Russian Socialist Federated Republic V CIBRARIO
Russian Socialist Federated Republic V CIBRARIO
Russian Socialist Federated Republic V CIBRARIO
The new evidence submitted on the appeal consisted In view of its determination that the judgment was
of two letters from the Foreign Office. The first of correct when rendered, the Court of Appeal allowed
these, dated April 20, 1921, was written in reply to a respondents the costs of the action, and gave to
request from appellants' solicitors for "a Certificate to appellant the costs of the appeal only. In this case not
the Court of Appeal that the Government of the only was the rule recognized that official recognition is
Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic is recognized the sole test of the existence of a foreign
by H.M. Government as the de facto Government of government, de facto or de jure, but, as well, that the
Russia," and stated, on behalf of Earl Curzon of fact of such recognition is to be ascertained from the
Kedleston: "I am to inform you that H.M. Government appropriate governmental authority, and that, if at any
recognizes the Soviet Government as the de time such authority advises the court of a change in
facto Government of Russia." As appears from the the status of a foreign government, the court must act
opinions, it was the trade agreement made on March on that information.
16, 1921, between the government of the United
Kingdom and the government of the Russian Socialist Whenever the question has been raised in this State, it
Federal Soviet Republic which constituted this has been held that the test of the right of a foreign
recognition, and which had been executed on behalf of sovereignty to sue in our courts is its recognition by
the latter party thereto by M. Krassin, who had sold the our own government. Thus in Republic of Mexico v. De
goods in question to the defendant in the action. Arangoiz (5 Duer, 634) the court held that a republic,
recognized as such by our own government, is an
The Court of Appeal held that Mr. Justice ROCHE had independent sovereign power, and, therefore, a State
correctly decided the case upon the evidence which possessing rights which the law defines and may
was before him, but upon the new evidence as to the enforce, having the competency to enforce its rights in
later recognition of the Soviet government, of which a court of justice; and that to deny the right to sue in
the court was bound to take notice, the judgment must our courts to a foreign State, acknowledged as such by
be reversed. This was based on the ground that the our own government and with whom we are at peace,
official recognition by the English government must be would be a grave subject of remonstrance and
complaint and might even be deemed a just cause of the plaintiff government of Yucatan, such as the
war. In its opinion the court said (at p. 637): "We are bringing of the action, were ratified.
satisfied, that to deny any foreign State, whose
independence and sovereignty as such are In Waldes v. Basch ( 109 Misc. Rep. 306; affd., 191
acknowledged by our own government, and with App. Div. 904), it was said (at p. 309): "It is the rule in
whom we are at peace, the right to prosecute its just this country that recognition either of belligerency and
claims in a court of justice, when it is only by the aid independence is a political act which must be
that the court is required to give, that its claims can be exercised by the political branches of government, the
enforced, would be something more than a breach of executive and legislative. It is still a disputed question
national comity, and even something more than a whether it is exclusively executive or whether
violation, if not of the terms, of the spirit of our Federal recognition requires the action of both the executive
Constitution. As an arbitrary denial of justice, it would and legislative branches of the government. The act of
furnish a very grave subject of remonstrance and Congress appropriating moneys for the establishment
complaint, and in the opinion of Lord REDESDALE, of a foreign mission to Czecho-Slovakia and the
might even be deemed a just cause of war." President's proclamation of recognition of that
government as a separate and independent State give
In Republic of Honduras v. Soto ( 112 N.Y. 310) the both of the sanctions which are recognized as
court said (at p. 311): "It is urged by the plaintiff that it necessary political acts for the erection of a new
is neither a person nor a foreign corporation within the sovereignty, and grants an equality to the new State
meaning of the Code. It is not disputed but that the with the already existing States. The courts of the
plaintiff is an independent government, recognized as United States, inclusive of those of the several States,
such by the United States, and capable of entering into are precluded from inquiring further into the question
contracts and acquiring property, as well as and must accept the determination of recognition as
competent, through the rule of comity, of bringing and the conclusion of the proper authority of government."
maintaining actions in the courts of this country."
In the case at bar, while plaintiff claims to be a de
In State of Yucatan v. Argumedo ( 92 Misc. Rep. 547) facto government, and its title and right to sue alike
the authorities were discussed at length. The court rest on that claim, it is unable to show any acts of
upheld its right to entertain jurisdiction of the action recognition by the government of this country. On the
because the authority of the Carranza or contrary, the record proves that, so far as this country
Constitutionalist government of Mexico (including the is concerned, the plaintiff is non-existent as a
State of Yucatan) as that of a de facto government had sovereignty. Originally one "Ludwig C.A.K. Martens,
been recognized by our government, and even though Representative for the United States by Rose Weiss, as
that recognition followed by a few days the institution attorney in fact" was one of the plaintiffs in this action.
of the action, the recognition of the Carranza He was named as such in the summons and complaint
government dated back to its inception, and all acts of herein, and was only eliminated as a party plaintiff by
one of the provisions of the order appealed from. The
record sets forth part of the report of the United States to representations made by anyone purporting to
Senate committee on foreign relations, dated April 14, represent the Bolshevik Government."
1920, on the subject of Russian propaganda, including
the following conclusions of the committee: "In sum, There is also in evidence the following official letter
the Committee finds in obedience to the instructions of from the Secretary of State:
the resolution of the Senate that
"DEPARTMENT OF STATE "In reply refer to
"(1) Martens has no status whatever in this country in "WASHINGTON "So 861.01/321 "Mr. THOMAS W.
any diplomatic or other governmental representative MILLER, "Alien Property Custodian, "Washington, D.C.:
"SIR. I have received your letter of August 24, 1921,
"(2) Martens assumes to represent the Russian in which you state that the `Russian Socialistic
Federated Soviet Republic, a regime established in Federated Soviet Republic' has instituted suit against
Russia by revolution, and functioning under a Gerhard Hey, Incorporated, one of the corporations
Constitution which has been above summarized; a administered by the Alien Property Custodian under
regime which has never been recognized by the provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act, and in
Government of the United States, and which in which you request to be informed whether this plaintiff
international law has no standing as a constituted has been recognized by the Government of the United
authority. States.
"(3) Martens has received no recognition officially, or "In reply, I may inform you that the Government of the
even personally, by the Government of the United United States has not recognized the `Russian
States." Socialistic Federated Soviet Republic.'
Martens has since been deported from this country. "I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, "CHARLES E.
On May 6, 1921, our State Department issued the
following public statement: "The Department of State All these facts appearing without contradiction, it
has received numerous inquiries regarding Mr. L.A. follows that plaintiff, never having been recognized as
Martens, claiming to be a representative of a Russian a sovereignty by the executive or legislative branches
Socialist Federated Soviet Republic. The Department of the United States government, has no capacity to
feels it should be its duty to inform the public that Mr. sue in the courts of this State.
Martens has not been received or recognized as the
The conclusion thus reached finds additional support in
representative of the Government of Russia, or of any
the determination of the United States District Court
other government. As the United States Government
for the Eastern District of New York in the action
has not recognized the Bolshevik regime at Moscow as
brought by the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet
a government, extreme caution should be exercised as
Republic and Ludwig C.A.K. Martens, as agent and
representative thereof, by Rose Weiss, attorney in fact In view of the determination that there is no plaintiff
(the original plaintiffs herein) against The Steamers before the court having capacity to sue, it is
Penza and Tobolsk et al. (decided September 26, 1921) unnecessary to discuss the other reasons advanced by
wherein Judge MANTON, after a most careful analysis appellants for the reversal of the order.
of the authorities, reached the conclusion that "The
Soviet Republic never having been recognized as a The order appealed from is, therefore, reversed, with
sovereign State by this government, it may not ten dollars costs and disbursements, and the motion
maintain this libel in the Federal courts. Its alleged for the appointment of a receiver and for other relief is
agent would have no better or greater rights than his denied, with ten dollars costs.
principal. Therefore, this exception to the libel must be
approved. Since it results in the dismissal of the libel,
there is no necessity for considering the other Order reversed, with ten dollars costs and
exceptions which were filed." disbursements, and motion denied, with ten dollars
The same conclusion was reached by Judge DIETRICH
in the United States District Court for the Northern
District of California on May 25, 1921, in Russia v. S.S.