ihtaepdez>
mha + ^imR> = mhaeimR>
cN + %dy> = cNaedy>
g&h + ^XvRm! = g&haeXvRm!
A + \ = Ar! A + = Ar!
Aa + \ = Ar! Aa + = Ar!
12.1.3 v&i-siNx>
(A) A + @ = @e A + @e = @e
Aa + @ = @e Aa + @e = @
Example: mm + @v = mmEv
In mm + @v note that the vowel @ follows A in mm. The vowel @e is
@k + @km! = @kEkm!
sda + @v = sdEv
iv + @kta = ivEkta
mt + @eKym! = mtEKym!
dev + @eyRm! = devEyRm!
xn + @eyRm! = xnEyRm!
mha + @eyRm! = mhEyRm!
12.1.4 y[!-siNx>
it + A]m! = Ty]m!
yid + Aip = y*ip
it + @km! = Tyekm!
#it + Aaid = #Tyaid
Ait + %m> = ATyum>
suxI + %paSy> = suXyupaSy>
pavRtI + Axuna = pavRTyxuna
gu + Aadez> = guvadz
e >
Anu + @;[m! = ANve;[m!
Anu + Ay> = ANvy>
het u + AwRm! = heTvwRm!
saxu + #dm! = saiXvdm!
saxu + Aaednm! = saXvaednm!
88 Easy Sanskrit
12.1.5 Ayaid-siNx>
12.1.6 pUv
R p-siNx>
@'> pdaNtadit Pini Stra (6. 1. 109)
If @ or Aae at the end of a word is followed by A, the A disappears and the sign
= (avagraha) is placed instead. This sandhi being an exception to Ayaid-siNx
90 Easy Sanskrit
12.1.7 prp-siNx>
zu + Aaedn> = zuaedn>
12.1.8 kitav-siNx>
Textbook 91
12.2 Vyn-siNx>
5. prsv[R 6. uTv
4. AnuSvar 7. uTv
3. Anunaisk 8. pUvs
R v[R
2. jZTv 9. DTv
12.2.1 cTvR-siNx>
12.2.2. jZTv-siNx>
Textbook 93
12.2.3 Anunaisk-siNx>
But when the end consonant of a word is followed by the suffixes my and ma,
the change into nasal is compulsory.
ict! + mym! = icNmym!
tt! + mam! = tNmam!
12.2.4. AnuSvar-siNx>
Examples :
12.2.5 prsv[R-siNx>
Tv< + kraei; = Tv'!kraei; / Tv< kraei;
t&[< + crit = t&[rit / t&[< crit
am< + gCDit = am'!gCDit / am< gCDit
tt! + lIn> = tLlIn>
%d! + leo> = %Lleo>
jgt! + lmI> = jgLlmI>
ivlst! + la = ivlsLla
96 Easy Sanskrit
12.2.6 uTv-siNx>
rams! + zete = ramZzet
mns! + clm! = mnlm!
rams! + icnaeit = raminaeit
izzus! + zete = izzuZzete
st! + ict! = sit!
mht! + cm! = mhm!
b&ht! + Dm! = b&hCDm!
12.2.7 uTv-siNx>
rams! + ;> = ram:;>
xnus! + qar> = xnuar>
bals! + ;> = bal:;>
Textbook 97
mhd! + ifi{fm> = mhif!fi{fm>
tt! + qIka = tIka
b&ht! + qIka = b&hIka
cin! + FaEkse = ci{FaEkse
b&ht! + qzala = b&hzala
%t! + qnm! = %nm!
%t! + Jvl> = %JJvl>
mhan! + jy> = mhajy>
ANyt! + c = ANy
12.2.8 pUvs
R v[R-siNx>
Hyae hae=NytrSyam! Pini Stra (8. 4. 62)
If h! comes after any of the first four letters of a group, the h! is optionally
changed to the fourth letter of that group. The end consonant of the first word
changes into the third letter of its group.
12.2.9 DTv-siNx>
tt! + izv> = tiCzv> / tiCDv>
tt! + zIl> = tCzIl> / tCDIl>
jgt! + zr[m! = jgCzr[m! / jgCDr[m!
%t! + iz:q> = %iCz:q> / %iCD:q>
st! + zaSm! = sCzaSm! / sCDaSm!
12.2.10 'mufagm-siNx>
Ty'! + AaTma = Ty'!'aTma
xavn! + A> = xav>
hsn! + Ai = hsi
Textbook 99
12.3 ivsgR-siNx>
2. laep> 3. re)>
12.3.1 %kar>
12.3.2 laep>
Aa> + AmI = Aa AmI
pua> + jata> = pua jata>
Aa> + xaviNt = Aa xaviNt
jna> + gCDiNt = jna gCDiNt
tara> + %idta> = tara %idta>
hta> + gja> = hta gja>
(B) If a visarga is preceded by A and is followed by any vowel other than the
short A, the visarga is dropped.
kt> + Aagta> = kt Aagta>
nr> + #v = nr #v
cN> + %deit = cN %deit
dev> + \i;> = dev \i;>
k:[> + @it = k:[ @it
k> + @;> = k @;>
(C) If any consonant or vowel except short A follows s> or @;>, the visarga is
Textbook 101
(D) The words ae>, gae> and A"ae> lose their visarga if any vowel or soft
consonant follows it.
ae> + ACyut = ae ACyut
A"ae> + yaih = A"ae yaih
gae> + nmSte = gae nmSte
12.3.3 re)>
hir> + Aym! = hirrym!
git> + #ym! = gitirym!
riv> + %deit = rivdeit
muin> + jit = muinRjit
kve> + bui> = kvebiu >
gurae> + g&hm! = guraeg&Rhm!
(B) Having changed visarga into r! ( > = r! ), if the first letter of the following
word is again r! , the r! of the first word disappears and the short vowels Aa, $
or % before r! of the first word is then changed to Aa, $ or ^ respectively.
The visarga in hir> is changed into r! and then when it combines with r! of the
following word rMy>, the r! in the hirr! (hir>) is dropped and the vowel is
lengthened. Thus hirr! (hir>) becomes hrI.
12.3.4. skar>
(A) When visarga is followed by t! or w! then the visarga is changed into
s! .