Art Fe & MN
Art Fe & MN
Art Fe & MN
University of Bahrain
Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for
Basic and Applied Sciences
Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, Damietta University, Damietta, Egypt
Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt
Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
KEYWORDS Abstract The polyhydroxyl-polyurethane foam (PPF) was used as a new sorbent for separation,
Polyhydroxyl-polyurethane preconcentration and determination of manganese and iron ions in natural samples. Experimental
foam; conditions for effective separation of trace levels of the metal ions were optimized with respect to
Determination; different experimental parameters in batch and dynamic processes. The maximum sorption of
Iron; Mn(II) and Fe(III) was in the pH range of 68. The kinetics of sorption of the Mn(II) and Fe(III)
Manganese; by the PPF was found to be fast with an average value of half-life of sorption (t1/2) of 11.7 min. The
Sorption sorption capacity of PPF was 8.7 lmol g1 and the recovery of tested ions 99100% was achieved.
The lower detection limit, 0.08 lg L1 was evaluated using spectrophotometric method. The relative
standard deviation (RSD) under optimum conditions is 1.3% (n = 5). The bonding of the studied
metal ions by the PPF is useful for the removal of metal contamination from real samples.
2013 University of Bahrain. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction on the other hand, have been considered serious soil and
environment pollutant due to their potential toxicity at low
Some of the trace elements including iron, manganese, zinc concentrations (Hicsonmez et al., 2012; Seiler et al., 1998).
and copper are essential micronutrients with a variety of bio- Trace metals are ubiquitous environmental contaminants.
chemical functions in all living organisms. However, the bene- Environmental samples take up trace metals from soils, fertil-
ts of these micronutrients may be completely reversed if izers, air, industrial process and transportation. Heavy metals
present at high concentrations. Some heavy metals particularly are mobile and easily taken up by plants in the environment
cadmium and lead, not essential elements for human nutrition, (Tuzen et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2007). Due to these important
points, the accurate determinations of trace heavy metals are
* Corresponding author. Address: Department of Chemistry, important part of the studies in analytical chemistry (Kong
Dammam University, P.O. Box 2375, Dammam 31451, Saudi Arabia. et al., 2007; Soylak and Cay, 2007).
E-mail address: (E.A. Moawed). The determination of heavy metals has been receiving much
Peer review under responsibility of University of Bahrain. attention. Considering the low manganese and iron concentra-
tion levels in natural samples, sensitive analytical techniques
are required to obtain adequate detection limits. To solve this
problem, preconcentration/separation procedures have been
Production and hosting by Elsevier
proposed. Preconcentration is a very important issue for
1815-3852 2013 University of Bahrain. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Separation and determination of iron and manganese in water using polyhydroxyl polyurethane foam 61
achievement of low detection limits (Ahmadi et al., 2007; into a 0.1 mol L1 HCl solution and then cooled in an ice bath.
Ensa and Shiraz, 2008). Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is a very The PUF was diazotized by the drop wise addition of 25 mL of
important place in preconcentration studies due to its simplic- NaNO2 (2 mol L1) to the cold solution containing the PUF,
ity, high preconcentration factors, environmental friendly, etc. and stirred vigorously until the yellow color appeared due to
(Ensa and Ghaderi, 2008; Yamini et al., 2008). The SPE tech- the formation of diazonium chloride. Then, it was boiling
nique is also used to improve the sensitivity and selectivity of for 2 h to replace the diazonium chloride group with hydroxyl
spectrophotometric methods for determination of heavy metal group. The orange PPF material was washed with distilled
ions. It has been successfully used in connecting with the water followed by acetone and then air-dried.
enrichment procedures for determination of ultra trace metals
in various food and water samples (Malc et al., 2005; Venk- 2.3. General procedures
atesh et al., 2005). In addition, it has some extra advantages:
large availability, easy recovery of the solid phase, attainability 2.3.1. Batch technique
of large preconcentration factors and facility for separation Removal of Mn(II) and Fe(III) was carried out by a batch
using various systems. The most convenient sorbent materials technique at 25 C except otherwise specied. A 0.1 g portion
are C18 (Ali et al., 1999), amberlite or Chelex (Ferreira et al., of the PPF was mixed with 25 ml aliquot of metal ion solution
2000), activated carbon (de Pena et al., 1995) and polyurethane (5 lg mL1) in a shaker. After shaking for 30 min, aliquots of
foam (PUF) (Anthemidis et al., 2002). solution were withdrawn and the concentration of metal ions
The PUF is an excellent sorbent material due to its high was determined spectrophotometrically.
available surface area and extremely low cost. In addition,
it is stable in acids and bases, it will not change its structure Effect of pH. A 25 mL portion of metal ion solutions
when heated up to 180 C (El-Shahat et al., 2008; Moawed, (5 lg mL1) of Mn(II) and Fe(III) from single element aque-
2006). Thus, it is a very suitable material for batch and col- ous solutions, was shaken with 0.1 g of PPF for 30 min. The
umn techniques. The aim of this study is rst to highlight the pH of the metal ion solution was adjusted before equilibration
method of modication of polyurethane foam with polyhydr- with HCl or NaOH over a range of 18. After the equilibra-
oxyl groups, because these groups act as selective ligands with tion, the remained metal ions were determined by the recom-
high bond stability for transition metal ions (Abdel Azeem mended method.
et al., 2010; Moawed, 2011). The second aim is to develop pHZPC is the pH when the charge on the PPF surface is zero
a new, simple, cheap and rapid separation and determination (zero point charge). To determine the pHZPC of the PPF sur-
procedure for Mn and Fe in trace level from natural samples face, we take 25 mL of solution in a series of 100 mL asks
using the modied PUF. The great advantage of this modied of pH in the range 113. The initial pH (pHi) of the solutions
PUF is that it can extract metal ions without prior complexation. was determined and 0.1 g of the PPF was added to each asks.
After completion of 24 h, the nal pH (pHf) of the solutions
2. Experimental was measured. The difference between the initial and nal
pH values (DpH = pHf pHi) was plotted against the pHi.
2.1. Apparatus The pHZPC was noted at the pH in which the initial pH equals
the nal pH.
All spectrophotometric measurements of Mn and Fe were re-
corded using a Shimadzu Model UV-1800 spectrophotometer Effect of shaking time. The effect of shaking time on
(Shimadzu Corporation, Japan). The pH measurements were the extraction efciency of Mn(II) and Fe(III) was studied.
carried out using the microprocessor pH meter BT 500 BOE- For that purpose, 0.1 g of PPF was added to 25 mL of sample
CO, Germany. Doubly distilled water (DDW) was obtained at the optimum pH and automatic shaking for different time
from two successive distillations using Hamilton laboratory intervals (160 min).
glass instrument (Europe House, Sandwich Industrial Estate,
Sandwich Kent, England). Glass columns of about 25-cm long Effect of sorbent amount. The effect of different PPF
and 1.5 cm in diameter were employed in the chromatographic amounts on the sorption of Mn(II) and Fe(III) was examined.
separation experiments. Different amounts of PPF (0.10.5 g) were equilibrated with
sample solutions adjusted at the optimum pH, which was auto-
2.2. Reagents and materials matically shaken for 30 min at room temperature. After equil-
ibration, the remaining metal ion in the solution was
Stock solutions of the studied metal ions were prepared by dis-
solving appropriate amounts of analytical reagent grade of
2.3.2. Dynamic experiments
Mn(NO3)2 and Fe(NO3)3 in double distilled water (DDW).
Commercial PUF, open-cell polyether-type, (30 kg m3) was To study the preconcentration, the breakthrough capacities,
supplied from the Egyptian company for foam production, the chromatographic behavior, and the separation of Mn(II)
Cairo, Egypt. and Fe(III) ions, a compact column of 15 1.5 cm id was
Polyhydroxyl polyurethane foam was prepared by cut of packed with 1 g of the PPF, by the procedure described previ-
PUF into similar cubes (0.125 cm3), washed by a 2 mol L1 ously (Burham et al., 2009). Solutions were passed through the
solution of HCl, followed by doubly distilled water and ace- column at a ow rate of 2 mL min1.
tone then left to dry at room temperature. 5 g PUF cubes were
soaked in an HCl (1:1) for 1 h to liberate the maximum num- Effect of ow rate. The dependence of the uptake of the
ber of free amino groups. It was washed with water, placed metal on the ow rate was studied for Mn(II) and Fe(III), the
62 E.A. Moawed et al.
sample (50 mL, 1 lg mL1) ow rate being varied from 0.5 to moval efciency reached 8891% for Mn(II) and Fe(III) ions
10 mL min1 and the retention percentage of the metal ion by using PPF in the pH ranges 68 and 58, respectively. While
into the column was determined. the maximum sorption of these metal ions by PUF was 58
62%. The uptake sequence was in order PPF > PUF, which Breakthrough capacity. Two hundred and fty milliliter depends on the functional group of the PPF molecule. At
samples containing Mn(II) and Fe(III) ions separately at con- pH, less than 2 the uptake of the studied metal ions is too small
centrations (5 lg mL1), were passed through foam columns, and then increases rapidly with increasing the pH value. The
at ow rates 4 mL min1. Each solution was adjusted to the optimum pH value to remove the studied ions from aqueous
optimum pH and the efuent was collected in 5 mL fractions solution is 68. Based on the behavior of Mn(II) and Fe(III)
where the amount of metal ions in each fraction was deter- ions extraction on the PPF, we have speculated that ion ex-
mined by the recommended method. change and hydrogen bonding may be the principal mecha-
nism for the removal of these heavy metal ions (Ajmal et al., Preconcentration. Preconcentration of the studied me- 1998). The similarity of the curves of PPF and the PUF could
tal ions was investigated from model solutions prior to the reasonably suggest that the sorption of metal ion onto PUF
determination in the real samples. Fifty to two thousand ve may proceed via both mechanism, weak anion exchange and
hundred milliliter solutions containing 20 lg of Mn(II) and ion association mechanism. The possible mechanisms that
Fe(III) were passed through the column after adjusting to have been previously proposed for the sorption of metal ions
the optimum pH value and the ow rate. The stripping of the onto PUF are surface sorption (El-Shahawi and Nassif,
metal ions from the PPF column was carried out by 0.1 mol 2003), etherlike solvent extraction (Huang et al., 1992), anion
L1 HCl solutions and the amount of Mn(II) and Fe(III) in exchanger (Hasany et al., 2000), cation chelation (Hasany
the eluate was determined by the recommended method. et al., 2001), and ion association (Fong and Chow, 1992).
The pHZPC value was determined to be approximately 4.7
2.3.3. Analysis of real samples for the PPF. At pH lower than the pHZPC (pH < 4.7), the sur-
For real water analysis one-liter volume of water sample was face of the PPF is positively charged while at pH greater than
collected from Qaroun Lake and Bahr Youssef, Fayoum City pHZPC, the surface of the PPF becomes negatively charged.
spiked with 20 lg of the metal ions, adjusted to pH 6 and Therefore, the metal ions (Mn2+ and Fe3+) are adsorbed
passed through the modied foam columns at a ow rate of due to electrostatic interaction of metal ions with the nega-
2 mL min1. The columns were rinsed with 20 mL DDW tively charged surface of the PPF. Hence, there is an increase
and the metals were eluted by 0.1 mol L1 HCl solution. The in adsorption after pH greater than pHZPC.
concentration of each metal ion was determined by the recom- The kinetics of sorption is important from the point of view
mended method. The experiment was repeated three times and that it controls the process efciency. The curves are continu-
the recovery percentage and relative standard deviation (RSD) ous and smooth suggesting a stable and uniform sorption pro-
were calculated. cess. The faster uptake of these metal ions on the new modied
PUF probably reects a better accessibility of the studied ana-
3. Results and discussion lyte ions to the new chelating sites in the PPF. This rapid
extraction is due to the application of PPF by using batch tech-
nique, which is relatively fast and efcient of PPF sorbent as
3.1. Batch technique
compared to other sorbents (Ho and Ofomaja, 2006; Zhou
et al., 2009; Zou et al., 2011).
The effect of pH on the recovery of Mn(II) and Fe(III) ions by The sorption of Mn and Fe ions on PPF may involve three
PUF and PPF is presented in Fig. 1. The pH of the aqueous steps: bulk transport of solute in solution, lm transfer involv-
solution was clearly an important parameter that controlled ing diffusion of solute through a hypothetical lm boundary
the uptake process. The results show that the maximum re- layer, and diffusion of the solute within the pore volumes of
Figure 1 Effect of pH on the extraction of iron(III) and Figure 2 MorrisWeber model for sorption of iron(III) and
manganese(II) onto PPF. manganese(II) onto PPF.
Separation and determination of iron and manganese in water using polyhydroxyl polyurethane foam 63
Table 2 Kinetic parameter of pseudo rst order and pseudo second order models.
Ions Pseudo-rst-order Pseudo-second-order
k1 r X h r X2
Fe(III) 0.06 0.93 0.15 0.9 0.95 0.19
Mn(II) 0.03 0.95 0.24 0.48 0.91 0.05
64 E.A. Moawed et al.
amount of metal ion emerged from the column versus the vol-
ume of efuent collected. PPF column is saturated with Mn
and Fe under the optimum conditions. From the breakthrough
curve presented in Fig. 5, the saturation of each column is
reached after passing 115 mL and 100 mL of Mn and Fe,
respectively. The average value of the capacity of PPF column
for Mn(II) and Fe(III) is estimated to be 9.8 lmol g1. These
results are in a good agreement with the values of capacities
obtained using batch technique (8.7 lmol g1).
The sample ow rate through the PPF column is a very
important parameter since it controls the time of analysis.
The loading of the tested analytes through PPF columns was
examined at different ow rates between 0.5 and 10 mL min1.
The maximum and quantitative recovery was observed in the
short-range 0.53 mL min1 (Fig. 6). Faster ow rates than
3 mL min1 led to decrease in the recovery percentage
(<91.7%). This conrms the relation of retention sensitivity
Figure 6 Effect of sample ow rate on the sorption of metal ions and contact time between Mn(II) and Fe(III) and PPF.
using PPF column. In order to explore the possibility of enriching low concen-
trations of analyte from large volume by the batch procedure,
factor (V/m) was estimated to be 250 with an average value of the effect of sample volume on the recovery of Mn and Fe ions
RSD 0.8% (n = 3). was also investigated. For this purpose, 502500 mL of sample
The relationship between the amount of a substance ex- solutions containing 20 lg of Mn and Fe was allowed to pass
tracted at a constant temperature and its concentration in through the PPF columns at a ow rate of 1 mL min1. It was
the equilibrium solution is called the adsorption isotherm. found that quantitative uptake 98.699.7% (RSD = 1.3,
The capacity of PPF was found to be 8.13 and 9.25 lmol g1 n = 6) was obtained for tested metal ions up to a sample vol-
(RSD = 1.3%, n = 5) for Mn and Fe, respectively. This con- ume of 1500 mL (Fig. 7). The elution of Mn and Fe from PPF
rms that the new modied foam has greater afnity against column was occurred with recovery percentages of 95.897.9%
these metal ions. with 0.75 mol L1 HCl (RSD = 2.1, n = n). These results
show that the Mn and Fe can be concentrated effectively from
3.2. Column procedure the dilute aqueous solutions using PPF columns.
The limit of detection (LOD) is dened as 3r where r is the
The capacity of PPF column containing one gram of the PPF standard deviation of blank determination. The proposed
could be determined from the curves obtained by plotting the method for the determination of the investigated ions was
studied under the optimal experimental conditions by applying
the procedure for blank solutions. The detection limits were
established by analyzing ve blank solutions. The r value
was estimated by Microsoft ofce excel 2007 program. The
LOD of Mn and Fe was found to be 0.05 and 0.11 lg L1,
respectively (RSD = 1.3%, n = 5). Also, limits of quantita-
tion (LOQ = 10r) for Mn(II) and Fe(III) is 0.15 and
0.36 lg L1, respectively (Table 3). The sensitivity sequence
was in order, Fe3+ > Mn2+, which may be attributed to their
different ionic sizes. The LOD and LOQ values for the studied
ions with the new extractor enable the use of this material in
collection of Mn and Fe ions at a trace concentration prior
to their determination with high accuracy. The values of
LOD and RSD due to the application of PPF for determina-
tion of Mn(II) and Fe(III) indicate that the PPF sorption
method is more efcient than other sorbents (Abdel Azeem
Figure 7 Effect of the sample volume on the sorption of metal et al., 2010; Burham et al., 2009; Nitiyanontakit et al., 2011;
ions onto PPF. Rahman et al., 2011; Tuzen et al., 2009).
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