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Arduino-Based Variable Voltage Transformer

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Ted Drell, W5HEU

893 Ridgeview Dr, Pineville, LA 71360; teddy@tldrell.com

An Experimenters Variable
Voltage Transformer
Here is a modern twist to controlling an old workbench essential.

I am an old antique radio buff, and as

anyone playing with such old toys as these
will tell you, you must have a variable
voltage transformer (autotransformer) to
work on them. (One brand name of such an
autotransformer is Variac.) I had one that
I put together from excess parts; a Bud
box, a panel mounted autotransformer, fuse
holder, switch, and a panel mounted AC
receptacle. This was a neat unit that would
handle 3 A and fit nicely on my workbench.
It did a good job until it was overloaded and
I let the smoke out. The problem was that
there was no way to monitor the voltage and
current without using external meters and
that was messy. Oh well. I needed to add
meters to the unit, but panel space was at a
premium so the unit sat there with the top off
taking up space.
Then along came the May 2013 issue
of QST and the article on page 39 touting
the merits of the Arduino Uno processor. Figure 1 Front panel layout.
I immediately ordered two of these little
guys to play with. I got the complete
experimenters kit with prototype board,
LCD display, and so on. It did not take long
to realize that this could be the answer Ive so I wont take up space with that. It became All that was needed to complete the
been looking to use for a number of projects. obvious that I need some sort of interface project was a voltage and current transducer
I have several going on in parallel, but one is for the processor. More searching revealed and the project was done. I think my junk
now finished. It is an instrumented version of multiple prototype shields available in the box is better than the average hams, because
my Autotransformer, and the details follow. range of $15.00 to $25.00. I chose the Proto- I design and build a lot of small portable test
Screwshield (Wingshield) kit from Adafruit systems. I had a current transducer that was
The Circuit ($16.00) because it has screw type terminal self excited and would output 0 to 5V DC
blocks for all of the Arduino connections for 0 to 10A. Since the autotransformer was
The May 2013 article in QST gives the
and a large prototyping area. a 3A unit, two turns of wire through the
basics to get started with the Arduino, and
The first interface was to the LCD current transducer made it 0 to 5V DC for
there are books from ARRL as well as lots
readout. For that, I used a dual row, 8 pins 0 to 5A. No scaling is necessary because
of free stuff on the Internet that will give you
per row header. The LCD also has a dual the Arduino analog input is 0 to 5V DC;
most of what you need for the Arduino itself,
row header, so a 16 conductor ribbon cable Perfect! The voltage transducer is also self
with IDC connectors was used to connect excited and puts out 0 to 5V DC for 0 to
The authors software code for the Arduino is the proto board to the LCD. The only 600V AC input. I multiplied the 5V output
available for download from the ARRL QEX component needed for the LCD was the by 120 in the software and I now read line
files web page. Go to www.arrl.org/qexfiles contrast potentiometer.
and look for the file 3x13_Drell.zip. voltage perfectly.

QEX March/April 2015 3

Table 1
Software Code Listing for the Arduino
/* Variac Voltage and Current Monitor
Set for a 24x2 LCD display.
The circuit:
* LCD RS pin to digital pin 7
* LCD Enable pin to digital pin 6
* LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
* LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
* LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
* LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2
* LCD R/W pin to ground
* 10K resistor:
* ends to +5V and ground
* wiper to LCD VO pin (pin 3)
Library originally added 18 Apr 2008 by David A. Mellis library modified 5 Jul 2009
by Limor Fried (http://www.ladyada.net)

// include the library code:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
//#include <OneWire.h>
//#include <DallasTemperature.h>

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins

LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);

//const int busPin = 10;

//OneWire bus(busPin);
//DallasTemperature sensors (&bus);
//DeviceAddress sensor;

int voltage=A0; // select the input pin for the voltage sensor
int current1=A1; // select the input pin for the current sensor #1

int voltageValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the voltage sensor
int current1Value = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the current sensor #1

float curtrip = 3.00;

int ledPin = 9;
int relayPin = 8;

void setup() {

// pinMode(busPin, INPUT);
// sensors.begin();
// sensors.getAddress(sensor, 0);

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);
// set up the LCDs number of columns and rows:
lcd.begin(24, 2); // initialize the lcd
lcd.clear(); // clear lcd
lcd.print(TDA LLC);
lcd.print(Variac Monitor);

4 QEX March/April 2015

digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
digitalWrite (relayPin, LOW);


void loop() {

// sensors.requestTemperatures();

// float tempF = sensors.getTempF(sensor);

voltageValue = analogRead(voltage);
current1Value = analogRead(current1);

float vol = (voltageValue * (5.00/1023.0))*30;

float cur1 = current1Value * (5.00/1023.0);

// set the cursor to column 0, line 0

if (cur1 < curtrip){

digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
digitalWrite (relayPin, HIGH);
// read and display the voltage

// lcd.setCursor(13,0);
// lcd.print(Temp=);
// lcd.setCursor(19,0);
// lcd.print(tempF);

// read and display the current

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.setCursor(7, 1);


digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
lcd.print(Tripped Over Cur);
lcd.print(Press Reset);

QEX March/April 2015 5

Since I smoked the first autotransformer, is nominally 12V DC, I used a neat little display by switch selection, so anything is
I wanted over-current protection. With a DC-DC converter from Murata. It does not possible.
microprocessor now working, adding a little get hot and is small so that it fits on the proto Figure 2 is the wiring of the protoshield and
software to protect the unit was no problem. I board with no heat sink needed. Rounding Figure 3 is the wiring of the autotransformer.
did have to add a transistor driver and a relay it out, I included an LED to provide trip The software is available for download
for this to work. The software allows the unit indication if desired. from the ARRL QEX files web page.1 It is
to operate until the current reaches 3.0A, A complete parts list is included as a open source so you are free to use it as is, or
at which point it disconnects the power, guide. My sensors are expensive and cheaper change it to suit your needs. The language
thereby protecting the autotransformer from ones are available. This article is intended is basically C++ so anyone familiar with
overload. Once the system is tripped, you to show the flexibility of the processor C++ will not have any problems using it.
have to manually reset it. When tripped, the and how I applied it. With a little software The programming guides and libraries are
LCD display says Tripped on over current; modification, it can do a multitude of things. available for free download from the Arduino
Press reset. If the overload is removed, the Figure 1 shows the completed project, web site.
system will reset and resume operation. with the main display showing the adjusted The software was originally written
The low current relay on the prototype voltage as well as the current. The LCD for another project and had the ability to
board was not large enough to switch line display is a 24 2 (or 2 24) which means add the Dallas Semiconductor One Wire
voltage, so I used an external relay. I had there are 2 lines each with 24 characters. This temperature sensor. Since this was not used
an open frame power supply that I used limits the dialog. Other displays can be used in this project, the code for this is commented
to power the Arduino and relays. Since if defined in the software. I also have another out.
the recommended power for the Arduino project where I can select multiple pages to

LS1 J6
3 1
U3 U6 5 2
1 1 3 1 3
To Figure 3 2 6
2 2 7

LM7812C L78M05 1
TO220 TO220
1N4001 2

Q1 Relay
2N2222A DPDT
2.2 k
Proto Shield Jumper 16 x 2 LCD
5 0 16 16 16
1 A I5 DI0 GND
L1 Current 4 1 15 15 15
To Figure 3 2 A I4 D I1 BACKLIGHT
3 2 14 14 14
A I3 DI2 DB7
2 3 13 13 13
A I2 DI3 DB6
1 4 12 12 12
A I1 D I4 DB5
0 5 11 11 11
A I0 D I5 DB4
6 10 10 10
7 9 9 9
DI7 5V DB2
J3 1 8 8 8 8
Voltage 2 9 7 7 7
To Figure 3 2 3 10 6 6 6
4 11 5V 5 5 5
5V DI11 R/W
5 12 4 4 4
3V DI12 RS
6 13 3 3 3
14 10 k 2 2 2
15 1 1 1
1 R4 J9
U2 U1

Figure 2 The schematic diagram of the Arduino protoshield.

6 QEX March/April 2015

To Figure 2
2 J2

Variac U5 J8

Out +
AC Male
SW1 LS2 8 1 iSnailV10 Receptacle
2 1 6 AC Female

7 3 1 2
3 3

2 U4
1 LINE2 OUT+ To Figure 2
2 J3

To Figure 2
2 J6

L1 V+ To Figure 2
2 24 V
L2 V

QX1503-Drell03 Single Power Supply

Figure 3 Here is the chassis wiring diagram.

Table 2
Autotransformer Parts List
Reference Quantity Description Source
U2 1 Screw Protoshield ADAFruit
U3 1 LM7812C/TO220 Newark
U6 1 L78M05/TO220 Newark
LS2 1 DPDT Relay; 24 V DC Coil; Magnacraft with socket 782XBXBM4L
U1 1 24 2 LCD display; Luminix
D2 1 1N4001 Diode
Q1 1 2N2222A Transistor
R1 1 10 kW single turn trim pot
R3 1 2.2 kW W
R4 1 Not Used In This Version
D1 1 LED Not Used In This Version
F1 1 HKP Fuse Holder with 3AG 5 A Fuse
LS1 1 DPDT Relay, 5 V DC Coil, Miniature (Omiron)
PS1 1 LPS55 power supply Newark
U5 1 i-snail V-10 Current Transducer ELKOR
U4 1 108 to 130 V Voltage Transducer (AAC) American Aerospace Controls, Inc
T1 1 Variac 291 Staco
SW1 1 DPDT miniature toggle switch
J7 1 Input Power Connector 120 V AC @ 10 A
J8 1 Output Power Connector; 120 V AC @ 10 A

QEX March/April 2015 7

Ted Drell was first licensed in 1954 as carrier and microwave systems, and Bendix
WN5HEU, and obtained his General class Field Engineering, supporting Stadan and
The unit is assembled in a standard Bud license 1 year later, when his call sign changed to Man Space Programs during the Apollo Space
cabinet with components placed as shown W5HEU. His license expired in 1968 while he was Program (Missions 7-11). He has also been
in Figure 4. The only critical wiring was overseas, and he was out of ham radio until 2006, self-employed in Metrology and as a design
the routing of the ribbon cable from the when he earned his Amateur Extra class license. engineer and engineering manager in multiple
protoshield to the LCD readout. It needs to be Ted studied Electrical Engineering at Tulane areas of energy production.
dressed well away from the AC components University and The University Southwestern Ted retired in 2007, although he continues
as AC transients caused the readout to reset Louisiana. He also studied computer science at with design and fabrication of one-off products
and display junk. Houston Community College, where his primary for oil field production control systems. He
The LCD cover glass was made from focus was on C and machine language enjoys antique radios (especially Collins,
clear acrylic material available at most home programming. Drake, National, and other brands from that
building supply houses. I cut it to size and Ted worked for AT&T Long Lines, supporting era) and using microprocessors.
used my router table to bevel the edges.
Parts layout in the enclosure is not
critical and was guided by the fact that all
of the controls were added on to the original
simple autotransformer. The Arduino Uno
and protoshield were mounted on the rear
panel with the power supply, voltage sensor
and power relay mounted on the bottom
plate. The current transducer is mounted on
the front panel next to the display.
Figure 5 is a close up of the protoshield
showing parts layout. The 12V converter is
on the right side while the 5V converter for
the backlight is on the left side.

Figure 4 Top View showing the parts layout.

Figure 5 This is a close-up view of the Arduino protoshield.

8 QEX March/April 2015

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