Steel Chimney PDF
Steel Chimney PDF
Steel Chimney PDF
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -5) May 2015, pp.151-162
Chimneys are tall and slender structures which are used to discharge waste/flue gases at higher elevation with
sufficient exit velocity such that the gases and suspended solids(ash) are dispersed in to the atmosphere over a
defined spread such that their concentration , on reaching the ground is within acceptable limits specified by
pollution control regulatory authorities. This paper summarizes the analysis and design concepts of chimneys as
per Indian codal provisions incorporation was also made through finite element analysis. Effect of inspection
manhole on the behavior of Cantilever steel chimney, two chimney models one with the manhole and other
without manhole were taken into consideration. These models are analyzed by finite element software STAAD
Pro, emphasis also placed on effect of geometric limitations on the design aspects in designing chimney.
is normally dynamic in nature. According to code remain silent about it. But it is mentioned in IS 4998
provision quasi-static methods are used for (part 1): 1992 and ACI 307-95 which is applicable
evaluation of this load and recommend amplification for concrete chimney only. Also CICIND code does
of the normalized response of the chimney with a not mention this effects and depends on IS 4998
factor that depending on the soil and intensity of (part 1): 1992 and ACI 307-95.
earthquake. In majority of the cases flue gases with Generally chimney-like tall structures are considered
very high temperature released inside a chimney. as bluff body and oppose to a streamlines one. When
Due to this a temperature gradient with respect to the streamlined body causes the oncoming wind
ambient temperature outside is developed and hence flow, the bluff body causes the wind to separate
caused for stresses in the cell. Therefore, from the body. Due to this a negative regions are
temperature effects are also important factor to be formed in the wake region behind the chimney. This
considered in the steel design of chimney. wake region produces highly turbulent region and
This section describes the wind load and seismic forms high speed eddies called vortices. These
load effects on cantilever steel chimney. vortices alternatively forms lift forces and it acts in a
direction perpendicular to the incident wind
2.2 Wind engineering direction. Chimney oscillates in a direct ion
For self-supporting steel chimney, wind is perpendicular to the wind flow due to this lift forces.
considered as major source of loads. This load can
be divided into two components respectively such 2.5 Wind Load Calculation
as, According to IS 875 (part 3):1987 basic wind
Along - wind effect. speed can be calculated,
Across - wind effect. Vz =Vb K1 K 2 K3
The wind load exerted at any point on a chimney can Where , Vz= design wind speed at any height z m/s
be considered as the sum of quasi-static and a K1= probability factor (risk coefficient)
dynamic-load component. The static-load K2= terrain, height and structure size factor
component is that force which wind will exert if it K3= topography factor
blows at a mean (time-average) steady speed and
which will tend to produce a steady displacement in 2.6 Static Wind Effects
a structure. The dynamic component, which can A static force called as drag force, obstructs an
cause oscillations of a structure, is generated due to air stream on a bluff body like chimney. The
the following reasons: distribution of wind pressure depends upon the
Gust shape and direction of wind incidence. Due to this a
Vortex shedding circumferential bending occurs and it is more
Buffeting significant for larger diameter chimney. Also drag
force creates along-wind shear forces and bending
2.3 Along Wind Effects moments.
Along wind effects are happened by the drag
component of the wind force on the chimney. When 2.6.1 Drag
wind flows on the face of the structure, a direct The drag force on a single stationary bluff body is,
buffeting action is produced. To estimate such type Fd=0.5 Cd A a 2
of loads it is required to model the chimney as a Where Fd = drag force, N
cantilever, fixed to the ground. In this model the Cd = Drag coefficient
wind load is acting on the exposed face of the A = area of section normal to wind direction,
chimney to create predominant moments. But there m2
is a problem that wind does not blow at a fixed rate The value of drag coefficient depends on Reynolds
always. So the corresponding loads should be number, shape and aspect ratio of a structure.
dynamic in nature. For evaluation of along wind
loads the chimney is modeled as bluff body with 2.6.2 Circumferential bending
turbulent wind flow. In many codes including IS: The radial distribution of wind pressure on
6533: 1989, equivalent static method is used for horizontal section depends on Re. normally the
estimating these loads. In this procedure the wind resultant force of along wind is counteracted by
pressure is determined which acts on the face of the shear force s which is induced in the structure. These
chimney as a static wind load. Then it is amplified shear forces are assumed to vary sinusoidal along the
using gust factor to calculate the dynamic effects. circumference of the chimney cell.
2.4 Across wind effects 2.6.3 Wind load on liners
Across wind effect is not fully solved and it is In both single-flue and multi-flue chimneys
required a considerable research work on it. For metal liners are being used but these are not directly
design of Cantilever steel chimney, Indian standard contact or exposed to wind. But they are designed 152 | P a g e
Rakshith B D Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -5) May 2015, pp.151-162
for wind loads which are transmitted through the The frequency of lift force is regular, but magnitude
chimney cell. The magnitude of the force can be is random. When frequency of vortex shedding is
estimated by considering the liner as a beam of close to natural frequency of a chimney (when its
varying moment of inertia, acted upon by a motion is near sinusoidal), maximum response is
transverse load at the top and deflection is calculated obtained. The exciting force should be taken as,
at the top of the cell. FL = 0.5 a A 2 sin t CL
The response of the structure depends on the time-
2.7 Dynamic-wind effects average energy input from the vortex shedding
Wind load is a combination of steady and a forces. In the expression Cl has the time-average
fluctuating component. Due to turbulence effect the value rms value of the lifting force coefficient with a
wind load varies in its magnitude. range of frequencies close to the natural frequency
o of the structure.
2.7.1 Gust loading (ii) In super-critical Re range
Due to fluctuations wind load is random in nature. In this range both frequency and magnitude are
This load can be expressed as random in nature. Here structures response depends
F(t) = K ( + u )2 = K ( 2 + 2 u ), for on the power input. If we plot power input density
small values of u function Sl (St) against non-dimensional frequency
Where K=0.5 Cd A a St, then the power spectrum of the lift-force should
In the above expression (K 2) is quassi-static be expressed as,
and is the mean velocity.
Sl = { 0.5 a A 2 CL2 } Sl' (St)
2.7.2 Aerodynamic Effects According to the (IS-6533 part-2:1989), if period of
In wind engineering there is a term called natural oscillation for the cantilever steel chimney
aerodynamic admittance coefficient which exceeds 0.25 seconds, the design wind load take into
depends on spatial characteristics of wind consideration the dynamic effect due to pulsation of
turbulence. Spatial characteristics relates to thrust caused by the wind velocity in addition to the
structures response to wind load, at any frequency. static wind load. It depends on the fundamental
This coefficient is expressed as; period of vibration of the chimney.
This method has various advantages following are.
An =
BHn 10nDco
( 1+ ) ( 1+ )
3t t
An = aerodynamic admittance at the structures
natural frequency n, Hz
t = mean wind speed at top of a chimney, m/s
Always this coefficient has to be multiplied with
response of a structure due to wind loads because
it allows response modification due to spatial wind-
turbulence characteristics. 154 | P a g e
Rakshith B D Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -5) May 2015, pp.151-162
a. Material of construction for bolts, plates, As per IS: 6533 (Part 2), the following load causes
rivets and welding are to be considered while designing the stack
b. Loadings and load combinations 1. Load case 1 = Dead load + wind load
c. General design aspects covering minimum (along X direction) +
thickness of shell. Allowable stresses, Imposed load
allowable deflection, determination of 2. Load case 2 = Dead load + wind load
dynamic force and checking for resonance. (along Y direction) +
Typical ladder details, painters trolley, location of Imposed load
warning lamps and the flue opening details, 3. Load case 3 = Dead load + Imposed load +
inspection, maintenance and protective coatings. earthquake load
3.4 Design Methodology 3.4.4 Design inputs of chimney
IS:6533 (Part-1 & 2): 1989, IS 875 (Part-3 & 4): Burner capacity of the each dryer: Q=600 sq.
1987, and IS 1893 (Part-4):2005 will be used as the /hr.
basis for design, which gives detailed procedure to Total no of dryer: n= 2
determine static, dynamic and seismic loads coming Density of flue: df = 0.9kg/l
on the structure. Rates of emission Ve = 27.78
3.4.1 Assumptions cum/s
Following assumptions are made Basic wind speed v b =58.33m/s
1. The wind pressure varies with the height. It Temperature t=2000 c
is zero at the ground and increase as the Min. height of chimney h = 45m
height increases. For the purpose of design Height of flare h flare: =15m
it is assumed the wind pressure is uniform Height of cylindrical portion Ht h flare =30m
throughout the height of the structure. Outside diameter on top d top.min =2m
2. For the purpose of calculations, it is Outside diameter at base d top.min =3.2m
assumed that the static wind load (projected Thickness of the shell T= 14mm
area multiplied by the wind pressure) is Quantity of the gas Q := n.capa = 55.556
acting at the centre of pressure. cum/s
3. In calculating the allowable stresses both 3.4.5 FEM Modeling
tensile and bending, the joint efficiency for By the synthesis of 3D model of all structural parts,
butt welds is assumed to be 0.85. the 3D model of the chimney is set up and presented
4. The base of the stack is perfectly rigid and in Figure 4.1. The structure thickness is varying
the effect of the gussets and stool plate on along the structure height. Thickness is modeled in
the deflection and the stresses in the stack is accordance with the ultrasonic measurement of sheet
not considered. This is applicable only for metal thickness.
manual calculations.
5. There are no additional lateral movements
from the duct transferred to the stack;
suitable arrangement has to be provided to
absorb this movement from the duct.
6. Earthquake causes impulsive ground
motions, which are complex and irregular
in character, changing in period and
amplitude each lasting for a small duration.
Therefore resonance of the type as
visualized under steady-state sinusoidal
excitations will not occur, as it would need
time to build up such amplitudes.
7. Earthquake is not likely to occur
simultaneously with maximum wind or
maximum flood or maximum sea waves..
3.4.2 Loadings
The followings loads are to be estimated while
designing the steel chimney
1. Wind load Fig. 4.1 3D Model of Steel Chimney of Rendered
2. Earthquake load view
3. Imposed load 3D STAAD model of the structure was a starting
3.4.3 Load combinations point in creating finite element model. The model
presents the continuum discretized by the 10-node 155 | P a g e
Rakshith B D Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -5) May 2015, pp.151-162
External load:
The load analysis of the chimney is carried out
according to the rules given in the international Fig. 4.6 Uni-axial stress field on the chimneys root
codes. Modeling of external loads and anchor segment
connection between steel structure and concrete
foundation simulated realistic boundary conditions
of the structure of the chimney. 157 | P a g e
Rakshith B D Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -5) May 2015, pp.151-162 158 | P a g e
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ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -5) May 2015, pp.151-162 159 | P a g e
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ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -5) May 2015, pp.151-162
Fig.5.9: Top deflection of the chimney without Fig.5.11: Stress at the base of the cantilever steel
manhole chimney (wind in x - direction) 160 | P a g e
Rakshith B D Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -5) May 2015, pp.151-162
Fig.5.12: Stress at the flared portion of the chimney Fig.5.15: Stresses at the inspection manhole (DL and
(wind in x - direction) LL condition)
Fig.5.13: Stress at the top of the chimney (wind in x Fig.5.16: Stresses at the inspection manhole (wind
- direction) load condition)
V. Conclusion
The main objective of the present study was to
explain the importance of geometrical limitations in
the design of cantilever steel chimney. A detailed
literature review is carried out as part of the present
study on wind engineering, design and analysis of
steel chimney as well as concrete chimney.
Estimation of wind effects (along wind & across
wind), vortex shedding, vibration analysis, and gust
factor are studied. There is no published literature
found on the effect of geometry on the design of
cantilever steel chimney.
Design of a cantilever steel chimney as per IS 6533
(Part-1 and 2): 1989 is discussed through example
calculations. A study is carried out to understand the
Fig.5.14: Stresses of the chimney wall for DL and logic behind geometrical limitations given in Indian
LL condition Standard IS 6533 (Part-1 and 2): 1989. The relation
between geometrical parameters and corresponding
moments and shear is developed by using EXCEL
Spread sheets. Two parameters: (i) top-to-base
diameter ratio and (ii) height-to-base diameter ratio
were considered for this study. A numbers of 161 | P a g e
Rakshith B D Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -5) May 2015, pp.151-162
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dynamic wind load in a Cantilever steel chimney are
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diameter ratio and height-to-base diameter ratio).
This study does not support the IS 6533 (Part-2):
1989 criteria for minimum top diameter to the height
ratio of the chimney and minimum base diameter to
the top diameter of the chimney.
Inspection manhole increases the stress resultant and
top displacement in a Cantilever steel chimney. This
is because manhole reduces the effective stiffness of
a chimney as evident from the modal analysis
results. Therefore it is important to consider manhole
opening in the analysis and design of Cantilever
steel chimney.
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