Numerical and Experimental Investigations On The Energizing of Miniature Iron Core Transformers
Numerical and Experimental Investigations On The Energizing of Miniature Iron Core Transformers
Numerical and Experimental Investigations On The Energizing of Miniature Iron Core Transformers
Abstract – The paper analysis both numerically and To conclude, the inrush current issues are very important
experimentally the no-load miniature power transformer and require a special treatment in order to circumvent its
energizing process. The transient state characterization targets
the predetermination of the main inrush current features:
above-mentioned undesirable consequences.
amplitude, duration and waveform signature. The whole The paper reports the analytical solution of the inrush
quantitative investigation is carried out on a particular core- current problem for miniature power transformers of special
shaped devices (E+I), widely used in small power applications. core shape geometry (E and I). Hence, a lumped-parameter
The here suggested analytical computation method bases on the circuit model of the switched transformers was adopted, also
solution of the nonlinear differential equations that model the
commutation phenomenon. Supplementary, a simple and low-
taking into account the intrinsic nonlinear characteristic of the
cost experimental set-up platform is proposed to validate the magnetic circuit. That is succeeded by considering an
theoretical results. adequate expression of B-H dependency, which is mainly
Keywords: miniature power transformer, transients, inrush able to accurately cover the material magnetization curve.
current, experimental set-up. The transient process is thus modeled by a differential-
algebraic equations system that could be easily solved by
I. INTRODUCTION common numerical methods implemented in any general
purpose computation software.
Most of the power electric loads (domestic or industrial)
In order to verify the suggested theoretical solution of the
such as: electronic power supply, power amplifiers,
commutation phenomenon an experimental investigation set-
fluorescent or LED lamps, active power factor correction
up was also designed and implemented. The low-cost
equipment, capacitor banks, electric motors, transformers and
platform mainly comprises: a zero crossing solid state relay, a
many others, surge an important current when they are
variable DC power supply, a few passive components and a
energized [1-4]. The phenomenon that generates this inrush
two channel oscilloscope. So, the inrush current waveforms
current is specific to each electric load and may
are accordingly visualized, captured, and analyzed. A special
fundamentally differ from one device to another.
design dedicated code was developed in order to rapidly
Unfortunately, most of the electric or electronic appliances
extract and inquire the main inrush current features.
manufacturers do not indicate any specifications considering
the equipment inrush current features. Consequently, the
predetermination (when possible) of the inrush current peak- II. INRUSH CURRENT GENERATION AND
value and its duration becomes an important data for a proper CHARACTERISTICS
use and protection of the installation. The initial high-value amplitude of the magnetizing inrush
The small-power magnetic core electric devices current surged by a no-loaded transformer at the energizing
(transformer, reactors etc.) often experiences commutations instant is mainly caused by the H-B nonlinear characteristic
during their normal operation [5-7]. The corresponding of the device magnetic core [7, 12–14].
energizing (inrush) or de-energizing (out-rush) currents are Normally, the transformers are designed to steady-state
characterized by a particular waveform that exhibits extreme operate with a core magnetic flux density value that lies under
high amplitude value of the first cycle and an even harmonic the “knee” point of the electrical steel magnetization curve.
attendance in its spectrum [8-11]. These transient currents Immediately after the transformer is powered on, due to the
generate additional electrodynamic forces and thermal stress transient process and the laminations remanent induction, the
exercised on both the devices and the corresponding supply core magnetic flux may reach more than twice its rated value
network elements. [12–15]. Consequently, a current of extremely high amplitude
Supplementary, since the inrush currents has amplitudes will flow through the transformer’s primary winding.
that may equal short-circuit currents, different techniques are The so generated transformer core overfluxing rapidly
to be developed in order to discriminate between these decays and the steady-state no-load current (magnetizing
functional (inrush) and fault currents (short-circuits). Thus, current) becomes just one percent of the transformer rated
the inadequate operation of the protection apparatuses e. g. – current.
their unpredictable trip or malfunction is to be avoided.
between the E- and I-pieces, the magnetic flux fringing and IV. NUMERICAL SIMULATION
the core laminations stacking are quantitatively expressed by The inrush current computation procedure, presented in the
factors ı, kf and kst, respectively. previous section, was systematically verified on different E+I
Adopting similar notations B1(t), B2(t) and B0(t) for the core shape miniature power transformers. In order to illustrate
magnetic flux densities in the three regions of the transformer the method performances, a very common E+I iron core
magnetic core shape and regarding the magnetic flux law, one device of a rated power 15 VA was selected. Its core
can write: geometrical data and technical parameters are indicated in
Appendix section by Table I and Table II, respectively [27].
kf kf The transformer core laminations are made of FeSi sheets
B1 (t ) = B0 (t ) ; B2 (t ) = B0 (t ) . (4).
k st (1 − σ) k st with a thickness of 0.25 mm and remanent magnetic
induction Br = 0.90 T. The magnetic field line fringing
With (4) we can express (3) as: coefficient was considered kf = 0.98, while the electrical steel
stacking factor kst = 0.96. According to the air gap value of
H1 (t )l1 + H 2 (t )l2 B1 (t ) k st (1 − σ ) the corresponding E and I magnetic circuit (Fig.1), the flux
i (t ) = + δ, (5) leakage parameter was taken ı = 3 % [28-29].
N N k f ⋅ μ0
The magnetic core characteristic of the miniature
transformer is represented by the electrical steel
where ȝ0 is the vacuum permeability. magnetization curve. The manufacturers usually indicated it
The laminations nonlinear magnetic characteristic can be by a finite number of measured pair of points. Hence, Fig. 2
very well approximated (especially in the saturation area) by illustrates the curve’s discrete visualization, along with the
using an analytical H-B expression provided by the Bauer corresponding Bauer B-H analytical function. One can notice
formula [30]. With (4) we get: that the curve’s model successfully covers the material
saturation area, which is critical for the analyzed transient
H 1 (t ) = pB1 (t ) + qB1 (t ) exp rB12 (t ) ] (6) state.
H 2 ( t ) = p[(1 − σ )B1 (t )] + q (1 − σ )B1 (t ) exp r (1 − σ )2 B12 (t ) , (7) ]
where the coefficients p, q and r are to be predicted for any
type of electrical steel by a fitting procedure, which
constrains the Bauer function to meet through at least three of
the H-B curve indicated pairs of points.
Finally, the inrush current solution is generated by solving
with a numerical procedure the equations system generated
by (2) and (5).
In order to investigate the harmonic content of the inrush
current first cycle waveform, a discrete Fourier analysis over
the signal is also performed. Hence, denoting with T the
voltage period and by M the number of data sample acquired
in equal time interval I, the current expression i(t) can be
rewritten [16, 31]:
M −1 M −1
The simulation were performed considering the worst case
2 2
ak =
T ¦
m =0
i (t ) cos(mkI ), bk =
T ¦i(t ) sin(mkI ).
m =0
(8) scenario, i. e. the device energizing moment concurs with the
zero crossing voltage instant (commutation angle Į = 0) and,
simultaneously, the transformer iron-core remanent induction
has its maximum positive value (Br = 0.90 T). In order to
Accordingly, the percent level of each harmonic hk can be solve the corresponding initial-value differential-algebraic
evaluated: equations indicated by (2) to (7), the Runge-Kutta
computation method [32] was adopted. Thus, Fig. 3 portraits
ck the inrush current time variation during a period of 10 ms
c k = a k2 + bk2 , hk [%] = ⋅ 100. (9) immediately after the device was powered on. One can notice
c1 that the computed inrush current first peak values exceeds
2.16 A, while the here investigated transformer rated current
only reaches 65.2 mA.
proportional with the inspected inrush current. Thus, this
signal is visualized by a digital oscilloscope – Fig. 9 and, due
to a special developed code, a completed quantitative analysis
is performed, in order to extract the magnetizing inrush
current main characteristics.
Fig. 6. The schematic diagram of the experimental set-up for the inrush
current investigation of miniature power transformers.
Fig. 4. The inrush current first cycle harmonic spectrum histogram.
In order to verify the simulation results regarding the
proposed inrush current parameters predetermination
procedure, an experimental set-up was designed and
implemented – Figs. 5–8. The platform comprises: an AC
variable power supply source, a zero crossing solid-state relay
[33], the investigated E and I core shape miniature power
transformer, a digital oscilloscope and a portable computer
system. Due to the electronic intrinsic relay features, (zero
crossing type – Appendix section Table III) the most
unfavorable commutation conditions are assured in terms of Fig. 7. A close up of the inrush current generation system.
point-on voltage wave switching instant. An autotransformer
of 500 VA was selected as the variable supply source in order
to be able to test iron-core devices with different rated
primary voltage. The electrical features of this source do not
affect the measured parameters since the rated power of the
investigated transformers only limits to 15 VA (no significant
voltage drop within the autotransformer is generated during
the transient phenomenon).
A supplementary DC power supply provides the current
signal that controls the relay static commutation. A shunt
resistor of 1ȍ/10W connected in series with the tested
transformer primary winding was used for acquiring a signal Fig. 8. An overview on the developed experimental platform.
method) to solve the transient electromagnetic problem for
the iron-core device may increase the computing
The work has been funded by the Sectoral Operational
Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 of
the Ministry of European Funds through the Financial
Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132397 and from the grant of
the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research,
CNDI– UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-
The experimental investigation over the particular case Geometry of the core for the E and I is described by the
study (the 15 VA miniature iron-core transformer) reveals a parameters contained in Table I and depicted in Fig. 1.
good accordance (acceptable relative errors) between the
predicted and measurement transient parameters (current peak TABLE I
value and duration). The computation errors are directly GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS OF THE E-I TYPE TRANSFORMERS
dependent on the investigated miniature transformer rated Parameter Value [mm]
power. Hence, the precision increases for devices with higher
rated power but it rapidly diminishes when the rated power a 60
b 50
decays. That is mainly due to the numerous geometrical and c 10
construction required data that are not indicated or certain e 30
(especially for tiny capsulated devices). f 20
g 10
Other datasheet specifications for the transformer are
The inrush current problem for a miniature power iron-core indicated in Table II.
transformer was both numerical and experimental
investigated. The suggested procedure of magnetizing inrush TABLE II
current parameters predetermination is based on the solutions TECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF THE E AND I TYPE TRANSFORMER
of an algebraic-differential equations system derived from the Parameter Description E-I core
basic electromagnetic laws, applied on the device magnetic
and electric circuit. Sn (VA) rated power 15
The iron-core B-H nonlinear dependency is also considered U1n (V) rated primary voltage 230
by adopting a convenient analytical expression that properly U2n (V) rated primary voltage 9
covers the entire saturation magnetic material area. In order to f (Hz) operating frequency 50
reach high accuracy, numerous other technical aspects, like
R(ȍ) primary loss resistance 141
laminations stacking, magnetic flux leakage or fringing were,
also taken into account. Supplementary, the inrush current N number of turns in primary 1900
waveform was examined in terms of its first cycle harmonic
content, showing important features of this particular A(cm2) magnetic core area 4
transient signal.
B̂ (T) steady-state peak flux density 1.52
Moreover, a dedicated experimental set-up for miniature
transformer inrush current investigation was developed and 120
realized. The platform is being able to both visualize and lFe(mm) magnetic path length in the core l1 = 30
quantitatively analyze the transient current waveform ¯l 2 = 90
signature of various miniature iron-core devices with į(mm) air gap thickness 0.1
different rated power. A special developed numerical code Ș efficiency 0.72
compares the computed inrush current parameters with those PFe(W) core power losses 1.8
measured from the experimental set-up. Although, the whole PCu(W) coil power losses 2.1
study was performed for E and I core shape iron core device,
both the computation method and the experimental platform
The fundamental technical specifications of solid state
can be easily adapted (with minor alternations) for any other
core shape geometry and power rated levels up to 500 VA. relay used in the experimental set-up platform are indicated in
The here reported method is to be improved in terms of its Table III in accordance with the manufacturer product
accuracy when other models, more elaborated, for the datasheet [33].
magnetic core characteristics (hysteretic) are adopted.
Additionally, using numerical methods (e. g. finite elements
Proc. on the 8th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in
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