Formalism and Russian Formalism
Formalism and Russian Formalism
Formalism and Russian Formalism
RUSSIAN FORMALISM: a school of literary theory and analysis that emerged in
Russia around 1915, devoting itself to the study of literariness, i.e. the sum of
"devices" that distinguish literary language from ordinary language. In reaction
against the vagueness of previous literary theories, it attempted a scientific
description of literature (especially poetry) as a special use of language with
observable features. This meant deliberately disregarding the contents of literary
works, and thus inviting strong disapproval from Marxist critics, for whom
formalism was a term of reproach. With the consolidation of Stalin's dictatorship
around 1929, Formalism was silenced as a heresy in the Soviet Union, and its
center of research migrated to Prague in the 1930's. Along with "literariness," the
most important concept of the school was that of defamiliarization: instead of
seeing literature as a "reflection" of the world, Victor Shklovsky, Boris
Tomashevsky, and their Formalist followers saw it as a linguistic dislocation, or a
"making strange". In the period of Czech Formalism, Jan Mukarovsky further
refined this notion in terms of foregrounding. In their studies of narrative, the
Formalists also clarified the distinction between plot (sjuzet) and story (fabula).
Apart from Shklovsky and his associate Boris Eikhenbaum, the most prominent
of the Russian Formalists was Roman Jakobson, who was active both in Moscow
and in Prague before introducing Formalist theories to the United States. A
somewhat distinct Russian group is the "Bakhtin school" comprising Mikhail
Bakhtin, Pavlev Medvedev, and Valentine Voloshinov; these theorists combined
elements of Formalism and Marxism in their accounts of verbal multi-accentuality
(the ability of words and other linguistic signs to carry more than one meaning
according to the contexts in which they are used) and of the dialogic text.
Rediscovered in the West in the 1960's the work of the Russian Formalists has
had an important influence on structuralist theories of literature, and on some of
the more recent varieties of Marxist literary criticism.