Lab Manual Prc-1
Lab Manual Prc-1
Lab Manual Prc-1
This manual has been prepared keeping in view the basic requirements of concrete technology. This
is to be used up to the beginners level in concrete materials study. This manual contains the basic
theoretical information extracted from books, the apparatus required for an experiment, the procedure
and calculation of the experiments. Various books and research papers have been consulted while
preparing this manual. If some errors are found then kindly inform the author.
Job No. 1 1
Job No. 2 13
Job No. 3 17
Job No. 4 21
Job No. 5 24
Job No. 6 34
Job No. 7 37
Job No. 8 43
Job No. 9 46
Job No. 10 59
Job No. 11 62
Job No. 12 65
Job No. 13 69
Job No. 14 72
Job No. 15 76
Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 1
1 JOB NO. 1
Concrete is the most commonly used construction material these days. This is a plastic material
that possesses transit properties (properties that change with time) i.e. strength, hardness,
ductility, fluidity etc.
1.1 Definition:
Concrete is a transient material comprised of coarse aggregates, matrix and ITZ (Interfacial
transition zone)
Coarse aggregates constitute the largest portion of the concrete. The main purpose of coarse
aggregates is to provide strength. In normal strength concrete compressive strength is mainly
contributed by the coarse aggregates.
These are the particles retained on sieve # 4 (with an opening of 5mm). There is no set upper
limit on the size of particles but usually an upper limit of 50mm (2in) is considered.
b. Matrix
In simple words we can say that matrix is a mixture of all constituents of concrete other than
the coarse aggregates. This contains the binding material, fillers, water, admixtures and
additives etc. Each of these have been explained below,
i. Binding Material:
This is the component that holds primarily the coarse aggregate particles together. All
the particles in concrete are held together by this component. The function of binding
material can be defined as it provides confinement to coarse and fine aggregate
If we place coarse aggregate particles in a mold (form work) and test that in a
machine, it will provide some strength. But if the aggregates are tried to be tested
without the mold, it would be very difficult to hold them at their location. Before the
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 1
machine can apply the load the coarse aggregate particles will drop down. Hence, for
testing coarse aggregates these should be put in some mold. The mold provides
confinement to the aggregates.
The most commonly used binding material in concrete is Portland cement (ordinary
cement) and the resulting concrete is called, ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
ii. Fillers:
Fillers are mainly used to fill the gaps between the coarse aggregate particles. These
provide better packing and economize the concrete production by reducing the amount
of cement required.
The most commonly used filler is sand/fine aggregate. In road construction stone dust
is also used. In high strength concrete, where binders and fillers are equally important
in achieving strength as the coarse aggregates, some other types of filler material like
quartz sand is used to fill in the gaps between the fine aggregate particles.
iii. Water:
Water is a very important constituent of concrete. It is provided for two main reasons,
first one is the hydration process and second one is the workability of concrete.
Water is required for the hydration process. It reacts with cement and forms calcium
hydrate silicate gel that provides the binding property. Further it acts as a lubricant
between different particles present in concrete and allows them to move while in fresh
state. This makes it possible to pour concrete in the form work.
iv. Admixtures:
Admixtures are the ingredients that are used to change properties like workability,
flow, setting time etc.
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These are mostly mixed with water and added to concrete at a later stage of mixing (in
high strength concrete these are usually added in the second step to form a paste with
powdered substances)
These are used for increasing workability with constant amount of water. The
excessive amount of water can render the concrete weak as after the
evaporation of extra water voids are left behind that cause serious reduction in
strength by two main processes. First one is the direct effect on compressive
strength due to reduction in area of concrete available at a section. Secondly
the voids allow the entrance of harmful chemicals that can either affect the
cement or aggregates or cause corrosion of steel present in form of tensile
b. Retarding admixtures:
Retarding admixtures are used to delay the setting time of cement. This
provides extra time to use concrete especially in those construction projects
where concrete batching plants are installed at a large distance from the site. In
such projects transportation takes a lot of time. Concrete cannot be used after
the initial setting time of cement. So in order to delay this initial setting time of
cement retarders are used.
c. Accelerating Admixtures:
Accelerators are used to reduce the setting time of cement. This type of
admixtures is usually used while concreting in cold regions where the setting
of cement occurs at a slow rate. This may also be used to speed up the
construction process in order to use the same formwork on upper stories or to
open a project earlier for public (e.g. repair or new construction of a bridge)
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v. Additives:
These are the substances used to increase the strength of concrete. These can be
pozzolanic materials like silica fumes, fly ash or other materials like matakaolin or
even powdered fillers like quartz powder that fill in the gaps between binder particles.
These are usually added in dry state along with the other binding materials like
This is the boundary zone between the matrix and coarse aggregates. The study of this
boundary is very important especially in high strength concrete where the function of matrix
is equally important as that of coarse aggregates.
Knowing the properties of each of the constituents of concrete, the amount of all components is
decided. The process is call concrete mix design covered in experiment number 7.
Hydration process is the one in which cement reacts with water to form a paste known as
calcium hydrate silicate gel responsible for providing the binding property.
The hydration process begins as soon as the water is added to cement. The main components of
cement and their role in hydration has been briefly explained below,
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 1
a. C3S : 4.07(CaO)-7.6(SiO2)-6.72(Al2O3)-1.43(Fe2O3)-2.85(SO3)
b. C2S : 2.87(SiO2)-0.754(3CaO.SiO2)
c. C3A : 2.65(Al2O3)-1.69(Fe2O3)
d. C4AF : 3.04 (Fe2O3)
ACI, 1990
That property of freshly mixed concrete or mortar which determines the ease and homogeneity
with which it can be mixed, placed, consolidated and finished.
ASTM, 1993
That property determining the effort required to manipulate a freshly mixed quantity of
concrete with minimum loss of homogeneity.
a. Measurement of Workability:
i. Slump Test.
ii. Compacting Factor Test.
iii. VB Test.
iv. Flow Table Test.
v. Slump Flow Test.
vi. Degree of compactability test.
These tests have been briefly explained below along with the supporting figures and calculation
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i. Slump test.
Concrete is filled in a cone with proper compaction. The cone is removed and the drop
in height of concrete is noted down.
For further explanation go to experiment number 8
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iii. VB test.
In this test the concrete is place in a mold with a plate at the top. Vibrations are
provided until the concrete gets fully settled. The time is noted down.
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 1
In this test the concrete slump test is performed but instead of determining the drop in
height, spread of concrete is measured.
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By placing and finishing we mean how to put concrete in the mold and how to get the final
shape and finish. The basic process is that concrete is poured in the form work by concrete
pump of buckets. Then it is consolidated (vibrations are provided by external or internal
vibraters i.e. vibrating table & pokers/niddle vibraters)
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The concrete should be discharged as close as possible to its final position, preferably straight into the
A substantial free-fall distance will encourage segregation and should therefore be avoided
With deep pours, the rate of placing should be such that the layer of concrete below that being placed should
not have set; this will ensure full continuity between layers, and avoid cold joints and planes of weakness in
the hardened concrete
Once the concrete is in place, vibration, either internal or external, should be applied to mold the concrete
around embedments e.g. reinforcement, and to eliminate pockets of entrapped air, but the vibration should
not be used to move the concrete into place
High-workability mixes should not be over vibrated this may cause segregation.
As we know that water is added for workability and hydration. So if water is not available for
hydration, strength will be compromised. We also studied that water is lost (loss of workability)
is due to water absorption and evaporation. This loss of water is to be compensated by either
adding extra amount of water or preventing the already present amount of water from
evaporating. This process is called curing.
Adding extra water by spraying and covering the concrete by gunny bags etc.
By allowing water to stand on the roofs
By covering concrete by polythene sheets in order to prevent water from escaping by
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 2
2 JOB NO. 2
Standard Test Method for The Determination of the Normal Consistency of the Hydraulic
It is used to find out the percentage of water at which the standard consistency is achieved. This
known amount of water is then used in making the cement paste for other tests like;
2.2 Apparatus:
Weighing Balance
VICAT Apparatus (contains)
Plunger with end of 10mm diameter and 50mm length
Conical ring with lower diameter of 70mm, upper diameter of
60mm and 40mm height.
Glass graduates (200mL or 250mL capacity)
Glass plate trowel
a. Consistency
b. Cement paste
c. Standard paste
It is the cement paste for which the 10mm diameter plunger in a standard
VICAT test penetrates by around 10mm.
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d. Standard/Normal consistency
e. VICAT apparatus
The rod B is made of stainless steel having a hardness of not less than
35 HRC, and shall be straight with the plunger end which is perpendicular
to the rod axis. The ring is made of a non-corroding, nonabsorbent material,
and have an inside diameter of 70 mm at the base and 60 mm at the top,
and a height of 40 mm. In addition to the above, the Vicat apparatus shall
conform to the following requirements:
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The relative humidity of the laboratory should not be less than 50%.
b. Amount of cement
ASTM = 650gm
c. Mixing time
The cement paste must be properly mixed and placed in the test specimen
within a maximum time of 41/4 min from the instant when cement and
water were initially brought in contact.
2.5 Procedure:
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Observation No 1 2 3 4
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 3
3 JOB NO. 3
Standard Test Method for The Determination of the Initial and Final Setting Time of the
Hydraulic Cement By VICAT Needle Apparatus.
This test method is used to determine the time of setting of the hydraulic
cement by Vicat needle apparatus.
i.e. ( 90 + 1.2 (initial setting time) ) min < final setting time < 10hrs
3.2 Apparatus:
Vicat apparatus
Needle of 1mm2 cross-section and 50mm
length (for initial setting time)
Flat trowel
Reference Masses and Devices for
Determining Mass
Graduated cylinders
a. Setting
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In the setting process very little chemical reaction takes place. It only
includes the shape acquisition due to evaporation of water. During the
setting process the cement remains in the fluid or the semi-fluid state and
there is very little or no gain in strength. Finer the cement particles more
will be the hydration and therefore it will lead to quick settlement.
b. Hardening
The time elapsed between the initial contact of cement and water and the
time when a 1mm2 cross-section needle gives a penetration of 25mm in a
standard Vicat apparatus is known as initial setting time of that particular
cement paste.
It is the time elapsed between the initial contact of cement and water and
the time when the needle does not show considerable penetration.
According to specifications;
Minimum final setting time = [90 + 1.2 (initial setting time)] min
a. Needle sizes
50mm length
b. Mixing water
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The relative humidity of the laboratory should not be less than 50%.
ASTM = 650gm
3.5 Procedure:
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 4
4 JOB NO. 4
The following covers only that portion of ASTM Designation: C 109 that is
required to determine the compressive strength of 50-mm (2-in.) portland
cement mortar cubes.
4.2 Apparatus:
4.3 Procedure:
A. Preparation of Mortar:
i. Weigh (300) gm of cement and Prepare the corresponding weights
of standard sand and water.
ii. Place the dry paddle and the dry bowl in the mixing position in the
mixer. Then introduce the materials for a batch into the bowl and
mix in the following manner:
Place all the mixing water in the bowl.
Add the cement to the water, then start the mixer and mix at the
low speed (140 5 r/ min) for (30 s).
Add the entire quantity of sand slowly over a (30 s) period, while
mixing at slow speed.
Stop the mixer, change to medium speed (285 +10 r/min) and
mix for 30 s.
Stop the mixer and let the mortar stand for 1.5 min. During the
first (15 s) of this interval, quickly scrape down into the batch
any mortar that may have collected on the side of the bowl.
Finish by mixing for (1min) at medium speed.
i. Thinly cover the interior faces of the specimen molds with oil.
ii. Start molding the specimens within a total time of not more than
2.5 min after completion of mixing.
iii. Place a layer of mortar about 25 mm (half the depth of the mold) in
all the cube specimens.
iv. Tamp the mortar in each cube 32 times (4x8), about 4 rounds, each
round to be at right angles to the other.
C. Testing Specimens:
i. After 7 days (+ 3 hours), take the specimens out of the basin, dry
them with a clean cloth, put them one after the other in the testing
ii. The cubes must be put on one side, using extra steel plates up and
down the specimen.
iii. Start loading in a speed of 1.4 kN /sec or (350 kg /cm2 ) in a minute
iv. When failure, record load and the compressive strength.
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 5
5 JOB NO. 5
Determination of the Fineness Modulus of The Coarse And Fine Aggregate From Different
This test method is used to determine the fineness modulus of the given
fine grained specimen.
5.2 Apparatus:
a. Fineness modulus
b. Sieve analysis
1 mm = 1000 m (micron)
d. Set of sieves
The set of sieves used for the process of sieve analysis can be categorized
A. Coarse Aggregates:
Standard Non-Standard
75mm (3 )
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37.5mm (1 )
19mm (3/4 )
9.5mm (3/8 )
4.75mm (3/16 )
2.36mm (3/32 )
Note: For sieves with openings 4.75mm & larger, the
quantity retained in kg shall not exceed the product of
2.5 x sieve opening (mm) x effective sieving area
B. Fine Aggregates:
There are some limiting values for every sieve provided by ASTM or BS,
we use these limiting values to get our final answer by the method explained
Take the minimum and the maximum values provided by ASTM and plot
them on the grading curve. Now take these minimum and maximum value
lines as your reference and if the curve of our own data lies inside these two
lines then the quality of our sample is OK but if your curve lies outside these
two lines of maximum and minimum range then the sample is not according
to specifications.
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 5
Cumulative % Passing
Plot of tested specimen
Percentage Passing
Sieve Size
Minimum Maximum
9.5mm 100 100
4.75mm 95 100
2.36mm 80 100
1.18mm 50 85
600m 25 60
300m 10 30
150m 2 10
Percentage Passing
Sieve Size
37.5mm Down 19.0mm Down 12.5mm Down
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
50 100 100 - - - -
37.5 95 100 - - - -
25 - - 100 100 - -
19 35 70 90 100 100 100
12.5 - - - - 90 100
9.5 10 30 20 55 40 70
4.75 0 5 0 10 0 15
2.38 - - 0 5 0 5
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5.4 Procedure:
Weigh the mass retained on each sieve and calculate the percentage
passing through each sieve. Then the FM can be calculated by using the
(Cumulative% Retained on Standard Sievesof 150
m or above
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Fine Aggregate
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Coarse Aggregate
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 6
6 JOB NO. 6
Standard Test Method for The Determination of Bulk Density (i.e. Unit Weight and the
Voids in Aggregates)
This test method is used to determine the bulk density of the given fine
grained specimen.
d=225mm d=16mm
Temping rod
Measuring Cylinder V 278mm
Shovel or Scoop
Temping Rod
6.3 Related theory: 1
a. Bulk density m
The term volume includes the volume of the individual particles and the
volume of the voids between the particles.
b. Voids
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c. Absolute density
Bulk density depends upon how densely the aggregate is packed. It also
depends upon the size, distribution and shape of the particles. If the
particles are of the same size, then it can be packed to a limited extent but
when the smaller particles are added, the voids get filled with them and thus
the bulk density increases.
For a coarse aggregate, a higher bulk density means that there are few
voids which are to be filled by the fine aggregate and cement. Thus bulk
density also depends upon the degree of packing.
6.4 Procedure:
Note down the dimensions and empty weight of the measuring container
and compute its volume. For the determination of the loose bulk density, fill
the container with the aggregate material by means of a shovel and level its
top surface. Weigh the container filled with the aggregate and note down its
reading. Then the loose bulk density of the aggregate material can be
computed by using the relation;
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with 25 strokes of the temping rod. Finally, fill the container to overflowing
and rod again in the manner previously mentioned.
Now level the top surface and weigh the container. Calculate the
compacted bulk density by using the relation;
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 6
Wt. of
Wt. of Wt. of Volume of Bulk
Sample State cylinder +
cylinder aggregate cylinder Density
(kg) (kg) (kg) (m3) (kg/m3)
Coarse Compacted
Aggregate Loose
Fine Compacted
Aggregate Loose
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 7
7 JOB NO. 7
Standard Test Method for The Determination of Relative Density (Specific Gravity) And
Water Absorption of Different Aggregates.
In this test method we determine the relative density (i.e. specific gravity)
and the water absorption of the coarse aggregates.
The limitation of the test is that, it cannot be used for the light weight
7.2 Apparatus:
Sample container
Water tank
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a. Aggregates
i- Coarse Aggregates
ii- Fine Aggregates
b. Coarse aggregates
c. Fine aggregates
Greener in color
High strength
Usually elongated particles
Grayish in color
Low in strength
Whitish in color
iv. Absorption
The term absorption does not include the amount of water adhering to
the surface of the particles. Water absorption is expressed as percentage of
the dry mass.
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It is the mass of the oven dried aggregate per unit volume of the
aggregate particles.
The term volume includes the volume of the permeable and the
impermeable pores and does not include the volume of the voids between
the particles.
It is the mass of the saturated surface dry aggregate per unit volume of
the aggregate particles.
The term volume includes the volume of the permeable and the
impermeable pores which are filled with water and does not include the
volume of the voids between the particles.
It is the mass per unit volume of the solid portion of the particles
excluding the voids.
It is the ratio of the density of the aggregate material to the density of the
gas free distilled water at a standard temperature (i.e. 4 oC).
It is the ratio of the oven dried density of the aggregate to the density of
the gas free distilled water at a standard temperature (i.e. 4 oC).
It is the ratio of the saturated surface dry density of the aggregate to the
density of the gas free distilled water at a standard temperature (i.e. 4 oC).
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7.4 Procedure:
A. Coarse Aggregate
i. Select by quartering or use of a sample splitter approximately 5 kg of
aggregate. Reject all material passing a 4.75mm sieve.
ii. Thoroughly wash the sample to remove all dust or other coatings from
the particles.
iii. Dry the sample to a constant weight at a temperature of 100 to 110C
(212 to 230F). Cool at room temperature for about 15 min. and then
immerse in water at room temperature for approximately 30 min.
iv. Remove sample from water and wipe the particles until all surface
films are removed. Weigh the sample in this saturated surface dry
condition to the nearest 0.5 g.
v. Immediately after weighing, place the sample in a wire basket,
suspend in water, and obtain the buoyant weight.
vi. Dry the sample to a constant weight at a temperature of 100 to 110C
(212 to 230F), cool in room temperature for at least 30 min. and
vii. Computations;
B. Fine Aggregate
i. Obtain by sample splitting or quartering 3000 grams of aggregate,
including equal quantities of all fractions.
ii. Dry to a constant weight at a temperature of 100 to 110C (212 to
iii. Allow to cool and cover with water for about 30 min.
iv. Remove excess water and spread on a flat surface. Expose to a gentle
moving flame until test sample approaches a free-flowing condition.
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v. Place a portion of the fine aggregate sample loosely into the mold.
Tamp lightly 25 times and lift the mold vertically. If surface moisture
is present, the fine aggregate will maintain its molded shape.
Continue drying and testing until upon removal of the mold, the
aggregate slumps slightly. This indicates that the saturated, surface-
dry condition has been reached.
vi. Immediately introduce into the pycnometer 500.0 g of the fine
aggregate. Fill the pycnometer almost to capacity and eliminate the
air bubbles by agitation. Add water until the bottom of the meniscus is
at the 500 cc line, etched on the pycnometer. Determine the total
weight of the flask, including the sample, and the water.
vii. Carefully remove the fine aggregate and dry to a constant weight of
100 to 110C (212 to 230F) and cool for at least 30 min. and weigh.
viii. Computations;
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 8
8 JOB NO. 8
8.2 Apparatus:
The test sample shall consist of aggregates the whole of which passes
through inch (12.7mm) sieve and is retained on a 3/8 inch (9.51mm) sieve.
The aggregate comprising the test sample shall be dried in an oven for a period
of four hours at a temperature of 100-110 C and cooled.
The measure (cup) shall be filled about one-third full with the aggregate and
gives 25 blows of tamping rod. A further similar quantity of aggregate shall be
added and a further 25 blows of tamping rod should be given to the second
layer and on the last layer 25 tamping rod blows should again be given and the
surplus aggregate struck off using the tamping rod as a straight-edge. The net
weight of aggregate in the measure shall be determined to the nearest gram
(weight A) and this weight shall be used for the duplicate test on the same
8.4 Procedure:
The impact machine shall test without wedging or packing upon the level
plate, block or floor, so that it is rigid and hammer guide columns are vertical.
The cup shall be fixed firmly in position on the base of the machine and the
whole of the test sample placed in it and compacted by 25 strokes of the
tamping rod.
The hammer shall be raised until its lower face is 15 in (381mm) above
from the upper surface of the aggregate in the cup, and allowed to fall freely on
the aggregate. The test sample shall be subjected to a total 15 such blows each
being delivered at an interval of not less than one second.
The crushed aggregate shall then be removed from the cup and the whole of it
sieved on No. 7 (2.83mm) sieve until no further significant amount passes in
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one minute. The fraction passing the sieve shall be weighted to an accuracy of
0.1 gram (weight B). Te fraction retained on the sieve shall also be weighed
(weight C), and if the total weight B + C is less than the initial weight (weight
A) by more than 1 gm the result shall be discarded and a fresh test made. Two
tests shall be made.
The ratio of the weight of fines formed to the total sample weight in each
test shall be expressed as a percentage, the result being recorded to the first
decimal place.
Aggregate Impact Value = 100.
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 9
9 JOB NO. 9
Preparing A Concrete-Mix And Casting Various Samples Required For Different Tests.
9.2 Apparatus:
Concrete Mixer
o Cement
o Sand/Fine Aggregate
o Crush/Coarse Aggregate
o Water
Molds for samples to be prepared
o Cylinders 300mm x 150mm (10+2), compressive strength & split
cylinder test
o Cylinders 150mm x 150mm (2), double punch test
o Cubes 150mm (10), compressive strength
o Beams 76mm x 153mm x 1370mm (4), study of flexure behavior
PCC consists of three basic ingredients: aggregate, water and portland cement. According to the
Portland Cement Association (PCA, 1988):
"The objective in designing concrete mixtures is to determine the most economical and
practical combination of readily available materials to produce a concrete that will satisfy the
performance requirements under particular conditions of use."
PCC mix design has evolved chiefly through experience and well-documented empirical
relationships. Normally, the mix design procedure involves two basic steps:
i. Mix proportioning. This step uses the desired PCC properties as inputs then determines
the required materials and proportions based on a combination of empirical relationships
and local experience. There are many different PCC proportioning methods of varying
complexity that work reasonably well.
ii. Mix testing. Trial mixes are then evaluated and characterized by subjecting them to
several laboratory tests. Although these characterizations are not comprehensive, they can
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give the mix designer a good understanding of how a particular mix will perform in the
field during construction and under subsequent traffic loading.
This section covers mix design fundamentals common to all PCC mix design methods. First, two
basic concepts (mix design as a simulation and weight-volume terms and relationships) are
discussed to set a framework for subsequent discussion. Second, the variables that mix design
may manipulate are presented. Third, the fundamental objectives of mix design are presented.
Finally, a generic mix design procedure is presented.
a. Basic Concepts
Before discussing any mix design specifics, it is important to understand a couple of basic mix
design concepts:
First, and foremost, mix design is a laboratory simulation. Mix design is meant to simulate actual
PCC manufacturing, construction and performance. Then, from this simulation we can predict
(with reasonable certainty) what type of mix design is best for the particular application in
question and how it will perform.
Being a simulation, mix design has its limitations. Specifically, there are substantial differences
between laboratory and field conditions. For instance, mix testing is generally done on small
samples that are cured in carefully controlled conditions. These values are then used to draw
conclusions about how a mix will behave under field conditions. Despite such limitations mix
design procedures can provide a cost effective and reasonably accurate simulation that is useful in
making mix design decisions.
The more accurate mix design methods are volumetric in nature. That is, they seek to combine
the PCC constituents on a volume basis (as opposed to a weight basis). Volume measurements
are usually made indirectly by determining a material's weight and specific gravity and then
calculating its volume. Therefore, mix design involves several key aggregate specific gravity
i. Variables
PCC is a complex material formed from some very basic ingredients. When used in pavement,
this material has several desired performance characteristics - some of which are in direct conflict
with one another. PCC pavements must resist deformation, crack in a controlled manner, be
durable over time, resist water damage, provide a good tractive surface, and yet be inexpensive,
readily made and easily placed. In order to meet these demands, mix design can manipulate the
following variables:
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i. Aggregate. Items such as type (source), amount, gradation and size, toughness and
abrasion resistance, durability and soundness, shape and texture as well as cleanliness can
be measured, judged and altered to some degree.
ii. Portland cement. Items such as type, amount, fineness, soundness, hydration rate and
additives can be measured, judged and altered to some degree.
iii. Water. Typically the volume and cleanliness of water are of concern. Specifically, the
volume of water in relation to the volume of portland cement, called the water-cement
ratio, is of primary concern. Usually expressed as a decimal (e.g., 0.35), the water-cement
ratio has a major effect on PCC strength and durability.
iv. Admixtures. Items added to PCC other than portland cement, water and aggregate.
Admixtures can be added before, during or after mixing and are used to alter basic PCC
properties such as air content, water-cement ratio, workability, set time, bonding ability,
coloring and strength.
ii. Objectives
By manipulating the mixture variables of aggregate, portland cement, water and admixtures, mix
design seeks to achieve the following qualities in the final PCC product (Mindess and Young,
shrinkage cracking. Therefore, factors such as high water-cement ratios and the use of
high early strength portland cement types and admixtures can result in excessive and/or
uncontrolled shrinkage cracking.
iii. Durability. PCC should not suffer excessive damage due to chemical or physical
attacks during its service life. As opposed to HMA durability, which is mainly concerned
with aging effects, PCC durability is mainly concerned with specific chemical and
environmental conditions that can potentially degrade PCC performance. Durability is
related to:
iv. Skid resistance. PCC placed as a surface course should provide sufficient friction
when in contact with a vehicle's tire. In mix design, low skid resistance is generally
related to aggregate characteristics such as texture, shape, size and resistance to polish.
Smooth, rounded or polish-susceptible aggregates are less skid resistant. Tests for particle
shape and texture can identify problem aggregate sources. These sources can be avoided,
or at a minimum, aggregate with good surface and abrasion characteristics can be blended
in to provide better overall characteristics.
v. Workability. PCC must be capable of being placed, compacted and finished with
reasonable effort. The slump test, a relative measurement of concrete consistency, is the
most common method used to quantify workability. Workability is generally related to
one or more of the following:
Water content. Water works as a lubricant between the particles within PCC.
Therefore, low water content reduces this lubrication and makes for a less workable
mix. Note that a higher water content is generally good for workability but generally
bad for strength and durability, and may cause segregation and bleeding. Where
necessary, workability should be improved by redesigning the mix to increase the
paste content (water + portland cement) rather than by simply adding more water or
fine material (Mindess and Young, 1981).
Aggregate proportion. Large amounts of aggregate in relation to the cement
paste will decrease workability. Essentially, if the aggregate portion is large then the
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corresponding water and cement portions must be small. Thus, the same problems and
remedies for "water content" above apply.
Aggregate texture, shape and size. Flat, elongated or angular particles tend to
interlock rather than slip by one another making placement and compaction more
difficult. Tests for particle shape and texture can identify possible workability
Aggregate gradation. Gradations deficient in fines make for less workable
mixes. In general, fine aggregates act as lubricating "ball bearings" in the mix.
Gradation specifications are used to ensure acceptable aggregate gradation.
Aggregate porosity. Highly porous aggregate will absorb a high amount of
water leaving less available for lubrication. Thus, mix design usually corrects for the
anticipated amount of absorbed water by the aggregate.
Air content. Air also works as a lubricant between aggregate particles.
Therefore, low air content reduces this lubrication and makes for a less workable mix.
A volume of air-entrained PCC requires less water than an equal volume of non-air-
entrained PCC of the same slump and maximum aggregate size (PCA, 1988).
Cement properties. Portland cements with higher amounts of C3S and C3A will
hydrate quicker and lose workability faster.
Knowing these objectives, the challenge in mix design is then to develop a relatively simple
procedure with a minimal amount of tests and samples that will produce a mix with all the
qualities discussed above.
In order to meet the requirements established by the preceding desirable PCC properties, all mix
design processes involve four basic processes:
i. Aggregate selection. No matter the specific method, the overall mix design procedure
begins with evaluation and selection of aggregate and asphalt binder sources. Different
authorities specify different methods of aggregate acceptance. Typically, a battery of
aggregate physical tests is run periodically on each particular aggregate source. Then, for
each mix design, gradation and size requirements are checked. Normally, aggregate from
more than one source is required to meet gradation requirements.
ii. Portland cement selection. Typically, a type and amount of portland cement is selected
based on past experience and empirical relationships with such factors as compressive
strength (at a given age), water-cement ratio and chemical susceptibility.
iii. Mix proportioning. A PCC mixture can be proportioned using experience or a generic
procedure (such as ACI 211.1).
iv. Testing. Run laboratory tests on properly prepared samples to determine key mixture
characteristics. It is important to understand that these tests are not comprehensive nor are
they exact reproductions of actual field conditions.
The selected PCC mixture should be the one that, based on test results, best satisfies the mix
design objectives.
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The American Concrete Institute (ACI) mix design method is but one of many basic concrete mix
design methods available today. This section summarizes the ACI absolute volume method
because it is widely accepted in the U.S. and continually updated by the ACI. Keep in mind that
this summary and most methods designated as "mix design" methods are really just mixture
proportioning methods. Mix design includes trial mixture proportioning (covered here) plus
performance tests.
This section is a general outline of the ACI proportioning method with specific emphasis on PCC
for pavements. It emphasizes general concepts and rationale over specific procedures. Typical
procedures are available in the following documents:
The American Concrete Institute's (ACI) Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for
Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete (ACI 211.1-91) as found in their ACI Manual of
Concrete Practice 2000, Part 1: Materials and General Properties of Concrete.
The Portland Cement Association's (PCA) Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 14th
edition (2002) or any earlier edition.
The standard ACI mix design procedure can be divided up into 8 basic steps:
a. Choice of slump
b. Maximum aggregate size selection
c. Mixing water and air content selection
d. Water-cement ratio
e. Cement content
f. Coarse aggregate content
g. Fine aggregate content
h. Adjustments for aggregate moisture
a. Slump
The choice of slump is actually a choice of mix workability. Workability can be described as a
combination of several different, but related, PCC properties related to its rheology:
Ease of mixing
Ease of placing
Ease of compaction
Ease of finishing
Generally, mixes of the stiffest consistency that can still be placed adequately should be used
(ACI, 2000). Typically slump is specified, but Table 5.14 shows general slump ranges for
specific applications. Slump specifications are different for fixed form paving and slip form
paving. Table 5.15 shows typical and extreme state DOT slump ranges.
Table 5.14: Slump Ranges for Specific Applications (after ACI, 2000)
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Table 5.15: Typical State DOT Slump Specifications (data taken from ACPA, 2001)
Maximum aggregate size will affect such PCC parameters as amount of cement paste, workability
and strength. In general, ACI recommends that maximum aggregate size be limited to 1/3 of the
slab depth and 3/4 of the minimum clear space between reinforcing bars. Aggregate larger than
these dimensions may be difficult to consolidate and compact resulting in a honeycombed
structure or large air pockets. Pavement PCC maximum aggregate sizes are on the order of 25
mm (1 inch) to 37.5 mm (1.5 inches) (ACPA, 2001).
Slump is dependent upon nominal maximum aggregate size, particle shape, aggregate gradation,
PCC temperature, the amount of entrained air and certain chemical admixtures. It is not generally
affected by the amount of cementitious material. Therefore, ACI provides a table relating
nominal maximum aggregate size, air entrainment and desired slump to the desired mixing water
quantity. Table 5.16 is a partial reproduction of ACI Table 6.3.3 (keep in mind that pavement
PCC is almost always air-entrained so air-entrained values are most appropriate). Typically, state
agencies specify between about 4 and 8 percent air by total volume (based on data from ACPA,
Note that the use of water-reducing and/or set-controlling admixtures can substantially reduce the
amount of mixing water required to achieve a given slump.
Mixing Water Quantity in kg/m3 (lb/yd3) for the listed Nominal Maximum Aggregate
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The water-cement ratio is a convenient measurement whose value is well correlated with PCC
strength and durability. In general, lower water-cement ratios produce stronger, more durable
PCC. If natural pozzolans are used in the mix (such as fly ash) then the ratio becomes a water-
cementitious material ratio (cementitious material = portland cement + pozzolonic material). The
ACI method bases the water-cement ratio selection on desired compressive strength and then
calculates the required cement content based on the selected water-cement ratio. Table 5.17 is a
general estimate of 28-day compressive strength vs. water-cement ratio (or water-cementitious
ratio). Values in this table tend to be conservative (ACI, 2000). Most state DOTs tend to set a
maximum water-cement ratio between 0.40 - 0.50 (based on data from ACPA, 2001).
The calculated amount based on the selected mixing water content and water-cement ratio.
The specified minimum cement content, if applicable. Most state DOTs specify minimum
cement contents in the range of 300 - 360 kg/m3 (500 - 600 lbs/yd3).
An older practice used to be to specify the cement content in terms of the number of 94 lb. sacks
of portland cement per cubic yard of PCC. This resulted in specifications such as a "6 sack mix"
or a "5 sack mix". While these specifications are quite logical to a small contractor or individual
who buys portland cement in 94 lb. sacks, they do not have much meaning to the typical
pavement contractor or batching plant who buys portland cement in bulk. As such, specifying
cement content by the number of sacks should be avoided.
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At this point, all other constituent volumes have been specified (water, portland cement, air and
coarse aggregate). Thus, the fine aggregate volume is just the remaining volume:
Volume of fine aggregate = Unit volume (1 m 3 or yd3) (Volume of mixing water + Volume of air
+ Volume of portland cement + Volume of coarse aggregate)
Unlike HMA, PCC batching does not require dried aggregate. Therefore, aggregate moisture
content must be accounted for. Aggregate moisture affects the following parameters:
Aggregate weights. Aggregate volumes are calculated based on oven dry unit weights, but
aggregate is typically batched based on actual weight. Therefore, any moisture in the aggregate
will increase its weight and stockpiled aggregates almost always contain some moisture. Without
correcting for this, the batched aggregate volumes will be incorrect.
Amount of mixing water. If the batched aggregate is anything but saturated surface dry it will
absorb water (if oven dry or air dry) or give up water (if wet) to the cement paste. This causes a
net change in the amount of water available in the mix and must be compensated for by adjusting
the amount of mixing water added.
i. Required Data:
fc' = 30 Mpa
Concrete type = Non air entrained
Maximum aggregate size = 20 mm
Slump required = 30-80 mm
Fineness Modulus of Fine aggregate = 2.82
Bulk density of coarse aggregate = 1555 kg/m3
Bulk density of fine aggregate = 1070.16 kg/m3
Specific gravity of cement = 3.15
Specific gravity of coarse aggregate = 2.6
Specific gravity of fine aggregate = 2.63
Water absorption of coarse aggregate = 0.9 %
Water absorption of fine aggregate = 1.2 %
ii. Calculations:
a. Calculation for target strength:
Fcr' = 38.3
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Water content = 92 %
xiv. Water amount: 2
w/c = 0.437
xvi. Cement content:
Cement: 421.053
Coarse Agg.: 960.99
Fine Agg.: 769.856
Water: 202
xxii. Concrete Mix:
W/C = 0.53
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 10
10 JOB NO. 10
This test method is used in lab and in field for finding out the slump
(decrease in the height of concrete when we lift up the mould). This test is
used extensively in site works all over the world. The slump test does not
measure the workability of concrete directly but it co-relates the workability
with some physical measurement.
Slump<15mm (Non-Plastic)
Slump>15 (Plastic)
10.2 Apparatus:
a. Slump
1- True Slump
2- Shear Slump
3- Collapse slump
We discard the collapse slump due to the very high value of slump
Shear slump occurs due to the lack of cohesion in mix.
We often use the term 100% compaction but actually in 100%
compaction we have percentage of air voids less than 3% by volume of
10.4 Procedure:
The mold is placed on a flat moist non-absorb surface with the smaller
opening at the top. It is then held firmly in place during filling of concrete by
the operator standing on two foot pieces. The mould is filled to a depth of
70mm and 2/3 of volume fills to a depth of 160mm. Each layer is given 25
strokes with the help of temping rod uniformly distributed over the cross-
section of each layer. Rod the 2nd and 3rd layer throughout its depth so that
strokes just penetrates into the under lying layer. After the top layer is
rodded strike off the surface of the concrete by means of rolling motion of
temping rod.
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Complete the entire test with an elapsed time of 2.5minutes. After filling,
the cone is slowly lifted and the unsupported concrete slumps. The decrease
in the height of concrete is called slump.
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 11
11 JOB NO. 11
This test also gives the workability of concrete indirectly. This test is
appropriate for concrete with the maximum aggregate size of 40mm.
11.2 Apparatus:
Apparatus consists of 0m
two hoppers each in the
shape of frustum of a Upper 27
Hopper 5m
cone and one cylinder. m
The hoppers have hinge 5m Same
Lower m dimension
door at the bottom and all
Hopper s
the surfaces are polished to
reduce friction. 20
m 150m
m dia
a. Compacting factor
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11.4 Procedure:
First the concrete is placed gently at the upper hopper so that no work
is done on concrete to produce compaction. The bottom door of the upper
hopper is then released and the concrete falls into the lower hopper. The
bottom door of the lower hopper is then released and the concrete falls into
the cylinder. Excess concrete is then removed from the cylinder.
The density of concrete in now calculated and this density divided by the
density of fully compacted concrete is known as compacting factor.
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 11
Partially Compacted Density PC kg m 3
Fully Compacted Density FC kg m 3
Compactive Factor PC
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 12
12 JOB NO. 12
Test Method for The Compressive Strength of Cylindrical & Cubical Concrete Specimens.
12.2 Apparatus:
12.3 Procedure:
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Date of Casting
w/c Ratio
Ag a h Strength
Samp Weig
le ht (ton) (lb.) (in2) (psi) (psi) (Mpa)
No. (kg)
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 12
Curve showing rate of gain of strength (Strength Vs Days) of both cyliners and cubes
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 13
13 JOB NO. 13
Test Method for The Flexural Strength of Concrete Using Simple Beam With Third-Point
Code: ASTM C 78 - 02
13.2 Apparatus:
13.3 Procedure:
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#2 #2
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Explain the mode of failure for each beam in the space below,
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 14
14 JOB NO. 14
This test method is used for the determination of splitting tensile strength
of cylindrical concrete specimen.
P = Applied load
14.2 Apparatus:
Testing Machine
Supplementary Bearing Bar Or Plates (If the diameter or the largest dimension
of the upper bearing face or the lower bearing block
is less than the length of the cylinder to be tested, a
supplementary bearing bar or plate of machined
steel shall be used. The bar or plate shall be manner
that the load will be applied over the specimen.)
Bearing Strips (Two bearing strips of nominal 1 /8 in [3.2
mm] thick plywood, free of imperfections,
approximately 1 in. [25 mm] wide, and of a length
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The rate of loading should be such that a stress of 0.7 1.4 MPa/min is
14.4 Procedure:
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Thin, plywood bearing strips are used to distribute the load applied
along the length of the cylinder.
14.5 Calculations
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Dia of Splitting
Max. Applied of
Specim Tensile Mean
Sr.# Load Specim
en Strength
(Tons) (N) (mm) (mm) (MPa) (MPa)
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15 JOB NO. 15
15.1 Apparatus:
Testing Machine
Testing Samples
Punches (2 in number, to be placed at the top and bottom of the sample)
15.3 Procedure:
The sample splits across many vertical diametrical planes radiating from
central axis.
Samples should be placed under wet conditions for 24 hours and later
on in a curing tank for 28 days.
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15.4 Calculation
ft = Q / [ (1.2 b H - a2)]
Q = Crushing Load
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Plain and Reinforced Concrete 1 Job No. 15
Max. applied
b a H Mean
Specimen load
(Tons) (N) (mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa)
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