Kuder One Page Summary
Kuder One Page Summary
Kuder One Page Summary
Counseling and Mental Health Services People who work in this Journalism and Broadcasting People who work in this group ga
group of occupations help others who are faced with personal, family, information, write news stories, and get them out to the public.
or career problems and decisions. They assist them to see their Reporters get the facts by observation and interviews and write th
choices clearly and to make a choice that seems best. They may work news. Broadcast and sound technicians, supervised by engineers,
in private offices, clinics, schools, or hospitals. operate the equipment used to distribute the news by radio and TV
Teaching and Training People who work in this group of Professional Support Services People who work in this group of
occupations provide instruction to students at specific grade levels or occupations provide a variety of special services in school setting
in specific subjects. In addition to knowing the content of what they These individuals help students with personal, physical, and
teach, they need to know how to work with students. They often need educational problems. Examples of these occupations are school
to encourage them to learn and to change their approach to meet counselors, social workers, psychologists, and speech pathologist
individual needs. Visual Arts People who work in this group create works of art, us
Professional Support Services People who work in this group of oils, watercolors, photography, plaster, clay, or computer software
occupations provide a variety of special services in school settings. Some create art simply to express their own creative ability. Othe
These individuals help students with personal, physical, and create the images requested by customers to be used in their prod
educational problems. Examples of these occupations are school or marketing pieces.
counselors, social workers, psychologists, and speech pathologists. Performing Arts People who work in this group represent a varie
Journalism and Broadcasting People who work in this group gather of specialties that are needed to produce theatrical and musical
information, write news stories, and get them out to the public. productions. These specialties include those who plan the details
Reporters get the facts by observation and interviews and write the production and direct it, agents who find jobs for actors or musici
news. Broadcast and sound technicians, supervised by engineers, people who design costumes and stage sets, and crews who handl
operate the equipment used to distribute the news by radio and TV. lighting and other technical things. This group also includes the
Marketing Communications People who work in this group of actors and musical artists that provide the entertainment.
occupations make and carry out plans to market a product or service. Design/Pre-construction People who work in this group prepare
Some draft and manage the plans. Others do art work, write text, and detailed plans for the construction of buildings and other kinds of
design ads to promote the product or service in print form, radio, or things. These plans make it possible for workers to carry out all th
TV ads. details described in those plans to build homes, office buildings,
bridges, roads, streets, and airports.
Marketing Communications