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Bermuda and its 180 islands and islets are located off the coast of North Carolina.
They enjoy a sub-tropical climate and a lifestyle that retains many aspects from its
British colonization. Its coastlines have small bays with beaches of fine pink coral
sand surrounded by cerulean blue waters.

It is both a vacation spot and a global business center. As a result of its stable
tourist industry, its effectively managed government and economy, and its highly
literate population, Bermuda has a per capita income among the highest in the
world. In addition to the tourism, it has a thriving financial services industry, made
up of banks, insurance and re-insurance companies.

Culture Overview

Cultural Essentials

British / African Heritages

Bermuda's culture is a blend of its British and African heritages. There is a
decided British feel to Bermuda, for instance:

Court judges wear powdered wigs.

Blue-hatted bobbies (police officers) direct traffic.
Cricket is the most popular sport.
Public telephones are red boxes.
Afternoon tea is an accepted part of the culture.
Stopping at the local pub for a pint of ale is a common way to end the

British influences dominate their government, educational, and legal

systems. At the same time, Gombey dancers take to the streets on Boxing
Day and New Years Day. Gombey dancing has its roots in Western
African tribal music, although it also incorporates influences from Christian
missionaries, the British military, and American Indians.

Warm Hospitality
Bermudians are generally outgoing and friendly, despite many being
somewhat shy initially. They are known to smile a great deal and are proud
of their use of proper etiquette. It is relatively simple to make friends with
local Bermudians, especially if you share a common interest.

Bermudians enjoy sharing meals with friends and will often invite you out 8.2.2017.
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for a meal after only a short acquaintance. Sharing a meal is the quickest
way to make a new friend, since Bermudians use meal times as a time to
develop relationships.

Family First
The Bermudian family forms the foundation of the social structure. The
family includes a close-knit web of aunts, uncles, cousins and
grandparents. This extended family provides both emotional and financial
support to its members. Friends made on the playground as a toddler quite
often remain friends for life. Both parents are actively involved in child
rearing. In many cases, the father will take on a second or even a third job
so that his family can have the best of everything.

Bermuda has a hierarchical culture. When a Bermudian meets someone,
s/he immediately tries to figure out where that person fits within in the
social hierarchy. When meeting someone, it is polite to address the person
by their honorific, academic or professional title and their surname until
invited to move to a first-name basis. As a member of the Commonwealth,
Bermuda has its share of British titles and honors. Holders of such titles
may or may not use them. When in doubt, the general term "Sir" is a
respectful form of address.

In the workplace, leaders tend to be directive and authoritarian. Decision

making in locally-owned companies is top-down and the highest-ranking
person makes the decisions. In most cases, this is the owner or eldest
family member, since many companies are family owned. Respect and
deference are shown to those in authority.

Personal Relationships
Since they are a group-focused culture, Bermudians subjugate their
desires to achieve what is in the best interest of the group and to maintain
group harmony. Building upon this, in locally-owned companies,
Bermudians see personal relationships as the foundation of business

Bermudians strive to maintain their dignity, honor, and reputation. Since

the family is the underlying basis of the social structure, many companies
are family owned and employ members of the extended family. This is a
culture where nepotism is seen as a strategic business move since it
ensures that the leader is surrounded by people he can trust.

Most Bermudians see time as something fluid that changes to satisfy the
current need. In general, their focus is more on maintaining good and
harmonious relationships. It is common for someone to postpone a task so
they can see to their existing relationships. This often means that
timetables and schedules are not met. Since people rather than timelines
are given first priority, personal relationships flourish and deadlines may
not be met.

At the same time, in British-owned companies, there is a greater

appreciation and understanding of the important of meeting schedules and 8.2.2017.
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They "work to live" so Bermudians try to finish their workday close to the
appointed time so they may enjoy their family and beautiful surroundings.


Bermuda is predominantly a Christian country, although religion is

generally viewed as a private matter. Most people adhere to some form of
Protestantism, although those descended from Portuguese settlers are
often Roman Catholic.

Although Church and State are separated, many holidays follow the
Christian Church calendar.

Role of Women

Women are considered the equal of men according to legislation. They

have attained senior level positions in government as well as in
international hotels and banks. Most women work outside the home and
are afforded respect based upon their qualifications and demonstrated

Bermudian women play an active role in their country; they comprise half
the workforce. Women are employed in important positions in business, the
civil service, and the professions. Although Bermudian law treats both
sexes equally, the most senior decision-making positions generally remain
in the hands of men.

Women dominate employment in education, community services, and retail

and wholesale businesses. There are also many women in the banking
and financial services, but there are few female heads or managers of the
law firms, banks, maritime, or hospitality companies.

Bermudian women appear to have more career success in international

companies than in smaller local concerns. There are many professional
organizations designed to help women move up the career ladder. They
promote the positive power of networking and building strong relationships.

Although men are taking an increasing role in raising their children, for the
most part women retain primary responsibilities for childcare. However,
among those under the age of 35, there is greater acceptance of less
traditional gender roles. Working mothers have access to nurseries, pre-
schools, and approved childcare providers for children up to the age of
four. 8.2.2017.
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The government is planning a National Gender Policy to promote equality

for women.

View of Foreign Women

Bermudians generally accept a foreign businesswoman if she has the
qualifications and credentials for her position. This is not to say that all
businesspeople welcome foreign businesswomen, but if they do not it is a
matter of personal predilection rather than cultural nuance. Some older
senior managers in British-owned companies may not be as receptive
towards businesswomen.

Tips for Businesswomen

Bermudian businesspeople strive to maintain the social order and appear
courteous and unassuming. Although they may understand that some
other cultures are more exuberant, foreign businesswomen should not
appear overly friendly, especially at the first meeting.

Visiting businesswomen will usually be treated with the same respect as

male colleagues.

Bermudians tend to be private people who do not easily discuss personal

matters in business situations. Therefore, it is a good idea not to ask
personal questions or relay too much information about yourself.

Businesswomen should be assertive at meetings without raising their voice

or appearing overbearing.

Establishing Credibility
Although third-party introductions are not as important as in many other
countries, being introduced by someone known to the person with whom
you will be meeting opens the door more easily.

If at all possible, have a higher-ranking person in your company who knows

the people with whom you will be working introduce you when you will be
doing business with a company for the first time. If this is not possible,
have a higher-ranking person in your company to send a letter outlining
your title, responsibilities, and background.

Appearances matter, including dressing well and appearing able to handle

any eventuality. Bermudians respond favorably to people who speak
precisely and use the English language well.

In many companies there remains a tendency to defer to the men on a

team. To avoid this, it is a good idea to arrange with your team to have
certain questions deferred to you or arrange the seating so you are in a
position of authority.

Whenever possible, lead the business discussion when you are part of a
team. Even if all team members are equal, this visible taking charge
enhances your credibility.

If a businesswoman is asked to take the minutes of the meeting, she 8.2.2017.
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should attempt to remain an active participant in the meeting as well to

indicate that she is not the secretary.

View of Foreigners

At one time, tourism was the mainstay of the economy, although in recent
years it has been eclipsed by business travel. Most Bermudians see their
future as linked to foreigners, be they tourists, expatriates, or business
travelers. Nearly 25% of the population comes from other countries, so
business travelers and expatriates should experience little difficulty
assimilating into the local culture.

Locals generally are welcoming to foreigners. Bermudians pride

themselves on their gracious good manners. Reciprocating will stand you
in good stead. Take time to greet people you meet during the day. Since
Bermuda is a small island, there is a strong sense of community. People
are connected through school, neighborhoods or work, so it quickly seems
everyone knows each other.

Cross Culture Tips

The following cultural observations are based on the dimensions in the

ICAM169; Cultural Model. They are designed to help you work and
understand people from other cultural backgrounds.

Please keep in mind that not all people from any given culture act the
same, but in order to describe cultural traits, we had to make
generalizations, which may not apply in some cases. Perhaps the most
important tip we can provide is that when interacting across cultures, you
need to approach every situation with an understanding of the basic tenets
of a given culture and yet remain alert to the specific cultural signals you
receive in each situation and adjust your behavior and expectations

Hierarchical vs. Egalitarian

The defining characteristics of this dimension are:

How society is structured

How power is allocated or earned
Tolerance for social mobility
How organizations are structured and run
The amount of responsibility and control employees are given 8.2.2017.
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Bermuda is hierarchical, so when interacting with people from Bermuda,

you should remember the following tips:

You will need to give clear, explicit directions regarding duties,

deadlines, and decisions.
As a manager, you will be expected to demonstrate an authoritative
leadership style.
Do not expect employees to display individual initiative; they expect
to take direction from the leader.
Be aware that people expect to be treated differently based on their
socio-economic backgrounds or levels in the organization.
Show the appropriate level of deference and respect, through
language and behavior, to the more senior members of society.
Expect to encounter more bureaucracy in organizations and
government agencies.

Formal vs. Informal

The defining characteristics of this dimension are:

The importance of appearance and demeanor as an indicator of

The importance of protocol and etiquette
The appropriate use of titles, surnames and honorifics
The appropriateness of discussing personal matters at work
Appropriate ways of meeting people, building relationships and

Bermuda is a relatively formal culture. Therefore when you interact with

people from Bermuda:

Learn how it is best to address people; dont assume you can use
first names, and find out about appropriate use of surnames, and
honorifics. If you cannot check first, err on the side of formality.
Be careful not to be overly friendly with household staff or
subordinates at first. Being too friendly and informal may confuse
them and introduce ambiguity into the relationship.
As a manager or employer, be aware that accoutrements and the
trappings of status may enhance your credibility. These include
clothes you wear, the car you drive, your demeanor, and where you
Avoid asking personal questions in a social or business setting
unless you have developed a close relationship with someone.
Before using social functions to network, be sure it is appropriate.
Be sure to check with a colleague or local national about rules of
protocol and etiquette about specific circumstances since using
proper etiquette is important.

Fluid vs. Controlled Time

The defining characteristics of this dimension are:

The degree to which people feel that they can control time
The relative importance of relationships vs. schedules 8.2.2017.
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Attitudes towards timekeeping and punctuality

Comfort level with short range vs. longer term planning
The feasibility / appropriateness of assigning set times for social
functions or business meetings to start and finish

Bermuda is a Fluid Time culture. The following tips will give you clues
about how you may best interact with people from Bermuda around time

People regard time, schedules and deadlines as a general

approximation rather than an absolute of when something should be
While exposure to global business has made these cultures aware
that others view time commitments as exact, you may expect
meetings and other events to start at the approximate scheduled
People in Fluid Time cultures will generally put concern for people
ahead of deadlines and schedules.
Social events rarely start at the scheduled time and almost never
have a scheduled ending.
Often, Fluid Time cultures are also highly relationship-oriented; if you
neglect "people needs" and relationship building in favor of keeping a
schedule, you may meet resistance in accomplishing your goals.
People from Controlled Time cultures should not misinterpret
tardiness as being rude. As you learn the local time customs, you will
be less likely to come to social events too early and spend less time
waiting for meetings to begin.
Fluid Time cultures often strive for balance in professional and
personal lives. They may not share the same sense of urgency about
completing business projects, sourcing new business, or personal
career advancement.

External vs. Internal

The defining characteristics of this dimension are:

The degree to which people feel they control their environment and
destiny-or the degree to which they feel their environment and
destiny control them
Openness to change and innovation
The preference for rules and structure
Willingness to take risks
The degree to which organizational practices encourage and reward
initiative and risk taking, and allow failure

Bermuda is an External Control society. When interacting with people from

Bermuda, you should remember the following tips:

People in these societies are typically quite risk averse and the
society is not readily forgiving of failure. 8.2.2017.
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People in this society look for strong, directive leadership.

Management is often paternalistic and care-taking towards
Don't expect changes to be readily embraced and be prepared for
considerable resistance even after youve been able to demonstrate
the value of a proposed change.
While employees and colleagues in Bermuda may show a great deal
of competence, dont be surprised if they dont show much initiative.
When introducing initiatives, be prepared for considerable discussion
and debate and other actions that demonstrate resistance.

Group vs. Individual

The defining characteristics of this dimension are:

The source of an individual's identity and loyalties

The relative importance of the individual versus the group
Whether legal systems will protect the rights of the individual or focus
on the group as a whole
Whether individuals prefer to work alone or be part of a group
Whether work teams operate as a seamless entity or as cooperating
The value of individual contributions vs. teamwork in accomplishing
and rewarding business goals
The roles and responsibilities of individuals to other family members
The appropriate levels of self-assertion and self-promotion within a

Bermuda is a relatively group-oriented society. As you interact with people

from Bermuda, it will be helpful to remember the following tips:

People value their role as a family or team member. They will often
identify themselves first as part of a group, then as an individual.
They may be uncomfortable if too much focus is placed on them
Individuals do not always feel comfortable taking sole credit for
accomplishments, even when credit is primarily due to them. Instead,
be sensitive to the role of the group, as well as the individual.
Promotions will be based on a mixture of group and individual
performance and achievement.
Individuals feel a strong sense of responsibility for family members.
Decision making may require a good deal of consensus building.

Interpersonal vs. Transactional

The defining characteristics of this dimension are:

What constitutes a relationship

What are the expectations
Whether trust is deemed critical to building social or business
What takes precedence in making a business decision: the people
involved or other more objective business criteria 8.2.2017.
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The pace and degree of formalized rituals in building new

The appropriateness of mixing business and pleasure, or
professional and personal lives

Bermuda is an interpersonal, relationship-oriented culture. When you have

business or social interactions with people from Bermuda, you will want to
remember these points:

Relationship building is important and tends to be somewhat formal

and ritualized.
In general, relationship building takes time and attention. In return,
once developed, relationships are long lived.
Expect to be asked personal questions. This is how locals learn more
about you as a person so that they can be learn if the type of person
with whom they want a relationship.
In a business situation, personal relationships, trust and familiarity will
likely take precedence over price and perhaps even efficiency.
Employing or giving favorable treatment to family members and
friends may be good business, and what may be considered to be
"nepotism" in your culture may be openly accepted.
There are expectations that people have of relationship-based
behavior, which may include going out after work to socialize,
entertaining at ones home or even inviting someone for the weekend
and while these may be seen as casual in your culture, they carry an
underlying assumption of friendship.

Direct vs. Indirect

The defining characteristics of this dimension are:

The relative importance of verbal vs. non-verbal communication

The degree of directness or subtlety in the language
The relative importance of contextual versus tactical information in
conveying a message
The need to maintain harmony and dignity when communicating
The degree to which a society uses conciseness and clarity versus
eloquent language when communicating

Bermuda is a relatively indirect communication culture. The following tips

will give you clues about how you might handle communication with
Bermudan colleagues:

Non-verbal gestures enhance the meaning of the spoken word.

Since the entire message is not contained in the words, people need
context and background information to confirm a shared
Verbal eloquence is highly valued.
Take care when making introductions to have a respectful, even
deferential demeanor. 8.2.2017.
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Show you are considering the subject thoroughly when a topic is


Balance vs. Status

The defining characteristics of this dimension are:

The importance and value attached to professional vs. personal

livesHow status and success are defined by a society
The presence or absence of government-sponsored initiatives
relating to family welfare benefits
The source of an individual's identity and self-esteem
Tolerance for blurring the lines between professional and personal

Bermuda is a strong Balance-Motivation culture. When interacting with

people from Bermuda, you should remember the following tips:

Individuals value their personal and family time. Employees will be

reluctant to work late or on weekends if it interferes with familial
commitments or obligations.
Personal identity, status and sense of personal accomplishment are
derived from family, education and pursuits outside of the workplace.
Small talk at business or social functions will cover every aspect of an
individual's life and interests, and not focus exclusively on
professional matters.
Attempts to network, generate business leads, or talk about work at
social functions may not be looked upon favorably.
Family obligations will take precedence over professional loyalties or
advancement. People are reluctant to permanently relocate and
leave family and friends.
Individuals value their personal and family time.

Country Overview

The People

Over 60% of Bermudians are descended from African slaves. There is also
a large minority of British and Americans. The main religions in the country
are represented by the Anglican, Roman Catholic, and African Methodist
Episcopal churches.

The culture is a mixture of British and African heritages. The British

influences predominate in institutions, including the form of government,
educational system and legal framework. The African influence is subtler
and is found in the island's music and dance. 8.2.2017.
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Bermuda is a British Crown Colony. The British monarch appoints the

Governor, who is the head of state.

Noun: Bermudian(s)
Adjective: Bermudian

70,537(July 2016 est.)

Population growth rate:

0.52% (2014 est.)

Ethnic groups:
Black 53.8%, white 31%, mixed 7.5%, other 7.1%, unspecified 0.6% (2010

Protestant 46.2% (includes Anglican 15.8%, African Methodist Episcopal
8.6%, Seventh Day Adventist 6.7, Pentecostal 3.5%, Methodist 2.7%,
Presbyterian 2.0 %, Church of God 1.6%, Baptist 1.2%, Salvation Army
1.1%, Brethren 1.0%, other Protestant 2.0%), Roman Catholic 14.5%,
Jehovah's Witness 1.3%, other Christian 9.1%, Muslim 1%, other 3.9%,
none 17.8%, unspecified 6.2% (2010 est.)

English (official), Portuguese

Source: The World Factbook

Cities & Regions

Bermuda is located east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. It is comprised

of about 181 small coral islands and islets, the seven largest of which are
connected by bridges and causeways. The total land mass is less than 21
square miles.

Bermuda's topography is moderately hilly and low. The shoreline is

composed of bays and inlets, with coral sand beaches lining the shores,
primarily in the south. There are no rivers or surface streams.

Hamilton is the capital of Bermuda. It is a small city with one of the prettiest
ports in the world, located on the "fish hook" of the Great Sound. Front
Street, the main thoroughfare, runs along the harbor and is bordered by
charming pastel-colored, two-story buildings. Par-la-Ville Park is a garden
oasis within the city limits. One of Bermuda's most impressive landmarks,
City Hall, is crowned with a bronze replica of the Sea Venture, shipwrecked
off these uninhabited islands in 1609, and is home to the Bermuda National
Gallery. 8.2.2017.
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Country name:

Conventional long form: None

Conventional short form: Bermuda
Former: Somers Islands

Government type:

Parliamentary democracy (Parliament); self-governing overseas territory of

the UK


None (overseas territory of the UK)

Legal system:
English common law

Source: The World Factbook

More Government Information

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members in Bermuda
An online directory of leaders updated weekly by the Central Intelligence

Background Note: Bermuda
An overview of government and political conditions published by the U.S.
Department of State.

Links to Government Web Sites
A comprehensive directory of Bermudan government web sites.


Bermudian dollar (BMD)

Economy - overview: 8.2.2017.
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Tourism accounts for about 5% of Bermuda's GDP, but a much larger

share of employment. Over 80% of its visitors come from the US. The
sector struggled in the wake of the global recession of 2008-09.
International business, which consists primarily of reinsurance and other
financial services, is the real bedrock of Bermuda's economy, consistently
accounting for about 85% of the island's GDP. Even this sector, however,
has lost roughly 5,000 high-paying expatriate jobs since 2008, weighing
heavily on household consumption and retail sales. Bermuda must import
almost everything. Agriculture and industry are limited due to the small size
of the island.

Bermuda's economy entered its seventh straight year of recession in 2015.

Unemployment is 9%, public debt is growing and exceeds $2.3 billion, the
government pension fund faces a $2.4 billion shortfall, and the economy
has not attracted significant amounts of new foreign investment. Bermuda's
FY 2015-16 budget projects a 12% larger deficit than FY14/15. The
government announced it would borrow $125 million in 2015 to meet
current operating expenses. Still, Bermuda enjoys the fourth highest per
capita income in the world, about 70% higher than that of the US.

International business, tourism, light manufacturing

Exports - partners:
US 14.4%, Iceland 13.7%, Spain 6.8%, UK 5.8%, Mauritius 5.6% (2015)

Source: The World Factbook

More Economic Information

Bermudan Monetary Authority
Information from the Monetary Authority.

Geography & Climate

North America, group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, east of South
Carolina (US)

Total: 54 sq km
Land: 54 sq km
Water: 0 sq km

Land boundaries:
0 km 8.2.2017.
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103 km

Subtropical; mild, humid; gales, strong winds common in winter

Low hills separated by fertile depressions

Elevation extremes:
Lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 m
Highest point: Town Hill 76 m

Natural hazards:
Hurricanes (June to November)

Environment - current issues:

Sustainable development

Geography - note:
Consists of about 138 coral islands and islets with ample rainfall, but no
rivers or freshwater lakes; some land was leased by the US Government
from 1941 to 1995

Source: The World Factbook

History Overview

Spaniard Juan de Bermudez sighted the islands in 1503, but did not
lay claim to them.
Sir George Somers first settled the islands in 1609. The Virginia
Company attempted to colonize the islands to get away from the
hostile local Indians near Jamestown. Sixty settlers were sent in 1612
to set up a permanent colony. They discovered the land was not
arable and most supplies continued to be imported from the
Slaves were introduced to the country in 1616. Most came from West
Africa, although some were American Indians.
Bermuda has been a self-governing British colony since 1684. The
tourist industry began in the Victorian era and has flourished ever
Slavery was abolished in 1834. At that time, over half the population
were listed in the latest census as Black or colored.
During the War of 1812, the British Navy used Bermuda as a base to
attack Washington, DC. The USA responded by confiscating
unprotected cargo of Bermuda's merchant fleet, which devastated the
local economy.
Race riots in the 1970s led to laws banning discrimination and a
movement to seek independence from the UK. However, in a 1995 8.2.2017.
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referendum, independence was only voted on by one-third of the

In May 2002, British citizenship was granted to Bermudians.
In 2004, the issue of independence again came to the forefront.
In response to concerns about foreign money laundering, the UK
began a review of the financial industry in its overseas territories in
November 2008. The government called the action an insult. In June
2009, Bermuda was added to the OECDs "white list" of countries
because it complied with internationally agreed tax standards.
Premier Brown resigned in September 2010 and was replaced by
Paula Cox.
The One Bermuda Alliance was formed in May 2011 when the United
Bermuda Party and the Bermuda Democratic Alliance merged. In
December 2012, the new party won the election. Premier Craig
Cannonier promised to improve living standards.

We recommend this resource for historical information

History of Bermuda in Old and New Worlds from 1500
A historical account supported by The Royal Gazette, Bermuda's daily

Country Information


Public Holidays

Social Etiquette

Meeting People

Bermudians are warm and friendly people who look you in the eye and
smile when shaking hands. Women may greet each other with a warm
embrace. The most common phrase used when meeting someone is,
"Hello. How are you?" Unlike many other cultures, this is not a rhetorical 8.2.2017.
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question. Bermudians will listen to a lengthy response. Do not rush through

the social pleasantries or you risk offending the other person.

Bermudians generally use first names, even at the initial meeting. If in

doubt as to the correct protocol, use the same name that was used for the

At a party or other large gathering, you may introduce yourself without

waiting for your host to do so.

Gift Giving

In general, Bermudians give gifts for birthdays and Christmas. Gifts need
not be expensive. Bermudians are pleased to receive the smallest gift as it
indicates friendship.

Here are some general gift giving guidelines (but also check to be sure
they are permitted under company policy):

Gift giving is not an elaborate event.

When invited to someones home for dinner, bring flowers,
chocolates, or wine to the hosts.
A gift for the children will be appreciated.
Gifts are opened when received.


How Bermudians Entertain

Bermudians enjoy entertaining and are quite casual about it. They may
invite you to their house for a meal or cocktails after a brief acquaintance.
Much entertaining takes place over barbecues or on the beach rather than
in restaurants. Except for formal events, most invitations are extended

If you are invited to a Bermudian's house:

Arrive on time if invited to dinner, and no more than 15 minutes late if

invited to a barbecue or a large party.
Contact the hostess ahead of time to see if she would like you to
bring a dish.
Offer to help the hostess with the preparation or clearing up after a
meal is served.
A thank you note is not expected, but a telephone call the next day to
thank the host and hostess for their hospitality is a nice gesture. 8.2.2017.
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Table Manners
Bermudian's casual attitudes are reflected in their relaxed table manners.
The more formal the occasion, the stricter the protocol. When in doubt,
watch what others are doing and emulate their behavior.

Keep your elbows off the table and your hands above the table when
Do not begin eating until the hostess starts.
The host offers the first toast.
The guest of honor is the first to leave.

Dining Out
Tipping is customary. Some restaurants automatically add a 15% tip on the
bill, so check carefully before adding something. If the tip is not included in
the bill, 15% is expected. Many restaurants will total the credit card slip for

Some restaurants are called "BYO" (bring-your-own). They allow patrons to

bring their own alcoholic beverages and charge a minimal amount for
"corkage". It is best to call in advance to find out the policy of the

Many restaurants have a dress code in the evenings. This information is

generally listed in the telephone book.

If invited to a meal at a restaurant, the person extending the invitation

usually pays. Do not argue about the check; simply reciprocate at a later
time. Splitting the bill among friends is frequently done. If so, the bill is
usually divided up equally.

The following tipping hints are guidelines. You can find more explicit
information on restaurant tipping in the Dining Out section above.

Restaurants: 1015%
Porters: $1 per bag
Taxis: 10%

Approach to Time

Most Bermudians see time as something fluid that changes to satisfy the
current need. Bermudians do not expect guests to arrive on time for meals,
although they are more punctual when meeting in restaurants since
reservations have usually been made. They "work to live" so Bermudians
try to finish their workday close to the appointed time so they may enjoy
their family and beautiful surroundings. 8.2.2017.
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Conversation Topics

Bermudians are wonderful conversationalists who can converse on a wide

range of topics. They enjoy discussing their leisure pursuits, travel, the
weather, and the local economy. It is best to avoid raising controversial
subjects unless you know the person well. Obvious topics to avoid are local
politics and religion.

Other Situations

Bermudians display respect and deference towards women:

They stand when a woman enters the room.

They give their seats to women on buses.
They open doors for women.

Bermudians are informal and often visit friends without an appointment.

Nonetheless, it is polite to telephone before dropping in uninvited. The one
exception is New Years Day when friends often visit each other without

It is customary to greet strangers on the street and shopkeepers. It is

considered polite to greet someone before asking a question or for
directions. It is important to greet a bartender before ordering a drink.

Faux Pas

Keep in mind the following behavior while in Bermuda:

If there is a queue, go to the end and wait your turn. Cutting in is

considered rude.
Bermudians are sensitive to being compared to the Bahamas. They
do not consider themselves to be part of the Caribbean and dislike
being referred to as if they were.


Communication Essentials 8.2.2017.
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There are two somewhat divergent communication styles in Bermuda,

generally depending upon the type of company. Companies that are owned
or operated by British groups have a British-style communication pattern,
including an indirect communication style that relies on understatement
and humor to get the point across. Locally-owned companies tend to be
more relationship-based and a great deal of initial communication involves
developing a personal relationship and trust.

For the most part, Bermudans are concerned with finessing what is being
said so that information is delivered in a sensitive way. In many cases, the
level of relationship between the speakers determines the level of
directness. For newly established and more formal relationships, a great
deal of emphasis will be placed on diplomacy. Once a relationship has
passed through the initial phases, people feel more comfortable speaking

Since tradition is valued, it is a good idea to provide a bit of historical

background or context when introducing new information. Bermudians do
not need a tremendous amount of background information to feel
comfortable proceeding with a transaction, but they do require some and
may ask questions until they are comfortable and can proceed
satisfactorily. Body language, body posture and tonal delivery are
important enhancements to the verbal message, adding emphasis or
additional meaning to the words.

Bermudians tend to be friendly and courteous and expect the same of

others. It is considered extremely rude to begin speaking with someone
without asking how they are.

Key Phrases
Commonly used business expressions

Diary: Calendar, appointment book

Table a topic: Put it on the table for discussion
Brackets: Parentheses
Hash sign: Pound sign
Rubber: Eraser
Take a decision: Make a decision

Using Translators
Take care in selecting a translator and develop an early understanding of
what you expect--specifically, the translation must be exact, rather than
what the translator thinks each party wants to hear.

To be on the safe side you may want to meet with the translator prior to
your appointments so that the person learns your accent and can be
exposed to any technical or non-familiar terms that may be used.
Developing a thorough relationship with your translator enables them to
argue your points with a level of confidence they might not otherwise have.
Have your translator explain to you the most elementary of basic
courtesies. 8.2.2017.
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Non-Verbal Language

Bermudians tend to stand further away than people from Latin or Arab
cultures when conversing. They do not usually touch when speaking, such
as a touch on the arm or a hand on the shoulder--especially if they do not
know you.

They prefer to avoid confrontation and conflict by displaying gracious good


Mail & Telephone

Written communication follows strict rules of protocol. Letters should be
addressed using the persons title and their surname. First names are
generally not used in written communication unless you know the person

It is a good idea to start a letter with a friendly opening sentence before

getting down to the topic. The way you close a letter depends upon how
well you know the recipient. The most common ending for a business letter
to someone with whom you do not have a personal relationship is Yours
faithfully or Yours sincerely. If you know the person well, you might close
the letter with Kind regards.

Email is widespread, although the communication style remains more

formal than in many other countries. Bermudians do not use slang or
abbreviations and will think negatively if your communication appears
overly familiar.

There is a tendency for workers under the age of 30 to treat email as more
informal means of communication. Nonetheless, it is best to consider any
information conveyed in writing as a formal representation of you and your
professional image.

In general, any form of written communication should be relatively formal

and avoid idioms, slang, and jokes. Recipients often forward emails to
others. Therefore, it is a good business practice not to write anything that
could be misconstrued if read by someone else.

Although younger workers may move to first names relatively quickly, in
general Bermuda remains a somewhat formal culture. Addressing
someone by their title and surname is considered polite.

Voicemail is extremely common. When leaving a message, be sure to 8.2.2017.
PrintView Page 21 of 37

speak slowly and distinctly and leave your contact details.

Conference calls are quite common and can facilitate discussions with
people from various offices or locations. As with other forms of
communication, avoid emotionality and conduct yourself in a professional



Handouts may be given at any stage of the presentation.

Should provide additional details, background data, or charts and
data to substantiate what is presented.

Presentation Slides/Power Point

Presentation materials should be spell-checked for British spelling.

Typos, grammatical errors, or spelling mistakes indicate lack of
attention to detail.
Keep A/V slides simple and easy to read.
Visual aids may include the latest bells and whistles, especially when
presenting to international companies.
To emphasize a point, intersperse charts and graphs with written
Use diagrams and pictures when possible rather than words.
Slides should be an outline; not the presentation.


You may ask the audience to turn off their mobile phones.
Many believe that interrupting the speaker is impolite. This may be
less pronounced with workers under the age of 35.


Make eye contact with your audience; do not focus entirely on one
Relay information in a subdued manner.
Keep facial expressions to a minimum and avoid using excessive
hand gestures.
Strive to appear cool, calm, and collected; this is the image of the
consummate professional.
Avoid using hyperbole, exaggeration or self-promotion.
Avoid phrases that imply you have an emotional tie to the information
being conveyed. "I think" or "I believe" is preferable to "I feel".
Use proper grammar, pronouncing words clearly and distinctly.
Minimize slang or jargon, since they may not be readily understood.
Double negatives, while understood, are considered poor grammar
and should be avoided. 8.2.2017.
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Use common sense arguments.

Moderate expressive hand gestures if possible.

Opening the Presentation

Welcome the audience.

Introduce yourself.
Begin with an overview or agenda.
Then provide the business advantage of what you are about to
discuss and a "big picture" overview.

Body of the Presentation

Presentation styles vary by organizational culture; more traditional

companies may prefer more formality than newer or high-tech
Presentations should be well-organized, succinct and to the point.
When presenting a new concept, provide some brief historical
Provide supporting documentation including facts and figures.
Demonstrate how your idea has worked in the past.
Emphasize details and explain the practical implications of your
Explain how the recommended solution solves an existing problem.
You may compare your companys product to the competition. Do not
denigrate your competitors.
Present potential drawbacks of not adopting the

Closing the Presentation

You may present a summary at the end of the presentation, although

it is not required.
It is better to provide the next steps than repeat the main points.
End with something for the audience to think about or consider.
Thank the audience.
Leave time for a Q&A session at the end of your presentation.


In Bermuda, dates are generally written in the month, day and year format
with slashes between each number. If the day or month is less than 10,
including leading zeroes is optional. The year may be written with two or
four digits. Example: July 9, 2011 could be written 07/09/2011 or 7/9/11. 8.2.2017.
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To ensure there is no confusion, you may want to spell out the name of the
month. This leaves no ambiguity as to what is the day and what is the

The 24-hour clock is a timekeeping convention where the time of a day is
the number of hours since midnight. The 12-hour clock divides the day into
two periods (midnight to noon and noon to midnight), each with 12 hours.
Thus, 2 o'clock in the afternoon would be 14:00 in the 24-hour clock.

Bermudans generally communicate in writing using the 24-hour clock,

although they use the 12-hour clock when speaking.


Business Protocol

Meeting & Greeting

Shake hands upon arrival and when leaving.

Handshakes are firm and friendly.
Wait for a woman to offer her hand.
Maintain eye contact during the greeting.
When introducing your team, do so in descending rank order rank.
Use academic titles with surnames.
As a member of the Commonwealth, Bermuda has its share of British
titles and honors. Holders of such titles may or may not use them.
When in doubt, the general term "Sir" is a respectful form of address.
If someone does not have an academic title, use the honorifics Mr. or
Mrs. with the surname is used.
Wait until invited before moving to a first-name basis.

Business Cards

Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual.

Have your rank and area of specialty clearly indicated on your
business card.
The business card may be put away with only a cursory glance.
In some cases high-ranking managers may not give a business card
to someone of a lower rank, even after being given one by that
person. 8.2.2017.
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Business Attire

The way a businessperson dresses conveys their professional image and

their respect for the people with whom they conduct business. As such,
what we report is the conservative approach to business attire for a
country. Appropriate attire varies within countries based on location, event,
and individual organization culture. Some industries and companies may
have less stringent requirements. Before embarking on an international
trip, it is generally a good idea to check with the local office to determine
what the appropriate dress code is in a specific location.

Business dress is conservative and understated.

Men wear dark-colored lightweight business suits to the first meeting.
Many companies have a business casual dress code; however, it is
best to err on the side of formality for the initial meeting or when
meeting with government officials.
Men may wear dress Bermuda shorts, jacket, tie and proper knee
Women should wear a conservative suit or a dress.


Here are some general gift giving guidelines (but also check to be sure
they comply with company policy):

Gift giving is not part of the business culture.

If you choose to give a gift, it should be small and tasteful.
Good gifts include desk accessories, a paperweight with your
company logo, or a desk diary.
Inviting someone out for a meal may be viewed as a gift.

Business Entertaining

Business lunches are quite common and business is often discussed.

Wait for your host to initiate the conversation.
Business dinners are more socially oriented and are used to develop
the personal relationship.
Even when the entertaining appears entirely social, your Bermudian
colleagues will watch how you handle yourself and make
assessments about your business capabilities based on your
If invited out for a drink with colleagues, accept the invitation. 8.2.2017.
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The person who extends the invitation generally pays.

If you wish to host a meal, make payment arrangements in advance.

Business Hours

Banks: 9:00am4:30pm Monday to Friday

Offices and Government: 8:00am5:00pm Monday to Friday
Post Offices: 8:00am5:00pm Monday to Friday; 8:00amnoon
Stores/Shops: 9:00am5:00pm Monday to Saturday
Supermarkets: 8:00am10:00pm Monday to Saturday; 1:00pm
5:00pm Sunday

Business Meetings

Meeting Essentials

Structure: British-owned or operated companies

will work from an agenda. Locally-owned
companies may or not, depending upon the
personal preference of the person hosting the
Role of Leader: Leaders are strong in Bermuda.
They set the agenda if one is used, determine the pace of the
meeting, and assign next steps as appropriate.
Purpose: Generally to communicate information or decisions that
have already been made.
Who attends: Employees impacted by the decision. They may be
from many levels within the organization.
Who participates/speaks: Employees may be called on to corroborate
or clarify facts and statistics, but will not usually be asked to

Punctuality is expected at meeting. Arriving a few minutes early gives a

good impression.

Meetings are often held at restaurants. Meetings that are held in the office
may be extended over a business meal. This is an essential part of building
a level of trust that is pivotal to the personal relationship that helps facilitate
business dealings, especially with locally-owned companies.

Meetings are somewhat formal, especially with British-owned companies.

The meeting starts with friendly, yet formal greetings, and with 8.2.2017.
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introductions based upon rank and position. The most senior person is
introduced first and then in descending order of position.

Scheduling Meetings

Appointments are necessary and easy to schedule. They should be made

3 to 4 weeks in advance if traveling from abroad. It is a good idea to
confirm the meeting, either by telephone or in writing, a few days in

It is often difficult to schedule meetings over the two-week Christmas


Arrive at meetings on time. Bermudians who are accustomed to doing

business with international companies strive to arrive punctually, although
if they are in the middle of a discussion with someone else, they will not
rush the other person.


Bermudian firms are accustomed to working according to an agenda.

It is advisable to reach an agreement in regards to the agenda prior
to the meeting.
If you want to include items on the agenda, send them in advance of
the meeting.
In British-owned companies, agendas are generally followed item-by-
In locally-owned companies, agendas may serve as a broad
guideline of what is to be discussed.

Conducting Meetings

Bermudians have an interesting mix of communication styles incorporating

British understatement with directness. Businesspeople who work for
British-owned or operated companies rely upon the formal use of
established protocol. They do not use effusive language and have a
tendency to qualify their statements with "perhaps" or "it could be".

Bermudians will politely tell you what they think, even if they disagree with
what you have said.

When communicating with people they see as equal in status, Bermudians 8.2.2017.
PrintView Page 27 of 37

are direct, but modest. If communicating with someone they know well,
their style may be more informal, although they will still be reserved.

Management Styles


Bermudians do not need long-standing personal relationships in order to

conduct business. It is not necessary to use an intermediary to make
business introductions. At the same time, networking and relationship
building are often keys to long-term business success.

If you are dealing with a British-owned or operated company, you may be

able to conduct business without developing a personal relationship.
Display good manners and show respect and deference to those in

When dealing with smaller or locally-owned companies, the relationship-

building process is crucial. Many businesspeople will want to get to know
you before doing business. Do not give the impression that you are there to
show them how to do it properly. Local businesspeople are proud of their
accomplishments, and do not appreciate outsiders coming in and telling
them how to run their business.

While Bermudians are warm and friendly, they maintain a British reserve
until they get to know someone. Do not appear overly familiar. Since
Bermudians enjoy socializing and showing colleagues the wonders of their
island home, there will be ample opportunity to build the relationship once
the workday ends. Socializing is an important part of developing a
relationship; do not turn down the opportunity to have a drink after work.

Rank is respected in Bermuda and businesspeople prefer to deal with

people on their level. Demonstrate deference to those in authority. If you
are young, it is important to convey your technical expertise to your
Bermudian colleagues, without bragging or seeming too impressed with
your accomplishments.

Since the business community is relatively small, your behavior will quickly
become known is you are rude or arrogant.

Management Essentials 8.2.2017.
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If you were to think about the most important cultural attributes that you will
see operating in business in Bermuda, they would be:

Hierarchical structures
Interpersonal relationships
Direct communication
Fluid time

Despite the casual, almost laid-back atmosphere, Bermuda is the largest

British colony and the business community adheres to many British
protocols. Therefore, it is best to treat businesspeople with respect and

Avoid hard sell tactics and do not take Bermudians relaxed attitudes as
indicative of a lack of attention to detail. Communicate directly without
using hyperbole or superlatives.

Risk Tolerance

Bermuda has a medium tolerance for change and risk. In locally-owned

organizations, changes are made slowly and require considerable thought
and analysis. The fact that something is new is not sufficient reason to
adopt it.

When presenting your business case, include background data, case

studies and testimonials that delineate the benefits of your

Employees, under the age of 40 may have a high tolerance for risk than
those older than 40. With younger employees, it would be considered poor
management to resist change unnecessarily.

Schedules & Deadlines

Bermuda is a fluid time culture where the focus is more on maintaining

good and harmonious relationships. Bermudians will not upset someone
else merely to force strict adherence to a deadline.

At the same time, in British-owned companies, there is a greater

appreciation and understanding of the important of meeting schedules and

Since there is a strong collective nature in the culture, you can explain how
missing the deadline could negatively impact others in the organization. 8.2.2017.
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Decision Making

Company Structure
Companies tend to be hierarchical, although especially in locally-owned
companies, gaining consensus is equally important.

Managing Employees
Managers are expected to be authoritative without being authoritarian.
They should provide clear instructions to subordinates and then give them
free rein to determine the optimal method of achievement.

Bermudian managers praise employees, although seldom in public.

Subordinates expect their efforts to be recognized and rewarded. Many
Bermudians are suspicious if praise is excessive or undeserved.

Decision Making
Although many businesses retain hierarchical structures, decisions are
often made after reaching a consensus among the key stakeholders.

Team Focus

Teamwork is becoming increasingly important in many Bermudian

organizations since it is understood that the best ideas and solutions often
come from having many people meet to discuss an issue. Employees
generally collaborate well together in teams. Cross-functional teams are
frequently set up to solve specific problems.

Team members are chosen for their skills and knowledge. Everyone on the
team is expected to contribute to discussions. Members are valued for their
contribution and are treated with respect.

Individual team members accept personal accountability for their aspects

of the work performed.

Praise should be given to the entire group as well as to individual



Although business law is based on the British model, business

arrangements with small firms require a high level of personal interaction
and trust. 8.2.2017.
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Avoid high-pressure sales tactics, hyperbole or other behaviors that could

be considered extremes. Try not to show emotion; it weakens your case.

Bermudians are quite direct and expect negotiating to progress in a

straightforward manner. They appreciate brevity and are not impressed by
excessive detail.

British-owned or operated companies may negotiate more quickly than

locally-owned companies, where relationship-building must take place first.

Bargaining is not customary. Bermudians will expect your initial proposal to

have only a small margin for negotiation.

Moving There

Advice and Tips for Moving

Customs Regulations

Entry Requirements

Getting Around

Getting There

Safety & Security

Emergency Numbers 8.2.2017.
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Emergency Telephone Numbers

To reach emergency services from a local telephone, dial: 911

Emergency Numbers

Emergency Telephone Numbers

To reach emergency services from a local telephone, dial: 911

Safety Precautions

Today, we think of political situations as causing safety concerns, but

ordinary crime, weather and geographic problems also pose risks. The
wise traveler is cautious about hurricanes and earthquakes along with hotel
fires, pickpockets and spontaneous political demonstrations. Terrorist
attacks and kidnappings have simply brought all security concerns to our
awareness. With the exception of the emergency telephone numbers, this
information is compiled for travelers in general and will apply in varying
degrees to your destination and personal situation.

Before You Go

Take time to get all of your financial and personal records in order,
including preparing a will.
Talk with a trusted family member or friend about what types of
emergencies might arise in your absence, and what to do in those
Think about the small (and large) disasters that could occur at home
during your absence and be sure there is someone prepared to assist
Make copies of all of your travel documents (including detailed
itinerary with contact numbers) and be sure two people have easy
access to them.
Do the same with crucial health documentation.
Be sure someone knows where you will be and how to contact you in
emergencies at all times.
Find out the services your company offers to you in case of
emergency; obtain and make several copies of important emergency
company contact numbers to keep and give to all members of your
family who might need them.
Be sure you have enough of your prescription medication so you are
all right if you cannot get a refill right away; take an extra pair of
glasses if you wear them.

So many variables go into being safe, and many of them revolve around
understanding the specifics of where you are. Be sure to learn details of 8.2.2017.
PrintView Page 32 of 37

your location -- how to dress, where you can go and where to avoid, how to
act in public, how to carry yourself, and who to be watchful of.

Seek information from cultural experts and local nationals whom you have
confidence in. When in comes to your safety, dont be afraid to ask.

Hotel Safety

Know how to call for help AND what to say.

Do not display your guest room key unnecessarily.
Lock your door and do not answer it until you feel comfortable that
you know who it is.
Dont let strangers into your room.
Use the room safe or hotel safe deposit box.
Hide personal documents, valuables and other important items.
(Remember to safeguard your passport.)
Read the fire safety information and know what you would do if you
need to evacuate. Know exactly where the nearest fire exits are.
In the event that you might need to leave your room quickly, keep
your room key, your glasses (if necessary), a pair of shoes and some
money by your bedside.
Travel with a flashlight.
Women traveling alone will have different issues depending upon the
mors of the society youre visiting.
As a rule, be extremely cautious and circumspect.
Find out all the gender-based restrictions and abide by them.
Use a hotel known for its security and be sure that whatever
type of transportation you use, it is reliable and safe.
Ask hotel concierge or front desk manager to assist you
whenever you have questions about your safety. (They will also
arrange for you to have help, if you wish walking you to your
room very late at night or escorting you from a parking lot to the
hotel lobby).

The following websites offer specific advice for women:

Travel Tips for Women

Best Women's Travel Tips
Her Own Way: A Woman's Safe Travel Tips
Tips for Solo Women Travelers Women Travelers

Travel Tips

Crowded Situations

When youre in crowded places, be very careful to guard your

property at all times.
Carry as few valuable items with you as possible when you know
youre going to a crowded area. For example, expensive cameras,
PDAs and cash are easy targets.
Watch out for pickpockets who will try to distract you in many different
ways while taking your money. Even groups of children can be 8.2.2017.
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working together to divert your attention while one will steal your

Safety in Your New Home City

Learn about your host country and culture. This is not only wise for
business and social purposes, but is extremely important so you can
understand what may be offensive or negligent behavior.
The more you know about your location, the safer youll be; certainly
understand written and unwritten laws and codes of conduct.
Use your Embassy. These people are here to help you.
Embassies Around the World
Even if you are living in a relatively safe country, always be sure that
close family or friends have accurate contact information so they can
find you quickly.
For helpful information: Helpful Tips
If you are living in a high-risk location, your company should have
guidelines for your safety. Be sure you have 24-hour hotline numbers
and appropriate contacts who can assist you.
No matter where you livehigh risk or low risk countriestodays
world is volatile, and you never know when a potentially dangerous
situation can develop. Keep informednot only with your countrys
published data and warnings, but by identifying sources of local
news, reading local papers and telling your local friends to keep you


In an emergency that requires help by your government, such as a

lost passport or the need for money because yours has been stolen,
contact: Embassies Around the World
Make sure you know the name of the firm your company has selected
for medical emergencies and evacuation services. International SOS
provides emergency medical and evacuation services for individuals
and companies. You might want to contact: International SOS to see
if you qualify for some of their services.

Security Issues

Security is not simply a state-of-mind, nor is it a stroke of luck. Keeping

yourself and your family safe anywhere you gowhether it is an extended
trip within hours of your home or a long-term assignment halfway around
the worldrequires planning and active follow-through.

Clearly the length of time you spend and the geographic and political
profile of the countries youre living in--or traveling to--will make a
difference in your level of preparedness. Nonetheless, practicing common
sense based upon knowledge of your location will help you. Dont
underplay the importance of understanding what is culturally
appropriateit may help you avoid some difficult situations. With the 8.2.2017.
PrintView Page 34 of 37

exception of the emergency telephone numbers, this information is

compiled for travelers in general and will apply in varying degrees to your
destination and personal situation. Always check to see what services your
company may offer to you.


In an emergency that requires help by your government, such as a

lost passport or the need for money because yours has been stolen,
contact: Embassies Around the World
Make sure you know the name of the firm your company has selected
for medical emergencies and evacuation services. International SOS
provides emergency medical and evacuation services for individuals
and companies. You might want to contact: International SOS to see
if you qualify for some of their services.

Prepare For Your Destination

Read about security and safety issues in the countries youll be

traveling to or living in.
For the most current, up-dated information, we recommend the
following government sites as quite comprehensive and easy-to-
Australian Travel Advisories
Canadian Travel Advisories
UK Travel Advice
US Travel Warnings
Read about other precautions you should take for weather- and
geographic-related concerns. For example, keep enough cash on
hand so you will be all right if there are power failures and ATM
machines dont work.
Be sure you know how to contact (and get to) your countrys
Embassy and Consulate wherever you are travelingyou need the
location details, phone and hours of operation. Embassies Around
the World
See if there are any health-related issues in the countries to which
youre traveling. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has in-
depth information regarding all regions of the world.

Be sure you know how to call for help in an emergency. You may need to
reach the police, fire and other emergency personnel. Be sure you know
the words to use in the local language.

En Route

Protect your passport; it is one of the most valuable items you

possess--so protect it as you would cash, credit cards and other
valuables. If it is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the nearest
appropriate Embassy or consulate.
Avoid calling attention to yourself by wearing fancy jewelry or carrying
other expensive items. 8.2.2017.
PrintView Page 35 of 37

Whenever possible carry valuables and important prescription

medications in your carry-on luggage; do not pack valuables in your
checked luggage.
Do not leave laptops, computer bags or other luggage unattended at
any time.
Be able to answer questions about your luggage and be able to open
all suitcases and packages immediately, if asked.
Use your business address on your luggage tags, if possible.
Be sure to respond completely to requests by security officials and
avoid comments about security that could be misinterpreted.
When youre on the plane or train, read safety literature and be sure
you know where emergency exits are located.
For general information when you are en route, the U.S. State Dept.
offers a wide-range of information to travelers of all nationalities:

Moving Around Safely

Always remain alert.

Avoid disturbances and loud arguments. When they occur, quickly
walk the other way.
Dress conservatively. Your interpretation of this guideline needs to be
based on local practices and customs. Attire you may think is
perfectly acceptable, may not be so youll be well served to learn
what is appropriate. Otherwise, you could run the risk of being
misinterpreted and perhaps becoming a target if your clothing is
provocative or offensive.
Ostentatious jewelry will also draw attention to you.
Learn about transportation in your locationwhats safe and what
can be problematic and when. Trains, subways, buses, independent
taxi cabs may pose specific problems. Find out before you go if it is
preferable to hire a private driver and car. Contact your Embassy for
detailed information.
You should also ask your company about specific transportation
guidelines theyve established for your safety.
Avoid areas where you can become a victim of crime, such as poorly-
lit streets, alleys, and deserted train stations.
If you drive, keep your doors locked and windows closed, and never
pick up hitchhikers.
Be wary when you are alone in lifts. Get off if someone suspicious
gets on.
If you find yourself alone in a train car or compartment after everyone
else leaves, you may feel safer moving to an occupied car. Identify
the location of the emergency alarm system.
Experts say that if someone does attack you, give them your
valuablesmoney and passportand do not fight back.
Be sure to know enough of the language to call for help. Consider
marking and tagging the pages of a phrase book with these types of
important phrases.
Even when you have a mobile phone, learn to use the local pay
phones and keep change with you.

Know Where Youre Going 8.2.2017.
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Ask people in the hotel what areas you should avoid.

When you have a specific location youre going to, ask colleagues or
people who work in the hotel if there are things you should know
about that area.
If you cannot speak the local language, carry the card of your hotel or
your address with you at all times--as well as your destination
Make others aware of your specific whereabouts, even when youre
going to business appointments.

*Sources: U.S. Transportation Security Administration

Settling In


Arrival Procedures


Family Corner

Health and Safety 8.2.2017.
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Money and Banking 8.2.2017.

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