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the Information
Society Report
Measuring the Information
Society Report
2015 ITU
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva Switzerland

Original language of publication: English

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the
International Telecommunication Union.

ISBN 978-92-61-15791-3

ii Measuring the Information Society Report


It is my pleasure to present to you the 2015

edition of the Measuring the Information Society
(MIS) Report. This annual report presents a
global overview of the latest developments in
information and communication technologies
(ICTs), based on internationally comparable data
and agreed methodologies. It aims to stimulate
the ICT policy debate in ITU Member States by
providing an objective assessment of countries
performance in the field of ICT and by highlighting
areas that need further improvement.

One of the key findings of this years MIS Report

is that the least developed countries (LDCs)
are making progress with their connectivity
initiatives. However, in 2015, only 6.7 per cent
of households in LDCs had Internet access
compared with 46 per cent of households
worldwide and more than 80 per cent of
households in developed countries. The report also reveals that, globally, 46 per cent of men and 41 per
cent of women are Internet users.

The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes the great potential of ICTs
and calls for significantly increased access to ICTs, which will play a crucial role in supporting the
implementation of all the sustainable development goals (SDGs). It is ITUs priority to support our
membership in the achievement of the SDGs, in close collaboration with other partners.

One of the core features of the MIS Report is the ICT Development Index (IDI). This years report analyses
ICT developments over the past five years. The results show that all of the 167 economies included in
the IDI improved their IDI values between 2010 and 2015. This is good news and reflects the continuous
evolvement of the global information society.

The progress in a number of developing countries which have displayed significant improvements in
their IDI values and rankings since 2010 is particularly encouraging. These more dynamic countries have
seen substantial increases in, among others, mobile-broadband penetration, household ICT access and
international Internet bandwidth. Their experience confirms the importance of developing enabling
environments for ICT investment and innovation, and the policy approaches of these dynamic countries
could be relevant to other developing economies.

Over the past five years, there has been a widening of the gap in IDI values between countries ranked in the
middle and those towards the bottom of the distribution. In the LDCs, the IDI grew less compared to other
developing countries and, in particular, the LDCs are falling behind in the IDI use sub-index, which could
impact on their ability to derive development gains from ICTs.

The latest data show that the price of mobile-cellular services continues to fall across the world, as the
number of mobile-cellular subscriptions approaches 7.1 billion and mobile network population coverage
reaches close to 95 per cent. In LDCs, the mobile-cellular price basket continued to fall, down to 14 per
cent of GNI p.c. by end 2014, compared with 29 per cent in 2010.

Mobile broadband tends to be cheaper than fixed broadband. Mobile-broadband prices have fallen
significantly and are expected to continue falling over the next years. Prices in this market segment are

Measuring the Information Society Report iii

much more volatile and new innovative pricing schemes are emerging which could provide viable solutions
for low-income populations. Over the past year, the decrease in mobile-broadband prices worldwide made
the service on average between 20 and 30 per cent more affordable. Prepaid mobile-broadband offers
are the most affordable option, and make the service almost as affordable as mobile cellular. These are
promising developments which need to be complemented by efforts to extend mobile-broadband services
beyond the main cities, into rural and remote areas.

The rapid spread of ICT infrastructure and devices is accelerating the progress of the Internet of Things
(IoT). IoT is expected to significantly impact almost every social and economic sector, including education,
healthcare, agriculture, transportation and manufacturing. Most of the value derived from IoT comes from
the generation, processing and analysis of new data. This report shows how IoT and big data analytics can
help address major development challenges such as those related to megacities, climate change, food
security and resource management.

The potential of IoT is determined by the available ICT infrastructure and data-processing capacity. While
some IoT applications may run with low-speed and low-capacity connectivity, others will require high-
capacity broadband connections that rely on fixed-broadband infrastructure, larger international Internet
bandwidth and backbone capacity.

I hope you will find this report informative and useful in mapping strategies to grow the ICT sector and
drive the socio-economic development of countries.

Brahima Sanou
Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)
International Telecommunication Union

iv Measuring the Information Society Report


The 2015 edition of the Measuring the Information Society Report was prepared by the ICT Data and
Statistics Division within the Telecommunication Development Bureau of ITU. The team included Susan
Teltscher (Head of Division), Vanessa Gray, Diana Korka, Esperanza Magpantay, and Ivan Vallejo. The
following consultants to ITU provided substantive contributions: David Souter (Chapters 1, 2 and 3),
Steve Chan (Chapter 5) and Doris Olaya (Chapter 1). Helpful inputs were received from the following ITU
colleagues: Reillie Acks (during her internship at ITU), Rosheen Awotar-Mauree, Mohamed Ba, Cristina
Bueti, Yvon Henri, Mythili Menon, Reinhard Scholl, Susan Schorr, Nancy Sundberg, and Alis Daniela Torres.
Nathalie Delmas provided statistical and desktop publishing assistance. The work was carried out under
the overall direction of Cosmas Zavazava, Chief, Project Support and Knowledge Management Department,
Telecommunication Development Bureau.

Andr Wills, Fernando Callorda, Lisa Kreuzenbeck and Shazna Zuhely contributed to the compilation of
datasets on prices, and Michael Minges to the compilation of data on international Internet bandwidth.
Michaela Saisana and Marcos Dominguez-Torreiro of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC)
carried out the statistical assessment of the ICT Development Index (IDI).

The report includes data from Eurostat, OECD, IMF, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the United Nations
Population Division and the World Bank, which are duly acknowledged.

ITU also appreciates the cooperation of countries that have provided data included in this report.

The report was edited by the ITU English Translation Section, led by Bruce Granger. The desktop publishing
was carried out by the ITU Publication Production Service, led by Simon De Nicolas, and the cover was
designed by Jess Vicente.

Measuring the Information Society Report v

Table of Contents



Table of Contentsvii

1 Monitoring global ICT goals and targets 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Connect 2020 Agenda 4
1.3 Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 1 Growth 8
1.4 Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 2 Inclusiveness  11
1.5 Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 3 - Sustainability 24
1.6 Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 4 Innovation and partnership 29
1.7 Future monitoring and measurement of the Connect 2020 Agenda, WSIS outcomes and
sustainable development goals  30

2 The ICT Development Index (IDI) global analysis 39

2.1 Introduction to the IDI1 39
2.2 Global IDI analysis 44
2.3 The access, use and skills sub-indices 50
2.4 The IDI and the digital divide 54
2.5 Conclusion  60

3 The ICT Development Index (IDI) regional and country analysis 63

3.1 Introduction  63
3.2 Regional IDI analysis 63
3.3 Top performers and dynamic countries  76
3.4 Conclusion 88

4 Monitoring the price and affordability of ICTs 93

4.1 Introduction 93
4.2 Fixed-telephone and mobile-cellular prices 96
4.3 Fixed-broadband prices 106
4.4 Mobile-broadband prices 118
4.5 International mobile roaming prices  133

5 The Internet of Things: data for development 147

5.1 Overview 147
5.2 Introduction to IoT 147
5.3 The opportunities of IoT for development  158
5.4 Conclusions and recommendations 169

List of references 173

Annex 1. ICT Development Index (IDI) methodology 187

1. Indicators included in the IDI 187
2. Imputation of missing data 189
3. Normalization of data 189

Measuring the Information Society Report vii

4. Weighting and aggregation 190
5. Calculating the IDI 191
6. Sensitivity analysis 191

Annex 2. JRC Statistical Assessment of the 2015 ICT Development Index1 195
Summary  195
Conclusions 203

Annex 3. ICT price data methodology  207

Price data collection and sources 207
The ICT Price Basket 207

Annex 4. Statistical tables of indicators used to compute the IDI 217

Access indicators 218
Use indicators 222
Skills indicators 226
Notes 230

Annex 5. Statistical tables of prices used to compute the ICT Price Basket 235
Fixed-telephone prices 2014 236
Fixed-broadband prices 2014 240
Mobile-cellular prices 2014 (on-net) 244
Mobile-cellular prices 2014 (off-net) 248
Mobile-cellular prices 2014 (to fixed telephone; SMS) 252
Notes 256

viii Measuring the Information Society Report

List of tables, figures, charts and boxes

Table 1.1: The Connect 2020 Goals and Targets 6
Table 1.2: The WSIS targets, 2003 and as adapted in 2010  7
Table 1.3: Broadband Commission targets to 2015 8
Table 1.4: Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 1 Targets 8
Table 1.5: Affordability of ICT services: baseline, current status and Connect 2020 target for each
telecommunication service 11
Table 1.6: Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 2 targets 12
Table 1.7: Percentage of individuals using the Internet, by gender, development status and region,
2015* 22
Table 1.8: Gap in Internet user penetration rate between males and females, 2013 and 2015* 23
Table 1.9: Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 3 Sustainability 25
Table 1.10: Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) performance indicators16 26
Table 1.11: The Sustainable Development Goals 32
Table 1.12: Sustainable Development Goals with direct reference to ICTs 33
Table 1.13: The relationship between WSIS action lines and SDGs 34
Table 1.14: ITU-proposed ICT indicators for the SDG monitoring framework 35
Table 2.1: IDI values and changes, 2010-2015 44
Table 2.2: IDI overall rankings and ratings, 2015 and 2010 46
Table 2.3: IDI access sub-index rankings and ratings, 2015 and 2010 47
Table 2.4: IDI use sub-index rankings and ratings, 2015 and 2010 48
Table 2.5: IDI skills sub-index rankings and ratings, 2015 and 2010 49
Table 2.6: Most dynamic countries changes in IDI value and ranking, 2010-2015 51
Table 2.7: Most dynamic countries access sub-index, 2010-2015 52
Table 2.8: Most dynamic countries use sub-index, 2010-2015 54
Table 2.9: IDI ratings by development status, 2010 and 2015 55
Table 2.10: IDI ratings for LDCs compared with global ratings and with all developing countries 57
Table 2.11: IDI values by IDI quartile, 2010 and 2015 58
Table 3.1: IDI by region, 2015 and 2010 63
Table 3.2: Highest- and lowest-ranking countries by region 65
Table 3.3: IDI rankings, Africa region, 2015 69
Table 3.4: IDI rankings, Arab States region, 2015 70
Table 3.5: IDI rankings, Asia and the Pacific, 2015 72
Table 3.6: IDI rankings, CIS region, 2015 73
Table 3.7: IDI rankings, Europe region, 2015 74
Table 3.8: IDI rankings, Americas region, 2015 76
Table 3.9: Most dynamic countries 81
Table 4.1: Fixed-telephone sub-basket, 2014 99
Table 4.2: Mobile-cellular sub-basket, 2014 102
Table 4.3: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., by region, 2014 106
Table 4.4: Fixed-broadband sub-basket, 2014  109
Table 4.5: Top three countries with the cheapest mobile-broadband services in each region, PPP$,
2014 126
Table 4.6: Average mobile-broadband prices and ranges by region, as a percentage of GNI p.c., 2014  127
Table 4.7: Mobile-broadband prices, postpaid handset-based, 500MB, 2014 136
Table 4.8: Mobile-broadband prices, prepaid handset-based 500MB, 2014  137
Table 4.9: Mobile-broadband prices, postpaid computer-based 1GB, 2014  138
Table 4.10: Mobile-broadband prices, prepaid computer-based, 1GB, 2014  139
Table 4.11: ICT Price Basket and sub-baskets, 2014  140

Measuring the Information Society Report ix

Table 5.1: Summary of statistics on global data generated and stored in electronic format  154
Table 5.2: The size and value of the Internet of Things in numbers 155
Annex Table 2.1: Impact of log transform of the international Internet bandwidth indicator 197
Annex Table 2.2: Statistical coherence in the 2015 IDI Principal components analysis and reliability
analysis  197
Annex Table 2.3: Statistical coherence in the 2015 IDI Cross-correlations  198
Annex Table 2.4: Importance measures (variance-based) for the IDI components  199
Annex Table 2.5: Added value of the IDI vis--vis its main components  200
Annex Table 2.6: Uncertainty parameters (weights and aggregation function) 200
Annex Table 2.7: IDI country ranks and 90 per cent intervals  202
Annex Table 3.1: OECD mobile-cellular low-user call distribution (2009 methodology):  210

Figure 1.1: The Connect 2020 Goals5
Figure 1.2: Levels of cybersecurity, 2014 Global Cybersecurity Index27
Figure 1.3: The relationship between WSIS action lines and SDGs33
Figure 2.1: Three stages in the evolution towards an information society40
Figure 2.2: ICT Development Index: indicators, reference values and weights41
Figure 2.3: Quartiles by IDI value, 201559
Figure Box 4.1: Timeline of ITUs ICT price data collection95
Figure 4.2: Mobile-broadband services by type of device/plan 119
Figure Box 4.3: Mobile-broadband data usage examples, 500 MB and 1 GB per month 124
Figure 5.1: Timeline of developments that led to IoT 148
Figure 5.2: Path to IoT: from people-to-people to machine-to-machine communications  148
Figure 5.3: Diagram of IoT connectivity 150
Figure 5.4: Sectors in which IoT can play an enabling role for development  152
Figure 5.5: Evolution from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Everything 153
Figure 5.6: Typhoid incidence and human mobility from highly infected areas in Uganda during the
January-May 2015 typhoid outbreak 160
Annex Figure 2.1: Uncertainty analysis of the IDI (ranks vs median rank, 90 per cent intervals) 201

Box 2.1: Assessment of the IDI43
Box 3.1: ICT and IDI developments in the Republic of Korea79
Box 3.2: ICT and IDI developments in Denmark80
Box 3.3: ICT and IDI developments in Saudi Arabia81
Box 3.4: ICT and IDI developments in Lebanon83
Box 3.5: ICT and IDI developments in Costa Rica85
Box 3.6: ICT and IDI developments in Brazil86
Box 3.7: ICT and IDI developments in Kyrgyzstan87
Box 3.8: ICT and IDI developments in Thailand88
Box 3.9: ICT and IDI developments in Ghana89
Box 4.1: Adapting ITUs price data collection to ICT developments95
Box 4.2: Prices and affordability relative and absolute ICT price values96
Box 4.3: Ghanas steady way to low prices and high mobile penetration 105
Box 4.4: Romanias Neighbourhood Networks increase competition and bring down prices 110
Box 4.5: 111 countries meet the Broadband Commissions target for broadband price affordability 112
Box 4.6: How much service for your mobile-broadband package? 123
Box 4.7: Cambodias mobile-broadband market 130
Box 5.1: IoT communications across borders 149
Box 5.2: Wireless sensor networks 151
Box 5.3: Surface web and deep web 158
Box 5.4: IoT-enabled management of photovoltaic (PV) systems 161
Box 5.5: Monitoring the worlds deep oceans 163

x Measuring the Information Society Report

Box 5.6: IoT as an enabler of smart cities 165
Box 5.7: Mindrider 167
Box 5.8: Second generation (2G) networks and IoT 168
Box 5.9: Geosynchronous satellites 169
Box 5.10: Low Earth orbit (LEO) and medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites 169
Annex Box 1.1: Weights used for indicators and sub-indices included in the IDI 191
Annex Box 1.2: Example of how to calculate the IDI value 192
Annex Box 3.1: Rules applied in collecting fixed-telephone prices 208
Annex Box 3.2: Rules applied in collecting mobile-cellular prices 211
Annex Box 3.3: Rules applied in collecting fixed-broadband Internet prices 212
Annex Box 3.4: Rules applied in collecting mobile-broadband prices9 213

Chart 1.1: Global changes in major ICTs, 2000-2015* 2
Chart 1.2: ICT access by development status, 2015* 3
Chart 1.3: ICT access by region, 2015* 4
Chart 1.4: Percentage of individuals using the Internet by development status and region, 2015* 4
Chart 1.5: Households with Internet access worldwide, 2005-2015*, against target and 2020 projection  9
Chart 1.6: Percentage of individuals using the Internet worldwide, 2005-2015*, against target and
2020 projection  10
Chart 1.7: The IPB and sub-baskets, worldwide, 2008-2014 11
Chart 1.8: Households with Internet access, by region and development status, 2015* 13
Chart 1.9: Households with access to the Internet, developing countries, 2005-2015*, against target
and 2020 projection 13
Chart 1.10: Households with access to the Internet, LDCs, 2005-2015*, against target and 2020
projection 14
Chart 1.11: Percentage of individuals using the Internet, by region and development status, 2015*  15
Chart 1.12: Percentage of individuals using the Internet in developing countries, 2005-2015*, against
target and 2020 projection 15
Chart 1.13: Percentage of individuals using the Internet in LDCs, 2005-2015*, against target and 2020
projection 16
Chart 1.14: The IPB and sub-baskets, by development level, 2008-2014 17
Chart 1.15: Mobile-broadband prices, by level of development, 2013-2014 17
Chart 1.16: Mobile-broadband and fixed-broadband penetration, 2015* 18
Chart 1.17: Country performance against the affordability target, 2014 18
Chart 1.18: Mobile-broadband prices, developed and developing countries and LDCs, 2013-2014 19
Chart 1.19: Rural population covered by a mobile-cellular signal, by region, 2003-2012 20
Chart 1.20: Population coverage by 3G networks, urban and rural areas, 2015* 20
Chart 1.21: GSMA data and projections for global 3G and 4G coverage, 2009-2020 21
Chart 1.22: Percentage of individuals using the Internet, by gender, development status and region,
2015* 22
Chart 1.23: Levels of cybersecurity by region, 2014 Global Cybersecurity Index 27
Chart 1.24: Global ICT emissions (gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent GeSI estimates and projections) 29
Chart 2.1: Distribution of countries by IDI values, 2010 and 2015 45
Chart 2.2: IDI ratings by development status, 2010 and 2015 56
Chart 2.3: IDI ratings for LDCs compared with global ratings and with all developing countries 56
Chart 2.4: IDI and GNI p.c., 2015 57
Chart 2.5: IDI values by IDI performance quartile, 2010 and 2015 60
Chart 3.1: IDI by region compared with global average, 2015 64
Chart 3.2: Average IDI rating for each indicator, world regions, 2010 and 2015 67
Chart 3.3: IDI values, Africa region, 2015 70
Chart 3.4: IDI values, Arab States region, 2015 71
Chart 3.5: IDI values, Asia and the Pacific, 2015 73
Chart 3.6: IDI values, CIS region, 2015 73

Measuring the Information Society Report xi

Chart 3.7: IDI ratings, Europe region, 201575
Chart 3.8: IDI values, Americas region, 201577
Chart 3.9: IDI ratings for top-ranking countries, 2010 and 201578
Chart 3.10: IDI ratings for dynamic countries, Arab States region, 2010 and 201582
Chart 3.11: IDI ratings for dynamic countries, Americas region, 2010 and 201584
Chart Box 3.5: Mobile-cellular subscriptions in Costa Rica, by operator, 2010-2014 85
Chart Box 3.6: Mobile-cellular subscriptions by technology and percentage of individuals owning a
mobile phone, Brazil, 2010-2014 86
Chart 3.12: IDI ratings for dynamic countries, CIS and Asia-Pacific regions, 2010 and 201590
Chart 3.13: IDI ratings for Ghana, 2010 and 201590
Chart 4.1: Barriers to household Internet access (as a percentage of households without Internet
access), 201394
Chart 4.2: Fixed-telephone basket, as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top graph), in USD (middle graph), and
PPP$ (bottom graph), 2008-201498
Chart 4.3: Mobile-cellular basket, as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top graph), in USD (middle graph), and
PPP$ (bottom graph), 2008-2014 101
Chart 4.4: Mobile-cellular prices as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top chart), in USD (middle chart) and
PPP$ (bottom chart) by region, 2014 103
Chart 4.5: Fixed-broadband basket: as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top graph), in USD (middle graph) and
PPP$ (bottom graph), 2008-2014 107
Chart 4.6: Most common entry-level fixed-broadband speed, globally and by level of development,
20082014 111
Chart Box 4.5: Number of countries in 2014 that had achieved the Broadband Commission target to
make broadband affordable (left), and fixed- and mobile-broadband prices compared, PPP$,
2014 (right) 112
Chart 4.7: Fixed-broadband prices by region, 2014, in USD, (left) and in PPP$ (right)  113
Chart 4.8: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps in Europe,
2014 113
Chart 4.9: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps in the CIS
countries, 2014  114
Chart 4.10: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps, in the
Americas, 2014 115
Chart 4.11: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps, in the Arab
States, 2014 116
Chart 4.12: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps, in Asia and
the Pacific, 2014  117
Chart 4.13: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps, in Africa,
2014 117
Chart 4.14: Availability of mobile-broadband services by type of service, by level of development, 2014
and 2012 119
Chart 4.15: Variation in the USD price per MB, by type of mobile-broadband service, 2012-2014 120
Chart 4.16: Mobile-broadband prices, in USD (top), PPP$ (center) and as a percentage of GNI p.c.
(bottom), world and by level of development, 2013-2014  122
Chart 4.17: Percentage change in mobile-broadband prices in local currency, percentage of countries,
2013-2014 125
Chart 4.18: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the Africa region, 2014 128
Chart 4.19: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNI p.c. in the Arab States region, 2014 129
Chart 4.20: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the Asia-Pacific region, 2014 129
Chart Box 4.7: Handset-based mobile-broadband (500 MB/month) prices as a percentage of disposable
income per capita (left), and computer-based mobile-broadband (1 GB/month) prices as a
percentage of disposable income per household (right), Cambodia 131

xii Measuring the Information Society Report

Chart 4.21: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the CIS region, 2014 132
Chart 4.22: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the Europe region, 2014 132
Chart 4.23: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the Americas region, 2014 133
Chart 4.24: International mobile roaming and domestic prices in Europe and the Gulf, 2014 134

Measuring the Information Society Report xiii

1 Monitoring global ICT goals and targets

1.1 Introduction ICT monitoring and measurement are complex

and challenging tasks that are subject to the
varying availability of data from different countries
Background and to the rapid changes taking place in ICT
technology and markets. The ITU Plenipotentiary
Ten years ago, at the World Summit on the Conference,3 addressing these challenges at its
Information Society (WSIS), the international 2014 session in Busan (Republic of Korea), adopted
community agreed a common vision to build a the Connect 2020 Agenda, which includes four
people-centred, inclusive and development- goals, comprising 17 targets, for monitoring and
oriented information society, and established stimulating the development of the ICT sector
ten targets, relating for the most part to ICT between 2015 and 2020.
connectivity and access, that were intended to
measure progress towards that vision (ITU, 2005b). This chapter is primarily concerned with this
The targets were intended to complement the forward-looking agenda. The remainder of the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), agreed present section briefly summarizes information
by the United Nations in 2000, by helping to guide society developments since WSIS and during
the contribution that ICTs could make to achieving the past year. The second section introduces the
those goals by their target date in 2015.1 Connect 2020 Agenda. Sections 3 to 6 consider,
in turn, the measurement of the Connect 2020
In December 2015, the United Nations General Goals concerned with growth, inclusiveness and
Assembly (UNGA) will complete its ten-year review sustainability of the ICT sector, as well as the
of the implementation of WSIS outcomes. That monitoring of qualitative targets for innovation
review has been informed by a range of inputs and partnership. Section7 discusses the WSIS+10
from ITU and other UN agencies, including a review, considers the relationship between
comprehensive assessment of progress towards ICTs, the SDGs and implementation of the Post-
the WSIS targets, the Final WSIS Targets Review, 2015 Development Agenda, and addresses the
published by the Partnership on Measuring ICT for implications of these for the Connect 2020 Agenda.
Development in 2014 (Partnership on Measuring
ICT for Development, 2014a). In September 2015,
the UN Sustainable Development Summit adopted Recent developments in the information society
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
composed of 17 new Sustainable Development The ten years since WSIS have seen substantial
Goals (SDGs), to succeed the MDGs.2 growth in access to ICTs and their use, particularly
mobile phones and the Internet, while the
Since 2007, ITU has published a series of reports last five years have seen major growth in the
entitled Measuring the Information Society. availability and use of broadband networks and
This years report includes the latest editions of services. Global changes in the coverage of
two indices through which ITU has measured mobile networks, the numbers of mobile-cellular,
progress on ICT development in general and fixed- and mobile-broadband subscriptions, and
on the affordability of ICTs for individuals and the individual use of the Internet and household
communities worldwide. The ICT Development access it, are illustrated in Chart 1.1.4
Index (IDI), which combines data concerning ICT
access, use and skills in an overview assessment This chart illustrates the strong growth in
of national ICT ecosystems, is reported on in indicators measuring ICT trends. The growth
Chapters 2 and 3, while the ICT Price Basket (IPB), in mobile-cellular (voice and SMS) and mobile-
concerned with affordability, is the subject of broadband subscriptions has been particularly
Chapter 4. rapid, with the deployment of mobile networks
in developing countries and adoption by users of
mobile devices in preference to those requiring

Measuring the Information Society Report 1

Chart 1.1: Global changes in major ICTs, 2000-2015*
100 96.8

Per 100 inhabitants/households



50 47.2
40 43.4



2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015*

Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions Households with Internet

Population covered by a 2G mobile-cellular network Individuals using the Internet
Mobile-broadband subscriptions Fixed-broadband subscriptions
Note: *ITU estimates.
Source: ITU.

fixed networks. The proportion of the global see below). A continued decline from 15.2 to
population covered by mobile-cellular networks 14.5 per 100 persons is reported in the ratio
is now over 95 per cent (ITU, 2015a), while the of fixed-telephone subscriptions to population,
number of mobile-cellular subscriptions has while there has been limited reported growth
quintupled since WSIS (although this is partly from 10.3 to 10.8 per 100 inhabitants in the
attributable to multiple subscriptions). The growth number of fixed-broadband subscriptions. Growth
in fixed-broadband subscriptions illustrated in in the penetration of active mobile-broadband
Chart 1.1 has been more sluggish than that of subscriptions has, however, been very sharp, rising
mobile broadband, with the number of fixed- from 37.2 to an estimated 47.2 per 100 persons
telephone subscriptions worldwide having fallen over the last twelve months, reflecting the wider
over the past decade owing partly to fixed-mobile availability of mobile-broadband networks, falling
substitution. prices and the rapidly growing use of smartphones
and tablets. Individual use of Internet and
The number of Internet users is estimated to household access to it have continued their steady
have grown almost as rapidly as that of mobile- rates of growth, from 40.6 and 43.4 per cent,
cellular subscriptions, quadrupling since WSIS, respectively, to 43.9 and 46.4 per cent at the
with over 40 per cent of the worlds population global level.
now estimated to be using the Internet. Data
concerning household access to and individual use Closer consideration, however, shows that there
of the Internet are discussed in below. are still very considerable variations in these data
sets, with substantial digital divides between
Available data suggest that these trends have different regions, and particularly between
continued during the period 2014-2015, although countries in different development categories.
with some variations.5 There has been little Chart 1.2 compares access to fixed and mobile
additional growth from 96.1 to an estimated telephone and broadband subscriptions in
96.8 subscriptions per 100 persons worldwide 2014 between developed countries, developing
in the ratio between mobile subscriptions countries (including LDCs) and LDCs. The data
and population, as the number of subscriptions for Internet use and household access to the
approaches 100 per cent (although this does not Internet, which are discussed in section 1.3,
mean that everyone now has a mobile phone show very similar digital divides. It should be

2 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Chart 1.2: ICT access by development status, 2015*


Per 100 inhabitants





Mobile cellular Mobile broadband Fixed telephone Fixed broadband

World Developed Developing LDCs

Note: *ITU estimates; numbers refer to subscriptions.
Source: ITU.

noted in this context, however, that fixed and incorporating targets relating to digital divides
mobile subscriptions are not entirely comparable, between countries, and to particular social and
since the former tend to make access available economic groups within societies.
to households and businesses (with multiple
users), while the latter tend to make it available to The many other important developments that
individuals. have taken place in the global ICT sector since
WSIS form part of the context for forward-looking
The regional breakdown between these indicators measurement and monitoring through the
also shows a substantial digital divide, with Africa Agenda, as well as for implementation of WSIS
achieving lower ICT density levels than other outcomes and SDGs. The capabilities of networks
regions. This is illustrated by the data for mobile and devices have continued to grow extremely
phone and broadband subscriptions in Chart 1.3 rapidly, doubling about every two years. The
and for Internet users in Chart 1.4. quality of ICT networks and devices, particularly in
terms of bandwidth and speed of connectivity, has
Digital divides are found within as well as between therefore also grown very rapidly, with broadband
countries, and result from differences in the quality and even high-speed broadband networks
of available networks as well as basic connectivity. becoming the norm in developed countries.
In many developing countries, for example, Smartphones and tablets are displacing basic
there are substantial differences in telephone mobile phones and traditional PCs for many users,
and Internet penetration between urban and making connectivity both more mobile and more
rural areas, often exacerbated by the lack of capable, in a process that will be strengthened by
broadband capacity in the latter. A significant the spread of LTE networks. Social media services,
digital divide persists between men and women in in their infancy at the time of WSIS, have become
many countries, and there are widespread digital crucial drivers of demand for connectivity.
divides between those with more or less income,
associated with ICT affordability; with higher The cloud computing market has likewise grown
or lower educational attainment, particularly rapidly, driven by vast data-storage capacities and
associated with the capabilities required for increasingly by applications in the cloud, allied with
Internet use; and with other factors affecting the flexible user devices. Data-traffic volumes have
inclusion or marginalization of particular social been driven by higher bandwidth applications,
groups, for example persons with disabilities. The particularly video, while big-data storage and
Connect 2020 Agenda addresses these diverse analysis has become very big business, it being
aspects of digital inclusion and exclusion by estimated that the volume of data generated in

Measuring the Information Society Report 3

Chart 1.3: ICT access by region, 2015*


Per 100 inhabitants






Mobile-cellular subscriptions Mobile-broadband subscriptions

Africa Arab States Asia & Pacic CIS Europe The Americas
Note: *ITU estimates.
Source: ITU.

Chart 1.4: Percentage of individuals using the Internet by development status and region, 2015*
Per 100 inhabitants

Developed Europe The CIS Arab States Asia & Developing Africa
Americas Pacic
Note: *ITU estimates.
Source: ITU.

digital format is doubling every two years.6 The latter and establish evidence-based approaches to
Internet of Things is rapidly becoming a reality and bridging the digital divide.
machine-to-machine (M2M) communications are
also expected to grow significantly.
1.2 The Connect 2020 Agenda
All of these developments illustrate the
continued dynamic growth of ICTs, which have The Connect 2020 Agenda sets out a series of
the potential to transform other social and goals and targets for improvements in global
economic sectors. However, it is clear that ICTs ICT access, use and sustainability, and in the
are likely to be adopted more rapidly and more contribution of innovation and partnerships. The
extensively in developed countries with higher Agenda was elaborated during the year preceding
levels of prosperity than in developing countries, the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in 2014,
particularly LDCs. This makes it especially crucial through dialogue involving Member States and
to monitor the adoption and use of ICTs in the other stakeholders including equipment vendors,

4 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
telecom operators, international, regional and needs to be accompanied by efforts to ensure
national associations and organizations, civil affordability, develop relevant and local content,
society and private-sector businesses. It was and build the capabilities of individuals and
adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference as communities to take full advantage of those
part of ITUs strategic plan for the 2016-2019 potential benefits. The ability to sustain the
quadrennium (ITU, 2014). In adopting the Agenda, benefits delivered by ICTs and ensure that they
ITU Member States committed themselves to contribute to the wider sustainable development
the shared vision of an information society, agenda is critical, since growth also brings
empowered by the interconnected world, where challenges and risks that need to be managed.
telecommunications/ICTs enable and accelerate It is through innovation and partnerships that
social, economic and environmentally sustainable the evolving ICT ecosystem can adapt effectively
growth and development for everyone. to the rapidly changing technological and social
At the heart of the Agenda are four Connect 2020
goals, relating to: The four goals include 17 targets, designed to
provide an indication of whether each of the
Growth enabling and fostering access to and goals is being achieved up to 2020 and to help ITU
increased use of ICTs. and other stakeholders to focus their priorities
during that period. These targets have been set in
Inclusiveness bridging the digital divide and accordance with the requirement that they should
providing broadband for all. be:

Sustainability managing challenges resulting specific describing tangible impacts that

from ICT development. should be achieved during the time available;

Innovation and partnership leading, measurable building on existing statistical

improving and adapting to the changing indicators, leveraging available knowledge
technology environment. bases within ITU, relatively easy to gather in
a majority of countries, and with established
These goals, which are illustrated in Figure 1.1, are baselines;
mutually reinforcing. Greater ICT access will foster
growth in the use of ICTs, which should in turn action-oriented and thus able to guide both
have a positive impact on short- and long-term policy and practice;
social and economic development. Addressing
inclusiveness should extend the potential benefits realistic i.e. ambitious but achievable;
of ICTs to all, bridging digital divides between the
developed and developing worlds and reaching relevant linked to the goals of which they
marginal and vulnerable populations although form a part; and
it is understood that connectivity in this context

Figure 1.1: The Connect 2020 Goals

1 Enable and foster access to

and increased use of ICTs 2 Bridge the digital divide
and provide broadband
GROWTH for all

4 Lead, improve and adapt

to the changing ICT
3 Manage challenges
resulting from ICT
environment environment

Source: ITU, see http://www.itu.int/en/plenipotentiary/2014/Documents/connect2020-roundtables.pdf.

Measuring the Information Society Report 5

time-bound and traceable corresponding to evidence and monitoring and measurement
the four-year time-frame for the strategic plan, challenges for the quantitative targets concerned
and reflecting the difficulty of anticipating ICT with growth, inclusiveness and sustainability.
trends over the longer term. Section 6 briefly addresses the challenges involved
in monitoring innovation and partnerships.
These targets, which also reflect experience with
the WSIS targets (see below) are listed in Table 1.1.
The targets for the first three goals concerned WSIS and Broadband Commission targets
with growth, inclusiveness and sustainability
are, with one exception, quantitative, while those The monitoring and measurement of trends and
concerned with innovation and partnership are establishment of benchmarks and targets against
qualitative. Four of the five targets concerned which performance can be assessed are critical to
with inclusiveness are divided into two subsidiary the development of policy and implementation
targets in two cases setting separate targets of programmes in all areas of economic and
for developing countries in general and for LDCs; social development, including the ICT sector.
in one case setting separate affordability targets Policy-makers and practitioners need accurate
for ICTs in general and broadband services in information about the availability and use of
particular; and in one case setting separate ICTs if they are to make appropriate decisions
inclusiveness targets related to gender and to about how they can most effectively be used to
disability. achieve developmental outcomes. Businesses,
too, need accurate information in order to
The remainder of this section considers the develop investment strategies for infrastructure
overall objectives and challenges of monitoring and services that will meet societys needs and
and measuring these targets, and the wider ICT maximize commercial value. Everyone involved in
environment, during the period up to and beyond social and economic development needs evidence
their target date of 2020. Sections 3 to 5 of the about the impact that ICTs are having on society
chapter look in more detail at definitions, current in order to target their resources most effectively.

Table 1.1: The Connect 2020 Goals and Targets

Goal 1. Growth Enable and foster access to and increased use of tlecommunications/ICTs
1.1 Worldwide, 55% of households should have access to the Internet by 2020
1.2 Worldwide, 60% of individuals should be using the Internet by 2020
1.3 Worldwide, telecommunication/ICT should be 40% more affordable by 2020
Goal 2. Inclusiveness Bridge the digital divide and provide broadband for all
2.1.A In the developing world, 50% of households should have access to the Internet by 2020
2.1.B In LDCs, 15% of households should have access to the Internet by 2020
2.2.A In the developing world, 50% of individuals should be using the Internet by 2020
2.2.B In LDCs, 20% of individuals should be using the Internet by 2020
2.3.A The affordability gap between developed and developing countries should be reduced by 40% by 2020
2.3.B Broadband services should cost no more than 5% of average monthly income in developing countries by 2020
2.4 Worldwide, 90% of the rural population should be covered by broadband services by 2020
2.5.A Gender equality among Internet users should be reached by 2020
2.5.B Enabling environments ensuring accessible telecommunication/ICT for persons with disabilities should be
established in all countries by 2020
Goal 3. Sustainability Manage challenges resulting from telecommunication/ICT development
3.1 Cybersecurity readiness should be improved by 40% by 2020
3.2 Volume of redundant e-waste to be reduced by 50% by 2020
3.3 Greenhouse gas emissions generated by the telecommunication/ICT sector to be decreased per device by 30% by
Goal 4. Innovation and partnership Lead, improve and adapt to the changing telecommunication/ICTenvironment
4.1 Telecommunication/ICT environment conducive to innovation
4.2 Effective partnerships of stakeholders in telecommunication/ICT environment

Source: ITU.

6 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
The growing recognition that ICTs can perform The Agenda draws on experience in monitoring
a catalytic enabling role in almost all aspects of and measuring the WSIS targets, which are set out
development makes it even more important to in Table 1.2. These targets, which were agreed in
build a solid evidence base that can underpin 2003, are primarily concerned with connectivity
decision-making by governments, businesses and and access.
other development stakeholders.
Progress towards achieving the targets was
ITU has over many years gathered and published summarized in the Partnership on Measuring ICT
extensive data on changing ICT environments for Developments 2014 Final WSIS Targets Review
and has, since WSIS, stepped up its work and (Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development,
collaboration with other UN agencies, particularly 2014a), which identified a number of significant
those in the Partnership on Measuring ICT challenges that have informed the development
for Development.7 Its work on definitions and of the Connect 2020 Agenda. In particular,
methodologies, together with its established experience has illustrated the need for clear and
data-gathering procedures, indicators and indices, consistent definitions of terms such as ICTs and
provide an essential backdrop, including baselines, connectivity, and for the selection of indicators,
for effective monitoring and measurement in with established baselines, that can be readily
accordance with the criteria for the targets measured in the majority of ICT environments.
summarized above. In practice, only a small number of countries,
and even fewer LDCs, were able to supply data
The Connect 2020 goals and targets were agreed for many of the indicators associated with the
at a crucial point in the development of both the WSIS targets. Experience has also highlighted
information society and the wider development the difficulty of setting targets that will remain
agenda, coinciding with the ten-year review of appropriate over an extended period of time. The
WSIS outcomes and discussions concerning the rapid growth of mobile-cellular and broadband
Post-2015 Development Agenda and SDGs. networks after WSIS led the Partnership to adjust
the WSIS targets in 2010, as set out in Table 1.2,
since by that time broadband connectivity had

Table 1.2: The WSIS targets, 2003 and as adapted in 2010

Target Target set in Geneva Plan of Action Target as amended in 2010/2011
1 To connect villages with ICTs and establish community To connect all villages with ICTs and establish
access points community access points
2 To connect universities, colleges, secondary schools and To connect all secondary schools and primary schools
primary schools with ICTs with ICTs
3 To connect scientific and research centres with ICTs To connect all scientific and research centres with ICTs
4 To connect public libraries, cultural centres, museums, To connect all public libraries, cultural centres,
post offices, and archives with ICTs museums, post offices, and archives with ICTs
5 To connect health centres and hospitals with ICTs To connect all health centres and hospitals with ICTs
6 To connect all local and central government departments To connect all central government departments and
and establish websites and e-mail addresses establish websites
7 To adapt all primary and secondary school curricula to To adapt all primary and secondary school curricula to
meet the challenges of the information society, taking meet the challenges of the Information Society, taking
into account national circumstances into account national circumstances (unchanged)
8 To ensure that all of the worlds population has access to
To ensure that all of the worlds population has access
television and radio services to television and radio services (unchanged)
9 To encourage the development of content and to put To encourage the development of content and to put
in place technical conditions in order to facilitate the in place technical conditions in order to facilitate the
presence and use of all world languages on the Internet presence and use of all world languages on the Internet
10 To ensure that more than half of the worlds inhabitants To ensure that more than half of the worlds inhabitants
have access to ICTs within their reach have access to ICTs within their reach and make use of
11 (proposed) To connect all businesses with ICTs (proposed target)

Source: Adopted from Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development (2011).

Measuring the Information Society Report 7

Table 1.3: Broadband Commission targets to 2015

Target 1 Making broadband By 2015, all countries should have a national broadband plan or strategy or include
policy universal broadband in their Universal Access / Service Definitions
Target 2 Making broadband By 2015, entry-level broadband services should be made affordable in developing
affordable countries through adequate regulation and market forces (amounting to less than 5% of
average monthly income)
Target 3 Connecting homes to By 2015, 40% of households in developing countries should have Internet access
Target 4 Getting people online By 2015, Internet user penetration should reach 60% worldwide, 50% in developing
countries and 15% in LDCs

Source: Broadband Commission (2012a).

become a much more crucial factor in assessing the importance of this to both short- and long-
the changing digital divide. term social and economic development as well
as its significance for the ICT sector itself. It builds
The Connect 2020 Agenda targets have also on experience in monitoring and measuring
drawn on work undertaken by the Broadband the connectivity and access targets which were
Commission for Digital Development, which brings adopted at WSIS in 2003 and the more ambitious
together expertise from ITU, the United Nations targets for broadband connectivity adopted by the
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Broadband Commission for Digital Development
(UNESCO), other UN and international in 2011, both of which are described in section 2
organizations, the private sector and civil society above.
to encourage broadband deployment in pursuit of
developmental goals.8 In 2012, the Commission The Connect 2020 Agenda includes three global
adopted four targets concerned with broadband targets for growth in access and usage, as set out
policy, affordability and uptake, with terminal dates in Table 1.4.
in 2015, which are set out in Table 1.3. In 2013, it
set a further target to achieve gender equality in
Table 1.4: Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 1 Targets
broadband access by 2020.9

Finally, the Connect 2020 targets were adopted in 1.1 Worldwide, 55% of households should have access to
the context of wider targets concerned with other the Internet by 2020
areas of social and economic development, in 1.2 Worldwide, 60% of individuals should be using the
Internet by 2020
particular the eight MDGs, concerned with poverty
1.3 Worldwide, telecommunication/ICT should be 40%
reduction and basic needs, which were agreed by more affordable by 2020
the United Nations in 2000, achievement of the
WSIS targets often being linked with achievement Source: ITU.
of the MDGs. As previously mentioned, in
September 2015 the United Nations agreed the
17 SDGs to succeed the MDGs, covering a much Target 1.1: Worldwide, 55 per cent of
wider range of issues. The relationship between households should have access to the Internet
the Connect 2020 Agenda, the WSIS+10 review, by 2020
the SDGs and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
of which they form part is discussed in the final This global target is associated with Targets 2.1.A
section of this chapter. and 2.1.B, which are comparable targets for the
proportion of households in developing countries
and LDCs that should have access to the Internet
1.3 Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 1 by 2020.
Currently available data illustrating the
development of this target over the past decade
The first goal in the Connect 2020 Agenda seeks
are set out in Chart 1.5, which shows a figure
to enable and foster access to and increase the
for household Internet access of 43.9 per cent
use of telecommunications and ICTs, recognizing
in 2014, rising to an estimated 46.4 per cent in

8 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Chart 1.5: Households with Internet access worldwide, 2005-2015*, against target and 2020 projection
60 56 55

Per 100 households
















2020 target
Note: * Estimate.
Source: ITU.

2015. The compound annual growth rate in this Internet by 2020, seven percentage points below
indicator has been 9.7 per cent over the period the Connect 2020 target. As noted above, the
2005-2015. ITU estimates that 56 per cent of increasing deployment of wireless-broadband
households worldwide will have Internet access by networks in rural areas of developing countries
2020, and that the Connect 2020 target will thus and the displacement of feature phones by
be met. The increasing deployment of wireless- smartphones are expected to accelerate the pace
broadband networks in rural areas of developing of growth in this indicator in developing countries
countries and the displacement of feature phones during this period.
by smartphones are expected to accelerate the
pace of growth in this indicator in developing
countries during this period and contribute to the Target 1.3: Worldwide, telecommunication/ICT
achievement of the target. However, this target should be 40 per cent more affordable by 2020
should also be considered in conjunction with
Target 2.1, which shows a less satisfactory rate of This global target is associated with Targets 2.3.A
progress in developing countries and LDCs. and 2.3.B, which are concerned with affordability
in developing countries and with the affordability
of broadband. ITU has selected the year 2012 as
Target 1.2: Worldwide, 60 per cent of the baseline year against which price changes for
individuals should be using the Internet by 2020 this indicator will be measured.

This global target is associated with Targets 2.2.A The diversity of ICT services, from voice telephony
and 2.2.B, which are comparable targets for to broadband Internet, means that affordability
the proportion of Internet users in developing cannot be evaluated by focusing on just one such
countries and LDCs that should have access to the service but must include a variety of services.
Internet by 2020. Since 2008, ITU has published the results for three
baskets of telecommunication services fixed
Data illustrating the development of this target telephone, mobile cellular and fixed broadband
over the past decade are presented in Chart 1.6, and presented the prices as a percentage of
which shows a figure for Internet usage of 40.6 average monthly GNI per capita (GNI p.c.), thereby
per cent in 2014, rising to an estimated 43.4 per indicating the affordability of each ICT service.
cent in 2015. This indicator recorded a compound Since 2012, ITU has also been gathering and
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.6 per cent over publishing data for mobile-broadband prices,
the period 2005-2015. ITU estimates that 53 per including four sub-baskets concerned with
cent of individuals worldwide will be using the different mobile-broadband packages. ITU data on

Measuring the Information Society Report 9

Chart 1.6: Percentage of individuals using the Internet worldwide, 2005-2015*, against target and 2020
Internet users per 100 inhabitants
















2020 target
Note: * Estimate.
Source: ITU.

prices covers some 180 countries, and the latest in relation to monthly GNI p.c., in developed than
results are reported and analysed in depth in in developing countries, but have fallen most
Chapter 4 of this report. markedly in LDCs.

Data illustrating the evolution of the global level Table 1.5 shows the results of applying Target
for the fixed-telephone, mobile-cellular and 1.3 of the Connect 2020 Agenda to each of the
fixed-broadband sub-baskets over the period telecommunication services for which ITU collects
since collection of those data began are set out price data, as well as the progress achieved in
in Chart 1.7. This shows that there was a marked the period 2012-2014. For instance, the cost of a
drop in fixed-broadband prices over the period mobile-cellular service corresponded on average
2008-2012 (-36 per cent CAGR).10 Price reductions to 5.0 per cent of GNI p.c. in 2012, having fallen to
in fixed-broadband services saw a slowdown 4.4 per cent of GNI p.c. in 2014. Considering that
between 2012 and 2014 (-5 per cent CAGR for the by 2020 the cost of the service should, according
two years), despite the fact that average fixed- to the Connect 2020 target, correspond to 3.0 per
broadband prices are still relatively unaffordable in cent of GNI p.c., this means that 29 per cent of the
several developing countries. Fixed-telephone and price reduction required to meet the target has
mobile-cellular service prices also fell during the already been achieved in the period 2012-2014.
period 2008-2014, albeit at slower rates (-6 per The progress made towards achieving the target
cent CAGR and -11 per cent CAGR, respectively) is somewhat lower for the fixed services: 26 per
than fixed broadband given the initial lower levels cent for fixed broadband and 21 per cent for fixed
of fixed-telephone and mobile-cellular prices. telephony. These findings provide a clear indication
Further analysis of these data can be found in that significant progress has already been achieved
Chapter 4. in terms of improving the affordability of these
three services, but that sustained regulatory and
Data concerning mobile-broadband prices for 2013 policy attention will be required in the coming
and 2014 are presented in Chart 4.16 in Chapter4, years to keep prices on track to meet the target.
where they are analysed in depth. Price data show
that there was a decrease in all four of the sub- Concerning mobile broadband, 2013 is taken
baskets used to assess mobile-broadband prices as the baseline because in 2012 a number of
(computer-based 1GB and handset-based 500MB, countries did not yet have all the four mobile-
in each case for both prepaid and postpaid plans). broadband plans available. Despite it having taken
Prices in all four cases remain substantially lower, only one year to assess the progress made towards

10 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Chart 1.7: The IPB and sub-baskets, worldwide, 2008-2014





As a % of GNI p.c.
















2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Fixed telephone Mobile cellular Fixed broadband IPB
Note: Simple averages. Based on 140 economies for which price data on the three services were available for 2008-2014.
Source: ITU.

Table 1.5: Affordability of ICT services: baseline, current status and Connect 2020 target for each
telecommunication service
Progress achieved (% of the
Value in 2012 Value in 2014 Target value for target reduction for the
(% GNI p.c.) (% GNI p.c.) 2020 (% GNI p.c.) period 2012-2020 achieved
in the period 2012-2014)
Fixed-telephone 3.9 3.6 2.3 21
Mobile-cellular 5.0 4.4 3.0 29
Fixed-broadband 15.6 14.0 8.4 26
Postpaid handset-based 6.5* 5.1 3.9 55
Prepaid handset-based 6.7* 4.8 4.0 72
Postpaid computer-based (1GB) 8.9* 7.2 5.3 48
Prepaid computer-based (1GB) 10.4* 7.1 6.2 79

Note: Simple averages. Fixed-telephone, mobile-cellular and fixed-broadband averages based on 140 economies for which price data on the three
services were available. Mobile-broadband average based on 119 economies for which 2013 and 2014 data on mobile-broadband prices were available
for the four types of data plan. * For mobile broadband, 2013 is taken as the baseline because, in 2012, mobile broadband services (or some of their
modalities, such as handset-based plans) were not yet available in several countries.
Source: ITU.

the target, the decrease in prices recorded is 1.4 Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 2
remarkable, reflecting both the dynamism of the Inclusiveness
mobile-broadband market and the relatively high
starting prices of the service in 2013. Considering The growth in ICT access and use, measured in
the significant progress achieved in a single year, Goal 1, is only one dimension of the development
the target set for 2020 is likely to be met in the of an information society as envisaged by the
case of mobile broadband. international community. Inclusiveness bridging
the digital divides between and within countries
and enabling broadband access for all is equally
important. Bridging the digital divide requires
focus to be given not just to access but also to
accessibility, affordability and use of ICTs in all

Measuring the Information Society Report 11

countries and regions and by all people, female Emirates. At the other end of the distribution, the
and male, and including marginal and vulnerable developing-country grouping includes all of the
populations such as children and older people, LDCs. There is therefore a much wider distribution
indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and of GNI p.c. levels in the developing-country than in
those on lower incomes. the developed-country category. The LDC group is
also much more economically homogeneous than
The second Connect 2020 Agenda goal is the developing-country grouping as a whole.
concerned with issues of inclusiveness, and
comprises nine targets. These can be divided into The developing-country group includes some
two groups, as set out in Table 1.6. very large countries such as China and India,
which between them account for over one-
The first group, consisting of Targets 2.1, 2.2 third of the global population, and five further
and 2.3 is concerned with the inclusion of countries (Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria
particular development categories within the and Bangladesh) with populations over 150
international community, namely developing million. Significant changes in the outcomes
countries in general and LDCs. The six targets for these large-population countries can have
in this group are closely associated with, and significant impacts on the overall outcomes for the
use the same indicators as, the three targets in developing-country category, even if they are not
Goal 1. widely reflected in the other countries belonging
to this group.
The second group, consisting of Targets 2.4
and 2.5, is concerned with the inclusion of
particular groups within countries rural Target 2.1.A: In the developing world, 50 per
dwellers, women and persons with disabilities. cent of households should have access to the
Two of the targets in this group those Internet by 2020
relating to rural areas and gender are Target 2.1.B: In LDCs, 15 per cent of households
quantitative, while the third relating to should have access to the Internet by 2020
disability is qualitative.
These targets establish separate goals for
It should be noted in this context that the developing countries and for LDCs within the
definition of developing countries used in United overall global target for household Internet access
Nations data includes a number of high-income established by Target 1.1.
economies, including some at the very top of the
global income distribution which also have high Worldwide data for households with access to the
ratings in the IDI (see Chapter 2). These include, Internet are presented in Chart 1.5 above. There
for example, economies in East Asia such as are, however, very substantial differences between
Singapore, Hong Kong (China) and the Republic of regions and between countries with different
Korea, and oil-producing economies in Western development levels within this indicator. As Chart
Asia such as Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab

Table 1.6: Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 2 targets

2.1.A In the developing world, 50 per cent of households should have access to the Internet by 2020
2.1.B In LDCs, 15 per cent of households should have access to the Internet by 2020
2.2.A In the developing world, 50 per cent of individuals should be using the Internet by 2020
2.2.B In LDCs, 20 per cent of individuals should be using the Internet by 2020
2.3.A The affordability gap between developed and developing countries should be reduced by 40 per cent by 2020
2.3.B Broadband services should cost no more than 5 per cent of average monthly income in developing countries by
2.4 Worldwide, 90 per cent of the rural population should be covered by broadband services by 2020
2.5.A Gender equality among Internet users should be reached by 2020
2.5.B Enabling environments ensuring accessible telecommunication/ICT for persons with disabilities should be
established in all countries by 2020

Source: ITU.

12 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
1.8 shows, the level of household access is much 45 per cent of households in developing countries
higher in developed countries than in developing will have Internet access by 2020, five points
countries, and much higher in developing below the Connect 2020 target. This projected
countries overall than in LDCs or Africa. performance in developing countries including
LDCs (see below) is notably less satisfactory than
Chart 1.9 illustrates the data trend for household that for worldwide household access, which is
Internet access in developing countries, for the projected to meet Target 1.1 (see above).
period 2005-2015. The CAGR was 15.4 per cent
between 2005 and 2015, and 15.7 per cent in the Chart 1.10 illustrates the comparable data trend
five years from 2010 to 2015. ITU estimates that for household Internet access in LDCs. The CAGR

Chart 1.8: Households with Internet access, by region and development status, 2015*

82.1 81.3

60.1 60.0
Per 100 households


50 46.4
40.3 39.0
40 34.1


10 6.7

Arab States
The Americas



Asia & Pacic



Note: * Estimates.
Source: ITU.

Chart 1.9: Households with access to the Internet, developing countries, 2005-2015*, against target and
2020 projection
Per 100 households







2020 target











Note: * Estimate.
Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 13

Chart 1.10: Households with access to the Internet, LDCs, 2005-2015*, against target and 2020 projection
16 15


12 11
Per 100 households














2020 target
Note: * Estimate.
Source: ITU

in this case was 33.9 per cent between 2005 and Target 2.2.A: In the developing world, 50 per
2015, and 25.6 per cent in the five years between cent of individuals should be using the Internet
2010 and 2015, much higher than for developing by 2020
countries in general. Despite the high growth rates, Target 2.2.B: In LDCs, 20 per cent of individuals
LDCs are starting from a much lower baseline and should be using the Internet by 2020
therefore the progress in absolute terms is smaller.
This is also reflected in the projections: ITU These targets establish separate goals for
estimates that 11 per cent of households in LDCs developing countries and for LDCs within the
will have Internet access by 2020, four percentage overall global target for individual Internet use
points below the target of 15 per cent set in the established by Chart 1.10.
Connect 2020 Agenda.
Worldwide data for Internet use in 2015 are
This is consistent with other evidence suggesting presented in Chart 1.6 above. As with household
that LDCs may be falling behind other countries access, there are very substantial differences
in ICT access and usage, and that additional between the results for different regions and
measures may be needed to stimulate faster development categories for this indicator. Chart
growth in Internet access where they are 1.11 shows that, as with household access, the
concerned. Mobile-broadband networks and level of Internet usage is much higher in developed
smartphones have become the norm in developed than in developing countries, and much higher in
countries and are increasingly available in middle- developing countries overall than in LDCs.
income developing countries, as is evidenced
by data in the IDI and reported on in Chapter2. Chart 1.12 illustrates the trend in Internet usage
It is possible that additional efforts from the in developing countries for the period 2005-2015.
public and private sectors, such as regulatory This indicator recorded a CAGR of 16.4 per cent
changes, investment and new public-private for developing countries over the period, the
partnerships, but also technological development, same as that for all countries, although from a
may accelerate the trend illustrated in Chart 1.10 lower baseline. ITU estimates that 46 per cent
during the period to 2020. of individuals in developing countries (including
LDCs) will be using the Internet by 2020, this
being four percentage points below the target set
in the Connect 2020 Agenda. As with household
access, however, it is possible that other factors,
such as regulatory changes, investment including

14 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Chart 1.11: Percentage of individuals using the Internet, by region and development status, 2015*
90 82.2
Per 100 inhabitants

70 66.0
50 43.4
37.0 36.9 35.3
30 20.7
20 9.5

Arab States
The Americas



Asia & Pacic



Note: *Estimates.
Source: ITU (2015a).

Chart 1.12: Percentage of individuals using the Internet in developing countries, 2005-2015*, against
target and 2020 projection

50 50
Per 100 inhabitants













2020 target

Note: * Estimate.
Source: ITU.

new public-private partnerships, and further Target 2.3.A: The affordability gap between
technological development, may have a positive developed and developing countries should be
impact that will help to achieve the target more reduced by 40 per cent by 2020
Target 2.3.A is concerned with the relative
Chart 1.13 illustrates the comparable data trend affordability of services between developed and
for Internet use in LDCs. The CAGR in this case was developing countries, and is related to Target 1.3
28.4 per cent between 2005 and 2015, also on a which is concerned with affordability at the global
very steady trend. ITU estimates that 16 per cent level. Target 1.3 seeks to improve the affordability
of individuals in LDCs will be using the Internet by of ICTs globally by 40 per cent, and is assessed
2020, this being four percentage points below the above in relation to fixed telephony, mobile cellular
target set in the Connect 2020 Agenda. and fixed broadband, as well as mobile broadband.

Target 2.3.A seeks to reduce the ICT price

differential between developed and developing
countries by 40 per cent by 2020. As with Target

Measuring the Information Society Report 15

Chart 1.13: Percentage of individuals using the Internet in LDCs, 2005-2015*, against target and 2020
Per 100 inhabitants




2020 target










Note: * Estimate.
Source: ITU.

1.3, the baseline date selected for this target is Target 2.3.B: Broadband services should cost
2012. no more than 5 per cent of average monthly
income in developing countries by 2020
Data illustrating the evolution of fixed-telephone,
mobile-cellular and fixed-broadband prices over The IPB includes data for fixed-broadband and
the period since 2008 are presented in Chart 1.14, mobile-broadband services, both of which can be
while Chart 1.15 presents data for the four mobile- assessed in measuring this target, while average
broadband packages for which data were collected monthly income refers to GNIp.c.
in 2013 and 2014. These show that the difference
in the affordability of fixed and mobile-cellular In recent years, in broadband as in telephony,
services between developed and developing the growth in mobile/wireless connections/
countries fell steadily and significantly during the subscriptions has greatly exceeded the growth
period 2008-2012, followed by a slowdown in the in fixed connections. This is particularly so in
period 2012-2014, and even an increase in the developing countries, and most particularly in
case of fixed broadband in 2014. On the other LDCs. As illustrated in Chart 1.16, the estimated
hand, the difference in the affordability of mobile fixed-broadband penetration in 2015 is 7.1 per 100
broadband between developed and developing persons in developing countries and just 0.5 per
countries narrowed from 2013 to 2014. 100 persons in LDCs, compared with 29.0 per cent
in developed countries. The estimated mobile-
Fixed broadband remained the service with the broadband penetration is 39.1 per cent and 12.1
largest affordability difference between developed per cent, respectively, compared with 86.7 per
and developing countries (prices 14 times less cent in developed countries. As noted earlier in
affordable in developing than in developed this chapter, however, the two indicators are not
countries), followed by postpaid computer-based directly comparable since they are principally
mobile broadband (ten times less affordable in associated, respectively, with household/
developing countries). Differences in affordability businesses and individual access.
were smaller for the other services, yet still
significant, with fixed-telephone and mobile- Target 2.3.B is derived from the second of the
cellular services around five times less affordable four targets agreed in 2012 by the Broadband
in developing countries, and prepaid mobile Commission for Digital Development, which
broadband eight times less affordable. sought to achieve affordability at the 5 per cent
level of monthly average income (as measured
by GNI p.c.) for entry-level broadband services
by 2015. By early 2015, a total of 111 economies
had achieved that target, out of 160 for which

16 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Chart 1.14: The IPB and sub-baskets, by development level, 2008-2014
IPB Fixed Broadband
20 100
18 90


16 80

As a % of GNI p.c.

As a % of GNI p.c.
14 70

12 60

10 50


8 40


6 30

4 20






2 10







0 0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Fixed Telephone Mobile Broadband

8 14

7 12

As a % of GNI p.c.
As a % of GNI p.c.

















1 2
0 0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Developed Developing
Note: Simple averages. Based on 140 economies for which price data on the three services were available for 2008-2014.
Source: ITU.

Chart 1.15: Mobile-broadband prices, by level of development, 2013-2014

35 35 35 35

30 30 30 30
As % of GNI p.c.

As % of GNI p.c.

As % of GNI p.c.
As % of GNI p.c.

25 25 25 25

20 20 20 20

15 15 15 13.98 15 12.17
8.8 9.11 9.48 9.80
10 10 10 10
6.9 6.49
5 5 5 1.87 5
0.9 0.8 1.08 0.79 1.45 1.02 0.90
0 0 0 0
2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014
Postpaid handset-based Prepaid handset-based Prepaid Computer-based Postpaid Computer-based
(500MB) (500MB) (1GB) (1GB)
Developing Developed
Note: Simple averages. Based on 119 economies for which price data on the four services were available for 2008-2014.
Source: ITU.

data were available, including all of the developed Chart 1.17, however, a small number of countries
countries and 67 developing countries in the data had very much higher broadband prices, including
set (ITU, 2015a). Of these, 102 had achieved the 22 countries with broadband prices equivalent
target for fixed-broadband prices and 105 for to more than 20 per cent of monthly GNI p.c.
mobile-broadband prices. As can be seen from Altogether, 49 developing countries for which data

Measuring the Information Society Report 17

Chart 1.16: Mobile-broadband and fixed-broadband penetration, 2015*
Mobile-broadband penetration Fixed-broadband penetration
100 35
Per 100 inhabitants

Per 100 inhabitants

70 25
60 20
40 15
30 10
0 0
Developed Developing World LDCs Developed Developing World LDCs
Note: *Estimates.
Source: ITU.

Chart 1.17: Country performance against the affordability target, 2014

80 Developing
Number of countries



35 32
12 10 11 11
0 5
0-2 2-5 5-8 8-10 10-20 20-30 >30
2014 broadband prices as a % of GNI p.c.
Source: ITU.

were available need to achieve further reductions either a computer or a handheld device such as a
in broadband prices in order to achieve the target, phone or tablet. Chart 1.18 illustrates the average
together, it should be assumed, with a number of values for developed and developing countries for
other countries for which no data were available. each of these mobile-broadband packages in 2013
and 2014 for the 119 economies that offered all
The global average price of an entry-level fixed of these services in the market. It should be noted
broadband package is also 1.7 times higher than that these average values relate to the experience
that of a comparable mobile broadband package of different countries, and are not weighted
(PPP$ 52 compared with PPP$ 30) (ITU, 2015a). according to those countries populations.

As noted above, however, it is mobile-broadband As Chart 1.18 shows, LDCs in particular have a
prices that are currently more significant in considerable way to go in order to achieve the
developing countries, especially LDCs. The IPB target for these particular mobile-broadband
includes data concerning four separate packages packages. The affordability challenge is particularly
of mobile broadband services, each of which it acute in LDCs because their average GNI p.c. levels
measures against monthly GNI p.c. These are are so low, making it more difficult to secure a
concerned with prepaid and postpaid access using positive return on network investment. It will be

18 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Chart 1.18: Mobile-broadband prices, developed and developing countries and LDCs, 2013-2014

handset-based handset-based computer-based computer-based 7.2

2014 9.8
(1GB) 23.4
2013 12.2 31.6

2014 9.5


2013 14.0 37.6


2014 6.5

2013 6.7
9.1 23.6

2014 6.9 16.3

2013 6.5
8.8 22.4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
% GNI p.c.
World Developed Developing LDCs

Source: ITU.

important in this context for broadband providers as wireless networks can be, and have been,
to offer services and applications geared towards more widely deployed in ways that enable quicker
low-income groups, such as prepaid packages that returns on investment to be achieved from the
allow users to buy data in small volumes, for small larger numbers of users adopting mobile phones.
cash sums, as and when required. Applications
and services can also be adapted to use lower The Final WSIS Targets Review included ITU
data volumes for those who need them. Such estimates, illustrated in Chart 1.19, for growth in
broadband-sector innovations focusing on the the percentage of the rural population in different
needs of low-income consumers can, alongside world regions covered by a mobile-cellular
policy and regulatory initiatives by governments, signal between 2003 and 2012 (Partnership on
contribute significantly to improving affordability. Measuring ICT for Development, 2014a).

In 2015, ITU estimates that over 95 per cent of the

Target 2.4: Worldwide, 90 per cent of the rural worlds total (i.e. both urban and rural) population
population should be covered by broadband is covered by a mobile signal.
services by 2020
Since WSIS, the focus of concern regarding rural
In most countries, connectivity has tended to connectivity has shifted to broadband, as indicated
favour urban areas which have higher levels of by Connect 2020s Target 2.4.
aggregate demand and are thus likely to achieve
earlier returns on investment over rural areas, ITU estimates suggest that 3G network coverage
leading to concern about an urban/rural digital grew from 45 per cent of world population in
divide. The first of the ten targets agreed at WSIS 2011 to 69 per cent in 2015, by which time, as
in 2003 sought to address this concern by calling illustrated in Chart 1.20, 3G networks covered 89
for all villages to be connected with ICT and for per cent of people living in urban areas and 29
the establishment of community Internet access per cent of those in rural areas. This is in line with
points. the observed fact that 3G networks remain absent
from many rural areas in low income countries,
Substantial changes have occurred since WSIS in particularly Africa.
the connectivity options available for rural areas,

Measuring the Information Society Report 19

Chart 1.19: Rural population covered by a mobile-cellular signal, by region, 2003-2012

100 98
90 8787
Proportion of rural population covered

80 84
by a mobile-cellular signal

60 Europe
50 Americas
40 World
30 Oceania
2003 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 2012
Source: ITU.

Chart 1.20: Population coverage by 3G networks, urban and rural areas, 2015*

3G rural

3G population
coverage, World rural population 3.4 billion

3G urban
World population 7.4 billion

3G coverage No 3G coverage World urban population 4 billion

Note: * Estimate.
Source: ITU.

In 2015, the GSM Association estimates that 73 for household broadband access should be
per cent of the worlds population is now covered disaggregated between urban and rural areas.
by 3G networks, as against 90 per cent covered
by 2G networks, and predicts that this figure will
rise to 80 per cent by 2020, with 60 per cent Target 2.5.A: Gender equality among Internet
then enjoying 4G coverage.11 These data and users should be reached by 2020
projections, which still fall short of Target 2.4, are
illustrated in Chart 1.21. Digital divides occur within countries, not just
between different geographical areas but also
In its proposed ICT indicators for the SDGs, ITU between different sections of society. One of
has suggested that future data relating to network the most prominent such divides, which has
coverage should be gathered for both 2G and been widely discussed and is increasingly being
3G networks, with scope for later generations researched, is the gender digital divide, i.e.
of mobile networks to be added, and that data

20 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Chart 1.21: GSMA data and projections for global 3G and 4G coverage, 2009-2020
Network coverage as a percent of population









2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Source: GSMA.

differences in levels of access to, and use of, ICTs by Research ICT Africa, conducted in twelve
between men and women. African countries in 2011, demonstrated a close
relationship between Internet access differences
ICT access is considered important for gender by gender and other variables, such as level of
equality because it can enable women to achieve income and level of education (Dean-Swarray et
greater independence and autonomy, providing al, 2013). The Connect 2020 Agenda target of
them with new economic and social opportunities, achieving gender equality among Internet users by
including employment and access to money, 2020 will therefore depend as much on efforts to
thereby increasing their level of empowerment. address these structural inequalities within society
The measurement of ICT and gender is a critical as on ICT-specific interventions.
factor in understanding developments in the
information society and in informing policy- Since its launch in 2004, the Partnership on
makers, analysts and other stakeholders involved Measuring ICT for Development has been
with issues of gender equality and ICT for formulating core indicators in the areas of
development. The importance of equal access infrastructure and access, household ICT access,
for women to economic resources, and the value individual use of ICT, the use of ICT in education,
of ICTs for womens empowerment, have been business and government, and the ICT sector.
recognized in proposals for the SDGs.12 While many of these indicators can be broken
down by gender, the fact that not all of them are
It is generally agreed that the gender digital collected internationally and/or nationally means
divide stems primarily from the structural that data availability is patchy at best, particularly
inequalities that exist between men and women where developing countries are concerned.
in many societies, although there may also be
some ICT-specific factors. The Partnership on The Partnership launched a Task Group on
Measuring ICT for Development, for example, Gender in 2013, co-led by ITU and the United
noted in 2014 that Socio-cultural factors that Nations Conference on Trade and Development
cause a higher concentration of women in the (UNCTAD), with the aim of improving the
uneducated, unemployed and poor segments of availability of internationally comparable indicators
society also marginalize them in terms of access on gender and ICT, especially in developing
and use of ICTs (Partnership on Measuring ICT countries. Its 2014 report on Measuring ICT and
for Development, 2014a). Household surveys Gender recognized the need for much more

Measuring the Information Society Report 21

comprehensive and systematic gathering of ITU has been collecting sex-disaggregated ICT
gender-disaggregated data in order to enable data annually since 2009. Using available data, ITU
effective responses to the gender digital divide, estimated the gender digital divide in developed
covering not just access and use but also issues and developing countries in 2013 and 2015. These
related to wider socio-economic factors, including data, which are illustrated in Chart 1.22 and in
affordability, capabilities and womens safety or Tables 1.7 and 1.8, suggest that the Internet user
vulnerability online (Partnership on Measuring penetration rate has been around 11 per cent
ICT for Development, 2014b). It made a number lower for females than for males in both years. The
of recommendations concerning future data gap between the two rates is lowest in developed
gathering, from ICT-sector and other data sets and countries (at 5.4 per cent in 2015), significantly
from household surveys, while recognizing that higher in developing countries (15.4 per cent in
the most critical factor in improving data from both years), and highest in LDCs (28.9 per cent in
developing countries was likely to be the need 2015). The data suggest that the gap has narrowed
for resourcing and capacity-building in national in developed countries between 2013 and 2015,
statistical offices and other relevant statistical while remaining stable in developing countries and
institutions. LDCs. Only one region, the Americas, displays an
Internet user penetration rate that is higher for
females than for males. This is partly attributable

Chart 1.22: Percentage of individuals using the Internet, by gender, development status and region, 2015*





Arab States

Asia & Pacic



The Americas

As a % of female population As a % of male population As a % of total population

Table 1.7: Percentage of individuals using the Internet, by gender, development status and region, 2015*
Region Female population Male population Total population
Developed 80.1 84.6 82.3
Developing 32.3 38.2 35.3
World 40.8 45.9 43.4
LDC 8.1 11.3 9.7

Africa 18.4 23.1 20.8
Arab States 34.1 39.8 37
Asia & Pacific 33.3 40.4 36.9
CIS 57.8 62.2 59.9
Europe 74.3 81 77.6
The Americas 66.2 65.8 66

Note: *Estimates.
Source: ITU.

22 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Table 1.8: Gap in Internet user penetration rate worldwide, of whom 80 per cent live in developing
between males and females, 2013 and 2015* countries.13 Persons with disabilities often
experience additional disadvantages stemming,
Region Gap 2013 (%) Gap 2015 (%)
for example, from old age or from difficulties
Developed 6.3 5.4
in accessing economic opportunities and social
Developing 15.6 15.4
services. ICTs such as mobile phones and the
World 11.0 11.1 Internet can facilitate their inclusion in economic
LDC 29.9 28.9 and social development by enhancing their access
to opportunities and services. However, ensuring
Africa 20.7 20.5 that persons with disabilities can derive benefit
Arab States 15.5 14.4 from the potential of ICTs requires networks,
Asia & Pacific 17.7 17.6 devices and services to be accessible to them on
CIS 7.5 7.0 terms and in ways that are equivalent to those
Europe 9.4 8.2 enjoyed by other people.
The Americas -0.4 -0.7
Accessibility to services, including ICTs, is
Note: *The gap represents the difference between the Internet user
penetration rates for males and females relative to the Internet user
mandated in article 9 of the United Nations
penetration rate for males, expressed as a percentage. Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Source: ITU. Disabilities, as follows:
to the data from its two largest countries, the
To enable persons with disabilities to live
United States and Brazil, where female Internet
independently and participate fully in all aspects of
usage exceeds that of male usage.
life, States Parties shall take appropriate measures
to ensure to persons with disabilities access,
In 2015 ITU began, through its annual statistical
on an equal basis with others, to the physical
questionnaire to Member States, to request data
environment, to transportation, to information
for the indicator Proportion of individuals owning
and communications, including information and
a mobile phone, by sex. It is now encouraging all
communications technologies and systems, and to
countries to collect such data thus far available
other facilities and services open or provided to the
for only a few countries through national
public, both in urban and in rural areas.
household surveys. This indicator has been
proposed as a potential indicator to support the
Article 9 of the Convention also explicitly includes
measurement of Sustainable Development Goal
electronic services, emergency services and the
5.b Enhance the use of enabling technology,
Internet in this definition.
in particular information and communications
technology, to promote the empowerment of
For the past seven years, ITU has been working
with the Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs
(G3ict) to gather and disseminate information
and promote ICT accessibility in line with
Target 2.5.B: Enabling environments ensuring the UN Convention. In 2014, ITU and G3ict
accessible telecommunication/ICT for persons jointly published a Model ICT Accessibility
with disabilities should be established in all Policy Report, designed to inform public policy
countries by 2020 on ICTs and disability and including a model
institutional framework which builds on the
The final target in Goal 2, relating to persons with ITU/G3ict online eAccessibility Policy Toolkit
disabilities, differs from previous targets inasmuch for Persons with Disabilities (ITU/G3ict, 2014).
as it is not concerned with direct measurement of The model framework includes guidelines and
access or use but with the enabling environment recommendations in six areas of policy and
to support access and use. It is therefore a practice, which will form the basis for assessment
measure of policy and regulatory frameworks of this target. These six areas are:
rather than of ICT access and use per se.
1. The existence of a legal, policy and regulatory
The World Health Organization estimates that 15 framework explicitly concerned with ICT
per cent of the worlds population lives with a accessibility, including arrangements for
disability, representing about one billion people

Measuring the Information Society Report 23

consultation with persons with disabilities; from the above-mentioned Model ICT Accessibility
technical and quality-of-service standards; Policy Report:
appropriate universal access/service
provisions and provisions for emergency Have you established a regulatory framework
communications; dissemination of information to ensure ICT accessibility for persons with
to persons with disabilities; and targets for disabilities? If so, please indicate which areas are
monitoring progress. addressed by your ICT accessibility regulatory
framework (Check as many as are established):
2. Accessibility of public access facilities, including
payphones, telecentres and cybercafs. Mobile communications accessibility

3. Accessibility of mobile communications, Television/video programming accessibility

including the availability of facilities such
as screen readers to assist the blind and Web accessibility
partially-sighted, relay services and hearing-
aid compatibility to assist those with hearing Public ICT accessibility (e.g. payphones and
disabilities, and voice recognition and telecentres)
automated text to assist those with physical
disabilities. Public procurement of accessible ICTs

4. Accessibility of television and radio Other, please specify

programming, including features such as audio
description, closed captioning and signing, as This question seeks to establish which areas
well as visual and audio subtitles. are addressed in different Member States ICT
accessibility frameworks, including accessibility of
5. Web accessibility, similarly enabling access to mobile communications, broadcasting (television
the World Wide Web for those with various and radio), the World Wide Web, public access
types of disability, ensuring that government facilities (such as payphones and telecentres),
websites are accessible to persons with and how these frameworks address issues such as
disabilities and encouraging private-sector public procurement.
websites to meet accessibility standards, as
well as supporting greater awareness and The information gathered in 2015 will establish
responsiveness to accessibility issues among a baseline to enable progress made against the
ICT students and professionals. target to be measured through annual responses
by Member States during the period to 2020. Data
6. The inclusion of mandatory accessibility from the first survey will be included in the 2016
requirements in public procurement of ICTs. edition of the Measuring the Information Society
ITU has been gathering data on telecommunication
policy and regulatory environments for more than
20 years, through an annual regulatory survey 1.5 Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 3 -
completed by Member States. The data gathered Sustainability
through the survey enable ITU to measure the
progress made, at national, regional and global Goal 3 of the Connect 2020 Agenda is concerned
levels, in creating an enabling policy and regulatory with sustainability. This goal recognizes the need
environment conductive to ICT development and to manage challenges that emerge from the rapid
adoption, and to analyse ICT policy and regulatory growth of telecommunications and ICTs. It includes
trends, with the findings being published in the three targets, the first of which is concerned with
annual Trends in Telecommunication Reform and threats to the integrity and security of ICTs and
other publications. the Internet, seeking to minimize the negative
impact of cybersecurity risks, including potential
In 2015, the survey questionnaire for the first time harm to vulnerable groups, while the second and
included the following specific question derived third are concerned with negative impacts on the

24 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
environment, specifically e-waste and greenhouse- and the totality of transmitted and/or stored
gas emissions. information in the digital environment.

There are many different threats to these

Table 1.9: Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 3
resources. For governments, these include risks
associated with national security, cyberterrorism
and fraudulent access to and misuse of official
3.1 Cybersecurity readiness should be improved by 40 data. Businesses are particularly concerned about
per cent by 2020 the security of commercial data. Individual users of
3.2 Volume of redundant e-waste to be reduced by 50 the Internet fear that their personal data may be
per cent by 2020
compromised and fraudulently used, and are also
3.3 Greenhouse gas emissions generated by the
telecommunication/ICT sector to be decreased per
concerned about issues such as online harassment
device by 30 per cent by 2020 and child protection. Cybersecurity strives to
ensure that the assets and data of organizations
Source: ITU.
and individual users remain secure in the face
of these and other risks arising in the online
Target 3.1: Cybersecurity readiness should be environment.
improved by 40 per cent by 2020
It would be very difficult to measure cybersecurity
itself because security breaches are for the most
Cybersecurity has, over the past decade, become
part not publicized for reasons of administrative
an increasingly important issue in the evolving
or commercial confidentiality. It is more feasible
information society. ICTs have become an
to measure the cybersecurity commitment of
important factor in almost every aspect of social
governments and others within national ICT
and economic life, and now provide the principal
environments, basing assessments around
channels for financial transactions and other
relevant legal and regulatory frameworks. Target
critical interfaces between citizens, businesses and
3.1 therefore focuses on measuring cybersecurity
governments. Personal and organizational data are
increasingly held in international data centres and
leveraged for a wide variety of administrative and
ITU has worked with ABI Research to establish
commercial purposes by global businesses and
a Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI), a country-
other actors. People, businesses and governments
level index which aims to capture each countrys
have come to rely on ICTs and the Internet to such
commitment and preparedness in respect of
an extent that any breakdowns in connectivity or
cybersecurity, rather than its detailed capabilities
failures in communications and data security can
or possible vulnerabilities. It considers this level
have serious and lasting negative consequences.
of commitment in the five areas set out in Table
All stakeholders, including individual citizens but
1.10, with the following performance indicators,
also businesses and public administrations, are
definitions of which can be found in the GCIs
concerned about risks arising from their data
Conceptual Framework:15
becoming available to those who may use the
information to do them harm. If people are to
The first edition of the GCI, with findings from
derive maximum benefit from information and
2014, was published in the report Global
communications, they need to be sure that their
Cybersecurity Index and Cyberwellness Profiles (ITU
use of them, and the data they make available to
and ABI Research, 2014). As well as regional and
others through them, are secure.
country-by-country comparisons, the GCI report
also includes cyberwellness profiles summarizing
Cybersecurity is defined by ITU as the collection
findings for 196 individual economies.
of tools, policies, security concepts, security
safeguards, guidelines, risk management
Information for the GCI in this report was compiled
approaches, actions, training, best practices,
from responses received from Member States
assurance and technologies that can be used to
to a questionnaire, and from secondary sources,
protect the cyber environment and organization
which have been assessed against seventeen
and users assets.14 This includes connected
performance indicators. These indicators have
computing devices, personnel, infrastructure,
limited granularity, with only three scores in each
applications, services, telecommunication systems,

Measuring the Information Society Report 25

Table 1.10: Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) performance indicators16

Legal measures Criminal legislation

Regulation and compliance
Technical measures Establishment of a national computer incident response team (CIRT) or equivalent
A government-approved framework for cybersecurity standards
A government-approved framework for certification
Organizational measures A policy to promote cybersecurity
A roadmap for governance
A responsible agency for managing a national strategy or policy
National benchmarking
Capacity-building Standardization development
Professional skills development
Professional certification
Agency certification
Cooperation Intra-State cooperation
Intra agency cooperation
Public private partnerships
International cooperation

Source: ITU, see: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Cybersecurity/Pages/GCI.aspx.

case (0 for no activities, 1 for partial activities and Zealand, Norway, Brazil, Estonia, Germany, India,
2 for comprehensive activities). The outcomes Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United
of aggregate scores for the GCI will provide the Kingdom. At the other end of the scale, nine of the
basis for assessing progress towards the target countries included in the Index had zero ratings,
of improving cybersecurity readiness by 40 per while a further 42 also had ratings below 0.1.
cent by 2020. Further development of the Index,
including more detailed data-gathering, will Many of the countries with the highest rankings
enhance these indicators for the future. are countries with equally high rankings in the ICT
IDI, which measures the national ICT environment
Chart 1.23 and Figure 1.2 present findings from (see Chapter 2). Nineteen of the 27 countries
the first (and only) edition of the GCI, which show with the eight highest values in the GCI are also
a high degree of variation between countries in the highest quartile of the IDI. However, some
and regions in the results. The average rating countries such as Malaysia, Oman and Brazil have
in the GCI in 2014 was 0.28. The 40 per cent achieved a higher GCI than IDI ranking.
improvement in the GCI required by the target
would therefore require this rating to be improved
by 2020 to 0.39. The highest level of ranking Target 3.2: Volume of redundant e-waste to be
between the different indicator groups was that reduced by 50 per cent by 2020
relating to legal measures, which averaged 0.50,
while the other groups all averaged between 0.24 The use of ICTs can significantly mitigate
and 0.28, indicating that particular attention is environmental challenges to sustainable
needed in these areas. development, by enabling the more efficient use
of energy and natural resources, and helping
Chart 1.23 gives a regional breakdown of the countries, cities and individuals to adapt to
average ratings for each region, while Figure environmental threats. However, the ICT sector
1.2 shows the distribution of ratings between also adds to global environmental challenges,
countries. Countries in North America showed in particular to the generation of waste and
the highest level of cybersecurity preparedness, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These challenges
and there were relatively high levels in most are addressed in Targets 3.2 and 3.3.
other developed countries, but very low levels
in many developing countries, particularly those There is no agreed international system for
in Africa. The United States had the highest GCI measuring e-waste flows at country level, but
rating, at 0.824, followed by Canada with 0.794 it is generally agreed that e-waste constitutes
and Australia, Malaysia and Oman with 0.765. one of the fastest growing streams of physical
Nine other countries had ratings above 0.7 New waste in todays global environment. Guidelines

26 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Chart 1.23: Levels of cybersecurity by region, 2014 Global Cybersecurity Index


2014 Global Cybersecurity Index








World Europe Asia & Arab States CIS The Africa
Pacic Americas
Source: ITU and ABI Research (2015).

Figure 1.2: Levels of cybersecurity, 2014 Global Cybersecurity Index

Source: ITU and ABI Research (2015).

for classification and reporting on e-waste have for Development, 2015). The United Nations
recently been developed by several stakeholders University (UNU), for example, has calculated
including the Partnership on Measuring ICT for that about 42 million tonnes of e-waste were
Development (Partnership on Measuring ICT generated globally in 2014, of which six million

Measuring the Information Society Report 27

tonnes were ICT-related.17 The rate of growth of awareness initiatives to develop outreach material,
ICT-related e-waste is particularly high because and will interact with stakeholders directly
of the rapid pace of change in technology, as a involved in ICT production and handling, to reduce
result of which devices like computers and mobile e-waste generation on a global level. ITU Member
phones tend to be replaced every two to four States will be invited to prepare national reports
years. Additionally, as the growth of markets on e-waste, and a report on national e-waste
for ICT goods is rapid, each year more people monitoring will be compiled in the following year.
worldwide own more devices which will in due This will provide a basis for assessing progress
course become redundant. The United Nations on this target by 2020 and effectively reduce
Environment Programme (UNEP) has pointed e-waste generation worldwide. In addition, the
out that a high proportion of e-waste is traded roadmap aims to turn the e-waste challenge into
and treated informally or illegally, most often in an opportunity by creating jobs and facilitating
developing countries.18 technology transfer from developed to developing
Target 3.2 seeks to reduce the volume of
redundant e-waste i.e. waste resulting from
products and devices which are outdated, have Target 3.3: Greenhouse gas emissions generated
been phased out or have reached the end of their by the telecommunication/ICT sector to be
productive life by 50 per cent by 2020. This decreased per device by 30 per cent by 2020
target can be achieved only through a combination
of activities addressing different stages of the ICT The second major environmental challenge to be
product life cycle, including the manufacturing addressed in the Connect 2020 Agenda concerns
process, standards and licensing, trade and GHG emissions. ICTs can both contribute to GHG
tax, recycling and disposal. Responsibility for emissions, through the energy consumption
progress will involve a range of stakeholders, involved in the production, use and disposal of ICT
including international agencies concerned with products and services, and offer opportunities for
trade in waste, governments which establish reducing GHGs in other economic sectors where
regulatory environments for waste management, they can improve efficiency in production and
private sector businesses involved in the design, energy consumption. These two aspects of the
development, production and marketing of relationship between ICTs and GHGs are, however,
ICT products, waste management enterprises, distinct. Target 3.3 is concerned specifically with
and ICT consumers both organizations and reducing GHG emissions per ICT device, and not
individuals who make decisions concerning with possible impacts on emissions resulting from
the procurement and longevity of the devices the use of ICTs in other sectors.
that they use. Therefore, ITU, together with the
UNEP Basel Convention, United Nations Industrial The increase in GHG emissions arising from ICT
Development Organization (UNIDO), UNU and ITU production, use and disposal results primarily from
membership, has been developing a roadmap for growing connectivity, access and usage. Energy
implementing Target 3.2, which aims to establish a consumption by ICTs increases as they become
policy and regulatory and technical framework to ever more pervasive in government and business
steer production, handling, growth and innovation activities, and as people make ever greater use
in the ICT sector in a sustainable direction. of ICTs in terms of spending more time and doing
more things online, making use of more devices
For this target to be operationalized, it will be and greater bandwidth, and interacting more
necessary to clarify definitions and establish extensively with one another.
a baseline year against which progress can be
measured. From a definitional point of view, the As with e-waste, ITU, together with its Sector
target should relate specifically to ICT-related Members and industry associations is in the
redundant e-waste, rather than the wider range process of developing a roadmap to address the
of electronic goods to which the term e-waste challenges arising from these developments and
is generally applied. Establishing a baseline will the GHG emissions associated with them.
be challenging given current weaknesses in the
e-waste measurement and management system. A number of attempts have been made to quantify
ITU together with other partners will undertake the GHG emissions generated by the ICT sector.

28 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
ITU has been working on the development of Chart 1.24: Global ICT emissions (gigatonnes
Recommendations to assess the environmental of CO2 equivalent GeSI estimates and
impact of ICTs in terms of GHG emissions within projections)
the ICT sector, and to estimate the reductions in
emissions resulting from the use of ICTs in other
sectors of the economy, such as transport or 1.2
construction. The most substantial recent analysis 1
of GHG emissions can be found in the 2011 0.8
SMARTer 2020 report by the Global e-Sustainability 0.6
Initiative (GeSI), which works with major ICT
companies and organizations including ITU.19 GeSI
estimates that GHG emissions from the sector 0.2
as a whole rose 6.1 per cent per year between 0
2002 2011 2020
2002 and 2011 and will rise 3.8 per cent per year
End-user devices Voice & data networks Data centres
between 2011 and 2020. This is more than twice
the 1.5 per cent rate of growth projected for Source: UNCTAD (2015), derived from GeSI (2011).
emissions from all sectors worldwide, and GeSI
thus predicts that the ICT sectors contribution to in order to reduce the carbon footprint of their ICT
total emissions will rise from 1.3 per cent in 2002 goods, networks and services.
to 2.3 per cent in 2020 (GeSI, 2011) (Chart 1.24).
As noted earlier, ICTs are expected to enable
The Connect 2020 target for GHG emissions improvements in the efficiency of production
covers the ICT sectors own emissions. In processes and energy use in all economic sectors,
this regard, ITU-T Study Group 5 is proposing which will help, over time, to reduce global GHG
Recommendation ITU-T L.1420, which provides emissions. GeSI has estimated that the aggregated
a methodology for assessing the impact of ICTs impact of such efficiency improvements could
on energy consumption and GHG emissions in substantially exceed the negative direct impact of
companies across the ICT sector value chain, ICT production, use and disposal in GHG emissions,
as one alternative to assess attainment of if they are implemented across the board. The
the proposed target. ITU proposes to use this potential for mitigating GHG emissions in other
Recommendation as the basis for monitoring sectors should therefore also be considered by the
and measuring elements relating to Target 3.3, ICT sector, and by businesses in other sectors, in
including both direct and energy-related indirect the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.
emissions across the life cycle of devices (defined
in the Recommendation as Scope 1 and Scope 2
emissions). Initially, however, this indicator will 1.6 Connect 2020 Agenda Goal 4
not include non-energy-related indirect emissions Innovation and partnership
(Scope 3 in the Recommendation), which arise
for example from the production processes for The fourth goal in the Connect 2020 Agenda
purchased components, outsourced activities, is concerned with fostering innovation and
retail or waste disposal. adaptation to the changing ICT environment. In
the rapidly changing context of ICTs, innovation
The GHG emissions roadmap of the Connect 2020 in technology and services has become a critical
Agenda aims to position the ICT sector as the driver of social and economic change, and a
key enabler of a low carbon and climate resilient potential driver for achievement of the Post-2015
economy, within the international climate arena, Development Agenda. To maximize the value
led by the United Nations Framework Convention of innovation, it is necessary to adapt systems
on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It also includes a and practices on an ongoing basis, for which
proposal to reduce the ICT sectors own emissions partnership between different stakeholders
and to highlight the enabling effect of ICTs to has been shown to be of substantial value.
reduce the emissions of other sectors. The ICT Goal 4 therefore includes two targets related
industry must work to promote the development to innovation and partnership. These are both
of energy-efficient projects in their operations and qualitative targets, and are discussed more
carry out life cycle assessments for their processes, briefly here than the quantitative targets that are

Measuring the Information Society Report 29

associated with the other goals. Further work is Global Innovation Index20 and the Global
required in order to establish precise objectives Entrepreneurship Monitor published annually by
and identify appropriate indicators for this goal. a group of international universities.21 In the case
of Target 4.2, which is concerned with partnership,
it will be necessary to develop new indicators
Target 4.1: Telecommunication/ICT environment for innovation which can be assessed alongside
conducive to innovation established indicators. Work will continue on the
Target 4.2: Effective partnerships between development of indicators for these targets.
stakeholders in the telecommunication/ICT
1.7 Future monitoring and
Innovation is widely recognized as a powerful measurement of the Connect
driver for development. The ICT sector has proved 2020 Agenda, WSIS outcomes and
to be one of the most dynamically innovative
sustainable development goals
economic sectors in human history. For five
decades, the rate of growth in the capabilities
The final section of this chapter is concerned with
of ICT networks and devices has been extremely
the future monitoring and measurement of the
rapid, and this seems set to continue. Such
Connect 2020 Agenda goals and their relationship
dynamic growth has fostered an innovation-
with two important United Nations processes
oriented enterprise culture within the sector,
taking place during the latter half of 2015
and has also enabled ICTs to act as drivers of
the ten-year review of implementation of the
innovation in other areas of economic and social
outcomes of WSIS, and the agreement of a new
post-2015 development agenda including SDGs.
In some respects, however, ICT innovation
has differed from innovation in other sectors,
The WSIS+10 Review
particularly in regard to the open characteristics
of ICT innovation, including open standards, which
WSIS was held in two phases, in Geneva in 2003
have enabled wider participation in developing
and Tunis in 2005. It established a vision for the
new products and services. These differences
development of a people-centred, inclusive and
mean that ICT innovation cannot be measured
development-oriented information society, which
effectively using the traditional means of assessing
has guided the relevant work of United Nations
innovation, which have focused on indicators
agencies and other stakeholders during the past
such as investment in/expenditure on R&D,
decade. The Geneva Plan of Action agreed at WSIS
registrations of intellectual property, or measures
established ten targets, mostly for connectivity
of educational performance. Within the ICT
and access. These targets, which are listed in Table
sector, it is also important to assess the enabling
1.2, provided the initial framework for assessing
environment for innovation within a country for
progress in achieving WSIS goals. Indicators for
example, how easy it is to set up new businesses,
them were agreed through the Partnership on
obtain investment capital, or partner with other
Measuring ICT for Development in 2010.
enterprises. Partnerships, including public-private
and other multistakeholder partnerships, have
The Tunis Agenda for the Information Society,
proved to be particularly effective drivers of the
agreed by WSIS in 2005, requested the United
dynamism apparent within ICT innovation since
Nations General Assembly to review the
the emergence of the Internet.
implementation of WSIS outcomes after ten years.
A number of important preparatory initiatives have
ITU is working with partners to develop indicators
been undertaken to support this review, including:
to measure achievement of Targets 4.1 and 4.2.
In the case of Target 4.1, which is concerned
the outcome document from the conference
with innovation capacity, it may be possible
Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace
to establish proxy indicators that draw on ICT-
and Sustainable Development, organized
focused data within data series which are used
by UNESCO in 2013 in conjunction with ITU,
for wider innovation measurements such as
UNCTAD and the United Nations Development
the World Intellectual Property Organizations
Programme (UNDP);

30 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
the two outcome documents from the least connected countries (LCCs, see Chapter 2)
WSIS+10 High Level Event and its preceding are experiencing a growing digital divide, and
Multistakeholder Preparatory Process, risk becoming detached from the ICT-enabled
organized by ITU in 2014 in conjunction with achievements of other countries. Growing concern
UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP the WSIS+10 has been expressed about this risk, and also
Statement on the Implementation of WSIS about the gender digital divide, in international
Outcomes and the WSIS+10 Vision for WSIS discussions concerned with the WSIS+10 review.
Beyond 2015;
The role of targets and indicators will be crucial
the Final WSIS Targets Review, including to policymakers and practitioners concerned with
a comprehensive assessment of progress both the ICT sector and its role in development
towards each of the ten WSIS targets, during the period after 2015. The Connect
published by the Partnership on Measuring ICT 2020 Agenda responds to the need to identify
for Development in 2014; and targets and raise the visibility of effective data-
measurement and analysis to meet the needs of
the report Implementing WSIS Outcomes: a policy-makers and practitioners.
ten-year review, prepared by the secretariat
of the United Nations Commission on Science The Final WSIS Targets Review, which was
and Technology for Development (CSTD) and published by the Partnership on Measuring ICT
published by UNCTAD in 2015, which includes for Development in 2014, examined experience
a comprehensive assessment of progress with targets in some detail. It stressed the
across the whole range of WSIS outcomes. importance of targets, including their ability to
attract global attention to development challenges
The outcomes of WSIS have also been regularly and opportunities, but also problems that had
reviewed in annual reports by the United Nations arisen with the WSIS targets for which it had
Secretary-General, at meetings of CSTD and at been difficult to establish viable indicators or
the United Nations Economic and Social Council secure sufficient accurate or reliable data. It
(ECOSOC).22 In particular, the ECOSOC resolutions recommended that the Partnership on Measuring
have highlighted and appreciated the work of the ICT for Development should continue its work on
Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development identifying and disseminating statistical standards,
and encouraged Member States to collect relevant concepts and classifications on ICT measurement,
ICT data to monitor the WSIS targets. The United in order to produce data needed to assess
Nations General Assembly will hold a two-day high information society progress and measure the
level meeting in December 2015 to conclude the impact of ICTs on development (Partnership on
review.23 Measuring ICT for Development, 2014a).

A number of common themes have emerged

during these review activities. It is generally The Post-2015 Development Agenda and the
accepted that considerable progress has been Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
made towards achieving WSIS goals, particularly in
connectivity and access to basic (and in particular In September 2015, the 2030 Agenda for
mobile-cellular) communication services, and Sustainable Development was agreed at the
that there has been a reduction in digital divides United Nations Sustainable Development
for these basic services both within and between Summit held in New York. This new Agenda,
countries. At the same time, rapid developments which succeeds that agreed in the Millennium
have taken place in ICT technology, particularly Declaration of 2000, establishes the framework
in the deployment of mobile and broadband for international cooperation to promote
networks enabling much higher quality Internet sustainable development between 2015 and
access. These have led to equally rapid changes 2030. The Agenda recognizes that The spread of
in ICT markets that have opened up new digital information and communication technology and
divides for higher-quality and particularly global interconnectedness has great potential to
broadband services, both between and within accelerate human progress, to bridge the digital
countries. Evidence suggests that there is a divide and to develop knowledge societies
particular risk that LDCs, which are often also (United Nations General Assembly, 2015).24

Measuring the Information Society Report 31

Alongside it, the Summit agreed seventeen SDGs, technology and markets suggests that, in any
covering a wide range of areas within the overall event, it will be appropriate to review the Connect
framework of sustainable development, which 2020 targets and related indicators at that point
seeks to achieve mutually reinforcing progress in and revise them to take account of developments
economic growth, social justice and environmental both in technology and markets and in modalities
sustainability in line with agreements reached at for monitoring and measurement.
the United Nations Conferences on Environment
and Development, the first and third of which were Three other targets within the agreed SDGs,
held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992 and 2012. also listed in Table 1.12, refer explicitly to ICTs.
These SDGs, which are listed in Table 1.11, succeed Target 5.b, which is concerned with womens
the eight MDGs, which were agreed in 2000 with empowerment, has specific relevance to Connect
a timescale up to 2015. They are backed by 169 2020 Target 2.5.A, which is concerned with
targets some quantitative, some qualitative womens access to the Internet.
with target dates between 2020 and 2030.
In addition, a number of other targets refer to
While none of the SDGs are solely concerned the importance of technology, innovation and
with ICTs, one specific target for ICTs was set information in enabling achievement of other
within Goal 9. Target 9.c seeks to significantly SDGs.
increase access to information and communication
technology and strive to provide universal ICTs are, however, expected to play a much
and affordable access to the Internet in least more substantial, catalytic role, as enabling,
developed countries by 2020. While this SDG cross-cutting resources, in both monitoring and
target is not specifically quantified, it is closely implementing the SDGs across the board, not
related to those in Connect 2020 Goals 1 (Growth) just in these four areas. The scope and scale of
and 2 (Inclusiveness) which are discussed above. their role is expected to grow year-on-year during
These Connect 2020 targets will provide an the implementation period for the goals as ICTs
effective means of monitoring progress towards become more pervasive and more powerful,
SDG Target 9.c, at least up to its initial target playing an increasingly important part in all
date of 2020. The rapid pace of change in ICT government and business activity and in the ways

Table 1.11: The Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere

GOAL 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
GOAL 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
GOAL 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
GOAL 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
GOAL 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
GOAL 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
GOAL 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent
work for all
GOAL 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
GOAL 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries
GOAL 11 Make cities an human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
GOAL 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
GOAL 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
GOAL 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
GOAL 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat
desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
GOAL 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build
effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
GOAL 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Source: United Nations (2015).

32 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Table 1.12: Sustainable Development Goals with direct reference to ICTs
Goal Theme Target
4.b Education and lifelongBy 2020, substantially expand by globally the number of scholarships available to
learning developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing
States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational
training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and
scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries
5.b Womens empowerment Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communication
technology, to promote the empowerment of women
9.c Infrastructure, Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive
industrialization and to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by
innovation 2020
17.8 Implementation and Fully operationalize the technology bank and science, technology and innovation
global partnership capacity-building mechanism for least developed countries by 2017 and enhance the use
of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology.

Source: United Nations (2015).

Figure 1.3: The relationship between WSIS action lines and SDGs

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 e- e- e- e- e- e- e- e- C8 C9 C10 C11
gov bus lea hea emp env agr sci
SDG 10
SDG 11
SDG 12
SDG 13
SDG 14
SDG 15
SDG 16
SDG 17

Source: ITU/WSIS.

in which individuals access social and economic between the development of the information
opportunities and interact with one another. society and sustainable development as a
whole (for example, regarding infrastructure,
The relationship between ICTs and the SDGs has capacity-building, cybersecurity and the enabling
been an important focus for discussion during environment for investment and innovation
the WSIS+10 review. ITU and other agencies Action Lines C2, C4, C5 and C6 respectively),
concerned with the implementation of WSIS action and areas in which ICTs can make a powerful
lines have drawn up a matrix juxtaposing action specific contribution to specific development
lines against the SDGs, which is presented in Figure sectors (for example, e-government, e-business,
1.3 and Table 1.13. This matrix identifies both health, education and agriculture all of which
areas in which there are important relationships have subsidiary action lines in Action Line C7).

Measuring the Information Society Report 33

Table 1.13: The relationship between WSIS action lines and SDGs
Sustainable Development Goal Relevant WSIS Action Line
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere (1.4, 1.5, 1.b) C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C7 e-business, C7 e-health, C7
e-agriculture, C7 e-science, C10
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition C3, C4, C6, C7 e-business, C7 e-health, C7
and promote sustainable agriculture (2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.a) e-agriculture, C8, C10
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all C1, C3, C4, C7 e-health, C7 e-agriculture, C10
ages (3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.b, 3.d)
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 e-learning, C7 e-employment, C7
promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7) e-agriculture, C7 e-science, C8, C10
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls C1, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 e-business, C7 e-health, C7
(5.5, 5.6, 5.b) e-agriculture, C9, C10
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water C3, C4, C7 e-science, C8
and sanitation for all (6.a, 6.b)
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and C3, C5, C7 e-science
modern energy for all (7.1, 7.a, 7.b)
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic C2, C3, C5, C6, C7 e-business, C7 e-employment, C7
growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all e-agriculture, C8, C10
(8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 8.9, 8.10)
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and C2, C3, C5, C6, C7 e-government, C7 e-business, C7
sustainable industrialization and foster innovation (9.1, 9.3, 9.4, 9.a, e-environment, C7 e-agriculture, C9, C10
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries (10.2, 10.3, C1, C3, C6, C7 e-employment, C10
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient C2, C3, C5, C6, C7 e-environment, C8, C10
and sustainable (11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.b)
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns C3, C4, C7 e-employment, C7 e-agriculture, C8, C9, C10
(12.6, 12.7, 12.8, 12.a, 12.b)
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its C3, C4, C7 e-environment, C7 e-agriculture, C7
impacts (13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.b) e-science, C10
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine C3, C4, C7 e-environment, C7 e-science
resources for sustainable development (14.a)
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial C3, C7 e-environment, C7 e-science
ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,
and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable C1, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 e-government, C9, C10
development, provide access to justice for all and build effective,
accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (16.2, 16.3, 16.5,
16.6, 16.7, 16.10, 16.a, 16.b)
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the C1, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 e-government, C7 e-business,
global partnership for sustainable development (17.6, 17.8, 17.9, C7 e-health, C7 e-employment, C7 e-agriculture, C7
17.11, 17.14, 17.16, 17.17, 17.18, 17.19) e-science, C10, C11

Source: ITU/WSIS.

The future direction of these action lines was part in the monitoring and measurement of
addressed in the multistakeholder WSIS+10 Vision these indicators across the range of SDGs. ITU,
for WSIS Beyond 2015, which was agreed at the including through its work within the Partnership
WSIS+10 High Level Event organized by ITU, in on Measuring ICT for Development, is assisting
conjunction with UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP, in this work by identifying areas in which ICT-specific
2014. indicators can contribute to the monitoring of
particular SDGs25. Suggestions for indicators
Work towards developing indicators for the SDGs concerned with targets that explicitly mention or
is taking place under the auspices of the United most directly concern ICTs were presented by ITU
Nations Statistical Commission, and is scheduled to the Inter-Agency and Expert Group Meeting on
for completion in the first half of 2016. As well SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), held by the United
as facilitating implementation of the SDGs, ICTs Nations in June 2015, as set out in Table 1.14.26
are expected to play an increasingly important

34 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
Table 1.14:
Table 1.14: ITU-proposed
ITU-proposed ICT
ICT indicators
indicators for
for the
the SDG
SDG monitoring
monitoring framework
SDGs and targets Proposed ICT indicators Connect 2020 targets
Proportion of households with Goal 1 target 1.1; Goal
End poverty in all its Target 1.4 concerning equal rights
Goal 1 broadband Internet access, by 2 targets 2.1.A and
forms everywhere to economic resources
urban/rural 2.1.B
Ensure inclusive and
Target 4.4 concerning relevant
equitable quality
skills, including technical and Proportion of individuals with
Goal 4 education and promote
vocational skills, for employment, ICT skills, by type of skills
life-long learning
decent jobs and entrepreneurship
opportunities for all
Proportion of individuals
Achieve gender owning a mobile phone, by sex
Target 5.b concerning enabling
Goal 5 equality and empower Goal 2 target 2.5.A
technologies including ICT Proportion of individuals with
all women and girls
ICT skills, by type of skills
Target 9.1 concerning quality,
reliable, sustainable and resilient Proportion of households with Goal 1 target 1.1; Goal
infrastructure to support broadband Internet access, by 2 targets 2.1.A and
Build resilient economic development and urban/rural 2.1.B
infrastructure, promote human wellbeing
Goal 9 inclusive and sustainable Goal 1 target 1.3; Goal
industrialization and Broadband Internet prices 2 targets 2.3.A and
foster innovation Target 9.c concerning access to 2.3.B
ICTs and the Internet) Percentage of the population
covered by a mobile network, Goal 2 target 2.4
by technology

Source: ITU.

These proposed ICT indicators build on data sets on Big Data for Official Statistics. ITU is an active
which are already gathered by ITU and other member of the Global Working Group and its
Work is continuing
agencies, and on the toConnect
address the 2020role of ICT-but
targets, Future monitoring
associated task teams. andThe measurement
Task Team onofBig the
specific goals in monitoring and measuring
with additional granularity. For example, proposed other Connect 2020 Agenda
for SDGs is particularly concerned with providing
SDGs, which will form an important
Indicator 1 above focuses attention on rural part of the concrete
The examples
Connect of the potential
2020 Agenda goals anduse of big data
indicator framework
connectivity, proposed to Indicator
be agreed2 in on2016. Much
the gender sources aforstrong
provide monitoring the indicators
foundation for the basic associated
breakdown of ICT ownership, and proposed SDG
has been placed in the context of with the SDGs.
assessment The topicinofthe
of progress bigdevelopment
data was alsoof
Indicators 5 and on7the potential
on the of big
different data, i.e.
capacity discussed in Chapter 5 of the
an information society between 2015 2014 edition of the
and 2020,
the gathering
levels and analysis of
of ICT subscriptions. multipleIndicator
Proposed large-scale 3 building on the experience of the WSIS targets is
Measuring the Information Society Report and
data sets in ways that can generate
addresses the important additional dimension ofevidence for addressed
while in Chapter
addressing their5weaknesses
of this report. and responding
human capacities, policywhich
and practice. In recognition
are not directly covered to the evolution of ICT networks and services
of the role of big data as an important
in the Connect 2020 Agenda Goals, while source
proposed since WSIS. The Agenda goals and targets also
of information
Indicator for the post-2015
8 is included development
in the ICT Development Future
draw onmonitoring
the work ofand the measurement of the
Partnership on Measuring
Index butinnot2014thethe United2020
Connect Nations Statistical
goals. Connect 2020 Agenda
ICT for Development to establish core indicators
Commission created the Global Working Group which can be used by national statistical offices,
WorkBigisData for Official
continuing Statistics.
to address theITU
roleis of
active notably in household
The Connect 2020 Agendasurveys, and
goals thetargets
and work of the
specific goals in monitoring and measuring its
of the Global Working Group and other Broadband Commission
provide a strong foundation for Digital
for theDevelopment
SDGs, which task
form an The Task Team
important onof
part BigtheData which set initial
assessment targets for
of progress broadband
in the development to be of
for SDGs is particularly concerned
indicator framework to be agreed in 2016. Muchwith providing achieved by 2015.
an information society between 2015 and 2020,
has been of the potential
placed use ofofbigSDG
in the context data building on the experience of the WSIS targets
sources for monitoring
measurement the indicators
on the potential associated
of big data, i.e. The
addressingof those
weaknesses 2020and targets
with the SDGs.and
the gathering Theanalysis
topic ofofbig data was
multiple also
large-scale which
to the are concerned
evolution of ICTwith growth/access
networks and services and
data sets ininways
Chapterthat5canof the 2014 edition
generate evidence of for
the inclusiveness
since WSIS. The make use of
Agenda established
goals and targetsITU also
data sets
development policy and practice. In recognitionis
the Information Society Report and and
on be
work of the measured against
Partnership historic
on Measuring
of the role inof Chapter
big data 5asofanthis report. source
important trends
ICT for within those data
Development sets. Others,
to establish core particularly
of information for the post-2015 development those
which concerned
can be usedwith gender, cybersecurity
by national and
statistical offices,
agenda, in 2014 the United Nations Statistical environmental impacts,
notably in household requireand
surveys, new thedata sets,
work of the
Commission created the Global Working Group which are currently
Broadband Commission in the forprocess
Digital of development.

Measuring the Information
the Information Society Society 2015 3535
Report Report
which set initial targets for broadband to be LDC inclusion will not be met until well after the
achieved by 2015. 2020 target date. This risk that the digital divide
will widen between LDCs and other countries,
The majority of those Connect 2020 targets including other developing countries, is consistent
which are concerned with growth/access and with evidence from the ICT Development Index
inclusiveness make use of established ITU data sets (which includes some of the same metrics) in
and can be effectively measured against historic Chapter 2. Affordability will be a critical factor in
trends within those data sets. Others, particularly overcoming this divide, and detailed attention
those concerned with gender, cybersecurity and should be paid to the ICT Price Basket and the
environmental impacts, require new data sets, Agendas three affordability targets.
which are currently in the process of development.
Three of the targets those concerned with The lack of evidence concerning trends for other
disability, innovation and partnerships require targets, such as those concerned with gender,
qualitative assessments of policy environments, accessibility and the environment, makes it more
and indicators for these are also under difficult to assess how likely they are to be met
development. by 2020. There is growing awareness of the
gender digital divide, but its roots in structural
The data challenges associated with measuring inequalities, particularly concerned with income
the information society, including the Connect and educational attainment, mean that it is most
2020 targets, should not be underestimated. The likely to be addressed through measures that
greatest difficulty lies with those targets in Goals 3 address those wider societal problems. The targets
and 4 which require further conceptual definition concerned with e-waste and GHG emissions
and agreement on indicators on which reliable and require sustained attention by diverse stakeholders
internationally comparable data can be gathered in throughout ICT ecosystems. More data are needed
a wide range of countries. Even where appropriate in these areas in order to assess progress more
indicators have been agreed, the data sets fully.
available to national administrations and thereby
to ITU vary in a number of respects. Regular The Connect 2020 Agenda provides a sound basis,
household surveys are not yet undertaken in many too, for the development of ICT indicators that
countries, especially LDCs, and do not always are relevant to the SDGs, both for measuring ICT
follow the same guidelines for data gathering on sector infrastructure (SDG Target 9.c) and in other
ICTs. The rapid pace of change in technology and goals. Work is under way to develop appropriate
markets also affects the comparability of data, so indicators that build on those reviewed in this
that targets and indicators need to be kept under chapter. Work to date has demonstrated the
review and updated from time to time to meet importance of greater granularity in data collection
changing data availability and policy requirements. and analysis, for example in assessing different
More attention also needs to be addressed to mobile generations and broadband speeds, in
building the capacity of national statistical offices disaggregating user data according to gender and
and others concerned with data gathering and other socio-economic categories, in differentiating
analysis. between urban and rural areas, and in
differentiating between LDCs and other developing
Projections for the Connect 2020 targets using countries. The nature of the digital networks and
data which are currently available suggest that, devices which deliver ICTs means that the volumes
if current trends continue, global access targets of data which could potentially be used to analyse
and targets for the inclusiveness of developing and understand evolving ICT environments are
countries overall are likely to be met or close constantly growing. Opportunities to build more
to being met by the target date of 2020. It is sophisticated indicators and analytical models will
possible, too, that increased deployment of increase, and ITU will work with other stakeholders
broadband networks and more widespread to enhance the quality of available data sets and
availability of smartphones will accelerate these the sophistication of analysis throughout the
trends. However, current trends in LDCs are implementation period for the SDGs.
much less positive, suggesting that the targets for

36 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 1
The Millennium Development Goals can be found at http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/.
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, see: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/
The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference is the top policy-making body of ITU. It is held every four years and sets the
Unions general policies; adopts four-year strategic and financial plans; and elects the senior management team of the
organization, the members of ITU Council, and the members of the Radio Regulations Board. For further information,
see: http://www.itu.int/en/plenipotentiary/2014/Pages/default.aspx.
Data in this section are elaborated in ITU (2015a), and derived from those presented on the ITU Statistics website at
http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/stat/default.aspx, also available in ITU (2015b).
Data in the following paragraph are derived from ITU tables published online at http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/
Source: EMC Digital Universe Study, 2014.
The following are member-agencies of the Partnership: ITU, OECD, UNCTAD, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, UNDESA,
the World Bank, the UNU Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, ECA, ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, EUROSTAT, UNEP
Secretariat of the Basel Convention, and ILO. The work of the Partnership is described at http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/
The work of the Commission is described at http://www.broadbandcommission.org/Pages/default.aspx.
The strong average decrease in fixed-broadband prices in the period 2008-2012 should not be interpreted as a
sustained decrease of that magnitude in most countries, but rather as the result of very strong downward price
corrections in several developing countries at a given point in time. Indeed, these price reductions reflect the
particular situation in several developing countries, in which fixed broadband used to be a premium service (with
prices corresponding to more than 100 per cent of GNI p.c.) until the first residential ADSL and WiMAX offers were
launched during the period 2008-2012. The effect of these new offers was to drive prices down drastically in the year
in which they became available.
https://gsmaintelligence.com/research/2015/06/closing-the-network-coverage-gaps-in-asia/508/; https://
SDG 5.b aims to Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to
promote the empowerment of women: see Open Working Group (2014).
The conceptual framework is available at http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Cybersecurity/Documents/GCI_Conceptual_
For further information on the different index indicators, see: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Cybersecurity/Documents/
Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development (2015).
See: http://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/economics/gii/gii_2014.pdf.
See: http://www.gemconsortium.org/.
The Secretary-Generals reports can be found at: http://unctad.org/en/Pages/CSTD/WSIS-UNSG-Report.aspx. The
ECOSOC resolutions can be found at http://unctad.org/en/Pages/CSTD/WSIS-Resolutions.aspx.

Measuring the Information Society Report 37

The modalities for the review can be found in General Assembly resolution 68/302, which can be found at: http://www.
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, see: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/
In February 2015, the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development submitted a joint proposal for ICT indicators to
help track the Sustainable Development Goals and targets to the Expert Group Meeting on the indicator framework
for the post-2015 development agenda, see: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Documents/intlcoop/partnership/
Available at: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Documents/intlcoop/sdgs/ITU-ICT-indiators-for-the-SDGs.pdf.

38 Measuring the Information Society Report

2 The ICT Development Index (IDI) global

2.1 Introduction to the IDI1 Conceptual framework

The ICT Development Index (IDI) is a composite Recognizing that ICTs can, if applied and used
index that combines 11 indicators into one appropriately, be development enablers is critical
benchmark measure that can be used to monitor to countries that are moving towards information
and compare developments in information or knowledge-based societies, and is central to the
and communication technology (ICT) between IDIs conceptual framework. The ICT development
countries and over time. The IDI was developed process, and a countrys evolution towards
by ITU in 2008 in response to requests from ITU becoming an information society, can be depicted
Member States to develop an overall ICT index, using the three-stage model illustrated in Figure
was first presented in the 2009 edition of the 2.1:
Measuring the Information Society Report (ITU,
2009), and has been published annually since Stage 1: ICT readiness reflecting the level of
then.2 This chapter analyses IDI 2015, which is networked infrastructure and access to ICTs;
derived from data concerning the year 2014, and
compares it with IDI 2010, compiled from data Stage 2: ICT intensity reflecting the level of
concerning the year 2010 (see below). use of ICTs in the society; and

This opening section of the chapter briefly Stage 3: ICT impact reflecting the results/
describes the main objectives, conceptual outcomes of more efficient and effective ICT
framework and methodology of the IDI. use.

The main objectives of the IDI are to measure: Advancing through these stages depends on a
combination of three factors: the availability of ICT
the level and evolution over time of ICT infrastructure and access, a high level of ICT use,
developments within countries and the and the capability to use ICTs effectively, derived
experience of those countries relative to from relevant skills. These three dimensions ICT
others; access, ICT use and ICT skills therefore form the
framework for the IDI.
progress in ICT development in both developed
and developing countries; The first two stages correspond to two major
components of the IDI: ICT access and ICT use.
the digital divide, i.e. differences between
countries in terms of their levels of ICT Reaching the final stage, and maximizing the
development; and impact of ICTs, crucially depends on ICT skills.
ICT and other skills determine the effective
the development potential of ICTs and the use that is made of ICTs, and are critical to
extent to which countries can make use of leveraging their full potential for social and
them to enhance growth and development in economic development. Economic growth
the context of available capabilities and skills. and development will remain below potential
if economies are not capable of exploiting
The Index is designed to be global and reflect new technologies and reaping their benefits.
changes taking place in countries at different The IDI therefore also includes indicators
levels of ICT development. It therefore relies on a concerned with capabilities within countries
limited set of data which can be established with which affect peoples ability to use ICTs
reasonable confidence in countries at all levels of effectively.

Measuring the Information Society Report 39

Figure 2.1: Three stages in the evolution towards an information society

Source: ITU.

A single indicator cannot track progress in all three As these are proxy indicators, rather than
of these components of ICT development, and it indicators directly measuring ICT-related skills,
is therefore necessary to construct a composite the skills sub-index is given less weight in the
index designed to capture the evolution of the computation of the IDI than the other two
information society as it goes through its different sub-indices.3
stages of development, taking into consideration
technology convergence and the emergence of The choice of indicators included in these sub-
new technologies. indices reflects the corresponding stage of
evolution to the information society. The indicators
Based on this conceptual framework, the IDI is in each sub-index may therefore change over time
divided into the following three sub-indices, which to reflect technological developments related
are illustrated, together with their component to ICTs and improvements in the availability and
indicators, in Figure 2.2: quality of data. For example, what was considered
basic infrastructure in the past such as fixed
Access sub-index: This sub-index captures ICT telephone lines is fast becoming less essential
readiness, and includes five infrastructure because of the growth in mobile networks
and access indicators (fixed telephone and fixed-mobile substitution. Similarly, while
subscriptions, mobile-cellular telephone broadband has historically been considered an
subscriptions, international Internet advanced technology, and is therefore included
bandwidth per Internet user, households with as an indicator in the use sub-index, it is now
a computer, and households with Internet increasingly considered essential and may become
access). more appropriate to the access sub-index. The
significance of these factors for analysis of the
Use sub-index: This sub-index captures current Index is considered in the text below.
ICT intensity, and includes three intensity
and usage indicators (individuals using the
Internet, fixed broadband subscriptions, and Methodology
mobile-broadband subscriptions).
The IDI includes 11 indicators. A detailed definition
Skills sub-index: This sub-index seeks to of each indicator is provided in Annex 1.
capture capabilities or skills which are
important for ICTs. It includes three proxy
indicators (adult literacy, gross secondary
enrolment, and gross tertiary enrolment).

40 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
Figure 2.2: ICT Development Index: indicators, reference values and weights

ICT access Reference (%)


1. Fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 60 20

2. Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 120 20

3. International Internet bandwith (bit/s) per internet user 962216* 20 40

4. Percentage of households with a computer 100 20

5. Percentage of households with Internet access 100 20

ICT use Reference

value (%) ICT
6. Percentage of Individuals using the Internet 100 33
7. Fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 60 33
40 Index
8. Active mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 100 33

ICT skills Reference (%)


9. Adult literacy rate 100 33

10. Secondary gross enrolment ratio 100 33

11. Tertiary gross enrolment ratio 100 33

Note: *This corresponds to a log value of 5.98, which was used in the normalization step.
Source: ITU.

The indicators used to calculate the IDI were While the core methodology of the IDI has
selected on the basis of the following criteria: remained the same since it was first published,
minor adjustments are made year on year in
The relevance of a particular indicator in accordance with these criteria. This also reflects
contributing to the main objectives and the dynamic nature of the ICT sector and related
conceptual framework of the IDI. For example, data availability. The indicators included in the IDI
the selected indicators must be relevant to and its sub-indices are regularly reviewed by ITU,
both developed and developing countries, in consultation with experts. Indicator definitions
and should reflect, so far as possible, the and the IDI methodology are discussed in the ITU
frameworks three components as described Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators
above. (EGTI) and ITU Expert Group on ICT Household
Indicators (EGH).4
Data availability and quality. Data are required
for a large number of countries, as the IDI is a One important adjustment which has been made
global index. There is a shortage of ICT-related to the IDI for the current edition is a revision to the
data, especially on usage, in the majority of annual numbering of the Index, in order to make
developing countries. In addition, as indicators this consistent with the annual numbering of the
which are directly related to ICT skills are Measuring the Information Society Reports. In the
not available for most countries, it has been past, the annual number for the Index differed
necessary to use proxy rather than direct from that of the report in which it was published.
indicators in the skills sub-index. Thus, for example, IDI 2013 was published in
Measuring the Information Society Report 2014
The results of various statistical analyses. (ITU, 2014b). This has caused some confusion, and
Principal components analysis (PCA) is used to from this year forward the two annual numbers
examine the underlying nature of the data and will coincide. The IDI published in this 2015 edition
explore whether their different dimensions are of Measuring the Information Society Report is
statistically well-balanced. therefore IDI 2015. It should be noted, however,

Measuring the Information Society Report 41

that the data from which it is compiled relate to Weighting of indicators and sub-indices.
the end of 2014. Indicator weights were chosen based on PCA
results. The access and use sub-indices were
A number of other adjustments to the IDI have given equal weight (40 per cent each), while
been made during the years between IDI 2010 the skills sub-index was given lesser weight (20
and IDI 2015, and data for IDI 2010 in this report per cent) as it is based on proxy indicators.
have been adjusted to take them into account. The
following adjustments should be noted: An assessment of the statistical approach taken
to the IDI was undertaken for ITU during 2015 by
the Composite Indicators Research Group of the
European Commissions Joint Research Centre. The
Percentage of individuals using the Internet. findings of this audit are summarized in Box 2.1.
The suggested reference period for latest
Internet usage has been changed from the last This chapter presents the data for IDI 2015 as
twelve months to the last three months. compared with those for IDI 2010. Previous
editions of the Measuring the Information Society
Percentage of households with a computer. Report have compared each new years data with
The definition of computer has been revised to results for the previous year. The completion
include tablets and similar handheld devices. of five years of analysis using the same core
methodology (with data gathered in 2010, 2011,
Fixed-broadband subscriptions. The definition 2012, 2013 and 2014) means that it is now
of fixed broadband has been revised to possible to assess longer-term trends than those
include cable modem, DSL, fibre-to-the-home/ which may become apparent over a single year.
building, other fixed-broadband subscriptions,
satellite broadband and terrestrial fixed The data for IDI 2010 presented in this report
wireless broadband. relate to 2010 data gathered in 2011, and
published in their original form in the Measuring
The definition of household access has been the Information Society Report 2011 (ITU, 2011a).
revised such that, for a household to have The data for IDI 2015 in the report were gathered
access to a computer or the Internet, it must in 2015 and refer to the end of 2014. The two
generally be available for use by all members data sets therefore cover a period of four years
of the household at any time, regardless of in elapsed time, during which five data sets were
whether it is actually used.5 gathered (for the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
and 2014).
The 2015 IDI was computed using the same
methodology as in the past, applying the following It should be noted that some IDI 2010 values used
steps (see also Figure 2.2 and Annex 1): in this report have changed from those published
in 2011, for the following reasons:
Preparation of the complete data set. This step
included the filling in of missing values using a Country data revisions. As more accurate data
variety of statistical techniques. become available, countries provide ITU with
revised statistics for previous years. Taking
Normalization of data. This is required in order these into consideration also allows ITU to
to transform the values of IDI indicators into identify inconsistencies and revise previous
the same unit of measurement. The chosen estimates.
normalization method is the distance to a
reference value, either 100 or a value obtained Revision of the reference values for the
through an appropriate statistical procedure. indicators for mobile-cellular subscriptions
per 100 inhabitants and international Internet
Rescaling of data. The data were rescaled on bandwidth per Internet user. A revision in the
a scale from 0 to 10 in order to compare the reference values for these indicators affects
values of the indicators and the sub-indices. the IDI value.

42 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
Box 2.1: Assessment of the IDI
At ITUs invitation, the Econometrics and Applied Statistics Unit of the European Commissions
Joint Research Centre (JRC) conducted an assessment of the IDI, focusing in particular on its
conceptual and statistical coherence. The main goal of the exercise was to ensure that the IDI is a
transparent, statistically credible and legitimate tool for improved policy-making.

The results of the analysis suggest that the conceptualized three-level structure of the IDI is
statistically sound in terms of coherence and balance: the overall index as well as the three sub-
indices on ICT access, use and skills are driven by all the underlying components. The IDI has a
very high statistical reliability of 0.96 and captures the single latent phenomenon underlying the
three main dimensions of the IDI conceptual framework.

The analysis further shows that the IDI country rankings are robust with respect to methodological
changes in the data normalization method, weighting and the aggregation rule (a shift of less than
3 positions with respect to the simulated median in 96 per cent of the 167 countries).

The assessment concluded that the IDI was developed using international quality standards and
tested using state-of-the-art statistical analyses. The added value of the IDI lies in its ability to
summarize different aspects of ICT development in a more efficient and economical manner than
is the case with a selection of 11 indicators taken separately. The results showed that, of the 167
countries included this year, for 26 per cent up to 52 per cent of the countries, the IDI ranking
and any of the three sub-index rankings (access, use and skills) differ by ten positions or more.
This is a desired outcome because it evidences the added value of the IDI as a benchmarking
tool, inasmuch as it helps to highlight aspects of ICT development that do not emerge directly by
looking into ICT access, ICT use and ICT skills separately.

At the same time, these results also point to the value of taking due account of the individual
IDI sub-indices and indicators on their own merit. In so doing, country-specific strengths and
bottlenecks in ICT development can be identified and used as an input for evidence-based
policy-making. This is highlighted in the analysis of the IDI and each of its sub-indices included in
sections 2.2 and 2.3 of this report.

A more detailed description of the JRC assessment is available in Annex 2 to this report.

Revision of the definitions of the indicators for The remainder of the chapter is structured as
the percentage of individuals using the Internet follows:
(changing the reference period from the last
twelve months to the last three months) Section 2.2 presents the overall results of IDI
and for the percentage of households with a 2015 at the global level and compares these
computer (updating the definition of computer with results from IDI 2010.
to include tablet and other handheld
computers, while excluding smartphones). Section 2.3 analyses findings and trends
concerning the three sub-indices in greater
Differences among countries included in the detail.
IDI. The calculation of IDI rankings depends on
the values for the other countries included. In Section 2.4 considers the implications of these
each edition, some countries are excluded and findings for the digital divide, comparing
others added, depending on data availability. results and trends between developed and
developing countries and looking specifically at
outcomes for least developed countries (LDCs)
and least connected countries (LCCs).

Measuring the Information Society Report 43

Section 2.5 summarizes the main findings of 2010 and among those countries which were least
the analysis at a global level. connected at that time.

Chapter 3 of the report analyses these findings Chart 2.1 illustrates the shifting balance in
and trends at a regional level, comparing overall IDI values between 2010 and 2015. It
results between ITUs six geographic regions. It shows that there has been an improvement in
also describes the experience of a number of outcome figures overall, with some evening of
individual countries which have high rankings or the distribution as countries in the middle of
which have improved their rankings markedly the distribution have improved their rankings.
during the five-year period. The experience of Middle-ranking countries have generally achieved
these more dynamic countries helps to illustrate improvements in their IDI values comparable
factors which facilitate the relationship between with those in higher-ranking countries between
ICT development and wider social and economic 2010 and 2015, including more substantial
development. improvements within the use sub-index.

It is notable that the same countries the Republic

2.2 Global IDI analysis of Korea and Chad were at the top and bottom
of the distribution in 2015 as in 2010, and that
The results of IDI 2015 show that there continue the gap in IDI values between them was also the
to be great differences in the levels of ICT same, at 7.76 points. In spite of this, however, and
development between countries and regions as discussed below, there has been a widening
around the world. IDI values range from a low of of the gap in IDI values between middle-ranking
1.17 in Chad to a high of 8.93 in the Republic of countries and the group of LCCs at the bottom of
Korea (within a possible range from 0.0 to 10.0). the distribution.
The average IDI level among the 167 countries
included in IDI 2015 was 5.03 the first time since As discussed above, the IDI is divided into three
the Index was initiated that this figure has risen sub-indices, concerned respectively with ICT
above the midpoint of the range. The average in access, ICT use and ICT skills. Of these three
last years IDI was 4.77. sub-indices, shown in Table 2.1, it is the one
concerned with use that shows the greatest
A comparison between IDI 2015 and earlier years variation between countries in IDI 2015. Values for
shows that there has been continued progress in this sub-index have a higher standard deviation
IDI performance over time. All countries included (StDev) and a higher coefficient of variation (CV)
in the index in both years had higher IDI values than those for the access and skills sub-indices.
in 2015 than in 2010, and almost all increased The use sub-index also shows the widest range of
their IDI values in IDI 2015 over the previous year. values (8.80) and the lowest average value (3.64).
The average IDI value has risen from 4.14 in IDI Two countries Eritrea (0.03) and Chad (0.09)
2010 to 5.03 in IDI 2015 (Table 2.1), a rise of 0.89 returned values for this sub-index below 1.0,
points, although with smaller rises at the top showing that extremely low levels of usage persist
and bottom of the distribution, among countries in some developing countries.
which already had high levels of connectivity in

Table 2.1: IDI values and changes, 2010-2015

IDI 2015 IDI 2010 Change in

Average Min. Max. Range StDev CV Average Min. Max. Range StDev CV value
value* value* 2015-2010


Note: *Simple averages. StDev = Standard deviation. CV = Coefficient of variation.

Source: ITU.

44 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
Chart 2.1: Distribution of countries by IDI values, 2010 and 2015

2010 2015

IDI Values
8 to 9
7 to 8
6 to 7
5 to 6
4 to 5
3 to 4
2 to 3
1 to 2
Below 1

Source: ITU.

However the use sub-index also shows greater to the Republic of Korea. The difference in overall
improvement over the period between 2010 IDI values between these top-ranking countries is
and 2015 than the other sub-indices, and has relatively small, with less than 0.5 points between
therefore had the greatest impact on the overall the first and tenth positions in the rankings. This
improvement in IDI values during the period. The reflects the high level of ICT development that has
average value for the use sub-index has grown been achieved in most developed countries and
since 2010 from 2.21 to 3.64, an increase of 1.43 some high-income developing economies, where
points, while that for the access sub-index has there are continued high levels of investment in
grown from 4.83 to 5.53, an increase of 0.70 ICT infrastructure and innovation, as well as high
points. This difference in improvement rates levels of adoption of new services by consumers.
between use and access sub-indices is evident in More information about the experience of the two
all regions and development categories, suggesting highest-ranking countries, the Republic of Korea
that good levels of ICT readiness have been and Denmark, is included in Chapter 3.
achieved in many countries, and that most ICT
growth is coming from increased use of the ICT There has been relatively little change in the
infrastructure in place. range of economies with the highest rankings
since 2010. All ten of those with top ten IDI levels
The overall IDI results for 2010 and 2015, on a in IDI 2010 remained in the top 12 in IDI 2015,
country-by-country basis, are set out in Table 2.2, with Switzerland and Hong Kong (China) replacing
while results for the access, use and skills sub- Japan (ranked 11th in 2015) and Finland (12th in
indices are shown in Tables 2.3 to 2.5. The colours 2015) in the top ten. The average IDI value for the
associated with different countries in Table 2.2 top ten countries in the Index increased over the
represent the high, upper, medium and lower period by 0.62 points, from 8.06 to 8.68, with the
quartiles, which are discussed in Section 2.4 below. sharpest rise in rankings within the top ten having
been achieved by the United Kingdom, which rose
The country with the highest IDI ranking in 2015, from tenth position in 2010 to fourth in 2015.
as in 2010, is the Republic of Korea, with an overall The average value for the top ten countries in the
IDI value of 8.93 (up from 8.64 in 2010). Eight access sub-index rose by 0.24 points, from 8.94 to
of the top ten economies in the 2015 rankings 9.18, while that for the top ten countries in the use
are from Europe (Denmark, Iceland, the United sub-index rose by 1.82 points, from 6.48 to 8.31.
Kingdom, Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the
Netherlands and Norway), alongside one further
economy in Asia (Hong Kong (China)), in addition

Measuring the Information Society Report 45

Table 2.2: IDI overall rankings and ratings, 2015 and 2010
Rank IDI Rank IDI Rank IDI Rank IDI
Economy Economy
2015 2015 2010 2010 2015 2015 2010 2010
Korea (Rep.) 1 8.93 1 8.64 Suriname 85 4.99 100 3.39
Denmark 2 8.88 4 8.18 St. Lucia 86 4.98 70 4.39
Iceland 3 8.86 3 8.19 Seychelles 87 4.96 81 3.98
United Kingdom 4 8.75 10 7.62 South Africa 88 4.90 88 3.65
Sweden 5 8.67 2 8.43 Panama 89 4.87 79 4.07
Luxembourg 6 8.59 8 7.82 Ecuador 90 4.81 90 3.65
Switzerland 7 8.56 12 7.60 Iran (I.R.) 91 4.79 99 3.48
Netherlands 8 8.53 7 7.82 Jordan 92 4.75 84 3.82
Hong Kong, China 9 8.52 13 7.41 Tunisia 93 4.73 93 3.62
Norway 10 8.49 5 8.16 Albania 94 4.73 89 3.65
Japan 11 8.47 9 7.73 Mexico 95 4.68 86 3.70
Finland 12 8.36 6 7.96 Cape Verde 96 4.62 107 3.14
Australia 13 8.29 15 7.32 Kyrgyzstan 97 4.62 112 3.02
Germany 14 8.22 17 7.28 Philippines 98 4.57 105 3.16
United States 15 8.19 16 7.30 Morocco 99 4.47 96 3.55
New Zealand 16 8.14 19 7.17 Egypt 100 4.40 98 3.48
France 17 8.12 18 7.22 Fiji 101 4.33 102 3.28
Monaco 18 8.10 22 7.01 Viet Nam 102 4.28 94 3.61
Singapore 19 8.08 11 7.62 Dominican Rep. 103 4.26 101 3.38
Estonia 20 8.05 25 6.70 Peru 104 4.26 91 3.64
Belgium 21 7.88 24 6.76 Jamaica 105 4.23 95 3.60
Ireland 22 7.82 20 7.04 El Salvador 106 4.20 110 3.10
Canada 23 7.76 21 7.03 Bolivia 107 4.08 113 3.00
Macao, China 24 7.73 14 7.38 Indonesia 108 3.94 109 3.11
Austria 25 7.67 23 6.90 Ghana 109 3.90 130 1.98
Spain 26 7.66 30 6.53 Tonga 110 3.82 111 3.08
Bahrain 27 7.63 48 5.42 Botswana 111 3.82 117 2.86
Andorra 28 7.60 29 6.60 Paraguay 112 3.79 108 3.11
Barbados 29 7.57 38 6.04 Algeria 113 3.71 114 2.99
Malta 30 7.52 28 6.67 Guyana 114 3.65 103 3.24
Qatar 31 7.44 37 6.10 Sri Lanka 115 3.64 115 2.97
United Arab Emirates 32 7.32 49 5.38 Belize 116 3.56 104 3.17
Slovenia 33 7.23 27 6.69 Syria 117 3.48 106 3.14
Czech Republic 34 7.21 33 6.30 Namibia 118 3.41 120 2.63
Israel 35 7.19 26 6.69 Bhutan 119 3.35 128 2.02
Belarus 36 7.18 50 5.30 Honduras 120 3.33 116 2.94
Latvia 37 7.16 34 6.22 Guatemala 121 3.26 118 2.86
Italy 38 7.12 31 6.38 Samoa 122 3.11 121 2.43
Greece 39 7.09 35 6.20 Nicaragua 123 3.04 123 2.40
Lithuania 40 7.08 39 6.02 Kenya 124 3.02 126 2.09
Saudi Arabia 41 7.05 56 4.96 Vanuatu 125 2.93 124 2.19
Croatia 42 7.00 42 5.82 Sudan 126 2.93 127 2.05
Portugal 43 6.93 36 6.15 Zimbabwe 127 2.90 132 1.97
Poland 44 6.91 32 6.38 Lesotho 128 2.81 141 1.74
Russian Federation 45 6.91 46 5.57 Cuba 129 2.79 119 2.66
Kuwait 46 6.83 45 5.64 Cambodia 130 2.74 131 1.98
Slovakia 47 6.82 40 5.96 India 131 2.69 125 2.14
Hungary 48 6.82 41 5.92 Senegal 132 2.68 137 1.80
Uruguay 49 6.70 52 5.19 Gabon 133 2.68 122 2.41
Bulgaria 50 6.52 47 5.45 Nigeria 134 2.61 133 1.96
Serbia 51 6.45 51 5.29 Gambia 135 2.60 129 1.99
Argentina 52 6.40 54 5.02 Nepal 136 2.59 140 1.75
Cyprus 53 6.37 44 5.75 Cte dIvoire 137 2.51 142 1.74
Oman 54 6.33 68 4.41 Lao P.D.R. 138 2.45 135 1.92
Chile 55 6.31 59 4.90 Solomon Islands 139 2.42 139 1.78
Lebanon 56 6.29 77 4.18 Angola 140 2.32 144 1.68
Costa Rica 57 6.20 80 4.07 Congo (Rep.) 141 2.27 136 1.83
Kazakhstan 58 6.20 62 4.81 Myanmar 142 2.27 150 1.58
Romania 59 6.11 55 4.99 Pakistan 143 2.24 138 1.79
TFYR Macedonia 60 6.07 57 4.96 Bangladesh 144 2.22 148 1.61
Brazil 61 6.03 73 4.29 Mali 145 2.22 155 1.46
Antigua & Barbuda 62 5.93 58 4.91 Equatorial Guinea 146 2.21 134 1.96
St. Kitts and Nevis 63 5.92 43 5.80 Cameroon 147 2.19 149 1.60
Malaysia 64 5.90 61 4.85 Djibouti 148 2.19 143 1.69
Montenegro 65 5.90 60 4.89 Uganda 149 2.14 151 1.57
Moldova 66 5.81 74 4.28 Mauritania 150 2.07 146 1.63
Azerbaijan 67 5.79 76 4.21 Benin 151 2.05 147 1.63
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 68 5.69 63 4.69 Togo 152 2.04 145 1.64
Turkey 69 5.58 67 4.56 Zambia 153 2.04 152 1.55
Trinidad & Tobago 70 5.57 65 4.58 Rwanda 154 2.04 154 1.47
Brunei Darussalam 71 5.53 53 5.05 Liberia 155 1.86 161 1.24
Venezuela 72 5.48 71 4.36 Afghanistan 156 1.83 156 1.37
Mauritius 73 5.41 72 4.31 Tanzania 157 1.82 153 1.54
Thailand 74 5.36 92 3.62 Mozambique 158 1.82 160 1.28
Colombia 75 5.32 83 3.91 Burkina Faso 159 1.77 164 1.13
Armenia 76 5.32 78 4.10 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 160 1.65 162 1.23
Bosnia and Herzegovina 77 5.28 75 4.28 South Sudan 161 1.63 - -
Georgia 78 5.25 85 3.76 Guinea-Bissau 162 1.61 158 1.33
Ukraine 79 5.23 69 4.41 Malawi 163 1.61 159 1.33
Dominica 80 5.12 66 4.56 Madagascar 164 1.51 157 1.34
Maldives 81 5.08 82 3.92 Ethiopia 165 1.45 165 1.07
China 82 5.05 87 3.69 Eritrea 166 1.22 163 1.14
Grenada 83 5.05 64 4.67 Chad 167 1.17 166 0.88
Mongolia 84 5.00 97 3.52

Source: ITU.

46 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
Table 2.3: IDI access sub-index rankings and ratings, 2015 and 2010
Rank Access Rank Access Rank Access Rank Access
Economy Economy
2015 2015 2010 2010 2015 2015 2010 2010
Luxembourg 1 9.49 1 9.40 St. Lucia 85 5.55 67 5.44
Iceland 2 9.37 2 9.32 Colombia 86 5.54 86 4.36
Hong Kong, China 3 9.32 3 9.06 Venezuela 87 5.44 87 4.36
United Kingdom 4 9.24 8 8.75 South Africa 88 5.31 91 4.29
Germany 5 9.22 7 8.77 China 89 5.25 99 4.08
Switzerland 6 9.20 4 9.02 Suriname 90 5.22 92 4.23
Malta 7 9.04 11 8.50 Ecuador 91 5.21 95 4.18
Netherlands 8 9.04 6 8.77 Thailand 92 5.20 93 4.20
Korea (Rep.) 9 9.00 10 8.64 Egypt 93 5.12 90 4.30
Sweden 10 8.90 5 8.99 El Salvador 94 5.04 97 4.12
Japan 11 8.85 15 8.03 Tunisia 95 5.00 96 4.13
France 12 8.77 14 8.15 Mongolia 96 4.97 102 3.98
Denmark 13 8.72 9 8.70 Cape Verde 97 4.90 114 3.48
Singapore 14 8.64 12 8.38 Mexico 98 4.84 94 4.18
Belgium 15 8.45 16 7.94 Syria 99 4.76 98 4.08
Australia 16 8.37 17 7.90 Peru 100 4.68 101 4.04
Norway 17 8.24 13 8.33 Fiji 101 4.63 100 4.06
Ireland 18 8.24 18 7.87 Indonesia 102 4.60 115 3.47
Monaco 19 8.23 31 7.35 Jamaica 103 4.57 88 4.33
Austria 20 8.21 20 7.87 Ghana 104 4.51 140 2.15
Qatar 21 8.13 32 7.33 Albania 105 4.50 107 3.73
Canada 22 8.13 21 7.86 Paraguay 106 4.44 109 3.69
New Zealand 23 8.08 19 7.87 Viet Nam 107 4.43 89 4.31
Barbados 24 8.04 30 7.42 Philippines 108 4.39 116 3.41
Israel 25 7.98 22 7.73 Bolivia 109 4.31 118 3.23
Slovenia 26 7.94 27 7.56 Algeria 110 4.27 110 3.64
Andorra 27 7.89 26 7.57 Botswana 111 4.22 105 3.81
Estonia 28 7.86 29 7.44 Tonga 112 4.20 108 3.69
United Arab Emirates 29 7.86 42 6.83 Guyana 113 4.20 106 3.75
Macao, China 30 7.85 23 7.73 Sri Lanka 114 4.17 113 3.51
United States 31 7.82 25 7.59 Guatemala 115 4.16 104 3.93
Finland 32 7.81 24 7.71 Kyrgyzstan 116 4.16 119 3.20
Spain 33 7.80 28 7.45 Namibia 117 4.14 120 3.18
Bahrain 34 7.79 36 7.22 Dominican Rep. 118 4.12 111 3.57
Portugal 35 7.77 33 7.32 Honduras 119 4.05 103 3.95
Italy 36 7.71 34 7.32 Nicaragua 120 4.01 121 2.84
Greece 37 7.71 37 7.11 Gabon 121 3.91 117 3.35
Belarus 38 7.68 54 6.16 Gambia 122 3.78 123 2.77
Hungary 39 7.54 39 6.87 Cambodia 123 3.77 125 2.63
St. Kitts and Nevis 40 7.47 35 7.31 Belize 124 3.65 112 3.51
Saudi Arabia 41 7.42 56 6.10 Bhutan 125 3.57 134 2.41
Czech Republic 42 7.41 40 6.86 Senegal 126 3.51 129 2.60
Croatia 43 7.33 38 7.11 Cte dIvoire 127 3.44 122 2.78
Kuwait 44 7.31 51 6.32 Mali 128 3.43 139 2.18
Serbia 45 7.28 45 6.69 Sudan 129 3.35 137 2.30
Brunei Darussalam 46 7.25 43 6.83 Kenya 130 3.30 132 2.49
Oman 47 7.24 68 5.39 Samoa 131 3.27 127 2.61
Russian Federation 48 7.24 50 6.39 Vanuatu 132 3.23 124 2.73
Latvia 49 7.23 48 6.65 Lesotho 133 3.18 150 1.88
Uruguay 50 7.15 55 6.15 Pakistan 134 3.15 130 2.60
Poland 51 7.15 41 6.85 India 135 3.13 128 2.60
Antigua & Barbuda 52 7.05 47 6.66 Benin 136 3.08 133 2.46
Slovakia 53 7.04 49 6.65 Lao P.D.R. 137 3.03 136 2.32
Lithuania 54 7.04 44 6.78 Nepal 138 2.92 149 1.90
Cyprus 55 7.04 46 6.67 Zimbabwe 139 2.89 142 2.09
Kazakhstan 56 6.92 57 5.98 Mauritania 140 2.88 131 2.54
Bulgaria 57 6.85 58 5.96 Cameroon 141 2.83 152 1.82
St. Vincent and the G. 58 6.76 53 6.19 Nigeria 142 2.82 135 2.33
TFYR Macedonia 59 6.75 64 5.77 Bangladesh 143 2.82 147 1.92
Montenegro 60 6.74 61 5.89 Equatorial Guinea 144 2.76 126 2.63
Moldova 61 6.70 70 5.35 Mozambique 145 2.74 157 1.70
Romania 62 6.69 60 5.92 Congo (Rep.) 146 2.71 138 2.29
Malaysia 63 6.61 52 6.24 Angola 147 2.68 144 2.04
Argentina 64 6.60 59 5.94 Afghanistan 148 2.64 148 1.92
Seychelles 65 6.59 72 5.32 Burkina Faso 149 2.63 151 1.84
Lebanon 66 6.57 75 5.03 Zambia 150 2.63 155 1.71
Trinidad & Tobago 67 6.56 62 5.87 Liberia 151 2.59 160 1.64
Chile 68 6.55 65 5.67 Solomon Islands 152 2.59 153 1.75
Mauritius 69 6.48 71 5.33 Togo 153 2.59 143 2.07
Costa Rica 70 6.30 83 4.55 Rwanda 154 2.54 156 1.71
Brazil 71 6.28 76 5.01 Tanzania 155 2.48 145 2.03
Ukraine 72 6.27 74 5.23 Myanmar 156 2.47 162 1.40
Georgia 73 6.20 84 4.50 Djibouti 157 2.44 141 2.14
Grenada 74 6.14 63 5.81 Uganda 158 2.35 154 1.72
Azerbaijan 75 6.11 77 4.90 Guinea-Bissau 159 2.30 146 1.93
Armenia 76 6.08 80 4.73 Cuba 160 1.98 163 1.38
Maldives 77 6.03 69 5.38 Malawi 161 1.96 159 1.64
Dominica 78 6.01 66 5.49 Ethiopia 162 1.90 161 1.45
Turkey 79 6.00 73 5.27 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 163 1.83 164 1.14
Iran (I.R.) 80 5.97 82 4.62 Chad 164 1.74 165 1.13
Panama 81 5.72 78 4.87 Madagascar 165 1.67 158 1.64
Bosnia and Herzegovina 82 5.71 79 4.77 South Sudan 166 1.28 - -
Jordan 83 5.69 81 4.62 Eritrea 167 1.27 166 1.09
Morocco 84 5.65 85 4.50

Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 47

Table 2.4: IDI use sub-index rankings and ratings, 2015 and 2010
Rank Use Rank Use Rank Use Rank Use
Economy Economy
2015 2015 2010 2010 2015 2015 2010 2010
Denmark 1 8.83 5 7.20 Cape Verde 85 3.26 98 1.18
Norway 2 8.43 3 7.55 Mauritius 86 3.25 76 1.85
United Kingdom 3 8.42 12 5.99 Mongolia 87 3.20 111 0.75
Korea (Rep.) 4 8.42 1 8.02 Armenia 88 3.19 88 1.41
Luxembourg 5 8.34 10 6.53 Dominica 89 3.11 61 2.23
Sweden 6 8.32 2 7.57 Georgia 90 3.03 94 1.31
Finland 7 8.21 4 7.32 Viet Nam 91 3.01 85 1.51
Iceland 8 8.11 9 6.54 Dominican Rep. 92 2.97 92 1.34
Switzerland 9 8.01 15 5.87 Morocco 93 2.95 72 1.99
Japan 10 7.98 7 7.02 Seychelles 94 2.94 78 1.83
United States 11 7.86 14 5.90 Panama 95 2.92 77 1.83
Monaco 12 7.78 13 5.94 Brunei Darussalam 96 2.90 60 2.25
Netherlands 13 7.69 11 6.41 Ecuador 97 2.90 93 1.34
Estonia 14 7.66 24 4.79 Fiji 98 2.88 106 0.84
New Zealand 15 7.63 20 5.36 Jamaica 99 2.76 97 1.21
Singapore 16 7.61 6 7.11 Egypt 100 2.71 89 1.39
Australia 17 7.58 16 5.75 Ghana 101 2.64 123 0.50
Bahrain 18 7.56 50 2.64 El Salvador 102 2.41 110 0.76
Hong Kong, China 19 7.55 19 5.40 Botswana 103 2.37 134 0.28
France 20 7.23 17 5.66 Jordan 104 2.36 99 1.16
Macao, China 21 7.22 8 6.55 Bolivia 105 2.33 107 0.83
United Arab Emirates 22 6.99 46 3.23 Grenada 106 2.28 82 1.67
Germany 23 6.98 21 5.34 Bhutan 107 2.27 121 0.53
Qatar 24 6.93 29 4.48 Iran (I.R.) 108 2.19 114 0.60
Ireland 25 6.85 22 5.24 Ukraine 109 2.17 95 1.27
Canada 26 6.84 18 5.42 Peru 110 2.11 90 1.37
Belgium 27 6.76 28 4.53 Tonga 111 2.07 115 0.59
Spain 28 6.62 34 4.27 Zimbabwe 112 2.03 118 0.55
Barbados 29 6.55 45 3.28 Nigeria 113 1.81 109 0.82
Austria 30 6.47 23 4.96 Indonesia 114 1.79 102 1.04
Andorra 31 6.41 30 4.45 Belize 115 1.79 100 1.10
Latvia 32 6.29 31 4.42 Namibia 116 1.77 105 0.89
Czech Republic 33 6.29 26 4.61 Kenya 117 1.76 124 0.47
Lithuania 34 6.10 42 3.60 Sudan 118 1.73 113 0.66
Malta 35 6.05 33 4.39 Paraguay 119 1.71 108 0.83
Kuwait 36 6.03 37 4.07 Vanuatu 120 1.60 136 0.28
Saudi Arabia 37 6.00 53 2.57 Guyana 121 1.57 101 1.08
Slovakia 38 5.86 36 4.11 Algeria 122 1.52 119 0.55
Croatia 39 5.85 47 3.21 Lesotho 123 1.47 144 0.19
Italy 40 5.74 35 4.25 Sri Lanka 124 1.44 122 0.51
Poland 41 5.62 27 4.60 Senegal 125 1.42 131 0.31
Israel 42 5.57 25 4.65 Cte dIvoire 126 1.32 156 0.09
Lebanon 43 5.54 75 1.88 Samoa 127 1.31 142 0.24
Russian Federation 44 5.52 48 3.19 Angola 128 1.28 128 0.39
Slovenia 45 5.42 32 4.41 Honduras 129 1.26 127 0.41
Uruguay 46 5.41 51 2.63 Guatemala 130 1.23 117 0.57
Belarus 47 5.40 55 2.46 Syria 131 1.22 112 0.72
Bulgaria 48 5.22 43 3.55 Nepal 132 1.14 135 0.28
Hungary 49 5.19 41 3.62 Uganda 133 1.10 125 0.47
Brazil 50 5.16 68 2.11 Cuba 134 1.00 120 0.53
Portugal 51 5.14 39 3.70 India 135 0.85 132 0.30
Costa Rica 52 5.12 73 1.93 Mauritania 136 0.85 147 0.16
Greece 53 5.05 44 3.44 Gambia 137 0.79 130 0.32
Oman 54 5.05 64 2.18 Cambodia 138 0.78 156 0.09
Cyprus 55 4.89 38 3.73 Nicaragua 139 0.77 126 0.43
Chile 56 4.88 57 2.36 Solomon Islands 140 0.75 140 0.25
Argentina 57 4.76 62 2.22 Rwanda 141 0.73 138 0.27
Malaysia 58 4.76 52 2.59 Pakistan 142 0.69 133 0.29
TFYR Macedonia 59 4.76 49 3.03 Equatorial Guinea 143 0.66 143 0.21
Azerbaijan 60 4.70 71 1.99 Lao P.D.R. 144 0.64 141 0.24
Serbia 61 4.69 54 2.57 Burkina Faso 145 0.63 158 0.08
Kazakhstan 62 4.54 66 2.13 Zambia 146 0.62 129 0.35
Romania 63 4.48 56 2.40 Mali 147 0.61 157 0.08
Thailand 64 4.28 103 1.02 Bangladesh 148 0.60 149 0.14
Suriname 65 4.20 96 1.21 Congo (Rep.) 149 0.60 145 0.17
Trinidad & Tobago 66 4.08 58 2.32 Djibouti 150 0.59 137 0.27
Antigua & Barbuda 67 4.07 70 2.02 Myanmar 151 0.58 166 0.01
Moldova 68 4.02 84 1.61 South Sudan 152 0.57 - -
Montenegro 69 3.91 67 2.13 Liberia 153 0.44 160 0.08
St. Vincent and the G. 70 3.86 74 1.92 Ethiopia 154 0.38 163 0.03
China 71 3.84 79 1.77 Cameroon 155 0.37 148 0.14
Colombia 72 3.83 83 1.61 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 156 0.36 164 0.02
Venezuela 73 3.80 59 2.28 Gabon 157 0.36 139 0.26
Turkey 74 3.77 63 2.21 Togo 158 0.33 152 0.13
Bosnia and Herzegovina 75 3.74 65 2.17 Malawi 159 0.33 154 0.10
St. Kitts and Nevis 76 3.71 40 3.65 Madagascar 160 0.33 161 0.06
Maldives 77 3.59 91 1.36 Afghanistan 161 0.32 150 0.13
St. Lucia 78 3.55 69 2.09 Mozambique 162 0.30 146 0.16
Philippines 79 3.55 104 1.01 Benin 163 0.29 153 0.12
Kyrgyzstan 80 3.46 116 0.58 Tanzania 164 0.27 151 0.13
Albania 81 3.40 80 1.69 Guinea-Bissau 165 0.12 159 0.08
Mexico 82 3.37 81 1.67 Chad 166 0.09 162 0.06
Tunisia 83 3.37 86 1.51 Eritrea 167 0.03 165 0.02
South Africa 84 3.37 87 1.44

Source: ITU.

48 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
Table 2.5: IDI skills sub-index rankings and ratings, 2015 and 2010
Rank Skills Rank Skills Rank Skills Rank Skills
Economy Economy
2015 2015 2010 2010 2015 2015 2010 2010
Greece 1 9.92 1 9.91 Dominican Rep. 85 7.14 82 7.06
Korea (Rep.) 2 9.82 2 9.87 South Africa 86 7.13 95 6.81
Finland 3 9.76 3 9.77 Bolivia 87 7.11 91 6.88
Belarus 4 9.75 10 9.29 Oman 88 7.09 88 6.93
United States 5 9.57 5 9.52 China 89 7.07 99 6.72
Australia 6 9.51 9 9.29 Qatar 90 7.05 92 6.88
Slovenia 7 9.44 4 9.53 Panama 91 7.05 86 6.94
Spain 8 9.42 12 9.19 Mexico 92 6.99 98 6.80
Andorra 9 9.42 20 8.98 Algeria 93 6.98 103 6.56
Iceland 10 9.35 11 9.25 Philippines 94 6.97 87 6.94
New Zealand 11 9.29 7 9.39 Sri Lanka 95 6.96 94 6.81
Denmark 12 9.29 13 9.09 Indonesia 96 6.93 106 6.54
Argentina 13 9.28 27 8.76 United Arab Emirates 97 6.93 97 6.80
Ukraine 14 9.25 15 9.06 Tunisia 98 6.92 96 6.81
Estonia 15 9.22 17 9.05 Belize 99 6.92 100 6.62
Netherlands 16 9.21 25 8.78 Cape Verde 100 6.77 110 6.36
Lithuania 17 9.13 8 9.35 Malaysia 101 6.75 102 6.57
Norway 18 9.10 14 9.06 Guyana 102 6.71 107 6.53
Russian Federation 19 9.04 30 8.67 St. Lucia 103 6.71 90 6.89
Poland 20 9.02 18 9.02 Paraguay 104 6.66 105 6.54
Belgium 21 8.99 22 8.88 Fiji 105 6.65 101 6.59
Austria 22 8.97 23 8.88 Tonga 106 6.56 93 6.85
Ireland 23 8.93 19 8.99 Trinidad & Tobago 107 6.55 104 6.54
Sweden 24 8.91 16 9.06 Viet Nam 108 6.54 109 6.43
Venezuela 25 8.91 36 8.52 Jamaica 109 6.51 89 6.90
Israel 26 8.86 29 8.71 Samoa 110 6.40 108 6.47
Canada 27 8.85 33 8.60 Egypt 111 6.34 115 6.05
Hong Kong, China 28 8.84 51 8.13 Maldives 112 6.16 111 6.13
Portugal 29 8.82 28 8.71 Suriname 113 6.12 114 6.05
Latvia 30 8.76 21 8.97 El Salvador 114 6.12 117 5.75
Chile 31 8.70 39 8.45 Honduras 115 6.02 116 5.96
Italy 32 8.69 26 8.77 Botswana 116 5.92 112 6.13
Germany 33 8.69 50 8.17 Seychelles 117 5.76 118 5.61
Mongolia 33 8.69 52 8.12 Nicaragua 118 5.65 119 5.47
Japan 35 8.68 34 8.57 Guatemala 119 5.52 120 5.28
Barbados 36 8.66 24 8.79 India 120 5.48 125 4.87
Czech Republic 37 8.66 35 8.56 Solomon Islands 121 5.44 124 4.89
Croatia 38 8.64 40 8.44 Syria 122 5.42 113 6.07
Hungary 39 8.62 32 8.65 Myanmar 123 5.22 121 5.10
France 40 8.58 37 8.50 Namibia 124 5.20 122 5.02
Macao, China 41 8.49 44 8.37 Ghana 125 5.20 128 4.62
Bulgaria 42 8.47 48 8.23 Morocco 126 5.12 127 4.80
Monaco 43 8.46 38 8.46 Bhutan 127 5.07 137 4.20
United Kingdom 44 8.42 31 8.65 Vanuatu 128 4.98 123 4.91
Saudi Arabia 45 8.41 64 7.48 Kenya 129 4.97 131 4.54
Uruguay 46 8.40 43 8.39 Lao P.D.R. 130 4.94 132 4.45
Grenada 47 8.39 42 8.39 Djibouti 131 4.90 144 3.66
Switzerland 48 8.35 47 8.25 Gabon 132 4.85 126 4.82
Turkey 49 8.35 56 7.81 Nepal 133 4.85 134 4.41
Serbia 50 8.30 53 7.95 Lesotho 134 4.78 129 4.57
Slovakia 51 8.28 46 8.26 Congo (Rep.) 135 4.75 136 4.23
Romania 52 8.18 45 8.31 Zimbabwe 136 4.65 130 4.57
Costa Rica 53 8.18 68 7.38 Cambodia 137 4.60 133 4.43
Montenegro 54 8.17 41 8.42 Cameroon 138 4.58 139 4.06
Kazakhstan 55 8.07 55 7.85 Sudan 139 4.46 135 4.29
Armenia 56 8.06 49 8.23 South Sudan 139 4.46 - -
Cyprus 57 8.01 54 7.95 Togo 141 4.38 142 3.78
Cuba 58 7.99 6 9.47 Bangladesh 142 4.28 140 3.94
Singapore 59 7.93 80 7.13 Equatorial Guinea 143 4.22 138 4.15
Colombia 60 7.87 58 7.62 Gambia 144 3.88 143 3.76
Albania 61 7.85 65 7.43 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 145 3.85 141 3.81
Kyrgyzstan 62 7.85 62 7.51 Uganda 146 3.81 149 3.45
Ecuador 63 7.83 77 7.19 Nigeria 147 3.79 147 3.51
Thailand 64 7.83 57 7.66 Zambia 148 3.71 145 3.65
Georgia 65 7.76 79 7.16 Angola 149 3.67 146 3.54
Peru 66 7.70 67 7.40 Rwanda 150 3.67 150 3.39
Jordan 67 7.66 60 7.54 Tanzania 151 3.58 151 3.39
Moldova 68 7.63 63 7.50 Madagascar 152 3.57 152 3.28
Iran (I.R.) 69 7.61 85 6.97 Senegal 153 3.54 153 3.20
Mauritius 70 7.59 76 7.21 Pakistan 154 3.54 154 3.19
Bosnia and Herzegovina 71 7.52 61 7.51 Eritrea 155 3.52 148 3.45
Kuwait 72 7.49 66 7.41 Benin 156 3.50 156 2.99
Bahrain 73 7.49 69 7.36 Malawi 157 3.44 155 3.16
Antigua & Barbuda 74 7.41 78 7.17 Liberia 158 3.24 158 2.80
Malta 75 7.40 59 7.60 Guinea-Bissau 159 3.23 163 2.61
Brunei Darussalam 76 7.34 81 7.10 Afghanistan 160 3.21 161 2.74
Azerbaijan 77 7.34 71 7.25 Cte dIvoire 161 3.04 157 2.95
Dominica 78 7.33 70 7.34 Mali 162 3.04 160 2.75
TFYR Macedonia 79 7.30 75 7.21 Mozambique 163 3.00 162 2.68
Luxembourg 80 7.29 73 7.24 Mauritania 164 2.90 159 2.78
Brazil 81 7.27 74 7.23 Ethiopia 165 2.69 164 2.36
St. Vincent and the G. 82 7.24 72 7.24 Burkina Faso 166 2.31 166 1.81
Lebanon 83 7.23 83 7.06 Chad 167 2.17 165 2.01
St. Kitts and Nevis 84 7.22 84 7.06

Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 49

Not surprisingly, the same economies dominate Particular attention has been paid in previous
the access and use sub-indices as dominate the Measuring the Information Society Reports to
overall Index. Eight of the ten economies ranked those countries which have achieved the greatest
at the top of the overall Index are in the top gains in IDI rankings year on year. This Reports
ten in the access sub-index (with Germany and comparison over a longer period should smooth
Malta replacing Denmark and Norway), while the the impact of anomalies such as year-on-year
same number, eight, are in the top ten in the use variations in data reporting and allow for the more
sub-index (with Finland and Japan replacing the robust assessment of trends.
Netherlands and Hong Kong (China)). There is,
however, greater variation in the skills sub-index, Trends can be measured in two ways: by changes
which is derived from proxy indicators rather than in countries rankings against other countries
from ICT-specific data. (changes in countries relative standings), and by
changes in the value of the IDI achieved in each
Economies ranked in the top thirty of the country (changes in absolute or nominal values).
distribution have also changed little between 2010 The ten highest-ranking countries according to
and 2015, with only two countries entering that these two measures are shown in Table 2.6.
tier (Barbados and Bahrain, replacing Slovenia
and Israel, both of which remain in the top
forty). Nineteen of the top thirty economies are 2.3 The access, use and skills sub-
from Europe, while others include high-income indices
developed countries from other regions, such
as the United States, Australia, Canada and Significant differences can be identified between
New Zealand. Six are categorized as developing the overall Index and the three sub-indices of
economies by the United Nations, including the which it is composed. As noted in Section 2.1, the
country at the head of the list, the Republic of access and use sub-indices each make up 40 per
Korea, as well as Hong Kong (China), Singapore, cent of the overall Index, with the remaining 20
Barbados, Macao (China) and Bahrain, although per cent derived from the skills sub-index. While
it should be noted that these are all high-income the access and use sub-indices are composed
developing economies. The highest-ranking African of ICT-specific indicators, the skills sub-index is
country is Mauritius (73rd), and the highest ranking composed of proxy indicators which are essentially
LDC is Bhutan (119th). concerned with educational attainment. It is
therefore less directly related to ICTs than the
At the lower end of the rankings, thirteen other sub-indices.
countries have overall IDI values below 2.00,
and 43 have values below 3.00. Of these, 32 are Not surprisingly, given the overall composition
located on the African continent (of which 29 are of the Index, there is a strong level of association
in ITUs Africa region and three in the Arab States between rankings in the overall Index and those
region), eight in Asia, two in the Pacific and one in the access and use sub-indices, while there is
in the Caribbean. The lowest ten countries in the clearly a disparity between the overall Index and
rankings are all LDCs in Africa. Here, too, there has the skills sub-index, which is derived from proxy
been relatively little change over the period since indicators.
The top ten economies in the overall IDI all fall
Nine of the ten lowest ranking countries in 2015 within the top twenty in the access and use
were also in that category in 2010, the additional sub-indices. Eight of the ten economies at the
country being South Sudan, which achieved top of the overall Index are among the top ten in
independence in 2011 and was therefore not the access sub-index. Denmark and Norway are
separately included in the 2010 data. It should also the two countries which fall out of the top ten
be noted that a significant number of LDCs are for that index, while the top ten for access also
not included in the rankings because insufficient include Germany (14th in the overall Index) and
data were available for them across the range of Malta (30th). Denmarks relatively low position in
indicators needed for the Index. Had sufficient data the access sub-index is due to a marked decline in
been available, some of these countries would fixed telephone subscriptions in that country, and
probably have also featured among the LCCs. would therefore appear to be the result of fixed-

50 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
Table 2.6:
2.6 Most
Most dynamic
dynamic countries
countries changes
changes in
in IDI
IDI value andranking,
level and ranking,2010-2015

Change in IDI ranking Change in IDI value (absolute)

IDI IDI rank IDI IDI value
rank Country change rank Country change
2015 (2010-15) 2015 (2010-15)
57 Costa Rica 23 27 Bahrain 2.22
27 Bahrain 21 57 Costa Rica 2.14
56 Lebanon 21 56 Lebanon 2.12
109 Ghana 21 41 Saudi Arabia 2.09
74 Thailand 18 32 United Arab Emirates 1.94
32 United Arab Emirates 17 54 Oman 1.92
41 Saudi Arabia 15 109 Ghana 1.92
85 Suriname 15 36 Belarus 1.88
97 Kyrgyzstan 15 74 Thailand 1.74
36 Belarus 14 61 Brazil 1.74
54 Oman 14
The experience of these and a number of other high-performing countries is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3.
Source: ITU
Note: The experience of these and a number of other high-performing countries is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3.
Source: ITU.

2.3 substitution rather
The access, usethan
andany reduction
skills sub- in the
th in 2010
). Denmarks remain low
relatively in the top tenin
actual access. in
accesswith Singapore
sub-index andto
is due Macao
a marked(China) beingin
indices displaced by thesubscriptions
United Kingdom andcountry,
fixed telephone in that and
Eight of thedifferences
Significant ten economies at identified
can be the top ofbetween
the overall At the bottom
would therefore of appear
the distribution,
to be the only resultLiberia
of fixed-
Index also fall into the top ten of the use
the overall Index and the three sub-indices sub-index
of (recovering from civilrather
mobile substitution war) andthanMyanmar
any reduction have in
which it is composed. As noted in Section 2.1,Kong
in this case, the Netherlands and Hong the raised themselves
actual access. out of the bottom ten in the
(China) making
access and use way for Japan
sub-indices andmake
each Finland (11per
up 40
and access sub-index, although there has been a little
12 th
Index, with the remaining 20 more movement
Eight of at the bottom
the ten economies of top
at the the ofusethe sub-
per cent derived from the skills sub-index. While index.
Index also fall into the top ten of the use sub-index
There is similarly
the access and use broad consistency
sub-indices in the
are composed with, in this case, the Netherlands and Hong Kong
access and use sub-indices at the bottom
of ICT-specific indicators, the skills sub-index of is There
much more way forvariation
Japan between
and Finland the(11 overall
the distribution. Eight of the ten lowest-ranking
composed of proxy indicators which are essentially Index
th and the skills sub-index, which, as already
12 in the overall Index).
concernedinwiththe access sub-index
educational are theItlowest-
attainment. is mentioned, is derived from non-ICT-specific
therefore countries in therelated
less directly Index toas ICTs
a whole,
than the
the indicators. Only two
There is similarly broadof the economies
consistency in the top
in the
seven lowest-ranking being wholly consistent
other sub-indices. ten of the
access andoverall Index (theatRepublic
use sub-indices the bottom of Koreaof and
between the two. Among the lowest-ranking IDI Iceland) fall within
the distribution. the of
Eight topthe tenten
in lowest-ranking
this sub-index,
countries, only Burkina
Not surprisingly, Faso
given the and Mozambique
overall composition while several
countries of the
in the topsub-index
access ten in theare overall Index
the lowest-
of the Index, there is a strongrankings,
slightly higher access with Uganda
level of association have relatively
ranking countries lowinrankings
the Index in as
whole, sub-index
and Cuba falling into the bottom ten.
between rankings in the overall Index and thoseNine of the for example, the United Kingdom
seven lowest-ranking being wholly consistent is in 44 th
ten lowest-ranking countries in the overall
in the access and use sub-indices, while there is Index Switzerland
between theintwo. 48th Among
and Luxembourg in 80th. IDI
the lowest-ranking
also fallainto
clearly the bottom
disparity between twenty of the use
the overall sub-
Index and countries, only Burkina Faso and Mozambique
index, with Burkina Faso again having a
the skills sub-index, which is derived from proxy higher The following
record slightlyparagraphs
higher access lookrankings,
in morewith detailUganda
ranking than its peers.
indicators. at
the changes
into thethat haveten.
bottom taken Nineplaceof the
within the access and
ten lowest-ranking use sub-indices,
countries in the overall and Index
in the
The tophastenbeen relatively
economies inlittle changeIDI
the overall in all
top individual
also fall intoindicators
the bottom of which
twenty they
of are
the composed.
use sub-
performers in the access and use
within the top twenty in the access and use sub-indices index, with Burkina Faso again having a higher
over the five-year
sub-indices. Eight period since
of the ten 2010. Nine
economies at of
thethe ranking than its peers.
top economies
of the overall at the
the access sub-index
the top ten in The access sub-index
the access sub-index. Denmark and Norwaywith
2010 are still within the top ten in 2015, are There has been relatively little change in the top
Denmark having fallen
the two countries which out
thisofgroup (forten
the top Changes
performers in the access
in the accesssub-index
and usebetween
sub-indices 2010
reasons cited above)
for that index, while theto make
top tenway forfor Malta.also
access Eight and
over2015 have been
the five-year less dynamic
period since 2010. than those
Nine in
of the
of the economies which were in the
include Germany (14 in the overall Index) and
th top ten of the use sub-index. Countries at the
ten economies at the top of the access sub-index top of the
in 2010 are still within the top ten in 2015, with

12 CHAPTER 2 The ICT Development Index (IDI) Global Analysis Measuring the Information Society Report 51
distribution already had very high access values These findings suggest that middle-ranking
in 2010 and
Denmark thusfallen
having had relatively
out of this little scope
group (forfor countries
the may, in terms
use sub-index. of subscriptions,
Countries at the top ofbe theclosing
further improvement
reasons cited above) to in make
thoseway values. The top-
for Malta. Eight the overall digital
distribution already divide with high
had very countries
ranking country in the sub-index
of the economies which were in the top ten of in both years, the2010
in top ofandthe
had relatively but that
little they
scopemay for at
the use sub-index increased
in 2010 its remain
sub-index value
in the topfrom ten the same time be drawing away
further improvement in those values. The top- from countries,
9.40 to 9.49, while the second-ranking
in 2015, with Singapore and Macao (China) being country in particularly
ranking LCCs,intowards
country the bottom
the sub-index in both of years,
both years,
displaced byIceland,
the United increased
Kingdom its value from 9.32
and Switzerland. distribution which
Luxembourg, are persistently
increased its sub-index challenged
value from
to the
At 9.37.bottom
However, of thecountries at theonly
distribution, bottom of the
Liberia whentoit9.49,
9.40 comes to improving
while access levels.
the second-ranking It would
country in
distribution from
(recovering reportedcivil only
war) limited
and Myanmarimprovementshave be easier
both years, toIceland,
grasp the implications
increased of this
its value fromif a9.32
in terms
raised of access,out
themselves withofone thecountry,
bottom ten Madagascar,
in the more
to 9.37.detailed
However, understanding
countries atwere available
the bottom ofofthethe
access sub-index, although there has been than
managing to increase its value by no more a little data allowances and access speeds
distribution reported only limited improvements available to
0.03 points
more movement (fromat 1.64thetobottom
1.67). of the use sub- consumers
in in different
terms of access, withcountries.
one country, Madagascar,
index. managing to increase its value by no more than
The average improvement in sub-index scores over Manypoints
0.03 developed
1.64 to 1.67). and some developing
the period
There is much wasmore 0.70 variation
points, with most progress
between the overall countries already had very high rates of mobile-
being and
Index made thebyskills
sub-index,in thewhich,
middleasofalreadythe cellular
The access
average in 2010, and
improvement in many
sub-index morescores
mentioned, is derived from non-ICT-specific terms
distribution. The most dynamic countries in countries
the periodhave attained
was 0.70 points,such levels
with most byprogress
of access are
indicators. Only shown
two of in the
Table 2.7.
economies in the top Growth
being in this
made by indicator
countries worldwide
in the middle between
of the
ten of the overall Index (the Republic of Korea and 2010 and 2015 saw the average
distribution. The most dynamic countries value forinmobile-
terms of
Ghana saw
Iceland) fall by far the
within thehighest
top tenimprovement
in this sub-index, in this cellularare
access penetration
shown in Tablewithin2.7. the IDI grow from 94
while several raising
of theitstopscore
tenby in 2.37 points,Index
the overall from to 112 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants. Very
2.15 to
have 4.51 between
relatively 2010 and
low rankings in the2015,
sub- jumping rapid growth
Ghana saw byinfar mobile-cellular penetration in this
the highest improvement a
36 places
index fortoexample,
rank 104the th
. Five
Unitedother countries
Kingdom is in 44th few countries
sub-index, led to
raising its very
by 2.37movements
points, from in this
Oman, Costa
position, Rica, Georgia,
Switzerland in 48th Lebanon and Belarus
and Luxembourg in indicator,
2.15 to 4.51with a number
between 2010 of and
2015, and including
80 .th their scores by more than 1.50 points. Cambodia, Mali, Costa th Rica, Gabon, Suriname
36 places to rank 104 . Five other countries
Double-digit improvements in the rankings were and South
Oman, Africa,
Costa Rica,having
Georgia, substantially
Lebanon and improved
The made byparagraphs
five countries lookininthe
more African
detail region
at some their indicator
increased value
their compared
scores by morewith thanothers in the
1.50 points.
of Verde, Lesotho,
the changes that haveMozambique,
taken place within Cameroonthe access Index. Meanwhile,
Double-digit a numberinofthe
improvements other countries
rankings were
and use
and Mali), three countries
sub-indices, and in the in the Arab States
individual indicators of in particular,
also made by five some in the Caribbean
countries in the African fellregion
which (SaudiareArabia,
composed. the United Arab Emirates and substantially
(Cabo Verde, in relationMozambique,
Lesotho, to other countries Cameroonwhere
Qatar), three in the Asia-Pacific region (Indonesia, this indicator
and Mali), three is concerned,
countries inaffecting
the Arabtheir States position
Nepal access sub-index
and China) and one in Europe (Monaco). in the IDI
region as aArabia,
(Saudi whole. the United Arab Emirates and
The specific factors behind these improvements in Qatar), three in the Asia-Pacific region (Indonesia,
some of those
Changes in the countries are discussed
access sub-index between Chapter
2010 3. Nepal and China) and one in Europe (Monaco).
and 2015 have been less dynamic than those in The specific factors behind these improvements in
Table 2.7: Most dynamic countries access sub-index, 2010-2015
Table 2.7 Most dynamic countries access sub-index, 2010-2015
Change in access ranking Change in access value
Access Access rank Access Access value
rank Country change rank Country change
2015 (2010-15) 2015 (2010-15)
104 Ghana 36 104 Ghana 2.37
47 Oman 21 47 Oman 1.85
133 Lesotho 17 70 Costa Rica 1.75
97 Cape Verde 17 73 Georgia 1.71
38 Belarus 16 66 Lebanon 1.54
41 Saudi Arabia 15 38 Belarus 1.52
70 Costa Rica 13 97 Cape Verde 1.41
29 United Arab Emirates 13 61 Moldova 1.36
102 Indonesia 13 80 Iran (I.R.) 1.35
19 Monaco 12 76 Armenia 1.35
145 Mozambique 12 41 Saudi Arabia 1.33
Source: ITU.
Source: ITU

52 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
The indicator for fixed-telephone subscriptions offset by a fall in international bandwidth per
is much less volatile than that for mobile Internet user.
subscriptions, although there has been a
significant decline in the number of fixed-
telephone subscriptions worldwide by a The use sub-index
compound average rate of 2.8 per cent across all
economies included in the IDI during the period Changes in the use sub-index have been more
under review. The indicators for the proportions of dynamic than those in the access sub-index
households with a computer and households with because of the rapid growth that has taken place
an Internet connection are also less volatile than in fixed- and mobile-broadband connectivity,
the indicator for mobile subscriptions. Only seven and also because there has been greater scope
countries increased their share of households with for improvements even in economies which had
a computer by more than 25 percentage points relatively high rankings in 2010. This sub-index
between 2010 and 2015 one in Africa (Ghana), has therefore seen relatively high growth rates in
three in the Arab States region (Kuwait, Oman sub-index values among economies at the top and
and Saudi Arabia) and three in the CIS region middle of the distribution, while many of those
(Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine). Twelve countries towards the bottom have seen much less change.
increased their share of households with Internet The average improvement in the use sub-index
access by more than 25 percentage points over between IDI 2010 and IDI 2015 was 1.43, more
the same period. Rates of household computer than twice the average increase seen in the access
and Internet access more than doubled over the sub-index. The average growth among the ten
period in a number of countries, including some countries at the top of the distribution was 1.35
middle-income countries and a number of LDCs points, while countries towards the middle also
which started with very low levels of household had relatively high growth rates. The average
participation in 2010. growth rate for the ten countries at the bottom of
the distribution, however, was a mere 0.14 points,
The indicator for international Internet bandwidth suggesting that there may, in both the usage
per Internet user was more volatile, but is affected and access contexts, be a growing digital divide
by the relationship between investment in new between the majority of countries and the LCCs at
infrastructure and the growing use of mobile the bottom of the distribution.
broadband. The countries which experienced the
highest levels of growth in this indicator were The most dynamic performers in this sub-index
Ghana, Lebanon, El Salvador and Suriname. are set out in Table 2.8. The highest growth rates
in the sub-index were achieved by countries in
Some regions of the world, particularly East and the Arab States region (Bahrain, the United Arab
West Africa, have seen substantial increases in Emirates, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia), the Americas
bandwidth during the period under review, as region (Barbados, Costa Rica and Brazil) and by
new international infrastructure has come on Thailand. Improvements by more than 2.0 points
stream. However, countries which experience high were recorded by a number of countries towards
rates of growth in Internet use either because the top of the distribution, including the United
of increases in the number of fixed-broadband Kingdom (up 2.43 points and nine places, from
subscriptions or mobile-broadband subscriptions, 12th to 3rd), Switzerland, Estonia, New Zealand
or because of other types of Internet access such and Hong Kong (China). The average increase for
as public Internet access facilities are liable to Europe was a substantial 1.69 points, while that
fall in the rankings relative to other countries in for Africa lagged behind at 0.72 points, although
regard to international bandwidth per Internet individual African countries such as Ghana, South
user unless they have benefited from substantial Africa and Cabo Verde scored highly. This again
new investment in international infrastructure. suggests that LCCs, which are also primarily LDCs,
Cambodias increase in its percentage of Internet may be falling behind other countries in terms of
users (from 1.2 to 9 per cent) was thus countered the digital divide.
by a substantial decrease in the international
bandwidth available per Internet user, while Malis These findings also emphasize the high degree
more than threefold increase in the percentage of of influence of the usage sub-index on the IDI as
Internet users (from 2 to 7 per cent) was similarly a whole. This is particularly due to the mobile-

Measuring the Information Society Report 53

the top of the distribution, including the United review. The sharpest increases in this indicator were
Kingdom (up 2.43 points and nine places, from achieved by countries in the Arab States region
12th to 3rd), Switzerland, Estonia, New Zealand Oman, Bahrain and Lebanon.
and Hong Kong (China). The average increase for
Europe was a substantial 1.69 points, while that
for Africa lagged behind at 0.72 points, although
Table 2.8: Most dynamic countries use sub-index, 2010-2015
Table 2.8 Most dynamic countries use sub-index, 2010-2015
Change in use ranking Change in use value
Use Use rank Use Use rank
rank Country change rank Country change
2015 (2010-15) 2015 (2010-15)
64 Thailand 39 18 Bahrain 4.91
80 Kyrgyzstan 36 22 United Arab Emirates 3.76
43 Lebanon 32 43 Lebanon 3.66
18 Bahrain 32 37 Saudi Arabia 3.43
65 Suriname 31 64 Thailand 3.26
126 Cte dIvoire 31 29 Barbados 3.26
103 Botswana 31 52 Costa Rica 3.19
79 Philippines 25 50 Brazil 3.05
22 United Arab Emirates 24 65 Suriname 2.98
87 Mongolia 24 47 Belarus 2.95

broadband indicator, which was even more volatile to-computer ratio; and (ii) gross enrolment ratio in
between 2010 and 2015 than the indicator for programmes with computer-assisted instruction.
mobile-cellular subscriptions in the access sub- The EGTI discussions are continuing during 2015.6
index. Overall, mobile-broadband subscriptions
increased from 11.5 per 100 inhabitants in 2010 to In practice, the average change in this sub-index
37.2 in 2014, but there were very big differences in the period between 2010 and 2015 was just
between the performances of individual countries, 0.19 points, reflecting the slower pace of change
reflecting the very low numbers of mobile- in the education as compared to the ICT sector.
broadband subscriptions in many countries in The position of most countries relative to others
2010, when numerous countries had very little for each of the three indicators in the sub-index
mobile-broadband availability. The performance changed by relatively small margins, although
of many countries rose or fell markedly in relation a few countries recorded large changes, which
to other countries for this indicator. The indicator may reflect changes in definition or the irregular
for fixed-broadband subscriptions was much updating of figures. Definitional changes are likely
less volatile between 2010 and 2015, reflecting to account, for example, for the fall of 1.48 points
the relatively small numbers of fixed-broadband recorded for Cuba, which had a significant impact
subscriptions in the majority of countries. on its overall standing in the IDI.

Global Internet user penetration rose from 29.2

per cent to 40.6 per cent during the period under 2.4 The IDI and the digital divide
review. The sharpest increases in this indicator
were achieved by countries in the Arab States One of the main objectives of the IDI is to assist
region Oman, Bahrain and Lebanon. the ITU membership and other stakeholders in
addressing digital divides. Digital divides represent
the difference in ICT development within and
The skills sub-index between countries, regions or socio-economic
groupings. There has been widespread concern
The IDI skills sub-index includes literacy and that, while the digital divide in basic services
secondary/tertiary enrolment as proxies for the between developed and developing countries
skills required to make effective use of ICTs within has diminished in recent years as a result of the
society. Potential improvements to this sub-index spread of mobile telephony, digital divides in the
are currently being considered by EGTI. In 2014, availability of broadband networks and services
a proposal was made by the UNESCO Institute may have been growing, particularly between
for Statistics (UIS) to refine the skills sub-index by developed and developing countries, and between
taking account of two new indicators: (i) learner-

54 Measuring the Information Society Report

the majority of developing countries and the LDCs groupings have improved their average IDI

Chapter2 2
Particular attention should be paid in this context Source: ITU
(UNCTAD, 2015).7 values since 2010, the gap between them is
to two overlapping groups of countries, whose
As shown inThe nominal
Chart 2.3, thedisparity between
divergence betweenaverage
experience is insufficiently represented by the
As a composite index, the IDI provides a useful developed-
LDCs and other and countries
developing-country values which
is most substantial in
distinction between developed and developing
tool for comparing differences in ICT development was evident in 2010 is marginally higher
the use sub-index. LDCs underperform developing in 2015
countries above. These are the LDCs and the LCCs.
between countries and regions which include both (3.29 points
countries as against
in general 3.24),
in the although
access developing
basic and more advanced access and use. Previous countries have closed
(with an average growth theofproportional gap
0.72 points between
Measuring the Information
Least Developed Society
Countries 9 Reports have between
2010 andthemselves
2015 as against and developed
0.77 points). countries
In the
compared these changes on a year-by-year basis. (to
use44% from 50%).
sub-index, The data
however, show that
the average LDCthe rate
The IDI performance of LDCs has been generally
By comparing data from the 2010 and 2015 of
increasedin both the 0.51
by only access and use
points sub-indices
as against
poorer over the five years under review than
Indices, this years report can examine longer-term has
pointsfaster in developing
in developing than in
countries asdeveloped
a whole,
that of higher- and middle-income developing
trends concerning the digital divide. countries, reflecting their lower starting
and 1.43 points in the global index. This reflects point.
countries. The bottom 20 countries in the IDI 2015
between thelevels averages for developed
in middle-ranking
rankings are all LDCs, while the highest ranking
It is worth noting a number of points which arise and developing
developing countries
countries thanininthe access
LDCs, index
as well as has
LDC is Bhutan, in 119th place out of 167 countries.
from the United Nations classification of countries fallen
higherfrom 3.42 points
performance to 3.15.
levels among However, the
the high-income
A comparison of LDCs with developing countries
into the developed and developing categories8. corresponding
countries in thegap in the use sub-index
developing-country has grown
grouping. It
in general and with the total worldwide dataset,
The developing-country group, as defined in UN from
3.71.are failing to keep pace with
summarized in Table 2.10 and Chart 2.3, confirms
data sets, includes a number of economies with other countries in the transition from ICT access
that LDCs are falling behind in their overall IDI
high GNI per capita (GNI p.c.), including Singapore, Particular
through usage attention should which
to intensity, be paidlies
in at
Hong Kong (China) and oil-exporting countries to twoconceptual
of the overlappingframework
groups of countries,
for the IDI whose
which is
in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. experience
illustrated inisFigure
2.1. represented by the
The average growth in IDI values worldwide
Some of these notably the Republic of Korea, distinction between developed and developing
between 2010 and 2015 was 0.89 points, with the
Hong Kong (China) and Singapore have become countries above. These are the LDCs and the LCCs.
corresponding figure for the developing countries The relationship between the IDI and GNI p.c.
ICT champions with very high rankings in the IDI.
as a group being almost identical at 0.88 points.
Five countries defined by the UN as developing As noted above, one shortcoming of grouping
The average growth in LDCs, however, was only
countries are also member countries of OECD
0.56 points. Although this represents a higher
Least Developed
countries Countries
by development status
9 is that the
(Chile, Israel, the Republic of Korea, Mexico and developing countries category includes countries
percentage growth, as LDCs began from a much
Turkey). The developed-country grouping, by at very
The IDI different
bothhas economic and ICT
been generally
lower starting point in 2010 (1.56 as against 3.24
contrast, includes relatively few countries with development.
poorer over theIt five
is useful,
under review alsothan
to look at
for developing countries in general), it implies
GNI p.c. levels which are significantly lower than the relationship
that of higher- andbetween IDI performance
middle-income and GNI
that the gap in the level of ICT development
average. As a result, outliers within the developing- p.c.
countries. The bottom 20 countries in the IDI 2015
between the majority of developing countries
country grouping tend to raise its average IDI level rankings are all LDCs, while the highest ranking
and LDCs is growing. This is particularly important
more substantially than outliers in the developed- Chartis2.4,
LDC which
Bhutan, in plots
119thIDI 2015
place outoutcomes against
of 167 countries.
in view of the positive contribution that ICTs are
country category lower the average for that GNI
A p.c. data for
comparison of 2013, shows
LDCs with that therecountries
developing is a strong
seen as making to general social and economic
grouping. The range of values among developing and
in significant
general correlation
and with the totalbetween
worldwidethe two.
development, since from that standpoint a
countries is also, in consequence, much greater summarized in Table 2.10 and Chart 2.3, confirms
widening digital divide will also tend to widen
than the corresponding range among developed This suggests
that LDCs are that
level ofin GNI
theirp.c. (andIDI
overall of
other development divides.$
countries. disposable income within societies) influences
both investment in infrastructure and the adoption
IDI 2.3 -by
values IDIlevel
ratings for LDCs compared
of development with
are illustrated of ICT
The services,
average and that
growth in IDIinitiatives to stimulate ICT
values worldwide
global ratings and with all developing countries
in Table 2.9 and Chart 2.2. These show that, development may need to address
between 2010 and 2015 was 0.89 points, the implications
with the
while both developed- and developing-country of this if they are
corresponding to counteract
figure the growing
for the developing digital
divide at the bottom of the IDI rankings. Outliers,

Table 2.9:
2.9 IDI
IDI ratings
ratings by
by development
development status,
status, 2010
2010 and 2015
and 2015
IDI 2015 IDI 2010 Change in
Average Average average value
Min. Max. Range StDev CV Min. Max. Range StDev CV 2015-2010
value* value*
World 5.03 1.17 8.93 7.76 2.21 44.01 4.14 0.88 8.64 7.76 2.08 50.32 0.89
Developed 7.41 4.73 8.88 4.15 1.03 13.95 6.48 3.65 8.43 4.78 1.17 18.10 0.92
Developing 4.12 1.17 8.93 7.76 1.87 45.27 3.24 0.88 8.64 7.76 1.64 50.43 0.88
Note: *Simple averages. Stdev= Standard deviation, CV= Coefficient of variation
Source: ITU
Note: *Simple averages. StDev= Standard deviation, CV= Coefficient of variation.
Source: ITU.

CHAPTER 2 The ICT Development theInformation
Index (IDI) Society Report
Global Analysis 17 55
Chart 2.2: IDI ratings by development status, Chart 2.3: IDI ratings for LDCs compared
2010 and 2015 with global ratings and with all developing
8 9
7 8
6 7
5 % change: 6


4 5
3 4 % change:
% change:
2 +21.6% 3 +35.9%
% change:
1 +27.1% 2 % change:
+21.6% % change:
0 1 +27.1%
World Developed Developing 0
World Developing LDC

Access sub-index
9 Access sub-index
8 9
7 8
IDI access sub-index

IDI access sub-index

5 6
4 % change: 5
+6.9% % change:
3 % change: 4
% change: +37.3%
2 +14.5% 3
+19.9% % change:
1 2 +14.5% % change:
0 1
World Developed Developing 0
World Developing LDCs

Use sub-index
9 Use sub-index
8 9
7 8
IDI use sub-index

6 7
IDI use sub-index

5 6
4 % change: 5
+100% % change:
3 4
% change: +100%
2 3
% change: +38.5% % change:
1 +65.0% 2 +255%
0 1 % change:
World Developed Developing 0
World Developing LDCs
2010 2015
Source: ITU.
2010 2015
Source: ITU.
as a group being almost identical at 0.88 points.
The average growth in LDCs, however, was only in view of the positive contribution that ICTs are
0.56 points. Although this represents a higher seen as making to general social and economic
percentage growth, as LDCs began from a much development, since from that standpoint a
lower starting point in 2010 (1.56 as against 3.24 widening digital divide will also tend to widen
for developing countries in general), it implies other development divides.
that the gap in the level of ICT development
between the majority of developing countries As shown in Chart 2.3, the divergence between
and LDCs is growing. This is particularly important LDCs and other countries is most substantial in

56 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
Table 2.10: IDI ratings for LDCs compared with global ratings and with all developing countries

Development 2010 2015

status Access Use Skills IDI Access Use Skills IDI
World 4.83 2.21 6.61 4.14 5.53 3.64 6.81 5.03
Developed 7.31 4.57 8.67 6.48 7.81 6.32 8.76 7.41
 3.89 1.31 5.83 3.24 4.66 2.62 6.06 4.12
> 1.93 0.20 3.56 1.56 2.65 0.71 3.89 2.12

Source: ITU.

the use sub-index. LDCs underperform developing The relationship between the IDI and GNI p.c.
countries in general in the access sub-index
(with an average growth of 0.72 points between As noted above, one shortcoming of grouping
2010 and 2015 as against 0.77 points). In the countries by development status is that the
use sub-index, however, the average LDC rating developing countries category includes countries
has increased by only 0.51 points as against at very different levels of both economic and ICT
1.31 points in developing countries as a whole, development. It is useful, therefore, also to look at
and 1.43 points for the world. This reflects the relationship between IDI performance and GNI
higher performance levels in middle-ranking p.c.
developing countries than in LDCs, as well as
higher performance levels among the high-income Chart 2.4, which plots IDI 2015 outcomes against
countries in the developing-country grouping. It GNI p.c. data for 2013, shows that there is a strong
implies that LDCs are failing to keep pace with and significant correlation between the two.
other countries in the transition from ICT access
through usage to intensity, which lies at the heart This suggests that the level of GNI p.c. (and of
of the conceptual framework for the IDI which is disposable income within societies) influences
illustrated in Figure 2.1. both investment in infrastructure and the
adoption of ICT services, and that initiatives to
stimulate ICT development may need to address
the implications of this if they are to counteract

Chart 2.4: IDI and GNI p.c., 2015

Korea, Rep. of
R = 0.8489
IDI, 2015

3 Gabon

2 Equatorial Guinea

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
GNI p.c.

Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 57

the growing digital divide at the bottom of the IDI between 2010 and 2015, by just under 35 per cent
rankings. Outliers, which show significantly better in the lowest quartile, by between 25 per cent and
or significantly weaker performance than might 30 per cent in the middle quartiles, and by a little
be expected from the data in Chart 2.4, are worth over 12 per cent in the upper quartile, where the
considering further because their experience may starting point was already a great deal higher. This
indicate policy and investment choices which are reflects the considerable progress that has been
likely to be more or less effective in leveraging made in IDI performance across the board over
higher ICT performance. Notable outliers include the period since 2010. However, the minimum
the Republic of Korea, Estonia and Belarus, which value for the IDI in the lowest quartile (LCCs) has
outperform their GNI p.c. peers in the IDI, while seen relatively little progress in absolute terms
two oil-exporting countries in Africa, Gabon and during the period, rising from just 0.88 in 2010 to
Equatorial Guinea, have significantly lower IDI 1.17 in 2015, i.e. an increase of 0.29 compared
values than their GNI p.c. peers. with increases of 0.79, 1.14 and 1.18 for the
minimum values of the medium, upper and high
In addition, as noted in the 2014 Measuring the quartiles, respectively. This suggests that there is
Information Society Report, there is a strong and a group of countries in the lowest quartile whose
significant correlation between GNI p.c. and the performance is sluggish relative not only to the IDI
percentage of a countrys population living in as a whole but also relative to other developing
urban areas (ITU, 2014b).10 This suggests that the countries.
concentration of population in urban areas, where
costs of infrastructure investment are lower than It is notable that there has been very little change
in rural areas, could also be a significant factor in the composition of these quartiles between
influencing IDI outcomes. 2010 and 2015. Only four countries (Bahrain, the
United Arab Emirates, Belarus and Saudi Arabia)
have risen from the upper to the high quartile,
IDI performance quartiles and LCCs at the top of the distribution, over the period
under review (replacing Portugal, Poland, Slovakia
As well as considering the relationship between and Hungary), while only three countries have
development status and GNI p.c., it is useful to risen from the low quartile (LCC status) to the
assess IDI results by comparing the outcome medium quartile, at the bottom of the distribution
figures for countries grouped on the basis of their (Ghana, Bhutan and Kenya, with Vanuatu, Cuba
IDI outcome values. Table2.11 sets out the IDI and Gabon falling into the lowest quartile in their
values for four quartiles, representing high, upper, place.) Similarly, there has been little change in the
medium and low IDI levels, as these quartiles were composition in the middle of the distribution, with
constituted in 2010 and 2015 (some countries are only four countries moving each way between the
therefore in one quartile in 2010 but a different upper and the medium quartiles. This suggests
quartile in 2015). The lowest of these quartiles that, while there have been significant changes
represents the LCCs. in the IDI performance of a number of individual
countries, progress towards higher levels has been
These data show that the average IDI values for relatively consistent worldwide.
each of these four quartiles rose substantially

Table 2.11: IDI values by IDI quartile, 2010 and 2015

IDI 2010 IDI 2015

Group Countries Average* Min. Max. Range Countries Average* Min. Max. Range
High 42 7.02 5.82 8.64 2.82 42 7.90 7.00 8.93 1.93
Upper 41 4.74 3.91 5.80 1.88 41 5.95 5.05 6.93 1.88
Medium 42 3.19 2.14 3.82 1.69 42 4.13 2.93 5.00 2.08
Low 42 1.61 0.88 2.09 1.22 42 2.16 1.17 2.93 1.76
World 167 4.14 0.88 8.64 7.76 167 5.03 1.17 8.93 7.76

Note: * Simple averages.

Source: ITU.

58 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
The geographical distribution of the four quartiles have been achieved in the use sub-index than
is illustrated in Figure 2.3. This shows that the high in the access sub-index in all four quartiles, but
quartile is heavily concentrated in Europe, North very substantial gaps remain between them.
America and high-income countries in the Pacific In particular, it is notable that the gap in the
rim. The majority of LCCs, by contrast, are in use sub-index between the LCC quartile and
Africa, with developing countries in other regions the medium quartile immediately above it has
making up the majority of countries in the two grown substantially in the period under review,
middle quartiles. in spite of a higher rate of growth in the LCC
quartile resulting from LCC countries much lower
This further confirms the relationship between IDI baselines in 2010.
values and GNI p.c., and the apparent correlation
between LCCs and LDCs. Of the 42 LCCs, 34 are The indicator for mobile-broadband subscriptions
also LDCs. Bhutan is the only LDC in the data set has been the most influential indicator behind
which does not fall in the lowest quartile. A further this result. The spread of smartphones and of
13 LDCs do not have sufficient data to appear in 3G networks in rural areas of LDCs, which are, as
the IDI data set and at least some of these may noted above, substantially correlated with LCCs,
therefore have fallen into the LCC quartile had may therefore help to address this gap over the
they been included in the IDI. next five years. Overall, however, these findings
suggest that many countries in the LCC quartile
Chart 2.5 shows the difference in IDI performance may be locked into a persistent low performance
between these quartiles in the global Index and level in the IDI which is associated with their
in the access and use sub-indices between 2010 general low level of economic development, and
and 2015. Like Chart 2.3, this shows the extent that specific policy approaches may be required to
of the gap in IDI performance between less- and address this.
more-developed countries. Higher rates of growth

Figure 2.3: Quartiles by IDI value, 2015

IDI Groups
Data not available Scale: 1:1,000,000

UNCS Disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on
the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the
delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and
Pakistan. The nal status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties. Final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the
Republic of South Sudan has not yet been determined. Final status of the Abyei area is not yet determined. A dispute exists between the Governments
of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).
The base map for this infographic is based on the UNmap database of the United Nations Cartographic Section. UNmap is being updated on a
continuous basis.

Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 59

Chart 2.5: IDI values by IDI performance The analysis reaffirms, firstly, the importance of
quartile, 2010 and 2015 assessing the broad ICT ecosystem, through a
composite index, as well as considering individual
IDI elements of that index. An ecosystem approach to
9 the ICT sector is particularly valuable because of
8 the role of ICTs as cross-cutting enabling resources
7 for other economic and social sectors, a role
that will become increasingly apparent during

% change: implementation of the Post-2015 Development
+35.7% Agenda. The ability of ICTs to fulfil their catalytic
% change:
2 +12.4% % change: potential for development depends not only
+25.4% % change:
1 +30.4% on connectivity and access, but also on usage,
0 types of usage and the ability of individuals and
High Upper Medium Low communities to exercise that usage to the full. The
IDI provides a valuable foundation for comparing
ICT development as a whole, as well as between
Access sub-index
countries, regions and developmental groupings,
as these change over time.
The findings reported in this chapter show
IDI access sub-index

5 that there has been continued growth in ICT
% change: readiness around the globe. Every economy in
3 % change: the Index achieved a higher overall IDI rating in
+5.0% % change: IDI 2015 than it had in 2010. The average global
2 +14.7% % change:
1 +24.0% performance increased by a significant margin.
0 There was significant improvement in most
High Upper Medium Low countries in both the access and use sub-indices,
although greater improvement in most countries
was made in usage indicators.
Use sub-index
More specifically, in the access sub-index, there
was a continued trend towards mass markets,
and so towards the maximum indicator value, in
IDI use sub-index

mobile-cellular subscriptions. At the same time,
5 it should be noted that the number of unique
% change: subscribers worldwide has been assessed by
3 % change: the GSM Association to be only around half
% change: +219.9% the number of subscriptions (GSMA, 2015a),11
2 +33.2% % change: so there is still significant improvement to be
1 +86.8%
0 made. However, the indicator for fixed-telephone
High Upper Medium Low subscriptions was stagnant in most countries,
reflecting the slight fall in global fixed-phone
2010 2015 connections associated with fixed-mobile
Source: ITU.

2.5 Conclusion There has been continuing growth in indicator

values for households with a computer and
The analysis of the ICT Development Index for households with Internet access. This growth
2015 in this chapter, and the comparisons drawn has been broadly consistent across all regions,
between it and the Index for 2010, confirm although there has been less growth in household
a number of observations made in Chapter 1 access to a computer in Africa, where a high
and, more broadly, about global trends in ICT proportion of Internet access is still achieved
markets and their relationship with development through cybercafs and other public access
objectives. facilities. Internet use is also estimated to have

60 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 2
grown substantially in all countries over the period IDI levels and GNI p.c., reflecting the importance
2001 to 2015, with very high rates of growth being of higher-value consumer markets in attracting
achieved in some countries at the bottom of the infrastructure investment (in the access sub-index)
distribution. and in generating demand for broadband and
Internet services (in the use sub-index).
There has been a relatively modest improvement
in the level of fixed-broadband connectivity A central purpose of the IDI is to enable analysis
worldwide. The most dynamic indicator in the and understanding of the digital divide between
Index has been the one for mobile-broadband developed and developing countries and
connectivity. This reflects the very low level of regions, and to point towards areas requiring or
mobile broadband in most countries in 2010, possibly susceptible to specific interventions. It
but has been the most influential single factor in is particularly important, therefore, to focus on
determining changes in overall IDI values in the the IDI performance of developing countries and
period under review. The skills sub-index, which countries below the average IDI distribution.
is made up of proxy indicators, has had relatively
little influence on the overall IDI changes between Overall trends between 2010 and 2015 suggest
2010 and 2015. that middle-income developing countries are
improving access and use indicators in the IDI in
The findings reported in this chapter also show ways that should enable them to keep up with
the continued importance and, in some contexts, the pace of ICT development in high-income
apparent growth of digital divides between regions economies, but that there is a significant risk
and countries. that the LCCs in the bottom quartile of the Index
are falling behind other developing countries,
It is notable that, as most countries have improved particularly in the use sub-index. There has been
their IDI values, overall IDI rankings have remained very little change in the composition of the LCC
relatively stable during the period under review. quartile between 2010 and 2015, with only three
Only 16 countries have improved their position in countries rising from LCC to medium ranking.
the rankings by ten or more places, and four by 20 There is also a strong coincidence between LCCs
or more places, while 17 countries have dropped and LDCs. Of the 42 LCCs, 34 are also LDCs, while
ten or more places in the rankings, with only one a number of other LDCs do not appear in the
having fallen by 20 or more places. IDI data set. This suggests that many countries
in this grouping may be locked into a persistent
The highest IDI rankings are filled, in 2015 as in low performance level in the IDI, associated with
2010, by high-income economies in Europe, North their general low level of economic development.
America and East Asia, although a number of If, as is frequently asserted, ICT development
these economies (in the Asia and Pacific region) will be an important determinant of progress
are classified by the United Nations as developing towards sustainable development during the next
countries. The lowest positions in the rankings, fifteen years, attention will need to be paid to this
in 2015 as in 2010, are dominated by African challenge in order to prevent a growing digital
countries, particularly LDCs. Overall, as illustrated divide reinforcing other development divides
in Chart 2.4, there is a strong correlation between between the majority of countries and LDCs.

Measuring the Information Society Report 61

This section is based on earlier editions of the Measuring the Information Society Report. The reader should also consult
Annex 1 to this report, as well as the 2009 edition of Measuring the Information Society (ITU, 2009), which describe the
methodology in more detail.
Previous reports can be accessed online at: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/publications/anapub.aspx.
Data on the indicators included in the skills sub-index are sourced from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). See
Annex 2 for more details on the definition of the indicators.
For more information on EGTI and EGH, see http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/definitions.
Household surveys traditionally ask about the availability of assets in the household, such as television, electricity,
refrigerator or piped water. A similar principle has been adopted for ICT equipment and services, i.e. that they should be
available for use by household members at home, regardless of whether they are used. They do not need to be owned
by the household.
For further information on EGTI, see http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/definitions/default.aspx.
See, for example, UNCTAD (2015), Chapter 3.
See http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm.
The list of LDCs in 2014 can be found at: http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/cdp/ldc/ldc_list.pdf.
ITU (2014b), pp 60-61.
GSM Association (2015), pp 4ff.

62 Measuring the Information Society Report

3 The ICT Development Index (IDI) regional
and country analysis

3.1 Introduction the 28 ITU Member States for which data were
not available, seven are from sub-Saharan Africa,
Chapter 2 described the ICT Development Index two from the Americas, five from the Arab States
and compared findings from the 2015 and 2010 region, eight from Asia (including seven from the
editions of the IDI at a global level. This chapter UN Oceania region), three from the CIS region and
extends that analysis in two ways. three from Europe.

Section 3.2 assesses IDI findings at a regional Table 3.1 sets out the results of IDI 2010 and
level. 2015 for each of the six ITU regions, while Chart
3.1 shows the distribution of the regional values
Section 3.3 explores findings for a number of for average, minimum and maximum IDI levels,
individual countries, including those at the top compared with the global average.
of the IDI distribution and some from among
those that have improved their position in the These data show that the European region has
overall IDI rankings most dynamically since the highest average IDI value, at 7.35 points, with
2010. only one country in the region (Albania) falling
below the global average of 5.03 points. The
average regional values for the CIS region, the
3.2 Regional IDI analysis Americas and the Arab States all now exceed the
global average of 5.03. Africa has by far the lowest
ITU Member States are divided into six regions average IDI rating, at 2.53, less than half of that in
Africa, the Americas, the Arab States, Asia and the every other region apart from Asia and the Pacific.
Pacific, the CIS region1 and Europe. These regions
differ in a number of respects from those in other There is considerably more variation in some
UN data series, including those published in the regions than in others. The CIS region shows the
Final WSIS Targets Review, most notably where the least range in IDI values, reflecting its relatively
Europe and Africa regions are concerned, and this small number of countries and their relative
should be borne in mind when undertaking any homogeneity in terms of both ICT and more
comparative analysis with other data sets. general economic development. The Europe
region also has a relatively narrow range between
The IDI 2015 data published in this volume are its maximum and minimum IDI values, together
derived from the 167 economies for which both with low standard deviation (StDev) and coefficient
2010 and 2015 data are available (166 economies of variation (CV), reflecting relative ICT sector
for IDI 2010, with the addition of South Sudan, and general economic homogeneity. The IDI
which was part of Sudan in 2010, for 2015). Of distribution within Africa is more variable, around

Table 3.1: IDI by region, 2015 and 2010

IDI 2015 IDI 2010 
Z Max. D Z  ^ CV Max. D Z  ^ CV Z  CV
Arab States 
The Americas 

Note: *Simple averages. StDev = standard deviation. CV = coefficient of variation.

Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 63

Chart 3.1: IDI by region compared with global average, 2015


6 5.81
5.10 5.09
IDI 2015


Regional average 2.53
World average: 5.03
1 Range

Europe CIS Arab States The Americas Asia & Pacic Africa
Source: ITU.

much lower IDI values consistent with its lower country (Albania) increased by more than that of
average level of economic development. The range its highest-ranking country (Denmark), which was
of IDI values is greater in the Americas and the already quite close to the maximum in 2010. The
Arab States, both of which are characterized by a range of IDI values increased most dramatically in
wider range of GNI p.c. levels, and greatest in the Africa, where the lowest-ranking country (Chad)
Asia and Pacific region, which includes a number of improved its value much less than the highest-
top performers in the Index, such as the Republic ranking country (Mauritius).
of Korea, Hong Kong (China) and Japan, as well as a
number of least connected countries (LCCs), such Comparisons between minimum and maximum
as Afghanistan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. values, however, are easily influenced by outliers
and therefore less valuable than those between
The rate of growth in average IDI values by region standard deviation (StDev) and coefficient of
between 2010 and 2015 was highly influenced by variation (CV). CV values fell in all regions other
the benchmark level set in 2010, and a comparison than the Arab States between 2010 and 2015,
between data from these two years should while those for StDev rose in all regions other than
therefore draw on both absolute and relative Europe (where it fell) and the Asia-Pacific region
performance. Thus, Africa has experienced a (where it effectively remained unchanged). The
growth rate of 35 per cent while raising its average most dramatic changes in these indicators were in
value by 0.65 points (from 1.87 to 2.53), while the Arab States, which saw significant increases in
Europes growth rate of 13.4 per cent is the result both StDev and CV, reflecting the substantial rises
of a rise of 0.87 points in its average value (from in IDI ratings and rankings that were achieved by
6.48 to 7.35). Africa aside, the regions that have a group of high-income oil-exporting countries, of
shown the highest rates of growth, both absolute which three (Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates
and relative, between 2010 and 2015 are the and Saudi Arabia) rose from the upper to the high
CIS region and the Arab States. These findings quartile of the overall distribution.
suggest that, in spite of its relatively high rate
of growth in IDI values over the period, Africa is Table 3.2 illustrates the five highest- and lowest-
not experiencing sufficient growth to reduce its ranking countries in each region in terms of IDI, in
relative disadvantage and so reduce the digital order to provide further insights into differences in
divide between it and other regions. ICT development.

The difference between highest and lowest IDI The top four European countries are from
values fell sharply in Europe between 2010 and Northern Europe, and European countries,
2015, as the value of the regions lowest-ranking including all five Nordic countries, fill nine of

64 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Table 3.2: Highest- and lowest-ranking countries by region
Regional IDI Global IDI Regional IDI Global IDI
Country IDI Country IDI
rank rank rank rank
Europe Arab States
1 Denmark 8.88 2 1 Bahrain 7.63 27
2 Iceland 8.86 3 2 Qatar 7.44 31
3 United Kingdom 8.75 4 3 United Arab Emirates 7.32 32
4 Sweden 8.67 5 4 Saudi Arabia 7.05 41
5 Luxembourg 8.59 6 5 Kuwait 6.83 46

36 TFYR Macedonia 6.07 60 12 Algeria 3.71 113

37 Montenegro 5.90 65 13 Syria 3.48 117
38 Turkey 5.58 69 14 Sudan 2.93 126
39 Bosnia and 5.28 77 15 Djibouti 2.19 148
Herzegovina 16 Mauritania 2.07 150
40 Albania 4.73 94
Asia & Pacific 1 Belarus 7.18 36
1 Korea (Rep.) 8.93 1 2 Russian Federation 6.91 45
2 Hong Kong, China 8.52 9 3 Kazakhstan 6.20 58
3 Japan 8.47 11 4 Moldova 5.81 66
4 Australia 8.29 13 5 Azerbaijan 5.79 67
5 New Zealand 8.14 16
5 Azerbaijan 5.79 67
28 Solomon Islands 2.42 139 6 Armenia 5.32 76
29 Myanmar 2.27 142 7 Georgia 5.25 78
30 Pakistan 2.24 143 8 Ukraine 5.23 79
31 Bangladesh 2.22 144 9 Kyrgyzstan 4.62 97
32 Afghanistan 1.83 156
The Americas 1 Mauritius 5.41 73
1 United States 8.19 15 2 Seychelles 4.96 87
2 Canada 7.76 23 3 South Africa 4.90 88
3 Barbados 7.57 29 4 Cape Verde 4.62 96
4 Uruguay 6.70 49 5 Ghana 3.90 109
5 Argentina 6.40 52
33 Malawi 1.61 163
29 Belize 3.56 116 34 Madagascar 1.51 164
30 Honduras 3.33 120 35 Ethiopia 1.45 165
31 Guatemala 3.26 121 36 Eritrea 1.22 166
32 Nicaragua 3.04 123 37 Chad 1.17 167
33 Cuba 2.79 129
Source: ITU.

the top twelve positions in the global rankings. an IDI level above the world average and is in the
The nine countries towards the bottom of high and upper quartile of the overall distribution.
the European distribution are all from south-
eastern Europe, and the lowest five are outside The top five countries in the Asia and Pacific region
the common telecommunications regulatory (three high-income economies in East Asia and
framework of the European Union. However, all two in Oceania) are all within the IDI top twenty
but one of these lower performing countries has economies worldwide. The five lowest-ranking

Measuring the Information Society Report 65

countries in the region, however, are among the comparing spider charts of the average ratings
LCCs. Four of these are large countries, while one achieved in the different regions against each of
is a small Pacific-island State. The lowest-ranking the indicators in the Index. The spider charts for
country in the region, Afghanistan, is a least- each region are grouped within Chart 3.2, together
developed country (LDC) that has experienced a with a world chart to enable comparison with
long period of disruptive conflict. global average ratings. In considering these charts,
it should be noted that, because they are averaged
The top five countries in the Americas are more distributions, they do not reflect the range of
widely distributed in the global rankings, reflecting values between outliers at the top and bottom of
differences between countries in North America, the distribution, which is particularly significant in
the Caribbean and Central and South America. the Asia-Pacific region.
All but one of the lowest-ranking countries in the
region, from Central America and the Caribbean, These spider charts show clearly the following
falls within the middle and lower quartiles of the three distinct IDI rating and trend patterns since
overall distribution. 2010, as reflected in the preceding discussion:

The top five countries among the Arab States In one region Europe the distribution of
are all oil and gas exporting countries belonging IDI values reflects high levels of performance
to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Three of across the board, with relatively small
these Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and increases towards maximum values for access
Saudi Arabia feature among the most dynamic and usage, and with the most significant
countries in the IDI between 2010 and 2015. All increase in values being derived from the
but one of the countries from this region with IDIs indicator for mobile-broadband subscriptions.
towards the bottom of the distribution are from
north Africa (and would be included in the Africa Four regions the Americas, the Arab
region in other UN data sets). The fifth country States, the Asia and Pacific region and the
among those with low IDIs, Syria, which has been CIS region have broadly similar average
experiencing civil conflict, has fallen significantly in distributions, beginning from significantly
the rankings since 2010. lower levels for access and use indicators
than those in Europe, and with broadly
All of the countries within the CIS region are comparable increases in those indicators over
within the top 100 IDI rankings (although it should the period under consideration. These regions
be noted that data are not available for three generally have much lower values for fixed-
countries in this region). The CIS has the narrowest telephone subscriptions than Europe. The
overall range of rankings of any region. most significant areas of growth in indicator
values since 2010 have been those for mobile-
The Africa region shows by far the lowest broadband subscriptions, Internet users and
performance levels of any region, with no households with Internet access.
country in the high quartile and only one country
(Mauritius) in the upper half of the overall One region Africa shows a differently-
distribution. The five countries with the lowest IDI shaped overall distribution, reflecting its much
levels in Africa, all of which are LDCs, are also the lower baselines in 2010 as well as differences
five countries at the bottom of the global rankings. in the relative distribution of particular ICT
Altogether, 29 of the 37 countries from the Africa resources for example, the extremely
region in the Index fall into the lower quartile of IDI low average rating for fixed-telephone
rankings. Data were not available from a further subscriptions, and more rapid growth,
seven African countries. These results suggest from a lower baseline, in mobile-cellular
that there is a considerable ongoing challenge subscriptions. In this region, on average, it is
in ensuring that African countries, particularly the growth in mobile-cellular subscriptions
LDCs, can overcome the digital divide and derive and international Internet bandwidth per user
maximum benefit from ICTs for their development. that have been the most dynamic indicators,
rather than growth in mobile-broadband
Some of the similarities and differences between subscriptions or number of Internet users
regions can be explored in more detail by (although these two indicators have also

66 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Chart 3.2: Average IDI rating for each indicator, world regions, 2010 and 2015

1.0 Mobile-cellular
Adult literacy subscriptions
0.6 International
Tertiary Internet bandwidth
enrolment 0.4
per Internet user

Secondary 0.0 Households with

enrolment computer

Active Households with

mobile-broadband Internet
Fixed-broadband Internet users

Africa Arab States

Fixed-telephone Fixed-telephone
subscriptions subscriptions
1.0 1.0
Adult literacy Mobile-cellular Adult literacy Mobile-cellular
0.8 subscriptions 0.8 subscriptions

0.6 International Tertiary
0.6 International
enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth
per Internet user per Internet user
0.2 0.2

Secondary 0.0 Secondary 0.0

Households with Households with
enrolment computer enrolment computer

Active Households with Active Households with

mobile-broadband Internet mobile-broadband Internet
subscriptions subscriptions
Fixed-broadband Internet users Fixed-broadband Internet users
subscriptions subscriptions

Asia & Pacic CIS

Fixed-telephone Fixed-telephone
subscriptions subscriptions
1.0 Mobile-cellular 1.0
Adult literacy Mobile-cellular
Adult literacy 0.8 subscriptions 0.8 subscriptions

0.6 International Tertiary
0.6 International
enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth
per Internet user per Internet user
0.2 0.2

Secondary 0.0 Secondary 0.0

Households with Households with
enrolment computer enrolment computer

Active Households with Active Households with

mobile-broadband Internet mobile-broadband Internet
subscriptions subscriptions
Fixed-broadband Internet users Fixed-broadband Internet users
subscriptions subscriptions

2010 2015

Measuring the Information Society Report 67

Chart 3.2: Average IDI rating for each indicator, world regions, 2010 and 2015 (continued)
Europe The Americas

Fixed-telephone Fixed-telephone
subscriptions subscriptions
1.0 1.0
Adult literacy Mobile-cellular Adult literacy Mobile-cellular
0.8 subscriptions 0.8 subscriptions

0.6 International Tertiary
0.6 International
enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth
per Internet user per Internet user
0.2 0.2

Secondary 0.0 Secondary 0.0

Households with Households with
enrolment computer enrolment computer

Active Households with Active Households with

mobile-broadband Internet mobile-broadband Internet
subscriptions subscriptions
Fixed-broadband Internet users Fixed-broadband Internet users
subscriptions subscriptions

2010 2015

Source: ITU.

seen significant growth). This is on account Altogether, 29 out of 37 African countries ranked
of the lower baseline for mobile-cellular as LCCs in the bottom quartile of the overall
subscriptions in Africa in 2010, the impact distribution, including the 11 countries with the
of the new submarine cables that have since lowest overall Index rankings. A number of African
landed along the East and West African coasts, LDCs are not included in the IDI for 2015 owing
and the high cost in lower-income countries to a lack of data, including the country which
of broadband subscriptions, which are beyond recorded the lowest ranking in IDI 2013 (the
the reach of Africas more numerous low- Central African Republic). These findings illustrate
income households. the extent to which Africa continues to lag behind
other regions in ICT development, and the
The limited significance of the skills indicators consequent importance of addressing the regions
on the majority of IDI values is evident from a ongoing digital divide.
comparison between these charts, although
changes in these indicators have significantly While all countries in the region showed an
affected the IDI ratings and rankings of a small improvement in IDI levels between 2010 and 2015
number of individual countries. (as was the case in other regions), only a minority
saw substantial improvements in their IDI rankings
The averaged results for each region described between 2010 and 2015. The most significant
above should be borne in mind while reading the improvements occurred in Ghana (up 21 places),
following paragraphs, which outline the results for Lesotho (up 13 places), Cape Verde (up 11 places)
each region in more detail. and Mali (up ten places). Nigeria, the regions
most populous country and largest economy in
terms of nominal GDP, which has seen substantial
Africa investment in ICTs in recent years, ranked only
134th, almost exactly the same as in 2010, while
The IDI values for Africa are set out in Table 3.3 South Africa, its second largest economy, had the
and Chart 3.3. As noted above, this region shows same ranking, 88th, in both years.
by far the lowest IDI performance levels of any
region. Only one country, Mauritius, had an IDI
value above the global average in IDI 2015, and Arab States
only four countries Mauritius, Seychelles, South
Africa and Cape Verde ranked in the top 100 IDI ratings for the Arab States region are set
out of 167, or exceeded the average value for out in Table 3.4 and Chart 3.4, where they are
developing countries in IDI 2015. compared with the global average and averages
for developed and developing countries. The top

68 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Table 3.3: IDI rankings, Africa region, 2015
Global rank
Regional rank Global rank Global rank change
Economy 2015 2015 IDI 2015 2010 IDI 2010 2015-2010
Mauritius 1 73 5.41 72 4.31 -1
Seychelles 2 87 4.96 81 3.98 -6
South Africa 3 88 4.90 88 3.65 0
Cape Verde 4 96 4.62 107 3.14 11
Ghana 5 109 3.90 130 1.98 21
Botswana 6 111 3.82 117 2.86 6
Namibia 7 118 3.41 120 2.63 2
Kenya 8 124 3.02 126 2.09 2
Zimbabwe 9 127 2.90 132 1.97 5
Lesotho 10 128 2.81 141 1.74 13
Senegal 11 132 2.68 137 1.80 5
Gabon 12 133 2.68 122 2.41 -11
Nigeria 13 134 2.61 133 1.96 -1
Gambia 14 135 2.60 129 1.99 -6
Cte dIvoire 15 137 2.51 142 1.74 5
Angola 16 140 2.32 144 1.68 4
Congo (Rep.) 17 141 2.27 136 1.83 -5
Mali 18 145 2.22 155 1.46 10
Equatorial Guinea 19 146 2.21 134 1.96 -12
Cameroon 20 147 2.19 149 1.60 2
Uganda 21 149 2.14 151 1.57 2
Benin 22 151 2.05 147 1.63 -4
Togo 23 152 2.04 145 1.64 -7
Zambia 24 153 2.04 152 1.55 -1
Rwanda 25 154 2.04 154 1.47 0
Liberia 26 155 1.86 161 1.24 6
Tanzania 27 157 1.82 153 1.54 -4
Mozambique 28 158 1.82 160 1.28 2
Burkina Faso 29 159 1.77 165 1.13 6
Congo (Dem. Rep.) 30 160 1.65 162 1.23 2
South Sudan 31 161 1.63 - - -
Guinea-Bissau 32 162 1.61 158 1.33 -4
Malawi 33 163 1.61 159 1.33 -4
Madagascar 34 164 1.51 157 1.34 -7
Ethiopia 35 165 1.45 166 1.07 1
Eritrea 36 166 1.22 164 1.14 -2
Chad 37 167 1.17 167 0.88 0
Average 2.53 1.89

Source: ITU.

five countries in this region in IDI 2015 Bahrain, These countries at the top of the rankings have
Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and seen higher-than-average improvements in their
Kuwait are all oil-rich high-income economies IDI levels since 2010, with five of them achieving
that are members of the GCC. These countries all improvements that are among the most dynamic
have IDI levels over 6.50 and appear in the top worldwide. Bahrain improved its position in the
50 countries in the global rankings for 2015. Two global rankings by 21 places, from 48th to 27th,
other countries in the region Oman and Lebanon between 2010 and 2015; the UAE, Saudi Arabia
also exceed the global average value in 2015. and Oman by 17, 15 and 14 places, respectively;

Measuring the Information Society Report 69

Chart 3.3: IDI values, Africa region, 2015

7 Developed
5 World
IDI 2015

4 Developing
South Africa





Equatorial Guinea



South Sudan


Cte d'Ivoire

Congo (Rep.)


Burkina Faso
Congo (Dem. Rep.)

Cape Verde

Source: ITU.

Table 3.4: IDI rankings, Arab States region, 2015

Global rank
Regional rank Global rank Global rank change
Economy 2015 2015 IDI 2015 2010 IDI 2010 2015-2010
Bahrain 1 27 7.63 48 5.42 21
Qatar 2 31 7.44 37 6.10 6
United Arab Emirates 3 32 7.32 49 5.38 17
Saudi Arabia 4 41 7.05 56 4.96 15
Kuwait 5 46 6.83 45 5.64 -1
Oman 6 54 6.33 68 4.41 14
Lebanon 7 56 6.29 77 4.18 21
Jordan 8 92 4.75 84 3.82 -8
Tunisia 9 93 4.73 93 3.62 0
Morocco 10 99 4.47 96 3.55 -3
Egypt 11 100 4.40 98 3.48 -2
Algeria 12 113 3.71 114 2.99 1
Syria 13 117 3.48 106 3.14 -11
Sudan 14 126 2.93 127 2.05 1
Djibouti 15 148 2.19 143 1.69 -5
Mauritania 16 150 2.07 146 1.63 -4
Average 5.10 3.88

Source: ITU.

and Lebanon by 21 places. The improvement States and other countries in the region. Those
in the rankings by Bahrain and Lebanon was values rose in the GCC countries by an average of
exceeded globally only by Costa Rica. Much less 1.78 points between 2010 and 2015, while in non-
progress was achieved at the lower end of the GCC countries they rose by an average of only 0.89
scale, however. A number of countries in the points (or 0.75 points if high-performing Lebanon
region saw their IDI rankings fall, with substantial is excluded). This suggests that there is a growing
falls for Syria, which has experienced extensive digital divide between the GCC Member States and
conflict during the period (down 11 places), and most of the other countries in the region.
Jordan (down eight places).
The strong performance of the GCC countries
Even more concerning, in terms of the digital reflects the association between IDI and GNI p.c.
divide, is the growing differential in IDI values discussed in Chapter 2, while the performance of
which can be observed between GCC Member countries lower down the rankings, particularly

70 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Chart 3.4: IDI values, Arab States region, 2015

7 Developed
Arab States
5 World
IDI 2015

4 Developing

Saudi Arabia






United Arab





Source: ITU.

the regions LDCs (Sudan, Djibouti and Mauritania), Pacific region. A further five countries in the
reflects the experience of lower-income countries region Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand,
in other regions. This growing digital divide within Maldives and China have IDI rankings within the
the region has been noted with concern by the top half of the distribution, while another three
United Nations Economic and Social Commission Mongolia, Iran and the Philippines fall within the
for Western Asia (ESCWA).2 top hundred. Several of these countries have risen
significantly in the rankings over the half-decade,
including Thailand (up 18 places), Mongolia (up 13
Asia and the Pacific places), Iran (up eight places) and the Philippines
(up seven places), while there has been one
Asia and the Pacific is the most diverse region in substantial fall (Brunei Darussalam, down 18
terms of ICT development, reflecting the stark places). These eight middle-ranking countries have
differences in levels of economic development seen an average improvement of 1.25 in their
between OECD member countries and other high- IDI values between 2010 and 2015, higher than
income economies, on the one hand, and LDCs on any of the economies above them in the regional
the other. IDI values for this region are set out in rankings other than Hong Kong (China).
Table 3.5 and Chart 3.5.
The remaining 17 countries in the region, with
The IDI rankings in the region are headed by seven IDI rankings below 100, form a diverse group
economies the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong encompassing very large countries including
(China), Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore India, Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh, as well
and Macao (China) which have IDI levels above as small island States such as Samoa, Vanuatu
7.50 and which rank among the top 25 economies and the Solomon Islands. These countries have
worldwide. These include the global leader, the experienced an average improvement of 0.72
Republic of Korea. All of these economies were in their IDI values over the period 2010-2015,
also near the top of the IDI rankings in 2010, less than the corresponding figure for the group
although there has been a significant drop in of countries above them in the rankings, but
the rankings of Singapore (down eight places starting from a lower base. The sharpest rise in
from 11th to 19th) and Macao (China) (down ten the rankings within this group of countries came
places from 14th to 24th) during this period. The from Bhutan (up nine places) and Myanmar (up
average nominal growth in IDI rates in these seven eight places), while significant falls were recorded
countries since 2010 is 0.70 points, much less than by Vietnam (down eight places), India (down six
that of the highest performers in the Arab States places) and Pakistan (down five places).
region, reflecting the starting position of these
countries towards the high end of potentially
achievable values. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

There is a substantial gap in IDI values and rankings IDI values for the CIS region are set out in Table 3.6
between these high-performing economies and and Chart 3.6. As noted above, the CIS region has
the next-highest-ranking countries in the Asia-

Measuring the Information Society Report 71

Table 3.5: IDI rankings, Asia and the Pacific, 2015
Global rank
Regional rank Global rank Global rank change
Economy 2015 2015 IDI 2015 2010 IDI 2010 2015-2010
Korea (Rep.) 1 1 8.93 1 8.64 0
Hong Kong, China 2 9 8.52 13 7.41 4
Japan 3 11 8.47 9 7.73 -2
Australia 4 13 8.29 15 7.32 2
New Zealand 5 16 8.14 19 7.17 3
Singapore 6 19 8.08 11 7.62 -8
Macao, China 7 24 7.73 14 7.38 -10
Malaysia 8 64 5.90 61 4.85 -3
Brunei Darussalam 9 71 5.53 53 5.05 -18
Thailand 10 74 5.36 92 3.62 18
Maldives 11 81 5.08 82 3.92 1
China 12 82 5.05 87 3.69 5
Mongolia 13 84 5.00 97 3.52 13
Iran (I.R.) 14 91 4.79 99 3.48 8
Philippines 15 98 4.57 105 3.16 7
Fiji 16 101 4.33 102 3.28 1
Viet Nam 17 102 4.28 94 3.61 -8
Indonesia 18 108 3.94 109 3.11 1
Tonga 19 110 3.82 111 3.08 1
Sri Lanka 20 115 3.64 115 2.97 0
Bhutan 21 119 3.35 128 2.02 9
Samoa 22 122 3.11 121 2.43 -1
Vanuatu 23 125 2.93 124 2.19 -1
Cambodia 24 130 2.74 131 1.98 1
India 25 131 2.69 125 2.14 -6
Nepal 26 136 2.59 140 1.75 4
Lao P.D.R. 27 138 2.45 135 1.92 -3
Solomon Islands 28 139 2.42 139 1.78 0
Myanmar 29 142 2.27 150 1.58 8
Pakistan 30 143 2.24 138 1.79 -5
Bangladesh 31 144 2.22 148 1.61 4
Afghanistan 32 156 1.83 156 1.37 0
Average 4.70 3.85

Source: ITU.

the fewest countries of any region, only nine of within the region, with an IDI level of 6.91 and
which have been included in IDI 2015. a global ranking of 45th. All nine of the countries
in this region fall below the average developed-
The average increase in IDI values in this country IDI value of 7.41 for 2015. However, all but
region over the five-year period (1.43 points) is one Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia have rankings in
significantly above the average increase for the the top half of the distribution and a value for IDI
world as a whole (0.89 points). Belarus is the 2015 which is above the global average. Kyrgyzstan
highest-ranked country, at 36th, with an IDI level has, however, experienced the greatest rise in
of 7.18 in 2015, having risen by 1.88 points and ranking since 2010 (up 15 places), while only one
14 places, and having overtaken the Russian country in the region, Ukraine, has experienced a
Federation, since 2015. It is the only country in fall in its global rankings, during a period of conflict.
the region within the highest quartile of global
rankings. The Russian Federation is in second place

72 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Chart 3.5: IDI values, Asia and the Pacific, 2015
8 Developed
IDI 2015

5 Asia and the Pacic
4 Developing

Macao, China



Lao P.D.R.
Solomon Islands

Korea (Rep.)
Hong Kong, China

New Zealand

Brunei Darussalam

Iran (I.R.)

Viet Nam

Sri Lanka



Source: ITU.

Table 3.6: IDI rankings, CIS region, 2015

Global rank
Regional rank Global rank Global rank change
Economy 2015 2015 IDI 2015 2010 IDI 2010 2015-2010
Belarus 1 36 7.18 50 5.30 14
Russian Federation 2 45 6.91 46 5.57 1
Kazakhstan 3 58 6.20 62 4.81 4
Moldova 4 66 5.81 74 4.28 8
Azerbaijan 5 67 5.79 76 4.21 9
Armenia 6 76 5.32 78 4.10 2
Georgia 7 78 5.25 85 3.76 7
Ukraine 8 79 5.23 69 4.41 -10
Kyrgyzstan 9 97 4.62 112 3.02 15
Average 5.81 4.38

Source: ITU.

Chart 3.6: IDI values, CIS region, 2015

7 Developed
6 CIS countries
5 World
IDI 2015

4 Developing
Belarus Russian Kazakhstan Moldova Azerbaijan Armenia Georgia Ukraine Kyrgyzstan
Source: ITU.

Europe ten countries at the top of the global rankings,

and 13 of the top 20, are from this region, which
All countries in the Europe region, apart from is a slight increase on 2010, and all of these top
Albania, have IDI values above the global average European countries have IDI levels above 8.0. IDI
of 5.03 and fall within the high and upper quartiles ratings for all countries in the region are set out in
of the Index, reflecting the regions high levels of Table 3.7 and Chart 3.7.
economic development and GNI p.c. Eight of the

Measuring the Information Society Report 73

Table 3.7: IDI rankings, Europe region, 2015
Global rank
Regional rank Global rank Global rank change
Economy 2015 2015 IDI 2015 2010 IDI 2010 2015-2010
Denmark 1 2 8.88 4 8.18 2
Iceland 2 3 8.86 3 8.19 0
United Kingdom 3 4 8.75 10 7.62 6
Sweden 4 5 8.67 2 8.43 -3
Luxembourg 5 6 8.59 8 7.82 2
Switzerland 6 7 8.56 12 7.60 5
Netherlands 7 8 8.53 7 7.82 -1
Norway 8 10 8.49 5 8.16 -5
Finland 9 12 8.36 6 7.96 -6
Germany 10 14 8.22 17 7.28 3
France 11 17 8.12 18 7.22 1
Monaco 12 18 8.10 22 7.01 4
Estonia 13 20 8.05 25 6.70 5
Belgium 14 21 7.88 24 6.76 3
Ireland 15 22 7.82 20 7.04 -2
Austria 16 25 7.67 23 6.90 -2
Spain 17 26 7.66 30 6.53 4
Andorra 18 28 7.60 29 6.60 1
Malta 19 30 7.52 28 6.67 -2
Slovenia 20 33 7.23 27 6.69 -6
Czech Republic 21 34 7.21 33 6.30 -1
Israel 22 35 7.19 26 6.69 -9
Latvia 23 37 7.16 34 6.22 -3
Italy 24 38 7.12 31 6.38 -7
Greece 25 39 7.09 35 6.20 -4
Lithuania 26 40 7.08 39 6.02 -1
Croatia 27 42 7.00 42 5.82 0
Portugal 28 43 6.93 36 6.15 -7
Poland 29 44 6.91 32 6.38 -12
Slovakia 30 47 6.82 40 5.96 -7
Hungary 31 48 6.82 41 5.92 -7
Bulgaria 32 50 6.52 47 5.45 -3
Serbia 33 51 6.45 51 5.29 0
Cyprus 34 53 6.37 44 5.75 -9
Romania 35 59 6.11 55 4.99 -4
TFYR Macedonia 36 60 6.07 57 4.96 -3
Montenegro 37 65 5.90 60 4.89 -5
Turkey 38 69 5.58 67 4.56 -2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 39 77 5.28 75 4.28 -2
Albania 40 94 4.73 89 3.65 -5
Average 7.35 6.48

Source: ITU.

While the region as a whole has very high IDI levels and Eastern Europe. The five Nordic countries
and rankings, positions at the top of the regional Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Finland
rankings are mostly held by countries in Northern all rank within the top nine in the region and the
and Western Europe, while those towards the top twelve worldwide. Denmark, which is Europes
bottom of the rankings are mostly in Southern top performer with an IDI value of 8.88, was the

74 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Chart 3.7: IDI ratings, Europe region, 2015
8 Developed
7 Europe
IDI 2015

5 World
4 Developing


Bosnia and H
United Kingdom




TFYR Macedonia









Czech Republic

Source: ITU.

highest performing country the previous year, as rank within the top quartile of IDI 2015, with
reported in the 2014 edition of the Measuring the global rankings of 15th, 23rd and 29th, respectively.
Information Society Report. Its ranking this year
has fallen below that of the Republic of Korea, The three countries at the top of the regional
following a fall in fixed telephone penetration. The rankings significantly outperform all other
regions most populous country, Germany, ranks countries in the region, with IDI levels approaching
14th worldwide, with an IDI value of 8.22, but has one whole point above the next highest regional
a higher ranking (fifth) in the access sub-index. performer, Uruguay. As many as 29 of the regions
The United Kingdom has achieved the greatest countries fall within the upper and medium
improvement since 2010, rising six places to fourth quartiles, in the middle of the global rankings, with
in the global rankings, with an IDI value that has only one, Cuba, among the LCCs.
risen 1.13 points to 8.75.
Of all the regions, countries in the Americas region
The lowest 14 rankings in the region are held by have experienced some of the most significant
countries on the Mediterranean and in Eastern changes, both upward and downward, in IDI
Europe, including five of the countries that were ranking over the five-year period. The most
formerly parts of Yugoslavia. While only Norway dynamic country worldwide has been Costa Rica,
and Finland have lost significant ground to other which rose 23 places in the Index between 2010
countries at the top of the rankings, falling five and 2015. Other substantial rises were achieved
and six places respectively, more countries from by Suriname (up 15 places), Brazil (up 12 places),
the south and east of the region have done so, Barbados (up nine places) and Colombia (up eight
including Poland (down 12 places), Israel and places). At the same time, a number of countries,
Cyprus (each down nine places), and Portugal, particularly in the Caribbean, have seen their IDI
Slovakia and Hungary (each down seven places). rankings fall sharply, including St. Kitts and Nevis
Nevertheless, all countries in the region have (down 20 places), Grenada (down 19 places), St.
continued to see improvements in their IDI values, Lucia (down 16 places), Dominica (down 14 places)
with an average increase of 0.87 points since 2010. and Jamaica (down ten places). Other significant
This is a highly positive performance given that all falls were recorded for Peru (down 13 places),
but one country in the region was already in the Belize (down 12 places), Guyana (down 11 places),
upper half of the distribution in that year. and Panama and Cuba (both down ten places).
Thereductions in several of these countries appear
to be driven by reductions in the reported level of
The Americas mobile-cellular subscriptions, while that in Cuba is
partly accounted for by a fall in its rating for tertiary
The United States, Canada and Barbados lead the enrolment). The average increase in IDI level was
IDI rankings in the Americas, which are set out in substantially higher for countries in mainland Latin
Table 3.8 and Chart 3.8, with IDI values of 8.19, America (1.09 points) than for Caribbean and
7.76 and 7.57, respectively. These three countries Caribbean-facing countries (0.73 points).

Measuring the Information Society Report 75

Table 3.8: IDI rankings, Americas region, 2015
Global Global rank
Regional rank rank Global rank change
Economy 2015 2015 IDI 2015 2010 IDI 2010 2015-2010
United States 1 15 8.19 16 7.30 1
Canada 2 23 7.76 21 7.03 -2
Barbados 3 29 7.57 38 6.04 9
Uruguay 4 49 6.70 52 5.19 3
Argentina 5 52 6.40 54 5.02 2
Chile 6 55 6.31 59 4.90 4
Costa Rica 7 57 6.20 80 4.07 23
Brazil 8 61 6.03 73 4.29 12
Antigua & Barbuda 9 62 5.93 58 4.91 -4
St. Kitts and Nevis 10 63 5.92 43 5.80 -20
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 11 68 5.69 63 4.69 -5
Trinidad & Tobago 12 70 5.57 65 4.58 -5
Venezuela 13 72 5.48 71 4.36 -1
Colombia 14 75 5.32 83 3.91 8
Dominica 15 80 5.12 66 4.56 -14
Grenada 16 83 5.05 64 4.67 -19
Suriname 17 85 4.99 100 3.39 15
St. Lucia 18 86 4.98 70 4.39 -16
Panama 19 89 4.87 79 4.07 -10
Ecuador 20 90 4.81 90 3.65 0
Mexico 21 95 4.68 86 3.70 -9
Dominican Rep. 22 103 4.26 101 3.38 -2
Peru 23 104 4.26 91 3.64 -13
Jamaica 24 105 4.23 95 3.60 -10
El Salvador 25 106 4.20 110 3.10 4
Bolivia 26 107 4.08 113 3.00 6
Paraguay 27 112 3.79 108 3.11 -4
Guyana 28 114 3.65 103 3.24 -11
Belize 29 116 3.56 104 3.17 -12
Honduras 30 120 3.33 116 2.94 -4
Guatemala 31 121 3.26 118 2.86 -3
Nicaragua 32 123 3.04 123 2.40 0
Cuba 33 129 2.79 119 2.66 -10
Average 5.09 4.17

Source: ITU.

3.3 Top performers and dynamic section illustrate the experience of these countries
countries in spider charts which compare the changes in
their ratings between IDI 2010 and IDI 2015 for
This section of the chapter looks at the experience each of the fifteen indicators included in the Index.
of a number of individual countries which are The charts help to illustrate the ways in which
at the top of the Index or have improved their these high-performing and dynamic countries have
position in the IDI rankings most dynamically improved their performance during the period.
during the period between 2010 and 2015.
Chart 3.9 presents spider charts for three
The following paragraphs look in more detail at the countries at or near the top of the overall IDI
experience of a number of the highest-performing rankings, namely the Republic of Korea, Denmark
and most dynamic countries. The charts in this and the United Kingdom.

76 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Chart 3.8: IDI values, Americas region, 2015
8 Developed
IDI 2015

5 World
4 Developing
United States
Costa Rica
Antigua & Barbuda
St. Kitts and Nevis
St. Vincent and
Trinidad & Tobago
St. Lucia

Dominican Rep.

El Salvador



Source: ITU.

The two highest-performing countries in the Index in Denmark is notably higher than in the Republic
in 2015 are the Republic of Korea and Denmark. of Korea. The fall in the number of fixed-telephone
As might be expected of countries with very high subscriptions reflects the global decline in this
overall Index scores, these countries show high indicator. The other area in which Denmark falls
levels of attainment across all indicators in all three significantly behind the Republic of Korea is in
sub-indices. one of the proxy indicators for ICT skills, namely
tertiary enrolment.
The Republic of Koreas ICT and IDI achievements
in recent years are outlined further in Box 3.1. The The principal area of improvement in Denmarks
country shows very high scores for all indicators performance since 2010 has been in mobile-
in 2015. Figures for skills indicators in the country broadband penetration, which has risen from
were already at, or almost, 1.00 (100 per cent) 63.9 to 115.8 per 100 people during the period,
in 2010, and have remained at that level since catching up with and slightly overtaking the
then. There have been significant rises in scores Republic of Koreas performance. The main
for the proportion of citizens with mobile-cellular area other than tertiary enrolment in which
subscriptions and for international Internet there is scope for improvement in the IDI level
bandwidth per user. Almost all of the countrys in the future is, as in the Republic of Korea, the
households have Internet access, while 87.9 penetration of fixed-broadband subscriptions,
per cent of the population are estimated to be which was 41.4 per cent in 2015.
Internet users.
These comparisons between the Republic of Korea
The second highest performer in the overall Index and Denmark reflect the broader differences
in both 2010 and 2015 was a Nordic country between high-performing countries in East Asia
Sweden in 2010, and Denmark in 2015. Denmarks and Northern Europe illustrated in Chart 3.2.
experience is described further in Box 3.2.
The most dynamic rise among the IDIs top-
The composition of Denmarks overall Index ranking countries was that of the United Kingdom,
performance shows some noteworthy differences resulting almost entirely from a higher rate of
when compared with that of the Republic of Korea. growth in the indicator for mobile-broadband
Denmark has higher levels of performance in three subscriptions, which more than doubled between
of the five access indicators, falling behind only in 2010 and 2015.
the proportion of households with Internet access
(although it has significantly more households with Data from Ofcoms consumer surveys show that
a computer) and in fixed-telephone subscriptions the percentage of the population using data
(which have fallen from 47.1 to 33.3 per 100 services on mobile phones more than doubled
inhabitants between IDI 2010 and IDI 2015). (from 26 to 57 per cent) over the period under
International Internet bandwidth per Internet user consideration, although the final figure was still far

Measuring the Information Society Report 77

Chart 3.9: IDI ratings for top-ranking from saturation levels, despite the large number of
countries, 2010 and 2015 mobile-broadband subscriptions reached (99 per
100 inhabitants in IDI 2015). The rise in mobile-
Korea (Rep.)
broadband subscriptions and users coincides with
Fixed-telephone a significant increase in smartphone uptake, from
Mobile-cellular 39 per cent of adults with a smartphone in 2012 to
Adult literacy subscriptions
0.8 61 per cent in 2014 (Ofcom, 2014a).
Tertiary Internet bandwidth
enrolment 0.4 per Internet user In parallel with the increase in mobile-broadband
uptake, there were significant qualitative
Households with improvements in the mobile-broadband services
offered in the United Kingdom. For instance, the
Active Households with operator Everything Everywhere launched the
mobile-broadband Internet countrys first commercial LTE service in 2012,
Internet users and the other UK mobile-network operators
subscriptions followed suit, with Vodafone and O2 offering LTE
services in 2013, and Three offering 4G services
in 2014. The increase in LTE coverage (up to 70
per cent in 2014) has been matched by rapid
Denmark consumer uptake, with over 6 million estimated
LTE subscriptions by March 2014, as against fewer
than 0.5 million a year earlier (Ofcom, 2014b).
Adult literacy subscriptions
As noted above, while all countries within the
Internet bandwidth Index have shown increases in their IDI levels over
enrolment 0.4 per Internet user
the five-year period between 2010 and 2015,
relatively few have moved substantially up or down
Secondary Households with
enrolment computer in their Index rankings during the same period.
Only 16 countries have moved up by ten or more
Active Households with places in the rankings four in Africa, five in the
mobile-broadband Arab States, two in the Asia-Pacific region, three
Internet users in the Americas and two in the CIS region while
subscriptions 17 economies have moved down by the same
margin two in Africa, one in the Arab States, two
in Asia and the Pacific, one in the CIS region, one in
Europe, and ten in the Americas.
United Kingdom
Substantial changes in IDI levels are likely to
Fixed-telephone be concentrated towards the middle of the
subscriptions Mobile-cellular
Adult literacy
subscriptions distribution because of the limited scope for
movement as countries approach maximum or
Internet bandwidth escape low levels of performance. This explains,
enrolment 0.4 per Internet user
for example, why countries at the top and bottom
of the distribution, such as those in the European
Secondary Households with
enrolment computer and African regions, have generally recorded lower
changes in IDI value than those in the middle of
Households with the distribution.
Internet users Table 3.9 presents IDI outcomes for the most
subscriptions dynamic countries within the Index over the
period 2010 to 2015, i.e. the ten countries that
2010 2015 have increased the most their IDI ranking or their
IDI value. Four countries have improved their
Source: ITU. value by more than 2.00 points during this period

78 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Box 3.1: ICT and IDI developments in the Republic of Korea
The Republic of Korea has consistently held one of the top positions in the IDI rankings, owing to
its early adoption of advanced ICTs. It was, along with Japan, one of the first countries to launch
commercial 3G services, as well as being a forerunner in connecting households with fibre-optic
cable. It has long had a strong and innovative ICT industry which has contributed to building an
enduring ICT ecosystem. Other factors that have contributed to the countrys strong performance
include high levels of education, government awareness of and support for ICT projects, and an
ICT culture, meaning that the countrys citizens display a high degree of ICT awareness and an
eagerness to adopt new technologies.3

This year, the Republic of Korea ranks first in the overall IDI, after ranking second last year. It ranks
ninth in the access sub-index, fourth in the use sub-index and second in the skills sub-index,
excelling in all categories. In particular, it has the highest percentage worldwide of households
with Internet access (98.49 per cent), meaning that almost all households are connected.

Since 2010, the Republic of Korea has seen the initial launch and subsequent proliferation of long-
term evolution (LTE) services, beginning in Seoul in 2011 and expanding elsewhere in the country
in 2012 and 2013. LTE traffic accounted for 9.5 per cent of total mobile-communication traffic in
2012, rising sharply to 72.8 per cent by the end of 2013, this being a reflection of the countrys
rapid switchover to LTE networks (Korea Communications Commission, 2013). In June 2013,
moreover, a mere two years after the commercial launch of LTE, SK Telekom launched the worlds
first commercial LTE advanced network, the speed of which already twice that of the countrys
initial LTE network was further increased in 2014. By April 2014, as much as 77 per cent of
the countrys total mobile-communication traffic went through LTE or LTE advanced networks
(Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (MSIP and KISA, 2014). However, these developments
had only a limited impact on the national indicator for mobile-broadband penetration since this
was already at 97.7 per cent in 2010. The new technologies contributed to improving the speed
and quality of networks rather than expanding the subscriber base.

Internet use in the Republic of Korea increased from an already high value of 83.7 per cent in
IDI 2010 to 87.9 per cent in IDI 2015. Data from the latest household survey carried out by MSIP
and KISA show that a broad majority of Internet users (95.1 per cent) access the Internet using a
smartphone or smartpad (MSIP and KISA, 2015). While there are still Internet non-users (defined
by KISA and MSIP as those among the population aged three and over who have not used the
Internet in the past month), the proportion of non-users continues to decline. The main reason
cited for non-use among this group is lack of interest in or need to use the Internet, rather than

Bahrain, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia in the Arab by Eritrea (up 0.09 points), St. Kitts and Nevis (up
States region, and Costa Rica in the Americas. 0.12 points) and Cuba (up 0.13 points).
Of these, Costa Rica, Lebanon and Bahrain have
all climbed by twenty or more positions in the Five of the most dynamic countries in the IDI
rankings, as has Ghana, the leading African country rankings identified in Table 3.9 are located in the
in terms of IDI improvement. Arab States region, of which four Bahrain, the
United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman
The most substantial falls in IDI rankings between are GCC Member States located in the Arabian
2010 and 2015 were recorded by St. Kitts and peninsula. Of these four, Bahrain began the period
Nevis (down 20 places), Grenada (down 19 places) with the highest IDI ranking (48th), rising 21 places
and Brunei Darussalam (down 18 places). The to 27th in 2015, and has achieved the highest
lowest rates of change in IDI values were recorded increase in its IDI level (up 2.22 points). The
spider charts for these countries, shown in Chart

Measuring the Information Society Report 79

Box 3.2: ICT and IDI developments in Denmark
Denmark ranks second in the IDI, having been top of the rankings published in the 2014 edition
of the Measuring the Information Society Report. It has moved up two places from fourth in IDI
2010, raising its IDI value in the process from 8.18 to 8.88. Denmark ranks first in the use sub-
index, 13th in the access sub-index and 12th in the skills sub-index. Within the use sub-index, it has
the third-highest fixed-broadband penetration at 41.38 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, and the
ninth-highest mobile-broadband penetration at 115.77 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants. Almost
all households have access to a computer and an Internet connection at home (94.99 per cent
and 93.12 per cent, respectively), and Denmark has the third-highest percentage of individuals
using the Internet in the world, at 95.99 per cent.

The roll-out of LTE networks in the country is among the most important ICT developments since
2010. TeliaSonera was one of the first operators worldwide to launch commercial LTE services,
and by the end of 2011 it had covered 85 per cent of the population in Copenhagen, Aarhus,
Aalborg and Odense.4 By the end of 2014, LTE coverage in Denmark was widespread, with LTE
services being offered by all four mobile-network operators as well as other service providers
(European Commission, 2015).

The rapid development of LTE networks within the country was facilitated by the regulators
decision to refarm, allocate and assign new spectrum to mobile operators. In particular, the 2.5
GHz band was assigned in 2010, the 900/1800 MHz bands were refarmed and two new licences
assigned in 2010, and the 800 MHz band was auctioned in 2012 and made available as of January
2013.5 Extensive infrastructure upgrades have contributed to further increases in the relatively
uniform distribution of broadband coverage. Fixed-broadband coverage is 99 per cent, while
LTE mobile-broadband coverage increased from 74 per cent in 2013 to 99 per cent in 2015, well
above the European Union average of 59 per cent (European Commission, 2015).

Denmarks national broadband strategy aims to enable all households and businesses to
have access to at least 100 Mbps download speeds by 2020. An estimated 70 per cent of all
households and businesses had access to infrastructure that could support such speeds by
mid-2013, an increase from 60 per cent in the previous year (Danish Business Authority, 2013).
Data on the uptake of high-speed broadband plans shows that currently 33 per cent of all
fixed-broadband subscriptions are at speeds above 30 Mbps (compared with an EU average of
26 per cent), and that 3 per cent of all connections are at speeds above 100 Mbps (European
Commission, 2015).

3.10, show that they have had broadly similar the penetration of fixed-telephone subscriptions
experiences over the period 2010 to 2015, with is only 21.2 per hundred people. In all four
substantial improvements in the usage sub-index countries, however, there have been significant
driving their overall improvement in performance. improvements in levels of Internet access, as
The experience of Saudi Arabia is described further reflected in the indicators for households with
in Box 3.3. a computer and households connected to the
Internet. The levels for households with Internet
In the access sub-index, all four countries access in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia
began the period with very high levels of and Oman were all lower than they were in
mobile-cellular subscriptions, which have been Bahrain in 2010, but had overtaken Bahrains
maintained. Penetration levels for fixed-telephone performance by 2015. The rise in computer and
subscriptions have remained largely unchanged, at Internet access in Oman represents the most
significantly lower levels than for mobile-cellular important driver increasing the IDI in that country,
subscriptions, reflecting the prevalence of fixed- alongside the rise in active mobile-broadband
mobile substitution in Bahrain, for example, subscriptions.

80 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Box 3.3: ICT and IDI developments in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia improved its IDI value from 4.96 in IDI 2010 to 7.05 in IDI 2015, raising its global
ranking over the same period from 56th to 41st. As in most countries, it saw the greatest
improvement in the use sub-index. However, the indicator reflecting the highest growth was one
of those within the access sub-index, namely the percentage of households with Internet access,
which rose from below 55 per cent in 2010 to over 90 per cent in 2015.

Progress in both ICT access and use has been facilitated by the governments implementation in
2006 of the countrys universal access and universal service policy, leading to a universal service
fund (USF) programme roll-out in 2010. The USF was introduced to finance the expansion of
networks and services to commercially unprofitable, underserved zones (MCIT, Saudi Arabia,
2006). Funded by a one per cent share of designated operators revenues and some additional
government sources, the USF has helped to bring affordable ICT services, and in particular
Internet access, to such remoter areas. The USF target is to bring fixed and/or mobile services,
as well as Internet access, to every village with over 100 inhabitants (ITU, 2013). By 2014, 82 per
cent of villages, amounting to a population of over 4million people, had been connected (MCIT,
Saudi Arabia, 2014). The USF project, which is expected to cover the remaining target population
by the end of 2015, has contributed to broadband deployment and Internet usage in rural and
underserved areas.

The biggest improvements in IDI rankings in subscriptions. While consistent with the indicator
the GCC countries have been driven by two of for fixed-telephone subscriptions, this may indicate
the indicators in the use sub-index: those for that the speed and data allowances available to
Internet users and for active mobile-broadband end users are lower in these countries than in
subscriptions. Bahrain rose from 50th position high-performing countries in other regions.
in the rankings for the use sub-index in 2010 to
18th position in 2015, while the UAE rose from The skills sub-index for Bahrain, the UAE and Oman
46th position to 22nd. These improvements were is virtually unchanged between 2010 and 2015,
driven in particular by growth in the proportion of with very high levels of literacy and secondary
mobile-broadband subscriptions. There has been enrolment but relatively low tertiary enrolment.
little change in the indicator for fixed-broadband

Table 3.9: Most dynamic countries

Change in IDI ranking Change in IDI value

IDI IDI rank IDI IDI value
rank Country change Region rank Country change Region
2015 (2010-15) 2015 (2010-15)
57 Z     ^
   ^ 57 Z  
56 >  ^ 56 >  ^
 '   ^  ^
 d  W h  ^
 h  ^ K  ^
 ^  ^ '  
 ^     /^
 <  /^ d  W
 K  ^
Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 81

Chart 3.10: IDI ratings for dynamic countries, Arab States region, 2010 and 2015
Bahrain Oman

Fixed-telephone Fixed-telephone
subscriptions subscriptions
1.0 1.0
Adult literacy Mobile-cellular Adult literacy Mobile-cellular
0.8 subscriptions 0.8 subscriptions

0.6 International Tertiary
0.6 International
enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth
per Internet user per Internet user
0.2 0.2

Secondary 0.0 Secondary 0.0

Households with Households with
enrolment computer enrolment computer

Households with Active Households with

Internet mobile-broadband Internet
Fixed-broadband Internet users Fixed-broadband Internet users
subscriptions subscriptions

Lebanon Saudi Arabia

Fixed-telephone Fixed-telephone
subscriptions subscriptions
1.0 Mobile-cellular 1.0
Adult literacy subscriptions Adult literacy
0.8 0.8 subscriptions

0.6 International Tertiary
0.6 International
enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth
per Internet user per Internet user
0.2 0.2

Secondary 0.0 Secondary 0.0

Households with Households with
enrolment computer enrolment computer

Households with Active Households with

Internet mobile-broadband Internet
Fixed-broadband Internet users Fixed-broadband Internet users
subscriptions subscriptions

United Arab Emirates

1.0 Mobile-cellular
Adult literacy subscriptions

0.6 International
enrolment 0.4 Internet bandwidth
per Internet user

Secondary 0.0
Households with
enrolment computer

Active Households with

mobile-broadband Internet
Fixed-broadband Internet users

2010 2015

Source: ITU.

Saudi Arabia, however, shows a significant The spider map for the other Arab States country
improvement in tertiary enrolment. that is one of the most dynamic in the IDI, namely
Lebanon, also included in Chart 3.10, shares many
of these characteristics, albeit from a lower base

82 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Box 3.4: ICT and IDI developments in Lebanon
Lebanon stands out in the global comparison for being the country with the second-largest
improvement in IDI ranking, and the third in terms of IDI value in the period 2010-2014. The
most notable increases were recorded in international bandwidth per Internet user and fixed-
broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants.

Lebanon has benefited from the construction of the India-Middle East-Western Europe (I-ME-
WE) 13000 km submarine cable that connects Mumbai (India) to Marseille (France), with a
branch of the cable reaching Lebanon.6 This project became operational in 2011 and mitigated
the shortage of international connectivity that had constrained the Internet market in Lebanon.
International Internet bandwidth per Internet user grew from 1.3 kbit/s/user in 2010 to 23.9
kbit/s/user in 2014.

In addition, the Ministry of Telecommunications, through the state-owned operator Ogero,

which owns and operates the backbone infrastructure for all telecom networks in Lebanon, has
undertaken several initiatives to improve the national backbone network (Hoballah, 2010). These
measures to enhance the national and international telecommunication infrastructure have
been aimed at ensuring the connectivity needed to enable the take-off of mobile broadband,
subscriptions for which rose from 9.6 per 100 inhabitants in 2011 to 53.5 by the end of 2014.

Fixed-broadband subscriptions increased from 7.6 per 100 inhabitants in 2010 to 22.8 per
100 inhabitants in 2014, making Lebanon the Arab State with the highest fixed-broadband
penetration. This increase in fixed-broadband subscriptions followed the award to private cable
operators in 2014 of 43 new licences authorizing them to provide Internet services. This was an
important regulatory milestone, given the relevance of cable subscriptions in the country, and the
main driver for the fixed-broadband growth observed. Indeed, by the end of 2014 more than 50
per cent of all fixed-broadband subscriptions were through cable.

The rest of the fixed-broadband market is served by the State-owned incumbent Ogero, and by
private operators offering fixed-wireless and DSL services. Unlike the mobile-cellular and fixed-
telephone markets, which are State-owned monopolies, competition has been allowed in the
fixed-broadband market by mandating local loop unbundling (LLU) to the incumbent operator.7
Since LLU wholesale rates are regulated and the dominant operator is State-owned, the evolution
of the broadband market is significantly dependent on policy and regulatory decisions. For
instance, Decree 6297, issued in September 2011, cancelled low-speed broadband packages,
making the new entry-level package, at 1 Mbit/s, 70 per cent cheaper than the previous 1 Mbit/s
package. The decree also reduced HDSL package prices by 40 per cent and substantially lowered
the prices of international connectivity (by 92 per cent for 1024 kbit/s, and by 86 per cent for
2048 kbit/s) (TRA, Lebanon, 2011).

in 2010 when it was ranked 77th worldwide, as subscriptions in 2010, its performance on this
against 56th in 2015. As in most countries, there indicator having risen from 65.97 to 88.35 per cent
has been virtually no change in the skills sub- over the period since 2010, and it recorded similar
index outcomes for Lebanon over the five-year improvements in all of the other access indicators
period. However, this country has seen significant apart from fixed-telephone subscriptions which,
changes in both the access and use sub-indices, in line with experience worldwide, remained
the score in the former rising from 5.03 to 6.57 stagnant. However, Lebanon has seen a substantial
points (raising it from 75th to 66th position), and improvement in the number of Internet users (up
in the latter from 1.88 to 5.54 points (up from from 43.7 to 74.7 per cent) and fixed-broadband
75th to 43rd position). Unlike the GCC States, it subscriptions (almost trebling during the period).
had a relatively low score for mobile-cellular

Measuring the Information Society Report 83

Further information about Lebanons experience is Chart 3.11: IDI ratings for dynamic countries,
highlighted in Box3.4. Americas region, 2010 and 2015
More diverse experiences than those in the Arab
States region are to be seen in the results for the Fixed-telephone
three most dynamic countries from the Americas 1.0 Mobile-cellular
region, which are illustrated in Chart 3.11. Two of Adult literacy 0.8
these are relatively small countries: Costa Rica, in Tertiary
0.6 Internet bandwidth
Central America, which recorded the highest rise enrolment 0.4 per Internet user
of any country in the overall rankings between 0.2
0.0 Households with
2010 and 2015 (up 23 points), and Suriname, a Secondary
Caribbean-facing country on the northern coast
of South America. The third, Brazil, is the largest Active Households with
country in South America. Surinames performance mobile-broadband Internet
since 2010 contrasts markedly with that of a Fixed-broadband Internet users
number of other Caribbean countries whose subscriptions
position in the rankings fell during this period. The
experiences of Costa Rica and Brazil are outlined
further in Boxes 3.5 and 3.6.
Costa Rica
Costa Rica and Suriname have both seen the
penetration of mobile-cellular subscriptions rise Fixed-telephone
towards the maximum Index level since 2010, 1.0 Mobile-cellular
Adult literacy subscriptions
while also experiencing increases in the other 0.8
access indicators and in the density of Internet Tertiary
Internet bandwidth
users. The proportion of Internet users rose from enrolment per Internet user
36.5 to 49.4 per cent in Costa Rica, while that for 0.0
Households with
households connected to the Internet more than Secondary
doubled, from 24.1 to 55.0 per cent. However, the
greatest increase in indicator levels, and the most Active Households with
mobile-broadband Internet
influential factor in terms of both countries overall
IDI performance, has been the growth in active Fixed-broadband Internet users
mobile-broadband subscriptions, of which there subscriptions

were very few in 2010.

There were fewer countries with dynamic

improvements in IDI rankings in the Asia-Pacific
and CIS regions. Spider charts for Belarus, Suriname

Kyrgyzstan and Thailand are presented in Chart Fixed-telephone

3.12. subscriptions
1.0 Mobile-cellular
Adult literacy subscriptions
The highest-performing countries in the CIS and 0.6
Tertiary Internet bandwidth
Asia-Pacific regions, Kyrgyzstan and Thailand, enrolment 0.4 per Internet user
show a very similar pattern of change to other 0.2
developing countries described earlier. Both Secondary Households with
enrolment computer
countries have experienced virtually no change
in the proxy indicators within the skills sub-index; Active Households with
have seen significant, though not spectacular, mobile-broadband Internet
growth in indicators within the access sub-index Fixed-broadband Internet users
and in Internet usage; but have shown very high subscriptions
growth, from close to zero in 2010, in the indicator
for active mobile-broadband subscriptions. The 2010 2015
experience of these two countries is explored
further in Boxes 3.7 and 3.8.
Source: ITU.

84 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Box 3.5: ICT and IDI developments in Costa Rica
Costa Rica stands out as the country recording the largest improvement in global IDI ranking in
the period under review. It has also seen the second-largest increase in IDI value. The country
made significant improvements in all IDI access and use indicators except for fixed-telephone
subscriptions. Not surprisingly, mobile-cellular and mobile-broadband subscriptions saw the
highest growth of all IDI indicators in the period, together with the percentage of households with
Internet access.

Liberalization of the telecommunication market led to the entry of new mobile operators in
November 2011, spurring subscription growth.

New entrants in the mobile market including transnational operators Claro and Telefnica,
as well as two smaller mobile virtual-network operators launched highly competitive prepaid
mobile-cellular offers which attracted new customers who had previously not had a mobile
subscription. Although most growth was concentrated in the alternative operators (69 per cent
of net additions in the period 2010-2014), the incumbent operator also saw a significant rise in
subscriptions, which suggests that competition benefited all players in the market. As illustrated
in Chart Box 3.5, mobile-cellular penetration more than doubled from 67 per cent in IDI 2010 to
144 per cent in IDI 2015, while mobile-broadband penetration increased tenfold, reaching 87 per
cent by the end of 2014. Strong increases in investment were also recorded in 2012 and 2013,
and, although investment receded in 2014, it remained higher than its pre-2012 level.

The introduction of competition in the mobile market occurred in parallel with the take-off of
mobile-broadband services, thereby contributing to the significant increase in the percentage of
households with Internet access (up from 24 per cent in 2010 to 55 per cent in 2014). The growth
in the proportion of Internet users among the population was also significant, although less rapid
(up from 37 to 49 per cent in the period 2010 to 2014). This suggests that mobile broadband is
not only bringing new people online, but also making the Internet available at home for people
who had previously accessed it elsewhere. This hypothesis is reinforced by the data from ICT
household surveys, which show that one-third of households with Internet access in Costa Rica
relied on mobile-broadband access in 2012.

Chart Box 3.5: Mobile-cellular subscriptions in Costa Rica, by operator, 2010-2014

Alternative operators
7'000'000 ICE (incumbent)
Mobile-cellular subscriptions







2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Source: ITU, based on data from the Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones, Costa Rica (2014).

Measuring the Information Society Report 85

Box 3.6: ICT and IDI developments in Brazil
Brazil is the most dynamic South American country in the IDI, and features in the global top ten
in terms of IDI value change. Because the country is so large, these substantial increases in its IDI
indicators have affected large numbers of people.

The highest growth rate among IDI indicators in Brazil was that for mobile-broadband
subscriptions, the number of which rose by 137 million, while mobile-broadband penetration
increased from 10.6 per cent in IDI 2010 to 78.1 per cent in IDI 2014. This increase in mobile-
broadband uptake was made possible by upgrading the cellular-market base from 2G to 3G (see
Chart Box 3.6). The allocation of new spectrum to mobile broadband facilitated this transition,
as did coverage obligations. In the 3G auctions held in 2007 and 2010, the regulator ANATEL
attached coverage obligations to licences, resulting in 68 per cent of Brazilian municipalities (and
around 89 per cent of the population) now being covered by a 3G signal. Licences issued in the
LTE spectrum auction that took place in 2012 likewise stipulated that all cities with a population
above 500000 inhabitants should be covered by May 2014 (ANATEL, 2015), and all cities with
over 30000 inhabitants by 2017 (MiniCom, Brazil, 2014).

Mobile-cellular subscriptions continued to rise alongside mobile broadband. Although mobile-

cellular penetration was already above 100 per cent in Brazil by 2010, a significant part of
the population did not then own or use a mobile phone. Further growth in mobile-cellular
subscriptions since 2010 has led to increases in both mobile phone ownership (up from 64 per
cent in 2010 to 84 per cent in 2014) and usage (up from 79 per cent in 2010 to 86 per cent in

Fixed-broadband subscriptions have also increased significantly, with 9.1 million net additional
subscriptions driving fixed-broadband penetration from 7.2 per cent in IDI 2010 to 11.5 per cent
in IDI 2015. This increase has coincided with an almost 50 per cent reduction in the price of entry-
level broadband plans in 2010-2011, and with the first offers under the basic fixed-broadband
package defined in the Programa Nacional de Banda Larga (PNBL, the Brazilian Broadband Plan).8

Chart Box 3.6: Mobile-cellular subscriptions by technology and percentage of individuals owning
a mobile phone, Brazil, 2010-2014

140 140
Mobile-cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants

% individuals owning a mobile phone

120 120

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Subscriptions by technology
2G 3G LTE M2M % individuals owning a mobile phone

Source: ITU, based on data from ANATEL (2015) and CETICs Portal de Visualizao de Dados (http://data.cetic.br).

86 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Box 3.6: ICT and IDI developments in Brazil (continued)

The increase in mobile- and fixed-broadband subscriptions discussed above is reflected in the
growth in the proportion of households with Internet access (up from 27.1 per cent in 2010 to 48
per cent in 2014, as against an average 12 percentage point increase worldwide). Alongside this
increase in the proportion of households connected to the Internet, there was also a notable rise
in the proportion of households with a computer (up from 34.9 per cent in 2010 to 51.9 per cent
in 2014, as against an average nine percentage point increase worldwide). The progress achieved
in these two indicators corresponds to one of the main objectives set by the PNBL in 2010,
namely to increase the number of households with a computer connected to the Internet.9

Box 3.7: ICT and IDI developments in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan has experienced significant improvements in almost all IDI areas between 2010 and

The growth in international Internet bandwidth has been particularly significant. New optical-fibre
links with China and Kazakhstan were completed in 2013. Developed by the operator Elcat, an
optical-fibre link was established between Nura (China) and Karamyk (Kyrgyzstan) with a capacity
of 2.5 Gbps, upgradeable to 40 Gbps. Another fibre connection was established between Bishkek
(Kyrgyzstan) and Chaldovar (Kazakhstan) with an initial capacity of 2.5 Gbps, upgradeable to 40
Gbps (UNESCAP, 2014). Additional projects throughout 2014 built fibre lines towards Tajikistan,
Uzbekistan and China (East Horizon, 2014). Measures such as these have helped to increase
competition and reduce prices while strengthening international connectivity.

Government efforts to unlock commercial broadband frequencies in 2012 have enabled greater
Internet access for rural areas in Kyrgyzstan, with rapid implementation in schools (East Horizon,
2014). Broadband and data services continue to attract increasing interest in the mobile market,
and are expected to undergo steady growth with adequate development.

The only exception to this growth in IDI indicators has been the level of fixed-telephone
subscriptions, which fell by 14.1 per cent between 2010 and 2015. Despite the evident growth
in the IDI, there still remains limited household Internet access in the country, many of whose
people continue to rely on public access points. It is estimated that some 50 per cent of users
access the Internet in cybercafs (East Horizon, 2014).

As in most other countries, there has been very As noted above, the average IDI performance in
little change in Ghanas performance against Africa is well below that in other regions. As a
the proxy indicators used in the skills sub-index result, while there are similarities with other high-
between 2010 and 2015. Improvements in performing developing countries, the experience
the access and use sub-indices are, however, of Africas most dynamic IDI performer, Ghana,
revealing, showing generally high levels of growth also shows significant variations from the pattern
over the period, although Ghanas performance revealed by those countries. Although ranked
remains substantially below that observed in the below 100th in the global rankings, Ghana is also
leading countries in other developing regions. the second highest-ranking country in mainland
Ghanas experience in stimulating ICT and sub-Saharan Africa, behind only South Africa
achieving this growth in its IDI ranking is explored among its regional peers. Its ratings are illustrated
further in Box 3.9. in Chart 3.13.

Measuring the Information Society Report 87

Box 3.8: ICT and IDI developments in Thailand
Thailands IDI ranking improved by 18 places between 2010 and 2015, rising from 92nd to 74th
position, while its IDI value rose from 3.62 to 5.36. The country has made good progress in both
use and access sub-indices, but stands out in particular for its achievements in mobile broadband.
It was relatively late in awarding 3G mobile-broadband licences, doing so in December 2012 to
three competing carriers, namely Advanced Info Service (AIS Thailands largest mobile provider),
Total Access Communication (DTAC) and True Corp. High demand for services put pressure on
wireless-broadband providers to offer competitive prices, especially after the introduction of
mobile-number portability in 2011. Competitive pressure also helped to spread 3G population
coverage, with both AIS and DTAC reporting around 80 per cent coverage by the end of 2013
(GSMA, 2014a).

The mobile-broadband market in Thailand has faced rising demand for 3G services, as well as
demand for 4G from heavier data users (GSMA, 2015b). Thai providers have responded to this
by experimenting with trials and soft launches of LTE connections in densely-populated areas.
Although LTE spectrum has yet to be awarded, both AIS10 and True Corp11 offer limited LTE plans
using existing 3G spectrum. The future award of mobile spectrum in the 900MHz and 1800MHz
bands, which are suitable for LTE, should further drive the wireless-broadband market (GSMA,

At the end of 2014, Thailands Government formally announced its adoption of a digital economy
policy framework. This includes the proposed establishment of a national broadband committee
and specific targets for connecting businesses and homes, including a broadband network
to every village and home over the next two to three years. It highlights the importance of
expanding the countrys infrastructure network, based on the roll-out of both mobile and fixed
broadband, and on public-private partnerships.12

3.4 Conclusion The experience of countries which have achieved

higher rates of progress against the IDI is valuable
The IDI demonstrates the very wide range of within this context. Assessments such as those
ICT environments within the world community, made in this chapter illustrate the importance, in
from economies with very high levels of ICT facilitating access to and use of ICTs, of building
performance to Least Connected Countries which strategic approaches to ICT deployment and
are still seeking to progress from basic access implementation, integrating the implementation
to ICT intensity and impact. Each individual of infrastructure with demand for services such
economy faces different challenges, related as e-government, ensuring that communications
to its geography, infrastructure requirements devices and services are affordable, and building
and social and economic structure, and to the the skills base that is required to maximize the
financial resources and capabilities available to effective use of ICTs. Understanding how and why
its people. While issues of national context are individual countries have achieved more dynamic
crucial to policy development, it is also possible for rates of growth within the IDI can help others as
governments and ICT businesses to draw on the they seek to design and adopt their own strategies
experience of other countries when developing in pursuit of dynamic growth in ICTs.
their plans for the deployment and take-up of
telecommunications, broadband and Internet.

88 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Box 3.9: ICT and IDI developments in Ghana
The sharpest rate of growth in Ghana has been achieved in mobile-cellular subscriptions, which
have risen from 71.9 to 114.8 per 100 inhabitants since 2010. At the same time, there has been
almost no change in the level of penetration of fixed-phone subscriptions, which have been
effectively displaced by mobile connections, suggesting that this indicator of ICT development
may no longer be as helpful as was previously the case.

Ghana has also experienced substantial growth in other access indicators, with the number of
Internet users having more than doubled and the proportion of households with Internet access
having increased more than fivefold. The improvement in international bandwidth that is evident
from Figure 2.23 is associated with the landing of additional submarine cable capacity along the
West African coast since 2010, this having also reduced the cost of Internet access, an important
factor in increasing usage. As in the other developing countries described above, Ghana has also
seen a very substantial increase in the level of penetration of mobile-broadband subscriptions,
likewise facilitated by the growth in international bandwidth per Internet user, albeit from very
low levels in 2010.

Ghanas Government has long identified ICTs as an important enabler for economic development,
establishing ICT policies and specific targets for access, affordability and use (Gyaase and Taki,
2014). Growth in ICTs in Ghana has been reinforced by strong government commitment to the
expansion of ICT services, including the identification of targets, through a National Telecom
Policy adopted in 2005, and liberalization of the market and increased competition since 2010
(Alliance for Affordable Internet, 2014).

The countrys improvements in Internet penetration and growth in mobile-broadband

penetration were highlighted in the 2012 edition of this Report (ITU, 2012). Ghana has also
experienced impressive growth in international Internet bandwidth per Internet user since
2010. Increased competition and lower prices were brought about through the construction
of four fibre-optic submarine cables that landed in Ghana between 2010 and 2013. While
Ghana was initially linked through only one fibre-optic cable, SAT-3, competition subsequently
increased with the landing of the Main One Cable, Glo-1, WACS and ACE. Together, these five
submarine cables have increased Ghanas available fibre-optic bandwidth capacity to 15 Terabits
per second (although less than 5 per cent of this capacity is used) and reduced prices (National
Communications Authority, Ghana, 2015). Further ICT price reductions are expected following
the Ghanaian Governments waiving, in its 2015 budget, of the 20per cent import duty on
smartphones, which constituted 35 per cent of their cost.13

Measuring the Information Society Report 89

Chart 3.12: IDI ratings for dynamic countries, Chart 3.13: IDI ratings for Ghana, 2010 and
CIS and Asia-Pacific regions, 2010 and 2015 2015
Belarus Ghana
Fixed-telephone subscriptions
subscriptions 1.0 Mobile-cellular
1.0 Mobile-cellular Adult literacy subscriptions
Adult literacy subscriptions 0.8
0.8 International
International Tertiary
Internet bandwidth
Tertiary Internet bandwidth enrolment 0.4 per Internet user
0.4 per Internet user
enrolment 0.2
Secondary 0.0 Households with
Secondary 0.0 Households with enrolment computer
enrolment computer

Active Households with

Active Households with Internet
Internet mobile-broadband
mobile-broadband subscriptions
subscriptions Internet users
Internet users Fixed-broadband
Fixed-broadband subscriptions

2010 2015

Source: ITU.
1.0 Mobile-cellular
Adult literacy subscriptions
0.6 International
Tertiary Internet bandwidth
enrolment 0.4 per Internet user

Secondary 0.0
Households with
enrolment computer

Households with
Active Internet
subscriptions Internet users


1.0 Mobile-cellular
Adult literacy subscriptions
Tertiary Internet bandwidth
0.4 per Internet user

Secondary 0.0 Households with

enrolment computer

Households with
Active Internet
Internet users

2010 2015

Source: ITU.

90 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 3
Georgia exited the Commonwealth on 18 August 2009 but is included in the ITU/BDT administrative region for the CIS
ESCWA (2013), pp 171ff.
For more information on the IDI performance of the Republic of Korea prior to 2010, see Box 2.3 in ITU (2010).
For more information on spectrum assignments in Denmark, see: http://danishbusinessauthority.dk/auction-and-public-
See TRAs website for more information on the structure of the Lebanese telecommunication markets: http://www.tra.
A basic fixed-broadband package (1 Mbit/s at RS35 per month, approximatively USD 15/month) is to be commercially
available in all Brazilian cities in 2014 (MiniCom, Brazil, 2014).
Several initiatives were undertaken in the framework of PNBL to promote the uptake of computers and the Internet,
including the tax exemption of computers, tablets and smartphones produced in the country, as well as the exemption
from all federal taxes of access terminals in rural areas (ibid.).
AEG Advisory (2015) and http://business.asiaone.com/news/infrastructure-takes-centre-stage-panel-convenes-

Measuring the Information Society Report 91

4 Monitoring the price and affordability of ICTs

4.1 Introduction Spanish regulator CNMCs revision of the limit

on wholesale ADSL prices,2 Israels reduction of
The cost and affordability of ICT services remain fixed-line interconnection rates,3 and new mobile
a determining factor for ICT uptake.1 There is number portability regulation in Kazakhstan,4
ample evidence that, despite a consistent drop Senegal5 and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).6
in ICT prices over recent years, the relatively high
price of ICT services remains a major barrier to Countries, as well as international and regional
ICT usage, particularly for those ICT services that organizations, are monitoring not only the price of
are far from reaching global coverage, such as ICT services but also their impact on ICT adoption.
broadband services. In the European Union, household surveys on ICT
uptake include a question on barriers to Internet
Policy-makers in most countries recognize the access at home. According to the 2014 Digital
importance of making ICT services affordable Agenda Scoreboard, which measures the progress
because ICTs have an impact on social and of the European digital economy, the three
economic development that goes beyond the most important reasons for households not having
ICT sector itself. Indeed, this was recognized at Internet access are that it is not needed (49 %),
the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference convened due to a lack of skills (37 %) and because the
in Busan in 2014, which endorsed a shared equipment (30 %) and access (26 %) costs are too
global vision envisaging an information society, high. All three reasons have become increasingly
empowered by the interconnected world, where important over time. However, cost reasons have
telecommunications/ICTs enable and accelerate gained substantially in importance over the last
social, economic and environmentally sustainable year. Looking at different household types, cost
growth and development for everyone (ITU, factors are substantially more important reasons
2014d). for not having Internet access at home amongst
households with children and those on low
Technological progress, liberalization, privatization incomes.7
and competition, together with the economies of
scale derived from global standards, have made Outside the European Union, only a small (but
more efficient network infrastructure available at growing) number of countries collect data on
lower cost. Regulation is the main lever by which barriers to Internet access. In 2013, ITU started
governments can influence competition in a given collecting data on barriers to household Internet
market, and many national regulatory authorities access at the international level, and the
intervene in telecommunication/ICT markets Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development
following a twophased approach: first, regulating added this indicator to its core list of indicators.
wholesale markets; and then, if wholesale
regulation is insufficient, regulating retail markets Available data from 2013 confirm that the costs of
directly. For instance, mobile interconnection rates ICT equipment and services remain an important
are regulated in most countries (86 per cent in barrier in countries that track this information. In
2014, according to the ITU Tariff Policies Survey), Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, populations covered
whereas retail price regulation is applied only in by the survey indicate that either equipment costs
some countries (35 per cent of countries regulated or service costs are the most important reason for
retail mobile voice services in 2014, according to not having Internet access at home (Chart 4.1). In
the ITU Tariff Policies Survey). Morocco and Turkey, most people say that they
do not need the Internet, but costs remain the
Other examples of regulatory actions that second most important reason for households
have an impact on competition and pricing remaining offline. In highincome economies
include introducing mobile number portability such as Singapore and Bahrain, costs are less of
and regulating wholesale prices for local loop an issue. Only in Oman is the unavailability of
access. Recent concrete examples include the the service the most frequently cited barrier to

Measuring the Information Society Report 93

Chart 4.1: Barriers to household Internet access (as a percentage of households without Internet access),
Percentage of households without

Internet access

Mexico Brazil Morocco South Africa Turkey Iran (I.R.) Bahrain Oman Colombia Singapore
Cost of the equipment is too high Privacy or security concerns
Cost of service is too high Internet service is not available in the area
Do not need the Internet Internet service is available but it does not
Lack of condence, knowledge or skills correspond to household needs
to use the Internet Cultural reasons

Note: Multiple answers regarding reasons for lack of Internet access are possible.
Source: ITU Yearbook of Statistics, 2014.

Internet access, which suggests that connecting countries should strive to achieve (see Box 5
the unconnected is more often an issue of prices, for further information on this target).
ICT skills and relevant content than of rolling out
infrastructure. Affordability indicators are also part of several
ICT indices, including the World Economic
Other stakeholders and international organizations Forums Networked Readiness Index (NRI),
have also highlighted the need to monitor and which takes into account the affordability of
address the affordability of ICT services in order prepaid mobile calls and fixed broadband
to ensure that more people, and in particular Internet access.
vulnerable groups at risk of being left behind
(including low-income population groups and GSMA, the industry association of mobile
women), are able to join the information society. operators, found that among women, cost
ICT prices are taken into consideration and form remained the greatest barrier to owning and
part of the following debates and initiatives: using a mobile phone.8

The importance of the affordability of ICT The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), a
services has also been recognized at the coalition of private sector, public sector and
highest international level, within the debate civil society organizations, has made affordable
on the post-2015 development agenda. access to both mobile and fixed-line Internet
Indeed, under Sustainable Development Goal in developing countries its main focus.
9, which is about promoting infrastructure,
industrialization and innovation, Target ITU collects and publishes price data for fixed-
9.c. calls for increased access to ICTs and telephone, mobile-cellular and fixed- and mobile-
affordable access to the Internet in least broadband services, and has adapted its price data
developed countries (LDCs). collection to ICT trends (Box 4.1).

To increase the level of broadband uptake This chapter will look first at the development of
and allow more people to benefit from fixed- and mobile-cellular prices over the period
the information society, the Broadband 20082014, in absolute and relative terms, in USD,
Commission for Digital Development has made international dollars (PPP$) and as a percentage
the affordability of broadband services a key of GNI p.c. (Box 4.2), for both developed
objective and identified a clear target that and developing countries. It will include the

94 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Box 4.1: Adapting ITUs price data collection to ICT developments
ITU has been tracking ICT prices for over 30 years (Figure Box 4.1). Price data collections have
been adapted to ICT developments and the availability and prevalence of services. While data on
fixed-telephone prices (monthly connection, subscription charges and per-minute call prices) go
back to 1980, ITUs first mobile-cellular prices are available from the mid-1980s. Selected data on
fixed-broadband prices are available from 2003, when fixed-broadband technologies were just
starting to take off. Since 2008, when the number of fixed-broadband subscriptions had grown to
over 400 million globally, ITU has been collecting comprehensive fixed-broadband prices for all
countries. Since 2012, and with the rapid increase in mobile broadband, ITU has been collecting
price data for different prepaid and postpaid mobile-broadband services.

In 2009, ITU published the first edition of the ICT Price Basket (IPB), the composite benchmarking
tool that combines fixed-telephone, mobile-cellular and fixed-broadband tariffs into one measure
and compares it across countries. IPB rankings are based on the relative price of these three
services as a percentage of gross national income per capita (GNI p.c.) and the latest IPB is
presented in Table 4.11 at the end of this chapter. The table includes end-of-2014 data for each
of the three price sets contained in the IPB, as well as the IPB ranking combining the three sub-
baskets expressed in terms of GNI p.c. The IPB remains relevant as a basic benchmarking tool that
allows countries to assess their relative affordability of ICT prices, evaluate progress over time and
identify challenges and shortcomings.

At the same time, recent ICT developments highlight major growth in mobile networks and
services, and a shift from voice to data, with important developments in fixed- and mobile-
broadband markets. Some countries in fact no longer offer fixed-telephone services, while
others provide them mainly as bundled services, making the collection of fixed-telephone prices
increasingly challenging. ITUs price data analysis has shifted accordingly, with greater emphasis
on the fixed- and mobile-broadband services.

Figure Box 4.1: Timeline of ITUs ICT price data collection

1980 1986 2003 2009 2012

First xed- First mobile-cellular First xed- First ITU ICT First mobile-
telephone price data broadband Price Basket broadband
price data 2002 price data publication 2011 price data

Fixed- 1 million The number Fixed-broad- The number

telephony is mobile- of mobile- band subscrip- of mobile-
the key cellular cellular tions surpass broadband
communication subscriptions subscriptions 100 million subscriptions
service and reaches 1 reaches
there are billion and 1 billion
370 million surpasses the
xed-tele- number of
phone xed-tele-
subscriptions phone
globally subscriptions

Source: ITU.

presentation of the 2014 fixed- and mobile-cellular in-depth analysis of prices in the fixed- and mobile
sub-baskets and country rankings and show some broadband market over the same period, which
regional differences in the affordability of mobile- will highlight some pricing trends in the dynamic
cellular prices. This will be followed by a more mobile-broadband services segment.

Measuring the Information Society Report 95

Box 4.2: Prices and affordability relative and absolute ICT price values
Throughout this chapter, prices are expressed in both absolute and relative terms and in three
complementary units:

In USD, using the IMF annual rates of exchange.

In international dollars (PPP$), using purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion factors instead
of market exchange rates. The use of PPP exchange factors helps to screen out price and
exchange-rate distortions, thus providing a measure of the cost of a given service taking into
account purchasing power equivalences between countries.9

As a percentage of countries monthly GNI p.c. (Atlas method).10 Prices are expressed as
a percentage of GNI p.c. in order to show them in relation to the size of each countrys
economy, thus reflecting the affordability of each ICT service at a country level.

The methodological details of the IPB and the collection of mobile-broadband prices are available
in Annex 3 to this report. Annex 5 includes the statistical tables of prices used to compute the ICT
Price Basket.

Country rankings will be presented for the different 4.2 Fixed-telephone and mobile-
fixed- and mobile-broadband sub-baskets, with cellular prices
the latter including both prepaid and postpaid
packages and computer-based and handset-based
plans. The analysis of fixed-broadband prices will
Fixed-telephone prices
include a discussion on changes in broadband
speeds (offered for minimum broadband plans)
Although fixed-line penetration reached its highest
and developments in terms of the data volume
global level of 19.2 per cent in 2006 and has
included in broadband offers. It will also review
since been falling (to an estimated 14.4 per cent
the achievements of the Broadband Commissions
by the end of 2015), fixed telephony remains an
affordability target on fixedbroadband prices. A
important communication service in developed
regional analysis will be provided for both fixed-
countries and in (mainly) urban areas of the
and mobile-broadband services.
developing world. In addition, it is still a basic
service for mediumsized to large organizations
ITUs ICT price data collection and analysis over
(both public and private).
recent years has consistently pointed to falling
prices and more affordable ICT services. However,
The great majority of people in the developing
in 2015, in many of the worlds poorest countries,
countries, in particular those in rural and
services remain unaffordable. Broadband Internet
remote areas, do not have access to the fixed-
prices, in particular, remain high and unaffordable
telephone network. Fixed networks have been
in the great majority of LDCs, and policies must
overtaken by mobilecellular networks, in terms
be geared towards bringing down prices if more
both of geographical coverage and number of
people are to join the information society.
subscriptions.11 In a few countries, the mobile
network has entirely replaced the traditional
fixed-line network.12 This shift is confirmed by
the growth in mobile traffic, with mobile voice
call minutes largely outnumbering fixed voice
call minutes across developed and developing
countries. International voice call minutes remain
an exception, as more international calls continue
to be made over the fixed network, particularly
in developed countries. This is due to the often

96 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
relatively higher mobile prices compared to fixed While the developed world has the highest
prices for international calls and highlights the fixed-telephone prices in both USD and PPP$,
impact of prices on uptake and usage patterns. the fixed-telephone basket has represented
only around 1 per cent of GNI p.c. since 2008.
ITU price data show that the fixed-telephone This highlights the fact that fixed-telephone
basket is relatively affordable compared to the services were and remain affordable in
mobilecellular and (even more so) broadband developed countries.
baskets. At the same time, fixed prices have also
shown the most moderate falls over the years,13 The country comparison and ranking of fixed-
with the exception of more significant decreases telephone prices in 2014 (see Table 4.1) shows
in the LDCs. Fixed-telephone price data for the that prices are not only relatively low but that the
period 20082014 confirm this trend, and, globally, price differences between countries are small,
price changes have been small in terms of USD, at least compared to the differences observed
PPP$ and percentage of GNI p.c. (Chart 4.2). in broadband prices (see Section 4.3): in close
to one-third of all countries, the fixed-telephone
A number of more nuanced trends can be basket represents less than 1 per cent of GNI p.c.,
discerned in terms of relative and absolute fixed- and in the great majority of countries (86 per
telephone prices. cent) the fixed-telephone basket corresponds to
less than 5 per cent of GNI p.c. At the other end
PPP-adjusted prices are fairly similar across of the scale, 5 per cent of countries have fixed-
the developed and developing countries and telephone baskets that represent more than 20
LDCs, ranging from PPP$ 18 to PPP$ 22 per per cent of GNI p.c.
month in 2014. This indicates that, on average,
fixed-telephone services have the same price, While mobile-cellular and broadband prices tend
taking into account the different purchasing to be most affordable in high-income economies,
power of currencies across countries. While the most affordable fixed-telephone prices are
the difference is relatively small, developing found in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Cuba and
countries actually pay least and developed Venezuela. This is due mainly to the fact that some
countries most, in terms of their PPP. governments keep control over the (sole) fixed-
telephone operator and subsidize the service in
In the LDCs, PPP-adjusted prices for the fixed- order to keep prices low. In general, the fixed-line
telephone basket were somewhat higher in market has been much less open to competition,
2008 (when they were on average PPP$ 23.7, and basic telephony remains a monopoly in about
compared with PPP$ 19 in the developed and one-third of all countries worldwide,14 with cross-
developing regions), but have dropped and subsidies keeping prices low. Countries that have
converged to prices similar to those in more liberalized the market have ended cross-subsidies
developed countries. for fixed-telephone services and allowed for the
deregulation of retail fixedtelephone prices.
Since 2013, the fixed-telephone basket has
represented on average less than 5 per cent Like the other price baskets, the bottom of the
of GNI p.c. in both developed and developing fixed-telephone basket ranking is dominated by
countries. Since 2008, prices have become lowincome economies and LDCs. Not surprisingly,
slightly more affordable in developing low-ranking countries where prices remain high
countries and particularly so in the LDCs, in comparison to GNI p.c. levels are those where
where fixed-telephone prices represented fixed-telephone penetration continues to be
on average close to 20 per cent of GNI p.c. in very low and is limited largely to urban areas. For
2008, falling to about 12 per cent in 2013. This example, in the Central African Republic, Malawi,
downward trend did not continue, however, Burkina Faso and Madagascar, fixed-telephone
and fixed telephony did not become more penetration was still less than 1 per cent in 2014.
affordable in 2014.

Measuring the Information Society Report 97

Chart 4.2: Fixed-telephone basket, as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top graph), in USD (middle graph), and
PPP$ (bottom graph), 2008-2014

As a % of GNI p.c.



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014





2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014





2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

World Developed Developing LDCs

Note: Simple averages. Based on 140 economies for which data on fixed-telephone prices were available for 20082014.
Source: ITU.

98 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Table 4.1: Fixed-telephone sub-basket, 2014
Fixed-telephone sub-basket Fixed-telephone sub-basket
Rank Economy as % of USD PPP$ GNI p.c., Rank Economy as % of USD PPP$ GNI p.c.,
GNI p.c. USD, 2014* GNI p.c. USD, 2014*
1 Iran (I.R.) 0.05 0.25 0.76 5774 91 Albania 1.77 6.64 12.34 4505
2 Cuba 0.05 0.27 6010 92 Panama 1.81 16.08 27.37 10689
3 Venezuela 0.12 1.22 1.60 12537 93 Hungary 1.81 19.99 32.38 13247
4 Qatar 0.13 9.07 12.32 86703 94 Swaziland 1.84 4.58 11.05 2987
5 Macao, China 0.16 8.39 11.35 64639 95 Bulgaria 1.86 11.38 21.59 7353
6 Singapore 0.19 8.69 9.10 53986 96 India 1.87 2.45 8.52 1568
7 Moldova 0.21 0.43 1.04 2468 97 Jordan 1.88 7.73 16.11 4945
8 Kuwait 0.23 8.79 13.54 46046 98 Brazil 1.90 18.50 24.28 11678
9 Kazakhstan 0.27 2.62 5.23 11538 99 St. Vincent 2.02 10.86 14.39 6454
10 Russian Federation 0.28 3.26 7.48 13836 100 Botswana 2.05 13.29 24.44 7762
11 Bahrain 0.29 4.76 8.12 19881 101 Chile 2.07 26.28 38.13 15215
12 Korea (Rep.) 0.30 6.47 7.45 25894 102 Ethiopia 2.08 0.81 2.28 470
13 Norway 0.30 25.99 16.48 102597 103 TFYR Macedonia 2.15 8.70 17.16 4865
14 Andorra 0.31 10.55 40974 104 Dominica 2.15 12.39 16.53 6923
15 UAE 0.33 10.62 14.60 38713 105 Grenada 2.15 13.41 17.51 7483
16 Belarus 0.33 1.86 5.69 6723 106 Mexico 2.18 18.07 25.67 9930
17 Suriname 0.40 3.10 5.25 9361 107 Guatemala 2.23 6.21 11.85 3337
18 Hong Kong, China 0.44 14.19 18.23 38382 108 Ghana 2.24 3.30 10.79 1768
19 Switzerland 0.44 33.56 19.95 90589 109 St. Lucia 2.28 13.41 16.58 7053
20 Brunei Darussalam 0.45 12.39 18.91 32976 110 Sudan 2.28 2.95 6.60 1548
21 United States 0.45 20.20 20.20 53417 111 Peru 2.29 11.98 21.06 6264
22 Trinidad & Tobago 0.46 6.01 7.51 15744 112 Fiji 2.39 8.69 13.12 4366
23 Luxembourg 0.47 27.60 21.15 69810 113 Namibia 2.45 11.98 23.32 5864
24 Oman 0.48 10.17 19.43 25381 114 Paraguay 2.52 8.42 15.83 4006
25 Azerbaijan 0.52 3.19 7.60 7343 115 Morocco 2.56 6.42 12.92 3017
26 Australia 0.55 29.70 21.43 65335 116 Bosnia and H. 2.56 10.18 17.69 4775
27 Sweden 0.58 29.69 22.09 61648 117 South Sudan 2.67 2.11 949
28 Japan 0.58 22.48 21.25 46284 118 Jamaica 2.71 11.76 18.25 5215
29 Malta 0.60 10.45 11.79 20959 119 Afghanistan 2.74 1.57 4.56 689
30 Saudi Arabia 0.60 13.20 26.96 26234 120 South Africa 2.79 17.23 36.19 7403
31 Uzbekistan 0.62 0.97 1878 121 El Salvador 2.92 9.03 17.18 3716
32 Mauritius 0.64 5.11 8.24 9560 122 Colombia 2.96 18.68 30.74 7582
33 Israel 0.65 18.36 15.14 33896 123 Bangladesh 2.96 2.49 7.05 1009
34 Canada 0.66 28.89 24.71 52158 124 Nigeria 3.06 6.91 12.13 2707
35 Denmark 0.67 34.57 23.03 61608 125 Dominican Rep. 3.08 14.77 29.56 5764
36 Germany 0.70 27.40 24.92 47203 126 Honduras 3.61 6.56 12.82 2178
37 Iceland 0.72 27.64 22.27 46244 127 Cape Verde 3.62 10.91 18.97 3616
38 Austria 0.76 31.71 27.53 50340 128 Samoa 3.70 12.22 15.13 3966
39 Georgia 0.76 2.27 4.99 3556 129 Angola 3.75 16.15 18.57 5165
40 France 0.78 28.11 23.82 43476 130 Lao P.D.R. 3.86 4.66 12.01 1449
41 Maldives 0.78 3.62 4.71 5594 131 Nepal 4.11 2.50 8.37 729
42 Uruguay 0.79 9.97 12.45 15165 132 Zambia 4.12 6.20 13.84 1808
43 Seychelles 0.79 8.72 13.05 13197 133 Lesotho 4.14 5.17 13.51 1499
44 Estonia 0.81 12.05 14.35 17762 134 Micronesia 4.39 12.00 3277
45 Armenia 0.84 2.64 5.71 3796 135 Nicaragua 4.57 6.81 17.40 1788
46 Finland 0.85 34.51 26.07 48771 136 Cambodia 4.80 3.80 9.82 949
47 Netherlands 0.85 36.22 30.33 51009 137 Kiribati 5.17 11.27 2617
48 Latvia 0.87 11.04 20.56 15275 138 Pakistan 5.21 5.90 20.56 1359
49 China 0.89 4.85 7.92 6553 139 Gabon 5.69 50.48 69.76 10639
50 Yemen 0.89 0.98 2.19 1329 140 Philippines 5.79 15.77 36.15 3267
51 Bahamas 0.90 16.25 14.29 21548 141 Gambia 5.88 2.45 8.86 500
52 Ukraine 0.92 3.02 11.19 3956 142 Timor-Leste 5.95 19.72 29.28 3976
53 Lithuania 0.93 11.50 16.83 14885 143 Belize 6.26 23.49 40.34 4505
54 Egypt 0.95 2.49 8.63 3137 144 Sierra Leone 6.34 3.48 7.42 659
55 Guyana 0.97 3.04 4.67 3746 145 Burundi 6.34 1.37 3.54 260
56 Slovenia 1.00 19.34 21.65 23197 146 S. Tome & Principe 6.74 8.24 13.08 1469
57 Malaysia 1.01 8.74 17.99 10420 147 Haiti 7.38 4.98 10.00 809
58 Belgium 1.03 39.59 33.24 46294 148 Papua New Guinea 7.68 12.92 14.04 2018
59 United Kingdom 1.03 35.87 27.65 41638 149 Solomon Islands 8.21 10.94 10.50 1598
60 Costa Rica 1.06 8.45 12.45 9540 150 Congo (Rep.) 8.97 19.35 30.35 2587
61 St. Kitts and Nevis 1.09 12.61 15.55 13876 151 Uganda 9.68 4.84 11.43 599
62 Sri Lanka 1.10 2.91 8.10 3167 152 Eritrea 11.18 4.56 490
63 Lebanon 1.11 9.10 9860 153 Bolivia 11.33 24.05 53.57 2547
64 Cyprus 1.16 24.27 24.71 25185 154 Marshall Islands 12.75 45.75 4306
65 Kyrgyzstan 1.17 1.17 3.40 1209 155 Kenya 13.19 12.74 28.31 1159
66 Antigua & Barbuda 1.18 12.78 15.55 13037 156 Zimbabwe 14.22 10.18 18.62 859
67 Indonesia 1.19 3.54 9.57 3576 157 Senegal 14.33 12.53 25.53 1049
68 Greece 1.21 22.81 23.79 22667 158 Vanuatu 15.12 39.40 33.26 3127
69 Ireland 1.21 43.38 33.62 43047 159 Cte dIvoire 16.74 20.21 42.25 1449
70 Slovakia 1.22 18.07 24.20 17792 160 Mali 18.00 10.04 22.12 669
71 Italy 1.23 36.54 32.94 35584 161 Tanzania 18.06 12.93 30.29 859
72 Viet Nam 1.24 1.80 4.44 1738 162 Togo 18.98 8.38 17.68 529
73 Turkey 1.25 11.38 18.74 10959 163 Benin 19.37 12.74 26.91 789
74 New Zealand 1.27 38.16 29.36 36089 164 Chad 20.88 17.90 31.94 1029
75 Croatia 1.27 14.20 19.68 13407 165 Burkina Faso 22.68 14.16 31.25 749
76 Bhutan 1.30 2.52 7.92 2328 166 Mozambique 24.74 12.57 24.54 609
77 Algeria 1.30 5.78 13.51 5325 167 Comoros 28.92 20.23 33.83 839
78 Thailand 1.32 5.85 14.55 5335 168 Liberia 29.30 10.00 18.44 410
79 Romania 1.33 10.00 17.31 9041 169 Mauritania 32.32 28.52 71.84 1059
80 Spain 1.33 33.17 33.01 29910 170 Niger 35.43 11.80 25.70 400
81 Montenegro 1.33 8.05 13.19 7243 171 Malawi 47.04 10.57 38.63 270
82 Portugal 1.40 24.84 28.43 21249 172 Madagascar 47.38 17.36 54.70 440
83 Tunisia 1.43 5.01 11.29 4196 173 Central African Rep. 93.77 24.98 44.47 320
84 Ecuador 1.45 6.94 12.16 5754 Argentina** 2.30
85 Mongolia 1.46 4.59 11.73 3766 Somalia** 2.50
86 Serbia 1.48 7.45 13.33 6044 Djibouti** 7.65 13.06
87 Czech Republic 1.58 24.98 35.83 18951 San Marino** 20.90 20.19
88 Equatorial Guinea 1.60 19.11 26.98 14306 Monaco** 21.44
89 Poland 1.70 18.74 31.13 13227 Liechtenstein** 33.09
90 Barbados 1.73 22.00 17.74 15219

Note: * Data correspond to the GNI per capita (Atlas method) in 2013 or latest available year adjusted with the international inflation rates.
** Country not ranked because data on GNI p.c. are not available for the last five years.
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. and PPP$ values are based on World Bank data.

Measuring the Information Society Report 99

Mobile-cellular prices Table 4.2 ranks a total of 184 countries in terms
of affordability of the mobile-cellular sub-basket
Key drivers for strong growth in the mobile-cellular and its price as a percentage of GNI p.c. The
markets have been technological advances, ranking highlights the fact that most high-income
prepaid payment methods and a marked fall and developed countries are at the top of the
in prices driven largely by a high degree of list, while the worlds low-income, developing
market liberalization and economies of scale. countries have mobilecellular prices that are
As the number of mobile-cellular subscriptions relatively less affordable.
approaches 7.3 billion and mobile population
coverage reaches close to 95 per cent globally, While there is a strong correlation between GNI
prices continue to fall. Mobile-cellular price data p.c. and mobile-cellular prices, some countries
from 2008-2014 confirm that, globally, prices have offer much more affordable services than their
continued to decrease in terms of USD and PPP$, GNI p.c. levels would lead us to predict, suggesting
as well as relative to the percentage of GNI p.c. that they have successfully managed to drive
(see Chart 4.3). Prices correspond to the monthly competition and provide regulatory incentives for
cost of a prepaid low-user basket including lower pricing. These countries include Sri Lanka
voice and SMS services (see Annex 2 for more (ranked 12th), as well as the Islamic Republic of
information on the composition of the mobile- Iran (ranked 17th), Costa Rica (21st), China (34th)
cellular basket). and Mauritius (35th). Some other countries,
on the other hand, continue to have relatively
The following key trends, among others, can be high mobile-cellular prices compared to their
observed in terms of relative and absolute mobile- GNI p.c. levels, suggesting that more targeted
cellular prices. policies, including those aiming to promote more
competition, could be considered. Countries
Between 2013 and 2014, prices continued with relatively high prices relative to their GNI
to fall across both developed and developing p.c. include a number of small island developing
regions, in relative as well as in absolute states (SIDS): Kiribati, Cabo Verde, Tuvalu, Vanuatu,
terms, albeit at lower rates than in previous the Marshall Islands, and Saint Vincent and the
years. Even in the developed countries, where Grenadines. In these countries, small population
mobile-cellular use has become relatively size and particular aspects of geography may
inexpensive, the mobile-cellular basket value limit the number of operators able to compete
has decreased in USD and PPP$ values and as sustainably in the market, highlighting some of the
a percentage of GNI p.c. (from an average of challenges that these small economies are facing.15
1.5 per cent to 1.4 per cent).
A regional analysis of mobile-cellular prices reveals
By 2014, the mobile-cellular basket some differences across and within regions.
represented on average 5.6 per cent of GNI
p.c. in developing countries, down from 11.6 CIS: A low-user basket has a price ranging between
per cent in 2008. In the LDCs, mobile-cellular USD 5 and USD 10 per month in most countries
prices have become much more affordable, of the Commonwealth of Independent States
with the 2014 basket corresponding to 14 per (CIS) (Chart 4.4). Indeed, the CIS is the most
cent of GNI p.c., compared to 29 per cent in homogeneous region when it comes to mobile-
2008. In the developed countries, the basket cellular prices, which is explained by the relatively
represented on average 1.4 per cent of GNI low number of countries included in the region16
p.c., compared to 2.4 per cent in 2008. and by the prevalence of transnational operators
such as MTS and VimpelCom, which offer their
As with fixed-telephone prices, mobile-cellular services in several CIS countries. In PPP terms,
prices adjusted by PPP factors are remarkably prices are significantly higher than in USD, and the
and consistently similar on average across the regional average is comparable to that of the Arab
developed and developing countries and LDCs. States, thus showing that mobile-cellular prices are
This suggests that, on average, mobile-cellular on average similar in both regions if differences
services have the same price when considering in purchasing power of local currencies are taken
the different purchasing power of currencies into account. When the GNI p.c. of each country is
across countries. taken into account in order to assess the

100 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.3: Mobile-cellular basket, as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top graph), in USD (middle graph), and
PPP$ (bottom graph), 2008-2014


As a % of GNI p.c.




2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

World Developed Developing LDCs

Note: Simple averages. Based on 140 economies for which data on mobile-cellular prices were available for 2008-2014.
Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 101

Table 4.2: Mobile-cellular sub-basket, 2014
Mobile-cellular sub-basket Mobile-cellular sub-basket
Rank Economy as % of USD PPP$ GNI p.c., Rank Economy as % of USD PPP$ GNI p.c.,
GNI p.c. USD, 2014* GNI p.c. USD, 2014*
1 Macao, China 0.10 5.36 7.25 64639 97 Lebanon 2.54 20.87 9860
2 Hong Kong, China 0.19 5.96 7.66 38382 98 Armenia 2.56 8.10 17.49 3796
3 Singapore 0.19 8.63 9.04 53986 99 Sudan 2.58 3.33 7.47 1548
4 Denmark 0.19 9.88 6.58 61608 100 Nigeria 2.73 6.16 10.81 2707
5 Qatar 0.26 18.68 25.38 86703 101 Algeria 2.88 12.78 29.85 5325
6 Norway 0.27 23.18 14.69 102597 102 Serbia 2.90 14.60 26.11 6044
7 UAE 0.31 9.89 13.59 38713 103 Dominica 2.90 16.74 22.33 6923
8 Luxembourg 0.31 18.31 14.03 69810 104 Dominican Rep. 3.02 14.50 29.01 5764
9 Australia 0.33 17.69 12.77 65335 105 Romania 3.09 23.28 40.32 9041
10 Austria 0.33 14.01 12.16 50340 106 Lao P.D.R. 3.11 3.76 9.70 1449
11 Finland 0.34 14.01 10.58 48771 107 Colombia 3.12 19.71 32.43 7582
12 Sri Lanka 0.37 0.97 2.69 3167 108 Viet Nam 3.12 4.53 11.18 1738
13 Sweden 0.38 19.50 14.51 61648 109 TFYR Macedonia 3.13 12.67 25.00 4865
14 Kuwait 0.39 15.01 23.12 46046 110 Paraguay 3.54 11.81 22.19 4006
15 Cyprus 0.39 8.23 8.38 25185 111 Tonga 3.56 13.30 15.23 4486
16 Oman 0.41 8.74 16.70 25381 112 Ecuador 3.58 17.17 30.09 5754
17 Iran (I.R.) 0.42 2.01 6.09 5774 113 Bosnia and H. 3.69 14.67 25.50 4775
18 Germany 0.46 18.02 16.39 47203 114 Grenada 3.74 23.34 30.48 7483
19 United Kingdom 0.47 16.45 12.68 41638 115 Philippines 3.76 10.24 23.47 3267
20 Switzerland 0.48 36.02 21.41 90589 116 Kenya 3.90 3.77 8.37 1159
21 Costa Rica 0.48 3.84 5.67 9540 117 Nepal 4.11 2.49 8.37 729
22 Greece 0.49 9.29 9.69 22667 118 Guyana 4.21 13.15 20.23 3746
23 New Zealand 0.52 15.76 12.13 36089 119 Timor-Leste 4.24 14.04 20.84 3976
24 Russian Federation 0.53 6.09 13.97 13836 120 Angola 4.33 18.62 21.41 5165
25 Italy 0.54 15.92 14.35 35584 121 St. Lucia 4.38 25.74 31.83 7053
26 Libya 0.61 6.89 12.69 13497 122 Moldova 4.44 9.13 22.24 2468
27 Iceland 0.64 24.67 19.87 46244 123 St. Vincent 4.58 24.61 32.63 4775
28 Saudi Arabia 0.65 14.13 28.86 26234 124 Morocco 4.73 11.90 23.93 3017
29 Malaysia 0.68 5.87 12.08 10420 125 El Salvador 4.76 14.73 28.03 3716
30 Canada 0.68 29.76 25.46 52158 126 Kyrgyzstan 4.86 4.90 14.17 1209
31 Brunei Darussalam 0.71 19.40 29.60 32976 127 Bolivia 5.38 11.43 25.46 2547
32 Lithuania 0.72 8.88 12.99 14885 128 Bulgaria 5.42 33.22 63.03 7353
33 Bahrain 0.73 12.05 20.54 19881 129 Fiji 5.51 20.04 30.25 4366
34 China 0.75 4.07 6.65 6553 130 Swaziland 6.12 15.22 36.73 2987
35 Mauritius 0.77 6.11 9.85 9560 131 Marshall Islands 6.19 22.22 4306
36 United States 0.80 35.62 35.62 53417 132 Samoa 6.23 20.59 25.48 3966
37 Poland 0.83 9.11 15.14 13227 133 Micronesia 6.46 17.63 3277
38 Latvia 0.86 10.89 20.28 15275 134 Congo (Rep.) 6.86 14.80 23.21 2587
39 Japan 0.87 33.64 31.80 46284 135 Zambia 7.42 11.19 24.96 1808
40 Belgium 0.88 34.14 28.66 46294 136 Yemen 7.58 8.39 18.66 1329
41 Kazakhstan 0.89 8.52 16.99 11538 137 Guatemala 7.89 21.93 41.86 3337
42 Korea (Rep.) 0.90 19.32 22.24 25894 138 Albania 8.03 30.14 56.01 4505
43 Portugal 0.90 16.01 18.33 21249 139 Belize 8.34 31.30 53.75 4505
44 Bahamas 0.97 17.48 15.37 21548 140 Ethiopia 8.39 3.28 9.19 470
45 Netherlands 0.98 41.47 34.73 51009 141 Tanzania 8.43 6.03 14.14 859
46 Czech Republic 1.00 15.80 22.67 18951 142 Cambodia 8.62 6.82 17.62 949
47 Mongolia 1.01 3.16 8.08 3766 143 Honduras 8.63 15.66 30.61 2178
48 Ukraine 1.06 3.50 12.98 3956 144 Vanuatu 8.98 23.40 19.75 3127
49 Slovakia 1.08 16.05 21.50 17792 145 Tuvalu 9.41 45.73 5834
50 Andorra 1.11 37.73 40974 146 Afghanistan 9.91 5.69 16.51 689
51 France 1.11 40.27 34.11 43476 147 South Sudan 9.93 7.85 949
52 Ireland 1.12 40.33 31.26 43047 148 S. Tome & Principe 10.32 12.63 20.03 1469
53 Belarus 1.19 6.66 20.43 6723 149 Cape Verde 10.41 31.38 54.55 3616
54 Turkmenistan 1.20 6.88 6873 150 Lesotho 10.98 13.71 35.82 1499
55 Venezuela 1.20 12.56 16.47 12537 151 Kiribati 11.46 24.99 2617
56 Tunisia 1.20 4.21 9.48 4196 152 Rwanda 11.70 6.14 15.25 629
57 Jordan 1.20 4.96 10.33 4945 153 Gambia 12.67 5.27 19.10 500
58 Trinidad & Tobago 1.22 16.04 20.04 15744 154 Solomon Islands 13.18 17.56 16.85 1598
59 Maldives 1.23 5.73 7.46 5594 155 Cte dIvoire 14.03 16.93 35.40 1449
60 Slovenia 1.25 24.09 26.96 23197 156 Haiti 14.06 9.48 19.06 809
61 Israel 1.25 35.34 29.14 33896 157 Papua New Guinea 14.48 24.36 26.47 2018
62 Seychelles 1.26 13.85 20.73 13197 158 Guinea 14.67 5.62 12.31 460
63 Mexico 1.34 11.12 15.80 9930 159 Cameroon 15.10 16.22 34.34 1289
64 Malta 1.35 23.51 26.51 20959 160 Mauritania 16.00 14.12 35.56 1059
65 Panama 1.41 12.59 21.43 10689 161 Burkina Faso 18.68 11.66 25.74 749
66 Spain 1.52 37.80 37.62 29910 162 Senegal 18.94 16.56 33.73 1049
67 Bhutan 1.52 2.95 9.26 2328 163 Tajikistan 19.26 15.88 38.78 989
68 Botswana 1.53 9.89 18.19 7762 164 Comoros 19.45 13.60 22.75 839
69 Estonia 1.58 23.32 27.78 17762 165 Uganda 19.93 9.96 23.55 599
70 Uruguay 1.58 19.99 24.97 15165 166 Chad 20.23 17.34 30.95 1029
71 St. Kitts and Nevis 1.64 18.96 23.37 13876 167 Nicaragua 20.54 30.60 78.21 1788
72 South Africa 1.66 10.23 21.49 7403 168 Benin 20.92 13.76 29.06 789
73 Bangladesh 1.68 1.42 4.01 1009 169 Sierra Leone 21.86 12.01 25.59 659
74 Indonesia 1.69 5.05 13.67 3576 170 Mozambique 22.89 11.63 22.71 609
75 Azerbaijan 1.71 10.49 25.01 7343 171 Mali 26.55 14.81 32.61 669
76 Croatia 1.73 19.32 26.79 13407 172 Zimbabwe 28.05 20.08 36.74 859
77 Thailand 1.76 7.83 19.49 5335 173 Guinea-Bissau 30.04 14.75 29.59 589
78 Iraq 1.80 10.07 19.61 6713 174 Eritrea 31.87 13.00 490
79 Chile 1.81 22.98 33.33 15215 175 Burundi 34.72 7.51 19.39 260
80 Pakistan 1.88 2.12 7.41 1359 176 Togo 38.48 16.98 35.84 529
81 Namibia 1.89 9.21 17.94 5864 177 Niger 39.57 13.18 28.70 400
82 Montenegro 1.92 11.61 19.01 7243 178 Liberia 39.99 13.65 25.17 410
83 Georgia 1.94 5.75 12.67 3556 179 Malawi 48.86 10.98 40.13 270
84 Jamaica 1.94 8.45 13.10 5215 180 Madagascar 50.45 18.48 58.25 440
85 Barbados 1.97 24.98 20.15 15219 181 Central African Rep. 51.64 13.76 24.50 320
86 Equatorial Guinea 1.99 23.77 33.55 14306 182 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 52.76 18.89 30.18 430
87 Egypt 2.01 5.24 18.18 3137 Somalia** 2.53
88 Suriname 2.09 16.33 27.66 9361 Myanmar** 4.84 16.70
89 India 2.14 2.80 9.74 1568 Djibouti** 12.46 21.27
90 Antigua & Barbuda 2.15 23.40 28.47 13037 Nauru** 23.10
91 Hungary 2.24 24.75 40.10 13247 San Marino** 28.79 27.82
92 Gabon 2.25 19.93 27.54 10639 Argentina** 28.96
93 Brazil 2.27 22.05 28.95 11678 Liechtenstein** 34.95
94 Peru 2.36 12.30 21.64 6264 Monaco** 59.80
95 Ghana 2.45 3.61 11.80 1768 Syria** 85.62
96 Turkey 2.47 22.56 37.16 10959

Note: * Data correspond to the GNI per capita (Atlas method) in 2013 or latest available year adjusted with the international inflation rates.
** Country not ranked because data on GNI p.c. are not available for the last five years.
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. and PPP$ values are based on World Bank data.

102 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.4: Mobile-cellular prices as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top chart), in USD (middle chart) and PPP$
(bottom chart) by region, 2014

As a % of GNI p.c.



20 17.91

3.63 3.82 3.60 3.90
0 1.47
Africa Arab States Asia & Pacic CIS Europe The Americas






25.93 24.36
20 19.89 19.47

Africa Arab States Asia & Pacic CIS Europe The Americas







20 18.80
12.74 14.07 12.18
Africa Arab States Asia & Pacic CIS Europe The Americas

Country value Regional average

Note: Each horizontal dash represents the price in one country in the region. The yellow marks signal the regional average.
Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 103

affordability of mobile-cellular services, the Nigeria, despite having lower GNI p.c. levels, are
average price of a mobile-cellular service in terms also among the top ten African countries with the
of GNI p.c. is very similar in the CIS, Arab States, most affordable mobile-cellular services because
Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas, thus of the low mobile-cellular prices offered (less than
suggesting that the affordability of the service is USD 6.5 per month in these three countries). This
similar in these regions. shows that the affordability of mobilecellular
services does not depend solely on a countrys
Arab States: Mobile-cellular services cost between economic development and that competition and
USD 5 and USD 20 per month in most Arab States. regulation can play an important role in making
Prices in PPP terms have a slightly wider range, the service more affordable in many African
from PPP$ 10 to PPP$ 30. An analysis of prices countries. Nevertheless, in countries where GNI
relative to GNI p.c. levels shows that in most Arab p.c. levels are very low, there are some limits to
States mobile-cellular prices correspond to less the effects of policy and regulatory action in the
than 5 per cent of GNI p.c. and that the service mobile market as a stimulus to make mobile-
is therefore quite affordable. The exceptions are cellular prices affordable. For instance, very low
Comoros, Mauritania and Yemen, which are the mobile-cellular prices in USD terms in Ethiopia
LDCs with the lowest GNI p.c. levels in the region. (USD 3.3 per month, but 8.4 per cent of GNI p.c.),
Gambia (USD 5.3, 12.7 per cent of GNI p.c.) and
Nevertheless, the example of Sudan, the Guinea (USD 5.6, 14.7 per cent of GNI p.c.) have
remaining LDC among the Arab States, shows that not sufficed to make the service as affordable as it
affordable mobile-cellular services are possible is in most other regions.
despite low economic levels, but only if entry-
level mobile-cellular plans are offered at prices Asia and the Pacific: mobile-cellular prices range
below USD 5 per month. from USD 2 to USD 25 in most countries in Asia
and the Pacific. The region is home to some of the
Africa: Mobile-cellular services cost between most aggressive prepaid mobile-cellular offers in
USD 5 and USD 20 per month in most African the world (less than USD 2 per month in Sri Lanka
countries, a price range similar to that observed and Bangladesh), as well as some markets in which
in the Arab States. Extending the price analysis to almost all subscriptions are postpaid (the case
take into consideration purchasing power parities of the Republic of Korea and Japan) and where
reveals that differences are more accentuated competition therefore occurs at the higher end
in Africa than the USD prices would suggest. of the demand curve. In PPP terms, Asia and the
Indeed, the cost of a prepaid mobilecellular Pacific has the lowest average price of all regions.
service falls within the range PPP$ 10 PPP$ 40 This highlights the fact that, despite the diversity
in most African countries, which is similar to the of countries within the region, mobile-cellular
price differences in PPP terms that are observed prepaid services are offered at competitively low
in Europe and the Americas, apart from some prices in almost all these countries. Variations
outliers.17 But a regional comparison of prices are wider within the region when prices are
relative to GNI p.c. levels gives a very different considered relative to GNI p.c. levels, and 30 per
picture: Africa stands out as the region with the cent of countries in Asia and the Pacific have
least affordable mobile-cellular prices because, mobile-cellular prices that represent more than 5
although USD and PPP$ prices are similar to per cent of GNI p.c. These include Vanuatu, Tuvalu,
those in other regions, GNI p.c. levels in Africa Kiribati and Papua New Guinea, where regulatory
are much lower.18 Data from Africa show that only and policy action faces the challenges of the small
ten countries in the region have mobile-cellular population size and the particular geography of
prices that are at least as affordable as the average these island economies.
in other regions (averages in all other regions
are below 4.0 per cent of GNI p.c.). The top ten The Americas: mobile-cellular prices range
countries with the most affordable mobile-cellular from USD 9 to USD 30 in the Americas, and the
prices in Africa include the economies with the regional average is higher than in all other regions
highest GNI p.c. in the region, such as Equatorial except Europe. Such price differences reflect
Guinea, Seychelles, Gabon, Mauritius, Botswana the diverse economic and market conditions in
and South Africa, all of which have a GNI p.c. of countries within the region. For instance, in Costa
above USD 7000. Ghana (see Box 4.3), Kenya and Rica the effective liberalization of the mobile

104 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Box 4.3: Ghanas steady way to low prices and high mobile penetration
Ghanas mobile-cellular market combines a number of key ingredients that have created a
conducive regulatory environment, increased competition, brought down prices and fostered
high penetration. In 2015, the country ranks 97th globally on the mobile-cellular sub-basket and
8th in Africa. Despite the countrys low GNI p.c. of less than USD 2000, Ghana has managed to
make ICTs, and in particular mobile services, widely available and affordable.

Ghanas mobile-cellular market has witnessed a decade of sustained growth. In 2012, the country
reached 100 per cent penetration and by 2014, penetration stood at 115 per cent, well above the
African average of 73 per cent.

Ghana was an early adopter of deregulation, and competition goes back to the mid-1990s. It
was one of the first countries to offer mobile-cellular services in 1992.19 In 2015, this country
of 27 million people is serviced by no less than six mobile cellular operators, including five
GSM operators: South Africas MTN (Scancom), the United Kingdoms Vodafone, Luxembourgs
Millicom/Tigo, Nigerias Glo and Indias Bharti Airtel. MTN leads with a market share of 46 per
cent, followed by Vodafone (23 per cent), Tigo (14 per cent), Airtel (12 per cent) and Glo (5
per cent). Sudatel-owned Expresso, providing CDMA services, holds 0.4 per cent of the mobile
voice market.20 Operators offer a number of low-user adjusted pricing plans and special offers in
particular to attract Ghanas low-income user base.

Another driving force for competition was the introduction of mobile number portability (MNP) in
2011. MNP allows subscribers to switch between operators while keeping their existing number.
In February 2015, the independent regulator (NCA) announced that the milestone of 2 million
successful porting requests processed for Ghana consumers had been reached. The same
announcement highlighted the fact that 95 per cent of all porting requests were completed in
five minutes or less, and no customer was charged to port their number.21

The NCA has effectively managed interconnection between operators, spectrum allocation
and access to the international gateway.22 The Government has identified national ICT policies
setting out means for regulating telecommunication prices, and set a number of targets for
universal service and access and for quality of service, with provisions to monitor progress
towards the achievement of these targets.23 A 2014 review of 23 universal service funds (USFs)
in Africa commends Ghana for its transparency and use of best practice in the development and
administration of its fund (GSMA, 2014b).

Source: ITU.

market in 2011 turned the market inside out, Americas. Nevertheless, prices relative to GNI p.c.
from a predominantly postpaid to a dynamic levels are below 5 per cent in most countries in
prepaid-led mobile market (Superintendencia de the region, so that mobile-cellular services are
Telecomunicaciones, Costa Rica, 2014). On the already moderately affordable in most countries.
other hand, in the United States (prepaid-mobile Countries where mobile-cellular prices correspond
basket at USD 35.6 per month), fewer than 25 per to more than 5 per cent of GNI p.c. include
cent of total subscriptions are prepaid and most Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Haiti and Nicaragua.
innovative offers are for all-bundled postpaid In these countries, policy and regulatory attention
family plans.24 In PPP terms, most countries in should be focused on achieving lower mobile-
the region have prices in the range PPP$ 15 cellular prices, particularly in Belize and Haiti,
PPP$ 35, and the average is the highest of all the countries with the lowest mobile-cellular
regions, which suggests that there is scope for penetration in the region.
further reductions in mobile-cellular prices in the

Measuring the Information Society Report 105

Europe: prepaid mobile-cellular prices in European network for the development of the information
countries vary between USD 9 and USD 40, the and Internet economy (OECD, 2014).26
widest range of all regions. Differences in PPP
terms are similar, but caution must be exercised
when analysing these results because of the Global fixed-broadband price trends
particularities of mobile-cellular markets within
the region. Indeed, in most European countries, Fixed-broadband services have ceased to become
mobile-cellular subscriptions are mostly postpaid cheaper or more affordable and remain, as of early
and plans tend to be bundled (voice, SMS and 2015, relatively expensive and unaffordable for
data). This makes the prepaid low-user mobile- large parts of the worlds population. Some more
cellular basket less representative in Europe than detailed findings from ITUs fixed-broadband price
in other regions. Nevertheless, cheap pay-as-you- data include the following (see Chart 4.5).
go offers are available in some European countries
where prepaid still represents about half of the While fixed-broadband prices fell throughout
total market, for example in Cyprus, Lithuania and the world until 2013, the trend has since
Poland, all with prices at around USD 9 per month. changed. Overall, fixed-broadband prices are
Despite the variation in mobile-cellular prices, stagnating and the service is even becoming
Europe is the region with the most affordable more expensive in a number of developing
mobile-cellular services when GNI p.c. levels are countries. In more than half the countries for
factored in. This is largely explained by the overall which ITU has fixed-broadband price data for
high levels of GNI p.c., which make Europe the 2013 and 2014, the service became either
region with the highest average GNI p.c. and the more expensive as a percentage of GNI p.c.
lowest differences in GNI p.c. levels between or remained the same. These developments,
countries, together with the CIS.25 As a result, which distinguish fixed-broadband services
mobile-cellular prices correspond to less than 1 from all other services for which ITU collects
per cent of GNI p.c. in half of European countries, data, are alarming, since higher fixed-
and to less than 3 per cent of GNI p.c. in nine out broadband prices will remain a major barrier
of ten countries in the region. to further uptake.

In developing countries, fixed-broadband

4.3 Fixed-broadband prices prices remain relatively high, and actually
became less affordable during last year. In
While in many developing countries, and 2014, the ITU basket in developing countries
especially in remote and rural areas, mobile- represented an average of 29 per cent of
broadband has become the dominant, and often GNI p.c., up from 25 per cent a year earlier.
the only available, broadband access technology, Globally, the fixed-broadband basket as a
fixed-broadband remains very important. Fixed- percentage of GNI p.c. grew from 17.9 to
broadband subscriptions still tend to provide 20.8 per cent. This average conceals huge
not only higher speeds but also a more reliable differences between individual countries but
connection. In a recent report, the Organisation for shows that, in many developing countries,
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) the service remains out of reach for many
highlighted the importance of the fixed-broadband people, especially those with low incomes. In

Table 4.3: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., by region, 2014

Region Average Standard deviation Minimum Maximum Median
Europe 1.3 0.7 0.5 3.5 1.1
CIS 3.6 2.9 0.7 10.7 3.2
Americas 7.4 11.8 0.4 63.5 4.5
Arab States 9.2 17.5 0.3 71.3 2.8
Asia & Pacific 16.0 39.1 0.3 221.7 4.4
Africa 178.3 398.3 1.4 2194.2* 39.2

Note: Based on 165 economies for which 2013 data on fixed-broadband prices were available. *The high maximum value for Africa is due to a few
outliers, in particular the very high price for fixed broadband in the Central African Republic.
Source: ITU.

106 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.5: Fixed-broadband basket: as a percentage of GNI p.c. (top graph), in USD (middle graph) and
PPP$ (bottom graph), 2008-2014

412.2 254.0

As a % of GNI p.c.

10 1.4
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

188.4 122.6

60 56.9

30 30.4
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

415.8 291.9





50 52.3
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

World Developed Developing LDCs

Note: Simple averages. Based on 144 economies for which 2008-2014 data on fixed-broadband prices are available. Excludes Cuba.
Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 107

the LDCs, the average grew from 70 to 98 per The countries ranked at the top of the fixed-
cent, a sharp increase that will certainly not broadband basket those in which the service is
improve the already very low uptake of fixed- cheapest in terms of GNI p.c. are all high-income
broadband in the worlds poorest countries. economies. The list is topped by Kuwait, Macao
(China), the United States, the United Kingdom,
PPP-adjusted prices also highlight how Switzerland and Japan. The top ten economies all
expensive the service remains in the worlds have GNI p.c. levels of above USD 40000. With the
LDCs, where the 2014 basket costs on average exception of three countries the Islamic Republic
as much as PPP$ 130, compared to PPP$ 26.8 of Iran, Ukraine and Romania (see Box 4.4) the
in the developed regions. economies ranked within the top 50 have GNI
p.c. levels of above USD 10000. The Russian
In developed countries, the fixed-broadband Federation also stands out for having entrylevel
basket has been relatively affordable for a fixed-broadband services that are relatively
number of years, but prices are no longer affordable compared to the countrys income level.
falling. Between 2008 and 2013, the price of
the fixed-broadband basket as a percentage Countries ranked at the bottom, on the other
of GNI p. c. fell from 2.3 to 1.4. That figure hand, are low-income countries, most of them
remained unchanged in 2014. LDCs. Many of the countries with the least
affordable fixed-broadband prices are also SIDS,
While prices for fixed-broadband services are such as the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Comoros,
comparable in absolute USD terms across Haiti and Cuba. The service also remains
developed and developing countries, they unaffordable in many of the worlds landlocked
remain much higher in terms of PPP-adjusted developing countries (LLDCs), including Rwanda,
values: in 2014, fixed-broadband services in Chad, Burundi and Burkina Faso. In these
developed countries cost PPP$ 27, compared countries, fixed-broadband prices tend to be
to PPP$ 65 in developing countries. This is high and infrastructure limited, partly owing to
not the case for fixed-telephone and mobile- the limited availability of international Internet
cellular prices (for which PPP$ values are bandwidth, which remains a key element of
almost the same in developed and developing Internet access. Cuba, Iraq and Equatorial
regions). This shows that in developing Guinea, but also Antigua and Barbuda, stand
countries, fixed-broadband services remain out for having somewhat higher GNI p.c. levels
expensive and suggests that greater efforts but also high prices, which suggests that either
should be made to bring down prices in market regulation is not optimized or that other
developing countries, at least to PPP-adjusted circumstances, such as the continued political
values similar to those in developed countries. instability in Iraq, keep prices high.

Country-level data on fixed-broadband prices While in 2014 fixed-broadband prices stopped

reveal a very strong link between a countrys GNI falling, and actually increased in the worlds LDCs,
p.c. and the affordability of the service (Table 4.4). only a limited number of countries offer better
Based on a calculation of the different ITU sub- (higher) speeds, as well as more data for money.
baskets, which take into account GNI p.c. levels, This suggests that higher prices do not usually
it is generally true that the higher a countrys GNI come with higher or better quality connections.
p.c., the more affordable the service. However, the In 2014, the most common entry-level fixed-
link is particularly strong for fixed broadband, and broadband speed was still 5 Mbit/s for developed
in countries with very low income levels fixed- countries and 1 Mbit/s for developing countries
broadband services remain largely unaffordable. (Chart 4.6). In the LDCs the most common plan in
In about 30 per cent of developing countries 2014 remained the basic 256 kbit/s connection,
the fixed-broadband basket represents more and only three LDCs Bhutan, Cambodia and
than 10 per cent of GNI p.c.; in eight countries it Timor-Leste offer the basic fixed-broadband
represents more than 100 per cent. connection with speeds above 1 Mbit/s.

108 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Table 4.4: Fixed-broadband sub-basket, 2014
Fixed-broadband sub-basket Fixed-broadband sub-basket
as % of Cap per GNI p.c., Cap per GNI p.c.,
Rank Economy GNI p.c. USD PPP$ Speed in
Mbit/s month USD, Rank Economy as % of
GNI p.c. USD PPP$ Speed in
Mbit/s month USD,
in GB 2014* in GB 2014*
1 Kuwait 0.29 11.25 17.33 1 Unlimited 46046 96 Dominican Rep. 4.32 20.74 41.50 1.00 Unlimited 5764
2 Macao, China 0.32 17.28 23.37 4 Unlimited 64639 97 Algeria 4.35 19.31 45.11 0.51 Unlimited 5325
3 United States 0.37 16.32 16.32 2 Unlimited 53417 98 Pakistan 4.36 4.94 17.22 1.00 10 1359
4 United Kingdom 0.47 16.45 12.68 17 10 41638 99 Bhutan 4.43 8.59 26.95 2.00 4 2328
5 Switzerland 0.49 37.11 22.06 5 Unlimited 90589 100 Morocco 4.68 11.78 23.70 4.00 Unlimited 3017
6 Japan 0.53 20.59 19.46 12 900 46284 101 Grenada 4.71 29.39 38.38 2.00 Unlimited 7483
7 Austria 0.61 25.41 22.06 8 Unlimited 50340 102 Uzbekistan 4.73 7.40 0.25 1.17 1878
8 Andorra 0.61 20.80 0.5 2 40974 103 Suriname 4.77 37.23 63.07 6.14 Unlimited 9361
9 Norway 0.61 52.21 33.10 6 Unlimited 102597 104 Georgia 4.78 14.16 31.20 10.00 Unlimited 3556
10 Luxembourg 0.66 38.48 29.48 8 2 69810 105 Botswana 5.00 32.32 59.45 0.51 Unlimited 7762
11 Ireland 0.67 23.88 18.51 100 30 43047 106 Antigua & Barbuda 5.06 54.94 66.85 1.00 Unlimited 13037
12 Hong Kong, China 0.68 21.67 27.85 200 Unlimited 38382 107 Fiji 5.10 18.54 28.00 10.00 5 4366
13 Russian Federation 0.68 7.82 17.94 15 100 13836 108 India 5.28 6.90 24.04 2.00 1.5 1568
14 Singapore 0.70 31.49 32.97 100 Unlimited 53986 109 Bangladesh 5.28 4.44 12.59 0.25 2 1009
15 France 0.77 27.86 23.60 Unlimited 43476 110 Moldova 5.54 11.40 27.76 30.00 Unlimited 2468
16 Iceland 0.84 32.46 26.15 12 5 46244 111 Jamaica 5.68 24.68 38.29 1.00 Unlimited 5215
17 Sweden 0.85 43.58 32.42 10 Unlimited 61648 112 El Salvador 5.83 18.07 34.39 1.00 Unlimited 3716
18 Belgium 0.88 33.83 28.41 30 100 46294 113 Paraguay 6.12 20.44 38.42 0.75 Unlimited 4006
19 Finland 0.88 35.69 26.96 10 Unlimited 48771 114 St. Lucia 6.16 36.20 44.77 2.00 Unlimited 7053
20 Iran (I.R.) 0.88 4.24 12.84 0.26 2 5774 115 St. Vincent 6.26 33.65 44.61 1.00 Unlimited 6454
21 Qatar 0.89 64.01 86.99 1 Unlimited 86703 116 Dominica 6.57 37.91 50.57 2.00 Unlimited 6923
22 Denmark 0.90 46.15 30.75 25 Unlimited 61608 117 Bolivia 6.75 14.33 31.91 0.30 Unlimited 2547
23 Trinidad & Tobago 0.94 12.33 15.41 0.25 Unlimited 15744 118 Guatemala 6.93 19.27 36.79 1.00 Unlimited 3337
24 Italy 0.98 29.06 26.20 7 Unlimited 35584 119 Lesotho 7.31 9.12 23.83 1.00 1 1499
25 Canada 1.00 43.35 37.09 5 40 52158 120 Jordan 7.35 30.28 63.10 1.00 10 4945
26 Cyprus 1.01 21.28 21.67 2 Unlimited 25185 121 Guyana 7.76 24.21 37.26 0.25 Unlimited 3746
27 Netherlands 1.01 43.12 36.10 10 Unlimited 51009 122 Philippines 8.27 22.50 51.59 3.00 Unlimited 3267
28 Czech Republic 1.06 16.81 24.12 2 Unlimited 18951 123 Namibia 9.41 45.98 89.53 0.26 Unlimited 5864
29 Uruguay 1.08 13.64 17.03 5 15165 124 Yemen 9.46 10.47 23.28 0.26 9 1329
30 Kazakhstan 1.12 10.77 21.49 1 10 11538 125 South Sudan 9.69 7.66 0.51 2 949
31 Poland 1.12 12.36 20.54 0.5 Unlimited 13227 126 Tonga 9.83 36.74 42.07 5 4486
32 Bahrain 1.12 18.62 31.74 2 25 19881 127 Tuvalu 9.92 48.23 Unlimited 5834
33 Latvia 1.14 14.46 26.93 5 Unlimited 15275 128 Equatorial Guinea 10.18 121.36 171.29 0.26 Unlimited 14306
34 Turkey 1.15 10.46 17.23 1 1 10959 129 Kyrgyzstan 10.66 10.74 31.07 0.50 Unlimited 1209
35 Ukraine 1.15 3.79 14.04 5 Unlimited 3956 130 Nepal 11.09 6.74 22.61 0.50 7 729
36 Romania 1.15 8.66 14.99 100 Unlimited 9041 131 Angola 11.57 49.81 57.24 0.26 Unlimited 5165
37 Germany 1.18 46.37 42.18 16 Unlimited 47203 132 Lao P.D.R. 11.84 14.29 36.85 0.50 Unlimited 1449
38 Israel 1.21 34.10 28.11 5 Unlimited 33896 133 Micronesia 12.09 33.00 0.25 Unlimited 3277
39 Saudi Arabia 1.21 26.40 53.93 2 Unlimited 26234 134 Honduras 12.12 22.00 43.01 0.50 Unlimited 2178
40 Australia 1.21 65.80 47.48 8 50 65335 135 Cambodia 12.64 10.00 25.83 2.00 Unlimited 949
41 Oman 1.23 26.01 49.69 2 Unlimited 25381 136 Samoa 12.85 42.46 52.55 2.00 3 3966
42 Greece 1.23 23.30 24.30 4 Unlimited 22667 137 Belize 13.32 50.00 85.88 0.26 Unlimited 4505
43 Lithuania 1.24 15.34 22.46 100 Unlimited 14885 138 Marshall Islands 13.92 49.95 0.25 Unlimited 4306
44 Spain 1.28 31.95 31.79 1 5 29910 139 Mauritania 14.25 12.57 31.66 0.26 Unlimited 1059
45 Brazil 1.30 12.66 16.62 1 Unlimited 11678 140 Timor-Leste 14.79 49.00 72.75 2.00 6 3976
46 Slovenia 1.30 25.21 28.21 1 Unlimited 23197 141 Ghana 15.68 23.11 75.51 4.00 20 1768
47 Korea (Rep.) 1.32 28.49 32.80 50 Unlimited 25894 142 Nicaragua 16.10 23.99 61.31 0.50 Unlimited 1788
48 Slovakia 1.34 19.90 26.66 2 300 17792 143 Nigeria 17.02 38.40 67.39 1.00 5 2707
49 Estonia 1.43 21.23 25.28 5 Unlimited 17762 144 Swaziland 23.21 57.77 139.38 0.26 6 2987
50 Seychelles 1.44 15.79 23.62 1.02 1.5 13197 145 Vanuatu 23.52 61.29 51.74 0.25 Unlimited 3127
51 Belarus 1.57 8.79 26.96 2 Unlimited 6723 146 Tanzania 25.28 18.10 42.41 0.51 Unlimited 859
52 Portugal 1.61 28.51 32.63 12 Unlimited 21249 147 S. Tome & Principe 27.10 33.17 52.60 1.00 12 1469
53 Sri Lanka 1.63 4.29 11.95 2 2.5 3167 148 Papua New Guinea 30.92 52.00 56.51 4.00 1 2018
54 Venezuela 1.65 17.19 22.53 1 Unlimited 12537 149 Cte dIvoire 31.07 37.50 78.41 0.26 Unlimited 1449
55 Tunisia 1.67 5.83 13.15 2 Unlimited 4196 150 Ethiopia 32.74 12.81 35.88 0.51 2 470
56 Bahamas 1.67 29.99 26.37 1 Unlimited 21548 151 Iraq 34.49 192.97 375.98 0.26 Unlimited 6713
57 UAE 1.68 54.19 74.50 0.51 Unlimited 38713 152 Zimbabwe 34.92 25.00 45.74 0.26 10 859
58 Albania 1.77 6.64 12.34 1 1 4505 153 Kenya 35.32 34.11 75.81 0.26 Unlimited 1159
59 Malta 1.79 31.18 35.16 30 Unlimited 20959 154 Cuba 35.94 180.00 0.25 Unlimited 6010
60 New Zealand 1.79 53.92 41.49 80 36089 155 Cameroon 37.67 40.45 85.67 0.26 Unlimited 1289
61 Panama 1.80 16.04 27.30 1 Unlimited 10689 156 Afghanistan 38.01 21.84 63.30 0.25 Unlimited 689
62 Costa Rica 1.82 14.49 21.37 1 Unlimited 9540 157 Mozambique 40.82 20.73 40.50 0.51 Unlimited 609
63 Bulgaria 1.86 11.40 21.62 15 Unlimited 7353 158 Senegal 41.65 36.41 74.17 1.00 Unlimited 1049
64 Brunei Darussalam 1.87 51.30 78.28 1 Unlimited 32976 159 Zambia 43.14 65.01 145.03 0.26 Unlimited 1808
65 Bosnia and H. 1.99 7.94 13.80 2 2 4775 160 Congo (Rep.) 45.36 97.81 153.43 0.26 Unlimited 2587
66 Viet Nam 2.00 2.89 7.15 2.5 1.00 1738 161 Haiti 63.50 42.82 86.07 0.25 Unlimited 809
67 Croatia 2.02 22.57 31.29 4 15 13407 162 Burkina Faso 71.27 44.50 98.22 0.26 Unlimited 749
68 Azerbaijan 2.08 12.75 30.39 1 Unlimited 7343 163 Comoros 71.34 49.89 83.44 0.51 Unlimited 839
69 Libya 2.10 23.58 43.40 0.51 20 13497 164 Benin 76.88 50.56 106.80 0.51 Unlimited 789
70 Lebanon 2.13 17.51 2 40 9860 165 Sierra Leone 78.45 43.10 91.82 1.00 Unlimited 659
71 Chile 2.21 28.04 40.67 4 Unlimited 15215 166 Mali 85.58 47.73 105.12 0.26 Unlimited 669
72 Hungary 2.22 24.51 39.69 10 Unlimited 13247 167 Gambia 86.35 35.94 130.21 0.26 Unlimited 500
73 Mongolia 2.28 7.15 18.26 1 Unlimited 3766 168 Togo 102.20 45.09 95.20 0.26 Unlimited 529
74 South Africa 2.46 15.20 31.94 2 10 7403 169 Kiribati 103.32 225.35 0.25 Unlimited 2617
75 Mauritius 2.87 22.83 36.82 0.51 Unlimited 9560 170 Malawi 111.22 25.00 91.35 0.26 Unlimited 270
76 Colombia 2.93 18.48 30.41 1 Unlimited 7582 171 Guinea-Bissau 119.42 58.66 117.64 0.26 Unlimited 589
77 Maldives 2.94 13.71 17.84 2 5 5594 172 Madagascar 168.45 61.70 194.49 8.00 Unlimited 440
78 Malaysia 3.10 26.89 55.36 1 Unlimited 10420 173 Niger 180.70 60.17 131.07 0.26 Unlimited 400
79 Indonesia 3.11 9.27 25.09 0.5 Unlimited 3576 174 Eritrea 214.13 87.35 0.26 Unlimited 490
80 Montenegro 3.13 18.88 30.92 1 1 7243 175 Solomon Islands 221.74 295.35 283.42 0.26 12 1598
81 St. Kitts and Nevis 3.17 36.67 45.20 2 Unlimited 13876 176 Burundi 238.96 51.72 133.45 0.26 Unlimited 260
82 Mexico 3.17 26.26 37.30 5 Unlimited 9930 177 Uganda 600.60 300.00 709.41 0.26 Unlimited 599
83 TFYR Macedonia 3.18 12.90 25.45 4 30 4865 178 Chad 698.62 599.05 1068.99 0.26 Unlimited 1029
84 Armenia 3.19 10.10 21.81 1 Unlimited 3796 179 Rwanda 830.94 435.81 1083.17 0.51 Unlimited 629
85 Barbados 3.35 42.50 34.28 6 Unlimited 15219 180 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 1111.08 397.74 635.57 0.51 2 430
86 Gabon 3.42 30.34 41.92 0.51 Unlimited 10639
181 Rep. African
Central 2194.18 584.53 1040.74 0.26 Unlimited 320
87 Serbia 3.48 17.52 31.34 5 Unlimited 6044
88 Sudan 3.51 4.53 10.15 0.51 2 1548 Myanmar** 21.50 74.22 0.50 Unlimited
89 Cape Verde 3.55 10.71 18.62 2 3.40 3616 San Marino** 22.09 21.34 20.00 Unlimited
90 China 3.58 19.53 31.92 1 Unlimited 6553 Liechtenstein** 27.29 3.00 Unlimited
91 Thailand 3.63 16.13 40.14 6 Unlimited 5335 Djibouti** 31.61 53.96 0.26 5
92 Peru 4.02 20.99 36.91 1 Unlimited 6264 Argentina** 41.73 3.00 Unlimited
93 Egypt 4.05 10.60 36.74 8 5 3137 Monaco** 46.30 60.00 Unlimited
94 Ecuador 4.20 20.16 35.33 3 Unlimited 5754 Nauru** 72.11 0.50 10
95 Turkmenistan 4.30 24.65 2 1 6873 Somalia** 80.00 0.26 15
Syria** 84.63 0.26 Unlimited

Note: * Data correspond to the GNI per capita (Atlas method) in 2013 or latest available year adjusted with the international inflation rates.
** Country not ranked because data on GNI p.c. are not available for the last five years.
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. and PPP$ values are based on World Bank data.

Measuring the Information Society Report 109

Box 4.4: Romanias Neighbourhood Networks increase competition and bring down prices
Romania ranks 36th on the fixed-broadband price basket and stands out since it ranks higher
than some European countries (Germany, Greece and Spain) and non-European countries (Saudi
Arabia, Australia and the Republic of Korea) with much higher GNI p.c. levels. The entry-level
fixed-broadband plan, which costs less than USD 9 (corresponding to a relatively low 1.1 per cent
of GNI p.c.), is not only affordable but also offers unlimited data at very high speeds (100 Mbit/s).
The EUs Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2014 has highlighted Romania as one of the European
leaders (together with Sweden, Latvia and Finland ) in terms of offering the highest proportion of
ultrafast broadband access (at 100 Mbit/s and above) (EU, 2014).

A key factor in the success of Romanias affordable and fast Internet access has been the countrys
Neighborhood Networks, a unique networking scheme that has been developed to overcome
limited broadband connectivity. Until Romtelecom, Romanias incumbent telecommunication
provider, launched DSL services relatively late (in 2005), small, low-cost local area networks
(LANs) run by small Internet service providers (ISPs) emerged to satisfy user demand and to
connect homes within a neighbourhood. Networks are often deployed using aerial fibre resulting
in very high connection speeds. As more people joined these networks, they expanded to cover
most urban spaces, and the large number of LANs has increased competition and brought
down prices. Consequently, and unlike many countries where the incumbent provider has wide
command over the market, broadband service providers in Romania remain diverse, with intra-
and inter-modal competition (Broadband Commission, 2012b). Also, by contrast with most
European countries, where the fixed-broadband market is dominated by DSL, most subscriptions
in Romania are based on FTTH/B technology.

While broadband services in Romania are fast and cheap, the country has a mediocre fixed-
broadband penetration rate (18.5 per cent in 2014, compared to the European average of 29
per cent). One important challenge that remains for Romania with regard to fixed broadband
connectivity concerns the rural areas. Neighbourhood Networks are concentrated in urban
areas, and many rural areas have little or no broadband coverage. The fixed telephone network
is also concentrated in urban areas, which hampers the deployment of rural DSL services.
Finally, very low population density and lower income levels in rural areas have made it more
difficult to attract investors. In response, Romania, in cooperation with the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) has initiated the Ro-NET Project, which is expected to cover 783 out of
2268 Romanian localities that lack fixed-broadband connectivity. The project is expected to help
reduce Romanias digital urban/rural divide and to bring the Internet closer to around 130000
households with 400000 inhabitants, 500 businesses and 2800 public institutions.27

Source: ITU.

In terms of the cap (the monthly data allowance and the cap for each region are provided in Charts
included in the basic fixed-broadband plan 4.8-4.11 below.
considered by ITU), there were also relatively few
changes between 2013 and 2014. In over two-
thirds (70 per cent) of countries, the basic entry- Regional fixed-broadband prices
level fixed-broadband basket in 2014 offered an
unlimited data allowance, compared to 65 per Regional comparisons can help identify the
cent of countries in 2013. A very limited number strengths, weaknesses and dynamics that
of countries saw a decrease in the cap, and in characterize ICT prices in different parts of the
about 20 countries, the cap increased. More world. At the same time, fixed-broadband prices
detailed information on the differences in speeds vary greatly not only between but also within
regions (Table 4.3). Major differences in terms of

110 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.6: Most common entry-level fixed-broadband speed, globally and by level of development,
5 Developed
4.5 Developing
4 LDCs

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Note: Based on 144 economies for which 20082014 data on fixed-broadband prices were available.
Source: ITU.

average prices point to the limitations of regional None of the European countries offer fixed-
averages and the need to look at and understand broadband services at the minimum threshold of
intra-regional and country-level prices. 256 kbit/s (Chart 4.8). Only Poland offers a 512
kbit/s plan, and 1 Mbit/s plans are on offer in
Europe clearly remains the region with the most Turkey, Spain, Slovenia, Montenegro and Albania.
affordable prices in terms of GNI p.c. It is also All other countries offer plans of at least 2 Mbit/s
the region with the least pronounced differences and half of the European countries included in the
between countries. By 2014, the basic fixed- data collection offer speeds of 7 Mbit/s or higher.
broadband connection in Europe represented 1.3 Very high speeds of 100 Mbit/s are advertised
per cent of GNI p.c. High-speed Internet access is in Romania, Lithuania and Ireland. The most
most affordable for people in the United Kingdom, common entry-level fixed-broadband speed in the
Switzerland and Austria. In countries with the region is 5 Mbit/s.
least affordable service (Serbia, The Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro Although Europe has one of the most developed
and Hungary), the average price of the plan telecommunication markets, with high access
represented between 2.2 and 3.5 per cent of GNI and usage levels and relatively low ICT prices,
p.c. In all other European countries, it represented the region does not have a particularly high
2 per cent or less of average GNI p.c. This makes percentage of countries with unlimited basic fixed-
Europe the only region in which all countries have broadband plans compared to the global average.
reached the Broadband Commission target of In Europe, two-thirds (66 per cent) of countries
offering basic fixed-broadband services for a price have entry-level fixed-broadband plans that are
below 5 per cent of GNI p.c. (see also Box 4.5). unlimited, compared to over 70 per cent globally.
At the same time, only three countries (Turkey,
Although Europe offers its citizens the most Albania and Montenegro) offer the minimum cap
affordable fixed-broadband prices, it does not of 1 Gigabit (GB).
have the cheapest fixed-broadband prices in terms
of USD or PPP$ (Chart 4.3). The fixed-broadband The CIS stands out for having the cheapest fixed-
basket costs on average USD 25.8, more than twice broadband services in terms of USD and PPP$.
as much as in the CIS but less than in the other There are relatively small price variations within
ITU regions. In terms of PPP-adjusted prices, the the region, and fixed-broadband services are
service costs on average PPP$ 26, slightly more relatively affordable in most countries. The regions
than in the CIS but less than in the Americas, Asia 2014 fixed-broadband basket average stands at
and the Pacific, the Arab States and Africa. 3.6 per cent of GNI p.c., more than twice as high
as Europes but much lower than any of the other

Measuring the Information Society Report 111

Box 4.5: 111 countries meet the Broadband Commissions target for broadband price
In 2010, the Broadband Commission for Digital Development,28 the ITU/UNESCO-led initiative to
increase awareness about the importance of broadband for achieving international development
goals, including the MDGs, identified four specific ICT targets. Target 2 is about making
broadband affordable: By 2015, entry-level broadband services should be made affordable (less
than 5 per cent of average monthly income) in developing countries through adequate regulation
and market forces.

By early 2015, a total of 111 countries, including all of the worlds developed countries and 67
developing countries, had achieved that target (Chart Box 4.5, left). This result, which is based on
comparable fixed- and mobile-broadband prices for 160 economies worldwide, further highlights
the fact that mobile-broadband services tend to be cheaper. While 102 countries had achieved
the Commissions target in terms of fixed-broadband prices, 105 countries had achieved it in
terms of mobile-broadband prices. While currently only a limited number of countries have
achieved the broadband target thanks lower mobile-broadband prices, this is liable to change in
the near future. With mobile-broadband service prices continuing to fall, while in many countries
fixed-broadband service prices are seeing little change,29 mobile broadband is expected to help
more countries achieve the target.

The available data also show that the global average price of a basic fixed-broadband plan (52.3
PPP$) is 1.7 times higher than the average price of a comparable mobile-broadband plan (30
PPP$). In developing countries, the average monthly fixed-broadband price (74.5 PPP$) is three
times higher than in developed countries (PPP$ 22.5) (Chart Box 4.5, right).

Chart Box 4.5: Number of countries in 2014 that had achieved the Broadband Commission
target to make broadband affordable (left), and fixed- and mobile-broadband prices compared,
PPP$, 2014 (right)

Broadband Commission target (5% of GNI p.c.)

Number of countries

computer-based 16.3
mobile broadband
43 (1GB) 35.3

1 52.3
35 32 xed-broadband 22.5
12 5 10 11 11 74.5
0-2 2-5 5-8 8-10 10-20 20-30 >30 0 20 40 60 80
2014 broadband prices as a % of GNI p.c. 2014 broadband prices in PPP$*

World Developed Developing

Note: + Either fixed broadband or mobile broadband. *Based on simple averages including data for 160 countries.
Source: ITU.

112 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.7: Fixed-broadband prices by region, 2014, in USD, (left) and in PPP$ (right)
600 1200

500 1000

400 800

300 600

200 400

100 187.5
91.2 200
38.5 25.8 31.4 39.5
37.4 11.1 62.1 43.1 24.7 26.1
0 0
Africa Arab Asia & CIS Europe Americas Africa Arab Asia & CIS Europe Americas
States Pacic States Pacic
Country value Regional average
Note: Each horizontal dash represents the price in one country in the region. The yellow marks signal the regional average.
Source: ITU.

Chart 4.8: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps in Europe,

30 GB cap
1 GB cap
4.0 256 kbit/s
3.5 >256 kbits -1 Mbit/s
>1-5 Mbit/s

15 GB cap
>5-50 Mbit/s

As a % of GNI p.c.


2 GB cap
>50 Mbit/s

1 GB cap
300 GB cap

2.5 N/A

5 GB cap

1 GB cap
100 GB cap


30 GB cap

5 GB cap

2 GB cap
10 GB cap

2 GB cap



United Kingdom




Bosnia and H






TFYR Macedonia








Czech Republic




Note: Broadband speeds and caps/month refer to the advertised speeds and the amount of data included in the entry-level fixed-broadband subscrip-
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

regions. Average USD prices for fixed-broadband 2014 fixed-broadband subbaskets represent 5.5
services are particularly low in the CIS and stood and 10.7 per cent of GNI p.c., respectively. Apart
at USD 11.1 as at 2014, much lower than in any from this, the CIS region has managed to make
of the other regions. PPP-adjusted prices in the entry-level fixed-broadband services relatively
CIS stood at PPP$ 24.7, compared to PPP$ 26.1 in affordable. They are most affordable in the Russian
Europe and close to PPP$ 40 in the Americas and Federation, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, where the
in Asia and the Pacific (Chart 4.7). fixed-broadband basket represents 0.7, 1.1 and 1.1
per cent of GNI p.c., respectively (Chart 4.9).
In terms of GNI p.c., differences within the region
are relatively small, except for Moldova and Seven of the 11 CIS countries for which fixed-
Kyrgyzstan. Although the costs of fixed-broadband broadband prices are available offer unlimited
services in these two countries are not particularly data plans, and the Russian basket includes 100
high in terms of USD values, incomes remain GB of free data allowance. Only Turkmenistan and
relatively low and Moldovas and Kyrgyzstans

Measuring the Information Society Report 113

Chart 4.9: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps in the CIS
countries, 2014

12 256 kbit/s
>256 kbits -1 Mbit/s
10 >1-5 Mbit/s
>5-50 Mbit/s
As a % of GNI p.c.

>50 Mbit/s

1.2 GB cap

8 N/A

1 GB cap

100 GB cap

10 GB cap

4 Unlimited



Russian Federation





Note: Broadband speeds and caps/month refer to the advertised speeds and the amount of data included in the entry-level fixed-broadband subscrip-
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

Uzbekistan offer minimum data allowances of 1 fixed-broadband services, with prices in 2014
GB. representing 35.9 and 63.5 per cent of GNI p.c.
respectively (Chart 4.10).
The most common entry-level fixed-broadband
speed in the CIS region is 2 Mbit/s, and only The fixed-broadband basket costs on average USD
Uzbekistans basic fixed-broadband service is 31.4, or PPP$ 39.5, more than in Europe and the
limited to 256 kbit/s. Speeds are much higher (10 CIS region but less than in Asia and the Pacific,
Mbit/s or above) in Moldova, Russia and Georgia, the Arab States and Africa. While there are some
and in all three countries the basic connection important differences in USD values, the PPP-
speed increased markedly between 2013 and adjusted values show less variation, highlighting
2014. In Moldova, the speed increased from 20 the stark differences in GNI p.c. levels between
to 30 Mbit/s, while the service also became more countries within the region (Chart 4.7).
The Americas region has the highest percentage of
In the Americas, the average price of the fixed- countries offering basic fixed-broadband services
broadband basket represents 7.4 per cent of with unlimited data caps: 33 out of 35 countries
GNI p.c., but that figure conceals large variations offer subscribers no limits on data for their basic
within the region. The region is home to countries monthly subscription. Caps are applied only in
where fixedbroadband services are among the Canada (40 GB) and Uruguay (5 GB).
worlds most affordable: in the United States,
Trinidad and Tobago and Canada, fixed-broadband While unlimited data plans in the region give
prices represent 1 per cent or less of GNI p.c., Internet users an advantage compared to other
and more than half the countries included in the regions, speeds are relatively limited. The most
data collection, among them Uruguay, Brazil, popular advertised speed is 1 Mbit/s and basic
Venezuela, Chile and Mexico, offer a service at plans in nine countries, including Cuba,30 Bolivia,
prices corresponding to less than 5 per cent of Honduras and Trinidad and Tobago, offer either
GNI p. c. Elsewhere in the region, on the other 256 kbit/s or 512 kbit/s connections. Only
hand, the service remains relatively unaffordable. Suriname, Barbados, Canada, Mexico and Chile
In the Central American countries of Honduras, offer basic fixed-broadband services with speeds
Belize and Nicaragua, the fixed-broadband basket of above 2 Mbit/s.
value stood at between 12 and 16 per cent of
GNI p.c. Cuba and Haiti had the least affordable

114 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.10: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps, in the
Americas, 2014

36 63
20 256 kbit/s


>256 kbits -1 Mbit/s
16 >1-5 Mbit/s
As a % of GNI p.c.

14 >5-50 Mbit/s

>50 Mbit/s




8 Unlimited

40 GB cap


5 GB cap



St. Lucia




Costa Rica




Trinidad & Tobago



Dominican Rep.

Antigua & Barbuda


St. Vincent and the




St. Kitts and Nevis


El Salvador

United States


Note: Broadband speeds and caps/month refer to the advertised speeds and the amount of data included in the entry-level fixed-broadband subscrip-
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

In the Arab States, the average relative and fixedbroadband services with unlimited data
absolute prices for fixed-broadband services volumes. Data caps are applied in Egypt (5 GB),
conceal wide variations within the region, in Bahrain (25 GB) and Lebanon (40 GB), but have
part due to the major differences that exist increased significantly since 2013 in all three
between the regions high-income oilexporting countries.
countries and the rest. Fixed-broadband services
in the region cost on average USD37.4, but the The most common entry-level fixed-broadband
PPPadjusted price is a high PPP$ 62.1 (Chart 4.7). speed in the region is 265 kbit/s, offered in
This reflects somewhat higher relative prices for Mauritania, Yemen, Djibouti, Iraq, Somalia and
the service but also the very high price in Iraq, Syria. Only in Egypt and Morocco are the basic
an outlier in the region, with some of the worlds fixed-broadband plans advertised at speeds of
highest fixed-broadband prices in both USD and above 2 Mbit/s.
PPP$. In terms of PPP$, Iraq has the highest prices
outside Africa. Asia and the Pacific is one of the most diverse
regions in the world by many criteria (income,
Fixed-broadband services have become very population, languages, and so on), and this
affordable in the wealthy Gulf Cooperation Council diversity is also reflected in the absolute and
(GCC) States of Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi relative prices paid by citizens for fixed-broadband
Arabia, Oman and the UAE, where the fixed- services. It is home to economies with the most
broadband basket represents less than 2 per cent affordable fixedbroadband services, including
of GNI p.c. With a fixed-broadband basket value of Macao (China), Japan, Hong Kong (China) and
1.7 per cent of GNI p.c., Tunisia has also brought Singapore, where the price of the fixedbroadband
down prices to a relatively affordable level. The basket represents less than 1 per cent of GNI p.c.
price of the service corresponds to less than 5 per Prices have become relatively affordable and lie
cent of GNI p.c. in Libya, Lebanon, Sudan, Egypt, below 5 per cent of GNI p.c. in about half the
Algeria and Morocco. In Iraq and Comoros, the countries in the region, including Indonesia, China,
service remains unaffordable, representing 34.5 Thailand and Pakistan. India and Bangladesh, both
and 71.3 per cent of the respective average GNI with a fixed-broadband basket value of 5.3, are
p.c. levels (Chart 4.11). very close to this target. Countries with the least
affordable basket include the regions LDCs, Lao
More than half of the Arab States, including Peoples Democratic Republic and Cambodia, and
Morocco, Tunisia, Oman and Algeria, offer basic many SIDS, where the high cost of international

Measuring the Information Society Report 115

Chart 4.11: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps, in the Arab
States, 2014

40 256 kbit/s

35 >256 kbits -1 Mbit/s
>1-5 Mbit/s
As a % of GNI p.c.

30 >5-50 Mbit/s
>50 Mbit/s

25 N/A

9 GB cap

10 GB cap


40 GB cap

5 GB cap
20 GB cap


2 GB cap


25 GBcap




Saudi Arabia





United Arab Emirates

Note: Broadband speeds and caps/month refer to the advertised speeds and the amount of data included in the entry-level fixed-broadband subscrip-
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

Internet bandwidth often keeps retail prices very including Indonesia and Lao Peoples Democratic
high. In the Solomon Islands and Kiribati, the price Republic, offer speeds of 512 kbit/s.
of a fixed-broadband connection represents more
than twice the average GNI p.c. In Afghanistan, Less than half the entry-level fixed-broadband
Papua New Guinea, and Vanuatu, prices also plans in Asia and the Pacific offer unlimited data
remain very high in terms of GNI p.c., and services download volumes. Most of the countries without
remain largely unaffordable (Chart 4.12). caps are high-income economies with developed
Internet markets, including Singapore, Hong
The Asia and the Pacific region has the second Kong (China), the Republic of Korea and Macao
highest average fixed-broadband prices in USD, at (China), but also include China, Cambodia and the
USD 38.5. This average hides important differences Philippines. Some SIDS, including Micronesia and
within the region, including some outliers (Kiribati Vanuatu, do not have caps but do have relatively
and Solomon Islands), where USD fixed-broadband low speeds (256 kbit/s). Japan (900 GB), New
prices are very high, at between USD 225 and 295. Zealand (80 GB) and Australia (50 GB) have entry-
In terms of PPPadjusted prices, the regional fixed- level fixed-broadband plans with relatively high
broadband basket stands at PPP$ 43.1, with similar caps compared to the most restricted caps applied
intraregional differences in prices (Chart 4.7). in Papua New Guinea, Viet Nam and India.

Fixed-broadband speeds in the Asia and the Pacific Africa has few countries with affordable entry-
region vary as much as prices. While the most level fixed-broadband plans and many where the
common entry-level fixed-broadband speed in the service remains beyond the reach of most people.
region is 2 Mbit/s, there are important differences Six African countries Seychelles, South Africa,
between countries. Hong Kong (China), Singapore Mauritius, Gabon, Cabo Verde and Botswana
and the Republic of Korea have basic broadband offer basic fixed-broadband plans at prices
plans offering speeds of 200 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s corresponding to 5 per cent or less of average
and 50 Mbit/s, respectively. Speeds in Japan, GNI p.c. In most countries, the price of the service
Australia, Thailand and Fiji exceed 6 Mbit/s. Four represents more than ten per cent of GNI p.c. In
developing economies (Micronesia, Bangladesh, almost half of the African LDCs,31 including Uganda,
the Islamic Republic of Iran and Vanuatu) offer the Rwanda and the Central African Republic, the price
minimum 256 kbit/s, and several other countries, actually exceeds average GNI p.c. levels. Very high

116 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.12: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps, in Asia and
the Pacific, 2014
31 103
20 24 38 222
256 kbit/s

6 GB cap

1 GB cap
12 GB cap
>256 kbits -1 Mbit/s

3 GB cap
>1-5 Mbit/s

>5-50 Mbit/s

7 GB cap
As a % of GNI p.c.

14 >50 Mbit/s

5 GB cap
12 N/A

1.5 GB cap

2 GB cap
5 GB cap
10 GB cap
4 GB cap

5 GB cap
2.5 GB cap

80 GB cap

6 1 GB cap
50 GB cap
900 GB cap
2 GB cap

Macao, China

Brunei Darussalam



Marshall Islands


Iran (I.R.)

Korea (Rep.)
Sri Lanka
New Zealand

Viet Nam


Lao P.D.R.

Papua New Guinea

Solomon Islands
Hong Kong, China

Note: Broadband speeds and caps/month refer to the advertised speeds and the amount of data included in the entry-level fixed-broadband subscrip-
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

Chart 4.13: Fixed-broadband prices as a percentage of GNI p.c., broadband speeds and caps, in Africa,
111 168 214 601 831 2194

102.2 119 181 239 699 1111



256 kbit/s

90 >256 kbits -1 Mbit/s


2 GB cap
80 >1-5 Mbit/s
As a % of GNI p.c.

>5-50 Mbit/s

>50 Mbit/s


10 GB cap
2 GB cap

12 GB cap
6 GB cap

20 GB cap
5 GB cap

3.4 GB cap

2 GB cap
1 GB cap
1.5GB cap
2 GB cap

Central African Rep.

South Africa



Congo (Dem. Rep.)



South Sudan
Equatorial Guinea









Sierra Leone

Congo (Rep.)


Cape Verde

S. Tome & Principe



Burkina Faso

Cte d'Ivoire


Note: Broadband speeds and caps/month refer to the advertised speeds and the amount of data included in the entry-level fixed-broadband subscrip-
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

prices in the region go hand in hand with very low economies, will deter the great majority of citizens
fixed-broadband penetration levels (Chart 4.13). from subscribing to the service.

Africa is also the region with the highest prices Minimum broadband speed offers remain the most
in terms of USD as well as PPP$-adjusted prices popular for entry-level fixed-broadband plans in
(Chart 4.7). The high relative and absolute prices, Africa. Almost 30 per cent of African countries offer
particularly in a number of very low-income speeds of 256 kbit/s, and close to 20 per cent of
countries have 512 kbit/s plans. Advertised speeds

Measuring the Information Society Report 117

of 2 Mbit/s are on offer in Cabo Verde and South regulators are also playing their part and have
Africa at relatively reasonable prices. Ghanas basic stepped up a gear in spectrum allocation and
broadband plan is marketed at 4 Mbit/s speeds. assignment for mobile-broadband technologies,33
Although Madagascars entry-level plan has a thereby contributing to the deployment of mobile-
speed of 8 Mbit/s (the highest advertised speed broadband networks.
in the region), its high price of USD 62, or 168
per cent of GNI p.c., suggests that it will not be The initiatives from both public and private
affordable for large parts of the population. stakeholders have led mobile broadband to
become the most dynamic telecommunication
More than two-thirds of fixed-broadband plans market segment, enjoying sustained double-digit
in Africa are sold as unlimited data packages, growth rates in subscription figures over the past
although the relatively slow broadband speed in eight years. Indeed, progress has continued as
most countries may in fact prevent most users the different types of mobile-broadband service
from taking advantage of data-intensive services or become available in more and more countries
applications. Indeed, all countries with advertised (Chart 4.14). For instance, in 2014, prepaid
speeds of 2Mbit/s or more impose caps. mobile-broadband services were available in 45
economies which did not offer such services in
2012. Likewise, prepaid computer-based services
4.4 Mobile-broadband prices became available in 40 economies during the
same period. The increase in mobile-broadband
Mobile broadband is the only de facto option for service availability was particularly remarkable in
accessing broadband Internet services for most of LDCs, with the number of LDCs offering prepaid
the population in developing countries, given the handset-based mobile-broadband services having
limited capacity and reach of fixed infrastructure in almost doubled in the period 2012 to 2014, from
the developing world. Indeed, mobile-broadband 23 to 43 countries.
penetration stands at over 20 per cent in almost
half of the countries of the developing world and The increasing availability of mobile-broadband
is growing strongly, whereas fixed-broadband services reflects the upgrading of narrowband
penetration lies below 2 per cent in one out of two mobile networks, such as GPRS and EDGE, to
developing countries, and below 1 per cent in 85 mobile-broadband networks in several developing
per cent of LDCs.32 countries,34 as well as the launch of new types
of mobile-broadband service in those countries
ITU estimates that 3G coverage reaches 69 per where the choice of plans was previously limited.35
cent of the world population in 2015, and that
43 per cent of the global population are Internet In the high-growth and rapidly-evolving mobile-
users. This suggests that, today, mobile broadband broadband market, innovation is also being seen
has the potential to bring online a quarter of the in pricing schemes and in the types of plan and
global population, and to do so at broadband device for which the service is offered (Figure
speeds that enable access to advanced online 4.2). In addition to segmentation by type of device
services such as e-education, e-health and and by postpaid/prepaid plans, different pricing
e-government. Given that mobile-broadband schemes are on offer for data usage, particularly in
infrastructure is already largely in place and will handset-based mobile-broadband plans (which are
be expanded in the coming years, affordability by far the most prevalent in terms of number of
remains the key to unlocking the potential of subscriptions).
broadband services in many developing countries.
For prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband
Operators have realized that they have a big stake plans, apart from pay-as-you-go data rates priced
in the success of mobile-broadband services: per MB, data packages (in some cases bundled
in terms of expanding the Internet market to with voice and SMS services) are offered with
previously untapped segments of the population, differing validity periods ranging from an hour
promoting customer loyalty in view of the ever- to several months. These packages tend to be
increasing competition in mobile markets, and cheaper than the pay-as-you-go prices per MB
balancing the loss of revenues from traditional but oblige the customer to pay for the entire
mobile services (voice, SMS). Policy-makers and package upfront.36 In some cases, such prepaid

118 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.14: Availability of mobile-broadband services by type of service, by level of development, 2014 and
Number of countries

2014 2012 2014 2012 2014 2012 2014 2012

Postpaid Prepaid Postpaid Prepaid

handset-based handset-based computer-based computer-based
(500MB) (500MB) (1GB) (1GB)

Developed Developing LDCs

Note: A mobile-broadband service is counted as having been available if it was advertised on the website of the dominant operator or prices were
provided to ITU through the ICT Price Basket Questionnaire.37
Source: ITU.

Figure 4.2: Mobile-broadband services by type of device/plan

Add-on package
Handset-based Pay as you go

Mobile Bundle

Prepaid Add-on package

Postpaid Pay as you go

Source: ITU.

packages are automatically renewed at the end The variety of pricing schemes and the dynamism
of the validity period, making them very similar of the mobile-broadband market are reflected in
in practice to postpaid plans, except that the prices, which in this market are far more volatile
customer has no commitment period and can opt than for other telecommunication services. This
out without a penalty. is not only the result of changes in the monthly
data allowance (e.g. customers paying more in
For postpaid handset-based mobile-broadband exchange for larger data allowances), but also of
plans, the data consumption can be part of a frequent pricing scheme revision by operators.
monthly bundle including voice and SMS, and yet Indeed, mobile-broadband prices per MB
be cheaper than any other data-only offers.38 In fluctuated by more than 30 per cent during the
most cases, however, the cheapest option when period 2012-2014 in half of the countries for which
considering only the cost of Internet access is to data was available (Chart 4.15). By contrast, in only
take a data-only package that can be added to any one out of four countries did those prices vary by
regular postpaid plan, or to combine several such less than 10 per cent during the same period. This
data-only packages to reach the desired monthly illustrates the fact that stability is the exception

Measuring the Information Society Report 119

Chart 4.15: Variation in the USD price per MB, by type of mobile-broadband service, 2012-2014
Postpaid handset-based, 500 MB Prepaid handset-based, 500 MB
35 35
30 30
% countries

% countries
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
<2 2-10 10-30 30-60 60-100 >100 <2 2-10 10-30 30-60 60-100 >100

% price change 2012-2014 % price change 2012-2014

Postpaid computer-based, 1GB Prepaid computer-based, 1GB

35 35
30 30
% countries

25 % countries 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
<2 2-10 10-30 30-60 60-100 >100 <2 2-10 10-30 30-60 60-100 >100

% price change 2012-2014 % price change 2012-2014

Note: Percentages are calculated on the basis of the total number of countries with price data for at least two years in the period 2012-2014: 145
economies for postpaid handset-based, 500MB; 152 economies for prepaid handset-based, 500MB; 147 economies for postpaid computer-based,
1GB; and 137 economies for prepaid computer-based, 1 GB.
Source: ITU.

rather the norm where mobile-broadband prices use, larger screen, more data consumption)
are concerned. than with handset-based mobile-broadband
services (individual use, smaller screen, less data
One of the main reasons for the frequent changes consumption), and, as a result, the uptake and
in mobile-broadband prices is the absence of clear pricing trends often differ.
market leaders in most countries. Unlike previous
telecommunication services, mobile broadband Mobile-broadband price trends need to be
started to grow strongly in a context of several analysed with caution, since the final price of each
consolidated mobile-cellular operators capable basket is highly sensitive to how well the pricing
of offering the service in each market. As a result, scheme of the dominant mobile-broadband
competition in mobile-broadband services has operator in each country fits the basket. As a
from the outset been strong, and leadership in result, year-to-year changes for a specific country
the mobile-cellular market has not always been may reflect changes in the data allowance of a
transferred (or at least not to the same extent) given package, or a change in the market leader
into the mobile-broadband market.39 and consequent application of a different pricing
scheme, rather than actual changes in the overall
The differing types of mobile-broadband service pricing levels. For these reasons, the analysis of
may, moreover, lead to sub-segmentation of mobile-broadband price trends presented in the
the market, so that, for instance, the operator following section is limited to general trends, since
with more handset-based subscriptions may be robust pricing-trend indications can be extracted
different from the one with more computer- only at an aggregated level.
based subscriptions.40 Indeed, computer-based
mobile-broadband services have more in
common with fixed-broadband services (shared

120 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Global mobile-broadband price trends basket and the 500MB handset-based mobile-
broadband basket, considering what each
A comparison of the average mobile-broadband basket includes and how this enables different
prices per service in 2013 and 2014 (Chart 4.16) ICT applications (Box 4.6). Based on the ITU
leads to the following conclusions: baskets, computer-based mobile-broadband
plans remain significantly less affordable than
Average prices for the four types of mobile- handset-based plans in developing countries,
broadband plan decreased (both in USD highlighting the ongoing challenge to offer
and PPP$), resulting in mobile broadband larger data allowances at affordable prices in
becoming from 20 to 30 per cent more the developing world.
affordable globally between 2013 and 2014,
depending on the service. This finding is Developed countries saw an average decrease
confirmed by the decrease in prices expressed in mobile-broadband prices similar to that in
as a percentage of GNI p.c. developing countries, in the 15 to 25 per cent
range for prices in USD. This decrease has led
The largest decrease in prices occurred in mobile broadband to become (on average)
LDCs, where average prices for all types of the cheapest among the four ITU price
mobile-broadband service were reduced by baskets in the developed world. Moreover,
more than 25 per cent between 2013 and the comparison with fixed-telephony, mobile-
2014 (both in USD and PPP$). The strongest cellular and fixed-broadband prices (see
drop was seen in prepaid mobile-broadband sections 4.2 and 4.3) shows that mobile
plans, suggesting that competition and/or broadband is the only service for which
demand is stronger in this segment in LDCs. average prices in USD in developed countries
The reduction brought mobile-broadband are similar to or even lower than in developing
prices in LDCs close to the levels of developing countries, and the trend suggests that they
and developed countries at the end of 2014: are still falling. This explains why mobile
USD 13 USD 14 for handset-based plans with broadband has become so affordable in
a 500MB monthly data allowance, and around the developed world, with average prices
USD 20 for computer-based plans with 1GB. corresponding to less than 1 per cent of
However, prices relative to GNI p.c. in LDCs GNI p.c for all services except prepaid
are on average still twice as high compared computer-based, which is probably the less
with the average for all developing countries, common type of mobile-broadband service in
and twenty times higher than for developed developed countries.
countries, suggesting that the affordability
of mobile-broadband services is still a major Chart 4.17 presents an aggregated comparison of
issue in LDCs. 2013 and 2014 prices, in local currency, so that the
effects of exchange rate fluctuations or changes
Between 2013 and 2014, developing countries in the GNI p.c. are screened from the analysis of
saw a reduction in mobile-broadband prices pricing trends.
(in USD) of between 15 and 25 per cent,
depending on the service. Despite this The results of this analysis provide additional
remarkable decrease, prices in PPP terms are insights that are not captured in the averages.
on average more than 50 per cent higher in
developing than in developed countries. Prices For about half of the countries surveyed,
in terms of GNI p.c. in developing countries mobile-broadband prices in local currency did
show that prepaid mobile-broadband plans not change between 2013 and 2014.
have reached the affordability levels of mobile-
cellular plans: mobile-cellular services were In those countries where prices changed,
on average 30 per cent more affordable than mobile-broadband prices decreased in most
mobile-broadband services in 2013, while cases (about 30 per cent of countries),
mobile-cellular plans were only 2 per cent although they also increased in a few countries
more affordable than mobile-broadband (around 15 per cent of countries).
plans in 2014.46 Caution must be exercised
when comparing the low-user mobile-cellular

Measuring the Information Society Report 121

Chart 4.16: Mobile-broadband prices, in USD (top), PPP$ (center) and as a percentage of GNI p.c. (bottom),
world and by level of development, 2013-2014
Postpaid 2013
computer-based 20.2
(1GB) 2014 14.8

Prepaid 2013 26.0

computer-based 19.2

(1GB) 2014 20.4


Prepaid 2013 17.7
handset-based 18.3
(500MB) 2014 13.7

Postpaid 2013 17.6
handset-based 18.0

(500MB) 14.2
2014 14.5

0 10 20 30 40

Postpaid 2013 17.3

computer-based 37.9
(1GB) 2014 15.9

Prepaid 2013 29.3
computer-based 34.8
(1GB) 2014 22.1

Prepaid 2013 19.8

handset-based 25.0
(500MB) 2014 15.4

Postpaid 2013 19.0

handset-based 26.6
(500MB) 2014 16.4

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Postpaid 2013 1.0

computer-based 23.4
(1GB) 2014 0.9 9.8

Prepaid 2013 1.9
computer-based 21.5
(1GB) 2014 1.4

Prepaid 2013 1.1
handset-based 15.2
(500MB) 2014 0.8
4.8 LDCs
Postpaid 2013 0.9
handset-based 16.3 World
(500MB) 2014 0.8

0 10 20 30 40
% GNI p.c.

Note: Simple averages. Based on 119 economies for which 2013 and 2014 data on mobile-broadband prices were available for the four types of data
plan. The respective averages include: 22 LDCs, 84 developing countries and 35 developed countries.
Source: ITU.

122 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Box 4.6: How much service for your mobile-broadband package?
ITU collects mobile-broadband prices for two monthly data allowances: 500 MB per month and
1 GB per month. In reality, operators sell mobile-broadband data in quantities ranging from
only a few megabytes (MB) to several gigabytes (GB). To put these packages into perspective,
it is necessary to understand the amount of data needed for the delivery of different online
mobile-broadband activities, including services and applications. This is particularly important
given that mobile-broadband services have been hailed as a key development tool that can
enable the delivery of services to remote locations and which has great potential for social
development. Examples include the delivery of m-learning and e-health services via mobile-
broadband networks to remote and rural areas. Mobile broadband can help overcome the
mobility limitations of patients and the lack of medical experts in rural areas. But how much data
are needed to deliver such services?

The answer is: it depends. Data consumption varies considerably according to the type of Internet
activity. Sending a basic WhatsApp message may consume 20 kB, but streaming a high-quality
video may require 7000 kB per minute. Internet activities with low data consumption include
browsing webpages with low graphical content, posting a text message in a social network or
sharing a low-resolution image or a text file. Internet activities that are more data-hungry include
music, radio and video streaming, Skype audio and video calls, and exchanging high-quality
pictures or files with rich graphical content.

Figure Box 4.6 provides examples of what a user can do with a mobile-broadband plan with
either 500 MB or 1 GB per month.41 It shows that a 500 MB per month allowance enables only
modest use of data-hungry Internet applications, which in many cases are those with the greatest
development potential. The analysis also highlights the fact that data consumption depends not
only on the type of mobile application used, but also on the level of quality selected. In addition,
more information can be delivered to the smaller screen of a mobile phone than to a computer
screen, which, being considerably larger, requires more data if the user is to perceive a similar
image quality as on the mobile screen. In real terms, this is what 500 MB per month the smaller
of the packages for which ITU collects price data will allow for:

Streaming: Users can watch 140 minutes of standard quality Internet video (i.e. 4.5 minutes
per day per month) and listen to 190 minutes of radio streams (6.3 minutes per day).
A user preferring to stream high quality video and audio will find the said amounts reduced to
65 minutes (2.2 minutes per day) of radio and 60 minutes (2 minutes per day) of video.

M-learning: A student can watch 320 minutes of school courses (i.e. review materials of
two school subjects at Grade 4)42, at the rate of a little over ten minutes per day, and do the
corresponding tests from home. In addition, the students parents could watch two hours of
an e-learning course on child nutrition (about one-third of the total duration of the course).43

M-health: A doctor can carry out 70 minutes of remote visits (involving a video conversation
via Skype) per month (2 minutes per day) and send/receive five medical images to/from
medical specialists in a hospital located in another town.44

Apart from the monthly data allowance, other characteristics of the plan need to be considered
when determining which services are effectively enabled by mobile broadband. For instance,
streaming a video would require 500 kbit/s of download speed, which is more than the transfer
rates achieved by UMTS. A Skype call would need only 100 kbit/s upload/download speeds, but
would on the other hand require low latency (i.e. no transmission delay).45

Measuring the Information Society Report 123

Box 4.6: How much service for your mobile-broadband package? (continued)

All these factors need to be taken into consideration in the cost-benefit analysis and when
assessing the potential impact of mobile broadband on social and economic development.

Figure Box 4.3: Mobile-broadband data usage examples, 500 MB and 1 GB per month

275 webpages Remote video consultation: 70 mins

400 e-mails 5 medical images (avg. radiography,
200 Facebook visits 500 MB echography, scanner, MRI)
or per month or
Internet video (std-quality): 140 mins School m-learning courses: 320 mins
Radio Streaming (std-quality):190 mins Adult e-learning (small screen
resolution): 120 mins

Internet video (std-quality): 190 mins Remote video consultation: 150 mins
Radio Streaming (std-quality):230 mins 9 medical images (avg. radiography,
Skype video calls: 90 mins echography, scanner, MRI)
or 1 GB or
per month School m-learning courses: 480 mins
Internet video (High-quality): 120 mins
Radio Streaming (high-quality):130 mins Adult e-learning (large screen
std-resolution): 180 mins

Source: ITU.

In those countries where prices decreased, For instance, postpaid handset-based mobile-
price reductions were strong (most of them broadband plans with 500MB per month cost
corresponding to a price drop of over 30 per less than USD 30 in Cyprus, Denmark and Israel
cent in local currency). (Table 4.7), highlighting the fact that the prices
offered for postpaid plans in these countries are
Conversely, in those countries where prices far more competitive. In the United States, prepaid
rose, the increases were more moderate (in and postpaid mobile-broadband plans include
most cases below 30 per cent). This explains unlimited voice and text and are offered on LTE
the overall decrease in the average mobile- networks, thus allowing for higher speeds. These
broadband prices. differences are often linked to the different trends
in mobile-cellular markets: in most developed
These findings hold true for all types of mobile- countries, mobile plans are predominantly
broadband plan and provide a more nuanced postpaid and data services are contracted as
overview of the mobile-broadband price trends. A part of large bundles, whereas in the majority of
more detailed analysis requires the examination of developing countries prepaid is by far the most
country data, and is presented in the next section common mode of contracting mobile services and
on the basis of the 2014 mobile-broadband prices. all-inclusive bundles are the exception.

The analysis of the 2014 mobile-broadband prices The price of a computer-based mobile-broadband
shows that the cost of a prepaid handset-based plan with 1GB per month also varies widely
mobile-broadband plan with a 500MB monthly across countries: from USD 3 in Cambodia and Sri
data allowance ranged from less than USD 2 in Lanka to more than USD 50 in several developing
Pakistan and Bhutan to more than USD 40 in countries (Table 4.9 and Table 4.10). This is
several countries, including Denmark, Cyprus, particularly the case of prepaid computer-based
Israel and the United States (Table 4.8). This mobile-broadband plans, which cost more than
variation reflects differences in income and in the USD 50 in as many as 13 countries. These facts
mode of contracting mobile broadband, as well as tally with the finding that prepaid computer-based
the different characteristics of the services offered. plans tend to be introduced at a later stage in

124 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.17: Percentage change in mobile-broadband prices in local currency, percentage of countries,
Postpaid handset-based, 500 MB Prepaid handset-based, 500 MB


Price 0-10%


Price 0-10%
15 15

10 10

5 5
% countries

% countries
0 0

5 5
54% of countries 55% of countries
10 no change in price 10 no change in price

Price 30-10%
Price 30-10%



15 15

Postpaid computer-based, 1GB Prepaid computer-based, 1GB


Price 0-10%

15 15


Price 0-10%

10 10

5 5
% countries

% countries

0 0

5 5
58% of countries 56% of countries
10 no change in price 10 no change in price
Price 30-10%


Price 30-10%


15 15

Note: Percentages are calculated on the basis of the total number of countries with price data for 2013 and 2014: 145 economies for postpaid hand-
set-based, 500MB; 153 economies for prepaid handset-based, 500MB; 149 economies for postpaid computer-based, 1GB; and 139 economies for
prepaid computer-based, 1GB.
Source: ITU.

mobile-broadband markets (Chart 4.14), and that based services tends also to have high prices for
price decreases therefore occur later than in other postpaid handset-based services, and vice versa.
mobile-broadband services.

The comparison of the prices for the different Regional mobile-broadband analysis
mobile-broadband plans shows that those
countries with low mobile-broadband prices The comparison of prices having regard to the
for a given service tend to have low mobile- purchasing power of local currencies makes it
broadband prices for the other services. Indeed, possible to highlight those countries that stand out
there is a strong link between the prepaid for having the lowest mobile-broadband prices in
and postpaid prices for handset-based mobile each region (Table 4.5). The following observations
broadband (correlation of 0.73 for PPP prices), as can be made based on the 2014 prices:
well as between prepaid and postpaid prices for
computer-based mobile broadband (correlation of The cheapest mobile-broadband prices in
0.76 for PPP prices). This means that, for instance, PPP$ are found in countries in Europe and in
a country with high prices for prepaid handset- Asia and the Pacific, for all mobile-broadband

Measuring the Information Society Report 125

Table 4.5: Top
Table 4.5: Top three
three countries
countries with
with thethe cheapest
cheapest mobile-broadband
mobile-broadband services
services in region,
in each each region, PPP$, 2014
PPP$, 2014
Prepaid handset-based 500MB
Europe PPP$ Asia & Pacific PPP$ The Americas PPP$ Arab States PPP$ CIS PPP$ Africa PPP$
Estonia 3.16 Cambodia 5.17 Uruguay 10.75 Sudan 7.81 Moldova 6.94 Mozambique 6.23
Lithuania 3.94 Pakistan 5.17 Paraguay 11.79 Tunisia 13.28 Belarus 9.90 Guinea 7.81
Iceland 4.76 Bhutan 5.35 Costa Rica 12.03 Bahrain 13.60 Kazakhstan 11.02 Cape Verde 10.46

Postpaid handset-based 500MB

Europe PPP$ Asia & Pacific PPP$ The Americas PPP$ Arab States PPP$ CIS PPP$ Africa PPP$
Finland 2.91 Sri Lanka 4.16 Bahamas 13.19 Sudan 3.55 Moldova 6.94 Guinea 7.81
Iceland 4.76 Cambodia 5.17 Uruguay 13.38 Tunisia 7.97 Belarus 9.90 Mozambique 9.28
Austria 5.76 Australia 6.50 Barbados 14.52 Bahrain 13.60 Armenia 10.39 Tanzania 9.89

Prepaid computer-based 1GB

Europe PPP$ Asia & Pacific PPP$ The Americas PPP$ Arab States PPP$ CIS PPP$ Africa PPP$
Poland 5.27 Cambodia 6.46 Barbados 15.73 Morocco 11.97 Moldova 8.68 Mozambique 9.97
Austria 5.76 Sri Lanka 7.16 Uruguay 16.12 Egypt 12.25 Kazakhstan 11.02 Cape Verde 12.34
Lithuania 6.19 Bhutan 10.18 United States 21.77 Sudan 13.20 Belarus 13.68 Burundi 16.68

Postpaid computer-based 1GB

Europe PPP$ Asia & Pacific PPP$ The Americas PPP$ Arab States PPP$ CIS PPP$ Africa PPP$
Austria 5.76 Cambodia 6.44 Uruguay 11.71 Egypt 14.08 Kazakhstan 11.02 Mauritius 10.53
Lithuania 6.76 Sri Lanka 8.38 Barbados 14.52 Tunisia 19.92 Belarus 13.68 Tanzania 12.72
Romania 7.75 Indonesia 12.54 United States 16.32 Libya 21.70 Moldova 17.35 Mozambique 13.02
Source: ITU.
Source: ITU.

services. Specific countries that stand out in offers some of the worlds least expensive
these regions and worldwide for having the handset-based mobile-broadband plans.
lowest mobile-broadband prices are Austria
The andaverage mobile-broadband
Lithuania, and Cambodia prices in the
and Sri Arab
Lanka, affordable.
The aggregate Indeed, the of
analysis average
in terms of
States region represent more than 5 per cent of
respectively. to
p.c. than
cent ofthat thethere
GNI p.c.
are for
GNI p.c. for all mobile-broadband services. The handset-based mobile broadband,
differences in affordability across and andwithin
fact Some
that the regionsinlow-income
countries the CIS andcountries
in the Africahave 30 per cent
regions. Theofresults
the GNI p.c. for
confirm Europe is
similar mobile-broadband
region have remarkablyprices to those of the
low mobile-broadband mobile broadband.
the region with the Thismosthighlights
affordable the fact that
prices, forcountries
Moldova thatforprices
both in terms mobile
broadbandbroadband is stilldifferences
prices, and not affordable
across in countries
of GNI p.c. inand
prepaid low-income
postpaid Arab States are mobile-
handset-based high and countries
in Europe of arethe Africa
small region,ofand
in terms GNIsuggests
p.c. Thisthatis
the regions average up.
services, and Mozambique for current mobile-broadband usage for
largely explained by the high GNI p.c. levels in themost of
prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband Africas
but also byisthe limited to cheaper
relatively plans
low mobile-
Africa region
The services. These stands out as theare
two countries region in of
examples in the market,
broadband withinlower
prices mostdata allowances
European or
which how mobile-broadband
competition can services are the least
drive mobile-broadband
prices down, even in a context in which The CIS region comes second in terms of the
Table 4.6: Average
investment mobile-broadband
is required to upgradeprices
networksand ranges
or bymost
region, as a percentage
affordable of GNI p.c.,prices,
mobile-broadband 2014 and
extend coverage.47,48
Postpaid the average for all mobile-broadband
Prepaid Postpaid services Prepaid
handset-based 500MB handset-based 500MB computer-based 1GB computer-based 1GB
corresponds to less than 5 per cent of GNI
Min. Max. Average* Min. Max. Average* Min. Max. Average* Min. Max. Average*
There is no country
the Americas
0.81 0.14
p.c., which
0.82 0.16
is 3.99
the affordability
set by the 1.56
CIS stands out for having
0.45 particularly
16.44 3.35 low mobile-
0.45 16.44 Broadband
3.70 0.57 Commission
16.44 4.83for Digital
0.57 Development
16.44 4.92
broadband prices
The Americas 0.85 as compared
32.80 4.55with0.59
those of
32.80 (Box 4.5).
4.39 0.37 Taking
32.80 into account
4.88 that GNI
0.49 p.c. levels
32.80 in
Asia other
& Pacificregions, although
0.17 30.54 Uruguay4.39 can be singled
0.26 27.99 the CIS
4.28 0.35region are not 7.53
68.80 particularly
0.49 high (on average,
55.99 6.77
Arab States 0.23 37.81 5.15 0.30 37.81 5.22
out as the country with the least expensive lower0.23
than in56.71
all regions 7.93
except0.38 37.81
for Africa), this 6.07
Africa 1.43 58.60 15.77 1.43 58.60 15.20 0.82 172.86 30.33 1.43 172.86 29.50
mobile-broadband prices for several mobile- finding illustrates the fact that most CIS countries
Note: *Simple averages based on 149 countries for which price data for all mobile-broadband services were available.
broadband services. The same finding applies
Source: ITU.
enjoy affordable mobile-broadband prices.
to the Arab States, except for Sudan, which

126 Chapter 4. Monitoring
Measuring the price
the Information andReport
Society affordability of ICTs
The average mobile-broadband prices in the Arab of GNI p.c. in low-income Arab States are high and
States region represent more than 5 per cent of drive the regions average up.
GNI p.c. for all mobile-broadband services. The
fact that the regions low-income countries have The Africa region stands out as the region in
similar mobile-broadband prices to those of the which mobile-broadband services are the least
high-income countries means that prices in terms affordable. Indeed, the average corresponds to

Chapter 4
Table 4.6: Averagemobile-broadband
4.6: Average mobile-broadband prices
prices and
and ranges
ranges by by region,
region, as aaspercentage
a percentage of GNI
of GNI p.c.,p.c.,
2014 2014

Postpaid Prepaid Postpaid Prepaid

handset-based 500MB handset-based 500MB computer-based 1GB computer-based 1GB
Min. Max. Average* Min. Max. Average* Min. Max. Average* Min. Max. Average*
Europe 0.09 1.99 0.81 0.14 2.62 0.82 0.16 3.99 0.90 0.16 17.46 1.56
CIS 0.45 16.44 3.35 0.45 16.44 3.70 0.57 16.44 4.83 0.57 16.44 4.92
The Americas 0.85 32.80 4.55 0.59 32.80 4.39 0.37 32.80 4.88 0.49 32.80 6.24
Asia & Pacific 0.17 30.54 4.39 0.26 27.99 4.28 0.35 68.80 7.53 0.49 55.99 6.77
Arab States 0.23 37.81 5.15 0.30 37.81 5.22 0.23 56.71 7.93 0.38 37.81 6.07
Africa 1.43 58.60 15.77 1.43 58.60 15.20 0.82 172.86 30.33 1.43 172.86 29.50
Note: *Simpleaverages
averages based
based on on
149149 countries
countries for which
for which priceprice data
data for all for all mobile-broadband
mobile-broadband servicesservices were available.
were available.
Source: ITU.

Average prices in the Americas region represent metered offers, which greatly limit the potential
less than 5 per cent of GNI p.c. for all mobile- impact of mobile broadband.
broadband services, except for prepaid computer-
based mobile broadband. However, the range of The high prices in terms of GNI p.c. in the Africa
prices within this region is rather wide, pointing to region are largely explained by the low GNI p.c.
36 large
4. Monitoring in
price andbroadband
affordability ofaffordability.
ICTs levels. For instance, Mozambique stands out in
the region as having the lowest mobile-broadband
The Asia-Pacific region has average prices that prices in PPP$ (Table 4.5), but in terms of GNI
correspond to less than 5 per cent of GNI p.c. for p.c., prices in the country correspond to more
handset-based mobile-broadband services, but than 5 per cent of the GNI p.c. for each mobile-
prices are above that threshold for computer- broadband basket, on account of the low GNI
based mobile broadband. Moreover, there are p.c. (USD 609 per year). Nevertheless, it is worth
large differences in prices as a percentage of GNI mentioning that prepaid handset-based mobile
p.c. within the region, particularly for computer- broadband is the mobile-broadband service
based mobile-broadband services. These findings that may have more of an impact in developing
suggest that providing affordable mobile- countries, and that in Mozambique the cost of
broadband access with large data allowances is still this service represents 6.3 per cent of GNI p.c.,
an issue in several countries within the region. which is close to the Broadband Commissions
affordability target of 5 per cent. This is already an
The average mobile-broadband prices in the Arab encouraging achievement for an LDC.
States region represent more than 5 per cent of
GNI p.c. for all mobile-broadband services. The A detailed regional analysis of prepaid handset-
fact that the regions low-income countries have based mobile-broadband prices as a percentage
similar mobile-broadband prices to those of the of GNI p.c. provides additional insights into
high-income countries means that prices in terms the affordability of the mobile-broadband
of GNI p.c. in low-income Arab States are high and service, which holds the greatest potential for
drive the regions average up. development. The reason for selecting this basket
(out of the four mobile-broadband services) is
The Africa region stands out as the region in that handset-based subscriptions are much more
which mobile-broadband services are the least widespread than computer-based subscriptions,
affordable. Indeed, the average corresponds and most handset-based subscriptions in the world
to more than 15 per cent of the GNI p.c. for are prepaid. This suggests that the affordability of
handset-based mobile broadband, and about prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband services
30 per cent of the GNI p.c. for computer-based will be a key enabling factor if the mobile miracle
mobile broadband. This highlights the fact that (i.e. the mass uptake of regular mobile-cellular
mobile broadband is still not affordable in most services) is to be replicated in the broadband
countries of the Africa region, and suggests that arena. Based on a regional comparison, the
current mobile-broadband usage for most of following points can be highlighted:
Africas population is limited to cheaper plans in
the market, with lower data allowances or time-

Measuring the Information Society Report 127

Africa: (2GB or more). As a result, prices in those
countries correspond to over 40 per cent of
Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband GNI p.c., making them the most unaffordable
prices represent less than 5 per cent of GNI worldwide. This suggests that the very low
p.c. in only one out of five countries in the mobile-broadband penetration in those
Africa region (Chart 4.18), and therefore countries is to a great extent due to the
in most countries the service is rather unaffordability of the service.
Arab States:
The most affordable prepaid handset-based
mobile-broadband services are found in those
Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband
African countries with the highest GNI p.c.
prices represent less than 5 per cent of
levels, such as Gabon, Mauritius, Seychelles
GNI p.c. in the majority of Arab States, and
and South Africa. However, the prices in Cabo
less than 1 per cent in the GCC countries
Verde and Ghana, which have much lower
(Chart 4.19). This confirms that the service
GNI p.c. levels, are as affordable as in those
is affordable in most countries of the region,
countries, thus illustrating that it is not only a
including Sudan, which, despite being an
matter of economic development, but also of
LDC and having a low GNI p.c., offers prepaid
efficient regulation, policy-making and private
handset-based prices corresponding to less
than 3.5 per cent of GNI p.c. Other countries
that stand out for having low prepaid handset-
Other countries with low GNI p.c. levels
based mobile-broadband prices include Egypt
that nevertheless stand out for low prepaid
and Tunisia.
handset-based mobile-broadband prices
include Gambia, Guinea, Kenya and
Comoros, Mauritania and Yemen are the
Mozambique. If low prices are maintained,
only Arab States included in the comparison
these countries could reach the 5 per cent
in which prepaid handset-based mobile-
affordability target in the short or mid-term.
broadband prices are largely unaffordable.
This tallies with the lower rates of mobile-
In Chad, Liberia and Niger, prepaid handset-
broadband penetration in those countries (less
based mobile-broadband plans with a 30-day
than 15 per cent, whereas all other countries
validity period include large data allowances
with price data have mobile-broadband

Chart 4.18: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the Africa region, 2014
0.5 GB cap

59 91
2 GB cap
2 GB cap
3 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
1.2 GB cap

1 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
As a % of GNI p.c.

0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

0.6 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
1.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.8 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap
0.7 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
1 GB cap



South Africa




South Sudan

Congo (Rep.)


Congo (Dem. Rep.)



Sierra Leone
Cape Verde


Burkina Faso
Cte d'Ivoire

S. Tome & Principe




Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

128 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.19: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of GNI
p.c. in the Arab States region, 2014


0.5 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
1 GB cap
As a % of GNI p.c.


3 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

2 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

2 GB cap
1 GB cap
1 GB cap
1 GB cap
3 GB cap




Saudi Arabia


United Arab Emirates



Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

Chart 4.20: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the Asia-Pacific region, 2014

0.7 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
1.5 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
2 GB cap
As a % of GNI p.c.

0.7 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
4 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap
0.6 GB cap

2 GB cap
0.6 GB cap
0.7 GB cap
0.7 GB cap
0.7 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.6 GB cap

1 GB cap
0.8 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

2 GB cap
0.8 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap
1 GB cap
2 GB cap
1 GB cap




Viet Nam


Iran (I.R.)


Lao P.D.R.
Macao, China



Papua New Guinea


Sri Lanka
Hong Kong, China

Brunei Darussalam

New Zealand



Solomon Islands

Note: Japan and the Republic of Korea are not included in the comparison because more than 95 per cent of mobile subscriptions in these countries
are postpaid, with prepaid prices therefore being of little relevance.
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

penetration rates above 20 per cent). This in the high-income economies that top the
suggests that affordability of the service is ranking Singapore, Hong Kong (China) and
one of the main barriers to mobile-broadband Australia but also in several LDCs: Bhutan,
uptake in Comoros, Mauritania and Yemen. Cambodia (Box 4.7), Timor-Leste, Bangladesh
and Lao P.D.R. These countries are outstanding
examples of the fact that affordable mobile-
Asia and the Pacific:
broadband services are also possible in LDCs
and low-income countries. Other LDCs in Asia
In three out of four countries in the region,
and the Pacific with moderately affordable
prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband
prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband
prices represent less than 5 per cent of GNI
prices include Nepal and Afghanistan.
p.c. (Chart 4.20). This is the case not only

Measuring the Information Society Report 129

Box 4.7: Cambodias mobile-broadband market
Cambodia stands out for having the lowest computer-based mobile-broadband prices in USD
worldwide according to the ITU baskets, and the third cheapest handset-based mobile-broadband
prices. Even in relation to the countrys GNI p.c., mobile-broadband prices are relatively low,
corresponding to less than 5 per cent of GNI p.c. However, mobile-broadband uptake is in its early
stages in Cambodia, with penetration at 14 per cent compared with a mobile-cellular penetration
of more than 155 per cent. High mobile-cellular uptake, strong competition and relatively low
prices in the mobile-broadband market, coupled with the recent progress in the deployment of
mobile-broadband networks in Cambodia, suggest that mobile-broadband adoption could take
off in the country in the coming years.

There are five operators offering mobile-broadband services to meet the demand of Cambodias
15.4 million inhabitants, and competition is strong, with no operator having more than 35 per
cent of the mobile-broadband market share.50 Metfone, the dominant operator in the mobile-
cellular market, has gained some momentum following its acquisition of Beeline Cambodia in
March 201551 and the extension of its 3G network, which covered 70 per cent of the country by
the beginning of 2015.52

The third operator in the mobile-broadband market, Smart, was the first, in January 2014, to
launch LTE services, and has since expanded its LTE network, achieving the milestone of LTE
deployment to all of Cambodias 25 provinces in June 2015.53 The smallest operator offering
mobile-broadband services in Cambodia, Excell, was acquired by the Singapore-based South East
Asia Telecom (SEATEL) Group in 2013. SEATEL has also been investing in the roll-out of an LTE
network, its objective being to shut down Excells 3G network and replace it with the new LTE
network by the end of June 2015.54

According to GSMA Intelligence, there were 4.8 million mobile-broadband-capable connections

in Cambodia by the end of 2014, while ITU data show that only 2.1 million of them were actually
making active use of mobile-broadband services. This highlights the fact that the service has to
be affordable in order to bridge the difference between potential and actual customers. This is
particularly true given the recent network roll-outs that will expand the potential customer base.

In 2013, Cambodias average monthly consumption per capita on communications amounted to

USD 1.24 (National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia, 2014). This compares with USD 2.00 per
month for a handset-based mobile-broadband subscription, meaning that an average consumer
previously not subscribing to mobile-broadband services would need to multiply by 2.5 the
average expenditure in communication to start using 500MB of mobile broadband per month.
In order to determine the extent to which such an increase in consumption would be possible
for the population in Cambodia, mobile-broadband prices are shown as a percentage of median
disposable income per capita (handset-based plans) and per household (computer-based plans)
in Chart Box 4.7.55

Data show that computer-based mobile-broadband plans are very affordable and correspond
to less than 2 per cent of the average households disposable income. Handset-based mobile-
broadband plans are somewhat less affordable if their costs are considered personal rather than
shared per household, although prices would still correspond to less than 5 per cent of median
disposable income in Cambodia. The differences in income between rural and urban areas make
mobile-broadband plans less affordable in rural areas, particularly for handset-based mobile-
broadband plans.

130 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Box 4.7: Cambodias mobile-broadband market (continued)

Chart Box 4.7: Handset-based mobile-broadband (500 MB/month) prices as a percentage of

disposable income per capita (left), and computer-based mobile-broadband (1 GB/month) prices
as a percentage of disposable income per household (right), Cambodia

6 6
As a % of disposable income per capita

As a % of disposable income
5 5

per household
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
Cambodia Capital city Other urban Other rural Cambodia Capital city Other urban Other rural

Note: Disposable income refers to the median value.

Source: ITU. Data on disposable income sourced from National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia (2014).

In the majority of Pacific SIDS, the affordability mobile-broadband represents more than 5 per
of prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband cent of GNI p.c. Prices are the least affordable
services remains an issue. This is particularly in Tajikistan, which is also the CIS country
the case in Kiribati, Micronesia, Papua New included in the comparison with the lowest
Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, mobile-broadband penetration.
where the price of the service represents more
than 10 per cent of GNI p.c. Nevertheless, the
example of Fiji, the SIDS in the region with
the highest mobile-broadband penetration
All European countries included in the
(over 40 per cent), shows that more affordable
comparison offer prepaid handset-based
prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband
mobile-broadband plans representing less
prices are possible, even in the challenging
than 3 per cent of GNI p.c. (Chart 4.22),
context of SIDS, and that they can lead to
making them very affordable. This finding
higher mobile-broadband uptake.
confirms that Europe is by far the region
with the most affordable mobile-broadband
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): services, even in the case of prepaid services,
which in many European countries are less
Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices common than postpaid services.
are very affordable in the majority of CIS countries
(Chart 4.21). Eight out of the top ten countries with the
most affordable prepaid handset-based
The service represents less than 1 per cent of mobile-broadband prices worldwide are
GNI p.c. not only in the Russian Federation and in Europe. They include Norway, Sweden,
Kazakhstan, the two countries with the highest Iceland, Austria and Estonia, where the price
income, but also in Belarus and Azerbaijan, of the service corresponds to less than 0.2 per
which have lower income levels. cent of GNI p.c.

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are the only CIS

countries in which prepaid handset-based

Measuring the Information Society Report 131

Chart 4.21: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the CIS region, 2014

1 GB cap
As a % of GNI p.c.

0.5 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

0.7 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.6 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
2.2 GB cap

1 GB cap

Russian Federation






Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

Chart 4.22: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the Europe region, 2014

6 GB cap

0.6 GB cap
0.6 GB cap
1 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
1 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
As a % of GNI p.c.

0.5 GB cap
1.4 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
0.6 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
1.2 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.7 GB cap

6 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap

0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

2 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap
1 GB cap
1 GB cap
1 GB cap


TFYR Macedonia
Czech Republic


United Kingdom



Bosnia and Herzegovina
















Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

The Americas: affordable prepaid handset-based mobile-

broadband services is Paraguay.
Almost all countries in the Americas region
have mobile-broadband prices that represent The only countries in which prepaid handset-
less than 5 per cent of GNI p.c. (Chart 4.23). based mobile-broadband prices clearly
The most affordable services are offered not correspond to more than 5 per cent of GNI
only in the regions high-income countries, p.c. are the Dominican Republic, Honduras,
such as Canada, which tops the ranking, but Nicaragua and Haiti. Since all four countries
also in countries with lower income levels, have mobile-cellular markets that are
such as Uruguay, Costa Rica and Brazil. predominantly prepaid, more affordable
Another country that stands out for offering prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband

132 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Chart 4.23: Prepaid handset-based mobile-broadband prices (500MB per month) as a percentage of
GNIp.c. in the Americas region, 2014

2 GB cap

7 GB cap
1 GB cap

2.7 GB cap
As a % of GNI p.c.


0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap
1 GB cap
1 GB cap

1 GB cap
1.2 GB cap

2 GB cap
1 GB cap
5 GB cap
0.8 GB cap

2 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap
1 GB cap
0.7 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

2 GB cap
2 GB cap
1 GB cap
2 GB cap
0.8 GB cap
0.5 GB cap

1 GB cap
1 GB cap


Dominican Rep.
El Salvador
Antigua & Barbuda

Costa Rica


Trinidad & Tobago

St. Kitts and Nevis

United States



St. Lucia






St. Vincent and the

Source: ITU. GNI p.c. values are based on World Bank data.

plans could greatly contribute to further expands both network coverage and the number
mobile-broadband uptake. Indeed, the of available roaming routes.57
Dominican Republic has a mobile-broadband
penetration that is only half the regional A comprehensive data set on international mobile
average, and GNI p.c. levels suggest that more roaming charges is hard to compile and would
affordable prices are possible. In Honduras, require inputs on a large number of dimensions:
the mobile-broadband market is at an earlier multiple roaming destinations, multiple operator
stage of development and could benefit tariffs, on-net calls, off-net calls, special bundles
greatly from more affordable prices. Lastly, and other relevant commercial offers. The lack of
mobile-broadband penetration is below 2 data hampers a global comprehensive analysis of
per cent in Nicaragua and almost 0 in Haiti, roaming price trends. However, data collected by
highlighting the fact that cheaper plans with regulators from a number of emerging regional
lower data allowances and longer validity initiatives allows estimates of average regional
periods are needed for mobile broadband to roaming prices per main destination.
take off in these countries.
Several regulatory initiatives have emerged in
recent years with a view to reducing roaming
4.5 International mobile roaming prices, better informing consumers and preventing
prices bill shock. As from 2007, the European Union,
together with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway,
International mobile roaming has been on has been setting price limits for intra-EU roaming
regulatory radar screens for several years, tariffs with the aim of achieving a European
as roaming charges are often deemed to be single market in electronic communications. As
excessively high and lacking in transparency, with a result, European mobile roaming prices fell
consumers all too often suffering bill shock.56 significantly in the period 2007-2013, by over
Industry studies confirm that, depending on the 80 per cent for retail calls and SMS, and by over
home network of the roaming client and the 90 per cent for data roaming.58 Despite this,
visited country network, applicable roaming tariffs however, a 2014 survey commissioned by the
can vary by as much as a factor of five if not more European Commission showed that 47 per cent
(GSMA, 2012). Roaming fees also depend on the of Europeans travelling to other EU countries still
prices negotiated in inter-operator agreements. avoid using mobile Internet, with over 25 per cent
However, the addressable market of potential simply switching off their mobile phones for fear
roaming clients continues to grow as the industry of bill shock.59

Measuring the Information Society Report 133

To inform policy-makers, the Board of European Another region which regulates roaming prices is
Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) the Gulf, where GCC61 regulators introduced caps
collects and publishes mobile-roaming prices60 for intra-group mobile roaming tariffs in 2012. The
averaged for the group of countries in which the GCC regulation targets only retail and wholesale
Eurotariff regulation applies. Chart 4.24 plots a voice services. The ITU price basket was used to
number of calculated values based on the ITU calculate a comparable roaming price basket for
mobile-cellular price basket (for placing calls the Gulf countries. The calculated value of the
and sending SMS texts), comparing roaming GCC-capped intra-group mobile roaming price
and domestic prices. The ITU price basket for basket was USD 81,62 more than six times higher
European mobile-roaming tariffs stood at USD than the average GCC domestic prepaid mobile-
21 for the actual Eurotariff price caps and at USD cellular price basket (USD 13). In terms of tariffs
82 for the rest of the world (non-Eurotariffs). The for data transfer, currently not capped, using 500
capped roaming tariff was thus very similar to the MB while roaming in the GCC area costs USD 306,
average European domestic prices for a pre-paid considerably more than the domestic GCC average
mobile-cellular price basket (both around USD of USD 25.
21); the European roaming tariff for the rest of the
world (non-regulated) was nearly four times the The regulatory initiatives described above have
domestic value. sought to reduce roaming charges for intra-
group privileged destinations: intra-European
As from 2012, European regulators also started and intra-GCC in this case. A possible criticism of
capping prices for data transfer while roaming. In such an approach is that it could lead to so-called
the third quarter of 2014, European retail roaming waterbed effects, with operators constrained by
prices for transferring 500 MB averaged USD52 price caps in one market responding by increasing
for countries within the group and as much as any of the other unregulated tariffs, such as
USD383 for the rest of the world, i.e. three and those for other roaming destinations or for other
23 times, respectively, higher than the calculated services (Sutherland, 2010, and GSMA, 2012). The
average European domestic rate of USD 16. comprehensive tariff data collections needed to
assess such effects are a challenge. As a result,

Chart 4.24: International mobile roaming and domestic prices in Europe and the Gulf, 2014
Roaming and domestic prices in ITU mobile-cellular Roaming and domestic prices for 500 MB data
price-basket equivalents, 2014, averages for two transfer, 2014, averages for two regional groups
regional groups

400 400 383

350 350
300 300
250 250
200 200


150 150
100 82 81 100
50 21 21 50 25
13 16
0 0
Europe Gulf Europe Gulf
Mobile-cellular roaming price basket Mobile-broadband roaming 500MB
(regional average for rest of the world) (regional average for rest of the world)
Mobile-cellular roaming price basket Mobile-broadband roaming 500MB
(within the group capped prices) (within the group average)
ITU domestic prepaid mobile-cellular price basket ITU mobile-broadband handset 500 MB (domestic)
Note: Average regional prices were used for SMS in the calculation of the GCC-capped mobile-cellular roaming price basket. The mobile-cellular roam-
ing basket includes the cost of making calls and sending SMS texts while abroad. Data on the GCC regional averages for both the mobile-cellular
roaming price basket and the mobile-broadband roaming prices are not available.
Source: ITU, based on BEREC, GCC Roaming Working Group and ITU data.

134 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
existing research is inconclusive as to whether per minute of USD 0.2. Average speeds for this
waterbed effects occur because of roaming plan limit the amount of data transfer per day,
regulation, and some recent papers find that and consumers can purchase additional speed
the unintended effects of regulation on mobile- packages as an add-on.65 In France, Bouygues, Free
customers bills may be negligible in the long term and Orange each have innovative postpaid offers
(Genakos and Valletti, 2014). with lower roaming rates for a limited voice and
data package.66
Mobile-network operators have also been
forthcoming in offering roaming discounts. A Roaming customers have several options for
long celebrated example has been that of Zain, reducing their mobile costs while abroad. These
an operator which, having acquired a large include the simple acquisition of a local SIM
geographical footprint in East Africa, was able to card (also known as plastic roaming); connecting
leverage its network assets to offer its customers to local public Wi-Fi and using over-the-top
in 2006 a One Network solution, free from applications such as Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook
surcharges when roaming on-net in the region. Messenger, Viber, etc.; and newer multi-IMSI
The offer appeared in a market where nearly SIM offerings, which include multiple carrier
all mobile-cellular subscriptions were prepaid agreements and local data pricing in multiple
and consumers avoided high roaming charges priority markets on a single SIM card (see, for
by simply swapping SIM cards when crossing example, Cubic Telecom67 and Telna North
the border (Surtherland, 2010). The subsequent America68). However, these alternatives are less
purchase of Zains network by Bharti Airtel had than perfect substitutes for international mobile
the effect of extending One Network in 2010 to roaming, as they require either an extra effort on
Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka, as well as another the part of the customer, such as buying a SIM
17 African countries.63 card upon arrival in a foreign country, or limited
use of the service, such as using mobile services
More recently, a number of commercial offers only when within range of a Wi-Fi network.
have emerged that aim to capitalize on mobile
roaming. For example, China Mobile offers a Pricing for international mobile roaming has
USD 38 prepaid roaming SIM card64 that allows implications beyond the simple shifting of
consumers to receive calls at local rates while revenues between service providers and
travelling abroad in a list of countries designated customers. Prohibitive pricing can stifle economic
in the offer, with tariffs that are up to 80 per cent and social activity when it prevents people
lower for calls to the home country and local calls, from connecting while abroad, limiting access
as well as more favourable data roaming packages. to information and other technology resources.
In the United States, T-Mobile announced in International and regional cooperation on mobile
2013 a new postpaid plan, eliminating roaming roaming can help ensure that the benefits of lower
surcharges for data and text messages in more roaming prices are enjoyed by many.
than 100 countries and with a simplified call rate

Measuring the Information Society Report 135

Table 4.7: Mobile-broadband prices, postpaid handset-based, 500MB, 2014
Mobile-broadband, Mobile-broadband,
postpaid postpaid
handset-based (500 MB) handset-based (500 MB)
as % of GNI p.c., USD, Monthly data as % of GNI p.c., USD, Monthly data
Rank Economy GNI p.c. USD PPP$ 2014* allowance Rank Economy GNI p.c. USD PPP$ 2014* allowance
(MB) (MB)
1 Finland 0.09 3.85 2.91 48771 500 87 Bosnia and H. 1.99 7.94 13.80 4775 500
2 Iceland 0.15 5.91 4.76 46244 500 88 Jordan 2.05 8.45 17.61 4945 500
3 Austria 0.16 6.63 5.76 50340 1024 89 Algeria 2.10 9.31 21.74 5325 500
4 Australia 0.17 9.01 6.50 65335 500 90 Mongolia 2.10 6.60 16.86 3766 1024
5 Luxembourg 0.18 10.61 8.13 69810 500 91 Trinidad & Tobago 2.13 27.94 34.91 15744 5000
6 Norway 0.18 15.71 9.96 102597 1000 92 Gabon 2.17 19.21 26.55 10639 500
7 Qatar 0.23 16.48 22.40 86703 1000 93 Maldives 2.20 10.27 13.36 5594 700
8 Sweden 0.28 14.43 10.73 61648 3072 94 Paraguay 2.35 7.84 14.74 4006 500
9 Singapore 0.35 15.71 16.45 53986 2048 Antigua &
95 2.35 25.56 31.09 13037 500
10 Portugal 0.37 6.62 7.58 21249 500 Barbuda
11 Andorra 0.41 13.86 40974 1024 96 Philippines 2.47 6.73 15.44 3267 700
12 Macao, China 0.41 22.29 30.15 64639 500 97 India 2.51 3.28 11.41 1568 600
13 Switzerland 0.43 32.53 19.34 90589 500 98 Cambodia 2.53 2.00 5.17 949 600
Russian 99 Venezuela 2.61 27.24 35.72 12537 800
14 0.45 5.21 11.96 13836 2250
Federation 100 Namibia 2.64 12.90 25.12 5864 500
15 Netherlands 0.47 19.90 16.66 51009 500 101 Egypt 2.70 7.06 24.49 3137 500
16 United Kingdom 0.47 16.45 12.68 41638 1024 102 Grenada 2.73 17.04 22.25 7483 1024
17 Bahrain 0.48 7.98 13.60 19881 1000 103 Timor-Leste 3.02 10.00 14.85 3976 800
18 Korea (Rep.) 0.48 10.45 12.03 25894 500 104 Jamaica 3.11 13.52 20.98 5215 2048
19 Belgium 0.52 19.90 16.71 46294 1024 105 St. Kitts and Nevis 3.14 36.30 44.75 13876 750
20 Denmark 0.52 26.55 17.69 61608 1024 106 Belize 3.33 12.50 21.46 4505 1024
21 Lithuania 0.53 6.54 9.57 14885 1024 107 Bolivia 3.34 7.09 15.79 2547 500
22 Croatia 0.55 6.09 8.44 13407 1024 108 St. Vincent 3.44 18.52 24.55 6454 1500
23 France 0.55 19.89 16.85 43476 1024 109 Bangladesh 3.49 2.93 8.31 1009 500
24 New Zealand 0.55 16.59 12.77 36089 500 110 Ecuador 3.50 16.79 29.43 5754 500
25 Hong Kong, China 0.56 18.06 23.21 38382 1000 111 Dominican Rep. 3.70 17.76 35.53 5764 1500
26 Sri Lanka 0.57 1.49 4.16 3167 500 112 Lao P.D.R. 4.12 4.97 12.82 1449 1024
27 Kazakhstan 0.57 5.52 11.02 11538 1024 113 Angola 4.25 18.31 21.04 5165 500
28 Poland 0.57 6.34 10.53 13227 3072 114 Brazil 4.32 42.07 55.22 11678 500
29 Belarus 0.58 3.23 9.90 6723 500 115 Pakistan 4.37 4.95 17.25 1359 3072
30 Estonia 0.58 8.61 10.26 17762 1536 116 Ghana 4.48 6.60 21.57 1768 1000
31 Spain 0.59 14.59 14.52 29910 800 117 Morocco 4.68 11.78 23.70 3017 10000
32 Slovenia 0.62 11.94 13.36 23197 1024 118 El Salvador 4.84 15.00 28.54 3716 1024
33 Latvia 0.62 7.95 14.80 15275 600 119 Nigeria 5.40 12.19 21.39 2707 750
34 Slovakia 0.63 9.27 12.42 17792 700 120 Botswana 5.79 37.43 68.86 7762 500
35 Hungary 0.78 8.60 13.93 13247 500 121 Samoa 5.84 19.30 23.89 3966 1100
36 Greece 0.79 14.86 15.50 22667 750 122 Kenya 5.89 5.69 12.64 1159 500
Brunei 123 Tanzania 5.90 4.22 9.89 859 500
37 0.80 22.10 33.72 32976 2048
Darussalam 124 Fiji 5.95 21.64 32.67 4366 4096
38 Azerbaijan 0.83 5.10 12.15 7343 600 125 Cape Verde 6.35 19.13 33.26 3616 5500
39 Bahamas 0.84 15.00 13.19 21548 500 126 Guatemala 6.93 19.27 36.79 3337 600
40 UAE 0.84 26.96 37.06 38713 1000 127 St. Lucia 7.17 42.17 52.14 7053 1500
41 Israel 0.84 23.76 19.59 33896 3072 128 Swaziland 7.22 17.97 43.35 2987 500
42 Uruguay 0.85 10.71 13.38 15165 1024 129 Nepal 7.45 4.53 15.19 729 500
43 Saudi Arabia 0.85 18.67 38.13 26234 500 130 Nicaragua 7.71 11.49 29.36 1788 1024
44 China 0.89 4.88 7.98 6553 500 131 Kyrgyzstan 7.96 8.01 23.20 1209 500
45 Cyprus 0.95 19.90 20.26 25185 1024 132 Cte dIvoire 8.38 10.11 21.14 1449 800
46 Turkey 0.95 8.68 14.30 10959 500 133 Guinea 9.31 3.56 7.81 460 500
47 Malaysia 0.99 8.56 17.61 10420 800 134 Mozambique 9.36 4.75 9.28 609 500
48 Germany 1.01 39.74 36.15 47203 500 135 Gambia 10.07 4.19 15.19 500 500
49 Tunisia 1.01 3.53 7.97 4196 1024 136 Afghanistan 10.61 6.10 17.67 689 500
50 Romania 1.06 7.96 13.78 9041 500 137 Senegal 11.57 10.11 20.60 1049 1500
51 Czech Republic 1.06 16.81 24.12 18951 1500 138 Congo (Rep.) 11.73 25.28 39.66 2587 500
52 Ireland 1.11 39.80 30.84 43047 1024 Papua New
139 11.84 19.91 21.63 2018 800
53 Japan 1.11 42.81 40.47 46284 500 Guinea
54 Montenegro 1.12 6.75 11.06 7243 750 140 Zambia 11.89 17.92 39.97 1808 500
55 Bulgaria 1.22 7.46 14.16 7353 500 141 Lesotho 13.28 16.59 43.33 1499 500
56 Sudan 1.23 1.59 3.55 1548 1000 142 Uganda 15.40 7.69 18.19 599 500
57 Oman 1.23 26.01 49.69 25381 500 143 Vanuatu 15.81 41.21 34.78 3127 1024
58 Chile 1.24 15.76 22.87 15215 600 144 Tajikistan 16.44 13.55 33.09 989 1000
59 Suriname 1.26 9.85 16.69 9361 1024 145 Ethiopia 16.92 6.62 18.54 470 500
60 Bhutan 1.30 2.53 7.93 2328 500 146 Mali 17.04 9.51 20.94 669 500
61 Lebanon 1.34 11.00 9860 500 147 Benin 18.45 12.14 25.63 789 1024
62 Thailand 1.38 6.13 15.24 5335 500 148 Honduras 19.01 34.50 67.44 2178 1024
63 Moldova 1.39 2.85 6.94 2468 500 149 Comoros 19.28 13.48 22.55 839 500
64 Canada 1.41 61.30 52.44 52158 500 150 Togo 22.92 10.11 21.35 529 1000
65 Barbados 1.42 18.00 14.52 15219 2048 151 Burkina Faso 24.30 15.17 33.48 749 500
66 Mauritius 1.43 11.40 18.38 9560 1000 152 South Sudan 25.72 20.34 949 500
67 Kuwait 1.47 56.23 86.65 46046 30720 153 Malawi 26.18 5.88 21.50 270 512
68 United States 1.47 65.33 65.33 53417 1024 154 Zimbabwe 26.54 19.00 34.76 859 500
69 South Africa 1.48 9.12 19.16 7403 500 155 S. Tome & 27.10 33.17 52.60 1469 3072
70 Albania 1.52 5.69 10.57 4505 500 Principe
71 Costa Rica 1.52 12.07 17.81 9540 500 156 Madagascar 28.26 10.35 32.63 440 500
72 Malta 1.52 26.53 29.92 20959 500 157 Uzbekistan 28.75 45.00 1878 8000
73 Armenia 1.52 4.81 10.39 3796 1500 158 Solomon Islands 30.54 40.68 39.03 1598 500
74 Italy 1.52 45.11 40.67 35584 1100 159 Haiti 32.80 22.12 44.46 809 7168
75 Indonesia 1.56 4.64 12.54 3576 1624 160 Mauritania 37.81 33.36 84.02 1059 500
76 Serbia 1.57 7.91 14.14 6044 5120 Congo (Dem.
161 41.17 14.74 23.55 430 500
77 TFYR Macedonia 1.59 6.44 12.70 4865 1024 Rep.)
78 Panama 1.68 14.99 25.51 10689 1024 162 Chad 47.18 40.45 72.19 1029 2000
79 Peru 1.69 8.81 15.49 6264 500 163 Liberia 58.60 20.00 36.87 410 2048
80 Seychelles 1.78 19.61 29.34 13197 500 164 Niger 91.11 30.34 66.08 400 3072
81 Mexico 1.81 14.97 21.27 9930 500 Myanmar** 10.16 35.07 1024
82 Colombia 1.81 11.44 18.82 7582 500 Argentina** 17.34 500
83 Turkmenistan 1.84 10.53 6873 500 San Marino** 38.48 37.17 500
84 Iran (I.R.) 1.84 8.87 26.85 5774 2048 Liechtenstein** 42.57 1024
85 Georgia 1.91 5.66 12.48 3556 700 Monaco** 45.11 1024
86 Viet Nam 1.96 2.84 7.01 1738 500 Syria** 89.09 1000

Note: * Data correspond to the GNI per capita (Atlas method) in 2013 or latest available year adjusted with the international inflation rates.
** Country not ranked because data on GNI p.c. are not available for the last five years.
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. and PPP$ values are based on World Bank data.

136 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Table 4.8: Mobile-broadband prices, prepaid handset-based 500MB, 2014
Mobile-broadband, prepaid Mobile-broadband, prepaid
handset-based (500 MB) handset-based (500 MB)
as % of GNI p.c., Monthly data as % of GNI p.c., Monthly data
Rank Economy GNI USD PPP$ USD, allowance Rank Economy GNI USD PPP$ USD, allowance
p.c. 2014* (MB) p.c. 2014* (MB)
1 Norway 0.09 7.78 4.93 102597 500 88 India 2.48 3.24 11.29 1568 600
2 Sweden 0.14 7.14 5.31 61648 1024 89 Cambodia 2.53 2.00 5.17 949 600
3 Iceland 0.15 5.91 4.76 46244 500 90 Venezuela 2.61 27.24 35.72 12537 800
4 Austria 0.16 6.63 5.76 50340 1024 91 Montenegro 2.62 15.79 25.85 7243 6144
5 Estonia 0.18 2.65 3.16 17762 1024 92 Namibia 2.62 12.81 24.94 5864 500
6 Finland 0.22 8.76 6.62 48771 500 93 Sudan 2.70 3.49 7.81 1548 2000
7 Lithuania 0.22 2.69 3.94 14885 1024 94 Egypt 2.70 7.06 24.49 3137 500
8 Singapore 0.26 11.84 12.40 53986 500 95 Mexico 2.72 22.49 31.96 9930 1024
9 Poland 0.29 3.17 5.27 13227 1024 96 St. Vincent 2.75 14.81 19.64 6454 1024
10 Qatar 0.30 21.98 29.87 86703 3000 97 Timor-Leste 3.02 10.00 14.85 3976 650
11 Spain 0.35 8.62 8.58 29910 500 98 Turkmenistan 3.06 17.54 6873 500
12 Hong Kong, China 0.36 11.67 15.00 38382 1000 99 St. Lucia 3.15 18.52 22.90 7053 1250
13 Switzerland 0.40 30.56 18.17 90589 500 100 Colombia 3.24 20.48 33.70 7582 2048
14 Russian Federation 0.45 5.21 11.96 13836 2250 101 Bangladesh 3.49 2.93 8.31 1009 500
15 Kuwait 0.46 17.57 27.08 46046 1024 102 Libya 3.49 39.30 72.34 13497 500
16 Croatia 0.47 5.22 7.24 13407 500 103 Suriname 3.50 27.27 46.21 9361 5120
17 Netherlands 0.47 19.90 16.66 51009 500 104 Grenada 3.50 21.85 28.54 7483 1024
18 United Kingdom 0.47 16.45 12.68 41638 500 105 Jamaica 3.63 15.78 24.47 5215 2048
19 Bahrain 0.48 7.98 13.60 19881 1000 106 Fiji 3.64 13.25 20.00 4366 2048
20 Australia 0.50 27.04 19.51 65335 2048 107 Armenia 3.80 12.02 25.97 3796 500
21 Italy 0.54 15.92 14.35 35584 2048 108 Uzbekistan 3.83 6.00 1878 500
22 Slovenia 0.55 10.61 11.88 23197 500 109 Belize 4.00 15.00 25.76 4505 1024
23 New Zealand 0.55 16.59 12.77 36089 500 110 Lao P.D.R. 4.12 4.97 12.82 1449 1024
24 Portugal 0.56 9.94 11.37 21249 500 111 Angola 4.25 18.31 21.04 5165 500
25 Brunei Darussalam 0.57 15.78 24.09 32976 500 112 Ecuador 4.43 21.25 37.24 5754 500
26 Kazakhstan 0.57 5.52 11.02 11538 1024 113 Ghana 4.48 6.60 21.57 1768 1024
27 Belarus 0.58 3.23 9.90 6723 500 114 St. Kitts and Nevis 4.48 51.85 63.92 13876 1074
28 Canada 0.59 25.54 21.85 52158 500 115 Guatemala 4.60 12.80 24.44 3337 1024
29 Germany 0.67 26.40 24.02 47203 500 116 Morocco 4.73 11.90 23.93 3017 3000
30 Serbia 0.67 3.39 6.07 6044 500 117 El Salvador 4.84 15.00 28.54 3716 1024
31 Uruguay 0.68 8.60 10.75 15165 768 118 Bolivia 5.11 10.85 24.17 2547 550
32 Macao, China 0.70 37.56 50.81 64639 800 119 Botswana 5.17 33.42 61.48 7762 500
33 Slovakia 0.72 10.61 14.22 17792 700 120 Nigeria 5.40 12.19 21.39 2707 750
34 France 0.73 26.53 22.48 43476 1000 121 Samoa 5.84 19.30 23.89 3966 500
35 Hungary 0.78 8.60 13.93 13247 500 122 Kenya 5.89 5.69 12.64 1159 500
36 Azerbaijan 0.83 5.10 12.15 7343 600 123 Mozambique 6.28 3.19 6.23 609 500
37 Latvia 0.83 10.61 19.77 15275 6144 124 Dominican Rep. 6.46 31.04 62.10 5764 2800
38 UAE 0.84 26.96 37.06 38713 1000 125 Viet Nam 7.31 10.59 26.16 1738 4200
39 Saudi Arabia 0.85 18.67 38.13 26234 500 126 Nepal 7.45 4.53 15.19 729 500
40 Belgium 0.86 33.17 27.85 46294 500 127 Afghanistan 7.60 4.37 12.66 689 750
41 Bhutan 0.88 1.70 5.35 2328 500 128 Kyrgyzstan 7.96 8.01 23.20 1209 500
42 Malta 0.91 15.92 17.95 20959 1200 129 Cte dIvoire 8.38 10.11 21.14 1449 800
43 Oman 0.92 19.51 37.27 25381 500 130 Swaziland 8.48 21.10 50.91 2987 500
44 Turkey 0.95 8.68 14.30 10959 500 131 S. Tome & Principe 8.85 10.83 17.18 1469 1000
45 Sri Lanka 0.97 2.57 7.16 3167 1024 132 Honduras 8.90 16.15 31.58 2178 1024
46 Malaysia 0.99 8.56 17.61 10420 800 133 Guinea 9.31 3.56 7.81 460 500
47 Costa Rica 1.03 8.16 12.03 9540 500 134 Gambia 10.07 4.19 15.19 500 500
48 Chile 1.04 13.13 19.05 15215 1000 135 Nicaragua 10.34 15.41 39.38 1788 2000
49 Greece 1.05 19.90 20.76 22667 600 136 Tanzania 10.54 7.54 17.67 859 500
50 Romania 1.06 7.96 13.78 9041 500 137 Micronesia 10.99 30.00 3277 2048
51 United States 1.10 48.94 48.94 53417 500 138 Senegal 11.57 10.11 20.60 1049 1500
52 Ireland 1.11 39.80 30.84 43047 500 139 Congo (Rep.) 11.73 25.28 39.66 2587 500
53 Bahamas 1.11 20.00 17.58 21548 1024 140 Zambia 11.89 17.92 39.97 1808 500
54 Brazil 1.13 11.00 14.43 11678 500 141 Yemen 12.19 13.50 30.00 1329 1000
55 Indonesia 1.13 3.37 9.12 3576 600 142 Benin 12.30 8.09 17.09 789 500
56 Andorra 1.14 39.01 40974 1400 143 Kiribati 12.40 27.04 2617 500
57 Bulgaria 1.21 7.44 14.12 7353 500 144 Rwanda 14.02 7.35 18.27 629 500
58 Albania 1.26 4.74 8.81 4505 500 145 Papua New Guinea 14.50 24.38 26.49 2018 1500
59 Pakistan 1.31 1.48 5.17 1359 1024 146 Uganda 15.40 7.69 18.19 599 500
60 Lebanon 1.34 11.00 9860 500 147 Vanuatu 15.81 41.21 34.78 3127 750
61 Thailand 1.38 6.13 15.24 5335 500 148 Lesotho 16.23 20.27 52.96 1499 600
62 Moldova 1.39 2.85 6.94 2468 500 149 Tajikistan 16.44 13.55 33.09 989 1000
63 Mauritius 1.43 11.40 18.38 9560 1000 150 Ethiopia 16.92 6.62 18.54 470 500
64 Barbados 1.46 18.50 14.92 15219 2048 151 Mali 17.04 9.51 20.94 669 500
65 Czech Republic 1.47 23.22 33.31 18951 500 152 Comoros 19.28 13.48 22.55 839 500
66 South Africa 1.48 9.12 19.16 7403 500 153 Burkina Faso 24.30 15.17 33.48 749 500
67 TFYR Macedonia 1.59 6.44 12.70 4865 1024 154 Malawi 24.40 5.48 20.04 270 500
68 Antigua & Barbuda 1.67 18.15 22.08 13037 1024 155 Sierra Leone 24.74 13.59 28.96 659 500
69 Panama 1.68 14.95 25.44 10689 2048 156 South Sudan 25.72 20.34 949 500
70 Tunisia 1.68 5.89 13.28 4196 2048 157 Togo 27.50 12.14 25.62 529 1200
71 Denmark 1.72 88.20 58.76 61608 500 158 Zimbabwe 27.93 20.00 36.59 859 500
72 Trinidad & Tobago 1.77 23.25 29.06 15744 2000 159 Solomon Islands 27.99 37.29 35.78 1598 500
73 Iran (I.R.) 1.84 8.87 26.85 5774 2048 160 Madagascar 28.83 10.56 33.28 440 500
74 Seychelles 1.85 20.30 30.37 13197 500 161 Burundi 29.87 6.47 16.68 260 1000
75 Paraguay 1.88 6.27 11.79 4006 700 162 Haiti 32.80 22.12 44.46 809 7168
76 Georgia 1.91 5.66 12.48 3556 700 163 Mauritania 37.81 33.36 84.02 1059 500
77 Cyprus 1.93 40.48 41.21 25185 600 164 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 41.17 14.74 23.55 430 500
78 Cape Verde 2.00 6.02 10.46 3616 500 165 Chad 47.18 40.45 72.19 1029 2000
79 Peru 2.02 10.57 18.58 6264 500 166 Liberia 58.60 20.00 36.87 410 2000
80 Bosnia and H. 2.05 8.14 14.15 4775 1024 167 Niger 91.11 30.34 66.08 400 3072
81 Jordan 2.05 8.45 17.61 4945 500 Myanmar** 10.16 35.07 1024
82 Israel 2.07 58.61 48.32 33896 600 Argentina** 10.53 510
83 Algeria 2.10 9.31 21.74 5325 500 Somalia** 15.00 600
84 Mongolia 2.10 6.60 16.86 3766 1024 San Marino** 26.53 25.64 800
85 Gabon 2.17 19.21 26.55 10639 500 Djibouti** 28.13 48.03 500
86 Maldives 2.20 10.27 13.35 5594 700 Syria** 534.52 500
87 Philippines 2.47 6.73 15.44 3267 700

Note: * Data correspond to the GNI per capita (Atlas method) in 2013 or latest available year adjusted with the international inflation rates.
** Country not ranked because data on GNI p.c. are not available for the last five years.
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. and PPP$ values are based on World Bank data.

Measuring the Information Society Report 137

Table 4.9: Mobile-broadband prices, postpaid computer-based 1GB, 2014
Mobile-broadband, postpaid Mobile-broadband, postpaid
computer-based (1 GB) computer-based (1 GB)
GNI p.c., Monthly GNI p.c., Monthly
Rank Economy as % of USD PPP$ USD, data Rank Economy as % of USD PPP$ USD, data
GNI p.c. 2014* allowance GNI p.c. 2014* allowance
(GB) (GB)
1 Austria 0.16 6.63 5.76 50340 1 85 Grenada 2.73 17.04 22.25 7483 1
2 Norway 0.18 15.71 9.96 102597 1 86 Namibia 2.81 13.73 26.73 5864 1
3 Luxembourg 0.23 13.27 10.17 69810 1 87 Georgia 2.87 8.50 18.72 3556 1
4 Qatar 0.23 16.48 22.40 86703 1 88 Peru 3.04 15.85 27.88 6264 1
5 Sweden 0.28 14.43 10.73 61648 3 89 India 3.13 4.10 14.26 1568 1
6 Iceland 0.29 11.05 8.90 46244 1 90 Cambodia 3.15 2.49 6.44 949 1
7 Ireland 0.30 10.60 8.21 43047 1 91 Gabon 3.19 28.32 39.13 10639 1
8 Italy 0.30 8.80 7.93 35584 3 92 Belize 3.33 12.50 21.46 4505 1
9 Denmark 0.34 17.64 11.75 61608 3 93 Jordan 3.42 14.08 29.35 4945 3
10 Singapore 0.35 15.71 16.45 53986 2 94 Moldova 3.46 7.12 17.35 2468 5
11 France 0.37 13.25 11.23 43476 2 95 Maldives 3.70 17.23 22.41 5594 3
12 United States 0.37 16.32 16.32 53417 1 96 Dominican Rep. 3.70 17.76 35.53 5764 2
13 Lithuania 0.37 4.61 6.76 14885 1 97 Venezuela 3.70 38.67 50.70 12537 1
14 Switzerland 0.40 30.56 18.17 90589 1 98 Timor-Leste 3.77 12.50 18.56 3976 1
15 Australia 0.41 22.54 16.26 65335 1 99 Viet Nam 3.92 5.67 14.02 1738 2
16 United Kingdom 0.47 16.45 12.68 41638 1 100 Bosnia and H. 3.99 15.87 27.60 4775 1
17 Finland 0.49 19.77 14.93 48771 1 101 Ecuador 4.44 21.28 37.30 5754 1
18 Germany 0.50 19.83 18.04 47203 1 102 Ghana 4.48 6.60 21.57 1768 1
19 Andorra 0.53 18.03 40974 1 103 El Salvador 4.52 13.99 26.62 3716 2
20 Saudi Arabia 0.54 11.73 23.97 26234 1 104 Morocco 4.68 11.78 23.70 3017 10
21 Poland 0.57 6.31 10.48 13227 3 105 Paraguay 5.03 16.81 31.59 4006 2
22 Kazakhstan 0.57 5.52 11.02 11538 1 106 Lao P.D.R. 5.15 6.21 16.02 1449 5
23 Romania 0.59 4.48 7.75 9041 5 107 Jamaica 5.19 22.54 34.96 5215 1
24 Oman 0.61 13.00 24.85 25381 1 108 Bangladesh 5.28 4.44 12.59 1009 1
25 Netherlands 0.62 26.53 22.22 51009 1 109 St. Vincent 5.46 29.39 38.96 6454 3
26 Hong Kong, China 0.64 20.51 26.36 38382 1 110 Algeria 5.59 24.82 57.98 5325 2
27 Estonia 0.67 9.88 11.77 17762 15 111 Samoa 5.84 19.30 23.89 3966 1
28 Belgium 0.69 26.52 22.27 46294 2 112 Fiji 5.95 21.64 32.67 4366 6
29 Macao, China 0.69 37.31 50.47 64639 1 113 Cape Verde 6.35 19.13 33.26 3616 6
30 Latvia 0.73 9.35 17.42 15275 2 114 Guatemala 6.74 18.75 35.80 3337 1
31 Uruguay 0.74 9.38 11.71 15165 1 115 Bolivia 6.75 14.33 31.91 2547 2
32 Malta 0.76 13.27 14.96 20959 5 116 Tanzania 7.59 5.43 12.72 859 1
33 Hungary 0.78 8.60 13.93 13247 2 117 Philippines 8.27 22.50 51.59 3267 5
34 Russian Federation 0.79 9.12 20.93 13836 3 118 Sudan 8.78 11.33 25.38 1548 5
35 Belarus 0.80 4.46 13.68 6723 2 119 Nicaragua 9.26 13.80 35.27 1788 1
36 Brunei Darussalam 0.80 22.10 33.72 32976 2 120 Nigeria 9.46 21.34 37.44 2707 2
37 Mauritius 0.82 6.53 10.53 9560 2 121 Kyrgyzstan 9.47 9.54 27.61 1209 2
38 Slovenia 0.82 15.92 17.82 23197 3 122 Turkmenistan 9.80 56.14 6873 4
39 New Zealand 0.83 24.89 19.15 36089 1 123 Pakistan 10.47 11.86 41.36 1359 20
40 UAE 0.84 26.96 37.06 38713 1 124 Cameroon 11.30 12.14 25.70 1289 1
41 Slovakia 0.89 13.25 17.75 17792 1 125 Botswana 11.57 74.87 137.72 7762 1
42 Kuwait 0.92 35.14 54.15 46046 15 126 Kenya 11.78 11.37 25.28 1159 2
43 Japan 0.93 35.68 33.72 46284 2 127 Nepal 13.05 7.93 26.61 729 1
44 Portugal 0.94 16.57 18.97 21249 1 128 Mozambique 13.13 6.67 13.02 609 1
45 Canada 0.94 40.86 34.96 52158 5 129 Honduras 13.94 25.30 49.46 2178 5
46 Cyprus 0.95 19.90 20.26 25185 1 130 Zambia 14.16 21.33 47.59 1808 1
47 Turkey 1.00 9.09 14.98 10959 1 131 Swaziland 14.77 36.77 88.69 2987 2
48 Libya 1.05 11.79 21.70 13497 1 132 Vanuatu 15.81 41.21 34.78 3127 1
49 Czech Republic 1.06 16.81 24.12 18951 2 133 Burkina Faso 16.20 10.11 22.32 749 1
50 Bulgaria 1.10 6.72 12.74 7353 1 134 Tajikistan 16.44 13.55 33.09 989 1
51 Bahrain 1.12 18.62 31.74 19881 8 135 Lesotho 19.19 23.96 62.59 1499 1
52 Sri Lanka 1.14 3.01 8.38 3167 6 136 Afghanistan 21.23 12.19 35.35 689 1
53 Korea (Rep.) 1.16 25.07 28.86 25894 2 137 Benin 21.53 14.16 29.90 789 1
54 Croatia 1.17 13.05 18.09 13407 2 138 Congo (Rep.) 21.58 46.52 72.97 2587 1
55 Spain 1.17 29.19 29.05 29910 1 139 Togo 22.92 10.11 21.35 529 1
56 South Africa 1.18 7.28 15.29 7403 1 140 Papua New Guinea 23.92 40.22 43.71 2018 2
57 Montenegro 1.31 7.89 12.93 7243 1 141 Cte dIvoire 25.13 30.34 63.43 1449 4
58 Chile 1.37 17.36 25.18 15215 1 142 Guinea 26.06 9.98 21.86 460 3
59 Greece 1.40 26.53 27.67 22667 2 143 S. Tome & Principe 27.10 33.17 52.60 1469 3
60 Barbados 1.42 18.00 14.52 15219 2 144 Mali 27.20 15.17 33.41 669 1
61 Azerbaijan 1.46 8.92 21.27 7343 1 145 Rwanda 28.03 14.70 36.54 629 2
62 China 1.49 8.14 13.30 6553 1 146 Uzbekistan 28.75 45.00 1878 8
63 Iran (I.R.) 1.50 7.23 21.89 5774 2 147 Uganda 28.88 14.42 34.11 599 1
64 Egypt 1.55 4.06 14.08 3137 1 148 Comoros 28.92 20.23 33.83 839 1
65 Indonesia 1.56 4.64 12.54 3576 2 149 Haiti 32.80 22.12 44.46 809 7
66 Serbia 1.57 7.91 14.14 6044 5 150 Ethiopia 39.29 15.37 43.05 470 1
67 TFYR Macedonia 1.59 6.44 12.70 4865 1 151 Sierra Leone 41.23 22.66 48.26 659 1
68 Costa Rica 1.61 12.82 18.90 9540 1 152 Malawi 41.88 9.41 34.40 270 1
69 Malaysia 1.69 14.67 30.20 10420 2 153 South Sudan 47.15 37.29 949 1
70 Seychelles 1.78 19.53 29.23 13197 1 154 Chad 47.18 40.45 72.19 1029 2
71 Mongolia 2.10 6.60 16.86 3766 1 155 Madagascar 52.00 19.05 60.04 440 1
72 Trinidad & Tobago 2.13 27.94 34.91 15744 5 156 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 54.89 19.65 31.40 430 1
73 Colombia 2.21 13.94 22.93 7582 1 157 Mauritania 56.71 50.04 126.03 1059 1
74 Panama 2.24 19.95 33.95 10689 1 158 Zimbabwe 62.85 45.00 82.33 859 1
75 Mexico 2.26 18.73 26.61 9930 1 159 Solomon Islands 68.80 91.64 87.93 1598 1
76 Brazil 2.31 22.48 29.51 11678 1 160 Gambia 143.92 59.90 217.02 500 1
77 Suriname 2.33 18.18 30.80 9361 3 161 Burundi 149.35 32.33 83.41 260 1
78 Thailand 2.49 11.05 27.50 5335 1 162 Liberia 172.86 59.00 108.77 410 10
79 Albania 2.53 9.48 17.62 4505 4 Myanmar** 10.16 35.07 1
80 Tunisia 2.53 8.84 19.92 4196 5 Argentina** 21.05 1
81 Lebanon 2.54 20.90 9860 2 San Marino** 38.48 37.17 1
82 Bhutan 2.66 5.16 16.19 2328 1 Liechtenstein** 53.48 20
83 Armenia 2.66 8.42 18.18 3796 2 Monaco** 58.91 7
84 Antigua & Barbuda 2.69 29.26 35.60 13037 1 Syria** 89.09 1

Note: * Data correspond to the GNI per capita (Atlas method) in 2013 or latest available year adjusted with the international inflation rates.
** Country not ranked because data on GNI p.c. are not available for the last five years.
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. and PPP$ values are based on World Bank data.

138 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
Table 4.10: Mobile-broadband prices, prepaid computer-based, 1GB, 2014
Mobile-broadband, prepaid Mobile-broadband, prepaid
computer-based (1 GB) computer-based (1 GB)
GNI p.c., Monthly GNI p.c., Monthly
Rank Economy as % of USD PPP$ USD, data Rank Economy as % of USD PPP$ USD, data
GNI p.c. 2014* allowance GNI p.c. 2014* allowance
(GB) (GB)
1 Austria 0.16 6.63 5.76 50340 1 83 Bulgaria 3.31 20.28 38.49 7353 1
2 Sweden 0.24 12.12 9.02 61648 2 84 Grenada 3.50 21.85 28.54 7483 1
3 Iceland 0.29 11.05 8.90 46244 1 85 Fiji 3.64 13.25 20.00 4366 8
4 Poland 0.29 3.17 5.27 13227 1 86 Venezuela 3.70 38.67 50.70 12537 1
5 Lithuania 0.34 4.23 6.19 14885 1 87 Viet Nam 3.92 5.67 14.02 1738 2
6 France 0.37 13.25 11.23 43476 2 88 Belize 4.00 15.00 25.76 4505 1
7 Spain 0.37 9.29 9.24 29910 1 89 Philippines 4.13 11.24 25.77 3267 2
8 Qatar 0.38 27.47 37.34 86703 6 90 Suriname 4.27 33.33 56.47 9361 5
9 Kuwait 0.46 17.57 27.08 46046 1 91 Ghana 4.48 6.60 21.57 1768 1
10 United Kingdom 0.47 16.45 12.68 41638 1 92 Namibia 4.51 22.02 42.88 5864 1
11 Bahrain 0.48 7.98 13.60 19881 2 93 Timor-Leste 4.53 15.00 22.27 3976 1
12 United States 0.49 21.77 21.77 53417 1 94 Sudan 4.57 5.89 13.20 1548 3
13 Singapore 0.49 22.10 23.14 53986 60 95 Paraguay 4.70 15.69 29.49 4006 3
14 Australia 0.50 27.04 19.51 65335 2 96 Chile 4.98 63.08 91.52 15215 14
15 Switzerland 0.51 38.20 22.71 90589 1 97 Lao P.D.R. 5.15 6.21 16.02 1449 5
16 Belgium 0.52 19.90 16.71 46294 1 98 Bangladesh 5.28 4.44 12.59 1009 1
17 Saudi Arabia 0.54 11.73 23.97 26234 1 99 Armenia 5.32 16.83 36.36 3796 28
18 Ireland 0.55 19.90 15.42 43047 1 100 St. Vincent 5.46 29.39 38.96 6454 3
19 Brunei Darussalam 0.57 15.78 24.09 32976 1 101 Algeria 5.59 24.82 57.98 5325 2
20 Kazakhstan 0.57 5.52 11.02 11538 1 102 Jamaica 6.22 27.04 41.96 5215 1
21 Hong Kong, China 0.60 19.09 24.53 38382 3 103 Angola 6.38 27.47 31.57 5165 1
22 Oman 0.61 13.00 24.85 25381 1 104 Samoa 6.49 21.44 26.54 3966 1
23 Netherlands 0.62 26.53 22.22 51009 1 105 Dominican Rep. 6.59 31.64 63.30 5764 3
24 Slovenia 0.69 13.27 14.85 23197 1 106 Guatemala 6.93 19.27 36.79 3337 2
25 Croatia 0.78 8.70 12.06 13407 1 107 El Salvador 7.10 22.00 41.86 3716 3
26 Finland 0.78 31.71 23.95 48771 1 108 Pakistan 8.74 9.89 34.50 1359 5
27 Russian Federation 0.79 9.12 20.93 13836 3 109 S. Tome & Principe 8.85 10.83 17.18 1469 1
28 Belarus 0.80 4.46 13.68 6723 2 110 Honduras 8.90 16.15 31.58 2178 1
29 New Zealand 0.83 24.89 19.15 36089 1 111 Nigeria 9.46 21.34 37.44 2707 2
30 UAE 0.84 26.96 37.06 38713 1 112 Kyrgyzstan 9.47 9.54 27.61 1209 2
31 Romania 0.88 6.63 11.49 9041 1 113 Turkmenistan 9.80 56.14 6873 4
32 Italy 0.89 26.53 23.92 35584 7 114 Mozambique 10.05 5.10 9.97 609 1
33 Estonia 0.90 13.27 15.80 17762 15 115 Bolivia 10.23 21.71 48.35 2547 2
34 Malta 0.91 15.92 17.95 20959 1 116 Ecuador 10.27 49.24 86.30 5754 1
35 Canada 0.94 40.86 34.96 52158 5 117 Botswana 10.33 66.84 122.96 7762 1
36 Sri Lanka 0.97 2.57 7.16 3167 1 118 Cameroon 11.30 12.14 25.70 1289 1
37 Germany 1.01 39.67 36.09 47203 1 119 Kenya 11.78 11.37 25.28 1159 2
38 Uruguay 1.02 12.91 16.12 15165 1 120 Nicaragua 11.89 17.72 45.29 1788 1
39 Macao, China 1.05 56.34 76.21 64639 1 121 Yemen 12.19 13.50 30.00 1329 1
40 Serbia 1.12 5.66 10.12 6044 1 122 Tanzania 12.64 9.05 21.20 859 1
41 Portugal 1.12 19.90 22.78 21249 1 123 Nepal 13.05 7.93 26.61 729 1
42 Andorra 1.14 39.01 40974 1 124 Zambia 14.16 21.33 47.59 1808 1
43 Czech Republic 1.25 19.73 28.31 18951 1 125 Papua New Guinea 14.50 24.38 26.49 2018 2
44 Egypt 1.35 3.53 12.25 3137 1 126 Swaziland 14.77 36.77 88.69 2987 2
45 Albania 1.39 5.21 9.69 4505 1 127 Afghanistan 15.17 8.72 25.27 689 4
46 Mauritius 1.43 11.40 18.38 9560 1 128 Burkina Faso 16.20 10.11 22.32 749 1
47 Turkey 1.45 13.25 21.82 10959 1 129 Tajikistan 16.44 13.55 33.09 989 1
48 Azerbaijan 1.46 8.92 21.27 7343 1 130 Bosnia and H. 17.46 69.46 120.76 4775 1
49 Israel 1.47 41.64 34.34 33896 1 131 Peru 19.50 101.79 179.03 6264 2
50 Barbados 1.54 19.50 15.73 15219 1 132 Benin 21.53 14.16 29.90 789 1
51 Hungary 1.58 17.41 28.20 13247 3 133 Congo (Rep.) 21.58 46.52 72.97 2587 1
52 TFYR Macedonia 1.59 6.44 12.70 4865 1 134 Rwanda 22.43 11.76 29.23 629 1
53 Antigua & Barbuda 1.67 18.15 22.08 13037 1 135 Togo 22.92 10.11 21.35 529 1
54 Bhutan 1.67 3.24 10.18 2328 1 136 Lesotho 24.35 30.41 79.44 1499 1
55 Malaysia 1.69 14.67 30.20 10420 2 137 Cte dIvoire 25.13 30.34 63.43 1449 4
56 Moldova 1.73 3.56 8.68 2468 1 138 Guinea 26.06 9.98 21.86 460 3
57 Trinidad & Tobago 1.77 23.25 29.06 15744 2 139 Ethiopia 26.19 10.25 28.70 470 1
58 Slovakia 1.83 27.17 36.40 17792 1 140 Mali 27.20 15.17 33.41 669 1
59 Iran (I.R.) 1.84 8.87 26.85 5774 2 141 Uganda 28.88 14.42 34.11 599 1
60 Jordan 2.05 8.45 17.61 4945 4 142 Comoros 28.92 20.23 33.83 839 1
61 Mongolia 2.10 6.60 16.86 3766 1 143 Vanuatu 29.26 76.23 64.34 3127 2
62 Greece 2.11 39.80 41.51 22667 5 144 Burundi 29.87 6.47 16.68 260 1
63 Indonesia 2.12 6.32 17.11 3576 2 145 Haiti 32.80 22.12 44.46 809 7
64 South Africa 2.23 13.73 28.84 7403 1 146 Mauritania 37.81 33.36 84.02 1059 1
65 Panama 2.24 19.95 33.95 10689 1 147 Sierra Leone 41.23 22.66 48.26 659 1
66 Cape Verde 2.36 7.10 12.34 3616 1 148 Chad 47.18 40.45 72.19 1029 2
67 Latvia 2.36 29.98 55.84 15275 40 149 Malawi 48.79 10.97 40.08 270 1
68 Colombia 2.36 14.94 24.58 7582 1 150 Zimbabwe 48.89 35.00 64.03 859 1
69 Morocco 2.37 5.95 11.97 3017 4 151 Madagascar 50.87 18.63 58.74 440 1
70 Seychelles 2.45 26.98 40.36 13197 2 152 South Sudan 53.28 42.14 949 1
71 Tunisia 2.53 8.84 19.92 4196 5 153 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 54.89 19.65 31.40 430 1
72 Lebanon 2.54 20.90 9860 2 154 Solomon Islands 55.99 74.57 71.56 1598 1
73 Brazil 2.61 25.37 33.30 11678 1 155 Senegal 57.85 50.56 103.01 1049 5
74 Montenegro 2.62 15.79 25.85 7243 6 156 Niger 91.11 30.34 66.08 400 3
75 Mexico 2.72 22.49 31.96 9930 1 157 Gambia 143.92 59.90 217.02 500 1
76 Thailand 2.76 12.28 30.56 5335 1 158 Liberia 172.86 59.00 108.77 410 10
77 Cyprus 2.84 59.70 60.79 25185 1 Myanmar** 10.16 35.07 1
78 Georgia 2.87 8.50 18.72 3556 1 Liechtenstein** 21.83 1
79 Maldives 2.96 13.78 17.93 5594 2 Somalia** 25.00 1
80 India 3.12 4.08 14.20 1568 1 San Marino** 26.53 25.64 1
81 Cambodia 3.16 2.50 6.46 949 1 Argentina** 31.21 7
82 Gabon 3.19 28.32 39.13 10639 1 Nauru** 108.17 1

Note: * Data correspond to the GNI per capita (Atlas method) in 2013 or latest available year adjusted with the international inflation rates.
** Country not ranked because data on GNI p.c. are not available for the last five years.
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. and PPP$ values are based on World Bank data.

Measuring the Information Society Report 139

Table 4.11: ICT Price Basket and sub-baskets, 2014
Fixed Mobile Fixed Fixed Mobile Fixed
telephone -cellular broadband GNI p.c., telephone -cellular broadband GNI p.c.,
Rank Economy sub-basket
IPB 2014 as a % of sub-basket sub-basket USD, Rank Economy sub-basket
IPB 2014 as a % of sub-basket sub-basket USD,
as% of as a % of 2014* as% of as a % of 2014*
GNI pc, GNI p.c., GNI pc, GNI pc, GNI p.c., GNI pc,
2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014
1 Macao, China 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 64639 87 Bosnia and 2.7 2.6 3.7 2.0 4775
2 Kuwait 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 46046 Herzegovina
3 Singapore 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.7 53986 88 Sudan 2.8 2.3 2.6 3.5 1548
4 Norway 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.6 102597 89 Antigua & Barbuda 2.8 1.2 2.2 5.1 13037
5 Qatar 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.9 86703 90 TFYR Macedonia 2.8 2.1 3.1 3.2 4865
6 Hong Kong, China 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.7 38382 91 Algeria 2.8 1.3 2.9 4.4 5325
7 Iran (I.R.) 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.9 5774 92 Botswana 2.9 2.1 1.5 5.0 7762
8 Switzerland 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 90589 93 Peru 2.9 2.3 2.4 4.0 6264
9 Luxembourg 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.7 69810 94 Colombia 3.0 3.0 3.1 2.9 7582
10 Russian Federation 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.7 13836 95 Bulgaria 3.0 1.9 5.4 1.9 7353
11 United States 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.4 53417 96 Ecuador 3.1 1.4 3.6 4.2 5754
12 Austria 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.6 50340 97 India 3.1 1.9 2.1 5.3 1568
13 Denmark 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.9 61608 98 Bangladesh 3.3 3.0 1.7 5.3 1009
14 Sweden 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.8 61648 99 Moldova 3.4 0.2 4.4 5.5 2468
15 United Kingdom 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.5 41638 100 Jamaica 3.4 2.7 1.9 5.7 5215
16 Japan 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.5 46284 101 Dominican Rep. 3.5 3.1 3.0 4.3 5764
17 Andorra 0.7 0.3 1.1 0.6 40974 102 Jordan 3.5 1.9 1.2 7.3 4945
18 Finland 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.9 48771 103 Grenada 3.5 2.2 3.7 4.7 7483
19 Australia 0.7 0.5 0.3 1.2 65335 104 Gabon 3.8 5.7 2.2 3.4 10639
20 Oman 0.7 0.5 0.4 1.2 25381 105 Pakistan 3.8 5.2 1.9 4.4 1359
21 Bahrain 0.7 0.3 0.7 1.1 19881 106 Albania 3.9 1.8 8.0 1.8 4505
22 Iceland 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.8 46244 107 Dominica 3.9 2.1 2.9 6.6 6923
23 Kazakhstan 0.8 0.3 0.9 1.1 11538 108 Morocco 4.0 2.6 4.7 4.7 3017
United Arab 109 Paraguay 4.1 2.5 3.5 6.1 4006
24 0.8 0.3 0.3 1.7 38713
Emirates 110 St. Lucia 4.3 2.3 4.4 6.2 7053
25 Germany 0.8 0.7 0.5 1.2 47203 111 St. Vincent and 4.3 2.0 4.6 6.3 4775
26 Canada 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.0 52158 the G.
27 Saudi Arabia 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.2 26234 112 Guyana 4.3 1.0 4.2 7.8 3746
28 Korea (Rep.) 0.8 0.3 0.9 1.3 25894 113 Fiji 4.3 2.4 5.5 5.1 4366
29 Cyprus 0.9 1.2 0.4 1.0 25185 114 El Salvador 4.5 2.9 4.8 5.8 3716
30 Trinidad & Tobago 0.9 0.5 1.2 0.9 15744 115 Namibia 4.6 2.5 1.9 9.4 5864
31 France 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.8 43476 116 Equatorial Guinea 4.6 1.6 2.0 10.2 14306
32 Italy 0.9 1.2 0.5 1.0 35584 117 Kyrgyzstan 5.6 1.2 4.9 10.7 1209
33 Belgium 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 46294 118 Guatemala 5.7 2.2 7.9 6.9 3337
34 Netherlands 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 51009 119 Cape Verde 5.9 3.6 10.4 3.6 3616
35 Latvia 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.1 15275 120 Philippines 5.9 5.8 3.8 8.3 3267
36 Lithuania 1.0 0.9 0.7 1.2 14885 121 Yemen 6.0 0.9 7.6 9.5 1329
37 Greece 1.0 1.2 0.5 1.2 22667 122 Lao P.D.R. 6.3 3.9 3.1 11.8 1449
38 Venezuela 1.0 0.1 1.2 1.6 12537 123 Nepal 6.4 4.1 4.1 11.1 729
39 Ireland 1.0 1.2 1.1 0.7 43047 124 Angola 6.6 3.8 4.3 11.6 5165
40 Brunei Darussalam 1.0 0.5 0.7 1.9 32976 125 Ghana 6.8 2.2 2.5 15.7 1768
41 Belarus 1.0 0.3 1.2 1.6 6723 126 South Sudan 7.4 2.7 9.9 9.7 949
42 Sri Lanka 1.0 1.1 0.4 1.6 3167 127 Lesotho 7.5 4.1 11.0 7.3 1499
43 Israel 1.0 0.6 1.3 1.2 33896 128 Samoa 7.6 3.7 6.2 12.8 3966
44 Ukraine 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.1 3956 129 Nigeria 7.6 3.1 2.7 17.0 2707
45 Costa Rica 1.1 1.1 0.5 1.8 9540 130 Micronesia 7.6 4.4 6.5 12.1 3277
46 Uruguay 1.2 0.8 1.6 1.1 15165 131 Bolivia 7.8 11.3 5.4 6.7 2547
47 Seychelles 1.2 0.8 1.3 1.4 13197 132 Honduras 8.1 3.6 8.6 12.1 2178
48 Bahamas 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.7 21548 133 Timor-Leste 8.3 6.0 4.2 14.8 3976
49 Slovenia 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.3 23197 134 Cambodia 8.7 4.8 8.6 12.6 949
50 New Zealand 1.2 1.3 0.5 1.8 36089 135 Belize 9.3 6.3 8.3 13.3 4505
51 Slovakia 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.3 17792 136 Swaziland 10.4 1.8 6.1 23.2 2987
52 Czech Republic 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.1 18951 137 Marshall Islands 11.0 12.8 6.2 13.9 4306
53 Poland 1.2 1.7 0.8 1.1 13227 138 Nicaragua 13.7 4.6 20.5 16.1 1788
54 Malta 1.2 0.6 1.3 1.8 20959 139 Ethiopia 14.4 2.1 8.4 32.7 470
55 Estonia 1.3 0.8 1.6 1.4 17762 140 S. Tome & Principe 14.7 6.7 10.3 27.1 1469
56 Portugal 1.3 1.4 0.9 1.6 21249 141 Vanuatu 15.9 15.1 9.0 23.5 3127
57 Spain 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.3 29910 142 Afghanistan 16.9 2.7 9.9 38.0 689
58 Mauritius 1.4 0.6 0.8 2.9 9560 143 Tanzania 17.3 18.1 8.4 25.3 859
59 Tunisia 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.7 4196 144 Kenya 17.5 13.2 3.9 35.3 1159
60 Azerbaijan 1.4 0.5 1.7 2.1 7343 145 Papua New Guinea 17.7 7.7 14.5 30.9 2018
61 Mongolia 1.6 1.5 1.0 2.3 3766 146 Zambia 18.2 4.1 7.4 43.1 1808
62 Malaysia 1.6 1.0 0.7 3.1 10420 147 Congo (Rep.) 20.4 9.0 6.9 45.4 2587
63 Turkey 1.6 1.2 2.5 1.1 10959 148 Cte dIvoire 20.6 16.7 14.0 31.1 1449
64 Maldives 1.6 0.8 1.2 2.9 5594 149 Mauritania 20.9 32.3 16.0 14.2 1059
65 Panama 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.8 10689 150 Senegal 25.0 14.3 18.9 41.6 1049
66 Croatia 1.7 1.3 1.7 2.0 13407 151 Zimbabwe 25.7 14.2 28.0 34.9 859
67 China 1.7 0.9 0.7 3.6 6553 152 Haiti 28.3 7.4 14.1 63.5 809
68 Brazil 1.8 1.9 2.3 1.3 11678 153 Mozambique 29.5 24.7 22.9 40.8 609
69 Romania 1.9 1.3 3.1 1.1 9041 154 Gambia 35.0 5.9 12.7 86.3 500
70 Lebanon 1.9 1.1 2.5 2.1 9860 155 Sierra Leone 35.5 6.3 21.9 78.4 659
71 St. Kitts and Nevis 2.0 1.1 1.6 3.2 13876 156 Burkina Faso 37.5 22.7 18.7 71.3 749
72 Indonesia 2.0 1.2 1.7 3.1 3576 157 Kiribati 38.9 5.2 11.5 103.3 2617
73 Chile 2.0 2.1 1.8 2.2 15215 158 Benin 39.1 19.4 20.9 76.9 789
74 Hungary 2.1 1.8 2.2 2.2 13247 159 Comoros 39.9 28.9 19.4 71.3 839
75 Viet Nam 2.1 1.2 3.1 2.0 1738 160 Solomon Islands 40.5 8.2 13.2 221.7 1598
76 Montenegro 2.1 1.3 1.9 3.1 7243 161 Uganda 43.2 9.7 19.9 600.6 599
77 Armenia 2.2 0.8 2.6 3.2 3796 162 Mali 43.4 18.0 26.5 85.6 669
78 Mexico 2.2 2.2 1.3 3.2 9930 163 Burundi 47.0 6.3 34.7 239.0 260
79 Thailand 2.2 1.3 1.8 3.6 5335 164 Chad 47.0 20.9 20.2 698.6 1029
80 South Africa 2.3 2.8 1.7 2.5 7403 165 Eritrea 47.7 11.2 31.9 214.1 490
81 Egypt 2.3 1.0 2.0 4.1 3137 166 Togo 52.5 19.0 38.5 102.2 529
82 Barbados 2.4 1.7 2.0 3.4 15219 167 Niger 58.3 35.4 39.6 180.7 400
83 Bhutan 2.4 1.3 1.5 4.4 2328 168 Malawi 65.3 47.0 48.9 111.2 270
84 Suriname 2.4 0.4 2.1 4.8 9361 169 Madagascar 65.9 47.4 50.5 168.4 440
85 Georgia 2.5 0.8 1.9 4.8 3556 170 Central African Rep. 81.8 93.8 51.6 2194.2 320
86 Serbia 2.6 1.5 2.9 3.5 6044

Note: * Data correspond to the GNI per capita (Atlas method) in 2013 or latest available year adjusted with the international inflation rates.
Source: ITU. GNI p.c. and PPP$ values are based on World Bank data.

140 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
See, for instance, Section 4.5 in ITU (2014b) for an analysis of the determining factors in mobile-cellular and fixed-
broadband uptake.
European Commission: Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2014, Digital Inclusion and Skills.
GSMA: The mobile economy, 2015; see: http://www.gsmamobileeconomy.com/GSMA_Global_Mobile_Economy_
For example, if country A and country B have the same price in USD for any given ICT service, but in country A prices
of other products are in general cheaper (in USD), then applying PPP exchange rates to the price of the ICT service
in country A will make this service more expensive. That is because, compared to country B, in country A the same
amount of USD (exchanged into national currency at market exchange rates) can buy more products or services. The ICT
service in country A is thus more expensive in terms of what could be purchased with that amount in each country. The
International Comparison Program (ICP) is the major global initiative to produce internationally comparable price levels.
For more information on the PPP methodology and data, see http://icp.worldbank.org.
GNI takes into account all production in the domestic economy (i.e. GDP) plus the net flows of factor income (such as
rents, profits and labour income) from abroad. The Atlas method eases exchange-rate fluctuations by using a three-year
moving average, price-adjusted conversion factor. See: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GNP.PCAP.CD.
It should be noted that fixed-telephone and mobile-cellular subscriptions are not strictly comparable, since the former
are usually shared per household/organization and the latter are mainly for individual use.
By 2014, fixed-telephone networks had ceased to exist in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, South Sudan,
and Nauru.
See, for example ITU (2011a) and ITU (2012).
ITU: Trends in Telecommunication Reform, Special Edition: 4th Generation Regulation: Driving Digital Communications
Ahead, Geneva, 2014.
Only one operator offers mobile-cellular services in Kiribati, the Marshall Islands and Tuvalu. In Cabo Verde, Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines, and Vanuatu, two operators compete in the mobile-cellular market, but only in Cabo Verde and
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines does the alternative operator hold more than 25 per cent of the market share. Source:
GSMA Intelligence.
Data on mobile-cellular prices were available for eleven CIS countries in 2014. This compares with mobile-cellular price
data available for 44 countries in Africa, 21 in the Arab States, 39 in Asia and the Pacific, 42 in Europe and 34 in the
Bulgaria and Albania stand out, with the most expensive prepaid mobile-cellular prices in PPP terms in Europe, at PPP$
63 and PPP$ 56 respectively. In the Americas, Nicaragua (PPP$ 78) and Belize (PPP$ 54) have much higher prices than
the average for the region. In Africa, prices in Cabo Verde (PPP$ 55) and Madagascar (PPP$ 58) are about double the
regional average.
Considering the 183 countries included in the mobile-cellular price comparison, the average GNI p.c. in Africa is less than
half the average GNI p.c. in the CIS, the region with the second lowest average GNI p.c.
See http://www.millicom.com/where-we-operate/#ghana.
January 2015 market shares, see: Ghana National Communication Authority market report, at: http://www.nca.org.gh/

Measuring the Information Society Report 141

See Ghana National Communication Authority Press Release, Mobile number portability in Ghana passes 2 million, at:
See http://www.odi.org/sites/odi.org.uk/files/odi-assets/publications-opinion-files/6062.pdf.
Republic of Ghana Ministry of Communications, National Telecommunications Policy, 2005.
See: http://www.nca.org.gh/downloads/Ghana_Telecom_Policy_2005.pdf.
See for example Verizons MORE Everything Plan and AT&Ts Mobile Share Value Plans, which allow sharing of data
contracted with up to 10 devices. For more information, see http://www.verizonwireless.com/landingpages/more-
everything/and http://www.att.com/shop/wireless/data-plans.html.
Considering the 183 countries included in the mobile-cellular price comparison, the average GNI p.c. in the European
region is twice the average GNI p.c. in the Arab States region, two and a half times more than in the Asia and the Pacific
region, three times more than in the Americas region, five and a half times the CIS figure, and more than ten times the
average GNI p.c. in the Africa region. The CIS and Europe are the regions with the lowest dispersion in GNI p.c. values,
with coefficients of variation (cv) of 0.73 and 0.75, respectively. In all other regions, cv is above 1 for the GNI p.c. values.
The OECD notes that . The throughput of wireless networks continues to improve, but the highest performance over a
wireless connection will always lag behind what is possible over the more controlled environment of a wire.
See European Commission Press Release: EUR 57.1 million of regional funds for a major broadband project in Romania,
October 2014, at: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/upload/documents/Commissioner/RO-broadband_21102014_
See http://www.broadbandcommission.org/about/Pages/default.aspx.
On a global average, the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index is significantly lower in mobile markets than in fixed-broadband
markets, thus proving that competition is stronger in mobile markets (ITU, 2014b). In addition, mobile-broadband
services continue to see double-digit growth rates that allow operators to benefit from economies of scale and scope.
These cost savings are partially passed on to customers in terms of lower prices because of the competitive pressure
in mobile markets. This virtuous circle is not as strong in fixed-broadband markets owing to a number of factors, such
as the still limited liberalization of fixed services in several countries, the higher upfront investments required to roll
out independent fixed infrastructure and the slow growth rates in fixed-broadband uptake. As a result, price trends in
fixed-broadband services are not as dynamic as in mobile-broadband services, and this situation will most probably not
change in the short term.
In Cuba, Internet access at home is limited to dial-up subscriptions at narrowband speeds. Fixed-broadband plans are
available only for organizations.
In 12 African LDCs (out of a total of 26 African LDCs for which data are available) the price of the fixed-broadband plan
exceeds average GNI p.c. levels.
Even if mobile-broadband and fixed-broadband subscriptions are not directly comparable, because the former are in
most cases for individual use whereas the latter are usually shared per household/organization, the very low fixed-
broadband penetration in most developing countries suggests that the uptake of the service is very limited in the
developing world. This is confirmed by the commercial offers available for fixed-broadband services in several developing
countries, such as Uganda, where the service is advertised as targeting businesses rather than residential customers, and
is priced as a premium service.
For instance, Canada made new spectrum available for further development of mobile-broadband services in March
2015, see: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ic-gc.nsf/eng/07389.html. Serbia issued LTE licences in February 2015 (see
http://www.ratel.rs/information/news.134.html?article_id=1602), and an LTE licence was issued for the first time in
Pakistan in May 2014, see: http://www.pta.gov.pk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=265&Itemid=135,
For instance, Algeria started offering 3G services at the end of December 2013, see: http://www.arpt.dz/fr/doc/reg/dec/
2013/DEC_N90_11_12_2013.pdf. Several Eastern Caribbean countries, such as Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis,
Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, started offering 3G services in 2013 or 2014, see: http://www.ectel.int/
For example, the main mobile operator in Venezuela, Movilnet, offered prepaid computer-based mobile-broadband
plans only for businesses until 2013, whereas since 2014 prepaid computer-based plans are also available for residential

142 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4
In almost all of the countries included in the 2014 price data collection, the cheapest option for a prepaid handset-based
mobile-broadband plan was a data package. In most cases, the cheapest add-on data package with a validity of one
month included 500 MB, but in some countries monthly data packages are offered only for larger data allowances. This
is the case, for example, of Pakistan, where the dominant mobile-cellular operator, Mobilink, offered a monthly data
package including 1GB for less than USD 2 per month, the lowest price worldwide in 2014.
Data for mobile-broadband prices have been collected since 2012 through the ITU ICT Price Basket Questionnaire, which
is sent out annually to all ITU Member States/national statistical contacts.
In Brazil, for example, the dominant mobile operator, Vivo, offers the SmartVivo 3G plus package, which includes free
local on-net voice traffic and SMS, as well as 60 minutes per month of off-net and to-fixed traffic, for a total cost of USD
42 per month. This is the least expensive postpaid handset-based mobile-broadband plan, with a minimum monthly data
allowance of 500 MB offered by Vivo, excluding promotional offers and limited discounts.
In Azerbaijan, for example, the mobile-cellular operator with the largest market share is Azercell, whereas the operator
with the largest number of active mobile-broadband subscriptions is Bakcell. In Gabon, the incumbent operator, Gabon
Telecom, retains the largest market share in the mobile-cellular market, whereas Airtel, the first operator to launch 3G
services in the country, has taken the lead in the mobile-broadband market (source: GSMA Intelligence).
In Venezuela, for example, the dominant operator in the handset-based mobile-broadband segment is Movilnet,
whereas in the computer-based mobile-broadband segment the market leader is Digitel.
The size of an e-mail, photo, website or Facebook profile varies according to its content and quality. For instance, the
size of a photo can vary from less than 100 kB (low quality) to over 4 MB (high quality). An e-mail containing only text
may require no more than some 0.03 MB, whereas one with a 40-page Word document attached may easily amount
to between 0.5 MB and 2 MB, depending on the images included in the document. Likewise, a webpage with a low
graphical content may consume 0.5 MB, whereas webpages with rich graphical content may take more than 2 MB. Some
webpages, moreover, have optimized versions for mobile use so that they consume less data when accessed from a
mobile phone (e.g. m.facebook.com and m.youtube.com), so data consumption may also depend on the device. For the
examples shown in the box, average values are taken for each Internet application based on estimates from the following
mobile operators: AT&T, Bell, Entel, Everything Everywhere and Vodafone.
Monthly data consumption for school courses calculated on the basis of the online courses from the Khan Academy and
their mapping to the curriculum in South Africa (http://numeric.org/grade6-9) and the United States (khanacademy.org/
See Courseras course on child nutrition: https://www.coursera.org/learn/childnutrition.
Data consumption for the transfer of medical images retrieved from the Mission de prfiguration de la dlgation
la stratgie des systmes dinformation de sant (MPDSSIS, 2010). The report calculates the average size of a medical
image by weighting the different sizes of each medical image (radiography, echography, scanner and MRI) by the
frequency with which they are required. A compression factor of two has been considered.
For more information on the recommended speeds for specific applications, see Ooklas article available at: https://
Averages based on 108 developing countries for which 2013 and 2014 data on mobile-broadband prices, mobile-cellular
prices and GNI p.c. were available.
Despite having a relative small population of less than 4 million inhabitants, Moldova has three mobile-network
operators offering mobile-broadband services, plus a regional operator also offering the service in a part of the country.
The two main mobile-broadband operators with national coverage are part of strong transnational groups (Orange and
TeliaSonera) and launched LTE networks in 2012, while the third operator is owned by the incumbent fixed-broadband
provider and offers services based on the UMTS technology. The growth in the mobile-broadband market has been
spurred by an increase in competition: the dominant operator Orange saw its market share in the mobile-broadband
market (measured by number of mobile-broadband enabled SIM cards) decrease from 60 per cent at end 2011 to 56 per
cent by end 2014 (source: GSMA Intelligence).
Mozambique has three mobile network operators, MCEL, Vodacom and Movitel, all of them currently offering mobile-
broadband services. The launch of Movitels operations in 2012, when Mozambique had a mobile-cellular penetration
level of below 35 per cent, greatly contributed to stirring the market, see: http://viettel.com.vn/menu-60-64-94-
Mozambique.html. The increase in competition has not been to the detriment of investment, and this has also been
reflected in the mobile-broadband market, where the incumbent MCELs market share (measured by number of
mobile-broadband enabled SIM cards) shrank from 71 per cent at end 2011 to 42 per cent by end 2014 (source: GSMA

Measuring the Information Society Report 143

Intelligence). At the same time, new 3G networks have been deployed in the country, including Movitels HSPA network,
see: http://www.incm.gov.mz/incm-outorga-licencas-para-prestacao-de-servico-de-terceira-geracao.
For the 149 countries included in the comparison, the average GNI p.c. in the European region is one and a half times
that of the Arab States region, twice that of the Asia-Pacific and Americas regions, five times that of the CIS region, and
over ten times that of the Africa region.
The number of mobile-broadband enabled SIM cards, as reported by GSMA Intelligence, is used as a proxy to calculate
each operators share in the mobile-broadband market.
For more information, see the press release from Metfone, available at: http://www.metfone.com.kh/en/News/
Source: B2B Cambodia. Full article available at: http://www.b2b-cambodia.com/news/metfones-3g-internet-boasts-the-
For more information on Smarts LTE coverage, see the companys press release available at: http://www.smart.com.kh/
news/press-release/4g-lte-smart-now-available-all-25-provinces, as well as their coverage map at: http://www.smart.
From 18 to 30 June 2015, SEATEL offered to replace for free the SIM card and mobile phone of their subscribers with
new ones adapted to the new LTE network. Source: SEATEL Group. For more information, see: http://www.seatelgroup.
Median income is used as a reference because the The mean value gets inflated by a few households with large
incomes. Most Cambodian households have an income well below the mean value (National Institute of Statistics of
Cambodia, 2014), and the median value is deemed to reflect better the income level of typical Cambodian households.
In the example, for handset-based plans, the median disposable income per capita is considered, assuming that mobile
handsets are for personal use, while the income per household is considered for computer-based plans, assuming that
computer plans are shared per household.
Bill shock refers to a bill which the consumer finds unexpectedly excessive; see for example Recommendation ITU-T
D.98, Charging in international mobile roaming service, September 2012, available online at: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-
International mobile roaming services are not available automatically for all operators and all destinations. They depend
on agreements negotiated bilaterally between operators.
European Parliamentary Research Service: http://epthinktank.eu/2013/10/10/a-roaming-free-europe-in-2015/.
European Commission press release, 17 February 2014, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-152_en.htm.
International Roaming BEREC Benchmark Data Report April September 2014, BoR (15) 29, BREC 2015, http://berec.
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
Data retrieved from the GCC Roaming Working Group (2014) consultation document concerning International Mobile
Roaming (IMR) across the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Region, 4 September 2014, available online at: http://www.
Kenya, Burkina Faso, Chad, Congo (Rep. of), Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Madagascar, Malawi,
Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia. See: http://www.airtel.in/about-bharti/
See http://www.china-mobile-phones.com/china-mobile-roaming.html and http://www.shanghaidaily.com/Business/
See for example http://www.t-mobile.com/optional-services/international.html.
See for example http://www.orange.com/en/press/Press-releases/press-releases-2014/Orange-First-to-Remove-

144 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 4

Measuring the Information Society Report 145

5 The Internet of Things: data for

5.1 Overview offices, telecommunication regulators and

ministries can address them.
Historically, the field of information and
communication technology (ICT) has consisted
of a wide variety of infrastructural systems, 5.2 Introduction to IoT
devices and capabilities that were developed and
operated independently from one another. In
2005, ITU published one of the first reports on What is IoT?
the Internet of Things (IoT) and pointed to the
possibility of connecting many new elements to The ITU Telecommunication Standardization
telecommunication networks (ITU, 2005a) Ten Sector (ITU-T) has defined IoT as a global
years after, the emergent trend and advent of IoT infrastructure for the information society, enabling
are unifying the various disparate elements of the advanced services by interconnecting (physical
ICT landscape into a vast yet coherent network of and virtual) things based on existing and evolving
technologies that are capable of communicating interoperable information and communication
and interacting with each other in both anticipated technologies.1 IoT refers to the burgeoning
and unanticipated ways. network of physical objects (e.g. devices) which
have an Internet protocol (IP) address for Internet
IoT has the potential to create massive disruptions connectivity, as well as the communication that
within the ICT sector even how the Internet occurs between these objects and other devices
is construed, defined and measured. IoT brings and systems that thus become Internet-enabled.
substantial changes to the data/information, The widespread connectivity of devices allows
computing and ICT domains. Collectively, these them to share data and exercise control through
changes are having a tremendous societal, the Internet, whether directly through their own
technological and scientific impact, and are IP address and ensuing Internet connection or
incorporating many new elements into the indirectly through other telecommunication
information society. protocols, such as WiFi or Bluetooth.

This chapter presents and analyses the various IoT represents a convergence of several factors
dynamics underlying the rise of IoT. The first that have facilitated its growth: growth of the
section describes IoT, how it is developing, Internet and development of Internet-linked radio
and its relation with ICTs. It then analyses how frequency identification (RFID), context-aware
telecommunication infrastructure is unlocking computing, wearables, and ubiquitous computing,
the potential of IoT and creating opportunities which each developed throughout the second half
for development, in forms such as new IoT of the twentieth century, as depicted in Figure
applications and big data generated by the myriad 5.1. The sampling of the IoT timeline provides
of connected devices. The following section an indication of how extensive the legacy of IoT
analyses, in more detail, the opportunities that actually is. The various IoT-related phenomena can
IoT brings to development, paying particular also be mapped against an historical backdrop,
attention to areas of high impact for developing particularly with respect to the evolution from
countries, such as health, climate change, disaster person-to-person to machine-to-machine
management, precision agriculture and the communications (Figure 5.2).
growth of megacities. The chapter concludes
by identifying some of the main challenges for Early Internet-based platforms such as the world
the development of IoT and by providing some wide web (WWW) have been primarily focused
recommendations on how national statistical on communications between individuals and
groups of people, which can be translated into

Measuring the Information Society Report 147

Figure 5.1: Timeline of developments that led to IoT




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1952 1966 1973/4 1990/1 1994 1999 2005 2008 2012 2014 2015

Source: ITU.

Figure 5.2: Path to IoT: from people-to-people to machine-to-machine communications

Internet Era Internet of Things Era

IP-enabled pacemaker Industrial
and hundreds of Internet &
smart wearables Smart Utilities
Internet- Smart Home
linked RFID
Machine to
Machine to Shannon- Echo IV & watch
People Thorp Kitchen computer
wearable Computer
5 exabytes
computer per day 2013
Data Volume

People to ARPANET
People 5 exabytes
all time to 2003

1966 1969 1974 1999 2008 2015

Source: ITU.

person-to-person communications. IoT enables IoT represents a step forward in the connectivity
devices to conduct person-to-machine as well provided by M2M connections, because it offers
as machine-to-machine (M2M) communications the potential for integrating disparate systems
without human intervention (Chen, 2012). A and enabling new applications. Indeed, M2M
subtle but distinguishable characteristic of the communication capabilities are seen as an
M2M subdomain within IoT is worth noting: essential enabler of IoT, but represent only a
whereas M2M refers specifically to things (i.e. subset of its whole set of capabilities. From this
devices, machines, or anything that can send point of view, IoT can be construed as the arch
data) connecting to other things (e.g. remote connecting M2M vertical pillars2 (i.e. technology
computer) so as to form isolated systems of stacks), and for IoT to provide value that extends
sensors and islands of telemetry data, IoT also beyond M2M it must fulfill a function not already
encompasses things connecting with people and addressed by an individual M2M stack.

148 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
More specifically, M2M communications, Recommendation ITU-T G.9959, each individual
particularly in the context of ICT infrastructure, vendors implementation can vary for the
are often referred to as plumbing, while IoT is protocols used in the transport layer.
deemed to be a universal enabler, as it extends
beyond M2M communications to include IoT uses various protocols/standards to
information exchanges between people, and accommodate low-power and passive sensors
between people and devices. Devices within the as well as other inexpensive devices that might
M2M paradigm typically rely upon point-to-point not be able to justify a dedicated M2M hardware
communications (i.e. communication between a module. In addition, IoT-based delivery of data
thing and a remote thing)and use embedded is, typically, to a cloud-based architecture,
hardware modules (e.g. subscriber identity module thereby allowing IoT to be inherently more
or SIM card). scalable. In essence, devices that are not directly
IP-addressable are leveraging wireless radio
In many cases, devices within the IoT paradigm protocols/standards so as to indirectly connect to
rely upon standards-based IP communication the Internet, and thus the rising volume of M2M
networks; however, it is important to note that communications is contributing to the growth of
devices within M2M do not rely solely upon the IoT (Goodwin, 2013). However, IoT shares some
prototypical TCP/IP over Ethernet for connectivity of the regulatory challenges of M2M, such as
(Kim, 2011). Whereas emerging wireless the lock-in of M2M subscriptions with a single
broadband platforms are contributing to the operator, particularly when considering cross-
growth of IoT connectivity, technologies such as border communications (Box 5.1).
Bluetooth (Miller, 2000), ZigBee (Baronti, 2007),
and other protocols/standards enable devices As devices are endowed with communication
to communicate and are increasingly used in capability, they can make their own contributions
IoT implementations. For example, the ZigBee to IoT (Gantz, 2008). IoT is by no means a singular
protocol works with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, class, or standardized set of devices. Just as there
which specifies the physical layer and media is a wide variety of connected device types, these
access control for low-rate wireless personal area various devices exhibit a range of connectedness
networks. As another example, while Z-Wave3 (Figure 5.3). By way of example, even though
implementations are in accordance with the personal wearable devices, such as for calculating

Box 5.1: IoT communications across borders

The manufacturing of devices with IoT capabilities in industries with large volumes is usually
managed at the global level, in order to take advantage of the economies of scale and scope
that the outsourcing of production allows. For example, in the automotive industry, cars that are
manufactured in a given country with embedded M2M capabilities are sold and used in several
foreign markets, and the same occurs in most sectors in which IoT can make an impact.

Although the production of devices with embedded IoT capabilities has become global, pricing of
the actual IoT communications remains local. For instance, if a truck with an embedded sensor
travels from one country to another which is, for instance, often the case in the European
Union the information sent by the sensor to the Internet will be subject to roaming charges.
Considering that roaming rates are significantly higher than regular mobile prices (see Section
4.5), this may limit the use of the IoT capabilities embedded in the truck. A similar situation will
arise if a person with an e-reader travels to a foreign country and wants to download a travel
guide from the Internet using the SIM card embedded in the e-reader.

The limitations that roaming charges place on the development of M2M have been extensively
discussed, as have the possible regulatory actions that could mitigate them (OECD, 2012). As the
industry advances from M2M to IoT and the need for affordable cross-border connectivity grows,
this issue will require more regulatory and policy attention.

Measuring the Information Society Report 149

Figure 5.3: Diagram of IoT connectivity

InterPlanetary Network

LTE Advanced
Cellular 4G / LTE



Wide Area Network - 802.20
PRINTED Metropolitan Area Network -802.16
Local Area Network - 802.11
Personal Area Network - 802.15

Source: Postscapes and Harbor Research, http://postscapes.com/what-exactly-is-the-internet-of-things-infographic.

the number of steps taken, etc., are capable 2005). As people opt in to allow their wireless
of collecting data, they rely upon additional personal area networks to communicate with
communication gateways (e.g. smartphone, WSNs, communication can occur directly between
laptop) to transmit these data to a cloud-based WSNs rather than through the traditional Internet.
application (Desai, 2014). Indeed, many wearables
do not have their own Internet connection and Apart from WSNs, there is another potential
must wait until they are in range of Bluetooth technological disruption on the horizon.
connectivity or similar connective networks. Semiconductor companies are advancing system
In essence, devices can be classified as either: on chip (SOC) (Wolf, 2008) paradigms tailored for
(1) having their own Internet connection with IoT. Intel, Broadcom and ARM have all developed
capability of accessing the Internet at any time; or SOC for the IoT market. In essence, connected
(2) dependent upon a network with connection to devices are becoming smarter with higher-
the Internet. IoT encompasses both (Want, 2015). performance embedded processors as well as
increased memory and random access memory
The development of IoT fosters the creation of (RAM) as the per unit cost of SOC and storage
wireless sensor networks (WSNs, Box 5.2), and continue to drop and components become
this may lead to the development of alternative more miniaturized (Itoh, 2013). While SOC is not
network architectures. Today, in the usual something that has just been developed, the
network configuration, mobile data pass through advent of programmable SOC (PSoC) marks a
the carriers gateway to connect to the Internet new era of longevity and extensibility. This has
(Pitoura, 2012), and most mobile devices are particular potential to change the IoT paradigm.
thus connected to the Internet (Dinh, 2013).
Researchers have been exploring communication To articulate this point, during the fourth quarter
approaches that could potentially bypass the of 2014 a new PSoC for IoT was unveiled at the
Internet entirely by facilitating peer-to-peer Electronica international trade show in Munich,
communication between WSN clusters so as to Germany (Bahou, 2014a). This unveiling was
form a new Internet comprised of WSNs (Xu, particularly interesting, as it moved beyond the

150 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
Box 5.2: Wireless sensor networks
In essence, a WSN is a network formed by a large number of sensor nodes, wherein each node is
equipped with a sensor to detect physical phenomena (e.g. light, vibration, heat, pressure, etc.)
(International Electrotechnical Commission, 2014). WSNs exist in various domains ranging from
electric grids and other critical infrastructure to building management and transportation. The
power industry has been upgrading various parts of the electric grid, and WSN technologies are
playing an important role for a smarter grid, including online monitoring of transmission lines,
intelligent monitoring and early warning systems for distribution networks, and smart electricity
consumption services (Eris, 2014). As these WSNs, which are deemed to be a revolutionary
information-gathering method, are increasingly becoming a critical part of the ICT infrastructure
that underpins the reliability and efficiency of infrastructure systems, they are becoming the
key technology for IoT4(Khalil, 2014). In managing energy consumption in green buildings,
WSNs can be implemented to control the illumination of homes and offices, thereby minimizing
the power wasted by unnecessary lighting in vacant rooms and office spaces (Magno, 2015).
In the context of smart cities, WSNs are being used to design traffic monitoring and control
systems that go beyond the conventional round-robin scheme of reducing congestion at busy
intersections, by dynamically prioritizing higher volume lanes of traffic (Desai, 2014). With regard
to critical infrastructure protection and public safety, WSNs are also being widely employed in the
detection of hazardous gas leaks (Somov, 2014). Although these areas represent only a glimpse
of the many ways WSNs are being employed, such a diversity of applications demonstrates
how transformative this technology is likely to be. As an example, urban consolidation centres
(UCCs) can reduce the traffic load caused by delivery vehicles. By having the UCC warehouses
geographically situated just outside the city, goods destined for retailers in the city are first
consolidated and then shipped with an optimized routing, thereby making the best possible use
of truck capacity and reducing the total number of trucks needed. For this paradigm, tracking
at the pallet (or other packaging unit) level is required. The pallet becomes the sensor for
measuring the flow of goods, and a combination of various wireless technologies (e.g. GPS,
RFID, WLAN, cellular) in combination with big data analysis techniques are utilized to optimize
scheduling and routing.

typical trending of decreasing size, cost and energy The importance of IoT and its potential to become
consumption and presented a PSoC that was not a disruptive technology has been recognized by
only scalable, but also extensible. In other words, several administrations and organizations. For
the PSoC was future-proofed, enabling firmware- instance, in 2008, the United States National
based changes at any point in the design cycle, Intelligence Council identified IoT as one of the
including after deployment. It also showcased the six primary disruptive civil technologies that will
possibilities of single-chip Bluetooth low energy most significantly impact national power through
(BLE) PSoC for IoT: home automation, healthcare 2025 (NIC, 2008). This particular assessment of IoT
equipment, sports and fitness monitors and other, is well captured in a 2009 speech by the Chinese
wearable smart devices. Premier, who presented the equation: Internet +
Internet of Things = Wisdom of the Earth.4 Similarly,
Similarly, a BLE programmable radio-on-chip Cisco asserts that IoT is the next evolution of the
presents a viable method for wireless human Internet, and this transformation occurred during
interface devices, remote controls and other the 2008-2009 time period when the number of
applications requiring wireless connectivity objects connected to the Internet surpassed the
(Bahou, 2014b). As research progresses into number of people online worldwide (Evans, 2011).
developing increasingly compact PSoC designs The United Kingdom Government, in its 2015
that can harvest energy as well as sense and budget, made quite the statement by allocating
communicate a variety of data wirelessly, the GBP 40 million to IoT research (Gibbs, 2015).
limits of IoT capabilities will continue to extend
(Klinefelter, 2015).

Measuring the Information Society Report 151

Today, it is estimated that over 50 per cent IoT will very likely revolutionize how individuals,
of IoT activity is centred on manufacturing, corporations, government and international
transportation, smart city and consumer organizations interact with the world.Whereas
applications, but that within five years all IoT centres upon connected devices that enable
industries will have rolled out IoT initiatives the range of capabilities shown in Figure 5.4, it is
(Turner, 2014). Indeed, IoT will have a significant by no means the end of the line for technological
impact on nearly every industry of our society, evolution. Researchers, industry experts and
revealing and making possible new business technologists foresee an evolutionary path beyond
models and workflow processes as well as new IoT to an Internet of Everything (IoE), in which
sources of operational efficiencies. A key element communications among people, devices, data and
in reaching the efficiency gains that IoT can deliver processes will be fully unified (Bradley, 2013).
will be interoperability within vertical industries
(i.e. across different manufacturers in the same
industry) as well as across industries. Indeed, it is What is the role of ICTs in IoT?
estimated that the interoperability of IoT systems
is the key to unlocking 40-60 per cent of potential ICTs comprise a broad and unconsolidated
value across IoT applications (McKinsey, 2015). domain (Lampathaki, 2010) of products,
infrastructure and processes (Antonelli, 2003)

Figure 5.4: Sectors in which IoT can play an enabling role for development

Source: ITU based on Al-Fuqaha, Ala et al. (2015).

152 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
that include telecommunications and information the needles in the haystack (Grover, 1997). With
technologies, from radios and telephone lines to this foundational basis, the veracity of data can
satellites, computers and the Internet (Riemer, be better scrutinized, and, playing a role similar
2009). In turn, IoT is composed of objects that to that of traditional small data (Martens, 1998)
communicate, via the Internet or other networks, in verification, relevant long-tail data from the
which might not be identified as ICTs in the entire corpus of devices may prove extremely
conventional sense (Nambi, 2014). On one illuminating in providing maximum context in
hand, the advent of IoT represents an evolution terms of validating information (i.e. to mitigate
of ICTs (Roselli, 2015); on the other, ICTs are against misinformation or disinformation) and
key enabling technologies, without which IoT providing an additional value-added proposition
could not exist (Gubbi, 2013). The IoT world is for the community at large.
indeed underpinned by ICT infrastructure, which
is needed to gather, transmit and disseminate A higher level of confidence in ICT infrastructure
data as well as facilitate the efficient delivery of and its capacity to ensure data privacy and
services for society at large (e.g. health, education) protection will lead to an ever-increasing reliance
and assist in the management of organizations, on IoT. Likewise, this reliance on IoT will serve as
whether it be for individuals, companies, a self-reinforcing societal trend for an even more
governments or international organizations. ubiquitous IoT, thereby eventually leading to the
ICTs serve as an enabler for individual social IoE phenomenon that will extend connectivity
development and societal transformation by beyond the boundaries of IoT and connect people,
improving access to critical services (including by processes, data and things (Evans, 2012), as
way of IoT pathways), enhancing connectivity and depicted in Figure 5.5.
creating new opportunities.
Although aspirational, IoE could result in networks
Robust ICT infrastructure can most definitely of networks with trillions of connections,
facilitate at the very least the transmission facilitating automated connectivity, embedded
of a greater volume, variety and velocity of data; intelligence and event correlation (Yesner, 2013).
these three Vs in particular collectively serve Whereas IoT connects objects to the Internet so
to better allow for in-stream processing and as to increase available data in a query-response
analytics so as to help remove hay from the paradigm, the envisioned IoE will enable greater
haystack (Lindquist, 2011) and better illuminate automated insight generation in a real-time sense-

Figure 5.5: Evolution from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Everything

Evolutionary Trajectory

Machines to People and Machines to

Machines Processes

People to
Internet of
Internet of ubiquitous
connectivity of
People to Things people, devices, data,
People unied and processes
between devices
Information &
variety of independent
devices and capabilities

Source: ITU.

Measuring the Information Society Report 153

and-respond paradigm (Etzion, 2014) through The IoT and big data
computational capacity in the cloud and within
objects themselves (Kiat Seng, 2014). At the very More big data have been generated, especially
least, the notion of IoE helps to position and via IoT, during the last 2 years than in all of
establish an envisioned approach for architecting previously recorded history (Sagiroglu, 2013).
next-generation systems and devising viable Table 5.1 presents a range of estimates from a
policies to contend with the massive torrent of big variety of sources regarding data generated and
data. stored in electronic format, and Table 5.2 compiles
estimates on the size of IoT and its potential value.

Table 5.1: Summary of statistics on global data generated and stored in electronic format

Data generated

Indicator Statistics Source

Total data generated: From the dawn of civilization to 2003, humanity has Intel (2013)
generated 5 exabytes (EB) of data

Data structure: 85% of big data is unstructured Berry (2012)

Genomic data per person: 4 terabytes (TB) Miller (2012)

Data generated by Boeing jet engine 10 TB Higginbotham (2010)

per 30 minutes of flight:

Data generated by automobile per 25 gigabyte (GB) Taveira (2014)

hour of driving:

Data increase in electrical utilities due 680 million smart meters will be installed globally Bloomberg (2015)
to IoT-enabled smart grid: by 2017. This will lead to 280 petabytes (PB) of data
per year.

Data in electronic format

Statistics Source
The volume of data stored in electronic format has been doubling almost Gantz (2011)
every 18 months.

2013 3.1 zettabytes (ZB) data centre traffic Cisco (2014)

4.4 ZB (trillion gigagbytes) total Gantz (2011)

5 GB per capita Bahrami (2015)

2014 2.5 billion GB per day; 1.7 megabytes (MB) per minute per capita Gantz (2011)

2015 14.5 billion indexed webpages Woollaston (2013)

2016 1 ZB global annual IP traffic Cisco (2015)

2018 403 ZB total IoE traffic Cisco (2014)

14 GB per capita Bahrami (2015)

2019 2 ZB global annual IP traffic Cisco (2015a)

2020 44 ZB (44 trillion GB) Gantz (2011)

10% from embedded IoT devices Gantz (2011)

27% from mobile connected things Gantz (2011)

Note: data volumes are expressed in multiples of bytes: kilobyte (1024), megabyte (1024 ), gigabyte (10243), terabyte (10244), petabyte (10245),

exabyte (10246) and zettabyte (10247).

154 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
Table 5.2: The size and value of the Internet of Things in numbers

Size of IoT

Indicator Statistics Source

Number of connected devices, 70% annual growth in sensor sales since 2002 Evans (2011)
milestones reached:
2008-2009: Number of global connected devices surpasses Gartner (2013)
human population

Number of connected devices 8 billion devices or 6.58 devices per person online Cisco (2015b)

Number of connected devices Nearly 26 billion devices will be connected as part of IoT by Gartner (2013)
by 2020: 2020 (and this figure excludes smart phones, tablets and PCs,
which would account for another separate 7.3 billion devices)

More than 30 billion devices will be connected by 2020 ABI (2013)

Approximately 50 billion devices will be connected by 2020 Evans (2011)


75 billion devices will be connected by 2020 (Morgan Stanley) Danova (2013)

Anywhere from 50 to 100 billion devices will be connected by Trappeniers (2013)

2020 (Bell Labs)

The number of devices is already approaching 200 billion (IDC) Turner (2014)

Potential value of IoT

Indicator Statistics Source

IoT incremental revenue by 2020: USD 300 billion, mostly from services Gartner (2013)

IoT market worth by 2020: USD 7.1 trillion Press (2014)

IoT annual growth of market worth by USD 3.9-11.1 trillion, 40% generated in developing McKinsey (2015)
2025: countries

IoT contribution to GDP over the next 20 USD 15 trillion Press (2014)

IoT by sector: 50% of IoT activity is centred around manufacturing, IDC (2011)
transportation, smart city and consumer applications
Note: data volumes are expressed in multiples of bytes: kilobyte (1024), megabyte (10242), gigabyte (10243), terabyte (10244), petabyte (10245),
exabyte (10246) and zettabyte (10247).

The number of connected devices multiple factors accelerating the data surge
(Press, 2014), including:
Big data are being created by billions of devices
around the world, as shown in Table 5.1. It is (1) Increased affordability: technological
estimated that from 26 to 100 billion devices progress, such as high-volume manufacturing
(Gartner, 2013) (Trappeniers, 2013) (ABI, 2013) will techniques, and the increase of the size
be connected as part of IoT by 2020. These devices of the market of devices with embedded
will include the traditional dumb devices (e.g. communication technology allow for
toaster, light bulb, refrigerator, faucet), which will economies of scale; the 70 per cent annual
be made smart with real-time sensors equipped growth in sensor sales since 2002 (Gartner,
with communication capabilities. 2013) is leading to a situation in which ever-
more capable sensors are becoming more
In addition to these devices, many additional, affordable.
hitherto unconnected consumer devices and
industrial machines could be connected to (2) Increased connectivity, access to cloud
the Internet, and this number (particularly in computing (Zhang, 2010) and more affordable
the realm of sensors) is burgeoning. There are high-speed wireless data networks extend the

Measuring the Information Society Report 155

reach of IoT applications to uses not yet even captures and textual transcriptions of the video
imagined. and related data can be shared, via social
networking platforms, microblogging platforms
(3) Rapid innovation: technological advances and other social media platforms.
make it possible to include multiple sensors
within one device to perform a variety of
The torrent of big data from connected devices
distinct and disparate tasks (e.g. detecting
geolocation, temperature, motion, etc.);
As connected devices create new opportunities
furthermore, power management is allowing
for the scientific exploration of large datasets,
devices to run unattended for longer periods
there is an increasing volume of and value given
of time (Abras, 2008).
to observational, experimental and computer-
generated or machine-spawned data. In the
(4) Regulatory mandates and policy initiatives are
context of big data, human-generated data (e.g.
accelerating the adoption rate of IoT solutions,
textual data e-mails, documents, etc.; social
especially within industries (e.g. healthcare,
media data pictures, videos, etc., and other data)
automotive and energy). As just one example,
represent an increasingly diminishing percentage
the European Union has mandated that 80 per
of the total; after all, IoT devices are producing
cent of European homes must have a smart
machine-generated data (e.g. remote-sensing
meter installed by 2020 (Faruqui, 2010).
data volcanic, forestry, atmospheric, seismic,
etc.; photographs and video surveillance, traffic,
(5) The adoption of communication protocols,
etc.) and sharing them directly with other devices
such as Internet Protocol 6 (IPv6), allows more
without any human intervention.
devices to connect to the Internet; IPv6 has
2128 addresses as compared with 232 for IPv4
Given the sheer volume of human-generated
(Wu, 2013).
as well as machine-generated data, there have
been several attempts to quantify these data and
(6) The high expectations that IoT is generating
project future trends. The 2014 report of the EMC
in industrial markets are encouraging more
Digital Universe Study asserts that, as a result of
stakeholders to enter the IoT market, thus
IoT, the amount of data generated in digital format
contributing to increasing the number of
is doubling every two years and will increase by
devices and expanding the sector. Indeed,
about a factor of ten between 2013 and 2020
industrial titans such as General Electric are
from 4.4 trillion gigabytes to 44 trillion gigabytes
forecasting that the industrial Internet has
(IDC, 2011).
the potential to contribute approximately
USD 15 trillion to global GDP over the next 20
The 2013 4.4 ZB estimate of the data generated
years (Press, 2014), and connected cars, smart
in digital format breaks down into 2.9 ZB
homes, wearables, et al., are expected to
generated by consumers and 1.5 ZB generated
comprise trillion dollar markets (MacGillivray,
by enterprises.5 In fact, only 0.6ZB (about 15 per
cent) of the consumer portion is not touched
by enterprises in some way, leaving enterprises
In this context, it is possible to imagine several
responsible for the vast majority of the worlds
scenarios that may be close to becoming reality.
data (about 3.8 ZB in 2013),6 with mobile
For example, a home camera device detecting
connected things contributing another 27 per
movement of a pet can notify the homeowner,
cent7. In terms of geography, EMC and IDC predict
via an e-mail or text message; it can capture the
that the balance will swing from mature markets,
associated video and transmit the video stream
which accounted for 60 per cent of the data
to a private cloud. Should the homeowner elect
generated in digital format in 2013 (Turner, 2014),
to share the video let us say that the movement
to emerging markets within developing countries,
by the homeowners pet and the associated
with the inflection point occurring around 2016-
video has the potential of being propelled to
2017 (Turner, 2014). This nevertheless presumes
the ranks of YouTubes funniest videos then
that the infrastructure in the emerging markets of
that video will be transmitted, disseminated,
developing countries will be able to cope with this
propagated, replicated and preserved in archives
increase in enterprise data, which would require
and repositories all over the world. Screen
major investments in ICTs.

156 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
In this world of big data, several latent data infrastructures. IoT data flows will be primarily
sources are starting to be tapped. For instance, from sensors to applications and will range
each person equates to about 4 TB of raw between continuous data flows (e.g. real-time
genomics data (Miller, 2012), a Boeing jet stock ticker system) and bursty data flows (e.g.
generates 10 TB of information per engine for non-real-time video) depending upon the type of
every 30 minutes of flight (Higginbotham, 2010), application. The anticipated magnitude of IoT-
and the array of sensors in a modern hybrid related network connections and data volumes
car generates 25 GB of data per hour of driving is likely to favour a distributed approach for
(Taveira, 2014). Given the aforementioned data centre architectures, with several mini-
genomic, jet engine and automotive examples, data centres performing initial processing
the descriptor torrent of data (Vermesan, 2011) and forwarding relevant data over wide area
to represent the phenomenon of big data network (WAN) links to a central data centre
being generated and shared among connected for further analysis.8 Cisco has coined the term
devices is difficult to dispute. To accompany fog computing (Bonomi, 2012) to describe this
this torrent of data, there are data given off as methodology of data processing at the network
a byproduct (Singh, 2014). This digital exhaust edge or edge computing so as to mitigate against
is both actively contributed (e.g. the writing of location-based and/or network latency issues. The
a blog post) and passively contributed (e.g. the efforts to back up this massive volume of data will
background generation by the device mobile accentuate issues of remote storage bandwidth
phone or other of geolocation, time, date and and potentially insufficient storage capacity.
other metadata).
The examples given in this section show how
It is important to note that, currently, most of IoT is shaping the observational space for what
the worlds data are transient (e.g. the streaming is considered useful data. In 2013, according
video of Netflix Instant, Hulu Plus or Amazon to Turner (2014), only 22 per cent of the data
Instant Video, etc.) and require no storage. The were considered useful, and less than 5 per cent
significance of this resides in the fact that the of that useful data were actually analysed. By
global amount of available storage capacity (i.e. 2020, more than 35 per cent of all data could be
unused bytes) across all media types is growing considered useful data due to the strategic and
at a much slower rate than the data generated tailored growth of data from IoT, but it will be up
in digital format (Hilbert, 2011). In 2013, the to the community at large to determine what are
available storage capacity could accommodate just useful data and come up with methodologies to
33 per cent of the data generated in digital format actually put these big data to use.
(Turner, 2014). By 2020, it is forecast that it will
be able to store less than 15 per cent of such data Regardless of whether data are deemed to be
(Turner, 2014). In essence, the amount of data useful data or not useful data (incidentally,
being generated is far outpacing the ability to store some type of analysis would be required to
those data, let alone analyse them (Kumar, 2011). make this initial determination), there is most
definitely a great deal of data traffic. Commercial
The volume of data produced by connected IoT traffic through large data centres for business
devices is a problem not only of storage, but applications represents a significant portion of the
also of sustainable access and preservation. data generated in digital form (Benson, 2010) Yet
The diversity of data formats, metadata (all of despite the potential invaluable commercial value
which might not necessarily adhere to metadata of the data, less than 1 per cent of that data has
standards, such as the Dublin Core Metadata actually been analysed (Box 5.3) (Burn-Murdoch,
Standard), semantics, access rights, associated 2013).
computing hardware, and the myriad of software
tools for modeling, visualizing and analysing the To explain this situation, it is worthwhile to
data too, collectively, all add to the complexity and note that many early instances of connected
scale of the big data challenge. devices have occurred in the context of private
internal networks, or intranets of things,
In addition, the vast amounts of data that will which were developed and operated in isolation
be generated by IoT devices will put enormous from industrial-scale commercial applications
pressure on networks and data centre (Zorzi, 2010). Although such internal networks

Measuring the Information Society Report 157

Box 5.3: Surface web and deep web
The surface web is that part of the world wide web (WWW) that is readily available to the
general public and searchable by traditional search engines. From a quantitative point of view,
it maintains a current steady contribution of approximately 571 websites per minute per day
toward the already existing corpus of about 14.5 billion indexed webpages.9 Apart from this
indexed set of webpages, Google estimates that WWW is growing at a speed of about a billion
pages per day.10 Moreover, according to YouTube, more than 300 years worth of video are
uploaded to digital video repositories daily, and the substantive portion of the corpus of YouTube
videos on the surface web has not yet been analysed.

The deep web is that part of WWW that is not readily available to the general public and cannot
be indexed by traditional search engines. By way of background information, web crawlers collect
and index metadata (e.g. page title, URL, keywords, etc.) from every site on the surface web,
which constitute far less content than that of the actual site. Pages on the deep web function in
the same way as any surface website, but are built in such a way that their presence is not readily
discoverable by a web crawler for any of several reasons. First, search engines typically ignore
pages whose URLs consist of lengthy sequences of parameters, equal signs and question marks
in order to avoid duplication of indexed sites. Second, web crawlers cannot access sites with
form-controlled entry (i.e. page content only gets displayed when an actual person applies a set
of actions and databases generate pages on demand, such as flight information, hotel availability,
job listings, etc.) or sites with password-protected access, including virtual private networks
(VPNs). In addition, sites with timed access (i.e. free content becomes inaccessible after a certain
number of page views, and is moved to a new URL requiring a password) and robots exclusion
(i.e. a file in the main directory of a site tells search robots which files and directories should not
be indexed) are inaccessible to web crawlers. Finally, there are hidden pages that no sequence of
hyperlink clicks could navigate to, and therefore are only accessible to individuals who know of
their existence.11

Initial research on the size of the deep web found that it was approximately 500 times greater
than the surface web (i.e. the deep web contained nearly 550 billion individual documents
compared with about one billion on the surface web (Bergman, 2001)), and sixty of the largest
deep web sites collectively contained about 750 TB of information sufficient by themselves to
exceed the size of the surface web forty times over (Bergman, 2001). Subsequent research on
the deep web has been carried out applying surveying techniques, such as random sampling of
IP addresses or hosts, to estimate the size of the deep web. The results have revealed additional
deep web data sources suggesting that the deep web might be larger than initially thought (B. He
et al., 2007; Madhavan et al., 2007; Shestakov, 2011). Although research on the quantification of
the deep web is ongoing, it has been established that the deep web has as much as an order of
magnitude more content than that of the surface web (He, Yeye, et al., 2013) and that the deep
web is the largest-growing category of new information on the Internet (B. He et al., 2007).

or intranets have generated vast amounts of 5.3 The opportunities of IoT for
data, these repositories are not accessible on development
the public Internet. In light of the vast amount of
personal data that can be collected by wearables IoT offers new opportunities for development by
as well as home networking devices, maintaining providing a new data source that can contribute to
isolated intranets of things separate from the the understanding, analysis and tackling of existing
public Internet is a vital consideration in terms development issues. As a consequence, the debate
of understanding how much data are being on IoT has become part of the larger debate on
segregated due to desired privacy and securing the the data revolution and the possibilities that new
privacy of sensitive data (Roman, 2011). ICT developments (including the growth of IoT)

158 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
have opened up to achieve larger development IoT for health
goals, including those addressed by the new
Sustainable Development Agenda. An important role for IoT has been established
in the area of healthcare delivery, research and
The potential overall economic impact of IoT is response. From the advent of wearable health
profound, and while estimates vary, McKinsey devices and other sensor-based capabilities
expects the IoT market to generate from USD 3.9 to the monitoring of pandemics and endemic
trillion to 11.1 trillion a year by 2025 (McKinsey, disease control, the opportunities within the IoT
2015). The latter figure is roughly equivalent to paradigm are growing. A macro-level approach
11 per cent of the global economy. Keeping this to combining anonymized user data allows a
in mind, while over the next ten years IoT may more comprehensive view of the observational
indeed potentially represent a higher value within space, and layering additional datasets, such as
advanced economies based on higher value per geographic or economic, can provide additional
use, it is anticipated that nearly 40 per cent of its insight. For example, todays amalgam of mobile-
value will be generated in developing economies cellular data and other sensory data from IoT
(McKinsey, 2015). Hence, the future of leveraging might shed more insight into the cyber-physical
IoT for developing countries is quite promising. supply chain at hand and provide a test of
While many discussions on the opportunities reasonableness regarding data validity for
offered by IoT have focused on the consumer side tracking, anticipating and mitigating the spread of
and benefits for the individual, IoT offers great infectious disease.
potential for broader development issues. Existing
examples of the use of IoT for development are This notion of IoT syndromic surveillance (i.e. the
mainly to be found in the areas of health, climate collection and analysis of health data pertaining
change and disaster management, water and to a clinical syndrome that has a significant
sanitation, and agriculture and infrastructure. impact on public health), especially for the
IoT has been recognized as providing a particular purposes of potentially modeling the spread of
opportunity to address challenges faced by the infectious diseases, has already been used to great
growing number of megacities, and to help turn effect (Wesolowski et al., 2012). For example,
cities into smart cities. in Kenya, passive mobile positioning data was
combined with epidemiological data to identify
The following section will look into some of the the prevalence, spread and source of malarial
uses of IoT to address certain key challenges infections (Wesolowski et al., 2012, 2015). Similar
facing developed and developing countries. It experience in Haiti also illuminated how mobile
will highlight the fact that there are significant positioning data could be used to study both
global development challenges that IoT can population displacement and the spread of cholera
potentially help to address. In fact, IoT can well after the 2010 earthquake (Rinaldo, 2012).
serve as a launching pad for developing countries
in contending with epidemics and natural hazards Most recently, mobility data were used during
and managing resource scarcity. IoT-centric the Ebola outbreak in several West African
endeavours also include precision agriculture for countries (Fink, 2015), and highlighted the need
the production of food, tests for water quality, for more extensive and timely data for pandemic
and systems that relate to the provision of public disease tracking and prevention. Population flow
services to residents, such as transportation. The data between areas is a key ingredient in Ebola
rise of IoT offers developing nations the potential containment strategies, and analysis of travel
to leapfrog and accrue especially large benefits routes is the best resource (Wesolowski et al.,
from strategic technological adoption (Nolan, 2014). As a mobile phone subscriber moves from
1985). Emphasis will be placed on the discussion one area to another, the phone will ping towers
of megacities, for megacities concentrate and along the way. It is often difficult to obtain such
exacerbate several challenges found on a lesser granular data, thus policies for sharing aggregated
scale elsewhere. Indeed, megacities can serve as and anonymized datasets are encouraged.
testbeds for IoT applications aimed at alleviating Companies like OrangeTelecom made such data
key issues, particularly those centred around basic available during the Ebola crisis.
infrastructure services such as energy, water,
sewage disposal and sanitation.

Measuring the Information Society Report 159

ITU, in cooperation with the Government of obtain samples, ultimately reducing the latency of
Sierra Leone and the operators in the country, is deployment of pesticides or other control methods
carrying out a project to analyze anonymized call (Linn, 2015). In the future, rural communities
detail records to understand geographic mobility will be able to have test results in minutes from
patterns of communities affected by the Ebola a sample collected and transmitted through a
outbreak. In a similar approach, the UN Global handheld device, preventing delays in diagnosis
Pulse Lab, along with the Ministry of Health (Jezierski, 2014).
in Uganda and WHO, is carrying out infectious
disease and risk factor mapping in Uganda through As chronic diseases and other long-term health
advanced data visualization techniques (UN Global issues become more prevalent in society, IoT
Pulse, 2015). The conjoining of mobility data enables an extension of mobile health (m-health)
with remote sensing and geographic information known as mIoT. In fact, Frost and Sullivan identified
systems (GIS) data offers great potential for health informatics as one of the top ten medical
tracking the spread of infectious diseases and the device and information trends in 2015 (Frost
deployment of resources (Figure 5.6). 2015). Through mIoT, the healthcare industry is
poised to offer assistance to those with chronic
IoT has the inherent potential to improve upon health conditions through wearable devices. A best
scientific concepts related to epidemic studies. In case use of mIoT may be to monitor conditions
2015, for example, Microsoft began testing semi- such as diabetes, where constant streaming data
autonomous drones whose purpose is to carry a on blood glucose levels are necessary for medical
trap to collect mosquitoes in remote areas. These intervention (Istepanian, 2011). Accelerometers
mosquitoes will be utilized in the lab to identify and other motion-based sensors can be used to
the prevalence of diseases such as avian flu and capture the movement and vital signs of patients
dengue fever. The method circumvents what is who have a condition for example Parkinsons
currently a painstaking and lengthy process to - that puts them at risk of injury. As just one

Figure 5.6: Typhoid incidence and human mobility from highly infected areas in Uganda during the
January-May 2015 typhoid outbreak

Source: UN Global Pulse (2015).

160 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
example, the MyLively device allows family systems (Box 5.4). These approaches and the
members to monitor the well-being of a relative successful use of their associated methodologies
in their home through strategically placed and offer numerous opportunities for improving the
wearable sensors that transmit motion data from effectiveness of humanitarian assistance and
within the home (MyLively.com, 2015). Wearable disaster relief (HADR) operations following natural
devices and non-invasive sensors will allow hazards. Given the high value-added proposition of
patients to lead more regular lives while providing IoT in syndromic surveillance, many post-disaster
ongoing data to doctors and hospitals. response plans now include and emphasize the
proviso that any damaged infrastructure (e.g.
mobile cellular network) is to be repaired as
IoT for climate change and disaster quickly as possible so as not to impair IoT-based
management HADR efforts.

Todays array of sensors offered by the IoT Small island developing States (SIDS) are
paradigm also hold great promise for monitoring particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate
the effects of climate change, as IoT can leverage change, often owing to their remote locations and
data from everything ranging from common limited resources. This requires increasing self-
devices e.g. smartphones to take pictures, air reliance to anticipate the drastic effects to local
quality monitors for detecting certain particulates, economies, trade and tourism, food production
etc. to large-scale devices e.g. surveillance and the health of the population, all due to
systems observing vegetative health, weather- and rising sea levels, dramatic changes in weather
climate-monitoring devices, energy-managing patterns and global warming. It is important to

Box 5.4: IoT-enabled management of photovoltaic (PV) systems

Nest Labs is a ZigBee-based IoT company featuring three consumer home products: a thermostat,
a smoke/carbon monoxide detector and a video camera. The main product, the Nest Learning
Thermostat, is designed to learn and adapt to the users schedule. After an initial 12-day
acclimatization period, the thermostat adjusts the temperature in the home to more efficient
heating and cooling based on patterns of life. The company was acquired by Google in 2014 for
USD 3.2 billion dollars, and it has since made strategic partnerships in the renewable energy
sector and the insurance industry (Higganbotham, 2015).

In early 2015, Nest partnered with SolarCity, a United States-based photovoltaic (PV) system
company, to provide a limited number of free thermostats to customers. Unlike a smart meter,
the thermostat will have more finely-tuned user data as more IoT-powered devices are connected
to it, thereby allowingit to heat or cool each room individually, or having a trigger to initiate the
change, for example starting a car at work. With many smart devices attached, it will be possible
to establish precise energy-usage profiles and respond to peak demand by limiting the activities
of other smart home devices (Baraniuk, 2015; Tilley, 2015).

With regard to inclement weather, sudden cloud cover would interrupt PV energy production and
create a surge in demand for power from the grid. To prevent this potential generation rejection
and circumvent a potential brownout or blackout, Nest could potentially communicate with
household smart devices to reduce, pause or stop heavy power-consuming activities.

Previously, SolarCity, which also uses Zigbee in their PV array installations, created the
MySolarCity App that captured generation and usage data in order to mitigate the issues that
prevent solar energy from being more freely integrated into the grid. Where previously an audit
conducted in the home as part of the installation process would have to manually add and
account for energy usage of home electronics and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, the
Nest acts as an extensible hub within the IoT realm (Korosec 2015).

Measuring the Information Society Report 161

note that more than 50 per cent of Caribbean nuclear incident further demonstrates the speed
and Pacific island populations live within 1.5 km with which impromptu sensing networks can be
of the shore (UNESCO, 2014). In addition, special established (Plantin, 2015).
attention is being given to unsustainable practices
and geological incidences, which can worsen or Aside from disaster scenarios, sensor networks
accelerate the effects of climate change. can also be used for the research and monitoring
of the environment, and to provide data about
The negative effect of climate change, as those parts of the planet still relatively unknown
manifested in the increasing incidence of extreme (Box 5.5). On a much smaller scale, the use of
weather events, poses a significant threat to the IoT in experiments, such as the Birmingham
stable operation of a host of critical infrastructure Urban Climate Laboratorys enhancements to
systems, including transportation, energy the Road Weather Information System (RWIS),
delivery and telecommunications (Power, 2015). demonstrates that acquiring robust data on real-
In particular, extreme weather events have the time road conditions can improve the maintenance
potential to compromise major communication of transportation infrastructure by precisely
backbones, such as the Internet, which rely largely identifying which sections of roadway are most in
on fixed data connections and power supplies need of repair or maintenance at a specific time
(Hauke, 2014). In turn, a variety of IoT sensors and (Chapman, 2014). Similarly, the Padova Smart
communication devices that use small amounts of City proof-of-concept project demonstrates a
battery power and transmit data through wireless viable IoT architecture for fielding sensors to
communication protocols independent of the monitor the status of public infrastructure, such as
Internet can help to facilitate the operation of streetlamps.
essential services and emergency management
despite the loss of backbone communication
infrastructure during large-scale natural disasters IoT for precision agriculture
(Hauke, 2014).
The growing number of people in the world and
In another example, sea-level rise, extreme the encroachment of megacities upon limited
storm intensification and other alarming trends land resources, as well as increasing demand
increasingly threaten modern civilization along for food, beget a need for precision agriculture,
shorelines, which, historically, have represented which is that kind of agriculture that increases
the areas of high population growth. A wealth of the number of (correct) decisions per unit area of
sensors offered by the IoT paradigm can provide land per unit time with associated net benefits.
critical monitoring. As the cost and size of sensor (McBratney, 2005). Although precision agriculture
devices decrease, their widespread deployment has been practised for several decades with
becomes an increasingly practical method for the help of remote sensing by satellites (Mulla,
improving the ability to observe effects of climate 2013), the ability to integrate diverse data from
change through crowd-sourced meteorological an array of affordable sensing devices is a recent
observation. By way of example, the Japanese firm development that will enable a larger segment
Weathernews is distributing thousands of palm- of the agribusiness community to leverage the
sized atmospheric sensors to citizens, enabling advantages of technology.
them to measure and communicate temperature,
humidity and pressure readings in real time, Precision agriculture requires a large amount
thereby increasing the granularity of weather of connectivity, bandwidth and capable sensors
forecasting and awareness of climatological in order to deliver timely and accurate data,
phenomena (Hornyak, 2015). More granular which are the foundation for any precision
atmospheric data can help to manage the impact agriculturalists decision-making. IoT sensors and
of extreme weather events, as well as provide a communication devices could be central to a
richer body of evidence to inform computational number of precision agriculture processes, such as
models and drive more accurate analysis of preparing soil, planting and harvesting at precisely
patterns in global climate change (Faghmous, the optimal time, thus ultimately helping to meet
2014). In the context of disaster scenarios, the the challenge of increasing food production by 70
prevalence of crowd-sourced radiation mapping per cent by 2050 (Beecham, 2014).
efforts following the 2011 tsunami and Fukushima

162 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
Box 5.5: Monitoring the worlds deep oceans
The negative effects of climate change are compounded by a relative paucity of sea-state data,
and sparse ocean data acquisition endeavours. The tragic 2014 loss of Malaysia Airlines Flight
370 (MH370) reveals how little is actually known about the worlds deep oceans, as an over-a-
year-long search of more than 4 million square kilometres has turned up almost no trace of the
aircraft or its 239 passengers (only a flaperon of the plane was found in Runion in July 2015).12
The global response has led international governing bodies to revise standards and practices
for the civil aviation industry. ITU, having the mandate to coordinate global orbital resources
and radio spectrum, was asked by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to expand
satellite capabilities for global flight tracking. As an outcome of ITU plenipotentiary conference
Resolution 185, global flight tracking was added to the agenda of the World Radiocommunication
Conference 2015 (WRC-15) (ITU, 2014c). In addition, ITU established the Focus Group on Aviation
Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring to determine the telecommunication
standards needed for real-time monitoring of flight data.13

The case of MH370 lends credibility to the argument that we have greater knowledge of the
surface of Mars and the Earths Moon than we do of the topography of our own planets deep
oceans (Smith, 2014). Although ocean data acquisition systems (e.g. data buoys) have been in
use for decades and have played a critical role in facilitating our knowledge of complex climatic
phenomena, such as El Nio and El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (McPhaden, 1998), the
advent of IoT represents an opportunity to significantly increase the value of data buoys and
scientific understanding of the ocean. This potential is illustrated by the deployment, by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), of the Chesapeake Bay Interpretive
Buoy System, which collects and relays a variety of sea-state data in real-time for a host of
applications, ranging from public education and weather monitoring to fisheries management
and environmental protection (Wilson, 2011).

With the development of self-sustaining power sources such as microbial fuel cells (Tender, 2008)
(a bio-electrochemical device that harnesses the power of respiring microbes to convert organic
substrates directly into electrical energy) and wave energy harvesting (Hangil, 2014), it will be
increasing affordable to deploy large fleets of drifting and moored buoys that improve our ability
to monitor the ocean, understand its role in climate change, and prepare for potential disaster
events emanating from the ocean. Another initiative to collect data from the oceans is the ITU/
WMO/UNESCO-IOC Joint Task Force that investigates the use of submarine telecommunication
cables for ocean and climate monitoring and disaster warning.14

By way of example, the successful implementation aforementioned enhanced productivity paradigm

of a precision agriculture management system existed.
(PAMS) in Huaihua, Hunan, China, demonstrates
that such IoT-enabled processes can maximize As climate change shifts ecosystems and
workforce productivity, while increasing and precipitation patterns, it will be necessary for
improving crop yields (Ye, 2013). farmers to adapt. The 2014 Big Data Climate
Challenge winner from the International Center
On the African continent, African farmers could for Tropical Agriculture, Colombia, created an
indeed rise to this challenge if they had access app-based tool for site-specific agriculture.
to the requisite infrastructure and associated The app combines multiple datasets to create
analytics. Raising productivity in agriculture is recommendations for rice farmers who provide
vital to transformative growth, and Africas USD their individual data (UN Global Pulse, 2014)
35 billion food market (Munang, 2015) could
well be served directly by its own farmers, if the The criticality of precision agriculture becomes
particularly evident when analysing the trends of

Measuring the Information Society Report 163

developing countries, for as developing countries costly and imprecise due to the altitude from
mature, most economic activities (e.g. agriculture, which such aircraft must deliver their payloads,
energy, industry, etc.) affect not only the quantity unmanned aircraft are capable of delivering
but also the quality of water resources, thereby precise amounts of seed, fertilizer or pesticide
further limiting acceptable potable water to the exact locations in which they are needed
availability. Allocation of limited potable water (Huang, 2013). This allows farmers to maximize
resources among competing economic sectors will productivity by conserving seed and pesticide
be an increasing challenge for many developing resources, while minimizing fuel and other aircraft
countries (Tilman, 2002), and failure to establish operational costs. Unmanned aircraft are also
appropriate allocation mechanisms might impede capable of monitoring crop growth with greater
further development, economic viability and latent efficiency than could be achieved with manned
stability (Gleick, 1993); if not properly addressed, aircraft, satellite or other means, thus enabling
exacerbated environmental pressures and social farmers to accurately plan harvest schedules and
instability (e.g. increased income inequality) may identify particular areas in need of remedial pest
result. control (Huang, 2013). By way of example, Field
Touch is a service being piloted on 100 farms
Precision agriculture techniques can be used to around Hokkaido, Japan, whereby data collected
increase crop yield to keep up with demand. To by unmanned aircraft are synthesized with other
ensure maximum crop yields, water supplies need remote sensing data captured by satellite and
to be predictable and timely. Predicting water weather monitoring devices in order to generate
supplies at a given time require hyper-local recommended courses of action for individual
weather forecasting.15 (Wakefield, 2013). One farmers (Kiyoshi, 2014).
such example is IBMs Deep Thunder project,
which focuses on generating hyper-local weather
forecasts to gain more specific knowledge about IoT to address key challenges faced by
weather, and translate this knowledge into insights megacities
for improved agricultural practices (Sonka, 2014).
Capabilities, such as those offered by Deep Many people are moving to urban areas and
Thunder, can help to inform a variety of farming cities, leading to the development of a growing
decisions from which seeds to plant and when number of megacities. According to United
to plant them, to when the use of fertilizers and Nations statistics, currently 54 per cent of the
pesticides should be avoided to prevent run-off worlds population live in urban areas, and by
and pollution (Jacob, 2014). 2050 that figure is expected to grow to 66 per
cent (United Nations, 2014). Indeed, urban areas
Certain technologies and other complementary and city centres of the world are exploding, and
offerings, comprising a highly effective the number of megacities, usually referring to
architectural stack, are needed for the type of an urban area with over 10 million inhabitants,
weather forecasting required by a precision is increasing rapidly. As at 2015, there are 34
agriculture paradigm. Sensors that allow for megacities in existence compared with only ten
monitoring of crop growth rates, potential in 1990 (United Nations, 2014). The urban sprawl
blight, water consumption, etc., will be required. - the predominantly unplanned, uncontrolled
These sensors will need to be connected to data spreading of urban development into adjacent
collection systems. New platforms have emerged, areas at the edge of the city - often means that
such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which existing critical infrastructure is not designed to
can be used to collect the requisite information in accommodate the high capacities required by
rural areas and in the agricultural fields. such rapidly burgeoning resident populations.
The rise of megacities has led to overstressed
The use of drones accounts for as much as 90 per infrastructures and unreliable delivery
cent of seeding and pesticide spraying in Japans mechanisms, and presents a host of development
agricultural sector (National Research Council, challenges. These include the provision of
2014) and provides an informative use case for adequate basic public infrastructure services,
how IoT-enabled devices can improve agricultural including sustainable, reliable and efficient energy,
productivity. Whereas conventional aerial seeding potable water and adequate sewage disposal and
and pesticide spraying by manned aircraft is both sanitation.

164 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
Growing cities are creating massive use of IoT real-time route progress to assist travelers in
applications and demand for smarter grids to their trip planning (Hidalgo, 2014). The city of Rio
maximize efficiency from energy sources while de Janeiros Centro De Operacoes Prefeitura Do
enhancing the stability of the grid, smarter water Rio is a nerve centre for the city, combining data
use from an ever-diminishing water supply, and feeds from 30 agencies, including transportation,
more connectivity for better situational awareness utilities, emergency services, weather and other
and a better sense-and-respond paradigm. To information submitted by city employees and the
best illuminate the interconnections and various public via phone, Internet and radio, all in order
demands for energy, water, sewage disposal/ to synchronize the delivery of essential public
sanitation and transportation, it is useful look services (Kitchin, 2014). Integrating diverse data
at electrical utilities, water resource authorities, from across various systems operating in a single
waste management authorities and transportation municipality in order to achieve more complete
authorities and how they are taking advantage of situational awareness and efficient operations is
IoT for converting megacities into smart cities (Box a primary tenet of the smart city paradigm (Gaur,
5.6). 2015). The city of Songdo, Republic of Korea,
embodies such a concept, as it is built to be smart
One example is the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, which from the ground up, with each residence and
is home to the worlds most complex public bus office networked through a centralized monitoring
transportation system, transporting over 10 infrastructure, including an automated refuse
million passengers per day on over 26 000 buses collection system that sucks garbage through
(Guizzo, 2007). IoT helps such a large bus rapid chutes from all around the city into treatment
transit (BRT) system operate effectively, by tracking centres that will ultimately transform the waste
the movement of buses via GPS, synchronizing into a sustainable power supply (Marr, 2015).
traffic signals, enabling electronic payment to
streamline boarding processes, and disseminating

Box 5.6: IoT as an enabler of smart cities

Although there is no universally accepted definition or set of standards for what constitutes a
smart city, all smart city initiatives are characterized by the pervasive employment of technology
intended to make better use of a citys resources (Neirotti, 2014). In particular, IoT plays an
important role in a city becoming smart, as evidenced by the case of Singapore. Singapore is
unique in that it is a city-State. As a nation, it has recently unveiled a bold Smart Singapore
strategy, which aims to convert the city-State into the first true smart nation through a range of
initiatives leveraging intelligence, integration and innovation to become a major player on the
world stage. Part of this strategy involves the implementation of heterogeneous networks that
will allow mobile users to transition smoothly between wireless networks, as well as a roll-out of
smart aggregation gateway boxes containing sensors, connected via fibre optic cables, which will
collect and deliver real-time information to government agencies and citizens.16 (Hidalgo, 2014).

In contrast, Shanghais development as a smart city is conceptualized around the five Is of:
(1) Information Infrastructure focusing on broadband access and wireless connectivity;(2, 3)
Information Perception and Intelligent Applications focusing on governance and livelihood issues;
(4) New Generation of Information Technology Industry focusing on urban self-sensing, self-
adaptation and self-optimization; and (5) Information Security Assurance (Lin, 2015).

The rise of IoT offers developing nations the potential to segue from stressed megacities to
smarter cities by converging various IoT-centric lines of effort towards the overarching strategic
goal of a smart city paradigm. These IoT-centric efforts might relate to precision agriculture for
the production of food, monitoring for water quantity as well as water quality, and observing for
indicators that might impact the normal operations of the electric grid and other elements of
critical infrastructure.

Measuring the Information Society Report 165

Electric grids, water and sanitation management continually increasing incorporation of renewable
energy sources (Mukhopadhyay, 2014).
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) defines a smart grid as an electric system Likewise, water resource authorities utilize
that uses information, two-way, cyber-secure networks of sensors for continually monitoring
communication technologies, and computational water quality and water supply security. In parallel,
intelligence in an integrated fashion across the waste management authorities utilize sewage
entire spectrum of the energy system from the sensors to assist in the various efforts to monitor
generation to the end points of consumption of public health. Sewage sensors have even been
the electricity (Ghafurian, 2011). used to monitor for other elements, including
drugs, bombs, etc., that represent a danger to the
Electrical utilities employ networks of sensors community at large (Heil, 2012).
that can monitor the flow of electricity to better
ascertain fault location and other related failures Just as the ability to acquire precise
more quickly. In particular, the use of phasor measurements regarding electricity is central
measurement units (PMUs) has given rise to to a smart grid, the ability to acquire precise
wide-area monitoring systems, in which the measurements regarding water quality is central
generation, transmission and distribution of to smart water management. By way of example,
electricity can be measured in near-real time the use of quick deployment sensor networks
(Ghosh, 2014). Although electric grid systems (QDSNs) in Valencia, Spain, is enabling system
operate at a rate of many cycles per second (60 operators to monitor various aspects of water
cycles per second in the United States, 50 cycles quality throughout the citys network of sanitary
per second in the United Kingdom), conventional sewers in order to quickly identify malfunctioning
monitoring systems such as supervisory control components in the water management cycle
and data acquisition (SCADA) are only capable of (Bielsa, 2012). Such an IoT capability is especially
recording one measurement every two to four valuable during periods of heavy rain or other
seconds (Sharma, 2014). In contrast, PMUs can extreme weather, when water management
record multiple measurements in a single cycle systems are under heightened stress.
and communicate these data to centralized data
concentrators, enabling system operators to gain a
much clearer picture of the complex dynamics at Infrastructure and traffic control
play throughout electric grids (Aminifar, 2014).
Rapidly distending cities are accompanied by
By way of example, on 30 and 31 July 2012, the a rising number of cars and other forms of
Indian electric grid suffered a series of cascading transportation, forcing policy-makers to look
failures due to oscillations and load imbalances into better ways of monitoring and managing
among three of its five interconnected grids that traffic. Next-generation sensor networks can
resulted in the largest blackout in world history, assist in realizing more effective traffic flows for
with over 620 million citizens left without power all modes of transport, identify shortcomings in
(Lai, 2012). A more robust monitoring capability, infrastructure and help reduce CO2 emissions.
including PMUs, could have prevented the 2012 Indeed, WSNs are also being used for smarter
blackout (Pal, 2014), and the power grids of the transportation. For example, traffic lights are
Indian operators have begun deploying PMU or equipped with countdown timers and electronic
synchrophasor capabilities in order to enhance the signs that display various speed limits depending
systems reliability and move towards a smarter upon the information they collect from optical
grid (Saha, 2015). Indeed, synchrophasors, smart and/or radar-based sensors that provide
meters and other IoT-enabled capabilities are information regarding the occupancy of individual
central to the achievement of smart grids that lanes and/or the speed of vehicles. Upgrading
can quickly assimilate diverse data and take the infrastructure of an existing intersection with
corrective action in order to maintain stable power state-of-the-art technology requires also providing
supplies (Moslehi, 2010). In India, the deployment the necessary communication links between all
of IoT-enabled synchrophasors has facilitated these components. Wireless technology can help
the consolidation of five previously interlinked reduce the cost by eliminating the need to route
grids into a single national grid, as well as the communication cables (e.g. Ethernet) to all devices

166 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
in an intersection. As WSNs, which are deemed to At the same time, an increasing amount of
be a revolutionary information-gathering method, research is focusing on the safety and needs of
are increasingly becoming a critical part of the cyclists and pedestrian access, particularly as more
ICT infrastructure that underpins the reliability cities around the world promote citizen health
and efficiency of infrastructure systems, they are and a green community (Bichard, 2015). For
becoming the key technology for IoT. example, IoT is being used to help cyclists identify
better routes to choose, as illustrated by the MIT
IoT projects to monitor and improve transportation Media Laboratorys Mindrider project (Box 5.7).
systems include:

The New York Citys Transportation Natural hazards

Alternatives CrashStat (Lovasi, 2013), which
uses reports of near miss accidents to Megacities, particularly those along shorelines, are
identify high-risk traffic trouble-spots; burgeoning, and these population centres tend to
be particularly susceptible to the effects of land
the City of Bostons Office of New Urban erosion, hurricanes, flooding, salinization issues,
Mechanics mobile application Street major land subsidence, etc.
Bump (Harford, 2014), which uses a phones
accelerometer to detect potholes while the Robust sensor networks are highly capable of
application user is driving around the city; and providing some semblance of early warning for
punctuating events and can continuously monitor
the Crowdsourcing Urban Simulation changing conditions, which may be indicators of
Platform (Shin, 2011), which uses the phones risk. The hitherto acceptable paradigm of static
accelerometer and location data to deduce data and batch processing may no longer be viable
the mode of transportation. Further, the in this data environment, wherein streaming data
platform uses location and time stamp data and in-stream processing of continuous data
(i.e. correlated against pattern of life data) streams become vital for these densely populated
and attempts to recognize the current activity areas. This migration from static to streaming data
(e.g., whether one is at work, home, etc.). By is exemplified by the implementation of smart
using the vehicle type and location activity, grids. Whereas conventional equipment used
the framework endeavours to compute urban for monitoring fault or disturbance events in an
sustainability values, such as what amounts of electric grid have been event-driven (i.e. they
CO2 emissions are generated, and examines only began recording once a disturbance event
how well the city was, is and can be for the had occurred), synchrophasors and other wide-
commuting requirements of its residents. area-measurement capabilities constantly record

Box 5.7: Mindrider

Mindrider is a project born and spun out of the MIT Media Laboratory. The project features a
helmet with: (1) a forehead-based sensor that uses electroencephalography (EEG) to measure
electrical activity (i.e. brainwaves) in a bicycle riders brain (Davies, 2015), and (2) an ear-based
sensor that helps to remove noise from the EEG signal (Walmink & Wilde, 2014). The MindRider
helmet also features a light-emitting diode (LED) that glows green to indicate a calm state of
mind or red for a more stressed state of mind during a cyclists journey. The MindRider helmet
is Bluetooth compatible, and the information from the EEG sensor can be fed into an application
on the users smartphone, which uses the onboard GPS to map the relaxing sweetspots in
green and the stressful hotspots in red (Walmink & Chatham, 2014). In this way, other cyclists
can note where the hotspots are and pay particular attention to the reasons behind them
whether they are high-traffic areas requiring extra caution or dangerous areas that should
simply be avoided. For commuters, this could help in the evaluation of alternative routes and
identification of better routes.

Measuring the Information Society Report 167

and transmit data regarding the systems state protection, the importance of Internet connectivity
(Kezunovic, 2012). for rural and physically isolated areas should not
be overlooked.

Lack of adequate infrastructure and cyber In expanding access to the Internet, there needs
vulnerabilities remain a challenge for IoT to be a careful counterpoising between reach,
performance and cost. As Internet connectivity
As highlighted in the previous section, there is increases and a variety of actors endeavour to
great potential for IoT to help address some of the expand global Internet accessibility, the underlying
worlds most pressing development challenges. At ICT infrastructure remains somewhat brittle in
the same time, the deployment of IoT applications key technological areas.17 The cost of expanding
and their effectiveness depend on the availability, fixed infrastructure to remote and isolated areas is
quality and safety of the underlying network. often prohibitively expensive. Mobile broadband
Although some of the IoT applications can be used can contribute to covering the gap, and satellite
over low-bandwidth networks (see Box 5.8), many broadband (Boxes 5.9 and 5.10) is the technology
monitoring efforts require significant amounts most commonly employed in making broadband
of bandwidth. Moreover, even IoT applications access universal. Taking account of the progress
requiring low bandwidth may demand a high- made in satellite technology, some of the past
capacity infrastructure if they are to be deployed restrictions on the use of satellite connectivity
in dense areas where other IoT/ICT applications for IoT deployments have disappeared, although
are running concurrently. There is therefore a risk cost and performance requirements still need
that countries and communities that do not have to be carefully considered in each specific IoT
access to high-capacity ICT infrastructure are left implementation. Mobile infrastructure provides
behind IoT. an intermediate solution between the cost and
capacity of fixed broadband and those of satellite-
At the same time, the quantity and quality of broadband networks. However, mobile networks
networks differ markedly between countries, ultimately depend on good fixed connectivity
cities and regions and in particular between urban in the backhaul and backbone of the network
and rural areas. Internet connectivity is not yet if the capacity requirements increase. In an IoT
available to all parts of the world and there are scenario, more capacity will be required either
increasing efforts to bring Internet connectivity because there are more IoT applications running
to currently unconnected and remote areas. concurrently on the network or because the IoT
Although urban centres are home to 54 per cent applications are upgraded and become more
of the global population and are, appropriately, bandwidth-hungry.
a major focus of infrastructure improvement and

Box 5.8: Second generation (2G) networks and IoT

The number of M2M subscriptions in developing countries overtook those in developed
countries by the end of 2013 according to GSMA Intelligence (GSMA, 2014c). Mobile wireless
communication platforms can support data collection and transmission through a variety of
applications, such as EpiCollect, Magpi and ODKCollect, which can in turn be implemented
for many process-automation and remote-sensing functions (Baumller, 2013). Indeed, even
technology as basic as second-generation (2G) wireless networks may be able to serve as
gateways into IoT functionality (Zhu, 2010). In rural communities with limited access to either
fixed or wireless broadband, finding inventive ways to leverage the advantages of networked
sensors is especially valuable (Sivabalan, 2013). By way of example, GPS-equipped mobile devices
affixed to livestock are assisting with tracking stolen cattle in Kenya, while data from weather
stations trigger micro-insurance pay-outs by mobile phone in the event of extreme weather and
herd loss (Baumller, 2013). In addition, organizations like the Syngenta Foundation have been
working to develop applications that leverage mobile wireless M2M to increase efficiency in
agricultural processes and track the supply of agricultural products (Brugger, 2011).

168 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
Box 5.9: Geosynchronous satellites
Communication satellites and weather satellites often utilize geostationary orbits (GEOs). In this
scenario, a satellite orbits the Earth along a circular path 36 000 km above the Earths equator at
0 latitude, following the direction of the Earths rotation and proceeding at the same speed as
the planet is turning, thereby enabling the satellite to stay in place over a single location. Owing
to the constant 0 latitude and the nature of geostationary orbits, the location of satellites in
GEO differs by longitude only. Compared to ground-based communications, all GEO satellite
communications experience higher latency due to the signal having to actually travel the 36
000 km to the GEO satellite and back to Earth again. This delay can be significant (about 250
milliseconds to travel to the satellite and back to the ground) even though the signal is traveling
at the speed of light (about 300 000 km per second). This latency may be somewhat mitigated for
Internet communications with TCP features that shorten the round trip time (RTT) per packet by
splitting the feedback loop between the sender and the receiver.

Box 5.10: Low Earth orbit (LEO) and medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites
A low Earth orbit (LEO) is an orbit around the Earth at an altitude of between 150 and 2 000 km A
medium Earth orbit (MEO), also known as an intermediate circular orbit (ICO), is an orbit around
the Earth at an altitude of between 2 000 and 36 000 km. These lower orbits (as compared to
geostationary orbits) may cause LEO satellites to be visible from Earth for only an hour or less
before they go over the horizon and out of range. Unlike GEO satellites, LEO satellites do not
appear at a fixed position in the sky. In order for the ground-based antennas that communicate
with these satellites to be as simple as possible, a constellation of LEO satellites is required, with
relaying and passing-off of information from one satellite to another so as to hand over the fixed-
position terrestrial signal.

Apart from the underlying infrastructure, the 5.4 Conclusions and

success of IoT also depends on the resilience and recommendations
safety of the network, services and applications.
Despite the positive benefits and attributes, it is Several ICT developments are accelerating
necessary to be aware both of the technological the progress of IoT: low-cost and low-power
efforts needed to mitigate against cyber sensor technology, growth in high-speed and
vulnerabilities plaguing the aforementioned high-quality infrastructure, near ubiquitous
sensor networks, and of malicious acts by people, wireless connectivity, an increase in the number
including acts of vandalism, sabotage or even of devices with embedded communication
terrorism. These can have significant negative capabilities, large amounts of available and
impacts on the development and reliability of IoT affordable (predominantly cloud-based) storage
applications. Something as simple as a vandalized space and computing power, and a plethora
traffic signal can cause very serious hazards of Internet addresses from the advent of the
to traffic flow as well as to pedestrians. Other IPv6 protocol.18 The high expectations that IoT
simple acts of vandalism (e.g. destroying a fire is generating in many sectors e.g. education,
hydrant), while not directly life-threatening, can healthcare, agriculture, transportation, utilities
be significantly wasteful of all the efforts that went and manufacturing are encouraging more
into sourcing, treating and managing the water stakeholders to enter the market, thus contributing
supply to improve the availability of potable water. to its expansion.
It is easy to see that some elements of the current
infrastructure that might have been considered Because it is cross-cutting, IoT can significantly
non-critical are in fact critical nodes in a highly contribute to the achievement of development
connected world.

Measuring the Information Society Report 169

goals that go beyond the ICT sector, including important role to play given their legal mandate
those addressed by the new Sustainable to set the statistical standards, and they could
Development Agenda. For instance, IoT is poised for instance become standards bodies and big
to become a building block of tomorrows data clearing houses that promote analytical
sustainable cities and communities, as well as a best practices and facilitate data sharing (ITU,
key element in future climate action, clean water 2014b). National telecommunication regulatory
sanitation systems and the renewable energy value authorities have a complementary role to play,
chains. This chapter has presented a number of considering that most IoT data are transferred
concrete examples of how innovative IoT services through telecommunication networks. Indeed,
and applications are already being used to deliver regulators could facilitate the establishment
better healthcare services, address key challenges of mechanisms to protect privacy and foster
of climate change and disaster management, and competition and openness in data markets (ITU,
contribute to precision agriculture. IoT is also a key 2014a). In this regard, public administrations could
driver in the approach to make cities smarter and also contribute significantly by adopting open data
help governments deliver better basic services. policies for their IoT datasets.

However, IoT opportunities are not equally Lastly, ICT infrastructure underpins the
distributed between and within countries, connectivity and data processing capacity required
and in order to unlock the potential of IoT as a for IoT. Although wireless coverage is almost
development enabler, several challenges remain universal through satellite and mobile networks,
to be addressed, both within and outside the ICT the actual ICT connectivity required for unlocking
sector. the full potential of IoT may be more demanding.
Indeed, some IoT applications may run with low-
IoT brings together and requires the cooperation speed, low-capacity connectivity, but others will
of various stakeholders in the ICT sector: require high-capacity broadband connections.
from consumer electronics manufacturers Even in a scenario with IoT applications requiring
to telecommunication service providers and low capacity, the simultaneous use of numerous
application developers. In addition, for IoT to fulfil devices may make a high-capacity backhaul or
the high expectations created, other stakeholders backbone connection necessary. In addition, the
outside the ICT sector need to be engaged, processing of big data generated by IoT will require
including car manufacturers, utilities, home- bandwidth. This applies even more in areas with
appliance manufacturers, public administrations limited IT infrastructure, where the storing and
and many others. Bringing together all these analytical capabilities will be in the cloud and rely
stakeholders adds considerable complexity to the on high-capacity transmissions. Fixed-broadband
development of IoT, but it is a requirement to connectivity is the most suited to meet these
ensure interoperability, which is regarded as the requirements, along with sufficient international
key to unlocking as much as 40 to 60 per cent of Internet bandwidth and backbone capacity. Data
IoTs potential value (McKinsey, 2015). This is a presented in Chapter 2 show that fixed-broadband
paramount challenge to be addressed in ITU and uptake in the developing world remains very
other forums.19 limited and that there is a scarcity of international
connectivity in many developing countries. This
Most of the value derived from IoT comes from holds particularly true for the least connected
the generation, processing and analysis of new countries (LCCs) and suggests that LCCs do not
data and use of the insights extracted therefrom have the necessary ICT infrastructure for IoT,
for specific decisions in each domain in which despite being those countries that could benefit
IoT can be applied. The value of IoT is therefore the most from its potential for development. This
closely linked to the exploitation of big data, and calls for additional policy and regulatory action
thus the challenges in terms of data management to close the fixed ICT infrastructure gap in the
are similar to those of other big data applications. developing world and avoid many developing
In this regard, national statistical offices have an countries being left behind in the IoT race.

170 Measuring the Information Society Report

Chapter 5
Recommendation ITU-T Y.2060, available at: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-Y.2060-201206-I.
Cox, Landon. IoT Vs M2M: Understanding the Difference. PubNub, 2 January 2015. Available at:http://www.pubnub.
Z-Wave is a wireless technology designed to allow regular household devices to communicate among themselves and to
be accessed and controlled remotely. For more information, see: http://www.z-wave.com/what_is_z-wave.
Macmanus, Richard. Chinese Premier Talks up Internet of Things. Readwrite2010. Available at: http://readwrite.com/
McLellan, Charles. The Internet of Things and Big Data: Unlocking the Power. ZDNet Review, March 2, 2015.
Gartner. Gartner Says the Internet of Things Will Transform the Data Center. Gartner, Inc, 2014. Available at: http://
Woollaston, Victoria. \Revealed: What Happens on the Internet in Just One Minute. Daily Mail, 30 July 2013.
Google Official Blog, We Knew the Web was Big Google, Inc. 25 July 2008. Available at: http://googleblog.blogspot.
Open Education Database. The Ultimate Guide to the Invisible Web. 11 November 2013. Available at: http://oedb.org/
See http://www.mh370.gov.my/phocadownload/News/FLIGHT%20MH370%20ARTICLES%20200815.pdf.
For more information on the Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring, see:
For more information on the ITU/WMO/UNESCO-IOC Joint Task Force, see: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/climatechange/
Wakefield, Jane. Tomorrows cities: How big data is changing the world. BBC. Aug 28 (2013).
Information Communications Development Authority of Singapore. Singapore Lays Groundwork to be Worlds First
Smart Nation. 18 June 2014. Available at: https://www.ida.gov.sg/blog/insg/featured/singapore-lays-groundwork-to-be-
Singh, Pradeep Kumar, et al. Autonomic computing: A revolutionary paradigm for implementing self-managing systems.
Recent Trends in Information Systems (ReTIS), 2011 International Conference on. IEEE (2011).
Plonka, David and Arthur Berger, Temporal and Spatial Classification of Active Ipv6 Addresses. arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.
08134 (2015).
See for example the standardization work of ITU-T Study Group 20 on IoT and its applications including smart cities
and communities.

Measuring the Information Society Report 171

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Measuring the Information Society Report 185

186 Measuring the Information Society Report
Annex 1. ICT Development Index (IDI)

Annex 1

This annex outlines the methodology used to cellular network). In the case of VoIP, it refers
compute the IDI, and provides more details on to subscriptions that offer the ability to place
various steps involved, such as the indicators and receive calls at any time and do not require
included in the index and their definition, the a computer. VoIP is also known as voice-over-
imputation of missing data, the normalization broadband (VoB), and includes subscriptions
procedure, the weights applied to the indicators through fixed-wireless, DSL, cable, fibre-optic and
and sub-indices, and the results of the sensitivity other fixed-broadband platforms that provide fixed
analysis. telephony using IP.

2. Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per

1. Indicators included in the IDI 100 inhabitants
The selection of indicators was based on certain
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions refers
criteria, including relevance for the index
to the number of subscriptions to a public
objectives, data availability and the results of
mobiletelephone service providing access to
various statistical analyses such as the principal
the public switched telephone network (PSTN)
component analysis (PCA).1 The following 11
using cellular technology. It includes both the
indicators are included in the IDI (grouped by the
number of postpaid subscriptions and the number
three sub-indices: access, use and skills).
of active prepaid accounts (i.e. that have been
active during the past three months). It includes
all mobile-cellular subscriptions that offer voice
a) ICT infrastructure and access indicators
communications. It excludes subscriptions via data
cards or USB modems, subscriptions to public
Indicators included in this group provide an
mobile data services, private trunked mobile radio,
indication of the available ICT infrastructure and
telepoint, radio paging and telemetry services.
individuals access to basic ICTs. Data for all these
indicators are collected by ITU.2
3. International Internet bandwidth (bit/s) per
Internet user
1. Fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100
International Internet bandwidth refers to the
total used capacity of international Internet
Fixed-telephone subscriptions refers to the sum
bandwidth, in megabits per second (Mbit/s).
of active analogue fixed-telephone lines, voice-
Used international Internet bandwidth refers to
over-IP (VoIP) subscriptions, fixed wireless local
the average traffic load of international fibre-
loop (WLL) subscriptions, ISDN voice-channel
optic cables and radio links for carrying Internet
equivalents and fixed public payphones. It includes
traffic. The average is calculated over the
all accesses over fixed infrastructure supporting
12-month period of the reference year, and takes
voice telephony using copper wire, voice services
into consideration the traffic of all international
using Internet Protocol (IP) delivered over fixed
Internet links. If the traffic is asymmetric, i.e. if
(wired)-broadband infrastructure (e.g. DSL,
there is more incoming (downlink) than outgoing
fibre optic), and voice services provided over
(uplink) traffic, the average incoming (downlink)
coaxial-cable television networks (cable modem).
traffic load is used. The combined average traffic
It also includes fixed wireless local loop (WLL)
load of different international Internet links can
connections, defined as services provided by
be reported as the sum of the average traffic
licensed fixed-line telephone operators that
loads of the individual links. International Internet
provide last-mile access to the subscriber using
bandwidth (bit/s) per Internet user is calculated by
radio technology, where the call is then routed
over a fixed-line telephone network (not a mobile-

Measuring the Information Society Report 187

converting to bits per second and dividing by the b) ICT use indicators
total number of Internet users.
The indicators included in this group capture ICT
intensity and usage. Data for all these indicators
4. Percentage of households with a computer
are collected by ITU.5
Computer refers to a desktop computer, laptop
(portable) computer, tablet or similar handheld 1. Percentage of individuals using the Internet
computer. It does not include equipment with
some embedded computing abilities, such as Individuals using the Internet refers to people who
smart TV sets, or devices with telephony as a main used the Internet from any location and for any
function, such as mobile phones or smartphones. purpose, irrespective of the device and network
used in the last three months. It can be via a
Household with a computer means that the computer (i.e. desktop computer, laptop computer,
computer is available for use by all members of the tablet or similar handheld computer), mobile
household at any time. The computer may or may phone, games machine, digital TV, etc. Access can
not be owned by the household, but should be be via a fixed or mobile network.
considered a household asset.3
Data are obtained by countries through national
Data are obtained by countries through national household surveys and are either provided directly
household surveys and are either provided to ITU by national statistical offices (NSOs), or
directly to ITU by national statistical offices (NSO) obtained by ITU through its own research, for
or obtained by ITU through its own research, for example from NSO websites. There are certain
example from NSO websites. There are certain data limits to this indicator, insofar as estimates
data limits to this indicator, insofar as estimates have to be calculated for many developing
have to be calculated for many developing countries which do not yet collect ICT household
countries which do not yet collect ICT household statistics. Over time, as more data become
statistics. Over time, as more data become available, the quality of the indicator will improve.
available, the quality of the indicator will improve.
2. Fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100
5. Percentage of households with Internet access inhabitants

The Internet is a worldwide public computer Fixed-broadband subscriptions refers to fixed

network. It provides access to a number of subscriptions for high-speed access to the public
communication services, including the World Wide Internet (a TCP/IP connection), at downstream
Web, and carries e-mail, news, entertainment speeds equal to or greater than 256 kbit/s. This
and data files, irrespective of the device used (not includes cable modem, DSL, fibre-to-the-home/
assumed to be only a computer; it may also be a building, other fixed-broadband subscriptions,
mobile telephone, tablet, PDA, games machine, satellite broadband and terrestrial fixed wireless
digital TV, and so on). Access can be via a fixed or broadband. This total is measured irrespective of
mobile network. Household with Internet access the method of payment. It excludes subscriptions
means that the Internet is available for use by all that have access to data communications
members of the household at any time.4 (including the Internet) via mobile-cellular
networks. It includes fixed WiMAX and any other
Data are obtained by countries through national fixed wireless technologies, and both residential
household surveys and are either provided directly subscriptions and subscriptions for organizations.
to ITU by national statistical offices (NSOs) or
obtained by ITU through its own research, for
3. Active mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100
example from NSO websites. There are certain
data limits to this indicator, insofar as estimates
have to be calculated for many developing
Active mobile-broadband subscriptions refers
countries which do not yet collect ICT household
to the sum of standard mobile-broadband
statistics. Over time, as more data become
subscriptions and dedicated mobile-broadband
available, the quality of the indicator will improve.
subscriptions. The subscriptions can be used

188 Measuring the Information Society Report

through handsetbased or computer-based (USB/ communicating using the written word. Literacy

Annex 1
dongles) devices. It covers actual subscribers, not represents a potential for further intellectual
potential subscribers, even though the latter may growth and contribution to economic-socio-
have broadband-enabled handsets. cultural development of society.6

Standard mobile-broadband subscriptions

2. Gross enrolment ratio (secondary and tertiary
refers to active mobile-cellular subscriptions
with advertised data speeds of 256 kbit/s
or greater that allow access to the greater
According to UIS, the gross enrolment ratio is the
Internet via HTTP and which have been used
total enrolment in a specific level of education,
to set up an Internet data connection using
regardless of age, expressed as a percentage
Internet Protocol (IP) in the past three months.
of the eligible official school-age population
Standard SMS and MMS messaging do not
corresponding to the same level of education in a
count as active Internet data connection, even
given school-year.
if messages are delivered via IP.

Dedicated mobile-broadband data 2. Imputation of missing data

subscriptions refers to subscriptions to
dedicated data services (over a mobile A critical step in the construction of the index is to
network) that allow access to the greater create a complete data set, without missing values.
Internet and are purchased separately from A number of imputation techniques can be applied
voice services, either as a stand-alone service to estimate missing data. Each of the imputation
(e.g. using a data card such as a USB modem/ techniques, like any other method employed in the
dongle) or as an add-on data package to process, has its own strengths and weaknesses.
voice services which requires an additional The most important consideration is to ensure that
subscription. All dedicated mobile-broadband the imputed data will reflect a countrys actual
subscriptions with recurring subscription fees level of ICT access, usage and skills.
are included regardless of actual use. Prepaid
mobile-broadband plans require use of the Given that ICT access and usage are both
monthly data allowance where there is no correlated with national income, hot-deck
monthly subscription. This indicator could also imputation was chosen as the method for imputing
include mobile WiMAX subscriptions. the missing data where previous year data are
not available to calculate growth rates. Hot-deck
imputation uses data from countries with similar
c) ICT skills indicators characteristics, such as GNI per capita and
geographic location. For example, missing data for
Data on adult literacy rates and gross secondary country A were estimated for a certain indicator by
and tertiary enrolment ratios are collected by the first identifying countries in the same region with
UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). similar levels of GNI per capita, and an indicator
that has a known relationship to the indicator to
1. Adult literacy rate be estimated. For instance, Internet use data for
country A was estimated by using Internet use
According to UIS, the Adult literacy rate is data for country B from the same region and with
defined as the percentage of population aged a similar GNI per capita and similar level of fixed
15 years and over who can both read and write Internet and wirelessbroadband subscriptions.
with understanding a short simple statement on The same logic was applied to estimate missing
his/her everyday life. Generally, literacy also data for all indicators included in the index.
encompasses numeracy, the ability to make
simple arithmetic calculations. The main purpose
of this indicator is to show the accumulated 3. Normalization of data
achievement of primary education and literacy
programmes in imparting basic literacy skills to Normalization of data is necessary before any
the population, thereby enabling them to apply aggregation can be made in order to ensure that
such skills in daily life and to continue learning and the data set uses the same unit of measurement.

Measuring the Information Society Report 189

As regards the indicators selected for the of the index and was lowered to 120, a value
construction of the IDI, it is important to convert derived by examining the distribution of
the values into the same unit of measurement, countries based on their value for mobile-
since some values are expressed as a percentage cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in
of the population/total households, whereby the 2013. For countries where postpaid is the
maximum value is 100, while other indicators predominant mode of subscription, 120 is the
can have values exceeding 100, such as mobile- maximum value attained, while in countries
cellular and active mobile-broadband penetration where prepaid is dominant (57 per cent of all
or international Internet bandwidth (expressed as countries included in the IDI have more than
bit/s per user). 80 per cent prepaid subscriptions) 120 is also
the maximum value attained by a majority
Certain particularities need to be taken into of countries. It was therefore concluded that
consideration in selecting the normalization 120 is the ideal value that a country could
method for the IDI. For example, in order to attain, irrespective of the predominant type of
identify the digital divide, it is important to mobile subscription. Although the distribution
measure the relative performance of countries of 2014 values may differ slightly from that of
(i.e. the divide among countries). Secondly, the 2013 values, the ideal value of 120 was used
normalization procedure should produce index to calculate this years IDI, in the interests of
results that allow countries to track progress in consistency with the value used last year.
their evolution towards an information society
over time. Fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100
inhabitants, which ranged from zero to 133 in
A further important criterion for selecting the 2014. The reference value was calculated by
normalization method was replicability by adding two standard deviations to the mean,
countries, as some countries have shown a strong resulting in a rounded value of 60 per 100
interest in applying the index methodology at inhabitants.
the national or regional level. Certain methods
therefore cannot be applied, for example those Fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100
that rely on the values of other countries, which inhabitants. Values ranged from zero to 46.7
might not be available to users. per 100 inhabitants in 2014. In line with fixed-
telephone subscriptions, the ideal value was
For the IDI, the distance to a reference measure defined as 60 per 100 inhabitants.
was used as the normalization method. The
reference measure is the ideal value that could be After normalizing the data, the individual series
reached for each variable (similar to a goalpost). were all rescaled to identical ranges, from 1 to 10.
For all the indicators chosen, this will be 100 This was necessary in order to compare the values
except for the following four indicators: of the indicators and the sub-indices.

International Internet bandwidth per Internet

user, which in 2014 ranged from 27 (bits/s/ 4. Weighting and aggregation
user) to almost 6887708. Values for this
indicator vary significantly between countries. The indicators and sub-indices included in the IDI
To diminish the effect of the huge dispersion were weighted on the basis of the PCA results
of values, the data were first converted to obtained when the index was first computed.7
a logarithmic (log) scale. Outliers were then Annex Box 1.1 presents the weights for the
identified using a cut-off value calculated by indicators and sub-indices.
adding two standard deviations to the mean of
the rescaled values, resulting in a log value of

Mobile-cellular subscriptions, which in 2014

ranged from 6.4 to 322.6 per 100 inhabitants.
The reference value for mobile-cellular
subscriptions was reviewed in the last edition

190 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex Box 1.1: Weights used for indicators and sub-indices included in the IDI

Annex 1
Weights Weights
(indicators) (subindices)
ICT access 0.40
Fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.20
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.20
International Internet bandwidth per Internet user 0.20
Percentage of households with a computer 0.20
Percentage of households with Internet access 0.20
ICT use 0.40
Percentage of individuals using the Internet 0.33
Fixed-broadband Internet subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.33
Active mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.33
ICT skills 0.20
Adult literacy rate 0.33
Secondary gross enrolment ratio 0.33
Tertiary gross enrolment ratio 0.33

Source: ITU.

5. Calculating the IDI index value was calculated by taking the simple
average (using equal weighting) of the normalized
Sub-indices were computed by summing the indicator values.
weighted values of the indicators included in the
respective subgroup. For computation of the final index, the ICT
access and ICT use sub-indices were each given
ICT access is measured by fixed-telephone a 40 per cent weighting, and the skills sub-index
subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, mobile- (because it is based on proxy indicators) a 20 per
cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, cent weighting. The final index value was then
international Internet bandwidth per Internet computed by summing the weighted sub-indices.
user, percentage of households with a Annex Box 1.2 illustrates the process of computing
computer and percentage of households with the IDI for the Republic of Korea (which tops the
Internet access. IDI 2015).

ICT use is measured by percentage of

individuals using the Internet, fixed-broadband 6. Sensitivity analysis
Internet subscriptions per 100 inhabitants and
active mobile-broadband subscriptions per Sensitivity analysis was carried out to investigate
100 inhabitants. the robustness of the index results, in terms of
the relative position in the overall ranking, using
ICT skills are approximated by adult literacy different combinations of methods and techniques
rate, secondary gross enrolment ratio and to compute the index.
tertiary gross enrolment ratio.
Potential sources of variation or uncertainty can be
The values of the sub-indices were calculated first attributed to different processes employed in the
by normalizing the indicators included in each computation of the index, including the selection
subindex in order to obtain the same unit of of individual indicators, the imputation of missing
measurement. The reference values applied in the values and the normalization, weighting and
normalization were discussed above. The sub- aggregation of the data.

Measuring the Information Society Report 191

Annex Box 1.2: Example of how to calculate the IDI value

Indicators 2014
ICT access Ideal value*
a &
b D 120
c ///
d W 100
e W/ 100
ICT use
f W/ 100
&/ 38.8
h  100
ICT skills
 100 99.0
^ 100
d 100
Normalized values Formula Weight
ICT access
& 0.20 0.99
D 0.20
/// 0.20
W 0.20
W/ 0.20 0.98
ICT use
W/ 0.33 0.88
&/ 0.33
 0.33 1.00
ICT skills
 0.33 0.99
^ 0.33
d 0.33 0.98
Sub-indices Formula Weight
ICT access sub-index (L) y1+y2+y3+y4+y5 0.40 0.90
y1 & 0.20
y2 D 0.19
y3 ///
W/ 0.20
ICT use sub-index (M) y6+y7+y8 0.40 0.84
W/ 0.29
&/ 0.22
y8  0.33
ICT skills sub-index (N) y9+y10+y11 0.20 0.98
y9  0.33
y10 ^ 0.32
y11 d 0.33
IDI ICT Development Index ((L*.40)+(M*.40)+(N*.20))*10 8.93

Note: *The ideal value for indicators a, b, c and g was computed by adding two standard deviations to the mean value of the indicator.
**To diminish the effect of the large number of outliers at the high end of the value scale, the data were first transformed to a logarithmic (log) scale.
The ideal value of 962216 bit/s per Internet user is equivalent to 5.98 if transformed to a log scale.
Source: ITU.

192 Measuring the Information Society Report

Each of the processes or combination of processes The relative position of countries included in

Annex 1
affects the IDI value. A number of tests were the high group (see Chapter 2) can change
carried out to examine the robustness of the depending on the methodology used. Caution
IDI results (rather than the actual values). The should therefore be exercised in drawing
tests computed the possible index values and conclusions based on these countries rankings.
country rankings for different combinations of the However, the relative position of countries
processes mentioned above. Results show that, included in the low group is in no way affected
while the computed index values change, the by the methods or techniques used, and the
message remains the same. The IDI was found countries in this group ranked low in all index
to be extremely robust with regard to different computations using different methodologies. This
methodologies, with the exception of certain confirms the results conveyed by the IDI.
countries including in particular those in the
high group.

Measuring the Information Society Report 193

PCA was used to examine the underlying nature of the data. A more detailed description of the analysis is available in
Annex 1 to ITU (2009).
More information about the indicators is available in ITU (2011b) and the ITU (2014e).
This definition reflects the revisions agreed by the ITU Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators (EGH) at its meeting in
Sao Paulo, Brazil, 4-6 June 2013. See http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Documents/events/brazil2013/Final_report_
See footnote 3.
See footnote 2.
UIS Education Indicators: Technical Guidelines. See http://www.uis.unesco.org/ev.php?ID=5202_201&ID2=DO_TOPIC.
For more details, see Annex 1 to ITU (2009).

194 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 2. JRC Statistical Assessment of the 2015

Annex 2
ICT Development Index 1

Since 2009, the International Telecommunication The IDI is intended for a broad audience of
Union (ITU) has been publishing its annual ICT governments, UN agencies, financial institutions
Development Index (IDI), which benchmarks and private-sector analysts worldwide. Its aim is
countries performance with regard to ICT to identify strengths and weaknesses in each of
infrastructure, use and skills. The JRC analysis, the countries under review and encourage policy
conducted at ITUs invitation, suggests that the choices that will advance ICT development. In
conceptualized three-level structure of the 2015 this respect, assessment of the conceptual and
IDI is statistically sound in terms of coherence and statistical coherence of the IDI and of the impact
balance, with the overall index as well as the three of modelling choices on a countrys performance
sub-indices on ICT access, use and skills being are fundamental. It adds to the transparency and
driven by all the underlying components. The IDI reliability of the IDI and the building of confidence
has a very high statistical reliability of 0.96 and in the narratives supported by the measure.
captures the single latent phenomenon underlying For this reason, the Econometrics and Applied
the three main dimensions of the IDI conceptual Statistics Unit of the European Commissions Joint
framework. Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy, was invited by
ITU to conduct a thorough statistical assessment
Country rankings are also robust with respect to of the IDI.2
methodological changes in the data normalization
method, weighting and aggregation rule (a shift
of less than 3 positions with respect to the Conceptual and statistical coherence in the IDI
simulated median in 96 per cent of the 167
countries). In the seventh (2015) release of its IDI, ITU, a
specialized agency of the United Nations, seeks,
The added value of the IDI lies in its ability to by means of a selected set of 11 indicators,
summarize different aspects of ICT development to summarize complex and versatile concepts
in a more efficient and parsimonious manner underlying ICT development across 167 countries
than is possible with a selection of 11 indicators worldwide. This raises practical challenges when
taken separately. In fact, for between 26 and it comes to combining these concepts into a
52 per cent of the 167 countries included this single number per country. Indeed, extending
year, the IDI ranking and any of the three sub- what is argued for models in general, stringent
index rankings (access, use and skills) differ by transparency criteria must be adopted when
ten positions or more. This is a desired outcome composite indicators are used as a basis for policy
because it evidences the added value of the IDI assessment3.
as a benchmarking tool, inasmuch as it helps to
highlight aspects of ICT development that do The analysis of the conceptual and statistical
not emerge directly by looking into ICT access, coherence of the IDI can be synthesized into five
ICT use and ICT skills separately. At the same main steps:
time, this result also points to the value of taking
due account of the individual ICT dimensions 1. Consideration of the IDI conceptual framework
and indicators on their own merit. In so doing, with respect to existing literature.
country-specific strengths and bottlenecks in ICT
development can be identified and used as an 2. Data-quality checks, including possible
input for evidence-based policy-making. reporting errors, missing data, outliers.

Measuring the Information Society Report 195

3. Assessment of statistical coherence through The main justification for capping indicators,
correlation-based analyses. regardless of whether they are affected by outliers,
is the developers objective to have an ideal value
4. Assessment of the impact of the weighting that could be achieved by most countries. For
scheme and aggregation method. this reason, the ITU team decided to set this ideal
value at two standard deviations away from the
5. Qualitative confrontation with experts in order mean for most indicators.
to get feedback on the choices made during
development of the IDI. Instead, the use of logarithmic transformation for
international Internet bandwidth goes beyond
The ITU team has already undertaken the first the need to treat outlier values: it is also aimed
and last steps, relating for the most part to at strongly favouring improvements at the lower
conceptual issues. The JRC assessment presented end of the indicator and at allowing improvements
below focuses on the second, third and fourth at the higher end to add only a minimal benefit
steps, relating to the statistical soundness of to a countrys IDI ranking. The JRC analysis
the IDI framework and impact of key modelling suggests that a further justification for the use of
assumptions on the country rankings. Statistical logarithmic transformation is that it increases the
coherence is pursued by means of three correlation of the international Internet bandwidth
statistical approaches: principal component indicator with the remaining indicators in the ICT
analysis, reliability item analysis and variance- access sub-index, whereby the average bivariate
based analysis. The key modelling assumptions correlation of this indicator increases from 0.56 to
tested include alternative random weights and 0.67 (see Annex Table 2.1).
alternative aggregation formulas (arithmetic and
geometric). The JRC analysis complements the
IDI country rankings with confidence intervals, in Principal component analysis and reliability
order to better appreciate the robustness of these analysis
rankings to the index computation methodology.
In addition, the analysis includes an assessment Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to
of potential redundancy of information in the IDI assess whether the IDI conceptual framework is
framework. confirmed by statistical approaches, and to identify
possible pitfalls. The expectation is that every
aggregate in the IDI framework, whether sub-index
Data checks or the overall IDI, captures most of the variance
in the underlying components. This expectation is
The IDI framework builds on three dimensions, or confirmed in the IDI framework. In fact, the first
sub-indices, which are aggregated over 11 selected principal component captures between 78 per
indicators. A complete matrix of 11 indicators, cent (ICT access) and 86 per cent (ICT use) of the
referring to 2014 data for 167 countries, are total variance in the underlying indicators (Annex
included in the IDI. These data have been collected Table 2.2). The statistical reliability for each of
annually by ITU through a questionnaire sent to the IDI sub-indices, measured by the Cronbach-
its Member States. Where country data are not alpha (or c-alpha) coefficient, is very high, at 0.86
available, ITU estimates the missing data using (up to 0.91). These values are well above the 0.7
appropriate statistical techniques. The JRC analysis threshold for a reliable aggregate5. Particularly
based on the values for skewness and kurtosis4 important to the reliability of the ICT skills sub-
suggests that only two indicators international index is the secondary gross enrolment ratio: had
Internet bandwidth and fixed-broadband this indicator been excluded, the reliability of the
subscriptions have outlier values that could ICT skills sub-index would have fallen from 0.86 to
bias the calculation of the aggregate scores and 0.71 (see Annex Table 2.2).
interpretation of the correlation structure. ITU
has opted to take the logarithm of international Furthermore, the three ICT sub-indices share a
Internet bandwidth and to cap fixed-broadband single latent dimension that captures 92per cent
subscriptions at 60, which is considered to be of the total variance, and their aggregate, the IDI,
an ideal value and equal to the maximum value has a very high statistical reliability of 0.95. Finally,
achieved in many developed countries. results confirm the expectation that the indicators

196 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex Table 2.1: Impact of log transform of the international Internet bandwidth indicator

Annex 2
Without log With log
Fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.68 0.65
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.29 0.54
Percentage of households with a computer 0.63 0.76
Percentage of households with Internet access at home 0.63 0.74
Average bivariate correlation 0.56 0.67

Note: Numbers represent the Pearson correlation coefficient (excluding outliers) between the international Internet bandwidth per Internet user
indicator (with/without log transformation) and any of the four indicators in the ICT access dimension.
Source: Saisana and Domnguez-Torreiro, European Commission, Joint Research Centre; IDI 2015.

Annex Table 2.2: Statistical coherence in the 2015 IDI Principal components analysis and reliability
ICT Development Index Variance c-alpha when excluding one component
(& sub-indices) explained #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
ICT Development Index 91.7 0.95 0.89 0.92 0.97
(3 sub-indices)
ICT access sub-index 78.2 0.91 0.89 0.92 0.91 0.86 0.86
(5 indicators)
ICT use sub-index 85.9 0.90 0.79 0.88 0.91
(3 indicators)
ICT skills sub-index 81.0 0.86 0.71 0.85 0.83
(3 indicators)

Note: Variance explained shows the amount of total variance explained by the first principal component across the three ICT sub-indices, or the
indicators in the case of the ICT sub-indices. c-alpha (or Cronbach-alpha) is a measure of statistical reliability (values greater than 0.7 are recom-
mended for good reliability).
Source: Saisana and Domnguez-Torreiro, European Commission, Joint Research Centre; IDI 2015.

are more correlated to their own ICT dimension and use should have equal importance in the IDI
than to any other and that all coefficients are and twice as much importance as the sub-index
greater than 0.75 (see Annex Table 2.3). This on ICT skills. The lower weight assigned to ICT
outcome suggests that the indicators have been skills is justified by the developers on the grounds
allocated to the most relevant ICT dimension. that it is based on proxy variables. Hence, ICT
access and ICT use are given weights of 0.4 each,
Thus far, the results show that the grouping of the and ICT skills a weight of 0.2. At the same time,
eleven indicators into three ICT sub-indices and within each ICT sub-index, all underlying indicators
to an overall index is statistically coherent at each are given equal weights and considered to be of
aggregation level. similar importance.

The tests reported on in this assessment

Weights and importance focused on identifying whether the IDI 2015 is
statistically well-balanced in its sub-indices, and
The statistical analysis in the previous sections in its indicators within each sub-index. There
was based on classical correlation coefficients. In are several approaches for such testing, such as
this audit, the assessment is extended to a non- eliminating one indicator at a time and comparing
linear context, to anticipate potentially legitimate the resulting ranking with the original ranking,
criticism about the nonlinearity of the associations or using a simple (e.g. Pearson or Spearman
between the IDI components. To this end, global rank) correlation coefficient. A more appropriate
sensitivity analysis has been employed in order to measure, aptly named main effect (henceforth
evaluate an indicators contribution to the variance Si), also known as correlation ratio or first order
of the IDI dimensions and overall index scores. sensitivity measure6, has been applied here.
The suitability of Pearsons correlation ratio as a
The overarching consideration on the part of the measure of the importance of variables in an index
ITU team was that the ICT sub-indices on access is argued to be fourfold, inasmuch as (a) it offers

Measuring the Information Society Report 197

Annex Table 2.3: Statistical coherence in the 2015 IDI Cross-correlations
Annex Table 2.3: Statistical coherence in the 2015 IDI Cross-correlations
Indicators ICT access ICT use ICT skills
Fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.877 0.819 0.765
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.722 0.607 0.608
International Internet bandwidth per Internet user (log) 0.865 0.789 0.758
Percentage of households with a computer 0.964 0.935 0.828
Percentage of households with Internet access at home 0.962 0.946 0.814
Percentage of individuals using the Internet 0.940 0.955 0.843
Fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.885 0.904 0.775
Mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 0.802 0.917 0.696
Secondary gross enrolment ratio 0.828 0.766 0.928
Tertiary gross enrolment ratio 0.771 0.778 0.899
Adult literacy rate 0.694 0.663 0.862
theclassical Pearson
classical correlation
Pearson coefficients
correlation (n=167).
coefficients (n=167).
Domnguez-Torreiro, European
Research Centre;
Research IDI 2015.
Centre; IDI 2015.

tests definition
reported on of importance
in this assessment that is the against
whereby the despite theirICT
two key equal weights
focused on reduction
identifying in variance
whether of thethe IDIcomposite
2015 is within
access theand ICT useaccess.
are of equal importance, and are
statisticallythat would be obtained
well-balanced if a variableand
in its sub-indices, more important than ICT skills.
could be fixed; within
in its indicators (b) it can be sub-index.
each used regardless Thereof The Si values for households with a computer
are several approaches for such testing, such (c)
degree of correlation between variables; as and
At thehouseholds
sub-index with level,Internet
the resultsaccessareat home are
is model free,one in that it can
indicator at abe timeapplied also in
and comparing very high (0.93),
reassuring: suggesting
all indicators areaimportant
relative dominance
the resulting aggregations;
ranking withand the(d) it is not
original invasive,
ranking, of those two
classifying indicators
countries in the
within eachvariation of the
or that
usingnoa changes
simple (e.g. are Pearson
made toor the composite
Spearman ICT accesssome
although scores. This canare
indicators be slightly
explained moreby the
indicator or to thecoefficient.
rank) correlation correlationAstructure of the
more appropriate undesirably
important than highothers.
Within (0.98)
the ICTbetween
measure, aptly (as is named
the casemainwheneffect eliminating one
(henceforth two indicators,
sub-index, which
all five has persisted
indicators over thewith
are important, last Si
indicator at a time).
Si), also known as correlation
ratio or first order five
valuesyears, withthan
greater a similar correlation
0.5. However, having
the Si for been
sensitivity measure5 , has been applied here. found
2010, 2012 and 2013. On
subscriptions statistical
is significantly
The results of this
suitability analysis appear
of Pearsons correlationin Annex
ratio as a grounds,
smaller than these thatindicators would
of the other need to (0.54
indicators be as
measure 2.4.ofExamining
the importance the Sis of forvariables
the threeinICT an index assigned half the weight
against 0.75-0.93), despite of their
the other
is argued to be wefourfold,
see that inasmuch
the IDI is perfectly
as (a) it offers in orderthe
within to ICT
reduce their undue impact on the
balanced with respect
a precise definition to ICT accessthat
of importance andisICTtheuse variation of ICT access scores and on the overall
(S = 0.96),
reduction ICT skills
in is
variance slightly
of theless important
composite IDI.
The However,
Si values for owing to the changing
households pattern of
with a computer
indicator This
would that the weighting
be obtained scheme
if a variable ICT
householdsaccess (use of smartphones
with Internet access at home to are
chosen by the development team
could be fixed; (b) it can be used regardless of has indeed access the Internet) and increase
very high (0.93), suggesting a relative dominance in the number
the to the desired
degree outcome
of correlation whereby
between the two (c)
variables; key of countries
those twocollecting
indicatorsthe datavariation
in the from official
of the
it is sub-indices
model free,inaccess that itand canuse are ofalso
be applied equalin surveys,
ICT access it is possible
scores. Thisthat
cansuch a correlation
be explained may
by the
importance, and are moreand
non-linear aggregations; important
(d) it is notthan ICT
invasive, cease to exist
undesirably over
high the coming
correlation years.
(0.98) The JRCthese
in that no changes are made to the composite recommendation
two indicators, which for next years release
has persisted over of
indicator or to the correlation structure of the is toyears,
five reassess/revisit
with a similar the correlation
weights assigned havingtobeenthese
At the sub-index
indicators (as is the level,
case thewhenresults are similarly
eliminating one two
found indicators.
in 2010, 2012 and 2013. On statistical
indicator atall indicators are important in
a time). 6
grounds, these indicators would need to be
classifying countries within each dimension, Within
assigned thehalfICTtheuseweight
of theallother
The results someof thisindicators
analysisare slightly
appear more Table
in Annex are important,
in order to reduce as reflected
their undue in their
impact equal
on weights,
2.4. Examining thanthe others. Within
Sis for the three the ICT ICTaccess
dimensions, although
variation of theICTindicator on individuals
access scores and on the using the
we see thatallthe fiveIDIindicators
is perfectly arebalanced
important, withwith Si Internet
IDI. However,is slightly
owing more
to theimportant
changingthan the of
values to ICT access
than 0.5. andHowever,
ICT use (Sthe i
= 0.96),
S i
for while
mobile- ICT household
other access (use of smartphones
two, on fixed-broadband subscriptions to and
ICT skillstelephone
cellular is slightly less importantis(0.83).
subscriptions This
significantly access the Internet)subscriptions
mobile-broadband and increase(0.91 in theasnumber
smaller thatthat the weighting
of the other scheme
indicatorschosen by as
(0.54 the of countriesSimilarly,
0.82-0.84). collectingwithin
the datathe from official
ICT skills sub-
development team has indeed led to the desired surveys,
index, allitthree
is possible that are
indicators suchimportant,
a correlation withmaythe

198 Measuring the Information Society Report

14 Measuring the Information Society Report 2015
Annex Table 2.4: Importance measures (variance-based) for the IDI components

Annex 2
IDI sub-index Importance (Si) within the IDI Weights
IDI indicators Importance (Si) within an IDI sub-index Weights


Note: Numbers represent the kernel estimates of the Pearson correlation ratio, as in Paruolo et al., 2013. (*) Sub-factors that make a much lower/
higher contribution to the variance of the relevant dimension scores than the equal weighting expectation are marked with an asterisk.
Source: Saisana and Domnguez-Torreiro, European Commission, Joint Research Centre; IDI 2015.

adult literacy rate being slightly less important this year, the IDI ranking and any of the three
than the other two indicators, relating to the sub-index rankings on access, use and skills
secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (0.75 differ by ten positions or more. This is a desired
as against 0.81-0.86). outcome because it evidences the added value
of the IDI as a benchmarking tool, inasmuch as it
In short, the weights assigned by the developers to helps to highlight aspects of ICT development that
the IDI components coincide, in most cases, with do not emerge directly by looking into ICT access,
the importance of the IDI components. ICT use and ICT skills separately. At the same
time, this result also points to the value of taking
due account of the individual ICT dimensions
Added value of the IDI vis--vis the three ICT and indicators on their own merit. In so doing,
dimensions country-specific strengths and bottlenecks in ICT
development can be identified and used as an
A very high statistical reliability may be the result input for evidence-based policy-making.
of redundancy of information in an index. The
analysis discussed below reveals that this is not the
case in the 2015 IDI. Instead, the high statistical Impact of modelling assumptions on the IDI
reliability (c-alpha = 0.95) of the IDI is a sign of a ranking
statistically sound composite indicator that brings
in additional information on the monitoring of The IDI and its underlying sub-indices are the
ICT development in countries around the world. outcome of choices with respect to, among other
This is shown in Annex Table 2.5, which presents, things: the framework (driven by theoretical
for all pairwise comparisons between the IDI models and expert opinion), the indicators
and the three sub-indices, the Spearman rank included, the normalization of the indicators,
correlation coefficients (above the diagonal) and the weights assigned to the indicators and to the
the percentage of countries that shift ten positions sub-indices, and the aggregation method. Some
or more (below the diagonal). In fact, for between of these choices are based on expert opinion
26 and 52 per cent of the 167 countries included or on common practice, driven by statistical

Measuring the Information Society Report 199

Annex Table 2.5: Added value of the IDI vis--vis its main components
IDI ICT access ICT use ICT skills
IDI - 0.984 0.984 0.903
ICT access 26% - 0.953 0.857
ICT use 26% 50% - 0.860
ICT skills 52% 62% 69% -

Note: Numbers above the diagonal: Spearman rank correlation coefficients; numbers below the diagonal: percentage of countries (out of 167) that
shift +10 positions or more between the rankings.
Source: Saisana and Domnguez-Torreiro, European Commission, Joint Research Centre; IDI 2015.

analysis or the need for ease of communication. meaningful robustness checks (25 per cent of the
The aim of the uncertainty analysis is to assess reference value and a roughly three-to-one ratio
the extent to which and for which countries of the highest to the lowest weight). At the same
in particular these choices might affect time, it reflects the ITU teams rationale that the
country classification. We have dealt with these ICT skills sub-index should be given less weight
uncertainties simultaneously in order to assess than the ICT access and ICT use sub-indices.
their joint influence and fully acknowledge their
implications8. The data are considered to be The next type of uncertainty considered relates
error-free since the ITU team already undertook to use of the arithmetic average in the calculation
a double-check control of possible errors and of the index from the three ICT dimensions, a
corrected them during this phase. formula that received statistical support from
principal component analysis and reliability item
The robustness assessment of the IDI was based analysis. However, decision-theory practitioners
on a combination of a Monte Carlo experiment have challenged the use of simple arithmetic
and a multi-modelling approach. This type of averages because of their fully compensatory
assessment aims to respond to any criticism that nature, in which a comparative high advantage on
the country scores associated with aggregate a few indicators can compensate a comparative
measures are generally not calculated under disadvantage on many indicators10. In order to
conditions of certainty, even though they are account for this criticism, the geometric average
frequently presented as such9. The Monte Carlo was considered as an alternative. The geometric
simulation was played on the weights for the average is a partially compensatory approach that
three sub-indices and comprised 1000 runs, rewards countries with similar performance in
each corresponding to a different set of weights, the three ICT dimensions or motivates countries
randomly sampled from uniform continuous to improve in those ICT dimensions in which
distributions in the range 15-25 per cent for the they perform poorly, and not just in any ICT
ICT skills sub-index, and 30-50 per cent for the dimension11.
ICT access and ICT use sub-indices. The sampled
weights were then rescaled to unity sum (Annex Combined with the 1000 simulations per model to
Table 2.6). This choice of the range for the weights account for the uncertainty in the weights across
variation ensures a wide enough interval to have

Annex Table 2.6: Uncertainty parameters (weights and aggregation function)

Reference Alternative
I. Uncertainty in the aggregation function at the Arithmetic average Geometric average
sub-index level

II. Uncertainty intervals for the three sub-index Reference value for Distribution for
weights the weight uncertainty analysis

ICT access 0.4 U[0.30, 0.50]

ICT use 0.4 U[0.30, 0.50]

ICT skills 0.2 U[0.15, 0.25]

Source: Saisana and Domnguez-Torreiro, European Commission, Joint Research Centre; IDI 2015.

200 Measuring the Information Society Report

the sub-indices, we conducted a total of 2000 Simulated intervals for most countries are narrow

Annex 2
simulations. enough, hence robust to changes in the weights
and aggregation formula less than six positions
The results of the uncertainty analysis for the IDI in 75 per cent of the cases for the overall IDI.
are provided in Annex Figure 2.1, which shows These results suggest that for the vast majority of
median ranks and 90 per cent intervals computed the countries, the IDI ranks allow for meaningful
across the 2000 Monte Carlo simulations. inferences to be drawn.
Countries are ordered from the highest to the
lowest levels of ICT development according to Nevertheless, three countries have relatively wide
their reference rank in the IDI (black line), the intervals (more than 15 positions): Ukraine and
dot being the simulated median rank. Error bars Gabon (21 positions) and Grenada (16 positions).
represent, for each country, the 90 per cent These relatively wide intervals are due to the
interval across all simulations. compensation effect among the ICT sub-indices,
which is evidenced by the use of the geometric
Taking the simulated median rank as being average. These cases have been flagged herein as
representative of the simulations, then the fact part of the uncertainty analysis, in order to bring
that the IDI ranks are close to the median ranks more transparency to the entire process and to
suggests that the IDI ranking is a suitable summary help appreciate the IDI results with respect to the
measure of ICT development. Country ranks in the choices made during the development phase. To
IDI are very close to the median rank: 90 per cent this end, Annex Table 2.7 reports the index ranks
of the countries shift by less than 3 positions together with the simulated intervals (90 per cent
with respect to the simulated median. For the vast of the 2000 scenarios simulating uncertainties in
majority of countries, these modest shifts can be the weights and the aggregation formula for the
taken as an indication that country classification three ICT dimensions).
based on IDI depends mainly on the indicators
used and not on the methodological judgments
made during the weighting and aggregation

Annex Figure 2.1: Uncertainty analysis of the IDI (ranks vs median rank, 90 per cent intervals)

11 Median rank
21 IDI rank
ICT Development Index

101 Grenada

Note: Countries are ordered from high to low levels of ICT development. Median ranks and intervals are calculated over 2000 simulated scenarios
combining random weights for the three ICT dimensions (25per cent above/below the reference value), and geometric versus arithmetic average at
the dimension level. Countries with wide intervals (more than 15 positions) are flagged.
Source: Saisana and Domnguez-Torreiro, European Commission, Joint Research Centre; IDI 2015.

Measuring the Information Society Report 201

Annex Table 2.7: IDI country ranks and 90 per cent intervals
Countries IDI rank 90% interval Countries IDI rank 90% interval
Afghanistan 156 [156, 158] Lao P.D.R. 138 [137, 141]
Albania 94 [87, 95] Latvia 37 [34, 39]
Algeria 113 [113, 117] Lebanon 56 [51, 56]
Andorra 28 [27, 30] Lesotho 128 [127, 129]
Angola 140 [132, 142] Liberia 155 [154, 155]
Antigua & Barbuda 62 [62, 64] Lithuania 40 [35, 41]
Argentina 52 [51, 55] Luxembourg 6 [5, 10]
Armenia 76 [74, 79] Macao, China 24 [23, 25]
Australia 13 [13, 13] Madagascar 164 [164, 164]
Austria 25 [24, 27] Malawi 163 [162, 163]
Azerbaijan 67 [63, 67] Malaysia 64 [62, 65]
Bahrain 27 [24, 30] Maldives 81 [78, 84]
Bangladesh 144 [143, 147] Mali 145 [141, 149]
Barbados 29 [28, 30] Malta 30 [27, 32]
Belarus 36 [33, 40] Mauritania 150 [140, 153]
Belgium 21 [21, 21] Mauritius 73 [72, 76]
Belize 116 [114, 117] Mexico 95 [88, 95]
Benin 151 [150, 157] Moldova 66 [66, 67]
Bhutan 119 [112, 121] Monaco 18 [16, 19]
Bolivia 107 [107, 108] Mongolia 84 [82, 87]
Bosnia and Herzegovina 77 [74, 79] Montenegro 65 [63, 66]
Botswana 111 [109, 112] Morocco 99 [95, 99]
Brazil 61 [58, 63] Mozambique 158 [156, 160]
Brunei Darussalam 71 [69, 79] Myanmar 142 [140, 149]
Bulgaria 50 [50, 50] Namibia 118 [114, 118]
Burkina Faso 159 [152, 159] Nepal 136 [131, 136]
Cambodia 130 [129, 136] Netherlands 8 [6, 9]
Cameroon 147 [145, 153] New Zealand 16 [15, 19]
Canada 23 [23, 25] Nicaragua 123 [122, 133]
Cape Verde 96 [92, 97] Nigeria 134 [126, 136]
Chad 167 [166, 167] Norway 10 [6, 11]
Chile 55 [54, 56] Oman 54 [52, 56]
China 82 [77, 84] Pakistan 143 [141, 146]
Colombia 75 [73, 77] Panama 89 [87, 90]
Congo (Dem. Rep.) 160 [159, 161] Paraguay 112 [110, 113]
Congo (Rep.) 141 [141, 147] Peru 104 [101, 107]
Costa Rica 57 [57, 58] Philippines 98 [91, 99]
Cte dIvoire 137 [130, 139] Poland 44 [43, 45]
Croatia 42 [41, 42] Portugal 43 [43, 47]
Cuba 129 [125, 137] Qatar 31 [30, 31]
Cyprus 53 [52, 54] Romania 59 [59, 61]
Czech Republic 34 [33, 36] Russian Federation 45 [44, 46]
Denmark 2 [1, 3] Rwanda 154 [144, 154]
Djibouti 148 [143, 151] Samoa 122 [122, 127]
Dominica 80 [80, 83] Saudi Arabia 41 [37, 41]
Dominican Rep. 103 [102, 106] Senegal 132 [128, 133]
Ecuador 90 [90, 94] Serbia 51 [51, 54]
Egypt 100 [99, 101] Seychelles 87 [83, 89]
El Salvador 106 [103, 106] Singapore 19 [16, 20]
Equatorial Guinea 146 [143, 147] Slovakia 47 [44, 48]
Eritrea 166 [166, 167] Slovenia 33 [32, 39]
Estonia 20 [17, 20] Solomon Islands 139 [138, 140]
Ethiopia 165 [162, 165] South Africa 88 [84, 89]
Fiji 101 [100, 101] South Sudan 161 [155, 163]
Finland 12 [11, 14] Spain 26 [25, 27]
France 17 [15, 20] Sri Lanka 115 [114, 118]
Gabon 133 [130, 151] St. Kitts and Nevis 63 [61, 67]
Gambia 135 [133, 137] St. Lucia 86 [81, 86]
Georgia 78 [76, 82] St. Vincent and the Grenadines 68 [68, 68]
Germany 14 [12, 18] Sudan 126 [121, 127]
Ghana 109 [106, 109] Suriname 85 [75, 87]
Greece 39 [37, 46] Sweden 5 [5, 6]
Grenada 83 [80, 96] Switzerland 7 [6, 8]
Guatemala 121 [120, 125] Syria 117 [116, 122]
Guinea-Bissau 162 [160, 165] Tanzania 157 [156, 162]
Guyana 114 [114, 116] TFYR Macedonia 60 [59, 61]
Honduras 120 [119, 123] Thailand 74 [71, 78]
Hong Kong, China 9 [7, 12] Togo 152 [150, 156]
Hungary 48 [46, 48] Tonga 110 [110, 111]
Iceland 3 [2, 3] Trinidad & Tobago 70 [69, 71]
India 131 [130, 135] Tunisia 93 [86, 94]
Indonesia 108 [108, 111] Turkey 69 [69, 71]
Iran (I.R.) 91 [89, 102] Uganda 149 [138, 150]
Ireland 22 [22, 22] Ukraine 79 [74, 95]
Israel 35 [34, 37] United Arab Emirates 32 [31, 35]
Italy 38 [37, 39] United Kingdom 4 [4, 4]
Jamaica 105 [103, 105] United States 15 [14, 17]
Japan 11 [10, 11] Uruguay 49 [49, 49]
Jordan 92 [91, 98] Vanuatu 125 [124, 126]
Kazakhstan 58 [57, 59] Venezuela 72 [70, 73]
Kenya 124 [120, 124] Viet Nam 102 [99, 104]
Korea (Rep.) 1 [1, 2] Zambia 153 [149, 153]
Kuwait 46 [42, 48] Zimbabwe 127 [119, 128]
Kyrgyzstan 97 [92, 99]

Note: Countries are presented in alphabetical order. 90 per cent intervals are calculated over 2000 simulated scenarios combining random weights for
the three ICT dimensions (25 per cent above/below the reference value), and geometric versus arithmetic average at the dimension level.
Source: Saisana and Domnguez-Torreiro, European Commission, Joint Research Centre; IDI 2015.

202 Measuring the Information Society Report

The choice of aggregation function at the sub- objective was to ensure that the IDI conforms to

Annex 2
index level is the main driver of the variation in stringent transparency and replicability criteria
country ranks. Following best practices in the and that the statistical priorities used in the
relevant literature and choosing the average IDI make it a credible and legitimate tool for
absolute shift in rank as our robustness metric12, improved policy-making.
we found that the aggregation function choice
accounts for 95 per cent of the sample variance, The JRC analysis suggests that the conceptualized
while the dimensions weights choice accounts for three-level structure of ITUs 2015 IDI calculated
only 5 per cent. This result suggests that, should through 11 indicators related to ICT access, use
the methodological choices behind IDI 2015 and skills for 167 countries is statistically sound,
stimulate further discussion, then this should focus coherent and balanced. Indeed, within each ICT
more on the aggregation formula for the three ICT dimension a single latent factor is identified and
dimensions and much less on their weights. all indicators are important in determining the
variation of the respective dimension scores.
As a general remark, the robustness of an index
should not be interpreted as an indication of the Country rankings in the overall IDI are also fairly
index quality. It is instead a consequence of the robust to methodological changes in the data
index dimensionality. In other words, robustness normalization method, weighting and aggregation
is to some extent the flip side of redundancy: a rule (a shift of less than 3 positions in 96 per
very high correlation between variables will lead cent of the cases). Consequently, benchmarking
to an index ranking that is practically unaffected inferences can be drawn for most countries in the
by the methodological choices, so the index will IDI, while some caution may be needed for three
be both robust and redundant. Similarly, a low countries. It is to be noted that perfect robustness
correlation among variables would imply that would have been undesirable as this would have
the methodological choices are very important in implied that the IDI components are perfectly
determining country rankings, and thus the index correlated and hence redundant, which is not the
is unlikely to be robust to those choices. case. In fact, one way in which the IDI 2015 helps
to highlight other aspects of ICT development is by
The results herein have revealed that country pinpointing the differences in rankings that emerge
classification based on the IDI depends mainly on from a comparison between the IDI and each of
the indicators used and not on the methodological the three dimensions, namely ICT access, ICT use
judgments made, thus allowing for meaningful and ICT skills. For between 26 and 52 per cent of
inferences to be drawn. In fact, 90 per cent of the countries, the IDI ranking and any of the three
the countries shift by less than 3 positions with sub-index rankings differ by ten positions or more.
respect to the simulated median. At the same
time, the IDI ranking has been found to have an The main refinement suggested by the present
added value as a benchmarking tool, highlighting analysis relates to the highly correlated indicators
aspects of ICT development that do not emerge within the ICT access sub-index percentage of
directly by looking at the three underlying sub- households with a computer and percentage of
indices. For between 26 and 52 per cent of the households with Internet access at home. On
167 countries included this year, the IDI ranking statistical grounds, these indicators would need to
and any of the three sub-index rankings (access, be assigned half the weight of the other indicators
use and skills) differ by ten positions or more. in order to reduce their undue impact on the
Consequently, the IDI 2015 is robust without being variation of ICT access scores and on the overall
redundant. IDI. However, owing to the changing pattern of ICT
household access (use of smartphones to access
the Internet) and the increase in the number of
Conclusions countries collecting the data from official surveys,
it is possible that such correlation will cease to
ITU invited JRC to delve into the statistical exist over the coming years. Accordingly, the
properties of the 2015 IDI in order to assess the methodology used for these indicators should be
transparency and reliability of the results and revisited/reassessed in future releases of the IDI.
enable academics and policy-makers to derive
more accurate and meaningful conclusions. ITUs

Measuring the Information Society Report 203

The added value of IDI 2015 developed using the single latent phenomenon underlying the
international quality standards and tested using ICT access, ICT use and ICT skills sub-indices.
state-of-the-art statistical analyses lies in its In past reports, ITU did not include a detailed
ability to summarize different aspects of ICT discussion of the statistical properties of the
development in a more efficient and parsimonious IDI. It is to be hoped that this years initiative to
manner than is possible with a selection of 11 provide a detailed statistical assessment of the IDI
indicators taken separately. In fact, the IDI has a will reinforce media uptake of the IDI and ITUs
very high reliability of 0.95 and indeed captures engagement with civil society.

204 Measuring the Information Society Report


Annex 2
This was prepared by Michaela Saisana and Marcos Dominguez-Torreiro, from European Commission, Joint Research
Centre (JRC), Econometrics and Applied Statistics Unit, based in Italy.
The JRC analysis was based on the recommendations of the OECD/EC JRC (2008) Handbook on Composite Indicators,
and on more recent academic research from JRC. The JRC auditing studies of composite indicators are available at
Saltelli and Funtowisz (2014).
Skewness greater than 2 and kurtosis greater than 3.5; Groeneveld and Meeden (1984) set the criteria for absolute
skewness above 1 and kurtosis above 3.5. The skewness criterion was relaxed to above 2 to account for the small
sample (167 countries).
Nunnally (1978).
Saltelli et al. (2008).
Paruolo et al. (2013).
Saisana et al. (2005).
Saisana et al. (2011).
Munda (2008).
In the geometric average, indicators are multiplied as opposed to summed in the arithmetic average. Indicator weights
appear as exponents in the multiplication.
Saisana et al. (2005).

Measuring the Information Society Report 205

206 Measuring the Information Society Report
Annex 3. ICT price data methodology

Annex 3
Price data collection and sources value calculated from the sum of the price of each
sub-basket (in USD) as a percentage of a countrys
The price data presented in this report were monthly GNI p.c., divided by three. The collection
collected in the fourth quarter of 2014. The of price data from ITU Member States and the
data were collected through the ITU ICT Price methodology applied for the IPB was agreed upon
Basket questionnaire, which was sent to the by the ITU Expert Group on Telecommunication/
administrations and statistical contacts of all 193 ICT Indicators (EGTI)1 and endorsed by the eighth
ITU Member States in October 2014. Through World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators meeting
the questionnaire, contacts were requested to held in November 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland.
provide 2014 data for fixed-telephone, mobile-
cellular, fixed-broadband and mobile-broadband
prices; the 2012 and 2013 prices were included The fixed-telephone sub-basket
for reference, where available. For those countries
that did not reply, prices were collected directly The fixed-telephone sub-basket refers to the
from operators websites and/or through direct monthly price charged for subscribing to the
correspondence. Prices were collected from public switched telephone network (PSTN),
the operator with the largest market share, plus the cost of 30 three-minute local calls to
as measured by the number of subscriptions. the same (fixed) network (15 peak and 15 off-
Insofar as, for many countries, it is not clear peak calls). It is calculated as a percentage of a
which Internet service provider (ISP) has the countrys average monthly GNI p.c., and is also
dominant market share, preference was given presented in USD and PPP$.
to prices offered by the (former) incumbent
telecommunication operator. In some cases, The fixed-telephone sub-basket does not take
especially when prices were not clearly advertised into consideration the one-time connection
or were described only in the local language, charge. This choice has been made in order to
and when operators did not respond to queries, improve comparability with the other sub-baskets,
alternative operators were chosen. All prices which include only recurring monthly charges.
were converted into USD using the IMFs average If the monthly subscription includes free calls/
annual rate of exchange for 2014, and into PPP$ minutes, then these are taken into consideration
using World Bank conversion factors for 2013. and deducted from the total cost of the fixed-
Prices are also presented as a percentage of telephone sub-basket.
countries monthly GNI per capita (p.c) using GNI
p.c. values from the World Bank (Atlas method) The cost of a three-minute local call refers to
for 2013 or the latest available year adjusted with the cost of a three-minute call within the same
the international inflation rates. Prices for 2008, exchange area (local call) using the subscribers
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, which are also equipment (i.e. not from a public telephone). It
shown and used in this chapter, were collected thus refers to the amount the subscriber must
in previous years (always during the second half pay for a three-minute call and not the average
of the respective year), in national currencies, price for each three-minute interval. For example,
and converted using the average annual rates of some operators charge a one-time connection
exchange. fee for every call or a different price for the first
minute of a call. In such cases, the actual amount
for the first three minutes of a call is calculated.
The ICT Price Basket Many operators indicate whether advertised prices
include taxes or not. If they are not included,
The ICT Price Basket (IPB) is a composite basket taxes are added to the prices, so as to improve the
that includes three price sets, referred to as comparability between countries.2 The sub-basket
sub-baskets: the fixed-telephone, mobile-cellular does not take into consideration the price of a
and fixed-broadband sub-baskets. The IPB is the telephone set (see Annex Box 3.1).

Measuring the Information Society Report 207

The IPB includes a sub-basket for fixed telephony basis for upgrading to DSL broadband technology,
because fixed-telephone access remains an which in 2014 still accounted for the majority
important access technology in its own right in of all fixed-broadband subscriptions (although
a large number of countries. Additionally, the fibre connections are increasing rapidly in many
conventional fixed-telephone line is used not markets). While more and more countries are
only for dial-up Internet access, but also as a moving away from narrowband/dial-up Internet

Annex Box 3.1: Rules applied in collecting fixed-telephone prices

1. The prices of the operator with the largest market share (measured by the number of fixed-
telephone subscriptions) are used.

2. Prices are collected in the currency in which they are advertised, including taxes.

3. Only residential, single-user prices are collected. Where prices vary between different regions
of the country, those applying to the largest city (in terms of population) are used. If that
information is not available, prices applying to the capital city are reported.

4. From all fixed-telephone plans meeting the above criteria, the cheapest postpaid plan on the
basis of 30 local calls (15 peak and 15 off-peak) of three minutes each is selected. If there is a
price distinction between residential and business tariffs, the residential tariff is used.

5. In cases where operators propose different commitment periods, the 12-month plan (or the
one closest to this commitment period) is used.

6. The same price plan is used for collecting all the data specified. For example, if Plan A is
selected for the fixed-telephone service, according to the above criteria, the elements in Plan
A apply to the monthly subscription and to the price per minute (peak and off-peak).

7. Prices are collected for a regular (non-promotional) plan and do not include promotional
offers, limited or restricted discounts (for example, only to students, or to pre-existing
customers, etc.), or plans where calls can only be made during a limited number of (or on
specific) days during the month.

8. Local calls refer to those made on the same fixed network (on-net) within the same exchange

9. Peak is the busiest time of the day, normally corresponding to weekday working hours. If
there are different peak prices, the most expensive one during the daytime will be selected.

10. Where there are different off-peak prices, the one that is cheapest before midnight is used.
Where the cheapest daytime price is applied during the weekend, then this is used. If the
only off-peak period is after midnight (valid during the night), then this is not used. Instead,
the peak rate is used.

11. Where no distinction is made between peak and off-peak prices, then the same price is used
for the peak and off-peak indicators.

12. For plans that include a certain number of minutes, the price advertised per additional
minute is used to calculate the price of a three-minute local call (i.e. the price per minute is
not calculated based on the number of minutes included in the monthly subscription).

208 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 3
Annex Box 3.1: Rules applied in collecting fixed-telephone prices (continued)

13. Where the price per minute is not available and charging is effected per unit of a certain
number of minutes, the price per three minutes is calculated and a note indicating the unit
price and number of minutes included in the unit is added. For example, if the price is given
per unit of two minutes, then the price for three minutes will be two times the price per unit.

14. With convergence, operators are increasingly providing multiple (bundled) services, such as
voice telephony, Internet access and television reception, over their networks. They often
bundle these offers into a single subscription. This can present a challenge for data collection,
since it may not be possible to isolate the prices for a given service. It is preferable to use
prices for a specific service; but if this is not possible, then the additional services that are
included in the price are specified in a note.

Source: ITU.

access to broadband, dial-up Internet access still sub-basket take account of calls to voicemail
remains the only Internet access available to some (which in the OECD basket represent fourper cent
people in developing countries. Since the IPB does of all calls) or non-recurring charges, such as the
not include dial-up (but only broadband) Internet one-time charge for a SIM card. The basket gives
prices, and since dial-up Internet access requires the price of a standard basket of mobile monthly
users to subscribe to a fixed-telephone line, the usage in USD determined by OECD for 30 outgoing
fixed-telephone sub-basket can be considered calls per month in predetermined ratios, plus
as an indication for the price of dial-up Internet 100 SMS messages.4 The cost of national SMS is
access. the charge to the consumer for sending a single
SMS text message. Both on-net and off-net SMS
prices are taken into account. The basket considers
The mobile-cellular sub-basket on-net and off-net calls as well as calls to a fixed
telephone5 and, since the price of a call often
The mobile-cellular sub-basket refers to the price depends on the time of day or week it is made,
of a standard basket of mobile monthly usage for peak, off-peak and weekend periods are also taken
30 outgoing calls per month (on-net/off-net to into consideration. The call distribution is outlined
a fixed line and for peak and off-peak times) in in Annex Table 3.1.
predetermined ratios, plus 100 SMS messages3.
It is calculated as a percentage of a countrys Prepaid prices were chosen because they are often
average monthly GNI p.c. and is also presented the only payment method available to low-income
in USD and PPP$. The mobile-cellular sub-basket users, who might not have a regular income and
is based on prepaid prices, although postpaid will thus not qualify for a postpaid subscription.
prices are used for countries where prepaid Rather than reflecting the cheapest option
subscriptions make up less than twoper cent of available, the mobile-cellular sub-basket therefore
all mobile-cellular subscriptions. corresponds to a basic, representative (low-usage)
package available to all customers. In countries
The mobile-cellular sub-basket is largely based where no prepaid offers are available, the
on, but does not entirely follow, the 2009 monthly fixed cost (minus the free minutes of calls
methodology of the OECD low-user basket, which included, if applicable) of a postpaid subscription is
is the entry-level basket with the smallest number added to the basket. To make prices comparable, a
of calls included (OECD, 2010b). Unlike the 2009 number of rules are applied (see AnnexBox 3.2).
OECD methodology, which is based on the prices
of the two largest mobile operators, the ITU
mobile sub-basket uses only the largest mobile
operators prices. Nor does the ITU mobile-cellular

Measuring the Information Society Report 209

Annex Table 3.1: OECD mobile-cellular low-user call distribution (2009 methodology):
Call distribution
To fixed On-net Off-net TOTAL
by time of day (%)
Call distribution (%) 17.0 56.0 26.0 100.0 100.0
Calls 5.2 16.9 7.9 30.0
Peak 2.4 7.8 3.6 13.8 46.0
Off-peak 1.5 4.9 2.3 8.7 29.0
Weekend 1.3 4.2 2.0 7.5 25.0
Duration (minutes per call) 2.0 1.6 1.7
Duration (total minutes of calls) 10.4 27.0 13.4 50.9 N/A
Peak 4.8 12.4 6.2 23.4 46.0
Off-peak 3.0 7.8 3.9 14.8 29.0
Weekend 2.6 6.8 3.4 12.7 25.0
Calls 30 calls per month
SMS 100 SMS per month (50 on-net, 50 off-net)

Source: ITU, based on OECD (2010).

The fixed-broadband sub-basket relative terms (i.e. in terms of the price per Mbit/s)
(see AnnexBox3.3).
The fixed-broadband sub-basket refers to the
price of a monthly subscription to an entry-
level fixed-broadband plan. It is calculated as Mobile-broadband prices
a percentage of a countrys average monthly
GNI p.c., and is also presented in USD and PPP$. In 2012, for the first time, ITU collected mobile-
For comparability reasons, the fixed-broadband broadband prices through its annual ICT Price
sub-basket is based on a monthly data usage Basket Questionnaire.6 The collection of mobile-
of (a minimum of) 1 GB. For plans that limit the broadband price data from ITU Member States
monthly amount of data transferred by including was agreed upon by EGTI7 in 2012, and revised
data volume caps below 1 GB, the cost for the by it in 2013 in light of the lessons learned from
additional bytes is added to the sub-basket. The the first data collection exercise. The revised
minimum speed of a broadband connection is methodology was endorsed by the eleventh World
256 kbit/s. Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium held
in December 2013 in Mexico City, and was applied
Where several offers are available, preference is in the 2014 data collection.
given to the cheapest available connection that
offers a speed of at least 256 kbit/s and 1GB of To capture the price of different data packages,
data volume. Where providers set a limit of less covering prepaid and postpaid services, and
than 1GB on the amount of data that can be supported by different devices (handset and
transferred within a month, then the price per computer), mobile-broadband prices were
additional byte is added to the monthly price in collected for two different data thresholds, based
order to calculate the cost of 1GB of data per on a set of rules (see AnnexBox 3.4).
month. Preference is given to the most widely
used fixed (wired)-broadband technology (DSL, For plans that were limited in terms of validity
fibre, cable, etc.). The sub-basket does not (less than 30 days), the price of the additional days
include the installation charges, modem prices or was calculated and added to the base package in
telephone-line rentals that are often required for order to obtain the final price. Two possibilities
a DSL service. The price represents the broadband exist, depending on the operator, for extending
entry plan in terms of the minimum speed of 256 a plan that is limited in terms of data allowance
kbit/s, but does not take into account special offers (or validity). The customer either (i) continues to
that are limited in time or to specific geographic use the service and pays an excess usage charge
areas. The plan does not necessarily represent the for additional data,8 or (ii) purchases an additional
fastest or most cost-effective connection since the (add-on) package. Thus, for some countries,
price for a higher-speed plan is often cheaper in

210 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 3
Annex Box 3.2: Rules applied in collecting mobile-cellular prices
1. The prices of the operator with the largest market share (measured by the number of
subscriptions) are used. Where prices vary between different regions of the country, prices
refer to those applied in the largest city (in terms of population) or in the capital city.

2. Prices are collected in the currency in which they are advertised, including taxes.

3. Prices refer to prepaid plans. Where the operator offers different packages with a certain
number of calls and/or SMS messages included, the cheapest one on the basis of 30 calls
and 100 SMS is selected. In countries where prepaid subscriptions account for less than two
per cent of the total subscription base, postpaid prices can be used. In this case, the monthly
subscription fee, plus any free minutes, will be taken into consideration for the calculation of
the mobile-cellular sub-basket.

4. Where per-minute prices are advertised only in internal units rather than in national currency,
the price of the top-up/refill charge is used to convert internal units into national currency.
Where there are different refill prices, then the cheapest/smallest refill card is used. Where
different refill charges exist depending on the validity period, the validity period for 30 days
(or closest to 30 days) is used.

5. Prices refer to a regular (non-promotional) plan and exclude special or promotional offers,
limited discounts or options such as special prices to certain numbers, or plans where calls
can be made only during a limited number of (or on specific) days during the month.

6. Where subscribers can choose favourite numbers (for family, friends, etc.) with a special
price, this special price will not be taken into consideration, irrespective of the quantity of
numbers involved.

7. Prices refer to outgoing local calls. Where different rates apply for local and national calls,
the local rate is used. Where charges apply to incoming calls, these are not taken into

8. Where prices vary between minutes (first minute = price A, second minute = price B, third
minute = price C), the sum of the different prices is divided by the number of different prices
(for example: price per minute = (A+B+C)/3).

9. Where prices vary beyond three minutes, the average price per minute is calculated based on
the first three minutes.

10. Where there is a connection cost per call, this is taken into consideration in the formula for
the mobile-cellular sub-basket, based on 30 calls.

11. Where there are different off-peak prices, the one that is the cheapest before midnight is
used. If the only off-peak period is after midnight, then this is not used. Instead, the peak
price is used.

12. Where there are different peak prices, the most expensive one during the daytime is used.

Measuring the Information Society Report 211

Annex Box 3.2: Rules applied in collecting mobile-cellular prices (continued)

13. Where there are different weekend prices, the price that applies on Sundays during the
daytime is used (or the equivalent day in countries where weekends are not on Sundays).
Where peak and off-peak SMS prices exist, the average of both is used for on-net and off-net

14. Where there is no weekend price, the average peak and off-peak price that is valid during the
week is used.

15. Where calls are charged for by call or by the hour (and not by the minute), the mobile-cellular
sub-basket formula is calculated on the basis of 30 calls or 50.9 minutes. Similarly, where calls
are charged by call or by number of minutes for a specific network/time of the day, this is
taken into account for that particular network/time of the day.

16. Where monthly, recurring charges exist, they are added to the sub-basket.

Source: ITU.

Annex Box 3.3: Rules applied in collecting fixed-broadband Internet prices

1. The prices of the operator with the largest market share (measured by the number of fixed-
broadband subscriptions) are used.

2. Prices are collected in the currency in which they are advertised, including taxes.

3. Only residential, single-user prices are collected. Where prices vary between different regions
of the country, those applying to the largest city (in terms of population) are used. If that
information is not available, prices applying to the capital city are reported.

4. From all fixed-broadband plans meeting the above criteria, the cheapest one on the basis of
a 1GB monthly usage and an advertised download speed of at least 256 kbit/s is selected.
Where there is a price distinction between residential and business tariffs, the residential
tariff is used.

5. Where the plan selected has no limit for the monthly data usage, the cap is unlimited.

6. In cases where operators propose different commitment periods, the 12-month plan (or
the one closest to this commitment period) is used. Where the plan selected requires a
longer commitment (i.e. over 12 months), it is indicated in a note relating to the monthly
subscription. Furthermore, where there are different prices (for example, a discounted price
for the first year, and a higher price as from the 13th month), the price after the discount
period is selected (e.g. the price as from the 13th month). The discounted price charged
during the initial period is indicated in a note relating to the monthly subscription charge. The
reason for this is that the initial price paid is considered a limited/discounted price, while the
other one is the regular price.

7. Prices are collected for the fixed-broadband technology with the greatest number of
subscriptions in the country (DSL, fibre, cable, etc.).

212 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 3
Annex Box 3.3: Rules applied in collecting fixed-broadband Internet prices (continued)

8. The same price plans are used for collecting all the data specified. For example, if Plan A is
selected for the fixed-broadband service, according to the above criteria, the elements in
Plan A apply to the monthly subscription, price of the excess charge, volume of data that can
be downloaded, etc.

9. Prices are collected for regular (non-promotional) plans and do not include promotional
offers or limited or restricted discounts (for example, only to students, or to pre-existing
customers, etc.).

10. With convergence, operators are increasingly providing multiple (bundled) services such as
voice telephony, Internet access and television reception over their networks. They often
bundle these offers into a single subscription. This can present a challenge for price-data
collection, since it may not be possible to isolate the prices for a given service. Prices for a
specific service (i.e. unbundled) are used; if this is not possible, then the additional services
that are included in the price plan are specified in a note.

11. The cost of a fixed-telephone line is excluded if it can also be used for other services.

Source: ITU.

Annex Box 3.4: Rules applied in collecting mobile-broadband prices9

1. Prices are collected based on mobile-broadband technologies, including UMTS, HSDPA+/
HSDPA, LTE, CDMA2000 and IEEE 802.16e, excluding plans that provide access only to GPRS
and EDGE networks. Prices applying to WiFi or hotspots are excluded.

2. Prices are collected in the currency in which they are advertised, including taxes.

3. Only residential, single-user prices are collected. Where prices vary between different
regions of the country, those applying to the largest city (in terms of population) or to the
capital city are used.

4. Prices are collected for both a) handset-based mobile-broadband subscriptions, and

b)computer-based mobile-broadband subscriptions.

5. Mobile-broadband prices are collected from the operator with the largest market share,
measured by the number of mobile-broadband subscriptions. Where this information is not
available, mobile-broadband prices are collected from the mobile-cellular operator with
the largest market share (measured by the number of mobile-cellular subscriptions) in the

6. Different operators may be chosen for different mobile-broadband services where: a) there
are differing market leaders for specific segments (postpaid, prepaid, computer-based,
handset-based); b) there is no offer available for a specific sub-basket .

7. Prices are collected for prepaid and postpaid services, for both handset and computer-based

Measuring the Information Society Report 213

Annex Box 3.4: Rules applied in collecting mobile-broadband prices (continued)

8. Where operators propose different commitment periods for postpaid mobile-broadband

plans, the 12-month plan (or the closest to this commitment period) is used.

9. Price data are collected for the cheapest plan, with a data volume allowance of at least:

10. 1 GB for the USB/dongle (computer-based) subscription

11. 500 MB for the handset-based subscription

12. The selected plan is not necessarily the one with the cap closest to 500 MB or 1 GB, but the
one that is cheapest while including a minimum of 500 MB/1 GB. This means, for example,
that if an operator offers a 300 MB and an 800 MB plan, the 800 MB plan or twice the 300
MB plan (if the package can be purchased twice for a monthly capacity of 600 MB) is selected
for the 500MB sub-sub-basket. The cheapest option is selected.

13. Data volumes refer to both upload and download data volumes. Plans with prices linked to
hours of use and not to data volumes are not considered.

14. The validity period considered for the basket is 30 days or four weeks. If a plan with a validity
of 15 days is selected, it will be taken twice to cover the whole period. Likewise, if a plan with
a validity of one day or one week is selected, it will be taken as many times as necessary to
cover a period of four weeks. The cheapest plan on the basis of a validity period of 30 days
(or four weeks) is selected.

15. Preference is given to packages (including a certain data volume). Pay-as-you-go offers are
used when they are the cheapest option for a given basket or the only option available.
Where operators charge different pay-as-you-go rates depending on the time of the day
(peak/off-peak), then the average of both is recorded. Where the off-peak rate is after
midnight, it is not taken into account.

16. Even if the plan is advertised as unlimited, the fine print often specifies that there are limits
in the data volumes, applied either by throttling (limiting the speed) or by cutting the service.

17. Non-recurrent fees, such as installation/set-up fees are not included.

18. Preference is given to the cheapest available package even if it is bundled with other services
(e.g. voice services). If the plan chosen includes other services besides mobile-broadband
access, these are specified in a note.

19. Prices refer to a regular (non-promotional) plan and exclude promotional offers and limited
discounts or special user groups (for example, pre-existing clients). Special prices that apply to
a certain type of device (iPhone/Blackberry, iPad) are excluded. Allowances during the night
are not included.

Source: ITU.

214 Measuring the Information Society Report

prices presented in this chapter reflect calculated The plans selected represent the least expensive

Annex 3
prices of the base package plus an excess usage offers that include the minimum amount of data
charge (e.g. a base package including 400MB plus for each respective mobile-broadband plan.
the price for 100MB of excess usage for a monthly The guiding idea is to base each plan on what
usage of 500MB), or a multiplication of the base customers would and could purchase given the
package price (e.g. twice the price of a 250MB data allowance and validity of each respective
plan for a monthly usage of 500MB). plan.

Measuring the Information Society Report 215

EGTI was created in May 2009 with the mandate to revise the list of ITU supply-side indicators (i.e. data collected from
operators), as well as to discuss outstanding methodological issues and new indicators. It is open to all ITU members
and experts in the field of ICT statistics and data collection. EGTI works through an online discussion forum (http://www.
itu.int/ITU-D/ict/ExpertGroup/default.asp) and face-to-face meetings, and reports to the World Telecommunication/ICT
Indicators Symposium (WTIS).
In some cases, it is not clear whether taxes are included or not and it was not possible to obtain this information from
country contacts or operators; in such cases, the advertised price is used.
On-net refers to a call made to the same mobile network, while off-net and fixed-line refer to calls made to other
(competing) mobile networks and to a fixed-telephone line, respectively.
See OECD (2010).
On-net refers to a call made to the same mobile network, while off-net and fixed-line refer to calls made to other
(competing) mobile networks and to a fixed-telephone line, respectively.
Data for fixed-telephone, mobile-cellular and fixed-broadband have been collected since 2008 through the ITU ICT Price
Basket Questionnaire, which is sent out annually to all ITU Member States/national statistical contacts.
EGTI was created in May 2009 with the mandate to revise the list of ITU supply-side indicators (i.e. data collected from
operators), as well as to discuss outstanding methodological issues and new indicators. EGTI is open to all ITU members
and experts in the field of ICT statistics and data collection. It works through an online discussion forum (http://www.itu.
int/ITU-D/ict/ExpertGroup/default.asp) and face-to-face meetings. EGTI reports to the World Telecommunication/ICT
Indicators Symposium (WTIS).
Some operators throttle speeds after the data allowance included in the base package has been reached. Customers
can then pay an excess usage charge in order to continue to have full-speed connections. In some cases, even throttled
speeds are still considered broadband (i.e. equal to or greater than 256 kbit/s, according to ITUs definition).
These rules were presented to EGTI in September 2012. In the 2013 revision, EGTI agreed that ITU should collect prepaid
and postpaid prices, for both handset- and computerbased services, with the following volume allowances: 1 GB for
computerbased and 500 MB for handsetbased usage. The EGTI proposals to measure mobile-broadband prices were
endorsed by the eleventh World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium held in December 2013 in Mexico City.

216 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 4. Statistical tables of indicators used to

Annex 4
compute the IDI

Measuring the Information Society Report 217

Access indicators
Fixed-telephone Mobile-cellular International Internet Percentage of Percentage of
subscriptions per subscriptions per bandwidth households households
100 inhabitants 100 inhabitants Bit/s per Internet user with computer with Internet
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014
1 Afghanistan 0.1 0.3 45.8 74.9 1
1761 6942 1.9 2.7 1.5 2.3
2 Albania 10.6
85.5 105.5
11992 26117

3 Algeria 7.9 7.7 1

88.4 93.3 2
7771 12460 20.0 28.2 10.0 25.9
4 Andorra 49.0
84.1 82.6
36447 78057

5 Angola 1.4 1.3 48.1 63.5 614 4250 7.1 9.9 5.7 8.6
6 Antigua & 41.6
192.6 120.0
29269 120321

7 Argentina 24.6 22.6 2
141.4 158.7 3
31373 48065 47.0 1
62.1 34.0 52.0
8 Armenia 20.0
130.4 115.9
14236 44534

9 Australia 47.4 1
38.9 3
100.4 131.2 41110 75069 81.1 85.6 74.1 86.9
10 Austria 40.4 2
38.3 4
145.7 151.9
39584 79636

11 Azerbaijan 16.6 3
18.9 100.1 110.9 9083 32219 30.3 51.7 37.4 54.6
12 Bahrain 18.2
125.2 173.3
14528 49054
87.0 2
74.0 1

13 Bangladesh 0.8 0.7 5

44.9 75.9 1
1431 5925 3.0 3
6.9 1.4 6.5
14 Barbados 49.0
124.8 106.8
21694 113985

15 Belarus 43.6 48.5 108.9 122.5 22199 142536 40.8 59.9 31.2 2
16 Belgium 42.4
111.1 1
109676 263915

17 Belize 9.8 4
6.7 62.9 2
50.7 9193 41829 27.1 1
31.0 13.6 3
18 Benin 1.4
74.4 101.7
2090 2839

19 Bhutan 3.7 3.1 55.0 3

82.1 1590 2546 8.9 21.9 6.0 26.3
20 Bolivia 8.4
70.7 96.3
3728 15502

21 Bosnia and 26.0 22.2 80.9 91.3 18612 43003 33.7 45.0 23.0 50.0
22 Botswana 7.0 5
120.0 167.3
6559 16437

23 Brazil 21.6 21.8 100.9 4

139.0 12602 42966 34.9 52.0 27.1 48.0
24 Brunei 19.9
108.6 110.1
23551 68720

25 Bulgaria 29.3 25.3 2
138.0 137.7 4
68091 138277 35.1 57.9 33.1 56.7
26 Burkina Faso 0.9
36.7 71.7
2148 2860

27 Cambodia 2.5 6
2.8 56.7 155.1 27625 9374 4.3 10.6 1.6 7.0
28 Cameroon 2.6
41.9 75.7
363 1796

29 Canada 53.9 7
46.6 75.7 83.0 54738 129244 82.7 87.6 78.4 4
30 Cape Verde 14.8
76.3 121.8
3179 12330

31 Chad 0.4 0.2 24.5 39.8 96 733 1.1 2.9 0.9 2.7
32 Chile 20.2
115.8 133.3
19099 73102

33 China 21.6 17.9 63.2 92.3 2356 4995 35.4 46.7 23.7 47.4
34 Colombia 15.5
14.7 6
95.8 113.1 5
10212 34989

35 Congo (Dem. 0.1 0.0 19.0 53.5 246 384 0.7 1.9 0.6 2.0
36 Congo (Rep.) 0.3
90.4 108.1
117 185

37 Costa Rica 22.7 17.8 2

67.0 143.8 3
12657 45329 41.3 4
52.3 24.1 5
38 Cte dIvoire 1.5
82.2 106.2
7807 5163

39 Croatia 43.0 36.7 7

113.6 5
104.4 22420 58034 60.0 70.1 56.5 68.4
40 Cuba 10.3
8.9 22.5
219 462

41 Cyprus 37.4 28.4 93.7 96.3 51638 75055 60.5 74.0 53.7 68.6
42 Czech Republic 22.4
17.6 2
122.6 130.0 3
68842 116806

43 Denmark 47.1 8
33.3 115.7 6
126.0 142137 341706 88.0 95.0 86.1 93.1
44 Djibouti 2.2
19.9 32.4
15439 8955

45 Dominica 21.8 24.3 148.3 7

127.5 63816 109954 30.0 38.9 28.0 37.0
46 Dominican 10.1 9
11.6 8
88.8 78.9 6
4451 24903

47 Ecuador 13.9 15.3 9
98.5 103.9 7
7950 48329 27.0 38.0 11.5 32.0
48 Egypt 12.3
90.5 114.3
5370 9302

218 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 4
Fixed-telephone Mobile-cellular International Internet Percentage of Percentage of
subscriptions per subscriptions per bandwidth households households
100 inhabitants 100 inhabitants Bit/s per Internet user with computer with Internet
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014
49 El Salvador 16.1 10
14.9 123.8 8
144.0 8
2889 50309 13.3 25.2 8.0 23.3
50 Equatorial 1.9
57.4 66.4
4094 1452

51 Eritrea 0.9 1.0 3.2 6.4 857 1391 0.8 2.3 0.7 1.5
52 Estonia 37.1
127.3 9
23903 28665

53 Ethiopia 1.0 0.8 7.9 31.6 5102 5002 1.4 2.8 1.1 2.9
54 Fiji 15.1 11
81.1 10
98.8 9
7553 13946

55 Finland 23.3 11.7 156.3 11

139.7 107204 218744 82.0 91.9 80.5 89.8
56 France 64.2
91.4 100.4
71626 221660

57 Gabon 2.0 1.0 103.5 210.4 6888 19657 7.6 12.5 6.0 9.7
58 Gambia 2.9
88.0 119.6
1093 10928

59 Georgia 25.3 12
25.4 90.6 12
124.9 21177 70966 18.2 45.8 16.6 41.0
60 Germany 63.7
56.9 10
106.5 13
73449 145990

61 Ghana 1.1 1.0 71.9 114.8 90 3602 7.9 1

39.9 5.0 29.0
62 Greece 53.1
110.6 115.0 10
31694 99513

63 Grenada 27.1 26.9 116.5 126.5 123838 251661 35.0 39.4 28.0 32.6
64 Guatemala 10.4
10.8 11
126.0 106.6 11
3984 8073

65 Guinea-Bissau 0.3 0.3 42.7 63.5 2573 2674 1.9 2.5 1.3 1.9
66 Guyana 19.1
71.3 70.5
6126 9994

67 Honduras 8.8 6.4 124.7 93.5 5916 21765 12.9 21.6 6.8 19.6
68 Hong Kong, 61.9
195.7 239.3
777030 3345122

69 Hungary 29.7 30.3 119.9 118.1 9985 37027 66.4 76.8 60.5 75.1
70 Iceland 60.9
107.2 111.1
297960 519869

71 India 2.9 2.1 12

62.4 14
74.5 13
5917 5677 6.1 13.0 4.2 15.3
72 Indonesia 17.0
87.8 126.2
2473 6225

73 Iran (I.R.) 34.7 39.0 72.6 87.8 2264 6056 35.2 52.5 1
21.4 44.7 1

74 Ireland 46.5 13
43.2 13
105.2 104.3
64090 160971

75 Israel 45.9 37.1 122.8 121.5 14

7986 98409 76.6 82.4 68.1 71.5
76 Italy 37.2 14
33.7 5
154.8 15
154.2 1
61574 92497

77 Jamaica 9.6 9.1 116.1 102.9 10546 14210 22.7 32.5 14.0 25.7
78 Japan 51.5
50.1 14
96.8 16
120.2 15
15730 1
83.4 5
81.3 6

79 Jordan 7.5 5.0 102.6 147.8 7405 7874 46.7 51.1 21.6 60.0
80 Kazakhstan 25.5
121.9 168.6
9306 51489

81 Kenya 0.9 0.4 61.0 73.8 3529 25200 6.5 12.3 6.3 16.9
82 Korea (Rep.) 58.9
104.8 115.5
11812 43358

83 Kuwait 17.4 14.2 133.0 218.4 43553 50096 59.5 87.8 49.9 75.4
84 Kyrgyzstan 9.2
98.9 134.5
1426 8166

85 Lao P.D.R. 1.6 13.4 15

62.6 67.0 16
1117 2848 6.9 10.5 3.4 5.2
86 Latvia 25.5
110.3 124.2
33559 93683

87 Lebanon 19.3 15
19.4 66.0 17
88.3 1318 23992 61.5 81.0 50.7 68.4
88 Lesotho 1.9
49.2 101.9
335 2410

89 Liberia 0.1 16
0.2 39.7 73.4 604 6306 1.1 2.2 0.9 2.5
90 Lithuania 24.6
159.4 147.0
49203 125454

91 Luxembourg 53.6 17
49.6 143.1 148.4 2521959 6887708 90.2 96.3 90.3 95.6
92 Macao, China 31.5 18
26.7 16
209.9 322.6
32196 2

93 Madagascar 0.7 1.1 36.6 38.2 728 267 1.4 4.5 1.3 4.7
94 Malawi 1.0
0.4 17
20.8 30.5 3
2034 4237

95 Malaysia 16.3 14.6 119.7 148.8 11495 27173 61.8 66.5 55.6 7
96 Maldives 8.7
151.8 189.4
33447 69077

97 Mali 0.8 1.0 53.2 149.0 2771 1879 4.7 8.2 1.2 6.7
98 Malta 58.3
107.3 127.0
464099 1178759

99 Mauritania 2.0 19
1.3 18
76.9 18
94.2 17
1939 1454 3.0 4.4 1.6 6.2
100 Mauritius 31.5
96.8 132.2
9723 32990

Measuring the Information Society Report 219

Fixed-telephone Mobile-cellular International Internet Percentage of Percentage of
subscriptions per subscriptions per bandwidth households households
100 inhabitants 100 inhabitants Bit/s per Internet user with computer with Internet
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014
101 Mexico 16.9 17.0 77.5 82.5 18
7039 20926 29.8 38.3 22.2 34.4
102 Moldova 32.5
71.4 19
81450 152362
34.7 8

103 Monaco 116.5 133.0 63.5 88.5 47044 227447 69.6 73.5 67.1 74.7
104 Mongolia 7.1
92.5 105.1 19
62121 89976

105 Montenegro 27.5 26.5 188.7 163.0 30104 77016 38.0 54.7 35.9 56.6
106 Morocco 11.8
7.4 5
101.1 131.7 1
4558 10768
34.2 6
25.5 9

107 Mozambique 0.4 0.3 30.1 69.7 1281 7755 4.9 7.3 2.4 6.2
108 Myanmar 0.9
1.1 49.5
7702 28668

109 Namibia 7.2 7.8 89.5 113.8 1701 8162 11.5 16.5 7.0 17.3
110 Nepal 3.1 20
3.0 19
34.3 82.5 20
1879 3109

111 Netherlands 43.5 42.4 115.4 20

116.4 21
154312 281063 92.0 97.6 90.9 95.8
112 New Zealand 43.0
107.8 21
112.1 22
34143 95081

113 Nicaragua 4.4 5.5 20

68.1 22
114.6 23
8588 23025 8.2 11.1 3.8 11.6
114 Nigeria 0.7 21
54.7 77.8
2348 3150

115 Norway 33.7 22.7 21

114.5 116.5 24
109459 203935 90.9 95.4 89.8 93.1
116 Oman 10.1
164.3 157.8
5582 33724
54.3 1
35.5 3

117 Pakistan 3.5 22

2.6 22
57.3 73.3 25
4332 5684 9.7 15.9 5.7 13.2
118 Panama 14.7
15.0 2
180.7 158.1 3
16950 72678
27.9 1
38.2 2
20.3 3
41.6 2

119 Paraguay 5.6 5.4 91.7 105.6 8295 12624 19.3 31.9 3
13.8 24.6 3

120 Peru 10.8

99.5 102.9 26
8319 36381

121 Philippines 3.6 3.1 89.0 111.2 10702 27688 13.6 20.5 9.5 26.9
122 Poland 20.1 23
122.9 156.4
37806 90356

123 Portugal 42.4 43.2 115.3 23

111.8 27
141734 218876 59.5 69.4 53.7 64.9
124 Qatar 15.4 24
125.0 24
20295 3

125 Romania 20.6 21.3 2

111.4 25
105.9 28
50405 153807 47.9 63.8 42.2 60.5
126 Russian 31.3
27.7 23
165.5 26
17812 29860

127 Rwanda 0.4 0.4 32.7 64.0 1895 8517 1.3 3.4 1.3 3.8
128 Samoa 4.3
48.4 55.5
3840 6676

129 Saudi Arabia 15.3 13.4 24

189.2 179.6 11095 30548 57.3 80.0 4
54.4 94.0 4

130 Senegal 2.6

64.4 98.8
5212 8349

131 Serbia 39.3 37.3 125.3 27

122.1 45597 112372 50.9 65.6 40.2 51.8
132 Seychelles 24.2 25
128.9 28
4961 4
37.8 1
26.1 3

133 Singapore 39.3 35.5 145.4 29

158.1 172404 616531 84.0 7
88.0 1
82.0 10
88.0 1

134 Slovakia 20.2

109.0 116.9
12155 11462

135 Slovenia 44.3 37.1 103.3 112.1 55634 121137 70.5 79.8 68.1 76.8
136 Solomon 1.6
21.9 65.8
3799 4277

137 South Africa 9.4 8.1 97.9 149.7 202453 149542 18.3 28.1 10.1 37.3
138 South Sudan 0.0
0.0 25
14.4 30
24.5 29
4 27

139 Spain 43.7 40.6 26

111.3 107.8 30
55944 111545 68.7 74.0 59.1 74.4
140 Sri Lanka 17.2
83.6 103.2
3332 12651

141 St. Kitts and 37.8 34.9 152.8 139.8 81863 139540 64.0 66.5 56.5 62.8
142 St. Lucia 21.1
17.9 27
111.7 102.6 31
52075 128157
38.6 8
26.5 3

143 St. Vincent 19.9 21.9 120.6 105.2 71281 148285 55.1 68.9 40.3 58.5
and the
144 Sudan 1.3
41.5 72.2
1829 2499

145 Suriname 16.2 15.6 99.3 170.6 3099 50458 29.0 9

35.8 14.4 11
146 Sweden 50.5
39.7 2
117.2 127.8 3
236853 527447

147 Switzerland 62.7 53.6 28

123.2 140.5 14
152211 352243 83.7 87.6 80.7 12
148 Syria 18.9
54.3 70.9
1287 4048

149 Tanzania 0.4 0.3 46.7 62.8 2652 6081 2.6 3.8 2.1 4.1

220 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 4
Fixed-telephone Mobile-cellular International Internet Percentage of Percentage of
subscriptions per subscriptions per bandwidth households households
100 inhabitants 100 inhabitants Bit/s per Internet user with computer with Internet
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014
150 TFYR 19.7 26
102.4 109.1 32
16498 41812

151 Thailand 10.3 8.5 108.0 144.4 12791 46826 22.8 10
33.9 5
11.4 33.8
152 Togo 1.0 27
41.3 31
7337 6523

153 Tonga 29.8 11.3 2

52.2 64.3 3
3002 11817 23.3 34.0 10.0 35.7
154 Trinidad & 22.1
142.6 147.3
29808 48903

155 Tunisia 12.1 8.5 104.5 128.5 13086 25972 19.1 33.1 6
11.4 28.8 5

156 Turkey 22.5

85.6 94.8
13577 42911

157 Uganda 1.0 28

0.8 5
37.7 32
52.4 1
849 4002 2.2 5.8 1.9 6.2
158 Ukraine 28.1
117.1 144.1
14912 40704
25.2 11

159 United Arab 17.5 22.3 29

129.4 178.1 18309 44503 76.0 87.9 65.0 90.1 6

160 United 53.8
123.6 123.6
132685 429830

161 United States 47.9 40.1 91.3 98.4 40206 70970 75.5 81.5 71.1 79.6
162 Uruguay 28.5
131.6 33
160.8 33
24115 5

163 Vanuatu 3.0 2.2 71.9 60.4 2804 2471 8.7 22.0 5.4 28.8
164 Venezuela 24.4
25.3 2
96.0 99.0 3
6450 14398

165 Viet Nam 16.1 6.0 125.3 147.1 4925 20749 14.2 20.5 12.5 13
166 Zambia 0.9
41.2 67.3
378 4223
3.7 1

167 Zimbabwe 2.9

58.9 80.8
289 3939

Note: Data in italics are ITU estimates.

Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database.

Measuring the Information Society Report 221

Use indicators
Fixed-broadband Active mobile
Percentage of individuals
subscriptions broadband subscriptions
Economy using the Internet
per 100 inhabitants per 100 inhabitants
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014

1 Afghanistan 4.0

2 Albania 45.0 60.1 3.4 6.6 0.0 30.9

3 Algeria 12.5
4.0 1
20.8 1

4 Andorra 81.0 95.9 31.5 35.9 0.0 36.6

5 Angola 10.0

6 Antigua & Barbuda 47.0 64.0 8.2 15.1 0.0 33.0

7 Argentina 45.0
14.7 2

8 Armenia 25.0 46.3 3.2 9.1 11.9 34.2

9 Australia 76.0
24.6 1
25.8 3
55.5 1

10 Austria 75.2 1
81.0 1
24.4 27.5 32.9 2
11 Azerbaijan 46.0 2

12 Bahrain 55.0 91.0 2

12.4 21.4 3.6 126.2
13 Bangladesh 3.7
1.2 4
0.0 3
6.4 2

14 Barbados 65.1 76.7 20.0 27.0 0.0 106.8

15 Belarus 31.8 3
59.0 3
17.6 2

16 Belgium 75.0 85.0 1

30.8 3
36.0 9.5 57.8
17 Belize 28.2 4

18 Benin 3.1 5.3 0.3 0.4 0.0 2.8

19 Bhutan 13.6 5
0.3 4

20 Bolivia 22.4 39.0 0.9 4

1.6 1.0 28.1
21 Bosnia and Herzegovina 42.8

22 Botswana 6.0 18.5 0.6 1.6 1.5 49.7

23 Brazil 40.7 6
7.2 5
11.5 5
10.6 5
78.1 3

24 Brunei Darussalam 53.0 68.8 5.4 7.1 5.5 6.3

25 Bulgaria 46.2 7
55.5 1
15.2 6
20.7 6
34.9 6
66.4 4

26 Burkina Faso 2.4 9.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 9.6

27 Cambodia 1.3

28 Cameroon 4.3 11.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0

29 Canada 80.3 8

30 Cape Verde 30.0 40.3 3.3 3.8 0.0 51.3

31 Chad 1.7
0.0 5

32 Chile 45.0 9
72.4 10.4 14.1 8.4 50.5 6

33 China 34.3

34 Colombia 36.5 4
52.6 4
5.7 10.3 7
2.4 7
45.1 7

35 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 0.7 5


36 Congo (Rep.) 5.0 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.8

37 Costa Rica 36.5 10
7.2 8

38 Cte dIvoire 2.7 14.6 0.0 0.3 0.0 24.6

39 Croatia 56.6 7
68.6 1
7.6 9

40 Cuba 15.9 11
30.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
41 Cyprus 53.0 7
69.3 1

42 Czech Republic 68.8 7

79.7 1
21.4 27.6 8
33.9 62.8 4

43 Denmark 88.7 7
96.0 1
41.4 9

44 Djibouti 6.5 10.7 1.0 7

2.3 0.0 3.2
45 Dominica 47.5

46 Dominican Rep. 31.4 49.6 3.9 5.7 2.4 30.1

47 Ecuador 29.0 4
1.5 8
7.8 6

48 Egypt 21.6 12
31.7 3
1.9 3.7 17.0 43.5
49 El Salvador 15.9 13
2.8 9

50 Equatorial Guinea 6.0 18.9 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0

51 Eritrea 0.6

222 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 4
Fixed-broadband Active mobile
Percentage of individuals
subscriptions broadband subscriptions
Economy using the Internet
per 100 inhabitants per 100 inhabitants
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014

52 Estonia 74.1 14
84.2 1
26.8 27.4 24.8 117.0
53 Ethiopia 0.8

54 Fiji 20.0 41.8 2.7 1.4 0.8 42.3

55 Finland 86.9 7
92.4 1
29.1 10

56 France 77.3 7
83.8 1
33.7 40.2 36.2 10
57 Gabon 7.2

58 Gambia 9.2 15.6 0.0 0.1 0.5 8.0

59 Georgia 26.9
48.9 3
5.6 11

60 Germany 82.0 7
86.2 1
31.5 35.8 25.5 63.6
61 Ghana 7.8 15

62 Greece 44.4 7
63.2 1
20.3 28.4 25.1 41.0
63 Grenada 27.0

64 Guatemala 10.5 23.4 1.8 2.4 10

3.7 9.4 8

65 Guinea-Bissau 2.5
0.1 11

66 Guyana 29.9 37.4 1.4 5.6 0.0 0.2

67 Honduras 11.1
1.4 12
16.3 9

68 Hong Kong, China 72.0 13

74.6 30.7 31.2 38.9 104.5
69 Hungary 65.0 7
76.1 1

70 Iceland 93.4 14
98.2 1
34.3 35.9 45.6 85.3
71 India 7.5
0.9 11
1.2 13
5.5 10

72 Indonesia 10.9 16
17.1 4
0.9 1.2 18.6 34.7
73 Iran (I.R.) 15.9 12
39.4 5
10.7 11

74 Ireland 69.9 7
79.7 1
22.8 26.9 49.2 81.0 12

75 Israel 67.5 17
26.2 14
52.2 13

76 Italy 53.7 7
62.0 1
21.6 23.5 4
37.8 70.9 2

77 Jamaica 27.7 18

78 Japan 78.2 12
90.6 26.8 29.3 4
87.6 12
121.4 14

79 Jordan 27.2 4

80 Kazakhstan 31.6 19
54.9 5.5 12.9 23.2 59.8
81 Kenya 14.0
0.0 12

82 Korea (Rep.) 83.7 20

87.9 1
35.5 38.8 97.7 108.6
83 Kuwait 61.4

84 Kyrgyzstan 16.3 28.3 0.4 4.2 0.5 68.5

85 Lao P.D.R. 7.0
0.1 13
0.2 15
0.1 13
4.6 15

86 Latvia 68.4 7
75.8 1
20.8 24.7 29.7 71.7
87 Lebanon 43.7 21
0.0 14

88 Lesotho 3.9 11.0 0.0 0.1 1.9 32.8

89 Liberia 2.3

90 Lithuania 62.1 22
72.1 1
22.1 31.5 9.1 58.6
91 Luxembourg 90.6 7
94.7 1

92 Macao, China 55.2 20

69.8 6
24.7 28.0 155.2 15
322.2 16

93 Madagascar 1.7

94 Malawi 2.3 5.8 0.0 0.1 0.6 4.1

95 Malaysia 56.3 16

96 Maldives 26.5 23
49.3 4.8 5.6 6.4 16
48.9 17

97 Mali 2.0

98 Malta 63.0 7
73.2 1
29.6 35.2 19.4 49.7
99 Mauritania 4.0
0.5 17

100 Mauritius 28.3 4

41.4 7.6 14.6 14.4 31.8
101 Mexico 31.1 24
44.4 7
11.6 16
4.1 18
37.5 4

102 Moldova 32.3 46.6 7.6 14.7 3.3 19

103 Monaco 75.0
63.2 18

104 Mongolia 10.2 16

27.0 2.8 6.8 7.4 57.6

Measuring the Information Society Report 223

Fixed-broadband Active mobile
Percentage of individuals
subscriptions broadband subscriptions
Economy using the Internet
per 100 inhabitants per 100 inhabitants
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014

105 Montenegro 37.5


106 Morocco 52.0 25

56.8 8
1.6 14
3.0 5.0 26.8
107 Mozambique 4.2

108 Myanmar 0.3 2.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 14.9

109 Namibia 11.6

110 Nepal 7.9 26

15.4 0.2 11
0.8 17
0.1 20
17.4 19

111 Netherlands 90.7 27

93.2 1
41.0 18
69.1 20

112 New Zealand 80.5 85.5 25.0 30.5 38.6 21

113 Nicaragua 10.0
2.5 6
1.4 21

114 Nigeria 24.0 42.7 0.1 0.0 0.6 11.7

115 Norway 93.4 7
96.3 1
38.1 19
93.0 22

116 Oman 35.8 28

70.2 2.1 4.5 26.2 73.7
117 Pakistan 8.0
1.1 20
0.1 22
5.1 23

118 Panama 40.1 29

44.9 7.0 7.9 2
3.2 29.5 4

119 Paraguay 19.8 30

43.0 9
2.5 21
2.7 23
4.2 24

120 Peru 34.8 12

40.2 7
3.2 5.7 0.9 24
121 Philippines 25.0

122 Poland 62.3 7

66.6 1
15.3 15
23.8 50.2 62.3
123 Portugal 53.3 7
64.6 1

124 Qatar 69.0 16

91.5 8.3 16
9.9 51.6 25
125 Romania 39.9 7
54.1 1
13.7 17
18.5 22
49.4 25

126 Russian Federation 43.0 7

70.5 10
10.9 17.5 34.5 65.9
127 Rwanda 8.0

128 Samoa 7.0 21.2 0.1 1.1 0.0 16.4

129 Saudi Arabia 41.0
63.7 12

130 Senegal 8.0 31

17.7 0.6 0.7 0.2 23.7
131 Serbia 40.9
18.0 26

132 Seychelles 41.0 54.3 7.4 18

12.7 1.6 27
133 Singapore 71.0 32
82.0 13

134 Slovakia 75.7 33

80.0 1
16.1 21.8 20.8 59.5
135 Slovenia 70.0 7
71.6 1

136 Solomon Islands 5.0 9.0 0.5 0.2 1.6 13.0

137 South Africa 24.0

138 South Sudan 7.0 15.9 0.0 19

0.0 0.0 1.3
139 Spain 65.8 34
76.2 1
27.3 23
23.8 28
77.1 26

140 Sri Lanka 12.0 25.8 1.1 2.6 1.4 13.0

141 St. Kitts and Nevis 63.0

142 St. Lucia 43.3 35

51.0 11.6 15.4 0.0 29.8 27

143 St. Vincent and the 38.5


144 Sudan 16.7 24.6 0.0 0.1 3.1 27.2
145 Suriname 31.6

146 Sweden 90.0 36

92.5 1
32.0 34.2 2
83.8 116.3 4

147 Switzerland 83.9 37

87.0 14
46.0 6
76.6 21

148 Syria 20.7 28.1 0.3 1.7 0.5 5.7

149 Tanzania 2.9

150 TFYR Macedonia 51.9 7

68.1 1
12.3 16.2 24
18.4 47.7 28

151 Thailand 22.4

34.9 15

152 Togo 3.0 5.7 0.4 20

0.1 0.0 29
153 Tonga 16.0
19.3 4

154 Trinidad & Tobago 48.5 5

65.1 12.3 17.5 0.5 28.3
155 Tunisia 36.8

156 Turkey 39.8 27

51.0 16
9.8 11.7 10.0 42.7

224 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 4
Fixed-broadband Active mobile
Percentage of individuals
subscriptions broadband subscriptions
Economy using the Internet
per 100 inhabitants per 100 inhabitants
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014

157 Uganda 12.5

0.0 11
0.3 4
14.7 2

158 Ukraine 23.3 43.4 6.4 8.4 4.1 7.5

159 United Arab Emirates 68.0 16
90.4 17
9.3 21
11.5 25
13.4 30

160 United Kingdom 85.0 7

91.6 1
30.9 22
37.4 43.2 98.7 29

161 United States 71.7 38

27.1 23
30.4 26
97.9 30

162 Uruguay 46.4 12

61.5 11.4 24.6 27
13.4 31
59.8 31

163 Vanuatu 8.0

1.8 28

164 Venezuela 37.4 5

57.0 5.8 7.8 2
21.4 43.9 4

165 Viet Nam 30.7


166 Zambia 10.0 17.3 0.1 0.1 29

0.3 1.0 32

167 Zimbabwe 11.5


Note: Data in italics are ITU estimates.

Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database.

Measuring the Information Society Report 225

Skills indicators
Gross enrolment ratio Adult literacy rate
Economy Secondary Tertiary
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014
1 Afghanistan 50.2 54.3 3.9 3.7 28.0 38.2
2 Albania 82.4 82.4 43.6 55.5 96.8 97.6
3 Algeria 95.4 97.6 28.8 31.5 72.6 80.2
4 Andorra 87.0 130.8 84.6 84.6 97.9 97.9
5 Angola 31.3 31.5 7.5 7.5 67.4 71.1
6 Antigua & Barbuda 106.2 105.4 16.2 23.5 99.0 99.0
7 Argentina 90.2 107.3 74.8 80.3 97.9 98.1
8 Armenia 96.6 95.9 50.6 46.1 99.6 99.7
9 Australia 130.8 135.5 79.8 86.3 99.0 99.0
10 Austria 98.6 97.7 68.7 72.4 99.0 99.0
11 Azerbaijan 98.8 100.3 19.3 20.4 99.5 99.8
12 Bahrain 96.4 95.5 29.8 33.5 94.6 95.7
13 Bangladesh 49.9 53.7 10.5 13.2 57.7 61.6
14 Barbados 101.5 104.7 64.8 60.8 99.0 99.0
15 Belarus 107.0 105.1 79.0 92.9 99.6 99.7
16 Belgium 105.1 107.3 67.5 70.8 99.0 99.0
17 Belize 80.5 86.1 22.6 25.9 95.5 95.5
18 Benin 47.7 54.2 13.3 12.4 28.7 38.5
19 Bhutan 66.3 77.7 7.0 9.4 52.8 64.9
20 Bolivia 77.5 80.0 37.7 37.7 91.2 95.7
21 Bosnia and Herzegovina 89.3 89.3 38.1 37.7 98.0 98.5
22 Botswana 81.7 81.7 17.0 7.4 85.1 88.5
23 Brazil 105.5 105.8 25.5 25.6 91.4 92.6
24 Brunei Darussalam 100.7 105.9 17.6 24.3 95.4 96.0
25 Bulgaria 90.4 93.1 58.0 62.7 98.4 98.4
26 Burkina Faso 21.9 28.4 3.6 4.8 28.7 36.0
27 Cambodia 45.0 45.0 14.1 15.8 73.9 77.2
28 Cameroon 39.6 50.4 11.0 11.9 71.3 75.0
29 Canada 102.4 103.4 58.9 66.6 99.0 99.0
30 Cape Verde 87.8 92.7 18.0 22.9 84.9 87.6
31 Chad 22.9 22.8 2.1 2.3 35.4 40.2
32 Chile 89.1 89.0 65.9 74.4 98.6 97.5
33 China 83.1 89.0 23.3 26.7 95.1 96.4
34 Colombia 96.0 93.0 39.0 48.3 93.6 94.7
35 Congo (Dem. Rep.) 40.9 43.3 6.8 8.2 66.8 63.8
36 Congo (Rep.) 53.7 53.7 6.5 9.6 66.8 79.3
37 Costa Rica 99.4 108.9 25.6 47.6 96.3 97.8
38 Cte dIvoire 39.1 39.1 8.4 9.1 41.0 43.1
39 Croatia 98.4 98.4 55.8 61.6 98.9 99.3
40 Cuba 89.2 92.1 95.0 47.8 99.8 99.9
41 Cyprus 91.4 95.3 48.3 45.9 98.7 99.1
42 Czech Republic 94.5 96.6 63.2 64.2 99.0 99.0
43 Denmark 119.5 124.7 73.6 79.6 99.0 99.0
44 Djibouti 33.3 47.7 3.4 4.9 73.0 94.2
45 Dominica 96.9 96.7 34.2 34.2 89.1 89.1
46 Dominican Rep. 75.5 75.9 46.4 46.4 90.1 91.8
47 Ecuador 85.2 103.3 38.9 40.5 91.6 94.5
48 Egypt 75.9 86.3 33.5 30.1 72.0 73.8
49 El Salvador 64.7 70.2 23.4 25.5 84.5 88.0
50 Equatorial Guinea 28.2 28.2 2.0 3.3 94.2 95.3
51 Eritrea 32.6 29.8 2.0 2.0 68.9 73.8
52 Estonia 109.1 107.1 71.7 76.7 99.8 99.8

226 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 4
Gross enrolment ratio Adult literacy rate
Economy Secondary Tertiary
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014
53 Ethiopia 28.9 28.9 2.8 2.8 39.0 49.1
54 Fiji 86.5 88.3 16.2 16.1 95.1 95.1
55 Finland 107.2 107.7 94.1 93.7 99.0 99.0
56 France 110.0 109.7 56.1 58.3 99.0 99.0
57 Gabon 53.9 53.9 8.5 8.5 82.3 83.2
58 Gambia 57.5 57.5 4.1 3.4 51.1 55.6
59 Georgia 86.8 100.6 28.3 33.1 99.7 99.8
60 Germany 101.6 101.3 46.2 61.7 99.0 99.0
61 Ghana 58.3 67.1 8.8 12.2 71.5 76.6
62 Greece 110.8 108.6 108.1 116.6 97.3 97.7
63 Grenada 107.8 107.8 52.8 52.8 99.0 99.0
64 Guatemala 64.6 65.3 17.9 18.7 75.9 81.6
65 Guinea-Bissau 34.5 34.5 2.6 2.6 41.4 59.9
66 Guyana 99.4 101.0 11.5 12.9 85.0 88.5
67 Honduras 73.2 71.0 20.6 21.1 85.1 88.5
68 Hong Kong, China 87.2 99.3 57.8 66.8 99.0 99.0
69 Hungary 100.0 101.6 60.4 59.6 99.0 99.1
70 Iceland 109.5 112.0 78.5 81.4 99.0 99.0
71 India 65.1 68.5 18.2 24.8 62.8 71.2
72 Indonesia 78.4 82.5 24.9 31.5 92.8 93.9
73 Iran (I.R.) 81.1 86.3 43.1 55.2 85.0 86.9
74 Ireland 121.2 119.1 70.6 71.2 99.0 96.7
75 Israel 102.0 101.4 62.4 67.9 99.0 97.8
76 Italy 100.3 99.2 64.3 62.5 99.0 99.2
77 Jamaica 91.0 77.8 28.9 28.7 87.0 88.7
78 Japan 101.6 101.8 58.1 61.5 99.0 99.0
79 Jordan 89.9 87.8 40.4 46.6 95.9 95.4
80 Kazakhstan 96.1 97.7 39.5 44.5 99.7 99.8
81 Kenya 60.1 67.0 4.1 4.0 72.2 78.0
82 Korea (Rep.) 97.1 97.2 101.0 98.4 99.0 99.0
83 Kuwait 100.3 100.3 28.5 28.5 93.9 96.3
84 Kyrgyzstan 84.0 88.2 42.1 47.6 99.2 99.5
85 Lao P.D.R. 44.8 50.5 16.1 17.7 72.7 79.9
86 Latvia 98.5 97.7 70.6 65.1 99.9 99.9
87 Lebanon 74.4 75.1 47.8 47.9 89.6 93.9
88 Lesotho 50.4 53.3 10.8 10.8 75.8 79.4
89 Liberia 31.7 37.9 9.3 11.6 42.9 47.6
90 Lithuania 106.7 105.9 80.8 74.0 99.8 99.8
91 Luxembourg 101.0 100.1 18.2 19.7 99.0 99.0
92 Macao, China 93.8 96.0 61.8 62.6 95.6 96.2
93 Madagascar 30.4 38.4 3.6 4.1 64.5 64.7
94 Malawi 32.7 36.6 0.7 0.8 61.3 65.8
95 Malaysia 66.9 70.8 37.1 37.2 93.1 94.6
96 Maldives 72.3 72.3 13.2 13.2 98.4 99.3
97 Mali 42.4 45.0 6.5 7.5 33.4 38.7
98 Malta 99.1 86.3 36.5 41.2 92.4 94.4
99 Mauritania 20.3 29.5 4.4 5.4 58.6 52.1
100 Mauritius 93.2 95.9 34.2 41.2 88.8 90.6
101 Mexico 83.7 85.7 26.7 29.0 93.5 95.1
102 Moldova 88.0 88.3 38.2 41.3 99.0 99.4
103 Monaco 119.7 109.7 54.9 54.9 99.0 99.0
104 Mongolia 91.6 103.5 53.8 62.3 98.3 98.4
105 Montenegro 98.6 90.9 55.5 55.5 98.5 98.7
106 Morocco 62.5 68.9 14.3 16.2 67.1 68.5

Measuring the Information Society Report 227

Gross enrolment ratio Adult literacy rate
Economy Secondary Tertiary
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014
107 Mozambique 25.3 26.1 4.6 5.2 50.6 58.8
108 Myanmar 50.2 50.2 10.1 13.4 92.7 93.1
109 Namibia 64.9 64.8 9.3 9.3 76.5 81.9
110 Nepal 60.4 67.0 14.4 14.5 57.4 64.0
111 Netherlands 122.0 129.9 64.3 77.3 99.0 99.0
112 New Zealand 119.1 119.5 82.6 79.8 99.0 99.0
113 Nicaragua 68.9 68.9 17.0 17.9 78.0 82.8
114 Nigeria 43.8 43.8 10.4 10.4 51.1 59.6
115 Norway 113.1 111.1 72.8 74.1 99.0 99.0
116 Oman 96.2 93.5 24.8 28.1 86.9 91.1
117 Pakistan 34.1 38.3 6.6 9.8 54.9 57.9
118 Panama 70.3 73.0 43.9 43.5 94.1 95.1
119 Paraguay 67.8 69.6 34.5 34.5 93.9 95.6
120 Peru 91.7 94.0 40.7 42.6 89.6 94.5
121 Philippines 84.6 84.6 28.2 28.2 95.4 96.3
122 Poland 97.2 97.7 73.5 73.2 99.7 99.8
123 Portugal 109.7 112.9 66.0 68.9 95.4 95.7
124 Qatar 104.3 111.6 10.0 14.3 96.3 97.3
125 Romania 94.9 95.0 56.8 51.6 97.7 98.8
126 Russian Federation 84.9 95.3 75.5 76.1 99.7 99.7
127 Rwanda 30.1 32.6 5.8 6.9 65.9 70.5
128 Samoa 87.7 85.7 7.6 7.5 98.8 99.0
129 Saudi Arabia 110.2 116.2 37.3 57.5 87.2 94.7
130 Senegal 36.4 41.0 7.6 7.6 52.1 57.7
131 Serbia 91.4 94.4 49.1 56.4 98.0 98.1
132 Seychelles 74.8 79.5 1.8 1.3 91.8 91.8
133 Singapore 74.1 97.2 43.8 43.8 95.9 96.8
134 Slovakia 92.8 93.9 56.0 55.1 99.0 99.5
135 Slovenia 97.8 97.6 88.5 86.0 99.7 99.7
136 Solomon Islands 48.6 48.4 16.2 16.2 82.0 98.7
137 South Africa 95.4 110.8 15.8 19.7 93.0 94.3
138 South Sudan 40.7 40.7 17.2 17.2 73.4 75.9
139 Spain 124.6 130.8 78.1 84.6 97.7 98.1
140 Sri Lanka 97.2 99.3 16.0 17.0 91.2 92.6
141 St. Kitts and Nevis 97.5 101.2 18.2 18.2 96.0 98.4
142 St. Lucia 95.2 88.4 12.5 13.9 99.0 99.0
143 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 107.5 102.9 18.2 18.2 99.0 99.0
144 Sudan 41.7 40.7 15.2 17.2 71.9 75.9
145 Suriname 74.9 76.0 12.1 12.1 94.7 95.6
146 Sweden 98.1 98.4 74.6 70.0 99.0 99.0
147 Switzerland 95.8 96.3 52.8 55.6 99.0 98.7
148 Syria 72.5 47.7 25.7 28.4 84.1 86.4
149 Tanzania 31.7 33.0 2.1 3.9 67.8 70.6
150 TFYR Macedonia 81.9 82.8 37.1 38.5 97.4 97.8
151 Thailand 83.5 87.0 50.0 51.2 96.4 96.7
152 Togo 44.0 54.9 9.1 10.0 60.4 66.6
153 Tonga 104.0 90.9 6.4 6.3 99.0 99.4
154 Trinidad & Tobago 85.5 85.5 12.0 12.0 98.8 99.0
155 Tunisia 89.0 90.6 36.1 35.2 79.1 81.8
156 Turkey 84.4 86.1 55.9 69.4 94.1 95.0
157 Uganda 26.4 26.9 3.9 9.1 73.2 78.4
158 Ukraine 95.4 98.9 76.7 79.0 99.7 99.8
159 United Arab Emirates 83.6 83.6 30.4 30.4 90.0 93.8
160 United Kingdom 106.2 95.4 60.5 61.9 99.0 95.2

228 Measuring the Information Society Report

Annex 4
Gross enrolment ratio Adult literacy rate
Economy Secondary Tertiary
2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014
161 United States 93.2 93.7 93.3 94.3 99.0 99.0
162 Uruguay 90.3 90.3 63.2 63.2 98.1 98.5
163 Vanuatu 59.5 59.5 4.6 4.7 83.2 85.2
164 Venezuela 82.3 93.0 77.9 78.1 95.5 96.3
165 Viet Nam 77.2 77.2 22.4 24.6 93.4 94.5
166 Zambia 45.5 45.5 2.4 2.4 61.4 63.4
167 Zimbabwe 47.2 47.2 6.2 5.8 83.6 86.5

Note: Data in italics refer to ITU estimates.

Source: UIS. Latest available data.

Measuring the Information Society Report 229


Access indicators

Fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2010

1) Includes payphone, excludes VOIP. 2) Incl. ISDN channels measured in ISDN B channels equivalents. 3) Incl. VoIP. 4) Incl.
PSTN, CDMA, and AMPS fixed base. 5) This is an estimate as there was no verifiable statistics at beginning of April 2010. 6)
WLL lines included. 7) Total access lines. 8) Incl. PSTN+ISDN channels and VoIP subscriptions. 9) Incl. IP lines. 10) Estimate
based on June 2010 data. 11) 30th June 2011. 12) From this year, data incl. WLL subscriptions. 13) Incl. PSTN lines, ISDN
paths, FWA subscriptions, public payphones and VOIP subscriptions. 14) Source: AGCOM Quarterly Observatory - including
Telecom Italia access lines, ULL, Virtual ULL, Naked DSL, Wholesale line Rental, Fiber, Public Telephony. 15) Source: MOT. 16)
Fixed Wireless Local Loop. 17) Including digital lines. Without ISDN channels. 18) Revised figure, excl. ISDN channels and fixed
wireless subscriptions. 19) Includes inactive subscriptions. 20) December. 21) Refers to active Fixed Wired/Wireless lines. 22)
Revised. 23) POTS, ISDN BRA & ISDN PRA. 24) Operators data/ictQATAR estimate. 25) January 2011 data. 26) Excl. internal
lines and WLR of incumbent. 27) Break in comparability: only includes fixed subscriptions (BLR and RNIS) but excludes CDMA
subscriptions. 28) Dec.

Fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2014

1) Includes 277 162 WLL. 2) Preliminary data. 3) Includes PSTN and other fixed-line telephone services. Due to a methodology
change in 2014, data reported for 2014 differs from data reported in previous communications reports. In 2014, the total
resale (retail services directly connected via another network) and retail services in operation are reported. In previous
communications reports, wholesale and retail totals were reported. 4) Incl. ISDN channels measured in ISDN B channels
equivalents. 5) December. 6) Source: Colombia TIC. 7) Counting voice channel equivalents, 1500250 is the number of
subscriptions. 8) Incl. IP lines (110,033). 9) Incl. public payphones. 10) Including ISDN voice-channel equivalents. Data
based on estimates. 11) New tax on numbering resources, which has prompted operators to return several numbers, either
inactive ones or with low consumption. 12) December 2014. Excluding fixed wireless local loop (WLL) subscriptions, ISDN
voice-channel equivalents. 13) Incl. PSTN lines, ISDN paths, FWA subscriptions, public payphones and VOIP subscriptions. 14)
December, 2014. The number of fixed public payphones is as of March 2014. (This data is reported by carrier every March).
15) There are Ref.no from 4 main operators, LTC, BEELINE, UNITEL, and ETL. 16) Excl. ISDN channels and fixed wireless
subscriptions. 17) From ICT Indicators Survey by PPPC. 18) Active subscribers. 19) Source: January 2015 Management
Information System Report. 20) Estimate. 21) End June. 22) Figures are as off 31st December, 2014 based on data received
from Fixed Line Operators. 23) Forecast. 24) It is no longer necessary to have a fixed-telephone subscription to be able to
have a fixed broadband service. 25) Sudatel terminate its fixed landline, CDMA and GSM services in South Sudan in Oct 2012.
26) Q4 (consolidated end-2014 data not yet available). 27) Refers to March 2014. 28) Estimates. 29) Telecommunications
Regulatory Authority (TRA).

Mobile-cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2010

1) Number of active clients (yearly reports mobile network operators, MVNO included). 2) Incl. mobile GSM and AMPS
post- and pre- mobile base. 3) Both Bhutan Telecom and Tashi Cell provide mobile-cellular services. 4) This value is updated
compared to previous releases. Previous data reported was including mobile data services, which is not part of the definition.
5) Incl. mobile-broadband subscriptions via USB keys/datacards from two MNOs. 6) Break in comparability, from this year
excluding telemetry subscriptions. 7) Country estimate. 8) Estimate based on June 2010 data. 9) Excl. 1890000 prepaid
cards that are used to provide travel SIM service. 10) 30th June 2011. 11) Includes data-only subscriptions. 12) Break
in methodology: active subscriptions in the last quarter. Previously active subscriptions in the last month. 13) Break in
comparability: includes only active mobile-cellular subscriptions. Excl. data-only SIM cards and M2M cards. 14) December.
15) Source: Agcom Annual Report 2011. 16) Including PHS and data cards, undividable. 17) Source: OSB/MOT. 18) Includes
inactive subscriptions. 19) Active subscriptions (80.59% total). 20) July 2010. Decrease due to the removal of inactive SIM-
cards out of the administrative system of operators. 21) Measured using subscriptions active in the last 90 days. 22) Incl.
inactive. 23) M2M included. 24) Active subscriptions. 25) includes active (in the last 6 months) prepaid accounts. 26) Issued
SIM cards, incl. inactive. 27) Incl. inactive prepaid subscriptions. 28) Jan 2011. 29) No differentiation between active and non-
active subscriptions. 30) Total of five operators. 31) Abonns GSM + Abonns CDMA. 32) December. 33) Incl. data dedicated

Mobile-cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2014

Note: 1) December. 2) Source: ARPT. 3) Preliminary. 4) Preliminary. Incl. all mobile-cellular subscriptions that offer voice
communications, but excludes mobile data subscriptions (via data cards, USB modems and M2M cards). 5) Source: Colombia
TIC. 6) Validation process of mobile accounts carried out in 2014, resulting in unverified accounts being disactivated. 7)
Suscriptores de voz y voz+datos. 8) Incl. data-only subscriptions. 9) Reduction in multiple sim usage per subscriber (of

230 Measuring the Information Society Report

different network operators). 10) Data from one operator refer to end of Q3. 11) New tax on numbering resources, which has

Annex 4
prompted operators to return several numbers, either inactive ones or with low consumption. 13) December 2014. Including
fixed wireless local loop (WLL) subscriptions. 14) Estimate. 15) Dec.2014 including PHS and data cards, undividable. 16) There
are Ref.no from 4 main operators, LTC, BEELINE, UNITEL, and ETL. 17) Active subscribers. 18) September. Preliminary. 19) End
of 2013 year mobile active subscriptions 2877584. 20) Source: January 2015 Management Information System Report. 21)
Q3 data. Excl. M2M and dedicated mobile broadband. 22) Estimate of subscriptions active in last 90 days. 23) Estimate. Incl.
inactive. 24) End June. 25) Figures are as off 31st December, 2014 based on data received from Cellular Mobile Operators. 26)
From this year excl. data-only subscriptions. 27) Excl. 495 811 M2M subscriptions. 28) Includes active (in the last 6 months)
prepaid accounts. 29) This is the total number of subscriptions from four operators. 30) Q4 (consolidated end-2014 data not
yet available). 31) Reduction due to change in accounting method for prepaid subs by major provider. 32) Q3. 33) Incl. data
dedicated subscriptions.

International Internet bandwidth Bit/s per Internet user, 2010

1) Mid-year, freely accessible country profile. 2) Incoming capacity. 3) Operators data/ictQATAR estimate. 4) Jan 2011. 5)
Potential (installed) capacity.

Percentage of households with computer, 2010

1) Census. 2) Country estimate. 3) HIES Survey report 2010. 4) Data correspond to dwellings (not households). 5) Decrease in
values confirmed by Ministry. 6) In electrified areas (98% of households are in electrified areas (with 86.4% in rural areas)).
7) Base is households with at least 1 Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident (PR). 8) Census. Refers to ownership by the
household. 9) Refers to two urban districts (Paramaribo and Wanica) where nearly 80% of population live. 10) Including PDAs.
11) Inc. only desktop pc.

Percentage of households with computer, 2014

1) Country estimate. 2) Preliminary. 3) A household is considered to have access only when it is available to all household
members at any time. 4) ICT market survey. 5) Computer includes personal computer, notebook and PDA. 6) Preliminary
results based on a representative sample of the census.

Percentage of households with Internet, 2010

1) Preliminary results based on 2010 census. 2) Households with Internet access from a home computer. 3) Census. 4) Survey
was redesigned in 2010, therefore comparison with previous years should not be done. 5) Data correspond to dwellings (not
households). 6) Decrease in values confirmed by Ministry. 7) Does not include dial-up. 8) Based on Ministry survey 2009. 9) In
electrified areas (98% of households are in electrified areas (with 86.4% in rural areas)). 10) Base is households with at least 1
Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident (PR). 11) Refers to two urban districts (Paramaribo and Wanica) where nearly 80% of
population live. 12) As a % of households with at least one person aged 16 to 74. 13) ITU estimate based on Information and
Data on Information and Communication Technology Report, 2010.

Percentage of households with Internet, 2014

1) Country estimate. 2) Incl. access via mobile phones. 3) A household is considered to have access only when it is available
to all household members at any time. 4) ICT market survey. 5) Preliminary results based on a representative sample of the
census. 6) Incl. access to Internet via mobile phone.

Use indicators

Percentage of individuals using the Internet, 2010

1) Population age 16-74. 2) Population age 7+. 3) Population age 16+. 4) Population age 5+. 5) Country estimate. 6) In the
last 3 months. Population 10+. 7) Population age 16-74. 8) Population age 16+. Survey was redesigned, therefore comparison
with previous years should not be done. 9) Estimated based on surveys results. Population age 5+. 10) Population age 5+
using Internet in the last 3 months. 11) Incl. users of the international network and also those having access only to the
Cuban network. 12) Population age 6+. 13) Population age 10+. 14) Population age 16-74, in the last 3 months. 15) Break
in comparability: persons 12 years and older. Based on Census 2010 results. 16) Refers to total population. 17) Population
age 20+. 18) Population age 14+. 19) According to annual sample surveys. Population age 16-74. 20) Population age 3+. 21)
Estimate based on population aged 15+. 22) Population age 16-74 using Internet in the last 12 months. 23) Population age
15+. Census. 24) Estimate to December based on ENDUTIH survey. Refers to total population. 25) Estimate for population age
6-74 in electrified areas (98% of households are in electrified areas (with 86.4% in rural areas)). 26) December. 27) Population
age 16-74 using Internet in the last 12 months. 28) Population age 5+. Census. 29) Multipliers were applied to residential and

Measuring the Information Society Report 231

commercial subscriptions, taking into account the average size of households and employees per business. 30) Population
age 10+ using internet in the last 3 months. 31) Refers to total population. Survey result: 16% for population age 12+. 32)
Estimated based on proportion of resident Internet users (aged 7 & above) from IDAs annual survey on infocomm usage in
household and by individuals. 33) Population age 16-74 in the last 3 months (source: Eurostat). 34) CMTs survey. Population
age 10+. 35) Census. 36) Population age 16-75. 37) In the last 6 months. Population age 14+. 38) NTIA/CPS survey.

Percentage of individuals using the Internet, 2014

1) Population age 16-74. 2) Population age 15+. 3) Population age 6+. 4) Population age 5+. 5) Country estimate. 6)
Population age 3+. 7) Population age 6+. 8) Population aged 5 to 75 using Internet in the last 3 months. 9) Population age
10+ using internet in the last 3 months. 10) Individuals aged 15 to 72 years. 12) Refers to total population. 13) Country
estimate. 14) In the last 6 months. Population age 14+. 15) Population age 6+. Break in comparability since total population
estimates were revised and lower than in 2013. 16) Population age 16-74 in the last 12 months. 17) Population age 15-74 in
the last 3 months.

Fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2010

1) Internet Activity Survey, December. 2) Incl. fixed wireless broadband. 3) From this year excl. FWA. 4) Incl. narrowband
subscriptions (i.e. below 256kbit/s). 5) Refers to speed greater than, or equal to 64kbit/s in one or both directions. 6) Speeds
equal to or greater than 144 kbit/s. 7) Includes ADSL connections at 128kbps. 8) Break in comparability: as of 2010 >=256
kbits/s. 9) Estimate based on June 2010 data. Incl. a small part of ISDN (i.e. narrowband). 10) September 2012. 11) December.
12) Decline was due to subscribers switching to wireless technologies. 13) Only ETL and LTC. 14) 1Mbit/s and more (ADSL).
15) Speeds equal to or greater than 144 kbit/s. 16) Operators data/ictQATAR estimate. 17) Incl. subscriptions at downstream
speeds equal to, or greater than, 144 kbit/s (the number of subscriptions that are included in the 144-256 range is very low).
18) Jan 2011. 19) Mainly government offices. Preliminary. 20) ADLS and leased line subscriptions. 21) Excl. 3264 WiMax
subscriptions. 22) Excl. corporate connections. 23) Data reflect subscriptions with associated transfer rates exceeding 200
kbps in at least one direction, consistent with the reporting threshold the FCC adopted in 2000.

Fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2014

1) Source: ARPT. 2) Preliminary. 3) Internet Activity Survey, June 2014. 4) December. 5) Estimated. There is no specific
data collected for 256 kbit/s. 6) Estimate. 7) Source: Colombia TIC. 8) Preliminary data. Incl. WiFi subscriptions (not WiFi
hotspots). 9) Incl. 144 kbit/s to less than 256 kbit/s. 10) Does not incl. data from cable operators. 11) Fixed WiMAX. 12)
Speeds greater than, or equal to, 1 Mbit/s. 13) December 2014. These are the subscriptions with the minimum download
speed of 512 kbps. This is as per the revised definition of Broadband (>= 512kbps) in India. 14) Incl. DSL and cable
subscriptions. 15) There are Ref.no from 4 main operators, LTC, BEELINE, UNITEL, and ETL. 16) September. Preliminary. 17)
Source: January 2015 Management Information System Report. 18) Q3. 19) End June. 20) Figures are as off 31st December,
2014 based on data received from Broadband Operators. 21) June. 22) Incl. subscriptions at downstream speeds equal to,
or greater than, 144 kbit/s (the number of subscriptions that are included in the 144-256 range is insignificant). 23) Q4
(consolidated end-2014 data not yet available). 24) Q3. 25) Excl. 2,878 WiMAX subscriptions. 26) 2014 data is an estimate
as of June 30, 2014. Data reflect subscriptions with associated transfer rates exceeding 200 kbps in at least one direction,
consistent with the reporting threshold the FCC adopted in 2000. 27) Incl. ADSL and FTTH + LMDS. 28) This is the correct
figure for 2014- includes xDSL, fixed wireless data subscription and fixed broadband internet subscribers. The figure excludes
prepaid wireless internet subscriptions. Increase from 2013 has been due to operators investing in fiber optic cable and
landing of the submarine cable in Vanuatu in Jan 2014 has increased capacity and reduced price thus increasing the number
of subscribers. 29) ISP subscribers with internet speed of at least 256 kbps.

Active mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2010

1) Internet Activity Survey, December. 2) Incl. subscriptions with a download volume of at least 250MB incl. in the monthly
fee and prepaid products with at least 750MB being downloaded per quarter. 3) Includes dedicated mobile-broadband
subscriptions. 4) 3G services only available in Thimphu. 5) Incl. GPRS, WCDMA and CDMA2000. 6) Speeds equal to or greater
than 144 kbit/s. 7) Incl. only subscriptions that pay a recurrent monthly fee to access the Internet. 8) Excl. prepaid mobile-
broadband subscriptions. 9) Incl. data-only subscriptions. 10) Parc actif 3G utilisateurs actifs (cls 3G inclus). 11) Methodology
changed from ability to have mobile broadband to actual mobile broadband usage. 12) WCDMA, EVDO, LTE subscriptions.
13) ETL and LTC. 14) OSB/MOT. 15) 3G subscriptions (prepaid+postpaid). 16) Equal to dedicated mobile-broadband subs as
CAM does not report on standard mobile-broadband pay-as-you-go subscriptions due to inaccuracy of available data. 17) ARE
reported 17971 mobile Internet subscriptions in 2010 but this includes EDGE/GPRS/CDMA 1X. 18) Break in comparability:
from this year, incl. all active mobile-broadband subscriptions. 19) Only dedicated mobile-broadband subscriptions. 20)
EVDO+3G. 21) December 2010. 22) EVDO. November 2010. 23) Only USB/dongles/datacards. 24) Refers to dongle/USB-based
access only. 25) Operators data/ictQATAR estimate. 26) Excl. add-on data packages. 27) Jan 2011. 28) Break in comparability:
from this year incl. standard mobile-broadband subscriptions. 29) 3G and EvDo. 30) January 2011. 31) Incl. subscriptions with
potential access.

232 Measuring the Information Society Report

Active mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, 2014

Annex 4
1) Source: ARPT. 2) December. 3) Preliminary. Counting plans that allow mobile-broadband access and are using LTE, WCDMA
and CDMA2000 enabled devices. 4) Preliminary. 5) Il est difficile de distinguer les utilisateurs de la 2G de 3G et 4G. 6) 3G
and other more advanced mobile connections of at least 256 Kbit/s. 7) Source: Colombia TIC. 8) Does not incl. prepaid
smartphones. 9) Speeds equal or greater than 1 Mbit/s. 10) December 2014. These are the subscriptions with the minimum
download speed of 512 kbps. This is as per the revised definition of Broadband (>= 512 kbps) in India. 11) In 2014, 3G and
4G licenses were awarded to the two largest mobile operators (Hamrahe Avval and IranCell). 12) Users who have made a
transaction in the last 90 days via a handset, dongle/USB modem or other mobile Internet device, whereby they accessed
advanced data services such as web/Internet content, online multiplayer gaming content, VoD or other equivalent data
services (excluding SMS and MMS). 13) Estimate. 14) Dec.2014. Including standard and dedicated mobile broadband Wimax.
15) There are Ref.no from 4 main operators, LTC, BEELINE, UNITEL, and ETL. 16) 3G subscriptions (prepaid+postpaid) provided
instead, as all 3G subscriptions provide download speeds of at least 256 kbits/s when enabled. Users may disable/enable
their mobile-broadband functionality via USSD code, via service hotline or in person. The number of 3G subscribers who have
disabled their mobile-broadband functionality is not collected. Internet usage statistics of individual users are not collected
either. 17) Equal to dedicated mobile-broadband subs as CAM does not report on standard mobile-broadband pay-as-you-go
subsriptions.18) Lignes ayant ralis des connections data sur les 3 derniers mois. 19) Source: January 2015 Management
Information System Report. 20) Q3. 21) Estimate. 22) June. Subscriptions generating >0.5MB/month + data-only subscriptions
+ add-on data packages. 23) Figures are as off 31st December, 2014 based on data received from Broadband and cellular
mobile operators. 24) June. Only USB/dongles/datacards. 25) Includes active subs (in the last 6 months), by 3G and higher
technologies. 26) Q4 (consolidated end-2014 data not yet available). 27) Value for last year was 59701. 28) Q3. 29) Estimate.
Incl. M2M subscriptions. 30) 2014 data is an estimate as of June 30, 2014. 31) Incl. subscriptions with potential access. 32)
Blackberry and other mobile broadband subscriptions.

Measuring the Information Society Report 233

234 Measuring the Information Society Report

Measuring the Information Society Report 2015

Development Bureau the Information
Society Report
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20

ISBN 978-92-61-15791-3

SAP id

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Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2015
Photo credits: Shutterstock

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