Maintaning Computer System and Netwoks
Maintaning Computer System and Netwoks
Maintaning Computer System and Netwoks
Planning and preparing systematic maintenance procedure will save time, money and frustration. It is a good
idea and opportunity to learn the proper care and maintenance of your computer.
PC maintenance is an important topic for anyone who owns a PC. Looking after your PC properly ensures you of trouble-free use.
Regular PC maintenance also keeps the machines
performance optimal.
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Treat your computer properly.
Maintain your hard disk
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Defragmentation of hard
(2) Information system maintenance is the routine updating of master files, such as adding and
deleting employees and customers and changing credit limits and product prices.
(3) Software or program maintenance is the updating of application programs in order to meet
changing information requirements, such as adding new functions and changing data formats. It also
includes fixing bugs and adapting the software to new hardware devices.
(4) Disk or file maintenance is the periodic reorganizing of disk files that have become fragmented
due to continuous updating.
(1) A program used for software development or system maintenance. Virtually any program or utility that
helps programmers or users develop applications or maintain their computers can be called a tool.
Examples of programming tools are compilers, interpreters, assemblers, 4GLs, editors, debuggers and
application generators.
(2) A program that helps the user analyze or search for data. For example, query and report programs are
often called query tools and report tools.
(3) An on-screen function in a graphics program; for example, a line draw, circle draw or brush tool.
(4) A software control panel for setting user preferences.
(5) Sometimes, people will call any software a "tool." For example, the phrase, "there aren't any tools to do
that job" means that no application is available to perform the required processing.
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Plan and Prepare Maintenance Procedure
Clean keyboard
Clean mouse
Clean screen
2. Design a systematic daily plan for your software, given the time allotment of 1 week.
Assessment Criteria:
Equipment/Facilities Tools & Instruments Supplies & Materials
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Personal Protective Equipment
There are tools and equipments used to protect the user and the computer system.
1. Anti-static devices
3. Personal equipments
Anti-static devices
2. Anti-static mat
3. Anti-static bag
4. Anti-static spray
-Devices designed to protect the computer from sudden power serges from intermittent power sources.
Personal Equipments
2. Screw drivers
4. Compressed air
5. Handheld vacuum
Regular scheduled upkeep of your computer will keep you and you and your computer working properly.
Daily Schedule
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Clean your PC inside and out.
Defrag- defrag your hard drive to speed up its operation.
Check power supply fan for ventilation and dirt buildup and
Quarterly No
clean if necessary
Clean floppy disk drive internals and read/write heads Quarterly (depending on use) No
Check processor temperature, inspect heat sink and fan to Annually (or whenever case is
ensure they are working opened)
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Clean exterior of monitor Annually No
Computer Virus
Viruses are coded by malicious programmers in a way that they can spread
in the system without one's permission and knowledge.
It corrupts files
It slows down the speed of the computer system
It causes the system to hang frequently
It deletes various files
A virus can enter the system and infect it through various sources. Some of the sources are
Removing viruses, though technical, is yet a very simple process if all the required steps are properly
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Update antivirus software with the latest virus definitions
Do a complete system scan
Removing the virus When the virus can be easily identified and can be removed without affecting other
files, then the antivirus removes it from the host place.
Quarantine This is done when the virus cannot be easily identified removed from the file and the
removal of virus means the removal of the complete file. In this method, although the virus is not
eliminated, it is rendered inactive by moving the file into "quarantine" and renaming it.
Boot viruses: These viruses infect floppy disk boot records or master boot records in hard disks. They
replace the boot record program (which is responsible for loading the operating system in memory)
copying it elsewhere on the disk or overwriting it. Boot viruses load into memory if the computer tries to
read the disk while it is booting.
Program viruses: These infect executable program files, such as those with extensions like .BIN, .COM,
.EXE, .OVL, .DRV (driver) and .SYS (device driver). These programs are loaded in memory during
execution, taking the virus with them. The virus becomes active in memory, making copies of itself and
infecting files on disk.
Multipartite viruses: A hybrid of Boot and Program viruses. They infect program files and when the
infected program is executed, these viruses infect the boot record.
Polymorphic viruses: A virus that can encrypt its code in different ways so that it appears differently in
each infection. These viruses are more difficult to detect.
Examples: Involuntary, Stimulate, Cascade, Phoenix, Evil, Proud, Virus 101
Macro Viruses: A macro virus is a new type of computer virus that infects the macros within a document
or template. When you open a word processing or spreadsheet document, the macro virus is activated and
it infects the Normal template.
Examples: DMV, Nuclear, Word Concept.
Antivirus Software
Software designed to cure virus infected machines. An antivirus is a program that searches for, identifies
and removes potential viruses existing in the computer system
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