6 ICSE - Early Vedic Period Test: Short Answer Questions (1 Mark Each)
6 ICSE - Early Vedic Period Test: Short Answer Questions (1 Mark Each)
6 ICSE - Early Vedic Period Test: Short Answer Questions (1 Mark Each)
Q4. Apart from Vedas, name two important religious books of the Aryans.
Q5. What was the new language brought to India by the Aryans?
Q6. Name the four classes of the caste system followed by the Aryans.
Q7. What was the head of the family called during the early Vedic period?
Q8. What was the caste system during the early Vedic era called?
Q1. What was the position of women during the Rig Vedic period?
Q3. Differentiate between Early Vedic Period and Later Vedic Period.
Q4. What was the cause of the extinction of the Harappan Civilization?
Q5. How was religion practiced during the early Vedic period?