Fall 2015 Beauty Gender Monstrosity
Fall 2015 Beauty Gender Monstrosity
Fall 2015 Beauty Gender Monstrosity
This course is formatted in a combination of lecture and studio classes. The course is comprised
of three units: beauty, gender, and monstrosity. Each unit will open with a discussion of the topic
answering what is beauty/gender/monstrosity. After discussions, readings and other materials are used
to expand on the discussion. Makeup skills relevant to each makeup topic will taught and students will
research and develop designs that typify, contrast, or challenge the topic. The research and development
process includes a research morgue, developing makeup charts, and creating renderings. Makeup
designs and application will be presented and showcased. After each unit, a final discussion is held to
review insights gained and changes or developments in opinions. Visualization and imagination are key.
The further a student pushes his or her understanding, the more interesting the discussions and designs.
Students will learn basic stage makeup skills and techniques while using
makeup application to explore, develop, and challenge their understanding of
beauty, gender and monstrosity. Successful completion of the course will give
students basic proficiency as makeup artists and expose them to a variety of media,
texts, and scholarly writing related to each unit. This course satisfies the Core
Curriculum requirement in Arts.
Instruction Materials
Consistent attendance is expected. 3 absences will result in a full letter grade drop. Every 2
absences after 3 will be a full letter grade drop. This class begins promptly at the scheduled time.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for emergencies and school excused absences.
Accommodations are not exemptions. For school excused absences, please contact me at least two
weeks prior to make arrangements.
Late Work
Assignments are due on the date specified in the class schedule, and late assignments will have
a grade reduction of points at the instructors discretion. Please note that assignments are due in class; if
handed in later in the day, they are still considered late. For an excused absence, assignments are due
prior to absence for full credit. Exams may be made up only if the absence is excused by the professor
and will require documentation.
Makeup Applications/Design Packets
Every application design subject will require a design packet due on day of application. This will
give students portfolio material and help focus work during practice application days.
Makeup Morgue/Research
This is a full semester project. You will be assembling a research tool that is either compiled in a
research binder with tabs or PowerPoint. Pinterest may also be used to curate and compile your morgue
(we will discuss and agree as a class). You should find high quality male and female images, with a range
of ethnic groups that corresponds to assignments. Each morgue section will have the research needed for
each project and include other relevant research
These pictures should be large enough to be useful as a makeup research tool. Color images
from the morgue should be arranged in the categories listed above. Low resolution internet images
printed on regular paper will not be accepted. Each section should contain a minimum of twenty (20)
pictures. Doing the minimum amount of work on this project will earn you a C on the project grade. If
using a binder, images should either be printed from a word document, or a collage of magazine images.
Both should be neat, and organized. If using Pinterest, each category should be its own board.
For each unit, there will be a combination of pre-writing and/or reading and class discussion for a
total of 3 write ups. Write ups must be a minimum of 3 pages double spaced and submitted on
blackboard. Each write up needs to outline: the students personal definitions, cultural definitions,
historical definitions, and thoughts about any assigned reading or discussion regarding the topic. Reading
selections will be assigned in class and available on blackboard.
The final project will be and makeup application and design. Students will use the same design
packet and research requirements used for graded makeup applications. The topic of exploration in the
makeup design is the students choice. At least three makeup techniques must be used in the design.
The design will be applied and graded during the scheduled final time. Students are responsible for
gathering their own special materials and supplies they elect to use.
Grades are based on your individual work, effort, and class participation, understanding of the
material, execution of techniques, and improvement of skills over the course of the semester.
Grading scale
Growth 20 pts
Extra Credit
Extra credit may be earned by attending TFMS Film Series Screenings. In order to receive points,
students must submit a four page double spaced critical analysis of the film to blackboard. See
http://www.smcm.edu/tfms/2015-fall-film-series/ for screening times and details. 10 points per paper.
Please use the following guidelines:
Indicate the main ideas presented in the film, form topic sentences from each main idea
and develop into paragraphs,
Use signal phrases ("according to" or "as explained in the movie") to illustrate you are
summarizing the view presented rather than your own,
Briefly discuss your personal reactions in a paragraph prior to the closing paragraph
o Adapted from
Class Schedule
Important Dates
Academic Misconduct
Academic Misconduct includes: cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty; furnishing
false information to any College instructor, official, or other office with an intent to deceive; forgery,
alteration, or misuse of any College document, record, instrument, or identification . Academic misconduct
is subject to disciplinary action pursuant of the Code of Student Conduct. Penalties will be based on the
policy and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook.
It is the policy of St. Marys College of Maryland not to discriminate against any individual on the basis of
handicap or disability in matters of admissions and educational activities, and programs and services, in
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
as amended, and applicable state law. Upon request and as required by law, the College will provide
reasonable accommodation to a qualified student with a disability. The procedures for requesting an
accommodation and processing those requests are contained in the student handbook (pp 19-21). For
more information please contact the Office of Academic Service: phone (240) 895-4388, email
academicservices@smcm.edu, web www.smcm.edu/academicservices/ada/
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (The Buckley Amendment) regulates the
maintenance, confidentiality, and accessibility of students educational records. This Act protects the
privacy of students by providing them with certain rights regarding specified records. The complete text of
and information about the Act are available in the Registrars Office and the Office of the Dean of
Students. Disciplinary records are covered by this Act and, therefore, are available to the student for
inspection. Incidents will result in the development of a student disciplinary file in the name of the referred
student or student organization. The files are retained in the Office of the Dean of Students, except for
academic misconduct files which are retained by the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and
Dean of Faculty. (Student Handbook: Article I, Section 4, pg. 4)
The Writing and Speaking Center, located in the Library Annex, offers free consultations in writing and
speaking for students at all levels and in all disciplines. No matter what youre writing and no matter
where you are in the process (generating ideas, drafting, revising or proofreading), the peer tutors in the
Center can assist you. These tutors are friendly students and also excellent writers with special training
as writing and speaking consultants. They would not grade or correct your papers; instead, theyd coach
you and help you become a better writer. Similarly, the tutors are also trained to help you plan and
practice presentations and other speaking assignments. I encourage you to use the Writing and Speaking
Center as much as possible. You can make a one-time or repeating appointment with the Center by
visiting their website, www.smcm.edu/writingcenter, and clicking Schedule an Appointment. At the same
website, you can find helpful resources on many writing-related topics.
Every student is issued a student email account which is the official means of [College]
communication... Email will also be used to notify students of certain emergencies, pending conduct
action, and school closings due to inclement weather. Most faculty and staff rely on email to communicate
with students. It is the responsibility of each student to maintain and check their SMCM email account
regularly. Students are accountable to know information disseminated through the SMCM email account.
Failure to read College communications sent to the SMCM email account does not absolve the student
from knowing and complying with the content of these communications (Student Handbook p. 24).
Blackboard is the main instruction tool of this course. All relevant information and supplemental materials
will be accessible there. Assignments due through electronic submission on Black Board will not be
accepted via any other means. Black Board will be regularly updated and is the best way to monitor your
grade and attendance record. Please consult Blackboard before making inquiries about grades.
Inclement Weather
Inclement weather procedures are in effect seven days a week, including weekends. Depending
on the circumstances, the College may remain open with a liberal leave policy in effect, or the opening
of the College may be delayed, or the College may be closed. The College website will have the latest
weather-related closing information. Resident students will also receive a voice mail message through the
Colleges phone system with closing information. Students should check the College web page for
information regarding a delayed opening or closing of the College. Whenever there is a question, the
Office of Public Safety (240-895-4911) will have the most up-to-date, accurate information (Student
Handbook pg. 29). In the event of College closing or class cancelations lecture notes, Assignments, and
any other course materials normally distributed in class will be sent via blackboard. Students are
expected to read notes, assigned readings, and complete assignments in order to be adequately
prepared for the next class. Unless weather warrants emergency preparation or evacuation, students
should consider weather days as days on
I have received, read, and understand the nature of and requirements for
Date: _________________________________________________________________________