How Recorder Karate
How Recorder Karate
How Recorder Karate
The first step is to pick nine pieces of recorder around the student and finger the notes for him or
music that get progressively harder. her. You could also do much easier songs. The most
We have provided nine songs for your important thing is that each student feel motivated
convenience. We give you the rights to reproduce enough to practice on their own and to feel successful
them for all of your students. We have even supplied with what they accomplish.
artwork so that you can make your students their If you choose to make your own Recorder Karate
very own Recorder Karate packet. (I require my song list, the following tips should be helpful to you:
students to have a three-ring binder or a folder with First, be careful to use only reproducible sources if
three prongs to keep their packet in. This really cuts you copy songs for your students. Many beginning
down on lost copies and wasted paper.) methods expect you to buy a separate book for
However, you can certainly use the each student.
music from any legally reproducible The songs shouldn’t be too easy. The
recorder books or methods that you students should have to work for the belts,
already own. This will allow you to tailor but, at the same time, the black belt should be
this unit to meet your goals for any level reasonably attainable. Not all students will
of students. If you start recorders in 2nd achieve the black belt, but you want the students
or 3rd grade, you might want to choose to feel challenged and successful. However, you
easier songs. Also, you might need to don’t want the songs to be so hard that a lot of
adapt this unit to the special needs of students get discouraged and quit early on. One
some children. An example of this thing to remember is that new notes aren’t the
would be a student in my school only things that make a song harder. The
who has muscular disabilities with rhythms, length of note values, and meter all
his hands. He has strong use of his left play a huge part. Playing through the songs in
hand but not with his right hand. His sequential order yourself can greatly aid you in
packet (with the same cover as all the making sure that they get progressively harder.
other packets) contains songs with only The most important goal here is that the kids
BAG C’D’ but with increasingly difficult enjoy playing enough that they actually practice on
rhythmic patterns, meters, and other their own and that they have fun while they acquire
parameters. This way he can still have the good playing skills. I believe that if they have fun and
motivation of achieving Recorder Karate belts. feel successful at playing the recorder, the chance of
By the way, for your students with their continuing with band and choir in middle and
reading disabilities and other disabilities, high school will be greatly increased. What a
you can make iconic versions of the great reward that is.
Recorder Karate songs. We have included an iconic The following is a list of the different color
sample of “Merrily We Roll Along” in the Worksheets Recorder Karate belts, the names of the nine songs
& Reproducibles section later in the book. A tip that I included in this book, and the notes that are in each
have found useful in working with Special Education song. If you choose to make up your own song list,
students is that the student can blow into the this will show you how the songs get progressively
recorder, and the teacher or assistant can reach more difficult.