Agency: Effect of Death - 1919, 1930 and 1931
Agency: Effect of Death - 1919, 1930 and 1931
Agency: Effect of Death - 1919, 1930 and 1931
Because a form is required for the validity or for the Concretely if the agent was authorized to buy, the
enforceability of the contract entered by the agent-1878, act - the contract entered into by the agent with the third
1874 person would create a legal relationship between the
principal and the third person, that would be a seller-buyer
1892 - pertain to appointment of the substitute- effect- may relationship, so it is a juridical act.
the agent nonetheless be held liable for the loss that incurred
by the principal as the result of the appointment of the On the other hand, if the agent is authorized to pay
substitute. an indebtedness of the principal to a certain person or to a
bank and he in fact paid the said amount, the result of the act
Other provisions pertain to the right and obligations of is the extinguishment of the existing legal relationship, the
commission agent or more importantly the guaranty legal relationship would be the debtor-creditor relationship
commission agent 1907 - 1908 between the principal and third person, which would be
extinguished by the act of the agent known as payment.
Effect of death -1919, 1930 and 1931
Either of the agent or principal Again therefore for a contract of agency to arise the
subject matter or the object of the contract must be the
Revocation - kind of agency - agency coupled with interest - execution of the juridical act, mere social or political
1927 representative would not result to a contract of agency.
BE: A asked her best friend to B buy for her certain Q: If a contract well first if the instrument is titled or
items in a grocery store. Is there a nominate contract denominated as with agency does it mean that there is
created between A and B? an agency relationship between the parties entered into
A: Better answer, if B agreed to the request of A, an agency a contract?
relationship has been created, a nominate contract has been A: Not necessarily, again the contract is not the what parties
created. want to call it to be, but rather how the law will consider such
Alternative Answer: I can agree with the answer given by the contract if it is the law determines the nature of the contact
UP Law Center that a lease of service may have been depending on the stipulation of the parties.
created so long as there was no principal agency created or
existing between A and B, although from the facts hindi ito Q: But what if the agency was used by the parties in the
lease of service, bestfriend eh, good possibility, so thats why stipulation? Does it mean that it is a contract of agency?
I can agree with the alternative answer of the UP Law Center A: Not necessarily, in Quiroga vs. Parsons the word
the absence of principal agency relationship may result in a agency appeared about 3 times in the contract but the word
lease of service. agency does not pertain to a contract of agency but it
pertains to another concept of the word agency. You can use
Q: Im sure all of you or most of you must have been a the word agency several times in another concept like it may
proxy in a baptismal or wedding ceremony, but also you be an instrumentality like a travel agency, security agency, or
may have ask by a politician to represent in gathering even a government agency, but their is no agency
because probably he may be in another gathering in relationship or it may pertain to exclusive right to sell in a
another place, so if youve been a proxy in a wedding particular territory diba, so there is an exclusive he is
ceremony or baptismal ceremony, actually accepted the considered an exclusive agenct to sell a particular brand in
request of the real ninong or ninang then it mean an the province of Iloilo, there is actually no agency relationship
agency relationship created between you and the actual created, it is done only in an exclusive right to sell a particular
ninong or ninang? Or if you have accepted the request brand / product in a territory .
of the politician were for you to deliver the speech in a Distinguishing Contact of Agency from other Contract
gathering would that result an agency relationship? and other Legal Relationship
A: In both instances, no. It may appear under the definition of Consider the characteristics of a contract of agency as a
agency under 1868, that there is such an agency relationship contract and as a legal relationship business organization.
because as defined, a contract of agency at first bind himself
to render some service or to do something in representation CHARACTERISTICS OF A CONTRACT OF AGENCY
or on behalf another with the consent or authority of the Q: Real? Formal?
latter. So, kung proxy ka that would fall under 1868 di ba but A: Definitely it is not a real contract and also not a formal
the definition has been criticized by some authors, one of contract.
them is Justice Reyes, that the definition of a contract of
agency under 1868 does not contemplate social and 1. Consensual - conclude that it is consensual contract. It is
political representation, hindi kasama ang social perfected by mere meeting of the minds as to the object and
representation, political representation in order to have a consideration of the contract.
contract of agency under the New Civil Code, the purpose of
the agency must be the execution of the juridical act, the
2. Principal - Why it is a preparatory contract? This is a This is unusual for a contract that it can be
distinct feature of agency similar to partnership, they are both terminated at will by the principal agent, maski sino. If the
preparatory contracts, they can stand on their own dont termination was made by the principal, it is called revocation.
depend on any other contract for their validity, which means if made by the agent it is called withdrawal.
that even if the agent did not enter into another contract,
which means he did not perform their obligation it doesnt Mariano Case
mean that the contract of agency is void, he may be held To extend the contract of one party over another - in agency
liable to such other contract for not performing his the principal has almost full control of the agent, he can give
obligations, this is an agency in problems pertaining to specific instructions to the agent, on how the obligations are
agency, you should always consider the facts that normally, 2 to be performed, the manner of the obligations, the remedies
contracts involved, you have to deal with the requisite of both performed, with whom, where it is to be performed, lahat, that
contracts, in order to enable to reach the correct conclusion, would be the extent of the control of the principal over the
this is the principal - agent with the contract of agency and agent.
second contract will be the contract entered into by the agent
with the third person, this other contract may be a lease, But as held in the case of control of one party over
sale, or any other contract an act made by the agent. another which only goes into the result, it cannot be
considered as a contract of agency but it may be considered
As of Principal contract, it can stand on its own even if a contract for a piece of work.
the agent did not enter into another contract
Another important feature as to effect of delivery of the
Q: Now, is this contract similar to sale as to cause, in thing
that it is also essentially an onerous contract? If there is a transfer of ownership upon delivery of one
A: No, but it is presumed to be for compensation, presumed party to the other party, that is not a contract of agency. In a
to be onerous, however it may be deemed gratuitous. contract of agency, when the principal delivers the thing to
Gratuitous also different from partnership, because the agent, only possession is transferred to the agent,
partnership is essentially onerous, a partner will always have ownership is retained by the principal (owner) in fact in
to contribute something, now after this a nominate contract - agency to sell, an agent who was not able to sell he has the
commutative contract. right to return the goods to the seller.
As distinguished from other legal relation, you have to go Whether there was a stipulation as to there would be no
into the feature of a contract of agency, how it is created? transfer of ownership despite the delivery of the goods from
Then you will know, for example that is different from other one party to another, and ownership of the goods, first party
legal relationships, which are created by operation of law like, will only be terminated upon the sale of the goods to a third
negotiorum gestio, agency and negotiorum gestio may be person, despite another stipulation stating that there is no
similar in the sense that there is representation in its legal agency relationship created between the parties. The SC
relationship but they can be distinguished as to their manner ruled actually principal agent ang relationship nila.
of creation in that agency is created by mere agreement of
the parties, negotiorum gestio created by operation of law. 2 concepts similar in agency and partnership Both of
them are business organizations, both are based on trust and
A feature of agency which is peculiar is representation. confidence, there would be normally a representation,
No representative in a contract - he cannot be considered as however the very important distinction between the two - in
an agent. partnership, there is a juridical personality created separate
and distinct from that of the individual partner. In agency,
Nielson vs. Lepanto Minning (LM) despite the perfection of a contract of agency, wala sila pa
Held: While there was a claim by LM that there is an agency, rin, the only personalities would be that personality of the
the SC ruled that not a contract of agency. Nielson has no principal and the personality of the agent.
power of representation to bind LM with third person even it
has power to buy certain items he still has to obtain or seek Some authors would classify contract of agency into
the opinion or approval of the BOD of the LM in order to buy three:
certain items, which means he is not really an agent as to 1. Actual agency
their has no right of representation. 2. Apparent / Ostensible
3. Estoppel
But a feature which would make agency similar to
partnership 1. Estoppel
It is based on trust and confidence that there are fiduciary
obligations of an agent as much as there are fiduciary Kang Case
obligations of a partner unlike in sales or other legal Facts: Flores appears to have full control in a restaurant
relationships which are not based on trust and confidence. (Washington Caf) owned by Kang and in the administration
of the restaurant he bought certain items from Mack - items
Another very important feature of Agency is the manner needed for restaurant. But a portion / price was not paid by
of termination. Flores. So Mack (seller) went after the owner of the
restaurant. The only defense raised by the owner was that
Flores was not his agent.
A: It does not matter, the principal can be held liable under
Take note: It is very difficult to prove actual agency, because the Principle of Estoppel because it is very hard to prove the
an agreement between 2 persons, eh kung verbal lang ang existence of the actual agency. It can only be the principal in
agreement dun, how would you be able to prove? estoppel that can be held liable. Just like in apparent /
ostensible agency sa totoo lng it is possible that he did not
Held: The owner of the restaurant can be held liable by revoke the authority pwede pa din diba, pwedeng kunwari
estoppel because he clothed Flores with full power as if he nirevoke na niya just to avoid liability to 3 rd person but that is
had the authority to buy those items necessary for the a matter or a claim that he already revoked. Pati mga letter,
administration of the restaurant. Aside from that, Mack was halimbawa even assuming the principal held a letter to the
able to prove pieces of evidence - like in the lease agreement agent that letter can be easily denied kunwari, pinadala nya 3
over the building where the restaurant was located and months ago pero ngaun lng pinadala nilagay nya lng ung
comes the owner of the restaurant as lessee and Flores date nung unang panahon. Thus, it only protects 3 rd person.
signed as an agent of the lessee with all these the SC ruled Thus, 1873 is included in the law in agency.
that the owner of the restaurant is liable under the Principle
of Estoppel. 3. Actual Agency
The law itself classifies actual agency into as to manner of
2. Apparent / Ostensible creation, express or implied. There is no problem with
express agency.
Rallos Case
Facts: Letter was sent by B to X, informing X that A has the A. Express Agency - it is a kind of agency wherein the
authority to enter into a contract with X specifically to obtain consent of both parties is expressly given.
goods from X, like copra, abaca which goods will be sold by
A. After the sale a portion can be deducted as a commission B. Implied Agency - were the consent of one of the
and the rest to be delivered to X. After a certain period, the parties was only impliedly given on the part of
goods obtained by A from X remained unpaid. In other words, principal.
A will get the goods from X. A did not deliver the proceeds of
the sale. X demanded payment from B. The defense of B Dela Pena vs. Hidalgo
was as of that moment from that certain period he has Facts: Dela Pena authorized Hidalgo to administer his
already revoked the authority of the agent and therefore be properties in the Philippines, He has to leave the country.
bound by any contract entered into by A in representation of Hidalgo managed the properties of Dela Pena, after a while
B with 3rd person. Is the claim of B tenable? he has to leave the country also and go to Spain for health
No, 1873 so far as 3 rd person are concerned, this notice itong reasons. So he appointed another person, another Hidalgo to
letter nya kay X remain in full force and effect until it is administer said properties of Dela Pena and wrote a letter to
rescinded in the same manner it was given. Dela Pena informing him of the appointment of another
person to replace him as the administrator of his property.
Q: What if B was able to prove that he posted the notice Dela Pena received a letter, he did not reject the
in Manila Bulletin - notice of fact of revocation of A. If appointment, he did not question the acts of the new
there was such publication of notice, would the ruling of administrator. After a while he died and his heirs (Dela Pena
the SC be different? heirs) filed an action against Hidalgo (the 1st agent) for
A: No, still the same (Article 1873) accounting, damages etcetera for the period after the
appointment of the other agent.
(See phraseology of 1873)
Q: What if in this problem he had actual knowledge of Issues: (1) Who was then the agent during the period?; (2)
the revocation even if he did not receive the letter eh Can the 1st agent be held liable after the appointment of
under 1873 he should be sent a letter in order that the another administrator?
revocation of authority of A will be effective as to third
person? Held: From the silence of the principal, due to his inaction,
A: If the 3rd person has actual knowledge of the revocation, it due to his failure to repudiate the acts of the substitute, he is
is bad faith on his part to continue transacting with the agent. thereby deemed impliedly consented to the appointment of
The agent acting on behalf of the principal and thus he another person as the new agent, therefore implied agency
should not be allowed to recover. was created.
Pwede nabasa yung publication, informed by phone, This goes to implied agency pertaining to the principal
telephone conversation but it is very hard to prove because because of the silence of the principal, because of lack of
the word of the principal is against the 3rd person. action of principal, because of failure to repudiate the acts of
3 another principal, na alam nyang was acting on his behalf.
As far as 3rd person are concerned they would have the right
to believe that the agency has the authority until they have Q: However, is this rule applicable also to the agents or
receive a notice in the same manner that he received notice to the other party? Concretely, if a person was asked to
as to the authority of the agent. administer the property of another or to sell the
property, and he said nothing - by his silence, by his
Q: In agency by estoppel / apparent agency, is there inaction, may he be deemed to have accepted agency?
really an actual agency existing?
A: Not necessarily, thus under the law, you have to make agency in other words sa abogado, pro bono or libre ang
distinction to determine the scenario under which the said serbisyo nang agent, may the agent be held liable?
appointment was made, okie! The law would say when the 2 A: Of course sa abogado even if pro bono yan if he caused
parties are absent, and when the 2 parties are present. damage to the principal or client due to his negligent acts, he
can be held liable. However, under the law if the contract of
When 2 parties are absent - 1 is in Manila and the other is in agency is gratuitous in character, the court may mitigate the
Cebu. liability of the agent, dahil gratuitous.
When 2 parties are present - present in the same room Atty. Uribes Comment: I definitely agree with the provision.
As to this, the only recognition of human nature, pag walang
(A) 2 persons present - present in the same conference sweldo mahirap mgtrabaho, in fact, mahirap gumising sa
hall umaga. Buti na lng nauna ang sweldo sakin ditto sa review
kaya ganado ako magsalita
Q: When both parties are within the same conference
hall, A said to B that he would sell his (B) parcel of land Article 1909 - The liability of the agent for causing damage
in Cagayan De Oro City but that B did not react, he just to the principal due to his negligence or even bad faith or
stared at the speaker, nakatingin lng sya, he said fraud committed against the principal may be mitigated if the
nothing, by his silence would have deemed the agency? agency is gratuitous in character.
A: No.
BE: What is the scope of authority of the agent - whether
Q: But if B delivered a special power of attorney to A, it only pertains to the acts of administration or acts of
sabi nya Here is the SPA, I am authorizing you to sell strict dominion?
my parcel of land in Cagayan De Oro City. The SPA was A: Under Article 1877, if the agency is in general term this
accepted by B but he said nothing, basta tinanggap na only comprises acts of administration. Even if the principal
lng nya, deemed impliedly consented to that agency? beholds power to the agent or it is stated that the agent may
A: Yes. execute any act as may be deemed appropriate, that will still
be an agency pertaining to act of administration.
(B) If 2 persons are in different place, one in Manila and
the other one in Cebu FORM OF A CONTRACT OF AGENCY
As to form, the law is clear that it may be oral however, the
Q: What if A was in Manila B in Cebu. A asked B to be his law may require a particular form or specific form for
agent to sell a parcel of land and B did not say anything, what? for the validity of agency? Is there a law which
wala lng, is B considered to have impliedly consented as requires a particular form for the validity of the agency?
an agent? A: Wala, there is no such form.
A: No.
Q: Is there a particular form required by law for the
Q: But this time again a SPA was sent by A (Manila) agency to be enforceable?
through DHL to B (Cebu) which was accepted / received A: At least one, under the statutes of frauds if in the terms
by B, now he did nothing by his inaction, by silence he or agreement if it is not to be performed within 1 year, it
is deemed to have accepted the agency? should be in writing otherwise, it is unenforceable. The effect
A: Not necessarily, it will depend on the nature of the of the agency if the authority of the agent it is not in writing
business of B, kung ang negosyo, again under the facts in would go into the contract entered into by the agent with the
the Special Power of Attorney he was authorized to sell the 3rd person. 1874 and 1878 - formalities.
parcels of land of A, if B was in the business of piggery /
poultry ay walang kinalaman yan sa selling of a parcel of REQUISITES OF A CONTRACT OF AGENCY
land. He will not be considered to have impliedly accepted Essential requisites of a contract of agency are like any other
the agency. However, if B is a real estate broker, talagang contract - there are 3 essential elements:
ganun yung negosyo nya di ba, buying and selling parcels of (1) consent of the contracting parties; (2) as mentioned a
land, then and only then on his silence, he is deemed to have while ago, the object of a contact of agency is the execution
impliedly consented to the agency. of the juridical act; (3) as to cause, as far as the principal is
concerned it is the service to be rendered by the agent and
COMPENSATION OF THE AGENT as to the agent, it is the compensation to be paid by the
Q: As to the compensation in a contract of agency principal or it may just be liberality in gratuitous contract.
consider again if agency is gratuitous or onerous?
A: Agency is presumed to be for compensation. If that Rallos Case
principal is claiming that the agent agreed to render service Held: The SC enumerated the essential elements or the
without compensation the burden is on him (the principal) to alleged essentials elements of a contract of agency:
prove that in fact it is gratuitous because the law presumes 1. Consent
that it is for compensation. But there is one other relevance in 2. Execution of the juridical act - subject matter
this distinction - for example, due to the negligence of the 3. Acts within the scope of authority
agent the principal suffered damages in the amount of 100k. 4. The acts must be in representation of the
It was actually proven that the agency was gratuitous. The principal
Atty. Uribes Comment: These are allegedly the essential (2) The other reason is under the rules in contracts In
elements. Again, some authors would discuss in their books annulment of contract, only the incapacitated
that these are the essential elements. With due respect to the person has the right to have the contract annulled,
ponente of this case, medyo mali mali ang enumeration, first the party in the contract who is not otherwise
there was nothing mentioned about the cause or incapacitated has no right to institute an action for
consideration as a contract, a contract will never validly have annulment.
a cause or consideration. Well, it may be liberality, pwede
naman cause yan but there must have a cause. That the Either ground would be a valid ground to dismiss the
agent act within the scope and that the agent must act in case.
representation are not essential elements of a contract of
agency. They are actually obligations of the agent which 2. Object of the Contract of Agency
means they have already perfected the contract of agency. As to the object of the contract of agency we have mentioned
No obligation will arise kung void yung kontrata kung wala already that this is the execution of juridical act.
pang valid contract. So the essential elements are only those
elements necessary for the validity of the contract. Once the Q: Is it correct to say that any act which a person can
contract is valid then the obligations will arise. lawfully do, he can delegate to a 3rd person or to an
Q: If the agent acted outside the scope of his authority, A: Not all. There are acts which are considered purely
does it mean that the contract of agency is void? personal acts. This he may not delegate to an agent like
A: Of course not. He can be held liable for acting outside the the execution of an affidavit, you cannot ask somebody to
scope of his authority or if he acted not in representation of sign on her behalf in an affidavit or even in succession you
the principal. cannot delegate the execution of a will to a 3 rd person, note
that it is execution not drafting of the will. You can ask
Q: Does it mean that there was no agency at all? somebody to sign for you, under certain circumstances, but
A: Of course not. There is a contract of agency. Under the the execution per se cannot be left to a 3 rd person, it is a
rule, there are consequences if the agent did not act in purely personal act.
representation of the principal.
Q: The right to vote may be delegated to another
Going to the consent of the parties, 1 author may A: The answer is - it depends. Voting in national / local
claim that there are 3 parties in a contract of agency that is election cannot at least be validly delegated. Well it may be
totally wrong! delegated, may have been delegated by other people, pero
pag nahuli ka, pag bad ka, kulong ka sabi ni Joker But in a
There are only 2 parties in a contract of agency the corporation, as for corporation can there be a valid
principal and the agent. However, in problems involving delegation of the right to vote? Yes. In a stockholders
agency, normally, there are three persons involved. The third meeting, this cannot happen but in a BODs meeting, in a
person with whom the agent transacted is no longer part of BOD meeting it is the personal presence of the Director
the concept agency. The contract entered into between the which will be counted for the purposes of quorum but for
principal and the agent is the contract of agency. But when purposes of voting, you can ask somebody to observe dun
the agent entered into another contract, it may be a sale, sa proceedings. The members of the Board would normally
lease or other contract and the 3rd person is not a party to not exclude you as an observer, as a representative of the
this contract. The 3rd person is a party to a 2nd contract. other BOD.
Again the parties are the principal and the agent. But obviously if the person himself cannot lawfully do, cannot
They may be called in other names the principal may also be delegate anyone like if the agent cannot buy a parcel of land
called the employer, constituent, chief. The agent may be in the Philippines, he cannot also delegate such acts to
called attorney-in-fact, proxy, representative. another person that is void sale.
Q: However, kung na-harvest na ung palay then he used Obviously in a power of attorney, you cannot do that if it is
the proceeds of the palay to pay the indebtedness of his merely a verbal authorization. How can a third person
principal with a certain bank (PNB) without SPA, would demand the presentation of a power of attorney if that
that payment be valid and binding as against the alleged power of attorney is verbal? By its nature, it is in
principal? writing.
A: No because that would fall under the first paragraph of
1878 to make such payment not in the matter of acts of Q: Would that power of attorney be valid and binding as
administration without SPA. against the principal if it is not in a public instrument?
A: Yes, even if a power of attorney is only in a private
Other Acts / Contracts which Require a SPA instrument, the power of attorney is valid and binding against
1. Entering into a compromise agreement with SPA. He the principal. The law does not require that it must be in a
cannot submit the matter to the arbitrator without public instrument.
another SPA, those are 2 and separate distinct
powers - the power to submit matters in the Jimenez vs. Rabot
arbitrator and the power to compromise. Facts: Jimenez was the owner of certain parcels of land in
Pangasinan. He was then in the province of North Luzon
BE: The agent of the principal entered into a contract of when he sent a letter to his sister asking his sister to sell one
lease (without SPA) with X and the period of lease is for of his parcels of land. With that letter, the sister indeed sold
3 years. Would the contract of lease be valid and one of his parcels of land to Rabot. However, the sister did
enforceable as against the principal? not remit the proceeds of the sale, binulsa lng nya, so when
A: It depends on the object of the lease. If this lease involves Jimenez went back to Pangasinan, he demanded the
immovable like a parcel of land, for a period of 3 years property, yun ay na kay Rabot na, so he filed an action
without a SPA, would that be valid and Binding? against Rabot, the defense raised by him is that the letter
Unahin natin ung car, if it would be a car for 3 years without would not be sufficient a power of attorney to bind him as a
SPA, even if it is for 3 years this would be a valid and binding principal in the sale of the parcels of land.
contract of lease as against the principal. However, if this is
an immovable like a parcel of land, would this be valid Held: A letter suffices as a power of attorney. When you sent
and binding against the principal? It depends on whether a letter to your brothers or sisters you do not notarize such
in this contract of lease if the principal is the lessor or the letter.
lessee. Under Article 1878, this contract is unenforceable as
against the principal only if: (1) in the contract of lease the OBLIGATIONS OF THE AGENT
principal is the lessor; (2) the object is immovable and (3) the 1. To carry out the agency.
period is more than 1 year. Take note of the 3 requirements. 2. In carrying out the agency, there are 2 obligations of the
Under 1878, it is to lease the property of the principal to (a) To act within the scope of authority
another. Therefore, if the principal is the lessee SPA is not (b) To act in behalf of the principal or in representation of the
required, kasi ang burden wala naman sa principal, dun sa principal.
lessor, kc property ng lessor yan di ba? Thus, the law only 3. To render an account of his transactions and to deliver to
required the SPA if the principal is a lessor, and the lease the principal whatever he may have receive pursuant to an
contract involves immovable property and the period is more agency even if it not owing to the principal.
than 3 years.
6 1. Primarily, the obligation of the agent is to carry out the
Q: Lease contract was entered into by A in agency. If he failed to carry out, he may be held liable.
representation of B, with B as the lessor, the period of
lease of a parcel of land is 3 years. A has a SPA. May this Q: Should he carry out the agency after the death of the
contract be unenforceable as against the principal? principal?
A: Yes, it is possible if this lease is not in writing. This time A: As a rule no, because there is no one to be represented.
under the Statute of Frauds. Kanina ang discussion natin ay In fact under 1919, the agency is extinguished by the death
under 1878 but if you remember the SOF, a lease over of the principal. However, the law provides for an exception -
if delay would impair danger for an already began but then lalo na kapag agricultural land yan. You have to buy tools,
unfinished contract, he should continue to carry out the fertilizers, and therefore you have the authority to buy. Do
agency. Again, if it would cause danger. you have to authority to sell? Yes, the products of that
land. You have the authority to sell pero ung ginawa ni Puno,
Q: But if he did not carry out agency, he may not be held binenta nya mismo yung land. When the case reached the
liable? SC, the majority of the decision was he has the authority to
A: As a rule, he is liable for not carrying out the agency. sell under the power of authority.
Q: So what is the exception? One of the bases of the SC in the conclusion that
A: Professor de Leon gave an example of this, if the agent there was a power to sell also because the fact that the agent
was authorized to buy a specific car from a specific person. acted in good faith, that is an incredible argument, by the
When the agent was about to buy the car, he was informed mere allegation that the agent acted in good faith he
by the seller that there is a defect in the brake system of the already acted within the scope of the his authority?
car. Nonetheless, without informing the principal he bought Parang malabo yung dalawang yun. Even if I would claim
the car. If damage was caused to the principal because of the that I thought I am authorized, does it mean therefore that I
defective brake system and a claim is filed against the agent, was authorized? Those are 2 different things - believing in
can the agent invoke that he merely carried out the good faith that you have the authority is different from in fact
agency? No, here the law is very clear that he should not having the authority.
carry out agency if it would result in loss / damage in the
principal. Nonetheless, again, as a rule you can be guided by
the power of attorney but even if without the power of
Another Example attorney or despite the fact there was a specific mandate of
An agency to buy a parcel of land before the Mt. Pinatubo the power of attorney, you should be guided by specific
eruption. During that time, agents all over Luzon, will buy a provisions of law whether the act is within the scope of your
parcel of land not only in Metro Manila but also in Pampanga authority. For example: 1881 - the agent may do such acts as
and South CALABARZON but if the agent was given may be conducive for the accomplishment of the purpose of
authority and he bought parcels of land immediately after the agency. This particular provision has been cited by the SC in
eruption somewhere in Porac / Bacolor Pampanga, mukhang the case of Mack vs. Kang, if a person who is an agent has
you can be held liable for buying those parcels of land. That the authority to manage the restaurant, necessarily, he must
it would be a valid sale? have the authority to purchase items for the management of
A: Yes, that would be a valid and binding sale as far as the the restaurant - the act of buying these items, like plates,
3rd person is concerned. If nakita naman na puro lahar, nakita these are reasonable and necessary for the accomplishment
mo pa binili mo pa, the agent can be held liable because the of the agency.
act definitely would result in loss or damage to the principal
at least for about 15 years. Another Article which would help you in determining
if the act is within the scope of the authority is Article 1882.
2. In carrying out the agency, there are 2 obligations of Example of this, the principal authorized his agent to sell his
the agent, he should always remember: car, a specific car for 300k. The agent sold the car for 400K.
(a) To act within the scope of authority It is possible for the principal to say that you acted outside
(b) To act in behalf of the principal or in representation of the the scope of authority, galit pa cya 300k na binebenta pero
principal. 400k nabenta. Technically, yes, the agent indeed may be
considered to have or may be claimed to have acted outside
(a) To act within the scope of authority or in excess of his authority because he told to sell the car for
Q: How would you know if the agent was acting within 300k.
the scope of authority?
A: You will be guided by the power of authority. In fact, as a Q: What is the reason that the principal would claim that
3rd person, you can demand the power of attorney, so that the agent acted outside the scope of his authority?
you will know whether in fact he had authority to enter into a A: Many reasons: for example he asked to buy somebody to
contract. But sa totoo lng there are some SPAs which would sell his car because he expected sum money to arrive from
be subject of the case up to the SC pertaining to the scope of abroad to buy a brand new car but wala napornada, di
authority of the agent. binigay ng kapatid yung pera. Therefore, if the car will be
sold wala na syang kotse and it is an excuse that the agent
Linal vs. Puno acted outside the scope of his authority but the common
Q: Was Puno authorized to sell the land or merely reason would be because the principal already talked to
authorize to administer the land? somebody else which will really buy the car for 400k. When
7 There was a dissenting opinion.
A: you may choose this 1? Because dun sa isa, walang
Atty. Uribe: Mas magaling ang dissenting opinion. Sa commission di ba sa 1 may commission. He may not
phraseology ng authority ni Puno he was only to buy, to sell, recognize this contract.
etcin the administration of land, so the buying and selling
should not be construed as a separate authority from the Article 1882 - the limits of the agents authority shall
administration and should be construed as a buying and not be considered exceeded should it have been performed
selling in relation to the administration. If you have to in a manner more advantageous to the principal than that
administer a parcel of land, you have to buy so many things, specified by him. So under the law, that the act is deemed
not in extent of his authority, even on its face parang in
excess, the law will consider it as not in excess merely Q: The obligation to act on behalf of the principal - If the
because it is advantageous to the principal. agent acted for himself and did not disclose his
principal, would that 3rd person has a cause of action
You distinguish these transactions from an agency to against the principal?
sell 100 kilos of mangoes and there is a specific instruction A: No.
that the mangoes will be sold 30 pesos per kilo. If you sold
the mangoes for 50 pesos, 30 lang binenta 50 pesos per kilo Q: Would that principal have a cause of action against
ang nangyari out of 100 kilos sisenta lng ang nabenta, 60 the 3rd person?
sisenta, 70 sitenta, so instead of 30 pesos per kilo he sold 50 A: Wala din. But there is an exception in this rule if the object
per kilo. Actually, this is a violation of the instructions of the involved in the contract entered into by the agent and the 3 rd
principal kaya siguro di lahat nabenta ung mga mangga person belongs to the principal - the law grants / gives a
binenta nya with a much higher price. cause of action to the 3 rd person against the principal and
vice-versa. It is because of the possible collusion between
Another Article 1879 - the law specifically provides the principal and the agent di ba, so that sasabihin ng
that the special power to sell excludes the power to principal alam ko yang kotse na yan sira sira na makina (may
mortgage. Even if the agent was authorized to sell, he cannot katok). Thus, in actual case the SC said, the vehicle has a
mortgage that without another power of attorney, as much as knock , SC decicion yan! Hehehehehe Kasi may katok
the power to mortgage does not include the power to sell as ang kotse, the principal would agree with the agent just to
mentioned a while ago the power to compromise does not sell it by yourself in your own name so that if there would be
authorize for the submission to arbitration. a complaint the 3rd person has no cause of action against me
and the principal. But to avoid such possibility the law would
Q: However, if the principal authorized the agent to grant a cause of action to the 3rd person if the object of the
borrow money without the authority of the principal can contract belongs to the principal.
the agent himself be the lender?
A: The law provides yes, as long as the interest rate will be BE: A authorized B to borrow sum of money from any
the market rate, so the agent may be the lender. bank and he also authorized B to mortgage a specific
parcel of land to secure that loan. What B did, he
Q: The agent was authorized to lend money of the borrowed money for himself from a certain bank without
principal, may the agent himself be the borrower of the disclosing his principal. Later on, he defaulted. Can the
money without the consent of the principal? bank go after the principal?
A: This time hindi na pwede. He may be a good agent to lend A: Of course no, the contract is between the agent and the
the money to other person but he may not be a good debtor. bank only. The principal has nothing to do with the contract.
Thus, the law would protect the principal in that case. Under the facts, the agent borrowed for himself.
But also, be guided by the decision of the SC as to the extent However, if you have read the suggested answer,
of the authority of the agent. For example in the case of may 2nd paragraph - to the effect that the bank can at least
Insular Drug vs. PNB foreclose the mortgage they can. If you remember the
Facts: The agent here was authorized to collect sums of question, di tinatanong ng examiner can the bank go after the
money including checks from the client of Insular. So may principal as far as the thing is concerned. The only question
agent ang Insular. He did collect the sums of money and the pertains to the payment of loan.
checks, and the checks were payable to Insular but instead
of delivering the checks in the Insular, he encashed the Another thing in the suggested answer which is
check or deposited the checks in his account in PNB. totally wrong - under the facts, the principal authorized the
agent to mortgage the property for the loan that will be
Issue: Does the authority to collect the checks includes the obtained by the agent in the name of the principal. If indeed
power to indorse the checks or even the power to encashed he mortgaged the land for a loan in his name, would that
the check? mortgage be valid?
A: Definitely not. If he mortgaged it as a mortgagor the
Held: No, the power to collect does not include the power to mortgage is void. The law requires that the mortgagor must
indorse or the power to encash the checks. So kasalanan ng be the absolute owner of the thing mortgaged. On other
PNB kung bakit nila tinanggap ung check without the proper hand, even if the agent mortgaged the thing on behalf of the
indorsement samantalang ang payee ay Insula. Hindi naman principal, the principal is the mortgagor. Would that be a
si agent. valid and binding mortgage as against the principal?
A: Also not. His authority to have the property mortgaged to
Atty. Uribe: In fact, the money involved here is 18,000 and I secure a loan, not to secure any other persons loan and that
would still remember na Philippine Reports pa itong case. therefore it cannot be within the authority of the agent and
The agent (Mr. Foster) committed suicide when that fraud therefore any foreclosure of such mortgage will not prosper.
was committed. Sabi nung isang nagbasa for sure ahead pa
sa akin, encircle nya 18,000, gago naman ito 18,000 lng
maliit lng ang amount. But there was another guy, Q: If the agent acted within the scope of his authority
sumunod dun sa isa, sinagot nya, mas gago ka 1932 pa eto and in representation of the principal, who will be bound
eh in such contract?
A: Aside from the 3rd person, it will be the principal because the sale would no longer push through so they have this
again the agent is merely representing the principal. drama that the prospective buyer was expecting money from
abroad and therefore the principal would have a reason to
Q: However, is it possible for the agent himself to be the agent na hindi na matutuloy ang agency and therefore I
bound in such contract or be held liable under such am revoking your authority as an agent.
A: Yes. If he expressly binds himself to that contract, why he Thereafter, the agent discovered that something is
would do that? Agent lang naman sya, when he would bind wrong with what happened. He went to the register of deeds
himself personally / expressly? In the very nature of the and he discovered that in fact a sale was executed between
agency the 3rd person actually knows that it is the agent and Domingo and Oscar de Leon. The agent demanded for his
not the principal. Ang nakikita lang ng 3 rd person sa palengke commission. May sub agent pa sya dahil inintroduce cya kay
eh ung nagtitinda baka ung principal nasa espana. Oscar, did the action prosper?
Therefore, the 3rd person to whom a thing is offered for sale Held: No, the SC ruled that for the failure of the obligation to
for example the agency to sell, the 3 rd person will say that I deliver to the principal for whatever he may have received
will buy that if you also bind yourself as one of the sellers pursuant to the agency, even if that is not only to the
because I dont know the principal. Eh ang agent gusto principal, that is a breach of fiduciary relation which resulted
kumita, sige na din di ba. He will bind himself personally in in not giving the agent his commission. But is the 1,000
the contract as a seller and not as an agent. important? Supposedly, parang 10,000 ang marereceive
nya as commission?
The agent may be held liable in the contract even if A: The answer would be yes because why would the
he acted within the scope, acted in representation of the prospective buyer give 1,000 sa agent? hindi dahil mahal nya
principal, he acted negligently or in bad faith di ba. ang agent?! That would be because he wanted the agent to
continue with the principal to lower the price of the thing
Article 1909 is consistent also on the law on which would be sold, which is inconsistent with the interest of
obligations that every person who is guilty of fraud, the principal. As an agent of the principal, he is supposed to
negligence, etc.. will be held liable for damages. protect the interest of the principal not to lower the price to be
But aside from these 2 scenarios, of course, the agent may paid by the buyer. If only for this the SC will not dismiss the
be held liable if he acted beyond the scope of authority. Also, case. In fact, ginawa pa syang liable for the share of the sub-
if he acted beyond the scope of his authority, however, he agent.
may not be held liable under such contracts and under
certain circumstances: Obligation to deliver to the principal what he may have
(a) The principal ratified - then the principal will be held receive
liable and be bound on such contract. In fact this obligation is so serious. If the agent would fail to
(b) Even if the principal did not ratify, if the 3 rd person perform this obligation, he may be imprisoned.
was notified of the fact that the agent was in excess
of his authority or even if he was not notified, he was US vs. Reyes
aware of the fact that the agent was in excess of his Facts: The agent was authorized to collect sums of money
authority, the agent will not be held liable because for convenience of the principal. More or less 800 lang yun or
under 1898 that contract is void. So this contract 800+ is the amount to be collected. Now he was able to
being void, the third person cannot hold him liable collect only 500 instead of 800. He claimed that he is entitled
for acting within the scope of authority. to 20% as a commission (20% of 800 is 160). So hee only
remitted 340 to the principal, because of that the principal
3. One important obligation of an agent is to render an demanded a greater amount than the 340. A criminal
account of his transactions and to deliver to the complaint was filed (for estafa).
principal whatever he may have receive pursuant to an
agency even if it not owing to the principal. Held: Regardless of the commission whether 10% or 20%,
In fact, any stipulation exempting him from this obligation to the agent was not entitled to retain 160 because even if 20%
render an accounting is void. the 20% of the 500 and he is not entitled to the 20% of 800.
The commission should be based on the actual amount he
Domingo vs. Domingo collected not the total amount which he is supposed to
Facts: The relationship between the principal and the agent collect. And because of his failure to deliver 400 to the
was not mentioned in this case but the agent Domingo was principal he was convicted.
authorized to sell a property of the principal Domingo but in
pursuant to this authority, he introduced a perspective buyer Obligation to render an accounting
to the principal Oscar de Leon. Oscar, just any other Q: The principal authorized the agent to sell a car for
prospective buyer wanted the price to be lowered. So he was 300k, the description of the car was mentioned in the
asking that the price be lowered. During the negotiation, this SPA. However, before the agent would sell the car, the
Oscar de Leon bid 1,000 to the agent, which amount the principal called him by phone and instructed him to sell
agent did not disclose to the principal. However, may the car in QC to a member of IBP chapter. Instead of
violation na ng obligation ang agent. The principal on the selling the car in QC to an IBP member, he sold the car
other hand, somehow to only accommodate the demand of in Manila to a person not known by the principal for
the prospective buyer, nakaisip ng paraan, what he did, he 300k.
had an agreement with the prospective buyer that kunwari
(1) Can the principal recover the car from the buyer if
that car is already delivered to the buyer? An agent who appoints a sub-agent will continue to
(2) Any remedy provided by the law to the seller or to the be an agent in that agency relationship. He does not
principal? disassociate himself from the relationship. He is still the
A: (1) It depends, if that buyer has no knowledge of that agent and therefore all the rights and obligations would still
instruction of the principal then he has all the right to retain be there even if he appointed a sub-agent. But if the agent
the car and that sale will be valid and binding as against the appointed a substitute, the answer will depend on Art 1892.
principal. As provided under Art. 1900 so far as 3 rd persons
are concerned they only rely on the SPA as written. They Kung ang tanong ay substitute and during the
have no obligation to inquire on the special instructions made management of the business by the substitute, losses were
by the principal which are not mentioned in the SPA, eh wala incurred by the principal, mask isang taon pa lng ang
naman dun sa SPA na it will be sold to an IBP member substitute 2M was incurred by the principal, may the
chapter in QC. principal hold the agent liable? Iba ung can the principal
(2) To go after the agent for damages, if there is any damage hold the substitute liable?
sustained by him for his failure to follow the instructions of A: The first thing you have to consider is if he was prohibited
the principal. in appointing a substitute or not. If he was prohibited he will
be held liable because he appointed 1 despite the prohibition.
Article 1898 - if the agent acted outside the scope of his In fact, under the law all acts of the substitute appointed, if it
authority and this was known to the 3 rd person the contract is is against the prohibition, such acts are void. If he was not
void. Take note by the specific provision of the law this prohibited under the law, he shall be responsible for the acts
contract is void and subject to ratification. This is only the of the substitute under certain circumstances. Take note that
void contract which can be ratified under Article 1898. the operative word here is responsible and not liable. You
may be responsible - there are consequences.
Q: Is it possible that the agent be held liable to the 3 rd
person even if the 3rd person was aware of the fact that If he was not prohibited there are 2 scenarios:
the agent was in excess or outside his authority? (1) Not prohibited but he was neither given the power to
A: Yes, if the agent promised to obtain the ratification of the appoint or
principal and failed to obtain the ratification. Nagkwento sya (2) He was not prohibited precisely because he was given
sa 3rd person the power to appoint.
you know I was acting in excess of my authority, but dont Kung he was not prohibited he but he also lacks the power to
worry I will get the ratification of my principal. If he failed to appoint, ang scenario dito wala lng namention sa SPA so
get the ratification of the principal he will be held liable not nothing was mentioned in the SPA regarding the appointment
because of the contract itself is void but because of failure to of the substitute. Ang ibig sabihin nun he was not prohibited
get the ratification of the principal. If the principal ratifies the and he was neither given the power to appoint. If that is the
contract, he cannot be held liable even if it is a void contract case will he be liable necessarily because of losses
because the principal is bound to the contract. which were incurred by the principal?
A: Hindi naman. If the substitute acted within the scope of
APPOINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE authority in representation of the principal and the substitute
Another possible obligation of an agent may result from an acted in good faith with the diligence of a good father of the
appointment of substitute family, nonetheless losses were incurred by the principal -
Pwede bang mangyari un? Yes, ang negosyo ay negosyo
BE: X appoints Y as his agent to sell his (X) products in kahit na napakagaling mo pang negosyante kung palugi na
Cebu City. Can Y appoint sub-agent? And if he does talaga negosyo, there are forces beyond the control of every
what are the effects of this appointment? person. To be factual about this kapag ngcoconstruct ng LRT
A: Yes, the agent may appoint a substitute or sub-agent, if halimbawa sa Aurora boulevard, during the construction
the principal does not prohibit him in doing so. But he shall stage ilang taon yan 2 or 3 years, sa tingin nyo kung may
be responsible for the acts of the substitute (because he was restaurant pa dyan buhay pa ba? Wala na kakain dyan
not given authority by the principal) especially if one puro alikabok na.
appointed turns to be incompetent or insolvent.
As long as he acted within the scope of his authority,
Atty. Uribe: Is this correct? in representation of the principal and he acted with good
Mukhang mali. Mukhang confused ang sagot. Ang tanong faith, the agent cannot be held liable. He is responsible for
sub-agent? Can Y appoint sub-agent? Yes, the agent may the acts of the substitute and if the substitute acted within the
appoint substitute or sub-agent which means apparently scope of authority di ba. This is consistent to the principle of
there is no distinction between a sub-agent and substitute. agency - that the agent is not the insurer of the success of
10 due respect to the answer of the UP Law Center,
With the business of the principal. Otherwise, wala na mag-a-
Professor de Leon is really good on this matter, a sub-agent agent dahil kapag nalugi liable sya.
is very much different from a substitute.
However, if in the management of the business of
If it is in replacement (kapalit) that is a substitute the principal losses were incurred because the substitute
which means that the agent would be disassociating himself misappropriated the income of the business or acted with
from the agency (Aalis na sya or lalabas na sya ng Pilipinas gross negligence, mga once a week lng nya dinadalaw ang
etc.) and somebody else must take over his functions. business, if that is the case, the agent will be responsible for
the acts of the substitute and he may be held liable for the
losses incurred by the principal because the substitute acted Q: How much would the commission agent deliver if he
negligently, outside the scope of the authority and in bad was able to sell it at 15k, payable in 4 months but under
faith. the agreement of the principal and the commission
agent, it should be sold only at 10k? (Assuming that the
However, if the agent was given the power to agents commission is 10%)
appoint, there may be 2 scenarios: A: He should deliver 9,000 to the principal (10,000 x 10% =
(1) The person to be appointed as the substitute may have 1,000 commission... 10,000 1,000 = 9,000)
been designated or (2) the person to be appointed was not
designated. Q: What if 4 months after, he have already collected 15k,
can the principal claim di ba you only gave me 9k which
Sabi ng principal ok you can appoint a substitute is based on the 10k price but you were able to sell it at
but if you will appoint a substitute, appoint Pedro. If the 15k, so I should get 90% of the 15k. Is that a valid
agent appointed Pedro, would he be held liable for the claim?
losses incurred by the principal coz of the acts of A: No, under the law, if the commission agent sold the thing
Pedro? on credit without the consent of the principal, he is entitled to
A: Hindi naman. The substitute was designated because the any profit which he would derive from such obligation.
principal said that he should appoint Pedro kaya inaapoint
nya si Pedro but this should be subjected to the provision of Q: If he was obliged to collect or sell 10 refrigerators but
agency that he should not carry out the agency if such would he was able to sell only 1 refrigerator, can he be held
manifest loss or damage to the principal. liable for not selling the remaining refrigerator?
A: Normally, he would be because that is failure to comply
Example with his obligations as an agent. But he has a defense
At the time of the appointment, the agent was at that time exercise of the diligence required. If there was no law or
fully aware that the person was notoriously incompetent. He stipulation, it will be diligence of a good father of a family. The
should have at least informed the principal that the substitute fact that he was able to prove that he exercised the diligence
is notoriously incompetent. If he failed to do so having the of a good father of a family xxx nonetheless, he was not able
opportunity to inquire, then he can be held liable. to sell, he can no longer be held liable. Again, he is not the
insurer of the success of the principal.
If the person to be appointed was not designated, he
will only be liable if the substitute turns out to be notoriously BE: The agent was authorized to sell 20 units of
incompetent or insolvent. (Article 1892). refrigerator. He received in addition to his commission, a
guaranty commission. He was able to sell the
LIABILITIES OF 2 OR MORE AGENTS refrigerators and received his guaranty. However, the
Q: If the principal appointed 2 or more agents for a buyer failed to pay the price of these refrigerators. The
certain transaction, what would be the nature of their principal demanded from the agent the money which he
liability? Can they be held liable jointly or solidarily? could have delivered to the principal as a guaranty
A: Agents can only be held jointly liable unless they expressly commission agent. The defense raised by the agent is
bound themselves solidarily. that he has no obligation to collect the price. The agent
said that his only obligation is to sell the refrigerator. Is
But in fact, even if they bound themselves solidarily and that correct?
damage was incurred by the principal due to the act of one of A: No, as he received a guaranty commission, he is known
the agents, it is still possible that they may not be held as a guaranty commission agent. He is also known as del
solidarily liable despite that there is an express agreement, if credere agent and as such, he bears the risk of collection.
that agent who caused damage to the principal acted outside
the scope of his authority. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL
(1) To comply with the obligations which the agent may have
Commission Agent contracted within the scope of his authority and in
Authorized to sell and he would have a commission as to the representation of the principal.
price. (2) Obligation to advance the money necessary for the
accomplishment of the purpose of the agency.
Q: If the agent sold a refrigerator on credit without the (3) Obligation to Reimburse
consent of the principal pag on credit, he can still sell
it at a higher price. Kung normally 10k ang sabi ng (1) To comply with the obligations which the agent may
principal, he may be able to sell it at 15k pero 4 gives. If have contracted within the scope of his authority and in
payable every other month, the next day after the sale, representation of the principal.
the principal having been informed of the sale, he This is the main obligation of the principal.
demanded for the proceeds of the sale. Can the agent be
compelled to pay or deliver the proceeds of the sale If the agent acted outside the scope of his authority, the
kahit hindi pa nya na-collect? principal may not be bound to such contract. But even if the
A: Yes, he can be compelled to deliver the proceeds as if it agent acted beyond or outside the scope of his authority, the
was sold on a cash basis because he sold it on credit without principal may be bound if:
the consent of the principal. 1. He ratified
2. He contributed to deceive the 3 rd person into A: No, the other modes of extinguishing obligations are
believing that the agent acted outside the scope of equally applicable to agency. Example: mutual dissent, loss
his authority (estoppel). The principal and the agent of the thing due to fortuitous event.
will be solidarily liable.
3. When the 3rd person could not have known of the BE: Ariel authorized Jessica to sell a pendant with a
limitations on the power of the agent (Example: diamond valued at 5k. While Jessica was on her way
Verbal limitation) home, 2 persons snatched the bag containing the
pendant. Thus, Jessica was not able to sell the pendant.
Article 1900 the third person will only have to rely on the Ariel sued Jessica. Jessica raised the defense that
power of attorney as written. robbery is a fortuitous event and therefore he cannot be
held liable for the loss of the pendant. Ariel claimed that
(2) Obligation to advance the money necessary for the before Jessica could invoke fortuitous event, there has
accomplishment of the purpose of the agency. to be conviction of the perpetrators of the crime and
The principal, unless otherwise stipulated or unless the he is even though this is a fortuitous event, there was
already insolvent, must advance the money. Even if the negligence on the part of Jessica in walking alone with
agent bound himself to advance, if the principal is already that pendant. Decide.
insolvent, he need not advance the sum of money kasi wala A: The case is identical to Austria vs. CA. As to the
ng mag-re-reimburse sa kanya. contention of Ariel, conviction is not required. Preponderance
of evidence is sufficient. Jessica cannot be held liable
(3) Obligation to Reimburse because walking alone is not a negligent act.
G.R.: The principal
Exc: 1918 Atty. Uribes Comment: The answer is erroneous. In the
a. If the agent is acting in contravention of the case of Austria which was decided on June 10, 1971, the
instructions of the principal. incident happened in the 60s. The SC said, we cannot
Example: He sold items in Cebu instead in Cagayan. consider the agent negligent in going home alone. SC said
However, if the principal wants to avail of the that if the incident happened today (referring to year 1971),
benefits derived by the agent, the principal will be the agent can be held liable for concurring negligence,
obliged to reimburse. considering the crime rate.
b. Agent was at fault
Problem Areas in Extinguishment
TWO OR MORE PRINCIPALS APPOINTED AN AGENT BE: What is the effect of the death of the agent?
Q: An agent was appointed to a single and common A: G.R.: The agency is extinguished (Article 1919).
transaction and damage was incurred by the agent. EXC.: Article 1930 if the agency was constituted for the
What is the nature of the liability of the principals? benefit of both parties or for the benefit of a third person who
A: Solidary. accepted the benefit, then that agency shall continue even
after the death of the agent.
Q: Ayce was authorized to lease a specific property
(warehouse). She entered into a lease contract with BE: P authorized A to sell a land (14 hectares). In 1950,
Dian. However, the principal (Chato) also entered into a before A could sell, P died. After P died, in 1954, the
contract of lease over the same property with another heirs sold the land to X. In 1956, A sold it to Y. Who has a
person named Gerard. Which contract will be better right?
recognized? A: If A has no SPA, this sale is void under Article 1874. X
A: Based on priority in time, priority in right. The prior date would have a better right. If there was a SPA, it depends if A
should prevail. Take note that this is a lease of property. has knowledge of the death of P or if he was in good faith. If
A has knowledge of the death, X has a better right. If Y is in
In sale, priority in time is not applicable. See Article 1544 bad faith (he knows of the death of P), X has a better right.
(double sale).
Under Article 1931, the act of an agent after the death of the
Q: What if the person filed an action for damages principal will be valid if he had no knowledge of the death of
against both principal and agent, who will be liable? the principal and the third person is in good faith.
A: G.R.: The principal
EXC.: If agent acted in bad faith (incompatible Q: What if A has no knowledge and Y is in good faith?
contracts) A: This will be incompatible contracts. Apply Article 1544.
12 xpiration of the period
E Facts: The agent was a brother of his two sisters. He was
D eath, civil interdiction, insanity authorized to sell the land. The brother sold the land only
W ithdrawal after the death of one of the sisters. He sold it to Felix. The
A ccomplishment of purpose administrator of his sister filed an action to recover the
R evocation property.
D issolution of the entity
Issue: What is the effect of the death of one of the principals?
Q: Is this enumeration exclusive?
Held: As to the surviving sisters portion, it is valid and the agent which is commission and must be stated in the
binding. But as to the deceased sister (Article 1919), the SPA.
authority of agent was terminated after the death. But if agent
has no knowledge of the death it is valid. But obviously, the Q: If agency coupled with interest possible that it
brother had knowledge of the death of her sister. could be revoked?
A: SC said in Collongco Yes, if the revocation was with a
Note: Civil interdiction accessory penalty (more than 12 just cause. In the case of Collongco, there was a just cause
years penalty) because the agent committed acts contrary to the interest of
the principal. Collongco attempted to ask the superintendent
Revocation of the factory to destroy the machinery by pouring acid. Agent
It is an act of the principal. The principal can revoke the also sent derogatory letters to banks where Claparol applied
authority of the agent at will at any time. for a loan. The agents motive is because he had an
Q: Would this be correct if the parties agreed for the agreement with another person (Mr. So) that they wanted to
period of agency? Can the agent hold the principal liable take over the business of Claparol.
for breach of contract?
A: Baretto vs. Sta. Maria the principal can revoke anytime
even when there is a period agreed upon because agency is
based on trust and confidence.
DEFINITION OF PARTNERSHIP Note: From the definition alone, it can be known that a
Q: What if two or more persons agreed to put up a contract of partnership is essentially onerous-each partner
partnership but they never intended to divide the profits has to contribute either property, money or industry. Walang
among themselves, would that still be considered a valid free rider sa partnership.
partnership contract?
A: Yes, under the second paragraph of the article, two or 1. Consent of the contracting parties:
more persons can form a partnership for the exercise of a The rules in contract would be equally applicable but, just like
profession. in sales and lease, there are persons who are prohibited from
entering into a contract of partnership:
Partnership vs. Co-ownership 1.) Spouses:
Consider the essential features:
Creation: BE: May the spouses enter into a limited partnership to
Partnership is obviously created by agreement. Co- engage in a realty business, with the wife as a limited
ownership may be created by agreement, but it may also be partner?
created by operation of law. In fact, by express provision of A: Yes, because spouses are only prohibited, under the New
the law, the fact that there is co-ownership does not Civil Code, to enter into a universal partnership. Therefore, if
necessarily mean that there is a partnership existing between they form a limited partnership, they can constitute only
two persons. Php100,000 each, and that will not be a universal partnership
Example: Two persons may inherit a property from their because that would be a particular partnership.
father or mother, and under the law, they may be considered
as co-owners of the same property. 2.) Corporations:
Purpose: BE: Can a corporation enter into a contract of
Partnership: either to divide profits or exercise a profession. partnership with an individual? Can a corporation enter
Co-ownership: Common enjoyment of the thing or right into a contract of partnership with another corporation?
owned in common; merely to enjoy the property, thus they A: To these two questions, the answer is no.
14 have different purposes.
may Ruled by the Supreme Court in the Case of Tuazon,
while a corporation may enter into a joint venture, it cannot
A very important feature of partnership in relation to co- validly enter into a contract of partnership. Under the
ownership: it has a juridical personality, separate and distinct Corporation Code, the business of the corporation is
from the individual partner which is obviously not present in supposed to be governed by the board of directors, and if
co-ownership. In co-ownership, they have their respective such a corporation will enter into a contract of partnership,
personalities and no new personality will be created. the other partners may bind the corporation in certain
activities without the consent of the board of directors.
Another reason is that the properties r investments of the In a contract that is void, it is so provided that a party to such
stockholders may be exposed to a risk not contemplated by contract may recover what contributed if he repudiated the
the stockholders. contract before the consummation of the contract and before
damage is incurred by a third person.
3.) Those persons who are prohibited from giving each
other any donation or advantage cannot enter into a
UNIVERSAL partnership:
a.) those guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time of FORMALITIES:
the execution of the contract because it would be easy to Q: If the agreement of the parties to a contract of
circumvent the provision on donation if they would enter into partnership was only a verbal agreement, would that be
a universal partnership, kasi pwedeng yung paramour ang a valid and binding contract? Will there be a juridical
na-contribute lang Php10.00, while yung isa ang na- personality created?
contribute Php10 Million, however, pagdating ng sharing, A: As a rule, yes. Even if under Art. 1772, the law provides
kabaligtaran. Yung paramour, 90%, while yung nag- that every contract of partnership, having a capital of more
contribute ng Php10 Million, 10% lang ng profit. In fact, sa than Php3,000 or more, shall be in a public instrument and
dissolution, pwedeng ganun din ang agreement. That would must be registered with the SEC.
be a circumvention of the provision on donation.
Other persons prohibited are those mentioned in Art. The 2nd paragraph of Art. 1772 provides that despite
1739, those persons mentioned in the law on donation. failure to comply with the requirements in the preceding
paragraph, this is without prejudice to the liability of the
2. Object of Partnership: partnership and the individual partners to third persons. From
To engage in a lawful activity. that article alone, it is clear that despite non-compliance with
the requirements of the law as to form, there is a partnership
Q: If the object is to engage in a lawful activity, created, because this is without prejudice to the liability of the
necessarily the partnership is valid? partnership (kung may partnership). But more directly, Art.
A: No. There are specific business activities wherein the law 1768, the law provides, the partnership has a juridical
would require particular business organization which may personality separate and distinct from that of each if the
engage in such business activity, specifically the Corporation partners, even in case of failure to comply with the
Code which provides that only corporation may engage in requirements of Art. 1772, par.1.
insurance and banking business, therefore there can be no After all, a verbal partnership contract is valid and binding
partnership engaging in such business: banking and between the parties.
Q: Is there a partnership agreement which would require
3. Cause of Partnership a particular form for the validity of the partnership
The promise of each partner to contribute either money, agreement?
property or industry. A: Yes. There is only one scenario here: if one of the
contracting parties promised to contribute an immovable,
Q: What would be the effect if either the cause or the there has to be an inventory of such immovable and signed
object of the partnership is illegal or if the partnership by the contracting parties. If there is no inventory, the law is
has an unlawful cause or object? very clear, the partnership is void.
A: The contract of partnership is void and under the law,
when the contract is void, it produces no legal effects Q: What if there was an agreement to contribute an
whatsoever, therefore, action to compel a party to the immovable and there was an inventory signed by all the
contract to distribute the profits will never prosper. In fact, partners, however, the partnership agreement itself was
under the law on partnership, the State will confiscate the not put into writing, what is the status of that
profits of such illegal partnership. partnership contract?
Atty. Uribe: I agree with the position of Professors Agbayani
Q: Will an action to compel a partner to render an and Bautista that, despite Art. 1771, as long as there is an
accounting prosper? inventory of such immovable, the partnership agreement is
A: No. Any action to enforce a void contract will never valid and binding and the juridical personality will be created.
prosper. Why?: As ruled by the SC consistently, like in the case of
Dauden-Hernaez vs. delos Angeles, for a contract to be
Q: May a party to such void contract at least be able to void for non-compliance with the requirements of the law as
recover what he contributed or delivered pursuant to to form, the law itself must provide for the nullity of the
that void contract? contract. If the law only required a form, but the law itself did
15 As a rule, no, because of the in pari delicto rule under
A: not provide for the nullity of the contract, if the parties failed
Article 1411. to comply with that form, then that form is not necessary for
EXCEPTIONS: Article 1411, 1412, 1414,1415 and 1416. the validity. It may be necessary for the enforceability of the
Under these circumstances, a party to a void contract may be contract or greater efficacy of that contract. Thus, in
able to recover what he contributed. partnership, it is said that this requirement as to form will only
be necessary for the greater efficacy, kasi kailangan naka-
Atty. Uribe: I would always consider one of these provisions register sa SEC. That is apparently the only reason why the
as a very practical one: law would require a particular form in partnership where there
is an immovable contributed by one of the contracting A: No, because a partnership may be a partnership for a
parties. particular undertaking even if no period was fixed by the
Atty. Uribe: The position of Prof. Agbayani is well-supported parties.
by the SC.
In one case, a partner, dissolved a partnership, claiming
A partnership has a juridical personality which is it to be a partnership at will, the partnership being involved in
separate and distinct. This is consistent with the legal a bowling business. The SC ruled that even if the partners
person theory, as opposed to the partnership in the United failed to fix a period, the partnership cannot be considered as
States which adheres to the aggregate theory which states a partnership at will because there was a stipulation in the
that their partnership has n juridical personality separate and partnership agreement that the debt of the partnership shall
distinct from the contracting parties. paid out of the profits that will be obtained by the bowling
business. Thus, after all, it cannot be dissolved at will, for the
Consequences: separate and distinct personality debts will have to be paid. Therefore, the SC ruled that the
1.) It can own its properties; said partnership is a partnership for a particular undertaking.
2.) It can sue and be sued;
3.) It may be found guilty of an act of insolvency; CLASSIFICATION OF PARTNERS:
4.) It may be dissolved for committing an act of According to the liability of the partners:
insolvency. 1.) General
Concretely, in the case of Campos-Rueda vs. Pacific 2.) Limited
Facts: The partnership here filed a petition for the dissolution This classification is relevant only in limited partnership.
of the partnership, but one of the creditors opposed the
petition for dissolution on the ground that there was no In general partnership, partners are general partners
showing that the individual partners are already insolvent. and they are liable for partnership obligations up to their
personal property. Each one of them has the right to
Held: The solvency or insolvency of the individual partners is participate in the management of the partnership unless
irrelevant as to the petition of the dissolution of the otherwise agreed upon by the partners.
partnership. The partnership itself, having a separate and
distinct personality may be dissolved or may commit acts of In limited partnership, while a limited partner cannot be
insolvency regardless of the solvency or insolvency of the held liable up to his personal property, the liability of a limited
partners. partner will only be up to his capital contribution. He also
would not have the right to participate in the management of
Actually, if one of the partners in a general the business of the partnership.
partnership is insolvent, there is already dissolution of the G.R.: A limited partner cannot be held personally liable for
partnership by operation of law, if the same be proven. partnership obligations.
EXC: Instances when a limited partner may be held liable up
CLASSIFICATION OF PARTNERSHIP: to his personal property:
As to the object of the partnership is only to determine 1.) If he participates in the management of the business
whether a person may enter such partnership, there is a of the partnership.
need to distinguish whether a partnership is a UNIVERSAL
or PARTICULAR partnership. 2.) If his surname appears in the firm name.
Except: a.) even if a limited partners name appears
2 Kinds of Universal Partnership: in the firm name, if the surname of a general partner
1.) Universal Partnership of Property is the same as that of the limited partner. b.) such
2.) Universal Partnership of Profit surname was already in the firm name prior to his
entry in the partnership.
Under the law, if the partners agreed to form a universal
partnership, however, they failed to state what kind of 3.) When he is a general partner and a limited partner in
universal partnership, it shall be treated merely as a universal the same partnership at the same time.
partnership of profit, meaning, it shall comprise only the Who? A person who is both a general and limited
result of their work and industry. In universal partnership of partner at the same time and in the same
property, the partners are deemed to have contributed all partnership would have all the rights and obligations
their property, not literally all, for there some properties which of a general partner, however, he would have a right
are exempt from execution and under the law may not be as to his contribution as against the other partners,
considered as having been contributed by the partners. which he would not have, had he not been a limited
16 partner. When it comes to division of assets upon
TERM OF PARTNERSHIP dissolution he has the priority as a limited partner.
That is the only edge, otherwise, he has all the rights
Q: If the partners failed to fix a period, does it mean that and obligations of the general partner.
the partners agreed a partnership at will and may be
dissolved at any time without any liability so long as 4.) When there is failure to comply substantially as to
they acted in good faith? the formalities prescribed by law in the formation of a
limited partnership.
A: Yes. As a rule, he may be held liable, but only to the extent
Under the law, if there is a failure to comply of partnership property which would include his capital
substantially with the formalities for the creation of a contribution, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
limited partnership, that agreement will be valid Even if the obligation was incurred prior to his entry, however,
among the partners, however, all of them can be if in the partnership agreement, he agreed to be bound by
treated as general partners by third persons. those obligations, then he can be held liable even to the
Therefore, a third person, in this scenario, can hold extent of his personal property, though he is a new partner.
a limited partner liable up to his personal properties.
The limited partners remedy is to seek Q: X is indebted to ABC Partnership which may be
reimbursement from his other partners. limited. The same debtor of the partnership is also a
debtor of one of the partners. The debt to the
As to the contribution: partnership is 100,000, while the debt to the partner is
1.) Capitalist 50,000. X delivered 30,000 to A. Should this 30,000 be
2.) Industrial distributed in proportion to the debts to the partnership
and to A, meaning, 20,000 will go to the partnership and
Q: An industrial partner, may be a general partner? 10,000 will go to A.
A: Yes. A capitalist partner may either be an industrial or A: If A is a limited partner, there shall be no distribution in
general partner. proportion to the credit of these two creditors. The law which
requires that payment be distributed in proportion to the two
Q: May an industrial partner be a limited partner? credits will only apply if the partner to whom the amount is
A: No. A limited partner can only contribute money or delivered is a managing partner. If he is a limited partner,
property. He cannot contribute service. normally, he would not have any participation in the
management of the partnership business. Thus, if he is a
Q: But can a partner be both capitalist and industrial? limited partner, then he can have the right t receive
A: Yes, he can contribute both money and industry. He can everything he received.
be both capitalist and industrial and there will be
consequences to that. Q: Assuming that A is in fact a managing partner and he
received the 30,000 from X, is it possible still for A to
BE: A and B formed a partnership to operate a car repair retain everything which he received?
shop. A contributed money, B contributed industry. A.: Yes, if this debt is already due and demandable. In this
While the car repair shop was already in operation, A scenario, the debt is not yet due and demandable. Such debt
operated a coffee shop beside the car repair shop. B MUST be due and demandable in order for the law on the
also operated a car accessories store on the other side proportional distribution to apply to both debts.
of the shop. May these partners engage in those
business activities? Q: A is a managing partner and both debts are due and
A: As far as A is concerned, he can validly engage in such demandable. 30,000 was delivered to A. Is it possible for
business because the law would only prohibit him from the partnership to have the right to the entire 30,000?
engaging in a similar activity. As far as B, an industrial A: If A receipted the amount in the name of the partnership.
partner, is concerned, he cannot engage in any business By specific provision of the law, if the managing partner who
activity without any express authority or grant by the received such amount, receipted the same in the name of the
partnership for him to engage in such business. Thus, if A did partnership, the partnership will be entitled to the entire
not give his consent, B cannot validly engage in ANY amount.
business, not only similar business, for B, as industrial
partner, is supposed to give his time in the said partnership Q: If A, as managing partner, and both debts being due
business. and demandable, he received the amount of Php30,000
and receipted the same in his own name, may he be
Incoming Partner: entitled to retain everything?
Q: ABC Partnership is composed of A, B and C. A: Yes, if Xs debt to A is more onerous and X chose to have
Thereafter, D became a member of the partnership. Six this amount paid to this debt. Under the law, the debtor has
months after Ds entry as a member, a certain obligation, the right to choose to pay the debt which is more onerous.
3 Million became due and demandable. For this Again, the premise is the debt to A is more onerous than the
partnership obligation, can D be held liable? debt to the partnership.
A: As was provided in the facts, the 3 Million became due
and demandable. Thus, this obligation may have been If A, as managing partner, received the same amount,
incurred after Ds entry or before his entry, although it receipted in the name of the partnership, both debts are due
became due after his entry or admission to the partnership. and demandable and are of the same burden, there will be a
proportional distribution of the amount, 20,000 will go to the
If the obligation is incurred after his entry, there is no partnership, and 10,000 will go to A, the debt to the
question that, if he is a general partner, he can be held liable partnership being 100,000 and the debt to A being 50,000.
up to his personal properties.
Q: If this obligation is incurred prior to his entry as a 3 Major property rights of a partner:
partner, can he be held liable? 1.) Right in specific partnership property;
2.) Interest in the partnership; and
3.) The right of the partner to participate in the management Interest in the Partnership
of the business of the partnership. Simply put, this is a partners share in the profit and surplus.
Whatever is his share in the profit or surplus is his interest in
Property rights considered as minor: the partnership.
1.) Right to have access to the books of the partnership;
2.) Rght to demand for a formal accounting. Q: What would be the share of a partner in a
Q: Can a partner demand for a formal accounting at any 1.) Stipulation. For instance, in a partnership of 3
time? persons, they can agree that one may have 95% of
A: No. The law will only give a right to a formal accounting the profits, while the 2 other partners may have 5%
under very specific circumstances. Why? Because a partner of the same respectively.
already has access to the books, thus, it may be
unnecessary to demand for a formal accounting at any time. Q: What if, in such agreement, one of the partners was
excluded in sharing in the profits?
Right in specific partnership property: A: Such stipulation is void. Take note that only such
Under the law, a partner is a co-owner with the other stipulation is void and not the whole partnership agreement.
partners as to specific partnership property. Again, he is a co-
owner with his partners and NOT with the partnership over Q: Thus, if the stipulation as to the sharing of the profits
specific partnership properties. is void, or that there is no stipulation with this regard,
what would be the sharing in the profits of the partners?
Q: How could a person be a co-owner of a property A: It will depend on their capital contribution.
owned by another if he is not a co-owner of that other
person? The owner is the partnership. How can a Q: What if one of the partners is an industrial partner?
partner be a co-owner of that property if he is not a co- A: By express provision of the law, he shall be given his
owner with the partnership? share by determining the value of the service rendered.
A: Other authors would say that the problem with this Thus, determine first the value of the service rendered, give
provision is that it was copied from the Uniform Partnership the same to the industrial partners, then the balance will be
Act of the United States, where a partnership has no distributed to the capitalist partners in accordance to their
separate and distinct personality, thus making them merely capital contribution.
BE: A, B and C are partners. In their partnership
But, in fairness with the Code commission, the 2 nd agreement, they agreed in the equal sharing of the
sentence would tell you that this co-ownership has its own profits. Thereafter, C assigned his whole interest in the
incidence. In other words, this is no ordinary co-ownership partnership to X. X now demanded that he be allowed to
under the property law. Thats why some authors would call it participate in the management of the business of the
co-ownership sui generis. partnership and also his share in the profits in the
business of the partnership. Are the claims f X valid?
Q: Concretely, in property law, if two persons are co- A: As to Xs claim t participate in the management of the
owners of a parcel of land, can a co-owner sell his business, he has no such right as an assignee. By express
interest over the parcel of land without the consent or provision of the law, an assignee has no right to participate in
even knowledge of the other co-owner? Would that be a the management of the business of the partnership, unless
valid assignment of interest? otherwise agreed upon. He will not even have the access to
A: Yes. However, in specific partnership property, there can the books of the partnership. His only right would be to
be no valid assignment of interest by one partner. The receive whatever the assigning partner may receive as share
assignment of interest of a specific partnership property in the profits and in the surplus.
would only be valid if all the partners would likewise assign
their interests. Q: If profits were declared, for instance, in the amount of
360,000, would the assignee have the right to share in
Q: May a creditor of a co-owner of a parcel of land levy the profits?
upon such portion of the land interest over that land A: Yes. X is entitled to share of Php120,000, since the
owned by the debtor / co-owner? agreement is equal sharing of profits.
A: Yes, there can be such valid levy.
Right to participate in the management of the business
Q: In partnership, can a creditor of a partner levy upon of the partnership
18 rights of the partner over a specific partnership
property? BE: W, X, Y and Z formed a partnership. W and X
A: That is not possible. Only partnership creditors can levy contributed industry; Y contributed 50,000; Z contributed
upon partnership assets or partnership property. This is 20,000. In a meeting, the partners unanimously agreed to
different in the partners interest in the partnership for this designate W and X as managing partners, such
interest in the partnership can be validly assigned by one of appointment having no stipulation as to their respective
the partners even without the consent or knowledge of the duties nor was there any statement that neither can act
other partners. without the consent of the other. Thereafter, 2 persons
applied for two positions: 1.) as secretary; and 2.) as an Into these arrangements, if only one partner is appointed as
accountant. As far as the secretary is concerned, it was a manager, he can execute any acts of administration even if
W and X who appointed the secretary, opposed by W opposed by all the other partners.
and Z. The accountant was appointed by W concurred
by Z, which was opposed by X and Y. Whose Q: In a partnership of which the business is into buying
appointment would bind the partnership? and selling cars, the managing partner decided to buy a
A: This management arrangement is known as joint vintage Mercedes Benz, to the opposition of the other
management. Any managing partner may execute acts which partners for they consider it bad investment, will the
are merely acts of administration even if opposed by all the decision or the act of the managing partner in buying the
other partners, kung mag-isa lang sya. But, if there are two or said car bind the partnership?
more managing partners, they have to decide by a majority A: Yes, because such act is merely an act of administration.
vote. The problem is, if the managing partner continues to not
consider the sentiments of the other partners, he may be
Q: Is the appointment of the secretary an act of removed as a managing partner.
A: Yes. Q: The question now is, can he be easily be removed?
A: No. The requirements for the removal of a managing
Q: Would it bind the partnership? partner would depend on whether he was constituted as such
A: Yes, even if opposed by the other partners, the capitalist in the articles of partnership or he was merely appointed as
partners, the latter would not have any right for this is merely managing partners after the constitution of the partnership.
an act of administration well- within the powers of a
managing partner. If he was constituted as a managing partner in the
articles f partnership, he can only be validly removed under
Q: With regard to the accountant, take note that the two conditions:
appointment by W was opposed by another managing 1.) There has to be just cause; and
partner. How will this tie be resolved? 2.) by those partners having controlling interests.
A: Under the law, this will be resolved by all the partners with
the controlling interest. The partners with controlling interest Absent one of these conditions, he cannot be validly
will prevail. removed. In fact, even if there is just cause, if the managing
partner controls 51% of the partnership, he can never be
Q: In this case, who has the controlling interest? removed.
A: Y. The determination as to who has controlling interest
depends on the capital contribution. Thus, an industrial However, if he was appointed as a managing partner
partner is excluded in such cases. In this case, it is obvious only after the constitution of the partnership, he can be validly
that 50,000 is more than the capital contribution, and removed even without just cause, so long as it was done by
because Y opposed to the appointment, such appointment those partners having controlling interests.
will not bind the partnership.
Other management arrangements are provided in Articles THEMSELVES AND AS TO THE PARTNERSHIP AND IN
In all these circumstances, it is the partnership which will Q: What if in the stipulation regarding losses, one or
bear the loss if the thing was lost or destroyed while in the more of the partners is excluded in sharing with the
possession of the partnership. same, what will be the status of the stipulation?
A: It depends on who was excluded. If the excluded partner
is a capitalist partner, that stipulation is definitely void, 100%.
the partnership was Php100,000, the court ruled that the
If the partner excluded is an industrial partner, it partnership will have to pay the said amount and in case that
depends. As among the partners, this stipulation is valid, the assets of the partnership will not be sufficient to cover
however, this is void among third persons. In other words, this indebtedness, the partners will be liable to pay equally.
despite the stipulation among partners, in excluding the So, naging issue yung equally, meaning silang apat na
industrial partner in sharing in the losses, the creditors of the lang? for the case as against one of the partners was
partnership can still hold such industrial partner liable for his dismissed. If the amount of the obligation is 100,000, should
contractual obligations. The remedy of the industrial partner, they be liable 25,000 each or 20,000 each including the 5 th
if held liable, is to go after his partners, for the agreement is partner?
valid among themselves.
The SC ultimately held, in this case, that the liability
Q: What if there is no stipulation as to the sharing of the of the partners is only joint, therefore, the condonation of the
losses, or that the stipulation in void? liability of one partner will not increase the liability of the other
The first scenario is, there is an agreement as to profits. partners. Even if the partnership has no assets remaining,
If there is an agreement as to profits, then the sharing in the each partner shall only be held liable up to his share in the
profits will be the same basis in the sharing of the losses partnership indebtedness. Thus, if the debt is 100,000 and
which is a very reasonable rule. Thus, for instance, if A, in the there is no agreement as the share in the losses, they have
agreement, is entitled to 90%, B-% and C-5%, then it would to share in the losses, equally into 20,000, yung apat na lang
also be reasonable that A share 90% of the loss, B&C 5% of na defendants, kasi yung isa, condoned na yung obligation.
the loss respectively.
The last scenario, there is no stipulation as to losses and Q: When would a contract entered into by a partner bind
there is also no stipulation as to profits. In this case, it would the partnership?
depend on their capital contribution. Their share in the losses Ex.: If a partner went to a furniture shop to buy furniture
would depend on their capital contribution. the of which is Php100,000, and such amount remained
unpaid, can the seller demand payment from the
Thus, in this scenario, would the industrial partner share partnership?
in the losses? A: It depends as to whether the contract was entered into in
A: Wala, kasi wala syang capital contribution. the name of the partnership, for the account of the
partnership, under its signature, by a partner who is
Note: Under Art. 1816, even if he is excluded by the authorized to enter into that contract to bind the partnership.
partners/partnership in sharing in the losses, that is a void Thus, in this example, if in the agreement the buyer was the
stipulation as to third persons and can still hold the industrial partner himself and not the partnership, that partner should
partner liable as to the contractual obligation of the be held liable, for the furniture was not bought in the name of
partnership. the partnership.
Q: If indeed a partner, assuming that the assets of the The problem, if the contract would be binding in the
partnership are not sufficient to cover the obligations of partnership, then would be, whether the partner who
the partnership, what would be the nature of the represented the partnership had the authority to bind the
obligation of the partner? Would the partners be held partnership.
solidarily liable? Or would they only be held jointly
liable? Normally, if a partner would enter into a contract, a
A: It would depend on the nature of the liability. For partnership resolution is not necessary. Whether or not a
contractual obligations, as a rule, the partners would only be contract would bind the partnership would depend on the
jointly liable, unless they bound themselves solidarily, for nature of the act of such partner and the nature of the
contractual obligations. However, under Art. 1824, if the business of the partnership.
obligation arose from a tortuous act or a wrongful act under
Arts. 1822 and 1823, for example, while in the performance Q: Concretely, if a partner bought a complete set of
of his obligation, a partner received a sum of money from one SCRA in the name of the partnership and signed by that
of its clients which sum of money was misappropriated that partner, would that contract bind the partnership for the
partner, such partner will be held solidarily liable with his set was bought in the name of the partnership?
partners and with the partnership. Also, if a sum of money A: It would depend on the nature of the act and the nature of
was delivered, even if it was delivered to the partnership, the business of the partnership. In this example, the partner
however, one of the partners misappropriated the same, all bought the set of SCRA, pero naman, and business ng
the partners will be considered solidarily liable among partnership ay restaurant, hindi naman ata na i-bind nya ang
themselves and with the partnership. partnership to such contract, ang negosyo nila restaurant.
In the United Pioneers General Construction Case, Q: But the seller would raise the defense, hindi ko
the creditor filed a collection suit impleading the 5 general naman alam na restaurant yung business, e ang
partners. During the pendency of the case, the creditor asked nagrepresent ng partnership si Atty. ABC, so akala law
for the dismissal of the action as against one of the partners. firm. Is that a valid defense?
Ultimately, the court decided in favor of the plaintiff. A: No. The SC would tell that the third party contracting with
Assuming the amount which was found to be the liability of the partnership has the obligation to know at least the nature
of the business of the partnership. In fact, he can demand for necessary to complete a business which was then began but
the presentation of the articles of partnership in order for the was not yet finished at the time of the dissolution of the
third party to know the nature of the business of the partnership.
partnership. For, if this time, the partnership is a law office,
and the partner bought a set of SCRA, that act of buying a CAUSES OF THE DISSOLUTION
set of SCRA will be considered apparently for carrying the 1.) Extrajudicial;
business of the partnership the usual way. Therefore, that 2.) Judicial.
contract will bind the partnership.
Extrajudicial causes:
Q: Even if he had no authority from the partners? 1.) Voluntary;
A: Yes. 2.) Involuntary.
Q: Even if there was a resolution among partners that he Judicial causes are necessarily voluntary because it is by
should not be the one who will enter into the contract? application.
For instance, A,B,C,D, and E did decide to buy the set,
but designated A to buy the same and not E, but the E Under voluntary causes would fall, the cause of the
bought the SCRA, would that contract bind the dissolution may result on the violation of the agreement or it
partnership? may be without violation of the partnership agreement.
A: Yes, as long as the third person was not aware of that Concretely, the expiration of the period would be voluntary,
agreement of the partnership because such act is an act extrajudicial but without violation of the agreement. The fixing
apparently for carrying on the business of the partnership the of the term is an agreement of the parties therefore, it is
usual way. So, if the partnership is a law office, but the voluntary.
partner bought certain things for a restaurant, then such act
is not apparently for carrying on the business the usual way, Termination of a definite term or a particular
thus such act would require the consent of the partners in undertaking: voluntary but without violation.
order to bind the partners.
By the will of one of the partners: the partnership may
Under Article 1818, there are certain acts which law requires be dissolved without liability on the part of the partner, if the
the unanimous consent of the partners for such a contract or partnership is a partnership at will and he dissolved the
act to bind the partnership, like, disposing the goodwill of the partnership in good faith. Those are the two requirements, in
partnership or to contest a judgment against the partnership order for a partner to be able to dissolve the partnership
or renounce a claim of the partnership. without liability on his part. Again, in an express will of any
partner who acted in good faith, when no definite term or
DISSOLUTION, WINDING UP AND TERMINATION particular undertaking is specified, which means, again that a
These are three different concepts. Upon dissolution of the partnership is a partnership at will.
partnership, it is NOT DEEMED dissolved. It will still have to
go through the process of winding up of the affairs of the BE: A, B and C agreed to form a partnership for a period
business of the partnership before the partnership itself will of five years. After 2 years of business, C assigned his
be terminated. whole interests to Philip. The two other partners,
realizing that they would not be able to deal with Philip,
Q: When would there be a dissolution of a partnership? decided to dissolve the partnership. Philip, not knowing
A: Under the law, there will be a dissolution if there is a of the dissolution done by the 2 partners, filed a petition
change in the relation of the partners caused by any of the for the dissolution of the partnership with the court. Was
partners ceasing to be associated in the carrying on of the the partnership dissolved by the act of the two partners?
business of the partnership. That will result in the dissolution May the action filed by Philip to dissolve the partnership
of the partnership. Again, if one of the partners ceased to be prosper?
associated in the carrying on of the business of the A: As already mentioned, by the express will of all the
partnership, that will result in the dissolution of the partners who have not assigned their interest is a cause for
partnership. the dissolution of the partnership. Therefore, the 2 partners
validly dissolved the partnership by mere will of the partners.
Q: May there be a dissolution even if none of the
partners ceased to be associated with the carrying on of Q: As far as Philip was concerned, will his petition
the business of the partnership despite the definition of prosper, even assuming that no dissolution was made
dissolution under Art. 1828? by the 2 partners?
A: Yes. One scenario is the admission of a new partner. With A: No. With the assignment of the interest of a partner to
22 admission of a new partner, under Art. 1840, the
the another person that does make the assignee a partner of the
partnership is dissolved. partnership without the consent of the other partners,
therefore, he has no personality to file a petition for the
Q: What is the effect of the dissolution? dissolution of the partnership.
A: Again, it will not result in the termination, it will only start
the winding up process, effectively, this will terminate the Expulsion of any partner in good faith, it maybe because
authority of all partners to bind the partnership, EXCEPT, if the grounds for expulsion was agreed upon by the partners
that act is necessary for the winding up of the partnership or and one of the partners violated such agreement, thus he
may be expelled in good faith, therefore it may be voluntary -The courts require that it should be permanent in
and without violation. character; and
-such incapacity or insanity must affect the performance
In contravention, because one of the partners may of such partner of his obligations with respect to the
dissolve a partnership, even if the partnership has a fixed partnership business. In other words, kung wala syang
period or it is a partnership for a particular undertaking and pakialam sa management ng business ng partnership,
that particular undertaking has not yet been completed, that insanity or incapacity is not a valid ground.
would be in contravention of the agreement of the partners.
2.) Gross misconduct:
INVOLUNTARY CAUSES: a.) wrongful expulsion;
b.) if one partner would refuse to allow another partner
Q: If one of the partners in a partnership was elected a in the management of the partnership business, if he has
Senator, would this dissolve the partnership by such right to participate in the management ;
operation of law? c.) if the managing partner would refuse to distribute the
A: No. profits of the partnership when there is such obligation to
distribute the profits;
Q: Even if it is a partnership of lawyers or a law office? d.) misappropriation of the income of the partnership
A: No. business.
Under the Constitution, these elected officials are prohibited Note: If a limited partner becomes a limited partner in
only from appearing before tribunals and not from private another partnership, that is not a valid ground to file a petition
pratice. for the dissolution of the partnership. Limited partners has
nothing to do with the management of the partnership
Q: If a lawyer was appointed in the cabinet, for instance business, thus, there is no conflict of interest.
as Presidential Legal Counsel, would that result in the
dissolution of the partnership by operation of law? Note: The fact that the partnership incurred losses for the
A: Yes. Under the Constitution, Cabinet Secretaries are past three years is not necessarily a ground for dissolution.
prohibited from private practice of their profession.
Classic ex.: The Firm (Carpio Villaraza Cruz Law) This also However, even if the partnership incurred losses
includes appointment in the judiciary. once and it can be shown by the partners that there is no
prospect for recovery, it can be a valid ground for the filing of
Q: What if the law partner was elected as governor of his the petition for the dissolution of the partnership.
province will it result in the dissolution of the
partnership? Q: Quarrels among partners, valid ground?
A: Yes. Under the Local Government Code, chief executives A: Normally, no. However, if such quarrels give rise to
are also prohibited from the private practice of their dissension among the partners, affecting the conduct of the
profession. business of the partnership, this can also be a valid ground,
falling under other circumstances which would render the
Q: What if the partner who died is a partner in a limited dissolution equitable.
partnership? Would that dissolve automatically the
partnership? Q: Upon the dissolution of the partnership, and there
A: It depends as to who is the partner. were assets left, how will these be distributed? To whom
these assets be given?
If he is a general partner, as a rule, it dissolves the A: As far as partnership assets are concerned:
partnership, unless there was an agreement in the articles of 1.) Partnership creditors who are not partners.
partnership that they would continue with business of the 2.) Partnership creditors
partnership even after the death of the partner. Or even 3.) If there are remaining assets, to the capitalist
without such agreement in the articles of partnership, if the partners;
surviving partners decide to continue with the business of the 4.) Excess - profits based on their agreement as to
partnership, then the partnership is not deemed dissolved profits.
even if the partner who died is a general partner.
Q: What if, in their agreement, Partner A contributed
If the partner who died is a limited partner, that does 100,000; Partner B, 50,000; Partner C, industrial partner.
not result in the dissolution of the partnership. In fact, the The total assets of the partnership is 1 Million at the time
executor or administrator of the estate of the deceased of dissolution, however, there were partnership creditors
limited partner will the right to choose or to appoint a obligation of which amounted to 900,000. Would the
substitute limited partner in the said partnership. industrial partner have a share in that 1 Million asset?
A.: No. Since the amount of the obligation is Php900,000, the
Insolvency or civil interdiction of any partner will result in the remaining Php100,000 should be given back to the capitalist
dissolution of the partnership. partners for their capital contribution.
Judicial Causes: Grounds: Q: Assuming that there was no agreement as their share
1.) Insanity or incapacity: in the losses, also there was no agreement as to their
share in the profits, what if one of the partners became
insolvent, will the other partners liability be increased? BE: In an agreement between A and B, a property of A
A: No, because their liability is JOINT. was to be registered in the name of B, with an agreement
the B will reconvey the property to As son upon the
Q: For instance A, a partner is insolvent, his assets graduation of the said son (As son). This agreement was
being 100,000. A is indebted X and Y. The partnership entered into in 1980. The property was in fact registered
also has its creditors. To whom shall this 100,000 be in the name of B the following yea, 1981. In 1982, A died.
given? In 1983, As son graduated. Despite that fact, B did not
A.: It should be given to the separate creditors of the reconvey the property. He had no knowledge of this
individual partner. agreement until 1993, when accidentally, the son of A
discovered such instrument pertaining to the agreement
For a limited partnership to be formed, there has to be at of A and B. Thus, he demanded that the land be
least one limited partner and one general partner. conveyed to him. B refused raising the defense of
prescription. Is this claim tenable?
For the establishment of a limited partnership, the law A: Definitely not. This pertains to an express trust. In an
requires certain formalities. Concretely, under Art. 1844, express trust, trustee will be holding the property only in the
there has to be a certificate signed and sworn to by the name of the beneficiary or the cestui que trust, therefore, he
contracting parties which has to be filed with the SEC. So cannot acquire the said property by acquisitive prescription
long as there was substantial compliance with the formalities unless there would be adverse possession over the property.
required by law, a limited partnership will be valid and
binding. Q: When would there be adverse possession?
A: It may only start with repudiation. Without repudiation, the
Q: What if there was no substantial compliance as to period for acquisitive prescription will not start to run. Such
these formalities? act of repudiation should be made known to the beneficiary.
A: Even if there was no substantial compliance, the
agreement will be valid and binding among themselves. As to IMPLIED TRUST
third persons, all of them may be held liable as general
partners, as if all of them are general partners. Thus, even a Resulting Trust:
limited partner may be held liable even up to his personal BE: A and B, brother and sister respectively, inherited
properties. two identical parcels of land. For purposes of
convenience, B, sister of A, agreed to have the land
registered in the name of A. However, when the parcels
of land were registered in the name of A, A sold one of
the parcels of land to a buyer in good faith and for value.
TRUST Can B recover the land from the buyer? What would be
the remedy of B?
A: This question clearly pertains to a resulting trust. This is
2 KINDS: specifically, Art. 1451 of the NCC.
1.) Express;
2.) Implied. B cannot recover the land from the buyer. As
discussed in Sales, a buyer who had bought the property
Implied Trust: 2 Kinds: from a seller who has no right to sell, but he has apparent
1.) Resulting trust; authority to sell, who appears to be the owner and the buyer
2.) Constructive trust bought the property in good faith, he will acquire ownership
over the thing even if the seller has no right to sell.
The classification of trust into two kinds (express and
implied) and implied trust into two kinds (resulting and Bs remedy would be to go after her brother for breach
constructive) would be relevant in two concepts: of trust in selling the property without her consent.
1.) Applicability of the parole evidence rule; and
2.) Prescription, specifically, acquisitive BE: A property was bought by a father and was
prescription. registered in the name of his illegitimate daughter. The
illegitimate daughter occupied the said parcel of land
Note: An express trust over an immovable may not be and constructed a house where she and her husband
proven by parole evidence. This means that implied trust and their children lived. Several years thereafter, her
over an immovable may be proven by parole evidence or father died. The other heir of her father (his legitimate
express trust over a movable, may be proved by parole children) demanded for the delivery of the said property
evidence. to the estate for distribution to the other heirs, claiming
that a trust relationship was established between the
EXPRESS TRUST father and the illegitimate child. Is this a valid claim?
Q: May an express trust over an immovable be proven A: Under the law, there is no presumption as to trust
by mere testimony of the witness? relationship under 1448, because the donee in this situation
A;Yes, if the lawyer of the other party did not object to the is a child, even if illegitimate, of the father. Therefore, it may
presentation of the witness. be a donation as provided under Art. 1448.
3rd person, however the same in registered in the name
Q: Can the other heirs recover that property? of the cousin. If the cousin would raise the defense that
A: It depends, considering that it is a donation, if the donation the action was filed more than one year from the time of
is inofficious. If the same be inofficious, the other heirs may registration of the property in his name, is that claim
demand for the return of the property or at least the value of tenable?
the property. A: Untenable. The one year period provided by law is
relevant only if the action filed is for the re-opening of the
Resulting trust includes Articles 1448, 1451, 1449, registration case because of fraud. Thus, if the action is for
1450,1452,1453,1454. reconveyance, it does not matter of the one year period has
already lapsed.
Constructive Trust:
BE: A applied for the registration of a parcel of land in N.B.: Art. 1456, 1455.
his name. However, he was called in New York to be a
chef in a hotel. So, he asked his cousin to follow up his Q: In constructive trust, may the trustee acquire the
application for registration of land while he was in New property by prescription by mere lapse of time, without
York. Instead of ensuring the registration of the property repudiation?
in the name of A, he had the property registered in his A: Yes, because from the very start, he was already claiming
(cousin) name. After which, he sold the property to a ownership over the thing. Iba don sa resulting trust or
thi4rd person who bought the land relying on the TCT. express trust. When this trust was constituted, the trustee
When A returned to the Phils., he learned of what his was holding the property in the name of another person. Pero
cousin had done. May A recover the parcel of land from sa constructive trust, itong pinsan at yung abogado in one
the 3rd person who bought the property in good faith and case, would be claiming ownership over the property, right
for value? from the very start and therefore without need of repudiation,
A: No. yung prescriptive period will start to run in a constructive
Q: Lets assume that the remedy here is conveyance, the
cousin has not yet been able to sell the property to the