Recorder Karate Syllabus Weebly
Recorder Karate Syllabus Weebly
Recorder Karate Syllabus Weebly
The outcomes from the Alberta Curriculum that will be met throughout this
program include:
Playing Instruments
o Play simple rhythm patterns (the beat and divisions of the beat)
o Recognize whole, half, quarter, eighth notes and the whole, half,
quarter, eighth rests
o Recognize the dotted half note, the concept of the dot, and fermata
Resource Requirements
The Recorder Karate book will include each song necessary to complete the
program as well as all the musical theory concepts for students to learn
along the way (note names, fingerings, rhythms, time signatures, key
signatures, etc.). It is very helpful if students can practice these concepts at
home as well as in the musical classroom. Here is an example from the
Recorder Karate book:
Musical Note Name Quizzes: 9 Tests @ 100 points each = 900 total points
Performance Assessments: 9 Assessments @ 40 points each = 360 total
Exit Slips: 12 Daily Reflections @ 50 points each = 600 points
Test, Poster, Chart, Wordle, Final Reflection: 5 @ 100 points each = 500
Earning Belts
Lesson Eight: Purple Belt Fundamentals (fingering chart, note name quiz)