Triaxial Test 2850
Triaxial Test 2850
Triaxial Test 2850
Failure : the stress condition at failure for a test specimen. Failure is often taken to correspond to the
maximum principal stress difference (deviator stress) attained or achieved 15 % axial strain ,
whichever is obtained first during the performance of a test.
If the test specimens are 100 % saturated, consolidation cannot occur when the confining pressure is
applied if several specimens of the same material are tested, and if they are all at approximately the
same water content and void ratio when they are tested, they will have approximately the same
undrained shear strength and Mohr envelope will be a straight line . If the test specimens are
partially saturated or compacted consolidation may occur when the confining pressure is applied if
several partially saturated specimens of the same material are tested at different confining stresses,
they will not have the same undrained shear strength and Mohr envelope will be curved .
The unconsolidated undrained triaxial strength is applicable to situations where the loads are
assumed to take place so rapidly that there is insufficient time for the induced pore-water pressure
to dissipate and for consolidation to occur during the loading period .
Axial Loading Device : to apply the required axial rate of loading .
Axial Load-Measuring : to measure accurately the axial load .
Triaxial Compression Chamber : consist of a top plate and a baseplate separated by a cylinder.
constructed of any material capable of withstanding the applied pressure. It is desirable to
use a transparent material to observe the behavior of the specimen. The top plate shall have a vent
valve to allow the air to go out of the chamber as it is filled. The base plate shall have an inlet to
supply the liquid pressure to the chamber.
Pressure control device : capable of applying and controlling the chamber pressure
Specimen Cap and Base : used to prevent drainage of the specimen and shall be constructed of a
noncorrosive impermeable material
Axial Load Piston , Deformation Indicator
Rubber Membrane : to encase the specimen shall provide reliable protection against leakage.
Diameter shall be between 90 and 95 % of that of the specimen
Miscellaneous tools , Specimen measuring device , Sample extruder , Timer and cans .
Test Speciments
Test Specimens : shall be cylindrical and have a minimum diameter of 3.3 cm (1.3 in.). The height
to diameter ratio shall be between 2 and 2.5 and The largest particle size shall be smaller than one
sixth the specimen diameter .
Undisturbed Specimens : Handle specimens carefully to minimize disturbance, changes in cross
section, or change in water content then determine the mass and dimensions of the specimen and the
moisture content .
Compacted samples : may be prepared by compacting material in at least six layers then determine
the mass and dimensions of the specimen and the moisture content .
1.Place the rubber membrane around the specimen and place it in the chamber .
2.Assemble the triaxial chamber then bring the axial load piston into contact with the specimen cap
and record the reading on the deformation indicator.
3.Place the chamber in position in the axial loading device then attach the pressure-maintaining and
measurement device and fill the chamber with the confining liquid .
4.Adjust the pressure-maintaining and measurement device to the desired chamber pressure and
apply the pressure to the chamber fluid. Wait approximately 10 min to allow the specimen to
stabilize under the chamber pressure .
5.Apply the axial load to produce axial strain at a rate of approximately 1 %/min for plastic
materials and 0.3 %/min for brittle materials.
6.Continue the loading to 15 % axial strain, except loading may be stopped when the deviator stress
has peaked then dropped or remain constant .
7.Record load and deformation values to three significant digits at about 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5
% strain; then at increments of about 0.5 % strain to 3 %; and, thereafter at every 1 % and Take
sufficient readings to define the stress-strain curve .
8.After completion of the test, remove the test specimen from the chamber then sketch a picture or
take a photograph of the test specimen then determine the water content .
Pre-Master 2016-2017
Engineering Geology
Soil and Rocks Lab