This document outlines the weekly ELA plans for Mrs. Kershaw's class. Each day focuses on a different chapter from their reading about chocolate. The plans include whole group instruction, individual work, and small group activities and centers. Objectives for each day involve identifying vowel sounds, defining vocabulary, writing sentences, determining point of view, sequencing events, visualizing, and summarizing what was read from the text. Formative assessments include quizzes, while activities incorporate making chocolate, sequencing, compare/contrast, and grammar practice with commas.
This document outlines the weekly ELA plans for Mrs. Kershaw's class. Each day focuses on a different chapter from their reading about chocolate. The plans include whole group instruction, individual work, and small group activities and centers. Objectives for each day involve identifying vowel sounds, defining vocabulary, writing sentences, determining point of view, sequencing events, visualizing, and summarizing what was read from the text. Formative assessments include quizzes, while activities incorporate making chocolate, sequencing, compare/contrast, and grammar practice with commas.
This document outlines the weekly ELA plans for Mrs. Kershaw's class. Each day focuses on a different chapter from their reading about chocolate. The plans include whole group instruction, individual work, and small group activities and centers. Objectives for each day involve identifying vowel sounds, defining vocabulary, writing sentences, determining point of view, sequencing events, visualizing, and summarizing what was read from the text. Formative assessments include quizzes, while activities incorporate making chocolate, sequencing, compare/contrast, and grammar practice with commas.
This document outlines the weekly ELA plans for Mrs. Kershaw's class. Each day focuses on a different chapter from their reading about chocolate. The plans include whole group instruction, individual work, and small group activities and centers. Objectives for each day involve identifying vowel sounds, defining vocabulary, writing sentences, determining point of view, sequencing events, visualizing, and summarizing what was read from the text. Formative assessments include quizzes, while activities incorporate making chocolate, sequencing, compare/contrast, and grammar practice with commas.
Objectives: I Objectives: I Objectives: I Objectives: I Objectives: I
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