Infringement of Remedies: Mahindra Prabu M Asst. Professor of Law Tnnls
Infringement of Remedies: Mahindra Prabu M Asst. Professor of Law Tnnls
Infringement of Remedies: Mahindra Prabu M Asst. Professor of Law Tnnls
Copyrights &
What is Infringement of Copyright?
Substantial taking
Unaltered copying.
Character of Plaintiffs and defendants work
Extent of defendants alteration
Nature of plaintiffs effort
Extent of plaintiffs effort
Manner in which defendant has taken advantage of plaintiffs work
Extent of interference with plaintiffs exploitation by defendants
What acts constitute infringement?
In S.K. Dutt v. Law Book Company, AIR 1954 All 570 the court held
that whether a book is a copy of another the external and
internal features of the book should be looked into. The external
features of the book are get-up and overall scope and the
internal features are general layout, manner of treatment of
subject matter and amount of material contained in the book.
The term piracy is nothing but exact copy of the original. In
Lallubhai v. Laxmi Shankar, AIR 1945 Bom 51 the high court held
that the test to detect piracy is to see mistakes and deviations
occurring in the original also have been reproduced.
In order to succeed in an action
for infringement the plaintiff has
to establish:
That there is a close similarity between two works
That the defendant has directly or indirectly made an unlawful
use of the plaintiffs work
That there is chain of causation linking the plaintiffs copyright
work with the defendants alleged infringing copy, and
The defendant had access to the plaintiffs work or an
infringing copy of the work.
What cannot be the Defences?