Project Assignment 4: Markov Chain
Project Assignment 4: Markov Chain
Project Assignment 4: Markov Chain
In the wonderful book The Practice of Programming (POP), by Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike,
the authors describe an algorithm known as the Markov chain algorithm. Before you begin this
assignment, read chapter three (link on Moodle) of that book to gain an understanding of the
algorithm. The algorithm is also explained below and in other sources you may discover. The
excerpt from the book describes two implementations in C and in Java. This treatment of the
Markov chain problem is useful, even though we will be implementing a slightly different
version in Python. Note that this reading is mainly to provide background information.
Learning Goals
General Information
Read this entire document. If, after a careful reading, something seems ambiguous or unclear to
you, then communicate to the course staff immediately. Start this assignment as soon as possible.
Do not wait until the night the assignment is due to tell us you dont understand something, as
our ability to help you will be minimal.
Reminder: Copying partial or whole solutions, obtained from other students or elsewhere, is
academic dishonesty. Do not share your code with your classmates, and do not use your
classmates code. If you are confused about what constitutes academic dishonesty you should re-
read the course syllabus and policies. We assume you have read the course information in detail
and by submitting this assignment you have provided your virtual signature in agreement with
these policies.
Grading: You are responsible for submitting project assignments that compile and are
configured correctly. If your project submission does not follow these policies exactly you may
receive a grade of zero for this assignment. Code that does not run will receive a score of zero
For all assignments, you must use the script provided to zip up your code. Your code file,
class and method names must match exactly to the specification we provide. Refer to our
coding style guide for naming and style conventions.
The course staff are here to help you figure out errors (not solve them for you), BEFORE
you submit your solution. When you submit your solution, be sure to remove all
compilation errors from your project. Any compilation errors in your project will cause
the auto-grader to fail your assignment, and you will receive a zero for your submission.
No Exceptions!
The Markov chain algorithm has two phases: build and generate. In the build phase, you create a
transition table for an order-2 Markov Chain. The table, or chain, consists of mappings from
prefixes to suffixes. Prefixes are a tuple of words that represent the current state. A suffix is a
tuple of words which represent possible states that one could transition to. An order-2 chain
means that we will use two words for our prefix. We will not be concerned with expanding this
to accommodate other orders, but you can imagine how that might be done.
Consider the following table of prefix and suffix pairs generated by the following text (Note that
the use of [] and {} does not indicate Python data structures- it is purely for notation).
[\n,\n] = {This : 1}
[is, a] = {nice : 1}
[a, nice] = {sentence. : 1}
The process starts with a prefix of two sentinel characters. In this case, we are using newline
characters as blank characters for the first two prefixes to start the building process. We also
use the newline character as a sentinel in the sense that this character will be used to stop the
generation process. Although it is not technically a word, it will be used in prefixes and
suffixes, so well define it as NONWORD. We will be processing text files on a line by line
basis. The newline character at the end of each line will be ignored. NONWORD will be added
to the chain as the suffix to the last prefix; after the last line has been read and processed.
After the start prefix has been processed, for each following prefix, the word following the last
prefix word is entered into the suffix associated with that prefix. A new prefix is created by
shifting the suffix word into the new prefix, so that the first word in the new prefix is the
second word of the old prefix, etc. Notice that a suffix is represented by a bag of words, where
each word is a key mapped to a frequency count. That way, each unique word appears once in
any suffix. We do not care about punctuation, so that sentence is considered a different word
that sentence..
Once your transition table is complete, you can use it to generate random text. You generate text
(words) by choosing a prefix, then uniformly randomly selecting a word in its suffix. This word
goes on the list of words you are generating. It is also shifted into the prefix for the next
lookup. The number of words to generate, num_words, is given to the program.
Start by selecting the prefix [\n,\n] in the map. That maps to the suffix containing
[This]. The only choice here is to select the word This for the output string, then shift
it into the prefix to get: [\n, This].
Next, look up the prefix [\n, This] in the map. This maps to the suffix [is].
You have only one choice, to take the word is,
Shifting into the prefix we get [This, is], which maps to [a, another, another].
This is where the randomization comes in. Since there are 3 words in the suffix, 1/3 of
the time you will select the word a and 2/3 of the time you will select another. Let's
imagine that in this example you happened to choose another.
The next prefix would be: [is, another].
Looking up [is, another] we get [sentence., sentence.].
No choice here, choose sentence and then consider the prefix [another, sentence.].
Looking up [another, sentence.] obtains [This] 50% of the time and [\n] 50% of the
The process stops if we happened to choose \n (which in our program is NONWORD).
If This was chosen, then we will next consider [sentence.,This].
The process continues until the number of words generated equals num_words, or a
suffix word \n, or NONWORD is chosen.
After you download and unzip the starter kit you should take some time reviewing the provided
code and comments.
In addition to the two source files, and, we provide a set of texts for
you to analyze in the books directory.
Your submission files and all functions must be named exactly as above to receive credit for this
assignment. The following section provides a description of the modules and functions that you
must define and implement in each file. Remember that you must define these signatures exactly
to receive any credit for this assignment.
The only looping constructs allowed, for or while loop, are in the line_gen and pairs_gen
Module Interfaces
Takes two parameters- the first and second word for the prefix.
Returns a tuple: (first, second)
Takes a tuple and a word as parameters, returns a new tuple with word in second and
second in first. For example, if the prefix passed in was: ('the' 'big') and the word passed
in was 'dog', this function would return this tuple: ('big' 'dog').
module suffix: Functions that provide an interface to an Immutable dictionary (class ImmDict)
imports ImmDict
Returns an instance of the ImmDict class- an empty immutable dictionary.
Takes a suffix and a word as parameters, returns a new ImmDict instance with word
added to its list. The function adds the word as a key and increments that keys frequency
count if it exists in the suffix. If not, it enters the word with a frequency of 1.
Takes three parameters: a chain (an ImmDict), a prefix, and a randomizer. It finds the
suffix (also an ImmDict) associated with the prefix in the chain. It then randomly chooses
a word in the suffix and returns it. Note that your function must choose with uniform
probability. For example, if there are three words in the suffix with these frequencies:
also:3, been:5, there:1
Your algorithm must choose also approximately 33% of the time, been about 56% of
the time, and there about 11% of the time. You will want to write helper functions to
implement this feature. Remember that no for or while loop code is allowed, so write
recursive functions and use HOFs (listcomps OK) if you need them.
module immdict
class ImmDict: A class representing an immutable dictionary (ImmDict).
This class wraps a Python dictionary to provide an immutable version. This
class is used to store the markov chain as prefix-suffix pairs. The keys are the
prefix tuples. The value mapped to a key is a suffix, which is also represented
by an immutable dictionary (ImmDict).
A constructor that initializes the class to the empty dictionary: a Python dictionary {}.
Takes a key, and a value, as parameters. Returns a new ImmDict instance with the
parameters added to its dictionary. Note: you want to copy the existing dictionary, add
the k,v args, and then create the new instance.
Takes a key parameter and returns the value mapped to that key. Returns None if the key
does not exist.
No parameters. Returns a (copy) of the list of keys in the dictionary.
No parameters. Returns a (copy) of the list of keys in the dictionary.
module builder: The functions in this module build the Markov chain. A text file is passed in
as well as a randomizer (see the markov and markov_main modules). A
Markov chain is returned as an ImmDict instance.
Imports prefix and suffix.
A variable defined as \n.
Takes a file name as a parameter. Returns an ImmDict instance- the chain. Calls
pairs_gen and passes that to build_chain.
Takes three parameters: a function to add a prefix, word pair (a tuple), to an ImmDict
object (see spec for add_to_chain), a generator object (an iterator) that produces prefix,
word pairs as tuples (supplied by pairs_gen), and an empty ImmDict object. The
function returns an ImmDict object containing the complete Markov chain. Hint: use
reduce here.
Takes two parameters: the chain (an ImmDict object), and a pair, which is a tuple
containing a prefix, itself a tuple, and the following word in the text. It returns a new
ImmDict with the pair added to it. If the prefix exists in the data structure the word
frequency count will be increased in its suffix. If the prefix does not exist, a new pair will
be added. Calls the suffix function add_word.
Takes a file name as a parameter. Returns a generator object that produces lines from the
text file upon demand. A loop is allowed here as it is fully encapsulated.
Takes a file name and a line generating function (such as line_gen) as parameters. It
calls the line generating function to get the lines of text. It returns a generator that
produces tuples. Each of these tuples contains a prefix (itself a tuple) and the following
word in the text. At the start, it creates the starting prefix contains (NONWORD ,
NONWORD) and pairs it with the first word in the first line. It then shifts that word in to
the next prefix, and so on. In processing the lines of text, it must keep track of the last
two words in a line as that will be the sliding prefix for the next line. Note that the last
tuple returned will include the last prefix and NONWORD. A loop is allowed here as it is
fully encapsulated.
module generator: The functions in this module generate a string of words chosen from the
Markov chain built by the builder module. A Markov chain (an ImmDict)
and the number of words to generate are the inputs to this module. It
outputs the words as a string. Imports prefix and suffix.
Takes a Markov chain, a prefix, a randomizer function, an int- the number of words to
generate, and NONWORD as parameters. Calls the suffix function choose_word. It
returns a tuple of words with length equal to the number of words passed in- unless the
NONWORD sentinel was encountered first. Note that this function may not be written
with a for or while loop.
Takes a Markov chain, a randomizer function, an int- the number of words to generate,
and the NONWORD as parameters. It returns a string containing the words returned from
Figure 2: The Generator Module
In Figure 1, the pairs_gen takes a line of text, supplied by line_gen, as input and outputs a
generator that produces a (prefix, word) tuples at each iteration. This function must maintain a
sliding window during the reading of all of the lines of the text file, so it needs to save the
current prefix from one line to another. The current prefix begins as the empty prefix,
(NONWORD, NONWORD). At the end of one line the prefix will be the last two words in that
line. It will be applied to the first word of the next line. When the last line has been processed,
the remaining prefix will be paired with the sentinel NONWORD.
Generation involves moving through the chain in the way previously described. The word in a
suffix is chosen by calling the suffix method choose_word. The suffix module defines all of
the functions required to carry out the uniform random selection as described above. Words are
chosen until the specified word count has been reached, or NONWORD is chosen. This
effectively ends the generation.
Part 3: Testing
Develop your code incrementally, testing as you make progress. Dont write a lot of code and
then test it. Remember that we will not assess code that does not run at this point.
Functions that are self-contained are easier to test that code with side effects. Write a simple
version of a function and then write a test for it. Simulate the inputs with something really
simple. For example, if one of the inputs is a stream (generator), simulate that with a list of a few
of the types of elements that the real stream would generate. Remember that the higher order
built in functions are looking for an iterator, so you can test with a list.
Write helper functions if you need to. Test them in isolation. No matter how simple, test it before
you rely on it! Note that this takes time, but if you want full credit and a piece of working
software, this is the best way to achieve that end.
When you are confident a function works, test it in integration with other functions it is called by
or that it calls.
When you are ready to read text from files, try text files with these sequences:
a, a, b and a, a, a, b
For a second order Markov chain trained on the sequence a, a, a, b you would generate the
Prefix Suffix
[\n, a] = {a:1}
[a, b] = {\n}
The \n character is defined as NONWORD in the builder module. Showing \n here for
This ensures you are checking the start and stop conditions and are making the chain properly.
Once you are building the correct structure, try a text file with the three lines from the example
used in part 2. Then, make up a larger text file and try that. Finally, try the files in the books
directory. (Note that the use of [] and {} does not indicate Python data structures- it is purely for
notation). This code may take several minutes to complete on the larger files. Let the code run
until it completes. Make sure it does complete.
Run the script to zip up your files and submit them to the Moodle assignment before the due