GL I-1-11 e
GL I-1-11 e
GL I-1-11 e
I Ship Technology
1 Seagoing Ships
Edition 2012
The following Rules come into force on 1 July 2012.
Germanischer Lloyd SE
Head Office
Brooktorkai 18, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 36149-0
Fax: +49 40 36149-200
"General Terms and Conditions" of the respective latest edition will be applicable
(see Rules for Classification and Construction, I - Ship Technology, Part 0 - Classification and Surveys).
Table of Contents
Section 1
International or national requirements for the manning ISO 8468 Ship’s bridge layout and associated equip-
and familiarisation of the bridge team and provision of ment – Requirements and guidelines
an outlook shall remain unaffected.
SN.1/Circ.265 Guidelines on the application of
SOLAS V/15 to INS, IBS and bridge design
2. Range of application
SN.1/Circ.288 Guidelines for bridge equipment and
These NAV/NAV-INS Rules can be applied to seago-
systems, their arrangement and integration (BES)
ing ships classed with GL, contracted for construction
on or after 1 July 2012.
4. Equivalent equipment
For ships with keel laying before this date the former
version of the rules with Class Notation Other technical equipment and systems not mentioned
NAV-O/NAV-OC may be applied. in these Rules, as well as newly developed equipment
and systems may be used provided that they are ac-
3. Regulations, rules, standards cepted by GL as being at least equivalent.
1. Navigating and manoeuvring workstation A bridge without open bridge wings, meaning that
bridge wings form an integral part of an enclosed
Main workstation for ship's command 350 mm behind wheelhouse.
the radar console. It is conceived for working in seated
position with optimum visibility and integrated pres-
entation of information and operating equipment. It 13. Officer of the watch
shall be designed to operate the ship safely and effi-
Person responsible for safe navigating, operating of
bridge equipment and manoeuvring of the ship.
2. Monitoring workstation
14. Ships length
Workstation from where equipment and environment
can be checked constantly; when several crew are Ship length means the length over all.
working on the bridge it serves for relieving the navi-
gator at the navigating and manoeuvring workstation
and/or for carrying out control and advisory functions 15. Within the reach of the officer of the watch
by the master, back-up officer and/or pilot.
Operation and control units within the reach of the
officer of the watch shall be within a radius of 1000
3. Manual steering workstation mm around the seated officer (see Fig. 1.1).
Workstation from which the ship can be steered by a
4. Docking workstation
Workstation in the bridge wings from which the ship Radius 1000 mm
can be operated during berthing, lock passage, pilot
transfer, etc.
9. Field of vision
17. Conning position (as required by SOLAS
Angular size of the scene that can be observed from a V/22)
position on the ship's bridge.
Place on the bridge with a commanding view, used for
monitoring and directing the ships movements.
10. Bridge wings
Those parts of the bridge on both sides of the wheel- Note
house which in general extend to the ship's side.
The Panama Canal pilot conning positions No.1 –
No.5, required by the Panama Canal Regulations may
11. Wheelhouse
be at different locations and are not relevant for
Enclosed area of the bridge. SOLAS or NAV/NAV-INS.
I - Part 1 Section 1 C General Regulations and Information Chapter 11
GL 2012 Page 1–3
20. Alarm transfer system INS comprises navigational tasks such as "Route
planning", "Route monitoring", "Collision avoidance",
Functionality of the Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm "Navigation control data", "Navigation status and data
System (BNWAS) to actuate the “emergency call” in display" and "Alert management", including the re-
case of an unacknowledged alarm after a time defined spective sources, data and displays which are inte-
by the user unless otherwise specified by IMO. grated into one navigation system.
I - Part 1 Section 2 C Documents, Surveys Chapter 11
GL 2012 Page 2–1
Section 2
Documents, Surveys
1 Detailed information about the secured GL system GLOBE
can be found on GL’s website
I - Part 1 Section 3 B Bridge Configuration Chapter 11
GL 2012 Page 3–1
Section 3
Bridge Configuration
However, in the view described in 1. each individual mum beam of the ship and the bridge crew can lean
blind sector shall not exceed 5°. over the side to have an unobstructed view.
The total arc of additional blind sectors between the
beam and 22.5° abaft the beam on either side should The requirement shall also be fulfilled when the sea
not exceed 10°, allowing a total of 30° within the surface at the lowest draught and a transverse distance
required total field of vision of 225°. A clear sector of of 500 mm and more from the maximum beam
at least 5° shall extend from 22.5° abaft the beam and throughout the ship’s length is visible from the side of
forward on either side of the ship. (see Fig. 3.4) the bridge wing (see Fig. 3.5).
8. Visibility shall not be obstructed by regular Ships of specific construction are exempted – see
container stowage above the line of visibility. Only MSC.1/Circ.1350.
blind sectors that cannot be avoided due to unusual
structure and size of the cargo units on deck and fixed 10. The view point to be used for calculation of
structures necessary for cargo handling or the opera- the required view and field of vision (see Fig. 3.1 and
tion of the ship may be included in the blind sector 3.2) shall be the workstation navigating / manoeuvring
limits allowed by SOLAS V/22 and 7. of this regula- which is 350 mm behind the radar screen and based on
tion. an eye height of 1800 mm (see Fig. 3.6).
Sea surface
Fig. 3.2 Field of vision at navigating and Fig. 3.3 Field of vision from monitoring
manoeuvring workstation (exam- workstation (example for off-
ple for off-centre location on stb.- centre location on port-side)
I - Part 1 Section 3 B Bridge Configuration Chapter 11
GL 2012 Page 3–3
10° 5° 10°
= max. allowable
blind sectors
(Reg. V/22.1.2)
2 x LOA
or 500 m
= forward
of the bow
90° 90°
10° rsecto
. 5° Navigating and
min manoeuvring workstation 112
,5° (behind radar) ,5°
1.1 1.2
400 mm
500 mm
Fig. 3.5 Max. permitted blind sectors at the view of the ships side
9. All bridge front windows shall be provided bulkhead and any consoles should preferably be at
with efficient cleaning, de-icing and de-misting de- least 1000 mm, but in no case less than 800 mm.
vices. In case of a totally enclosed bridge also the aft
facing windows and the side windows (except sliding 14. Chairs are to be provided for the navigating
windows) at the docking stations shall be provided and manoeuvring workstation as well as for the moni-
with such devices. toring workstation. They shall be capable of rotating
with the foot rest being arrested and adjustable in
The use of clear view screens (rotating windows) is height. Chairs shall be capable of being arrested on the
not required. However, if fitted, they shall not be in- floor and should also be capable of being moved clear
stalled in windows in front of any workstation. of the operating areas.
On windows in the front bulkhead, which are in line
with the view from the workstations, wipers may be
omitted (Fig. 3.7), unless required for the manual steer- D. Working Environment
ing workstation and/or the pilot's conning position .
1. Toilet facilities shall be provided on the
10. To ensure a clear view and to avoid reflec- bridge or within easy access of the navigating bridge
tions in bright sunshine, sunscreens with minimum deck primarily for those on duty.
colour distortion should be provided at all bridge win-
dows. Such screens should be readily removable and 2. Wheelhouse and bridge wing floors shall be
not permanently installed. on one level, without steps and should have a non-slip
11. Consoles within the required field of vision of
3. There should be no sharp edges, protuber-
the workstation for navigating and manoeuvring and the
ances, pillars, tripping hazards or other obstacles,
workstation for monitoring should not obstruct the hori-
which could cause injury to personnel.
zontal line of sight in seated position. The upper edge of
the consoles should not exceed 1200 mm (see Fig. 3.6). 4. Sufficient hand or grab rails shall be fitted to
enable personnel to move or stand safely in bad
12. If access ways are provided between different weather. Protection of stairway openings should be
workstation then these should in general have a clear given special consideration.
width of not less than 700 mm. The workstation oper-
ating area should be part of the workstation and not of 5. Red light should be used to maintain dark
the access way. adaption whenever possible in areas or on items of
equipment, other than the chart table, requiring illumi-
13. If there are any consoles or installations nation in the operational mode. This light should be
placed away from the bridge front bulkhead or if a variable from 0 to 20 lux and be provided at all work-
console is separated from other installations the dis- places.
tance to the front bulkhead or any other console
should be sufficient for two persons to pass each 6. The requirements and guidelines of MSC/
other. The distance of a passageway between the front Circ.982 for work environment are recommended.
min. 5° Standing
15° to 25° 350 mm
Workstation behind
min. the radar
max. 1400
Fig. 3.6 Minimum size of the bridge front window and visibility from the navigating and manoeuvring
workstation and monitoring workstation
Chapter 11 Section 3 Bridge Configuration I - Part 1
Page 3–6 GL 2012
w w w w w w
w w w w
Wipers may be omitted on windows
at bulkhead in line with workstations.
Section 4
Bridge Equipment
A60 protected
Gyro 1
Gyro 2
Echo sounder
1.8 Intercom to docking workstations (if the The following indication and equipment (items 1.19 -
distance is greater than 10 m) 1.24) shall be provided within the perception area of
the officer of the watch from his bridge chair:
1.9 Call system for master and navigation offi-
cers (telephone / internal communication system) 1.19 Whistle automatic control system
1.10 VHF equipment including GMDSS distress 1.20 Navigation- and signal light controller
alarm management (external communication)
1.21 Emergency stop of installations to be
1.11 Automatic Identification System (AIS) ter- stopped in case of fire (air condition, ventilation and
minal, if it’s a stand alone system refrigerating installation)
If the AIS information is shown in the radar or 1.22 Remote control and monitoring of watertight
ECDIS it may be positioned within the perception doors, external openings and fire doors (open/closed),
area of the officer of the watch. if available
1.12 Control of whistle and manoeuvring light 1.23 Remote control of emergency fire pump
1.13 Acknowledge push button for watch alarm 1.24 Anti-rolling device, if available
system (BNWAS)
2. Monitoring workstation
1.14 Control of centralized alert management
system The following tasks and control functions shall be
accessible and within the reach of the monitoring
1.15 Control of general alarm officer from his bridge chair (see Section 1, Fig. 1.1):
1.16 Control of window wipers in front of work- 2.1 ARPA radar with operation controls
station The 3 GHz radar shall be inter switchable with the 9
GHz radar at the navigating and manoeuvring work-
1.17 Control of console lighting station.
Chapter 11 Section 4 D Bridge Equipment I - Part 1
Page 4–4 GL 2012
2.2 Control of whistle and manoeuvring light 3.4 Dimmer for indicators listed in 3.5.
2.3 Acknowledge push button for watch alarm 3.5 The following indicators shall at least be
system (BNWAS) provided within the perception area of the helmsman:
2.6 Call system for master and navigation offi- – Rate-of-turn, if available
cers (telephone / internal communication system)
4. Docking workstation
2.7 VHF equipment (external communication)
The following equipment shall at least be provided
2.8 The following indication and equipment within the reach of the operating officer:
shall be provided within the perception area of the
monitoring workstation: 4.1 Control of main engine(s)
– Gyro compass heading
4.2 Control of thruster(s)
– Rate-of-turn, if available
– Rudder angle 4.3 Control of rudder(s)
– Propeller revolutions
4.4 Control of whistle and manoeuvring light
– Pitch if a pitch propeller is fitted
– Thrust force and direction 4.5 Intercom to workstations for navigating /
– Speed manoeuvring, monitoring, manual steering.
(longitudinal and lateral for ships of 10.000 GT 4.6 Acknowledge push button for watch alarm
and more) system (BNWAS)
– Water depth
4.7 If the ship has a totally enclosed bridge:
– Time
control of window wipers in front and aft of work-
– Wind direction and speed station
– Sound reception device, if totally enclosed The following indication shall be provided within the
bridge docking workstation:
Equipment or indication mentioned under paras. 2.2
to 2.8 and which is required at more than one work- – Rudder angle
station, shall be arranged so that it can be easily
reached respectively observed from all relevant work- – Propeller revolutions
stations. If this is not achievable such equipment or
indicators/displays shall be duplicated. – Pitch, if a pitch propeller is fitted
– Thruster speed
2.9 Central alert management system
– Gyro compass heading
3. Manual steering workstation
– Rate-of-turn, if available
The following equipment shall at least be provided
within the reach of the helmsman:
– Speed
3.1 Steering wheel or other means of controlling (longitudinal and lateral for ships of 10.000 GT
the heading of the ship manually and more)
3.2 Control of window wiper in front of work- – Wind direction and speed if totally enclosed
station bridge
3.3 Intercom to docking workstations (if the A conning display or multi function display may be
distance is greater than 10 m) used and is recommended.
I - Part 1 Section 4 F Bridge Equipment Chapter 11
GL 2012 Page 4–5
5. General bridge equipment within wheel- 4. A Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System
house (BNWAS) including alarm transfer system shall be
provided for the following unacknowledged alerts:
5.1 Main control unit of BNWAS – Failure HCS
5.2 Control of window washing and heating – Sensor failure, wheel over line and cross track
system failure TCS
– System failure gyro compass
5.3 Control of wheelhouse air-conditioning
– Loss of position EPFS
5.4 Main control unit of whistle – System failure SDME
– Depth alarm from Echo sounder
6. INS tasks and functions
– Aggregated steering gear alarm
6.1 Collision avoidance Radar ARPA, AIS
– Imminent slow-down or shut-down of propul-
sion system
6.2 Route planning, route monitoring ECDIS,
echo sounder – Failure / loss of navigation lights
2. The general requirements from the IMO – one 9GHz (X-Band) Radar including trans-
Resolution MSC.1021(26) (Code on Alerts and Indi- ceiver and antenna
cators) has to be observed. – Gyro compass systems
3. The classification of alerts shall be in com-
pliance with MSC.252(83) Table 2. It shall be possi- – ECDIS
ble to acknowledge all alarms and warnings by a
single operator action, except for category A (danger – SDME
of collision or danger of grounding). A temporarily – Echo sounder
silence of an audible alert should be possible for all
alerts. – Sensor management