Bounds Creep Rat
Bounds Creep Rat
Bounds Creep Rat
J. S. Porowski
M. L. Badlani
W. J. O'Donnell
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QR,maR is defined by CC N-41 as the maximum range of The history of stress in the Elastic Core can
the linearized secondary bending stress during the conveniently be used to bound inelastic strains
service loadings. Use of the Kt factor allows credit accumulated through the wall of the vessel. The use
of the Elastic Core stress for creep rupture damage
for creep redistribution of bending stress. evaluation, instead of primary stresses for design
The accumulated strain is obtained using the ac conditions averaged through the wall as required by
effective creep stress in the isochronous stress- the CC N-47, has also been postulated j5]. Note that
strain curves, as shown, for example, in Figure 2. short-term redistribution of stress in the Elastic
Since the isochronous curves in the Code are based on Core during the transient does not affect the
average properties. a factor of 1.25 is used with ac accumulation of inelastic strain or creep damage and,
therefore, in such evaluations can simply be
to relate the resulting strains to minimum disregarded. Creep strains and damage occur only
properties. The next sections describe the during long-term operation at elevated temperature.
development of the bounds. The mid-wall stress in the elastic region E is
not affected by the cyclic thermal bending. Elastic
BOUNDING TECHNIQUE IN SIMPLIFIED INELASTIC Core extends through the thickness of the wall.
EVALUATIONS However, in the S and P regimes only part of the wall
remains elastic and the Elastic Core stresses are
The interactive effect of thermal cycles on the increased above the pressure stresses due to the
stress distribution in the wall of a pressurized interaction of the cyclic thermal bending. This
vessel was evaluated using the model originally causes enhanced creep and accelerated damage of the
proposed by Miller [3] for elastic-plastic behavior, material.
and redefined by Bree [4] for cyclic load histories Figure 3 also shows the stress profiles for
including creep. Miller analyzed plastic ratcheting. regimes RI and R2, where plastic ratcheting occurs.
His criteria limiting pressure and thermal stresses
to eliminate component incremental growth are Notice that the surface layers, which flow
included in Section III of the Code for low- plastically within the thermal cycle, overlap.
temperature design. In the presence of creep, the Vanishing of the Elastic Core, in fact, defines the
structure after some cycling develops a so-called interface between the shakedown and captive plastic
steady-state stress cycle. The appropriate theorem cycling regimes and the plastic ratcheting regimes.
was proved by Fredrick and Armstrong [S]. Bree noted
In his model that although creep caused the resulting Bounds on Stresses in Elastic Core and Inelastic
stress field to relax, each thermal cycle, subsequent Strain Accumulation
to the relaxation period, reinstituted the original In the considered model the core stress
elastic-plastic stress distribution. decreases during creep relaxation. It is also
Typical stress profiles for characteristic assumed that the creep deformation during the
combinations of sustained pressure stress ap and transient and subsequent low temperature part of the
thermal cycle is negligible. The maximum value of
cyclic thermal stress at are shown in Figure 3 for stress in the Elastic Core during operation at
loading combinations resulting in purely elastic elevated temperature occurs directly after the
cycling, E; shakedown SI and S2; and captive plastic thermal transient. Its value is given by the simple
relations derived from equilibrium considerations in
cycling, P. The loading combinations resulting in plastic solutions for stress profiles in Figure 3 as
these regimes are shown in Figure 1 for X and Y follows:
coordinates corresponding to ap and at values
normalized to yield strength Sy. For regimes S and P
there exists a portion of the wall thickness, a < z <
b shaded in Figure 3 which remains elastic (except
for creep) throughout the life of the vessel. This
portion of the wall is defined as the Elastic Core.
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