The Etheric Body
The Etheric Body
The Etheric Body
The etheric body is one of the main energy bodies that from the human energy
system. The other main bodies are the Astral and the Causal Body. Each of these
bodies is made of increasingly more subtle energy. For more information on the
Astral and the Causal Body please go to my article –
The etheric body is an exact replica of the physical body. Its main function is to
absorb light and heat from the sun, and to transmit them to all parts of the physical
body. The etheric body is the mould of the physical body, the archetype upon which
the denser physical body is built.
Shamans refer to the etheric body as the ‘double body’ or ‘shadow body’. For most
people the etheric body is invisible. If seen the etheric body looks like an outline
around the physical body, radiating about two inches from it.
All living organisms have an etheric body. The etheric body is often called the master
builder, or matrix of the physical body. Its structure resembles icy fern fronds painted
on a window by the winter frost.
Each part of the physical body is connected to its equivalent part in the etheric body.
There is an etheric liver, heart, etc. If an organ is removed from the physical body, the
etheric organ still exists. An envelope of subtle energy surrounds every cell in the
human body.
The etheric body is composed of various energies. In Chinese medicine there are
seven types of chi (see references). In Yoga Philosophy there are five Pranas and five
Upa-Pranas (see references).
The etheric body acts as a connecting medium between the astral and physical bodies.
The etheric body causes the five senses to function and allows us to experience the
world of matter. The etheric body also provides a channel for us to experience more
subtle worlds.
The etheric body is vitalised and controlled by thought. The etheric body is usually
shaped by the person’s ego self. When a person is on a spiritual path the etheric body
becomes the transmitter of soul energy.
The etheric body gives vitality, health, life and organisation to the physical body. It
steps down energies from the higher bodies into the physical body.
The etheric body is the receiver of life force, transmitting it to the physical body via
the nervous system, the blood stream and the endocrine system.
The etheric body is separable from the physical body, but is unable to move very far
away from it. Any separation of the etheric body from the physical body usually
results in a considerable decrease in energy.
Etheric Web
Between the astral body and the etheric body there exists an ‘etheric web’ or ‘atomic
web’. This web is made up of a single layer of atoms that are permeated with a special
sort of energy (prana). The energy that normally passes from the astral body to the
physical body passes easily through the etheric web, but the etheric web is a barrier to
all other forces. It acts as a barrier between the physical and astral planes. (See
separate article on my website)
The etheric body is made of numerous energy channels called nadis or meridians. It is
a web or network of fine interlacing etheric channels, "like a sparkling web of light
beams”. These channels appear to psychics, as luminous string-like hairs that radiate
outwards and carry energy that moves in wave like motions.
There are seven major energy centres, called chakras that are connected to the
endocrine glands. The chakras relate to different levels of consciousness. There are
also twenty-one minor energy centres. The condition of the etheric centres will
determine the health of the physical body. For more information on the twenty-one
minor chakras please go to –
The chakras are located on the surface of the etheric body and are said to appear (to
the eye of a clairvoyant) as whirling vortices. The etheric chakras have a dual
function. One is to absorb and distribute prana to the etheric body from where it
passes to the physical body thus keeping it alive; and second, to bring higher wisdom
into physical consciousness. (see separate article on my website)
The etheric body has no life of its own. With the death of the physical body the
etheric body dissolves and its energy is returned to the general etheric field. Once the
etheric body has dissolved the physical body begins to decompose.
At the time of conception a prototype of the foetus is formed out of etheric energy by
an elemental being. This elemental being is with us from the moment we begin to
develop in the womb until we die. (For more information on elementals see
The growth of foetus is controlled by the karma of the incarnating person. As the new
body grows, etheric matter is taken from the mother to build its body. This highlights
the importance of a pure lifestyle on the part of the mother.
The etheric body has been described as having a luminous pale violet-grey or blue-
grey colour. To the clairvoyant it will appear to be made up of fine or coarse subtle
energy depending on the type of person. The etheric body closely follows the shape of
the physical body, extending from one quarter of an inch to two inches beyond it.
According to clairvoyants who have observed the process, spiritualist mediums have
the unusual ability to dislodge their etheric body from the physical body. In such a
condition, the medium is able to cause certain physical phenomena to occur such as
table rapping and the movement of objects. The effort to produce this result is very
exhausting for the medium.
Very loud noise is said to be damaging to the etheric body. However the etheric body
has excellent recuperative qualities and usually recovers when the disturbing
influence ceases.
A general anaesthetic causes a major shock to the etheric body. As a result it takes a
while for person to recover from a major operation. If healing is given to the person
soon after an operation this will greatly assist their recovery.
People who have had a limb amputated often complain that they still feel pain or
discomfort in the area of the missing limb (phantom limb pain). The removal of the
physical limb does not remove the corresponding etheric limb, so that the person will
continue to feel pain for some time.
The excessive consumption of narcotics and alcohol is disruptive to the etheric and
astral bodies. Some people have suggested that this might be the cause of the mental
Rudolph Steiner
Rudolph Steiner calls the etheric body the life body. Steiner says that in a dead
organism; what is lacking is the element of life itself.
Steiner says “The physical laws work as if streaming outward from the earth, the
etheric laws work is if streaming in to the earth from all sides.” He says, “the etheric
body is more or less luminous and fluidic. Instead of organs there are currents of
diverse colours, the heart being a veritable vortex of forces and streaming currents.
The etheric body is the ‘etheric double’ of the material body."
Steiner says that in the development of the child the etheric body is developed
between the ages of 7-14. (Toward a Phenomenology of the Etheric World by Jochen
Link and Communiqué
She says that the psyche (astral body) works through the electrical body (etheric
body) which is a special intermediating nervous system. (Link and Communiqué
The electrical body is made up of electrons and positrons. These are balanced through
the influence of the psyche. The psychical presence binds the electrical body to the
physical body. The electrical body is stable when the psyche is present (p203).
The electrical body is also called the electrical pattern body. It is an electrical flow
system that is coupled to the physical nervous system and the psyche. Electrical
current flows in closed loops through the electrical body like the closed path of the
magnetic induction field (p215).
The magnetic fields encircle strategic nerve fibres fitting them like a glove. The
system operates both ways –
1. The fourth dimensional psyche influences the physical nervous system.
2. The physical nervous system influences the psyche.
The main areas of flow are to the brain. The secondary areas of flow are to the solar
plexus (p215). In the astral realm the psyche has 100 times more energy than the
physical body (p217).
The electrical body gradually disappears at death and the person lives on in their
psyche (astral body) (p208).
The psyche controls the electrical body and through this the physical neural system
(p203). The psyche is always creating energy. Its reserves of energy are built up
during sleep and then run down during wakefulness (p211).
Illness reduces the mobility of the electrical body. With MS the neural tissue responds
less efficiently to the control of the electrical body. This puts a drain on the energy
reserves of the psyche. This leads to a decline in the person’s ability to control their
body (p211).
At birth the mother’s psychical presence becomes extended to the baby. She gives the
baby part of her electrical body (p213). The physical body has to develop to a
sufficient extent before the psyche can take it over (p118).
When a person is drunk or they are high on drugs the astral body can become
detached from the physical body leaving the door open for an interloper to gain
control. The same can happen with deep hypnosis or past life regression. People doing
these therapies should always ask for protection for their client before the session
Barbara Brennan
Barbara Brennan in her book ‘Hands of Light’ says that the web-like structure of the
etheric body is in constant motion. Clairvoyants see sparks of bluish-white light
moving along energy lines throughout the entire physical body. She says that the
etheric body extends from one quarter to two inches beyond the physical body and
pulsates 15-20 times per minute.
She says that the colour of the etheric body varies from light blue to grey. A more
sensitive person will tend to have a bluish etheric body whereas a more athletic,
robust person will tend to have a more greyish etheric body. She says that all the
chakras in the etheric body are the same colour. They range between blue and grey in
Barbara Brennan says that the chakras look like vortices made out of a net of light.
All the organs of the physical body are made of this scintillating bluish light. The cells
of the body grow along the lines of energy of the etheric matrix, and that matrix is
there before the cells grow. If one were to isolate the etheric body it would look like a
person made of bluish lines of light in constant movement.
Barbara Brennan says that if we look at the shoulder of someone in dim light against a
white, black or dark blue background, we may be able to see the pulsations of their
etheric body. The pulsation rises at the shoulder and then makes its way down the
arm, like a wave. If you look more closely, there appears to be a blank space between
the shoulder and the blue hazy light; then there is a layer of brighter blue haze that
slowly fades as it extends from the body. (Barbara Brennan, Hands of Light p49-50)
If a person is unwell their etheric body will be depleted and they will have a very thin
etheric layer around their physical body. Their etheric body may even have holes in it.
Shamans believe that once the etheric body is weakened negative energies (intrusions)
can get into physical body. For more information on this subject please see my book
‘Shamanic Healing’.
Any debility or congestion in the etheric body will immediately be reflected in the
physical body. Good health requires the free and unimpeded flow of energy between
the etheric and physical bodies.
When we receive healing, acupuncture, sound healing or Reiki, its primary impact
will be on the etheric body. Healing therapies help the etheric body to function more
effectively. Prayers and intention, also positively impact on the health and vitality of
the etheric body.
The etheric body is the vehicle of energy (prana) and during healing energy will be
transferred from the healthy person to the ailing one. The more energy the sick
person’s etheric body can absorb the quicker will be their recovery.
Scientific Information
Harold Saxton Burr (1889 - 1973) was a Professor of Anatomy at Yale University
School of Medicine and researcher into bio-electrics. Dr. Burr discovered that all
living things, plants, animals and humans are controlled by electro-dynamic fields,
which can be measured with voltmeters. These ‘fields of life’, or ‘L-fields’ (as he
called them) are the basic blueprints of all life on this planet.
The growing science of Energy Medicine is starting to prove the existence of the
etheric body, the meridians and the chakras. Recent research suggests the etheric body
may actually be a field phenomenon, electrical in nature, composed of subatomic
The etheric body consists of a definite structure of lines of force around which the
physical body is formed. The physical body only exists because of the vital energy
field around it.
Awakening Intuition
Types of Chi