The Fifth Initiation and The Process After It

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The Fifth Initiation and the process after

The 5th initiation is a major earth initiation.

This initiation occurs when all karma has been paid from the 7 major chakras. When all
the karma has gone the chakras become 100% light and radiate that light from the
chakras. The chakras are perfected. This initiation also means the person has left the
cycle of rebirth. They have broken the cycle of rebirth. Their karma drew them back life
after life but now the karma has been paid and the cycle broken. This makes it a
momentous initiation.

We ascend through our chakras. As the dross and karma clear from our chakras the
vibration within the chakra rises. The lower 7 chakras are the chakras of the lower self,
the soul and personality. It is through the clearing of these chakras, that the vibration
and consciousness rises and the lower-self rises to merge with the Higher Self. Once
these 7 major chakras have reached 100% light (vibrancy) and 100% radiance of that
light, then the chakras are perfected and the 5th initiation occurs and the person
becomes an adept.

The time after the 5th initiation is about the anchoring of the Higher Self into the Holy
Heart, clearing the karma from all dimensional lives, facing all fears and awakening the
higher chakras 8-12 to the stage that the chakras 9 to 12 are rainbow coloured.

What happens at the 5th initiation?

The process is fairly standard but of course there are different experiences for each
person. Some people will be conscious of each step and process and some only part of it
and some I have discovered, don't even know it has occurred. But regardless of a
persons awareness, the aura, and chakras (lower and higher) tell the story of where they
are in the ascension process.

The first sign of the 5th initiation occurring that you might notice can be a
vibration in your soul seat (this sits just below the throat chakra where the two
collarbones meet). This vibration means the link between your soul and the earth
star is preparing for change.

When this happens the Earth Star will be changing colour from silver or a single
colour to paua (abalone) colours of blues or pinks. The Earth Star sits about 6
inches below the feet and is nearly always an inverted pyramid in shape. (see the
article on the Earth Star)

Papatuanuku (the Mother Earth goddess) severs your earth star connection with
her. This means you are no longer of the Mother. The magnetic and karmic pull
back into body for karmic lives is no longer possible.

You are now of the divine Father, removed from the comfort of the Mother.
You might feel after this, a vibration in your cells, as your physical body adjusts
to being no longer of the Mother. Your physical cells will be rebuilt to take on
the higher vibration which is coming.

A new and temporary Star is created below your feet within the body of the
Mother Earth by the Cosmic Masters who will preside over your initiation. This
new Star is to keep you grounded - this is called a Celestial Star by the Masters.
This temporary star is very different to your previous star. It will have many
colours that change daily; it will fade in and out across dimensions and will
change shape.

You may experience ongoing grief at the loss of the connection with the Mother
Earth. She has nurtured you through thousands of life times and so to say
goodbye at this deep level can be traumatic for some.

Your kundalini will rise of its own natural volition unaided, without fanfare and
work. It will rise from the base chakra, opening the lotus of the crown to its
fullest potential and then rise up into the 8th chakra which will becomes its new
home. All your system is preparing itself. Reincarnation is no longer for you,
you are moving into the Divine.

The actual 5th initiation will then occur with a group of Masters who step
forward to support you. This will be unique and personal to you. The initiation
usually occurs in segments and can take 24 hours or more.

Now there will be the start of the union of your Higher-Self and lower self. This
union begins in the Holy Heart. The Holy Heart is that sacred space within the
Sacred Heart. This is where the Higher-Self anchors itself - this anchoring is part
of the 6th initiation also.

After the Higher self has created the anchor in your Holy Heart, you can take a
breather and know Step One had passed. Now this break may take a couple of
days or a couple of weeks. What occurs will be perfect for you

Once you've got your breath back then the battle begins between your lower
personality self and Higher-Self. The lower personality self is so used to being
the boss, it isn't going to submit easily. The Higher Self will win; it just depends
on how long the battle lasts. You will feel fragile.

Once the Higher-Self wins the battle, those 7 beautiful radiant chakras will drop
in vibration and radiance. This is because your 7 chakra system has ceased to
work as it once did. The chakras 1-7 are now without an anchor, they change
every second of every day, the light within them changes from 1 to 100% light
and radiance within seconds - they have no purpose any longer and cease to

For those using the Ascended Master oils, once the chakras are perfected and go
into freefall they no longer function and wont accept the oil into the chakras.
The minor chakras still exist and still work.
After the 5th initiation the chakras are perfected. There is nothing in them to be
transmuted. Anything that is left is in the bodies, of the mind, of the ego and
most certainly patterns of behaviour.

The lower 7 chakras are now the lesser system, and your new working chakra
system are the chakras 8 to12.

The higher chakra system (chakras 8-12) has previously been turned off until the
4th initiation is passed, then the 8th chakra awakens and by the time the 5th
initiation is passed the 9th chakra is awakened. Before the 6th initiation is
reached all 5 hidden chakras 8-12 are awakened. The 8th chakra is about 12- 18
inches above your head, and the other 4 chakras above the 8th.

Your new chakra system is different to your previous one. The 8th chakra is blue
for everyone. As the chakras 9 to 12 awaken they can be any colour. The 12th
chakra begins as gold, this is the godhead chakra, the one linked to your Christ
Light, but it will eventually change to a rainbow colour, as will all the chakras 9-

You will begin to feel like there is a veil between you and the physical world.
You will engage and be present, but feel apart. Your ability to know will
increase as you will feel part of something more. If you havent had the ability to
see dimensional colour before (i.e. auras), you still wont. There isnt a magical
switch at the 5th to give you gifts you haven't had before.

Every fear you have whether it is heights, spiders, or claustrophobia to name a

few, will be suddenly presented for testing. These fears need to be conquered
before you can move forward. The fears left will be fears of the mind. All past
lives have been cleared, all chakras perfected, so look to the mind for the source.
It is all about acknowledging creations of the mind, sustaining creations of the
mind and then letting go and releasing these mind creations. Starting this
practise at the 5th will serve you well at the 6th.

You will be looking more within self at this time. You Sacred and Holy Hearts
will be looking inward to Self, so you may feel less heart connected to humanity,
though this isn't the case.

You will feel/see/know the connection between your Holy Heart and the higher
chakras as one long column or a spiral. The column is of the Father/god and the
spiral is of the Mother/goddess. Before the 6th initiation you will be aware of
both the spiral and column connection between your holy heart and higher
chakras. The Father/god & Mother/ goddess aspect has come into total balance
within your upper chakra system and within the Holy heart.

Letting go of all your desires and attachments comes up for release.

Love of Self occurs and you know it and feel it and understand it.
The tests keep coming for Mastery - Mastery over the physical, emotional and
mental bodies.

Ego is still present, but to a much lesser degree. When it appears, you will note

Part of the process after the 5th initiation is to clear the karma of all your
dimensional lives. This is done quite quickly via your higher chakras.

At some stage after the 5th initiation you will have ascended sufficiently to
receive a halo. They come in several versions - we have seen a thick gold torus
that rings the entire head at the 3rd eye level, and a halo that can only be
described as a gold inverted fish bowl that covers the entire head down to the
soul seat, and also we have seen a small thin halo at the back of the head - I'm
sure there are other versions as well. The meaning of the appearance of the halo
we have found is humility. When the adept is in a state of humility the halo is
present. We have also observed the halo disappearing - and know the person is
not in a state of humility. The halo only remains between the 5th and 6th
initiation. After the 6th initiation the halo no longer exists.

The time between the 5th and 6th initiations will differ for each person. We have found
for those using the Ascended Master products and healings the average time is about a
year. For those not actively ascending with the Masters we have seen only one person
reach the 6th initiation, and this appeared to be a very unbalanced way process.

So by the time you have reached the 6th initiation you will have

Anchored the Higher Self into the Holy Heart,

Cleared the karma from all dimensional lives,

Faced and mastered all your fears

Awakened the higher chakras 8-12 to the stage the chakras 9 to 12 are rainbow

Practises that will assist you towards the 6th are

Devotion. Devotion to your own Higher Self and own Christ Light

Surrender. Surrender to your Higher Self and Christ Light.

Letting go of mind creations.

The 6th initiation

The 6th initiation occurs when the hidden chakras 8 to 12 are turned on (this occurs
naturally between the 5th and 6th initiations) and when the chakras 9-12 change to
rainbow in colour. When this occurs the person will have no more dimensional lives, the
Higher-Self will be anchored in the Holy Heart and the person has mastered all their
fears. They will be coming to the realisation the lower-self is merely a construct of the
Higher-Self and in this realisation the ego will be lessening.

The process of the 6th initiation can take between 3 weeks to several years from our
observations to date. Each person is unique.

Here is the process for those beginning the 6th initiation.

1. All dross in all the bodies must be gone - no dross can be left anywhere. (All
karma was cleared at the 5th) but dross can still remain in the bodies and be
created after the 5th initiation. Part of the delay in the initiation is connected to
the amount of dross left in the bodies. All the bodies must be clear.

2. All dimensional lives are gone - of all the lives (dimensional souls of the Higher-
Self) have returned to the Higher Self, you are the last one standing.

3. The Soul Seat can vibrate you might feel it physically

4. Your personal crystal in the Sacred Heart changes shape and colour and drops
into the Celestial Star below your feet (The Celestial star is the new name for the
Earth Star after the 5th initiation).

5. The Celestial Star turns from apex down to apex up.

6. The Celestial Star with the crystal disappears from beneath the feet and begins
it's migration to it's final position above the 12th chakra.

7. A one centimetre thick skin appears around the etheric body (this is to hold the
physical body in form once the initiation occurs). This skin stays permanently to
keep the physical body in form; otherwise the body couldnt sustain the
vibrations. I suspect the body would cease to exist. The skin may be one colour
for the initiation and then change eventually to the colour of the ray of the
Higher-Self. The Higher-Self is on its own ray.

8. The 8th chakra starts to pulsate. The 8th chakra is blue.

9. At the initiation the chakras 9-12 are all rainbow coloured.

10. The Celestial Star with the crystal appears in the soul seat this can take some
time between leaving its prior place beneath your feet. For some it travels up the
chakras, one by one and for others it disappears to reappear in the soul seat.
Where is goes between leaving the earth and arriving in the soul seat we dont
know. Waireti cant see or find it in its transition.

11. The ray colour of the Higher-Self starts to merge with the aura on an emotional
and mental body level. This will be your new ray of incarnation and will
eventually be your one total colour.
12. The initiation occurs. The Higher-Self has previously anchored itself in the Holy
Heart and prepares to move into your lower form. At this time the 5 rays of
incarnation of the initiate are removed, as all lessons are learnt, within the
confines of those 5 rays with their Masters. These 5 rays are replaced with the
single soul ray colour of the Higher-Self. In my case yellow (2nd ray) my
Higher-Self has a pale yellow ray colour and so this colour is seen in all my 5

13. The Higher-Self is now the only teacher. The previous ray Masters have stepped
back. All the Masters step back as teachers.

14. The Core Star (the doorway to dimensional lives) ceases to exist and is no
longer part of the energy system of the body. There is no longer any link to any

15. The Celestial Star with the crystal leaves the energy centre of the soul seat and
eventually appears above the 12th chakra, apex down. The Celestial Star keeps
the Higher-Self in body. The initiation is over. You have passed the 6th initiation.

16. The soul seat becomes a vortex. All past lives are cleared and the record of them
moves to the Celestial star for storage.

17. The 8th chakra has become the chakra of the next initiation.

18. A spinning disc of light appears between the crown chakra and the 8th chakra.

19. There may be a period of deep grief at the initiation itself when the rays are
changed, it means the death of an identity or a construct, and your rays
contribute to who you are. The changing of the rays heralds in the rise of the
Higher-Self and the bowing or submission of the lower self. It is also means the
loss of the support team. It is just you and the Higher-Self. The Higher-Self is
now your only teacher. This is a time of great change and upheaval.

20. The process of integrating and understanding the new rays is an ongoing
process. Each Master has their own colour and the nuances of that colour apply
to them as Beings. For you it will mean the start of an ongoing process of
learning the nuances of your new ray in regards to your Higher-Self.

21. The assimilation continues for over a year. Do we feel any different? Yes and
no. Life continues as normal, so routine and life help to feel normal, but there is
the sense of separation and loss from old self. It is hard to put into words. I type,
but I observe the typing, it's like life is on autopilot. Do I feel more connected to
the Masters - no not really, the level of connection feels the same. But in saying
that there is a gorgeous feeling of divinity that appears and goes Higher-Self of
course. There is a sense of peace.

22. The Higher-Self over the next year or longer will slowly merge into form. The
Holy Heart has a magnetic pull on the Higher-Self. The integration can be
noticed within the soul seat as a percentage as the Higher-Self takes over from
the lower self.
23. Your Higher-Self has a teacher he/she may step forward to introduce himself
to you. My Higher-Self has Ares as his teacher. The teacher will also be on your
new ray so is a further confirmation of the ray you have moved to.

So the checkpoints are -

1. The crystal in the Sacred Heart drops into the Celestial Star

2. The Celestial Star turns from Apex down to apex up

3. The Celestial Star leaves its position from below the feet to travel to the soul
seat, usually up the chakras

4. The etheric body gets a 1cm skin to keep the cells of the body together.

5. The Celestial Star appears in the Soul Seat.

6. The Core Star disappears not to return.

7. The 5 rays have changed to the colour and ray of the Higher-Self.

8. The Celestial Star moves to its final position above head

9. When the Celestial Star arrives above the 12th chakra the initiation is complete.

The process after the 6th initiation and before the 7th initiation is all about the Higher-
Self coming into the physical body 100%. After the 6th initiation, the lower and Higher-
Self must co-exist as the transition occurs. Through this process the lower-self runs the
body, does all the 3 D things, the Higher-Self takes this time to adjust to a world he/she
has never experienced.
Remember, the lower self is a construct for this one life from a soul that has had many
lives. The Higher-Self has overseen its many dimensional souls all with many lives.
This soul of this lower self is the last one standing of all the dimensional souls the
Higher-Self has been working with. The most important thing to remember is that you
the lower-self are a construct for the purpose of the Higher-Self.

A period of a year to 2 years plus is normal between the 6th and 7th initiation for those
ascending with the Ascended Masters at the portal. It is much longer time period for

The Seventh Initiation

When this initiation arrives, the persons Higher-Self will be 100% in the Holy
Heart. They will have humility as part of their being; humility is the opposite
of ego, though ego will still rise up due to the nature of the lower-self. The
person will be in a state of ongoing devotion to the Higher-Self and to the
Christ Light. Both the Higher-Self and lower-self have let go of all that ties
them into their realities. The Higher-Self needs to be comfortable with
letting go too, for this is the first time in its existence Higher-self has come
into form.
This is a hard initiation and much occurs between the 6th and the 7th
initiations that can be confusing. We will start with a few ideas of what to
expect in the time between these two initiations.
From the 6th there is a magnetic pull occurring from the Holy Heart for the
Higher-Self. Then there is also a pushing from the celestial star down, it may
feel like a weight on the head. The energies from both sources can be
severe, especially around the head and Holy Heart. This push-pull energy
can be felt throughout the entire physical body and the energetic bodies, or
one or the other.
It can get so severe, stroke like symptoms may appear. The body cells are
constantly vibrating. This can be discombobulating. You know when a heavy
truck goes by and the body feels the movement make that internal 24/7
and you get an idea. The feeling of being apart from reality is common; it
may feel like a thick cotton wool barrier.
At 92% of Higher-Self in the Holy Heart other changes begin to occur.

The 1cm skin that formed around the etheric body at the 5th initiation
changes from 1 cm thick to 5cm thick. This thickening of the skin
around the etheric is so the physical body can be held together as the
greater vibrations come into form.

The Kundalini at the 5th initiation moved to the 8th chakra. The
Kundalini now lowers some of its energy back into body. This is the
precursor to the 8th chakra coming into form. And the beginning
processes needed for the initiation to occur.

At 95% Higher Self in the Holy Heart

The medulla (at the top of the spine, the site where cosmic energy
enters the body, also known as the Mouth of God) begins to feel full
and tight. During this process you may get a feeling of dripping from
the medulla down the throat. I had read many years ago about the
nectar that can drip from the pineal gland. This was not a sweet taste.
The pineal and medulla are linked. The dripping might continue for a
while. The liquid is feeding the sushumna the energetic cord that
links the 7 chakras.

At 98% Higher Self in the Holy Heart

A feeling begins like a coiling from the crown chakra to the base
chakra. At the crown the energy pushes down unwinding the coil to
produce a straight thread from crown to base. As this straightening
occurs, every aspect of the being comes into complete balance and

Then the 8th, 9th and 10th chakras drop from their position above the
head down into the body. The 8th chakra goes to the base chakra
position, the 9th chakra goes to the heart chakra position and the
10th chakra goes to the crown chakra position. The kundalini at the
5th rose to the 8th chakra, and now with the 8th chakra back in body
so is the kundalini.

Now only the 11th and 12th chakras now reside above the head.
Previously while above the head the 8th was blue and all the other
chakras were rainbow. Now in body the 8th is blue, the 9th is gold and
the 10th is violet. These colours will change. The 11th and 12th
remain as rainbow.

A Vesica Piscus opens from the crown chakra to base chakra and all
the dimensions are revealed. You make be taken to all the
dimensions. The Vesica Piscus closes.

All the 7 major chakras have gone and have been replaced by the
8th, 9th and 10th chakras. The new 3 chakras are dinner plate size.
All the minor chakras still exist

At 99% Higher Self in the Holy Heart

Kundalini rises from the 8th chakra and links 8-12th chakras. It rises
up through the centre of the chakras, not up the spine. Each chakra
ignites at the centre.

The Holy Heart moves to centre of 9th chakra

Higher-Self moves to fill entire physical body from the Holy Heart,
while keeping the Holy Heart as its core.

The Higher-Self appears to go to sleep. Preparation for the initiation is


The 9th and 10th chakras both turn to rainbow coloured.

If your angelic Twin Flame is ascending with you there will be a

greater awareness of a single wing on one side and a fuzzy blending
of energies on the opposite side.

The Teacher of your Higher-Self might be more to the fore while the
Higher-Self is asleep.

At 100% Higher Self in the Holy Heart

When the Higher-Self wakes up the initiation is a week or so away,

this may vary.

The 7th Initiation begins.

There are 8 parts. The process may take at least a week.
Part 1

The Masters appear with the Rod of Initiation.

If you are of angelic origin, you might find the single wing and the nub
begin to hurt. This is a sign your angelic wing and nub are being

A seal is placed between the 10th and 11th chakras. This seal keeps
the Higher-Self in form. Only physical death can now release the
Higher-Self from the body.

Part 2

The Masters of the ray of the Higher-Self appear.

Every aspect of energy, across all the bodies turns to the unique
shade of colour of the ray of the Higher-Self. The aura is now one
colour only.

The cells of the body are recalibrated. You may feel a shaking in your
cells. It is not a nice feeling. You may feel pain.

You may hear the Masters singing.

Part 3

Humanity all has a source of origin. Angelic, Reptilian or Faery. The

wings that have been removed are returned.

13 angels might appear.

A band of energy will slide up and down your energy field.

They will gift you a new set of wings. Instead of having no wings or
one wing you now have two wings. These are not the same wings as
before, smaller, but a pair of wings. Woo-hoo.

Part 4

The soul seat is removed, this resided below the colour bone centre.
The soul seat held all the past lives of the lower-self.These past lives
now reside in the celestial star which is above the 12th chakra.

A vortex (spins inward) opens up between the old core star and solar

Part 5

A vortex appears from the 3rd eye to the pineal gland.

A vortex appears from the medulla to the pineal gland

Part 6
The Divine Mind of the lower-self is absorbed into the Higher-Self
within the Holy Heart.

All that remains of the lower self is the lower mind and the ego

Part 7

Any upgrade to your gifts might occur here for you.

Part 8

The initiation process ends

The Masters of your Higher-Self soul ray appear for a final ceremony

The vortex below the old Core Star and above the old solar plexus
chakra is removed. It had the role of removing any remain negative
energy from the lower Self.

A seal is placed over the site of the old soul seat

The Kundalini rises from its home in the 8th chakra to its new home
out of body in the 11th chakra.

All minor chakras are removed from the system.

The ceremony will be unique to you.

After the initiation you will feel calm, centred and balanced

The Higher-Self and the lower-self now begin to co-exist in a way they
havent before. This is a gradual process. No big changes.
The way forward is still with devotion to the Higher-Self. There will be tests
of the lower-self.

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