Soil Pest Relationships
Soil Pest Relationships
Soil Pest Relationships
decision made during the es- bakeri. In addition, certain soil insects,
tablishment of a bareroot nursery. such as the black vine and strawberry Soil temperature affects seed
Numerous considerations, such as weevils and white grubs, are favored germination, seedling growth, and pest
availability of labor and good-quality by coarse-textured soils. development and survival. Soil
water, and proper microclimate, enter Soil texture also affects the type and temperature is determined primarily by
into this decision, but probably the effectiveness of pest management climate, but soil moisture and color also
most important factor is soil. Many practices. In general, pest affect it. Dark-colored soils absorb heat
disease, insect, and weed problems management is more effective on and develop higher temperatures than
are inherently associated with specific coarse-textured sandy soils because it light-colored soils. Irrigation is one of
soil properties. Thus, in addition to is easier to control soil temperature the most commonly used practices for
affecting many cultural practices, soil and moisture conditions. In addition, reducing soil and seedling
properties frequently dictate the soil fumigation is more effective in temperatures.
timing, method, and effectiveness of coarse-textured soils because the Disease development can be
pest management practices. fumigant moves more easily through greatly influenced by temperature.
Although forest nursery conditions the larger pores. Preemergence damping-off, for ex-
vary greatly throughout the United ample, caused by soil and seed-borne
States, several general principles Moisture fungi such as Fusarium spp., is usually
apply to the interrelationships among most severe during and after extended
soils, cultural practices, and seedling Soil moisture is a major factor periods of cool, moist weather. This
pests. These are discussed below. affecting the incidence, develop- type of weather also impedes
ment, and control of nursery pest development of woody tissues
Texture problems. Ideally, nursery soils resistant to the post-emergence form
should be well drained; excess of this disease.
Texture (size distribution of soil moisture-rather than moisture Conversely, Fusarium root rot of
particles) is the most important soil deficiency-is the most common Douglas-fir seedlings, charcoal root
property affecting occurrence, severity, problem. Soil moisture deficiency is disease, and black root rot of pine are
and management of seedling diseases rare in modern nurseries equipped favored by warm soil temperatures.
and insects. The ideal soil texture for with adequate irrigation systems. Likewise, increases in populations of
most nurseries is either a sandy loam Soil-borne pests favored by excess the soil-borne pathogenic nematode X.
or a loamy sand that contains a moisture include damping-off and root bakeri coincide with seasonal
maximum of 15 to 20 percent rots caused by fungi in the genera fluctuation in soil temperatures.
silt-plus-clay particles. Pythium and Phytophthora. Larvae of However, insect pests in nursery
An example of the effect of soil the marsh crane fly, Tipula paludosa, soils appear to be considerably less
texture occurs with preemergence are also more likely to occur and affected by short-term alterations in soil
damping-off. This disease is less damage seedlings in soils with temperature than are diseases. The
severe in coarse-textured than in excessive moisture. white grubs are the exceptions; the
fine-textured soils because the Other types of damping-off and length of their life cycle is affected by
slower rate of seedling emergence root disease fungi such as Rhizoc- prevailing soil temperatures in different
in fine-textured soil extends the time tonia are favored by moisture- climatic zones.
seedlings are exposed to fungus deficient soils, as are Phomopsis
pathogens. canker on Douglas-fir and Cytospora Soil Reaction (pH)
On the other hand, corky root canker on hardwoods.
disease of Douglas-fir seedlings is The success of many pest man- Most conifer and hardwood seed-
more severe on coarse-textured agement practices is highly dependent lings grow best in slightly acid soil, with
soils. Both the pathogenic nema- upon soil moisture levels. For a pH of 5 to 6. Soil-borne disease
tode Xiphinema bakeri and the example, the effectiveness of soil problems are most severe at pH 6 and
corky root disease occur only in fumigation is frequently determined by above. Reducing soil pH is one way to
nurseries with coarse-textured soil moisture conditions during and minimize diseases
sandy soils that have pore spaces following application.
without negative effects on seedling Soil fertility is also important in at Jackson, L.W.R. 1940. Effects of H-ion and AI-ion
growth and quality. least one nematode-caused seedling concentrations on damping-off of conifers and
causal fungi. Phytopathology. 30: 563-579.
Damping-off is probably the best disease: corky root disease caused by
example of a seedling disease that is X. bakeri. A comparison of the soil Riffle, J.W.; Smith, R.S., Jr. 1979. Nursery diseases of
affected by soil pH. Acidifying the soil nutrient levels within disease-free and western conifers. For. Insect & Dis. Leafl. 157.
to control this disease has been used infested areas suggests that disease Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service. 11 p.
for many years and remains an severity is correlated with low soil
effective and practical cultural fertility. Rowan, S.J.; Steinbeck, K. 1977. Seedling age and
practice, especially for alkaline soils. Soil fertility apparently has little fertilization affect the susceptibility of loblolly pine to
However, before acidifying the soil, effect on nursery insects. fusiform rust. Phytopathology. 67: 242-246.
make sure that certain acid-tolerant Smith, R.S., Jr. 1975. Charcoal root disease. In: Forest
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present, lowering the soil pH may Agriculture: 11-13.
Addition of soil organic matter
increase disease severity. Several required to maintain proper nutrient and Sutherland, J.R.; Sluggett, L.J. 1973. Corky root disease
damping-off fungi also cause root rots, moisture-holding capacities and of Douglas-fir: relation to Xiphinema bakeri
and lowering the soil pH can be aeration usually does not affect soil- nematodes, to symptom severity, and observations
helpful in controlling them. borne nursery pests. Negative effects on seedling tissue and soil nutrients. Canadian
Insects apparently are relatively of organic matter soil amendments can
Journal of Forest Research. 3: 299-303.
insensitive to soil acidity within the generally be traced to using too much Sutherland, J.R.; Sluggett, L.J. 1975. Corky root disease:
range occurring in most nurseries. or the wrong types of organic matter. In population fluctuations of Xiphinemo bakeri
one such case, increased damping-off nematodes, and disease severity in forest nursery
Nutrients was observed following the use of soil cropped with different seedling species.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 5: 97-104.
The amount and type of nutrients Other types of organic amendments, Sutherland, Jack R.; Van Eerden, Evert. 1980. Diseases
can affect several diseases. For ex- such as sawdust, may provide fungi and insect pests in British Columbia forest nurseries.
ample, fusiform rust of loblolly and such as Fusarium spp. and Joint Rep. 12. Victoria, BC: British Columbia Ministry
slash pine seedlings is significantly Cylindrocladium spp. with food bases of Forests/ Canadian Forestry Service. 55 p.
affected by soil fertility. Both host for survival. Addition of fresh, non- Tint, H. 1945. Studies of the Fusarium damping-off of
susceptibility to the disease and decayed sawdust may also promote conifers, III. Relation of age of host, pH, and some
subsequent damage increase with nitrogen deficiencies (yellowing and nutritional factors to the pathogenicity of Fusarium.
stunting) of seedlings. This condition is Phytopathology. 35: 440-457.
nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization.
This rust fungus appears to infect primarily caused by the increased Wilde, S.A. 1958. Forest soils. New York: The
vigorous, fast-growing trees more nutrient requirements of the large Ronald Press. 537 p.
readily than slow-growing ones. numbers of soil organisms (primarily
Williams, R.D.; Hanks, S.H. 1976. Hardwood
Calcium and phosphorus defi- bacteria) involved in the decomposition
nurseryman's guide. Agric. Handb. 473.
ciencies contribute to higher of the sawdust. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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nitrogen results in greater disease Selected References
severity. The calcium and phosphorus
deficiencies probably delay the Armson, K.A.; Sadreika, V. 1979. Forest tree nursery soil
formation of seedling woody tissues management and related practices. Oshawa, ON:
resistant to damping-off. Increased Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 179 p.
nitrogen most likely promotes for- Bloomberg, W.J. 1976. Distribution and pathogenicity of
mation of succulent, susceptible Fusari um oxysporum in a forest nursery soil.
tissues. Phytopathology. 66: 1090-1092.