Rooftop Trane
Rooftop Trane
Rooftop Trane
Air Conditioners
IntelliPak Rooftops
20 - 130Tons 60 Hz
20 - 75 Tons
90 - 130 Tons
Designed ForToday and Beyond
Innovative technology and an Optionally, for centralized building
impressive lineup of features make the control on-site, or from a remote
Trane IntelliPak Rooftop line the number location, IntelliPak can be configured for
one choice for today and the future. direct communication with aTrane
Tranes rooftop Unit Control Module Tracer building management system
(UCM), an innovative, modular or a 3rd party LonTalk building
microprocessor control design, management system, using a twisted
coordinates the actions of the IntelliPak pair of wires. With one of these systems,
rooftop in an efficient manner and allows the IntelliPak status data and control
for stand-alone operation of the unit. adjustment features can be conveniently
monitored from a central location.
Access to the unit controls, via a Human
Interface Panel, provides a high degree IntelliPak has the technology and
of control, superior monitoring flexibility to bring total comfort to
capability, and unmatched diagnostic every building space.
Introduction 2
Features and Benefits 4
Application Considerations 9
Selection Procedure 16
Model Number Description 20
General Data 22
Performance Data 29
Performance Adjustment Factors 28
Controls 75
Electric Power 83
Dimension and Weights 86
Mechanical Specifications 99
Options 96
RT-PRC010-EN 3
Features and
Standard Features UL and CSA approval on standard High efficiency throwaway filters
20 to 130 ton industrial/ commercial options 90-95 percent bag filters
rooftops Two-inch spring fan isolation 90-95 percent cartridge filters
Fully integrated, factory-installed/ (90 to 130 tons) Final filters
commissioned microelectronic Meets salt spray testing in accordance Barometric relief
controls to ASTM B117 Standard 50 percent modulating exhaust with
Unit mounted Human Interface Panel Two-inch standard efficiency forward-curved fans
with a 2 line x 40 character English throwaway filters on 20 to 90 ton units Tranes air quality (Traq) sensor
display and a 16 function keypad that and two-inch high efficiency throwaway Modulating Gas Heat
includes Custom, Diagnostics, and filters on 105 to 130 ton units. 10 year limited warranty on Full
ServiceTest mode menu keys. Modulation Gas Heat
Trane 3-D Scroll compressors 100 percent modulating exhaust with
(20 to 130Tons)
Optional Features forward-curved fans
For a comprehensive listing of standard 100 percent modulating exhaust with
Compressor or circuit lead/lag options, special options, and
depending on unit FC fans and Statitrac direct space
accessories, please see table O-1 starting sensing building pressurization control
Hinged access doors on control panel, on page 96.
filter section, and gas heat section High duct temperature thermostats
Trane Communication Interface 0 F low ambient control
Horizontal discharge/return duct
Module: ICS interface control module 0-100 percent modulating fresh air
connections (SX, SL, SS models) LonTalk Communication Interface
CV or VAV control economizer
module Ultra low leak dampers for 0-100
Low ambient compressor lockout
Remote Human Interface Panel percent modulating fresh air
control on units with economizers (controls up to 4 units)
Frostat coil frost protection on economizers
Five ventilation override sequences Dual electrical power connection
all units
Heating options: natural gas, electric, Two-inch spring fan isolation
Daytime Warm-up (Occupied mode)
hot water or steam (20 to 75 tons)
on VAV models and Morning Warm-up Generic BAS interface
operation on all units with heating High efficiency motors
Choose from three economizer control U-frame motors
options: comparative enthalpy, Oversized motors
Supply air static overpressurization reference enthalpy, dry bulb control
protection on units with inlet guide Through the door non-fused
Variable frequency drive control of disconnect with external handle
vanes and VFDs.
supply/exhaust fan motor Electrical convenience outlet
Supply airflow proving Inlet guide vanes on FC supply fans
Exhaust airflow proving on units with Power supply monitoring
(VAV only) Correction capacitors
exhaust option
Outside air CFM compensation on VAV Horizontal or Roof discharge w/gas
Supply air tempering control units with IGV (or VFD) and economizer
Supply air heating control on VAV heat (20-75 tons F style units only)
Hot gas bypass to the evaporator inlet
modulating hot water or steam heat Field Installed Accessories
Copper evaporator/condenser coils
units Suction service valves Roof curbs
Emergency stop input Programmable sensors with night set
Replaceable core filter driers
Liquid and Discharge Service Valves back CV and VAV
Phenolic coated evaporator/condenser
Mappable sensors and setpoint coils Sensors without night set back CV
sources and VAV
High capacity evaporator coils
Occupied/Unoccupied switching Remote zone sensors used for
(20 to 105 tons)
Forward-curved supply fans (20 - 75 Special paint colors remote sensing with remote panels.
ton models) ICS zone sensors used withTracer
Extended casing (SX models)
Air foil supply fans (90 - 130 ton system for zone control
Double wall access doors
models) Double wall construction/perforated Outdoor temperature sensor for units
Pitched roof over air handler section without economizers
double wall
Stainless steel flue stack on gas heat Remote minimum position control for
Stainless steel drain pan in evaporator
units section economizer
Heavy-gauge, single-piece construction Field installed module kits available for
Pitched evaporator drain pan
base rails field upgrade of controls
Filter rack only (no filters)
4 RT-PRC010-EN
Features and
RT-PRC010-EN 5
Features and
6 RT-PRC010-EN
Features and
several standards, such as: EIA-709.1, the The unit mounted Human Interface and Statitrac control is simple!The space
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) the Remote Human Interface Panels pressure control turns the exhaust fans
Control Network Protocol Specification functions are identical, except for the on and off as required and modulates
and ANSI/ASHRAE 135, part of the Service mode is not available on the exhaust dampers to maintain space
American Society of Heating, Remote Human Interface Panel. This pressure within the space pressure dead
Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning common interface feature requires less band. Using the unit mounted Human
Engineers BACnet control standard for time for building maintenance personnel Interface Panel you can
buildings. to learn to interact with the unit. All of the 1) adjust space pressure setpoint
Interoperability allows application or rooftops control parameters are
adjustable and can be set up through the 2) adjust space pressure dead band
project engineers to specify the best
products of a given type, rather than one Remote Human Interface Panel such as, 3) measure and read building space
individual suppliers entire system. It but not limited to: system on/off, pressure.The modulating exhaust
reduces product training and installation demand limiting type, night setback system maintains the desired building
costs by standardizing communications setpoints, and many other setpoints. No pressure, saving energy while keeping
across products. Interoperable systems potentiometers are required for setpoint the building at the right pressure. Proper
allow building managers to monitor and adjustment, all adjustments are done building pressurization eliminates
control IntelliPak equipment with a Trane through the Remote Human Interface annoying door whistling, doors standing
Tracer Summit or a 3rd party building keypad. Also up to 56 different rooftop open, and odors from other zones.
automation system. It enables diagnostic points can be monitored
through the human interfaces such as: The Statitrac direct space building
integration with many different building control sequence will be maintained
controls such as access/intrusion sensor failures, loss of supply airflow,
and compressor trip. No special tools are when a variable frequency drive is used.
monitoring, lighting, fire and smoke
devices, energy management, and a required for servicing of the unit. All Fans With Inlet Guide Vanes
wide variety of sensors (temperature, diagnostic displays are available in clear
English at the Remote Human Interface Tranes forward curved fans (20 to 75
pressure, light, humidity, occupancy, tons) and air foil fans (90 to 130 tons)
CO2 and air velocity). For more and will be held in memory, so that the
operator/servicer can diagnose the root with inlet guide vanes pre-rotate the air
information on LonMark, visit in the direction of the fan wheel, or Echelon, cause of failures.
decreasing static pressure and Statitrac Direct Space horsepower, essentially unloading the
Building Pressurization Control fan wheel.The unloading characteristics
Optimum Tranes Statitrac control is a highly
result in superior part load performance.
Variable Frequency Drives
Building accurate and efficient method of
maintaining building pressure control (VFD)
with a large rooftop air conditioner.
Comfort Control The efficiency is achieved with a 100
Variable Frequency Drives are factory
installed and tested to provide supply/
The modular control design of the UCM percent modulating exhaust system with exhaust fan motor speed modulation.
allows for greater application flexibility. two forward-curved fans with VFDs, as compared to inlet guide vanes
Customers can order exactly the options modulating discharge dampers that or discharge dampers, are quieter, more
required for the job, rather than one operate only when needed, compared to efficient, and are eligible for utility
large control package. Unit features are some systems that operate continually. rebates.The VFDs are available with or
distributed among multiple field And most of the operating hours of the without a bypass option. Bypass control
replaceable printed circuit boards.The 100 percent modulating exhaust system will simply provide full nominal airflow
Trane UCM can be set up to operate are at part load, saving more energy. in the event of drive failure.
under one of three control applications: Tranes Statitrac, with the 100 percent
1 stand-alone modulating exhaust system, provides
comfort and economy for buildings with
2 interface withTranes Tracer building
management system large rooftop air conditioning systems.
3 interface with a generic (non-Trane)
building management system. All
setup parameters are preset from the
factory, requiring less start-up time
during installation.
RT-PRC010-EN 7
Features and
Trane 3-D Scroll Compressor Proven Design Through Testing and than 400,000 hours of laboratory testing
Research and field operation.This work combined
Simple Design with 70% Fewer Parts with over 25 patents makesTrane the
With over twenty years of development
Fewer parts than an equal capacity and testing,Trane 3-D Scroll worldwide leader in air conditioning
reciprocating compressor means compressors have undergone more scroll compressor technology.
significant reliability and efficiency
benefits. The single orbiting scroll
eliminates the need for pistons,
connecting rods, wrist pins and valves.
Fewer parts lead to increased reliability.
Fewer moving parts, less rotating mass
and less internal friction means greater
efficiency than reciprocating
TheTrane 3-D Scroll provides important
reliability and efficiency benefits.The 3-D
Scroll allows the orbiting scrolls to touch
in all three dimensions, forming a
completely enclosed compression
chamber which leads to increased
efficiency. In addition, the orbiting scrolls
only touch with enough force to create a
seal; there is no wear between the scroll
plates.The fixed and orbiting scrolls are
made of high strength cast iron which
results in less thermal distortion, less
leakage, and higher efficiencies. The
most outstanding feature of the 3-D
Scroll compressor is that slugging will
not cause failure. In a reciprocating
compressor, however, the liquid or dirt
can cause serious damage.
Low Torque Variation
The 3-D Scroll compressor has a very
smooth compression cycle; torque
variations are only 30 percent of that
produced by a reciprocating compressor.
This means that the scroll compressor
imposes very little stress on the motor
resulting in greater reliability. Low torque
variation reduces noise and vibration.
Suction Gas Cooled Motor
Compressor motor efficiency and
reliability is further optimized with the
latest scroll design. Cool suction gas
keeps the motor cooler for longer life and
better efficiency.
One of two matched scroll plates the Chart illustrates low torque variation of
distinguishing feature of the scroll 3-D Scroll compressor vs reciprocating
compressor. compressor.
8 RT-PRC010-EN
RT-PRC010-EN 9
2 economizers outdoor air damper with the amount of outside air entering
100 Percent Exhaust System position and the exhaust dampers track the building.Therefore, if selected for
the economizer outdoor air damper more than 40 to 50 percent of supply
Competitive rooftops use a return air fan position.The amount of air exhausted by airflow, the building may become under-
system for controlling the amount of this fan is controlled by modulating pressurized when economizer operation
exhaust air during economizer discharge dampers at the fan outlet.The is allowing lesser amounts of outdoor air
operation.The return fan is in series with discharge damper position is controlled into the building. If, however, building
the supply fan and must operate by a signal that varies with the position pressure is not of a critical nature, the
whenever the supply fan is operating. of the economizer dampers. When the non-modulating exhaust system may be
During economizer operation, the exhaust fans start, the modulating sized for more than 50 percent of design
economizer outdoor air dampers control discharge dampers are fully closed, and supply airflow.
the position of the return and exhaust air exhaust airflow is 15 to 20 percent of
dampers, to exhaust the proper amount 4
total exhaust capabilities.
of air.The disadvantage of a return air Barometric Relief Dampers
fan is that it runs continuously, versus an 3
Barometric relief dampers consist of
exhaust fan system which runs only 50 Percent Exhaust System gravity dampers which open with
when needed to lower or maintain The 50 percent exhaust system is a increased building pressure. As the
building static pressure. Also, the return single FC exhaust fan with half the air- building pressure increases, the pressure
fan must discharge air in two directions, moving capabilities of the supply fan in the unit return section also increases,
through the return air dampers and/or system. In Tranes experience, a opening the dampers and relieving air.
exhaust air dampers, resulting in less non-modulating exhaust system selected Barometric relief may be used to provide
efficient operation compared to an for 40 to 50 percent of nominal supply relief for single story buildings with no
exhaust fan. CFM can be applied successfully. return ductwork and exhaust
The IntelliPak Rooftop unit offers The 50 percent exhaust system generally requirements less than 25 percent.
modulating 100 percent exhaust system. should not be selected for more than 40
This fan system has performance to 50 percent of design supply airflow.
capabilities equal to the supply fan. The Since it is an on/off non-modulating
FC exhaust fans are started by the system, it does not vary exhaust CFM
10 RT-PRC010-EN
Horizontal Discharge 20 - 75 tons SXHF, SFHF, SLHF, SSHF, and as a unit discharge (see note 1).To return
The typical rooftop installation has both 90 - 130 tons SXHG, SLHG and SSHG air horizontally, the exhaust fan access
the supply and return air paths routed design units ONLY. With this method the door (Panel C) can be removed and used
through the roof curb and building roof. standard discharge and return openings as a return opening.Tables AC-1, 2 and 3
However, many rooftop installations are blocked in the factory as a design show dimensions for those panels.
require horizontal supply and/or return special. Access panels are removed as Horizontal Discharge on SXHF, SFHF,
from the rooftop because of a buildings indicated in Figure AC-2.These SLHF and SSHF Rooftops (20 to 75 tons)
unique design or for acoustic openings are used for the discharge and
return. No special curb is needed. The SXHF (extended casing cooling
considerations. only), SFHF (gas heat), SSHF (steam
Trane has two ways to accomplish SXHF, SFHF, SLHF, SSHF Units heat) and SLHF (hot water heat) rooftops
horizontal supply and/or return.The first Figure AC-2 is a simplified sketch of the can be factory modified as a design
applies to all IntelliPak Rooftop units. rooftop showing which panels can be special to supply and return air
Special field supplied curbs are installed used for horizontal supply and/or return. horizontally without the use of a
that use the units standard discharge To supply air horizontally, the panels that horizontal supply/return curb.
and return openings.The supply and normally house the heat accessory To supply air horizontally on SXHF only,
return air is routed through the curb to controls (Panel A) and the gas heat the panels that normally house the heat
horizontal openings on the sides of the barometric dampers (Panel B) can be accessory controls (Panel A) and the gas
curb.The second method available for removed and either of the openings used heat barometric dampers (Panel B) can
horizontal supply and return applies to be removed and either of the openings
Figure AC-2 Horizontal Discharge Panel Dimensions 20 - 75 Tons SXHF, SFHF, SLHF, SSHF Units used as a unit discharge.To return air
horizontally, the exhaust fan access door
(Panel C) can be removed and used as a
return opening.
1. For horizontal discharge on SFHF, SLHF and SSHF
units, only the Panel B can be removed. Panel A
cannot be used due to the location of the heating
Panel A and B Dimensions Panel C Dimensions X,Y and Z Dimensions
Total Area (H X W) Total Area (H X W)
Model H (in.) W (in.) (in.2) (ft2) Model H (in.) W (in.) (in.2) (ft2) Model X (in.) Y (in.) Z (in.)
S*HF C20 40.7 25.5 1038 7.2 S*HF C20 40.7 34.5 1404 9.8 S*HF C20 43.5 44.0 201.5
S*HF C25 40.7 25.5 1038 7.2 S*HF C25 40.7 34.5 1404 9.8 S*HF C25 43.5 44.0 201.5
S*HF C30 52.7 25.5 1344 9.3 S*HF C30 52.7 34.5 1818 12.6 S*HF C30 43.5 56.0 201.5
S*HF C40 64.5 34.5 2225 15.5 S*HF C40 64.5 34.5 2225 15.5 S*HF C40 44.5 67.8 237.0
S*HF C50 76.7 34.5 2646 18.4 S*HF C50 76.7 34.5 2646 18.4 S*HF C50 44.5 80.0 237.0
S*HF C55 76.7 34.5 2646 18.4 S*HF C55 76.7 34.5 2646 18.4 S*HF C55 44.5 80.0 237.0
S*HF C60 64.6 34.5 2229 15.5 S*HF C60 64.6 34.5 2229 15.5 S*HF C60 44.5 68.0 237.5
S*HF C70 64.6 34.5 2229 15.5 S*HF C70 64.6 34.5 2229 15.5 S*HF C70 44.5 68.0 237.5
S*HF C75 64.6 34.5 2229 15.5 S*HF C75 64.6 34.5 2229 15.5 S*HF C75 44.5 68.0 237.5
Notes: * = X, F , L, or S
1. Add an extra 0.20-inches pressure drop to the supply external static to account for the extra turn the air is making.
2. The openings all have a 1.25-inch lip around the perimeter to facilitate ductwork attachment.
3. If exhaust fans are being used, provisions should be made for access to the exhaust components, since the access door is now being used as a return.
4. Use the dimensions provided and the supply Cfm to calculate the velocity (ft/min) through the openings to be sure they are acceptable.
RT-PRC010-EN 11
1. SXHG units have two Panel As that can be removed. Once unit is installed, panel(s) and the 61/2 vertical
support channel in between may be removed.
Panel A and B Dimensions X, Y and Z Dimensions
Total Area (H X W) Model X (in.) Y (in.) Z (in.)
Panel H (in.) W (in.) (in.2) (ft2) S*HG 90-130 69.0 77.8 244.7
A 72.7 27.5 1999 13.9 * = X, L, or S
B 72.7 32.0 2508 17.4
3. If exhaust fans are being used, provisions should
Notes: be made for access to the exhaust components,
1. Add an extra 0.20-inches pressure drop to the since the access door is now being used as a
supply external static to account for the extra turn return.
the air is making. 4. Use the dimensions provided and the supply Cfm
2. The openings all have a 1.25-inch lip around the to calculate the velocity (ft/min) through the
perimeter to facilitate ductwork attachment. openings to be sure they are acceptable.
12 RT-PRC010-EN
High Capacity Evaporator Coil of use, the quality of maintenance convenience the sequences can be
Rooftops are popular because of their performed, and the regularity of that factory preset or fully field editable from
packaged nature. Everything needed maintenance. One factor that can have the Human Interface Panel orTracer.
is contained in one box; mix-matching is an adverse effect on unit life is its Any or all five sequences may be
neither necessary nor available. With this operation in a corrosive environment. locked in by the user at the Human
convenience comes some When rooftops are operated in corrosive Interface Panel.
disadvantages; one is the rooftops environments,Trane recommends that The user can customize up to five (5)
cooling capacity may not exactly match copper fins be utilized on the condenser different override sequences for
the building load. It is conceivable that a and/or evaporator coil. Because copper purposes such as smoke control.The
50 ton rooftop would need to be used on is more resistant to corrosion than following parameters within the unit can
an application that is 41 tons, simply aluminum, coil life expectancy is greatly be defined for each of the five
because the 40 ton rooftop does not increased. Some industry applications sequences:
meet capacity. expose equipment to corrosive agents Supply Fan on/off
In order to avoid such occurrences, and that even copper cannot fully resist. For Inlet Guide Vanes open/closed/
to more closely match the rooftops those special applications, a baked controlling
capacity to the building load, a high phenolic resin coating (i.e. Heresite) is Variable Frequency Drives on (60
capacity evaporator coil option is highly desirable. Baked phenolic Hz)/off (0 Hz)/controlling
available on all IntelliPak Rooftops 20 coatings or copper fins on the condenser Exhaust Fan on/off
to 105 tons.These high capacity coils and/or evaporator coils are available on Exhaust Dampers open/closed
have an increased number of evaporator Tranes IntelliPak Rooftops. Economizer dampers open/closed
coil rows as compared to standard and Ventilation Override Sequences Heat off/controlling (output for) VAV
enhanced evaporator tube surfaces, Boxes open/controlling
One of the benefits of using an exhaust
resulting in a higher capacity. Capacity fan rather than a return fan, in addition Compressors and condenser fans are
tables for both standard and high to the benefits of lower energy usage shut down for any Ventilation Override
capacity coils are available in the cooling and improved building pressurization sequence. Factory preset sequences
data section of this catalog. See Table control, is that the rooftop can be used include unit Off, Exhaust, Purge, Purge
PD-43 for the pressure drops associated as part of a ventilation override system. with duct pressure control, and
with the high capacity coil option.This Several types of sequences can be easily Pressurization. Any of the user-defined
pressure drop should be added to the done when exhaust fans are a part of the Ventilation Override sequences can be
total static pressure used to size the rooftop system. initiated by closing a field supplied
supply fan motor. switch or contacts connected to an input
What would initiate the ventilation on the Ventilation Override Module. If
Low Ambient Operation Human override control sequence?Typically, a
Interface Recommendations more than one ventilation override
manual switch is used and located near sequence is being requested, the
Who wants to be on a roof at sub-zero the fire protection control panel.This sequence with the highest priority is
temperatures? We can understand a enables the fire department access to the initiated. Refer to the Sequence of
service technicians reluctance to do this; control for use during or after a fire. It is Operation provided in the Control
thats why we recommend using a also possible to initiate the sequence section of this catalog for more details
remote mounted Human Interface Panel. from a field-installed automatic smoke on each override sequence.
The service technician can troubleshoot detector. In either case, a contact closure
and diagnose in the comfort of a begins the ventilation override control Natural Gas Heating Considerations
mechanical room. sequence. CAUTION!: The ventilation The IntelliPak standard, or limited
Corrosive Atmospheres override system should not be used to modulation, gas heat exchangers are not
signal the presence of smoke caused by recommended for applications with
Tranes IntelliPak Rooftops are designed a fire. mixed air conditions entering the heat
and built to industrial standards and will exchanger below 50F. Mixed air
perform to those standards for an Trane can provide five (5) different
ventilation override sequences on both temperatures below 50F can cause
extended period depending on the hours condensation to form on the heat
CV and VAV IntelliPak Rooftops. For your
exchanger, leading to premature failure.
RT-PRC010-EN 13
For increased reliability, the It is impossible to totally quantify the maintained to assure adequate
recommendation in these applications is effect of building structure on sound serviceability, maximum capacity and
full modulation gas heat. For airflow transmission, since this depends on the peak operating efficiency. A reduction in
limitations and temperature rise across response of the roof and building unit clearance could result in condenser
the heat exchanger information, see members to the sound and vibration of coil starvation or warm condenser air
Table PD-24, 25 and RT-EB-104. the unit components. However, the recirculation. If the clearances shown are
Acoustical Considerations guidelines listed above are experience not possible on a particular job, consider
proven guidelines which will help reduce the following:
The ideal time to make provisions to sound transmission. Do the clearances available allow for
reduce sound transmission to the space major service work such as changing
is during the project design phase. There are several other sources of unit
sound, i.e., supply fan, compressors, compressors or coils?
Proper placement of rooftop equipment Do the clearances available allow for
is critical to reducing transmitted sound exhaust fans, condenser fans and
aerodynamic noise generated at the duct proper outside air intake, exhaust air
levels to the building.The most removal and condenser airflow?
economical means of avoiding an fittings. Refer to the ASHRAE
Applications Handbook, Chapter 42, 1991 If screening around the unit is being
acoustical problem is to place any used, is there a possibility of air
rooftop equipment away from edition for guidelines for minimizing the
generation of aerodynamic noise recirculation from the exhaust to the
acoustically critical area. If possible, outside air intake or from condenser
rooftop equipment should not be located associated with duct fittings.
exhaust to condenser intake?
directly above areas such as: offices, Tranes Engineering Bulletin RT-EB-80
conference rooms, executive office areas describes various duct installation Actual clearances which appear
and classrooms. Ideal locations are considerations specifically addressing inadequate should be reviewed with a
above corridors, utility rooms, toilet indoor sound level concerns.This localTrane sales engineer.
facilities, or other areas where higher bulletin includes sound power data on When two or more units are to be placed
sound levels are acceptable. Tranes IntelliPak Rooftops 20 to 130 tons. side by side, the distance between the
Several basic guidelines for unit Ask your localTrane representative for units should be increased to 150 percent
placement should be followed to this informative engineering bulletin. of the recommended single unit
minimize sound transmission through The VariTrane Computerized Duct clearance.The units should also be
the building structure: Design Program can be used to analyze staggered as shown in Figure AC-4 for
the truck duct, run-out duct, VAV control two reasons:
unit and terminal unit noise attenuation. 1
Never cantilever the condensing section This program quantifies the airborne
of the unit. A structural cross member To reduce span deflection if more than
sound generation that can be expected one unit is placed on a single span.
must support this end of the unit. in each terminal so that the designer can Reducing deflection discourages sound
2 identify potential sound problems and transmission.
make design alterations before
Locate the units center of gravity close equipment installation. 2
to or over a column or main support
beam to minimize roof deflection and TheTrane Acoustics Program (TAP) To assure proper diffusion of exhaust air
vibratory noise. allows modeling of rooftop installation before contact with the outside air intake
parameters.The output of this program of adjacent unit.
3 shows the resulting indoor NC level for
If the roof structure is very light, roof the modeled installation.This program is
joists should be replaced by a structural available fromTranes Customer Direct
shape in the critical areas described Service Network (C.D.S.), ask your
above. localTrane representative for additional
4 information on this program.
If several units are to be placed on one Clearance Requirements
span, they should be staggered to The recommended clearances identified
reduce deflection over that span. with unit dimensions should be
14 RT-PRC010-EN
Improper Proper
RT-PRC010-EN 15
This section outlines a step-by-step Table PD-9, a 50 ton unit capacity with Using total of 17,500 cfm and total
procedure that may be used to select a standard capacity evaporator coil at static pressure of 2.76 inches, enterTable
Trane single-zone air conditioner.The 80 DB/65 WB, 95 F outdoor air PD-36.Table PD-36 shows 15.3 bhp with
sample selection is based on the temperature and 17,500 total supply cfm 924 rpm.
following conditions: is 551 MBh total and 422 MBh sensible. From Chart SP-1 supply fan motor heat
Summer outdoor design conditions Thus, a nominal 50 ton unit with gain = 46.0 MBh.
95 DB/76 WB ambient temperature standard capacity evaporator coil
Summer room design conditions 78 is selected. Step 4 Determine Total Required
DB/65 WB Cooling Capacity
Step 2 Evaporator Coil Entering
Total cooling load 430 MBh (35.8 Conditions Required capacity =Total peak load + OA
tons) load + supply air fan motor heat.
Sensible cooling load 345 MBh (28.8 Mixed air dry bulb temperature
tons) determination: Required capacity = 430 + 66.9 +
Outdoor air ventilation load 66.9 46.0 = 543 MBh (45.2 tons)
Using the minimum percent of OA (1,750
MBh cfm 17,500 cfm = 10 percent), Step 5 Determine Unit Capacity
Return air temperature 80 DB/65 WB determine the mixture dry bulb to the FromTable PD-9, unit capacity at 81.5 DB/
Winter Design: evaporator. 66.1 WB entering the evaporator, 17,500
Winter outdoor design conditions 0 F RADB + % OA (OADB - RADB) = 80 + supply air cfm, 95 F outdoor ambient, is
Return air temperature 70 F (0.10) (95 - 80) = 80 + 1.5 = 81.5 F 561 MBh (45.8 tons) with 426 MBh
Total heating load 475 MBh sensible.
Winter outdoor air ventilation load Approximate wet bulb mixture
temperature: Step 6 Determine Leaving Air
133 MBh Temperature
Air Delivery Data: RAWB + % OA (OAWB - RAWB) = 65 +
(0.10) (76 - 65) = 65 + 1.1 = 66.1 F Unit sensible heat capacity corrected for
Supply fan cfm 17,500 cfm supply air fan motor heat = 426 MBh - 46
External static pressure 1.2 in wg Step 3 Determine Supply Fan Motor MBh = 380 MBh.
Minimum outdoor air ventilation Heat Gain Supply air dry bulb temperature
1,750 cfm Having selected a nominal 50 ton unit, difference =
Exhaust fan cfm 12,000 cfm the supply fan bhp can be calculated.The Sensible Btu =
Return air duct negative static pressure supply fan motor heat gain must be 1.085 x Supply cfm
0.65 in wg considered in final determination of unit 380 MBh (1.085 x 17,500 cfm)
Electrical Characteristics: capacity. = 20.0 F
Voltage/cycle/phase 460/60/3 Unit Supply Air Fan
Accessories: Supply air dry bulb = 81.5 DB - 20.0
Gas fired heat exchanger high heat Determine unit total static pressure at = 61.5 F
module design supply cfm: Unit enthalpy difference =
Throwaway filters External Static Pressure 1.2 inches Total Btu =
Economizer Evaporator Coil 0.25 inches 4.5 x Supply cfm
Modulating 100 percent exhaust/ (Table PD-43)
return fan 561 MBh (4.5 x 17,500 cfm) =
Return Duct Negative 0.65 inches 7.12 Btu/lb
Heat Exchanger 0.31 inches Leaving enthalpy = h(ent WB) -
Step 1 Nominal Unit Size Selection (Table PD-43) h(diff). From Table 21-1 h(ent WB) =
A summation of the peak cooling load Throwaway Filter 0.10 inches 30.9 Btu/lb
and the outside air ventilation load (Table PD-43) Leaving enthalpy = 30.9 Btu/lb - 7.12
shows: 430 MBh + 66.9 MBh = 496.9 Economizer w/Exhaust Fan 0.12 inches Btu/lb = 23.78 Btu/lb
MBh required unit capacity. From (Table PD-43)
Trane Roof Curb 0.13 inches Supply air wet bulb = 55.9
(Table PD-43) Leaving air temperature = 61.5
UnitTotal Static Pressure 2.76 inches DB/55.9 WB
16 RT-PRC010-EN
RT-PRC010-EN 17
18 RT-PRC010-EN
RT-PRC010-EN 19
S F H F C 5 5 F H A 5 5 C 6 9 D 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
1 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
DIGIT 1 UNIT TYPE 3 = 100%, 3 HP W/Statitrac with VFD and Bypass
S = Self-Contained (Packaged Rooftop) 4 = 100%, 5 HP W/Statitrac 8 = Supply and Exhaust Fan with VFD
DIGIT 2 UNIT FUNCTION 5 = 100%, 7.5 HP W/Statitrac w/o Bypass
A = DX Cooling, No Heat 6 = 100%, 10 HP W/Statitrac 9 = Supply and Exhaust Fan with VFD
E = DX Cooling, Electric Heat 7 = 100%, 15 HP W/Statitrac and Bypass
F = DX Cooling, Natural Gas Heat 8 = 100%, 20 HP W/Statitrac DIGIT 18 ACCESSORY PANEL
L = DX Cooling, Hot Water Heat A = 50%, 1.5 HP 0 = None
S = DX Cooling, Steam Heat B = 50%, 3 HP A = BAYSENS008*
X = DX Cooling, No Heat, Extended Casing C = 50%, 5 HP B = BAYSENS010*
D = 50%, 7.5 HP C = BAYSENS013*
DIGIT 3 UNIT AIRFLOW E = 100%, 1.5 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only)
H = Single Zone D = BAYSENS014*
F = 100%, 3 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) E = BAYSENS019*
DIGIT 4 DEVELOPMENT SEQUENCE G = 100%, 5 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) F = BAYSENS020*
F = Sixth H = 100%, 7.5 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) G = BAYSENS021*
DIGITS 5,6,7 NOMINAL CAPACITY J = 100%, 10 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) Note: *Asterisk indicates current model
C20 = 20 Tons C55 = 55 Tons K = 100%, 15 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) number digit A, B, C, etc. These sensors can
C25 = 25 Tons C60 = 60 Tons L = 100%, 20 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) be ordered to ship with the unit.
C40 = 40 Tons C75 = 75 Tons 0 = None 8 = 800 RPM 0 = Standard
C50 = 50 Tons 4 = 400 RPM 9 = 900 RPM 1 = 0 Fahrenheit
DIGIT 8 POWER SUPPLY (See Notes) 5 = 500 RPM A = 1000 RPM
4 = 460/60/3 XL E = 200/60/3 XL 0 = None (UL Gas Heater, see note)
5 = 575/60/3 XL F = 230/60/3 XL 7 = 700 RPM
1 = UL
Note: SEHF units (units with electric heat) DIGIT 13 FILTER 2 = CSA
utilizing 208V or 230V require dual power A = Throwaway Note: Includes UL classified gas heating
source. B = Cleanable Wire Mesh section only when second digit of Model No. is
DIGIT 9 HEATING CAPACITY C = High-Efficiency Throwaway a F.
Note: When the second digit calls for F D = Bag With Prefilter DIGITS 21 - 38 MISCELLANEOUS
(Gas Heat), the following values apply: E = Cartridge With Prefilter
F = Throwaway Filter Rack Less Filter 21 A = Unit Disconnect Switch
Additionally, please note G and M available 22 B = Hot Gas Bypass
ONLY on 50 Ton models and above. Media
G = Bag Filter Rack Less Filter Media 23 0 = Without Economizer
H = High Heat-2-Stage P = High Heat-Full
L = Low Heat-2-Stage Modulation DIGIT 14 SUPPLY AIR FAN HP C = Economizer Control w/
0 = No Heat M = Low Heat-Full 1 = 3 HP 4 = 10 HP 7 = 25 HP Comparative Enthalpy
J = High Heat-Limited Modulation 2 = 5 HP 5 = 15 HP 8 = 30 HP 23 Z = Economizer Control w/
Modulation 3 = 7.5 HP 6 = 20 HP 9 = 40 HP3 Reference Enthalpy
G = Low Heat-Limited 23 W = Economizer Control w/Dry Bulb
Modulation 5 = 500 RPM B = 1100 RPM 24 E = Low Leak Fresh Air Dampers
Note: When the second digit calls for E 6 = 600 RPM C = 1200 RPM 25 F = High Duct Temperature
(electric heat), the following values apply: 7 = 700 RPM D = 1300 RPM Thermostat
D = 30 KW R = 130 KW 8 = 800 RPM E = 1400 RPM 26 G = High Capacity Evap. Coil
H = 50 KW U = 150 KW 9 = 900 RPM F = 1500 RPM 27 H = Copper Fins (Cond. Only)
L = 70 KW V = 170 KW A = 1000 RPM G = 1600 RPM 28 K = Generic B.A.S. Module
N = 90 KW W = 190 KW 29 L = High-Efficiency Motors (Supply
Note: When the second digit calls for L A = No Fresh Air and Exhaust)
(Hot Water) or S(Steam) Heat, one of the B = 0-25% Manual 30 M = Remote Human Interface
following valve size values must be in Digit 9: D = 0-100% Economizer 31 N = Ventilation Override Module
High Heat Coil: 1 = .50, 2 = .75, 3 = 1, DIGIT 17 SYSTEM CONTROL 32 R = Extended Grease Lines
4 = 1.25, 5 = 1.5, 6 = 2. 1 = Constant Volume Control 33 T = Access Doors
Low Heat Coil: A = .50, B = .75, C = 1, 2 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control 34 V = Inter-Processor
D = 1.25, E = 1.5, F = 2. w/o Inlet Guide Vanes Communication Bridge
DIGIT 10 DESIGN SEQUENCE 3 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control 35 Y = Trane Communication
A = First (Factory Assigned) w/ Inlet Guide Vanes Interface (TCI) Module
Note: Sequence may be any letter A thru Z, 4 = Space Pressure Control with Exhaust 35 7 = Trane LonTalk Communication
or any digit 1 thru 9. VFD w/o Bypass Interface (LCI) Module
5 = Space Pressure Control with Exhaust 36 8 = Spring Isolators
0 = None 6 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control 37 6 = Factory-Powered 15A GFI
1 = Barometric with VFD w/o Bypass Convenience Outlet
2 = 100%, 1.5 HP W/Statitrac 7 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control 38 0 = None
20 RT-PRC010-EN
S X H G D 1 1 4 O A H 7 C F 9 D 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
1 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
DIGIT 1 UNIT TYPE 9 = 100%, 25 HP W/Statitrac 5 = Space Pressure Control with Exhaust
S = Self-Contained (Packaged Rooftop) F = 50%, 15 HP VFD and Bypass
H = 100%, 30 HP W/Statitrac 6 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control
DIGIT 2 UNIT FUNCTION J = 100%, 40 HP W/Statitrac with VFD w/o Bypass
E = DX Cooling, Electric Heat K = 100%, 15 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) 7 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control
F = DX Cooling, Natural Gas Heat L = 100%, 20 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) with VFD and Bypass
L = DX Cooling, Hot Water Heat M = 100%, 25 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) 8 = Supply and Exhaust Fan with VFD
S = DX Cooling, Steam Heat N = 100%, 30 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) w/o Bypass
X = DX Cooling, No Heat, Extended Casing P = 100%, 40 HP W/O Statitrac (CV Only) 9 = Supply and Exhaust Fan with VFD
H = Single Zone 0 = None DIGIT 18 ACCESSORY PANEL
5 = 500 RPM 0 = None
G = Seventh 6 = 600 RPM
7 = 700 RPM B = BAYSENS010*
C90 = 90 Tons D = BAYSENS014*
D11 = 105 Tons DIGIT 13 FILTER E = BAYSENS019*
D12 = 115 Tons A = Throwaway F = BAYSENS020*
D13 = 130 Tons C = High-Efficiency Throwaway G = BAYSENS021*
D = Bag With Prefilter Note: *Asterisk indicates current model
DIGIT 8 POWER SUPPLY E = Cartridge With Prefilter number digit A, B, C, etc. These sensors
4 = 460/60/3 XL F = Throwaway Filter Rack Less Filter can be ordered to ship with the unit.
5 = 575/60/3 XL Media
E = 200/60/3 XL G = Bag Filter Rack Less Filter Media DIGIT 19 AMBIENT CONTROL
F = 230/60/3 XL 0 = Standard
DIGIT 9 HEATING CAPACITY C = 30 HP (2-15 HP) 0 = None (UL Gas Heater, see note)
0 = No Heat D = 40 HP (2-20 HP) 1 = UL
H = High Heat - 2-Stage E = 50 HP (2-25 HP) 2 = CSA
J = High Heat - Limited Modulation F = 60 HP (2-30 HP) Note: Includes UL classified gas heating
P = High Heat - Full Modulation G = 80 HP (2-40 HP) section only, when second digit of Model
Note: No. is a F.
When the second digit calls for E DIGIT 15 SUPPLY AIR FAN DRIVE
(electric heat), the following values apply A = 1000 RPM DIGITS 21 - 36 MISCELLANEOUS
in the ninth digit: B = 1100 RPM 21 A = Unit Disconnect Switch
W = 190 KW C = 1200 RPM 22 B = Hot Gas Bypass
When the second digit calls for L or D = 1300 RPM 23 C = Economizer Control w/
S, one of the following valve size E = 1400 RPM Comparative Enthalpy
values must be in Digit 9: F = 1500 RPM 23 Z = Economizer Control w/
High Heat Coil: 3 = 1.0, 4 = 1.25, 5 = G= 1600 RPM Reference Enthalpy
1.50, 6 = 2.0, 7 = 2.5 23 W = Economizer Control w/Dry Bulb
DIGIT 16 FRESH AIR 24 E = Low Leak Fresh Air Dampers
Low Heat Coil: C = 1.0, D = 1.25, E = D = 0-100% Economizer (Std.)
1.50, F = 2.0, G = 2.5 25 F = High Duct Temperature
DIGIT 10 DESIGN SEQUENCE 1 = Constant Volume Control 26 G = High Capacity Evaporator
A = First (Factory Assigned) 2 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control Coil (90-105 Only)
Note: Sequence may be any letter A thru w/o Inlet Guide Vanes 27 K = Generic B.A.S. Module
Z, or any digit 1 thru 9. 3 = VAV Supply Air Temperature Control 28 L = High-Efficiency Motors
w/ Inlet Guide Vanes (Supply and Exhaust)
DIGIT 11 EXHAUST OPTION 29 M = Remote Human Interface
0 = None 4 = Space Pressure Control with Exhaust
VFD w/o Bypass 30 N = Ventilation Override Module
7 = 100%, 15 HP W/Statitrac 31 R = Extended Grease Lines
8 = 100%, 20 HP W/Statitrac 32 T = Access Doors
1. EXAMPLE: Model numbers: SFHFC55FHA55C69D3001N describes a unit with the following characteristics: DX cooling with 33 V = Inter-Processor
natural gas heating, 55 ton nominal cooling capacity, 230/60/3 power supply, high heat model. 100 percent exhaust with Communication Bridge
Statitrac, 7.5 HP exhaust fan motor with drive selection No. 5 (500 RPM), high-efficiency throwaway filters, 20 HP supply
fan motor with drive selection No. 9 (900 RPM), 0-100% economizer, VAV supply air temperature control with inlet guide 34 Y = Trane Communication
vanes, no remote panel, standard ambient control, U.L. agency approval. The service digit for each model number Interface (TCI) Module
contains 38 digits; all 38 digits must be referenced. 34 7 = Trane LonTalk Communication
2. EXAMPLE: Model numbers: SXHGD1140AH7CF8D3001 describes a unit with the following characteristics: DX cooling with
extended casing, no heat, 105 ton nominal cooling capacity, 460/60/3 power supply, no heat, 100 percent exhaust with Interface (LCI) Module
Statitrac, 30 h.p. exhaust fan motor with drive selection No. 7 (700 RPM), high-efficiency throwaway filters, 60 hp supply 35 0 = None
fan motor with drive selection No. 8 (900 RPM), economizer, VAV supply air temperature control with inlet guide vanes, 36 6 = Factory-Powered 15A GFI
no remote panel, standard ambient, UL agency approval. The service digit for each model number contains 36 digits; all 36
digits must be referenced.
Convenience Outlet
3. Available as standard 460 volt only for 70 and 75 ton models.
RT-PRC010-EN 21
General Data
22 RT-PRC010-EN
General Data
RT-PRC010-EN 23
General Data
24 RT-PRC010-EN
General Data
RT-PRC010-EN 25
General Data
26 RT-PRC010-EN
General Data
RT-PRC010-EN 27
Table PAF-1 Enthalpy of Saturated AIR Figure PAF-1 Air Density Ratios
Wet Bulb Temperature Btu Per Lb. Altitude/Temperature Correction
40 15.23
41 15.70
42 16.17
43 16.66
44 17.15
45 17.65
46 18.16
47 18.68
48 19.21
49 19.75
50 20.30
51 20.86
52 21.44 Air Density
53 22.02 Ratio (Density
54 22.62 at New
55 23.22 Air Density)
56 23.84 Condition/Std.
57 24.48
58 25.12
59 25.78
60 26.46
61 27.15
62 27.85
63 28.57
64 29.31
65 30.06
66 30.83
67 31.62
68 32.42
Rooftop Leaving Air Temperature (degrees F)
69 33.25
70 34.09
Table PAF-2 Cooling Capacity Altitude Correction Factors
71 34.95
Altitude (Ft.)
72 35.83 Sea Level 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
73 36.74 Cooling Capacity
Multiplier 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94
74 37.66
KW Correction
75 38.61 Multiplier
(Compressors) 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07
SHR Correction
Multiplier 1.00 .98 .95 .93 .91 .89 .87 .85
Ambient 115 F 114 F 113 F 112 F 111 F 110 F 109 F 108 F
SHR = Sensible Heat Ratio
28 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (20 Ton)
Table PD-1 20 Ton Gross Cooling Capacities (MBh) STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 194 140 215 116 239 89 187 136 208 112 231 86 180 133 200 109 222 82 173 128 192 105 213 79
4000 80 194 159 216 135 239 111 188 155 208 132 231 108 181 151 201 128 222 103 173 147 192 124 213 99
85 195 178 216 154 239 130 189 174 209 151 231 126 182 170 201 147 222 122 175 166 192 143 213 118
90 196 196 216 173 239 149 191 191 209 169 231 145 185 185 201 165 223 141 179 179 193 161 213 137
75 214 166 236 133 261 96 206 162 228 129 251 93 198 158 218 125 241 89 189 154 208 121 230 85
6000 80 215 193 236 160 261 125 207 190 228 156 251 121 199 185 219 152 241 117 190 181 209 147 230 113
85 218 218 237 186 261 152 212 212 228 182 252 148 205 205 219 178 241 144 197 197 210 173 231 140
90 229 229 238 213 262 178 223 223 230 209 252 175 215 215 221 205 242 170 208 208 212 201 231 166
75 220 178 243 140 268 99 212 174 234 136 257 95 203 169 224 132 247 92 194 165 214 127 235 88
7000 80 222 209 243 170 268 131 214 205 234 166 258 127 206 201 224 162 247 123 197 197 214 157 235 119
85 229 229 244 200 268 162 222 222 235 196 258 158 215 215 225 192 247 154 207 207 215 188 236 149
90 241 241 246 231 269 192 234 234 238 228 259 188 226 226 229 223 248 183 218 218 219 219 237 179
75 225 189 248 146 273 101 216 185 239 142 262 98 207 180 228 138 251 94 198 176 217 134 239 90
8000 80 228 224 249 180 273 136 220 220 239 176 263 133 211 211 229 172 251 129 203 203 218 167 240 124
85 239 239 250 214 273 171 231 231 240 210 263 167 223 223 231 206 252 162 215 215 220 201 240 158
90 251 251 253 249 274 204 243 243 243 243 264 200 235 235 235 235 253 196 226 226 226 226 241 191
75 229 199 252 152 277 104 221 195 242 148 266 100 211 190 232 144 255 96 202 186 221 139 242 92
9000 80 234 234 253 189 277 142 226 226 243 185 266 138 218 218 233 181 255 134 209 209 222 176 243 130
85 246 246 254 227 278 179 239 239 245 223 267 175 230 230 235 218 256 171 221 221 224 214 244 166
90 259 259 259 259 279 216 251 251 251 251 268 212 242 242 242 242 256 207 233 233 233 233 244 203
Table PD-2 20 Ton Gross Cooling Capacities (Mbh) HIGH CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 216 158 240 129 265 100 208 153 231 125 256 96 200 149 222 121 245 91 191 144 212 116 234 87
4000 80 217 180 240 152 265 123 209 176 231 148 256 118 201 171 222 143 245 114 192 166 212 139 234 110
85 218 203 240 174 266 145 211 198 232 170 256 141 202 194 222 166 246 137 194 189 213 161 235 132
90 222 222 241 196 266 167 216 216 232 192 256 163 209 209 223 187 246 159 201 201 213 183 235 154
75 238 190 262 150 288 106 228 186 251 145 277 102 219 181 241 141 264 97 208 176 229 136 252 93
6000 80 240 223 262 182 289 140 231 219 252 177 277 136 221 214 241 172 265 131 211 209 229 167 252 127
85 247 247 263 214 289 172 239 239 253 209 278 168 231 231 242 204 265 163 222 222 231 199 253 158
90 260 260 266 247 289 204 251 251 256 242 278 200 243 243 245 237 266 195 233 233 235 232 253 190
75 245 205 268 158 295 109 235 200 258 154 283 104 225 196 246 149 270 100 214 190 234 144 257 95
7000 80 248 244 269 195 296 148 238 238 258 190 284 144 229 229 247 186 271 139 220 220 235 180 257 134
85 260 260 271 233 296 185 251 251 260 228 284 180 242 242 249 223 271 175 232 232 238 218 258 170
90 273 273 275 271 297 221 264 264 264 264 285 217 254 254 254 254 273 212 244 244 244 244 259 207
75 250 220 274 168 301 111 240 215 262 164 288 107 230 210 251 159 274 102 219 205 238 154 260 98
8000 80 256 256 275 208 301 156 247 247 264 203 289 152 238 238 252 198 275 147 228 228 239 193 261 142
85 270 270 278 251 302 197 261 261 267 246 289 192 251 251 255 241 276 187 241 241 243 236 262 182
90 284 284 284 284 303 238 275 275 275 275 291 233 265 265 264 264 278 228 254 254 253 253 264 223
75 255 234 278 175 305 114 245 229 266 171 292 109 234 224 254 166 278 105 223 219 241 161 264 100
9000 80 264 264 279 221 306 164 255 255 268 216 293 159 245 245 256 211 279 155 235 235 243 206 265 150
85 279 279 283 269 306 208 269 269 272 264 293 203 259 259 260 259 280 198 248 248 248 248 266 193
90 294 294 294 294 308 254 284 284 284 284 296 249 273 273 273 273 283 244 261 261 261 261 269 239
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total gross cooling capacity (MBH).
3. SHC = Sensible heat capacity (MBH).
RT-PRC010-EN 29
Performance (25Ton)
Table PD-3 25 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 245 179 272 148 301 112 237 175 263 143 290 107 228 170 253 139 279 103 219 165 242 134 267 98
5000 80 246 205 272 173 301 141 238 200 263 169 290 137 229 195 253 164 279 130 220 190 243 159 267 125
85 248 230 273 198 301 165 240 226 263 194 290 161 231 221 254 189 279 156 223 216 243 184 267 151
90 253 253 273 223 301 190 246 246 264 218 291 186 238 238 254 214 279 181 230 230 244 209 267 176
75 265 207 292 164 320 118 255 202 281 160 308 114 245 197 270 155 295 109 234 192 258 150 281 104
7000 80 267 241 293 198 320 154 258 237 282 194 308 149 248 232 270 188 295 144 237 226 258 183 281 139
85 272 272 293 232 321 188 264 264 282 227 309 183 255 255 271 221 296 178 246 246 259 216 282 173
90 285 285 295 266 321 221 277 277 285 261 309 216 268 268 274 255 296 211 258 258 262 250 282 205
75 276 228 303 177 331 122 266 223 291 172 318 118 255 218 279 167 304 113 243 213 266 162 289 108
8750 80 280 271 303 218 331 164 270 266 292 212 318 160 258 258 279 207 304 155 248 248 266 201 289 149
85 291 291 305 258 331 205 282 282 293 253 318 200 272 272 281 247 304 195 261 261 268 242 289 189
90 305 305 309 299 331 245 295 295 298 294 318 240 285 285 285 285 305 234 274 274 273 273 290 228
75 282 243 308 186 336 125 271 237 296 180 322 121 260 232 283 175 308 116 248 226 270 169 293 110
10000 80 286 286 309 230 336 171 277 277 297 225 322 167 267 267 284 219 308 162 256 256 271 214 293 156
85 301 301 311 275 336 216 291 291 299 270 323 211 281 281 287 265 308 206 269 269 274 259 293 200
90 316 316 315 315 337 260 305 305 305 305 323 255 294 294 294 294 309 250 282 282 282 282 294 244
75 286 253 312 192 339 128 275 248 299 186 325 123 264 243 286 181 311 117 252 237 272 175 295 112
11000 80 293 293 313 240 339 177 283 283 300 234 326 172 273 273 287 229 311 167 261 261 273 223 295 161
85 308 308 315 289 340 225 298 298 303 284 326 220 287 287 291 278 311 214 275 275 277 272 296 208
90 323 323 323 323 340 273 312 312 312 312 327 267 300 300 300 300 312 262 288 288 287 287 297 256
Table PD-4 25 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity HIGH CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 273 273 303 163 334 125 263 194 291 158 322 120 253 188 280 153 309 115 242 182 267 147 296 110
5000 80 274 226 303 191 334 155 264 221 292 186 322 150 254 215 280 180 310 145 243 209 268 174 296 139
85 277 255 304 219 334 184 267 249 292 214 323 179 257 244 281 209 310 174 246 238 268 202 296 168
90 283 283 305 246 334 210 275 275 294 241 323 205 266 266 282 235 310 200 257 257 270 229 297 194
75 295 235 325 185 355 131 283 230 312 179 342 126 271 223 299 173 328 121 259 217 285 168 313 115
7000 80 298 275 325 226 355 171 287 270 313 220 342 167 275 264 299 214 328 161 263 257 285 208 313 156
85 307 307 327 264 355 212 297 297 315 258 342 207 286 286 302 252 328 202 275 275 288 246 313 196
90 322 322 330 304 355 247 312 312 318 298 343 245 301 301 306 292 329 240 290 290 292 286 314 234
75 308 262 336 200 365 135 296 256 323 195 351 130 283 250 309 189 337 125 269 244 294 184 321 119
8750 80 314 313 337 248 365 185 302 302 324 243 352 180 290 290 310 237 337 175 279 279 296 231 321 170
85 329 329 340 297 365 236 318 318 327 292 352 230 307 307 314 286 337 223 294 294 300 280 322 217
90 344 344 344 344 367 281 333 333 333 333 353 275 322 322 322 322 339 270 309 309 309 309 324 264
75 315 281 342 211 370 137 302 275 328 206 356 133 289 269 314 200 341 127 276 262 299 193 325 122
10000 80 324 324 343 265 370 195 313 313 330 260 357 190 301 301 316 254 342 185 288 288 301 247 326 180
85 340 340 347 321 371 248 329 329 334 315 357 243 317 317 321 309 342 237 304 304 306 303 326 231
90 356 356 356 356 372 303 345 345 345 345 359 297 332 332 332 332 344 291 319 319 319 319 329 285
75 320 296 345 220 374 140 307 290 332 215 360 135 294 283 317 207 344 130 280 277 302 201 328 124
11000 80 331 331 347 278 374 203 320 320 334 273 360 198 308 308 320 267 345 193 295 295 305 260 328 187
85 348 348 352 339 375 259 337 337 339 333 360 254 324 324 324 324 345 249 311 311 311 311 329 243
90 364 364 364 364 376 318 352 352 352 352 362 313 339 339 339 339 348 308 326 326 326 326 332 302
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total gross cooling capacity.
3. SHC = Sensible heat capacity.
30 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (30 Ton)
Table PD-5 30 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 312 230 346 188 382 142 301 224 333 182 368 137 289 218 320 176 353 131 276 211 306 170 337 125
6000 80 313 264 346 222 382 178 302 257 334 216 368 172 290 251 320 210 353 166 278 244 306 203 337 160
85 316 298 347 255 382 211 305 292 334 249 368 205 294 285 321 242 353 199 282 279 307 236 338 193
90 324 324 348 288 382 245 315 315 336 282 368 239 305 305 323 275 354 233 294 294 309 269 338 226
75 341 277 375 216 410 151 328 270 360 210 394 145 314 263 345 204 376 139 299 256 329 197 358 133
9000 80 345 326 376 264 410 201 333 320 361 257 394 195 319 313 346 250 377 189 304 304 329 243 359 182
85 357 357 378 311 411 250 346 346 363 305 394 243 334 334 348 298 377 236 321 321 332 291 359 229
90 375 375 382 360 411 296 363 363 368 354 395 289 350 350 353 347 378 283 336 336 336 336 361 276
75 351 298 384 229 418 155 337 291 368 222 401 149 322 284 352 215 383 143 307 277 335 208
10500 80 357 355 384 282 418 212 343 343 369 276 402 206 330 330 353 269 384 199 317 317 336 262
85 374 374 387 338 419 266 361 361 372 331 402 260 348 348 357 324 385 253 334 334 340 317
90 392 392 392 392 420 320 379 379 379 379 404 313 365 365 365 365 386 306 350 350 350 350
75 359 318 390 240 424 158 344 311 374 233 407 152 329 304 358 226 389 146 314 297 340 219
12000 80 368 368 391 300 425 222 355 355 376 294 408 216 342 342 359 287 390 209 327 327 342 279
85 387 387 395 363 425 282 374 374 380 356 408 276 359 359 364 349 390 269 345 345 347 342
90 406 406 406 406 427 342 392 392 392 392 410 336 377 377 377 377 392 329 362 362 361 361
75 365 338 395 250 429 162 351 331 379 244 412 156 336 323 362 237 393 150 320 316 344 229
13500 80 378 378 397 318 430 232 365 365 381 311 412 225 351 351 364 304 394 218 336 336 347 296
85 398 398 403 387 431 297 384 384 387 380 413 291 369 369 369 369 394 284 353 353 353 353
90 417 417 417 417 433 365 402 402 402 402 416 358 387 387 387 387 397 351
Table PD-6 30 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity HIGH CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 324 237 358 194 395 148 312 230 345 188 381 142 299 224 331 181 365 136 285 219 316 174 349 129
6000 80 325 269 359 229 395 183 313 263 345 223 381 177 300 260 331 216 365 171 287 253 316 210 349 164
85 328 304 360 261 395 218 316 297 346 254 381 212 304 296 332 248 366 206 291 289 317 240 350 199
90 337 337 361 294 396 250 327 327 348 287 381 244 316 316 334 280 366 237 304 304 319 273 350 230
75 354 289 388 225 423 156 340 284 373 218 407 150 325 277 357 211 389 144 310 267 339 204
9000 80 359 341 389 275 423 208 345 334 374 268 407 202 331 327 358 261 390 196 315 315 341 254
85 372 372 391 325 424 260 360 360 376 319 408 254 347 347 361 312 390 247 333 333 344 304
90 390 390 396 377 424 308 378 378 381 370 409 302 364 364 366 363 391 295 350 350 350 350
75 364 312 397 239 431 159 349 305 381 231 414 153 334 297 365 224 396 147 318 290 347 217
10500 80 370 370 398 295 431 220 357 357 382 289 415 214 344 344 366 282 397 207 329 329 349 274
85 389 389 401 354 432 278 376 376 386 347 415 271 362 362 370 340 397 264 348 348 353 333
90 408 408 408 408 433 334 394 394 394 394 417 328 380 380 380 380 399 321
75 373 335 403 253 437 162 357 332 387 246 420 157 342 325 370 240 402 150 325 312 352 233
12000 80 384 384 405 315 437 232 370 370 389 309 420 226 356 356 372 301 402 219 341 341 355 294
85 403 403 410 382 438 299 389 389 394 375 421 292 375 375 378 368 403 286 359 359 361 361
90 422 422 422 422 440 360 408 408 408 408 424 353 392 392 392 392 406 346
75 380 357 408 266 442 166 364 349 392 257 425 160 348 342 375 248 406 154 330 330 356 241
13500 80 394 394 411 335 442 243 380 380 395 328 425 237 366 366 378 321 406 231 350 350 360 313
85 414 414 417 409 443 312 400 400 400 400 426 306 384 384 384 384 407 299
90 433 433 433 433 446 385 418 418 418 418 429 378 403 403 403 403 411 371
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total gross cooling capacity.
3. SHC = Sensible heat capacity.
RT-PRC010-EN 31
Performance (40Ton)
Table PD-7 40 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 395 289 438 237 483 179 382 282 423 230 467 173 367 274 407 223 448 166 352 265 389 215 429 158
8000 80 396 329 438 278 483 226 383 322 423 271 466 220 368 314 407 264 448 210 353 306 390 256 429 202
85 399 371 439 319 483 265 386 364 424 312 467 258 372 356 408 304 449 251 358 348 390 295 429 243
90 406 406 439 359 484 306 395 395 425 352 467 299 383 383 409 344 449 291 370 370 392 335 430 283
75 425 331 468 263 514 189 409 323 451 255 495 182 393 315 432 247 474 175 375 306 413 239 452 167
11000 80 428 385 469 317 514 246 413 377 451 309 495 239 397 369 433 301 474 231 380 360 413 292 452 222
85 435 435 470 370 515 300 422 422 453 362 496 293 408 408 434 353 475 285 393 393 415 344 453 276
90 456 456 473 423 515 353 443 443 457 415 496 345 428 428 439 407 476 337 412 412 420 398 454 328
75 443 367 487 285 533 197 427 359 468 277 512 190 410 351 448 269 490 183 391 342 427 260 466 174
14000 80 450 435 488 350 533 265 434 428 469 342 512 257 415 415 449 333 490 249 399 399 428 324 467 241
85 468 468 490 415 533 331 453 453 472 407 513 323 437 437 452 398 491 314 420 420 431 389 468 305
90 490 490 497 482 535 395 475 475 479 474 514 386 458 458 458 458 492 378 440 440 440 440 469 369
75 453 390 496 299 542 203 436 382 476 290 521 195 418 373 455 282 498 187 399 364 434 272 473 178
16000 80 460 460 497 370 542 277 445 445 478 362 521 269 429 429 457 353 498 261 412 412 435 344 474 252
85 484 484 500 443 543 349 469 469 482 435 522 341 452 452 462 426 499 332 433 433 440 417 475 323
90 508 508 508 508 544 420 492 492 491 491 523 412 474 474 474 474 501 403 455 455 455 455 477 394
75 462 412 503 311 549 207 444 403 483 302 527 200 425 394 462 293 504 192 406 385 439 284 479 181
18000 80 473 473 504 389 549 288 458 458 484 381 528 280 441 441 463 372 504 272 422 422 441 363 479 263
85 498 498 509 470 550 367 482 482 490 462 529 358 464 464 470 453 505 350 445 445 448 444 480 340
90 523 523 523 523 552 445 506 506 505 505 531 437 487 487 487 487 508 428 467 467 467 467 483 419
Table PD-8 40 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity HIGH CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 436 321 483 261 533 199 420 313 465 253 514 192 403 304 446 244 493 183 385 294 426 235 471 174
8000 80 438 367 484 309 533 247 422 359 466 300 514 239 405 350 447 291 493 230 387 340 427 282 471 222
85 442 415 485 351 534 294 426 406 467 347 515 286 410 397 448 338 494 277 392 388 427 328 472 268
90 453 453 486 401 534 341 439 439 469 393 515 333 425 425 450 383 494 319 409 409 430 374 472 314
75 469 372 517 293 566 208 451 365 497 284 544 200 432 355 475 275 521 192 411 345 452 265 496 183
11000 80 474 436 518 357 566 273 456 427 498 349 544 264 437 417 476 340 521 256 418 407 453 328 497 247
85 487 487 520 420 567 337 471 471 500 408 545 328 454 454 479 399 522 320 436 436 457 388 498 310
90 511 511 525 480 567 400 495 495 506 471 546 391 478 478 485 462 523 382 459 459 464 452 499 369
75 491 419 536 320 585 216 472 409 515 311 561 207 451 399 493 302 537 199 429 389 468 292 511 190
14000 80 501 501 538 397 585 297 482 482 517 388 562 289 463 463 495 378 538 280 444 444 471 368 512 271
85 525 525 542 475 586 374 507 507 522 466 563 365 489 489 500 456 538 355 469 469 477 446 512 346
90 550 550 550 550 588 450 532 532 532 532 566 441 513 513 513 513 541 432 492 492 492 492 516 422
75 503 449 545 337 594 220 483 440 524 329 570 212 461 429 500 320 544 203 439 419 476 310 518 194
16000 80 517 517 548 424 594 313 499 499 526 415 571 304 480 480 504 405 545 296 459 459 479 395 519 286
85 544 544 555 513 595 397 525 525 533 503 571 389 506 506 511 494 546 379 485 485 487 484 520 369
90 570 570 570 570 599 484 551 551 551 551 575 475 531 531 531 531 551 466 509 509 509 509 524 456
75 512 478 553 355 601 225 492 469 531 346 576 216 470 458 507 337 550 208 445 445 481 327 523 199
18000 80 532 532 556 450 601 328 513 513 534 441 577 320 494 494 511 431 551 311 472 472 486 420 524 302
85 560 560 565 549 602 421 540 540 544 540 579 412 520 520 519 519 553 402 498 498 497 497 526 392
90 587 587 587 587 607 517 567 567 567 567 584 508 545 545 545 545 559 499 522 522 522 522 532 489
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total gross cooling capacity.
3. SHC = Sensible heat capacity.
32 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (50Ton)
Table PD-9 50 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 521 382 578 313 638 238 502 372 557 304 615 229 483 362 536 294 591 219 462 351 513 283 566 209
10000 80 523 437 579 369 638 297 504 427 558 359 615 288 485 416 536 349 591 278 465 406 514 338 566 268
85 527 493 579 423 639 352 509 483 559 413 616 342 491 473 537 403 592 332 471 462 515 392 566 322
90 539 539 581 477 639 407 524 524 561 467 617 397 507 507 540 457 593 387 490 490 517 446 567 376
75 562 443 620 352 680 250 541 433 597 341 654 241 519 422 572 331 626 231 496 410 546 320 597 221
14000 80 568 519 621 425 680 328 547 508 598 414 654 318 525 497 573 403 627 307 503 486 547 391 598 297
85 581 581 623 497 681 402 563 563 600 487 655 392 544 544 576 475 628 382 524 524 550 464 598 370
90 610 610 628 572 681 474 591 591 606 561 656 464 571 571 582 550 629 452 550 550 557 538 600 441
75 586 492 642 391 701 259 563 481 617 381 674 250 540 469 590 369 645 240 515 457 563 358 614 229
17500 80 596 585 644 467 702 352 575 574 619 456 674 342 551 551 592 445 645 331 529 529 565 433 615 320
85 622 622 648 556 702 441 602 602 623 545 675 430 580 580 597 534 646 419 557 557 570 522 616 407
90 652 652 658 648 704 527 631 631 631 631 677 517 609 609 608 608 648 505 585 585 585 585 618 494
75 599 524 654 398 712 265 576 513 627 387 684 256 552 501 600 375 654 246 527 489 572 363 622 235
20000 80 612 612 656 496 713 368 592 592 630 485 685 358 570 570 602 473 655 347 547 547 574 461 623 336
85 644 644 661 596 714 466 622 622 636 585 686 455 599 599 609 573 656 444 575 575 582 561 624 432
90 675 675 675 675 716 564 653 653 653 653 688 553 629 629 629 629 658 541 604 604 604 604 627 529
75 610 554 663 415 721 271 587 543 636 403 692 262 562 531 608 392 661 251 536 519 579 380 629 240
22500 80 629 629 665 523 722 383 608 608 639 512 693 373 585 585 611 500 662 363 561 561 582 488 630 350
85 662 662 673 634 722 490 640 640 647 623 694 479 616 616 620 612 663 468 590 590 590 590 631 456
90 694 694 694 694 723 598 671 671 671 671 697 587 646 646 646 646 667 576 619 619 619 619 635 564
Table PD-10 50 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity HIGH CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 540 397 598 324 660 247 520 387 577 314 637 237 500 376 554 303 612 227 478 365 529 292 585 217
10000 80 542 455 599 382 660 306 522 444 577 372 637 296 502 433 554 361 612 286 480 422 530 350 586 276
85 547 514 600 440 660 365 528 503 578 429 637 355 508 492 555 419 613 344 487 481 531 407 586 333
90 560 560 602 497 661 421 544 544 581 486 638 411 526 526 558 475 613 401 508 508 534 463 587 390
75 582 463 642 366 701 258 560 452 617 356 675 248 537 440 591 345 647 238 512 428 564 333 618 228
14000 80 589 544 643 443 701 340 567 532 619 433 675 330 544 521 592 420 648 320 520 509 565 408 618 309
85 605 605 645 520 702 417 586 586 622 509 676 407 565 565 596 498 648 396 544 544 569 486 619 385
90 635 635 651 599 703 495 616 616 628 588 677 484 595 595 604 577 649 473 572 572 578 565 621 461
75 608 517 663 395 722 266 584 505 638 385 695 257 559 493 611 374 665 246 533 480 582 362 634 236
17500 80 620 617 665 489 723 368 595 595 639 479 695 358 573 573 613 467 666 348 550 550 584 455 635 333
85 648 648 670 585 723 460 627 627 646 574 696 450 604 604 619 563 666 439 581 581 592 551 636 427
90 678 678 678 678 725 553 657 657 657 657 699 543 634 634 634 634 670 532 609 609 609 609 639 520
75 620 547 673 419 731 271 595 535 647 408 703 262 570 522 619 397 673 251 543 510 590 385 642 241
20000 80 634 634 675 516 731 384 613 613 649 505 704 372 590 590 622 494 674 359 566 566 593 481 643 348
85 667 667 682 622 732 484 645 645 657 611 704 474 621 621 631 600 675 462 597 597 603 587 643 451
90 698 698 698 698 732 858 676 676 676 676 708 576 651 651 651 651 679 565 626 626 626 626 648 553
75 634 588 683 435 741 278 609 576 656 424 712 268 582 563 628 412 682 258 555 551 598 400 649 247
22500 80 656 656 687 553 742 399 633 633 660 541 713 389 610 610 632 530 683 379 585 585 603 517 650 368
85 689 689 697 673 743 516 666 666 671 662 714 506 641 641 641 641 684 495 615 615 615 615 652 483
90 721 721 721 721 747 633 698 698 698 698 719 623 672 672 672 672 690 612 645 645 645 645 658 600
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total gross cooling capacity.
3. SHC = Sensible heat capacity.
RT-PRC010-EN 33
Performance (55Ton)
Table PD-11 55 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 637 470 706 384 782 291 614 457 681 372 753 279 590 445 654 360 724 268 565 431 626 347 692 256
12000 80 639 537 707 453 782 365 617 525 682 441 753 354 593 512 655 428 723 342 568 499 627 415 692 327
85 646 608 708 520 782 432 624 596 683 508 754 420 601 583 656 495 724 408 577 570 628 481 693 395
90 662 662 710 587 783 501 643 643 686 575 755 489 623 623 659 562 726 476 601 601 632 549 694 463
75 679 532 750 423 827 305 654 519 722 411 795 293 627 505 692 398 762 281 599 491 660 385 726 268
16000 80 685 621 751 510 827 396 660 608 723 497 795 384 634 594 693 484 762 371 607 580 662 469 727 358
85 699 699 754 596 828 485 678 678 726 583 797 472 655 655 696 569 764 460 631 631 666 555 729 447
90 735 735 760 684 829 570 712 712 733 671 798 557 689 689 704 658 765 544 663 663 674 644 731 530
75 703 577 774 452 851 314 676 564 744 439 817 302 648 550 712 426 782 290 619 536 679 411
19250 80 713 683 776 551 852 420 688 670 746 538 818 408 661 656 714 524 783 395 631 631 681 510
85 741 741 780 653 852 523 717 717 750 639 819 510 692 692 720 626 784 496 665 665 687 611
90 779 779 791 757 855 622 754 754 762 744 822 609 728 728 733 730 787 595 700 700 700 700
75 719 614 790 472 866 321 691 600 757 458 831 309 662 586 724 445 795 297 632 571 690 430
22000 80 734 733 792 584 867 439 705 705 760 570 833 426 680 680 728 556 796 413 653 653 693 541
85 769 769 798 698 869 552 744 744 767 684 834 539 717 717 735 670 798 525 689 689 702 656
90 809 809 808 808 871 663 782 782 782 782 837 650 755 755 754 754 802 636 725 725 725 725
75 729 639 798 486 876 327 701 625 766 473 840 315 671 611 732 458 803 302 641 596 697 444
24000 80 746 746 801 606 877 452 721 721 769 593 841 439 694 694 736 578 804 426 666 666 701 564
85 787 787 809 730 879 573 760 760 778 716 843 559 733 733 746 702 806 545 703 703 712 687
90 827 827 827 827 882 693 800 800 800 800 847 679 771 771 771 771 811 665
Table PD-12 55 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity HIGH CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 655 472 724 394 796 296 631 460 697 381 768 285 606 446 669 368 737 273 579 432 639 355 704 260
12000 80 658 538 725 457 796 370 634 525 698 441 768 359 609 512 670 428 737 346 583 497 640 414 704 334
85 665 606 726 520 797 435 642 593 699 507 768 422 618 580 672 494 738 410 593 566 642 479 705 404
90 683 683 729 585 797 497 663 663 703 572 769 485 642 642 676 558 738 472 619 619 647 544 706 458
75 697 552 767 434 837 308 670 538 737 424 805 296 642 524 706 411 771 284 613 510 673 394 735 271
16000 80 705 647 768 527 837 405 679 633 738 514 805 393 652 619 707 501 771 381 623 605 674 486 736 367
85 722 722 771 619 837 496 699 699 743 606 806 483 675 675 712 592 772 470 649 649 680 577 736 457
90 758 758 779 681 838 588 735 735 751 699 807 576 709 709 721 685 773 561 682 682 690 671 738 547
75 722 603 788 463 857 316 693 589 758 450 824 304 664 574 725 437 788 291 633 560 691 423
19250 80 735 716 789 572 857 432 707 703 759 558 824 420 676 676 727 544 789 407 649 649 693 530
85 765 765 796 681 858 537 739 739 766 667 825 525 713 713 734 653 790 512 684 684 701 639
90 800 800 808 792 860 644 774 774 779 779 828 631 747 747 746 746 793 617 717 717 717 717
75 738 644 802 487 870 322 709 630 770 473 836 310 679 615 737 460 799 298 647 600 701 446
22000 80 753 753 804 608 870 454 728 728 773 594 836 435 700 700 740 580 800 422 671 671 705 566
85 791 791 813 731 871 575 765 765 782 717 837 557 737 737 750 703 800 543 707 707 716 689
90 828 828 828 828 873 595 801 801 801 801 842 677 771 771 771 771 806 663 740 740 740 740
75 749 672 809 503 878 328 719 658 778 490 843 315 688 643 743 476 806 302 656 628 707 461
24000 80 770 770 813 633 878 462 743 743 781 620 843 449 715 715 748 606 806 436 685 685 712 591
85 808 808 823 767 879 594 780 780 792 753 844 580 751 751 759 739 807 566 720 720 725 724
90 845 845 845 845 885 723 817 817 817 817 850 709 787 787 786 786 814 695
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total gross cooling capacity.
3. SHC = Sensible heat capacity.
34 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (60 Ton)
Table PD-13 60 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 617 467 683 379 754 279 596 456 659 367 726 268 573 444 633 355 696 257 549 431 605 343 664 245
14000 80 621 540 684 450 755 361 600 528 660 439 727 345 578 516 634 426 697 334 554 504 606 413 665 321
85 631 616 687 521 756 430 611 604 663 509 728 419 587 587 636 497 698 407 566 566 608 483 665 393
90 655 655 691 593 757 500 637 637 667 581 730 488 617 617 641 569 700 475 595 595 614 555 668 462
75 651 522 718 413 789 292 627 510 690 401 758 281 603 498 661 388 725 269 576 484 630 374 689 256
18000 80 659 614 721 500 790 386 636 603 693 488 759 374 612 590 664 475 726 362 586 577 633 461 690 349
85 680 680 723 588 792 475 659 659 697 576 761 463 637 637 668 563 727 449 612 612 637 549 692 435
90 715 715 732 680 794 562 693 693 705 667 763 549 669 669 678 654 729 535 643 643 648 640 693 521
75 670 560 736 434 807 300 645 548 708 422 775 288 619 535 677 409 739 276 591 521 645 395 702 263
21000 80 682 666 739 534 809 406 658 654 710 521 776 394 630 630 680 508 741 381 605 605 647 494 703 368
85 712 712 744 635 811 505 689 689 715 623 778 493 664 664 685 609 743 479 638 638 654 595 705 464
90 748 748 756 740 813 604 724 724 729 728 780 591 698 698 698 698 745 577 669 669 669 669 707 562
75 685 596 751 454 821 307 660 583 721 442 787 296 632 570 689 428 751 284 603 556 655 414 711 270
24000 80 699 699 754 566 823 424 676 676 724 553 789 412 651 651 692 539 751 398 625 625 658 524 712 383
85 737 737 760 680 825 534 713 713 731 667 791 521 687 687 700 653 754 507 658 658 667 638 715 492
90 775 775 775 775 827 645 749 749 749 749 793 631 721 721 721 721 757 617 690 690 690 690 718 602
75 698 629 762 473 832 314 672 616 731 460 797 301 643 603 699 446 759 288 613 588 664 432 719 275
27000 80 720 720 765 596 833 440 695 695 735 583 798 427 669 669 702 569 761 413 641 641 667 554 720 398
85 758 758 774 722 836 561 733 733 744 708 801 547 705 705 712 694 763 533 674 674 674 674 722 517
90 797 797 797 797 839 683 770 770 769 769 804 669 739 739 739 739 767 655 706 706 706 706 733 641
Table PD-14 60 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity HIGH CAPACITY Evaporator Coil With Scroll Compressor
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
ENT Entering Wet Bulb
DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 676 514 749 413 822 305 651 503 721 400 792 293 625 488 691 387 758 280 597 474 660 374 724 267
14000 80 682 596 750 495 823 387 657 583 722 483 792 375 631 569 693 470 759 362 604 555 661 456 725 349
85 692 680 752 574 823 469 668 667 724 561 793 457 643 643 695 547 760 444 620 620 664 532 726 430
90 721 721 757 654 824 551 699 699 730 641 794 535 676 676 701 627 761 522 652 652 670 612 726 508
75 714 579 784 453 856 315 686 571 753 440 823 303 658 552 721 427 787 290 628 537 687 413 750 277
18000 80 724 684 785 556 856 420 697 670 755 543 823 408 669 656 723 529 788 395 638 638 689 514 751 381
85 750 750 790 653 857 524 725 725 760 639 824 512 700 700 729 625 789 499 672 672 695 610 751 484
90 786 786 799 755 859 625 761 761 770 742 826 606 734 734 740 728 792 592 706 706 705 705 754 578
75 735 626 802 481 872 322 706 612 770 468 838 310 676 597 737 455 802 297 645 582 701 441 763 284
21000 80 749 747 804 593 873 444 721 721 772 579 839 432 694 694 739 565 803 419 666 666 705 550 764 405
85 784 784 811 709 874 565 758 758 780 696 839 550 730 730 747 681 803 530 701 701 713 666 765 516
90 822 822 822 822 878 671 795 795 795 795 843 657 767 767 766 766 807 643 735 735 735 735 769 629
75 752 670 815 505 885 330 722 656 782 489 850 317 691 641 748 475 813 304 659 626 712 460 773 290
24000 80 772 772 819 632 887 467 746 746 787 619 851 455 718 718 752 604 813 442 688 688 717 589 774 428
85 812 812 828 765 888 492 785 785 797 751 851 579 755 755 764 736 814 565 724 724 728 721 775 550
90 851 851 850 850 892 721 822 822 822 822 856 707 792 792 792 792 819 693 759 759 758 758 780 678
75 765 713 826 527 895 336 736 699 792 520 859 323 704 684 757 498 821 310 671 668 720 490 780 297
27000 80 794 794 831 671 896 491 766 766 798 657 860 478 737 737 763 642 822 465 706 706 726 627 781 452
85 835 835 843 818 897 627 806 806 812 805 861 613 775 775 775 775 823 599 742 742 742 742 783 584
90 876 876 876 876 922 776 844 844 844 844 876 759 811 811 811 811 830 742 777 777 777 777 790 727
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total gross cooling capacity.
3. SHC = Sensible heat capacity.
RT-PRC010-EN 35
Performance (70Ton)
Table PD-15 70 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil
Ambient Temperature (F)
85 95 105 115
AIR- ENT Entering Wet Bulb (F)
FLOW DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 742 558 824 449 913 327 708 538 786 430 872 308 672 517 747 410 829 289 635 495 707 390 785 269
16000 80 749 650 826 537 914 424 716 630 789 518 873 405 681 609 750 497 831 385 644 587 710 476 787 364
85 763 746 830 628 916 513 730 725 793 607 876 493 693 693 754 586 834 473 661 661 714 565 790 453
90 792 792 837 719 919 603 762 762 801 698 879 584 731 731 763 677 836 563 698 698 724 656 792 543
75 781 622 862 492 952 341 744 601 822 473 908 322 706 580 780 452 863 302 667 557 736 430 815 282
20000 80 793 736 864 596 954 460 757 715 824 575 910 435 719 693 783 554 865 415 681 671 740 532 818 394
85 815 815 872 706 957 567 783 783 832 685 913 547 749 749 792 664 868 526 714 714 749 642 821 505
90 859 859 884 819 960 676 826 826 846 798 917 655 792 792 806 776 872 634 755 755 764 754 826 612
75 796 652 877 503 967 347 758 631 835 482 922 328 720 609 793 462 875 308 679 587 748 440 827 288
22000 80 810 777 879 623 969 471 774 756 839 602 924 451 736 734 796 580 878 430 693 693 752 558 829 409
85 841 841 889 743 972 592 808 808 848 722 927 572 772 772 806 701 881 551 736 736 763 678 832 529
90 887 887 904 866 976 710 852 852 864 845 932 689 816 816 816 816 886 668 779 779 778 778 839 646
75 809 682 889 520 980 353 771 660 847 500 934 334 731 638 803 479 886 314 690 615 757 457 836 293
24000 80 826 817 893 649 982 486 783 783 851 628 936 466 748 748 808 606 889 445 711 711 763 584 839 424
85 864 864 903 780 985 617 829 829 862 758 939 596 793 793 820 736 891 574 755 755 775 714 842 552
90 911 911 922 913 991 743 875 875 875 875 946 722 838 838 838 838 899 701 799 799 799 799 851 679
75 821 710 899 537 990 359 782 688 856 517 944 339 742 666 812 495 895 319 700 643 765 472 844 298
26000 80 835 835 904 675 993 501 801 801 862 653 946 480 765 765 818 631 898 459 727 727 772 609 848 438
85 884 884 917 815 995 640 848 848 875 794 949 618 811 811 831 772 901 597 772 772 787 749 851 574
90 933 933 932 932 1003 776 896 896 895 895 958 755 857 857 857 857 910 733 817 817 817 817 861 711
75 826 724 904 546 995 361 787 702 861 525 948 342 747 680 816 503 899 322 705 657 768 480 848 301
27000 80 844 844 909 688 998 508 809 809 867 666 951 487 772 772 822 644 902 467 734 734 777 621 851 445
85 893 893 923 833 1000 651 857 857 881 811 954 630 819 819 837 789 905 608 779 779 792 766 855 585
90 943 943 942 942 1009 792 905 905 905 905 963 771 866 866 866 866 915 749 825 825 825 825 866 726
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total Gross Cooling Capacity
3. SHC = Sensible Heat Capacity
36 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (75 Ton)
Table PD-16 75 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil
Ambient Temperature (F)
85 95 105 115
AIR- ENT Entering Wet Bulb (F)
FLOW DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 767 576 853 462 946 340 731 555 814 441 903 320 694 533 773 421 858 300 656 511 731 399 811 279
16000 80 774 670 856 555 947 437 739 649 817 534 904 417 702 627 776 513 860 396 664 605 733 491 813 375
85 787 768 859 648 950 533 753 747 820 627 907 509 717 717 780 605 862 488 683 683 738 582 816 467
90 820 820 867 741 952 623 789 789 828 720 910 602 756 756 788 698 865 581 722 722 747 676 819 560
75 807 642 892 505 986 353 769 620 850 484 939 333 729 598 806 462 891 312 688 575 761 441 841 291
20000 80 819 760 895 616 988 473 781 738 853 594 942 453 742 715 809 572 894 432 702 692 764 549 844 410
85 846 846 902 729 991 592 812 812 861 707 945 565 776 776 818 685 897 543 739 739 773 662 848 521
90 891 891 914 845 994 698 856 856 874 823 949 676 820 820 832 801 902 654 782 782 788 778 853 631
75 823 674 907 525 1000 359 783 652 863 504 953 339 743 629 818 483 904 318 701 606 772 461 853 297
22000 80 837 802 910 644 1003 490 799 780 867 622 956 470 760 758 823 599 907 449 718 718 777 576 856 427
85 872 872 919 768 1006 612 837 837 877 746 959 591 800 800 833 723 910 570 762 762 787 700 859 546
90 920 920 934 895 1010 733 884 884 893 873 964 712 846 846 845 845 916 689 806 806 806 806 866 666
75 837 704 919 545 1013 365 796 682 875 523 965 344 755 659 829 495 914 323 712 635 782 473
24000 80 854 844 923 671 1015 507 812 812 880 649 967 487 775 775 834 626 918 466 737 737 787 603
85 896 896 934 806 1019 638 860 860 891 784 970 615 822 822 846 761 921 593 782 782 800 737
90 946 946 953 944 1024 768 908 908 908 908 977 746 868 868 868 868 928 724 827 827 827 827
75 849 734 930 556 1023 370 808 712 885 535 974 350 766 688 838 512 923 329 722 665 789 488
26000 80 867 867 935 698 1026 524 831 831 891 676 977 503 793 793 845 653 927 482 753 753 797 629
85 918 918 948 843 1029 661 880 880 904 821 980 639 840 840 858 798 930 616 799 799 811 774
90 968 968 968 968 1036 802 929 929 929 929 989 780 889 889 889 889 939 757 846 846 846 846
75 854 749 935 575 1028 373 813 726 889 554 979 352 771 703 841 529 927 331 727 679 793 506
27000 80 877 877 941 711 1031 532 839 839 895 689 982 504 801 801 849 666 931 483 760 760 801 642
85 928 928 954 862 1034 673 889 889 910 839 985 651 849 849 864 816 934 628 807 807 817 792
90 979 979 979 979 1042 819 939 939 939 939 994 797 898 898 898 898 944 774 855 855 855 855
RT-PRC010-EN 37
Performance (90Ton)
Table PD-18 90 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
AIR- ENT Entering Wet Bulb
FLOW DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 929 749 1029 583 1137 408 885 723 981 559 1084 385 840 697 930 534 1029 362 792 670 878 508 971 338
27000 80 944 888 1033 719 1139 548 901 863 984 693 1087 524 857 837 934 667 1032 499 811 810 882 640 975 474
85 978 978 1039 852 1143 685 939 939 991 827 1091 660 898 898 942 801 1036 635 855 855 891 774 978 608
90 1031 1031 1054 990 1147 817 991 991 1008 964 1095 791 949 949 960 938 1040 765 905 905 904 904 984 739
75 959 812 1057 622 1166 423 914 786 1007 597 1110 399 866 759 954 571 1053 375 817 732 899 543 994 351
32000 80 980 974 1061 775 1169 581 932 932 1011 749 1114 557 890 890 959 722 1057 531 846 846 905 695 998 506
85 1029 1029 1071 930 1172 737 988 988 1022 904 1118 711 944 944 971 878 1061 685 898 898 918 851 1002 658
90 1086 1086 1094 1091 1178 888 1043 1043 1042 1042 1124 863 998 998 997 997 1068 837 951 951 950 950 1010 810
75 983 871 1078 657 1187 436 936 844 1025 630 1131 413 887 817 971 603 1071 388 837 789 915 575 1010 363
37000 80 1011 1011 1083 828 1191 612 969 969 1031 801 1135 587 924 924 978 775 1076 562 878 878 923 747 1015 536
85 1070 1070 1098 1004 1196 785 1026 1026 1047 978 1139 759 980 980 995 951 1081 732 932 932 942 923 1020 705
90 1130 1130 1129 1129 1203 956 1085 1085 1084 1084 1147 930 1037 1037 1037 1037 1090 904 988 988 987 987 1030 876
75 1003 926 1094 687 1205 449 955 899 1041 661 1146 425 905 872 986 633 1086 399 854 844 929 605 1023 374
42000 80 1043 1043 1101 878 1209 641 998 998 1049 851 1151 615 952 952 994 824 1091 590 903 903 938 796 1029 564
85 1104 1104 1121 1073 1214 830 1058 1058 1069 1047 1156 804 1010 1010 1009 1009 1096 777 960 960 960 960 1034 749
90 1166 1166 1166 1166 1223 1020 1119 1119 1119 1119 1167 994 1070 1070 1069 1069 1108 967 1018 1018 1018 1018 1048 939
75 1013 957 1103 705 1213 450 965 930 1049 678 1154 425 915 903 993 651 1093 400 859 859 935 622 1029 373
45000 80 1059 1059 1111 906 1218 657 1013 1013 1058 879 1159 632 966 966 1003 852 1098 606 917 917 946 824 1034 577
85 1122 1122 1133 1113 1223 856 1075 1075 1074 1074 1165 829 1026 1026 1025 1025 1104 802 975 975 974 974 1041 774
90 1185 1185 1185 1185 1234 1057 1137 1137 1137 1137 1177 1030 1087 1087 1086 1086 1118 1003 1034 1034 1034 1034 1057 976
Table PD-19 90 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity HIGH CAPACITY Evaporator Coil
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
AIR- ENT Entering Wet Bulb
FLOW DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 1028 842 1134 652 1253 449 978 814 1079 626 1193 423 927 786 1023 599 1130 396 875 757 965 571 1065 369
27000 80 1045 1002 1138 805 1256 611 997 975 1084 777 1196 585 948 947 1028 749 1134 557 897 897 971 720 1070 530
85 1089 1089 1149 960 1261 765 1045 1045 1095 932 1201 738 999 999 1040 903 1139 710 951 951 983 875 1074 682
90 1149 1149 1167 1118 1265 917 1104 1104 1115 1090 1207 890 1056 1056 1056 1056 1145 861 1007 1007 1007 1007 1082 832
75 1061 920 1165 703 1283 463 1010 892 1107 676 1220 437 957 863 1049 649 1155 410 902 834 988 621 1088 383
32000 80 1086 1086 1171 875 1286 654 1040 1040 1114 847 1225 627 992 992 1056 818 1160 600 942 942 997 789 1093 572
85 1150 1150 1186 1058 1290 830 1102 1102 1130 1029 1229 802 1052 1052 1073 1000 1165 773 1001 1001 1014 971 1098 744
90 1214 1214 1214 1214 1298 1006 1165 1165 1164 1164 1240 979 1113 1113 1113 1113 1176 951 1059 1059 1059 1059 1110 921
75 1088 995 1188 752 1305 476 1035 967 1128 725 1241 450 981 938 1068 697 1174 423 926 908 1006 669 1105 395
37000 80 1130 1130 1197 943 1308 695 1081 1081 1139 915 1246 669 1031 1031 1078 885 1180 641 979 979 1017 856 1111 613
85 1198 1198 1218 1153 1312 889 1147 1147 1161 1124 1252 862 1094 1094 1102 1094 1186 833 1039 1039 1039 1039 1118 804
90 1265 1265 1264 1264 1323 1091 1213 1213 1213 1213 1264 1065 1158 1158 1158 1158 1201 1037 1101 1101 1101 1101 1134 1007
75 1111 1068 1206 801 1321 488 1058 1039 1144 751 1257 462 998 998 1082 721 1189 435 945 945 1019 691 1118 407
42000 80 1167 1167 1218 1009 1324 736 1116 1116 1158 980 1263 711 1063 1063 1097 950 1195 682 1008 1008 1034 920 1123 651
85 1237 1237 1245 1244 1330 947 1184 1184 1184 1184 1269 920 1129 1129 1129 1129 1203 892 1071 1071 1071 1071 1134 862
90 1304 1304 1304 1304 1344 1174 1252 1252 1252 1252 1284 1148 1196 1196 1195 1195 1222 1120 1136 1136 1136 1136
75 1124 1110 1214 823 1329 495 1065 1065 1153 794 1265 470 1013 1013 1089 764 1196 442 959 959 1026 734 1125 415
45000 80 1186 1186 1229 1047 1333 743 1134 1134 1169 1018 1271 718 1079 1079 1107 988 1201 687 1024 1024 1043 957 1131 657
85 1258 1258 1257 1257 1339 981 1203 1203 1203 1203 1278 954 1147 1147 1146 1146 1212 926 1088 1088 1088 1088
90 1324 1324 1324 1324 1355 1222 1271 1271 1271 1271 1295 1196 1215 1215 1215 1215 1233 1169
1.All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total Gross Cooling Capacity
3. SHC = Sensible Heat Capacity
38 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (105 Ton)
Table PD-20 105 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity STANDARD CAPACITY Evaporator Coil
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
AIR- ENT Entering Wet Bulb
FLOW DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 1085 885 1198 689 1320 477 1035 857 1143 660 1260 452 983 828 1085 632 1197 426 929 798 1025 627 1131 399
31000 80 1102 1051 1202 848 1323 644 1053 1023 1148 820 1263 617 1003 995 1090 790 1201 590 946 946 1030 761 1135 562
85 1143 1143 1212 1008 1327 807 1099 1099 1158 980 1268 780 1052 1052 1101 951 1204 750 1004 1004 1042 921 1139 721
90 1205 1205 1230 1172 1332 963 1160 1160 1177 1144 1273 935 1111 1111 1123 1115 1211 907 1061 1061 1060 1060 1146 877
75 1109 939 1222 720 1344 489 1058 910 1165 692 1282 463 1005 881 1105 664 1217 437 949 850 1042 633 1149 410
35000 80 1132 1124 1226 896 1347 671 1075 1075 1170 867 1285 645 1028 1028 1111 838 1221 617 979 979 1050 808 1154 589
85 1186 1186 1239 1074 1351 850 1139 1139 1183 1046 1289 822 1090 1090 1125 1016 1225 793 1039 1039 1065 986 1158 763
90 1250 1250 1262 1258 1358 1024 1202 1202 1201 1201 1297 996 1152 1152 1151 1151 1233 967 1099 1099 1098 1098 1167 937
75 1130 990 1241 750 1363 500 1078 961 1181 721 1299 474 1023 931 1120 691 1233 448 967 900 1057 661 1164 420
39000 80 1154 1154 1246 941 1367 698 1108 1108 1189 913 1303 671 1059 1059 1128 883 1237 643 1007 1007 1066 852 1168 614
85 1222 1222 1261 1138 1371 891 1173 1173 1205 1109 1308 863 1122 1122 1146 1079 1242 834 1068 1068 1085 1049 1173 804
90 1288 1288 1288 1288 1379 1082 1238 1238 1238 1238 1317 1054 1186 1186 1185 1185 1252 1025 1130 1130 1130 1130 1184 995
75 1144 1026 1251 770 1375 508 1091 997 1192 742 1310 479 1036 967 1131 712 1243 452 979 937 1066 681 1172 423
42000 80 1177 1177 1259 975 1379 717 1129 1129 1201 946 1314 690 1078 1078 1140 916 1247 662 1025 1025 1076 885 1178 633
85 1245 1245 1277 1184 1383 921 1195 1195 1219 1155 1319 893 1143 1143 1160 1125 1252 863 1088 1088 1098 1094 1183 833
90 1313 1313 1313 1313 1393 1125 1262 1262 1261 1261 1330 1096 1208 1208 1207 1207 1264 1067 1151 1151 1150 1150 1196 1037
75 1153 1050 1259 784 1382 513 1099 1021 1199 755 1317 483 1043 991 1137 725 1249 454 986 960 1072 694 1178 426
44000 80 1190 1190 1267 996 1386 729 1142 1142 1208 967 1321 702 1090 1090 1146 937 1254 674 1036 1036 1083 906 1183 645
85 1259 1259 1286 1214 1391 941 1209 1209 1228 1185 1326 912 1155 1155 1169 1155 1259 882 1100 1100 1099 1099 1189 852
90 1329 1329 1328 1328 1401 1152 1276 1276 1276 1276 1338 1124 1221 1221 1221 1221 1272 1094 1163 1163 1163 1163 1203 1064
Table PD-21 105 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity HIGH CAPACITY Evaporator Coil
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
AIR- ENT Entering Wet Bulb
FLOW DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 1151 953 1269 733 1395 503 1097 923 1209 711 1331 476 1041 893 1148 682 1264 449 983 861 1084 652 1195 420
31000 80 1173 1136 1273 910 1398 688 1121 1107 1215 881 1334 661 1063 1063 1154 851 1268 633 1012 1012 1090 820 1199 600
85 1226 1226 1285 1086 1402 861 1177 1177 1228 1057 1339 834 1127 1127 1168 1027 1273 805 1074 1074 1106 996 1203 776
90 1291 1291 1307 1267 1408 1035 1242 1242 1252 1238 1346 1007 1190 1190 1190 1190 1280 977 1136 1136 1136 1136 1212 947
75 1178 1015 1292 770 1418 514 1122 985 1231 750 1352 487 1065 954 1168 712 1284 459 1006 922 1102 681 1213 431
35000 80 1202 1202 1298 965 1421 722 1153 1153 1238 936 1356 694 1102 1102 1176 905 1288 666 1048 1048 1111 874 1217 630
85 1271 1271 1314 1163 1426 913 1221 1221 1255 1134 1360 885 1168 1168 1194 1103 1292 854 1113 1113 1130 1072 1221 824
90 1339 1339 1339 1339 1435 1105 1288 1288 1287 1287 1370 1076 1233 1233 1233 1233 1304 1047 1176 1176 1176 1176 1234 1016
75 1201 1075 1310 804 1436 524 1144 1044 1249 776 1369 497 1086 1013 1184 746 1299 469 1025 981 1115 713 1227 441
39000 80 1239 1239 1318 1018 1440 755 1188 1188 1257 989 1373 727 1134 1134 1194 958 1304 699 1078 1078 1128 927 1232 660
85 1310 1310 1338 1237 1444 960 1257 1257 1279 1208 1378 931 1202 1202 1217 1177 1309 902 1145 1145 1153 1146 1237 871
90 1380 1380 1380 1380 1457 1174 1326 1326 1326 1326 1391 1145 1269 1269 1269 1269 1323 1115 1210 1210 1210 1210 1253 1084
75 1221 1133 1326 838 1452 534 1163 1102 1262 807 1383 507 1104 1070 1196 776 1312 479 1043 1038 1128 744 1238 450
43000 80 1270 1270 1336 1070 1456 787 1218 1218 1274 1041 1388 746 1162 1162 1210 1010 1317 718 1104 1104 1143 978 1244 689
85 1343 1343 1361 1310 1461 1007 1288 1288 1300 1280 1393 978 1231 1231 1231 1231 1323 948 1172 1172 1171 1171 1251 917
90 1415 1415 1415 1415 1477 1240 1359 1359 1359 1359 1410 1211 1300 1300 1300 1300 1341 1181 1239 1239 1239 1239 1269 1150
75 1225 1147 1328 845 1455 537 1168 1116 1265 815 1386 509 1108 1084 1199 784 1315 481 1041 1041 1131 752 1241 453
44000 80 1277 1277 1340 1083 1459 781 1224 1224 1278 1053 1391 753 1168 1168 1213 1023 1320 725 1110 1110 1146 991 1246 696
85 1350 1350 1366 1328 1465 1019 1295 1295 1305 1298 1397 989 1238 1238 1238 1238 1327 959 1178 1178 1177 1177 1254 928
90 1424 1424 1423 1423 1481 1257 1367 1367 1366 1366 1414 1227 1308 1308 1307 1307 1345 1197 1245 1245 1245 1245 1273 1166
75 1234 1175 1335 860 1461 541 1176 1144 1271 830 1392 514 1116 1112 1205 799 1320 486 1051 1051 1136 767 1246 458
46000 80 1290 1290 1348 1108 1466 796 1237 1237 1284 1078 1397 768 1180 1180 1220 1048 1325 739 1121 1121 1153 1016 1251 710
85 1364 1364 1376 1363 1472 1041 1309 1309 1308 1308 1404 1012 1251 1251 1250 1250 1333 982 1189 1189 1189 1189 1260 951
90 1439 1439 1439 1439 1490 1289 1381 1381 1381 1381 1422 1259 1321 1321 1321 1321 1352 1229 1258 1258 1257 1257 1280 1198
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total Gross Cooling Capacity.
3. SHC = Sensible Heat Capacity.
RT-PRC010-EN 39
Performance (115, 130Tons)
Table PD-22 115 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity With 5-Row I-F Evaporator Coil 100% Load
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
AIR- ENT Entering Wet Bulb
FLOW DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 1234 993 1361 776 1496 539 1177 962 1298 746 1429 510 1118 929 1233 715 1358 480 1056 895 1165 684 1284 450
31000 80 1254 1176 1365 950 1499 724 1198 1145 1303 920 1431 695 1140 1112 1238 886 1361 665 1074 1074 1170 853 1287 634
85 1297 1297 1376 1126 1503 898 1247 1247 1315 1095 1435 869 1194 1194 1251 1063 1365 838 1139 1139 1185 1030 1292 807
90 1366 1366 1396 1307 1507 1074 1314 1314 1336 1276 1441 1044 1260 1260 1274 1244 1372 1012 1203 1203 1203 1203 1299 980
75 1263 1056 1387 816 1523 550 1205 1024 1323 786 1453 521 1144 991 1256 755 1380 491 1080 957 1186 713 1304 460
35000 80 1289 1262 1392 1005 1525 758 1232 1230 1329 974 1456 729 1170 1170 1262 942 1383 699 1114 1114 1193 908 1308 668
85 1348 1348 1407 1203 1530 950 1295 1295 1345 1172 1460 920 1240 1240 1279 1139 1388 890 1181 1181 1211 1106 1312 858
90 1419 1419 1433 1406 1537 1145 1364 1364 1364 1364 1469 1114 1307 1307 1307 1307 1397 1082 1247 1247 1247 1247 1323 1049
75 1288 1116 1408 855 1544 560 1228 1084 1343 812 1472 531 1166 1050 1274 781 1397 501 1101 1016 1203 748 1320 470
39000 80 1316 1316 1415 1059 1547 791 1262 1262 1350 1028 1475 762 1206 1206 1283 995 1401 732 1147 1147 1212 961 1324 701
85 1390 1390 1434 1278 1551 1000 1335 1335 1370 1246 1480 970 1277 1277 1304 1214 1405 937 1217 1217 1234 1180 1329 904
90 1464 1464 1463 1463 1562 1213 1407 1407 1406 1406 1492 1182 1347 1347 1347 1347 1419 1150 1284 1284 1284 1284 1343 1117
75 1310 1174 1426 877 1561 570 1249 1141 1359 846 1488 541 1186 1108 1289 814 1412 511 1120 1073 1215 779 1333 480
43000 80 1351 1351 1435 1111 1564 824 1295 1295 1369 1080 1492 795 1237 1237 1300 1047 1416 751 1176 1176 1229 1013 1338 719
85 1426 1426 1457 1351 1568 1047 1369 1369 1393 1319 1496 1016 1309 1309 1325 1286 1422 983 1246 1246 1256 1252 1344 950
90 1502 1502 1502 1502 1583 1280 1443 1443 1443 1443 1512 1248 1381 1381 1381 1381 1438 1216 1316 1316 1316 1316 1361 1183
75 1315 1189 1430 885 1565 573 1254 1156 1362 854 1491 543 1190 1122 1292 823 1415 513 1124 1087 1218 787 1335 483
44000 80 1359 1359 1439 1124 1569 818 1303 1303 1373 1092 1496 788 1244 1244 1304 1059 1420 758 1183 1183 1232 1025 1341 726
85 1435 1435 1463 1369 1573 1058 1377 1377 1398 1337 1500 1027 1317 1317 1330 1304 1425 995 1253 1253 1253 1253 1347 962
90 1511 1511 1511 1511 1588 1296 1451 1451 1451 1451 1516 1265 1389 1389 1389 1389 1442 1232 1323 1323 1323 1323 1365 1199
75 1325 1217 1437 902 1572 578 1263 1184 1369 871 1498 548 1199 1150 1297 836 1421 518 1133 1115 1224 802 1341 487
46000 80 1373 1373 1448 1150 1576 833 1317 1317 1379 1118 1502 803 1257 1257 1312 1084 1426 772 1195 1195 1239 1050 1346 740
85 1450 1450 1474 1404 1581 1081 1392 1392 1408 1372 1508 1050 1331 1331 1330 1330 1432 1017 1266 1266 1266 1266 1354 984
90 1528 1528 1527 1527 1598 1329 1467 1467 1467 1467 1525 1297 1404 1404 1404 1404 1451 1265 1337 1337 1337 1337 1373 1231
Table PD-23 130 Ton Gross Cooling Capacity With 5-Row I-F Evaporator Coil 100% Load
Ambient Temperature
85 95 105 115
AIR- ENT Entering Wet Bulb
FLOW DB 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73 61 67 73
75 1356 1064 1497 839 1646 594 1295 1030 1430 806 1574 562 1232 995 1360 773 1498 530 1165 958 1287 739 1418 497
31000 80 1375 1252 1502 1018 1649 784 1315 1218 1435 985 1576 752 1253 1182 1365 951 1500 720 1188 1146 1293 917 1421 687
85 1409 1409 1511 1201 1653 964 1356 1356 1446 1167 1580 932 1300 1300 1377 1132 1505 898 1241 1241 1305 1096 1425 864
90 1482 1482 1530 1386 1658 1146 1428 1428 1466 1352 1586 1114 1370 1370 1398 1317 1511 1081 1309 1309 1328 1281 1432 1044
75 1390 1129 1528 880 1678 605 1327 1094 1459 848 1602 574 1261 1059 1387 814 1524 541 1193 1022 1311 779 1442 508
35000 80 1415 1340 1533 1078 1680 820 1353 1305 1464 1043 1605 787 1289 1270 1392 1008 1527 755 1217 1217 1318 972 1445 721
85 1466 1466 1547 1280 1684 1017 1410 1410 1479 1246 1610 985 1351 1351 1409 1211 1531 951 1289 1289 1335 1175 1450 917
90 1542 1542 1571 1488 1690 1219 1484 1484 1505 1454 1617 1186 1423 1423 1437 1419 1540 1151 1359 1359 1359 1359 1459 1115
75 1419 1191 1553 920 1703 616 1354 1156 1482 887 1625 585 1287 1120 1408 841 1545 552 1217 1083 1331 806
39000 80 1450 1425 1559 1133 1705 854 1377 1377 1489 1099 1628 822 1318 1318 1416 1063 1548 789 1255 1255 1340 1027
85 1514 1514 1577 1357 1710 1069 1456 1456 1508 1323 1633 1036 1394 1394 1436 1287 1553 1003 1329 1329 1361 1251
90 1592 1592 1608 1587 1719 1290 1532 1532 1531 1531 1643 1256 1468 1468 1468 1468 1564 1221 1401 1401 1401 1401
75 1444 1252 1574 944 1723 627 1378 1216 1501 910 1644 595 1309 1180 1426 876 1562 562 1238 1142 1347 840
43000 80 1474 1474 1581 1187 1726 888 1415 1415 1510 1152 1647 855 1353 1353 1436 1116 1565 822 1288 1288 1358 1080
85 1555 1555 1603 1432 1731 1119 1494 1494 1533 1397 1652 1086 1430 1430 1460 1362 1570 1051 1363 1363 1384 1325
90 1636 1636 1635 1635 1744 1358 1573 1573 1573 1573 1666 1324 1507 1507 1507 1507 1586 1289 1437 1437 1437 1437
75 1449 1267 1578 954 1728 629 1383 1231 1505 919 1648 597 1314 1194 1429 884 1566 565 1243 1157 1350 849
44000 80 1483 1483 1587 1200 1731 896 1423 1423 1515 1165 1652 850 1361 1361 1440 1130 1570 816 1295 1295 1362 1093
85 1564 1564 1610 1450 1736 1132 1503 1503 1539 1416 1657 1099 1439 1439 1466 1380 1574 1062 1371 1371 1389 1343
90 1646 1646 1645 1645 1749 1375 1583 1583 1582 1582 1672 1341 1516 1516 1516 1516 1591 1306 1446 1446 1445 1445
75 1460 1296 1587 969 1737 634 1393 1260 1514 936 1656 602 1324 1223 1437 901 1573 570 1252 1185 1357 866
46000 80 1500 1500 1596 1226 1740 913 1439 1439 1524 1191 1660 864 1376 1376 1449 1155 1577 831 1309 1309 1371 1118
85 1582 1582 1621 1487 1745 1156 1520 1520 1550 1452 1664 1121 1454 1454 1476 1416 1582 1086 1385 1385 1399 1379
90 1665 1665 1665 1665 1760 1409 1601 1601 1599 1599 1682 1374 1533 1533 1533 1533 1600 1339 1461 1461 1461 1461
1. All capacities shown are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat.
2. CAP = Total Gross Cooling Capacity
3. SHC = Sensible Heat Capacity
40 RT-PRC010-EN
60 Nominal Ton Unit 70 & 75 Nominal Ton Unit 90, 105, 115, 130 Nominal Ton Units
Steam Unit Standard Air Volume (Cfm) Steam Unit Standard Air Volume (Cfm) Steam Unit Standard Air Volume (Cfm)
Module 12000 18000 24000 30000 Module 16000 20000 24000 30000 Module 27000 33000 40000 46000
Low Heat 2.32 2.81 3.33 3.71 Low Heat 2.65 2.98 3.33 3.71 Low Heat 5.17 5.70 6.19 6.53
High Heat 3.85 4.84 5.62 6.18 High Heat 4.50 5.10 5.62 6.18 High Heat 8.83 8.80 9.04 9.26
1. Capacities expressed as MBH (Q) per initial
Table PD-27 Properties of Steam temperature difference (ITD) between the entering
Steam Pressure (Psig) 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 air temperature to the steam module and the
Temperature Of Steam (F) 219 227 239 250 259 267 274 287 298 entering steam temperature. Maximum
recommended operating pressure is 35 PSIG.
RT-PRC010-EN 41
42 RT-PRC010-EN
RT-PRC010-EN 43
Performance (20, 25 Tons)
Table PD-32 Supply Fan Performance With VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET VANES 20 and 25 Ton
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
4000 370 .34 504 .62 614 .96 707 1.35 788 1.77 859 2.20 922 2.65 980 3.11
5000 390 .48 514 .80 618 1.16 710 1.57 793 2.02 867 2.51 934 3.02 996 3.54
6000 419 .67 529 1.03 628 1.43 715 1.85 795 2.32 869 2.83 938 3.37 1002 3.95
7000 451 .92 550 1.32 642 1.76 726 2.23 802 2.71 873 3.24 940 3.80 1004 4.39
8000 485 1.23 579 1.68 659 2.15 741 2.67 814 3.20 882 3.75 946 4.32 1008 4.93
9000 520 1.60 609 2.13 685 2.63 757 3.17 829 3.77 895 4.36 957 4.97 1015 5.59
10000 556 2.05 641 2.65 715 3.22 780 3.78 845 4.39 910 5.05 971 5.71 1028 6.38
11000 593 2.58 675 3.25 745 3.89 809 4.51 867 5.13 926 5.80 986 6.53 1043 7.26
44 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (20, 25 Tons)
Figure PD-1 Supply Fan Performance With VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET VANES 20 and 25 Tons
S_HFC20 & 25 Ton
7.5 1700 RPM
Dual 15 X 15 Fans
40% wocfm
7.0 Entrance Losses
1600 RPM - w ithout Inlet Guide Vanes
20 HP - w ithout Evap Coil
6.0 50% - w ithout Filters
1500 RPM
- w ithout Return Air Dampers
60% - w ithout Exhaust Fan
5.0 1400 RPM Fan Curve Limits
15 HP - Minimum Motor HP = 3
1300 RPM - Maximum Motor HP
4.0 C20 = 10 HP
1200 RPM 10 HP C25 = 15 HP
70% - Maximum RPM
3.0 7.5 HP
1100 RPM 3 HP - 5 HP = 1100
2.5 1000 RPM 7.5 HP - 15 HP = 1655
5 HP 80% - Maximum CFM
2.0 900 RPM C20 = 9,000
3 HP
1.5 800 RPM C25 = 11,000
700 RPM 90% - Maximum Static Pressure
1.0 Leaving the Unit = 4.0" w .c.
600 RPM
0.5 500 RPM
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 45
Performance (20, 25 Tons)
Table PD-33 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET VANES 20 and 25 Tons
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std ,250 ,500 ,750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
4000 387 .37 514 .65 621 .99 712 1.37 791 1.78 861 2.22 925 2.67 983 3.13
5000 420 .55 530 .85 631 1.22 721 1.62 800 2.06 872 2.54 939 3.05 1000 3.57
6000 469 .82 557 1.13 646 1.51 730 1.95 810 2.43 881 2.92 947 3.45 1009 4.01
7000 526 1.21 591 1.50 673 1.92 748 2.36 819 2.85 892 3.40 958 3.96 1018 4.54
8000 586 1.72 638 2.02 702 2.41 775 2.90 841 3.41 903 3.94 967 4.54 1029 5.17
9000 647 2.37 692 2.68 742 3.05 803 3.53 868 4.10 928 4.67 983 5.24 1038 5.87
10000 708 3.15 750 3.51 792 3.88 840 4.33 895 4.88 954 5.50 1010 6.14 1060 6.77
11000 769 4.10 809 4.51 846 4.90 886 5.33 931 5.85 982 6.46 1036 7.14 1088 7.85
46 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (20, 25 Tons)
Figure PD-2 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET VANES 20 and 25 Tons
1600 RPM - w ithout Evap Coil
6.5 - w ithout Filterts
1500 RPM 20 HP 50% - w ithout Return Air dampers
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 47
Performance (30Ton)
Table PD-34 Supply Fan Performance With VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET VANES 30 Ton
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
6000 316 .50 426 .89 519 1.36 598 1.88 666 2.42 728 2.99 784 3.59 835 4.22
7000 334 .65 430 1.05 521 1.56 600 2.12 669 2.71 731 3.32 788 3.97 841 4.64
8000 354 .85 440 1.27 523 1.78 602 2.37 671 3.01 733 3.67 791 4.36 844 5.08
9000 376 1.09 456 1.54 530 2.06 603 2.66 673 3.33 736 4.04 793 4.78 846 5.54
10000 399 1.38 474 1.87 542 2.40 609 3.00 674 3.69 737 4.43 795 5.22 849 6.02
11000 424 1.73 493 2.25 558 2.82 619 3.43 679 4.11 739 4.86 797 5.68 851 6.53
12000 450 2.13 515 2.70 576 3.30 633 3.93 688 4.62 744 5.37 798 6.19 852 7.07
13000 475 2.59 537 3.21 595 3.85 649 4.52 701 5.22 753 5.98 804 6.79 854 7.67
13500 488 2.85 549 3.50 605 4.15 658 4.83 709 5.55 758 6.32 808 7.13 856 8.01
48 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (30 Ton)
Figure PD-3 Supply Fan Performance With VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET VANES 30 Ton
7.5 Dual 18 X 18 Fans
1400 RPM Entranc e Losses
40% wocfm
- w ithout Inlet Guide V anes
6.5 - w ithout Ev ap Coil
1300 RPM - w ithout Filters
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 49
Performance (30Ton)
50 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (30Ton)
7.5 Dual 18 X 18 Fans
Entrance Losses
7.0 1400 RPM
40% wocfm
- w ith Inlet Guide Vanes
6.5 - w ithout Evap Coil
6.0 25 HP - w ithout Filters
1300 RPM 50%
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 51
Performance (40, 50, 55Tons)
Table PD-36 Supply Fan Performance With VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET VANES 40, 50 and 55 Tons
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
8000 290 .66 396 1.27 479 1.95 550 2.67 613 3.44 671 4.23 723 5.05 770 5.90
9000 298 .77 400 1.44 482 2.16 553 2.93 616 3.75 673 4.61 725 5.49 774 6.39
10000 311 .94 404 1.61 486 2.38 556 3.20 618 4.07 675 4.99 727 5.93 776 6.89
11000 329 1.16 409 1.79 490 2.63 559 3.50 621 4.41 677 5.37 729 6.37 778 7.40
12000 349 1.43 414 2.00 494 2.89 563 3.81 624 4.77 680 5.78 731 6.82 780 7.90
13000 370 1.75 424 2.26 499 3.16 567 4.15 628 5.16 683 6.21 734 7.30 782 8.43
14000 391 2.12 438 2.60 504 3.44 571 4.49 632 5.57 687 6.67 737 7.80 785 8.97
15000 413 2.54 455 3.01 510 3.77 576 4.86 636 5.99 690 7.15 741 8.33 789 9.55
16000 435 3.02 474 3.50 520 4.18 581 5.24 640 6.43 695 7.65 745 8.89 792 10.16
17000 457 3.54 494 4.06 534 4.68 586 5.65 645 6.89 699 8.17 749 9.47 796 10.79
18000 479 4.13 515 4.68 550 5.29 595 6.15 650 7.37 703 8.71 753 10.07 800 11.46
19000 501 4.78 536 5.38 569 5.98 607 6.76 656 7.89 708 9.27 758 10.70 804 12.14
20000 524 5.49 558 6.15 588 6.75 622 7.49 664 8.50 713 9.85 762 11.34 809 12.84
21000 546 6.28 580 7.00 608 7.61 639 8.32 676 9.25 719 10.49 767 12.00 813 13.57
22000 569 7.14 602 7.92 629 8.55 658 9.26 690 10.12 728 11.25 773 12.70 818 14.32
22500 580 7.60 613 8.40 640 9.05 667 9.76 698 10.60 734 11.68 776 13.07 820 14.70
23000 591 8.08 624 8.90 651 9.58 677 10.29 706 11.11 740 12.15 780 13.48 823 15.09
24000 614 9.10 646 9.97 672 10.70 697 11.41 724 12.22 754 13.19 789 14.41 829 15.93
Cfm Total Static Pressure 1. Fan performance for 40, 50, and 55 ton rooftops is
Std 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 identical. However, note maximum motor hp size for
Air RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP each size. Contact your local Trane representative for
information on oversized motors.
8000 1081 14.75 1108 15.78 1134 16.83 1160 17.88 2. Shaded areas at table extremes note non-standard
9000 1097 15.80 1125 16.94 1152 18.08 Bhp or Rpm selection. Contact your local Trane
10000 1109 16.73 1138 17.95 1166 19.18 representative for more information.
11000 1118 17.64 1148 18.91 3. Supply fan performance table includes internal
12000 1124 18.61 1155 19.91 resistance of rooftop. For total static pressure
13000 1128 19.65 1159 20.99 determination, system external static must be added
to appropriate component static pressure drops
14000 1130 20.73 1162 22.12 (evaporator coil, filters, optional economizer, optional
15000 1132 21.80 1164 23.26 exhaust fan, optional heating system, optional
16000 1134 22.86 1166 24.39 cooling only extended casing, optional roof curb).
17000 1136 23.94 1168 25.52 4. Maximum Cfm (for UL approval) as follows:
18000 1138 25.03 1170 26.66 40 Ton 18,000 Cfm
19000 1141 26.15 50 Ton 22,500 Cfm
20000 1144 27.30 55 Ton 24,000 Cfm
5. Minimum motor horsepower is 7.5 hp.
21000 1147 28.50 6. Maximum motor horsepower as follows:
22000 1150 29.74 40 Ton 30 hp
22500 1152 30.38 50 Ton 30 hp
23000 1153 31.03 55 Ton 30 hp
24000 1157 32.36 7. Maximum 7.5 hp to 15 hp motor Rpm is 1,141 Rpm,
maximum 20 hp to 30 hp motor Rpm is 1,170 Rpm.
8. See RT-EB-104 for further details.
52 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (40, 50, 55Tons)
Figure PD-5 Supply Fan Performance With VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET VANES 40, 50 and 55 Tons
SQHFC40, C50, C55
7.5 Dual 20 X 20 Fans
40% wocfm
7.0 1200 RPM Entrance Losses
- w ithout Inlet Guide Vanes
6.5 - w ithout Evap Coil
40 HP
- w ithout Filters
1100 RPM 50% - w ithout Return Air Dampers
5.5 - w ithout Exhaust
25 HP 30 HP
5.0 Fan Curve Limits
1000 RPM 60%
- Minimum Motor HP = 7.5
4.5 20 HP - Maximum Motor HP
4.0 900 RPM C40 = 25 HP
15 HP C50 & C55 = 30 HP
3.5 70%
- Maximum RPM
3.0 800 RPM 10 HP
7.5 - 15 HP = 1141
2.5 7.5 HP 20 - 30 HP = 1170
700 RPM 80% - Maximum CFM
2.0 5 HP C40 = 18,000
600 RPM C50 = 22,500
90% C55 = 24,000
1.0 500 RPM
- Maximum Static Pressure
0.5 Leaving the Unit = 4.0" w .c.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 30000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 53
Performance (40, 50, 55Tons)
Table PD-37 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET VANES 40, 50 and 55 Ton
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
8000 318 .79 406 1.35 485 1.98 555 2.70 618 3.49 675 4.31 726 5.17 773 6.06
9000 339 1.01 416 1.56 491 2.24 558 2.97 621 3.79 678 4.67 730 5.58 778 6.52
10000 364 1.28 428 1.81 499 2.53 564 3.30 624 4.13 680 5.04 733 6.00 781 7.00
11000 391 1.63 444 2.13 509 2.85 571 3.68 629 4.53 684 5.45 735 6.44 784 7.48
12000 419 2.04 463 2.51 521 3.22 580 4.08 636 4.99 689 5.92 739 6.93 787 8.00
13000 448 2.53 486 2.97 536 3.66 591 4.52 645 5.49 696 6.47 744 7.49 791 8.57
14000 478 3.09 511 3.53 553 4.19 604 5.03 655 6.02 704 7.07 751 8.12 796 9.22
15000 507 3.74 537 4.18 574 4.80 619 5.63 667 6.60 714 7.69 760 8.82 803 9.95
16000 537 4.46 565 4.93 597 5.52 636 6.32 680 7.28 725 8.36 769 9.54 812 10.74
17000 567 5.28 593 5.78 622 6.35 656 7.11 695 8.05 738 9.12 780 10.30 821 11.56
18000 597 6.20 622 6.74 648 7.30 678 8.02 713 8.93 752 9.99 792 11.16 832 12.43
19000 627 7.22 652 7.80 675 8.37 702 9.05 733 9.92 768 10.97 806 12.12 844 13.38
20000 657 8.35 681 8.98 703 9.55 727 10.22 755 11.05 786 12.06 821 13.21 857 14.45
21000 687 9.60 711 10.27 732 10.87 754 11.53 779 12.32 807 13.28 838 14.41 871 15.64
22000 718 10.96 741 11.67 761 12.31 781 12.97 804 13.74 829 14.66 857 15.74 888 16.97
22500 733 11.69 756 12.42 776 13.08 795 13.74 817 14.50 841 15.40 868 16.46 897 17.68
23000 748 12.45 770 13.20 790 13.88 810 14.55 830 15.31 853 16.19 878 17.23 906 18.42
24000 779 14.08 800 14.86 820 15.59 838 16.28 857 17.03 878 17.88 901 18.87 926 20.02
54 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (40, 50, 55Tons)
Figure PD-6 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET VANES 40, 50 and 55 Ton
S_HFC40, C50, C55
7.5 Dual 20 X 20 Fans
7.0 Entrance Losses
1200 RPM - w ith Inlet Guide Vanes
40% wocfm
- w ithout Evap Coil
40 HP
6.0 - w ithout Filters
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 55
Performance (60, 70, 75Tons)
Table PD-38 Supply Fan Performance With VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET VANES 60, 70 and 75 Tons
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
14000 295 1.55 366 2.32 441 3.34 505 4.44 559 5.65 606 6.89 648 8.15 687 9.41
15000 305 1.80 373 2.59 442 3.60 508 4.74 563 5.98 611 7.29 654 8.63 693 9.97
16000 316 2.08 380 2.90 444 3.88 509 5.08 566 6.33 615 7.69 659 9.10 699 10.52
17000 327 2.38 389 3.24 448 4.20 510 5.43 568 6.72 619 8.09 663 9.55 704 11.06
18000 338 2.72 399 3.62 454 4.60 512 5.78 569 7.15 621 8.53 667 10.02 708 11.58
19000 349 3.09 408 4.03 461 5.04 515 6.18 570 7.59 623 9.02 670 10.51 712 12.11
20000 361 3.48 419 4.48 469 5.52 519 6.65 572 8.03 624 9.55 672 11.06 715 12.66
21000 372 3.91 429 4.97 478 6.04 525 7.19 575 8.51 625 10.07 673 11.66 718 13.27
22000 384 4.37 440 5.51 488 6.61 533 7.79 579 9.07 627 10.60 674 12.27 719 13.93
23000 395 4.87 450 6.08 497 7.22 541 8.43 584 9.72 629 11.18 675 12.88 720 14.63
24000 407 5.41 461 6.70 508 7.88 550 9.12 591 10.43 633 11.85 677 13.51 721 15.33
25000 419 5.98 473 7.37 518 8.59 559 9.86 599 11.20 639 12.61 680 14.20 723 16.03
26000 431 6.60 484 8.08 528 9.35 569 10.66 607 12.03 645 13.45 685 14.99 725 16.76
27000 443 7.26 495 8.83 539 10.16 579 11.50 616 12.90 653 14.36 690 15.89 728 17.58
56 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (60, 70, 75Tons)
Figure PD-7 Supply Fan Performance With VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET VANES 60, 70 and 75 Tons
40% wocfm
7.0 Entrance Losses
- w ithout Inlet Guide Vanes
6.5 50 HP
- w ithout Evap Coil
6.0 1000 RPM - w ithout Filters
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 27000 30000 33000 36000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 57
Performance (60, 70, 75Tons)
Table PD-39 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET VANES 60, 70 and 75 Tons
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std .250 .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
14000 316 1.77 382 2.48 454 3.51 514 4.62 567 5.84 613 7.03 655 8.22 693 9.47
15000 330 2.07 390 2.79 458 3.83 518 4.95 572 6.22 619 7.52 661 8.78 700 10.07
16000 344 2.41 401 3.17 462 4.15 523 5.34 576 6.60 624 7.98 667 9.36 707 10.71
17000 359 2.80 413 3.59 466 4.50 528 5.76 580 7.02 629 8.43 673 9.91 713 11.36
18000 374 3.24 425 4.05 474 4.94 532 6.18 585 7.51 633 8.90 677 10.43 718 12.00
19000 390 3.72 437 4.55 485 5.47 535 6.61 590 8.04 638 9.44 682 10.96 723 12.59
20000 405 4.24 450 5.10 496 6.06 541 7.12 594 8.57 643 10.05 686 11.55 727 13.19
21000 420 4.81 464 5.70 508 6.71 550 7.74 597 9.10 647 10.69 691 12.23 732 13.84
22000 436 5.44 478 6.37 520 7.40 560 8.46 602 9.70 651 11.32 696 12.96 737 14.58
23000 452 6.11 492 7.10 532 8.14 572 9.25 610 10.43 654 11.96 700 13.71 742 15.39
24000 468 6.85 507 7.89 545 8.94 583 10.10 620 11.27 659 12.67 704 14.44 746 16.25
25000 484 7.64 522 8.74 558 9.81 595 11.01 631 12.21 667 13.53 707 15.19 750 17.10
26000 500 8.49 538 9.66 572 10.74 608 11.97 642 13.22 676 14.51 713 16.04 754 17.93
27000 516 9.41 553 10.64 586 11.75 620 12.99 654 14.30 687 15.60 720 17.04 758 18.81
58 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (60, 70, 75Tons)
Figure PD-8 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET VANES 60, 70 and 75 Tons
40% wocfm
- w ith Inlet Guide Vane
6.5 50 HP - w ithout Evap Coil
6.0 1000 RPM - w ithout Filters
- w ithout Return A ir Da
5.5 40 HP
- w ithout Exhaust
25 HP
5.0 Fan Curve Limits
900 RPM
30 HP 60% - Minimum Motor HP = 1
4.5 - Maximum Motor HP =
4.0 20 HP - Maximum RPM = 1130
800 RPM - Maximum CFM
70% C60 = 27,000
3.0 15 HP C70 & C75 = 30,
700 RPM
10 HP - Maximum Static Press
Leaving the Unit = 4.0
2.0 600 RPM 80%
7.5 HP
1.5 500 RPM
1.0 90% w ocf m
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 27000 30000 33000 36000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 59
Performance (90 Ton)
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std. 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
27000 646 4.62 690 6.01 732 7.13 773 8.31 808 9.53 840 10.71 872 11.97 904 13.34
28000 667 5.03 710 6.51 750 7.70 791 8.86 826 10.15 857 11.37 888 12.63 920 14.04
29000 687 5.46 730 7.03 768 8.31 809 9.45 843 10.81 875 12.09 905 13.38 935 14.74
30000 708 5.92 749 7.58 787 8.93 826 10.13 861 11.49 893 12.84 922 14.16 951 15.50
31000 729 6.40 769 8.14 806 9.60 842 10.84 879 12.17 910 13.61 939 14.94 968 16.34
32000 749 6.92 789 8.73 825 10.29 860 11.59 897 12.88 928 14.40 957 15.80 985 17.22
33000 770 7.46 809 9.36 844 10.99 878 12.39 914 13.69 946 15.20 975 16.72 1002 18.14
34000 791 8.02 829 10.01 864 11.73 896 13.21 931 14.55 963 16.02 993 17.63 1019 19.10
35000 812 8.62 849 10.69 884 12.51 915 14.06 948 15.46 981 16.88 1010 18.54 1037 20.11
36000 833 9.25 869 11.41 903 13.29 934 14.95 965 16.41 998 17.83 1028 19.49 1054 21.14
37000 854 9.90 890 12.14 923 14.12 954 15.87 983 17.40 1015 18.87 1046 20.48 1073 22.22
38000 875 10.60 910 12.91 942 14.98 973 16.81 1002 18.44 1032 19.93 1063 21.48 1090 23.30
39000 896 11.32 930 13.72 962 15.88 992 17.79 1021 19.52 1050 21.08 1080 22.60 1108 24.38
40000 918 12.08 951 14.56 982 16.80 1012 18.82 1040 20.62 1067 22.24 1097 23.80 1126 25.51
41000 939 12.86 971 15.43 1003 17.77 1032 19.86 1059 21.76 1086 23.48 1114 25.08 1143 26.70
42000 960 13.70 992 16.33 1023 18.76 1051 20.94 1078 22.91 1105 24.73 1131 26.37 1160 28.05
43000 981 14.57 1013 17.28 1043 19.78 1071 22.05 1098 24.12 1124 26.03 1149 27.75 1177 29.44
44000 1003 15.47 1034 18.27 1063 20.85 1091 23.20 1117 25.37 1143 27.34 1168 29.16 1194 30.90
45000 1024 16.41 1054 19.29 1083 21.96 1111 24.39 1137 26.63 1162 28.72 1186 30.62 1211 32.38
60 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (90 Ton)
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std. 6.250 6.500 6.750 7.000 7.250 7.500 7.750
27000 1363 39.85 1388 41.68 1414 43.54 1437 45.26 1461 47.06 1486 48.96 1508 50.67
28000 1371 41.10 1393 42.85 1417 44.70 1441 46.61 1466 48.56 1489 50.33 1512 52.19
29000 1375 42.04 1398 43.93 1423 45.91 1445 47.74 1469 49.80 1491 51.64 1515 53.66
30000 1382 43.16 1406 45.18 1428 47.06 1453 49.17 1475 51.11 1498 53.15 1518 54.98
31000 1391 44.45 1413 46.37 1437 48.39 1458 50.25 1479 52.20 1501 54.25 1524 56.40
32000 1400 45.71 1422 47.64 1444 49.67 1465 51.55 1486 53.51 1508 55.58 1530 57.74
33000 1408 46.93 1430 48.87 1452 50.91 1473 52.93 1496 55.05 1517 57.14 1537 59.16
34000 1418 48.38 1440 50.32 1462 52.37 1481 54.27 1503 56.40 1524 58.50 1544 60.53
35000 1430 49.93 1449 51.76 1471 53.81 1490 55.72 1512 57.86 1532 59.96 1552 62.01
36000 1441 51.47 1461 53.44 1481 55.39 1502 57.43 1521 59.43 1542 61.55 1562 63.77
37000 1452 53.10 1473 55.10 1492 57.07 1513 59.13 1532 61.15 1552 63.26 1571 65.33
38000 1464 54.72 1484 56.74 1505 58.86 1523 60.81 1542 62.85 1562 64.98 1582 67.21
39000 1474 56.33 1494 58.37 1515 60.51 1535 62.61 1555 64.83 1573 66.83 1592 68.92
40000 1487 58.15 1507 60.24 1528 62.42 1546 64.40 1566 66.63 1584 68.66 1603 70.93
41000 1500 59.94 1519 62.08 1538 64.16 1558 66.32 1576 68.43 1595 70.62 1615 72.92
42000 1512 61.69 1531 63.88 1551 66.15 1569 68.21 1588 70.35 1607 72.58 1626 74.89
43000 1527 63.79 1545 65.91 1563 67.95 1582 70.21 1600 72.40 1619 74.67 1637 76.85
44000 1542 65.85 1559 67.89 1576 70.00 1594 72.18 1612 74.41 1631 76.72 1650 79.12
45000 1558 68.03 1575 70.14 1592 72.31 1610 74.56 1625 76.54 1643 78.91
1. Shaded areas indicate non-standard BHP or RPM selections. Contact your local Trane representive for more information.
2. Supply fan performance table includes internal resistance of rooftop. For total static pressure determination, system external static must be added to appropriate component
static pressure drops, (evaporator coil, filters, optional economizer, optional heating system, optional roof curb).
3. Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H20 positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H20.
4. Minimum motor horsepower is 30 hp.
5. See RT-EB-104 for further details.
1600 RP
1500 R
1400 R
1300 R
Static Presure, Inches w.c.
1200 RP
4 1100 R W
PM 80
1000 RP
900 RP
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 61
Performance (90 Ton)
Table PD-41 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET GUIDE VANES 90 Ton
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std. 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
27000 695 6.14 734 7.25 770 8.39 805 9.55 840 10.81 873 12.11 904 13.44 935 14.77
28000 718 6.76 756 7.92 791 9.07 825 10.28 858 11.56 891 12.90 922 14.26 952 15.65
29000 741 7.42 778 8.62 812 9.81 845 11.05 878 12.35 909 13.73 940 15.12 969 16.53
30000 764 8.13 800 9.37 833 10.61 866 11.88 897 13.19 928 14.59 958 16.05 987 17.50
31000 787 8.88 822 10.17 854 11.44 886 12.74 916 14.08 947 15.51 976 16.99 1004 18.47
32000 810 9.68 844 11.01 876 12.32 906 13.66 936 15.03 966 16.48 995 17.97 1023 19.52
33000 833 10.53 866 11.90 897 13.25 927 14.63 957 16.04 985 17.50 1014 19.02 1041 20.57
34000 857 11.42 889 12.84 919 14.24 948 15.65 977 17.09 1005 18.57 1032 20.09 1059 21.71
35000 880 12.37 911 13.83 941 15.28 969 16.71 998 18.21 1025 19.70 1051 21.25 1078 22.86
36000 903 13.38 934 14.88 963 16.37 991 17.85 1018 19.35 1045 20.89 1071 22.48 1097 24.11
37000 927 14.44 957 15.98 985 17.52 1012 19.03 1039 20.58 1065 22.14 1091 23.77 1116 25.42
38000 950 15.55 979 17.14 1007 18.71 1034 20.27 1060 21.85 1086 23.46 1111 25.08 1135 26.76
39000 973 16.72 1002 18.36 1030 19.98 1056 21.59 1081 23.19 1106 24.81 1131 26.51 1155 28.18
40000 997 17.95 1025 19.64 1052 21.29 1077 22.94 1102 24.57 1127 26.27 1151 27.98 1175 29.67
41000 1020 19.24 1048 20.97 1074 22.68 1099 24.36 1124 26.04 1148 27.75 1171 29.47 1195 31.24
42000 1044 20.60 1071 22.37 1097 24.12 1122 25.86 1145 27.55 1169 29.31 1192 31.09 1215 32.89
43000 1067 22.02 1094 23.84 1119 25.63 1144 27.41 1167 29.18 1190 30.93 1213 32.75 1236 34.58
44000 1091 23.50 1117 25.35 1142 27.19 1166 29.02 1189 30.82 1212 32.65 1234 34.44 1256 36.36
45000 1114 25.05 1140 26.95 1165 28.85 1188 30.69 1211 32.56 1233 34.40 1255 36.26 1277 38.17
62 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (90Ton)
Table PD-41 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET GUIDE VANES 90 Ton (Cont.)
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std. 6.250 6.500 6.750 7.000 7.250 7.500 7.750
27000 1416 43.47 1440 45.34 1467 47.44 1492 49.40 1516 51.32 1540 53.35 1562 55.17
28000 1420 44.66 1444 46.52 1472 48.74 1497 50.83 1520 52.76 1544 54.79 1568 56.92
29000 1424 45.81 1450 47.90 1474 49.87 1499 51.95 1524 54.15 1547 56.17 1573 58.46
30000 1428 46.91 1453 49.00 1479 51.22 1503 53.30 1528 55.49 1552 57.66 1577 59.94
31000 1434 48.20 1459 50.30 1484 52.52 1508 54.60 1532 56.79 1557 59.10 1579 61.23
32000 1442 49.55 1464 51.55 1489 53.77 1512 55.85 1538 58.33 1559 60.35 1584 62.78
33000 1451 51.09 1473 53.11 1496 55.23 1518 57.33 1541 59.53 1565 61.85 1589 64.28
34000 1461 52.70 1482 54.63 1506 56.90 1527 59.03 1550 61.26 1570 63.29 1594 65.73
35000 1471 54.27 1491 56.22 1515 58.53 1536 60.68 1558 62.93 1578 64.99 1601 67.45
36000 1482 55.91 1503 58.03 1523 60.10 1544 62.28 1566 64.55 1589 66.93 1609 69.11
37000 1494 57.77 1514 59.79 1534 61.91 1555 64.11 1576 66.42 1597 68.68 1618 71.04
38000 1505 59.46 1527 61.78 1547 63.94 1568 66.19 1586 68.24 1608 70.69 1627 72.92
39000 1518 61.37 1540 63.74 1560 65.94 1579 68.09 1598 70.33 1617 72.50 1638 74.92
40000 1533 63.50 1552 65.66 1572 67.90 1592 70.24 1610 72.37 1629 74.58 1649 77.03
41000 1547 65.62 1566 67.82 1585 69.97 1603 72.20 1624 74.68 1642 76.94
42000 1561 67.70 1580 69.96 1598 72.15 1617 74.44 1635 76.65
43000 1576 69.89 1593 72.06 1613 74.46 1630 76.64 1650 79.22
44000 1591 72.20 1609 74.43 1628 76.89 1645 79.12
45000 1607 74.63 1625 76.92 1643 79.30
1. Shaded areas indicate non-standard BHP or RPM selections. Contact your local Trane representive for more information.
2. Supply fan performance table includes internal resistance of rooftop. For total static pressure determination, system external static must be added to appropriate component
static pressure drops, (evaporator coil, filters, optional economizer, optional heating system, optional roof curb).
3. Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H20 positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H20.
4. Minimum motor horsepower is 30 hp.
5. See RT-EB-104 for further details.
Figure PD-10 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET GUIDE VANES 90 Ton
1600 R
7 1500 RP
6 1400 R
Static Presure, Inches w.c.
1300 RPM %
5 80
1200 RPM
1100 RPM
3 1000 RPM
900 RPM FM
2 90%
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 63
Performance (105,115,130 Tons)
Table PD-42 Supply Fan Performance WITH VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET GUIDE VANES 105, 115, 130 Ton
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std. 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
31000 729 6.40 769 8.14 806 9.60 842 10.84 879 12.17 910 13.61 939 14.94 968 16.34
32000 749 6.92 789 8.73 825 10.29 860 11.59 897 12.88 928 14.40 957 15.80 985 17.22
33000 770 7.46 809 9.36 844 10.99 878 12.39 914 13.69 946 15.20 975 16.72 1002 18.14
34000 791 8.02 829 10.01 864 11.73 896 13.21 931 14.55 963 16.02 993 17.63 1019 19.10
35000 812 8.62 849 10.69 884 12.51 915 14.06 948 15.46 981 16.88 1010 18.54 1037 20.11
36000 833 9.25 869 11.41 903 13.29 934 14.95 965 16.41 998 17.83 1028 19.49 1054 21.14
37000 854 9.90 890 12.14 923 14.12 954 15.87 983 17.40 1015 18.87 1046 20.48 1073 22.22
38000 875 10.60 910 12.91 942 14.98 973 16.81 1002 18.44 1032 19.93 1063 21.48 1090 23.30
39000 896 11.32 930 13.72 962 15.88 992 17.79 1021 19.52 1050 21.08 1080 22.60 1108 24.38
40000 918 12.08 951 14.56 982 16.80 1012 18.82 1040 20.62 1067 22.24 1097 23.80 1126 25.51
41000 939 12.86 971 15.43 1003 17.77 1032 19.86 1059 21.76 1086 23.48 1114 25.08 1143 26.70
42000 960 13.70 992 16.33 1023 18.76 1051 20.94 1078 22.91 1105 24.73 1131 26.37 1160 28.05
43000 981 14.57 1013 17.28 1043 19.78 1071 22.05 1098 24.12 1124 26.03 1149 27.75 1177 29.44
44000 1003 15.47 1034 18.27 1063 20.85 1091 23.20 1117 25.37 1143 27.34 1168 29.16 1194 30.90
45000 1024 16.41 1054 19.29 1083 21.96 1111 24.39 1137 26.63 1162 28.72 1186 30.62 1211 32.38
46000 1045 17.38 1075 20.36 1104 23.10 1131 25.63 1156 27.96 1181 30.10 1205 32.09 1229 33.93
64 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (105,115,130 Tons)
Table PD-42 Supply Fan Performance WITH VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET GUIDE VANES 105, 115, 130 Tons (Cont.)
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std. 6.250 6.500 6.750 7.000 7.250 7.500 7.750
31000 1391 44.45 1413 46.37 1437 48.39 1458 50.25 1479 52.20 1501 54.25 1524 56.40
32000 1400 45.71 1422 47.64 1444 49.67 1465 51.55 1486 53.51 1508 55.58 1530 57.74
33000 1408 46.93 1430 48.87 1452 50.91 1473 52.93 1496 55.05 1517 57.14 1537 59.16
34000 1418 48.38 1440 50.32 1462 52.37 1481 54.27 1503 56.40 1524 58.50 1544 60.53
35000 1430 49.93 1449 51.76 1471 53.81 1490 55.72 1512 57.86 1532 59.96 1552 62.01
36000 1441 51.47 1461 53.44 1481 55.39 1502 57.43 1521 59.43 1542 61.55 1562 63.77
37000 1452 53.10 1473 55.10 1492 57.07 1513 59.13 1532 61.15 1552 63.26 1571 65.33
38000 1464 54.72 1484 56.74 1505 58.86 1523 60.81 1542 62.85 1562 64.98 1582 67.21
39000 1474 56.33 1494 58.37 1515 60.51 1535 62.61 1555 64.83 1573 66.83 1592 68.92
40000 1487 58.15 1507 60.24 1528 62.42 1546 64.40 1566 66.63 1584 68.66 1603 70.93
41000 1500 59.94 1519 62.08 1538 64.16 1558 66.32 1576 68.43 1595 70.62 1615 72.92
42000 1512 61.69 1531 63.88 1551 66.15 1569 68.21 1588 70.35 1607 72.58 1626 74.89
43000 1527 63.79 1545 65.91 1563 67.95 1582 70.21 1600 72.40 1619 74.67 1637 76.85
44000 1542 65.85 1559 67.89 1576 70.00 1594 72.18 1612 74.41 1631 76.72 1650 79.12
45000 1558 68.03 1575 70.14 1592 72.31 1610 74.56 1625 76.54 1643 78.91
46000 1573 70.18 1590 72.35 1607 74.59 1623 76.74 1640 78.95
1. Shaded areas indicate non-standard BHP or RPM selections. Contact your local Trane representive for more information.
2. Supply fan performance table includes internal resistance of rooftop. For total static pressure determination, system external static must be added to appropriate
component static pressure drops, (evaporator coil, filters, optional economizer, optional heating system, optional roof curb).
3. Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H20 positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H20.
4. Maximum Cfm as follows: 105 Ton Std. 44,000 Cfm, 105 Hi-Cap., 115, 130 Ton 46,000 Cfm
5. Minimum motor horsepower is 30 hp.
6. See RT-EB-104 for further details.
Figure PD-11 Supply Fan Performance WITH VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE or WITHOUT INLET GUIDE VANES 105, 115, 130 Tons
1600 RP
1500 R
1400 R
1300 R
Static Presure, Inches w.c.
1200 RP
4 1100 R W
PM 80
1000 RP
900 RP
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 65
Performance (105,115,130 Tons)
Table PD-43 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET GUIDE VANES 105,115,130 Tons
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std. 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000
31000 787 8.88 822 10.17 854 11.44 886 12.74 916 14.08 947 15.51 976 16.99 1004 18.47
32000 810 9.68 844 11.01 876 12.32 906 13.66 936 15.03 966 16.48 995 17.97 1023 19.52
33000 833 10.53 866 11.90 897 13.25 927 14.63 957 16.04 985 17.50 1014 19.02 1041 20.57
34000 857 11.42 889 12.84 919 14.24 948 15.65 977 17.09 1005 18.57 1032 20.09 1059 21.71
35000 880 12.37 911 13.83 941 15.28 969 16.71 998 18.21 1025 19.70 1051 21.25 1078 22.86
36000 903 13.38 934 14.88 963 16.37 991 17.85 1018 19.35 1045 20.89 1071 22.48 1097 24.11
37000 927 14.44 957 15.98 985 17.52 1012 19.03 1039 20.58 1065 22.14 1091 23.77 1116 25.42
38000 950 15.55 979 17.14 1007 18.71 1034 20.27 1060 21.85 1086 23.46 1111 25.08 1135 26.76
39000 973 16.72 1002 18.36 1030 19.98 1056 21.59 1081 23.19 1106 24.81 1131 26.51 1155 28.18
40000 997 17.95 1025 19.64 1052 21.29 1077 22.94 1102 24.57 1127 26.27 1151 27.98 1175 29.67
41000 1020 19.24 1048 20.97 1074 22.68 1099 24.36 1124 26.04 1148 27.75 1171 29.47 1195 31.24
42000 1044 20.60 1071 22.37 1097 24.12 1122 25.86 1145 27.55 1169 29.31 1192 31.09 1215 32.89
43000 1067 22.02 1094 23.84 1119 25.63 1144 27.41 1167 29.18 1190 30.93 1213 32.75 1236 34.58
44000 1091 23.50 1117 25.35 1142 27.19 1166 29.02 1189 30.82 1212 32.65 1234 34.44 1256 36.36
45000 1114 25.05 1140 26.95 1165 28.85 1188 30.69 1211 32.56 1233 34.40 1255 36.26 1277 38.17
46000 1138 26.67 1163 28.62 1187 30.53 1210 32.46 1233 34.34 1254 36.20 1276 38.12 1297 40.06
66 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (105,115,130 Tons)
Table PD-43 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET GUIDE VANES 105,115,130 Tons (Cont.)
Cfm Total Static Pressure
Std. 6.250 6.500 6.750 7.000 7.250 7.500
31000 1434 48.20 1459 50.30 1484 52.52 1508 54.60 1532 56.79 1557 59.10 1579 61.23
32000 1442 49.55 1464 51.55 1489 53.77 1512 55.85 1538 58.33 1559 60.35 1584 62.78
33000 1451 51.09 1473 53.11 1496 55.23 1518 57.33 1541 59.53 1565 61.85 1589 64.28
34000 1461 52.70 1482 54.63 1506 56.90 1527 59.03 1550 61.26 1570 63.29 1594 65.73
35000 1471 54.27 1491 56.22 1515 58.53 1536 60.68 1558 62.93 1578 64.99 1601 67.45
36000 1482 55.91 1503 58.03 1523 60.10 1544 62.28 1566 64.55 1589 66.93 1609 69.11
37000 1494 57.77 1514 59.79 1534 61.91 1555 64.11 1576 66.42 1597 68.68 1618 71.04
38000 1505 59.46 1527 61.78 1547 63.94 1568 66.19 1586 68.24 1608 70.69 1627 72.92
39000 1518 61.37 1540 63.74 1560 65.94 1579 68.09 1598 70.33 1617 72.50 1638 74.92
40000 1533 63.50 1552 65.66 1572 67.90 1592 70.24 1610 72.37 1629 74.58 1649 77.03
41000 1547 65.62 1566 67.82 1585 69.97 1603 72.20 1624 74.68 1642 76.94
42000 1561 67.70 1580 69.96 1598 72.15 1617 74.44 1635 76.65
43000 1576 69.89 1593 72.06 1613 74.46 1630 76.64 1650 79.22
44000 1591 72.20 1609 74.43 1628 76.89 1645 79.12
45000 1607 74.63 1625 76.92 1643 79.30
46000 1624 77.20 1641 79.40
1. Shaded areas indicate non-standard BHP or RPM selections. Contact your local Trane representive for more information.
2. Supply fan performance table includes internal resistance of rooftop. For total static pressure determination, system external static must be added to appropriate component
static pressure drops, (evaporator coil, filters, optional economizer, optional heating system, optional roof curb).
3. Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H20 positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H20.
4. Maximum Cfm as follows: 105 Ton Std. 44,000 Cfm, 105 Hi-Cap., 115, 130 Tons 46,000 Cfm
5. Minimum motor horsepower is 30 hp.
6. See RT-EB-104 for further details.
Figure PD-12 Supply Fan Performance WITH INLET GUIDE VANES 105,115,130 Tons
1600 R
7 1500 R
6 1400 R
Static Presure, Inches w.c.
1300 RP M
8 0%
1200 RP M
1100 RP M
3 1000 RP M
900 RPM FM
2 90%
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
1. Important: Maximum static pressure leaving the rooftop is 4.0 H2O positive. The static pressure drops from the supply fan to the space cannot exceed 4.0 H2O.
RT-PRC010-EN 67
Performance (20 -75Tons)
68 RT-PRC010-EN
Performance (90-130 Tons)
RT-PRC010-EN 69
1000 A A
1100 B B B
1200 C C C C
1300 D D D D
1400 E E E
1500 F F F
1600 G G
70 RT-PRC010-EN
RT-PRC010-EN 71
72 RT-PRC010-EN
RT-PRC010-EN 73
74 RT-PRC010-EN
Controls (VAV Units)
RT-PRC010-EN 75
Controls (VAV Units)
Heating: Hot Water or Steam Supply Air Setpoint Reset temperature deadband low end, the
On units with hot water or steam Supply air reset can be used to adjust heating valve is modulated open to
heating, the supply air temperature can the supply air temperature setpoint on maintain the set minimum supply air
be controlled to a heating set point the basis of a zone temperature or on temperature.
during the Occupied mode.The supply outdoor air temperature. Supply air reset 3
air temperature heating set point and adjustment is available from the Human Zone Temperature Control
deadband are user-defined at the Human Interface Panel for supply air heating and
Interface Panel. VAV Occupied heating on supply air cooling control. Unoccupied Zone Heating and Cooling
hot water and steam heat units is A During Unoccupied mode, the unit is
enabled by closing a field-supplied operated as a CV unit. Inlet guide vanes
switch or contacts connected to an reset based on outdoor air temperature and VAV boxes are driven full open.The
changeover input on the RTM. Outdoor air cooling reset is sometimes unit controls zone temperature within
Heating: Modulating Gas used in applications where the outdoor the Unoccupied zone cooling and
temperature has a large effect on heating (heating units only) deadbands.
Upon a call for heating, the UCM closes building load. When the outside air
the heating contacts, beginning the firing Daytime warm-up
temperature is low and the building
sequence. First, the heat exchanger cooling load is low, the supply air This feature is available on all types of
combustion blower begins operation. setpoint can be raised, thereby heating units. During Occupied mode, if
Upon positive proving of combustion preventing subcooling of critical zones. the zone temperature falls to a preset,
airflow, a pre-purge cycle is executed. This reset can lower usage of user-defined zone low limit temperature
Then the ignition sequence takes place. mechanical cooling, thus savings in setpoint the unit is put into Unoccupied
If ignition is not proven, the ignition compressor KW, but a increase in supply mode and Daytime Warm-up is initiated.
transformer is de-energized. After a time fan KW may occur. The system changes over to CV heating
delay, another pre-purge cycle takes (full unit airflow), the VAV boxes are fully
Outdoor air heating reset is the inverse opened and full heating capacity is
place, followed by another attempt to of cooling, with the same principles
ignite. If ignition fails a second time, the provided until the Daytime Warm-up
applied. setpoint is reached.The unit is then
heating section will be shut down and
locked out until manually reset at the For both outdoor air cooling reset and returned to normal Occupied mode.
unit mounted Human Interface Panel. heating reset, there are three user 4
defined parameters that are adjustable
As additional heat is required, the air through the Human Interface Panel. Outdoor Air CFM Compensation
damper opens, increasing the firing rate.
- beginning reset temperature The purpose of this feature is to
During heating operation, an electronic modulate the minimum position of the
flame safety control provides continuous - ending reset temperature economizer to compensate for varying
flame supervision. If combustion should - maximum amount of temperature reset unit airflows in VAV units, thereby
become unstable for any reason, heating minimizing the large variation of outdoor
will automatically shut down. After one B
air CFM that can occur. The feature
minute, another 60 second pre-purge reset based on zone temperature allows the user to set (calibrate) the
and ignition cycle begins. Zone reset is applied to the zone(s) in a economizer minimum position with inlet
As the heating requirement is satisfied, building that tend to overcool or guide vanes (or VFD) at 0 percent and at
the UCM will reduce the combustion air overheat.The supply air temperature 100 percent. On units with inlet guide
and the firing rate will lower to maintain setpoint is adjusted based on the vanes (or VFD) and economizer, the
the desired outlet temperature. When temperature of the critical zone(s).This minimum position of the economizer is
the requirement is fully satisfied, the can have the effect of improving comfort modulated based on inlet guide vane
heating contacts are opened, de- and/or lowering energy usage.The user- position (or VFD speed).
energizing the heat.The specific defined parameters are the same as for
sequence of operation of the gas heat outdoor air reset.
will depend on the size of the heat Supply Air Tempering
Hot water, steam, and modulating gas
units only When supply air
temperature falls below the supply air
76 RT-PRC010-EN
Controls (CV Units)
CV Units Only A
Sequence Of Operation Heating
1 Gas Heating - Two-Stage
Occupied Zone Temperature Control Upon a call for heating, the UCM closes
the first stage heating contacts
Cooling/Economizer beginning the firing sequence. First, the
During Occupied cooling mode, the heat exchanger combustion blower
economizer (if provided) and mechanical begins operation. Upon positive proving
cooling are used to control zone of combustion airflow, a pre-purge cycle
temperature. If the enthalpy of outside is executed.Then the ignition sequence
air is appropriate to use free cooling, takes place.
the economizer will be used first to If ignition is not proven, the ignition
attempt to satisfy the cooling zone transformer is de-energized. After a time
temperature setpoint; then the delay another pre-purge cycle takes
compressors will be staged up as place followed by another attempt to
necessary. Minimum on/off timing of ignite. If ignition fails a second time, the
compressors prevents rapid cycling. cycle repeats on 235 and 350 MBh
On units with economizer, a call for modules. 500, 850 and 1000 MBh
cooling will modulate the fresh air modules, the heating section will be
dampers open.The rate of economizer shut down and locked out until manually
modulation is based on deviation of the reset at the unit mounted Human
zone temperature from setpoint, i.e., the Interface Panel.
further away from setpoint, the faster the As additional heat is required, the UCM
fresh air damper will open. First stage of will close the second stage heating
cooling will be allowed to start after the contacts and depending on heat module
economizer reaches full open. size, will open either the second stage of
Note that the economizer is only allowed the gas valve, or a second stage gas
to function freely if one of the following valve.
conditions is met: For dry bulb During heating operation, an electronic
economizer control, the ambient flame safety control provides continuous
temperature must be below the dry bulb flame supervision. If combustion should
temperature control setting. For become unstable for any reason, heating
reference enthalpy economizer control, will automatically shut down. After one
outdoor air enthalpy must be below the minute, another 60 second pre-purge
enthalpy control setting. For comparative and ignition cycle begins.
enthalpy economizer control, outdoor air
enthalpy must be below the enthalpy of As the heating requirement is satisfied,
the return air. the UCM will open the second stage
heating relay, de-energizing the second
At outdoor air temperatures above the stage of heat. When the requirement is
enthalpy control setting, mechanical fully satisfied, the first stage contacts are
cooling only is used and the outdoor air opened, de-energizing the first stage of
dampers remain at minimum position. heat.The specific sequence of operation
If the unit does not include an of the gas heat will depend on the size of
economizer, mechanical cooling only is the heat exchanger.
used to satisfy cooling requirements.
Outdoor air dampers may be set
manually for a maximum of 25 percent
outdoor air, if rooftop is equipped with 0
to 25 percent manual fresh air damper.
RT-PRC010-EN 77
Controls (CV Units)
Gas Heating: Modulating Gas drive it full open. If the supply fan is on,
Upon a call for heating, the UCM closes or if the outside air damper is open
the heating contacts, beginning the firing when this freezing condition is sensed,
sequence. First, the heat exchanger the supply fan is turned off and the
combustion blower begins operation. outside air damper is closed.
Upon positive proving of combustion B
airflow, a pre-purge cycle is executed. Supply Air Tempering
Then the ignition sequence takes place.
For gas and electric heat units in the Heat
If ignition is not proven, the ignition mode but not actively heating, if the
transformer is de-energized. After a time supply air temperature drops to 10 F
delay, another pre-purge cycle takes below the Occupied zone heating
place, followed by another attempt to temperature setpoint, one stage of heat
ignite. If ignition fails a second time, the will be brought on to maintain a
heating section will be shut down and minimum supply air temperature.The
locked out until manually reset at the heat stage is dropped if the supply air
unit mounted Human Interface Panel. temperature rises to 10 F above the
As additional heat is required, the air Occupied zone heating temperature
damper opens, increasing the firing rate. setpoint.
During heating operation, an electronic C
flame safety control provides continuous Auto Changeover
flame supervision. If combustion should
become unstable for any reason, heating When the System Mode is Auto, the
will automatically shut down. After one mode will change to cooling or heating
minute, another 60 second pre-purge as necessary to satisfy the zone cooling
and ignition cycle begins. and heating setpoints.The zone cooling
and heating setpoints can be as close as
As the heating requirement is satisfied, 2 F apart.
the UCM will reduce the combustion air,
and the firing rate will lower to maintain 2
the desired outlet temperature. When Unoccupied Zone Temperature Control
the requirement is fully satisfied, the
heating contacts are opened, de- Cooling and Heating
energizing the heat.The specific Both cooling or heating modes can be
sequence of operation of the gas heat selected to maintain Unoccupied zone
will depend on the size of the heat temperature deadbands. For
exchanger. Unoccupied periods, heating,
Electric Heating economizer operation or compressor
operation can be selectively locked out at
The three stages of electric heat will be the Human Interface Panels.
sequenced on the zone demand signal
from the zone sensor.The signal is sent
to the UCM and the stages are
sequenced based on load demand.
Hot Water or Steam Heating
Upon a call for heat, the UCM will send a
varying voltage signal to the valve
actuator. The valve will modulate to meet
building demand as indicated by the
voltage signal. When heating is satisfied,
the valve will modulate closed.
A temperature sensor is located on the
coldest section of the coil. When it
senses an impending freeze condition, a
signal is sent to the hydronic valve to
78 RT-PRC010-EN
Controls (VAV/CV Units)
Control Sequences of reached or for 60 minutes, then the unit PRESSURIZE sequence B
Operation Common to Both switches to Occupied mode. Perhaps a positively pressurized space is
VAV and CV Units Note: When using the Morning Warmup desired instead of a negatively
option in a VAV heating/cooling rooftop, pressurized space. In this case, the
1 airflow must be maintained through the supply fan should be turned on with inlet
Space Pressure Control Statitrac rooftop unit.This can be accomplished guide vanes open and the exhaust fan
A pressure transducer is used to by electrically tying the VAV boxes to the should be turned off.
measure and report direct space unoccupied output relay contacts on the - Supply fan - On.
(building) static pressure.The user- Rooftop Module (RTM) or by using - Supply fan VFD - On (60 Hz) (if
defined control parameters used in this changeover thermostats. Either of these equipped)
control scheme are space static pressure methods will assure adequate airflow - Inlet guide vanes/VAV boxes - Open
setpoint and deadband. As through the unit and satisfactory heating (if equipped).
the economizer opens, the building of the building. - Exhaust fan - Off, exhaust dampers -
pressure rises and enables the 3 Closed (if equipped).
exhaust fan and dampers or exhaust - Exhaust fan VFD - Off (0 Hz) (if
Ventilation Override (VOM) equipped)
VFD.The exhaust dampers or VFD then
modulate to maintain space pressure The user can customize up to five (5) - Outside air dampers - Open.
within the deadband. different override sequences for - Heat - all stages - Off, Modulating heat
purposes of ventilation override control. output at 0 vdc.
2 If more than one VOM sequence is being - Occupied/Unoccupied output -
Morning Warm-up requested, the sequence with the highest Energized
priority is initiated first. Priority schedule - VO relay - Energized
This feature is available on all types of
factory-installed heat units and on units is that sequence A (unit off) is first, with EXHAUST sequence C
with no heat, this function may still be sequence E (purge with duct pressure
control) last. With only the exhaust fans running
selected to support systems with heat (supply fan off), the space that is
sources not provided by the rooftop unit. UNIT OFF sequence A conditioned by that rooftop would
At the conclusion of Unoccupied mode, When complete system shut down is become negatively pressurized.This is
while the economizer (if supplied) is kept required the following sequence could desirable for clearing the area of smoke
closed, the selected zone is heated to the be used. from the now-extinguished fire, possibly
user-defined Morning Warm-up setpoint. - Supply fan - Off. keeping smoke out of areas that were
The unit is then released to Occupied - Supply fan VFD - Off (0 Hz) (if not damaged.
mode.There are two types of Morning equipped) - Supply fan - Off.
Warm-up: full capacity or cycling - Inlet guide vanes - Closed - Supply fan VFD - Off (0 Hz) (if
capacity. (if equipped). equipped)
A - Exhaust fan - Off, exhaust dampers - - Inlet guide vanes - Closed
Closed (if equipped). (if equipped).
Full Capacity Morning Warm-up (MWU) - Exhaust fan - On, exhaust dampers -
- Exhaust fan VFD - Off (0 Hz) (if
Full capacity Morning Warm-up uses full equipped) Open (if equipped).
heating capacity, and heats the zone up - Outside air dampers - Closed. - Exhaust fan VFD - On (60 Hz) (if
as quickly as possible. Full heating - Heat - all stages - Off, Modulating heat equipped)
capacity is provided until the Morning output at 0 vdc. - Outside air dampers - Closed.
Warm-up setpoint is met. At this point, - Occupied/Unoccupied output - - Heat - all stages - Off, Modulating heat
the unit is released to Daytime mode. Deenergized output at 0 vdc.
B - VO relay - Energized - Occupied/Unoccupied output -
Cycling Capacity Morning Warm-up - VO relay - Energized
Cycling capacity Morning Warm-up
provides a more gradual heating of the
zone. Normal zone temperature control
with varying capacity is used to raise the
zone temperature to the MWU zone
temperature setpoint.This method of
warm-up is used to overcome the
building sink effect. Cycling capacity
MWU will operate until MWU setpoint is
RT-PRC010-EN 79
Controls (VAV/CV Units)
80 RT-PRC010-EN
Controls (VAV/CV Units)
RT-PRC010-EN 81
Controls (VAV/CV Units)
82 RT-PRC010-EN
Electrical Service Sizing then reselect the RDE value to equal the Select a fuse rating equal to the RDE
MOP value. value. If the RDE value does not equal a
To correctly size electrical service standard fuse size as listed in NEC 240-6,
wiring for your unit, find the Set 2. Rooftop units with Electric Heat
select the next higher standard fuse
appropriate calculations listed below. a. Single Source Power (380V, 415V, 460V, rating. NOTE: If the selected RDE is
Each type of unit has its own set of and 575V) greater than the selected MOP value,
calculations for MCA (Minimum Circuit then reselect the RDE value to equal the
Ampacity), MOP (Maximum To arrive at the correct MCA, MOP, and
RDE values for these units, you must MOP value.
Overcurrent Protection), and RDE
(Recommended Dual Element fuse perform two sets of calculations. First b. Dual Source Power units (200V and
size). Read the load definitions that calculate the MCA, MOP, and RDE values 230V)
follow and then find the appropriate as if the unit was in cooling mode (use
the equations given in Set 1).Then These units will have two circuit values
set of calculations based on your unit shown on the nameplate.The first circuit
type. calculate the MCA, MOP, and RDE values
as if the unit were in the heating mode as value will be the refrigeration (cooling
Set 1 is for cooling only and cooling follows. mode) values calculated per Set 1.The
with gas heat units, and set 2 is for second set of circuit values shown on the
cooling with electric heat units. (Keep in mind when determining LOADS nameplate will be for the electric heating
that the compressors dont run while the circuit as follows.
Load Definitions: (To determine load unit is in the heating mode). MCA = (1.25 x LOAD3)
values, see the Electrical Service Sizing MOP = (1.25 x LOAD3)
DataTables on the following page.) For units using heaters less than 50 kw.
MCA = 1.25 x (LOAD1 + LOAD2 + LOAD4) Select a fuse rating for the electric
LOAD1 = CURRENT OFTHE LARGEST heating circuit thats equal to the MOP
value obtained in the equation above. If
MOTOR) For units using heaters equal to or the MOP value does not equal a
LOAD2 = SUM OF THE CURRENTS OF greater than 50 kw. standard fuse size as listed in NEC 240-6,
ALL REMAINING MOTORS MCA = 1.25 x (LOAD1 + LOAD2 + LOAD4) select the next lower standard fuse rating
LOAD3 = CURRENT OF ELECTRIC + LOAD3 (see note below for exception).
HEATERS The nameplate MCA value will be the NOTE: If the available MOP option is less
LOAD4 = ANY OTHER LOAD RATED AT larger of the cooling mode MCA value or than the MCA obtained in the equation
1 AMP OR MORE the heating mode MCA value calculated above, then reselect the lowest standard
above. maximum fuse size which is equal to, or
Set 1. Cooling Only Rooftop Units and larger, than the MCA, provided the
Cooling with Gas Heat Rooftop Units MOP = (2.25 x LOAD1) + LOAD2 + LOAD3
+ LOAD4 reselected fuse size does not exceed 800
MCA = (1.25 x LOAD1) + LOAD2 + amps.
LOAD4 The selection MOP value will be the
larger of the cooling mode MOP value or RDE = LOAD3
MOP = (2.25 x LOAD1) + LOAD2 + the heating mode MOP value calculated Select a fuse rating for the electric
LOAD4 above. heating circuit thats equal to the RDE
Select a fuse rating equal to the MOP Select a fuse rating equal to the MOP value. If the RDE value does not equal a
value. If the MOP value does not equal value. If the MOP value does not equal a standard fuse size as listed in NEC 240-6,
a standard fuse size as listed in NEC standard fuse size as listed in NEC 240-6, select the next higher standard fuse
240-6, select the next lower standard select the next lower standard fuse rating. NOTE: If the selected RDE is
fuse rating. NOTE: If selected MOP is rating. NOTE: If selected MOP is less than greater than the selected MOP value,
less than the MCA, then reselect the the MCA, then reselect the lowest then reselect the RDE value to equal the
lowest standard maximum fuse size standard maximum fuse size which is MOP value.
which is equal to or larger than the equal to or larger than the MCA, GENERAL NOTES:
MCA, provided the reselected fuse size provided the reselected fuse size does
does not exceed 800 amps. On 20 to 130 ton rooftops, the selected
not exceed 800 amps. MOP value is stamped in the MOP field
RDE = (1.5 x LOAD1) + LOAD2 + LOAD4 RDE = (1.5 x LOAD1) + LOAD2 + LOAD3 + on the nameplate.
Select a fuse rating equal to the RDE LOAD4
value. If the RDE value does not equal The selection RDE value will be the larger
a standard fuse size as listed in NEC of the cooling mode RDE value or the
240-6, select the next higher standard heating mode RDE value calculated
fuse rating. NOTE: If the selected RDE above.
is greater than the selected MOP value,
RT-PRC010-EN 83
84 RT-PRC010-EN
Table ED-2 20-130 Tons Electrical Service Sizing Data Motors Table ED-4 20-130 Tons Electrical Service Sizing Data
Nominal Voltage Control Power Transformer Heating and Cooling Modes
200 230 460 575
Digit 2 Voltage
Nominal Tons Condenser Fan Motors Nominal Tons Unit Function 200 230 460 575
20 8.2 8.2 3.6 2.8 20,25,30 A,E,L,S,X 1 1 1 1
25 12.3 12.3 5.4 4.2 20,25,30 F 4 3 2 1
30 12.3 12.3 5.4 4.2
40,50,55,60 A,E,L,S,X 3 2 1 1
40 16.4 16.4 7.2 5.6
50 24.6 24.6 10.8 8.4 40,50,55,60 F 5 4 2 2
55 24.6 24.6 10.8 8.4
70,75 A,E,L,S,X 5 4 2 2
60 24.6 24.6 10.8 8.4
70 24.6 24.6 10.8 8.4 70,75 F 8 7 3 3
75 24.6 24.6 10.8 8.4
90,105,115,130 E,L,S,X 5 4 2 2
90 32.8 32.8 14.4 11.2
105 41.0 41.0 18.0 14.0 90,105,115,130 F 8 7 3 3
115 41.0 41.0 18.0 14.0
130 49.2 49.2 21.6 16.8
Motor Horsepower Supply Fan Motors Table ED-5 20-130 Tons Electrical Service
3 11.2 8.8 4.4 3.8 Sizing Data Crankcase Heaters (Heating
5 15.2 13.4 6.6 5.3
71/2 22.3 19.6 9.8 7.8 Mode on 460/575 Volt Only)
10 29.7 26.4 13.2 10.3
15 44.4 38.6 19.3 15.4 Nominal Tons (Add) FLA
20 58.7 51.0 25.5 20.4
25 70.5 61.0 30.5 24.5 20-30 1
30 86.5 75.0 37.5 30.0 40-60 2
401 112.0 97.0 48.5 39.0
Motor Hp Exhaust Fan Motor 70-105 3
11/2 5.0 4.4 2.2 1.8
3 11.2 8.8 4.4 3.8 115-130 4
5 15.2 13.4 6.6 5.3
71/2 22.3 19.6 9.8 7.8
10 29.7 26.4 13.2 10.3 Table ED-6 Voltage Utilization Range
15 44.4 38.6 19.3 15.4 Voltage
20 58.7 51.0 25.5 20.4 Unit Voltage Utilization Range
25 70.5 61.0 30.5 24.5
30 86.5 75.0 37.5 30.0 200/60/3 180-220
40 112.0 97.0 48.5 39.0 230/60/3 207-253
3. 40 Hp motor available as standard in 460 volt only for 70 and 75 ton models.
380/50/3 342-418
Table ED-3 20-130 Tons Electrical Service Sizing Data Electric Heat 415/50/3 373-457
Module (Electric Heat Units Only) 460/60/3 414-506
575/60/3 517-633
200 230 460 575
30 83.3 72.2 36.1 28.9
50 138.8 120.3 60.1 48.1
70 194.3 168.4 84.2 67.4
90 249.8 216.5 108.3 86.6
110 305.3 264.6 132.3 105.9
130 156.4 125.1
150 180.4 144.3
170 204.5 163.6
190 228.5 182.8
Note: Electric heat FLA are determined at 208, 240, 480 and 600 volts.
RT-PRC010-EN 85
Dimensional (20 - 75Tons)
86 RT-PRC010-EN
Dimensional (20 - 75Tons)
Figure DD-1 20-75 Ton Cooling Only Unit Dimensions SAHF Continued
RT-PRC010-EN 87
Dimensional (20 - 75Tons)
Page 87
Table DD-2 Heating/Cooling Unit Dimensions (Ft. In.) SEHF, SFHF, SSHF, SLHF, SXHF 2
Nom. Tons H L W A B C D E F G J1 K1 M N P Q R S T U V X Z
16-9 16-6 13
20 & 25 15
5-8 /16 24-1 /8 3 1 3 1
7-6 /2 6-4 /16 5-3 /8 0-9 /2 1 5 9 1
1-3 /8 1-7 /16 1-3 /2 1
2-2 /2 16-3 /16 16-7 5
15-5 /16 13-3 7-0 15 5 3
6-6 /16 3-9 /16 3-4 /8 5-7 0-5 /16 7-91/2
16-9 16-6
16-9 16-6
30 6-23/8 24-13/8 7-61/2 6-95/8 5-85/8 0-91/2 1-35/8 1-79/16 1-31/2 2-21/2 16-313/16 16-7 15-55/16 13-3 7-0 6-615/16 4-95/16 3-43/8 5-7 0-513/16 7-91/2
16-9 16-6
20-1 19-6
40 6-73/8 30-21/2 7-61/2 7-25/8 6-15/8 0-97/8 1-57/8 1-101/8 2-5 2-5 19-105/16 19-7 18-1111/16 15-111/8 8-0 7-83/16 5-95/16 3-43/8 5-7 0-513/16 7-91/2
20-6 20-3
20-1 19-6
50 & 55 5-87/8 32-101/2 7-61/2 6-41/8 5-31/8 0-91/2 1-35/8 1-79/16 2-5 2-5 19-105/16 19-7 18-1111/16 15-111/8 8-0 7-83/16 6-93/8 3-43/8 5-7 0-513/16 7-91/2
20-6 20-3
20-1 19-6
60 6-73/8 30-21/2 9-8 7-25/8 6-15/8 0-97/8 1-57/8 1-101/8 2-5 2-5 19-105/16 19-7 18-1111/16 15-111/8 8-0 7-83/16 5-95/16 4-53/8 7-81/2 0-513/16 9-11
20-6 20-3
20-1 19-6
70 & 75 6-73/8 30-21/2 9-8 7-25/8 6-15/8 0-97/8 1-57/8 1-101/8 1-4 2-5 20-6 20-3 19-105/16 19-7 18-1111/16 15-111/8 8-0 7-83/16 5-95/16 4-53/8 7-81/2 0-513/16 9-11
High Heat
1. Dimensions shown are for gas heat units. 2. Unit drawing is representative only and may not accurately depict all models.
Low Heat
88 RT-PRC010-EN
Dimensional (20 - 75 Tons)
RT-PRC010-EN 89
Dimensional (90 - 130Tons)
Figure DD-4 90, 105, 115, 130 Ton Heating/Cooling and Cooling Only Rooftops6
1. Provide unrestricted clearance over the condenser fans.
2. A minimum clearance of 2 4-1/2 is required to open the hinged
SEE NOTE 5 control panel doors. Both doors swing outward in a 180-degree arc.
3. A minimum clearance of 2 10-34 is required to open the access
doors on the units supply fan, evaporator, filter and exhaust fan
sections. All hinged doors swing outward in a 180-degree arc.
4. 90-130 ton models have two outdoor air intakes located at the back
of the unit and one small outdoor air intake located at
the end of the unit.
5. A minimum clearance of 3 7 is required to open the hinged access
panel door to the VFD enclosure.
6. Unit drawing is representative only and may not accurately depict all
90 RT-PRC010-EN
Dimensional (90 - 130 Tons)
1 13/16
RT-PRC010-EN 91
Dimensional (Variable Air
Data Volume VAV)
1. Remote sensors are available for use with all zone sensors to provide remote sensing capabilities.
92 RT-PRC010-EN
Dimensional (Constant
Data Volume CV)
1. Remote sensors are available for use with all zone sensors to provide remote sensing capabilities.
RT-PRC010-EN 93
Dimensional (CV and VAV)
1. Remote sensors are available for use with all zone sensors to provide remote sensing capabilities.
94 RT-PRC010-EN
RT-PRC010-EN 95
Enhanced Standard
Factory Design Field
Design Facility Installed
Option or Accessory Standard Special 2 3 Special 2 3 Accessory
Black epoxy evaporator coils X
Copper finned evaporator coils X
Copper finned condenser coils (20-75 tons only) X
Copper finned condenser coils (90-130 tons only) X
Heresite treated condenser coils X
High capacity evaporator coils (20 to 105 tons) X
Pre-heat Coil X
Evaporative-cooled condenser X
Generic BAS (Building Automation System) interface X
Inlet guide vanes on FC supply fans (Variable Air Volume (VAV) only) X
Inter-Processor Communication Bridge X
Kits available for field control upgrades X
No Controls X
Remote Human Interface Panel (controls up to 4 units) X
Remote minimum position control for economizer X
Single zone VAV with Johnson S350 controller or terminal strip control X
TRAQ sensing with ventilation control module X
Trane Communication Interface Module: ICS interface control module X
Variable frequency drive (VFD) control of supply/exhaust fan motor X
Ventilation override module (five ventilation override sequences) X
Roof curbs X
Roof curbsSpecial design, including curbs for twinning large units together X
0-25 percent manual dampers X
Barometric relief exhaust dampers X
Low ambient control dampers0 degrees F (2075 tons) X
Low ambient control dampers (90130 tons) X
Ultra low leak dampers for 0-100 percent modulating fresh air economizer X
Drain Pans
Positively sloping evaporator coil drain pan X
Stainless steel positively sloping evaporator coil drain pan X
96 RT-PRC010-EN
Enhanced Standard
Factory Design Field
Design Facility Installed
Option or Accessory Standard Special 2 3 Special 2 3 Accessory
0-100 percent modulating fresh air economizer X
Economizer control options: comparative enthalpy, reference enthalpy, dry bulb X
Energy Recovery
Energy Recovery Wheel X
Convenience Outlet (Factory-powered 15A GFI) X
Dual power source X
Unit disconnect Through the door non-fused disconnect with external handle X
Phase monitors (200/230/460/575V) X
Power factor correction capacitors compressors and fans X
100 percent modulating exhaust w/or without Statitrac space pressure control X
50 percent modulating exhaust X
Alternative supply fans X
Return fans X
Filters and Filter Racks
90-95 percent bag filters X
90-95 percent cartridge filters X
95 percent bag or cartridge final filters and rack X
Filter rack only (no filters) X
Final filters X
Final filter rack only X
Filter rack 4 deep panel rack placed in standard rack location X
High efficiency throwaway filters X
Replaceable core filter driers X
Heat modules X
Heating options: natural gas, electric, hot water or steam X
Modulating gas heat Full or limited X
Propane (LP) conversion / Modulating LP heat X
Double wall with perforated interior liner X
1. Options are provided for informational purposes only. For specifics, contact your local Trane sales office.
Continued on the following pages
2. Special Options may be subject to a net price add.
3. To determine if agency approval is available for special designs, contact your local Trane sales office.
RT-PRC010-EN 97
Table O1 Comprehensive Listing of Available Options and Accessories Continued
Enhanced Standard
Factory Design Field
Design Facility Installed
Option or Accessory Standard Special 2 3 Special 2 3 Accessory
98 RT-PRC010-EN
RT-PRC010-EN 99
Options 100 Percent Modulating Exhaust Fan cartridge filters are mounted in a
Two double inlet forward-curved fans galvanized steel frame. They are Class 1
A full range of factory-installed modular can exhaust up to 100 percent supply listed by Underwriters Laboratories
options are available on standard ship air. Fans operate when economizer and have a 90-95 percent dust spot
cycles, allowing your rooftop design to damper is open greater than minimum efficiency per ASHRAE 52-76. To ensure
best suit each individual application. position. Discharge dampers at fan maximum cartridge filter life, two-inch
Cooling Only/Heating Casings outlet modulate in response to prefilters are included.
Cooling Only Two casing choices are economizer damper position on Fresh Air
available, one designed for high airside CV rooftops. 0 To 25 Percent Manual Outside Air
efficiency and one for sound sensitive 100 Percent Modulating Exhaust with Includes outside air opening with
applications. The 90 to 130 tons are Statitrac Control For both CV and moisture eliminator and manually
extended casing only. VAV rooftops, the 100 percent positioned damper for drawing up to
Electric Heat Nickel-chromium modulating exhaust discharge 25 percent outside air. (20-75 tons only)
electric heating elements in dampers are modulated in response to Economizer Includes the primary
individually fused circuits of 48 amps building pressure. A differential temperature controls necessary to
or less and with all necessary safeties. pressure control system, called automatically use outdoor air for free
A full range of sizing options is Statitrac, uses a differential pressure cooling. Option includes modulating
available. transducer to compare indoor building return and outside air dampers, high
Natural Gas Heat -- Two Stage and pressure to atmospheric pressure. The ambient temperature lockout,
Limited Modulation Two-pass FC exhaust fan is turned on when minimum position control and spring
stainless steel tubular free floating heat required to lower building static return motor. Standard low leak
exchanger has industrial type burner pressure to setpoint. The Statitrac outside air dampers are provided with
and combustion blower. Available with control system then modulates the a leakage rate of 2.5 percent of
high or low fire and UL or CSA discharge dampers to control the nominal airflow at one inch W.C. static
approval. building pressure to within the pressure. The 0 to 100% fresh air
Natural Gas Heat - Full Modulation adjustable, specified dead band that is economizer has three optional
The heat exchanger drum, tubes and set at the Human Interface Panel. economizer controls available:
front and rear headers are constructed Filters comparative enthalpy, reference
of stainless steel alloys. No Filters (two inch throwaway filter enthalpy, or dry bulb control.
Steam Heat ARI certified type NS coil rack only) complete set of two-inch
with non-freeze steam distribution. Coils System Control
thick filter racks, without the filter Constant Volume Provided with all
are pitched for drainage and are media to accommodate applications
provided with steam modulating valve the necessary controls to operate
which require field supplied filters. rooftop from a zone sensor, including
with actuator. High and low heat No Filters (bag/cartridge with prefilter
options are available. CV microprocessor unit control
filter rack) long-lasting galvanized module, a microprocessor compressor
Hot Water Heat ARI certified type W steel frame without the filter media to
coil mounted for drainage and controller and a unit mounted Human
accommodate applications which Interface Panel.
provided with hot water modulating require field supplied filters.
valve with actuator. High and low heat VAV Supply Air Temperature control
Throwaway Two-inch, 30 percent without inlet guide vanes Provided
options are available. efficient throwaway filters, includes with all the necessary controls to
Power Supplies rack as standard. operate a VAV rooftop from the
Rooftops are available with 200, 230, 460 Cleanable Wire Mesh Two-inch discharge air temperature, including
and 575 voltage power supplies. permanent washable wire mesh filters discharge air microprocessor controller
Exhaust are provided with metal frame. and discharge air sensor. The
No Exhaust Rooftops can be built High-Efficiency Throwaway Two inch microprocessor controller coordinates
for makeup air applications with no throwaway filters include rack and the economizer control and the stages
exhaust. Relief opening is sealed have an average arrestance in excess of cooling with zone or outdoor air
watertight. of 90 percent when tested in reset capabilities and an adjustable
Barometric Relief Gravity dampers accordance with ASHRAE 52-76. control band to fine-tune the control to
are provided that open to relieve 90-95 Percent Bag Filter (with prefilter) specific applications.
positive pressure. Glass fiber extended media bag VAV Supply Air Temperature control
50 Percent Exhaust Fan One double filter is mounted in a galvanized steel with inlet guide vanes Provided with
inlet forward-curved fan can exhaust frame. 90-95 percent dust spot all the necessary controls to control/
up to 50 percent of supply air. Control efficiency. Two-inch throwaway operate a VAV rooftop from the
is on/off based on economizer damper prefilters are included with this option. discharge air temperature, including a
position. Barometric dampers at fan 90-95 Percent Cartridge Filter (with discharge air microprocessor controller,
outlet prevent air backdraft. prefilter) These twelve-inch deep a discharge air sensor, pressure sensor
100 RT-PRC010-EN
and inlet guide vanes.The Bypass Bypass control provides full chloride gasketing to seal to a leakage
microprocessor controller coordinates nominal airflow in the event of drive rate of 1 percent of nominal airflow at
the economizer control and the stages failure. one-inch W.C. static pressure.
of cooling with zone or outdoor air reset Ambient Control High Duct Temperature Thermostats
capabilities and an adjustable control Low Ambient Dampers are provided Two manual reset thermostats, one
band to fine-tune the control to specific on condenser fan to allow the unit to located in the discharge section of the
applications.The inlet guide vanes are operate down to 0 F. (20-75 tons only) unit set at 240 F and the other in the
used with VAV rooftops to control duct return section set at 135 F. The
static pressure. Option includes vanes Agency Approval rooftop will shut down if the
and static pressure controls. Forward- Rooftops can be provided with either thermostats are tripped.
curved fans with inlet vanes are the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or High Capacity Evaporator Coil
most efficient way to mechanically Canadian Standards Association Additional rows of coil and enhanced
modulate airflow. (CSA) approval. evaporator tube surfaces provide
Exhaust Fan Variable Frequency Drives Miscellaneous Options increased capacity compared to
w/o Bypass (with Statitrac Only) Non-Fused Disconnect Switch with standard coils.
Provided with all the necessary External Handle External handle Copper Fins On Condenser Coil
controls to control/maintain building enables the operator to disconnect unit Copper fins offer extra corrosion
space pressure through a CV or VAV power with the control box door closed resistance as compared to standard
rooftop. The Variable Frequency Drive for safety. aluminum fins.
(VFD) modulates the speed of the Hot Gas Bypass Valves, piping and Generic Building Automation System
exhaust fan motor in response to controls are all included to allow (GBAS) Module Provided for those
building pressure. A differential operation at low airflow, avoiding coil cases where the customer uses a non-
pressure control system, called frosting and damage to compressor. Tracer building management systems.
Statitrac, uses a differential pressure When suction pressure falls below The GBAS module provides a binary
transducer to compare indoor building valve adjustable setpoint, the valves input for Demand Limiting, four (4)
pressure to atmospheric pressure. The modulate hot gas to the inlet of the analog inputs for setpoint adjustment
VFD receives a 0-10 vdc signal from the evaporator. and five (5) relay outputs for diagnostic
unit microprocessor based upon the Economizer Control with Comparative reporting. Inputs can use a
space static pressure and causes the Enthalpy used with the fresh air potentiometer or 0-5 vdc signal.
drive to accelerate or decelerate as economizer, two enthalpy sensors are High Efficiency Motors Supply and
required to maintain the space provided to compare total heat content exhaust fans are provided with high
pressure within the deadband. of the indoor air and outdoor air to efficiency motors.
Exhaust Fan Variable Frequency Drives determine the most efficient air source Remote Human Interface Panel (RHI)
and Bypass (with Statitrac Only) when economizing. Remote Human Interface Panel can
Bypass control provides full nominal Economizer Control with Reference perform all the same functions as unit
airflow in the event of drive failure. Enthalpy used with the fresh air mounted Human Interface Panel,
VAV Supply Air Temperature Control economizer, an outdoor enthalpy except for the Service Mode. Up to 4
with Variable Frequency Drives w/o sensor is provided to compare the total rooftop units can be monitored and
Bypass Provided with all necessary heat content of outdoor air to a locally controlled with a single Remote
controls to operate a VAV rooftop from adjustable setpoint. The setpoint is Human Interface Panel. This panel uses
the discharge air temperature, programmed at the human interface, the same attractive enclosure as our
including discharge air microprocessor or remote human interface, to Tracker building control panel. With
controller and discharge air sensor. The determine if the outdoor enthalpy features such as a 2 line X 40 character
microprocessor controller coordinates condition is suitable for economizer clear English display, a red LED light to
the economizer control and the stages operation. indicate an alarm condition (alarm also
of cooling with discharge air Economizer Control with Dry Bulb shown on the two line display), a
temperature reset capabilities. Includes used with the fresh air economizer, an simple 16 key keypad that is used in
factory installed and tested variable outdoor temperature sensor is conjunction with the display, to prompt
frequency drives (VFD) to provide included for comparing the outdoor the infrequent user when making
supply fan motor speed modulation. dry bulb temperature to a locally desired changes and an attractive
VFD receives 0-10 vdc from the unit adjustable temperature setpoint. The hinged door makes the RHI very
microprocessor based upon supply setpoint is programmed either at the suitable for mounting on any wall. The
static pressure and causes the drive to human interface, or remote human RHI can be mounted inside a building,
accelerate or decelerate as required to interface, to determine if outdoor air up to 5,000 feet from the unit. The RHI
maintain the supply static pressure temperature is suitable for economizer is wired to the IPCB mounted in the
setpoint. operation. rooftop with twisted wire pair
VAV Supply AirTemperature Control Ultra Low Leak Fresh Air Dampers
with Variable Frequency Drives and Dampers have chlorinated polyvinyl
RT-PRC010-EN 101
communication wiring and 24V Two-Inch Spring Isolators Supply and Remote Minimum Position
control wiring. exhaust fan (if applicable) assemblies Potentiometer Minimum position
Ventilation Override Module (VOM) are isolated with two-inch nominal setting of economizer can be remotely
With the Ventilation Override Module deflection to reduce transmission of adjusted with this accessory.
installed, the unit can be programmed vibrations. (Standard feature on 90 to Temperature Sensor bullet or pencil
to transition to up to 5 different 130 tons.) type sensor that could be used for
programmed sequences for Smoke Special Unit Paint Colors allows temperature input such as return air
Purge, Evacuation, Pressurization, matching of HVAC equipment to duct temperature.
Purge, Purge with duct control building color and sometimes Trane Communication Interface/
sequence and Unit off. The transition eliminates the need for expensive Interprocessor Communication Bridge
occurs when a binary input on the barrier walls. kit and Remote Human Interface kit
VOM is closed (shorted); this would For future opportunities and upgrade
typically be a hard wired relay output Field Installed Accessories flexibility, two factory provided
from a smoke detector or fire control Electronic Zone Sensors hardware kits are available. The first kit
panel. Zone Sensors two temperature set is an Trane Communication Interface
Extended Grease Lines Lines allow point levers, heat, auto, off, or cool (TCI) module, which is required for
greasing of supply and exhaust fan system switch, fan auto or fan on communication with Tracer. Included in
bearings through the filter access door. switch. Optional status indication LED this kit is an Interprocessor
Access Doors Hinged access doors lights, System On, Heat, Cool, and Communicating Bridge (IPCB) module
provide easy access to supply fan, Service are available. These sensors which is required for communication
filters, exhaust fan, and the heating are used with CV units. with a Remote Human Interface Panel.
section. These access doors feature Programmable Night Setback Sensors The second kit is the Remote Human
double wall construction with dual electronic programmable sensors Interface Panel, which can control up to
density insulation sandwiched between with auto or manual changeover with four rooftops. The Remote Human
heavy gauge galvanized steel panels seven day programming. Keyboard Interface Panel has all the features of
for strength and durability. selection of heat, cool, fan auto or on. the Unit Mounted Human Interface
Inter-Processor Communication Bridge All programmable sensors have Panel, except no service mode
(IPCB) This module provides an System On, Heat, Cool, Service LED/ interface is allowed remotely for safety
amplified and filtered version of the indicators as standard. Night setback reasons.
IPC link for connection to a Remote sensors have (1) Occupied, (1)
Human Interface Panel. Each rooftop Unoccupied and (2) Override programs All other modules and their required
that is tied into a Remote Human per day. Models are available for CV hardware are available through the
Interface Panel must have a IPCB zone temperature control and VAV Trane service parts organization.
installed into it. supply air temperature control. Trane LonTalk Communication Interface
Trane Communication Interface Zone Sensor sensor with supply air kit For future opportunities and
Module provides interface to Tranes single temperatures setpoint and upgrade flexibility, this kit contains a
Integrated Comfort system (ICS), which AUTO/OFF system switch. Status LonTalk Communication Interface
allows control and monitoring of the indication LED lights; System On, Heat, (LCI-I) module, which is required for
rooftop by a Tracer building Cool, and Service are provided. communication with Tracer Summit or
management system. Sensors are available to be used with a 3rd party building automation
Tracer LonTalk Communication VAV units. system.
Interface Module provides an Remote Sensor can be used for Roof Curb
interface to Tranes Integrated Comfort remote zone temperature sensing Roof Curb Curb supports the rooftop
System (ICS), which allows control and capabilities when zone sensors are and allows for smooth transition of
monitoring of the rooftop by a Tracer or used as remote panels. airflow from the rooftop to the
3rd party building management system Full Warm-Up Sensor Morning ductwork. Curb ships from stock and
utilizing LonTalk protocol. warm-up sensor for use with VAV ductwork can be attached directly. Two-
GFI Convenience Outlet (Factory units. inch by two-inch nailer strip is also
Powered) A 15A, 115V Ground Fault Integrated Comfort System sensors provided, as well as gasketing to seal
Interrupter convenience outlet shall be used for zone temperature sensing supply and return openings. Curb is 14
factory installed. It shall be wired and when Tracer is communicating with inches high and is approved by the
powered from a factory mounted the rooftop. The sensors are available National Roofing Contractors
transformer. Unit mounted non-fused with options such as sensor only, Association.
disconnect with external handle shall sensor with timed override button, and
be furnished with factory powered a sensor with local temperature
outlet. adjustment control, with timed
override button.
102 RT-PRC010-EN
RT-PRC010-EN 103
AIR HANDLING SYSTEM Controls Direct field wiring to the I/O boards is not
Unit shall be completely factory wired acceptable.
Supply Fan
with necessary control and contactor The microprocessors memory shall be
20 - 75 Ton Units pressure lugs or terminal block for non-volatile EEPROM type requiring no
All supply fans shall have two double power wiring. Units shall provide an battery or capacitive backup, while
inlet, forward-curved fans mounted on a internal location for a non-fused maintaining all data.
common shaft with fixed sheave drive disconnect with external handle for 2
and shall be dynamically balanced and safety. Unit mounted microprocessor
tested in factory. Supply fan shall be test controls shall provide anti-short cycle Zone sensors shall be available in
run in unit as part of unit test and unit timing for compressors to provide a high several combinations with selectable
shall reach rated rpm before the fan shaft level of machine protection. features depending on sensor.
passes through first critical speed. Fan Unit Controller 3
shaft shall be mounted on two grease
lubricated ball bearings designed for DDC microprocessor controls shall be The Human Interface Panels keypad
200,000 hours average life. Optional provided to control all unit functions.The display character format shall be 40
extended grease lines shall allow control system shall be suitable to characters x 2 lines. The character font
greasing of bearings from unit filter control CV or VAV applications.The shall be 5 x 7 dot matrix plus cursor.The
section. Fan motor and fan assembly controls shall be factory-installed and display shall be Supertwist Liquid Crystal
shall be mounted on common base to mounted in the main control panel. All Display (LCD) with blue characters on a
allow consistent belt tension with no factory-installed controls shall be fully gray/green background which provides
relative motion between fan and motor commissioned (run tested) at the factory. high visibility and ease of interface.The
shafts. Entire assembly shall be The unit shall have a Human Interface display format shall be in clear English.
completely isolated from unit and fan Panel with a 16 key keypad, a 2 line X 40 Two or three digit coded displays are not
board by double deflection rubber-in character clear English display as acceptable.
shear isolators, or by optional two-inch standard to provide the operator with full 4
deflection spring isolation. All supply fan adjustment and display of control data
functions. The unit controls shall be used The keypad shall be equipped with
motors meet the U.S. Energy Policy Act 16 individual touch-sensitive membrane
of 1992 (EPACT). as a stand-alone controller, or as part of a
building management system involving key switches.The switches shall be
90 - 130 Ton Units multiple units. divided into four separate sections and
All supply fans shall have two be password protected from change
1 by unauthorized personnel.The six main
independent fan assemblies with double
inlet, air foil fan, motor and fixed pitch The unit shall be equipped with a menus shall be STATUS, SETPOINTS,
sheave drive. All fans shall be statically complete microprocessor control DIAGNOSTICS,
and dynamically balanced and tested in system.This system shall consist of SETUP, CONFIGURATION and SERVICE
factory. Supply fans shall be test run in temperature and pressure (thermistor MODE.
unit as part of unit test. Unit shall reach and transducer) sensors, printed circuit Filters
rated rpm before fan shaft passes boards (modules), and a unit mounted
Human Interface Panel. Modules General
through first critical speed. Fan shafts
shall be mounted on two grease (boards) shall be individually replaceable Filter options shall mount integral within
lubricated ball bearings designed for for ease of service. All microprocessors, unit and be accessible by hinged access
200,000 hours average life. Optional boards and sensors shall be factory panels.
extended grease lines shall allow mounted, wired and tested. No Filters (two inch throwaway filter
greasing of bearings from unit filter The microprocessor boards shall be rack only) option
section. Fan motor and fan assembly stand-alone DDC controls not dependent
shall be mounted on common base to Shall provide a complete set of two-inch
on communications with an on-site PC thick filter racks, without the filter media
allow consistent belt tension with no or a Building Management Network.The
relative motion between fan and motor to accommodate applications which
microprocessors shall be equipped with require field supplied filters.
shafts. Entire assemblies shall be on-board diagnostics, indicating that all
completely isolated from unit and hardware, software and interconnecting No filters (bag/cartridge with prefilter
fan board by two-inch deflection wiring are in proper operating condition. filter rack option)
spring isolators. All supply fan motors Shall provide a long-lasting galvanized
meet the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992 The modules (boards) shall be protected
to prevent RFI and voltage transients steel frame without the filter media to
(EPACT). accommodate applications which
from affecting the boards circuits. All
field wiring shall be terminated at require field supplied filters.
separate, clearly marked terminal strip.
104 RT-PRC010-EN
Standard filters provided shall be two- 50 percent exhaust air fan option factory before being installed in unit.
inch thick throwaway glass fiber filter, One, double inlet, forward-curved fan Exhaust fan shall be test run as part of
30 percent efficient mounted in a metal shall be mounted rigidly to base with unit final run test. Unit shall reach rated
rack. fixed sheave drive. Fan shall be rpm before fan shaft passes through first
Permanent cleanable wire mesh option dynamically balanced and tested in critical speed. Fan shaft shall be
factory. Unit shall reach rated rpm before mounted on two grease lubricated ball
Shall be washable permanent wire mesh bearings designed for 200,000-hour
with metal frame. fan shaft passes through first critical
speed. Fan shaft shall be mounted on average life. Optional extended grease
High efficiency throwaway option two grease lubricated ball bearings lines shall be provided to allow greasing
designed for 200,000 hours average life. of bearings from unit filter section. Fan
Shall be two-inch high efficiency media motor and assembly shall be mounted
filters with average dust spot efficiency Optional extended grease lines shall
allow greasing of bearings from unit on common base to allow consistent
of 25-35 percent and an average belt tension with no relative motion
arrestance in excess of 90 percent when filter section. Barometric dampers at fan
outlet shall prevent air backdraft. Fifty between fan and motor shafts. Entire
tested in accordance with ASHRAE 52- assembly shall be completely isolated
76. percent exhaust fan shall be an on/off
control based on economizer OA from unit and fan board by double
90-95 percent bag filter option damper position. All exhaust fan motors deflection, rubber in shear isolators or
Shall have glass fiber media mounted in meet the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992 spring isolation on motor sizes larger
a galvanized steel frame.These Class 1 (EPACT). than five hp. For both CV and VAV
single piece disposable bag filters shall rooftops, the 100 percent modulating
Modulating 100 percent exhaust air fan exhaust discharge dampers (or VFD)
have a 90-95% dust spot efficiency rating option
per ASHRAE 52-76.To ensure maximum shall be modulated in response to
bag filter life two-inch prefilters shall be Two, double-inlet, forward-curved fans building pressure. A differential pressure
included with the bag filters. shall be mounted on a common shaft control system, (Statitrac), shall use a
with fixed sheave drive. All fans shall be differential pressure transducer to
90-95 percent cartridge filter option dynamically balanced and tested in compare indoor building pressure to
Twelve-inch deep cartridge filters shall factory before being installed in unit. outdoor ambient atmospheric pressure.
be mounted in a galvanized steel frame. Exhaust fan shall be test run in unit as The FC exhaust fan shall be turned on
Filters shall be Class 1 listed by part of unit test. Unit shall reach rated when required to lower building static
Underwriters Laboratories and have a rpm before fan shaft passes through first pressure setpoint.The (Statitrac)
90-95% dust spot efficiency per ASHRAE critical speed. Fan shaft shall be control system shall then modulate the
52-76.To ensure maximum cartridge mounted on two grease lubricated ball discharge dampers (or VFD) to control
filter life, two-inch prefilters shall be bearings designed for 200,000-hour the building pressure to within the
provided. average life. Optional extended grease adjustable, specified dead band that
lines shall be provided to allow shall be adjustable at the Human
Exhaust Air Interface Panel. All exhaust fan motors
greasing of bearings from unit filter
General section. Fan motor and assembly shall meet the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992
Return air options shall include no relief, be mounted on common base to allow (EPACT).
barometric relief, 50 percent exhaust fan, consistent belt tension with no relative
100 percent modulating exhaust fan and motion between fan and motor shafts.
100 percent modulating exhaust fan with On motor sizes larger than five hp
direct space building pressurization entire assembly shall be completely
control. isolated from unit and fan board by
double deflection, rubber in shear
No Relief (standard) isolators or spring isolation. Discharge
Relief air opening shall be sealed with dampers at unit outlet shall modulate
panel and made watertight. exhaust airflow in response to OA
Barometric relief option damper position. All exhaust fan motors
meet the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992
Gravity dampers shall open to relieve (EPACT).
positive pressure in the return air section
of the rooftop. Barometric relief dampers Modulating 100 Percent Exhaust Fan
shall relieve building overpressurization, with Statitrac Control Option
when that overpressurization is great Two, double-inlet, forward-curved fans
enough to overcome the return duct shall be mounted on a common shaft
pressure drops. with fixed sheave drive. All fans shall be
dynamically balanced and tested in
RT-PRC010-EN 105
106 RT-PRC010-EN
Heating System design shall eliminate expansion and allow for adjustment of return air opening
contraction stresses and noises. location. Curb shall be manufactured to
Electric heating option Gasketed cleanout plate shall be National Roofing Contractors Association
All electric heat models shall be provided for cleaning of tubes/ guidelines.
completely assembled and have wired turbulators. Heat exchanger shall be Electronic Zone Sensors
electric heating system integral within factory pressure and leak tested. Zone Sensors shall provide two
the rooftop unit. Heavy duty nickel Burner shall be a stainless steel temperature setpoint levers, Heat,
chromium elements internally wired industrial type with an air proving Auto, Off, or Cool system switch, Fan
with a maximum density of 40 watts per switch to prevent burner operation if Auto or Fan On switch. Optional status
square inch shall be provided. Heater the burner is open for maintenance or indication LED lights, System On,
circuits shall be 48 amps or less, each inspection. Ceramic cone shall be Heat, Cool, and Service shall be
individually fused. Automatic reset high provided to shape the flame to prevent available. These sensors shall be
limit control shall operate through heater impingement on sides of heat used with CV units.
backup contactors. The 460 and 575 volt exchanger drum. Burner assembly Programmable Night Setback Sensors
electric units shall have optional factory shall house ignition and monitoring shall be electronic programmable
mounted non-fused disconnect switch electrode. sensors with auto or manual
located in the main control panel to Combustion Blower shall be changeover with 7 day programming.
serve the entire unit. The 200 and 230 centrifugal type fan to provide air Keyboard shall provide selection of
volt SEHF models shall have separate required for combustion. Fan motor Heat, Cool, Fan Auto or On. All
power supply to heating section. All shall have built-in thermal overload programmable sensors shall have
voltages of the SEHG models shall have protection. System On, Heat, Cool, Service LED/
single power supply to serve the entire Gas Safety Controls shall include indicators as standard. Night setback
unit. electronic flame safety controls to sensors shall have (1) Occupied,
Steam heating option require proving of combustion air prior (1) Unoccupied and (2) Override
to ignition sequence which shall programs per day. Sensors shall be
Steam coils shall be Type NS, with non- include a 60 second pre-purge cycle.
freeze steam distribution circuits. available for CV zone temperature
Direct spark ignition shall be provided control and VAV Supply Air
Distributor tubes shall be located on 235 and 350 MBh heat exchangers
concentrically within condensing tubes temperature control.
and pilot ignition shall be provided on VAV zone sensor shall be provided
to assure even steam distribution. Coils 500, 850 and 1000 MBh heat
shall be pitched to provide complete with supply air single temperature
exchanger units. Sixty second delay setpoint and AUTO/OFF system switch.
drainage. Steam modulating valve with shall be provided between first and
actuator shall be provided. Status indication LED lights shall
second stage gas valve operation on include: System On, Heat, Cool and
Hot water heating option two-stage heaters. Continuous Service. Sensor shall be provided for
electronic flame supervision shall be zone temperature control with VAV
Hot water coils shall be Type W and provided as standard.
factory mounted in the rooftop unit to units.
Full Modulation Gas Heaters shall be Remote Sensor shall be available to be
provide complete drainage of coil. Hot made from grades of stainless steel
water modulating valve with actuator used for remote zone temperature
suitable for condensing situations. The sensing capabilities when zone
shall be provided. heater shall have a turn down ratio of sensors are used as Remote panels.
Gas-fired heating option at least 4 to 1. Fast Warm-Up Sensor shall be used
All gas-fired units shall be completely Limited Modulation Gas Heaters shall as Morning warm-up sensor with
assembled and have a wired gas fired have a minimum turn down ratio of at VAV units.
heating system integral within unit. Units least 3 to 1. Integrated Comfort System sensors
shall be UL or CSA approved specifically Accessories shall be available with sensor only,
for outdoor applications downstream sensor with timed override, and sensor
from refrigerant cooling coils. All gas Roof Mounting Curb with local temperature setpoint
piping shall be threaded connection with Roof mounting curb shall be heavy gauge adjustment with timed override.
a pipe cap provided. Gas supply zinc coated steel with nominal two-inch by Remote Minimum Position
connection shall be provided through four-inch nailer setup. Supply/return air Potentiometer shall be available to
the side or bottom of unit. All units shall opening gasketing shall be provided. remotely adjust the minimum position
be fire tested prior to shipment. Curb shall ship knocked down for easy setting of the unit economizer.
Heat Exchanger shall be tubular two assembly. Channel shall be provided to
pass design with stainless steel primary
and secondary surfaces. Free floating
RT-PRC010-EN 107
Literature Order Number RT-PRC010-EN
File Number PL-RT-S*HF/S*HG-20-130TONS-RT-PRC010-EN-0106
Supersedes RT-PRC010-EN 0504
A business of American
Standard Companies Stocking Location Webb/Mason
For more information contact your
local district office, or e-mail us at Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.