Algal biofuels are among a range of modern advancements in the marine scientific community that
are proving to be potentially vital in stabilising an uncertain world of energy availability and global
climate change. From the onset this method of renewable fuel production looks to be a promising
endeavour, with the USA especially developing commercially viable productions of large quantities
of renewable carbon zero diesel; required to combat the aforementioned global issues. In the
current period of economic growth, upwards of 1460 trillion litres of diesel was used in 2011 and
with an expected increase of 40% in the transport sector by 2040 (Leite et al. 2013), a viable
alternative to high atmospheric pollution fossil fuels is paramount. There are however issues
associated with this method of fuel production, mainly the economic viability, and the
environmental factors in relation to land usage and required inputs (Davis et al. 2014).
The biofuel production, from an algal source, has long been a prospect with estimates to the early
1930s as when it was first considered as an alternative source. One of the main reasons algal
synthesised biofuels are considered as a viable fuel source, is due to the often simplistic
requirements needed for the algae to produce, not only the primary product of neutral lipids and
carbohydrates, but also beneficial byproducts such as: oxygen, astaxanthin, and omega three fatty
acids (Singh, A. Olsen, S. 2011). Algae can synthesise all these beneficial products from available
sources, such as CO2 and nutrients from the wastewater it thrives in, making them also a viable
resource also for animal feed (Muylaert et al. 2015). When researching the productive capabilities
of an isolated algal species, a Photobioreactor is utilised to maximise the production and
accumulation of lipids. Although these technologies allow a specifically controlled environment of
nutrient and light availability, the Photobioreactors are not yet a viable method for large scale
production due to economic costs and overall negative energy balance; however the overall
product from algal biomasses, such as Chlorella, is still used in cosmetics and pharmaceutical
applications (Torzillo, G. Chini Zittelli, G. 2015). An alternative
to the photobioreactors are the relatively inexpensive open
pond systems. As seen in Figure 1, the open ponds systems
are significantly easier, and therefore cheaper, to construct.
This means that teamed with their low operating costs, the
abundant algal biomass can be produced at a much reduced
economic rate (Leite et al.2013). Although this may seem a
viable method, the contamination of isolated macro-algal
species is high in open pond systems due to out-competition
of the high lipid production algaes by faster growing Figure 1 - (H.A.F.R., 2016)
unidentified wild species (Sheehan, J, et al., 2003).
Algal biofuels are beneficial in comparison to fossil fuels and some other forms of renewable
energy. One of the main benefits of algal derived biofuel is the viability of using it to produce
commodities. Algae as a generalisation can be found in almost every environment and can thrive in
almost any humid conditions. Therefore the first benefit of using algae as a biofuel production
method is the diversity of these eukaryotes. As discussed in a paper by Singh et al (2010) algae
can be found abundantly in both fresh and saline water. This further underpins the research
suggesting that algae produce more biomass per unit time and more biomass per unit area than
any other plant can (Patel et al. 2012), and could facilitate biofuel production worldwide with
access to: a viable nutrients source, minerals, and sunlight. Furthermore this is another benefit of
using algae; by utilising wastewater, the unwanted macronutrients such as excess nitrogen and
phosphorus are removed - stopping these pollutants influencing natural habitats (Cheng et al.
2014). Finally, algal biomass can also be used, similarly to corn crops, in the fermentation process,
yet unlike corn crops, the species grown for this fermentation process, such as Chorella vulgaris,
respond with carbohydrate production variability, due to changes in their immediate environment.
This therefore allows us to influence production, dependant on requirements; something that
cannot be done with fermentation crops such as corn (Razeghifard, R. 2013).
One of the main issues associated with large scale production is the varying environmental
conditions, and although a large proportion of algae species can tolerate these varying conditions,
the high lipid production alga are not often among the tolerant algal strains. For example, the high
lipid production algae can use as little as 3.15 litres of freshwater per 1 litre of biofuel production in
ideal conditions. However, the tolerant algae can use up to 3650 litres of freshwater per litre. This
is problematic as the maximum litre-age used by tolerant corn is 2140L, a difference of +1500L
(Nature America. 2013), therefore in relation to the changing unfavourable environmental factors,
corn ethanol is the more viable choice. Furthermore, there are certain intrinsic growth limitations
such as nutrient availability, which is paramount for high lipid synthesis and algal colony growth
rates. If the requirements are not met, the lipid production is immediately reduced to sub
economically viable levels (Beardall, J. Raven, J, A. 2013). The final issue associated with this
research is the time scale in relation to governance. This is apparent in the EU, where due to the
speed this groundbreaking research is being conducted, the laws governing the technology simply
do not exist (Benson et al. 2014). It is paramount that correct governance be drawn up in a realistic
time period so that further research goes unaffected.
A Promising Future
As discussed, the field of algal biofuels is promising, and although there are some issues, proper
scientific research and technological developments should reduce these. With preliminary figures
surpassing expectations in environmental benefits on greenhouse emissions (Luque, R, 2010), and
new research into alternate methods such as biofilm and mixotrophic growth (Moheimani et al.
2015), the field of algal biofuels looks to be promising, and potentially a genuine solution to the
global energy crisis.
Reference list
Beardall, J. Raven, J, A. 2013 Algae for Biofuels and Energy: Limits to Phototrophic Growth
in Dense Culture: CO2 Supply and Light Developments in Applied Phycology, Vol 5, PP 91-98.
Benson, D. Katherine, K. Malin, G. 2014 Algal biofuels: impact significance and implications for EU
multi-level governance Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 72, PP. 4-13.
Home Algae Fuel Project. 2016 Photobioreactor Accessed on: Monday 18th April 2016. Available
Leite, G, B. Abdelaziz, A, E, M. Hallenbeck, P, C. 2013 Algal biofuels: Challenges and
opportunities Bioresource Technology, Vol. 145, PP. 134-141.
Luque, R. 2010 Algal biofuels: the eternal promise? Energy & Environmental Science, Vol. 3, PP
Nature America, 2013 Algal biofuels questioned Nature Biotechnology, Vol 31, PP 12.
Sheehan, J. Dunahay, T, T. Benemann, J. Roessler, P. 2003. Look back at the U.S. Department of
Energys Aquatic Species Program: Biodiesel from Algae PP 1328.
Singh, A. Olsen, S. 2011 A critical review of biochemical conversion, sustainability and life cycle
assessment of algal biofuels Applied Energy, Vol. 88, PP. 3545-3555.
Torzillo, G. Chini Zittelli, G. 2015 Algal Biorefineries: Types of Tubular Photobioreactors Vol 2, PP