Derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, Yoga means union of the individual
consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga is a 5000-
year-old Indian body of knowledge. Though many think of yoga only as a physical
exercise where people twist, turn, stretch, and breathe in the most complex
ways, these are actually only the most superficial aspect of this profound science
of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul. The science of
Yoga imbibes the complete essence of the Way of Life.
As Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, Yoga is not just exercise and asanas. It is
the emotional integration and spiritual elevation with a touch of mystic element,
which gives you a glimpse of something beyond all imagination.
History of Yoga
Yoga is more than 10,000 years old. The earliest mention of the contemplative
tradition is found in the oldest surviving literature Rig Veda, in Nasadiya Sukta. It
dates back to the Indus-Saraswati civilization. The Pashupati seal from the
selfsame civilization shows a figure sitting in a yogic posture, further
corroborating its prevalence in those ancient times. However, the earliest
mention of the practices that later became part of yoga are found in the oldest
Upanishad, Brihadaranyaka. The practice of Pranayama finds a mention in one of
its hymn and Pratyahara in Chandogya Upanishad. The first appearance of the
word yoga with the same meaning as we know today, perhaps happens for the
first time in Kato Upanishad, a mukhya or important Upanishad, embedded in the
last eight sections of the Katha school of Yajurveda. Yoga here is seen as a
process of inner journey or ascent of consciousness.
There are more than 20 Upanishads and Yoga Vasishtha, which predate
Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita, where Yoga is stated to be the union of mind
with the Supreme Consciousness.
: - : (yoga citta-vtti-nirodha)
Patanjalis writing also became the basis for Ashtanga Yoga. Many practices like
five vows in Jainism and Yogachara of Buddhism have their root in Patanjali
Patanjali is considered as the father of Yoga and his Yoga Sutra are completely
dedicated to the knowledge of Yoga.
Types of Yoga
The term yoga has been applied to a variety of practices and methods that
Raja Yoga is further divided into eight parts also known as Ashtanga Yoga. At the
heart of the Raja Yoga system, balancing and unifying these various approaches,
is the practice of Yoga Asana.
Sri Sri Yoga is a holistic way of life that integrates all elements of ancient
knowledge of Yoga, to make a prayerful discipline uniting the body, mind and
soul. Along with the series of simple, yet effective yoga postures and breathing
techniques, a greater emphasis is placed on the inner experience of meditation,
for the well-being of the mind and other hidden elements of human existence. We
believe when one is in harmony within; the journey through life becomes calmer,
happier and more fulfilled.
In Sri Sri Yoga programs, the wisdom and techniques of yoga are taught in a pure,
joyful and thorough manner. The programs restore balance by helping to
strengthen our body, calm our mind, regain our focus and improve self-
confidence. It is a complete package for beginners as well as regular practitioners
and has something for everyone - of all age groups.
Regular practice of Sri Sri Yoga has brought remarkable lifestyle changes in the
practitioners. They have experienced relief from chronic illnesses and have
observed behavioral changes. Participants have reported a healthy, happier living
with reduced anxiety, increased tolerance and mindfulness.
Sri Sri Yoga is the secret to better health and greater sense of happiness.
One of the beauties of the physical practice of yoga is that the poses support and
sustain you no matter how old or young, or fit or frail, you come to your mat. As
you age, your understanding of asana becomes more sophisticated. You move
from working on the external alignment and mechanics of the pose to refining the
inner actions to finally just being in the asana.
Yoga has never been alien to us. We have been doing it since we were a baby!
Whether it is the Cat Stretch that strengthens the spine or the Wind-Relieving
pose that boosts digestion, you will always find infants doing some form of yoga
throughout the day. Yoga can be many things to many people. We are determined
to help you discover your Yoga Way of Life!
Program Co-ordinators
Feeling held back due to a physical ailment? Are emotions taking a toll on your
personal and work life? Fill in the form below to learn more about how yoga can
aide you in overcoming issues naturally with minimum lifestyle changes.