Shoninki Skill List
Shoninki Skill List
Shoninki Skill List
The following list is a comprehensive analysis and break down of the Shninki manual
written in 1681 by Natori Sanjro Masazumi. Due to the complexity of the manual this list
has been created to help Natori-Ry students digest the teachings and to be used as a
framework for dj-captains who are facilitating study. Antony Cummins gives his
permission to distribute this list freely to promote and enhance the study of ninjutsu and of
The collection of skills is a section by section extraction from the manual. Certain criteria
were put in place to identify and establish the skills that follow. Firstly, any obvious skill that
can be plainly identified was extracted. Secondly, any skill that was indirectly mentioned,
such as one the manual informs to defend against, or to be aware of was given its own
number in the list. Thirdly, any skill that the manual identifies as a lesser idea or something
that is considered acceptable but not preferable has also been included however any aspects
which are directly advised against in the manual have not been included. Furthermore, major
concepts alluded to or tied in with a teaching, even though secondary to the aim of the text
have been included as they show an understanding of the subject by the author. Furthermore,
multiple subjects that were combined within a single teaching have been separated and given
their own position within the list.
With an understanding of this process, enjoy the collected skills which were recorded in
Natori-Rys manual, the Shninki, an assemblage that will hopefully expand the public
understanding of ninjutsu. To read the full translation click the image below:
Try Shninki
1. The history of the shinobi in Japan
Ninpei no Shina
2. A man who knows the ways of ninjutsu and acts independently is a shinobi
3. A history of Chinese spies
4. Ink no kan local spy
5. Nairy no kan - inward spy
6. Hantoku no kan converted spy
7. Shich no kan doomed spy
8. Tensei no kan - living spy
9. The art of kyod local knowledge
10. Togiki listening from the outside
11. Planting misinformation
12. An outline of the shinobi no mono
13. An outline of the nusubito thief
14. The concept of the hunter and the deer
Yomichi no Koto
95. Know that to work at night is deemed suspicious by others
96. Observe the skyline from a crouched position
97. Taste roads for salt content to know how well travelled they are
98. Differentiating between fences, bushes and humans
99. To use the fan as an horizon to understand the movement of a light
100. To know when to walk in front or behind a torch bearer
101. In a sword fight keep the light on the enemy while staying in the dark
102. Bring a light out from the shadow of your body
103. In a bright moon walk in the shadows
104. Place your hand over your face to not be seen
105. Identify people via their footsteps
106. Change your own footsteps to deceive the enemy
107. Nukiashi pulling up the feet
108. Suriashi sliding the feet
109. Shimiashi restrained steps
110. Tobiashi leaping steps
111. Kataashioto gimping walk
112. Oashi long strides
113. Koashi short strides
114. Kizamiashi chopping steps
115. Hashiriashi running
116. Tsunenoashi normal walking
Kor no Narai
127. Copying the minds and ways of foxes and wolves
128. Bypass enemy checkpoints
129. Pass through checkpoints as a monk or religious pilgrim
130. Pass in a group with a dialect expert
131. Know about points of interest in different areas
132. Do not act like or be a conman
Henge no Ron
143. Do not consider other people as stupid
144. Change facial features through effects and make up
145. Know how to pretend to be crippled
146. Know how to fake illness
147. Become unkempt and unclean
Mizudori no Oshie
169. When the mind is busy maintain a calm exterior
170. Identify the presence of waterfowl before infiltration
171. Know that bird flight gives away the position of a shinobi
172. Birds will avoid an area that contains shinobi
173. Make and use a square raft to cross water
174. Use a wooden tub as a raft
175. Hide in water and in the shadows of trees
176. Submerge to the eye line in water and draw plant life around you
177. Breathe through a sword scabbard or bamboo in water
178. Cross a moat by using the corners [with the aid of rope]
179. Climb stone walls with grapples and spikes
Shisoku no Narai
193. Know how to imitate a dog
194. Use opposite sex dogs to bypass guard dogs
195. Pre-feed guard dogs to befriend them
196. Know how to silence a dog
197. Poisoning dogs
198. Imitating a cat
Tekifusegi to Iu Narai
248. Laying blame on other people as misdirection
249. Steal away enemy sword blades before attacking them
250. Damaging enemy equipment
251. The use of alcohol
252. The use of sex
253. The use of gambling
254. How to retain self-control with alcohol, sex and gambling
Dainin ni Nerawarezaru Hih no Mamori
255. The charm of protection
256. The charm to form relationships
257. Knowing unlucky days
258. The three part protection charm
259. Know how to use the esoteric but do not elevate it
260. Use charred frogspawn as a blinding powder
261. Blind people with powder downwind
262. Blind people with powder while they sleep
263. Never eat anything intended just for you
264. Mix poison in alcohol, tea and water
265. Know how to pass poisoned foods back
266. Gain information by talking to and bribing children
267. Gain information by talking to and bribing servants
Kokage no Daiji
268. Know how to shelter below trees but also that it is an emergency tactic
269. Make sure to find shelter before dusk
270. Find someone to house you for the night
271. Hold up in pleasure quarters to avoid difficult questions
272. Gather information in various places
273. Seduce someones daughter and create a family
299. Know that the lessons for shinobi are subtle and ever changing
300. Know everything of all places
301. Read the feelings of the local people
302. Understand the concept of mumon no ikan the gateless gate
303. Unify with the Principle to pass through mumon no ikan
304. Know that the human mind is too complex to fathom
305. Know that human existence can be categorised
306. Clear realisation will help things materialise from seemingly nowhere
307. Know the limitations of the written word
308. Know the limitations of the spoken word and thought
309. Use mental prowess and insight to grasp the truth of things
Mumon no Ikkan
310. Trying to force a conversation will fail
311. Converse on similar topics to the one you are investigating
312. Construct an overall understanding from snippets of information
313. If someone is concealing an issue mark it as suspicious
314. Use extended and patient conversation
315. When asked questions give indirect answers
316. Know that asking questions hides what you have inside
317. Know that answering questions gives out information
318. Know to avoid unnatural topics
319. If someone talks above their intelligence level it is planted information
320. Changing topics confuses the enemy
321. Have the ability to profile a person without them knowing it
322. Always prepare your mind before conversing
323. Know the parable of the moon and the gate
Shins no Koto
331. Understand the concept of nins reading a person
332. Understand the concept of shinso reading a persons thoughts
333. Know the difference between instructional leaning and deeper analysis
334. Observe the state of your own mind
335. Understand the seven emotions
336. Know that there is no one who has a balance of the seven emotions
337. Understand the concept of nature v nurture and how emotion develops
338. Know that a persons true nature reveals itself in an emergency
339. Know that each emotion is triggered by hidden and different stimuli
Mukei Benzetsu
358. Talk according to the situation
359. Have the ability to free flow a tactical conversation
360. Take advantage of the unexpected
361. Know that shinobi no jutsu is the skill of a warrior
362. Know the difference between yato and yato
363. Use shinobi as squad captains
364. Do not value life over death
365. Understand that life can exist within death
366. Let go of the life and death debate
367. Holding onto your ego causes problems
368. Have the ability to separate your mind from emotion
369. Understand the concept of muga no mushin no mind
370. Understand the difference and the limitations of advanced planning and perception
371. To move beyond advanced planning and perception is the perfect way for a shinobi
372. Avoid becoming the failed path seeker
373. Know that ninp is a void with no shape
374. Do not become overinvolved with an issue
375. Do not become entangled in an affair for the sake of self interest
376. Do not be shocked are taken aback by anything
377. Those who shamelessly fear the enemy will never read their mind
378. Those who cannot read the minds of the enemy are not shinobi soldiers
379. Have the strength to discard your own ideas
380. Know that when you fail it cannot be rectified
381. Understand the teaching of tobutori no kurai the dignity of flying birds
382. Understand timing and the allegory of harvesting fruit
383. Issue correct speech in times of danger
384. Understand the concept of Shinmyoken
385. Know how to kill people with speech
386. Know how to revive people without medicine
387. Know that those who master shinobi arts have no enemies in the world