A Natural Polymer-Based Cross-Linker System For Conformance Gel Systems
A Natural Polymer-Based Cross-Linker System For Conformance Gel Systems
A Natural Polymer-Based Cross-Linker System For Conformance Gel Systems
Summary (Fig. 2).12,13 Several variations of the same technology were cre-
This paper describes a material derived from natural sources that ated to overcome the toxicity issues associated with formaldehyde
can be used to crosslink a variety of acrylamide-based polymers and phenol. These processes generally involve replacing formal-
over a broad temperature range to produce gels for confor- dehyde and phenol with less toxic derivatives that generate phenol
mance applications. and formaldehyde in situ, or are themselves active components of
Delayed crosslinked polymer systems have been used for many the crosslinking system. For example, formaldehyde can be re-
years in conformance applications. For the past decade, the most placed with hexamethylene tetramine (HMTA), glyoxal, or 1, 3,
widely used system has been based on chromium (3+) crosslinked 5-trioxane. Substitutions for phenol included phenyl acetate, phe-
polyacrylamide. Organic crosslinkers, such as phenol/formaldehyde nyl salicylate, or hydroquinone, among others.12,13 Extensive pat-
and polyethyleneimine (PEI) have also been used with a variety of ent literature for this technology exists.1422
polymers. However, these systems are being scrutinized by gov- Recently, a less toxic crosslinker was tested extensively in field
ernmental agencies and have been scheduled for phaseout in some trials worldwide and enjoyed a very high success rate.2327 This
countries. Because of these issues, a single, environmentally system is based on PEI crosslinker and a copolymer of acrylamide
friendly crosslinker that could be used with a variety of polymers and t-butyl acrylate (PA-t-BA). PEI is a low-toxicity material that
over a broad temperature range was the focus of this study. is approved in the United States for food contact.2831 PA-t-BA is
This paper details the laboratory development of an environ- a relatively low molecular-weight polymer. The low molecular
mentally friendly, natural polyamine crosslinker system. This weight is expected to provide rigid ringing gels. The crosslink-
crosslinker can be used with a variety of polymers, such as poly- ing is believed to take place in situ by amidation of the pendant
acrylamide, AMPS/acrylamide, or alkylacrylate polymers. Gels ester groups on the base polymer (Fig. 3). Recent test results
ranging from stiff and ringing type to lipping gels have been indicate that a variety of polymers containing acrylamide pendant
obtained. The data illustrate a simple, commercially available sys- groups react with PEI nitrogens through a transamidation reaction
tem that can be applied to field operations. Potential crosslinking pathway to provide gels (Fig. 4).32
mechanism(s) of the system will be discussed. Because of recent changes in European environmental regula-
tions, PEI is targeted for phase-out from the Norwegian section of
the North Sea within the next few years. A search for biopolymers
Introduction containing amino groups suggested that chitosan (Fig. 5) may react
Water production in oil-producing wells becomes a more serious with acrylamide-based polymers in a manner similar to PEI. Chi-
problem as the wells mature. Remediation techniques for conform- tosan is a polysaccharide obtained by de-acetylating chitin, a ho-
ance control are selected on the basis of the water source and the mopolymer containing -(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose
method of entry into the wellbore. Treatment options include seal- (Fig. 6) that occurs in the shell or skin of anthropods or crusta-
ant treatments and relative permeability modifiers (also referred to ceous water animals. Chitosan is also present in the environment,
as disproportionate permeability modifiers). This paper primarily although in lesser amounts than the chitin. The degree of de-
discusses water control with water-based gels for applications in acetylation in the commercially-available chitosan materials is
wells in which the oil- and water-producing zones are clearly usually in the 70 to 78% range. The chitosan solubility in acidified
separated and can be mechanically isolated. water, for example in acetic or hydrochloric acid, is in the 1 to 2%
Chromium(III) crosslinked polyacrylamide gels can be choice range. The viscosity of the solutions depends on the molecular
materials for matrix-fluid shut-off systems.14 The crosslinking reac- weight of the polymer. If the pH of the solution is increased above
tions in these gel systems take place by the complexation of Cr(III) 6.0, polymer precipitation occurs.
oligomers with carboxylate groups on the polymer chains (Fig. 1). This paper presents results using chitosan as an environmen-
Because of the nature of the chemical bond between Cr(III) and tally preferable crosslinker for use in combination with acryla-
the pendant carboxylate groups, formation of insoluble chromium mide-based polymers. Gel treatments using this material should
species can occur at high pH levels. Other problems with these contain a biocide. The advantage here is that if inadvertently dis-
systems include thermal instability, unpredictable gel times, and charged, the chitosan will biodegrade.
gel instability in the presence of chemical species that are potential
ligands. The gel times are controlled by the addition of materials Experimental Methods
that chelate with chromium in competition with the polymer- Preparation of Chitosan Solutions. Commercial solid chitosan
bound carboxylate groups.5,6 samples were dissolved in fresh water solutions containing 1%
Another popular water-based gel system for water-control ap- acetic acid to make 1.0 to 1.5% polymer solutions. Chitosan lactate
plications is based on a phenol/formaldehyde crosslinker system salt, which is also commercially available, can be dissolved di-
for homo-, co-, and ter- polymer systems containing acrylamide.711 rectly in fresh water to prepare solutions with similar polymer
Depending on the polymer composition, these gels are thermally concentration. The viscosities and clarity of the solutions depended
stable, and the gel times are controllable over a wide temperature on the polymer molecular weight and the degree of de-acetylation.
range. The crosslinking mechanism involves hydroxymethylation Aqueous solutions of chitosan salts are also available commer-
of the amide nitrogen, with the subsequent propagation cially, which can be used directly for crosslinking base polymers. The
of crosslinking by multiple alkylation on the phenolic ring preformed chitosan salts are insoluble in salt water or seawater.
was less than 0.5% with a molecular weight of 500,000. The third Thermal Stability Measurements. The gels were stored in sealed
polymer, AMPS/AA, contained about 30 mole % of 2-acrylamido- tubes in thermostat-controlled ovens kept at 225 and 250F. Peri-
2-methylpropane sulfonic acid. The molecular weight of this poly- odically, the test tubes were visually inspected at temperature
mer was about 5 to 6 million, and the hydrolysis was less than 1%. (without cooling) for gel syneresis and/or degradation.
The viscosities of a solution containing 7% PA-t-BA and 0.5%
chitosan lactate in 85% fresh water and 15% synthetic seawater Single-Core Flow Testing With a Multitap Flow Cell. The fol-
were measured using a Fann 35 Rheometer and a Brookfield LVT lowing is a procedure for measuring permeability reduction to water
viscometer. The results are shown in Table 1. The viscosity values using the chitosan/PA-t-BA polymer gel system. A more detailed
observed are in the range typical for polymer solutions used in description of the experimental setup was presented earlier.33
conformance applications. 1. Record the test-core dimensions and place the core in a suit-
In the case of PHPA and AMPS/AA, because of the very high able holder, such as a Hassler sleeve apparatus. Place sufficient
polymer molecular weights, the concentrations of base polymers overburden pressure on the test core to ensure that no fluid by-
in aqueous solutions were kept near 0.7% so that the viscosities passes the core. (Generally, an overburden pressure of 450 to 500
of the base polymer solutions were within useful range for prac- psi over the treatment pressure is used for this purpose.)
tical applications. 2. Determine water viscosity at the temperature that will be
used in the flow tests. All flow series were performed at the desired
Gel Time Measurements. Two methods were used to measure test temperature of 175F.
gel times: 3. Stabilize water flow through the core in the normal produc-
Method ABrookfield Viscosity Method. Approximately 300 tion direction.
mL of the polymer composition for testing was placed in a 400-mL 4. Pump the treatment through the core in the reverse-flow direction.
beaker. The beaker was then inserted into a preheated, thermostat- 5. Repeat Step 3.
controlled Brookfield viscometer with a No. 2 spindle. The poly- 6. Determine the cores residual resistance factor (RRF) for
mer solution was stirred at 10 rev/min, and the viscosity changes water by dividing the cores pretreatment permeability-to-water to
were monitored as a function of time. A plot of viscosity vs. time its post-treatment permeability-to-water (RRFpretreatment per-
can be generated for estimating gel time, which is defined as the meability-to-water post-treatment permeability-to-water).
Fig. 2Crosslinking mechanism involving hydroxymethylation of the amide nitrogen, with subsequent propagation of crosslinking
by multiple alkylation on the phenolic ring.
very low (<150F) temperatures, the gel times were either too
Environmental Testing. Inhouse BOD (Biochemical-Oxygen- short or too long at this ratio. The trends observed with PA-t-BA
Demand) tests were done according to HACH Method 10099, were confirmed with PHPA copolymer. Based on the gel times
and Chemical-Oxygen-Demand (COD) tests were conducted ac- shown in Tables 2 and 3, it appears that PHPA may be a suitable
cording to HACH Method 8000 described in the HACH Water base polymer for low temperatures, whereas AMPS/AA may be
Analysis Handbook.34 suitable for high-temperature conformance applications.
Results and Discussion pH Effects. The results in Table 4 show that as the pH is de-
All the variables tested that can potentially impact gelling of poly- creased, the gel times are increased. At the lower temperatures, this
mers with chitosan are: observation is in accordance with expectations for amine-type
Base polymer. crosslinkers. In acidic media, the lone pair of electrons on the
Crosslinker concentration. amine nitrogens are expected to be protonated, thus making them
pH. unavailable to initiate a nucleophilic attack on an amide carbonyl
Mix water. group of the base polymer (Fig. 4). By controlling the pH, the gel
Temperature. times could be adjusted to fit the need. The gel-time decrease
appears to be independent of the organic acid used to lower the pH
Base Polymer. The results in Table 2 indicate that polyacryl- of the chitosan solutions. For example, when the pH of the chito-
amide, PHPA, crosslinked fastest followed by PA-t-BA and san solution was lowered, with either acetic or lactic acid, similar
AMPS/AA. The order of the ease of crosslinking reactivity sug- gel times were obtained. This effect is less obvious in the higher
gests steric resistance to the approach of the amino group at the temperature experiments because of the short gel time and inherent
amide carbonyl group in PA-t-BA and AMPS/AA copolymers experimental limits on gel-time measurement.
because of the adjacent bulky groups. A similar order of reactivity
was noted for crosslinking of the above polymers with PEI, sug- Mix Water. The mix water effects on the crosslinking reaction of
gesting similar operating mechanisms. In the case of AMPS/AA, PA-t-BA with chitosan salts were also tested. The results are pre-
presence of a smaller amount of acrylamide may also be a con- sented in Table 5.
tributing factor. Test results show that the reactions proceed significantly faster
An advantage of a low-molecular-weight polymer such as the in fresh water compared to seawater even though the amount of
PA-t-BA is that higher concentrations can be used, as compared to seawater, or 2% KCl solution in the total composition, is only 15
other higher-molecular-weight polymers, without increasing the to 18%. Similar results were observed in the crosslinking reactions
viscosity of the base solution. Further, the gels obtained with the of PA-t-BA with PEI.
higher concentration of the base polymer result in rigid, ringing
gels, as seen in Tables 2 through 4. Temperature. The temperature effects observed are presented in
Fig. 8 and are as expected. As mentioned earlier, partially hydro-
Crosslinker Concentration. Typically, the gel times depend on lyzed polyacrylamide provides faster crosslinking rates than the
the weight ratio of base polymer to crosslinker. In this study, the acylamide copolymers containing t-butylacrylate or AMPS as the
ratio effects were studied by using PA-t-BA as the representative comonomers. Greater steric hindrance to the approach of an amino
base polymer. The results presented in Table 3 show that a ratio of group at the acrylamide carbonyl group flanked by bulky groups
base polymer to chitosan of 14 was adequate to provide gel times may explain the differences in the observed differences in the
useful for commercial applications. At very high (>250F) and crosslinking reaction rates.
Fig. 5Chitosan.
Gel Thermal Stability. The gels turned light brown within a few Environmental Issues
days at the oven temperatures. However, no syneresis was ob-
Chitosan occurs in nature in small amounts. Chitosan-degrading
served over a 6-week period in the 200 to 250F range.
enzymes, namely chitinases, chitosanases, and lysozymes that de-
grade chitin-derived materials, occur in bacteria, fungi, algae
Multipressure Tap Core Flow Tests. The core flow study results
mammals, birds, fish, and so on.
are shown in Fig. 9 and Table 6. A Berea sandstone core was used
Chitosan and the constituent monomer, glucosamine, are ap-
as the test medium, the evaluation temperature was 190F, and 7%
proved for human consumption as dietary supplements. It is cur-
KCl was used as the evaluation brine. After stabilizing the flow of
rently used in the U.S. as an ingredient in animal feed on an
the brine through the core, a 100-mL treatment (composed of 7%
experimental basis, and as a filter medium for potable water.
polymer, 0.5% chitosan crosslinker, a pH of 5.7, using seawater as
the makeup water) was injected through the core in the reverse-
flow direction. The core was then shut in overnight. The effective Toxicity. An LD50 value of 16 grams per kilogram body weight in
viscosity of the polymer/crosslinker solution within the rock dur- mice when administered orally was reported by Arai et al.34 Ac-
ing treatment was calculated using the initial permeability as a cording to this group, the LD50 values are of the same order of
constant and solving for viscosity using Darcys linear flow equa- magnitude as lethal doses of sugar (sucrose) or salt.
tion (Eq. 2): The aquatic toxicity values (obtained by a supplier) for the
glycolate salt of chitosan are:
AKP Acute fish toxicity: LC 50>100 mg product/liter.
= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
QL Acute bacteria toxicity: EC 0>100 mg product/liter.
Fig. 10Permeability reduction in a core owing to chitosan PA-t-BA gel at 190oF. Berea sandstone: core length = 14.3 cm, core
diameter = 2.51 cm, porosity = 20%.