Special Report Avoid Common Mistakes With Vessels

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Special Report

AVOID common
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Table of Contents
Avoid Costly Materials Mistakes 3
Consider a variety of factors related to materials when specifying vessels

Avoid Costly Fabrication Mistakes 9

Keep in mind eleven points related to fabrication to ensure suitable vessels

Avoid Costly Design Mistakes 15

Cutting the wrong corners can incur significant costs over a vessels service life

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Avoid Costly Materials Mistakes
Consider a variety of factors related to materials when specifying vessels

By Chip Eskridge, Aker Kvaerner Plant Services Group, Mike James, DuPont, and Steve Zoller, Enerfab.

Gone are the days when most companies retain their You can pre-empt such problems with a bit of guidance.
own materials engineers/metallurgists or fabrication savvy So, in this first article in our three-part series, well look at
personnel on staff. With the swings in the process industries a dozen important factors to consider in materials selection.
over the past two decades, a number of companies have We wont get deep into the technical weeds but will provide
elected to dispense with their materials/metallurgy group pointers gleaned from our first-hand experiences that can
and instead rely on a process engineer or a consulting metal- help you avoid costly mistakes and delays.
lurgist to specify materials of construction. Process engi- 1. Select the right material. For non-corrosive service, use
neers are specifying welded equipment more and more, and design temperature to choose a readily available, cost-effective
often with a lack of fabrication/materials know-how. Their material. Table 1 offers a general guide [1, 2]. For corrosive or
approach is to rely on a fabricator to guide them through hydrogen service, consult a materials engineer.
the materials decisions and to point out any oversights. 2. Avoid specifying materials by trade name. Many projects
Furthermore, with the widespread use of sophisticated vessel involve replacement-in-kind of existing or similar equipment.
design software, many small- to mid-sized fabricators no The original design may have specified a particular brand or
longer employ engineers. Instead they depend on techni- trade name alloy such as Hastelloy C276, Carpenter 20-Cb3,
cians to design vessels, many of whom lack the technical Monel or Inconel 600, and so these words are used throughout
insight or materials background often required. In todays project development. Citing brand or trade name materi-
market, fabricators often do not have the time to challenge als was necessary in the 1970s because many were unique
material/fabrication datasheet abnormalities and merely and protected by patents. Today however, most major metals
add these additional costs to their bid or choose not to bid, manufacturers produce their own and competitors alloys. So,
putting the engineer in a less competitive position. As a unless sticking with an exact proprietary alloy is mandated, us-
result, if the engineer receives a quote from the fabricator, ing generic names, such as Alloy C276, Alloy 20, Alloy 400, or
its weeks later, higher than expected, and with exceptions, specifying the trade name or equal on the data sheet is more
deviations and surprises, all of which must be reconciled appropriate.
before proceeding. In the end, the project will have incurred 3. Take your bid expiration date seriously. Prices for com-
unnecessary schedule delays, higher equipment costs, and modity metals change daily on world metal exchanges. There
then finds itself over budget and behind schedule before it was a time when mills/suppliers only adjusted their prices
gets off the ground. once per month and you could hold onto a firm quote for

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Material selection guide
Design temperature,F Material Plate Pipe Forgings Fittings Bolting

-425 to -321 Stainless Steel SA-240-304, 304L SA-312-304, 304L SA-182-304, 304L SA-403-304, 304L
SA-320-B8 with
-320 to -151 9 Nickel SA-353 SA-333-8 SA-522-1 SA-420-WPL8

-150 to -76 3 Nickel SA-203-D

SA-320-L7 with
Low temperature

SA-333-3 SA-350-LF3 SA-420-WPL3

-75 to -51 2 Nickel SA-203-A

SA-193-B7M with
-50 to -21 SA-516-55, 60 SA-333-6
SA-350-LF2 SA-420-WPL6
-20 to 4 SA-516-All SA-333-1 or -6

5 to 32 SA-516 All
Carbon Steel

SA-53B or
SA-105 SA-234-WPB
33 to 775 SA-516 All
SA-193-B7 with

776 to 875 C- Mo SA-204-B SA-335-P1 SA-182-F1 SA-234-WP1

Elevated temperature

1 Cr-1/2 Mo SA-387-P12- Cl1 SA-335-P12 SA-182-F12 SA-234-WP12

876 to 1,000
1 Cr-1/2 Mo SA-387-P11- Cl2 SA-335-P11 SA-182-F11 SA-234-WP11

SA-193-B5 with
1,001 to 1,100 2 Cr- 1 Mo SA-387-P22- Cl1 SA-335-P22 SA-182-F22 SA-234-WP22

Stainless Steel SA-240-347H SA-312-347H SA-182-347H SA-403-347H

1,101 to 1,500
Alloy 800 SB-424 SB-423 SB-425 SB-366 SA-193-B8 with
Alloy 800HT
Above 1,500 SB-443 SB-444 SB-446 SB-366
Alloy X

Table 1. Temperature provides a good basis to select materials for use in non-corrosive service. Sources: References 1 and 2.

two to four weeks while it was evaluated. However, in recent the order was placed two months later solely because of
years, metal pricing has become more sensitive to world increases in stainless-steel tube cost due to a surge in nickel
events and more frequent and dramatic pricing swings occur. and molybdenum prices. In todays market, fabricators must
A fabricator recently reported that its quote for several large contend with material pricing from suppliers that can expire
heat exchangers had to be adjusted upward $300,000 when at the end of day. So, take your bid expiration date seriously.

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Generalized corrosion
On the other hand, carbon-steel costs, while rising, tend to
be less volatile than those of alloy steels; so its safe to assume
normal escalation during the project development/estimating
4. Specify dual-grade stainless steel. Theres much confu-
sion about L grade, straight grade, and dual-grade 300-series
austenitic stainless steels in particular, Types 304 and 316.
Engineers often specify lone L grade materials such as Type
304L or 316L on data sheets. The reason: during welding, such
low-carbon stainless steels resist chromium carbide sensitiza-
tion that can lead to preferential heat-affected zone corrosion in
some corrosive processes [3]. However, L grade stainless steels
have lower strength than straight (non-L) grade stainless steels
and the ASME code penalizes the design 15% to 20% with
additional shell thickness and lower flange rating [4, 5]. Whats
important to understand here is that a lot of the weldable forms
of stainless steels (Types 304/316) produced today in the U.S. Figure 1. Carbon steel corrodes uniformly, so a corrosion allowance can be used.
Photo courtesy of Matco Associates, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa.
come dual certified as Type 304/304L or Type 316/316L. These
steels have the higher strength of straight-grade stainless steels rosion allowance for these situations is appropriate. However,
and have the superior resistance to sensitization during welding many alloys, such as austenitic stainless steels, duplex stainless
of the L grade stainless. This is because theyre now made in steels, nickel alloys and titanium, are more resistant to uniform
a melt furnace process that substitutes nitrogen for carbon. corrosion and tend to corrode locally that is, pit or crack.
Nitrogen strengthens the steel (like carbon) but wont promote So, its less appropriate to specify a corrosion allowance for
sensitization during welding. Fabricators often will purchase these materials in relatively benign processes. Furthermore, as
dual certified materials but will use the lower strength values the thickness of the stainless steel increases, the more likely it
of the L grade material in their calculations if you specify L can become sensitized from repeated heat input during multi-
grade material on your data sheet. This results in unnecessarily pass welding. While a mere 1/8 -in. corrosion allowance doesnt
adding extra wall thickness and possibly crossing into a higher seem like much, it potentially can require a disproportional
flange rating. number of additional weld passes (and cost) depending on the
5. Properly use corrosion allowance. This allowance adds weld procedure used.
extra thickness to account for uniform metal loss over the A corrosion allowance isnt recommended for materi-
equipments expected service life. The key word here is uni- als that are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (Figure
form. Mild carbon steel uniformly corrodes due to the galvanic 2) in a given process. For example, for protection against
cell potential of the interlaced ferrite-cementite grain structure, chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking, it would be more
called pearlite (Figure 1). Specifically, there are millions of an- appropriate to upgrade the material of construction to a
odic (ferrite) and cathodic (cementite) sites that in the presence duplex, lean duplex or super duplex stainless steel, rather
of moisture provide the four necessary elements for corrosion than add a corrosion allowance to austenitic stainless steel.
(anode, cathode, metallic bridge, and electrolyte). Alloyed ma- Specifying some duplex alloys actually can provide a cost
terials in aggressive service will also uniformly corrode because savings because they have 20% to 35% higher allowable
their strong protective oxide layer is breached. Specifying a cor- code stresses, resulting in a thinner wall vessel [4].

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Stress corrosion cracking
ties change and a new set of conditions apply. Many engineers,
however, dont appreciate that solids also have temperature
limits that, when crossed, create problems for the designer and
thus can add additional steps (and cost) to the fabrication pro-
cess. The most common material limit occurs at low tempera-
ture and is called the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature.
Its an issue with carbon steels and other metals with a body
centered cubic structure and manifests as a loss of ductility
i.e., the metal becomes brittle. Stainless steels, nickel-base
alloys, aluminum, and copper (e.g., FCC and HCP) also have
limits but at temperatures below -325F. Carbon steelss ductil-
ity decreases with temperature and as carbon content increases.
The ASME code protects against brittle failures by limiting
carbon content to no more than 0.35% and by mandating the
material either to be heat treated or impact tested when the
ductile-to-brittle transition zone is approached. For thin-wall
Figure 2. Many stainless steels and alloys resist uniform corrosion but are suscep- vessels, common carbon steel materials (SA-105, SA-106, SA-
tible to localized attack. Photo courtesy of Matco Associates, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa.
516-70) require heat treatment or impact testing at design tem-
In summary, when uniform corrosion is expected, peratures below -20F [6]. So, when possible, specify a warmer
specify a corrosion allowance. When localized corrosion is minimum design metal temperature to avoid these costs.
expected, investigate other corrosion protection schemes. Below -55F, all welders and weld procedures require a
6. Know the relative cost of materials. Its common knowl- special qualification, which many fabricators may not have
edge that stainless steel is more expensive than carbon steel. developed. For API-650 tanks, -40F is the critical tem-
However, the cost difference between a 300-series stainless perature where impact testing and welder re-qualification
steel and a lean duplex, duplex or super duplex stainless steel are required. For ASME B31.3 pipe, -50F is the limit.
or between stainless steel and high nickel alloys or zirco- Temperature limits are a function of weld thickness; the
nium is less obvious. Its helpful to have a rough idea of the above values are for 3/8 in. and thinner. As weld (wall) thick-
relative costs of materials so that meaningful discussions can ness increases, these temperatures rise, that is, get warmer.
take place during project development. Table 2 lists the relative The key here is when specifying carbon steel at low design
costs (excluding fabrication costs) of commonly used materi- temperatures, crossing over a critical metal temperature by
als. Note, though, the cost and delivery for any given alloy can 1F will add cost to an ASME code vessel, heat exchanger,
vary greatly from vendor to vendor based on current stock and piping system or API-650 storage tank.
availability. Its always good practice to question the fabrica- 8. Consider coatings. The practice of coating isnt new but
tor about how many material suppliers it got quotes from or to remains under-utilized [7]. When quoting, fabricators often
make independent inquiries into material costs, especially if dont suggest coatings, though, because its the owners respon-
you intend to sole source. sibility (per code) to specify materials of construction. Plus it
7. Keep critical metal temperatures in mind. We learn at an means adding an additional manufacturing step (and thus one
early age that water boils at 212F (100C) and freezes at 32F to four weeks) to an often already tight schedule. Furthermore,
(0C) at atmospheric pressure. Engineers know that as water most fabricators really arent expert in coating selection.
crosses these points, its physical and thermodynamic proper- Proper selection of a coating that will resist the process

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Relative cost of commonly used materials1
(excluding fabrication and delivery costs)
Carbon steel 0.254 Alloy 20 2.82

304/304L 0.72 Alloy 6XN 2.82

316/316L 1.02 Alloy 625 4.92

2101 Lean Duplex 0.62 Alloy 600 5.22 requiring a bit more testing, inspections and documentation,
which all come at a price. Above 15-psig design pressure (i.e.,
2205 Duplex 1.02 Alloy C276 5.02
for pressure vessels), ASME Section X can be used. However,
2507 Super Duplex 1.6 2
Alloy 400 3.3 2 only a handful of manufacturers in the U.S. can provide a Sec-
tion X Stamp.
Titanium Grade 2 4.53 Alloy 800 2.53
10. Use the extra metal to your benefit. After design
Zirconium 8 4
Alloy C22 5.13 parameters are set, the fabricator will determine the required
wall thickness. For instance, a 150-psig, 300F, 4-ft.-diameter
Pricing based on 10,000-lb. order of plate material and does
not include fabrication costs.
carbon-steel vessel, spot X-rayed with 1/16 in. corrosion allow-
Courtesy of Rolled Alloys. Note: ratios are subject to change ance, will have a required shell thickness of 0.326 in. The
and are for estimating purposes only. fabricator will purchase the next thicker commercially available
Pricing obtained from major supplier which chose to remain plate, which would be 3/8 in. (i.e., 0.049-inches thicker than
Pricing based on survey of recent projects.
required). This additional wall thickness can be used in one of
three ways, and you have a control over its use.
Table 2. Carbon steel can cost from about one-third to one-twentieth that of Option 1 is to use the extra metal to rate the vessel with
other metals. a higher Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)
is key. Coatings have limitations, primarily temperature. than the required design pressure, 178 psig instead of 150
Many are restricted to 200F to 300F; they have a different psig here. This choice favors continuous processes, and gives
coefficient of thermal expansion than the base metal they production the option to operate the vessel harder (i.e., at
cover, which may make them more susceptible to separa- higher pressure).
tion over their service life. Like metallic vessels, coated Option 2 is to set the MAWP equal to design (150 psig)
equipment also requires periodic inspections. However, for and use the extra metal as additional corrosion allowance
moderate design temperatures, coating a carbon-steel vessel (1/16 in. plus 0.049 in.). This will give you a longer service
can be much more economical than purchasing a high alloy life, which favors batch processes.
vessel or clad carbon-steel vessel. For instance, estimates for Option 3 is to set MAWP equal to design (150 psig)
ethanol plants show savings of as much as 35% for coated and use the extra metal to obtain a higher maximum design
carbon steel tanks compared to stainless ones. temperature. This option favors processes that have auto-
9. Check into non-metallics. Many applications dont really matic temperature trips, such as exothermic reactors and
require a metal tank. High density polyethylene (HDPE) tanks fired heaters, and avoids possible fitness-for-service determi-
come in a wide range of sizes and configurations. From 200 to nations if an excursion should occur.
12,000 gallons, these tanks cost a fraction of metal ones. The The option selected can be changed later by performing
major disadvantages of HDPE tanks are pressure/temperature a re-rate, although choosing Option 2 or 3 would require a
and anchoring limitations. They cant be rated for pressure/vac- new hydrostatic test. Also, when opting for Option 1 or 3,
uum nor can they be designed with load-bearing attachments watch crossing into the next higher flange class.
or platforms. Nozzles can be added to customize the tank but 11. Understand the difference in surface treatments.
also with limitations. Tanks made of reinforced thermoplastic Pickling and passivating are surface treatments of carbon steel
resin (RTR), also referred to as fiberglass-reinforced plastic and corrosion resistant alloys that use acid or other solutions
(FRP), offer a more robust alternative. They overcome the to remove surface oxides or improve corrosion resistance of the
limitations of HDPE tanks and can be designed/fabricated to metal to a given process. Pickling is performed using a strong
either manufacturers standards or to ASME RTP-1 the later oxidizing acid, such as nitric or hydrofluoric acid, to remove

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1. M
 egyesy, E. F., Pressure Vessel Handbook, 13th ed.,
Pressure Vessel Publishing, Tulsa, Okla. (2005).
2. M
 oss, D. R., Pressure Vessel Design Manual, 3rd ed., Gulf
Publishing, Houston (2003).
3. Fontana, M. G. and N. D. Greene, Corrosion Engineering,
3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York (1986).
because of its low-end nature and the risk of contamination
4. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, Part
of alloy work.
D, Maximum Allowable Stress Values Ferrous Materials,
12. Pay attention to surface finish. Polishing usually is
Amer. Soc. of Mech. Eng., New York (2007).
specified for process reasons, although it can be very effective
 ASME B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings, Amer.
in improving equipment fatigue life in cycle service. Unless
Soc. of Mech. Eng., New York (2003).
directed otherwise, fabricators usually will provide a mechani-
6.  ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Divi-
cal polish that will leave very fine scratches, small burrs, and a
sion 1, Rules of Construction for Pressure Vessels, Amer.
less-than-uniform microscopic surface appearance. Often this
Soc. of Mech. Eng., New York (2007).
is sufficient and cost effective for a surface finish no smoother
 urran, E., Eliminate exchanger tubing troubles, Chemi-
7. C
than 10 Ra (average roughness or the measure of the peaks and
cal Processing, p. 33 (November 2007). Available online at
valleys with respect to the mean surface). On the other hand,
electro-polishing generally is more cost effective below 10 Ra.
Electro-polishing essentially is controlled uniform corrosion.
the outer oxide layer. All stainless steels are pickled to various The surface is first mechanically polished (to a rougher finish
degrees after theyre made. Approximately 25 mils to 50 mils than the specified final finish) and then placed in an electro-
(one mil equals 0.001 in.) of oxide is removed during pickling. lytic solution. Sacrificial cathodes are strategically placed in
Carbon steels typically arent subject to pickling but are sup- the solution, thereby causing the vessel to be anodic. A voltage
plied in as-formed condition. On the other hand, passivation is applied, resulting in a small amount (1 mil to 5 mils) of
of stainless steel is performed using a weaker acid, such as weak surface metal (and debris) being uniformly electro-chemically
nitric or citric acid, that preferentially removes the more easily removed. Iron and nickel are more anodic than chromium
extracted iron and nickel atoms from the oxide layer, leaving and are removed more, leaving the surface chromium-rich and
behind a chromium-oxide-rich surface. Usually less than 2 mils very shiny. This operation simultaneously performs a surface
of metal are removed. Thus, after passivation, stainless steel has passivation. Electro-polishing is a superior finish but comes
a bright finish. Pickling typically is performed at the mill or with a heftier price tag; it typically costs $10,000 to $20,000
by a material supplier while passivation usually is done by the more than mechanically polishing, depending on the size of
fabricator after the vessel is complete. the vessel.
Fabricators that handle both carbon steel and stainless Be precise when specifying the quality of finish. A U.S.
steel carry an inherent risk of contaminating their stainless supplier will interpret 10 Ra as micro-inches while a non-
steel by picking up free iron from tooling. Iron from carbon U.S. supplier may be thinking micro-meters. Of course, 10
steel can be embedded in the stainless steel surface from the Ra micro-inches is vastly different than 10 Ra micro-meters.
forming process (e.g., contaminated plate rolls), grinding The next article in this series will address fabrication is-
wheels, machining operations and via airborne particles sues such as head, jacket and tubing choices, how to reduce
if not carefully controlled. Its good practice to passivate fabrication costs using radiography and related topics.
stainless steel vessels if a fabricator handles both carbon steel
and stainless steel or if surface iron contamination and its Chip Eskridge, P.E., is principal mechanical/materials engineer for
deleterious effects on corrosion resistance cant be tolerated. Aker Kvaerner Plant Services Group, Louisville, Ky. Mike James is a
Another way to avoid this problem is to only allow fabrica- senior consultant, materials engineering, for DuPont, Houston. Steve
tors who specialize in stainless steel or higher-end alloys to Zoller is director of fabricated equipment for Enerfab, Cincinnati.
perform the work. Often, a shop that specializes in alloy Reach them via e-mail at Chip.Eskridge@akerkvaerner.com,
materials will turn down bid requests for carbon steel work Michael.M.James-1@USA.dupont.com and Steve.Zoller@enerfab.com.

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Avoid Costly Fabrication Mistakes
Keep in mind eleven points related to fabrication to ensure suitable vessels

By Chip Eskridge, Aker Kvaerner Plant Services Group, Mike James, DuPont, and Steve Zoller, Enerfab.

Twenty-two weeks after receipt of approved Additionally, its a mistake to view a heat exchanger
drawings. How often do you see this in a quote and as just another vessel. Heat exchangers are performance
dont understand why it takes so long to fabricate equip- vessels and mechanical only fabricators dont have the
ment. With the loss of in-house fabrication-savvy person- necessary thermal performance software to appropriately
nel over the last two decades, many owner/operators and analyze your process data to provide an optimum design.
engineering companies often write purchase specifica- It may seem safe to award mechanical only fabricators
tions that can add unnecessary time and cost to a project. replace in kind orders without performing a new ther-
So, in this second article in our series (see above for mal analysis but you may have missed an opportunity to
first article), well provide pointers on how to avoid delays improve your plants performance. Also, heat exchanger
and achieve savings in the fabrication process. Moreover, fabrication requires special processes such as tube-to-
well cover techniques that, if schedules permit, can tubesheet welding and tube rolling, which depend upon
improve vessel reliability and thus forestall costly repairs acquired skills and knowledge. So, fabrication should be
down the road. left to those companies well versed in manufacturing and
1. Know your fabricators limitations. Nearly all ASME- analyzing heat exchangers.
stamp-holder fabricators are qualified to weld carbon steel 2. Be aware of wide loads. A wide load is a generic term
and stainless steel; some are qualified for high nickel. But for over-the-road shipments whose width exceeds 8 ft. or
when ordering vessels in an exotic alloy (e.g., titanium, tanta- height exceeds 13.5 ft. (Length and weight restrictions also
lum or zirconium), another niche material (e.g., copper, alu- apply.) Western U.S. states have a legal height limit of 14
minum or chrome-molys), or made via a specialized process ft. When exceeding these limits, state (and sometimes city)
(such as clad overlays), do your homework. Welding is a skill wide load permits must be obtained requirements vary
and all metals dont weld in the same manner or require the by state and driving restrictions such as dawn-to-dusk
same skill level to produce a quality weld. If a welder hasnt curfews are imposed. Its always easier to obtain permits
used a specific welding process in the last six months, the for excess width; states usually require at least one escort
ASME Code requires the welder to requalify. Therefore, strive vehicle. When height limits are exceeded, utility company
to find fabricators that regularly weld the material you need. involvement and police escort become the rule rather than
Call around before making your bidders list and request ref- the exception.
erences or a rundown on recently fabricated equipment. This Shipping arrangements are handled by the fabricator
will eliminate no bids and less qualified fabricators. but its useful to know where the break points are for per-

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mits when developing your de-
sign. In general, a vessel 12-ft. The impact of radiography level
diameter (or less) can be shipped Linear Case A Case B Case C Case D
Joint Location
with minimal permitting and Feet of
attendant costs. This accounts Weld RT-1 (Full) RT-2 (Full) RT-3 (Spot) No RT
for the deck height of a trailer Long seam 16 16 16 1 0
and can mean the trailer must
occasionally bypass an over- Round seam 75 75 3 3 0
pass. For larger diameters, Large nozzles 5 4 0 0 0
the permit process gets more
involved. A stick trip (travel Total number of shots 95 19 4 0
of the entire route by a vehicle Cost @ $75/shot $7,125 $1,425 $300 $0
with a mounted stick to verify
clearance prior to actual ship- Resulting shell thickness -in. -in. 5
/8 -in. -in.
ment) often is involved and Table 1. The level of X-raying directly affects the necessary thickness of material, as illustrated here for an 8-ft. diameter,
the design of the equipment 16-ft. long shell vessel with the same design pressure and temperature and with internal pressure governing the design.
(Note: costs are approximate and can vary greatly depending on set-up costs, wall thickness (i.e. exposure source/time)
(i.e., location of nozzles and and film type/length.)
other external attachments)
will impact the permit. If possible, orient attachments to ship wide loads in Western U.S. states than in the more
minimize the load height. Purchase vessels of this size and congested Northeast.
magnitude from fabricators knowledgeable about handling 3. Move carefully with used and relocated vessels. Several
wide loads. Experienced personnel will recognize if a ves- suppliers specialize in used equipment; check the classi-
sel can be shipped in large sections (Figure 1) and then fied ads in Chemical Processing and other magazines. Such
welded together and tested in the field. vessels can be purchased at a discount and are available for
As the vessels diameter, weight or length increase, your inspection if desired. Also, some operating companies
shipping costs can become an overriding factor on which often consolidate operations into a single location, which
fabricators you invite to bid. Vessels more than 16-ft. can lead to relocating vessels and other major equipment
diameter can only be trucked a short distance economically; across state lines. When relocating a used ASME-code vessel
hauling by either rail, barge, or shop fabricated in pieces to your state, first check with the office of the Chief Boiler
and field assembled becomes the norm. Between 12-ft. and Inspector in your state capital. Many state laws require
16-ft. diameters, it becomes very situational, so chose your pre-approval and inspection by that office before a vessel
bidders wisely. Moving a large vessel from the fabrica- can enter the state. Failure to comply with state law carries
tors shop through a city to a major interstate or river monetary penalties.
can cost $10,000/mile and usually the most direct route 4. Pay attention to internal coils. Internal coils can be
cant be taken. Factor in geographic location. Its easier to included as part of an ASME vessel but arent required to

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Wide load that of the product); so, design for both hold-down and
thermal growth.
5. Understand the role of code inspectors. Vessel inspec-
tions are performed in the shop by Code Authorized Inspec-
tors, commonly referred to as AIs. They arent employed by
the fabricator or vessel owner but by the fabricators insur-
ance company or, sometimes, by the local jurisdiction (i.e.,
state or city government). Their purpose is to confirm vessel
safety not absolute quality by ensuring the fabricator
has followed the rules and procedures of the ASME code.
They check to ensure the materials, welding and testing
meet the rules of the code for which the vessel was designed
and major dimensions, such as vessel diameter and overall
Its up to the owner or designer to perform quality
checks. AIs dont check for all nozzle locations or measure
Figure 1. This wide load represents only one section of a large vessel support lug location or many of the minor dimensional
that will require field assembly.
requirements (e.g., nozzle projection) needed for your proj-
ect. They dont check for special surface finishes, internal
be code stamped. Its good practice to include internal coils or external coatings or contractual requirements written
in the pressure vessel scope so that strict quality control in requisitions and purchase orders. They will check for
procedures are followed and third party inspections are special testing and examination requirements if specified
performed. Internal coil failure can lead to forced shutdown, on the fabrication drawings. If dimensional accuracy or
off-spec product quality and possibly safety concerns. special coatings and finishes are essential for your project,
For internal coils, specify butt-type joints with 100% it behooves you to schedule shop inspections.
radiography and avoid internal flanges, threads, cou- 6. Address documentation and archiving. How many
plings and socket-type joints. Fillet welds, which are times have you needed to replace a 20-plus-year-old vessel
associated with socket joints, are more prone to fatigue and worried about finding adequate documentation in the
failures and arent easily radiographed. Return bends company files? Often only a drawing can be located; the
(180 deg.) and coils bent from pipe improve reliability by code calculation, material certifications and testing records
minimizing internal welds and fittings, which are the pri- are long gone. The good news is that a vessels drawing is
mary cause of coil failure. A heavy corrosion allowance enough for a fabricator to provide you with an adequate bid
is suggested. A coil will be buoyant if steam is used as a keep in mind, though, many of the fabrication practices
heating medium (because its specific gravity is less than and materials of the past are now obsolete. If documentation

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Full radiography
cant be found, there are alternatives you can explore in lieu Full RT
of starting from scratch.
NPS 20
Perhaps the original fabricator still has the print. For
ASME-stamped equipment, fabricators are required to
retain whats called the Manufacturers Data Package
for five years, though many will hold on to this informa-
tion much longer. However, over the last 20-plus years,
substantial consolidation and attrition have reshaped the
vessel industry. So, while its worth trying, realistically RT-1
you may find recovering information this way futile.
Your last chance for digging up old information is Full RT
contacting the National Board in Columbus, Ohio. Be- NPS
sides training and accrediting code inspectors and audit- 20
ing code stamp holders, it stores decades of manufactur-
ers data reports (U-1 forms). A data report is much like
the birth certificate of the vessel; it provides a wealth of
information, such as major dimensions, materials of con-
struction, shell and head thicknesses, nozzle construc-
Spot RT
tion, radiography and hydrotest pressure. To find out
if the U-1 form is available, first check the vessels code Figure 2. RT-2, which uses both full and spot X-raying, can enable savings
nameplate in the field. If theres a NB number stamped in materials and fabrication.
on it (or on the drawing), simply call the National Board,
provide this number and the manufacturers name, and but its good practice even where not mandated. The cost
within days, for a nominal fee (i.e., $20to $50), youll is typically less than $50 and your fabricator will handle
have the data form faxed to you. (Same day service is the registration.
available for a small additional fee.) 7. More (radiography) is less (metal). The continu-
Such difficulties teach an important lesson. Be sure ing climb in alloy prices necessitates a paradigm shift in
when purchasing vessels to include any special informa- thinking. Its becoming more economical to specify more
tion (e.g., company purchase order, equipment number, radiography (i.e., X-raying), not so much for joint quality
special heat treatment or nondestructive evaluation) but to reduce wall thicknesses.
somewhere on the drawing because 20-plus years from Vessel data sheets require the engineer to specify the
now, a drawing may be all your successor is able to amount of radiography required for the service. Typically
locate. Also, register and archive your vessel with the the choices are full, spot or none. This tells the fab-
National Board most states require registration [1], ricator how much X-raying it should estimate for the job

t Previous page 12 Next Page u

REFERENCES in the code and incurs only a slight, 15%, wall thick-
1. N
 ational Board Synopsis, accessible via www.national- ness penalty. ASME designates this as RT-3. On small
board.org. and low hazard vessels, often no radiography or none
2. Pastor, T. P., Section VIII, Division 1 Joint Efficiency Rules is specified; this will increase the wall thickness another
and RT Marking (Parts 3 and 4), Pressure Points, HSB 15% (i.e., 30% thicker than for full X-ray).
Inspection and Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. (Nov. 2001). RT-2, which is a hybrid between RT-1 and RT-3, sel-
dom is specified by owners but offers economic advantag-
es by permitting thinner wall vessels (Table 1). All long
but, more importantly, it affects the required shell and seams are fully X-rayed (similar to RT-1) and the longer
head thicknesses based on ASME code rules. The ASME circumferential seams are only spot X-rayed (similar to
Code recognizes two types of full radiography, RT-1 RT-3) with one extra quality shot at the T-junctions (Fig-
and RT-2. RT-2 vessels provide the best balance in terms of ure 2). Why RT-2? The long seam is stressed two times
risk and design economy [2]. higher than circumferential seams for most vessels where
Full radiography indicates to the fabricator that wind load doesnt govern design (i.e., vessels under 50-ft.
all pressure-retaining butt joints in the main vessel tall). So, have your fabricator quote an optional price for
(excluding small diameter and thin wall nozzles) are to RT-2 on vessels constructed of alloy materials. A vessel
be X-rayed. This can be costly but actually can provide engineer can work you through the rules.
substantial savings when fabricating vessels from expen- In summary, full radiography was once considered
sive materials by avoiding any penalty in vessel shell/ only necessary for vessels containing highly hazardous
head thickness. In ASME Code terms, this amount of X- processes or requiring maximum reliability. However,
raying is referred to as RT-1 (Figure 2) and is stamped with the ever increasing cost of alloys, consider speci-
as such on the code nameplate. fying RT-2 radiography for all welded equipment as a
Full radiography often is confused with 100% radiog- potential way to achieve material/fabrication cost savings.
raphy, with the later requiring X-raying of all butt welds, 8. Release the head for fabrication ASAP. Often, the first
including small diameter and thin wall nozzles. Lethal thing fabricators do when they get the go-ahead to begin fab-
services require 100% radiography. A savvy designer rication is to order the heads. The design pressure, tempera-
knows the difference and may specify 100% in non-lethal ture, vessel diameter, material of construction, and amount
services where process reliability is crucial (e.g., continu- of radiography are all that are needed to release the heads for
ous processes vs. batch) or where accessibility to certain forming. The fabricator usually will wait until the heads ar-
joints will be restricted and hamper future repairs (e.g., rive (two-to-four weeks later) and check for dimensional accu-
jacketed designs). racy before rolling the shell. So, to ensure the project remains
Spot radiography is a common choice in the chemi- on schedule, dont delay releasing the heads while youre final-
cal industry for normal service fluids. It involves a 6-in. izing nozzle sizes and locations. A few major fabricators have
shot for every 50-ft. of weld seam at locations specified the equipment to form their own heads. Knowing this ahead

t Previous page 13 Next Page u

of time can be helpful if the project is schedule driven. ing materials of construction or determining corrosion al-
9. Get anchor bolt templates. Templates supplied by the lowances. Nor are they required to provide you with a vessel
fabricator, cut to match the equipments actual anchor bolt free from imperfections. They merely need to follow the
pattern, can be very useful to your on-site construction con- ASME Code rules and perform the necessary calculations,
tractor when project field schedules are tight. In these situa- inspections and tests. The vessel you get wont be perfect.
tions, concrete pads with anchor bolts often are poured and Therefore, add language in the purchase order requiring a
pre-set before the vessel arrives. If time allows, a contractor limited mechanical guarantee. Fabricators wont agree to
may wait for the vessel to accurately determine exact anchor a lifetime guarantee but will accept one for a set period to
bolt locations before pouring the pad. However, this has repair failures due to mechanical workmanship not caused
obvious time and cost consequences (e.g., crane rental). So, by neglect or mis-operation. A common term is 18 months
when warranted, have the fabricator provide (with the vessel after receiving the vessel or 12 months after placing it in ser-
or ahead of time) a -in.-thick metal or wood template of vice, whichever comes first. Insist that any repair performed
the vessels actual anchor bolt circle pattern. As bolt circles resets the 12-month clock.
get larger, base rings become thicker and the ability to cor- If the vessel maker completely overlooks a fabrica-
rect out-of-tolerance bolt patterns becomes more difficult. tion requirement listed in the specification that affects
Small diameter vessels with welded-on legs are just as sus- reliability, then push for a longer service guarantee, such
ceptible to arriving with unacceptable tolerance deviations as five years, for the missed item (e.g., rounded corners
because they are mounted independent of each other. on pads that cause stress risers and can lead to premature
10. Opt for dual stamping. The code allows vessels to fatigue cracking). You are in an excellent negotiating
be dual stamped (i.e., separate code nameplates for two sets position once a vessel is fabricated with a design specifi-
of design pressure and temperature). Pilot plant vessels are cation error and final payment is pending.
good candidates because they potentially may handle an The last part of this series will delve into design
endless number of products/processes. The drawback to issues, such as choosing the appropriate pressure and
dual stamping is if both stamped pressures are over 15 psig, temperature, head and jacket choices, and how to design
then the vessel would require over-pressure protection, i.e., a rectangular tank.
two separate pressure-relieving devices but this inconve-
nience can be minimized by installing a three-way full-port Chip Eskridge, P.E., is principal mechanical/materials engi-
selector valve. Its possible to add a second nameplate after neer for Aker Kvaerner Plant Services Group, Louisville, Ky. Mike
the equipment has been placed in service by R-Stamping, James is a senior consultant, materials engineering, for DuPont,
but all the code requirements must be met for the alternative Houston. Steve Zoller is director of fabricated equipment
design conditions. for Enerfab, Cincinnati. Reach them via e-mail at Chip.Eskridge@
11. Insist on a mechanical guarantee. Fabricators arent akerkvaerner.com, Michael.M.James-1@USA.dupont.com and Steve.
responsible for classifying a vessel for lethal service, select- Zoller@enerfab.com.

t Previous page 14 Next Page u

Avoid Costly Design Mistakes
Cutting the wrong corners can incur significant costs over a vessels service life

By Chip Eskridge, Aker Kvaerner Plant Services Group, Mike James, DuPont, and Steve Zoller, Enerfab.

Just build it to the Code. Thats the most common operating pressure is more costly than specifying a design
response you hear during a design review that involves pur- temperature 100F higher than whats needed. A design pressure
chasing a new pressure vessel. Yet, therere as many choices of 25 psig50 psig above that at the maximum operating/upset
within the ASME code as there are when searching for your condition and not less than 90% of maximum allowable work-
next vehicle. Smart choices can save you money during ing pressure is industry practice. Keep design temperature to no
fabrication as well as over the lifecycle of the vessel. So, here, more than 50F100F above that at maximum operating/upset
well attempt to condense the 5,000+ pages (50+ lbs) of the conditions. Also, watch your design pressure and temperature
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, or the Code, as so as not to cross into the next higher flange class. Check ASME
its affectionately known, into a simple guide when specify- B16.5 for design temperature and limitations for flanges.
ing vessels, heat exchangers and tanks. Well focus on 10 3. Vacuum rating. Although current project needs may not
key factors. require a vessel to be vacuum rated, over its lifetime, changes in
1. Inside diameter versus outside diameter. Process engineers feedstock, products and technology will occur. A large number
often specify a vessels diameter based on inside diameter (ID) of re-rates now performed are on older vessels originally not
to ease volumetric calculations. This also will simplify fabrica- documented for vacuum that now require it due to process
tion/installation of internal hardware (e.g., support rings, trays, changes. Many new vessels will rate for full vacuum and all for
distributors, etc.). However, sometimes specifying a vessel based partial vacuum. So have the fabricator evaluate your proposed
on outside diameter (OD) is better. For instance, after a purchase design for vacuum and apply it to the code stamp. With todays
order is issued, heads are the first things ordered obtaining software, this calculation can be easily performed and at no
off-the-shelf heads is more likely if specified by nominal pipe cost. You may get full vacuum rating without any modifica-
sizes (NPS), which is OD from diameters 14 in. to 36 in. (For tions if not, consider spending a little extra now by welding
thin-wall heads, i.e., 2-in. thick or less, choosing ID or OD on a stiffening ring and a couple of re-pads to avoid having to
makes little difference, while most heads more than 36 in. are go through the cumbersome re-rate process and field hydro-test
custom made.) As heads get thicker, hot forming is necessary down the road. (See www.ChemicalProcessing.com/voices/
and dies are based on ID. Thick, hot formed heads can be OD plant_insites.html.)
ordered but require an extra manufacturing step. 4. Head choices. Functionality, not cost, should determine
2. Design pressure and temperature. Required wall thick- head choice; so understanding the functional differences is
ness is more sensitive to pressure than temperature. Therefore, crucial. Dished heads for ASME vessels typically are available
specifying a design pressure 100 psig over the maximum in three styles; elliptical (2:1), flanged and dished (F&D), and

t Previous page 15 Next Page u

Typical heads

hemispherical (hemi-heads). Under 600 psig, elliptical heads are

the most common and least expensive in terms of wall thickness
and forming costs. Above 600 psig, hemi-heads are economi-

cally attractive due to their inherent low-stress shape; below
600 psig, they are the most expensive choice because they are Hemispherical head Elliptical head
constructed of welded, segmental parts not a single piece. F&D
(torispherical) heads have the lowest profile (height/diameter
ratio) and compete well with elliptical heads under 100 psig, t
although they have half the volume. The low profile of the F&D t
head only is advantageous when top head accessibility is re- ICR

quired for maintaining instruments, agitator, etc., or when space OD Flat head
is limited below or, for horizontal vessels, to the sides. For vessels Torispherical (F&D) head
(ASME: ICR*.06xOD)
24 in. or less, off-the-shelf pipe caps (elliptical) provide the most
economical design.
Figure 1. Curved heads predominate and avoid the pressure limitations of flat heads.
Flat heads have very limited use for pressure vessels more
than 24 in. in diameter. Because of their flat geometry, they of-
fer far less resistance to pressure than elliptical and F&D heads govern, as exceeding 30 adds costs. The ASME Code de-
of the same thickness. Engineers occasionally will specify a flat mands the piece have a rolled knuckle at both ends when the
head, but this practice is uneconomical for pressures above 15 transition is greater than 30; bending stresses complicate the
psig25 psig. If a large diameter flat head is necessary for code calculation, putting it beyond the skill of many fabricators.
equipment, then stiffening the head with structural I-beams is 7. Nozzles loads and projections. The ASME Code [2]
possible but requires sophisticated finite elemental analysis, a requires consideration of all loads. Designers routinely perform
skill that not all fabricators possess. wind and seismic calculations but too often overlook nozzle
5. Jacket choices. Consider functionality, not cost. Choos- loads due to thermal
Filletpipe stress these can cause visible dam-
weld Stress raiser weld
ing the correct jacket is paramount to achieve process needs. age. If attached piping operates at at more than 200F we suggest
The three common types conventional, half-pipe and providing the fabricator with the nozzle loads in Table 2 for a
dimple offer advantages and disadvantages with respect to reasonable nozzle stiffening. By providing a reasonable nozzle
process parameters, reliability and cost [1] (Table 1 ). load, the vessel fabrication
As weldedand piping design can proceedAfter
in grinding
6. Cones. Conical sections (cones) are needed where theres parallel and avoid pipe stress/nozzle loading issues months into
a change in diameter or as a bottom head, e.g., for a bin or fabrication.
hopper. The rule here is keep the transition angle (referred to Also, nozzle projections below the support ring or lugs
as the half apex angle) to 30 or less unless process conditions shouldnt stick out further than the support bolt circle or

t Previous page 16 Next Page u

How types of jacketing compare
Type of jacketing Advantages Disadvantages

Conventional (full enclosure) High flowrates Poor heat transfer coefficients and
Low pressure drop heat transfer due to low velocities
More coverage than other jackets Thick wall required to withstand jacket pressure*
Bypassing and dead zones resulting in
poor heat transfer
Highest cost

Half-pipe High flowrates Difficult to fabricate around nozzles

Low pressure drop Incomplete coverage
Suitable for dirty fluids and no bypassing More expensive than dimple jacket unless
High jacket pressure with no adverse effect spacing is kept to 1 in. or less
on inner vesselwall thickness
Good fatigue resistance (cyclic service) if
applied with full penetration welds

Dimple Least expensive Limited to steam and low flow liquids

Ability to withstand high pressures only performing maintenance heat transfer
Easy to work around nozzle Least resistant to fatigue failures (cyclic service)
Susceptible to plugging requires clean fluid
Difficult to estimate flow/pressure drop without
vendor supplied empirical procedures
Bypassing and dead zones resulting in poor
heat transfer

*Note: a spiral baffle in the jacket space, welded per Code as a stiffener to the inner wall, will reduce required inner wall thickness
and improve heat transfer due to increased fluid velocity.

Table 1. Each type of jacketing has a particular combination of pluses and minuses.

structural steel will have to be removed when setting the engineer needing a rectangular tank often incorrectly specifies
vessel. This is ill-advised for heavy equipment. API 650 or ASME. Neither API 650 nor any other API standard
8. Rectangular tanks. Its not cost effective to specify a rect- exists for rectangular tanks. Appendix 13 of the ASME Pressure
angular vessel for pressure other than static head; therefore, only Vessel Code provides a methodology but will lead to an expen-
consider this configuration for atmospheric tanks. Flat surfaces sive over-design. Most fabricators will apply the stress/strain
are highly stressed under pressure (and vacuum) and the required formulas in Roark [3] to design a safe and economical tank that
thickness without adding stiffeners can be mind-boggling. An can operate under 15 psig.

t Previous page 17 Next Page u



Hemispherical head Elliptical head

Vessel and heat exchanger nozzle loads

Force t Load*
9. Cyclic service. If a vessel will experience an unusual TL
number of thermal or pressure cycles over its design life, this Lateral
ICR force in any direction F 450D lbs
could result in premature fatigue failure (usually at a weld) unless OD DR Flat head
Bending or torsional
Torispherical (F&D) moment
head F 1,100D2 ft-lbs
preemptive measures are taken. Fatigue is cumulative material (ASME: ICR*.06xOD)
damage that manifests as a small crack and progressively worsens *Note: D is pipe diameter in inches and F is flange rating factor: for
(sometimes to failure) as the material is repeatedly cycled. A 1985 150-lb flange rating, F = 0.6; for 300, 0.7; for 600, 0.8; for 900, 1.0; for
survey showed that fatigue was the second most prevalent cause 1,500, 1.1; and for 2,500, 1.2. For API-specified equipment, refer to
the respective standard for nozzle loads.
of failure in industry (25%), closely behind corrosion (29%) [4].
Its up to the purchaser to instruct the fabricator what design/ Table 2. Use these loads if attached piping operates at 200F and formal stress analysis
fabrication practices to follow to avoid fatigue. Cyclic service is hasnt been done. Contact OEM for glass-lined equipment.

usually associated with batch processes and ASME [5] provides

Improved fatigue resistance
the following rules:
Design for fatigue if N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 400 for non-integral
(fillet weld) construction and 1,000 for integral construction (i.e.,
no load-bearing fillet welds), or 60 and 350, respectively, in the
knuckle region of formed heads, where N1 is the number of full weld Stress raiser
startup/shutdown cycles; N2 is the number of cycles where pressure at notch
swings 15% (non-integral) or 20% (integral); N3 is the number of
thermal cycles with a temperature differential (T) exceeding 50F
between two adjacent points no more than 2.5 (Rt) apart (where R As welded After grinding
is inside radius of vessel and t is thickness of the vessel being consid-
ered) apply a two-times factor if T exceeds 100F, a four times
factor if more than 150F, and see Div. 2 for more than 250F; and
N4 is the number of thermal cycles for welds attaching dissimilar
materials in which (1-2)T (where is the thermal expansion Figure 2. Blend grinding of fillet weld can prevent fatigue but the throat of the weld
coefficient) exceeds 0.00034, or for carbon steel welded to stainless (the distance from face to root) must meet code requirements after grinding.
steel, the number of cycles where 2T exceeds 340.
Equipment and piping in continuous processes also can Fatigue failures in welded equipment most commonly
experience fatigue due to the relentless mechanical loading/ occur in fillet welds where theres an abrupt change in
unloading of reciprocating compressors, piston pumps, bin equipment geometry. Division 2 of the ASME Code designs
vibrators or from vibration, etc., from any type of mis-aligned around fatigue cracking in nozzles by limiting the use of fillet
rotating equipment. welds. However, fillet welds and sharp corners are ubiquitous

t Previous page 18 Next Page u

Comparative concentricity

Concentric tube Eccentric tube



Elliptical head

in Div. 1 designs and cant be avoided without cost.

t Crack initiation usually begins at the surface due
to small microcracks. Therefore, surface smoothness is center
a goodFlat
head Polished surfaces have four times the A
fatigue resistance [6] but polishing generally cant be
justified for fatigue life alone. Shot peening imparts Figure 3. Welded tubing (left) is inherently more concentric than seamless tubing (right). Eccentric-
compressive stresses into the metal surface that impede ity exaggerated for illustration purposes; A is the governing dimension, minimum wall thickness.
crack initiation but, again, only high-end applications
can economically justify peening. For mid- to small-size process increasing the shell diameter/length isnt an option. Larger tubes
vessels, good weld quality often is the most economical defense (>1 in.) have the opposite effect but may be necessary to satisfy
against fatigue; so, state requirements in the equipment specifica- process conditions. Another option to increase effective surface
tions. Because fatigue cracks often initiate at the toe or root of area without changing tube diameter is to specify finned tubes or
fillet welds, grinding the face to gently blend the weld into the twisted tubes but those are limited to clean applications.
base metal with a generous radius remarkably reduces stress ris- Length. Tubes are stocked in 20-ft lengths. Seamless tubes
ers (Figure 2). Another method to reduce stress risers is to TIG are made from individual billets or hollows and so can vary in
(tungsten-inert-gas) wash a weld toe to improve smoothness and length by one to two feet. The length of welded tubes is more exact
remove microcracks.
Fillet Initially target welds where cyclic loading is because theyre produced from a continuous strip coil. The most
ess raiser weld
notch occurring. Experience has shown that most fatigue problems occur wasteful and costly option for stocked tubes is ordering units just
due to inadequately supported attachments or where saddles/sup- over 10 ft in length because nearly 50% of the tube is discarded.
ports lacked wear pads or rounded corners. As tube count increases, direct mill orders become economically
10. Tubing. This can be a significant cost element when order- attractive; in such cases, any length tube can be supplied, if your
After grinding
ing large heat exchangers. Cost can vary appreciably depending schedule allows. Mills have minimum orders (i.e., 2,000 lb.2,500
on the fabrication requirements specified. Its not our intent to lb.),30though mini-mills 60will take orders at 90
half these quantities. 45
steer you away from the highest quality tube but merely to point Gauge. Tubes come in different wall thicknesses (or
out subtleties that can noticeably affect price. gauge). Industry standards [7] detail the appropriate wall
Diameter. Tubing is specified based on OD. For quickest thickness based on material type and service. Table 3
delivery, stick to commonly stocked sizes, typically -in. and provides guidance for a -in. tube where no prior service
1-in. tubes for the chemical industry. Specifying smaller tubes history is available.
Triangular Rotated Square Rotated
(e.g., in.) will increase the exchangers tube count and cost; Corrosion allowance.
triangularThis typically isnt added becausesquare
this will improve duty but will cause higher pressure drop and tubes are considered a replaceable feature of the exchanger.
may make mechanical cleaning more difficult. Therefore, only Note: Flow
If designing for aarrows are perpendicular
corrosive to the baffle
service, specifying thecut edge.
consider tubes smaller than in. for cleaner services or when heavier-gauge wall thickness or choosing a higher alloyed

t Previous page 19 Next Page u


Tube patterns

30 60 90 45

tube material is more appropriate.

Triangular Rotated Square Rotated Seamless versus welded tube.
triangular square
Theres a perception that seamless tubes
Note: Flow arrows are perpendicular to the baffle cut edge. are more reliable than welded tubes. This
is currently less valid as some manu-
facturers have developed specialized tech-
Figure 4. More tubes can fit with 30 and 60 configurations but mechanical cleaning may be harder.
niques for making welded tubing that
give products that show no preferential
Tube material selectioN weld corrosion and have properties equal to
MATERIAL SERVICE GAUGE WALL THICKNESS, IN. those of seamless tubing [8,9]. Seamless tubing
will cost more and usually has longer delivery.
Carbon steel Harsh 12 0.109* Welded tubing requires a greater amount of
Mild 14 0.083* non-destructive examination (NDE), but this
typically only adds pennies per foot of tubing if
Aluminum Mild 14 0.083* done at the mill [8,9].
Stainless steel Eccentricity is inherent in producing
Harsh 14 0.083
and high alloy seamless tubes [10]. They typically are made
by piercing, extrusion or pilgering. The inner
Mild 16 0.065
mandrel/die cant stay perfectly centered during
Copper Mild 16 0.065* the tube forming process. Welded tubes on the
other hand begin with strip material that is very
Titanium and
Harsh 18 0.049 consistent in wall thickness. So, welded tubes
tend to be more concentric (Figure 3). Seam-
Mild 20 0.035 less tube standards permit larger wall-thickness
Niobium and tolerances than those allowed by welded tube
Harsh N/A 0.020
tantalum standards [11].
Minimum versus average wall thickness.
Mild N/A 0.015
Minimum wall tubes cost a bit more than aver-
* minimum age wall tubing. When its unnecessary to use
average minimum wall tubing, such as for high pressure
Table 3. When using -in. tube and not having a history of materials in the particular or corrosive service where metal loss is antici-
service, follow these guidelines. pated, it may be more economical to permit the

t Previous page 20 Next Page u

1. Vessel Design Manual, ITT Industries, White
Plains, N.Y. (2000).
2. Loadings, Paragraph UG-22, ASME Code, Sect. VIII,
Div. 1, ASME, New York City (2007).
3. Young, W.C. and R. Budynas, Roarks Formulas for
Stress and Strain, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York
City (2002).
4. Brooks, C.R. and A. Choudhury, Metallurgical Failure
Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York City (1993). A 30 or 60 pattern is laid out in a triangle configuration.
5. Fatigue Screening Criteria, Table 5.9, ASME Code, The main benefit is that about 10% more tubes can fit in the
Sect. VIII, Div. 2, ASME, New York City (2007). same area as a 45 or 90 pattern. Theres very little difference
6. Deutschman, A.D., W.J. Michels and C.E. Wilson, between the 30 and 60 patterns. Often a thermal designer
Machine Design: Theory and Practice, Macmillian, will run analyses of both and select the one that provides the
New York City (1975). best pressure drop and vibration results. The disadvantage of
7. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Specification, PIP a 30 or 60 pattern is that its difficult to mechanically clean
VESST001, Process Industry Practices, Austin, Texas on the shell side. Therefore, such a pattern is chosen for cleaner
(2007). services; frequently the bundle isnt removable.
8. James, M.M. and D. ODonnell, When to Specify The 45 or 90 pattern is selected if shell-side mechanical
Welded, Welded and Drawn, or Seamless Tubing, cleaning is required. Such a pattern also requires a remov-
Welding Journal (June 2008). Available online at www. able bundle. The 45 is more common than the 90 because it
rathgibson.com/downloads/listing.aspx?did=59. provides more shell-side flow disturbance, which improves heat
9. James, M.M., Development of High Quality Welded transfer. A 90 pattern is used to reduce pressure drop at the ex-
Heat Exchanger Tubing in Lieu of Seamless, presented pense of duty and often is employed in boiling service to enable
at ATI Corrosion Solutions Conference, Sunriver, Ore. better vapor disengagement.
10. Kearns, W.H., Minimizing Wall Thickness Variation Make the right choices
in Seamless Tubing, The Fabricator, (Aug. 28, 2003), In todays chemical industry, too many engineers given the task
www.TheFabricator.com/TubePipeProduction/TubePi- of specifying welded equipment such as vessels, heat exchangers
peProduction_Article.cfm?ID=678 and tanks arent well versed in whats necessary to develop an
11. Specifications for General Requirements for Carbon, economic design that provides suitable safety and performance.
Ferrite Alloy, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes, ASME/ Myriad choices must be made and each will incrementally
ASTM SA/A-450, ASME, New York City (2004). add to the final cost and schedule. When looking for savings,
cutting the wrong corners may turn out to be very costly over
use of average wall welded tubing and specify additional NDE the equipments service life.
or corrosion evaluation of the tube seam.
Tube pattern. Shell and tube heat exchangers typi- Chip Eskridge, P.E., is principal mechanical/materials engineer for
cally are fabricated with one of four types of tube patterns the Aker Plant Services Group of Aker Solutions, Louisville, Ky. Mike
30, 60, 45 and 90 (Figure 4). Duty, pressure drop, James is a senior consultant, materials engineering, for DuPont, Hous-
cleanability, cost and vibration all depend on which pattern ton. Steve Zoller is director of fabricated equipment for Enerfab,
is chosen. Consider process needs, not cost, when making Cincinnati. Reach them via e-mail at Chip.Eskridge@akersolutions.com,
the selection. Michael.M.James-1@USA.dupont.com and Steve.Zoller@enerfab.com.

t Previous page 21

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