Hundred Percenters Murphy e
Hundred Percenters Murphy e
Hundred Percenters Murphy e
Challenge Your Employees to Give It Their All, and Theyll Give You Even More
by Mark Murphy
McGraw-Hill 2009
240 pages
Focus Take-Aways
Leadership & Management Most employees do not give 100% at work. To improve, they need leaders who
Strategy both challenge them and connect with them: 100% Leaders.
Sales & Marketing
These leaders are more effective than the usual avoiders, intimidators and appeasers.
Human Resources Most people fear challenges and prefer the status quo. This stasis is bad for business.
IT, Production & Logistics
Set HARD heartfelt, animated, required, difficult goals that push your people.
Career Development
Small Business
When employees make mistakes, invite them to partner, disarm yourself, eliminate
blame, affirm their control, list correct feedback [and] synchronize your understanding.
Economics & Politics
Industries Never place blame. Dont use weapons of communication, like anger and shouting.
Intercultural Management
Identify peoples tugs, or motivators, and their shoves, the demotivators that
Concepts & Trends
might shove them out the door.
Tell talented staffers with bad attitudes to fix their frame of mind or leave, even if
theyre great in every other way.
To foster a culture of Hundred Percenters, promote, praise and reward excellence.
Dont wait until the situation is perfect for change. Choose a meaningful step
surveying employees, training leaders, setting new goals and start now.
8 9 7 8
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Some business books are obvious, trite and unexceptional. You can learn more reading a
soup can label. On first blush, Mark Murphys book might seem just that ordinary, with
its covers exhortations to challenge your employees to give it their all, and theyll give
you even more. Warning: Do not roll your eyes. Murphy is a leadership expert and his
thoroughly researched book is actually brimming with discernment and acute analysis.
Using imaginative language that will hold your attention, he presents a multistep program
for turning average achievers into exceptional performers, or, in his words, Hundred
Percenters. getAbstract recommends Murphys solid counsel. Read his book if you
supervise people and want to motivate their best performance every day.