British Overseas Territories

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British Overseas Territories

BOTs redirects here. For other uses, see Bots (disam- sibility of the Minister for Europe David Lidington MP,
biguation) and Bot (disambiguation). while the Falkland Islands are the responsibility of Hugo
Swire MP, also of the Foreign Oce.[8][9][10]
The fourteen British Overseas Territories (BOT) are
territories under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the
United Kingdom.[1][2] They are those parts of the for- 1 Current overseas territories
mer British Empire that have not chosen independence
or have voted to remain British territories. While some The fourteen British Overseas Territories are:[11]
of the inhabited territories have their own internal lead-
ership, only a select few are self-governing. They share
the British monarch (Elizabeth II) as head of state.
2 History
The term British Overseas Territory was introduced by
the British Overseas Territories Act 2002, replacing the
Main articles: British Empire, Territorial evolution of the
term British Dependent Territory, introduced by the
British Empire and List of countries that have gained in-
British Nationality Act 1981. Prior to 1 January 1983, the
dependence from the United Kingdom
territories were ocially referred to as British Crown
Early colonies, in the sense of English subjects residing
Colonies. With the exceptions of the British Antarctic
Territory and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Is-
lands (which host only ocials and research station sta)
and the British Indian Ocean Territory (used as a mili-
tary base), the Territories retain permanent civilian pop-
ulations. Permanent residency for the 7,000 or so civil-
ians living in the Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and
Dhekelia is limited to citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.
Collectively, the Territories encompass a population of
about 250,000 people and a land area of about 667,018
square miles (1,727,570 km2 ). The vast majority of
this, 660,000 square miles (1,700,000 km2 ), constitutes
the British Antarctic Territory.[3][4] The United Kingdom
participates in the Antarctic Treaty System[5] and, as part
of a mutual agreement, the British Antarctic Territory is
recognised by four of the other sovereign nations making St. Georges town, in the Islands of Bermuda, or The Somers
claims to Antarctic territory. Isles. The colony was founded by the wrecking of the agship of
the Virginia Company in 1609. The Companys charter was ex-
Although the Crown Dependencies of Jersey, Guernsey
tended to include Bermuda in 1612, and it has remained a British
and the Isle of Man are also under the sovereignty of colony ever since. Since the rebellion of Virginia, it has been the
the British monarch, they are in a dierent constitutional oldest-remaining British colony, and the town of St. Georges
relationship with the United Kingdom.[6][7] The British is the oldest continuously inhabited British settlement in the New
Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies are them- World.[32]
selves distinct from the Commonwealth realms, a group
of 15 independent countries (and the United Kingdom) in lands hitherto outside the control of the English gov-
which each also have Queen Elizabeth II as their reign- ernment, were generally known as "Plantations".
ing monarch, and from the Commonwealth of Nations,
The rst, unocial, colony was Newfoundland, where
a voluntary association of 53 countries mostly with his-
English shermen routinely set up seasonal camps in the
toric links to the British Empire (which also includes all
16th century.[33] It is now a province of Canada known
Commonwealth realms).
as Newfoundland and Labrador. It retains strong cultural
The current minister responsible for the Territories is ties with Britain.
James Duddridge MP, of the Foreign Oce. Gibraltar
English colonisation of North America began ocially
and the Sovereign Base Areas, however, are the respon-
in 1607 with the settlement of Jamestown, the rst suc-


cessful permanent colony in "Virginia" (a term that was

then applied generally to North America). Its oshoot,
Bermuda, was settled inadvertently after the wrecking of
the Virginia companys agship there in 1609, with the
Virginia Company's charter extended to ocially include
the archipelago in 1612. St. Georges town, founded
in Bermuda in that year, remains the oldest continu-
ously inhabited British settlement in the New World (with
some historians stating that its formation predating the
1619 conversion of James Fort into Jamestown
St. Georges was actually the rst successful town the
English established in the New World). Bermuda and Many of the overseas territories are in the Caribbean, as shown
Bermudians have played important, sometimes pivotal, on the map.
but generally underestimated or unacknowledged roles in
the shaping of the English and British trans-Atlantic Em-
In 2002, the British Parliament passed the British Over-
pires. These include maritime commerce, settlement of
seas Territories Act 2002. This reclassied the UKs
the continent and of the West Indies, and the projection
dependent territories as overseas territories and, with
of naval power via the colonys privateers, among other
the exception of those people solely connected with the
Sovereign Base Areas of Cyprus, restored full British cit-
The growth of the British Empire in the 19th century, to izenship to their inhabitants.[39]
its territorial peak in the 1920s, saw Britain acquire nearly
one quarter of the worlds land mass, including territo-
ries with large indigenous populations in Asia and Africa.
From the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth 3 Government
century, the larger settler colonies in Canada, Aus-
tralia, New Zealand and South Africa rst became self-
governing colonies and then achieved independence in all
matters except foreign policy, defence and trade. Sepa-
rate self-governing colonies federated to become Canada
(in 1867), Australia (in 1901), South Africa (in 1910),
and Rhodesia (in 1965). These and other large self-
governing colonies had become known as Dominions by
the 1920s. The Dominions achieved almost full indepen-
dence with the Statute of Westminster (1931).
Through a process of decolonisation following the sec-
ond world war, most of the British colonies in Africa,
Asia and the Caribbean gained independence. Some
colonies became Commonwealth realms, retaining the
British monarch as their own head of state.[36] Most for- McKeeva Bush, Premier of the Cayman Islands in 2012
mer colonies and protectorates became member states of
the Commonwealth of Nations, a non-political, voluntary
association of equal members, comprising a population
of around 2.2 billion people.[37] 3.1 Head of state
After the independence of Southern Rhodesia (now The head of state in the overseas territories is the British
Zimbabwe) in Africa in 1980 and British Honduras (now monarch, Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. The
Belize) in Central America in 1981, the last major colony Queens role in the territories is in her role as Queen of
that remained was Hong Kong, with a population of over the United Kingdom, and not in right of each territory.
5 million.[38] With 1997 approaching, the United King- The Queen appoints a representative in each territory to
dom and China negotiated the Sino-British Joint Decla- exercise her executive power. In territories with a per-
ration, which led to the whole of Hong Kong becoming a manent population, a Governor is appointed by the Queen
"special administrative region" of China in 1997, subject on the advice of the British Government, usually a retired
to various conditions intended to guarantee the preserva- senior military ocer, or a senior civil servant. In territo-
tion of Hong Kongs capitalist economy and its way of life ries without a permanent population, a Commissioner is
under British rule for at least 50 years after the handover. usually appointed to represent the Queen. Exceptionally,
George Town in the Cayman Islands has consequently be- in the overseas territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and
come the largest city in the Overseas Territories. Tristan da Cunha, an Administrator is appointed to be the
Governors representative in each of the two distant parts

of the territory, namely Ascension Island and Tristan da

The role of the Governor is to act as the de facto head
of state, and they are usually responsible for appointing
the head of government, and senior political positions in
the territory. The Governor is also responsible for liaising
with the UK Government, and carrying out any ceremo-
nial duties. A Commissioner has the same powers as a
Governor, but also acts as the head of government.

Leaders of the Overseas Territories with Prime Minister David

3.2 Local government Cameron in 2012.

Main article: List of current local leaders Leaders of

Dependent Commonwealth Territories & UK constituent

All the overseas territories have their own system of gov-

ernment, and localised laws. The structure of the gov-
ernment appears to be closely correlated to the size and
political development of the territory.

3.3 Legal system Tristan da Cunha on 6 February 2013, as seen from space. The
population was temporarily evacuated to the UK in 1961 because
of an eruption. Postal code TDCU 1ZZ
Each overseas territory has its own legal system indepen-
dent of the United Kingdom. The legal system is gen-
erally based on English common law, with some distinc-
tions for local circumstances. Each territory has its own
attorney general, and court system. For the smaller terri-
tories, the UK may appoint a UK-based lawyer or judge
to work on legal cases. This is particularly important for
cases involving serious crimes and where it is impossible
to nd a jury who will not know the defendant in a small
population island.
Many of them, such as Isle of Man, Cayman islands and
Bermuda are used as tax havens and as ags of conve-
nience for ships as part of the Red Ensign group.[43]
The Pitcairn sexual assault trial of 2004 is an example of
how the UK may choose to provide the legal framework
for particular cases where the territory cannot do so alone. Coastline at Little Bay, the site of the new capital of Montser-
rat replacing Plymouth. The project is funded by the[45] UKs
Department for International Development.

3.4 Joint Ministerial Council 4 Relations with the United King-

A joint ministerial council of UK ministers, and the
leaders of the Overseas Territories has been held an- The Foreign and Commonwealth Oce (FCO) has the
nually since 2012 to provide representation between responsibility of looking after the interests of all over-
UK Government departments and Overseas Territory seas territories except Akrotiri & Dhekelia, which comes
Governments.[44] under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defence.[46][47]

Within the FCO, the general responsibility for the territo-

ries is handled by the Overseas Territories Directorate,[48] British Antarctic Territory
which is headed by the Minister for the Overseas Territo-
ries. As of August 2014 the Minister is James Duddridge,
a Parliamentary Under Secretary of State.
In 2012, the FCO published the The Overseas Territories:
security, success and sustainability which set out Britains
policy for the Overseas Territories, covering six main

Defence, security and safety of the territories and

their people
Map showing the portion of Antarctica claimed by the UK as
Successful and resilient economies British Antarctic Territory.
Cherishing the environment
Making government work better
Vibrant and ourishing communities
Productive links with the wider world

Britain and the overseas territories do not have diplomatic

representations, although the governments of the overseas
territories with indigenous populations all retain a repre-
sentative oce in London. The United Kingdom Over-
seas Territories Association (UKOTA) also represents
the interests of the territories in London. The govern-
ments in both London and territories occasionally meet
to mitigate or resolve disagreements over the process of
governance in the territories and levels of autonomy.[50] Gibraltar is the only overseas territory included in the European
Britain provides nancial assistance to the overseas terri- Union
tories via the Department for International Development.
Currently only Montserrat and Saint Helena receive bud-
Foreign aairs of the overseas territories are handled
getary aid (i.e. nancial contribution to recurrent fund-
by the Foreign and Commonwealth Oce in London.
ing). Several specialist funds are made available by the
Some territories maintain diplomatic ocers in nearby
UK, including:
countries for trade and immigration purposes. Several
of the territories in the Americas maintain member-
The Good Government Fund which provides assis- ship within the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States,
tance on government administration; the Caribbean Community, the Caribbean Develop-
The Economic Diversication Programme Budget ment Bank, Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management
which aim to diversify and enhance the economic Agency, and the Association of Caribbean States. The
bases of the territories. territories are members of the Commonwealth of Nations
through the United Kingdom. The inhabited territories
compete in their own right at the Commonwealth Games,
The territories have no ocial representation in the UK and three of the territories (Bermuda, the Cayman Islands
Parliament, but have informal representation through and the British Virgin Islands) sent teams to the 2008
the All-Party Parliamentary Group,[51] and can petition Summer Olympics.
the UK Government through the Directgov e-Petitions
website.[52] Only Gibraltar has representation in the Gibraltar is the only overseas territory that is part of the
European Parliament and it shares its Member with the European Union (EU), although it is not part of the Euro-
region of South West England. pean Customs Union, the European Tax Policy, the Eu-
ropean Statistics Zone or the Common Agriculture Pol-
icy. Gibraltar is not a member of the European Union
4.1 Foreign aairs in its own right. The Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus
are not part of the European Union, but they are the only
See also: Special member state territories and the Euro- British overseas territory to use the Euro as ocial cur-
pean Union rency. None of the other Overseas Territories are mem-
4.3 Military 5

bers of the EU, the main body of EU law does not apply
and, although certain slices of EU law are applied to those
territories as part of the EUs Association of Overseas
Countries and Territories (OCT Association), they are
not commonly enforceable in local courts. The OCT As-
sociation also provides overseas territories with structural
funding for regeneration projects.
Since the return of full British citizenship[53] to most 'be-
longers of overseas territories (mainly since the British
Overseas Territories Act 2002), the citizens of those ter-
ritories hold concurrent European Union citizenship, giv-
ing them rights of free movement across all EU member
states. Thousands of Gibraltarians dress in their national colours of red
Several nations dispute the UKs sovereignty in the fol- and white during the 2013 Gibraltar National Day celebrations.
lowing overseas territories:
exodus of the citizens of Hong Kong to the UK before the
Akrotiri and Dhekelia claimed by Cyprus agreed handover to China in 1997. Exception was made
for the Falkland Islands, which had been invaded in 1982
British Antarctic Territory Territory overlaps by Argentina. Full British citizenship was soon returned
Antarctic claims made by Chile and Argentina to the people of Gibraltar having regard to the friction
with Spain.
British Indian Ocean Territory claimed by
Mauritius and Seychelles However, the British Overseas Territories Act 2002
replaced British Dependent Territory citizenship with
Falkland Islands claimed by Argentina British Overseas Territories citizenship (BOTC), and re-
stored full British citizenship to all BOTCs except those
Gibraltar claimed by Spain from Akrotiri and Dhekelia. This restored to BOTCs the
right to reside in the UK.
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
claimed by Argentina British citizens, however, do not have an automatic right
to reside in any of the Overseas Territories. Some territo-
ries prohibit immigration, and any visitors are required to
4.2 Citizenship seek the permission of the territorys government to live
in the territory.
Main article: British Overseas Territories citizen

4.3 Military
None of the overseas territories has its own nationality
status, and all citizens are classed as British Overseas Ter-
ritories citizens (BOTC). They do, however, have legisla-
tive independence over immigration, and holding the sta-
tus of a BOTC does not automatically give a person a right
of abode in any of the territories, as it depends on the ter-
ritorys immigration laws. A territory may issue Belonger
status to allow a person classed as a BOTC to reside in
the territory that they have close links with. Non-BOTC
citizens may acquire Belonger status to reside in a partic-
ular territory (and may subsequently become naturalised
BOTC if they wish).
Historically, most inhabitants of the British Empire held
the status of British subject, which was usually lost upon
independence. From 1949, British subjects in the United RAF Mount Pleasant, Falkland Islands
Kingdom and the remaining colonies became citizens of
the United Kingdom and Colonies. However changes in Defence of the Overseas Territories is the responsibility
British immigration and nationality law between 1962 of the UK. Many of the overseas territories are used as
and 1983 saw the creation of a separate British Depen- military bases by the UK and its allies.
dent Territories citizenship (BDTC) with eect from Jan-
uary 1983. Citizens in most territories were stripped of Ascension Island (part of Saint Helena, Ascension
full British citizenship. This was mainly to prevent a mass and Tristan da Cunha) the Base known as RAF

Ascension Island is used by both the Royal Air Force NZ dollar, or their own currencies, which may be pegged
and the United States Air Force. to one of these.
Bermuda became the primary Royal Navy base in
America, following US independence. The Naval
establishment included an admiralty, a dockyard, 6 Symbols and insignia
and a naval squadron. A considerable military
garrison was built up to protect it, and Bermuda,
which the British Government came to see as a
base, rather than as a colony, was known as Fortress
Bermuda, and the Gibraltar of the West (Bermudi-
ans, like Gibraltarians, also dub their territory The
Rock).[54] Canada and the USA also established
bases in Bermuda during the Second World War,
which were maintained through the Cold War. Four
air bases were located in Bermuda during the Sec-
ond World War (operated by the Royal Air Force,
Royal Navy, US Navy, and US Army/Royal Air
Force). Since 1995, the military force in Bermuda
has been reduced to the local territorial battalion, the
Royal Bermuda Regiment. Overseas Territories ags in Parliament Square in 2013
British Indian Ocean Territory the island of Diego
Each overseas territory has been granted its own ag and
Garcia is home to a large naval base and airbase
coat of arms by the British monarch. Traditionally, the
leased to the United States by the United Kingdom
ags follow the Blue Ensign design, with the Union Flag
until 2036 (unless renewed), but either government
in the canton, and the territorys coat of arms in the y.
can opt out of the agreement in 2016. There are
Exceptions to this are Bermuda which uses a Red Ensign;
British forces in small numbers in the BIOT for ad-
British Antarctic Territory which uses a White Ensign;
ministrative and immigration purposes.
British Indian Ocean Territory which uses a Blue Ensign
Falkland Islands the British Forces Falkland Is- with wavy lines to symbolise the sea; and Gibraltar which
lands includes commitments from the British Army, uses a banner of its coat of arms (the ag of the city of
Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. Gibraltar).
Akrotiri and Dhekelia and Saint Helena, Ascension and
Gibraltar British Forces Gibraltar includes a Royal
Tristan da Cunha are the only British overseas territories
Navy dockyard (also used by NATO), RAF Gibral-
without their own ag. The Union Flag is used in these
tar used by the RAF and NATO and a local garri-
son the Royal Gibraltar Regiment.
The Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia
in Cyprus maintained as strategic British military 7 Sports
bases in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Montserrat the Royal Montserrat Defence Force, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Is-
historically connected with the Irish Guards, is a lands are the only British Overseas Territories with recog-
body of twenty volunteers, whose duties are primar- nised National Olympic Committees (NOCs); the British
ily ceremonial.[55] Olympic Association is recognised as the appropriate
NOC for athletes from the other territories, and thus ath-
Saint Helena it has been speculated[56] that the new letes who hold a British passport are eligible to represent
Saint Helena Airport might be used for military pur- Great Britain at the Olympic Games.[62]
poses but this has neither been conrmed nor de-
Shara Proctor from Anguilla, Delano Williams from
the Turks and Caicos Islands, Jenaya Wade-Fray from
Bermuda[63] and Georgina Cassar from Gibraltar[64]
strived to represent Team GB at the London 2012
5 Currencies Olympics. Proctor, Wade-Fray and Cassar[64] qualied
for Team GB, with Williams missing the cut, however
Main article: List of British currencies wishing to represent the UK in 2016.[65][66]
The Gibraltar national football team was accepted into
The many British overseas territories use a varied assort- UEFA in 2013 in time for the 2016 European Champi-
ment of currencies, including the euro, pound, US dollar, onships. It has also applied to be part of FIFA and hopes

to be accepted in time for eligibility for the 2018 FIFA British overseas territory citizens in the mainland
World Cup qualifying. United Kingdom

Colonial Department
8 Biodiversity Secretary of State for the Colonies

Colonial Oce
The World Heritage Sites of the UK (Overseas Territo-
ries): The natural sites of Gough and Inaccessible Islands Universities in British Overseas Territories
and Henderson Island are marked green, the cultural
site of the Historic Town of St George and Related United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association
Fortications, Bermuda is marked red. (UKOTA)

The British Overseas Territories have more biodiversity

than the entire UK mainland. There are at least 180
10 References
endemic plant species in the overseas territories as op-
posed to only 12 on the UK mainland. Responsibility [1] Supporting the Overseas Territories. UK Government.
Retrieved 8 November 2014. There are 14 Overseas Ter-
for protection of biodiversity and meeting obligations un-
ritories which retain a constitutional link with the UK. ....
der international environmental conventions is shared be-
Most of the Territories are largely self-governing, each
tween the UK Government and the local governments of with its own constitution and its own government, which
the territories.[67] enacts local laws. Although the relationship is rooted in
Two areas, Henderson Island in the Pitcairn Islands as four centuries of shared history, the UK governments re-
well as the Gough and Inaccessible Islands of Tristan Da lationship with its Territories today is a modern one, based
on mutual benets and responsibilities. The foundations
Cunha are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and
of this relationship are partnership, shared values and the
two other territories, the Turks and Caicos Islands, and
right of the people of each territory to choose to freely
Saint Helena are on the United Kingdoms tentative list choose whether to remain a British Overseas Territory or
for future UNESCO World Heritage Sites.[68][69] to seek an alternative future.
The three regions of biodiversity hotspots situated in the
[2] What is the British Constitution: The Primary Structures
British Overseas Territories are the Caribbean Islands, of the British State. The Constitution Society. Retrieved
the Mediterranean Basin and the Oceania ecozone in the 15 November 2014. The United Kingdom also manages
Pacic.[67] a number of territories which, while mostly having their
The UK created the largest continuous marine protected own forms of government, have the Queen as their head
of state, and rely on the UK for defence and security, for-
areas in the world, the Chagos Marine Protected Area,
eign aairs and representation at the international level.
and announced in 2015 funding to establish a new, larger,
They do not form part of the UK, but have an ambiguous
reserve around the Pitcairn Islands.[70][71][72] constitutional relationship with the UK.
In January 2016, the UK government announced the
[3] Archived 1 October 2009 at the Wayback Machine.
intention to create a marine protected area around
Ascension Island. The protected area would be 234,291 [4] CIA The World Factbook 2002 South Georgia and
square kilometers, half of which would be closed to the South Sandwich Islands. Retrieved 8 De-
shing.[73] cember 2010.

[5] CIA The World Factbook. Retrieved 28

A Stoplight Parrotsh in Princess Alexandra Land April 2013.
and Sea National Park, Providenciales, Turks and
Caicos Islands [6] States of Guernsey: About Guernsey. Re-
trieved 8 December 2010.
Penguins in South Georgia, 2010.
[7] Government Isle of Man Public Services.
Henderson Island in the Pitcairn Islands Retrieved 8 December 2010.

[8] New O.T. Minister for Cayman. Cayman 27. 6 Septem-

Rothera Research Station.
ber 2012. Retrieved 28 April 2013.

[9] UPDATE: Foreign Oce reveals Boston MPs responsi-

9 See also bilities after reshue appointment Local. Boston Stan-
dard. 6 September 2012. Retrieved 28 April 2013.

List of postcodes [10] Falklands and Latin America aairs responsibility

of Minister of State Hugo Swire MercoPress.
List of British Army installations Retrieved 28 April 2013.

[11] "[ARCHIVED CONTENT] UK Overseas Terri- [33] Newfoundland History Early Colonization and Settle-
tories Foreign & Commonwealth Oce. Collec- ment of Newfoundland. Re- Retrieved 8 December 2010. trieved 8 December 2010.

[12] SBA Cyprus. Retrieved 8 December [34] Copyright 2015 The University of North Carolina at
2010. Chapel Hill. UNC Press - In the Eye of All Trade.

[13] British Antarctic Territory. Retrieved 8 [35] In the Eye of All Trade: Bermuda, Bermudians, and the
December 2010. Maritime Atlantic World, 1680-1783.

[14] Commonwealth Secretariat Anguilla. Thecommon- [36] Statute of Westminster 1931 (UK) CHAPTER 4 22 and Retrieved 8 December 2010. 23 Geo 5

[15] UNdata | record view | Surface area in km2. United [37] The Commonwealth About Us; Online September 2014
Nations. 4 November 2009. Retrieved 8 December 2010.
[38] Population. Census and Statistics Department. Hong
[16] Bermuda. Retrieved 8 December 2010. Kong Statistics. Retrieved 12 July 2013.

[17] Commonwealth Secretariat British Antarctic Terri- [39] British Overseas Territories Act 2002 (text online): S. 3:
tory. Retrieved 8 December Any person who, immediately before the commencement
2010. of this section, is a British overseas territories citizen shall,
on the commencement of this section, become a British
[18] British Indian Ocean Territory. Retrieved citizen.
8 December 2010.
[40] Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly. Falk-
[19] Commonwealth Secretariat British Indian Ocean Ter- Retrieved 8 December 2010.
ritory. Retrieved 8 December
2010. [41] Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Constitu-
tion Order 2009 (at OPSI)". 16 July 2010.
[20] British Virgin Islands (BVI)". Retrieved 8 Retrieved 8 December 2010.
December 2010.
[42] Press Release No. 133/2007. Government of Gibraltar
[21] The World Factbook: Cayman Islands. CIA. Retrieved Press Oce.
10 December 2011.
[43] Carlisle, Rodney (December 1982). Sovereignty for Sale
[22] Commonwealth Secretariat Falkland Islands. (1st ed.). USA: naval institute Press. ISBN 0870216686. 14 June 1982. Retrieved 8
December 2010. [44]
[23] Gibraltar. Retrieved 8 December 2010.
[45] Little Bay Development. Re-
[24] Commonwealth Secretariat Gibraltar. Thecommon- trieved 28 April 2013. 7 November 2002. Retrieved 8 December
2010. [46] British Overseas Territories Law, Ian Hendry and Susan
Dickson, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2011, p. 340
[25] Montserrat. Retrieved 8 December 2010.
[47] Sovereign Base Areas, Background. Sovereign Base Ar-
[26] Pitcairn Island. Retrieved 8 December eas, Cyprus. Retrieved 7 October 2011.
[48] UK Overseas Territories.
[27] UN Statistics St Helena census 2008 (PDF). United
Nations. Retrieved 4 January 2011. [49] The Overseas Territories: security, success and sustain-
ability (PDF). Foreign & Commonwealth Oce. 28
[28] Territories: St Helena, Ascension, Tristan da Cunha. June 2012. Retrieved 15 November 2014.
BBC. 1 December 2010. Retrieved 4 January 2011.
[50] British nancial ocials in the region for talks with de-
[29] Vital Statistics SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH pendent territories By Oscar Ramjeet, CaribbeanNet-
SANDWICH ISLANDS. 22 January 1993. CIA News, (Published on Saturday, 21 March 2009) Archived
WORLD FACTBOOK 1992 via the Libraries of the 25 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine.
Univ. of Missouri-St. Louis.
[51] MP proposes British Overseas Territories be represented
[30] Population of Grytviken, South Georgia and the South in Westminster MercoPress. Re-
Sandwich Islands. 31 March trieved 28 April 2013.
2009. Retrieved 8 December 2010.
[52] HM Government e-petitions.
[31] Turks and Caicos Islands. 1 November Retrieved 28 April 2013.
2009. Retrieved 8 December 2010.
[53] Any person who, immediately before the commencement of
[32] Bermuda History and Heritage. 6 this section, is a British overseas territories citizen shall, on
November 2007. Retrieved 3 December 2008. the commencement of this section, become a British citizen.

[54] Bermuda at 11 Further reading

[55] UK Government White Paper on Overseas Territories,
Charles Cawley. Colonies in Conict: The History of
June, 2012. Page 23.
the British Overseas Territories (2015) 444pp
[56] St. Helena Inde-
Harry Ritchie, The Last Pink Bits: Travels Through
pendent, 24 April 2015 p8
the Remnants of the British Empire (London: Hodder
[57] & Stoughton, 1997)

[58] FCO country prole

Simon Winchester, Outposts: Journeys to the Sur-
viving Relics of the British Empire (London & New
[59] The World Factbook. York, 1985)

[60] British Indian Ocean Territory Currency. George Drower, Britains Dependent Territories 6 March 2013. (Dartmouth, 1992)
Retrieved 28 April 2013.
George Drower, Overseas Territories Handbook
[61] Commemorative UK Pounds and Stamps issued in GBP (London: TSO, 1998)
have been issued. Source:,
Ian Hendry and Susan Dickson, British Overseas
[62] Overseas Territories. House of Commons Foreign Aairs Territories Law (London: Hart Publishing, 2011)
Select Committee.
Ben Fogle, The Teatime Islands: Adventures in
[63] Stephen Wright (28 July 2012). Representing Britains Faraway Outposts (London: Michael
Britain...and Bermuda | Bermuda Olympics 2012. Joseph, 2003) Retrieved 28 April 2013.
Bonham C. Richardson (16 January 1992). The
[64] London, Bianca (24 July 2012). You've heard of Victo- Caribbean in the Wider World, 14921992. Cam-
ria Pendleton and Jessica Ennis... now meet the OTHER bridge University Press. Retrieved 8 December
Olympic babes going for gold. Daily Mail. Retrieved 28 2010.
July 2012.

[65] Williams Olympic hopes on hold for 4 more years. 29 June 2012. Retrieved 28 April 2013.
12 External links
[66] Purnell, Gareth (27 July 2012). At last! Phillips Idowu Foreign and Commonwealth Oce UK Overseas
tracked down... in Team GB photo Olympic News Territories
Olympics. The Independent. Retrieved 28 April 2013.
UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum
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Retrieved 28 April 2013. United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association

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13 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

13.1 Text
British Overseas Territories Source: Contributors:
Kowloonese, SimonP, Montrealais, Stevertigo, Patrick, Infrogmation, Michael Hardy, Liftarn, Hoshie, Menchi, Mic, Arwel Parry, TUF-
KAT, Vzbs34, Andres, Jiang, Wik, Astrotrain, Morwen, Itai, Nv8200pa, Jnc, Ed g2s, Karukera, Andrew Yong, Rls, AnonMoos, Jfruh,
Francs2000, Slawojarek, Michael Glass, Denelson83, Gentgeen, Robbot, ChrisO~enwiki, Bon, Romanm, Sverdrup, SchmuckyTheCat,
Texture, JackofOz, Wereon, Jord, Davidcannon, Ahadley, DocWatson42, Nichalp, Haeleth, Tom harrison, Ianbetteridge, SteveFoerster,
Everyking, Wikibob, Grant65, Pne, Kvasir, HistoryBA, CaribDigita, OwenBlacker, Mjs, RetiredUser2, Hammersfan, Sam Hocevar, En-
zino, Demiurge, Jakro64, Slady, Discospinster, Rich Farmbrough, AxSkov, Quiensabe, Ibagli, Bender235, Sc147, Zscout370, Shanes,
Robotje, Shenme, Dpaajones, Man vyi, La goutte de pluie, Sinesurfer, DavidS~enwiki, Grutness, Ricky81682, Craigy144, Andrew Gray,
Lightdarkness, Cdc, Hu, Bart133, Binabik80, Helixblue, Dtcdthingy, Instantnood, Nightstallion, Deror avi, Bastin, Zntrip, Pcpcpc, Thry-
duulf, Angr, Richard Arthur Norton (1958- ), Woohookitty, Doctor Boogaloo, Xmp, JFG, Kosher Fan, Ratzer, Fbriere, ^demon, Dwilke,
Chochopk, Je3000, Damicatz, Dovid, Peatoneil, Graham87, Dpv, Rjwilmsi, Coemgenus, George Burgess, Vegaswikian, Ground Zero,
Wctaiwan, Algri, Chobot, JPD, PhilipR, YurikBot, Wavelength, Ecemaml, Hairy Dude, RussBot, Holger Finken, Fabartus, Conscious,
LSK, AVM, Pigman, Van der Hoorn, Gaius Cornelius, GeeJo, Welsh, Rjensen, JAJ, Danlaycock, Ospalh, Aleichem, Htonl, Reton, Bota47,
JMBrust, Gfannick, The Spith, Bob247, Bill.martin, PTSE, Barryob, Petri Krohn, Shyam, Mais oui!, Fastifex, Kingboyk, Wai Hong,
Sardanaphalus, Attilios, Jjd27, SmackBot, Fireworks, ReidarM, David Kernow, Herostratus, Melchoir, CSZero, Verne Equinox, Kintet-
subualo, Mauls, Chris the speller, Mnbf9rca, Bluebot, Skookum1, MalafayaBot, Victorgrigas, Bazonka, Da Vynci, Grusl, OrphanBot,
Tai39, Hippo43, Gibnews, Greenshed, SundarBot, Cybercobra, Mr Minchin, Ozdaren, Nathans, Maelnuneb, Coat of Arms, Ohconfucius,
Greentubing, John, ShiningEyes, Gobonobo, Robosh, JorisvS, Bjankuloski06en~enwiki, IronGargoyle, The Tramp, Jxb311, Stwalkerster,
Tasc, Apcbg, Beetstra, InedibleHulk, Andrwsc, Burto88, Iridescent, Joseph Solis in Australia, Ariel Pontes, Kernow, PaD, R~enwiki, Leaky
caldron, Newyorkbrad, Richard75, Courcelles, FairuseBot, RaviC, Roxi2, Threadnecromancer, JForget, CmdrObot, TysK, Cerdic, Tom
from 8L, Ninetyone, Erik Kennedy, GHe, N2e, Ken Gallager, Hemlock Martinis, Mattbuck, Aodhdubh, Future Perfect at Sunrise, Tawker-
bot4, DumbBOT, Kozuch, Thijs!bot, Barticus88, Biruitorul, Kahastok, RitKill, Bobblehead, Esquierman, Colwolyoung, Stevvvv4444,
AntiVandalBot, Semifreddo, Gishman, RedCoat10, Tucu Mann, ChrisSk8, JAnDbot, DuncanHill, Y2kcrazyjoker4, Magioladitis, Fitnr,
Johnelwaq, VoABot II, Vintagekits, Mclay1, Nyttend, Snowded, BilCat, Allstarecho, Salopian, Ashishbhatnagar72, Mannerheimo, Climax
Void, Moongate, Mr right, R'n'B, CommonsDelinker, Burgh House, DrKay, JamesR, YourPTR!, Cop 663, Dedee73, Tai kit, Ahuskay,
Tauex, Robertgreer, Biofoundationsoanguage, DorganBot, Andy Marchbanks, Gibmetal77, SoCalSuperEagle, Idioma-bot, Hugo999,
VolkovBot, That-Vela-Fella, ABF, RingtailedFox, Kelapstick, Philip Trueman, Rkt2312, TXiKiBoT, Rizalninoynapoleon, Chrisieboy,
Martin451, Broadbot, Supertask, Domer48, Malus Catulus, Oisin Allen, Usergreatpower, Yk Yk Yk, AjitPD, Entirelybs, Bluedenim,
Dark Dragon Sword, Signsolid, Mocu, The Red Hat of Pat Ferrick, SieBot, MuzikJunky, Portalian, Buho09, BotMultichill, Ninington,
Flyer22 Reborn, Falastur2, Bdatruthwriter, Goustien, Benea, Lightmouse, Deadjune1, Willwal, Glassbreaker5791, Capitalismojo, The
Four Deuces, Jza84, Denisarona, Sjhobday, Wee Curry Monster, VirginiaProp, ImageRemovalBot, Llywelyn2000, Dancingwombatsrule,
Martingibb, Swedish fusilier, Tullis, TCMHF, Breen32, E-cottage, Abigail alderate, No such user, Gnome de plume, Sun Creator, Dn9ahx,
M.O.X, Guy.fowler, BOTarate, Loopextra, Odyssey 500, Smarkea, DumZiBoT, BarretB, WikHead, SilvonenBot, Mm40, Good Olfac-
tory, ElMeBot, Addbot, SpellingBot, Douglas the Comeback Kid, Download, The C of E, Walnuts go kapow, Lemonade100, Tabrisnow,
AguaitantPV~enwiki, Ehrenkater, Lightbot, Zorrobot, -iNu-, HerculeBot, Coviepresb1647, Luckas-bot, Yobot, ThinkingTwice,,
AnomieBOT, Jim1138, JackieBot, Geord0, Materialscientist, Nika 243, Rvd4life, LilHelpa, Xqbot, Gymnophoria, Intermess, Conay,
Davshul, Tiller54, Jamquinbon, Amqui, 78.26, Alderox, GhalyBot, Moxy, DITWIN GRIM, Fotaun, Robynthehode, George2001hi, ChikeJ,
Paine Ellsworth, Tobby72, Mistakender, Vyvyan Ade Basterd, Outback the koala, KosmischeSynth, Omdo, Plucas58, Martinvl, Moon-
raker, RedBot, MastiBot, Jonjo Robb, Flosssock1, TobeBot, Ethesta, Bentoro, Gaius Octavius Princeps, Gvotno, Duoduoduo, Klrichard-
son27, Reaper Eternal, Chipmunkdavis, MAXXX-309, Steve03Mills, EmausBot, WikitanvirBot, Ajraddatz, Xmxu365, Dewritech, Mr-
Transcript, Tommy2010, Werieth, AvicBot, Liquidmetalrob, GeorgeBarnick, Donner60, ChuispastonBot, KHarber, FeatherPluma, Clue-
Bot NG, JetBlast, Barabbas1312, CocuBot, Rezabot, Hurunui99, Widr, Morgan Riley, Helpful Pixie Bot, Andrew Gwilliam, Johnnyjanko,
Flix11, Edoardo Cavaleri, Pacerier, HIDECCHI001, Xyxyx, Phd8511, Jeancey, Arguegroup, Wannabemodel, Sultancba, Cyberbot II,
AzseicsoK, Khazar2, Brythones, Brian1997, Chibelta, GBozanko, SiBr4, Expertseeker90, Kovieb, Volemviurealpais, Braji, ChoamTrom-
sky, Waldronfan, Allthestrongbowintheworld, CsDix, Gastn Cuello, Rob984, Frenchmalawi, Howicus, Way2veers, Soredo, Flmtnez,
WILLARDSON89, Mitchell.robbins, Notthebestusername, Whizz40, Sparkyb10123, Noyster, Nick Mitchell 98, Azirudin.zahra, Random
9098, Filedelinkerbot, Adriong, Ljones18, Dbaker94, MeNotBadSpeller, Some Gadget Geek, Cridley90, Hobnobers 2, Rude-boy-wayne,
Viet-hoian1, Riggg, KSFT, Alexanders Hood, CLCStudent, Apairofpears and Anonymous: 399

13.2 Images
File:Bermuda-Harbour_and_Town_of_St_George.jpg Source:
Bermuda-Harbour_and_Town_of_St_George.jpg License: CC BY 2.5 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.
Original artist: Aodhdubh at English Wikipedia
File:BritishAntarcticTerritory.svg Source: Li-
cense: OGL Contributors: adapted from Original artist: Foreign and Com-
monwealth Oce
File:British_Overseas.png Source: License: CC BY-SA
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: George Bozanko
File:British_Overseas_Territories_Joint_Ministerial_Council_with_Cameron.jpg Source:
commons/a/a1/British_Overseas_Territories_Joint_Ministerial_Council_with_Cameron.jpg License: OGL Contributors: Flickr Original
artist: Foreign and Commonwealth Oce]
File:Coat_of_Arms_of_Anguilla.svg Source:
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Vectorized by Froztbyte
File:Coat_of_Arms_of_Ascension_Island.svg Source:
Ascension_Island.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: HowFalcons
13.2 Images 11

File:Coat_of_arms_of_Bermuda.svg Source:

License: Public domain Contributors: Image:Flag of Bermuda.svg Original artist: First version: User:Escondites Second version: User:
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Gibraltar1.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors: Image:Flag of Gibraltar.svg; based on the original coat of arms of Gibraltar, grnated in 1502.
Original artist: User:Escondites
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Montserrat.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors: Image:Flag of Montserrat.svg Original artist: User:Escondites
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Saint_Helena.svg Source:
Helena.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Extracted from Image:Flag of Saint Helena.svg which comes from the xrmap ag collection
2.9. Original artist: Patricia Fidi
File:Coat_of_arms_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg Source:
commons/7/78/Coat_of_arms_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Based on
Image:Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.svg Original artist: PavelD
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Tristan_da_Cunha.svg Source:
Tristan_da_Cunha.svg License: Public domain Contributors: own work based on Image:Flag of Tristan da Cunha.svg Original artist: PavelD
File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_British_Antarctic_Territory.svg Source:
of_arms_of_the_British_Antarctic_Territory.svg License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: own-work (based on this gif) Original artist: vector
version Masur
File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg Source:
Coat_of_arms_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: self-made. [1] used as reference. Orig-
inal artist: Demidow
File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg Source:
arms_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Lifted from Image:Flag of the British Virgin Islands.svg, replacing
the PNG uploaded to de by Benutzer:Thyes Original artist: Tobias Jakobs
File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Cayman_Islands.svg Source:
the_Cayman_Islands.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Falkland_Islands.svg Source:
the_Falkland_Islands.svg License: CC0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Pitcairn_Islands.svg Source:
the_Pitcairn_Islands.svg License: Public domain Contributors: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copy-
right claims). Original artist: No machine-readable author provided. Yaddah assumed (based on copyright claims).
File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg Source:
arms_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Image:Flag of Saint Helena.svg Original artist: User:
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contribu-
tors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Edit-clear.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: The
Tango! Desktop Project. Original artist:
The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the le, specically: Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
File:Flag_of_Anguilla.svg Source: License: CC0 Contrib-
utors: It is created by John C Meuser, and is part of Original artist: Dbenbenn; Vectorized by Froztbyte
File:Flag_of_Ascension_Island.svg Source: Li-
cense: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:, uses http:
// Original artist: HowFalcons
File:Flag_of_Bermuda.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work Original artist: Version 1: Made by Caleb Moore from the Open Clip Art website and uploaded by
Nightstallion Version 2: Made by Nameneko from version 1 of Image:Flag of Bermuda.svg and version 2 of Image:Coa Bermuda.svg
by Cronholm144.
File:Flag_of_Europe.svg Source: License: Public domain
File based on the specication given at [1]. Original artist: User:Verdy p, User:-x-, User:Paddu, User:Nightstallion, User:Funakoshi,
User:Jeltz, User:Dbenbenn, User:Zscout370
File:Flag_of_Gibraltar.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: based on the original coat of arms of Gibraltar, granted in 1502 Original artist: Created on behalf of Isabella I of Castile
in 1502; this version uploaded by Denelson83 (talk contribs)
File:Flag_of_Montserrat.svg Source: License: CC0
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Saint_Helena.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: From the xrmap ag collection 2.9 (gb-sh.svg). Original artist: Patricia Fidi
File:Flag_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg Source:
ed/Flag_of_South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands.svg License: CC0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?

File:Flag_of_Tristan_da_Cunha.svg Source:

License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_the_British_Antarctic_Territory.svg Source:
British_Antarctic_Territory.svg License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: vector version Masur
File:Flag_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg Source:
6e/Flag_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg License: CC0 Contributors: From the Open Clip Art site, namely
uk_british_indian_ocean_territory.svg by Caleb Moore. Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_the_British_Virgin_Islands.svg Source:
Virgin_Islands.svg License: CC0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_the_Cayman_Islands.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Unknown<a href='//'
title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='
Wikidata-logo.svg/20px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png' width='20' height='11' srcset='
thumb/f/ff/Wikidata-logo.svg/30px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 1.5x,
Wikidata-logo.svg/40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='1050' data-le-height='590' /></a>
File:Flag_of_the_Falkland_Islands.svg Source:
Islands.svg License: CC0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_the_Pitcairn_Islands.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Dbenbenn
File:Flag_of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg Source:
of_the_Turks_and_Caicos_Islands.svg License: Public domain Contributors: from the Open Clip Art website Original
artist: Unknown<a href='//' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718'
src='' width='20'
height='11' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-le-width='1050'
data-le-height='590' /></a>
File:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg Source: Li-
cense: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Gibraltar_National_Day_011_(9719769048)_(3).jpg Source:
National_Day_011_%289719769048%29_%283%29.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Gibraltar National Day_011 Original artist:
File:Gibraltar_aerial_view_looking_northwest.jpg Source:
view_looking_northwest.jpg License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: Flickr: Gibraltar Original artist: Steve
File:Little_Bay_Montserrat.jpg Source: License:
CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Winjammer Polynesia in the distance Original artist: Mike Schinkel from Atlanta, GA, USA
File:Map-Europe-Outermost-regions.PNG Source:
Map-Europe-Outermost-regions.PNG License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: blank world map Original artist: Alix Guillard
File:McKeeva_Bush,_Premier_of_the_Cayman_Islands_2.jpg Source:
McKeeva_Bush%2C_Premier_of_the_Cayman_Islands_2.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: OTRS 2013021510001522 Original
artist: Albert Sydney
File:Mount_Pleasant_Airport_-_Donald_Morrison.jpg Source:
Pleasant_Airport_-_Donald_Morrison.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Mount Pleasant Airport Original artist: Donald Morrison
from Lochalsh, Scotland
File:Overseas_Territories_flags_(8958664223).jpg Source:
Territories_flags_%288958664223%29.jpg License: OGL Contributors: Flickr Original artist: Foreign and Commonwealth Oce
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
File:Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg Source:
Coat_of_Arms_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sodacan
File:Tristanfromspace.jpg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Original artist: NASA
zoom).svg Source:
2Bcrown_dependencies%29%2C_administrative_divisions_-_Nmbrs_%28multiple_zoom%29.svg License: CC
BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: This vector graphics image was created with Adobe Illustrator. Original artist:
TUBS<a href='//' title='User talk:TUBS'><img alt='Email Silk.svg' src='
File:United_Kingdom_in_its_region_(North_America_special).svg Source:
wikipedia/commons/c/cd/United_Kingdom_in_its_region_%28North_America_special%29.svg License: CC BY-
SA 3.0 Contributors: This vector graphics image was created with Adobe Illustrator. Original artist:
TUBS<a href='//' title='User talk:TUBS'><img alt='Email Silk.svg' src='

13.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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