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Chapter 3

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Geometry Coordinate system:

STAAD uses two types of coordinate systems to define the structure

geometry and
loading patterns. The GLOBAL coordinate system is an arbitrary
coordinate system in space which utilized to specify the overall geometry
& loading pattern of the structure.
A LOCAL coordinate system is associated with each member ( or element)
and is
utilized in MEMBER END FORCE output or local load specification.

Geometry can be created by any of the following method:

1.Using Structure wizard

2.Snap node

3.Copy/Cut and Paste

4.Spread sheet (Excell) Copy and Paste

5.DXF importing from Autocad

These 5 methods can help the user reduce the time of creating the
geometry needed.


Structure is a library of pre-defined structural shapes allows the user to

create a full structure by answering simple questions about the
dimensions of members in each axis. To access Structure wizard
:Geometry Run Structure Wizard. The window screen as shown below will
From left side select the Model type you required.

There are seven type of Models available in Structure Wizard.

1.Truss 2.Frame 3.Surface plate 4.Solid 5.Composite 6.CAD 7.VBA Macro.

In Frame models there are seven types of structures. They are

1.Bay Frame 2.Grid Frame 3.Floor Grid 4.Continuous Beam 5.Cylindrical


6.Reverse Cylindrical frame 7.Circular frame.

FRAME MODELS: Bay Frame is any 3D structure frame consists of

beams and
Main menu Commands Run Structure Wizard.
Select New Project
Select Space Length =meters; Force=KN; File Name= Model1

Select Open Structure Wizard Finish.

Change to Frame models from Truss models (Default)

Select Bay Frame and double click on it.
Type input
Length ( X)=9.0m No. of Bays =4 (Click this for different bay
Bay1= 2.0m ; Bay2=2.5m ; Bay3=2.5m ; Bay4=2.0m
Height (Y)=12.0m No. of Bays=3 Each Bay =4.0m
Width( Z)=16.0m No. of Bays=3 (5+6+5) Apply . (For 2D frame

Select Edit/Add Paste Model in STAAD Pro from menus, or click

Transfer Model icon from the toolbar.
The confirmation message will be shown, to confirm that the user wants
really to transfer the model created in Structure Wizard to STAAD Pro
Click Yes.

Now STAAD Pro will ask the user to specify the pasting point in the XYZ
space, There are two ways to do that:
Either by specifying an absolute point in the XYZ space (default
Or, if you have already a structure, specify the distance between two
existing nodes, so the coming structure from the Structure Wizard will be
pasted away from 0,0,0 by this distance. Check the below dialog box:

Click Ok. Now the model created in the Structure Wizard will be pasted
in STAAD Pro window as required.

Note: If you already have a structure in the main screen, and again want
to insert
another structure from wizard follow the same procedure except last step
X=0 Y=0
Z=0 instead click Reference point. (Reference point is used to paste a
coming from structure wizard to a structure in the STAAD Pro window).
Howe Roof:
Geometry Run Structure wizard
From Truss models Select How Roof and double click on it.

Length (X)=9.0.0m No. of Bays =4 Click Bay No.1 =2.0m

Bay No.2=2.50m Bay No.3=2.50m Bay No.4=2.0m
Height( Y)=3.0m
Width (Z)=16.0m No. of Bays along width=3 Click Bay No.1
=5.0m Bay No.2=6.0m ; Bay No.3= 5.0m Apply Transfer Model

Click Reference point specify the reference pointOK

Click the node Ok. The final structure is as seen below:



1.Pratt truss 2.Waren truss 3.Howe Bridge 4.Lattice truss
5.Howe Roof 6.North light

Creating Geometry Howe Roof

1. Create New Structure file.
2. Select Space Length =meters; Force=KN; File Name= Model1
3. Click Geometry (menu) then Run Structure Wizard.
4. Click the Prototype Models. From Truss Models select Howe Roof.
5. Select Length, Height, width as follows: Click Apply.

6.Transfer the Model. Click Yes Ok.

7.The model is as shown below:


Initiate the Snap/Grid. There are two ways to do that:

Select from the menus Geometry/Snap Grid Node then Beam,
Plate, or Solid.
From the Geometry toolbar select Snap Node/Beam .

To start with, to create a new Snap Node/Beam or Plate, click the

Create button.
You will see the following dialog box:

In this page under spacing we can change the ordinate in x as well as y

axis. Further if we need more ordinates in left or right side we can also
change them.
You have three type of Snap Node/Beam or Plate to choose from:
Linear Radial Irregular
Linear Input a name (so to use it later on)
Decide in which plane you want to work, XY plane, XZ, or YZ.
Specify Angle of Plane (Leave it 0 for now).
Specify Origin (preferable to leave it at current 0,0,0).
Specify the Construction Lines, take care of the following points:
If you want the Origin to be 0,0,0 make sure that the Left value
for X, and Y is always 0, this will make sure that the lower left
corner of the Grid is always 0,0,0.
In the part labeled Right (for both X, and Y), input the number of
Grid segments in that axis.
Under Spacing, there are two fields to be filled, m, and Skew. In
the m part, input the length of segments of the Grid. As an
example to the above two points: assume you input in the part
labeled Right in X direction 10, and in the m part you input 2,
the total length is 10X2=20 m.
Note Note the following in the STAAD Pro window:
A moving black bold cross (lets call it Controlling Point) following the
steps of the cursor.
The coordinates of that cross appear in the right portion of the status
bar like below.

The circle, which appears at the lower left corner of the Grid, it
represents the origin.

Example 1: Portal Frame Single Bay Single Storey

40 kN 50 kN/m 40 kN


0.23 X 0.38m


0.38 X 0.23m 0.38 X 0.23m

1.Click New Project Select Plane Units : Length =meters;
Force=KN; File Name=Portal frame Next Add Beam Finish.
2.Click Snap Node/BeamEdit X-Y Plane.
Construction Lines X Right 5 Spacing 1m
Y Right 4 Spacing 1m Ok.
3.Click (0,0,0), (0,4,0), (5,5,0), (5,0,0) Close.
Click Dimensions and verify the Geometry created.
Example 2 : Draw a two storied Building

3.56m 3.66m 4.06m




Creation of Geometry :
New Project Space ( For 3D Building) File Name: Two storied bldg
Units: length: metre force: KN Next Add beam Finish.
Snap Node /Beam Linear X-Y plane
Then X close the Snap Node/Beam . List them as shown in table.

Node X Y Z
1 0 0 0
2 3.56 0 0
3 7.22 0 0
4 11.28 0 0
Then Click Top view (View from +Y)
Then it shows 4 points in the screen.

. . . . 1st Row

Then we click Node cursor.

Then we select the four points.
Paste Z=4.75m Ok.
Then we select (2nd Row) four points. Now we click Ctrl +C and Ctrl +V.
Paste Z=4.50m Ok.
Then we select (3rd Row) four points. Now we click Ctrl +C and Ctrl +V.
Paste Z=3.66mOk.

3.56 3.66 4.06





Now, we join the points by adding beam command. Then we found

the following figure.


Then select the whole structure. Then click Translational Repeat.

Y direction No. of steps=2 default step spacing=3.05 Link
Then show the following Figure :


Then Click Front view (View from + Z). Then it will show the following


Now, we select bottom most portion, then click Translational Repeat.

Y direction No. of steps=1 default step spacing=-1.20m Link


Now, it will show the following Figure with Grid Beam.


Go to Front view. Delete bottom most beam 22 Nos beam deleted.


Example 3 : Draw a six storied Building Plan as shown in Figure.

Creation of Geometry :
New Project Space ( For 3D Building)
File Name: Six storied bldg Units: Metre KN Next
Add Beam Finish. Click Snap Node /Beam Linear X-Y plane
Close the grid. Type the following in Data Area

Node X Y Z
1 0 0 0
2 4.98 0 0
3 10.64 0 0
4 13.38 0 0
5 19.04 0 0
6 24.02 0 0
Then Click Top view (View from +Y)

Then it shows 6 points in the screen.

. . . . . . 1st row

Then we click Node cursor.

Then we select the six points. Now we click Ctrl +C and Ctrl +V.
Paste Z=4.01m Ok.
Then we select (2nd Row) six points. Now we click Ctrl +C and Ctrl +V.
Paste Z=4.80m Ok.
Then we select (3rd Row) six points. Now we click Ctrl +C and Ctrl +V.
Paste Z=3.20m Ok.
4.98 5.66 2.74 5.66 4.98





Now, we join the node points by adding beam command. Then we found
the following figure.


Then select the whole structure. Then click Translational Repeat.

Y direction No. of steps=6 default step spacing=3.05 Link
Then show the following Figure :


Then Click Front view (View from + Z). Then it will show the following

Now, we select bottom most portion, then click Translational Repeat.

Y direction No. of steps=1 default step spacing=-1.80m Link
Now, it will show the following Figure with Grid Beam.
(The Figure is given below)


Go to Front view. Select bottom most beams Delete bottom most beam
keyboard 38 beams deleted.


Example 4: TRUSS

2.29m 2.29m

4.57m 4.57m 4.57m 4.57m

Creation of Geometry :
New Project Truss(Truss Analysis) File name: Truss1
Units: Metre KN Next. Add Beam Finish.
Click Snap Node /Beam select linear X-Y plane

Construction Lines :
Right X=4 spacing=4.57m
Right Y=1 spacing=4.57m
Then Draw the following Figure.



This method is useful for AutoCAD Professional to prepare 2D or 3D

Geometry in AutoCAD into STAAD Model.
The following steps will help you import dxf files into STAAD.Pro. Always
make a
backup copy of your dxf file before proceeding with the following steps.
For Stage 1:
1. Remove all the text, dimension lines, and unwanted views.
2. Need to draw a stick line diagram using simple line elements in the
CAD package.
If you are drawing a stick model on top of an existing model make sure
you use a
Different layer on top of the existing view in the dxf file. For example,
you will
need to draw a line representing the centerline of the HSS section.
3. Remove the original elevation not the newly created centerline
diagram. Use the
Layer on/off feature to delete the elements under the unwanted layer.
4. As a result of steps 1-3, you will be left with a simple stick model of the
5. Scale the model to match the import unit system (may or may not be
6. Save the file as a dxf file and close it. Close the CAD package.
7. Open STAAD.Pro and create a new project.
8. Click on File->Import command menu and select the 3D-DXF option
in the
Import dialog box.
9. Click on the Import button.
10. Select the dxf file and click on the Open button.
11. The DXF Import dialog box will appear. The axis system in your CAD
will be different from the axis system used in the STAAD.Pro model.
The Y-Axis
usually is the axis of gravity in STAAD.Pro the Z-Axis is usually the axis
gravity in the CAD products. Hence you need to specify which axis is
the axis of
gravity in your STAAD.Pro model. If the axis system is the same in the
STAAD.Pro model and the dxf file, then select the No Change option.
If the Y-
Axis is the axis of gravity in the STAAD.Pro model and Z-Axis is the axis
gravity for the CAD model, select the Y Up option button.
For Stage 2:
1. Remove all the text, dimension lines, and unwanted views. You will be
left with a
simple stick model of the structure
2. Scale the model to match the import unit system (may or may not be
3. Save the dxf file and close it. Close the CAD package.
4. Open STAAD.Pro and create a new project.
5. Click on File->Import command menu and select the 3D-DXF option
in the
Import dialog box.
6. Click on the Import button.
7. Select the dxf file and click on the Open button.
8. The DXF Import dialog box will appear. The axis system in your CAD
package will
be different from the axis system used in the STAAD.Pro model. The Y-
Axis usually is the axis of gravity in STAAD.Pro the Z-Axis is usually the
axis of gravity in the CAD products. Hence you need to specify which axis
is the axis of gravity in your STAAD.Pro model. If the axis system is the
same in the STAAD.Pro model and the dxf file, then select the No
Change option. If the Y-Axis is the axis of gravity in the STAAD.Pro
model and Z-Axis is the axis of gravity for the CAD model, select the Y
Up option button.

After you import the dxf file into STAAD.Pro, you will need to do some
clean-up on the
std file. For example;
1. Remove unnecessary lines or objects
2. Click on Geometry->Intersect Selected Members->Highlight
menu command.
Hint: Try a 1in search radius.
3. Click on the Tools menu command and go through all the checks. (e.g.
check for
structural integrity, check for duplicate nodes and beams etc.)
Using the above steps make sure the model is ok from an analysis point
of view.
Plate elements have to be drawn as 3D Faces in the dxf file. Before
importing a
Model into STAAD.Pro pay attention to the node coordinates in your dxf
Solid objects cannot be created in STAAD.Pro using the dxf format. One
could create
The outline of a solid object using simple line elements. Once the lines
are imported
into STAAD.Pro, he/she can draw the solid object using the line
elements as grid
Engineers in the bridge industry place bridge decks in real world GPS
coordinates in the
dxf file. These deck coordinates will be imported as they are in the
STAAD.Pro model.
GPS coordinates are very big numbers in the order of 100,000s. If these
coordinates are used as they are in the STAAD.Pro analysis, the accuracy
of the results
are affected due to round off errors. It is a good idea to move these
models to the origin using the move command in the CAD package that is
being used.

Example 1: Truss :

Create a Truss in AutoCAD and save it as DXF format and name it as


Go to STAAD Pro. GeometryRun Structure Wizard. From Model type

select Import CAD Models. Then open the DXF file of Truss stored in the

particular drive folder.

(OR) New Project Select Truss Units: Length =meters; Force=KN;

File Name=Truss Next. Select Add beam Finish.

File Import 3D DXF Import.

Go to the particular AutoCAD drg folder and open the file TrussDXF.out.

Select No Change Ok.

Current input units Meters KN Ok. Now the AutoCAD Truss will be
seen in the
STAAD Pro screen. All members are seen as one unit and there is no joint
between members. To create nodes Click Geometry Select entire Truss.
Geometry Intersect Selected MembersIntersect. Enter Tolerances=0
13 New Beams createdOk. Now the Geometry is created. You can
proceed with
other steps in STAAD Pro for solving the problem.
1.50 3.50 4.00


COLUMN SIZES - 0.45 X 0.23
BEAM SIZES 0.45 X 0.23


Create a PLAN of a Building in AutoCAD and save it as DXF format and

name it as PlanDXF.out. Start STAAD Pro New Project Select
Space Units: Length =meters; Force=KN; File Name=3D Plan Next.
Select Add beam Finish.
File Import

3D DXF Import.
Choose the particular AutoCAD drg folder and choose the file
Select Y Up Ok.

Set Current input units Meters KN Ok. Go to Plan view and see the
Plan in
STAAD Pro. All members are seen as one unit and there is no joint in
between members. To create nodes Click Geometry Select entire Truss.
Intersect Selected MembersIntersect. Enter Tolerances=0 Ok. 5
Beams createdOk. Click the Geometry & see the correct plan in STAAD
Pro. You
select the nodes wherever the column is to be created.
Geometry Translational Repeat Y No. of steps=1
Default step spacing =-2.2m Link steps Ok.
Switch of the grid. The Plan is unsymmetrical we have to orient plan such
there should not be no negative coordinates. To do so:
Select origin (0,0). Draw a beam on the origin. Select the bottom most left
corner of
first column node select origin. GeometryMove origin by By Distance
following two nodes: Node 1=21 Node 2=13 Ok. Now remove the
beam created
on the origin Yes.
Now switch on the grid & see the structure is in the origin. Now all
coordinates in
Geometry created will be +ve.
Problem 3: Dome
Draw a Dome in AutoCAD and save it DomeDXF.out.
File New Project
Select Space Units: Length =meters; Force=KN;
File Name=Dome Next. Select Add beam Finish.
FileImport 3D DXF Import.
Choose the particular AutoCAD drg folder and choose the file
Open. You can see the AutocAD drg dome in STAAD Pro screen. Now the
Geometry is created. You can proceed with further in STAAD Pro.

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