D. Taylor Translating Performance
D. Taylor Translating Performance
D. Taylor Translating Performance
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Translating Performance
might be the best translation, and most of her spectators would agree you
have to be crazy to do what she does, confronting theMexican state and the
Catholic Church head-on. Tito Vasconcelos, one of the firstout gay
ers from the came onstage asMarta
early 1980s inMexico, Sahagun, then
lover, now wife, ofMexico's president, Vicente Fox. In her white suit and
matching pumps, she welcomed the audience to the conference of "per
fumance." Smiling, she admitted she didn't understand what itwas about and
a we did, but shewelcomed
acknowledged thatnobody gave damn about what
us to do it anyway. "Per forwhat?" the confused woman inDiana Raznovich's
cartoon asks. The jokes and puns, while good-humored, revealed both an
anxiety of definition and the promise of a new arena for further interventions.
Performances function as vital acts of transfer,2transmitting social knowl
a sense of identity or what Richard
edge, memory, and through reiterated
The author isProfessor ofPerformance Studies and Spanish at New York University. A ver
sion of this paper was presented at the 2001 MLA convention inNew Orleans.
Profession 2002 44
continuity of knowledge.6
as J. L. Austin,
Scholars coming from philosophy and rhetoric (such
terms such as performative
Jacques Derrida, and Judith Butler) have coined
and performativity.A performative, forAustin, refers to cases inwhich "the
an action" (6). The reiteration
issuing of the utterance is the performing of
and bracketing I associate above with performance are clear: it iswithin the
conventional framework of a marriage ceremony that the words "I do"
carry legal weight. Others have continued to develop Austin's notion of the
performative in diverse ways. Derrida, for example, goes further under
the importance of the citationality and iterability in the "event of
statement [could] succeed if its for
speech," questioning if "a performative
mulation did not repeat a 'coded' or iterable statement" (326). However,
the framing that sustains Butler's use of performativity?the process of so
cialization whereby gender and sexuality identities (for example) are pro
duced through regulating and citational practices?is harder to identify,
because normalization has rendered performativity invisible. While in
Austin performative points to language that acts, in Butler it goes in the op
into normative
posite direction, subsuming subjectivity and cultural agency
discursive practice. In this trajectory, the performative becomes less a qual
ity (or adjective) of performance than of discourse. While itmay be too late
to reclaim performative for the nondiscursive realm of performance, I sug
gest that we borrow a word from the contemporary Spanish usage of per
formance?performdtico, or "performatic" inEnglish?to denote it.
One of the problems inusing performance, and its false cognates performa
tive and performativity, comes from the extraordinarily broad range of behav
iors it covers?from the discrete dance to conventional cultural behavior.
However, theword's multilayeredness indicates the deep interconnections of
all these systems of intelligibility and the productive frictions among them. As
itsdifferent uses?scholarly, en
political, scientific, business-related?rarely
gage one a
another directly,performance also has history of untranslatability. It
has been locked ironically into the disciplinary and geographic boxes itdefies,
denied the universality and transparency that some claim itpromises its ob
jects of analysis. These many points of untranslatability are of course what
make the term and the practices theoretically enabling and culturally reveal
as access and in
ing.While performances may not, Turner has hoped, give us
into another culture, they certainly tell us a great deal about our desire
for efficacy and access, not tomention the politics of our interpretations.
In Latin America, where the term finds no satisfactory equivalent in
either Spanish or Portuguese, performance has commonly referred to per
formance art.Translated simply but nonetheless ambiguously as "el perfor
mance" or "la performance," a linguistic cross-dressing that invites English
a schematic
participants, is structured around plot, and has a foreseeable
(though adaptable) end. As opposed to narratives, scenarios force us to
consider the embodied existence of all participants. Theatricality makes
that scenario alive and compelling. Unlike a trope, which is a
figure of
speech, theatricality does not rely language
to transmit a set pattern of
behavior or action. Theatrical scenarios are structured in a predictable, for
mulaic, and hence repeatable fashion. Theatricality, like theater, flaunts its
artifice, its constructedness; it strives for efficaciousness, not authenticity. It
connotes a conscious, controlled, and thus always political dimension that
tions, scholars, artists, and activists in the Americas who the intersections of
50 III
and politics (both broadly construed) in the Americas since the sixteenth
For more information, see
century. hemi.ps.tsoa.nyu.edu.
21am indebted toPaul Connerton for this term,which he uses inhis excellentbook
How SocietiesRemember(39).
3The is-as distinction (an event ^performance; an event is Scheduler's.
4"We will know one another better by entering one another's and
learning theirgrammars and vocabularies" (qtd. in Schechner andAppel 1).
5Comingfrom a Lacanian position,Peggy Phelan limitsthe lifeofperformance to the
"Performance cannot be saved, recorded, documented, or otherwise
present: participate
in the circulation of representations of
representation. [...] Performance's being, like the
ontology of subjectivityproposed here, becomes itselfthroughdisappearance" (H6).
6"Performance on
the idea of expressive movements
draw as mnemonic
reserves, movements
made and remembered residual
including patterned by bodies,
movements retained in or words (or in the silences between them),
implicitly images
and imaginary movements dreamed inminds not to but constitutive of
prior language
it" (Roach 26). See also Connerton's How Societies Remember and my forthcoming The
Archive and the Repertoire.
refers to events out of business or
7"E1 performance" usually coming politics, while
events that come from the arts. I am in
the feminine "la performance" usually denotes
debted toMarcela Fuentes for this observation.
8Common of performance in Latin America now draws from the anthropologi
Cultura eEspetacularidadefrom Brazil)
cal and sociological (e.g., the journalPerformance,
as well as from art (as inMexico's Ex-Teresa Arte Actual's 41882 Minutos de
to the productive of the various meanings.
Performance) highlight entanglement
Austin, J.L. How toDo ThingswithWords. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1975.
Scientific American
Blackmore, Susan. "The Power ofMemes." Oct. 2000:
ledge, 1980.
Diana. The Archive and the Repertoire. Durham: Duke UP, forthcoming.
-. Acts. Durham: Duke UP, 1997.
Turner, Victor. From Ritual toTheater. New York: Performing Arts Journal, 1982.