What Is A Stroke
What Is A Stroke
What Is A Stroke
A stroke occurs when a blockage to the brain's blood supply occurs. Stroke symptoms (for
example, loss of arm or leg function or slurred speech) signify a medical emergency because
without treatment, blood deprived brain cells quickly become damaged or die resulting in brain
injury, serious disability, or death. Call 9-1-1 if you notice stroke symptoms developing in
Stroke Symptoms
Difficulty speaking
Severe headache
F means face: If one side of the face droops, its a sign of a possible stroke
A means arms: If the person cannot hold both arms out, its another possible stroke sign
S means speech: Slurring words and poor understanding of simple sentences is another
possible stroke sign
T means time: If any of the FAS signs are positive, its Time to call 9-1-1 immediately
Because treatments are sometimes difficult to qualify for and because damage to brain cells can
happen quickly, strokes are a leading cause of long-term disability in people.
Ischemic Stroke
This slide shows a CT scan of an ischemic stroke, which is responsible for about 80% to 90% of
all strokes. Ischemic strokes are caused by clots that reduce or stop blood flow to the brain. The
clot may develop elsewhere in the body and just get stuck in a brain vessel or the clot may
originate in the blood vessel.
Hemorrhagic Stroke
This slide shows a hemorrhagic stroke using an MRI image. The circle insert diagrams what
composes a hemorrhagic stroke. A blood vessel in the brain breaks open and blood escapes into
the brain under pressure, compressing other blood vessels and brain cells causing damage and
death. This bleeding into the brain is difficult to stop and is more likely to be fatal to the patient.
'Mini-Stroke' (TIA)
"Mini-strokes" (also termed transient ischemic attacks or TIAs) are temporary blockages of
blood vessels in the brain. TIAs can produce mild stroke symptoms that resolve. TIAs often
occur before a stroke happens so they serve as warning signs that the person may need stroke
preventive therapy.
Common causes of stroke come from blood vessels both outside and inside the brain.
Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) can occur when plaque (deposits of cholesterol,
calcium, fat, and other substances) builds up and narrows the vessel making it easy for clots to
form and further occlude the vessel. The clots can break free only to occlude smaller blood
vessels inside the brain. The blood vessels inside the brain itself can accumulate this plaque.
Occasionally, weakened vessels can burst and bleed into the brain.
Stroke Risk Factors: Chronic Conditions
Common conditions that increase a person's risk for strokes include high blood pressure,
elevated cholesterol levels, diabetes, and obesity. People can reduce stroke risks by addressing
these problems in consultation with their doctor.
Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. 1 in every 4 deaths is due to heart
Severe chest pain may be an obvious sign something is wrong. But heart disease can be deadly
because many people don't recognize some early signs and symptoms and they don't seek
treatment until it may be too late.
Heart symptoms may not always be explicit so do not ignore any potential cardiac warning signs.
Some warning signs not to ignore include: shortness of breath, heartburn, muscle soreness,
painful hiccups, neck or upper back pain, or other symptoms discussed in this slide show. People
with known heart disease or significant risk factors such as people over age 65, strong family
history of heart disease, obesity, smokers, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes
should pay extra attention to any possible cardiac symptoms.
It is important to pay attention to any symptoms that may indicate heart disease. Don't ignore
them or wait for them to go away see your doctor for testing and diagnosis. Many people
mistake heart disease symptoms for heartburn or muscle soreness. If you have any cardiac
disease risk factors, including being male, over age 65, have high cholesterol or high blood
pressure, are obese, a smoker, diabetic, or have a family history of heart disease you need to pay
extra attention to any potential heart disease symptoms.
1. Anxiety
One symptom of an impending heart attack can be extreme anxiety. You may feel as if you are
having a panic attack and experience shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain, and dizziness.
If you experience these symptoms go to an emergency room right away.
2. Chest Discomfort
Chest pain is a typical symptom of a heart attack. However, only about half of all women
experiencing a heart attack may have chest pain. In addition, chest pain can be a result of other
conditions that are not related to the heart.
When chest pain is heart-related it is often centered under the breastbone, slightly to the left of
center. It can feel like extreme pressure on the chest, or just an uncomfortable sensation of
pressure, squeezing, or fullness. Women may experience minor aches or even a burning
3. Cough
In heart failure, fluid may accumulate in the lungs, causing a persistent cough or wheezing.
Sometimes the cough may produce bloody phlegm. If you have a chronic or worsening cough or
wheezing that makes it hard to breathe or affects your daily life, see your doctor.
4. Dizziness
Heart attacks and heart rhythm abnormalities called arrhythmias can cause dizziness,
lightheadedness, and even fainting. Many different conditions can cause these kinds of
symptoms, so see a doctor to find out if heart disease is the cause of your dizziness.
5. Fatigue
Fatigue is one of those symptoms that can be attributed to many different medical conditions.
Sometimes women in particular to experience unusual fatigue during and in the days prior to a
heart attack. Heart failure can cause people to feel tired all the time. When you are so fatigued it
affects your daily function ion, it is time to see a doctor.
Nausea, indigestion, vomiting, or abdominal swelling can occur during a heart attack. Sometimes
the poor circulation due to a weak heart or blocked arteries can cause these symptoms. This is
common in women, and often gets worse with activity and improves with rest. If you are
experiencing nausea or lack of appetite that follows this pattern, see your doctor.
An occasional "skipped" heartbeat may be no cause for concern. But if you have a rapid or
irregular heart rate this could be a symptom of a heart attack, heart failure, or an arrhythmia. This
rapid or irregular pulse may also be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, or shortness of breath.
Seek medical attention immediately some arrhythmias can lead to stroke, heart failure, or death
without prompt medical intervention.
9. Shortness of Breath
During a heart attack or heart failure, fluid may leak into the lungs, causing shortness of breath.
People may feel breathless even at rest. Shortness of breath can be due to other conditions such
as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but it can also be a sign of heart attack or
heart failure.
10. Sweating
Breaking out into a sudden sweat for no reason is actually a common symptom of a heart attack.
Sweating profusely when you don't have a fever and are not exerting yourself or in a hot
environment especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as lightheadedness, shortness
of breath nausea, or chest pain may be a symptom of a heart attack.
11. Swelling
When the heart is weakened it pumps blood less effectively, and this can lead to fluid retention
that results in swelling (edema) of the lower extremities or abdomen. Heart failure can also cause
sudden weight gain and loss of appetite.
12. Weakness
Severe and unexplained weakness may be a sign of an impending heart attack. The heart is
unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. Blood gets diverted to the most critical
organs such as the heart, lungs, and brain, and away from the muscles.