1 s2.0 S0304389420306208 Main
1 s2.0 S0304389420306208 Main
1 s2.0 S0304389420306208 Main
Editor: R Teresa A bacterial consortium for efficient decontamination of high-concentration Fe–Mn acid mine drainage (AMD)
Keywords: was successfully isolated. The removal efficiencies of Fe and Mn were effective, reaching 99.8 % and 98.6 %,
Bacteria community dynamics respectively. High-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes demonstrated that the microbial community
Biogenic Fe-Mn oxides had changed substantially during the treatment. The Fe–Mn oxidizing bacteria Flavobacterium, Brevundimonas,
Metal removal Stenotrophomonas and Thermomonas became dominant genera, suggesting that they might play vital roles in Fe
Biofilter and Mn removal. Moreover, the pH of culture increased obviously after incubation, which was benefit for de-
positing Fe and Mn from AMD. The specific surface area of the biogenic Fe–Mn oxides was 108–121 m2/g, and
the surface contained reactive oxygen functional groups (–OH and −COOH), which also improved Fe and Mn
removal efficiency. Thus, this study provides an alternative method to treat AMD containing high concentrations
of Fe and Mn.
1. Introduction aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Aguinaga et al., 2018; Auld et al.,
2017). Available methods for AMD treatment include traditional neu-
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is severely threatening the safety of tralization techniques, magnetic nanoparticles, lignite and zeolite, and
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: zhouyy@hunau.edu.cn (Y. Zhou), luolinwei0@163.com (L. Luo).
Received 10 January 2020; Received in revised form 31 March 2020; Accepted 31 March 2020
Available online 09 April 2020
0304-3894/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Hou, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 396 (2020) 122631
membrane methods, among others (Rand and Ranville, 2019). Tradi- Qibaoshan mine AMD (Table S3). Being cultured in the synthetic AMD
tional neutralization techniques require additions of commercially medium 10 days, the final culture was maintained as an active culture
produced alkali, which is expensive and generate a large volume of for further use.
sludge, especially in AMD that contains high levels of iron/ferrous ions Incubation experiment was carried out in a series of 500-mL
(Johnson and Hallberg, 2005). Moreover, some of the new treatments Erlenmeyer flasks. AMD water was sampled at Qibaoshan in October
are too complex or are not suitable for wide application (Kefeni et al., 2018 and stored at 4 °C. Each flask contained 200 mL of AMD water,
2017). In the last few decades, biological methods have drawn con- 20 mL active culture, 0.1 g/L peptone, 0.1 g/L glucose. In the control,
siderable attention, and a variety of bacteria have been investigated to AMD water was filtered through 0.22 μm filters to remove bacteria and
determine their functions in AMD remediation. Sulfate reducing bac- the active culture was replaced by sterile water. Incubation conditions
teria (SRB) are commonly used in AMD remediation (Dale et al., 2015). were as follows: work volume, 220 mL; temperature, 30 °C; rotation
However, these bacteria have specific environmental requirements (i.e., speed, 170 rpm. Each flask was monitored daily for iron and manganese
an anaerobic environment, pH > 5, an organic substrate, and an ap- concentration, pH, cell density and dissolved oxygen (DO). After cul-
propriate sulfur species), and Mn is not effectively removed by biogenic tured 2 days, 7 days and 15 days, the sediments were collected for
sulfide treatment (Gibert et al., 2002). Hence, the removal effect of Fe analyzing dynamic diversity of microbial community. The structure
and Mn were not ideal by previous methods. It is urgent to find a more characterizations of sediments were analyzed after cultured 2 days and
effective way to deal with this problem. 15 days. The sampling loss was compensated with added sterile water.
Iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn)-oxidizing bacteria (FMOB) survive
and flourish in the extremely harsh environments of AMD ecosystems. 2.2. Analysis of physicochemical parameters
Fe-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) oxidize Fe (Ⅱ) to Fe (Ⅲ) and generate
ferric iron precipitates that can be used as a sorbent for heavy metals The pH was measured immediately using a pH meter (Shanghai REX
removal from aqueous solutions (Larson et al., 2014). Mn-oxidizing Instrument Factory, Shanghai, China). The cell density was counted
bacteria (MnOB) oxidize Mn (Ⅱ) to Mn (Ⅲ) or Mn (Ⅳ) and produce with hemocytometer (Wang et al., 2018). DO was analyzed by Mik-
biogenic Mn oxides that can further oxidize and adsorb other pollutants DO700 (Asmik, Hangzhou, China). The concentrations of total Fe and
(e.g., heavy metals and organic contaminants) (Zhang et al., 2015). In Mn were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectro-
previous studies, combined MnOB and FeOB were added to a biofilter to metry (ICP-MS). And the samples used in ICP-MS were centrifuged
increase the treatment efficiency.(Bai et al., 2016b; Zhou et al., 2016) (10,000×g) to remove residue and bacteria, and then digest in a gra-
More importantly, bacteria that had both Fe and Mn-oxidizing activities phite digestion apparatus. More details were described in the previous
were isolated, and their ability to remove Fe and Mn ions in ground- study (Hou et al., 2019). Fe(Ⅱ) was analyzed by ferrozine assay
water was explored (Fan et al., 2016; Li et al., 2016). However, most of (Kappler and Newman, 2004), Mn(Ⅲ/Ⅳ) was measured by leuco-
the isolated MnOB were neutrophiles, because they only oxidized Mn berbelin method (LBB) (Cerrato et al., 2010), Fe(Ⅲ), Mn(Ⅱ), and re-
(II) and precipitated Mn oxides at pH > 7. Thus, FMOB are mostly used moval efficiencies of Fe and Mn were calculated by formulas as follows.
in the treatment of groundwater in which the pH of the working con- All samples were tested three times, and results were reported as the
dition is neutral (Bai et al., 2016a; Qin et al., 2009). Few studies have mean of the data.
explored the ability of these bacteria to treat AMD, and little is known
about the biological oxidation of Fe and Mn at acidic pH. Mn(Ⅱ)=total Mn-Mn(Ⅲ/Ⅳ) (1)
In this study, Fe–Mn rich water of the well-documented AMD site in
Fe(Ⅲ)=total Fe-Fe(Ⅱ) (2)
Qibaoshan Mine was sampled to assemble a Fe–Mn oxidizing bacterial
consortium (Hou et al., 2019). Then, the consortium was adapted to Removal efficiency of Fe/Mn =
C0 C1
× 100%
simultaneously remove Fe and Mn from AMD. Moreover, the changes of C0 (3)
the bacterial community during treatment were analyzed by sequencing
(C0: concentrations of total Fe and Mn before treatment; C1: con-
16S rRNA gene amplicons using the Illumina MiSeq platform. Finally,
centrations of total Fe and Mn after treatment)
the characteristics of biological formations were determined. Thus, this
study offers an alternative method for AMD treatment and ultimately
contributes to increase understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of 2.3. Analysis of microbial community
Fe and Mn.
2.3.1. DNA extraction and high-throughput sequencing
2. Materials and methods The bacteria were harvested from 50 mL samples (including AMD
water and sediment) by centrifuged (10,000×g) for 10 min. Total
2.1. Batch experiments genome DNA was extracted using CTAB/SDS method. After determi-
nate the concentration by 1% agarose gels, DNA samples were diluted
2.1.1. Enrichment of Fe-Mn-oxidizing consortium to 1 ng/μL using sterile water.
The Fe-Mn-oxidizing consortium was enriched from acid mine The 16S rRNA V3-V4 gene was amplified using primers 314 F
drainage in Qibaoshan mine, Liuyang City, Hunan province, China. (5′-CCTAYGGGRBGCASCAG-3′) and 806R (5′-GGACTACNNGGGTAT
After sample collected, 30 mL sample was inoculated into 150 mL of CTA AT-3′) (Wu et al., 2016). Purified PCR amplicons were carried out
modified PYCM medium (Li et al., 2016) (Table S1) contained in 500- with Illumina HiSeq platform (Hou et al., 2019).
mL Erlenmeyer flasks. After 40 days of enrichment in this medium (10
days a cycle), the enrichment culture was obtained. The enrichment 2.3.2. Data analysis
culture described above was adapted to high concentrations of Mn and Raw fastq files were optimized by following steps: remove se-
Fe by serial sub-culturing (data not shown). After adaption, the effects quences with low quality (with a length <220bp), with ambiguous base
of pH, temperatures, Fe and Mn contents on bacteria growth were “N”, and score lower than 20. After that, high quality sequences with ≥
carried out (details in the supported materials). 97 % similarity were clustered into the same operational taxonomic
units (OTUs) for further annotation (Caporaso et al., 2010). The de-
2.1.2. Incubation experiment tailed analyses of OTUs were provided in the supporting information. In
At the beginning of incubation experiment, the acclimated bacteria this study, the relationship between bacterial community structure and
was inoculated in 500-mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 150 mL syn- environmental factors was analyzed by the redundancy analysis (RDA)
thetic AMD medium (Table S2), simulating the composition of using Canoco 5.0 (Ren et al., 2018). All original sequences were
D. Hou, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 396 (2020) 122631
deposited into the NCBI and the accession number was SUB6625219. static and dynamic experiments: zeolite < quartz sand < manganese
sand < ceramic particles. Hence, ceramic particles were used as filling
2.4. Characterization of sediment layer in the column experiments. Moreover, due to its rough surface and
porousness ceramic particles could absorb small amounts of iron and
2.4.1. Sample preparation manganese, which enhanced removal efficiency, especially the removal
After cultured 2 days and 15 days, the sediments were obtained by ratio of Mn (Han et al., 2013; Musa et al., 2016). The performance of
centrifuging (10,000×g) 50 mL suspension. After that, the collected the biofilter was monitored for 45 days, and Fe and Mn removal effi-
sediments were dried by a freeze drier and divided into five pieces for ciencies were presented in Fig. S10. After operated 36 days, the biofilter
scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray reached saturation, the average removal efficiencies of Fe and Mn were
spectrum (SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron 99.8 % and 98.6 %, respectively. Consistent with the batch experiment,
spectroscopy (XPS), Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), and Fourier the removal ratio of Fe was higher than that of Mn, and the time needed
Transform Infra-Red Spectrophotometer (FT-IR), respectively. for Fe steady removing was shorter.
D. Hou, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 396 (2020) 122631
Fig. 1. Changes in acid mine drainage (AMD) treated with a bacterial Fe-Mn oxidizing consortium.
(a). Removal efficiencies (%) of Fe and Mn. (b).Changes in cell density (c) Changes in pH (d). Changes in dissolved oxygen (DO). The error bars represent the standard
deviations of the mean of three independent cultures.
distribution of the sediments (Fig. 5). When cultured for 2 days, the
surface of the sediment was primarily composed of some granular
particles, which resulted in a rough and porous surface structure,
thereby increasing its specific surface area. After 15 days, more ag-
glomerates and massive structures were on the surface of sediment,
leading to substantial changes in morphology. Furthermore, the surface
element compositions and the distribution of elements were char-
acterized by EDS line scan spectra and elemental mappings. The EDS
spectrum showed that the relative proportions of Fe and Mn in 2-day
sediment were 8.04 and 3.84 wt%, respectively (Fig. 5). By contrast,
after 15 days, Fe increased to 56.58 wt% and Mn increased to 11.58 wt
%. The elemental mappings further confirmed that Fe and Mn contents
in the sediment at 15 days were much higher than those at 2 days. In
addition, Fe and Mn were relatively densely and uniformly distributed
in fluorescence images (Fig. 5), which indicated that more Fe and Mn
were absorbed in the sediment after culture for 15 days.
XPS can identify the chemical states of elements and their surface
contents. Fig. 6a showed the Fe 2p XPS region for the sediments on days
2 and 15. Two peaks were observed at approximately 709 and 724 eV,
which respectively attributed to Fe 2p3/2 and Fe 2p1/2. The binding
energies of Fe 2p for Fe2+ species were located at 709.8 and 715.5 eV,
and the binding energies related to Fe3+ species were at 711.5, 713.5,
Fig. 2. Principal components analysis (PCA) of bacterial community structure
at different treatment stages. and 724.0 eV (Duan et al., 2017; Meng et al., 2016; Nenning and Fleig,
2019). Fig. 6b showed the Mn 2p spectra. For the 2-day sample, the
center of the Mn 2p3/2 peak was well fit by three peaks at 640.5, 641.7,
93.2 %, 5.3 % of the bacterial community structure and environment
and 645.6 eV, corresponding to the chemical states Mn2+, Mn3+, and
factor. Fig. 4 showed the biplots for variance partitioning, which in-
Mn4+ species, respectively (Baran et al., 2016; Beyreuther et al., 2006;
dicated that pH (F = 81.407, P = 0.002) and total Fe (F = 12.315,
Gang et al., 2013; Xia et al., 2018). When sampled on the 15th day, the
P = 0.002) explained the most variation in bacterial community
Mn 2p3/2 spectrum appeared as two peaks: 641.2 eV (Mn3+ species)
structure during the incubation.
and 645.0 eV (Mn4+ species) (Xia et al., 2018). And the peak at
653.0 eV was Mn4+ species in Mn 2p1/2 of the two samples (Tan et al.,
1991). The relative amount of Mn2+, Mn3+and Mn4+ were measured,
3.3. Characterization of the sediment
and the results were shown in Table 1. The O 1s XPS spectrum showed
two peaks (Fig. 6c), which belong to the M–OH (hydroxyl bonded to
The XRD patterns of sediments were illustrated in Fig. S8. The ab-
metal), M–O (oxygen bonded to metal) with binding energies of 531.1
sence of crystalline peaks in the XRD spectrum indicated that the bio-
and 529.6 eV, respectively (Lu et al., 2014).
logical Fe–Mn oxides were primarily in amorphous form. Moreover, the
The relative amounts of element species were measured (Table 1).
BET specific surface area values of the sediments at days 2 and 15 were
The surface concentration of Fe3+ was 67.94 % on the 2nd day and
108 and 121 m2/g, respectively.
75.76 % on the 15th day. The relative amounts of Mn2+, Mn3+, and
SEM was used to characterize the morphology and the element
D. Hou, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 396 (2020) 122631
Fig. 3. Weighted unifrac distance and Relative abundance in phylum and genus level. (a) Weighted unifrac distance and Relative abundance of phyla. (b) Relative
abundance of genera.
4. Discussion
D. Hou, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 396 (2020) 122631
Fig. 5. SEM-EDS and element mapping diagram of the sediment ((a) SEM-EDS analysis of 2-day sediment and Fe/Mn distribution on the sediment, (b) SEM-EDS
analysis of 15-day sediment and Fe/Mn distribution on the sediment.).
Fig. 6. XPS spectra of sediment on days 2 (top) and 15 (bottom) of a 15-day incubation of acid mine drainage treated with a bacterial Fe-Mn oxidizing consortium. (a)
Fe 2p, (b) Mn 2p, and (c) O1 s. M–OH (M, metal) indicates Fe–OH and Mn–OH; M–O indicates Fe–O and Mn–O.
D. Hou, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 396 (2020) 122631
Fig. 7. FTIR spectra of sediments on days 2 (top) and 15 (bottom) of a 15-day incubation of acid mine drainage treated with a bacterial Fe-Mn oxidizing consortium.
the genus level, the relative abundance of Flavobacterium, with previous studies, the morphology of FMBO were rough and
Brevundimonas and Stenotrophomonas increased during the incubation, wrinkle which presented a higher specific surface area (Lu et al., 2019;
and they became dominant genera on days 7 and 15. Consistent with Saroyan et al., 2019). Moreover, the BET specific surface area values of
this result, Flavobacterium was commonly detected in Mn removal bio- the FMBO were higher than the previous reported FMBO, which sug-
filter and in Mn deposits, indicating the bacteria of this genus play gested that the FMBO might have more active sites for absorption (Lu
important roles in Mn oxidation and removal (Akob et al., 2014). Bre- et al., 2019). Besides that, the FMBO contained reactive oxygen func-
vundimonas had been demonstrated to be a main functional population tional groups (−OH and −COOH) that were also benefit to the ad-
in an acclimated Mn-oxidizing consortium (Zhou et al., 2016). Some sorption of positively charged metal cations (Lu et al., 2019). Further-
strains (MB-38 and AP5s2-K1) belonging to Brevundimonas were also more, the XPS results indicated that low and high valence ions of Fe and
found have ability to oxidize Mn (Cerrato et al., 2010; Santelli et al., Mn coexisted in the sediments. The high valence ions were formed by
2014). Similarly, members of Stenotrophomonas have been proved have oxidation, while the low valence ions were precipitated by adsorption
ability to remove Mn by a nonenzymatic pathway (Barboza et al., or coprecipitation of FMBO. After 15 days, the Fe and Mn contents of
2015). Furthermore, according to Spearman’s rank correlation, Flavo- sediments were significantly increased, and the surface of sediment
bacterium and Brevundimonas were significantly and positively corre- changed from a dispersed particle structure to a lamellar structure.
lated with Mn4+, further demonstrating the importance of these bac- Previous studies also demonstrated that biosynthetic Fe–Mn oxides
teria in Mn (II) oxidizing. could also potentially oxidize or absorb heavy metals because of their
In this study, Fe was effectively removed by the Fe-Mn consortium, colloidal properties and surface functional groups (Akob et al., 2014;
which implied the essential functions of bacterial in this treatment. Bai et al., 2017; Rand and Ranville, 2019). Such a process could also
Among the top 10 abundance bacteria, Thermomonas was the only de- explain the slightly higher removal efficiency than oxidation ratio of Fe
tected FeOB which had an increasing abundance during the treating and Mn in this study (Qin et al., 2009).
process (Zhang et al., 2018). Although another FeOB, Acidovorax, was Usually, the bacteria loss and changing flows were two major
also detected, the abundance was very low (1.35 % of total OTUs) (Su challenges that biological treatment has to overcome. In recent decades,
et al., 2018). The increase in the relative abundance of these two genera a vast amount of literature has been focused on this topic, and some
was the indication of their vital roles during the treatment. Besides, useful advices were supplied (Shin et al., 2019; Musa et al., 2016). In
bacteria of Brevundimonas were not only benefit for the manganese this study, to maintain bacterial community sustenance, three steps
oxidation, but also contributes to the removal of iron because of its were carried out. Firstly, a single functional strain was replaced by
iron-binding siderophores (Preston et al., 2014). mixed bacteria consortium to enhance the survival rates of bacteria.
After 15 days, the iron and manganese ions were mostly pre- After enrichment, the bacteria consortium has been acclimated for a
cipitated in the sediments. The characteristics of sediments were further long time to make sure that it has strong ability to survive in a
analyzed in this study. The XRD results showed the biological Fe–Mn changeable environment. Moreover, before it was incubated into the
oxides existed primarily in amorphous form. A typical crystalline form biofilter, the bacteria need inoculated in synthetic AMD medium to
may evolve over a relatively long time, and crystallites of the particles adapt the environment conditions of AMD and shorten the start-up
that were too small to be conclusively identified, so early formed bio- time. Thirdly, to overcome washout, ceramic particles were selected as
logical minerals were mostly amorphous (Akob et al., 2014; Belzile filling media to improve microorganism attachment within the bio-
et al., 2001). The amorphous characteristic of FMBO is beneficial for system. Immobilization technique is a vital way to maintain high mi-
higher heavy metal absorption because amorphous structure can pro- crobial density and protect cells against damages caused by the external
vide larger ion accessible surface area and richer redox-active centers environment. It can also increase the stability of bacteria against toxic
(Fabisch et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2019; Xiao et al., 2019). Consistent substances (Shin et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2019). Once the biofilter is
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