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International Association of Marine Aids to

IALA Guideline No. 1098

Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities


the Application of AIS - AtoN on


Edition 1

May 2013
AISM Association Internationale de Signalisation Maritime IALA

10 Rue des Gaudines

78100 Saint Germain en Laye, France
Telephone: +33 1 34 51 70 01 Fax: +33 1 34 51 82 05
e-mail: contact@iala-aism.org Internet: www.iala-aism.org
Guideline 1098 on the Application of AIS-AtoN on Buoys
May 2013

Document Revisions
Revisions to the IALA Document are to be noted in the table prior to the issue of a revised

Date Page / Section Revised Requirement for Revision

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Guideline 1098 on the Application of AIS-AtoN on Buoys
May 2013

Document Revisions 2
Index of Tables 4
Index of Figures 5
1 Introduction 6
2 Selection of the AIS unit 6
2.1 AIS-AtoN type 6
2.1.1 Type 1 6
2.1.2 Type 2 6
2.1.3 Type 3 6
2.2 Messages 6
2.2.1 Message 6 7
2.2.2 Message 8 7
2.2.3 Message 21 7
2.2.4 Message 25 8
2.2.5 Message 26 8
2.2.6 Message Protocols 8
2.2.7 Position fixing devices 8
3 Primary considerations 8
3.1 Power consumption 8
3.2 Transmission range. 8
3.2.1 Extraordinary coverage Ducts or Tropospheric Refraction 9
3.2.2 Selection of VHF antenna 10
3.2.3 Comparison of different marine antenna 11
3.2.4 Redundancy 12
3.3 Integrated AIS-AtoN Units. 12
3.3.1 Integrated unit with other equipment 12
3.3.2 Integrated with Lantern and Power system 12
3.4 Licensing by local licensing authority 12
3.5 Additional services. 12
3.5.1 Message 8 12
3.5.2 Message 21 AtoN Status - Monitoring capability (battery status, light status,
RACON status, etc.). 13
3.5.3 Interfacing with existing telemetry systems 13
3.5.4 Satellite monitoring of AIS 13
4 Physical Application 13
4.1 Location of VHF antenna and GNSS antenna receivers. 13
4.1.1 VHF antenna 13
4.1.2 GNSS Antenna 14
4.1.3 Choice of location for antennae 14
4.2 IP rating 14
4.2.1 Issues 14
4.2.2 IP enclosure rating 14
4.2.3 Pressure balance 15
4.3 Lightning protection. 15
4.3.1 Grounding 15
5 Commissioning & Testing 15

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5.1 Configuration 15
5.2 Functional tests 15
5.2.1 Equipment: 16
5.2.2 Measuring instruments: 16
5.2.3 Testing methodology message 21 16
5.2.4 Transmit power measurement 16
5.2.5 Data, curves, images and graphs - example. 17
5.2.6 Pre-deployment trial 19
5.2.7 Analysis of results 20
5.2.8 Tests pre deployment: 20
5.2.9 Tests post deployment: 20
6 Maintenance & Operation 20
6.1 Maintenance requirements 20
6.1.1 Technical Staff 20
6.1.2 Configuration Software 21
6.2 Training 21
6.2.1 Capabilities required for maintainers 21
6.2.2 Human, physical and technical restrictions on board. 21
6.2.3 Training documentation 21
6.3 Spare transponders 21
7 Selection of equipment. 22
8 General Considerations for integrating an ais-AtoN System 22
8.1 Impact on Buoy Performance 22
8.2 General Assembly 22
8.2.1 Hard wired and plug connectors. 22
8.2.2 Preparation of inlets in watertight enclosures 23
8.2.3 Assembly of cable glands 23
8.2.4 Preparation of the AIS System 24
8.2.5 Sealing of external connections 24
8.2.6 Connections and Completion 25
8.3 General outlines for the assembly 25
9 Glossary of terms 25
10 References 26
ANNEX A Sample Checklist 27

Index of Tables
Table 1 Summary of optional AIS AtoN Station messages 7
Table 2 Suggested spare transponder holding 21
Table 3 Sample checklist Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Index of Figures
Figure 1 Cross-section of the geoids 9
Figure 2 Normal situation Reception coverage 35 km 10
Figure 3 Situation with ducts Reception coverage 200 km 10
Figure 4 Measurement 1 11
Figure 5 Measurement 2 11
Figure 6 Measurement 3 12
Figure 7 Antenna damage due to collision 13
Figure 8 Showing basic connection between systems 16
Figure 9 Measurement of power transmitted via direct connection through cable and
signal attenuation. 17
Figure 10 Consumption [uA] vs. Samples. Samples taken every 12 ms. 17
Figure 11 Consumption during transmission [A] 18
Figure 12 Bench test 18
Figure 13 Spectrum analyzer displaying transmission spectrum. 19
Figure 14 Trace from spectrum analyzer showing transmission frequency 162.025 MHz
of the AIS-AtoN output. 19
Figure 15 Example of a double enclosure 23
Figure 16 Different sides of the perforated box 23
Figure 17 Equipment with its protection 24
Figure 18 Sealing of antenna and power supply inputs. 24
Figure 19 Sealed cable gland with heat shrink 25

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May 2013

Guideline on the Application of AIS-AtoN on Buoys


This document considers the application of employing AIS-AtoN on buoys and is designed to
offer guidance regarding specification, installation and maintenance. This document should be
considered as complimentary to higher level documents such as IALA Recommendation A-126
on the use of the AIS in Marine Aids to Navigation Service.
This document also applies to installation of AIS-AtoN on fixed structures open to the elements.


AIS has the capability of transmitting various messages. The comprehensive list of messages
available is in the IALA Recommendation A-126. The main messages that are of interest to the
AIS as an AtoN provider are as follows;
2.1 AIS-AtoN type
2.1.1 Type 1
This AIS-AtoN Station is a transmit-only station, operating in FATDMA mode. Hence the slots
used by the Type 1 AIS-AtoN Station need to be reserved by a competent authority using
Message 20, transmitted from an AIS base station in the coverage area. The Type 1 unit must
be configured to use the slots reserved for it before being placed into service.
This is the simplest type of AIS-AtoN station, likely to have low cost and low power
2.1.2 Type 2
This AIS-AtoN Station is not in common use but is similar to a Type 1 but has, in addition, an
AIS receiver of limited capability which allows the Type 2 Station to be remotely configured via
the AIS VDL. This receiver operates on a single AIS channel.
2.1.3 Type 3
This AIS-AtoN Station is more complex than the Type 1 and contains two AIS receiving
processes that allow it to participate fully on the AIS VDL. This means that in addition to
FATDMA, the Type 3 station can function in RATDMA mode.
The Type 3 station is therefore capable of:
autonomous operation, not requiring slot reservations (RATDMA);
autonomous operation using slots reserved by a competent authority, using
message 20, transmitted from another AIS Station in the coverage area (FATDMA);
receiving and relaying AIS messages, including control and configuration messages
for itself or for other AIS AtoN stations in a chain. See IEC 62320-2 for more details
of chaining;
indirect synchronisation, using its receiving processes;
generating virtual or synthetic AtoN.
2.2 Messages
In addition to Aids to Navigation Report, Message 21, an AIS AtoN may also transmit Messages
6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 25. Note that Type 1 and Type 2 AIS AtoN stations, not having full AIS
receiver capability, cannot send Messages 7, 13 or 26.

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Table 1 Summary of optional AIS AtoN Station messages
Msg ID Message Name Message Description Application examples
6 Binary Addressed Message Binary data for addressed Monitoring of AtoN lantern,
Communication power supply, etc.

7 Binary acknowledge message Acknowledge of addressed binary

8 Binary Broadcast Message Binary data for broadcast Meteorological and hydrological data
12 Addressed Safety Related Message Safety related data for addressed Warn AtoN malfunctioning
13 Safety related acknowledge message Acknowledge of addressed safety
related message

14 Broadcast Safety Related Message Safety related data for broadcast Warn AtoN malfunctioning

21 AIS AtoN message

25 Single slot binary message Binary data for addressed or Status report
broadcast communication

26 Multiple slot binary message Using SOTDMA

2.2.1 Message 6
Message 6, Addressed Binary Message, can be employed by an AIS AtoN for sending AtoN
status reports to the competent authority responsible for the AtoN. Useful data includes those
for battery, lantern status, and solar power system charging current. The benefits for the
competent authority include knowledge of equipment status, opportunity for preventative
maintenance, early notification of faults, and ultimately increased availability. Such performance
information can be fed back into the design process for AtoN systems. Refer to A-126, ANNEX
C for examples of Message 6 for AtoN monitoring.
It can also be used for remote control of the AtoN. The content of the message is not standard
and can vary between manufacturers.
2.2.2 Message 8
Message 8 is a binary broadcast message. IMO has published a limited list of Message 8,
Application Specific Messages, for international use (SN.1/Circ.289). Competent authorities
may use other Message 8 formats on a regional basis.
As an example, among the list of IMO Application Specific Messages is a message for
meteorological and hydrological data. Sensors on the AtoN provide this data to the AIS-AtoN
Station, which in turn broadcasts this Message 8.
2.2.3 Message 21
Defines the Aids to Navigation Report. AIS-AtoN service enables AtoN providers to broadcast
information on the following :
type of AtoN;
name of AtoN;
position of AtoN;
position accuracy indicator;
type of position fixing device;
On/Off position status;
Real and Virtual AtoN identification;
dimension of the AtoN and reference positions;
status of the AtoN systems.

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2.2.4 Message 25
Message 25 is a single slot binary message that can for example be used to send encrypted
configuration data. See IEC 62320-2 for further details.
2.2.5 Message 26
Message 26 may also be received, processed, and transmitted by an AIS AtoN station. Note
that this message is not included in IEC62320-2.
2.2.6 Message Protocols
There are two types of protocols for sending AtoN AIS messages. They are Fixed Access Time
Division Multiple Access (FATDMA) and Random Access Time Division Multiple Access
(RATDMA). These two protocols are set to ensure that messages from nearby AIS stations do
not conflict.
2.2.7 Position fixing devices
For Fixed AtoN, AIS-AtoN unit shall transmit a surveyed position, as configured into the device.
The GNSS service will provide tuning and synchronization information only.
The AIS-AtoN unit for use on Floating Aids may use 300KHz band radio beacon DGNSS
system to provide a differential corrected for position. It shall indicate the use of DGNSS by
setting the position accuracy flag as appropriate.
The use of satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) is available and the usage of message
17 may be possible in the future.
The unit shall allow user to select position using last read GNSS position algorithm or
algorithms in IALA A-126 to calculate off-position.


3.1 Power consumption

The power consumption needs to be balanced to the generation facility as well as the power
consumption other AtoN such as lights etc. to deliver the required autonomy. The power
consumption at the agreed configuration should be measured, rather than rely on the
manufacturers generic data.
Units configured in RATDMA will consume significantly more power than those configured in
FATDMA. The power consumption will also vary depending on the reporting rate and the sleep
See section on Commissioning & Testing for further details. Refer to IALA Guideline 1039 on
Designing Solar Power Systems for AtoN.
3.2 Transmission range.
A typical transmission range is between 5 to 15 nautical miles though this will increase with
antennas with a higher gain. In areas of very heavy traffic, the volume of AIS transmissions
may overload the base station, which will reduce the range that the base station will be able to
cover. With Type 1 AIS (FATDMA) in an area of heavy traffic, there may not be enough
available slots to be allocated to enable transmission from the AIS-AtoN station.
In a VHF bandwidth operation system, Transmission (Tx) and Reception (Rx) reach is tightly
linked to the height of the antenna. Therefore, location is of key importance, ensuring the
highest position in the AtoN for safe installation and maintenance. See Figure 1 to illustrate
maximum transmission range.

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Figure 1 Cross-section of the geoids

OA = rt + h1.
rt : Earths radius
h1: Height of antenna 1 plus height of position against sea level.
h2: Height of Antenna 2 plus height of position against sea level.
AB: Distance between point and horizon of this point
In this way, there can be calculated data-reception coverage of an AIS transponder installed on
a ship as compared to transmission coverage of an AIS transponder installed on a buoy.
Knowing the height of the ships antenna in question, coverage can be estimated by adding the
later to the height of the buoys antenna, as shown in the formula below in nautical miles:

In conclusion, the higher the Tx/Rx antenna are placed, the greater the range.
A1: Height above sea level of antenna installed on the AIS on ship 25 m.
A2: Height above sea level of antenna of the AIS installed on the buoy.
Sample formula to estimate coverage reached by different types of buoys.
Spar Buoy Height of AIS-AtoN - A2=10m Range= 21NM
Maritime Buoy-type floating signal Height of AIS-AtoN - A2=4m Range= 17NM
3.2.1 Extraordinary coverage Ducts or Tropospheric Refraction
In certain zones, under specific environmental conditions, the troposphere may experience a
meteorological phenomenon that creates ducts and channels enabling VHF frequencies to
extend across greater distances.
This phenomenon takes place during certain weather conditions during which there are different
refractive indices, which force electromagnetic waves to bounce back to the surface, thus
broadly enhancing VHF coverage. This phenomenon should not be relied on to provide
enhanced coverage.

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Figure 2 Normal situation Reception coverage 35 km

Figure 3 Situation with ducts Reception coverage 200 km

3.2.2 Selection of VHF antenna
The SWR is the ratio between maximum and minimum voltage of the standing wave. It may
also be related to reflected and incident power, as shown below:
SWR= D+R / D-R
Where D is the forward amplitude and R is the reflected amplitude.
In case of perfect adaptation, SWR is 1 and all the power delivered by the system is radiated by
the antenna, requiring that all installations endeavour to obtain the lowest possible SWR within
the bandwidth or the frequency range in which the antenna operates.
VHF antenna to be installed for AIS applications is required to be marine VHF-type. Generally
they have a central frequency is 156-157 MHz, and a bandwidth of between 6 and 7 MHz,
ensuring good performance between 152 and 160MHz, and optimum work (SWR=1) in their
central frequency.
Given that the frequency channels used by AIS are 161,975 MHz and 162,025 MHz, it is critical
to use an antenna with a broader bandwidth or tuned to a frequency closer to that defined for
the work of AIS.
An antenna with a SWR lower than 1.5 is recommended.

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3.2.3 Comparison of different marine antenna
The installation of AIS equipment must be designed around the performance of the antenna,
since marine antenna is exposed to metal, dielectric and human influences.
In order to make best choice of antenna to ensure a higher AIS-AtoN efficiency and hence a
greater coverage, three trials/measurements of different marine antenna associated to AIS
installed on operational buoys are shown below.
As shown in graph Measurement 1, the measured antenna has a very low SWR (SWR around 1
is only achieved between 156 MHz and 157 MHz), though it lacks good response within the AIS
frequency of 161,975 MHz and 162,025 MHz where the SWR exceeds 10.

Figure 4 Measurement 1
In graph Measurement 2 (Figure 5), this antenna has obtained better SWR figures for the AIS
frequency with an SWR of 4.

Figure 5 Measurement 2
In graph Measurement 3, it is seen that this antenna is specially designed for AIS with a broader
bandwidth than conventional marine antenna. This allows for a SWR of 2 within the working
frequency of AIS, a highly acceptable ratio in terms of installations. Moreover, SWR remains
close to 1 between 155 MHz and 159 MHz and gives a much flatter response than the previous
ones, showing the high quality of the antenna.

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Figure 6 Measurement 3
3.2.4 Redundancy
For remote AtoN sites, the user can consider having a system with two AIS-AtoN units.
Transmissions alternate between the AIS-AtoN units at the configurable reporting interval.
Should one AIS-AtoN unit fail, the other will continue to transmit at its configured reporting
interval: loss of a single AIS-AtoN unit will, in effect double, the reporting interval thus providing
3.3 Integrated AIS-AtoN Units.
3.3.1 Integrated unit with other equipment
AIS-AtoN can be supplied as an integrated unit with equipment such as lanterns, metrological or
hydrological sensors. Monitoring data can include solar voltage, battery voltage, status of
operating lamp or flasher, number of available lamps remaining (lamp changer), sun switch
status, and flash code.
3.3.2 Integrated with Lantern and Power system
AIS-AtoN can be supplied complete with an integrated lantern, solar PV power supply with
battery storage and all required controls and monitoring facilities.
3.4 Licensing by local licensing authority
The AIS-AtoN may be Real, Synthetic or Virtual (IALA Recommendation A-126), but in every
case they must be properly registered with their Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)
accordingly, which must be applied for through the National Authority.
For a user to obtain the MMSI for the first time in their country an interaction with the
corresponding agency to define them is usually required. Each country will have its own
licensing authority, with particular fees and renewal arrangements that need to be followed.
Reference: IALA Guideline 1084 - Authorisation of AIS-AtoN
3.5 Additional services.
3.5.1 Message 8
AIS-AtoN can be used to deliver additional services such as meteorological data and wave
data. These can be incorporated into the e-Navigation services infrastructure. Accurate
meteorological / hydrological (met/hydro) equipment can be very expensive and will require an
analysis of the benefits over the cost of installation. Met/hydro data can be difficult to verify and
confirmation of the accuracy of this service needs to be assessed with any consequent liability.
A typical navigation buoy may not be suitable for gathering wave data, due to the design not
being made for wave following. An assessment of the number of users who are able to receive
and display message 8 with met/hydro data needs to considered otherwise this service will be
of little value.

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One problem with this AIS capability is that AIS-AtoN units do not always interface easily with
met/hydro transducers. Met/hydro transducers with NMEA interface will ease integration with
Different suppliers present alternatives to capture the met/hydro information.
the AIS-AtoN may receive signals only from compatible sensors;
This is very inconvenient for already installed met/hydro networks due to the
difficulty of changing sensors.
the AIS-AtoN may require additional software or a software upgrade;
the AIS unit may require an interface to be designed and built.
As a general conclusion, it can be said that it is not straightforward to transmit message 8 and
that it should not be taken for granted that this will always be possible.
3.5.2 Message 21 AtoN Status - Monitoring capability (battery status, light status,
RACON status, etc.).
The status bits in Message 21 can also be configured to monitor the status of various conditions
of the AtoN.
The setting standards are detailed in Recommendation A-126 and are to be established in the
management software / AIS display.
In order to display the condition of items being monitored by the AIS system (e.g. Battery status,
Light on/off, Racon on/off) suitable software is required. This software may be offered by either
the AIS manufacturer or as a standard AIS tracking package via the internet or bespoke
software from a third party.
3.5.3 Interfacing with existing telemetry systems
The AIS-AtoN unit may have the capability to interface with a separate telemetry system.
3.5.4 Satellite monitoring of AIS
It is possible to track AIS and AIS-AtoN in some areas by satellites but this is not fully
developed yet.


4.1 Location of VHF antenna and GNSS antenna receivers.

4.1.1 VHF antenna
In the case of floating signals, installing VHF and GNSS antenna at the uppermost section of a
superstructure is a disadvantage from the structural point of view, as it is vulnerable to damage
if the buoy is struck by a passing ship or when the buoy is being recovered for maintenance.

Figure 7 Antenna damage due to collision

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4.1.2 GNSS Antenna
When planning the installation of a GNSS antenna on a buoy, it is a priority that it be clear of
any vertical obstruction at all times, considering also the angles of vertical divergence.
It is important to assess the position of satellites for the geographic location. This information is
critical to locate the minimum number of satellites in the shortest time possible to assure
effective transmission in slot allocation.
The location of the GNSS antenna is of vital importance; poor reception (late acquisition) in
FATDMA mode will result in frequent failure of transmission; poor reception (late acquisition) in
RATDMA mode will result in increased power consumption and some loss of transmission.
4.1.3 Choice of location for antennae
The location of the antennae needs to be carefully considered to optimize radio performance
and its vulnerability to damages from collisions or during maintenance activities. The proper
choice of antennae (integrated or separate) and the mounting devices selected are all
connected to provide optimal long-term performance.
The environmental conditions also affect the choice of equipment and the location of antennas.
4.2 IP rating
Electronic equipment installed on a Navigation Buoy will be subject to severe environmental
In order to safeguard the integrity of the equipment, increase its lifespan and ensure its
reliability, the installation must prevent the condensation cycle from starting. In order to achieve
this, an IP (Ingress Protection) level of not less than IP56 should be specified
4.2.1 Issues
AIS-AtoN equipment installation is exposed to sudden changes in temperature during the night,
which allows water vapour present within the enclosure to condense and produce water drops
that rapidly inhibit the protection given by the desiccating agent installed.
As the air gets cooler and releases water drops, the volume of air is reduced giving way to a
vacuum inside the enclosure. If the air tightness of the enclosure does not keep humid air from
seeping in, the day-night temperature oscillation creates a constant condensation of the water
vapour that gets drawn in during the night by the vacuum effect inside the container.
This condensation takes place when the temperature gradient cools a mass of air up to the
saturation point, which means that at this temperature a mass of air cannot hold water
molecules in gaseous state, therefore releasing them as water drops.
Saturation can only happen given the following three factors:
temperature gradient (Temperature difference between the air inside and outside
the IP box);
water vapour (The higher the temperature of the air mass, the more water vapour it
will carry);
air flow.
The removal of one of these three factors stops continuous condensation.
To this effect, it is fundamental that water-tightness be preserved, but above all, there should
exist a state of balance between exterior and interior pressures eliminating air flow and breaking
the cycle that generates condensation.
4.2.2 IP enclosure rating
The enclosures and their connections should, as a minimum, be rated to IP56, although this
should be increased to suit local severe environment conditions. The unit should be protected
from direct water spray.

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For more details see section 8.2
4.2.3 Pressure balance
The pressure in the enclosure needs to be balanced with the outside in order to eliminate air
flow between and thus eliminate condensation. This can be achieved with a propriety vapour
barrier to the appropriate IP rating. For more details see section 8.2
4.3 Lightning protection.
In areas where Lightning strikes are considered to be a specific hazard, consideration should be
given to protecting the AIS-AtoN unit from this by installing Surge Protection.
The implementation of a surge protection to guard the equipment against an atmospheric
discharge is essential in any installation of electronic equipment afloat.
These atmospheric discharges affect the stability of the equipment for the operation in the
GNSS signal acquisition and VHF transmission.
Lightning protection can take the form of diode-based surge protectors, varistors, gas discharge
units and good grounding.
Reference: IALA Guideline 1012 Protection of Lighthouses and AtoN against damage from
4.3.1 Grounding
Good equipotential bonding between the superstructure, mounted equipment and the sea water
will provide some protection against the raised electrical potential during a lightening storm.
This will also prevent a static build up on the buoy.


5.1 Configuration
AIS-AtoN units require programming for the following parameters as a minimum:
2 Name and type of Navigation Aid.
3 AIS type (Type1, 2 or 3).
4 Charted position.
5 Guard ring (off-position alarm).
6 For type 1: Transmission interval, Slot allocation.
7 AIS type (Real, Virtual or Synthetic).
8 Dimensions of the AtoN.
Confirmation of all on site programmed information needs to be recorded with the Competent
It is recommended that the user confirm the performance of the AIS-AtoN unit prior to
deployment by carrying-out the following tests. The frequency of the sample period and the
duration of the satellite sample can be adjusted by the user for specific locations & site
5.2 Functional tests
This is an example of a test for a Type 1 transmission measuring voltage, current and power
consumption from the power supply. It also gauges the transmit power on both AIS-AtoN
systems at different operating conditions.

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Transponder Receiver PC+SOFTWARE


A= Ampere meter
Figure 8 Showing basic connection between systems
5.2.1 Equipment:
AIS-AtoN with GNSS antenna, connected to a VHF antenna set at AIS 1 161.975 MHz and AIS
2 162.025 MHz frequency.
5.2.2 Measuring instruments:
Power supply;
Multimeter with recording function;
Spectrum analyzer;
VHF receiver;
Storage oscilloscope;
SWR Meter;
5.2.3 Testing methodology message 21 Regular operation
Test should be conducted on both systems and verify that SWR 1.5.
Measure transmission power, voltage, current and peak/standby power consumed. Same conditions without GNSS signal.
During normal operation, block out GNSS reception to keep the equipment from transmitting
and being detected. Measure the following: Voltage, current and peak/standby power
consumed. Operation with varying power supply.
Within a transmission cycle period for each voltage step change, determine equipment
operating performance by varying power supply at 500 mV throughout the specified voltage
range. Measure consumption peak and standby power as well as transmit power during this
5.2.4 Transmit power measurement
In order to characterize the output power and the associated spectrum, connect a cable from
the VHF outlet of the equipment directly to a spectrum analyzer inserting suitable attenuators to
protect the analyzer according to its specifications.

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GNSS Antena

Transponder analyzer
to be tested Cascaded


Figure 9 Measurement of power transmitted via direct connection through cable and
signal attenuation.
5.2.5 Data, curves, images and graphs - example.

Figure 10 Consumption [uA] vs. Samples, samples taken every 12 ms.

This shows the peak current used during transmission every three minutes.

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Figure 11 Consumption during transmission [A]

This is an expanded view of the transmission shown in Figure 10.

Figure 12 Bench test

AIS Transponder receiver connected to a notebook computer via RS-232, Multimeter for
measuring and registering current, and cascaded attenuators for the transmitted signal to be
displayed on the Spectrum.

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Figure 13 Spectrum analyzer displaying transmission spectrum.

Figure 14 Trace from spectrum analyzer showing transmission frequency 162.025 MHz of
the AIS-AtoN output.
5.2.6 Pre-deployment trial
Prior to deployment, the AIS-AtoN should be set-up for transmission at an approved location
and its performance monitored remotely. Testing of off-station alarm should also be part of the
testing sequence by moving it beyond its guard ring.
When testing the AIS-AtoN that is not in its assigned position, agreement must be gained with
the licensing authority to avoid confusion to local shipping. If two AIS-AtoN use the same MMSI
this will cause confusion; consideration should be given to using a specific MMSI for test
purposes only.

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5.2.7 Analysis of results
It is recommended to compare the results of the tests with the manufacturers specifications for
5.2.8 Tests pre deployment:
Power Consumption;
Output Power;
Slot synchronization (if possible);
Functional test;
Off-stations alarms;
5.2.9 Tests post deployment:
Functional test;
Transmitted position;
Range test.


6.1 Maintenance requirements

Maintenance and implementation of AIS-AtoN equipment may vary depending on the following
Characteristics of the device;
Implementation environment: fluvial (inland waters) or maritime;
Types of aids to navigation;
Environmental conditions.
Considering these differences, it must be noted that when the equipment has been integrated
by the supplier there is a lower risk of failure to the internal connections, external antenna
connection, balance of energy, etc. User-implemented AIS equipment runs a higher risk of
The purpose of this guideline is to consider the probability of failures occurring due to human
error, requiring that the process be standardized to minimize risk of failure.
6.1.1 Technical Staff
One of the most common situations to be faced on board the buoy tender while conducting
Maintenance and Repair tasks is that of repetitive work. It is essential to maintain attention to
detail when maintaining and programming AIS-AtoN as this is the most common point of failure.
Verification of the received signal post installation and repair is essential to confirm the correct
operation of the unit.
Close attention to the watertight integrity of glands and connectors is also essential.
Technical staff are responsible for verifying:
AIS-AtoN operation;
VHF and GNSS antenna cables;

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Guideline 1098 on the Application of AIS-AtoN on Buoys
May 2013
Non intrusive inspection of the condition of VHF antenna, of its flexibility and of the
GNSS antenna if placed on the outside;
Condition of wiring and connectors, stiffness, cracks, moisture and oxidation;
SWR measurement (if possible);
Power supply checking;
Fixing system;
Transmission range and coverage measurement.
It is essential that technical staff in charge of AIS-AtoN maintenance be properly trained in
applied techniques and best practices. Since AIS-AtoN maintenance and implementation on
navigational aids is not a routine task, their performance is to be assessed and monitored
6.1.2 Configuration Software
The technician needs to be well acquainted with the configuration software; poor programming
is a very common problem in this area.
Over time, equipment will change and traceability of existing versions will lower the likelihood of
confusing software configuration of AIS-AtoN equipment. Good configuration management
methodology should be in place to ensure accurate tracking of configuration of the AIS-AtoN
and the embedded software version.
6.2 Training
6.2.1 Capabilities required for maintainers
The technical staff associated with the maintenance and operation of AIS-AtoN should have
specific training to enable them to work safely and competently on the AIS-AtoN. The skills
required to maintain and programme AIS-AtoN units at sea are at a higher level than that
required to maintain a basic lighted buoy.
6.2.2 Human, physical and technical restrictions on board.
When a vessel gives support to an AIS-AtoN, technical personnel on board do not usually have
the best working conditions, therefore for operational reasons the AIS-AtoN equipment
installation needs to be conducted by specially trained personnel or in workshops designed for
such purposes.
6.2.3 Training documentation
As with all training, manuals need to be plain, concise, reader-friendly and readily available to
the maintainer.
6.3 Spare transponders
It is necessary to have spare transponders to replace those that fail, are damaged by passing
ships, vandalized or out of service, re supply time and for any other reason. The best way to
maintain the service is to replace a malfunctioning transponder and to repair at the workshop.
The spare number of transponder required depends on the installed number. The rate of
spares needs to be evaluated and adapted by each authority.
Table 2 Suggested spare transponder holding
Installed number of transponders Suggested number of spare transponders
1 to 3 1
4 to 6 2
7 to 16 3
17 to 50 20 %

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May 2013


When selecting a suitable AIS-AtoN system, the following points should be considered;
Life cycle cost analysis;
Size of unit compared to available space;
Simplicity to configure and interrogate;
Upgrade easy to perform;
After-sales service and support;
Hardware and software capacity expansion;
Different hardware solutions adaptable to the equipment base;
Ease of installation;
External connection; (Example: high-integrity external connections.)
Low power consumption.


The best way to deliver a reliable installation of an AIS-AtoN whether integrated or not, is to
ensure the highest quality of components, processes and people involved; moreover, to provide
appropriate training for all the qualified personnel in charge at every stage of the deployment.
If the equipment is not fully integrated when delivered by the supplier, such work must be
carried out by the installer, making use of watertight enclosures that ensure the durability of the
AIS-AtoN equipment.
The following sections offer guidelines for a high standard of assembly for the watertight
enclosures and connections and to establish good installation procedures intended to ensure
quality assembly and efficiency in the use of materials and resources to avoid common errors.
8.1 Impact on Buoy Performance
The installation of AIS-AtoN on buoys may impair the buoyancy and stability characteristics.
The overall mass and centre of gravity of any additional items needs to be considered at the
design stage.
The AIS-AtoN unit requires a GNSS receiver and VHF antenna at high level, this may require
cables to pass the light unit and affect lantern performance. All cable routes need to be
considered at the design stage to minimise this.
8.2 General Assembly
Approved and tested assemblies ensure enclosures capable of withstanding challenging
weather conditions, thereby preserving the equipment within.
In a harsh environment, the use of two enclosures (> IP56) may be considered to provide the
required level of protection.
It is recommended that the VHF and GNSS antenna be installed at the final stage of assembly.
UV stabilized cables should also be used.
8.2.1 Hard wired and plug connectors.
Plugs and connectors offer flexibility in maintenance and assembly but are a weak point for
moisture ingress and can be a common failure mode.

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May 2013

Figure 15 Example of a double enclosure

8.2.2 Preparation of inlets in watertight enclosures
Ensuring a completely watertight enclosure is a challenging task given that the holes on the
sides to let the cables in and to place cable glands or connectors are not original factory
conditions. Therefore, any holes must be drilled to the correct diameter for the gland. IP rated
glands and connectors to suit the environment must be selected.
It is critical to seal all joints between the inlets and the corresponding cable glands and
connectors using flexible glue so as to accompany the deformation derived from temperature
In accordance with the installation guidelines, antenna must be plugged onto the same side in
all boxes; likewise, power supply cables and earthing onto a different side.

Figure 16 Different sides of the perforated box

8.2.3 Assembly of cable glands
Cable glands and / or connectors must be fitted carefully so that both the inner and outer rubber
washers of the box do not get blocked and deteriorated when screwing the inner nut, making
sure in this way that the whole set is firmly attached to the sides.
The clearance between glands and cables must be as insignificant as possible to reduce
moisture ingress.
A selection of different consecutive diameters may be necessary since there is no heat shrink
tubing that will simultaneously adjust both gland and coaxial cable.

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May 2013
8.2.4 Preparation of the AIS System
Integrating different electronic devices requires that equipment and connections be correctly
fitted and secure for all cables, thereby avoiding failure due to poor contact, loss of data and
functional efficiency and the possible ensuing breakdown of the equipment.
Inserting a rubber plate in the mounting system of the AIS equipment has proven to be an
effective way of softening vibration during the operation.
In some non-integrated installations it is recommended to fit a polarity protection device in the
enclosure between the power supply system and the input of the equipment.

Figure 17 Equipment with its protection

8.2.5 Sealing of external connections
If the installation is performed using glands or connectors, moisture is liable to seep in, requiring
the use of heat shrink tubing. This component that protects the cable connection to the external
box can be easily fitted; otherwise it can be filled with a paste that will seal the clearance
between the heat shrink and the cable.
Once the stretch of heat shrink to be applied has been determined, the position of the cables
must be calculated before the final adjustments are made.
When the heat shrinks have been properly fitted, the cables must protrude downwards -as
shown in Figure 18 to enable smooth outpour of water.
As an alternative to shrink tube, it is possible to use self-amalgamating tape which provides an
effective seal and can be replaced on site.

Figure 18 Sealing of antenna and power supply inputs.

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May 2013

Figure 19 Sealed cable gland with heat shrink
8.2.6 Connections and Completion
The gas surge protection device must be inserted in the input of the VHF antenna immediately
inside the internal watertight box keeping the connections isolated from any source of moisture.
Finally, VHF and GNSS antenna must be connected, verifying the SWR of the former, as
described in section 3.2.3.
8.3 General outlines for the assembly
1 Follow the Checklist at Annex A.
2 The necessary components must be recorded on the Checklist.
3 The power supply system must always be checked.
4 Enclosures must be assembled to enable access to the power supply connections and the
VHF/GNSS antenna. It is important that this process be recorded in the Checklist so as to
keep track of intermediate controls.
5 If an external enclosure has been fitted, this must be recorded in the Checklist.
6 When antenna cables have been fitted, the SWR of the VHF antenna must be measured
and the water tightness of the cable glands must be visually verified and recorded in the
7 Having completed the installation, it is recommended to test the system for at least one
week prior to deployment.


AIS Automatic Identification System

AIS-AtoN AIS-Aid to Navigation transponder
AtoN Aid to Navigation
IMO International Maritime Organisation
VDL VHF Data Link
VHF Very High Frequency
FATDMA Fixed Access Time Division Multiple Access
RATDMA Random Access Time Division Multiple Access
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

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May 2013
ITU International Communications Union
SWR Standing Wave Ratio
IP Ingress Protection
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System


[1] IALA Recommendation A-126 Edition

[2] IEC 62320-2 AIS AtoN Stations Operational and Performance Requirements, methods
of testing and required test results
[3] ITU-R M.1371-4 Technical Characteristics for AIS using TDMA
[4] IALA Guideline 1012 Lightning Protection
[5] IALA Guideline 1039 on Designing Solar Power Systems for AtoN
[6] IALA Guideline 1084 Authorisation of AIS-AtoN.

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Guideline 1098 on the Application of AIS-AtoN on Buoys
May 2013

Table 3 Sample checklist

Checklist for the verification of AIS-AtoN installation

Name of the station Dover East
MMSI 99MIDxxxx
Person at workshop John Doe
Person on board Ezmil Sahrani
Item Description Signature

Type of AtoN 20 (North Cardinal) (Ref. A-126, table 1)

AIS serial number 123456
Enclosure Make, model and quantity

Connectors Make, model and quantity

VHF Antenna Make, model and quantity
GNSS Antenna Make, model and quantity
Surge Protection Make, model and quantity
Heat shrink tubes or
other protection Heath shrink or self-amalgamating type

Cable specification Make and model

Equipment testing time 7 days

Antenna SWR 1.5
Photography Attached

Configuration Check OK
Post deployment
functional test Passed

Date 2012-10-11

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