Senate Hearing, 107TH Congress - Bioterrorism, 2001
Senate Hearing, 107TH Congress - Bioterrorism, 2001
Senate Hearing, 107TH Congress - Bioterrorism, 2001
Statement of Barbara Hunt, R.N., M.P.A., district health officer, Washoe
County Health Department, Reno, Nevada ....................................................... 133
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 135
Statement of Hilary Koprowski, M.D., president, Biotechnology Foundation,
Inc., Philadelphia, PA, professor, Department of Microbiology and Immu-
nology, director, Center of Neurovirology and Biotechnology Foundation
Laboratories at Thomas Jefferson University ................................................... 136
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 137
Statement of Thomas P. Monath, M.D., vice president for Research and
Medical Affairs, Acambia, Inc. ............................................................................ 138
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 140
Statement of Mary J.R. Gilchrist, Ph.D., director, University of Iowa Hygienic
Laboratory ............................................................................................................ 141
Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 143
Washington, DC.
The subcommittee met at 10:35 a.m., in room 216, Hart Senate
Office Building, Hon. Tom Harkin (chairman) presiding.
Present: Senators Harkin, Byrd, Kohl, Murray, Durbin,
Landrieu, Specter, Gregg, and DeWine.
1 Pharmacy in History, American Institute of the History of Pharmacy; Vol. 41, pgs. 137149,
macists involvement in this area can help to serve as an early warning that a bio-
terrorism attack has occurred.
The pharmacist is an expert in medication use, both prescription and over-the-
counter. This expertise is invaluable in determining which pharmaceuticals should
be stored and which can be used as second and third line agents if the supply of
first line agents is limited.2
The resources and talents of the nations pharmacists may be extended beyond
dispensing necessary medications and working with patients to make those medica-
tions work. For example, pharmacists in 31 states may administer vaccines and pro-
vide general support for immunization programs. There is substantial evidence that
pharmacists are readily accessible, trusted professionals who can motivate the pub-
lic to be vaccinated and enhance vaccine delivery. These capabilities will be helpful
in a national infectious disease emergency. Here are some of the practical ways
pharmacists could help:
Community pharmacists at more than 52,000 neighborhood pharmacies can edu-
cate the public and, in 31 states, actually immunize them. In many rural areas, a
pharmacist is the only health professional conveniently located to patients. The na-
tions community pharmacies could serve as 52,000 bases of operation and commu-
nication for immunization programs coordinated by state health departments.
Pharmacists in hospitals and other health systems can educate, motivate, support,
and immunize inpatients and outpatients in these settings. As medication experts,
pharmacists link the clinical, logistic, and administrative functions of hospitals and
health systems.
Consultant pharmacists can enhance immunization delivery to residents of nurs-
ing homes and other institutions. Consultant pharmacists review residents drug
regimens monthly and are already integral contributors to health quality in these
Pharmacists are trained to take any of three roles in support of the national pre-
paredness plan. These three roles are:
Motivating: Pharmacists can distribute literature, display posters, perform one-on-
one counseling, speak to local civic groups, and similar activities. Scientific studies
demonstrate that 50 percent to 94 percent of the people to whom a pharmacist rec-
ommends immunization accept this recommendation.3 In the confusion and uncer-
tainty possible in any national immunization campaign, pharmacists can be voices
of reason and sources of factual information and advice.
Hosting: In 1997, more than 5 million doses of influenza vaccine were adminis-
tered at more than 15,000 pharmacies across the country, more than one-quarter
of all pharmacies. Even in the pharmacies where pharmacists are not yet trained
to immunize, nurses or other vaccine providers could administer vaccines or estab-
lish vaccine supply depots. These sites are equipped to store refrigerated medica-
tions, are widely dispersed in urban, suburban, and rural settings, near population
centers of diverse sizes. Most are open long hours and have large parking lots that
could accommodate large patient flows. Further, given that more than 95 percent
of pharmacies already have electronic communications capabilities, pharmacies
could serve as communication centers for sending and receiving instructions and
data between state health authorities and field workers during a pandemic. In addi-
tion, pharmacists can serve as information resources to consumers, media, and other
health care professionals.
Immunizing: Estimates are that there are currently more than 3,000 immunizing
pharmacists, delivering more than 300,000 doses of vaccine to adults during recent
flu seasons. Pharmacists are authorized to administer drugs in 31 states, cor-
responding to a population of over 135 million people. Additional states are consid-
ering empowering pharmacists with this authority to advance the public health.
Pharmacists could be enlisted to administer vaccine dose(s) during bioterrorism
events, reporting to state authorities, as well as providing areas for vaccine and
medication storage and distribution.
APhA has made available to its members educational programming focusing on
bioterrorism at Association annual meetings. Additionally, a bioterrorism resource
center located on APhAs homepage ( was developed to assist
pharmacists and consumers with education about and preparing for a bioterrorism
All of these actions will be greatly facilitated by having Congress express interest
in including the nations pharmacists in plans to defend the nation against these
The Commissioned Officers Association (COA) of the U.S. Public Health Service
appreciates the interest of this Subcommittee in the very important issue of bioter-
rorism. We are pleased that this Subcommittee recognizes the vulnerability of the
nation to acts of bioterrorism by fringe groups and rogue nations, and is willing to
take a leadership role in seeing to it that the various governmental agencies (local,
state and federal) are asking the necessary questions and taking the necessary steps
to ensure the nation is prepared if the unthinkable should occur.
COA believes the threat of bioterrorism is a serious one, and the Federal Govern-
ment must have a clear, coherent and coordinated plan to deal with potential inci-
dents that could impact upon the safety and health of large numbers of Americans.
COA also strongly supports the enhancement of the Nations public health infra-
structure at all levels of government. In our view, such an effort is necessary irre-
spective of the magnitude of the bioterrorism threat we may face. Too often the bulk
of Federal health funds has been expended for direct health care costs or to support
biomedical research, while Federal expenditures for public health programs have
lagged far behind. Consequently, we would urge this Subcommittee to examine not
only the ability of our public health agencies to respond to bioterrorism, but also
to review their ability to meet the current demands being placed upon them.
In our view any planning that takes place with regard to response to an incident
of bioterrorism must take into consideration the capabilities of the Commissioned
Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service. This view has been supported on a number
of occasions, most recently by Secretary Thompson in testimony before the Senate
Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Ju-
diciary this past May 9th. In that hearing he stated:
In order to advance an orderly and comprehensive approach to the many issues
involved in such preparation (for a bioterrorism event), I will appoint a special as-
sistant within the Immediate Office of the Secretary to lead the departments bioter-
rorism initiative. This person will report to me directly. I plan to call a national
meeting of HHS agencies to evaluate the status of bioterrorism activities and report
back to Congress on our efforts. In addition, the new special assistant will support
the Surgeon Generals efforts to revitalize the Public Health Service Commissioned
Corps and its Readiness Force. Let me assure you that this is a top priority for me
and for my entire department.
Congress has also noted that the Commissioned Corps has much to offer in the
area of bioterrorism. In 1998 the Senate Armed Services Committee, in the Com-
mittee Report that accompanied the Department of Defense Authorization Act for
fiscal year 1999, observed: The Committee notes the efforts underway within the
Department of Defense to develop the means to respond to acts of terrorism involv-
ing weapons of mass destruction. In this regard, the committee directs the Secretary
of Defense to ensure the assessment of needs and capabilities includes an analysis
of the capabilities that exist within the Commissioned Officer Corps of the U.S. Pub-
lic Health Service, who, as members of the uniformed services, might be easily inte-
grated into Department of Defense plans to respond to emergencies involving weap-
ons of mass destruction.
The Commissioned Corps has a history of deploying with the military that goes
well beyond mobilization in times of war. In such instances the uniform and rank
structure of the Commissioned Corps, as noted by the Senate Armed Services Com-
mittee, has indeed facilitated the relationship among the services.
This Committee came to a similar conclusion. In the report accompanying the Ap-
propriations Bill for the Departments of Labor, HHS and Education for fiscal year
1999, the Committee stated: In developing plans for bioterrorism countermeasures,
the Committee notes the standing personnel and reserves of the Public Health Serv-
ice are a valuable resource that ought to be well-integrated.
The Commissioned Corps, as a uniformed service, brings some unique capabilities
to the public health and emergency response arenas, making these officers espe-
cially well-suited for the public health response required in the aftermath of a bio-
terrorism incident. As noted in a February 1998 Report prepared by a Special Advi-
sory Committee of esteemed public health professionals headed by Former Surgeon
General C. Everett Koop, . . . expertise which is resident in the Corps to deal with
biological and chemical agents is a critical resource that can be called upon in the
event of terrorist attack. Tab A briefly describes some of the important characteris-
tics of the Commissioned Corps, among them:
public health training and experience;
on call 24 hours a day, like their military counterparts;
available for assignment to accommodate changing public health needs and pri-
an exceptional track record in the area of emergency response;
presence in 49 of 50 states, with large concentrations of officers in nearly every
region of the country, thereby allowing for an expedited response.
The Commissioned Corps is also a rich source of epidemiologists whose expertise
will be critical as part of a bioterrorist response.
In August 1997 Minnesotas former governor, Arne H. Carlson sent a letter to
then-DHHS Secretary Shalala praising the outstanding assistance provided by Com-
missioned Corps task forces to the citizens of Minnesota in the aftermath of the dev-
astating spring floods. Governor Carlson noted that one of the lesser publicized, but
serious impacts of the flooding was an estimated 2500 flooded private wells, requir-
ing the restoration of safe water supplies for many of Minnesotas citizens. He ob-
served that (t)he three task forces entered the state fully equipped and thoroughly
organized to operate with a minimum of state involvement, and they brought the
long, dirty and sometimes dangerous work to a successful conclusion in six weeks.
Tab B further details the emergency response capability of the Commissioned Corps
based upon actual experience since the late 1980s.
One special component of the Commissioned Corps (cited by Secretary Thompson
in his May 9th testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Sub-
committee on Commerce, Justice, State, and the Judiciary) is the Commissioned
Corps Readiness Force (CCRF), which was created by the Office of the Surgeon Gen-
eral in 1994 to improve the DHHS ability to respond to public health emergencies.
The CCRF is a cadre of nearly 1500 PHS active duty officers who are uniquely
qualified by virtue of their education, skills and experience to respond to public
health emergencies, and who can be mobilized quickly for this purpose.
The Commissioned Corps is also a vital part of the Nations emergency response
capacity through its role with Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMATs), which
consist of both federal and private sector personnel. One of these DMATs (PHS1)
is comprised primarily of Commissioned Corps Officers (approximately 80 percent).
This team has been stationed at high profile national events to provide the initial
public health response in the event of a bioterrorism incident.
In 1999 the first National Symposium on Medical and Public Health Response to
Bioterrorism was held in Arlington, VA. During a panel discussion of a smallpox sce-
nario, Mr. Jerome H. Hauer, then Director, Office of Emergency Management, New
York City, stated that in the event of a smallpox outbreak in New York, he would
require hundreds of investigators in the metropolitan area. In addition, he noted the
requirement for personnel to provide smallpox vaccinations, observing that the vac-
cination process is complex, and the average health care provider is not trained in
this area.
Mr. Hauers needs can most certainly be met by the Commissioned Corps. With
hundreds of public health professionals stationed within a short drive of New York
City, a rapid response can be achieved. The variety of locations nationwide where
Commissioned Corps officers are stationed permits the mobilization of a large num-
ber of Commissioned Corps officers anywhere in the country in a very short period
of time. Furthermore, with some improvements to the administration and training
of the inactive reserve component of the Commissioned Corps (discussed below), an
additional response capacity, or a backfill capacity, as circumstances require can be
made available. The medical expertise also resides within the Commissioned Corps
to staff alternate care facilities as needed (e.g. hospitals to handle small pox cases).
While the Commissioned Corps is currently the best available source of public
health expertise, a few modest initiatives will make it even better. Some of the ini-
tiatives may require legislation, while others may simply require policy changes
within the Department of Health and Human Services. Clearly, however, oversight
from this Committee is crucial to ensure that the necessary steps are taken. The
following are some of the actions that would enhance the ability of the Commis-
sioned Corps to respond to a bioterrorism incident:
Clarification of the ability to mobilize the Commissioned Corps under a single
operational control in the event of an incident involving a weapon of mass de-
struction.The Surgeon General, the uniformed leader of the Commissioned
Corps, administers the Corps and as such is responsible for formulating Com-
missioned Corps policy. However, Commissioned Officers are assigned to agen-
cies both within and outside the Department of Health and Human Services.
This diversity in assignments is a clear advantage, and one of the great
strengths of the Commissioned Corps. However, those agencies to which officers
are assigned retain significant control over the work performed by their officers.
There should be no question that the Surgeon General has authority to direct
all PHS officers to respond to a bioterrorism incident, regardless of the agency
to which the officers are assigned.
Provide additional training.The public health background these officers bring
to the bioterrorism scenario is a significant advantage. However, it is important
that, as in any specialized area, the officers receive ongoing training to develop/
maintain their expertise.
Formalize the Inactive Reserve program.This issue was touched upon above.
Unlike the inactive reserve components of the other services, the Commissioned
Corps program has been run on an informal basis, with a somewhat loose affili-
ation by the members. Nearly all members of the PHS inactive reserve have
served at least two years on active duty and thus are familiar with Federal pro-
grams and procedures. The potential of this program has been recognized by
many in Congress, including the House Appropriations Committee that directed
a study to ascertain the viability of establishing an Office of Reserve Coordina-
tion to administer the program. Without question the inactive reserve program,
and public health in general, could be dramatically enhanced if even modest re-
sources were committed to the maintenance of the reserve program and to the
training and utilization of inactive reserve officers.
Once again, the Commissioned Officers Association very much appreciates this op-
portunity to submit its views to this distinguished Subcommittee. We look forward
to addressing further details of these and other issues with you and the Sub-
committee staff.
1 A Status Report, Public Healths Infrastructure prepared for the Appropriations Committee
of the United States Senate by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, 2000.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
for determining that an outbreak of E. coli O157: H7 had occurred and that con-
taminated hamburger patties were the source of infection. Their rapid response pre-
vented serious cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome that frequently result from this
infection from occurring across the nation as a result of the largest recall of con-
taminated meat products in our nations history.
Public health laboratories are ideally suited for the critical role of identifying bio-
logical agents. Unfortunately, some state public health laboratories are not equipped
to detect the most likely biological agents such as anthrax and smallpox. State lab-
oratory facilities need to be upgraded with appropriate equipment and trained per-
Laboratory personnel in all 50 states and territories should have access to ad-
vanced training in both the identification of bioterrorist agents, using the newest
detection techniques, and in handling the agents safely. Responding to these issues
is not a short-term proposition. Laboratory support for public health programs re-
quires ongoing investment in new techniques, new equipment, methods development
and documentation, staff training, and quality assurance procedures.
Another related issue pertains to the need to train hospital and private clinical
laboratory personnel to recognize an unusual pathogen, a critical public health role
in emergency preparedness. The importance of timely detection cannot be over-
emphasized. In the case of many biologic agents, the time lag between exposure to
the pathogen and the onset of symptoms may vary from hours to weeks. An effective
response will depend jointly on the ability of the clinician to identify and accurately
diagnose an uncommon disease or toxic response and on a surveillance system for
collecting and organizing information from clinicians and laboratories.
Three excellent programs currently exist within CDC to enhance laboratory capac-
ity and coordination but not all states receive funding to support these efforts.
ASTHO recommends enhancement of these programs: the Laboratory Response Net-
work, the National Laboratory System, and the development of a Chemical Ter-
rorism Preparedness program to include all states.
Epidemiology and surveillance
Epidemiology and surveillance programs of state health agencies detect outbreaks
of common diseases or rare occurrences of unusual diseases. Epidemiological inves-
tigation determines when and where the exposure took place and whether cases are
still occurring. To conduct such surveillance, state health agencies need adequate
numbers of epidemiologists trained to recognize both natural and intentional events
and to institute appropriate measures to control them.
In additional to trained personnel, there is also a need for electronic reporting ca-
pabilities. An electronic disease reporting system enhances state and local surveil-
lance partnerships which are critical throughout the detection and response process.
An electronic system would connect reporting entities, such as hospitals, private lab-
oratories, physician offices and local health agencies with state and national public
health officials. Such systems require not only technology but also support in the
areas of technical support persons, hardware, and software.
Secure and accessible information systems
The ability to rapidly communicate with state and local health agencies is critical
in responding to bioterrorist and infectious disease outbreaks. Rapid communication
was an essential component of the coordinated response to the September 11 attacks
in Virginia, New York, and Pennsylvania.
All states need state of the art computer systems with high speed Internet access.
Satellites for distance learning are essential and videoconference capability is also
greatly needed to improve the ability to disseminate information routinely and in
the event of an emergency. Information is only as reliable as the data management
that supports it. Upgrading information systems is an ongoing challenge. Many
states analyses of their data systems show major gaps in infrastructure. Weak-
nesses exist particularly in linking databases, in assuring the security necessary to
increasing web applications, and in interactions with the provider community, the
source of much public health data. Three systems have been developed by CDC to
begin to address the aforementioned gaps; however, these systems are not fully im-
The first of these three systems, the Epidemic Information Exchange (Epi-X), was
designed to instantly notify public health practitioners of urgent public health
events and request assistance from CDC on- line. Epi-X assists bioterrorism pre-
paredness efforts by providing a secure communication channel for public health of-
ficials. Future enhancements of the system include providing secure communications
for multi-state outbreak-response teams, links between disease surveillance pro-
grams and the Health Alert Network, and improved software to automate the rec-
ognition of similar disease outbreaks across jurisdictions.
The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) assists in the man-
agement of surveillance systems and allows the public health community to respond
more quickly to public health threats. When completed, NEDSS will electronically
integrate and link together a wide variety of surveillance activities and will facili-
tate more accurate and timely reporting of disease information to CDC and state
and local health agencies. To accelerate NEDSS deployment, additional resources
are needed to strengthen state data security infrastructure, fast-track the avail-
ability of the NEDSS Base System, and enhance NEDSS functionality at the state
The Health Alert Network serves as the backbone for the public health commu-
nication strategy developed by CDC. This network will ensure communications ca-
pacity at all local and state health agencies. The Health Alert Network was oper-
ational 24 hours per day, seven days per week during September 11 to September
28 to provide critical information to state and local health agencies about the re-
sponse and recovery activities associated with the terrorist attacks. Additional re-
sources are needed to accelerate the development, coordination, and full implemen-
tation of these systems.
The importance of effective communication in times of emergencies cannot be
overstated. Just as states and local health agencies need effective information sys-
tems, they also need up to date information and appropriate messages to share.
Health officials are on the front lines and their message and communication ap-
proach will not only coordinate response, but will also reassure a fearful public.
Communication channels must be established before an emergency takes place,
and must be inclusive of all partners involved in the response. Rapid, reliable infor-
mation and communication among federal, state, and local public heath authorities,
health care delivery systems, police, firefighters, emergency management services
(EMS), emergency personnel, and others is essential.
Effective policy and evaluation
The events of September 11 have served to increase our understanding of the
need for sound public health policy. Issues of conflicting legislative and regulatory
provisions across state lines could impede the ability of public health to respond to
critical health needs in the event of a bioterrorist event. The ASTHO Task Force
on Anti-terrorism Preparedness will help identify many of the specific issues en-
countered during the days after the tragic events and will be prepared to make rec-
ommendations as to policy and even legislative needs in this regard in the near fu-
CDC, in partnership with ASTHO, the National Association of County and City
Health Officials (NACCHO), the National Association of Local Boards of Health, the
Public Health Foundation and the American Public Health Association, has devel-
oped the National Public Health Performance Standards Program. Three assess-
ment tools have been designed specifically for state and local health agencies and
local boards of health. These assessment tools provide performance measures by
which the public health system, including public and private partners who con-
tribute to the publics health, can be evaluated.
Specific to bioterrorism preparedness evaluation, the Bioterrorism Preparedness
and Response Core Capacity Project, which is co-chaired by CDC, ASTHO and
NACCHO, is in the process of identifying core capacities for bioterrorism and emer-
gency response preparedness.
States also have taken steps to evaluate their public health systems. For example,
Washington State has begun to assess how well prepared its public health system
is to respond to a major public health threat or emergency. The state has developed
and tested performance standards for the public health system, evaluating how well
its 34 local health jurisdictions and state department of health can perform in five
key areas of public health practice. The state has also established a baseline assess-
ment of county-level preparedness capacities examining the processes, procedures,
and relationships necessary to effectively detect and respond to public health emer-
gencies. This is typical of the types of exercises underway in other states.
Preparedness and response
Successful preparation for weapons of mass destruction emergencies will depend
on the development of a well-orchestrated plan to be used in responding to an event.
The implementation of that plan will vary, depending on the nature of the attack.
If the incident involves biological agents, public health officials as well as emergency
room personnel and critical care unit personnel will be key players and first re-
sponders. If the incident involves chemical or explosive agents, public health offi-
cials would be complementary to the management of the emergency. Regardless of
the nature of the attack, the responsibilities of public health officials will include
identification of existing assets and assessment of needs, resource allocation for pre-
paredness, stockpiling of supplies, medical training for treatment, and communica-
tion with the public.
Planning and coordination
Planning and coordination go hand in hand with all areas previously mentioned.
If the response to a biological threat or chemical attack has not been well planned,
it carries the potential of being ineffective. States are currently working to better
define and test the roles of various entities, including local health agencies, state
laboratories, emergency responders, hospitals, and others to establish policy to ad-
dress unexpected events. Pre-emergency response planning forges better commu-
nications between public health and emergency response sectors, which in many
states operate independently. Improvements in infrastructure made now to address
the major elements of emergency preparedness planning can have immediate and
lasting benefits.
Emergency planning for bioterrorism requires special emphasis on certain func-
tions not normally included in disaster plans. Examples include special surveillance
operations, delivery of vaccines and antimicrobial agents, and other mitigation ef-
forts. The widespread nature of adverse health effects due to the disruption of crit-
ical human infrastructure will require the expansion of the typical disaster manage-
ment team. Public health officials bring essential contributions to such strategic
planning teams.
National strategy
There is sufficient crossover and concurrence in each of these seven areas to ne-
cessitate appropriate coordination at the national level. In the event of a bioterrorist
event, the magnitude of the problem, essential treatment and prevention measures,
and environmental impact are continually assessed. If an infectious agent is in-
volved, public health officials may have to house ill individuals in isolation units in
hospitals, or in make-shift facilities, attended by medical personnel who are pro-
tected by specialized clothing, or who have received advance immunization. Public
health officials may also be forced to place a large number of individuals in quar-
antine and temporarily close large public gathering places and transport centers.
Massive distribution of stockpiled vaccine and medical treatments such as anti-
biotics will also be necessary. Assurance of safe food and water supplies will be es-
pecially critical. These are just a few of the many issues that require a strong na-
tional strategy.
Addressing the threat of smallpox and anthrax
The threat of a terrorist attack using smallpox remains unlikely, but health offi-
cials recognize that it is prudent to be prepared. It is important to move as rapidly
as possible to accelerate production of smallpox vaccine. In addition, a plan should
be developed outlining the appropriate course of action in the event of a smallpox
attack, including the use of vaccine. Planning and resource allocation must be un-
dertaken to ensure that vaccine delivery and administration and other appropriate
actions are immediate, efficient, and effective.
ASTHO makes this recommendation on the basis of the following assessments: (a)
while the probability of such an event appears low, a smallpox attack by terrorists
is nonetheless a credible possibility; (b) the threat of smallpox is a threat that we
do have the ability to substantially mitigate or even abrogate through effective use
of vaccine; (c) smallpox is a threat for which there are really no good alternatives
to vaccination for effective response; and (d) smallpox is a threat that carries the
potential for great harm and global spread if there is not an effective response.
ASTHO also encourages expeditious exploration of methods to provide protection
to civilian populations in the event of terrorist use of anthrax. ASTHO encourages
CDC to develop rational, reasonable, and balanced communications tools concerning
smallpox and anthrax which are suitable for the general public and can be shared
with all state health agencies. ASTHO encourages Congress to provide additional
resources as needed to support these recommended activities.
Conclusions and closing recommendations
The Department of Health and Human Services, through CDC, has been leading
the effort to upgrade national public health capabilities to address any potential bio-
terrorist event. CDC has initiated a cooperative agreement program for state and
major local health agencies to help upgrade their capabilities. Eligible applicants
can request support under the following five focus areas: Preparedness Planning
and Readiness Assessment; Surveillance and Epidemiology Capacity; Laboratory Ca-
pacity-Biologic Agents; Laboratory Capacity-Chemical Agents; and the Health Alert
Network. These funds have enabled state and local health agencies to link and inte-
grate their preparedness activities and local and county preparations for crisis and
consequence management of a terrorist event. ASTHO commends the Congress for
making these resources available. However, all states are not funded in all areas
and additional resources are urgently needed to address the concerns outlined in
this document.
ASTHO urges the Subcommittee to assure that:
The federal government assumes an appropriate leadership role in strength-
ening the national public health infrastructure and capacity;
The federal government makes the necessary resources available for public
health workforce training, preparedness planning, and readiness assessment at
the state and local health agency level to assist in the development and imple-
mentation of plans to address public health issues following a biologic or chem-
ical terrorist attack;
Public health agencies at the local, state and federal levels are sufficiently en-
hanced to detect, monitor, and contain disease outbreaks. Rapid detection of a
biological attack can prevent a local epidemic from becoming a national epi-
Sufficient resources are provided to develop medical counter-measures against
a bioterrorist attack, including funding to speed up vaccine production and to
stockpile antibiotics; and
Our nations hospitals are properly equipped and health professionals are prop-
erly trained to respond to bioterrorism.
The public health system is the vital link in our ability to preserve and protect
human life when disaster strikes. Services we all count on must be present in the
event of a major epidemic, a bioterrorism incident, exposure to a chemical hazard,
radiological release or contamination of food and water supplies. We thank the Sub-
committee for its understanding of the vital importance of a national policy and ap-
propriate resources to strengthen public healths capacity to identify and respond to
bioterrorist events, and its recognition that by doing so, public healths overall ca-
pacity to protect our nations health and well-being will be enhanced.
We look forward to working with the Subcommittee to assure the availability of
the critical funding needed to address each of these urgent issues.
Senator HARKIN. Before I turn to our first panel, I will yield to
our distinguished ranking member, Senator Specter, for his open-
ing remarks.
Senator BYRD. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for holding
this hearing. This is a very important hearing. I have been saying
in the Armed Services Committee for a long time that we had bet-
ter be thinking about chemical and biological weapons being used
against us. While I think that debate was with respect to a nuclear
attack and how a missile shield is important, this is as important,
if not more so. So I congratulate you on holding this hearing, and
I congratulate the ranking member, and these four eminent Sen-
priorities we give to the public health system. That has been also
a deficient area which has been identified by the GAO.
We have not addressed again the issue of food safety. Secretary
Thompson will. Again, we have a small part of food safety in our
committee. Most of that is in the Agriculture Committee. The
chairman of the committee is very familiar with this issue, but that
is an important part of it.
Next is the upgrading of the capacity of laboratories to identify
biological weapons. There has to be an upgrading at the local level
in terms of detection. That can be done in some parts of our coun-
try. Where it is being done, they have the ultimate in terms of the
cutting edge technologies. We ought to make sure that those kinds
of technologies are going to be available to communities all over the
The first line of defense is going to be in our public health sys-
tem. Our proposal, then, is to improve the detection of an attack.
Second, our proposal will improve the treatment for victims of an
attack. This comes by improving the ability of our hospitals to in-
crease their emergency capacity. As Senator Byrd and others have
pointed out, we have seen a contraction in the number of hospitals.
That has been true in urban areas, it has been true in rural areas.
We have gone in my own State of Massachusetts from 132 hos-
pitals to 84 hospitals over the period of the last 5 years, and we
know that in many of the urban areas people wait out in the cor-
ridors, even to go into the emergency rooms.
This is going to be called upon as the first order of priority.
There are a number of different ways that their assets can be ex-
tended. There is good planning in a number of our great medical
centers about how to do that. We ought to share that information,
but we ought to now have the kind of investment that permits
them to do this in very short order. That is a feature of our pro-
Next is the development and enhancing of local and Federal med-
ical response. This also includes training. Senator Frist, and many
of us have heard him speak on this, will mention that in all the
times he has been a doctor, in 25 years, he has not been able to
detect smallpox, or has not had smallpox in front of him. We have
to make sure we are going to have the training for the personnel
to be able to detect this. This is training health professionals to di-
agnose and treat the victims of a bioterrorist attack.
Finally, our proposal will improve the containment of an attack
by providing better vaccines to limit the spread of infection, by im-
proving the national pharmaceutical stockpile, and by increasing
research in medications. You will have an opportunity to hear from
the top of our research community. They can give you different
guidance as to what needs help and support, and there are a vari-
ety of different undertakings even at the present time, but as we
understand right at the outset, most of those products do not have
a private market. It is going to take an investment by the Federal
Government, and the Federal Government is going to have to in-
vest in terms of stockpiling those products.
Finally, I would like to just say, Mr. Chairman, the administra-
tion has approximately $350 to $400 million in their budget. Our
budget recommendation is for an additional $1.4 billion. That
Some steps have been taken, other steps are needed, more steps
are needed, a greater investment is needed, but the American peo-
ple ought to understand this is serious. It is dangerous, but at least
we have an understanding about what needs to be done in the very
early stages of it, and that hopefully this committee and the Con-
gress are prepared to make the kind of investment that is going to
be a meaningful down payment to give the kind of protection the
American people deserve.
[The statement follows:]
Thank you, Senator Harkin, and thank you also Senator Specter for holding to-
days hearing on this topic of special importanceimproving the nations prepared-
ness for bioterrorism. Your own leadership in providing resources for public health
and medical research has already done a great deal to strengthen the nations pre-
paredness to meet this challenge. Its a privilege to be here today with Senator
September 11th was a turning point in Americas history. For two centuries, the
continental United States was spared from foreign attack. The vicious air attacks
of September 11th shattered that security. In the aftermath, we must clearly
strengthen our ability to defend the American people against all forms of terrorist
One of the most destructive ways an enemy could attack the nation would be to
use a biological weapon. The difficulty of mounting a biological attack has given the
nation a reprievebut none of us knows how long that reprieve will last.
Over the past two years, Senator Frist and I have held hearings on the dangers
of bioterrorism. As we learned at those hearings, a biological weapon could unleash
destruction on a very broad scale, and we need to be better prepared. A substan-
tially increased investment must be a major part of the nations response, and I am
confident this committee will provide it. This investment is a sound price to pay for
the greater security it will bring to every American and every community in the na-
Our first priority must be to prevent an attack from ever occurring, and we are
moving quickly to strengthen our intelligence capacity and take other needed steps
to do so.
We also need to work with nations that have stocks of dangerous biological agents
to ensure that they do not fall into the hands of terrorists. Russia currently holds
the largest supply of potential biological weapons. Ive spoken with Secretary
Thompson about the situation in Russia, and I believe theres a real opportunity to
make progress in securing and destroying these dangerous biological materials.
Weve worked with Russia on containing nuclear weapons. Now we must work to-
gether on preventing the spread of biological weapons.
But we must also enhance our preparedness for a bioterrorist attack. Americans
need not live their lives in fear of a biological attack, but building strong defenses
is the right thing to do.
If a bioterrorist attack does occur, the keys to responding effectively lie in three
key concepts: immediate detection, immediate treatment and immediate contain-
Unlike the assaults on New York and Washington, a biological attack would not
be accompanied by explosions and police sirens. Instead, terrorists could release a
lethal bioweapon in a crowded shopping mall or subway station. They might expose
millions to the deadly microbes by spraying a biological weapon over a city.
In the days that followed, victims of emergency room, complaining of mild fevers,
aches in the joints or perhaps a sore throat. Doctors need to be well aware of the
symptoms of a bioterrorist attack, or precious hours will be lost as doctors try to
diagnose their patients.
In Boston, a recently installed electronic communication system would allow phy-
sicians to report unusual symptoms rapidly to local health officials so that an epi-
demic could be identified quickly. Too often, however, as a CDC report has stated:
Global travel and commerce can move microbes around the world at jet speed, yet
our public health surveillance systems still rely on a Pony Express system of paper-
based reporting and telephone calls.
In addition, public health laboratories need the training, the equipment and the
personnel to identify anthrax, plague, smallpox or other potential biological weapons
as quickly as possible.
Emergency care facilities will also be essential. Boston, New York and a few other
communities have plans to convert National Guard armories and other public build-
ings into temporary medical facilities, and other communities need to be well pre-
pared too. Even cities with extensive plans need more resources to ensure that those
plans will be effective when they are needed.
It has been an honor to work with Senator Frist on legislation to enhance the
countrys preparedness for bioterrorism. Congress enacted that initial legislation
last November, and it has already served one of its intended purposes. That legisla-
tion gave the Secretary of HHS the authority to act decisively to protect the public
health during a bioterrorist attack or other health emergency. Secretary Thompson
used this new authority wisely to send medical supplies and personnel to New York,
where they were so urgently needed, and I commend him for his prompt and effec-
tive action.
To improve detection, treatment and containment of a bioterrorist attack at the
state and local level, the legislation authorized investments in disease surveillance,
food safety, and new research initiatives to diagnose such attacks. The Act also
called for new investments in hospital preparedness, so that medical facilities will
have the planning and resources needed to assist victims. To improve containment,
the legislation called for federal supplies of vaccines and antibiotics to be available
quickly to assist local public health officials in containing an epidemic. Federal
stockpiles of vaccines and antibiotics will be essential to contain any outbreak and
save lives.
Under the leadership of Secretary Thompson and Secretary Shalala, much has
been done to improve the nations readiness. We are better prepared now, but we
need to be even more prepared. Senator Frist and I look forward to working with
our colleagues on this committee and in Congress to achieve these extremely impor-
tant goals.
Senator HARKIN. Senator Kennedy, thank you for your very, very
strong statement, and thank you for your leadership on this issue
in getting the legislation passed last year.
Now we turn to the cosponsor of that legislation, who has been
a great source of information and guidance for all of us here in the
Senate because of his strong medical background, and that is Sen-
ator Frist from Tennessee.
Senator FRIST. Thank you, Senators Harkin, Specter, and col-
leagues for holding this hearing on what is a pressing challenge for
us all, and one of the most disturbing issues of our time, given the
events of September 11, and that is the threat of germ weapons
being used by terrorists.
Let me open by saying we are all walking a fine line in terms
of both the potential for being alarmist, and at the same time lay-
Senator HARKIN. Thank you very much, Senator Frist, and Sen-
ator Kennedy.
Just as a postscript, Senator Frist, I was back home this last
weekend, and a friend of mine who is a doctor in Des Moines came
up to me and said, how am I supposed to recognize it? He said, I
have never been trained to recognize anthrax. He said, we need
help out here to start to recognize it. That is one of the points you
just made there. We need to get that information out and training
out at the local level, so I appreciate your comments. This just hap-
pened to me this last weekend.
I am now going to move to Senator Hagel and Senator Edwards,
who just introduced new legislation, and I recognize the time con-
straints and how busy our Senators are, Senator Kennedy, Senator
Frist, and please stay if you would like, but if you would like to
leave, we would excuse you at this time.
Senator BYRD. Mr. Chairman, in the event that these two Sen-
ators need to leave, they mentioned a figure of $1.4 billion. How
did you arrive at the $1.4 billion? How do you break that down,
and how much of that needs to be appropriated immediately? Can
it be broken down into phases that would help us to better under-
stand it? I do not know how we can spend $1.4 billion better than
in this very exercise here.
Senator KENNEDY. Quickly, Senator, half of it is, as Senator Frist
pointed out, for our public health services. Those resources will be
invested in the States. That is the front line. That is on the basis
of figures estimated by the public health service, and the particular
organizations, the Public Health Laboratories, for example. This is
basically how we got it, and it was rather a lean budget on that.
You will find about another quarter or so of it is for the hospitals
in terms of developing outreach programs, and the remaining third
are listed here, and cover a number of the different kinds of pro-
grams that Senator Frist pointed out in terms of surveillance, the
development of various vaccines, and the storage and purchase of
those programs. This breakdown which is a part of our testimony
is an activity sheet where we give the figures, the allocations of the
$1.4 billion to each of probably 10 different initiatives, and we will
be glad to submit to the committee the additional kinds of support
for each of those.
There are some provisions that are not on there. Food protection
is not on here. The agricultural aspects are not on here. There is
not a program on here, although the Secretary will probably talk
about it, like the Nunn-Lugar programs, in order to try to do some-
thing over in the former Soviet Union in terms of the employment
of some of those scientists, so those elements are not on here and
probably may have to be added. but this is really the public health
aspect of the program, and we have submitted it, and we will be
glad to work with the staffs of the committee to give the particular
Senator FRIST. Mr. Chairman, could I just add to that very brief-
ly? The documents from this chart should be made a part of the
record, and should be before you. There are certain elements up
here, and you see that $635 million of the $1.4 billion is for State
and local preparedness capabilities. We absolutely must address
that particular issue. Some of the $635 million could be multiyear.
have done and have shown extraordinary leadership on, along with
the work of this subcommittee, has been critical. The work that
Senator Hagel and I have done I think builds on that, first, by get-
ting money directly to the people who we believe need it most, the
people who are going to have to recognize that a biological attack
has occurred and coordinate the response to that biological attack,
and second, by dealing with the specific issue of agriterrorism and
food safety, which all of us are concerned about and recognize is
a serious national threat.
So Mr. Chairman, what I would say, and I think all of us would
say to the American people, while we may not be fully prepared at
this moment to respond, we are committed to being completely and
totally prepared very quickly.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator HARKIN. Senator Edwards, thank you for a great state-
ment. Thank you for your leadership on this issue in light of what
has been happening lately, and for working with Senator Hagel
and all of us to move this forward.
Senator BYRD. Mr. Chairman, may I ask a quick question? You
asked for $1.6 billion. Senator Frist and Senator Kennedy are talk-
ing about $1.4 billion. How does your $350 million, your $100 mil-
lion, and your $555 million square with similar items in their re-
Senator EDWARDS. Senator Byrd, I think we have worked with
Senators Kennedy and Frist in coming up with these numbers. I
think it is a matter of how we describe the figures. In fact, the ad-
ditional money that is in our bill, in addition to what Senators
Kennedy and Frist are proposing, is primarily aimed at agricul-
tural terrorism, which is not something that is specifically ad-
dressed in their request. I believe, though, that our numbers are
very much in line, because we have been working with them.
Senator BYRD. And your initial request, let us say it could be ap-
propriated this year, what would it be, the initial portion of the
$1.6 billion?
Senator EDWARDS. I think it is a 1-year appropriation request,
Senator BYRD. The $1.6 billion?
Senator EDWARDS. Yes, sir.
Senator BYRD. Then is that the case, Dr. Frist, with yours?
Senator FRIST. Conceptually, about .4 of the $1.4 billion needs to
be for filling these gaps, and is ultimately going to need to be
factored into a baseline as we go forward. There are just huge gaps
in public health infrastructure and the like. Conceptually, about $1
billion of that is in response to the emergency money that needs
to come in now. I do not know if it would come out of the $20 bil-
lion that was mentioned. That depends on how you determine it.
Of that $1 billion, just big picture overall, about 50 percent of
that could be over a 2- to 3-year period.
Senator HAGEL. Senator Byrd, our percentages are not unlike
what Senator Frist has said, too. We all recognize that, as Senator
Frist said, the infrastructure is not in place now to be able to ab-
sorb that much resources coming within a 12-month period.
Senator BYRD. Thank you. Thank you very much.
For the first time ever, we sent a Push Pack containing 50 tons
of medical supplies to New York City. We have eight of these packs
strategically located throughout the country, and they are supposed
to arrive at any location within 12 hours. We were able to deliver
that Push Pack to the City of New York within 7 hours.
This is the first time our emergency response system had been
tested at this extreme level, and they responded without a hitch.
Granted, we did not find any signs of bioterrorism, but we were
there quickly. We had experts looking for any problems, and we
were prepared to move rapidly to contain and treat any problem-
atic disease. That response encouraged me, I believe it should en-
courage this committee and the Congress, and it should encourage
the American public that we do have the ability to respond.
Now, I by no means contend that our system is perfect or with-
out weaknesses. We have gaps. We can, indeed, make our re-
sponses stronger, and it is imperative, ladies and gentlemen, that
we do so. We must continue to accelerate our preparedness efforts,
and that is going to require a strong partnership with this com-
mittee and with Congress.
Frankly, bioterrorism preparedness has not been the highest fis-
cal priority in the past, as it competed with other public needs. My
hope is that this will change as a result of greater awareness of our
needs. Here are the areas in which we need to move more aggres-
sively. You heard a lot about it today, and the first one, and by far
it surpasses anything else, is our local public health infrastructure.
Without question, this is our greatest need.
We must continue working with State and local public health
systems to make sure that they are strong and prepared. This is
going to include developing response and contingency plans, mak-
ing sure that they have the tools to respond in educating their
medical community. A strong and coordinated response between
Federal, State, and local Governments is absolutely essential and
fundamental to our ability to respond effectively and in an emer-
gency. We must continue to strengthen that partnership.
We also need to make sure that doctors and medical profes-
sionals are able to get the continuing education and training that
they will need to be astute in the area of identifying diseases from
a biological attack. To supplement this effort, we plan to hold a bio-
terrorism conference every year for emergency medical profes-
sionals, the Nations best experts and scientists will keep them up
to speed with the latest in preparing for, identifying, and treating
diseases from biological warfare.
We would also benefit from expanding the number of slotsI
know that is something Senator Specter has been very interested
in, and I applaud him for itand that is in the CDC Epidemic and
Intelligence Service, so we have moved highly trained experts in
the field of identifying diseases. In fact, I would recommend to this
committee that the Federal Government consider paying and plac-
ing more EIS graduates in State health departments. Currently,
there are 42 EIS experts in the States, but we must make sure
that every State has at least one of these EIS epidemiology special-
ists in their health departments, and we should add more to the
States that could use the extra resources.
We are doing today what this country once thought it could put
off until tomorrow, and I applaud you. As always, I am confident
that you, this Congress and all Americans, will rise to the chal-
[The statement follows:]
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for inviting me here
today to discuss the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) prepared-
ness to respond to acts of terrorism involving biological agents.
Among weapons of mass destruction, bioterrorism features several characteristics
that set it apart from other acts of terrorism involving, for example, explosives or
chemical agents. While explosions or chemical attacks cause immediate and visible
casualties, an intentional release of a biological weapon would unfold over the
course of days or weeks, culminating potentially in a major epidemic. Until suffi-
cient numbers of people arrive in emergency rooms, doctors offices and health clin-
ics with similar illnesses, there may be no sign that a bioterrorist attack has taken
Three important points must be considered in bioterrorism preparations. First, bi-
ological agents are easy to conceal. A small amount may be sufficient to harm large
populations and cause epidemics over a broad geographic region. Second, the con-
tagious nature of some infectious diseases means that once persons are exposed and
infected they can continue to spread the disease to others. Third, in the most worri-
some scenario of a surreptitious attack, the first responders are likely to be health
professionals in emergency rooms, physician offices, outpatient clinics, public health
settings, and other health-care activities rather than the traditional first respond-
ers. The longer the terrorist-induced epidemic goes unrecognized and undiagnosed,
the longer the delay in initiating treatment and other control efforts to prevent fur-
ther infectious outbreaks.
The broad goals of a national response to bioterrorism, or any epidemic involving
a large population will be to detect the problem, control the epidemics spread and
treat the victims. HHSs approach to this challenge has been to strengthen public
health infrastructure to deal more effectively with epidemics and other emergencies,
and to hone our emergency health and medical response capacities at the federal,
state and local level. HHS has also worked to forge new partnerships with organiza-
tions related to national security.
What has HHS been doing to prepare for this kind of event? Our efforts are fo-
cused on improving the nations public health surveillance network to quickly detect
and identify the biological agent that has been released; strengthening the capac-
ities for medical response, especially at the local level; expanding the stockpile of
pharmaceuticals for use if needed; expanding research on disease agents that might
be released; developing new and more rapid methods for identifying biological
agents and improved treatments and vaccines; improving information and commu-
nications systems; and preventing bioterrorism by regulation of the shipment of haz-
ardous biological agents or toxins.
Several HHS agencies play a key role in our preparedness for terrorist events, in-
cluding the Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP), the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Na-
tional Institutes for Health (NIH).
In order to advance an orderly and comprehensive approach to the many issues
involved in such preparation, in July of this year I appointed a special assistant
within the Immediate Office of the Secretary to lead the Departments bioterrorism
initiative. I have directed this individual, Dr. Scott Lillibridge, to begin creating a
unified HHS preparedness and response system to deal with these important issues.
Under my direction, Dr. Lillibridge will provide executive leadership and organiza-
tional direction for HHS budget, policy, and program implementation on terrorism
preparedness issues. Let me assure you that this is a top priority for me and for
my entire Department.
We are striving at HHS to strengthen our readiness and response, and our ability
to respond has been greatly improved over the last several years. The system is not
perfect, however, and we must continue to accelerate our preparedness efforts.
HHS coordinates and provides health leadership to the National Disaster Medical
System (NDMS), which is a partnership that brings together HHS, DOD, FEMA,
and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The NDMS provides medical re-
sponse, patient evacuation, and definitive medical care for mass casualty events.
This system addresses both disaster situations and military contingencies. More
than 7,000 private citizens across the country volunteer their time and expertise as
members of response teams to support this effort. This system also includes approxi-
mately 2,000 participating non-federal hospitals. VA and DODs expertise and re-
sources are critical to many key aspects of NDMS response, and I would note that
these Departments have distinguished themselves on many occasions.
In most localized disasters, including the scurrilous attacks on the World Trade
Centers in New York and the Pentagon here in Washington, HHS organizes its
medical field response through the Office of Emergency Preparedness using a team
structure. Teams can include Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, specialty medical
teams (such as burn and pediatric), and Disaster Mortuary Teams. In addition, Na-
tional Medical Response Teams are able to deploy to sites anywhere in the country
with a supply of specialized pharmaceuticals to treat up to 5,000 patients. Cur-
rently, HHS can draw on 27 such teams that can be federalized and deployed to
assist victims. Such teams have been sent to many areas in the aftermath of disas-
ters in support of FEMA-coordinated relief activities.
HHS, through OEP, has the capability to mobilize NDMS resources, the Public
Health Services Commissioned Corps Readiness Force, as well as enlist the support
of other federal agencies, such as DOD and VA, to help provide needed medical and
public health services to treat disaster victims. In the last few years, these assets
were deployed to New York, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, the
Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico in the aftermath of hurricanes and tropical storms,
and to New York and Virginia in response to the events of September 11, 2001.
However, regional or national response to a health emergency involving bioter-
rorism will also require that additional capacities be in place at the state and local
level before the disaster strikes. HHS, primarily through CDC, is supporting state
and local governments to strengthen their surveillance, epidemiological investiga-
tion and laboratory detection capabilities, as well as continuing development of a
national stockpile of critical pharmaceuticals and vaccines to supplement local and
state resources.
The Office of Emergency Preparedness is working on a number of fronts to assist
local hospitals and medical practitioners to deal with the effects of bioterrorism and
other terrorist acts. Since fiscal year 1995, for example, OEP has been developing
local Metropolitan Medical Response Systems (MMRS). Through contractual rela-
tionships, the MMRS uses existing emergency response systemsemergency man-
agement, medical and mental health providers, public health departments, law en-
forcement, fire departments, EMS and the National Guardto provide an inte-
grated, unified response to a mass casualty event. As of September 30, 2001, OEP
will has contracted with 97 municipalities to develop MMRSs. The fiscal year 2002
budget includes funding for an additional 25 MMRSs (for a total of 122).
MMRS contracts require the development of local capability for mass immuniza-
tion/prophylaxis for the first 24 hours following an identified disease outbreak; dis-
tribution of materiel deployed to the local site from the National Pharmaceutical
Stockpile; local capability for mass patient care, including procedures to augment
existing care facilities; local medical staff trained to recognize disease symptoms so
that they can initiate treatment; and local capability to manage the remains of the
HHS has used classroom training, distance learning, and hands-on training activi-
ties to prepare the health and medical community for contingencies such as bioter-
rorism and other terrorism events. For example, in fiscal year 1999, Congress appro-
priated funds for OEP to renovate and modernize the Noble Army Hospital at Ft.
McClellan, Alabama, so the hospital can be used to train doctors, nurses, para-
medics and emergency medical technicians to recognize and treat patients with
chemical exposures and other public health emergencies. Expansion of the bioter-
rorism component of Noble Training Center curriculum is a high priority for HHS.
HHS has been working closely with the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) National
Domestic Preparedness Consortium and we will continue our excellent relationship
with them. OJP and HHS have teamed together to develop a healthcare assessment
tool and have also delivered a combined MMRS/first responder training program.
CDC has participated with DOD, most notably to provide distance-based learning
for bioterrorism and disease awareness to the clinical community. CDC is now mov-
ing to expand such training with organizations, such as the Infectious Disease Soci-
ety of America (IDSA), and Schools of Public Health, such as the Johns Hopkins
Center for Civilian Biodefense. The recent FEMA-CDC initiative to expand the
scope of FEMAs Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC) will serve as
a vehicle to integrate the emergency management and health community response
efforts in a way that has not been possible in the past. It is clear that these commu-
nities can best respond together if they are able to train together toward realistic
scenarios that leverage the best of both organizations.
Push Package in, move extra personnel in. We have 7,000 DMAT
teams ready to be activated and placed into any particular commu-
I agree with the doctor that at the local level there needs to be
more education, more opportunities for research, and more things
we think we could provide a good share of that through CDC, Sen-
Senator SPECTER. Are the lights on? They should be set for 5
minutes so we can control the time, but I am going to conclude
here. Just very briefly let me ask you about the comments of the
GAO report, Mr. Secretary, which focused on the lack of laboratory
capacity for a large outbreak, and the lack of hospital emergency
capacity. How do you respond to those accounts by the GAO?
Secretary THOMPSON. I think we do lack laboratory capability
and we do lack hospital space, and we discussed that. I discussed
that with the American Hospital Association, I believe last Friday.
I also discussed it with the Department of Defense last week. I
talked to Secretary Don Rumsfeld and I asked if, in fact, we needed
some mobile hospitals from the Department of Defense, could we
be able to use them, and he said absolutely. We also asked them
the same thing about vaccines, dealing with anthrax, and the De-
partment of Defense said, absolutely.
Senator SPECTER. My final question relates to the issue raised by
the GAO regarding the adequacy of coordination with the respon-
sibilities being lodged in many departments, HHS, the Department
of Justice, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency, FEMA, and others.
Governor Ridges duties have not been defined with any preci-
sion, and in the speech that the President made, he talked about
a Cabinet-level position, a Secretary of Homeland Defense, and
now there is talk about an agency, and I think we are really in the
formative stage as to what is going to be done here.
I am preparing some legislation in collaboration with Senator
Lieberman, and it is our view, or it is my viewwe have not
worked it all out yetthat there ought to be Cabinet rank and
there ought to be a way to have some authority when you start
dealing with various Secretaries. Washington is famous for turf
battles, and absent
Secretary THOMPSON. I am understanding that, Senator.
Senator SPECTER. I understand that you understand that. I have
seen that. I have seen some of the understanding back and forth.
Now, I know you cannot speak for the President, but as a judg-
ment, if Governor Ridge is going to come in and do an effective job,
is he not going to need some line of authority beyond having access
to the President? To try to arbitrate every single dispute, we know
the reality is that simply cannot happen. You have been very expe-
rienced in Government. Do you think we need a Cabinet level posi-
tion? Do you think we need some specific statutory authorization
which will enable Governor Ridge to do an effective job?
Secretary THOMPSON. First off, I think Governor Ridge is going
to do an outstanding job. He is a wonderful individual, and I think
the President chose very wisely. I think the President is looking at
this. I have not been privy to those discussions as such, and so I
do not think I should be talking for the White House on this sub-
ject, Senator.
Senator SPECTER. Thank you very much, Secretary Thompson.
Senator Byrd, Senator Harkin had to absent himself for a few
minutes. We are going to proceed in order of arrival: Senator Byrd,
Senator DeWine, Senator Landrieu, Senator Durbin, Senator Mur-
ray, Senator Gregg, and Senator Kohl, and I think Senator Gregg
ought to be higher here. He came in earlier.
Senator GREGG. That is okay.
Senator SPECTER. Senator Byrd.
Senator BYRD. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Secretary, you indicated that 42 epidemiologists were in the
50 States. I believe you said 42.
Secretary THOMPSON. That is correct.
Senator BYRD. You said we needed one in each State.
Secretary THOMPSON. I said at least one in each State.
Senator BYRD. How many States do not have at least one?
Secretary THOMPSON. I would think there are 13 at the present
Senator BYRD. Including West Virginia?
Secretary THOMPSON. I am not sure about that, but I can check
and get back to you. I understand West Virginia does not have one.
Senator BYRD. How much money do you need to have 13 addi-
tional epidemiologists?
Secretary THOMPSON. We have them, but we would have to give
money to the States, or put in a Federal position in the State
health departments. I do not exactly know. We think that we
should have at least one in each and every State, Senator. I can
get you the exact figures and send them to you without any prob-
lem whatsoever.
Senator BYRD. Yes, if you would, please. Also, you indicated that
your proposal is pretty much like the proposals that are being
talked about by Senators Kennedy, Frist, Hagel, and Edwards.
How much difference is there in your amounts?
Secretary THOMPSON. There is some differenceI think, Senators
Hagel and Edwards, about $1.6 billion, I think Senators Kennedy
and Frist about $1.4 billion. I think ours is a little bit under that,
and we have made a proposal to OMB. But together, there is very
much uniformity in strengthening the local public health systems
and protecting food safety and security.
Senator BYRD. How much do you need? If it could be appro-
priated in the remainder of this calendar year, how much do you
need immediately?
Secretary THOMPSON. We think we need somewhere around $800
Senator BYRD. May I ask, if you already have not done it, that
you break that down and send it to this committee immediately?
Secretary THOMPSON. I have to wait till OMB makes a decision,
but I would be more than happy to give it to you.
Senator BYRD. If we could know what you are asking for.
Secretary THOMPSON. I certainly will, Senator. I will get it to you
by the end of the week.
Senator BYRD. Very well. Now, you mentioned local, State, and
Federal health officials, and you emphasized the problem that ex-
their house, should they make efforts to avoid public places, or cer-
tain areas of the country, are there questions they should ask their
doctor to determine whether or not the doctor is capable of recog-
nizing the symptoms of a biological attack?
Is the Department issuing recommendations or advice, Mr. Sec-
retary? In other words, what can you tell, or what would you say
to Americans all across our country today with respect to what
they can or should be doing to respond to this threat?
Secretary THOMPSON. I would strongly tell Mr. and Mrs.
Siddleson of Milwaukee, as I would Philadelphia, as I would San
Francisco, be very vigilant. Be very vigilant about your activities,
and anything suspicious, any kind of cold, or anything mysterious
dealing with your body. Illness or infections or rashes or coughing,
get to a doctor and ask that doctor if he or she knows anything
about smallpox, anthrax, botulism and so on.
I would not suggest buy a gas mask. I would not suggest that
they go out and buy a lot of cyprofloxin, or doxycycline, or peni-
cillin. I would strongly just urge them to be more alert than they
have in the past. If there is anything that their body is telling
them, they should check with their doctor as soon as possible, and
they should ask their doctor if their doctor knows things about bio-
Senator KOHL. All right, Governor. As you know, some of the
most advanced biological research in the world is occurring every
day at federally funded labs and our public universities, including
the University of Wisconsin, as you well know. We also know that
very important and vital research involves the use of dangerous bi-
ological agents. Of course, we must secure these labs and not allow
these lethal pathogens to fall into the wrong hands.
The CDC regulation that will go into effect next January will re-
quire upgraded security measures at these labs. I read in the paper
that you said that you would like to expend funds in order to in-
crease security at Government labs. My question to you is, what
are we going to do at university labs?
Secretary THOMPSON. I think we should find ways to increase the
security in all of our laboratories. I think it is very important, Sen-
ator Kohl. I am very happy you brought that up, and if I might I
would just like to ask Scott LillibridgeI forgot to do thisabout
getting vaccinated, because I think this is a question that a lot of
peopleand I think that we have looked at it, and we would
strongly suggest that that is not the best way to go. Scott.
Dr. LILLIBRIDGE. Thank you, sir. I have two things I wanted to
mention. Although the public health infrastructure is weak and we
are investing in the infrastructure to improve surveillance, the lab-
oratory science, and health alerting, our medical community and
our public health officers have never been better in history. They
have had more information, better education, local people must still
trust and seek advice locally. I do not want to dissuade anybody
from doing that.
The first issue, of course, in lockstep with, do we need gas masks,
is, do we need vaccinations at this time, and the answer is no. We
are not taking them in our senior management, nor are we recom-
mending them to the population, and the primary reason is that
most of the things we deal with have an incubation period. And
The good news is that, despite the anxieties we all share today
over this issue, the U.S. Government can take practical steps to re-
duce the threat. Improved disease surveillance, combined with
other preparedness measures, may make it possible in the not-too-
distant future to render biological weapons in the hands of terror-
Although it is unlikely that a small terrorist group working on its own would have
the technical and financial resources to carry out a major bioterrorist attack on the
scale of the September 11 event, a state-sponsor might provide the terrorists with
the necessary know-how, seed cultures, and specialized dissemination equipment.
Alternatively, a wealthy terrorist organization might be able to recruit scientists
and engineers formerly employed by a state-level biowarfare program, such as that
of Iraq, South Africa, or the former Soviet Union. As the biotechnology industry con-
tinues to spread rapidly around the world, fermentation tanks and other equipment
used to produce biological warfare agents-much of which has commercial as well as
military applications-will become increasingly accessible to terrorists. Moreover,
given the current high level of public anxiety over bioterrorism, even a relatively
small-scale attack with anthrax or some other biological agent could have a dis-
proportionate psychological impact, eliciting widespread panic and undermining
trust in government.
Defense analysts also worry about the possible use of biological agents by hostile
states as a means of asymmetric warfare-David-and-Goliath strategies in which
small countries would seek to circumvent or blunt the conventional military suprem-
acy of the United States and its ability to intervene in regional conflicts. Such strat-
egies might involve the use of disease agents to attack troops or civilians, destroy
1 This testimony draws extensively on the following publication: Jonathan B. Tucker and Rob-
ert P. Kadlec, Infectious Disease and National Security, Strategic Review, vol. XXIX, no.
2 (Spring 2001), pp. 1220. 2 Rick Weiss and Ellen Nakashima, Biological Attack Concerns
Spur Warnings, Washington Post, September 22, 2001, p. A04.
U.S. crops or livestock, or contaminate the nations food supply. Biological attacks
could be carried out on a scale large enough to hamper or deter U.S. intervention
abroad, yet without crossing the mass-casualty threshold that could credibly trigger
nuclear retaliation. Even in the face of U.S. deterrent threats, a rogue state or ter-
rorist group that believed it could carry out an attack without attribution might be
tempted to do so, particularly in the heat of crisis or war.
A bioterrorist attack would probably involve the covert release of a microbial
pathogen that would give rise to detectable illness only after an asymptomatic
delay, or incubation period, when the microorganism is multiplying in the host to
cause disease. For example, Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium that causes anthrax,
has an incubation period of roughly six days. Individuals who had been exposed to
an invisible aerosol cloud of anthrax spores would probably be unaware at the time
that they had been infected. The first evidence of the attack would emerge days
later, when the infected individuals, by now widely dispersed, began to develop non-
specific, flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, and chest discomfort. A few
days later, severe symptoms would set in, including pneumonia, sweating, anoxia
(causing the victim to turn blue), and death, if the disease remained untreated. An-
thrax is not-I repeat, not-transmissible from person to person, but because the dis-
ease is generally fatal within 24 to 36 hours after the onset of severe symptoms,
antibiotic therapy (possibly combined with post-exposure vaccination to enhance the
patients immune response) must begin as soon as possible to have any chance of
success. It is therefore essential to identify an outbreak linked to a bioterrorist at-
tack early, while the disease is still treatable.
An even more challenging scenario would involve the deliberate release of a con-
tagious agent, such as plague bacteria or smallpox virus. Plague has an incubation
period of one to six days, whereas smallpox has an incubation period of roughly 12
to 14 days. By the time the first cases of smallpox were diagnosed, the initial group
of cases would probably have infected close contacts, such as family and friends. In
this case, it would be essential to launch an aggressive vaccination campaign to con-
tain the epidemic before the infection spread through the general population in a
series of expanding waves.
In parallel to the emerging threat of bioterrorism, the United States faces a grow-
ing problem of infectious disease from natural sources. During the 1960s and 1970s,
powerful antibiotic drugs and vaccines appeared to have banished the major infec-
tious scourges from the industrialized world, leading to a sense of complacency and
neglect of programs for disease surveillance and prevention. Over the past two dec-
ades, however, several well-known diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria, and chol-
era, have re-emerged in more virulent or drug-resistant forms or have spread geo-
graphically. At the same time, scientists have identified a host of previously un-
known infections, including Legionnaires disease, AIDS, Lyme disease, Sin Nombre
virus, hepatitis C, mad cow disease, Nipah virus, and new strains of influenza.
AIDS was not recognized until the 1980s, yet it now infects some 36 million people
worldwide and kills 3 million annually. Since 1980, the U.S. death rate from AIDS
and other infectious diseases has increased by about 4.8 percent per year, compared
with an annual decrease of 2.3 percent for the 15 years before 1980.3
Several factors have contributed to the problem of emerging infections:
The inappropriate use of antibiotic drugs has fostered the evolution of resistant
strains of tuberculosis and other bacterial diseases, even as the development of
new generations of antibiotics has lagged.
Ecosystem disturbances, such as clearing rainforests for economic gain or
human settlements, have altered the geographical distribution of disease vec-
tors such as rodents, monkeys, and mosquitoes, increasing their contact with
Rapid population growth and rural-urban migration have given rise to
megacities in the developing world with poor public health infrastructure, en-
abling diseases that once remained isolated in rural areas to spread to large
urban populations.
The collapse of public health systems in Russia and other parts of the former
Communist world have fostered the spread of diseases such as AIDS and drug-
resistant tuberculosis.
3 National Intelligence Council, The Global Infectious Disease Threat and Its Implications for
the United States, NIE 9917D, January 2000 [
The rising volume of tourism, trade, and imported agricultural goods associated
with economic globalization has created new opportunities for the introduction
into the United States of disease vectors and microbial pathogens from other
parts of the world.
Because most U.S. cities are within a 36-hour commercial flight of any part of the
globe, or less than the incubation period of many infectious diseases, infected indi-
viduals may not be visibly ill when they cross a U.S. border. The risk of disease
importations is greatest in major hubs of global commerce such as New York City,
Los Angeles, and Miami. Indeed, the source of the 1999 outbreak in New York of
West Nile encephalitis, a viral disease never before seen in the Western Hemi-
sphere, may have been travelers from the Middle East who were incubating the dis-
ease or a stray infected mosquito on an airplane. Having spread widely over the
past three years, West Nile virus is now permanently entrenched in the United
A future emerging infection introduced into our country could be far more deadly.
In the worst-case scenario, a new pathogen would have the attributes of the 1918
strain of influenza virus, or Spanish Flu, which was highly transmissible through
the air and uncharacteristically lethal to young, healthy people. This disease caused
a global pandemic that claimed more than 20 million lives in less than two years.
The speed at which the U.S. public health system could identify and contain such
an outbreak would mean the difference between life and death for a large number
of Americans.
4 Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute, Bioterrorism in the United States: Threat,
Preparedness, and Response, Executive Summary, November 2000, p. 12.
ted several elderly patients with an atypical form of encephalitis that was accom-
panied by severe muscle weakness. Unable to diagnose this condition, she took the
initiative of reporting the unusual cases to the New York City Department of
Health. Recognizing the possibility of an infectious disease outbreak, health depart-
ment officials then called doctors at 70 hospitals around the city and identified 30
similar cases of encephalitis.5
In early September 1999, the Centers for Disease Controls laboratory for vector-
borne infectious diseases in Fort Collins, Colo., analyzed patient specimens from the
New York outbreak and identified the causative agent as St. Louis encephalitis
virus. Three weeks later, however, the CDC was forced to admit that its initial diag-
nosis had been incorrect and that the infectious agent was actually West Nile virus,
a disease endemic to East Africa and the Middle East that had never before been
reported in the Western Hemisphere. The three-week delay in reaching the correct
diagnosis revealed some significant deficiencies in the U.S. public health system:
CDC scientists investigating the outbreak suffered from tunnel vision by
screening only for encephalitis viruses commonly found in the United States
and neglecting those linked to foreign outbreaks or possibly developed for bio-
CDC scientists repeatedly rebuffed a veterinary pathologist at the Bronx Zoo
who suspected a possible link between the bird and human outbreaks. Commu-
nity newspapers in northern Queens had reported bird die-offs as early as late
June 1999, or five weeks before the first human cases were detected. If the vet-
erinary investigation had begun earlier and been pursued more aggressively, it
is possible that the human epidemic could have been mitigated or even averted.
Throughout the outbreak investigation, communication among the 18 partici-
pating local, state, and federal agencies was complex and difficult, and was
achieved primarily through conference calls lasting several hours.
The various city, state, and federal laboratories involved in the case used dif-
ferent diagnostic techniques, making it difficult to compare results.6
This experience indicates the need for better information-sharing at all levels, as
well as a common database for disease surveillance and laboratory tracking.
Today, the U.S. response to a serious epidemic resulting from an emerging infec-
tious disease or an act of bioterrorism would be seriously constrained by poor com-
munication and coordination among the diverse array of federal, state, county, and
city agencies responsible for medical care, public health, animal health, law enforce-
ment, and intelligence collection. Efforts to improve interagency coordination face
formidable obstacles, including fragmented jurisdiction and differences in organiza-
tional mission and culture among the various players.
In particular, it is essential to bridge three critical gaps that would seriously im-
pede the nations ability to detect and respond rapidly to unusual outbreaks of dis-
ease. These disconnects exist between: (1) primary care providers and the public
health system, (2) the human and animal health communities, and (3) public health
experts and intelligence analysts.
The Gap Between Primary Care Providers and Public Health Departments
Disease surveillance systems in the United States are patchy in their coverage,
and most rely on reporting by primary health care providers. In the most common
type of surveillance, physicians and nurse-practitioners are required to report cer-
tain infectious diseases or syndromes (undiagnosed clusters of symptoms) to local
health departments. Even when disease or syndromic reporting is mandatory, how-
ever, it is often incomplete. Doctors may be too busy to comply, or they may simply
not know to whom to report.
In the case of West Nile virus, the system worked: reporting by an alert physician
was key to the early detection of the outbreak. Nevertheless, a bioterrorist attack
or a serious natural outbreak would permit little margin for error. If health-care
providers are to be effective sentinels of an epidemic, they must have the necessary
training and professional awareness to include the possibility of emerging infections
and bioterrorism in their differential diagnosis. In addition, they must have direct
communication channels to the public health department and be able to report cases
at any time, day or night.
5 Jennifer Steinhauer and Judith Miller, In New York Outbreak, Glimpses of Gaps in Biologi-
cal Defenses, New York Times, October 11, 1999.
6 Marcelle Layton, M.D., M.P.H., Outbreak Surveillance and Management at the State and
Local Level: Current Realities, presentation at the Second National Symposium on Medical and
Public Health Response to Bioterrorism, Washington, D.C., November 28, 2000, transcript.
The Gap Between the Human and Animal Health Communities
Many emerging infectious diseases and putative bioterrorist agents are zoonotic,
meaning that they originate in animals but can also infect humans. Examples of
zoonotic diseases that have been developed as biological warfare agents include an-
thrax, tularemia, brucellosis, plague, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis. In addi-
tion, many natural epidemics have begun in wild or domesticated animals and then
spread to humans, including the outbreaks of bubonic plague in India, Sin Nombre
virus in the U.S. Southwest, Nipah virus in Malaysia, avian influenza in Hong
Kong, and West Nile virus in New York City.
Given the considerable overlap of animal and human pathogens, animals can
serve as useful sentinels for outbreaks of zoonotic diseases. Sheep, for example,
are far more sensitive to anthrax infection than humans. Nevertheless, the West
Nile investigation exposed a major gap between the veterinary and public health
communities. Although the key to identifying the causative agent lay in merging in-
formation from the parallel investigations of the bird and human outbreaks, commu-
nication between animal health and public health agencies was poor. What limited
cooperation occurred was the result of informal personal relationships rather than
official coordinating mechanisms.
This disconnect arose from the fact that the expert communities that address the
health of people, domesticated animals, and wildlife are separated organizationally,
geographically, and jurisdictionally-despite the fact that infectious diseases do not
respect these artificial boundaries. State and local veterinary agencies focus on the
health of domestic pets, horses, livestock, and other economically important species,
but they rarely communicate with agencies involved in safeguarding human health.
Low priority and funding are devoted to the health of wildlife, particularly non-en-
dangered species such as crows and rats, which are the responsibility of parks de-
partments and animal control officers. Monitoring the health of zoo animals is an-
other gray area with no clear leadership, and only six zoos in the United States
employ full-time veterinary pathologists.7
The 1999 outbreak of West Nile encephalitis in New York City indicated that out-
breaks of zoonotic disease in wildlife and zoo animal populations could provide early
warning of an impending human epidemic. In 2001, the CDC agreed to fund a pilot
project for monitoring the spread of West Nile virus by testing blood and tissue
specimens from zoo animals, as well as dead birds and other wildlife found on zoo
property. A centralized database will be established to summarize the results, which
will be made available to the public health surveillance system. For the project to
be effective, the participating zoo pathologists must build a relationship with local
public health officials, and the zoo data must be reliable (using a validated diag-
nostic methodology), consistent, and reported in a timely fashion. If this pilot pro-
gram is successful, it could serve as the basis for further interaction between the
zoo and public health communities for the surveillance of other zoonotic diseases.8
The Gap Between the Public Health Specialists and Intelligence Analysts
The dual threats of emerging infections and bioterrorism pose major conceptual
and technical challenges for the U.S. intelligence community, such as distinguishing
between a natural outbreak of an emerging disease and the deliberate release of a
pathogen by terrorists. In 1984, for example, members of the Oregon-based
Rajneeshee cult used salmonella bacteria to contaminate ten restaurant salad bars
in a trial run of a scheme to manipulate the outcome of a local election by making
large numbers of voters too sick to go to the polls. After 751 people fell ill with food
poisoning, public health investigators concluded initially that the outbreak had re-
sulted from natural sources. The true cause did not emerge until a year later, when
a cult member confessed to the crime.9
During the West Nile investigation, the belated discovery that the causative virus
had originated in the Middle East reportedly raised red flags with biological warfare
analysts at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The reason was an eerie coinci-
dence. In April 1999, Mikhael Ramadan, a self-declared Iraqi defector who claimed
to have worked as a body-double for Saddam Hussein, published a memoir in Eng-
land titled In the Shadow of Saddam in which he asserted that in 1997, the Iraqi
New policies are needed to bridge the three gaps identified above in order to im-
prove the nations preparedness for rapidly identifying and containing outbreaks of
disease associated either with emerging infections or bioterrorism.
Bridging the Gap Between Primary Care Providers and Public Health Departments
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) should expand the na-
tional program of awareness training for primary health care providers. To en-
sure timely detection of an unusual outbreak of disease, general practitioners,
emergency-room physicians, and nurse-practitioners must be familiar with the
signs and symptoms of exotic diseases that they would not normally encounter
in their medical practice. Professional medical societies, physician-oriented web
sites, and continuing medical education programs should offer training and re-
fresher courses in the diagnosis and treatment of bioterrorist agents. Such
courses might eventually be made a prerequisite for medical licensing or board
DHHS should provide grants to state and local public health agencies to estab-
lish simple reporting mechanisms and clear communication channels between
medical practitioners and city, state, or county public health departments, in-
cluding 24-hour telephone or e-mail hot lines. To respond effectively when doc-
tors call, day or night, state and local health departments will need additional
funds to hire more staff members with expertise in infectious diseases, epidemi-
ology, and information technology.
DHHS should increase the number of clinical laboratories associated with public
health departments around the country that are capable of diagnosing exotic
diseases, including suspected bioterrorist agents. Standardized testing protocols
should be developed so that laboratories can easily exchange and compare diag-
nostic findings.
10 Richard Preston, West Nile Mystery, The New Yorker, October 1825, 1999, pp. 90108.
11 Jonathan B. Tucker, Lessons of Iraqs Biological Warfare Programme, Arms Control/Con-
temporary Security Policy, vol. 14, no. 3 (December 1993), p. 238.
12 Vernon Loeb, CIA Finds No Sign N.Y. Virus Was an Attack, Washington Post, October
12, 1999, p. A2.
In conjunction with the Department of Defense, DHHS should improve basic
and applied research on bioterrorist threat agents by increasing funding for this
purpose. Knowledge of the pathophysiology, virulence factors, immunology, and
genomic structure of disease agents is vital for the development of improved di-
agnostic tests, therapeutics, and vaccines. Yet such knowledge is limited for the
roughly two dozen classical biological warfare agents, and almost nonexistent
for more than 100 microbial pathogens of potential bioterrorist concern.
DHHS should facilitate prompt and accurate disease reporting by expanding its
current efforts to establish an electronic infrastructure for this purpose at the
city, county, and state levels. At present, few cities have established electronic
systems for the exchange of surveillance data, and roughly half the public
health agencies in the United States are not connected to the Internet. Also
needed is a national electronic information system for exchanging disease-re-
porting data between state health departments and the CDC.
DHHS should attempt to attract more talented individuals into the public
health field by offering mid-career fellowships and internships for medical doc-
tors, both at CDC and at public health departments around the country.
CDC should assist hospitals to incorporate bioterrorist scenarios in their emer-
gency response plans and to carry out frequent dress rehearsals.
Bridging the Gap Between the Human and Animal Health Communities
If the pilot zoo surveillance project for West Nile virus is successful, DHHS and
the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) should expand this program into
a veterinary surveillance network in which unusual patterns of zoonotic disease
in livestock, zoo animals, or wild animals are reported promptly to state and
local public health departments. In some cases, susceptible species living in a
city zoo could serve as sentinels of a covert bioterrorist attack against the
urban population.
DHHS and USDA should support improved communications infrastructure be-
tween veterinary agencies and public health departments, including telephone
and e-mail hot lines, so that unusual outbreaks of zoonotic disease in animals
can be reported to the appropriate public health authorities.
DHHS should fund more epidemiological research on the complex relationships
between human and animal health. Already, the West Nile outbreak has served
as a catalyst for greater interdisciplinary cooperation among veterinarians, phy-
sicians, ecologists, and wildlife biologists.
Bridging the Gap Between Public Health Specialists and Intelligence Analysts
The U.S. intelligence community should recruit more individuals with advanced
training in microbiology, infectious disease, and epidemiology to work as intel-
ligence analysts focusing on biowarfare and bioterrorist threats. In particular,
the Defense Intelligence Agencys Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center
(AFMIC), the one intelligence organization specializing in infectious diseases,
should be expanded by hiring more technically trained staff. Individuals with
experience in the biotechnology industry are also needed to detect the subtle in-
dicators of clandestine biological weapons production, particularly at dual-use
facilities such as vaccine plants.
DHHS should establish formal exchanges of people and training between public
health agencies such as the CDC and federal intelligence services such as the
CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Security Agency
(NSA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). To this end, DHHS
should create a cadre of specialists in public health and biomedicine who have
security clearances and access to secure communications, such as encrypted
phone, fax, and videoconferencing facilities. These experts could then provide
technical advice to intelligence analysts as needed concerning suspicious disease
outbreaks that could be the result of covert biological weapons use.
CDC should establish a reporting mechanism so that unusual outbreaks of dis-
ease in the United States detected by the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)
are routinely reported to the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies.
In conclusion, the natural emergence of a deadly and contagious infectious disease
such as the Spanish Flu of 1918, or the deliberate release of anthrax or some other
pathogen as an act of bioterrorism, could result in a serious loss of life and social
disruption. Unless corrected, the communication gaps that currently exist among
the U.S. medical, public health, animal health, and intelligence communities could
seriously delay detection of the resulting disease outbreak and impede the prompt
response needed to minimize its medical impact and social consequences.
Bridging these gaps will be essential if the nation is to be better prepared to deal
with the dual threats posed by emerging infections and bioterrorism. The good news
is that despite the anxieties we all share today about this issue, the U.S. govern-
ment can take practical steps to reduce the threat. Improved infectious disease sur-
veillance, combined with other preparedness measures and continued research, may
make it possible in the not-too-distant future to render biological weapons in the
hands of terroriststo borrow a phrase from President Ronald Reaganimpotent
and obsolete.
Senator HARKIN. Thank you. Now we will go to Dr. Stephen
Cantrill, associate director, Department of Emergency Medicine,
Denver Health Medical Center. Dr. Cantrill served as the Regional
Medical Coordinator for Denvers participation in Operation Top
Off, which simulated a bioterrorist incident, which I mentioned in
my opening statement a while ago. He has also been involved in
weapons of mass destruction training for the Denver area.
Dr. Cantrill, welcome.
Dr. CANTRILL. Mr. Chairman, and members of the subcommittee,
thank you. I consider it a privilege to have been asked to testify
before this subcommittee today on our experience with Operation
Top Off and on some local perspectives and concerns about our
countrys efforts to improve our domestic preparedness to deal with
the possibility of a bioterrorism event.
Even before our participation in Top Off, a major issue of concern
in our preparedness was achieving adequate involvement in train-
ing on the part of the general medical and public health commu-
nities. This oversight has been partially remedied by recent CDC
grants to State public health departments, but lack of awareness
training and preparedness in the general medical community con-
tinues to be a major issue.
This also represents a major paradigm switch for the public
health sector, as they have not been trained in medical aspects of
disaster management and medical incident command, which are
two areas of major importance in adequately dealing with a biologi-
cal terrorism attack. We must somehow stimulate interest and seek
incentives for the individuals in these communities so they will
avail themselves of WMD training.
We must also stimulate and encourage training and integration
between hospitals and State and local departments of public
health, especially in the areas of information systems, communica-
tion systems, and coordinated test readiness. This task will be
made especially difficult by the decades-old contraction of the pub-
lic health infrastructure in this country, which must be reversed.
It will also be complicated by the recent adoption of the Federal
HIPAA regulations governing excessive confidentiality of patient
information that could potentially be used to detect the early stages
of bioterrorist attack, and most domestic WMD preparedness hos-
pitals and other health care institutions have been the forgotten
Most hospitals are financially strapped due to low levels of reim-
bursement for care. At this time there are few public policy incen-
tives to encourage or enable health care institutions to invest in
WMD planning or training. With a large number of dollars going
to other sectors, we must not forget our hospitals and public health
institutions to assist them in their preparedness.
An additional concern is the illusion shared by many that our
health care system could adequately deal with a significant WMD
incident. In this area, I must respectfully disagree with Secretary
Thompson, as you heard me quoted earlier. Due to multiple pres-
sures, including fiscal, regulatory, and inadequate available staff,
our hospitals today have no surge capacity. They could not adjust
to a sudden increase in patient load without degenerating into
This has been clear to those of us in health care, and it is well-
demonstrated by Operation Top Off. This problem would only be
partially alleviated by the dispatching of our Federal resources to
a specific locale, and could be of no help if terrorists opt to involve
dozens of metropolitan areas simultaneously. This problem is fur-
ther complicated by regulations such as the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services, the old HCFA, EMTALA regulations.
Our national capability to limit the spread of a WMD infectious
agent is also inadequate in many areas. For example, with an esti-
mated 42 percent of our population susceptible to smallpox, and
with the potential case fatality rate of 20 percent or greater, our
national lack of adequate smallpox vaccine and smallpox
immunoglobulin would severely limit our ability to contain the
spread of this dreaded disease where it is used as part of a ter-
rorist attack. Such an attack would make our 1918 influenza pan-
demic truly look like a walk in the park. The ongoing problems
with the manufacture and availability of anthrax vaccine are also
Another concern is the potential lack of coordination between fed-
erally funded efforts such as the Metropolitan Medical Response
System, the MMRS, and systems that are already in place. Every
effort must be made to have these new initiatives interdigitate with
plans and systems that already serve these metropolitan areas.
When possible, it would be better to augment current systems rath-
er than constructing competing systems.
The Federal Government should also increase its research efforts
in some other potential aspects of dealing with a WMD incident.
For example, what are the best techniques to use for the emer-
gency vaccination of thousands of people in a metropolitan area?
How do we expeditiously distribute prophylactic antibiotics to a
million people in 48 hours? These and other operational issues
must be researched and the results disseminated and incorporated
into the planning for all major metropolitan areas.
All said, I do not want to appear negative or ungrateful. I ap-
plaud the Federal Governments effort at initiating and encour-
aging local training and planning for a potential bioterrorism or
other WMD event. I do feel we have made significant strides in the
area of WMD awareness and preparedness. We now have an oppor-
tunity to fine-tune and improve our efforts for domestic prepared-
In closing, I would like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, and the sub-
committee for this opportunity to discuss some of the issues that
are of concern to the medical and public health communities in our
preparations to combat domestic terrorism at the local level.
Therefore, the best defense against grievous harm that would re-
sult from one of these chemical or biological attacks is a robust
public health system at the local, State, and Federal level. This
system would be able to detect rapidly that an attack had occurred,
investigate the nature of that attack, diagnose the agent involved
rapidly, immediately institute responses that would get the right
treatment to those who are ill and the right prevention measures
to those who are exposed, and implement other protection strate-
gies for everyone else.
But right now, the Nations public health system is not robust.
It is fragmented, ill-equipped, and seriously understaffed. There
are not trained epidemiologists, those people who detect, inves-
tigate, and stop epidemics. There are not trained laboratorians or
other critical personnel.
Over the past 3 years, CDC has had a bioterrorism preparedness
cooperative grant program for State and local health departments.
This is an important beginning, but it is only that, a beginning.
Last year, Congress enacted the Public Health Threats and Emer-
gencies Act to focus on building our Nations public health infra-
This has resulted in a consensus process, now accelerated, about
needed core capacity and an appropriate assessment tool, but to
date there has been no funding for States to conduct these assess-
ments, which must be done in order to determine how to be fully
prepared and where we have weaknesses. While I lack the re-
sources of a documented assessment, I have been asked to provide
this subcommittee with a description of what Iowa would need to
be prepared for a terrorist attack. I am confident that a formal re-
view would confirm much of what I am going to tell you, and I am
also confident that Iowas needs are typical of all the States.
Iowas public health system needs strengthening in five major
areas: Workforce, particularly in epidemiology, laboratories, com-
munications, information systems, and planning. With regard to
workforce, the Iowa Department of Public Health estimates it
would need at a minimum 25 additional people at the State level
alone to address the present needs.
Currently, we only have one person whose job it is to enhance
surveillance for possible terrorist agents, to coordinate education
with health care professionals in over 100 hospitals on identifica-
tion and reporting, to organize an emergency alert system, and ev-
erything else that is needed. A similar number of people would be
needed at the local level. We estimate that this would cost approxi-
mately $8 million.
I would like to emphasize that finding and attracting trained in-
fectious disease epidemiologists to fill these types of positions will
be difficult, particularly in this environment of intense competition
with other States. Iowa tried to hire a bioterrorism coordinator. It
took us over a year and three rounds of position announcements
and interviews to find someone. I urge that the subcommittee give
immediate attention to the problems of the public health workforce
training, particularly epidemiology.
Iowas public health laboratory needs are ongoing for support for
equipment, materials, staff, and training, and needs to add chem-
ical terrorism capacity. This alone will cost another $1 million.
Over a year ago, the national Biological and Chemical Terrorism: Strategic Plan
for Preparedness and Response was developed with input from experts from across
the public health spectrum. This strategic plan is based on the following five focus
areas, each of which is a primary function of public health:
Preparedness and prevention;
Detection and surveillance;
Diagnosis and characterization of biological and chemical agents;
Response; and
Working in coordination, federal, state and local public health agencies will also
rely on other groups in the health and medical community to fully address each
area to ensure preparedness. Examples are:
Medical research centers,
Health-care providers and their networks,
Professional societies,
Medical examiners,
Emergency response units and responder organizations,
Safety and medical equipment manufacturers,
U.S. Office of Emergency Preparedness and other Department of Health and
Human Services agencies.
In the state of Iowa, the Iowa Department of Public Health has been given state-
wide responsibility in four areas: traditional public health functions, medical serv-
ices, mass casualty, and radiologic preparedness. I believe that most state public
health agencies have similar preparedness responsibility in addition to their more
traditional functions. Thus, in the above list, Iowas Department of Public Health
not only needs to coordinate with the listed groups that are state based, but also
has primary responsibility to ensure their preparedness.
The national plan identifies nine critical steps in preparing for Chemical and Bio-
logic attacks. I am going to name each step, and describe in each case where Iowa,
a typical state, stands.
Dr. Jeffrey Koplan, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), gave an address over the Public Health Training Network Broadcast to state
and local public health officials a week after the September 11th attacks. His topic
was the importance of strengthening the nations public health infrastructure to pro-
tect the publics health. He stressed seven priority areas for capacity building at the
state and local level that have been developed through a consensus process. These
are, briefly:
(1) Public health workforce.a well-trained, well-staffed, fully prepared public
health workforce is the most fundamental need in Iowa and in all states;
(2) Laboratory produce timely and accurate results for diagnosis and
(3) Epidemiology and rapidly detect health threats;
(4) Information systems.that are accessible, rapid, permitting effective analysis
and interpretation of health data and provide public access to health information;
(5) Communication.that is rapid, secure, two-way flow of information that in-
cludes the ability to provide timely, accurate information to the public and advice
to policy-makers in public health emergencies;
(6) Policy and evaluation.routine evaluation of how effective we are at rapidly
detecting health threats and making improvements; and
(7) Preparedness and response.developing response plans and then regularly
testing them to maintain a high-level of preparedness.
The enactment of the Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act (PHTEA) last
year has provided an authorized process for accomplishing these seven priorities.
This process has now been accelerated, and is concentrating first on bioterrorism
preparedness. CDC is about to publish a document identifying the core capacities
needed by state and local health departments for terrorism preparedness and re-
sponse. It reflects the input of epidemiologists, laboratories, state and local health
officers, and many others in the public health practitioner community.
The next step is for CDC to provide grants to states to assess themselves against
these core capacities. Assessment tools have been developed for this purpose and
CSTE has provided its capacity assessment tools for epidemiologic surveillance and
response to CDCs Public Health Practice Program Office (PHPPO) for use in the
assessment phase (see attached document). However, at this time, there are no fed-
eral resources for conducting this assessment of bioterrorism capacity even though
it is clear that every state should undertake this task.
The final step authorized under PHTEA is for CDC to provide grants to state and
local health departments to fill any gaps they have identified in their assessment
process. Again, while there has been three years of bioterrorism preparedness fund-
ing flowing to state and local health departments via CDCand this has been a
critical beginning for most statesit has been far too little to begin to fill the gaps
that are going to be identified more systematically in the capacity assessment
phaseif and when that phase is funded.
To make the core capacity assessment process concrete let me give you a specific
example. The first goal listed for CDCs document Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Core Capacity Project 2001, now in final draft, is: Surveillance and Epi-
demiologic Investigation: The public health system monitors community health sta-
tus to detect the presence of critical bioterrorism agents and characterize the public
health emergency. Under this goal, the first objective is: Ensure early detection of
an outbreak through prompt and systematic collection and interpretation of timely
patient-based and healthcare utilization data. Under this objective are a number of
indicators in three groups. I will provide and discuss a few of these:
Legal authority to collect personal information.Iowa is in the administrative
process of making diseases and syndromes that may be the result of a delib-
erate act using biologic or chemical agents notifiable. This allows us the author-
ity to collect appropriate medical information, however, it does not ensure the
timely identification and reporting of these diseases and syndromes.
Disseminate notifiable disease information and reporting requirements on a peri-
odic basis.As mentioned earlier, Iowa has no means to immediately alert all
its health departments in 99 counties, over 100 hospitals, its public health lab-
oratory, and other key entities such as community health centers and large phy-
sician group practices on either a routine basis, or in the event of a possible
terrorist attack, especially during non-office hours. At the very least, every local
health department in Iowa should have coverage 24/7. All of them need pagers,
and secure communications systems to send confidential information to the
state health department. Also, a system for secure, rapid communications with
Iowas health care systems, including laboratories is critical, yet even the states
public health laboratory reports its findings on paper via the U.S. Mail service.
Establish systematic data collection protocols that monitor community health in-
dicators (e.g., aberrations in utilization trends or syndrome-based presen-
tations).Iowa has no systematic surveillance for syndromes, instead we are re-
lying on the traditional passive surveillance system and two sentinel surveil-
lance systems. We have no capacity to monitor aberrations in, for instance,
emergency room utilization trends based on syndromic presentations. This is
now being done in New York City requiring 70 individuals with some epidemio-
logic training who are conducting syndromic sweeps of all major emergency
rooms in the city. This is funded under CDCs bioterrorism grants for special
epidemiologic projects. It requires intensive efforts to educate health care pro-
fessionals, set up systems to do surveillance and report the findings, and per-
sonnel to assess the incoming data for indications of a possible terrorist event.
Iowa, like most states, does not even come close to having this capacity.
Ensure healthcare providers understand the medical effects and public health
consequences of diseases caused by bioterrorism agents.As mentioned earlier,
two days ago, the Iowa Department of Public Health presented health care pro-
fessionals with a briefing on terrorism. We asked the hospitals to pull out their
emergency plans, most of which address disasters such as airline crashes, and
review them for ability to respond to a biological or chemical attack. Items that
need to be assessed include isolation beds for infectious disease and decon-
tamination facilities for chemical injuries. This is just one hour for healthcare
providers when they need on-going, regular communication and assessment as-
sistance from either their state or local health department, regular, on-going
education of their physicians about biologic and chemical terrorist agents and
their lab personnel about what and how to handle specimens. What is needed,
immediately in Iowa, is ten additional masters level, or equivalently experi-
enced bachelors level, public health personnel to liaison, continually, with
Iowas hospitals and other health care providers: community health centers,
health clinics, major physician group practices, etc. This will insure timely re-
sponse to requests for training and information, a knowledgeable cadre of pro-
viders, good reporting of syndromes and diseases, and coordination of the com-
munications systems. In addition, each large local health department in Iowa
needs at least one person to coordinate the health and medical aspects of ter-
rorism response with the law enforcement agencies, fire and HAZMAT depart-
ments, and emergency management in their county.
Train public health, infection control, and clinical staff to collect and rapidly
analyze and interpret surveillance data.As already noted, at the state health
department level, Iowa needs 10 additional, trained individuals to connect to
the medical care system to educate, monitor, assess, and collect data in an on-
going fashion. Iowa also needs three additional epidemiologists at the state level
to conduct training of staff at local health departments, conduct on-going, active
surveillance, including analysis of disease clusters, and to coordinate commu-
nications and investigations.
In addition to the above examples of Iowas current capacity gaps when compared
with core bioterrorism capacity goals, Iowa has great needs in several other areas.
Iowa is a major agricultural state, but it currently has only one public health veteri-
narian assigned to the state health department. Iowa needs at least one additional
public health veterinarian to set up and conduct active surveillance on animals to
monitor for West Nile Virus, and economically devastating diseases such as Bovine
Spongiform Encephalapathy (or mad cow disease) and Foot and Mouth Disease. The
latter would be a very effective bioweapon in a state like Iowa or in any state with
a large agricultural base. Also, surveillance for animal diseases can serve as the ca-
nary in the mine and give us advance notice for diseases that can affect human
Iowas medical examiners office, which has been given the responsibility for mass
casualty response, urgently needs one nurse administrator full-time to: 1) organize
medical examiner teams for response to a mass casualty event; 2) survey available
resource such as refrigerator trucks, x-ray equipment, autopsy supplies; 3) conduct
and coordinate surveillance for unusual deaths; and 4) prepare for coordination of
information and possible notification of victims families.
Also, Iowa needs one doctoral level person who can educate medical professionals,
coordinate communications, and provide consultation to the medical care system
with regard to chemical weapons. This will free up the one person currently as-
signed to chemical weapons to conduct full time surveillance for chemical related in-
juries. Right now, Iowa is relying on our poison control center for information about
chemical injuries and possible attacks. This is haphazard at best.
Iowa is currently trying to develop a critical response capacity with Medical As-
sistance Disaster Teams. These teams, critical in rural states that have no major
metropolitan centers like Iowa, will be recruited from the medical care system. They
will be able to move in a moments notice anywhere within Iowas borders, or sur-
rounding states, in the case of a terrorist attack involving mass trauma, or illness,
to assist the local medical care system since it will take at least 2436 hours before
federal teams can get to Iowa. The Iowa Department of Public Health has absolutely
no additional resources to coordinate and train these teams, or to pay for their de-
ployment if needed.
Another pressing need in Iowa, and many other states as I have learned from my
colleagues around the country, is more a problem of perception than funding. Public
health has to be seen by all as a major player, and having expertise, thus needing
to have control over some issues, especially in bioterrorist events. We need to be at
the table, not an after thought. Last Saturday, a town hall meeting was put to-
gether in Iowa, to address Terrorism: Risk and Response. Five U.S. Congressmen,
police, fire, a city manager, the CIA, former FBI, etc were invited. Not one single
public health or even a practicing health care professional was invited. We continue
to be forgotten.
Finally, last week, Iowa has created an Office of Medical and Public Health Dis-
aster Preparedness. The director will coordinate all of the various public health and
medical elements in the state health department that might respond to a natural
or deliberate disaster. This is a function every state needs to address. We have hired
a director, but have taken her from the Emergency Medical System (EMS) unit,
which the health department also administers. EMS will have to fill this vacated
position in the current climate of terrorism preparedness. The new director will
eventually need to hire additional staff to manage all of the required duties. Each
county in Iowa with 500,000 or more population also needs a full-time bioterrorism
coordinator in the local health department.
Iowa has received a total of $953,181 over three years under CDCs Public Health
Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Cooperative Agreement Awards pro-
gram. Of this amount, $545,430 has been used to help Iowas public health lab meet
the specifications of a Bio Level 3 laboratory. But more funding is needed to keep
the lab sustainedadequately equipped, with appropriate reagents for example, and
trained staff. In addition, the lab needs to add an entire chemical terrorism capa-
bility. Finally, funding is needed to make it part of the National Laboratory System
with enhanced communication and collaboration with Iowas independent and hos-
pital based clinical labs, and secure electronic connection to the state health depart-
ments epidemiology office, at a minimum.
Iowa received no epidemiologic and surveillance funding in the first year of CDCs
grant program and only $96,000 in Year 2. This money has been used to hire an
epidemiology nurse for my office, the state epidemiology office, but we need three
more epi-trained individuals. It took three rounds of position announcements and
interviews to find and hire this person; hiring additional trained individuals is
clearly going to be very difficult and we are competing intensely now with many
other states. The Year 2 epi-surveillance funding has also been used to pay for the
one-hour broadcasted terrorism seminar for the medical system described earlier,
and to provide support for the newly hired terrorism coordinator. Iowa has just re-
ceived $170,000 for epidemiology and surveillance for the current fiscal yearYear
3. While we are still working on specific plans, we will be attempting to hire more
epi-trained individuals.
Iowa also just received its first Health Alert Network grant for $143,000. This
money will be used to facilitate training and education of our states public health
workforce and to begin to address a system for emergency alerts. It will clearly not
be enough to establish the communication network for local health departments and
medical systems that is needed across the state that I have described earlier.
And, as I mentioned before, Iowa has received no planning moneythe logical
first step in bioterrorism preparedness.
These funding levels are not unusual. A colleague in Texas, who helped CDC de-
sign its bioterrorism planning grant, also has not received any planning funding. He
was so concerned about preparing his state that he dropped all his other public
health duties to work with his staff to plan for a biological or chemical attack. This
is typical of dedicated individuals in state health departments where there is a
chronic shortage of trained staff. This shortage has also been well documented in
federal reports on health workforce needs.
I also know that my Texas colleague has been seeking, at a minimum, 33 addi-
tional trained staff for the state health department alone to conduct surveillance
and provide response. Only about six of Texas major cities have an identified epi-
demiologist on staff in their health department. This slows down the ability to de-
tect disease and puts additional burden on the state to cover. And these deficiencies
do not include concerns the department may have about the needs of its public
health laboratory, or the continuing need for overall planning, and testing that plan
in regular training exercises. Texas needs, therefore, mirror Iowas only on a larger
The past three years of federal funding has been critical to begin to build the na-
tions public health terrorism preparedness and response. But it is simply not
enough when states like Iowa and Texas cannot get planning money, and can only
get a fraction of what they need for epidemiologic surveillance and response, labora-
tory capacity, and secure, electronic communications. This also does not address
other related issues such as information systems that are accessible, and allow for
rapid analysis and interpretation of health data as Dr. Koplan noted. The National
Electronic Disease Surveillance System, or NEDSS, is an important CDC effort in
collaboration with states, to allow the technical integration of a myriad separate
data bases that currently obfuscate important disease trends, or service utilization,
and so slow down our ability to detect outbreaks of disease and quickly respond.
NEDSS is a CDC and a CSTE priority and it needs to be fully funded at $50 mil-
Iowa needs to enhance its public health laboratory system. This is also true for
all of our states public health laboratories. The public health laboratory is a critical
component of the national and state surveillance for bioterrorism. In order to be pre-
pared for bioterrorism public health laboratories need safe facilities, trained per-
sonnel, modern equipment, rapid assays, and communications tools. Courier services
are also needed to move specimens to the public health laboratory. To prepare for
chemical terrorism our states need containment laboratories, trained personnel and
equipment to perform rapid screening for toxic chemicals.
To prepare Iowa, and our nations public health laboratories, we recommend en-
hancement of the following three programs: The Laboratory Response Network, the
National Laboratory System and the development of a Chemical Terrorism Pre-
paredness program.
The Laboratory Response Network (LRN) is critical to the success of the United
States response to terrorism. The national Laboratory Response Network (LRN) is
composed of county, city, state, and federal public health laboratories, and was es-
tablished to help public health laboratories across the nation prepare for and re-
spond to acts of terrorism. This network of laboratories can accept specimens and
samples from hospitals, clinics, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other
law enforcement groups, emergency medical services, the military, and other agen-
cies. With adequate resources, this multi-level network will be able to function effec-
tively even if airplane travel is simultaneously grounded. During the recent events
in New York City and Washington, D.C., if there had been simultaneous attacks
with physical and bioterrorism agents, patient samples could have easily been trans-
ported over the ground to adjacent states.
Definitive identification of agents of biologic terrorism in both an overt or covert
attack will depend on laboratories having technical capabilities, equipment and
trained personnel. Laboratories must be able to identify a broad range of potential
agents including organisms that could be used to compromise the food supply, water
or air. Conventional identification methods are now in place and more rapid meth-
ods are being evaluated prior to implementation in public health laboratories. There
is no reliable alternative to the testing by the network laboratories. The hand held
devices that are widely touted by industry often provide false positive results and
false negative results and cannot be relied upon to provide accurate testing at this
time. Therefore, the LRN should not only be sustained it must be augmented. In
order to prepare the LRN member labs at the local, state, and federal level an addi-
tional $50 million is needed.
The National Laboratory System (NLS) is an essential component of a laboratory
preparedness plan for biological and chemical terrorism. The National Laboratory
System (NLS) is a demonstration program funded by the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention (CDC) in response to the growing threat to public health posed
by bioterrorism, food-borne diseases, and emerging infectious diseases. A major goal
of the NLS is to facilitate communication between public health laboratories and the
medical community and hospital/independent laboratories. Accurate and timely lab-
oratory detection is critically important to identify, track, and limit public health
threats like biologic and chemical terrorism. Today, most diagnostic testing for infec-
tious agents occurs in 170,000 private hospital or commercial laboratories nation-
wide. These facilities will very likely be the primary sites for detecting an act of bio-
terrorism or the introduction of an unusual infectious agent into a community. Im-
provements are needed in the integration of public health laboratories and private
clinical laboratories. These two types of laboratories have independent yet com-
plementary roles to safeguard public health. To reach this goal, the CDC, in con-
junction with the Association of Public Health Laboratories, has been piloting the
National Laboratory System within the states of Minnesota, Michigan, Nebraska
and Washington. The National Laboratory System focuses on building enhanced col-
laboration, communication and coordination between Public Health Laboratories
and private clinical laboratories to develop a network of alert and responsive labora-
tories. The National Laboratory System must be expanded to all states to maximize
our nations preparedness to detect and provide public health interventions for infec-
tious disease outbreaks. Through improvements in communication, collaboration,
and coordination, the NLS initiative is successfully providing links to the public and
private sectors necessary for an effective response to terrorism, emerging infectious
disease, antimicrobial resistance, and food borne diseases. Mr. Chairman, Iowa
needs to be part of a National Laboratory System. An additional $50 million is need-
ed to fully implement the NLS in all 50 states.
For Chemical Terrorism Preparedness, expanding the number of laboratories able
to handle chemical agents and agents present in environmental samples is essential.
The likelihood that chemical agents will be used for terrorist purposes is high. Un-
like biological agents, chemical agents can produce immediate effects; are cheap,
easy to use, stable, and can be precisely delivered; and can be easily, efficiently, and
rapidly dispersed. Terrorists can use thousands of commercially available chemicals.
These chemicals can be purchased throughout the world. These include herbicides,
blood agents, choking agents, blistering agents, and nerve agents. Currently only
five state public health laboratories (New York, Virginia, New Mexico, California
and Michigan) have received funding and training from the CDC, and are beginning
to serve as surge capacity laboratories for CDC chemical terrorism analyses of
clinical specimens. At present there are no efforts to coordinate laboratories testing
environmental samples for evidence of terrorist attacks. Additional public health
laboratories, strategically located throughout the country, must be prepared for the
threat of chemical terrorism. At a minimum, a total of $25 million additional dollars
is needed to enhance and expand public health laboratories testing clinical speci-
mens for chemical terrorism. Additional dollars would also be needed to fully imple-
ment a program of testing for environmental samples.
The Health Alert Network (HAN) program was established to enable rapid, secure
communications among local and state public health agencies and CDC. In addition
to helping fund electronic communications systems in 37 states and 3 large cities,
HAN has funded three Local Centers for Public Health Preparedness. These are
model programs that have explored how local bioterrorism preparedness can be
built, emphasizing cutting-edge uses of information technology. These programs
have shown us what can be done with additional resources and were ready to apply
the lessons learned in many more jurisdictions.
The three model programs are in Denver, Colorado, DeKalb County, Georgia (near
Atlanta), and Monroe County, New York (Rochester). CDC has spent $4 million total
on these three centers, beginning in fiscal year 2000. The Centers used the funds
to develop their capacities in three areas: advanced communication and information
systems; advanced operational readiness assessment; and comprehensive training.
These three public health agencies already had advanced levels of information tech-
nology. To build on that, Monroe County developed software to link various local
networks together to enable secure communications across multiple agencies in-
volved in bioterrorism detection and response. They are installing desktop com-
puters in hospital emergency departments to enable instant reporting of unusual
disease syndromes. In Denver, new handheld devices are being piloted and will be
used in data collection for disease surveillance and field investigation of outbreaks.
Disease investigators will be able to input data directly from the field into the state
reportable disease system. DeKalb County has built the capacity to acquire elec-
tronic data from a variety of sources, including 911 systems, county emergency med-
ical services, the medical examiners office, and local hospitals. This is being used
to develop a web-based notifiable disease reporting system that will enable early
recognition of unusual events.
The three centers are also using unique approaches to training, so that bioter-
rorism preparedness training is available and appropriate for all the people who
need it. Denver has developed Web-based curricula to address personal protective
equipment, epidemiology and disease surveillance, victims assistance, and hospital
logistics and operational readiness. As these modules are used, they will also be
evaluated to see how well they work and what more is needed. DeKalb and Monroe
counties have devoted some resources to assessing types of preparedness training
among private physicians, hospital staff, fire departments, law enforcement, and the
medical examiner, as well as public health staff. All three Centers have gained ex-
tensive experience developing and conducting tabletop exercises and other prepared-
ness drills in which hospitals and all other first responders have participated.
The lessons are still coming in. What have we learned so far? First, we have
learned that the real challenges to improving technology are not really technical.
Rather, they are related to training, institutionalizing the use of new technology,
and finding the funding to sustain it.
Another important lesson, which many other jurisdictions that have undertaken
bioterrorism preparedness planning also have learned, is that partnerships between
public health agencies, health care providers, and the traditional first responder
communities, such as fire, police and emergency services, can be built and are es-
sential to progress. When many public and private agencies in a city or county have
to work together to respond to an emergency, they need to know each other and to
have planned together far in advance. Local surveillance and response systems
wont work unless we have people to use them and the people who use them know
exactly what to do and gets lots of practice in doing it.
Finally, we have demonstrated what we really already knewthat preparing for
bioterrorism also prepares us for other public health emergencies. The three Local
Centers are stronger public health agencies in many ways, not just in their ability
to address bioterrorism. The systems for disease surveillance, for communication, for
data management, for interagency planning, for mobilizing the community to re-
spond, are the same for bioterrorism as they are for any other disease outbreaks.
They have multiple uses, extending even to improving our abilities to address other
public health problems more effectively. Every dollar we spend on bioterrorism pre-
paredness will pay off in countless other ways.
The three model centers are showing us what can be done. It is important to note
that they embarked upon building state-of-the-art bioterrorism preparedness with
better, more advanced technology and programs than the average local public health
department has. Many local public health agencies will need significant resources
just to get to the level that the three model centers had before they started their
NACCHO has also been working with CDC and other public health partners on
a national level to define just what public health agencies need to prepare for and
respond to a bioterrorist act and to provide them solid guidance. We have developed
a set of core capacities and some ways to measure whether an agency has achieved
them. Defining measurable objectives is an essential part of achieving preparedness.
Setting standards will enable us not only to assess where we stand, but also to as-
sure that funds are spent prudently, and that the outcome ultimately will be an ef-
fective system serving the countrys needs.
These core capacities include (but are not limited to):
Routine surveillance and epidemiologic investigation
Enhanced surveillance during a suspected emergency
Laboratory work to identify or rule out biological threat agents
Rapid reporting of laboratory results to the right people and agencies
Communications networks among the agencies involved in emergency detection
and management
Methods and systems to receive and transmit data needed to make emergency
management decisions
Plans and protocols for communicating to the public
Integrating the public health emergency response into a communitys overall
emergency response planning
Activating and enforcing emergency public health and infection control meas-
ures, including mass distribution of medications or vaccination, closure of public
places, travel restrictions, and evaluation and handling of the dead.
The next step is to enable states, counties, cities and towns to transform this
framework into their own practical action plan for bioterrorism preparedness and
response. One of our highest priorities now must be to give states and localities the
resources to take this next step and to develop more tools to help them. Evaluating
their progress against measurable objectives is critical to assuring accountability.
We have never had a bioterrorism incident in Kansas City and I hope we never
do. Nonetheless, we lose more lives from infectious diseases in Kansas City than we
do from all motor vehicle crashes, burns, drownings, falls, and homicides, combined.
The local public health department is just as essential a public safety agency as the
police or the fire department. At the moment, though, we have just one duty officer
on call for nights and weekends, after regular business hours. We cant afford 24/
7 coverage for urgent situations or emergencies.
I am proud of some innovative steps we have taken to maximize the resources
we do have. Our funding for disease surveillance systems has been based on pro-
grammatic funding, one disease at a time. We have eliminated these silos and
have developed a fully integrated surveillance staff that handles everything from
HIV to measles. Yet we need additional staff to make their workload more manage-
able and to provide for surge capacity in the event of an epidemic. Each member
of our epidemiology field staff handles 800 case reports of reportable disease a year,
doing whatever is necessary to locate and interview patients, trace contacts, assure
that infectious disease is being contained as much as possible. We need to double
our staff to reduce the workload to 400 cases a year and have enough trained people
to work 24/7 in a crisis.
Let me tell you what I think my agency needs in terms of human resources to
have an effective system for detecting and responding to a bioterrorist event. First,
we need a full-time bioterrorism coordinator to work with other city agencies and
the health care community. Kansas City has nine hospitals. I would like to place
one full-time infectious disease officer in each institution, to work with hospital staff
in bioterrorism training and emergency planning, to assist with their ongoing infec-
tion control work, particularly antimicrobial resistance, and to be in place as the ac-
tive liaison with the health department in any public health emergency. We need
a full-time trainer in the health department to train both health department em-
ployees and the medical care community on bioterrorism surveillance and response.
We need a full-time public information officer to develop working communication re-
lationships with the media and the public, so that mechanisms are in place when
we must help the public understand and deal with an emergency. We need a full-
time high-level computer professional to manage the funds and contracts for build-
ing an electronic disease reporting system and four lower-level data entry and proc-
essing staff. We need twelve additional epidemiology field staff. Including super-
visory and support staff, we need 30 more people. As you can see, we will gain in
two ways. These staff will position us to detect and respond more effectively to a
bioterrorism incident. In addition, their ongoing responsibilities will improve our
overall effectiveness as a public safety agency.
On a per capita basis, Kansas Citys need for 30 additional public health per-
sonnel to prepare for bioterrorism and for other public health emergencies trans-
lates nationally to about 15,000 more people working at the local level. The cost of
adding such personnel, who are the backbone of surveillance and emergency re-
sponse systems, does not include the costs of additional training, enhanced labora-
tories, secure and reliable communication and data management systemsall the
components of public health emergency response that the public may take for grant-
ed, but that we know are not in place.
Mr. Chairman, I know that you share my sense of urgency and recognition that
we have before us a momentous challenge. We wish that it hadnt taken a catas-
trophe to call public attention to the fact that, just as we must keep our military
defenses strong, so must we also keep our public health defenses strong. Thank you
for our longstanding encouragement and support.
Senator HARKIN. Dr. Archer, thank you very much. I know Sen-
ator Specter is late for another appointment. I am going to turn to
him now.
Senator SPECTER. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. We are
working simultaneously on the Judiciary Committee down the hall.
We are working on the antiterrorism bills, but I want to join Sen-
ator Harkin in thanking all of you for coming.
You are devoted professionals. You have been standing in the
wings, and now you are on center stage, and this is a matter of tre-
mendous urgency, and we thank you for your professionalism and
for your testimony, and there is a great deal which has to be done.
It is very reassuring to this subcommittee and really to the entire
Congress that you professionals are here to help us out and give
us direction. I do have to excuse myself at this point in time, so
given the 5 minutes for my questioning, I would allocate it to Sen-
ator Harkin. Thank you all very much.
Thank you, Tom.
Senator HARKIN. Again, I would just join Senator Specter in ap-
preciating your past service in which you have all been leaders,
and I have read your testimonies and your backgrounds, and it is
true you are now going to be in the forefront of this effort nation-
ally, and as more than one of you have said in your statements,
while we are not totally prepared, we are not starting from scratch.
Someone said that, I forget who, and that is true, we are not start-
ing from scratch.
We do have a good infrastructure out there. We do have the net-
work. We have the Public Health Service, we have our epidemiolo-
gists, but there are gaps. A couple of you talked about the gaps.
I think we are in pretty good shape for addressing naturally occur-
ring types of biological outbreaks. Are we in reasonably good
shape? Correct me if I am wrong. I thought we were not in very
good shape if it is not naturally occurring, either biological or
Dr. ARCHER. Many natural outbreaks happen over weeks or a
month, whereas this kind of an event, it is hours and days, so it
really ramps up your surge capacity. But with West Nile, which
was natural, it crippled or it stressed one of the strongest health
departments we have in the country, and so our public information
side is not adequate to handle these issues.
Senator HARKIN. Dr. Quinlisk.
Dr. QUINLISK. I would just like to add, if you are talking about
the small, food-borne outbreaks, something like that, I think we
are handling those. But any time you have an outbreak where
there is serious illness, with large numbers of people ill, unexpect-
edly occurring, basically right now in Iowa, the people who are sup-
posed to be handling this cannot do it. We start having to pull peo-
the public health system has to get information down to the hos-
pital level to alert them to look for specific things, or that things
might be happening. We talk about the Health Alert Network, and
it is true that CDC alerted everybody on September 11, but the
problem is, they came to me at the State health department in
Right now I have no easy way of getting information out to the
hospitals, or down even to our local public health departments. We
sent out an e-mail, but then we had to call everybody in our de-
partment to start making phone calls to tell people to go look at
their e-mail that they received.
Now, we were lucky that that happened on a week-day. If that
had happened on an evening or a weekend, I do not know that we
would have had any possibility other than just call everybody we
can by telephone to put them on alert that way. That would have
been 99 county health departments even if we had been able to get
a hold of somebody, and calling over 100 hospitals personally in
that kind of system just is not going to meet these needs.
Mr. HAUER. Senator, I think one important point is, part of this
is our fault in public health. We have never looked at this as a re-
sponsive or proactive type of approach. There has always been the
luxury of time. In public health emergencies in the past you did not
have to respond in 4, 6, 12 hours.
Most reporting, as I mentioned in my testimony, has been by
three-part cards that you mail in to the department of health, and
they get it, and sometime over the next 4 or 5 months it gets en-
tered into the computer, because it has been mostly for sexually
transmitted diseases or other types of diseases that are required to
be reported. That urgency has not been there in the public health
arena, and that is something we have to instill, and we are instill-
ing into the public health arena. It has not been there in the past.
Dr. ARCHER. We changed our reporting ordinance so that within
4 hours of the suspicion of any of these conditions you had to report
those kinds of things. You would not have a police or fire depart-
ment close at 5:00 and not be available until the next morning, or
over the weekend, and yet we allow that with our public health
For years we have underfunded our public health positions at the
local level. Those individuals, then, if they did not want to do
shiftwork in a hospital, might take a lower paid position. Even if
we want to go 247 and go 12-on, 12-off during an emergency we
have people whos lives may not be easily adjusted to even do that,
because we have not thought in that way. We have got some major
overhauling that needs to be done.
Senator HARKIN. Let me, if I might, turn to another aspect of
this which you heard me talk about and others talk about today,
and that is the whole issue of food safety. Now, again, it seems to
me there are at least a couple of objectives of terrorists. One is to
kill people. Now, that is what we are talking about when you are
talking about anthrax and botulism and these virulent pathogens.
That is meant to kill people and strike terror. But there may be
another objective of striking terror into people and disrupting the
economic system of our country.
actually killed by this and the number of people who were actually
injured were very, very low, as compared to the numbers of people
who showed up for emergency care because they were concerned,
the worried well. That is, I think, a very big issue we need to be
addressing, and not just at the hospital systems or the public
health systems, but with the media.
They have got to get the correct information out to people and
not to panic them, because we have seen instances where the
media has, unfortunately, played into peoples panic and created
more of a hysteria than maybe was necessary. So that is another
area that I think we need to have very good relationships with and
communications with to make sure that the proper information
gets out to the public, because that is who people are going to be
relying on to get their medical information at a time of crisis.
Senator HARKIN. That is an excellent point.
Dr. CANTRILL. One issue about the surge capacity, as Senator
Kennedy mentioned, hospitals continue to close, and I think that
heightens any potential surge capacity problem we might have.
We have had 5 hospitals close in Denver in the last 5 years. We
have fewer beds now than we had 15 years ago, and 112 times the
population. This is a major problem. I do not have the answer for
it, but I think it really does need to be looked at. We need to keep
every bed that we have now.
I think staffing certainly has become an issue as well. Even
though we may have alternative sites, we may not have enough
staff to deal with some of the very ill patients.
Senator HARKIN. Any final comments or suggestions, advice you
might have, before we adjourn?
Dr. CANTRILL. I would like to personally thank you for having
these hearings. Having been in this area for several years, I am
very encouraged now that there is a resurgence of interest in this
area, and I think it is marvelous.
Senator HARKIN. The one thing that I hope comes out of it, and
I am sure that will come out of it, is a renewed interest in our Pub-
lic Health Service, and public health in general. It has been sort
of relegated to the back porch for a long time, and I think now we
should recognize we are all in this thing together. We need strong-
er support for all of our public health systems out there in very
many ways.
So hopefully this will at least boost that recognition, and get the
necessary funds out there to help on the local, State, and Federal
level to coordinate this. Public health, as someone said earlier, is
a national security issue, it really is, and now I think we are seeing
recognition of that.
So again, I thank you, as Senator Specter did, for your public
service and for your help in this area. As we move ahead in devel-
oping different responses and funding programs, please feel free to
give us your input either by phone or by e-mail, or whatever. If you
see us doing things you think we should not be doing, or we need
to boost something else, please, you are the experts, and we rely
on you, so please give us your best input as we move forward.
Thank you all very much for being here, that concludes our hear-
[Whereupon, at 1:40 p.m., Wednesday, October 3, the sub-
committee was recessed, to reconvene subject to the call of the
Washington, DC.
The subcommittee met at 11 a.m., in room S5, the Capitol, Hon.
Tom Harkin (chairman) presiding.
Present: Senators Harkin, Reid, Murray, Landrieu, Specter,
Hutchison, and Craig.
Senator SPECTER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you and
the staff for convening this very important hearing under very dif-
ficult circumstances. Those who may be watching this on CSPAN
do not know that we are in the tombs of the Capitol, not in our
customary hearing room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, be-
cause that building is closed. The Hart Senate Office Building and
the Russell Senate Office Building are also closed. But we have
pushed hard to convene this hearing today because of the impor-
tance of this subject.
The terror of September 11 has resulted in a war on the terror-
ists now being waged in Afghanistan, but the public concerns and
the focal point of attention of America today is on bioterrorism, and
that is the subject we are going to address. We have very distin-
guished witnesses. We have the Director of the Center for Disease
Control, a key official from the FBI on counterterrorism, represent-
atives of the scientific and commercial community to deal with this
subject, and we do so because of the need for the inquiry to deter-
mine just precisely what appropriations need to be made.
The Congress responded immediately on the Friday after the at-
tack by appropriating $40 billion. A portion of that funding is going
to be directed to bioterrorism, and we are a rich and powerful and
ingenious country, and we can meet the challenge, but we have to
do so in a way which is totally realistic.
This subcommittee heard from Secretary of Health and Human
Services Thompson a couple of weeks ago and had assurances
which Senator Byrd, who is the chairman of the full committee,
categorized in very blunt terms, waving his arms for the evening
news and saying, I do not believe you. We need to be realistic as
to what our problems are and where we are going and assure the
American people that the Congress is functioning and that we do
have a plan and that we are prepared to do what is necessary.
This subcommittee, and Senator Harkin and I have worked hand
in glove as partners for more than a decade. He is now the chair-
vention, with whom I have worked closely for the past 15 years. I
must tell you I have some deep concerns, and I might as well get
it off my chest right now, about the actions of the CDC recently in-
volving the events surrounding the deaths of the two postal work-
ers here in Washington. This is where I hope to get some informa-
tion from both of you about what is happening in terms of coordi-
Now, I am not one that believes the headlines all the time, but
it says here in The Washington Post: Workers Question Response;
CDC Says Policy Evolving. Officials at the U.S. Center for Disease
Control acknowledged yesterday that recommendations for postal
workers are still evolving. It says in the paper this morning: We
are dealing with something that up until 2 or 3 weeks ago we had
not dealt with before, said CDC spokesman Tom Skinner.
Well, that is what CDC is for. Of course there are things we have
not been up against before, but we would hope that CDC would
have had some kind of a plan that they could have used to trace
back, to use the epidemiologists to ensure that we would trace ev-
erything back and make sure that everything was covered.
Here is another quote from the story: What we do is still sort
of a work in progress. We are making decisions based on the best
scientific information we have at the time.
Based on that record, and on the absence of evidence of contami-
nation inside the Brentwood building, CDC officials advised the
U.S. Postal Service the workers there did not need to take anti-
biotics. They reversed that advice on Sunday, when the first Brent-
wood employee was diagnosed with the inhaled form of anthrax.
Well, first of all, we get the letter that comes into Senator
Daschles office. Hundreds and hundreds of people here in the Cap-
itol were tested. We knew at that time, or shortly thereafter, that
a couple of officials in Trenton, New Jersey had come down with
the skin form of anthrax. Trenton, New Jersey to here, someone
here gets it, at least they tested positive, and we know that the
powder substance was anthrax. We have officials in Trenton, New
Jersey at the postal facility that come down with the skin form of
anthrax. In between, it goes through Brentwood, and yet the people
at Brentwood are told do not worry about it. At least, that is my
reading, and I am very concerned, Dr. Koplan, about what CDC is
doing, and how they are operating to make sure that those who
have any possible connection with this in any of these facilities are
alerted, that they are tested, and that they are treated in a timely
Now, I do not know, maybe I am wrong, but it just seems to me
something broke down here, or is broken down. I do not know
whether it is the FBI in terms of trying to find out who is doing
this, and trying to trace it back, and needing some secrecy. I do not
know if that is a part of the problem. If it is, we have got to get
over it, because obviously, people are getting sick and people are
dying, and we cannot afford to continue to have this happen.
So whatever happened at Brentwood we just cannot afford to let
happen anywhere else. We count on CDC. You are our line of de-
fense at CDC to set out the procedures, the processes, the steps we
take to make sure that our people are protected, and quite frankly,
as you can tell by my tone of voice, I am a little upset about this,
because I felt all along that CDC really was on top of this. Maybe
they still are, and maybe you can reassure us this morning that
they are.
Dr. KOPLAN. I hope to.
Senator HARKIN. I appreciate that. Thank you very much, Dr.
Koplan, and I would turn it over to you for an opening statement.
Dr. KOPLAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and Senator Specter, I
will address in detail the issues you have raised and try to reas-
sure you and every one here and the public that the expectations
they have of us have been met and are being met and will be met
in this outbreak, and provide you with an explanation and some
understanding of the issues you have just described.
Thank you for the invitation to update you on CDCs public
health response to the threat of bioterrorism. All of our vigilance,
preparedness, and understanding shifted after September 11, but
prior to that, this committee under both of your leaderships has
recognized the importance of bioterrorism, and has provided us
support for many key programs in this regard, but the public
health system of the United States is severely challenged at the
At CDC we have reorganized ourselves. We have reassigned
staff, deployed over 200 people to the field investigations at several
sites, we have laboratory epidemiologists and other public health
professionals working 24 hours a day. At State and local levels
similar efforts are being undertaken, but the system is stressed
through years of neglect and underinvestment. Labs are inundated
with specimens. Epidemiologic investigative staff, where present,
are being run ragged. Communications capabilities are strained,
and cash-strapped States and localities face extraordinary
unbudgeted costs for overtime, reagents for tests, extra equipment,
et cetera.
Despite this stress, one can see how public health works in a cri-
sis, and the unseen system which has been taken for granted and
now expected to perform has performed admirably, from the initial
disaster in New York and the response to the New York City
Health Department to a wide variety of health problems there, in
trying to anticipate other health problems. We have worked with
them from September 11 afternoon on, and still have many dozen
staff there working on everything from bioterrorism issues to envi-
ronmental health issues, in Florida and in New York and Wash-
ington, D.C. similarly.
If you like, I could now expand on the situation in Washington
that you have just targeted and explain a little bit, but if you will
permit me, let me back up a little bit to some of the other inves-
tigations, because these are stepwise pieces of information that we
Yes, we are amongst the most knowledgeable places in the world
in epidemiologic investigation and in the problems of anthrax as
well, but sometimes the information we have on day 14, which
would have been very valuable on day 10, cannot be used on day
10 when you do not get it until day 14, and while we do try to an-
cumstances for the individuals and their families, and again let me
assure you, we are health professionals. Our job is for people not
to get ill or to die, so these are tragedies for us as well, and not
something that we take lightly in the least, but you have got to
know about the cases as well in order to take action on them, and
one of these individuals had been seen, had relatively mild symp-
toms, and was not associated with the outbreak in any way, or the
Brentwood mail facility, and progressed very rapidly, extremely
rapidly, and died before the medical staff could do much at that
So that yes, these two cases came in, but already action had been
taken. The action, the decision to both close the facility and to get
people on treatment did not await these two cases. My under-
standing from discussion with colleagues up here was that that de-
cision was made immediately after that first case. It did not await
these two deaths.
Senator HARKIN. Do you mean the decision was made to put ev-
eryone on antibiotics?
Dr. KOPLAN. Put everyone on antibiotics and begin to take speci-
mens, close the facility to take environmental specimens to see how
far the anthrax had spread.
Let me reiterate. Knowing what we know today, would we have
done things differently 3 days ago, or 4 days ago, yes. Let me add
that that is true in every epidemic I have ever investigated. We al-
ways learn things, because we are out looking for things a day
after or 2 days after that could have helped us 2 or 3 days before,
but the absence of this investigative approach, the absence of doing
this at all can mean a much more serious and longstanding epi-
We do not want any cases, and we do not want any deaths, but
we do not always get the information necessary to permit us to op-
erate that way.
Senator HARKIN. I hate to interrupt you, but you had the Tren-
ton facility, and you had the postal workers there that had cuta-
neous anthrax. Now, was that because of open mail, that they
opened something in that facility, or what?
Dr. KOPLAN. There seemingly was a heavier level of contamina-
tion related to the Trenton area.
Senator HARKIN. But you do not know if it was open mail or un-
opened mail?
Dr. KOPLAN. We do not know, nor do we know whether it was
packages or what it was. We only know that the postmark on a
couple of these letters did come through Trenton, and we had a let-
ter from NBC in New York that had a Trenton postmark on it, and
then I believe Senator Daschles had a Trenton postmark.
Senator HARKIN. So when did you first test the Brentwood facil-
Dr. KOPLAN. I believe Friday night was the first time we got into
the Brentwood facility. I do not have a chronology in front of me
to go over this with you, but we could certainly provide that.
Senator HARKIN. Would you provide a chronological order of that,
because I want to know how soon it was after the workers in Tren-
ton were diagnosed, how soon after that did you start to test or
The difference is, this one isas you are all well aware, is not
a naturally occurring event, and we have experience with how
things pattern themselves in a naturally occurring event, but here
we have an ongoing malevolent force working against us and pos-
sibly a force with some level of sophistication, so I can assure you
we are working hard, we are working fast, and absolutely working
equitably in every single place. We do thiswhether we can get the
answers as fast as we would all like to have them, probably that
will not be the case, because we would like to have those answers
yesterday, but I do not think you would find a better place, or an
institution, or a people to be doing this than the ones you have
doing this, whether it is in New York, Florida, New Jersey, or
Washington, D.C.
[The statement follows:]
Good morning, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee. I am Dr. Jeffrey
P. Koplan, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Thank you
for the invitation to update you on CDCs public health response to the threat of
bioterrorism. I will update you on CDCs response to recent anthrax exposures, and
I will discuss the status of implementing the overall goals of our bioterrorism pre-
paredness program.
As has been highlighted recently, increased vigilance and preparedness for unex-
plained illnesses and injuries are an essential part of the public health effort to pro-
tect the American people against bioterrorism. Prior to the September 11 attack on
the United States, CDC was making substantial progress toward defining, devel-
oping, and implementing a nationwide public health response network to increase
the capacity of public health officials at all levelsfederal, state, and localto pre-
pare for and respond to deliberate attacks on the health of our citizens. The events
of September 11 were a defining moment for all of us, and since then we have dra-
matically increased our levels of preparedness and are implementing plans to in-
crease it even further.
As you are aware, many facilities in communities around the country have re-
ceived anthrax threat letters. Most were received as empty envelopes; some have
contained powdery substances. Moreover, in a few cases, actual anthrax exposures
have occurred. On Wednesday, October 3, the Florida Department of Health notified
CDC of a positive anthrax laboratory test result in a Florida resident who had re-
cently visited North Carolina. Samples were sent overnight to CDC for confirmatory
testing, and CDC dispatched two investigative teamsto Florida and North Caro-
linathe next day. By Sunday, October 7, test results confirmed that a second per-
sona coworker of the first individualhad been exposed to anthrax and that
traces of the bacteria had been found in the workplace. A decision was made to close
the building, and additional CDC staff were sent to help manage notification, health
evaluations of other coworkers, and provision of prophylactic antibiotics after the
National Pharmaceutical Stockpile was deployed.
As CDC was continuing to receive clinical specimens and environmental samples
from Florida, we became aware of a possible case of cutaneous anthrax in New York
City. This person, an NBC employee in Rockefeller Plaza, had received an envelope
containing powder on September 25. The diagnosis was confirmed by im-
munohistochemistry on a skin biopsy specimen in CDCs laboratory in the early
morning of October 12, and the New York City Health Department and CDC imme-
diately implemented appropriate public health actions, including restricting activity
on two floors of 30 Rockefeller Plaza and evaluating workers for the need for pro-
phylactic therapy. CDC sent additional investigative personnel to New York, joining
the more than 30 epidemiologists and other CDC stall assisting with worker injury
and enhanced syndrome surveillance following the September 11 terrorist attack.
Laboratory studies on the powder from the September 25 letter were negative for
the organism causing anthrax. Subsequent investigation identified a second letter
that arrived on September 18, which was found to be contaminated with Bacillus
anthracis, the organism that causes anthrax.
Last week, on October 15, CDC was notified of a possible anthrax exposure on
Capitol Hill. A letter, which has now been confirmed to have contained B. anthracis,
was opened by a Senate staff member. This person took appropriate action, noti-
fying emergency personnel, and Capitol, local, and federal emergency workers imme-
diately implemented public health measures. Certain areas of the office building
were closed, and employees were screened by history for exposure and started on
antibiotic prophylaxis after a nasal swab was obtained for epidemiologic purposes.
CDC sent two teams of epidemiologists to assist local, state, and federal authorities
in the investigation.
The best defense against such biologic threats continues to be accurate informa-
tion regarding how to recognize a potential threat and knowledge of appropriate ac-
tions. In the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) and in multiple
health advisories distributed via the Health Alert Network, CDC has issued several
updates on the investigations as well as interim guidelines for state health depart-
ments with recommended procedures for handling such incidents. These guidelines
include advice to the public and state and local health officials dealing with sus-
picious incidents, as well as guidance to clinical laboratory personnel in recognizing
Bacillus anthracis in a clinical specimen. The guidelines also outline post-exposure
prophylaxis recommendations. In persons exposed to Bacillus anthracis, disease can
be prevented with antibiotic treatment. Early antibiotic treatment of all forms of an-
thrax is essential. Bacillus anthracis usually is susceptible to penicillin, doxycycline,
and fluoroquinolones; but for bioterrorism planning, ciprofloxacin or doxycycline is
recommended as the antibiotic for initial use for prophylaxis. Copies of the October
19, 2001, MMWR, which addresses these issues, have been provided to the Sub-
In collaboration with state and local health and law enforcement officials, CDC
and the FBI are continuing to conduct investigations related to anthrax exposures.
During this heightened surveillance, cases of illness that may reasonably resemble
symptoms of anthrax will be thoroughly reviewed until anthrax can be ruled out.
The public health and medical communities continue to be on a heightened level of
disease monitoring to ensure that any potential exposure is recognized and that ap-
propriate medical evaluations are given. This is an example of the disease moni-
toring system in action, and that system is working.
As of noon October 22, 2 cases of inhalational anthrax have been identified in
Florida, 2 cases of inhalational anthrax have been identified in Washington, DC, 5
cases of cutaneous anthrax have been identified in New York City, and 3 cases of
cutaneous anthrax have been identified in New Jersey.
CDC outlined necessary steps for strengthening public health and healthcare ca-
pacity to protect the nation against bioterrorist threats in its April 21, 2001, MMWR
release of Biological and Chemical Terrorism: Strategic Plan for Preparedness and
ResponseRecommendations of the CDC Strategic Planning Workgroup. This report
reinforces the work CDC has been contributing to this effort since 1998 and lays
a framework from which to enhance public health infrastructure. In keeping with
the message of this report, five key focus areas have been identified which provide
the foundation for local, state, and federal planning efforts: Preparedness and Pre-
vention, Detection and Surveillance, Diagnosis and Characterization of Biological
and Chemical Agents, Response, and Communication. These areas capture the goals
of CDCs Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program for general bioterrorism
Preparedness and Prevention
CDC has been working to ensure that all levels of the public health community
federal, state, and localare prepared to work in coordination with the medical and
emergency response communities to address the public health consequences of bio-
logical and chemical terrorism.
CDC is creating diagnostic and epidemiological guidelines for state and local
health departments and will help states conduct drills and exercises to assess local
readiness for bioterrorism. In addition, CDC, the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Department of Defense (DOD),
and other agencies are supporting and encouraging research to address scientific
issues related to bioterrorism. In some cases, new vaccines, antitoxins, or innovative
drug treatments need to be developed, manufactured, and/or stocked. Moreover, we
need to learn more about the pathogenesis and epidemiology of the infectious dis-
eases which do not affect the U.S. population currently. We have only limited knowl-
edge about how artificial methods of dispersion may affect the infection rate, range
of illness, and public health impact of these biological agents.
Detection and Surveillance
As was evidenced in Florida, New York, and Washington, DC, the initial detection
of a biological terrorist attack occurs at the local level. Therefore, it is essential to
educate and train members of the medical communityboth public and private
who may be the first to examine and treat the victims. It is also necessary to up-
grade the surveillance systems of state and local health departments, as well as
within healthcare facilities such as hospitals, which will be relied upon to spot un-
usual patterns of disease occurrence and to identify any additional cases of illness.
CDC is providing terrorism-related training to epidemiologists and laboratorians, in-
fection control personnel, emergency responders, emergency department personnel
and other front-line health-care providers, and health and safety personnel. CDC is
providing educational materials regarding potential bioterrorism agents to the med-
ical and public health communities on its website for Public Health Emergency Pre-
paredness and Response at CDC is working with partners such as
the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies (www.hopkins-bio- and the Infectious Diseases Society of America to develop training and
educational materials for incorporation into medical and public health graduate and
postgraduate curricula. With public health partners, CDC is spearheading the devel-
opment of the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System, which will facilitate
automated, timely electronic capture of data from the healthcare system.
Diagnosis and Characterization of Biological and Chemical Agents
To ensure that prevention and treatment measures can be implemented quickly
in the event of a biological or chemical terrorist attack, rapid diagnosis is critical.
CDC has developed guidelines and quality assurance standards for the safe and se-
cure collection, storage, transport, and processing of biologic and environmental
samples. In collaboration with other federal and nonfederal partners, CDC is co-
sponsoring a series of training exercises for state public health laboratory personnel
on requirements for the safe use, containment, and transport of dangerous biological
agents and toxins. CDC, also in cooperation with the Association of Public Health
Laboratories (APHL) and the National Laboratory Training Network (NLTN) have
sponsored a hands-on laboratory course for public health microbiologists. In con-
junction with the course, CDC produced two videos that were distributed to the par-
ticipants as well as to members of the NLTN. The participants in this course are
now using these videos and the other materials developed by CDC to train other
laboratorians in their states. CDC is also enhancing its efforts to foster the safe de-
sign and operation of Biosafety Level 3 laboratories, which are required for handling
many highly dangerous pathogens. Furthermore, CDC is developing a Rapid Toxic
Screen to detect peoples exposure to 150 chemical agents using blood or urine sam-
A decisive and timely response to a biological terrorist event involves a fully docu-
mented and well rehearsed plan of detection, epidemiologic investigation, and med-
ical treatment for affected persons, and the initiation of disease prevention meas-
ures to minimize illness, injury and death. CDC is addressing this by (1) assisting
state and local health agencies in developing their plans for investigating and re-
sponding to unusual events and unexplained illnesses, and (2) bolstering CDCs ca-
pacities within the overall federal bioterrorism response effort. CDC is formalizing
current draft plans for the notification and mobilization of personnel and laboratory
resources in response to a bioterrorism emergency, as well as overall strategies for
vaccination, and development and implementation of other potential outbreak con-
trol strategies such as quarantine measures. In addition, CDC is developing na-
tional standards to ensure that respirators used by first responders and by other
health care providers responding to terrorist acts provide adequate protection
against weapons of terrorism.
Communication Systems
Rapid and secure communications are crucial to ensure a prompt and coordinated
response to an intentional release of a biological agent. Thus, strengthening commu-
nication among clinicians, emergency rooms, infection control practitioners, hos-
pitals, pharmaceutical companies, and public health personnel is of paramount im-
portance. To this end, CDC is making a significant investment in building the na-
tions public health communications infrastructure through the Health Alert Net-
work (HAN). HAN is a nationwide program to establish the communications, infor-
mation, distance-learning, and organizational infrastructure for a new level of de-
fense against health threats, including bioterrorism. Currently, 13 states are con-
nected to all of their local health jurisdictions; 37 states have begun connecting to
local providers as well; and CDC is also directly connecting to groups, such as the
American Medical Association, to cast a broad net of coverage. CDC has also estab-
lished the Epidemic Information Exchange (Epi-X), a secure, Web-based communica-
tions system that provides information sharing capabilities to state and local health
officials. CDC also provides timely satellite broadcast and web-broadcast training
through the Public Health Training Network. For example, just last week, CDC ex-
perts shared information on anthrax with physicians, hospitals, and other
healthcare providers across the country.
Ongoing communication of accurate and up-to-date information helps calm public
fears and limit collateral effects of the attack. CDC communicates with the public
directly through its website on emergency preparedness and through a public in-
quiry telephone and e-mail system, which, since the recent attacks, has responded
to hundreds of questions daily. In addition, CDC communicates to the public by re-
leasing daily updates to the news media, answering inquiries from the press and
providing medical experts for interviews.
Another integral component of public health preparedness at CDC has been the
development of a National Pharmaceutical Stockpile (NPS), which is mobilized in
response to an episode caused by a biological or chemical agent. The role of the
CDCs NPS program is to maintain a national repository of life-saving pharma-
ceuticals and medical material that can be delivered to the site or sites of a biologi-
cal or chemical terrorism event in order to reduce morbidity and mortality in a civil-
ian population. The NPS is a backup and means of support to state and local first
responders, healthcare providers, and public health officials. The NPS program con-
sists of a two-tier response: (1) 12-hour push packages, which are pre-assembled ar-
rays of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies that can be delivered to the scene of
a terrorism event within 12 hours of the federal decision to deploy the assets and
that will make possible the treatment or prophylaxis of disease caused by a variety
of threat agents; and (2) a Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) that can be tailored
to a specific threat agent. Components of the VMI will arrive at the scene 24 to 36
hours after activation. The NPS was mobilized for the first time on September 11,
when a 12-hour push pack was deployed to New York City, delivering 50 tons of
medical supplies to the site of the disaster in 7 hours. In addition, substantial quan-
tities of VMI were delivered to New York City within 24 hours. Components of the
VMI were deployed to Palm Beach, Florida, this month to provide adequate supplies
of ciprofloxacin to provide prophylaxis to individuals who were potentially exposed
to anthrax. CDC has developed this program in collaboration with federal and pri-
vate sector partners and with input from the states.
CDC has been working with partners at all levels to develop core capacities need-
ed to respond to pubic health threats and emergencies. CDC is also developing spe-
cific guidelines to assist public health agencies in their efforts to build comprehen-
sive bioterrorism preparedness and response programs. This collaborative effort en-
gages federal, state, and local partners in determining what is needed for state and
local public health agencies to improve their preparedness and response to bioter-
rorism. This process enables health departments to more effectively target specific
improvements to protect the publics health in the event of a biological or chemical
terrorist event and will provide the framework for future program efforts. The core
capacities effort is for dual purpose. While these capacities focus on bioterrorism
events, they are also relevant to naturally occurring infectious disease outbreaks
and natural disasters.
In conclusion, CDC is committed to working with other federal agencies and part-
ners as well as state and local public health departments to ensure the health and
medical care of our citizens. We have made substantial progress to date in enhanc-
ing the nations capability to prepare for and respond to a bioterrorist event. The
best public health strategy to protect the health of civilians against biological ter-
rorism is the development, organization, and enhancement of public health preven-
tion systems and tools. Priorities include strengthened public health laboratory ca-
pacity, increased surveillance and outbreak investigation capacity, and health com-
munications, education, and training at the federal, state, and local levels. Not only
will this approach ensure that we are prepared for deliberate bioterrorist threats,
but it will also ensure that we will be able to recognize and control naturally occur-
ring new or re-emerging infectious diseases. A strong and flexible public health in-
frastructure is the best defense against any disease outbreak.
Thank you very much for your attention. I will be happy to answer any questions
you may have.
Senator HARKIN. Is there anything else? I am going to turn to
Mr. Caruso, now, from the FBI, and to brief us on, along the same
line of questioning here, what you see as the situation right now
regarding the anthrax investigation, and I will have questions for
you about this investigation.
Mr. CARUSO. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator Specter, mem-
bers of the committee. I will briefly address the FBIs coordination
with State and local law enforcement agencies, the first responders
and the scientific and medical communities. Each FBI field office,
in addition to having squads responsible for investigating suspected
acts of domestic and international terrorism, has weapons of mass
destruction (WMD) coordinators. These individuals are trained to
address incidents involving chemical, biological or radiological at-
tacks or incidents that the Federal Government, State, and local
agencies need to be prepared to deal with, as we have been dealing
with over the past weeks, and this committee is discussing.
Senator HARKIN. Thank you, Mr. Caruso. I just have one more
question, and then I will turn to Senator Specter and the other
Senators who are here. This is the question I started out with.
In the bioterrorist incidents, it is necessary we tell people what
is going on. People have to have information. Our public health of-
ficials, not only at CDC but those at the State and local levels,
have to have information. Do you think there is a conflict with the
FBIs need to control that information due to the fact that it is an
ongoing criminal investigation? I am getting a sense there may be
some conflict here, and I do not know who is ruling the roost.
Is it Dr. Koplan and the people at CDC on whom we rely to do
the epidemiology of this, to track it down, to let us know where it
is coming from, how to control it and contain it? Or are you ruling
the roost in trying to go after the people who are doing it, and try-
tant to have the law enforcement and the American people be in-
formed. That is the springboard from which we in the FBI are com-
ing with reference to providing information as soon as we can get
Senator HARKIN. Thank you very much.
Senator Specter.
Senator SPECTER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Chairman, since we are in this makeshift room we do not
have the lights on, and I am going to take 5 minutes, which is our
custom, and I would appreciate it if the clerk would hand me a
note when I have 1 minute left so I will know when my time is
up. We have a very long list of panelists beyond Dr. Koplan and
Mr. Caruso, and we have caucus luncheons where we have to fig-
ure out the schedule as to how we are going to complete our busi-
ness, so we are going to be under very tight time constraints, so
I am prepared to observe time limits meticulously.
there a gap between that and the Brentwood facility and beginning
to take a look at whether there was exposure there?
Dr. KOPLAN. Thank you, Senator Murray. Before you came in I
offered to get a chronology of this for Senator Harkin. The presence
of environmental isolates in places does not necessarily correlate
with people getting ill from the disease, and as I indicated, there
had still been no evidence of inhalation anthrax in a place where
people had not opened mail, and that is the change in what we
learned in this instance.
On the Wednesday you are referring to, I do not think we had
received, or anyone had received results of any isolations from the
Brentwood facility. There was an association with a sorting ma-
chine inand I am not sure where the environmental specimen
was from in Dirksenthe mail room, but I believe the investigation
had continued at that point, looking again downstream. There is a
P Street station that was looked at, and then Brentwood after that.
Senator MURRAY. So that was ongoing?
Dr. KOPLAN. I believe it was.
Senator MURRAY. Well, obviously we have learned a lot in a week
in terms of unopened mail, opened mail, where exposure can be
and all of that, and I am curious, are we now putting together a
protocol so that the next time a letter appears some place we will
know immediately how to backtrack it?
Dr. KOPLAN. Well, we have been trying to put together protocols
at each day in this, and have had to change them each day based
upon new information as it comes in, and absolutely we have been
working for several days with the Postal Service and others to try
to come up with what is a rational and the best approach to take
to make workers safe in the postal facilities.
It has to change based upon new information, but we are dis-
cussing on a daily basis with the postal authorities and their
unions and everyone else involved what are the best steps we can
take. Some of this I will tell you is somewhat arbitrary, and we are
not sure on all of these things, but we are going to try to step as
far over towards workers safety as we possibly can to get this
thing done.
Some of the questions are, what type of protective barriers
there has been a focus on protective barriers of gloves and masks,
et cetera, and which are the best of those to use. It is more com-
plicated than just saying gloves and masks. For some of the equip-
ment I understand postal workers use there can be a danger in get-
ting a hand caught, or something caught.
Dr. KOPLAN. We are meeting later today to talk about it, but I
would rather have rules that make sense and work, rather than
just get rules out in the next couple of hours. We will be working
as quickly as we possibly can to get valid and appropriate rules
out, in the meantime trying not to put anyone at further risk.
Senator MURRAY. I think that is really important, that people
just have the facts so that they know how to deal with this. Most
people just want to know, how do I protect myself?
The next point is that I have shared with my staff, and many
of the Senators and House members have expressed this to their
staffs, that although we do not show up in a uniform, we wear reg-
ular clothes, we are, this staff here, like we wear a uniform. The
postal workers out there, I want them to be proud of the uniform
that they wear, because everything that we do, whether it is open-
ing mail, delivering mail, preparing for hearings like this, giving
speeches, conducting hearings in very difficult circumstances like
the chairman has had to put this hearing together, and all of you,
it is a way that we stand up to the flag every day, and I hope that
we can communicate that.
There is no sense in blaming, but we do need to get about quick-
ly finding some answers, and so for my question, I wanted to ask
the FBI, because we went to the web site and looked at the advi-
sory that has been put out for letters that is on the FBI web site,
and it is obvious to me just looking at this that we might need to
revise the web site somewhat. It talks about letters, for us to be
aware of. Be aware of letters, it says, with no return addresses. Be
The hoaxes penalty issue is something that I will talk with the
Department of Justice about. The Attorney General, as you know,
and Director Mueller have vigorously gone after and arrested indi-
viduals who have played hoaxes to show individuals that their
comedic attempt is not appreciated, and we will apply the full ex-
tent of the law against what they have done. There have been a
number of instances in that regard. Increasing penalties is some-
thing to be discussed with the Department of Justice.
Thank you.
[The information follows:]
Prior to October 23, 2001, no penalties existed for weapons of mass destruction
hoax devices in the Federal Criminal Code. However, within sections 175 (biologi-
cal weapons), 229 (chemical weapons), 831 (nuclear material), and 2332a (weapons
of mass destruction), it is illegal to threaten the use of such weapons. The threat-
ened use of a WMD does not constitute a hoax, but involves the articulated threat
that a chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological, or high explosive device is present.
A statute is needed which specifically addresses instances in which an individual
falsely reports the presence of a WMD or the action does not rise to the level of
a threat. The proposed language, H.R. 3209, satisfies this law enforcement need.
Specific to the question regarding current penalties under these statutes:
Section 175.As of October 24, 2001, Section 175 was amended pursuant to the
Patriot Act to include a penalty provision, 175 (c), which includes fines and impris-
onment of not more than 10 years or both.
Section 229.As defined under 229A, Criminal penalties include: fines or impris-
onment for any term of years, or both; death penalty or life imprisonment where
violation of 229 results in the death of another person; and, Civil Penalties may in-
clude an amount not to exceed $100,000.
Section 831.As defined under 831 (b), Criminal penalties include: a fine and im-
prisonment for any terms of years or life, depending on relevant conduct.
Section 2332a.As defined under 2332a (b), imprisonment for any term of years
or life; and if death results, punishment by death, or any term of years or for life.
Under the proposed H.R. 3209, an individual who violates this statute may be
fined or imprisoned for not more than 5 years.
events are, that something that I had hoped would remain history
is something that is very much now present upon us.
The issues you raise are considerable. The vaccine which we are
in the process of funding in, and we will hear from a colleague who
is actively involved in the production of this vaccine, we have a
contract in for the production of many more millions of doses of
this vaccine. Some of the issues are, should it be deployed, should
it be held and await its need, how much vaccine is necessary?
The decision of the Department has been, and we are part of
that, is that it is valuable to have enough vaccine should we need
it for every American in the country. The widespread use of the
vaccine, though, would be attendant with a certain number of pre-
dictable adverse reactions, including enough for hospitalization,
enough for people to have if there is an encephalitis attached to it.
So that is the balance that has to be taken into play, is both the
investment in the vaccine, which I think is worthwhile, but wheth-
er to deploy it prior to is an issue of, you will certainly have people
severely ill, and some deaths from the use of the vaccine alone, and
then that has to be matched with the risk of introduction and the
Mr. KRAMER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to thank you for
your invitation to discuss the anthrax vaccine and the current sta-
tus of the vaccine production, and the process we have been work-
ing through with the FDA. In addition, I will use this opportunity
to set the record straight on BioPort and our FDA licensed anthrax
Before I begin, I would like to introduce Dr. Robert Myers, our
executive vice president of BioPort, who will assist me in answer-
ing your questions.
The history of the anthrax vaccine begins in Michigan, with its
Department of Public Health. During the 1920s, Michigan was one
of several States with its own vaccine research facility. Michigan
developed a number of critical vaccines to protect public health, in-
cluding one of the first combined pediatric vaccines in the country.
In response to Department of Defense requests, the Michigan facil-
ity took over development of the anthrax vaccine in 1965, when no
one else was interested, and in 1970 a U.S. license was granted for
the Michigan anthrax vaccine, the only FDA licensed anthrax vac-
cine in the Nation.
From 1970 to 1989, the Michigan facility shipped 68,000 doses of
the anthrax vaccine. Then in 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait, and the
Persian Gulf conflict began. The Michigan plant stepped up again
to meet the needs of the U.S. military at the request of the Depart-
ment of Defense. During the past 10 years, the FDA has continued
to increase its compliance standards for biologics manufacturers.
These higher standards more fully assure that vaccines and other
biologic products will continue to be safe, pure, and effective. We
fully support these higher standards.
By 1996, in the midst of having amassed a sizeable stockpile of
anthrax vaccine, the State of Michigan facility faced a serious regu-
latory challenge. Consequently, in 1997 the State moved forward
with its decision to sell the assets of the facility. Meanwhile, to ad-
dress these concerns, Michigan State government officials, in tan-
dem with the Department of Defense, decided to suspend produc-
tion of the anthrax vaccine in January of 1998 to begin a long-
planned, much-needed renovation of the facilities.
BioPort Corporation, the only U.S. company participating in the
final round of bids, acquired the facility from the State of Michigan
on September 4, 1998, and became responsible for the renovation.
We completed the renovation process, resumed production in 1999,
and submitted our biologics license application supplement to the
FDA. The FDA subsequently conducted a preapproval inspection,
and identified more work in order to get the facility approved.
BioPort immediately prepared a detailed plan. The FDA has con-
curred with that plan, and we have since met regularly with them,
briefing them on our execution. We submitted our amended bio-
logics license application supplement to the FDA on Friday, Octo-
ber 12 of this year, and are confident that this submission, the cul-
mination of 20 months of work, satisfies all FDA requirements and
will allow the agency to complete its comprehensive review and ap-
Mr. KRAMER. If you are talking about 300 million people, our
contract right now with the Department of Defense has us selling
the vaccine to them for just under $11 a dose. That will likely in-
crease as we work with the Department of Defense in the current
contract, but that is probably a good ballpark.
Senator HARKIN. Over $3 billion. Thank you very much, Mr. Kra-
[The statement follows:]
Good afternoon Chairman Harkin and esteemed members of the committee. Im
Bob Kramer, President and Chief Operating Officer of BioPort Corporation. I want
to thank the members of the committee for the invitation to discuss the history of
the anthrax vaccine, the current status of vaccine production, and the approval proc-
ess we have been working through with the FDA. In addition, I will use this oppor-
tunity to set the record straight on BioPort and our FDA-licensed anthrax vaccine.
Before I begin, I would like to introduce Dr. Robert Myers, Executive Vice President
of BioPort, who is with me today to assist in answering your questions.
The history of the anthrax vaccine begins in Michigan, with its Department of
Public Health. During the 1920s, Michigan was one of several states with its own
vaccine research facility. Michigan developed a number of critical vaccines to protect
public health, including one of the first combined pediatric vaccines in the country.
Anthrax was a disease feared by a limited population, particularly by textile
workers who handled imported wool and hides, and farmers and ranchers who
worked with livestock.
The Department of Defense conducted the initial work on an anthrax vaccine. The
departments results were outlined in a patent that highlighted the concept of the
vaccine and its manufacture. Merck produced some initial lots of a further devel-
oped vaccine in the 1950s for the original field tests. The company declined contin-
ued work on the vaccine.
In response to a Department of Defense solicitation, the Michigan facility took
over development of the anthrax vaccine in 1965, and, in 1970, a U.S. license was
granted for the Michigan anthrax vaccinethe only FDA-licensed anthrax vaccine
in the nation.
From 1970 through 1989, the Michigan facility shipped 68,000 doses of the an-
thrax vaccine. Then, in 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, and the Gulf War began. Since
Saddam Hussein had developed anthrax weapons, the Michigan plant stepped up
production to meet the needs of the U.S. military at the request of the Department
of Defense. Approximately 400,000 additional doses were shipped to protect our
service members during the Gulf War.
During the past ten years, the FDA has continued to increase its compliance
standards for biologics manufacturers. The agency now requires manufacturers of
biologics to meet the highest global standards for process validation and Good Man-
ufacturing Practices. These higher standards more fully assure that vaccines and
other biologic products will continue to be safe, pure and effective. We fully support
these higher standards. Another dynamic has occurred in the past 10 yearsa de-
clining interest in vaccine production, due principally to the aforementioned rising
compliance standards and the diminishing profitability of vaccines. This is particu-
larly true for bio-defense vaccines, where the non-government market is uncertain.
Beginning in 1996, the State of Michigans facility faced serious regulatory chal-
lenges. In 1997, the State made the decision to sell the assets of the vaccine facility,
and allow private business to assume the renovation and subsequent production of
Meanwhile, in January of 1998, Michigan state government officialsin tandem
with the Department of Defensemade the decision to suspend production of the
anthrax vaccine in order to begin a long-planned and much-needed renovation of the
facility. BioPort Corporation, the only U.S. company participating in the final round
of bids, acquired the facility from the state of Michigan on September 4, 1998. One
of the early decisions we made was to suspend all production of other biological
products so we could concentrate on the anthrax vaccine.
And so the renovation of the facility became BioPorts responsibility. We com-
pleted the renovation process and resumed production in May 1999. BioPort sub-
mitted its Biologics License Amendment supplement to the FDA in August 1999.
The FDA subsequently conducted a pre-approval inspection in November 1999, and
imposed additional requirements before approval of the renovated facility would be
granted. The additional requirements were directly related to the higher standards
imposed by the FDA on vaccine manufacturers.
BioPort immediately prepared a detailed plan for meeting the additional require-
ments and presented it to the FDA in January 2000. The FDA concurred with the
plan and implementation by BioPort began. Since then, we have met regularly with
FDA representatives, providing updates on our progress. We submitted our amend-
ed BLA supplement to the FDA on Friday, October 12, 2001 and are confident that
this submissionthe culmination of 20 months of worksatisfies all FDA require-
ments and will allow the agency to complete its comprehensive review and approval
process. We stand ready to respond to any additional questions raised by the FDA
during this review period.
The events of September 11, and the subsequent intentional exposures to anthrax
have undoubtedly changed the landscape of public health and protection from ter-
rorists attacks for years to come. As well, recent national events have altered the
profile of BioPort Corporationa privately held vaccine manufacturer that employs
220 people.
The media coverage of anthrax exposures and the subsequent public health re-
sponse was recently characterized as an Olympics of misinformation. As it relates
to BioPort Corporation and its vaccine, this is most certainly the case. I will first
point out the myths and then lend clarification.
Myth.The anthrax vaccine is not safe.
Fact.The safety of this vaccine is well documented. It is one of the most studied
vaccines. To date, 18 human studies and the CDCs independent expert Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices have assessed the safety of the anthrax vac-
cine. Some of these studies stretch back many decades. They also include very close
scrutiny of more than two million doses of anthrax vaccine given to over 500,000
recipients over the past three years. The side effects of this vaccine are similar to
those of other vaccines routinely administered to both adults and children.
An independent, civilian vaccine expert safety panel, the Anthrax Vaccine Expert
Committee (AVEC), has reviewed all reported reaction rate data and found no evi-
dence of a causal link between the vaccine and serious, long-term medical condi-
tions. As of October 2, 2001 the AVEC has reviewed 1,623 adverse event reports
obtained through the FDAs Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. From these
reports, there were 57 that involved hospitalization. The AVEC found that only 10
of these were likely caused by the anthrax vaccine. All 10 involved allergic, inflam-
mation reactions at the injection site and the patients have since recovered.
The FDA has concurred with this assessment. On October 3, 2000, Mark
Elengold, Deputy Director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, in
testimony to the House Government Reform Committee, commented about the 1,561
adverse event reports that had at the time been submitted. He said: None of these
events, except for the injection site reactions, can be attributed to the vaccine with
a high level of confidence, nor can contribution of the vaccine to the event be en-
tirely ruled out. With the exception of injection site reactions, all of the adverse
events noted above occur in the absence of immunization. He further went on to
say, FDA continues to view the anthrax vaccine as safe and effective for individuals
at high risk of exposure to anthrax, when used in accordance with the approved la-
Earlier that year, on April 13, 2000, before the Senate Armed Services Committee,
Dr. Kathryn Zoon, the Director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research,
said in her concluding remarks: We believe the anthrax vaccine is a safe and effec-
tive vaccine for the prevention of anthrax diseasean often-fatal diseasewhen
used according to FDA approved label.
In conclusion, on the topic of safety, extensive studies of those vaccinated as well
as independent review of reported adverse events, lead to the certain conclusion
that anthrax vaccine is safe. The FDA, in its testimonies before congressional com-
mittees, has also stated it has found the vaccine to be safe.
Myth.BioPorts anthrax vaccine is not effective.
Fact.The effectiveness of the anthrax vaccine was documented in three ways:
Clinical trials showing protection of human subjects exposed to the infectious
Demonstration of a measurable immune response following immunization;
Demonstration of protection of immunized animals when challenged with the
infectious agent.
I will now describe these in further detail.
Clinical Trials.A single-blinded well-controlled trial was conducted in the 1950s
by Dr. Phillip S. Brachman and co-workers in the employees of four U. S. textile
mills. Those workers were processing imported goat hair known to be occasionally
contaminated with anthrax spores. A similar but less potent predecessor to the cur-
rent vaccine was used in this trial. A total of 26 cases of cutaneous and inhalational
anthrax occurred during the course of the trial. The efficacy of the vaccine in pre-
venting anthrax was found to be 92.5 percent. In one of these mills, five cases of
inhalational anthrax (four of them fatal) occurred among the unvaccinated workers.
No cases of inhalational anthrax occurred in mill workers who had received the an-
thrax vaccine. With the occurrence of these inhalational anthrax cases, the study
was stopped in the mill so that all employees could be offered immunization since
it would have been unethical to continue the study. The number of cases of inhala-
tion anthrax was, thus, too small to demonstrate a statistically significant decrease
in the vaccinated group. Following universal immunization of employees in this mill,
the occurrence rate of anthrax fell precipitously. The FDA has subsequently indi-
cated at Congressional hearings that based on the data from this clinical trial, when
supplemented by additional case control studies in humans, and studies in vac-
cinated animals protected from exposure to inhalational anthrax, there is strong evi-
dence that the vaccine protects humans against inhalational anthrax.
In the 1980s, an Advisory Review Panel was established to review information on
biologic products licensed prior to July, 1972. In 1985 this panel recommended con-
tinuation of the anthrax vaccine based on substantial evidence of safety and efficacy.
This review included a CDC-sponsored vaccine safety study, in which approximately
16,000 doses of vaccine were administered according to the current six-dose schedule
to approximately 7,000 study participants from 1967 to 1971. The panel also re-
viewed surveillance efficacy data collected by the CDC between 1962 and 1974. Dur-
ing this period, 27 cases of anthrax were identified in employees working in or near
goat hair mills. Twenty four of these employees were unvaccinated and the remain-
ing three had received only one or two doses of the anthrax vaccine. These two stud-
ies, in addition to the efficacy data from the Brachman study, served as the basis
for the panels recommendation. No anthrax cases have been reported in fully vac-
cinated persons. Since the availability of the current vaccine, the occurrence of an-
thrax in at risk industrial settings, including laboratory workers, has been nearly
Demonstration of immune response.Human immune response studies were re-
cently performed by Dr. Phillip Pittman and co-workers, using an assay which
measured the development of antibodies specific for B. anthracis Protective Antigen
(PA) known to be important to protection. In 28 volunteers immunized according to
the current schedule of subcutaneous injections, (0, 2, and 4 weeks), significant im-
mune responses (i.e. seroconversion) were detected in almost all of the recipients
after two doses of vaccine, and in all persons after three doses. Other volunteers
received vaccine at 0 and 4 weeks only, one group by the subcutaneous route (n=23)
and one by the intra-muscular route (n=22). Except for one individual in the intra-
muscular group, all volunteers tested were found to have seroconverted after the
second (4-week) dose. The size of this study was not considered large enough to sup-
port a change in the dosing schedule or the route of administration.
Demonstration of protection.Because it would be unethical to challenge immu-
nized persons with B. anthracis, such studies must be performed in animals.
Nonhuman primates, which develop inhalational anthrax much like that seen in hu-
mans, have been used extensively. A total of 65 non-human primates, immunized
with only one or two doses of anthrax vaccine, have been given inhalation chal-
lenges containing hundreds of times the number of anthrax spores known to be le-
thal in unvaccinated animals. Of these, 62 animals (95 percent) survived the chal-
lenges. When eight of the non-human primates received a high-dose inhalation chal-
lenge two years after they received two doses of the vaccine, seven survived, indi-
cating long-term immunity.
Similar anthrax inhalation challenges were performed in rabbits, which also de-
velop inhalational anthrax similar to that seen in non-human primates and in hu-
mans. Of 117 rabbits challenged following two doses of vaccine, 114 (97 percent) sur-
Dr. Arthur Friedlander and co-workers performed a post-exposure study in
nonhuman primates, some of which had also received a 30-day course of antibiotics.
The group of animals that received both vaccine and antibiotics following inhalation
exposure remained free of disease throughout, and long after, the 30-day period of
antibiotic treatment. Furthermore, this was the only group of animals that survived
a second inhalation exposure -indicating that they had developed immunity against
the anthrax.
The above series of studies of the anthrax vaccine illustrate several ways to over-
come the inherent difficulty in demonstrating the efficacy of vaccines to be used for
defense against bio-terrorism and bio-warfare agents. Since natural exposure to
many of these agents does not exist, and because human challenge studies would
be considered unethical, straightforward efficacy studies cannot be performed. In-
stead, a careful assessment of the immune responses following vaccination in hu-
mans, as well as evaluations of protection against infectious challenges in relevant
animal models, must be made.
The currently licensed schedule of subcutaneous injections given over 18 months,
will soon be evaluated in a large CDC-sponsored study. Along with evaluations of
the safety of the vaccine, the impact of reductions in the number of doses adminis-
tered, as well as the route of administration (subcutaneous v. intra-muscular), on
the immune response to B. anthracis will be determined. These immune responses
will be compared to those seen in a parallel study involving non-human primates,
which will later be subjected to inhalational challenges with anthrax. Through these
studies, a deeper understanding of the immune correlates of protection will be
achieved, and the most appropriate dosing schedules determined.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has recently rec-
ommended that in a confirmed post-exposure setting, where anthrax vaccine is
available, antibiotic prophylaxis should continue for 4 weeks and until three doses
of vaccine have been administered. The consensus that three doses are expected to
provide significant protection is justified in the context of the most current medical
information available. This includes the known human immune response data and,
the above-mentioned, long-term protection seen in non-human primates following
only one or two doses.
Our present understanding of the immune system, coupled with the findings of
these animal and human studies lead to a reasonable expectation that the anthrax
vaccine should be protective after two or three doses. The challenge is to conclu-
sively demonstrate this when direct efficacy studies in humans cannot be under-
taken. This challenge applies not only to the current anthrax vaccine, but also to
any anthrax vaccine now under development.
Myth.BioPort has failed to produce anthrax vaccine since acquiring the facility
from the State of Michigan.
Fact.Contrary to news reports, BioPort has maintained and significantly added
to a stockpile of anthrax vaccine since acquiring the facilities in Lansing, Michigan,
three years ago. Although we cannot discuss the specific numbers contained in that
stockpile, there is now a considerable amount of anthrax vaccine that could be made
immediately available in an emergency, if fully supported by the FDA. It requires
coordination, decisionmaking and action across three Federal agencies:
The Department of Defense, which owns the vaccine;
The Department of Health and Human Services, which based on the advise of
the medical experts in the CDC, would recommend its use; and
The FDA, which would authorize the release of the vaccine.
Further, we stand ready to manufacture the licensed anthrax vaccine to full ca-
pacity in our renovated facilities. We have met regularly with representatives from
each of these agencies to discuss this considerable stockpile and to offer our full as-
sistance and support in the event that vaccine is needed on an emergency basis.
Myth.BioPort has been mismanaged since acquiring the facilities from the State
of Michigan.
Fact.There is now and there has for some time been a capable management
team in place. We have been successful in hiring industry-experienced managers
and technical experts. The company culture has been transformed from that of a
state bureaucracy to a results-oriented business. For the last two years, we have
been meeting regularly with the FDA to update our progress. The relationship with
FDA is constructive and the agency has expeditiously reviewed the various seg-
ments of our submission. We are also working closely with our partner, the Depart-
ment of Defense. In short, we have the right people, in the right places, doing the
right things to get this job done.
On the financial side, when BioPort took over the vaccine manufacturing facilities
from the State of Michigan we were well aware that we were taking over an unprof-
itable venture with an aging physical plant that had never been operated in a com-
mercial environment. The State had no effective financial accounting system in
place for tracking costs. To meet the heightened FDA biological product regulatory
standards, a company in this business must have substantial quality control sys-
tems, which takes considerable time and expense to put in place. Unfortunately, the
States management practices did not include calculation of these costs. There was
no direct relationship between Michigans total costs of producing the anthrax vac-
cine and the prices paid by the Department of Defense. It became clear to us that
the prices paid to Michigan by the government for the vaccine were significantly
below the costs for producing the vaccine under modern regulatory standards. Au-
dits which were conducted by the Department of Defense, supported an adjustment
to the contract price of the vaccine.
Furthermore, in the last two years, there have been five major financial audits
by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). BioPort has submitted over 50 fi-
nancial reports during this time. Our compliance with contract accounting stand-
ards has been consistently confirmed by these audits.
In addition to these accounting audits there was a widely reported criminal inves-
tigation conducted by the Defense Investigative Services (DIS). What has not been
reported is the fact that we were completely cleared of any wrongdoing. A recent
DIS letter confirms that fact.
The funding from the DOD in the last three years has been substantial and
BioPort is grateful for the departments continued support. But these expenditures
need to be placed in the overall perspective of the industrial costs of vaccine devel-
opment and manufacture. DODs investment in BioPort over the past three years
is the most cost-effective investment that any agency in the federal government is
committing to insure the availability of the needed defense or civilian vaccines.
DODs own report on the costs for vaccine research, development and manufacturing
estimates that it will require an average of $400 million over a 5- to 10-year period
for each FDA-licensed vaccine. Another vaccine company, Aviron has reported that
they will have expended between $400 to $500 million over many years in devel-
oping and manufacturing their intranasal flu vaccine. They are still awaiting their
FDA license. The government has indicated that it will take several billion dollars
and many years for other defense vaccines to be developed and manufactured. An
October 2000 independent report by the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) con-
cluded that the fastest route to a continued supply of licensed anthrax vaccine is
through BioPort. Now a year since that report, its findings are still valid.
Allow me to make a few final points. As you, our nations policymakers, look to
the future for a viable long-term vaccine program, several issues must be resolved.
Important among these are:
The oversight and management of the development and manufacture of defense
vaccines must be streamlined, becoming less bureaucratic. The creation of a cabinet
level position and the appointment of Governor Ridge to that position are encour-
aging early steps.
The dollars committed to protection against biological threats need to better
match the nations goals. Facing the potential of a cost of $400 million per vaccine
developed, the financial commitments now being pledged by Congress will better en-
able the goals to be met.
There must be adequate incentives to assure the engagement of the private sector
to meet these goals. We are aware that several bills are being drafted to specifically
address this point and firmly believe that incentives will be adequately considered.
In addition to these incentives, some form of protection from tort is needed for
defense vaccines use in the civilian sector as it is for several products supplied to
the DOD.
Just as important, misinformation must be corrected vigorously as soon as it sur-
faces. As has been clearly demonstrated for anthrax vaccine, left unanswered, misin-
formation erodes confidence and progress in defense vaccine development and manu-
facture. It must be countered whenever it occurs.
Once again, thank you for this opportunity. I am eager to respond to your ques-
Senator HARKIN. Next is Mary Kuhn, head of operations for
Bayer Corporation.
Ms. KUHN. Thank you, Senator Harkin, Senator Specter, and
other distinguished members of this Senate appropriations sub-
committee. My name is Mary Kuhn, and I am head of operations
for the Bayer Corporation Pharmaceutical Division in Westhaven,
Connecticut. The core objective of Bayer Pharmaceutical is to sig-
nificantly improve health worldwide. Since the events of September
11 and the days that have followed, we stand even more committed
to that purpose. We at Bayer Corporation would like to assure Con-
gress that we will meet the Nations demands for Cipro, our anti-
biotic, which has FDA approval for post-inhalation anthrax.
The issue that looms large with this subcommittee and, of course,
with the American public is, can Bayer fulfill our Nations Cipro re-
quirements? The answer to that question is yes. Please allow me
to elaborate.
Bayer is currently producing Cipro at an incredibly rapid and un-
precedented rate, over 2 million tablets each and every day. We
continue to work closely with the Centers for Disease Control and
the Department of Health and Human Services to make available
this key weapon in the fight against anthrax. Bayers U.S. facilities
shipped more than 50 million tablets of Cipro in the month begin-
ning September 16 through October 16. In response to the in-
creased demand, Bayer has tripled its production of Cipro.
Prior to the terrorist attacks, typical production of Cipro was
about 20 million tablets per month. We have now committed to
supplying 200 million tablets over the next 3 months. That is more
than 15 million tablets a week. In addition, because of Bayers glob-
al resources, we will be able to supply additional Cipro tablets.
In order to manufacture this quantity, Bayer is now running its
Connecticut Cipro production facilities on an expanded production
schedule. We are also reopening an additional manufacturing plant
to augment active ingredient stock. We are sending shipments of
Cipro out every day of the week, including Saturdays and Sundays.
We believe that with current inventories, plus the amount we are
now supplying, in conjunction with other FDA-approved drugs such
as doxycycline, there will be enough Cipro in Government phar-
macies and other facilities to treat over 12 million Americans for
anthrax, the objective recently set by the Department of Health
and Human Services.
In addition, Bayer does support the Food & Drug Administra-
tions approval of doxycycline for the treatment of all forms of an-
thrax, including inhalation anthrax. These drugs are widely avail-
able from a variety of generic manufacturers. We are confident that
there should be no concerns about an adequate supply of safe and
effective treatments for anthrax. We feel it is important for this
subcommittee to realize that Bayer has fulfilled every order from
the United States Government within the requested delivery sched-
We continue to work daily with the Government to define and
fulfill future orders. To our knowledge, everyone who has needed
Cipro in response to an anthrax event has been able to get Cipro.
Soldiers going overseas carry Cipro. The people in New York, Flor-
ida, New Jersey and Washington who have been exposed to an-
thrax have had Cipro prescribed and have been able to procure it.
The CDC, which is in charge of stockpiling the drug, has ordered
millions of tablets. These orders have been filled completely, and
the agency has them in their inventory. We are working closely
with the Nations drug distribution system to get Cipro to those
locales and to those people who are most immediately in need of
Our confidence in the adequacy of antibiotic supplies to treat an-
thrax is further enhanced by the efforts of Secretary Thompson,
Surgeon General Satcher, and countless other Government and
non-Government authorities. These leaders are advising the public
of the harm that could be caused by taking antibiotics just in case,
with the worried well. It took quite a while to get definitive labora-
tory results.
What we learned was that we can handle small, contained
events. A larger event, especially a covert attack with a disease
agent that is transmissible person-to-person would overwhelm not
only the public health system but our hospitals and public safety
systems, and emergency medical responders as well.
What we have identified as needs to improve our response capa-
bilities include increased public health laboratory staff, equipment,
and training for more rapid assessment of biological threat agents.
A great deal of public concern could have been avoided if we had
been able to obtain definitive laboratory results sooner. In Nevada,
we also need another location for our public health laboratory.
There is one location in the entire State. That is in Reno. Las
Vegas needs a public health laboratory.
As we know across the country, not only public health practi-
tioners but physicians, hospitals, and emergency responders all
need training in bioterrorism and how to respond to it. We found
a situation where a local official advised Sierra Pacific Power not
to bring their employees together for an educational meeting about
anthrax because they thought it would be risky.
Additional epidemiology staff for the State and local health de-
partments is extremely important. We must increase our capacity
to conduct public health investigations and surveillance, and par-
ticularly to heighten surveillance during high profile events that
are so common in Las Vegas and Nevada, and that bring so many
tourists from all over the world, not to mention all over the coun-
try. We need a bioterrorism coordinator to coordinate training and
preparation not only in-house, but coordinate training and prepara-
tion with the community, the hospitals, public safety, and emer-
gency responders.
We found that something very important to have was a public in-
formation officer to coordinate communication with the public. The
health department needs such a public information officer. If
Washoe County had not generously loaned us their entire public
education staff we would have had much greater public concern
and a greater strain on health and public safety resources.
Our key objective was to avoid the kind of panic that had people
flooding the 911 system and the hospital emergency rooms. We
need good data systems at Washoe County District Health Depart-
ment. We need a full-time physician. We do not have a physician
on staff. We have a medical consultant who has other full-time em-
Hospital capacity is an issue, particularly in Las Vegas. An ordi-
nary flu season can overwhelm the hospitals.
I would like to thank you very much for your support of public
health, and to urge that full funding be allocated for the public
health threats and emergencies. Thank you.
[The statement follows:]
Good morning, Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee, I am Barbara
Lee Hunt, District Health Officer for the Washoe County District Health Depart-
ment, serving Reno, Sparks and Washoe County, Nevada.
The only other local health district in Nevada is Clark County Health District,
serving Las Vegas. Five hundred miles separate Reno and Las Vegas. The State
Health Division serves the remaining 15 rural counties.
We host many high profile events that draw thousands of tourists from all over
the world, creating attractive terrorist targets. Depending on the agent used, a bio-
terrorist attack in Reno or Las Vegas could have national and international impacts.
When it became public that a suspicious letter delivered to Microsoft in Reno had
tested presumptively positive for Bacillus anthracis, both health districts and Renos
911 dispatch center were inundated with calls from concerned citizens, physicians
offices, law enforcement, and hospital emergency rooms. The State Emergency Oper-
ations Center even had to be activated to assist with calls.
The District Health Department appropriately took the lead in the public health
investigation and overall response. We identified, interviewed and collected speci-
mens for testing from 6 people whod had contact with the letter. We did personal
and environmental risk assessment and made appropriate recommendations. We co-
ordinated with hospitals, law enforcement and emergency medical responders. We
were the local information source.
The State Emergency Operations Center worked well, taking calls for 3 days. The
Health Alert Network worked well.
We prevented further strain on the public health and safety systems by educating
the public with frequent, consistent and coordinated communication through the
media. We provided intensive, onsite education for hundreds of employees in the Si-
erra Pacific Power building, where Microsoft is located.
We were in constant communication with Microsoft and Sierra Pacific Power man-
agement, forging relationships that resulted in support for our recommendations,
despite pressure from their corporate offices and advice from their medical and envi-
ronmental consultants that conflicted with our advice. They even participated in all
our press conferences.
We learned that we can handle small, contained events. A larger event, especially
a covert attack with a disease transmissible from person to person, would over-
whelm our public health and safety systems, hospitals and emergency medical re-
What we need to improve our response capabilities are:
Increased public health laboratory staff, equipment and training for more rapid
assessment of biological threat agents. A great deal of public concern could have
been avoided if we had been able to obtain a definitive result sooner.
Trainingfew of our staff have had any level of bioterrorism training, and were
not alone. A physician advised Sierra Pacific Power not to bring their employees
together for a meeting, advising that it would be risky to have them in the same
Additional epidemiology staff for the state and both local health departments.
We must increase our capacity to conduct public health surveillance and epide-
miological investigations and heighten surveillance during high profile events.
A bioterrorism coordinator for each local health district and the state, to coordi-
nate training and preparation in house and with our hospitals, public safety
and emergency medical responders.
A health department public information officer to coordinate communication
with the public. Without the loan of public information staff from Washoe Coun-
ty, we would have had increased public concern and greater strain on health
and public safety resources.
A physicianwe do not have a physician on staff. We have a medical consultant
who has other fulltime employment.
Hospital capacity to handle a sudden surge of patients.
In addition, our disaster planning must include biological scenarios and realistic
simulation exercises.
All of these resources would serve us in day to day public health work and in
emergencies, such as emerging infectious diseases, communicable disease outbreaks,
toxic spills, and natural disasters.
The Kennedy-Frist bill proposes appropriate initial funding for state and local
public health preparedness and response to bioterrorism. I ask that you support it.
Thank you.
Senator HARKIN. Thank you for being here. That is why I think
we have more money in our bill for this.
I would recognize Senator Specter for purposes of an introduc-
Senator SPECTER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just a word or two
about our next witness, Dr. Hilary Koprowski, one of the worlds
greatest scientists since he received his M.D. degree from the Uni-
versity of Warsaw in Poland in 1939, and that puts you on the
record for 62 years of active work, Dr. Koprowski.
Among his many accomplishments involve his contribution to the
development of the first live polio vaccine. I would not want to use
his full 5 minutes by describing all of his honors or positions which
he holds.
Dr. KOPROWSKI. Thank you, Senator Specter. Mr. Chairman, I
am Director of the Biotechnology Foundation of Thomas Jefferson
University, Pennsylvania, and head of the Microbiology Institute.
As Senator Specter said, I have developed the first oral polio vac-
cine that led to the first mass trial with oral polio vaccine, and this
bridged the way to eradicate polio from the world in 2004.
For the past 10 years, I have led a team of scientists to study
plants as vectors for the production of vaccines and other
biomedicals, and our studies of the virus B vaccine was found to
create protection of hepatitis, the vaccine which we grew in spinach
and fed to human volunteers.
We have successfully in the laboratory created the experimental
vaccine in tobacco plants against AIDS. We have both the knowl-
edge and techniques to produce any vaccine, whether it be bacteria
or whether it be viral, like smallpox or any other thing, in plants
using two techniques. We transform plants whose foreign agents
produce vaccines either in seeds, leaves, or fruit. Such plants can
be provided indefinitely as a source of vaccine production.
Another approach is we use plant viruses to fuel these foreign
agents. Plants were infected with these compounds, and they were
isolated in plant virus and the foreign agent to produce vaccine.
For several years we have proposed this Anthrax project, which we thought might
be of interest to the military. The project is aimed to develop a new, safe, cost-effec-
tive vaccine which could be used for mass oral vaccination against anthrax. Our im-
mediate goal of this project is to stabilize the Anthrax Protective Antigen (Pa)
through fusion with the stable plant protein called ubiquitin and to use this recom-
binant for transformation of lettuce and radishes. Laboratory animals will be fed
raw plants which have been transformed by Pa and then tested for resistance to
infection at Fort Dietrich. In addition, the transformed plant material will be proc-
essed to produce tablets containing the Pa antigen and these, in turn, will be tested
for immunogenic potential. Clinical trials in man will follow the successful outcome
of laboratory investigation within a year after funding for the project is made avail-
able. The great advantages of plant-derived vaccines are as follows:
Safety.No cross contamination
Inexpensive.Does not require sophisticated and expensive facilities; Up to 4
pounds of specific protein can be recovered from an acre of plants.
Distribution.Can be grown in different geographical and climactic conditions;
can be produced locally.
Delivery.Can be used as a vehicle for oral delivery of vaccines.
Continuous production.Once transgenic lettuce and radishes become available
they can be propagated ad infinitum as a source of anthrax vaccine.
who does not lavish praise without real cause, and so I think that
is quite a tribute to you.
Dr. Koprowski, how fast could this vaccine for anthrax be devel-
oped by your procedures, if you could give us an estimate?
Dr. KOPROWSKI. Senator Specter, it depends upon funds. The
larger the funds, the quicker we can get space and organize it. I
have said in my report that it would be not less, but perhaps not
more than a year. However, if we had more funds we could accel-
erate the process, because it really involves growing plants and
putting the vaccine in plants.
Senator SPECTER. So if you were funded appropriately, ade-
quately, you could do it in less than a year?
Dr. KOPROWSKI. Yes, we could do it in less than a year if prop-
erly funded.
Senator SPECTER. Well, we are going to ask the Federal officials
to take a look at your program to see its potential, and with your
record for solving problems that is something we really want to
take a close look at.
Dr. Monath, when you talk about doses for 54 million people, are
you talking about doses for all Americans?
Dr. MONATH. It has been a changing set of requirements. Our
original contract was for 40 million. That came out of some consid-
erations of the minimum number of doses needed to interrupt an
event using some dynamic modeling. I think everyone has kind of
woken up in the anthrax crisis.
Senator SPECTER. Could you provide us with what it would cost
for 300 million Americans, tell us what that would cost and how
long it would take you to produce it?
Now, are the risks reduced with the vaccine that you are working
on? Dr. Koplan testified earlier that the risks outweigh the bene-
fits, and I heard actually my son tell me yesterday that there was
one chance out of 4,000 on a smallpox vaccine that there would be
very, very serious medical problems. Do you know if that is accu-
Dr. MONATH. Well, you are referring to the original vaccine, the
only material that is in the stockpile that exists today, the 15 mil-
lion doses at CDC.
Senator SPECTER. The question is, is there a significant risk?
Dr. MONATH. It is about 5 to 10 per million of very severe ad-
verse events.
Senator SPECTER. How about the vaccine which you are pre-
Dr. MONATH. Well, it has not been made, but our goal is to
match the characteristics of the old vaccine.
Senator SPECTER. In that event, the risk would be present?
Dr. MONATH. The risks are going to be significant, so we really
need to determine, or have a clear policy regarding, the use of
smallpox vaccine.
Senator SPECTER. Well, I compliment you on all you are doing
and the public health experts. This is a massive problem, and I like
what I hear. There is productivity and there is capacity and there
is ingenuity, and there are plans, and it might take us a little time
to get on track, but the Congress is just a facilitator. You people
are the real answers to the problems.
With all the money that we would put up, it would not be any-
thing unless we had the productivity and the ingenuity to solve the
problem, and I think the terrorists are overmatched, and we are
going to prove it.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Senator HARKIN. Thank you, Senator Specter.
Dr. Monath, on smallpox vaccine, once you have it, and you have
it in a vial, does it degenerate over time? How long will it last?
How long will it still have efficacy?
Dr. MONATH. You have to remember the material was made by
Wyeth in 1982 which still constitutes our stockpiles. It is a very
stable virus. We are estimating a shelf life of 5 years or more, but
it will be determined by actual testing, real time stability testing.
Senator HARKIN. What you develop will have a shorter shelf life
than what we did previously?
Dr. MONATH. Well, the FDA will give us a shelf life, and what
is happening now with the old stockpile is that it is tested every
Senator HARKIN. We have 15 million doses right now in the
United States, 15 million, and we are relying upon that, I think.
If there ever was an outbreak of smallpox, as I understand it, that
they would begin to vaccinate ever larger concentric circles and
that type of thing. How certain are we that these 15 million vials
of viruses are good, or efficacious, or that they will work? How cer-
tain are we of that?
Dr. MONATH. We are quite certain. There is a simple test that
can be performed on the materials.
Senator HARKIN. That is 20 years old.
Dr. MONATH. Well, people have gotten these pox viruses out of
materials that have been sitting around on a shelf for decades, and
they are still viable. They are very stable viruses. They are the
only class of viruses that have that characteristic, so the vaccine
is remarkably stable. It has to be retested to establish its stability
from time to time, and we expect that the new vaccine will have
a long shelf life. We will have to replace it on a regular schedule.
Our contract calls for a 20-year program.
Senator HARKIN. How would someone ever be able to get a hold
of a smallpox virus that could infect people?
Senator SPECTER. You do not have to answer that question, Dr.
Monath. We do not want to give people any information about that.
Dr. MONATH. Well, I have lived in a world of BW for much of my
career. It could happen.
Senator HARKIN. I just wonder what our real fears are. Are there
real fears out there that people could manufacture or get a hold of
smallpox vaccine? I think we have a right to know. Is this some-
thing serious, or is it not?
Dr. MONATH. I consider it to be serious. We knew in 1989, with
the first Russian defector of a high level, that the Russians had
weaponized smallpox and what has happened to that program is
quite uncertain. Much has been said about the possibility that
other countries, rogue states, have acquired materials from that
program, or maybe acquired it from other means, so I think there
is a credible threat.
Thank you all very much for being here, that concludes our hear-
[Whereupon, at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 23, the sub-
committee was recessed, to reconvene subject to the call of the
Washington, DC.
The subcommittee met at 9:05 a.m., in room SD192, Dirksen
Senate Office Building, Hon. Tom Harkin (chairman) presiding.
Present: Senators Harkin, Byrd, Specter, and Stevens.
Senator BYRD. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for con-
ducting these hearings. This is where the action is, and these are
indeed the health care twins. They are both very courteous, very
responsive to our health needs, and they are men of action. I have
found that in the case of each of them when each has been chair-
man. So I compliment them and thank them.
I thank you for convening this important hearing on smallpox. I
thank the chairman for giving me this moment to address the sub-
committee and the witnesses.
Smallpox, whose world eradication in 1980 was hailed as one of
public healths greatest triumphs, has turned from a success story
to a bioweapons specter. Banquos ghost at the head of the table
is there. Now public health officials in the wake of the September
11 terror attacks are scrambling on several fronts to guard against
The NIAID strategy for smallpox vaccine research is a three-part program that
addresses immediate, intermediate, and long-term needs. In the near-term, a bioter-
rorist attack involving smallpox would require the utilization of stores of the exist-
ing smallpox vaccine. Approximately 15 million doses of the FDA-approved Dryvax
vaccine have been stored since production stopped in 1983. This clearly would not
be enough to respond to a national smallpox epidemic. As a response, NIAID last
year initiated a study to determine the feasibility of expanding the use of the exist-
ing stores of the Dryvax vaccine by dilution. In this study, investigators examined
the skin and immune system responses of normal unimmunized adult volunteers
who were given a 1:10 dilution (10 percent) or a 1:100 dilution (1 percent) of off-
the-shelf Dryvax vaccine They compared responses to those from other volunteers
who had received the full-strength vaccine. The results showed that the full-
strength vaccine had maintained its potency, and that 70 percent of people who re-
ceived a single dose of the 10-percent vaccine developed a sore followed by a scab
at the injection site and antibodies in their blood, indicating protection. Even though
the 10-percent vaccine was capable of stimulating an immune response in most peo-
ple in the study, it is unlikely that it would protect enough people in a large popu-
lation to sufficiently stop the spread of smallpox. Based on these findings, a new
study was designed to determine if a diluted vaccine combined with an alternative
vaccination schedule could protect a greater number of people than did the standard
dose and regimen.
This study, which will enroll up to 684 people, is evaluating three different doses
of Dryvax. Researchers will study the ability of the various vaccine formulations to
stimulate a scab, or take, at the vaccination site and to produce antibodies in the
blood. If participants have not developed a scab in seven to nine days after vaccina-
tion, they will be revaccinated with the same vaccine they received the first time.
By that strategy, researchers hope to learn which vaccine dose given in a single in-
jection elicits the best response among the largest number of people and whether
boosters can fortify the immune response in those who did not react to the first
vaccination. This study is being conducted at several NIH Vaccine and Treatment
Evaluation Units around the United States, including Saint Louis University,
Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Maryland, and the University of Roch-
ester. Recruitment of study participants began on Oct. 26, 2001.
NIAID-intermediate-term plans include development of a new smallpox vaccine:
a safe, sterile product grown in cell cultures using modern technology. This vaccine
will be rapidly tested in human clinical trials; 250 million doses will be produced
and delivered to the federal government by the end of 2002. In the long-term, basic
research promises to provide a third generation of smallpox vaccines that could be
used in all segments of the population, including pregnant women and people with
weakened immune systems. As the research evolves, NIAID continues to be actively
involved in the development and testing of new vaccines, including the initiation of
clinical trials to determine vaccine safety and efficacy, particularly in special popu-
On April 21, 2000, CDC issued a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
(MMWR), Biological and Chemical Terrorism: Strategic Plan for Preparedness and
ResponseRecommendations of the CDC Strategic Planning Workgroup, which out-
lines steps for strengthening public health and healthcare capacity to protect the na-
tion against these threats. This report reinforces the work CDC has been contrib-
uting to this effort since 1998 and lays a framework from which to enhance public
health infrastructure. In keeping with the message of this report, five key focus
areas have been identified which provide the foundation for local, state, and federal
planning efforts: Preparedness and Prevention, Detection and Surveillance, Diag-
nosis and Characterization of Biological and Chemical Agents, Response, and Com-
munication. These areas capture the goals of CDCs Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Program for general bioterrorism preparedness, as well as the more spe-
cific goals targeted towards preparing for the potential intentional reintroduction of
Preparedness and prevention
CDC is working to ensure that all levels of the public health communityfederal,
state, and localcoordinate with the medical and emergency response communities
to deal with the public health consequences of biological and chemical terrorism.
CDC is creating diagnostic and epidemiological performance standards for state
and local health departments and will help states conduct drills and exercises to as-
sess local readiness for bioterrorism. In addition, CDC, the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), the Department of Defense (DOD), and other agencies are supporting
and encouraging research to address scientific issues related to bioterrorism. In
some cases, new vaccines, antitoxins, or innovative drug treatments need to be de-
veloped or stocked. Moreover, we need to learn more about the pathogenesis, epide-
miology, and clinical features of the infectious diseases which do not affect the U.S.
population currently. We have only limited knowledge about how artificial methods
of dispersion may affect the infection rate, virulence, or impact of these biological
In 1999, the Institute of Medicine released its Assessment of Future Scientific
Needs for Live Variola Virus, which formed the basis for a phased research agenda
to address several scientific issues related to smallpox. This research agenda is a
collaboration between CDC, NIH, DOD, and international partners, and is being un-
dertaken in the high-containment laboratory at CDC with the concurrence of WHO.
The research addresses: 1) the use of modern serologic and molecular diagnostic
techniques to improve diagnostic capabilities for smallpox, 2) the evaluation of
antiviral compounds for activity against the smallpox virus, and 3) further study of
the pathogenesis of smallpox by the development of an animal model that mimics
human smallpox infection. To date, genetic material from 45 different strains of
smallpox virus has been extracted and is being evaluated to determine the genetic
diversity of different strains of the virus. The NIH, with CDC and DOD collabo-
rators, has funded a Poxvirus Bioinformatics Resource Center ( to
facilitate the analysis of sequence data to aid the development of rapid and specific
diagnostic assays, antiviral medicines and vaccines. A dedicated sequencing and bio-
informatics laboratory has been developed at CDC to help further these efforts. This
laboratory will also be used to help characterize other potential bioterrorism patho-
gens. A team of collaborating scientists has screened over 700 compounds for
antiviral activity against isolates of variola (smallpox) virus and other related
orthopoxviruses and have found several compounds which merit further evaluation
in animal models. Over 20 of the most promising compounds will be further tested
for antiviral activity in animal model systems. The identification of one currently
licensed compound with in vitro and in vivo efficacy against the smallpox virus has
led to the development of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application by NIH
and CDC to the FDA for use of this drug, cidofovir, in an emergency situation for
treating persons who are diagnosed with smallpox. In addition, CDC has included
the use of cidofovir in an existing IND to allow the emergency use of this medication
in the treatment of adverse reactions to smallpox vaccination. Researchers also have
been funded by NIH to design new anti-smallpox medicines and to create human
monoclonal antibodies to replace the limited supply of vaccinia immune globulin
that is needed to treat vaccine complications that arise during immunization cam-
The Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) worked with CDC to
develop updated guidelines for the use of smallpox vaccine. These guidelines were
published in the MMWR in June 2001 and serve to educate the medical and state
and local public health community regarding the recommended routine and emer-
gency uses and medical aspects of the vaccine, as well as the medical aspects of
smallpox itself. Several infection control and worker safety issues were also ad-
dressed by the ACIP within the updated guidelines.
We are pursuing the development of additional smallpox vaccine with multiple
manufacturers in order to rapidly enhance our vaccine resource capabilities to re-
spond to a smallpox outbreak. We are also working to ensure that the stores of vac-
cine that we have in the United States currently are ready for use, including proto-
cols for emergency release and transportation of the vaccine. We have conducted po-
tency testing to and have confirmed that all currently existing lots are still potent.
On October 26, NIH began recruitment for a study to test Dryvax vaccine efficacy
undiluted, at 1:5 dilution, and at 1:10 dilution. Depending on the results of this
study, CDC will ensure availability of enough diluent to allow for the appropriate
dilution of vaccine. One study has already been completed which found that undi-
luted vaccine was effective 95 percent of the time, 1:10 dilution was effective 70 per-
cent of the time, and 1:100 was effective 20 percent of the time. CDC is in the proc-
ess of contracting with additional manufacturers to produce a total of 300 million
doses of vaccine by the end of next year. The President recently signed an Executive
Order that allows HHS to provide indemnification for the smallpox manufacturers.
Detection and surveillance
Because the initial detection of a biological terrorist attack will most likely occur
at the local level, it is essential to educate and train members of the medical com-
munityboth public and privatewho may be the first to examine and treat the
victims. For example, the Florida physicians ability to recognize a suspected case
of anthrax and his awareness of his role in reporting it to the local health depart-
ment was critical to our initial recognition of the current bioterrorist events. It is
also necessary to upgrade the surveillance systems of state and local health depart-
ments, as well as within healthcare facilities such as hospitals, which will be relied
upon to spot unusual patterns of disease occurrence and to identify any additional
cases of illness.
CDC is enhancing its national surveillance system for hospital-acquired infections,
dialysis surveillance, and healthcare worker safety surveillance into the National
Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). NHSN, is a web-based tool for collecting and
communicating important clinical findings with healthcare facilities. Other partner-
ships with managed care and provider groups have proved invaluable for commu-
nicating recommendations during the recent bioterrorism response, and further ac-
tivities to improve detection of potential bioterrorist attacks through these partners
is planned.
CDC will provide terrorism-related training to epidemiologists and laboratorians,
emergency responders, emergency department personnel and other front-line health-
care providers, and health and safety personnel. CDC is working to provide edu-
cational materials regarding potential bioterrorism agents to the medical and public
health communities on its bioterrorism website at
Preparing CDC, state, and other professionals to respond to a smallpox bioter-
rorist threat or incident will revolve primarily around training three groups:
CDC Response Teams.CDC will begin conducting a 3-day course this month
for personnel comprising teams that will be deployed to respond to an incident.
Training will cover technical issues regarding the disease and the vaccine, oper-
ational issues such as isolation and quarantine, surveillance, and communica-
tions, and an introduction to CDCs response plan. A scenario-based exercise
will be included.
State Health Representatives.CDC is developing a 34 day training course for
health representatives from U.S. states and territories who would be involved
in responding to a smallpox bioterrorist incident. The objective of this training
is that each state/territory produce a Smallpox Response Plan that will be com-
patible with CDCs national plan. Approximately 150 representatives (up to 3
from each state/territory) will be trained.
Clinicians.On December 13, CDC will conduct a live satellite broadcast titled
Smallpox: What Every Clinician Should Know. This training session is targeted
toward physicians, nurses, and others who may be called on to identify and
handle smallpox cases and to deliver smallpox vaccine. It will cover topics such
as smallpox epidemiology, diagnosis, laboratory confirmation, vaccination, and
management of suspected cases. After the broadcast, the course will be con-
verted to a web-based format and self-instructional videotapes.
Concurrent with the satellite broadcast, a train the trainer session will be
held for infectious disease experts at academic institutions and staff at national
provider organizations. The goal is to enable representatives from these groups
to disseminate smallpox response training to their peers throughout the medical
community. Followup sessions will be held through April/May 2002.
CDC is also producing a variety of educational materials to be used by clini-
cians who may be involved in smallpox identification, care, or vaccination.
These materials include an interactive CDROM that will contain technical in-
formation and practice exercises, fact sheets, aids to smallpox diagnosis, and a
smallpox Vaccine Information Statement.
Diagnosis and Characterization of Biological and Chemical Agents
To ensure that prevention and treatment measures can be implemented quickly
in the event of a biological or chemical terrorist attack, rapid diagnosis is critical.
CDC has developed guidelines and quality assurance standards for the safe and se-
cure collection, storage, transport, and processing of biologic and environmental
samples. In collaboration with other federal and non-federal partners, CDC is co-
sponsoring a series of training exercises for state public health laboratory personnel
on requirements for the safe use, containment, and transport of dangerous biological
agents and toxins. CDC, also in cooperation with the Association of Public Health
Laboratories (APHL) and the National Laboratory Training Network (NLTN) have
sponsored a hands-on laboratory course for public health microbiologists. In con-
junction with the course, CDC produced two videos that were distributed to the par-
ticipants as well as to members of the NLTN. The participants in this course are
now using these videos and the other materials developed by CDC to train other
laboratorians in their states. CDC is also enhancing its efforts to foster the safe de-
sign and operation of Biosafety Level 3 laboratories, which are required for handling
many highly dangerous pathogens. Furthermore, CDC is developing a Rapid Toxic
Screen to detect peoples exposure to 150 chemical agents using blood or urine sam-
A decisive and timely response to a biological terrorist event involves a fully docu-
mented and well rehearsed plan of detection, epidemiologic investigation, and med-
ical treatment for affected persons, and the initiation of disease prevention meas-
ures to minimize illness, injury and death. CDC is addressing this by (1) assisting
state and local health agencies in developing their plans for investigating and re-
sponding to unusual events and unexplained illnesses and (2) bolstering CDCs ca-
pacities within the overall federal bioterrorism response effort. CDC has formed and
trained multiple outbreak response teams that are available for rapid deployment
to assist state and local authorities deal with outbreaks due to any potential bioter-
rorism agent including smallpox. CDC is formalizing current draft plans for the no-
tification and mobilization of personnel and laboratory resources in response to a
bioterrorism emergency such as smallpox, as well as overall strategies for vaccina-
tion, and development and implementation of other outbreak control measures such
as isolation and quarantine measures. In addition, CDC is developing national
standards to ensure that respirators used by first responders and by other
healthcare providers responding to terrorist acts provide adequate protection
against weapons of terrorism.
Hospitals are critical in the response to bioterrorist attacks. CDC is collaborating
with various healthcare associations and infection control societies to better prepare
for potential bioterrorist events. Various hospital-based syndromic surveillance ac-
tivities in regions affected by anthrax exposures have provided critical information
on possible cases. Through provider-based sentinel networks, CDC has been able to
communicate with infectious disease clinicians, infection control professionals, and
other key clinical participants in bioterrorism preparedness and response.
Communication Systems
Rapid and secure communications are crucial to ensure a prompt and coordinated
response. Thus, strengthening communication among clinicians, emergency rooms,
infection control practitioners, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and public
health personnel is of paramount importance. To this end, CDC is making a signifi-
cant investment in building the nations public health communications infrastruc-
ture through the Health Alert Network (HAN). HAN is a nationwide program to es-
tablish the communications, information, distance-learning, and organizational in-
frastructure for a new level of defense against health threats, including bioter-
rorism. Currently, 13 states are connected to all of their local health jurisdictions;
50 states have begun connecting to local providers as well; and CDC is also directly
connecting to groups, such as the American Medical Association, to cast a broad net
of coverage. CDC has also established the Epidemic Information Exchange (Epi-X),
a secure, Web-based communications system that provides information sharing ca-
pabilities to state and local health officials. CDC also provides timely satellite broad-
cast and web-broadcast training through the Public Health Training Network. For
example, on October 18, CDC experts shared information on anthrax with physi-
cians, hospitals, and other healthcare providers across the country via a satellite
broadcast, Anthrax: What Every Clinician Should Know. Part II of this program is
scheduled for this week and will present an update on clinical guidelines and proce-
dures for the early recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and reporting of anthrax expo-
Accurate and up-to-date information helps calm public fears and limit collateral
effects of the attack. CDC communicates with the public directly through its website
on emergency preparedness and through a public inquiry telephone and email sys-
tem, which, since the recent attacks, has responded to hundreds of questions daily.
In addition, CDC communicates to the public by releasing daily updates to the news
media, answering inquiries from the press and providing medical experts for inter-
Another integral component of public health preparedness at CDC has been the
development of a National Pharmaceutical Stockpile (NPS), which is mobilized in
response to an episode caused by a biological or chemical agent. The role of the
CDCs NPS program is to maintain a national repository of life-saving pharma-
ceuticals and medical material that can be delivered to the site or sites of a biologi-
cal or chemical terrorism event in order to reduce morbidity and mortality in a civil-
ian population. The NPS is a backup and means of support to state and local first
responders, healthcare providers, and public health officials. The NPS program con-
sists of a two-tier response: (1) 12-hour push packages, which are pre-assembled ar-
rays of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies that can be delivered to the scene of
a terrorism event within 12 hours of the federal decision to deploy the assets and
that will make possible the treatment or prophylaxis of disease caused by a variety
of threat agents; and (2) a Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) that can be tailored
to a specific threat agent. Components of the VMI will arrive at the scene 24 to 36
hours after activation. The NPS was mobilized for the first time on September 11,
when a 12-hour push pack was deployed to New York City, delivering 50 tons of
medical supplies to the site of the disaster in 7 hours. In addition, substantial quan-
tities of VMI were delivered to New York City within 24 hours. Components of the
VMI were deployed to various locations along the East coast to provide adequate
supplies of antibiotics as prophylaxis to individuals who were potentially exposed to
anthrax. CDC has developed this program in collaboration with federal and private
sector partners and with input from the states.
As has been highlighted recently, increased vigilance and preparedness for unex-
plained illnesses and injuries are an essential part of the public health effort to pro-
tect the American people against bioterrorism. Prior to the September 11 attack on
the United States, CDC was making substantial progress toward defining, devel-
oping, and implementing a nationwide public health response network to increase
the capacity of public health officials at all levelsfederal, state, and localto pre-
pare for and respond to deliberate attacks on the health of our citizens. The events
of September 11 were a defining moment for all of us, and since then we have dra-
matically increased our levels of preparedness and are implementing plans to in-
crease it even further.
CDC has been addressing issues of detection, epidemiologic investigation,
diagnostics, and enhanced infrastructure and communications as part of its overall
bioterrorism preparedness strategies. Based on federal, state, and local response in
the weeks following the events of September 11, and on recent training experiences,
such as the National TOPOFF event and the Dark Winter exercisewhich simu-
lated a terrorist release of smallpox virus, CDC has learned valuable lessons and
identified gaps that exist in bioterrorism preparedness and response at federal,
state, and local levels. CDC will continue to work with partners to address chal-
lenges such as improving coordination among other federal agencies during a re-
sponse and understanding the necessary relationship needed between conducting a
criminal investigation versus an epidemiologic case investigation. These issues, as
well as overall preparedness planning at federal, state, and local levels, require ad-
ditional action to ensure that the nation is fully prepared to respond to acts of bio-
logical and chemical terrorism.
Disease experts at CDC are developing strategies to prevent the spread of disease
during and after bioterrorist attacks. Specific components include (1) creating proto-
cols for immunizing at-risk populations; (2) isolating large numbers of exposed indi-
viduals; (3) reducing occupational exposures; (4) assessing methods of safeguarding
food and water from deliberate contamination; and (5) exploring ways to improve
linkages between animal and human disease surveillance networks since threat
agents that affect both humans and animals may first be detected in animals.
In conclusion, CDC is committed to working with other federal agencies and part-
ners as well as state and local public health departments to ensure the health and
medical care of our citizens. We have made substantial progress to date in enhanc-
ing the nations capability to prepare for and respond to a bioterrorist event, but
there is much more to be done. The best public health strategy to protect the health
of civilians against biological terrorism is the development, organization, and en-
hancement of public health prevention systems and tools. Priorities include
strengthened public health laboratory capacity, increased surveillance and outbreak
investigation capacity, and health communications, education, and training at the
federal, state, and local levels. Not only will this approach ensure that we are better
prepared for deliberate bioterrorist threats, but it will also enable us to recognize
and control naturally occurring new or re-emerging infectious diseases. A strong and
flexible public health infrastructure is the best defense against any disease out-
Thank you very much for your attention. I will be happy to answer any questions
you may have.
Senator HARKIN. Dr. LeDuc, thank you very much for your testi-
Now we turn to Dr. Friedman. Dr. Friedman.
Dr. FRIEDMAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator Byrd, Senator
Specter, Senator Stevens. On behalf of the men and women who
are the member companies in the Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America, I thank you for this opportunity to de-
scribe our deep commitment to the national effort to counter bioter-
rorism and specifically our response to smallpox.
In my new position I am focusing on ways in which we can co-
ordinate and facilitate the pharmaceutical industrys efforts with
government and with others to protect the public health. This is a
time of unprecedented public health threats and the pharma-
ceutical industry is completely committed to the government and to
the American people to counter this threat. We are already work-
ing in a variety of ways to address these issues.
We are uniquely qualified to do so. Our scientists have the inge-
nuity, the energy, the knowledge, the capability, and the commit-
ment to meet the threat. We are providing antibiotics. We will be
providing vaccines. We are making our company scientists avail-
able. We are offering government all the tangible resources that we
can to assist. The reason we are doing this is because its our clear
duty as American citizens.
We have made many tangible and important contributions, and
that is outlined in my written testimony and in the interest of time
I will not go through all of those here. Suffice it to say that within
hours of the terrorist attack on September 11 our companies began
responding in a variety of tangible ways to try and help, and that
continues today.
In addition, we reached out to the President, to the Secretary of
Health and Human Services, to Governor Ridge and the Office of
Homeland Security, to ask them what can we do to complement
government activities and to make a more integral overall defense
of the Nation. We formed within our organization our own emer-
gency preparedness task force to direct our efforts at bioterrorism,
both from an administrative point of view and a separate com-
mittee on a scientific level to try and do that.
We have had the privilege of meeting twice with Secretary
Thompson very recently, once with Governor Ridge, to discuss very
specifically identifying the priority needs that the government has
and how we can help address those things. We are committed to
working with organizations represented on this panel and other or-
ganizations within the government to fully address these issues.
It has been pointed out to you that the global success of vaccina-
tion has caused the smallpox threat to diminish until just very re-
cently. Let me outline, if I may, very quickly what several of our
companies are engaged in at this moment. Initially, several of our
companies were contacted by the government in late September
about the feasibility of manufacturing a new version of smallpox
vaccine. Today I am pleased to report that they have made really
extraordinary efforts to respond in record time.
Even before the formal request for information was issued, they
had brought to bear considerable resources to this project, re-
directing other priorities and surveying their existing technical ca-
pabilities, recognizing what would be needed. They put in place
their efforts to respond. Within a week of receiving the initial re-
quest, our companies were here in Washington, presenting to a dis-
tinguished panel of experts formed by the government what our ca-
pabilities for each of those companies might be in the response to
that initial request.
This has been a herculean effort. Normally it takes many years
to produce a new vaccine, but the government needs it more quick-
ly. They have said that their expectation is 300 million doses, as
Dr. Fauci has mentioned, produced within 1 year. This is an ex-
traordinary effort. We are up to this effort and our individual com-
panies are prepared to do what is necessary.
A new vaccine will be needed. New technology will be employed.
It will not be the old vaccine produced in the old way. That rep-
resents a number of challenges. But I was astonished to learn that
if you just add up the number of years of experience that the four
companies within our organization bring to this problem, it is 400
years of combined experience, and that is a tremendous resource
that we can offer to the American public.
We recognize that there are a number of specific issues and prob-
lems that will need to be dealt with. This contracting process is
still ongoing and so I cannot speak to any of the specifics. But our
companies are fully committed to this and we are working well
with government agencies.
The government is best able to assess and identify the risks of
various possible agents. Our responsibility, as vibrant and vigorous
research organizations, is to bring about those treatments to ad-
dress those specific needs. We feel it is a privilege to be able to
serve in that capacity.
Just weeks ago, when stories first began breaking about cases of anthrax expo-
sure in Florida, the nation quickly became aware that Cipro, manufactured by a
PhRMA Member Company, Bayer, was the initial treatment of choice for anthrax
exposure. Let me briefly explain what several of our companies have done to specifi-
cally respond to fight anthrax:
Bayer has donated four million tablets of Cipro to HHS for emergency workers
on the frontlines and the postal workers who may have been exposed to an-
thrax-laden mail. They have also tripled production of Cipro to 15 million tab-
lets a week, ensuring that an ample supply of Cipro is available. They have
pledged to the U.S. government that they will produce 200 million tablets in
the next 90 days for its stockpile. Last, Bayer will sell Cipro to the government
at deeply reduced prices.
Abbott will supply the antibiotics Biaxin and erythomycin, if approved by the
FDA for the treatment of anthrax, free to the government for any victims. Ab-
bott is also sending shipments of its antibiotics to the Department of Defense
for U.S. military troops involved in the current effort.
Bristol-Myers Squibb will make its antibiotic Tequin available free to people in-
fected by or exposed to anthrax if the FDA approves its use against anthrax.
It will also consider sharing the Tequin license with the government or other
companies in the unlikely event the need should exceed the supply.
GlaxoSmithKline is working with the government on expeditious review of two
antibiotics, Amoxil and Augmentin, to be used in the treatment of anthrax. It
will make these medicines available to the government free of charge for indi-
viduals exposed to, or diagnosed with, anthrax.
Johnson & Johnson is seeking FDA approval of an existing antibiotic, Levaquin,
for the treatment of anthrax and will make up to 100 million tablets of the med-
icine available to the government free of charge.
Pharmacia Corporation will make available to the government free of charge an
antibiotic, Cleocin HCl, to treat anthrax infection, pending FDA approval for the
treatment of anthrax. Other Pharmacia antibiotics are also in laboratory testing
to determine efficacy against anthrax and other biological agents.
Pfizer has increased production of an antibiotic, Vibramycin, which is indicated
for the treatment of the cutaneous and inhalation forms of anthrax. Pfizer is
also in discussions with public health authorities regarding the possible utility
of the companys other human antibiotics. It has also pledged that it will make
no profit on medicines supplied to the government to fight bioterrorism.
Eli Lilly and Company will provide any of its antibiotics that are found to be
effective against anthrax at cost to victims of bioterrorism.
On October 19, 2001, PhRMAs Emergency Preparedness Task Force met with
Secretary Thompson to offer the industrys assistance in responding to the national
bioterrorism threats. By October 26, 2001, a follow-up meeting was held with Sec-
retary Thompson to continue sharing information and offering assistance.
As part of this meeting, we pledged to Secretary Thompson a wide array of sup-
port. In addition to the Task Force on Emergency Preparedness composed of indus-
try leaders, we also established a Bioterrorism Group of Scientific Experts composed
of leading scientists. Through the Task Force, the Bioterrorism Group of Scientific
Experts, and myself, we are offering our assistance to the United States Office of
Homeland Security, HHS, CDC and any other government agency that we are asked
to serve.
On October 31, 2001, our Emergency Preparedness Task Force met with Governor
Ridge to offer the industrys support in responding to bioterrorism threats.
In addition to pledging our leading scientists, several companies have stepped for-
ward with other offers of assistance, including:
Bristol Myers-Squibb will provide a dedicated antibioterrorism team of 2025
scientists specialized in anti-bacterial research who will initiate a multiprong
attack on the microbial weapons of bioterrorism. This team will purse research
under government direction and be fully funded by Bristol Myers-Squibb.
Merck-Medco will help state and federal authorities distribute antibiotics as
needed and will use its technology and expertise to transform stockpiles of
medicines into individual prescriptions. In New Jersey, Merck-Medco is on call
to assist the state in dispensing antibiotics to approximately 1,500 postal work-
ers, if needed.
Pfizer will put its extensive distribution network and warehouses at the dis-
posal of the government to ship medicines as needed.
Abbott is testing existing antibiotics to see if they would be effective against bio-
terrorism organisms and offering the assistance of its experts in infectious dis-
Johnson & Johnson will makes its scientific and research capabilities, manufac-
turing facilities, distribution channels and public information and education ca-
pabilities available to the government to deal with the crisis.
Aventis is offering technical and scientific support to the government in the de-
velopment of new vaccines and antibiotics manufacturing.
Pharmacia will provide confidential access to its internal scientific information,
animal model systems and chemical libraries to government officials.
The industry will make many of its manufacturing facilities and delivery sys-
tems available to the government, upon request.
In addition to concerns over anthrax exposure, attention and concern is now being
focused on other diseases, such as small pox. As you know, the small pox vaccine
was credited with eradicating the disease on a global basis. As a result, public
health officials terminated the vaccination program within the U.S. in the 1970s.
Several of our companies were initially contacted by the U.S. government in late
September about the feasibility of manufacturing a new version of the small pox
vaccine. I am pleased to report that they have each made an extraordinary and un-
precedented effort, to respond in record time.
Even before the formal Request for Information (RFI), they brought resources to
bear on this project, redirecting priorities and surveying existing technical capabili-
ties that could be put into place to address this prospective public health emergency.
Within a week of receiving the RFI, our companies were here in Washington making
presentations to our nations public health authorities as to their individual capa-
bilities to produce the necessary amount of small pox vaccine.
This is no small task as the normal course of vaccine manufacturing scale-up is
a process than can take 58 years.
Our government has requested enough doses of vaccine for the entire U.S. popu-
lace (300 million doses) and to have this vaccine available within one year. Our in-
dustry stands ready to meet this request.
Since the vaccine has not been produced in nearly a quarter of a century, the
United States only has a relatively small amount of this vaccine on hand. In addi-
tion, the manufacturing process by which that vaccine was made is not deemed ac-
ceptable by modern day standards. Rather than growing Vaccinia (the virus that the
small pox vaccine is based on) in cows, a new process of growing it in cell culture
must be scaled-up. Developing the appropriate cell culture system and manufac-
turing capabilities present challenges. However, our vaccine companies can and will
meet this challenge. Collectively they have hundreds of company-years of experience
in research, scaling up production, and manufacturing and distributing vaccines
against many major public health threats.
It is the pharmaceutical industry that manufactured the original small pox vac-
cine. They have developed numerous viral vaccines for prophylaxis against diseases
such as mumps, measles, rubella, polio, and hepatitis and have extraordinary expe-
rience in the type of large scale manufacturing operations that lead me to be opti-
mistic that this challenge can be met.
An initial assessment suggests that with extraordinary efforts and an unprece-
dented crash program, 300 million doses of Vaccinia could be available by the mid-
dle of next year. Of course, many tens of millions of doses could be available consid-
erably earlier.
There is no doubt that developing the capabilities to produce enough quantity in
a quick time frame will be a massive, unprecedented undertaking requiring compa-
nies to retool their production processes on a scale never previously contemplated.
Clearly a number of the critical issues will be addressed when the government
issues its formal Request for Proposal (RFP) that we understand will be forthcoming
It is also vital that there be a concerted effort on the part of the FDA to work
with industry as this new vaccine is developed. FDA must provide swift and clear
guidance to any of the prospective manufacturers of this new small pox vaccine as
to the expected requirements for licensure. This is critical as the new process for
producing this vaccine is markedly different than the process used in the past.
There are two components to this. First, the new vaccine must be evaluated to en-
sure that it is as efficacious as the older, animal-sourced vaccine. This will require
some comparative clinical trials, which should be conducted on an expedited basis.
Second, the manufacturing facility or facilities will have to be inspected for manu-
facturing compliance. It is our assessment that the FDA has all of the requisite au-
thority to make this a priority.
The U.S. government and the pharmaceutical companies have the same goal
protecting the public health. We will assist the government in any way we can to
protect the health of our nations citizens.
We are offering our assistance to the government to help educate consumers and
the medical community. We are in the process of establishing a consumer-friendly
web site to educate and inform the public. In a meeting with Governor Ridge earlier
this week, our companies also offered the use of their work forces, who meet and
visit with doctors on a regular basis, to be a tool the government can use to educate
doctors about potential public health threats related to bioterrorism.
We will also continue to do what we dodevelop new medicines. Today, there are
19 antibiotics and 42 vaccines currently in development, including vaccines for
AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. Continuing research and development of new medi-
cines, both to conquer natural diseases and to assure that our countrys citizens
have the best possible defenses against bioterrorism. Our armed forces and public
safety workers are the nations first defense. Our countrys unparalleled scientific
capabilitiescharacterized by innovation, nimbleness and extraordinary creativity
in fighting diseasestand immediately behind them in protecting the public health.
Our government is in the best position to assess the risk of the use of threat
agents. This is a difficult task and I know that the health and defense authorities
are hard at work on it. We will make our expertise available to assist in designing
the right responses to threats. As needed steps are identified, we will do what is
necessary to respond, including making the best treatment options available.
Dr. LEDUC. You could certainly get it from the virus itself in the
equivalent of a petri dish or from a clinically ill individual, that is
true. It could be concentrated. It could be disseminated by air.
Senator STEVENS. But I am looking to the question, how can we
protect the community against exposure? We have immigrants
coming in, we have people coming with visas. To our knowledge, we
have no cases of smallpox in the United States today, so this would
be something that would have to be imported, right?
Dr. LEDUC. There are no cases anywhere in the world today. The
disease has been eradicated, so the virus that causes the illness
only occurs in test tubes in stored stocks.
Senator STEVENS. I do not want to prolong it, either, but I think
we have a real problem in trying to assess as we go forward now
with this money we have available this year the priorities of where
we put the money. Very clearly, one of the basic priorities that I
have had is the research to determine what substances might be
used as weapons.
Dr. Fauci.
Dr. FAUCI. Senator Stevens, let me address directly the direction
I believe you were going in, about what we need to do, be it easily
recognizable or not, even if we were absolutely correct and expert
in recognizing a case of smallpox in this country. That would imme-
diately trigger the need and justification for having vaccine avail-
able, because just one case, even if you recognize it totally accu-
rately, tells you that smallpox has been introduced to our society
and we need to be prepared with a vaccine.
Senator STEVENS. How about a timetable on that, doctor? If you
have an exposure in West Virginia, how soon thereafter with the
community at large, the whole country, have to have vaccine if they
desired to have vaccine?
Dr. FAUCI. If you fulfilled the strategy of isolating the case and
it is only a West Virginia case, and do what I mentioned before
about identification, isolation, contact, tracing and vaccination
around the case, you can do that at the local level. If you had
multifocal cases, then it becomes very complicated.
There was an experiment done that I, interestingly, as a child
was part of. That was in 1947 in New York City. There was a mis-
diagnosis of a case of smallpox that was felt to be chickenpox. An
individual went into a hospital and exposed a number of people.
Twelve people were infected, 2 people died. The public health ap-
proach to that was exactly what we said. There was isolation, quar-
antine, and vaccination within a 2-week period of 6.3 million New
Yorkers, one of which was me at that time. That is how that poten-
tial epidemic was curtailed.
That is exactly what the first-line approach would be. The critical
issue is if it is a multifocal outbreak, where it is not just New York
City or West Virginia, that is the reason why we are talking about
the need to have smallpox vaccination on hand.
Dr. BARRY. Could I just clarify for my perspective as a local
health person. Let us say we have a case come in the Massachu-
setts General Emergency Room and the docs there immediately
recognize that this is smallpox and they call us at the local health
department. First of all, you have to realize that person has been
wandering around the city of Boston now for a number of days and
pared to do things that have never been done before, that is what
I am talking about.
Senator SPECTER. Dr. Friedman, I understand that. I understand
that they understand it is an emergency. But the question is how
soon for 100 million people or how soon for 200 million people and
how soon for 280 million people. We know they are prepared to
move ahead, but how soon if cost is no object.
I want to turn now to the question of vaccination. Under normal
circumstances, you do not vaccinate because the risks of vaccina-
tion are higher than the risks of contracting smallpox. The Wash-
ington Post had last Sunday characterizing Smallpox may be the
scariest thing in the biowarfare arsenal. Specifically when the
Post writer Shannon Brownley comes down to the issue of vaccina-
tion, the statement is made: A biological attack with smallpox
virus, though perhaps not as unlikely as it was just weeks ago, is
still a low probability, high impact event.
The experts are said to be opposed to vaccination because of the
adverse consequences. Well, it seems to me that that is a valid con-
clusion under normal circumstances, when you take the likelihood
of bad reaction or even death. But I question that in the context
of a bioterrorist attack. Now, that is very, very hard to quantify,
but it seems to me as a matter of common sense that vaccination
may be preferable. But those odds are totally changed.
What about that, Dr. LeDuc? First of all, what are the risks with
vaccination? I had heard one out of 4,000 would result in death. Dr.
Fauci says no. What are the risks, Dr. Fauci?
Dr. FAUCI. There is a bracket depending on the study and the
bracket goes anywhere from one to six per million deaths. There
are a lot of serious complications that do not necessarily result in
death, but mortality is anywhere from one if you look at the 1968
study, or an early study, it goes up to six or so per million.
Senator SPECTER. So why not vaccinate if the risks are that pro-
portioned? Dr. Fauci?
Dr. FAUCI. As I said before, Senator Specter, I believe that we
should seriously consider that, depending upon what the risks are.
Right now the risk is unclear with regard to the unleashing of a
smallpox bioterrorism attack.
Senator SPECTER. Dr. Fauci, are the risks ever going to be other
than unclear?
Dr. FAUCI. If you have good intelligence or an index caselet me,
if you would permit me, Senator, to just very quickly go through
some scenarios. If you have very good intelligence and we know
there clearly is smallpox available and it will be used as a bioter-
rorism weapon, that weighs toward what you are alluding to. If
there is an index case, even if it is not in the United States, that
weighs a little bit more. If we have an index case, that makes it
very, very heavy.
So myself as a physician, as an infectious disease person, am not
at all against vaccination. But we need to weigh the risk-benefits
as they evolve. There is a risk, but it may be that those risks
should be acceptable. I would not deny that at all. It is entirely
conceivable that we will have to accept those risks and vaccinate
people. But at this point in time, given the uncertainty as to
whether or not there is even material available to mount a bioter-
Dr. LEDUC. We are indeed. Thank you very much for that. We
thank you for that.
Senator SPECTER. All you had to do was ask.
Dr. LEDUC. Thank you.
Senator HARKIN. I just might say to Senator Byrd, both of us
have been down there and looked at CDC. We paid a lot of atten-
tion to NIH, rightfully so. We doubled their funding in about 5
years, Senator Specter and I.
Senator SPECTER. May I interject at this point, Mr. Chairman,
just for a comment or two?
Senator HARKIN. Let me just finish my statement. I was just
going to say that we both visited CDC. The CDC is our front-line
defense in America against illnesses and public health. They are
spread out all over the place. Some of their labs date back to World
War II buildings, really, literally. I could not believe it when I saw
how out of date they are.
In fact, I learned when I was down there, they made a movie,
one of these scary movies.
Dr. LEDUC. Outbreak, I think, Outbreak.
Senator HARKIN. Outbreak. I saw it. It is one of those movies
about an outbreak of disease. They wanted to film a movie, they
wanted to film at CDC to show the buildings and how they do all
of this. I was told that the buildings were so decrepit and old that
the movie producers decided to build their own set because the peo-
ple would not believe it.
Is that true?
Dr. LEDUC. Yes, sir, that is true. But we are getting better and
we appreciate your help.
Senator HARKIN. I am just saying that is why we need to rebuild
that. Can we use the movie set? No?
Senator SPECTER. I wanted to make a comment about our level
of preparedness and it ties in to what happened with the Center
for Disease Control. There had never been a request by the Depart-
ment of Health and Human Services to improve the physical plant
there. Senator Harkin and I heard about it from the people in At-
lanta and we took the initiative to go down there. I spent a Sunday
taking a look at it and had a hard time. I had heard that it was
awful, but what I had heard was wrong. It was worse.
On the initiative of this subcommittee, last year we put in $170
million. That is hard to find in our budget, but we did it because
of the importance. This year we put $250 million in before Sep-
tember 11 occurred. But to be candid or really blunt, I do not like
what I am hearing today. Senator Harkin says we are on the right
track and I think we are, but we are a long way from the station,
just a long way from the station.
Now, when it came to the National Institutes of Health this sub-
committee took the lead 6 years ago to ask a lot of hard questions.
We saw what NIH could do on Parkinsons and Alzheimers and
heart disease and cancer, and every year we brought in the 25 di-
rectors of NIHyou were always here, Dr. Fauciand we said, if
we give you a billion dollars more next year, what can you do with
it? Then we put a billion in 5 years ago.
We had to take it out of the budget that we had because the
Budget Committee would not give us more. $2 billion the year after
and $2.3 billion. Every year we brought in the experts and said,
what did you do with the extra money last year and if you get more
money what will you do with it next year.
But we did not have the foresight to ask you about diseases.
Candidly, Dr. LeDuc, I think the Center for Disease Control should
have come to this subcommittee and should have said, smallpox is
a problem, we have only got 15 million vaccines, maybe we can di-
lute them one to five.
Now, I asked Dr. Koplan, the head of CDC, on October 23 to give
us a list of all the possibilities of bioterrorism and what it would
cost. But I think the American people have the standing to be very
dissatisfied with what their government has done. The first respon-
sibility of government is security of the people, and we have so
hamstrung the CIA when we had people who were informants that
were not Boy Scouts that we precluded the CIA from having those
informants to deal with intelligence. So we are vastly unprepared
on intelligence.
Now you could itemize the dangers of smallpox which we are
talking about today, and as we took the initiative on NIH because
we understood that, and we talked about bioterrorism, we put a lot
of money into it, but not nearly enough. So I think what we really
have to do is face up to the failures and find out how fast it can
be done.
I think the American people have a right to be very dissatisfied
with what we have done for them.
Dr. LEDUC. Sir, I will relay that message.
Senator HARKIN. Dr. Friedman, did you have something you
want to add?
Dr. FRIEDMAN. Not directly to Senator Specters point, but if you
will allow me to go back to the point you were making, Mr. Chair-
man, if you would allow me to make just a brief comment on the
military metaphor that you talked about. Senator Specter was talk-
ing about it, Senator Byrd as well. There are differences between
wars. You make a mistake if you compare one with the other. But
if you think that we were not well prepared when World War II
started, the country had to do a lot of work and there were a lot
of mistakes made in terms of how quickly we came up to speed, it
is not inappropriate to make that comparison.
From my point of view, if you think that our industrial might
really helped us to win World War II, and I think that most people
would say that it did, what I would suggest to you this morning
is that for this war the pharmaceutical industry is the most perti-
nent power for helping us to defend our freedom. We are not going
to do it alone, but we are going to provide the weapons for the pub-
lic health infrastructure that everyone is talking about here today
and which absolutely needs to be improved.
We can provide those weapons and we want to be the industrial
might that helps win this war.
Senator HARKIN. Dr. Friedman, as a matter of fact I had a ques-
tion here. Dr. Friedman, what do we need to do to move this for-
ward more rapidly? I made a note here about joint government-in-
dustry effort like World War II.
Dr. FRIEDMAN. Yes, sir.
Senator HARKIN. Just like what we did in World War II. The gov-
ernment joined with the auto industry, it joined with the aircraft
industry, it joined with all kinds of industries in a joint effort. I
think we can use that.
You are right, not every war is the same. But it seems to me that
you are right, the pharmaceutical industry in this country is the
best in the world. We take a back seat to no one. Our pharma-
ceutical industry, our research scientists, our ability to develop and
bring to market new drugs and new remedies is unparalleled any-
where in the world, anywhere in history, any time in history.
Dr. FRIEDMAN. That is right, sir.
Senator HARKIN. It seems to me this is the group we have got
to go to now to ramp up and to provide the kind of protections our
people need. I hope that with this committee and with other com-
mittees of the Congress that we could have that kind of joint gov-
ernment-industry cooperation. I see no reason why we cannot.
Dr. FRIEDMAN. We appreciate that, sir. Thank you.
Senator HARKIN. Senator Byrd, I know I wanted to recognize
you. You said you wanted to say something?
Senator BYRD. Mr. Chairman, I found so interesting your ques-
tions and the questions of others on the panel. I feel that I have
gained a great deal of knowledge here today and I think that we
four, you and Senator Specter and Senator Stevens and I, are in
a position here on this Appropriations Committee to do something
about this war and I believe we will.
Now, my mother died in the great influenza epidemic in 1918,
and people contracted the disease one day and were buried the
next or perhaps died the same afternoon. That epidemic killed 20
million people around the world, 12 million in India and probably
750,000 in this country.
My question would be this. I hardly know how to phrase it. In
the context of todays circumstances, todays treatments, todays
abilities to recognize anthrax, smallpox, and influenza, and all of
the various aspects, if an enemy were to seek to somehow spread
any one of these three pathogens, how would you rate the one most
dangerous, the one most dangerous to us as a Nation, the one per-
haps most easily spread by an enemy?
Which would be worseI will narrow it downbetween anthrax
and smallpox? If you were the enemy, which would you think could
cause the greatest damage to our countrythat is No. 1.
No. 2, what is the lifespan of the smallpox virus? If it were re-
leased into the air over in McLean where I live and if the wind is
blowing this way, how long, how far would that virus be potent?
What is its lifespan?
That leads me to think that if an enemy sought to diffuse this
smallpox virus in the air somehow, if he were of a nation across
the Atlantic, would he need to be cautious lest this wind drive this
virus across the sea to his own country?
Dr. LEDUC. I do not have accurate information on the stability
of smallpox virus. I know it is a rather stable virus, especially in
the crust after a person has been infected. As an airborne particle,
I would assume, like many viruses, that it would be degraded over
time by UV, sunlight, radiation. I do not think it would be crossing
Thank you all very much for being here, that concludes our hear-
[Whereupon, at 11:01 a.m., Friday, November 2, the sub-
committee was recessed, to reconvene subject to the call of the
Washington, DC.
The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:08 a.m. in room
SD192, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Tom Harkin [chair-
man] presiding.
Present: Senators Harkin [presiding], Kohl, Landrieu, Specter,
and Stevens.
We would act and get prepared now, and that is what we have to
do in the public health sector.
That is why Senator Specter and I are finalizing legislation that
we will introduce later today hopefully, much of it based on this
mornings testimony. Our plan would be to boost our Nations de-
fenses against bioterrorism. Among other things, we would put the
bulk of the funding, $1.3 billion, into improving our public health
departments, shoring up local lab capacity, and expanding the
health alert network. Our proposal would also allocate $200 million
for research at NIH on new vaccines.
Earlier this month our subcommittee heard testimony from Dr.
Fauci, who is with us this morning, about the promising future of
antivirals against smallpox, and so we want to see again how much
more we need to invest in that area.
Our plan also provides substantially more money to boost the
work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We need
to upgrade their overburdened lab capacity and their disease sur-
veillance systems.
We need to do more this year to make sure that Americans are
fully protected against anthrax, smallpox, other types of pathogens
that might be used in a bioterrorist attack. We have a distin-
guished panel of witnesses before us today. I really want to thank
them for joining us. I would, before I yield to Senator Specter,
again just pay my respects and my accolades to you, Dr. Koplan
especially, and for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
for all of the great work that you have done out there in respond-
ing to the anthrax attacks that have been bedeviling us around the
country. I know you have got your investigators hot on the trail.
I know they are working hard.
I think Americans everywhere ought to understand that these
soldiers working for the Centers for Disease Control are putting
their lives at risk every day, in much the same way as our soldiers
in Afghanistan are putting their lives at risk. These are the people
that go out, that have to expose themselves openly to anthrax, as
the case may be right now. They are doing the lab work and they
are exposing themselves to the possibility that they too might get
So I just wanted to point that out that they have been doing a
great job under very trying circumstances. I hope, Dr. Koplan, you
will pass on to all of the people that work in the Centers for Dis-
ease Control our high esteem and our genuine thanks and appre-
ciation for all of the hard work that they are doing and the risks
that they are taking on themselves for tracking down this anthrax
Dr. KOPLAN. Thank you. That means a lot to us.
Senator HARKIN. Senator Specter.
I asked questions about the files and the books in our offices and
I was told, no, they did not open those. They did not open the files
and they did not open the books, because they do not believe the
spores would go there. Well, you try to tell that to a bunch of young
college graduates. Yesterday I tried. It was not acceptable.
I think we have to have some answers and we have to have them
pretty quick. But we have not had that kind of answer. I would as-
sume someone had tried to determine the characteristics of this an-
thrax that was headed toward the Senate and the House, but par-
ticularly the Senate.
So I am going to have some questions about that. I hope that
that is all right with the committee, when we get to that time.
But I do welcome you. Again, we have not spent much time to-
gether, Dr. Koplan, but I had some interesting education with Dr.
Fauci and I hope to get more today.
Thank you very much.
Senator HARKIN. Thank you, Senator Stevens.
We will turn to our first panel: Dr. Jeffrey Koplan, Director of
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. After him we will
then turn without interruption and without questions to Dr. Fauci,
who is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infec-
tious Diseases at NIH. So welcome. Your statements will be made
a part of the record in their entirety. Dr. Koplan, we will turn to
you first.
Dr. KOPLAN. Good morning and thank you, Mr. Chairman, Sen-
ator Specter, Senator Kohl, Senator Stevens. I am pleased to ap-
pear before you today on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, the CDC, and thank you for the invitation to dis-
cuss CDCs public health response to the threat of bioterrorism.
The terrorist events on and since September 11th have been de-
fining moments for all of us and they have greatly sharpened the
Nations focus on public health. But even before the September
11th attack on the United States, CDC with the support of this
subcommittee was making substantial progress to define, develop,
and implement a nationwide public health response network to in-
crease public health capacity at local, State and Federal level.
Since September 11th we have dramatically increased our ef-
forts, resulting in a heightened level of preparedness which we are
committed to increase even further based on lessons learned in re-
cent months.
CDC has used funds provided by the Congress to begin the proc-
ess of improving the expertise, facilities, and procedures at State
and local health departments and then within CDC itself related
to bioterrorism. We have established a bioterrorism preparedness
and response program to direct and coordinate our efforts. We have
over 100 full-time professionals comprising expertise in epidemi-
ology, laboratory science, surveillance. Over the last 3 years we
have awarded over $130 million in cooperative agreements to 50
States, a territory, and 4 major metropolitan health departments to
support preparedness, planning and readiness, epidemiology and
surveillance, laboratory capacity, and improved communications.
Since September 11th, we have sent over 500 CDC staff to the
field. For example, at the height of the anthrax response here in
the Washington, D.C., area, we had 85 staff present. Currently in
Connecticut in the investigation we have over 25 staff present
working with the Connecticut State Health Department. These ex-
perts include epidemiologists, industrial hygienists involved in en-
vironmental sampling, laboratorians, communications specialists,
logisticians, management staff.
CDC has also been working with many of the States where there
have not been documented anthrax cases because there have been
threats and hoaxes and hundreds of thousands of laboratory speci-
mens sent to these States, putting a tremendous burden on every
State in the country. In some instances we have augmented their
staff with staff of our own to assist them in getting through the
work load that they had.
We have launched an effort to improve health laboratories across
the country in a network, a laboratory response network, improving
our capability of detecting bioterrorist agents quickly and accu-
rately, and we have done that in partnership with a number of
other groups and laboratories.
We have tried to improve communications systems which are an-
tiquated and in which, for example, less than half of the health de-
partments in this country have direct, secure Internet linkage in
a national communications system for public health.
We have worked to get pharmaceutical materials available to
places in need and we have in place large amounts of materials
that include antibiotics, antidotes, vaccines, materials for blood loss
and trauma, available to any site in the country within 12 hours
of a request for deployment. As an example, in New York the mate-
rials were provided within 7 hours of the request and being distrib-
uted for use.
A critical issue is preparedness of State and local health depart-
ments in this effort. They need to have plans in place to deal with
terrorism. Those plans need to include distribution of supplies,
such as pharmaceuticals, vaccines, antibiotics. Currently CDC
funds only nine States and two cities to do such planning.
Security is a major issue, for facilities in particular, and at CDC
we pay particular attention and effort to this, but have more to do
to increase the quality and status of our security at several sites.
Our challenges for the future. While we have accomplished a
great deal in the past 10 weeks, several challenges remain. One,
it is critical that we bolster the infrastructure of State and local
health departments in the areas such as early detection, laboratory
analysis, crisis communications, and epidemiologic capability.
In addition, we need to forge closer working relationships be-
tween clinical medicine and public health, between hospitals in our
communities, local health departments, law enforcement, other
first responders.
Another important opportunity is to strengthen our relationship
with other Federal agencies. While institutions such as the Na-
tional Institutes of Health and the CDC and the FDA work closely
together many, many times a day, we need to broaden that to in-
clude the law enforcement community. As we have seen in recent
events, a close working relationship can be very helpful in dealing
When that playing field is level, when there are no weak spots,
then we will be truly capable of dealing with a wide range of
threats as they come to us. But a strong and flexible public health
infrastructure is our best defense.
[The statement follows:]
Good morning, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee. I am pleased
to appear before you on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). Thank you for the invitation to discuss CDCs public health response to the
threat of bioterrorism.
The terrorist events on and since September 11th have been defining moments
for all of us-and they have greatly sharpened the Nations focus on public health.
Even before the September 11th attack on the United States, CDC was making sub-
stantial progress to define, develop, and implement a nationwide public health re-
sponse network to increase the capacity of public health officials at all levels-local,
State, and Federal-to prepare for and respond to deliberate attacks on the health
of our citizens. Since September 11th we have dramatically increased our efforts,
resulting in a heightened level of preparedness, which we are committed to increase
even further based on lessons learned in recent months.
CDCs top priority is to protect the Nations health. To do this, CDC focuses on
building a solid public health infrastructureat CDC, as well as at the State and
local level to protect the health of all citizens. As recent events have shown so dra-
matically, we must be constantly vigilant to protect our nations health and security.
The war on terrorism is being fought on many fronts, and we must ensure a strong,
robust public health system to be on guard at all times to prevent and respond to
multiple and simultaneous terrorist acts. The arsenal of terrorism may include bio-
logical, chemical, and radiological agents as well as conventional and non-conven-
tional weapons, as the attack on the World Trade Center so vividly attests.
CDC has used funds provided by Congress to begin the process of improving the
expertise, facilities and procedures of State and local health departments and within
CDC itself related to bioterrorism. CDC has established a Bioterrorism Prepared-
ness and Response Program to direct and coordinate our activities. CDC has a dedi-
cated anti-bioterrorism staff of more than 100 full-time professionals comprising ex-
pertise in epidemiology, surveillance, and laboratory diagnostics.
Over the last three years, we have awarded more than $130 million in cooperative
agreements to 50 States, one territory and four major metropolitan health depart-
ments to support,
(1) Preparedness planning and readiness assessment;
(2) Epidemiology and surveillance
(3) Laboratory capacity for biological or chemical agents; and
(4) The Health Alert Network (a nationwide, integrated, electronic communica-
tions system).
Since September 11, we have sent almost 500 CDC staff to the field. For Example,
at the height of the anthrax response in the Nations Capital, there were 85 staff
in Washington, DC alone. These experts included epidemiologists, industrial hygien-
ists involved in environmental sampling and clean up, laboratorians, communica-
tions specialist to assist with media relations, and logistics and management staff.
CDC not only investigated cases that proved to be anthrax in four States and the
District of Columbia, but also investigated suspicious cases in six other States.
These cases proved not to be anthrax, but required CDC assistance to go through
the process of ruling them out. CDC experts were needed to augment the staff of
State and local health departments, who would have been severely overtaxed with-
out our help. The Administration has requested $20 million through the Emergency
Response Fund to create additional specialized Federal teams and place additional
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers in more States.
CDC has launched an effort to improve health laboratories that likely would be
called upon to identify a biological or chemical attack. The Laboratory Response
Network (LRN), a partnership among the Association of Public Health Laboratories
(APHL), CDC, FBI, State Public Health Laboratories, DOD and the Nations clinical
laboratories, will help ensure that the highest level of containment and expertise
in the identification of rare and lethal biological agents is available in an emergency
event. The LRN also includes the Rapid Response and Advanced Technology Labora-
tory at CDC, which has the responsibility of providing rapid and accurate triage and
subsequent analysis of biological agents suspected of being terrorist weapons. The
Administration has requested $35 million under the Emergency Response Fund to
improve State and local health departments laboratory capacity and improve CDCs
internal laboratory capacity.
The CDC is also working to provide coordinated communications in the public
health system, between Federal agencies and between public health officials and the
public itself. To this end, CDC has the Epidemic Information Exchange (EPIX).
The EPIX is a secure, Web-based communications network that will strengthen
bioterrorism preparedness efforts by facilitating the sharing of preliminary informa-
tion about disease outbreaks and other health events among officials across jurisdic-
tions and provide experience in the use of a secure communication system.
CDC has invested $90 million in the Health Alert Network (HAN), a nationwide
system that will distribute health advisories, prevention guidelines, distance learn-
ing, national disease surveillance information, laboratory findings and other infor-
mation relevant to State and local readiness for handling disease outbreaks. HAN
provides high-speed Internet connections for local health officials; rapid communica-
tions with first responder agencies and others; transmission of surveillance, labora-
tory and other sensitive data; and on-line, Internet- and satellite-based distance
learning. With the addition of several recent awards, CDC has provided HAN fund-
ing and technical assistance to 50 State health agencies, Guam, the District of Co-
lumbia, three metropolitan health departments and three exemplar Centers for Pub-
lic Health Preparedness. The Administration has requested an additional $40 mil-
lion through the Emergency Response Fund to improve and expand these systems.
CDC also manages the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile (NPS), which provides
us with the ability to rapidly respond to a domestic biological or chemical terrorist
event with antibiotics, antidotes, vaccines and medical materiel to help save lives
and prevent further spread of disease resulting from the terrorist threat agent. The
NPS Program provides an initial, broad-based response within 12 hours of the Fed-
eral authorization to deploy, followed by a prompt and more targeted response as
dictated by the specific nature of the biological or chemical agent that is used. The
first emergency deployment of the NPS occurred in response to the tragedy in New
York City.
We saw just how critical local planning iseach State and community needs to
plan for terrorism. The planning process builds essential relationships among public
health, emergency management, and health care providers. And this coordination,
especially with law enforcement must be strongat the Federal, State, and local
levelas the anthrax investigations have highlighted. Currently, CDC funds only
nine States and two cities to do this planning. Under the Administrations Emer-
gency Response Fund request, an additional $10 million will allow all States and
territories to receive funding for planning and preparedness activities.
In light of the recent terrorist attacks, it is important for CDC to improve security
in its facilities. CDC received an additional $3 million in the initial Administration
release of Emergency Response Funds, and the Administrations Emergency Re-
sponse Fund request also includes an additional $30 million to secure CDC facilities,
particularly where special pathogens may be stored. Also, as mentioned earlier,
there is an additional $20 million to improve and upgrade CDCs internal laboratory
Although we have accomplished a great deal in the past 10 weeks, we have sev-
eral remaining challenges .
First, it is critical that we bolster infrastructure in State and local health depart-
ments. As evidenced by our experiences following the September 11th and anthrax
incidents, public health departments are at the frontlines of emergency response.
State and local health departments need expanded capacities and resources for key
preparedness and response functions such as early detection, laboratory analysis,
and crisis communications.
In addition, we must continue to forge relationships between clinical care and
public health. It was through the efforts of clinicians that we were able to identify
the cases of anthrax. These physicians reported the cases to their local public health
authorities and obtained laboratory specimens for analysis at State laboratories and
CDC. The closer the relationship between clinical medicine and public health the
faster we are able to identify potential bioterrorist threats and other outbreaks,
identify the cause of the illness, and provide early treatment to save lives.
Another important opportunity is to strengthen our relationships with other Fed-
eral agencies, and State and local agencies outside the field of public health. Since
September 11th, we have created stronger partnerships with a wide range of agen-
cies, particularly the law enforcement community. For example, in response to the
recent events, CDC assigned an individual to work at the FBI to assure optimal in-
formation exchange between the two agencies. As we prepare for any future threats,
we need to maintain and enhance our ties with a much larger range of agencies.
Finally, we must redouble our efforts to enhance our own capacity at CDC to re-
spond to future threats. For example CDC has tested over 5400 human and environ-
mental samples since October 4, our labs have worked around the clock, with sci-
entist sleeping in their offices to avoid losing time. We need to expand our scientific
capacity in the areas of epidemiology, surveillance, and laboratory, as well as accel-
erating our plans to improve our physical facilities and enhance security in all CDC
well with the production of the antibodies that you would like to
So it is not final yet, but things are looking quite good. We will
have those results in their final form by the end of January, the
very beginning of February. Let us assume that the dilution one-
to-five does in fact give you a high rate of induction of immunity.
That then would provide us with about 75-plus million doses. So
that is one component of the totality of doses.
We have a contract with the CDC and Acambis, that has been
going on for a considerable period of time, with the original target
to get 40 million doses by the beginning of the year 2004. That has
been markedly upscaled to now deliver 54 million doses by the end
of the year 2002. That is another 54 million. So it is 75 and 54 mil-
Then you have what you heard about yesterday, the 155 million
doses in which Acambis and Baxter together are going to give us
that second generation smallpox vaccine. They are now going to be
having pilot lots probably by the beginning of the year, later winter
or so. Then there will be an accrual, that each month that goes by
there will be that many more tens of millions of doses, so that by
the time we get to late fall, perhaps early winter of 2002, we will
have the totality of doses that you referred to, which would be
about 280 million some odd doses.
Senator HARKIN. Do you knowI do not know if you are the
right person to ask this question, but is the idea then that these
vaccines would be distributed around the United States at various
locations? Is that the idea?
Dr. FAUCI. The idea is to have them in reserve. I will defer to
Dr. Koplan, since the CDC plays such a major role, not only in the
advice about how and when and where to vaccinate, but also in the
distribution. So if I could pass that over to Dr. Koplan, he could
answer that.
Dr. KOPLAN. Thanks.
We have already begun discussions on the appropriate deploy-
ment of amounts of vaccine as they become available. What will
happen is in the coming months we will have broad public discus-
sions with academicians and scientists from both within the gov-
ernment and outside the government, from academia, elected offi-
cials, Congress, and discuss the pros and cons of the various alter-
native ways of dealing with having a vaccine for which currently
there is no naturally occurring infection, but for which there might
be a threat of its use as a bioterrorism agent, and the level of that
threat is quite unknown at this time.
The issues that will be involved in that discussion are complex
and they involve: one, the issue of should there be a mandatory
vaccination, should everyone have it? If that were true, does it then
get repeated every year for new people who have not been vac-
This is a vaccine which has a low rate of side reactions to it, but
a real and a predictable rate of side reactions to it. Some of them
are not just significant reactions. Some of them are severely dam-
aging and some of them result in death. So if you use this vaccine
in a million people, you can expect a half dozen or more to be se-
breaks. It is how quickly you could identify those first cases, be-
cause particularly in diseases, unlike anthrax which cannot be
spread from person to person. But some of the other diseases that
we would worry about, such as smallpox and some others, are
spread from person to person.
So the speed of that first diagnosis is crucial in limiting the
amount of spread of disease.
Senator KOHL. Well, do we intend to immunize in advance those
several hundred thousand primary caregivers around the country?
Dr. KOPLAN. I think that is a subject for discussion. As we get
more doses of vaccine available, certainly more and more people
can and ought to be considered. It is not just the primary care-
givers. Once you get into a hospital emergency room, it includes
maintenance staff and cleanup crews and people that come in and
out, and there is turnover of all these individuals.
As I indicated before, the thing one has to keep in mind with
something like smallpox vaccine is it is a live vaccine which is
present on the skin surface. With its rates of side reactions, people
who are immunosuppressed, who are HIV-positive, may have se-
vere reactions to this vaccine. In addition, people working in hos-
pital environments where there are sick people around may have
to leave work for a period of time while that vaccination takes
place because of the live virus present; they may not have to, but
some may.
So these are all complicating issues when you talk about health
care providers getting the vaccine. There is a tradeoff. If they abso-
lutely need it, then they need to get it. But where the risk is un-
clear, there are also dangers attached to providing the vaccination,
and it is these benefits and risks that have to be taken into balance
and will be discussed with both clinicians and clinician groups and
with public health people in the States.
Senator KOHL. Are you prepared to recommend that this group
be immunized in advance at this time, next week, next month?
Dr. KOPLAN. No, I am not prepared to make that recommenda-
tion. But we are certainly eager to have discussions with both these
people who would be involved and the people in the States and see
what the consensus is on what policy would be best.
Senator KOHL. Thank you.
Thank you, Senator.
Senator HARKIN. Thank you, Senator Kohl.
Senator Stevens.
Senator STEVENS. Doctors, let me first start by making a short
statement, and that is this. We are dealing with bills now that will
probably not be signed until Christmas. Monies could not be re-
leased until at least January. We will be through at least one quar-
ter of the fiscal year.
The figures you have just given the chairman and Senator Spec-
ter I assume were annual expenditures, or were they expenditures
for several years?
Dr. KOPLAN. Those were annual.
Senator STEVENS. Could you give us a statement of how much
you believe you need to pay out, not commit, pay out between now
and May and between now and the end of September? I do not
want it right now, but we are dealing with a lot of tight money
right now and we have got to stage it if we are going to get the
money we need to you as it is needed. There is great fear that we
are just dumping money out the window and people do not know
exactly what it is for and therefore people are afraid that we are
going to waste money. We all read the papers about the terrible big
spenders around here and I usually head the list, but I do not be-
lieve we are. But we want to be very specific.
Now, my first question to you is, we have been visited, I think
most of us have been visited, by a group that believes that they can
develop a heteropolymer system that uses monoclonal antibodies to
bind pathogens in the blood and transport them to the liver, where
they can be cleansed and removed from the body.
Now, I do not know enough about the science, and I assume you
do. But we have been told there is money in the budget, there has
been money in the budget the last 2 years dealing with this. But
we have been told that that process might be accelerated. I am par-
ticularly concerned with the people we send in harms way, our
military, and they said they could prepare what could be called a
cocktail of such heteropolymers that could provide broad spectrum
protection for people against a series of substances.
Now, do you know about this research and are either of you pur-
suing funding it?
Dr. FAUCI. The principle that you are referring to is a mechanical
and physical chemical way, as you mentioned correctly, to bind to
any organism, essentially, and get it cleared out of the body. The
NIH, as in the past, enthusiastically now and in the future, will
be happy to examine any proposal in the classical peer-reviewed
way to determine if in fact it is something that can be and should
be funded.
If we do not have a proposal in front of us, we cannot evaluate
it. To my knowledge, that proposal has not reached us. But if it
has, we would be more than happy to expedite looking at it.
Senator STEVENS. Well, I have been specifically requested to allo-
cate portions of the defense budget to that immediately, because we
still have the defense bill with us. I think that is why they are
looking at the defense budget.
But we are also told that that research, with sufficient funding,
now could be accelerated so that those substances might be avail-
able by 2003. If that is possible, we were further told that these
substances could protect an individual for up to 60 days against the
substance that might otherwise seriously harm or kill them.
I think we need to know about things like this because if this has
less risk to the populace by using a temporary substance it might
even bypass the problem we previously discussed of the risk to peo-
ple with HIV or damaged immune systems from even things like
All I can tell you is I hope you will look into it. I do not know
what the cost would be, but clearly it would be much better to have
people in the service have a vial that they could use, like we used
to use morphine, and just self-administer it and have protection in
the event they were told that substances had been released at them
that might otherwise kill them.
I really think we are in a crisis period as far as they are con-
cerned. Our people up here at home, we might have a better way
for civil defense than they do for defense militarily. So I would urge
you to take a look at it.
Dr. FAUCI. If I can get something to look at, I would be happy
to look at it, Senator.
Senator STEVENS. I will see that they get to you.
Dr. FAUCI. Thank you.
Senator STEVENS. I think we need someones judgment before we
move to earmark defense money for this. There is just not enough
available to me so far.
Secondly, let me ask you this. I am running out of time. Could
I have another minute?
Senator HARKIN. Yes, sure.
Senator STEVENS. I asked yesterday a series of questions about
these substances in our building, about how far these spores can
travel, have traveled, whether they have traveled further as
minute particles than they would in the normal run of the mill an-
thrax, and what exposure we could expect our people to have if
they go back into offices that may or may not have been exposed
to this anthrax.
Now, my offices are on the fifth and sixth floor of the Hart Build-
ing. They are at the other end of the building from Senator
Daschle. But clearly the question is what does the air system dis-
tribute and where do these things go. My friends from ranch coun-
try tell me they go to the ground. But these people have been leav-
ing petri dishes around to see if spores are there. Everyone I have
talked to says they may go to petri dishes, but they are going into
the ground if it is there, and if it is not they are going where it
is dark and dirty.
Now, we have not been looking where it is dark and dirty. We
have been putting petri dishes out on the tables, as I understand
Can you clear that up for us? We really seriously have a group
of young people who are going back into these buildings before
Christmas probably and they are not satisfied with our expla-
Dr. KOPLAN. Let me try. For one, I think there is frustration for
all of us because we do not have all the answers and we do not
have all the science for this. But for one, the EPA is responsible
for the cleanup of the Hart Building and we are providing technical
Senator STEVENS. Doctor, they say you are responsible for the de-
gree of safety in the buildings and determining whether it is clean
or not.
Dr. KOPLAN. We are providing technical support to the EPA, and
I will tell you everything I know.
Senator STEVENS. Do you accept responsibility for saying if the
Hart Building is clean or not? Are you going to be the one that de-
termines that?
Dr. KOPLAN. I think by statute the EPA is. We are working with
them on a daily basis and this is an area that they have got long-
standing expertise in, which is building cleanup and safety. We are
involved in this to provide information on the anthrax.
Senator STEVENS. I am talking about the standards of what is
why other things were excluded. Petri dishes are one thing. Are
you saying that you have tested some of the soils and the plants,
you have tested some of the files and the drawers, you have pulled
books off the shelf and tested them? That is not what we learned
Dr. KOPLAN. Let me ask and I will get back to you on that. I will
see exactly what they have tested, where they have done their
swabs. If they have missed things that should be tested, they will
have to be tested.
Senator STEVENS. Thank you very much. Thank you for your pa-
Senator HARKIN. Thank you, Senator Stevens.
Senator Landrieu.
some time in the sixties and seventies. Since the seventies a lot has
changed. We need to keep in mind two important things. Now
when we discuss a biological weapon, or let me say medical defense
against biological weapons, we are working in the field of devel-
oping protection against biological weapons developed in the seven-
ties, early seventies and late seventies.
But you know, starting from the eighties a lot of new biological
weapons have been developed. A lot of new genetically engineered
agents and weapons have been developed. We are not addressing
these issues now.
There is another problem when we talk about developing protec-
tion against biological weapons. In my opinion it is a major point.
When we develop a new vaccine, it usually takes from 8 to 12 years
to develop and get a new vaccine approved. But you know, my per-
sonal experience is that the development of biological weaponsI
knew about many biological weapons developed in the former So-
viet Unionusually takes from 3 to 4 years.
You can imagine in this case it is a sort of a race, with biological
weapons appearing that are genetically engineered, antibiotic re-
sistant, new agents, and so on and so forth. If you have got this
time range for the development of protection, 8, 12 years, we will
be increasing, widening the gap between our knowledge in the field
of biological weapons defense and an actual situation in the field
of biological weapons threat agents. In my opinion, this is impor-
tant to address.
At the same time there is a group of scientists still in Russia.
Some of them from the former Soviet Union are in the United
States, in some European countries, Asian countries.
Thank you, Senator Harkin and members of the Committee, for inviting me to
testify for you today on the topic of bioterrorism. I am in a rather unique position
to discuss these issues, since I developed biological weapons for the Soviet Union
for nearly twenty years, until my defection in 1992. When I left the Russian biologi-
cal warfare program, I had been serving as First Deputy Director of Biopreparat,
the civilian arm of the biological weapons program, for four years. At that time, I
was responsible for approximately 32,000 employees and 40 facilities, comprising
over half of the entire Russian programs personnel and facilities. Since arriving to
the United States, my personal and professional goal has been to make the greatest
contribution I can to the elimination of the danger of biological weapons.
Biological Weapons Threat of Proliferation and Terrorism Following the breakup
of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the threat of proliferation of mass
casualty weapons has grown dramatically. In some ways, the danger posed by the
proliferation of biological weapons and biotechnology is greater than that of nuclear
proliferation. For example, the acquisition, manufacture, deployment, and move-
ment of nuclear components or weapons is much more expensive and difficult to
achieve than that of biological agents. A freeze-dried vial of anthrax can easily be
obtained and concealed, and the knowledge of how to turn that vial of anthrax into
a biological weapon is in the possession of hundreds of scientists and technicians.
The recent incidents of anthrax dissemination through the Postal Service have only
served to demonstrate the reality of this threat.
The growing frustrations among scientists within the former Soviet bioweapons
community add to the risks of proliferation. Despite initiatives directed by the
United States government to employ some of these scientists and to shift the focus
of their research to peaceful projects, more needs to be done. Many of these sci-
entists are highly trained in biotechnology and their talents could be directed to-
ward finding new methods of preventing or treating the diseases caused by these
pathogens. Several former bioweapons scientists have emigrated to the West and
are currently under-employed. We fear that in order to feed their families, others
may offer their technical skills on the open market, which could provide our enemies
with technical expertise or ready-made, engineered organisms. Some Russian micro-
biologists are reportedly teaching students from rogue states that are interested in
this expertise. Other prominent scientists have simply dropped out of sight.
In a report to the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 1995, the
U.S. Office of Technological Assessment identified 17 nations believed to possess bio-
logical weapons. It is estimated that at least 20 countries either have active re-
search programs or were formerly involved in biological weapons research and pro-
duction. In many cases, these are nations that are also engaged in chemical and nu-
clear programs, since they feel the necessity to protect themselves from hostile
neighbors by any means necessary.
In the U.S. and other countries, growing fears of a biological attack by a hostile
country or a terrorist group have prompted intensive efforts in the areas of con-
sequence management, response planning, intelligence gathering, and nonprolifera-
tion of expertise. However, little effort has focused on new methods for treatment
or prophylaxis of biological threat agents.
Unfortunately, the diseases caused by many biological threat agents, such as
smallpox, Ebola, and Marburg are currently untreatable. For so-called treatable dis-
eases, such as anthrax, plague and tularemia, current methods of treatment or med-
ical prophylaxis are often ineffective. Antibiotic resistance is on the rise, and in
many cases biological threat agents have been genetically engineered to increase
their resistance to drugs.
Similarly, vaccines do not exist for the majority of biological threat agents. This
situation is unlikely to change when we consider that it takes 34 years to engineer
a new drug resistant or more virulent bioweapons, but it takes 1012 years to de-
velop and get Food and Drug Administration approval for a new vaccine. Even the
few available vaccines are often ineffective against biological weapons for three rea-
Vaccines often require weeks to months to take effect;
Vaccination of large portions of the population against numerous threat agents
in advance of a biological incident is not feasible
Biological threat agents can be engineered to circumvent the action of vaccines
We need to develop a broader appreciation of the scope of the threat posed by the
major biological threat agents and possible medical and public health responses to
them. This can only be achieved through extensive biomedical research aimed at de-
veloping new prophylaxis and treatment strategies.
New approaches are needed to both prevent and treat these pathogens, and our
country needs to be at the forefront of medical research aimed at studying and de-
veloping novel approaches to combat disease. Recent advances in our understanding
of the immune system are making it possible to create new tools to defeat invading
organisms by boosting the immune response. These new means and approaches
would supplement or replace drugs used to attack the invader. Tools to boost the
immune system are not limited to infectious diseases, but can also be applied to the
treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, autoimmune, and age-related diseases.
Research in this area should include investigations of the etiology and patho-
genesis of infections caused by biological weapons, specific and nonspecific
immunomodulation as a means of eliminating pathogens, and new antiviral and
antibacterial drugs. Many of the treatments that could be developed based on this
research could be useful not only for the purpose of medical defense, but also for
the greater purpose of improving the general health of mankind.
the opportunity to work closely with you and your staff for many
years and appreciate your longstanding support of health care in
Mercy is a 691-bed tertiary hospital. We are involved in pro-
viding care in more than 50 sites, including physician clinics, nurs-
ing homes, hospice, and a dozen rural community hospitals. So I
am going to try to bring the perspective as a non-clinician, the per-
spective of an administrator trying to coordinate with many others
the care of Iowans in these issues.
One of the questions that Americas hospitals have been asking
since the national tragedy of September 11 is how ready are we to
respond to incidents of terrorism involving biological, chemical, or
nuclear materials. One answer is that we currently are well pre-
pared to decontaminate, triage, diagnose, and treat a small number
of victims of exposure to these dangerous materials. Our medical
center, as an example, has one portable decontamination unit that
can be utilized. We have one negative air flow room in our emer-
gency department that prevents fumes and particulates from enter-
ing the rest of the hospital. We have a large emergency department
with 38 exam and treatment rooms and a staff of more than 120
people. This emergency department cares for 56,000 people a year,
the most of any in Iowa.
One reason we can claim to be ready for modest incidents is that
we recognized even before September 11th the need to do more and
we have implemented last spring an aggressive program to in-
crease our preparedness. It involved training, new equipment, new
haz-mat suits, new policies and procedures, clinical guidelines, se-
curity measures, several education programs, etcetera.
We also participate in the Metropolitan Medical Response Sys-
tem, which is a community-wide effort we are very proud of, that
coordinates the planning for and response to these types of things.
We have five departments represented on different committees of
that collaborative effort.
Of course, Senator Harkin, we also hosted the community forum
that you sponsored and facilitated, which was attended by people
from throughout the community and the area in addition to the
general public.
Despite our obvious pride in Mercys capabilities and prepara-
tions, I do have to report that I do not believe we are prepared, nor
any hospital is prepared, for mass casualties in the area of biologi-
cal, nuclear, or chemical exposure. When you ask, well, how pre-
pared are we, what is our level of preparedness overall, it is dif-
ficult to answer. It depends on what scale of preparedness do we
want to be ready for, what scale of attack do we think is possible.
But, having said that, that it is almost an unanswerable ques-
tion, there is no question that hospitals need to do more. An orga-
nization like ours, the largest trauma center in the State, needs
more than one portable decontamination booth. If an attack were
to occur, that booth takes care of one person every 8 minutes. That
may not be adequate, probably would not be adequate in a mass
exposure situation.
Many hospitals do not have even the basic level of the capability
that Mercy has. So we know hospitals do need to do more and we
are going to need the Federal Governments assistance to do that.
The American Hospital Association has developed the following overview of the
needs of the nations hospitals related to future mass casualty events. Many experts
agree that it is a matter of when and not if such an event will occur. Without
warning, hospitals in New York, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland,
New Jersey, and Connecticut were prepared to answer the call when it came on the
morning of September 11th. Americas hospitals will be there to do so again. The
September 11th attacks, unfortunately, resulted in high mortality and few sur-
vivors. Hospitals were ready to respond but few patients appeared. The more recent
spate of anthrax cases in Florida, New York, New Jersey and Washington, DC has
been a further test of hospitals readiness to address the increasing possibility of fu-
ture mass casualty incidents.
However, the stakes have clearly been raised since the September 11th attack.
Hospitals need to upgrade their capabilities. In a nuclear, biological, or chemical
(NBC) attack, hospitals would be severely challenged without access to additional
resources. The recent anthrax scare has shown that hospitals can adequately re-
spond to an attack yielding a small numbers of patients, but questions remain about
their readiness to deal with larger scale attacks.
This paper will provide a rough estimate of what each of the nations 4,900 acute
care hospitals would require to increase their ability to respond to a NBC attack.
We will distinguish between readiness resources required for the nations approxi-
mately 2,700 metropolitan hospitals and 2,200 non-metropolitan hospitals. For met-
ropolitan hospitals, we estimate the average number of total full-time equivalent
(FTE) employees per hospital at 1,200, with 370 clinical staff. For a non-metropoli-
tan hospital, we estimate the average number of total FTE employees per hospital
at 300, with 90 clinical staff. The source of these hospital statistics is the AHAs
Hospital Statistics database.
The resource estimates below are based on a scenario that includes an event with
casualties of 1,000 individuals seeking care at a metropolitan hospital and 200 indi-
viduals seeking care at a non-metropolitan hospital. We estimate what these hos-
pitals would need in order to sustain these intense demands for approximately 24
to 48 hours. After this period of time, we assume that the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention (CDC) Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response program, espe-
cially its National Pharmaceutical Stockpile program, would be mobilized, and pro-
vide additional medical supplies to the impacted community. It should be noted,
however, that this program is not fully implemented and concerns about its weak-
nesses have been raised (See, Combating Terrorism: Accountability Over Medical
Supplies Needs Further Improvement, GAOO1666T).
The AHA is also exploring a number of other options related to readiness, includ-
ing the need for regional coordination of community-wide efforts to deal with an in-
cident of biological or chemical terrorism; the need for educational efforts by Fed-
eral, State and local government to help hospitals and other members of the
healthcare infrastructure best utilize the resources outlined below; and the need to
address changes in certain regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active
Labor Act (EMTALA), and other requirements on hospitals that may actually im-
pede our ability to prepare for and ultimately respond to acts of terrorism. Further,
because health care workers in hospitals would be first responders in an outbreak
resulting from biological terrorism, they may face a higher risk of infection than the
general population. Therefore, the AHA, in consultation with public health authori-
ties, will be addressing whether health care workers should be given priority with
regard to inoculation against certain biological agents (such as smallpox and an-
thrax) that are considered to be potential terrorist threats. These issues will become
agenda items for our readiness efforts.
In this document, we have included only those items that would be essential for
the shortterm (24 to 48 hours) disaster response. However, we believe that what is
ultimately needed, in both the short and long-term, is an operationally effective re-
sponse system and the integration of hospitals into the community-wide response
for mass casualty events. Because mass casualty events will, by definition, over-
whelm the resources of a single hospital, they should be seen as community-wide
concerns likely to require a broad array of community resources to supplement the
health care system. Therefore, a communitywide perspective and community-wide
planning is essential for readiness. Local government must be involved in such plan-
ning, including the public health department, police and fire department. Other
community resources are likely to be called upon and should be included in commu-
nity-wide planning, including public transportation officials, news media, telephone
and communication systems, schools, churches, voluntary disaster relief organiza-
tions, restaurants and food suppliers.
In order to ensure the readiness of the nations hospitals for such events, this
paper will attempt to provide a credible roadmap toward that goal. Operationally
effective response systems must be defined and developed so as to be sustainable
over time. All related training also must be sustained over time.
The following key areas must be addressed to increase hospital readiness:
Communication and notification
Disease surveillance, disease reporting and laboratory identification
Personal protective equipment
Dedicated decontamination facilities
Medical/surgical and pharmaceutical supplies
Training and drills
Mental health resources
Communication and notification
Mass casualty incidents create a demand for public information and multiple
means for communication with community first responder organizations. In most
cases, at least some of the information will not be readily available while the inci-
dent develops. In our mass media and multi-media culture, every news and informa-
tion source will seek access to the latest and most up-to-date information. Absent
clear and credible information, speculation may reign, and increase the stress and
pressure of the incident, especially on the hospital and its staff. Therefore, planned
and structured arrangements for communication throughout the incident and during
its response are critical components of hospital and community preparedness. For
example, all organizations involved in the community preparedness plan for mass
casualties, including hospitals, need to agree in advance on who will serve as the
single, regional spokesperson. If a government official is designated as the spokes-
person, health experts must be provided to assist the official with responses to med-
ical questions. To minimize disruption of hospital patient care activities, press
events should be conducted away from health care facilities, using regularly sched-
uled and pre-announced media briefing times.
Further, in a mass casualty incident, it is critical that hospitals have an ongoing,
open channel of communications with the public safety community who may have
first awareness of the incident. A community-wide network using the same channel
is necessary. The network should be tested daily, with the test rotating across the
various hospital and emergency medical services (EMS) shifts. Members of the pub-
lic safety community, such as fire, EMS, public health departments, State, local and
Federal law enforcement, and hospitals, normally rely on effective communications
to provide emergency medical care, rescue accident victims, respond to natural dis-
asters and investigate crime. One of the lessons learned from the experiences in
the recent New York City attack, at Columbine High School in Colorado and in re-
sponse to the Oklahoma City bombing is the need for greater coordination of public
safety communications. These types of communications may become even more crit-
ical in the case of an NBC attack.
One of the key issues regarding public safety communications is interoperability.
Interoperability refers to the ability of different public safety entities to commu-
nicate with each other, on demand, in real time. Common problems experienced by
the public safety community include the failure of equipment in dead spots, inter-
ference, insufficient equipment, outdated equipment and channel congestion. An
array of technologies including pagers, cellular phones, mobile data terminals and
mobile laptop computers are currently used. However, a recent report suggests that
existing local land mobile radio systems are, on average, nearly 10 years old, with
State agencies having considerably older infrastructures (See, Public Safety Wire-
less Network Program Analysis of Fire and EMS Communications Interoperability,
April 1999).
Most public safety organizations, including hospitals, have experienced problems
with interoperability. There is a critical need for funding to upgrade and modernize
public safety communications systems and to address interoperability problems. In
addition, public safety communications face a variety of issues related to spectrum.
These are serious interoperability problems that arise from the fragmentation of
public safety spectrum. The most effective way to better ensure interoperability is
to incorporate the fundamental principles of the Incident Command System into
each level of emergency preparedness planning. Additional spectrum may be re-
quired, as well as improved planning and management of the interoperability spec-
In case existing systems fail in an emergency, alternative and redundant commu-
nications systems (e.g., cell phone, two-way radio, ham radio, unlisted numbers,
web-based, video conferencing, and use of human couriers) will be required as back-
up. Loudspeakers or bullhorns for communicating with the public outside the facility
may also be required for the purposes of crowd control. Finally, translators and
translated patient resource documents for non-English speaking patients will also
be needed, as well as clear signage plans for directing patients to appropriate loca-
tions within the facility.
The following are resources needed for increasing preparedness and developing an
adequate communications system for metropolitan and non-metropolitan hospitals.
Coordination of public safety communications (fire, EMS, public health depart-
ment, other hospitals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Office of Emergency
Preparedness, etc.)
Alternative communications system if hospital communications fail/overload
(e.g., cell phone, two-way radio, ham radio, unlisted numbers, web-based, video
conferencing, courier system)
Translators for non-English speaking patients and translated patient resource
Loudspeakers/bullhoms for communicating with individuals outside the facility
Signage for communicating instructions to patients and for designating various
emergency functional areas
Newly constructed and existing hospitals must comply with the Life Safety Code
(LSC) developed by the National Fire Protection Association. The LSC is intended
to provide a level of life and occupancy safety necessary to protect patients, per-
sonnel, visitors and property from fire, smoke and other products of combustion. It
provides a process for inspecting, testing and maintaining fire protection and life
safety systems, equipment and components on a regular basis. In addition, each hos-
pital must develop policies and procedures that include written criteria evaluating
various deficiencies and construction hazards.
In the case of a NBC attack the following additional items and capabilities must
be contemplated:
Lockdown capability to minimize access to facility and facilitate direct patient
flow to specific points
Other security measures such as perimeter checks, hospital-issued staff photo
identification badges, visitor badging/identification and package handling.
Auxiliary power source
Increased storage capacity for fossil fuels to provide uninterrupted power
Portable negative air machines and HEPA filters
Large volume water purification equipment
Expanded mortuary facilities to manage bodies with high contamination or in-
fectivity potential
Designated hospital locations for personnel quarantine
Expanded patient isolation facilities, including separate air handling system
Expanded storage space for stockpiles of PPE, pharmaceuticals and supplies.
Mental health
Survivors of mass casualty events and responders to such incidents (fire, police,
rescue workers, health care professionals, etc.) will suffer not only physical injury
requiring medical care but also will undoubtedly undergo extreme psychological
trauma. Thus the deployment of chemical, biological or nuclear agents against a
population produces both acute and chronic psychiatric problems. In a disaster, sev-
eral different groups would require mental health services, both direct and indirect:
Individuals presenting at the door or brought to the facility by rescue personnel,
including those who have specialized needs such as pregnant women, children,
elderly, or those who have an underlying mental health problem that may or
may not have been previously treated;
Fire, police and rescue workers injured while attempting to save a life
Injured individuals, including children, who have witnessed the death or serious
injury of a family member or colleague;
Family and friends of the missing, injured or dead. This group may suffer men-
tal distress that may require immediate mental health services or physical
Worried well individuals who may need reassurance that they are not ill;
Administrative staff responsible for making decisions that affect the facilitys
ability to quickly respond to a mass casualty disaster;
Communication/professional staff to handle media inquiries and present accu-
rate and appropriate information so that the general public and institutions will
be able to process the information; and
Facility staff working the disaster to ensure they are mentally and physically
fit. There would be an immediate on-site need for critical incident stress debrief-
ing to be conducted for those providing trauma and triage care.
Beyond physical injuries, individuals who have survived a disaster also would be
experiencing extreme emotional distress that could also manifest in physical condi-
tions. This could include, but not be limited to, physical shock, hysteria, anxiety,
fear, anger, frustration, and guilt, as well as an inability to communicate informa-
tion critical to their treatment. For example, a survivor with a heart condition or
asthma may require both immediate physical help and crisis intervention to be able
to calm down and prevent further injury or distress. Finally, some individuals also
may want to leave facilities to find loved ones or colleagues or to return to a safe
place, whether or not they are physically or mentally able to do so. This might re-
quire close monitoring or short-term containment.
The following estimate was provided by the New York-Presbyterian Healthcare
System, 525 E. 68th Street, New York, NY, whose recent experience provided some
answers regarding this question. According to their estimate, triage and initial eval-
uation for one day of 1,000 individuals (assuming an average salary of $75,000)
would require that 31.25 FTEs provide four direct service evaluations per hour. This
would be a direct cost of $9,375 per day. In addition, administrative services would
cost $2,500 per day with total service personnel of $11,875. Other costs would in-
clude additional security, medications and administrative costs of $10,000, for a
total of about $22,000 for a metropolitan hospital. We assume that a non-metropoli-
tan hospital would bear about half the total cost of a metropolitan hospital.
the hospitals, how do we work closely with the U.S. military med-
ical capacity and the hospitals?
I think we have developed a model here in Washington, D.C.,
using the mutual aid system, with Walter Reed, Malcolm Growe,
the National Naval Medical Center, and the Veterans Hospital. We
have offered help to each other when we have had problems inter-
nally at hospitals.
So there are things we can do, but there are adequate things
that we have not defined yet.
Senator HARKIN. Thank you very much, Dr. Barbera, Mr.
LeValley, Dr. Alibek. Thank you very much for being here and for
your expert testimony. I appreciate it. You have given some good
suggestions we are going to follow up on.
One thing we have really got to work through with the Centers
for Disease Control and with hospitals around the country is that
there have to be plans in effect for these kind of surge capacities.
There has to be some plans in effect, maybe not in every locality,
but at least I think in major metropolitan areas, where the rate of
contagion can be more rapid than, let us say, in a dispersed area.
I am not certain that we have those kind of plans in effect right
Mr. LEVALLEY. If I might, Senator, I think every hospital does
have a disaster plan.
Senator HARKIN. Oh, I understand that.
Mr. LEVALLEY. I think at least in Iowa the coordination and co-
operation between hospitals is wonderful, as we saw in Sioux City
with the 232 crash. There is good response capability for 100, 200
casualties. I think it is when we get up into those big numbers that
everything is really at risk.
Thank you.