Chapter 15 Magnetic Circuits
Chapter 15 Magnetic Circuits
Chapter 15 Magnetic Circuits
(These answers might differ slightly from those given in original questions due to
rounding off of numbers)
Question 1:
l (400 103 )
Rm = = = 1.68 MA/Wb (Answer a.)
0 r A (4 107 ) 380 (500 106 )
Next, we can use Ohms Law for magnetic circuits to determine the current in the
mmf IN
Rm = =
R (1.68 106 ) 200
so, I = m = = 0.42 A (Answer b.)
N 800 106
Question 3:
Question 5:
Question 8:
(a) From the B-H curve supplied, the magnetic field strength (H) at a flux density (B)
of 0.4 T, is: 1500 A/m.
Since 0 r =
B 0.4
then r = = 212 (Answer a.)
0 H (4 107 ) 1500
(b) From the B-H curve supplied, the magnetic field strength (H) at a flux density (B)
of 0.8 T, is: 7000 A/m.
Since 0 r =
B 0.8
then r = = 91 (Answer b.)
0 H (4 107 ) 7000
(c) From the B-H curve supplied, the flux density (B) at a magnetic field strength (H)
of 4500 A/m, is: 0.7 T.
Since 0 r =
B 0.7
then r = = 124 (Answer c.)
0 H (4 107 ) 4500