Positive Clamper
Positive Clamper
Positive Clamper
The positive clamper circuit is shown in fig. 1, which introduces positive dc voltage equal to the peak of input signal.
The operation of the circuit is same as of negative clamper.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Let the input signal swings form +10 V to -10 V. During first negative half cycle as Vi rises from 0 to -10 V, the diode
conducts. Assuming an ideal diode, its voltage, which is also the output must be zero during the time from 0 to t 1. The
capacitor charges during this period to 10 V, with the polarity shown.
After that Vi starts to drop which means the anode of D is negative relative to cathode, (V D= vi - vC) thus reverse
biasing the diode and preventing the capacitor from discharging. Fig. 2. Since the capacitor is holding its charge it
behaves as a DC voltage source while the diode appears as an open circuit, therefore the equivalent circuit becomes
an input supply in series with +10 V dc voltage and the resultant output voltage is the sum of instantaneous input
voltage and dc voltage (+10 V).
To clamp the input signal by a voltage other than peak value, a dc source is required. As shown in fig. 3, the dc
source is reverse biasing the diode.
The input voltage swings from +10 V to -10 V. In the negative half cycle when the voltage exceed 5V then D conduct.
During input voltage variation from 5 V to -10 V, the capacitor charges to 5 V with the polarity shown in fig. 3. After
that D becomes reverse biased and open circuited. Then complete ac signal is shifted upward by 5 V. The output
waveform is shown in fig. 4.
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Voltage Doubler :
A voltage doubler circuit is shown in fig. 5. The circuit produces a dc voltage, which is double the peak input voltage.
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
At the peak of the negative half cycle D1 is forward based, and D2 is reverse based. This charges C1 to the peak
voltage Vp with the polarity shown. At the peak of the positive half cycle D 1 is reverse biased and D2 is forward
biased. Because the source and C1 are in series, C2 will change toward 2Vp. e.g. Capacitor voltage increases
continuously and finally becomes 20V. The voltage waveform is shown in fig. 6.
To understand the circuit operation, let the input voltage varies from -10 V to +10 V. The different stages of circuit
from 0 to t10 are shown in fig. 7(a).
Fig. 7(a)
During 0 to t1, the input voltage is negative, D1 is forward biased the capacitor is charged to 10 V with the polarity as
shown in fig. 7b.
Fig. 7(b)
During t1 to t2, D2 becomes forward biased and conducts and at t2, when Vi is 10V total voltage change is 20V. If C1 =
C2 = C, both the capacitor voltages charge to +10 V i.e. C1 voltage becomes 0 and C2 charges to +10V.
Fig. 7(c)
Fig. 7(e)
Again during t6 to t7 there is no conduction and during t7 to t8, D1 conducts. The capacitor C1 recharges to 10 V.
Fig. 7(f)