The Magic of Feng Shui

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Tke Magic of Sieeti CONTENTS 1, Feng Shui and Vaastu ER eee Feng Shui 3. Schools of Feng Shui 4. Trinity of Luck . Feng Shui as a Whole . Understanding Feng Shui . Qi, Ch’i or Energy . How Feng Shui Works? 5. 6. 7, 8. Principles of Feng Shui ¥, 0. 10. Selection of Sites —42-Roads —+3.-External Factors of House or Building 4. Construction and Renovati 15. . Fences, Gate and Garrage 6. Building 17. Internal Factors of House or Building 18. 19. 20. . Entrance . Main House Door ). Windows . Beams and Columns . Staircase Living Room . Bed Room . Dining Room . Kitchen and Store . Toilet and Bathroom . Altar or Worship Place zs i arden ). The Ba-Gua . Space Clearing . Eight Basic Cures . Feng Shui for Career . Feng Shui for Love and Relationships . Feng Shui for Family and Health . Feng Shui for Wealth and Prosperity . Feng Shui for Earth - You . Feng Shui for Helpful People and Travel . Feng Shui for Children and Creativity ). Feng Shui for Knowledge and Skills . Feng Shui for Fame and Reputation . Remedies Installation with Affirmations . Feng Shui About Love . Feng Shui for Business and Office . Moving to a New Place . Interior Decorations + Quick and Effective Feng Shui Cures . Colours in Feng Shui . Numbers in Feng Shui . Your Kua Number . Basic Chinese Numerology . Lo-Shu Grid . Feng Shui For Personal Development . Feng Shui Solutions . Do’s and Dont’s in Feng Shui . 108 Feng Shui Ways to Good Fortune . Do it Yourself Feng Shui Charts THE MAGIC OF FENG SHU The literal meaning of Feng Shui is wind and water. We have energy all around us. Some of this energy is positive and some of it is not. Winds carry energies, which stop at the water’s edge. The sourcing of these energies and how to maneuver it is important in the study of Feng Shui. It is an alternate science and art of placement, which is more than 5000 years old. It was used by the ancients to bring them health, wealth and overall prosperity. In old days, it was used by royalty and the elite only. We use it, in the present times to harmonize our surroundings and bring balance into all areas of our lives i.e. health, wealth, relationships, creativity etc. by orientation of a premise. Harmony is also sought by coordinating the space and energy flow by placement of objects, through interior design, which allows the Life force/Qi/Prana, to flow smoothly, bringing prosperity, that we seek, into our lives, while eliminating or reducing the most harmful or negative features. FENG SHUI AND VAASTU Ca - Difference between Feng Shui and Vaastu 1. Most importantly, Vaastu is the precursor to Feng Shui. The great emperor Ashok sent Buddhist Gurus to enlighten and share the Vedic understanding through Buddhism to places outside of India (a lot of people outside of India still do not know that Buddhism is an off-shoot of Vedic dharma). 2. Vaastu is more scientific, whereas, Feng Shui is a more compromising belief. 3. Vaastu has a strict understanding about nature, whereas, Feng Shui has a flexible understanding of nature. 4. Vaastu insists that you cannot conquer nature but can merge into nature whereas Feng Shui has elemental theories to overcome nature. For example, if your house is facing west then you can place a mirror there to reflect and rectify the mistake. However, Vaastu says you cannot fool nature with mirrors and photos. 5. Vaastu uses the five scientific elements: fire, water, earth, air, and sky (cosmic energy). Feng Shui uses five elements also: water, metal, wood, earth, and fire. Using common sense, you may discover that ‘Earth’ already contains wood and metal. Why would anyone want to separate them? Where is air and cosmic energy in Feng Shui? Without air and cosmic energy there is no motion nor is there a magnetic field. 6. Vaastu considers white and yellow soil good for construction, while Feng Shui stresses on a reddish or yellowish soil. 7. Vaastu considers a north east directional flow of water being conducive to fame and prosperity, while Feng Shui has no preferred water-flow direction, except that there should be a body of water in front of the main entrance of the house. 8. Vaastu stresses that windows should be located in the north, east or northeast sides, while Feng Shui considers the north as ‘evil’, and prefers the windows in the south. 9. The kitchen, according to Vaastu, should be in the southeast corner, but Feng Shui has no such restrictions, except for the store which has to be in the south or east. 10. The north is considered as a door to spirituality according to Feng Shui and Vaastu dictates that it is governed by Kuber, the lord of wealth. 11. The northeast is a symbol of evil, so says Feng Shui, but in Vaastu, the direction is governed by Ish, the Lord Supreme. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Feng Shui Advantages: Feng Shui is gadget oriented. Where there are buildings, which cannot be altered to suit Vaastu, Feng Shui remedies can be tried. Whether it is a small apartment or small business offices, Feng Shui may be applicable to all. The gadgets are not expensive and by trial and error one can find their ideal placements. Disadvantages: The landscape preferred in Feng Shui does not appear to be correct with factual studies. Feng Shui appears to be more suited to China where desert storms in the north make China’s requirements for mountains in the northern side. Vaastu appears more universal in approach compared to Feng Shui. The effect of Vaastu have been seen to be the same over vast stretches of the continent, for example, buildings constructed as far away in Australia, England or America. However, one has to accept that the gadgets themselves are capable of changing the atmosphere inside the structure. Experiments of these gadgets have proved that they can bring good results. Vaastu is more scientific and almost a decade of study in thousands of buildings by various experts in India has established beyond doubt that geography recommended by Vaastu is the best. HISTORY OF FENG SHUI There are conflicting accounts to how Feng Shui history has been shaped. Feng Shui, as a practical philosophy, exist before the Chinese learnt to write. The ancient wise people used the most original and basic binary form of “Yin” and “Yang” to reason the events of the world around them. The fundamentals to the practice of Feng Shui were laid out in ancient China by shamans, diviners, and kings. The fundamentals included the use of a compass, the Ba Gua, and the theory of change (I-Ching). According to some of the resources, the first references in writing to Feng Shui were done in 2700 B.C.. The practice developed over time as the practitioners started making notes on how fortunes changed over time and environment. In the 11th century B.C, Wen Wang, the king of Zhou (what is, today, the northwest part of China called FuXi) was put in Shang’s royal jail because he was accused of rebelling against the Shang emperor. Worried about the fate of his country, he studied I Ching and extended the interpretation of motion and change to this ancient theory. According to the history written by his descendants, he successfully predicted the falling of Shang and the raising of Zhou. The famous study notes became official interpretation of I-Ching, frequently called, the “Book of Change”. I-Ching was the most popular book among the Zhou dynasty scholars. The famous ones including Lao Tzu, who started the Tao philosophy, and Confucius. This also marked the first division in I-Ching scholars that was ever recorded. Taoism, enriched the theory with the Yin-Yang coexistence and exchange cycle idea and was the first (in writing) to point out that there is no absolute good or bad. The philosophy known as Taoism, is heavily rooted in I-Ching. On the other hand, Confucius, inspired by the idea of great harmony, dreamed of building a perfect government through the process of building perfect human being. In the Zhou dynasty, the compass was invented. A sophisticated lunar calendar based on the 10 celestial stems and 12 earthly branches emerged. By marking the compass with the 10 celestial stems and 12 earthly branches, space and time met the first time. The Taoism practitioners used the new invention in their study of I-Ching. In Han dynasty and long after; Taoism was the most fashionable study for well to do Chinese scholars, who had too much time, money and wisdom. They also implemented the application of Taoism and I-Ching to the every day practice. The application of object placement inside and outside the house is known as Feng Shui. Because it is rooted in I-Ching’s binary language, Eastern Feng Shui is extremely technical. It also took away many people’s dreams by telling them there are certain destinies that are ‘set’ based on their date of birth, which could not be altered. This cut and dry type of Feng Shui is more and more becoming extinct and moving farther away from the Confucians’ wish of constant pursuit for perfection. Although frequently criticized by the students of Confucius, the application reached deeply into people’s everyday life. The palaces and tombs of the royal families built in Tang dynasty (618-907) and all the following dynasties strictly followed the prescription of the Feng Shui requirement. When Buddhism reached China, it soon absorbed the Feng Shui principles combining it with it’s own practices. The historical Buddhism temples, most located in the famous anouatalns in China, are all build with the idea of Feng Shui in mind. Development of Schools During the East Han Dynasty, the first written evidence about Feng Shui was uncovered. Moreover, it is widely held that Feng Shui theory is primarily based on Yin/Yang theory - ‘Everything needs to be balanced or leveled.’ By the time of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - 219 A.D.), the principles of k’an-yu (Feng Shui), or the study of energy carried in landforms, were laid out. The main developers were Taoists Huang-shih Kung and Ch’ing Wu, who claimed that particularly mountains and rivers were filled with vital energy. This energy, it was believed, could decide the fortunes of a kingdom. If the capital was built on land with energy forces working for the kingdom, the fortunes were given a positive direction. In the Feng Shui history, the geomantic compass, Lo-Pan, was first introduced in the T’ang Dynasty (618-906 A.D.). The Lo-Pan, which features twenty-four directions and seventeen rings, was incorporated into k’an-yu practice. In 960-1279 A.D. the practice of Hsuan-k’ung school was founded. This practice includes the evaluations of buildings as well as landforms. The evaluation for buildings incorporated the Flying Stars System, which combines information about the direction of the building, the year it was built, and the use of pa- k’ua to find out the energies of a building. Reported last phase in the history of Feng Shui development occurred during the Ch’ing dynasty (1644-1911) and the Republic China period (1911-1949), During the Ch’ing Dynasty, Jo-kuan Tao-jen founded the Pa-chai (Eight Mansions) School. This school is applied exclusively to the Feng Shui of residences. During the Republic years, the Hsuan-k’ung school added the principles of landform classification, to aid in the evaluation of the Feng Shui of a building. Today, these ancient practices are generally called the Four Schools of traditional Chinese Feng Shui. The schools are known as San-yuan, San-ho, Hsu an-k’ung, and Pa-chai. SCHOOLS OF FENG SHUI In the last 6000 years many different schools of Feng Shui have been developed. Almost all have two things in common, the form school on one side and the rules of the five elements. The most popular are: ¢ The form school ¢ The eight mansions school ¢ Form and time school (KUAN KONG Feng Shui) ¢ The Black hat sect Feng Shui + Intuitive Feng Shui THE FORM SCHOOL A good form is a large mountain at the back of the house (in the north), mountains to the east and some smaller mountains to the west. In the front open space, a lake or a slowly meandering river. Cold winds from the north are blocked and the house is protected. This form is close to an armchair. os it The backrest is called the giant turtle. The armrest in the east is the green dragon. The armrest in the west is the white tiger. image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available UNDERSTANDING THE FENG SHUI al Feng Shui literally means ‘wind’ and ‘water’, respectively. It is an ancient Chinese art of creating harmonious surroundings to bring one happiness, prosperity and good health. The Chinese strongly believe that environmental forces, like wind and water, should be ideally positioned in the universe to enhance the balance of nature. The Yin- Yang concept of the Chinese links nature with man, and governs the universe. The ch’i, or cosmic force, is the most important principle of Feng Shui. The Ch’i pervading every nook of the universe helps plants and crops to grow and flourish, brings harmony within society, and moves within the body as prana or life-force. Feng Shui provides necessary knowledge in planning a building, and its internal environment. Feng Shui - Meaning 1. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art, which had its origin in India during Buddha’s existence. 2. It is a system, which links man and his fate to his surroundings. 3. It helps in bringing health, wealth and happiness. 4. It gives us guidance as to how we can alter our surroundings in order to bring harmony into our life. 5. It provides necessary information on suitable decor for the house. image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available your home and office should incorporate attributes of both. Only enhance one aspect more than the other when you intend to create a space that holds that energy for a purpose, such as a predominantly relaxing yin room for meditation or an active and ively yang recreation room. Yin attributes include: + Shapes: soft contours and curves, round or irregular shapes, low-level, and open. « Colours: muted, pastels, and cool colours, such as green, blue, gray, or black. « Sensations: sensuous, soft, relaxing, quiet, receptive, yielding, feminine, safety, loose, nurturing, comfortable, cozy, cool, peaceful, tranquil, and dark. + Objects: pillows, flowers, plants, water features, and ceramics. + Activities: resting, sleeping, meditating, reading, massage, and listening to relaxing music. Yang attributes include: . Shapes: rigid, upright, straight, long, tall, angles, narrow and sharp. + Colours: warm, bright colours, such as red, yellow, and gold. + Sensations: hard, tight, hot, stimulating, lively, passionate, playful, noisy, active, simplicity, and precision. * Objects: angular, pets, animal figurines, bright lights, TVs and stereo equipment. « Activities: action, parties, children playing, business meetings, and listening to upbeat music. THE PA KUA The Pa Kua (sometimes spelled Ba Gua) is the familiar eight sided figure that appears in every book of Feng Shui. This usually has a mirror in the middle and the eight trigrams of the I Ching arranged around the sides of the Pa Kua. You can pick the Pa Kua in any new age shop, in any china town around the world and in many gift shops. Some Feng Shui practitioners suggest that you hang an early heaven arrangement Pa Kua in your window or front door to reflect evil influences away from the house, as this Pa Kua is protective. It would be well worth putting up a Pa Kua if your home fronts on to something unpleasant, but a polished brass convex brass plaque would do just as well. THE PA KUA AND THE I CHING The eight trigrams of the I Ching are arranged around the eight sides of the Pa Kua. The trigrams of the I Ching take eight forms, ranging from three unbroken Yang lines through every variation to three broken Yin lines. Each of these has a meaning and each has two popular names, one of which relates to a geographical or a meteorological feature and another relates to a family member. Each trigram also relates to a direction, a colour and a season. The directions link up exactly with those of the Magic square, so the Pa Kua can be used in its place. When we look at the Pa Kua and the Magic Square together we can see the connections. The Pa Kua has eight sides and a Center, while the Magic Square has eight sides and a central number. HOW FENG SHUI WORKS? To make Feng Shui work for you, it is important to look not just at your home and it’s furnishing but the circumstances and goals in making changes in your life, be they personal or professional. One of the main keys it to; “Keep your Attention on your Intention!” Five Elements The Chinese believe everything is in a constant state of change between the 5 elements or forces of nature called “Wu- Xing”: the theory of the five aspects -which states that, whilst we are a combination of all of the elements or aspects, we do tend to display predominantly the characteristics of one over the others. These aren’t literally elements but qualities, constantly overcoming each other in a continuous cycle. + Wood (Mu) - The Pioneer - expansive, purposeful, active, likes to be busy, can be domineering, needs to win, practical, should avoid chilly breezes. « Fire (Huo) - The Magician - compassionate, intuitive, communicative, likes pleasure, seeks excitement, likes to be in love, easily bored, should avoid heat. ¢ Earth (Tu) - The Diplomat - moderate, sense of loyalty, harmonious, likes to belong, pays attention to detail, likes company, needs to be needed, can be stubborn, should avoid lamp. « Metal (Chin) - The Catalyst - organised, likes to control, precise, discriminating, needs to be right, likes order and cleanliness, appreciates quality, should avoid dryness. « Water (Shui) - The Philosopher - imaginative, honest, clever, seeks knowledge, original, tough, independent, can be secretive, needs to be protected, should avoid cold. It can be a creative and productive relationship; woods fuels fire, fire burns to ash or earth; earth give mineral or metal; when heated, metal flows like water; and water nourishes wood. In the destructive and negative relationship: wood takes nutrients from the earth; earth pollutes or absorbs water; water kills fire; fire melt metal and metal chops wood. Creative Cycle: Water -> Wood -> Fire -> Earth -> Metal -> Water. oe i —< Ve if ay « Water: Water flows into wood and it obtains nutrition from it. Thus water leads to the growth of the wood. « Wood: Fully grown ups wood is used to light fire and increase it. « Fire: Excessive fire leads to ash, which forms the earth. ¢ Earth: Earth settles gradually and becomes strong and hard. Such earth is converted into metal (metals are obtained from earth’s crust). « Metal: Solid metal is melted down for the use and this again gives rise to water. Destructive Cycle: Water-> Fire -> Metal -> Wood -> Earth -> Water ges, cc e& ef « Water: Water extinguishes fire elements, However excessive fire even evaporates water. « Fire: Fire melts metal elements. However excessive metal even extinguishes fire. + Metal: Metal cuts woods just as an axe cuts trees and destroys forests. However excessive wood prevents the formation of metal in the earth. « Wood: Wood goes deep down into the earth (Soil) and absorbs its fertility. Infective earth cannot grow wood. « Earth: Water is obstructed by earth. Water is controlled by cams: However excessive water even wipes out or washes away earth Balancing Cycle: Water e& <- Wood 2B -> Fire J > Metal Fire Metal Qa < Water oe 2 > Earth woo <- Fire i a Earth x < Metal Go e& + Water <- Wood -> Fire: Water ceases fire. At such places the elements of wood should be introduced to absorb water and increase fire. « Fire <- Earth -> Metal: Fire melts metals. At such places the elements of earth should be introduced to extinguish fire and aid the formation/Presence of metals. « Metal <- Water -> Wood: Metals cuts wood. At such places the element of water should be introduced to melt metal and enable the growth of wood through water. + Wood <- Fire -> Earth: At places where wood penetrates earth, introduces fire elements to control growth of wood so as to Wood control growth of wood so as to enable the growth of earth. « Earth <- Metal -> Water: In order to decrease earth element, which restricts the flow introduce metal elements, as metal strengths earth and increases water. For harmony and good Feng Shui, the relationship between the elements needs to be productive. Each of the elements is associated with a direction and the fifth, earth is associated with the center. Each also has corresponding shapes and colours. Characteristics of Five Elements Wood Water Fire Metal Earth Season Spring Winter Summer Autumn Between DirectionEas/SE North South West/NWSW/NE Colour Green Blue/Black Red White — Ochre Shape RectangleWavy TriangularRound — Square Energy Outward DescendingUpwards Inwards Sideways Numbers3, 4 L 9 6,7 2,5,8 Feng Shui is all about balance of Yin and Yang by using the 5 universal element i.e. symbology, colours, shape to harmonies one and other. Hence rendering peace, health and prosperity. Wood B The wood element is associated with trees. The nature of a tree is at once connected to both the earth and the heavens. Its roots are firmly grounded in the earth and its branches reach towards the sky and heaven. Trees are considered sacred by many ancient and modern cultures. Wood can be pliant and bending like a willow, or strong and sturdy like an oak. When there is just the right amount of the wood element in an environment, the qualities of creativity, innovation, trust, flexibility, and cooperation are present. Wood relates to being social and active in the community. On the negative side, when too much of the wood element is present, there can be a lack of creative flow, over expansion, a sense of having too much going on, and the feeling of being overwhelmed. Wood also represents the spring, new growth, and the colour green. It is connected to the direction east, where the sun rises. In the life cycle, wood symbolizes babies and young children. Qualities of the wood element are found in the following sources: « Wood-building materials, such as wood floors, decking, paneling and roof shingles. « Wood furniture and furnishings, such as tables, chairs, cabinetry, armoires, and accessory objects. « Trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers, both indoors and outdoors. Also man-made plants and flowers, such as those made from fabric and plastic. + All natural plant-based and organic materials and fabrics. « Fabric and textiles with floral prints depicting leaves, plants and flowers. « Art that shows gardens, landscapes, flowers and trees. Shapes that resemble trees, such as columns, beams, pedestals and poles. The colours of the green spectrum, including teal, blue-greens and aquamarine. Fire oY The fire element represents passion, energy, and enthusiasm. Fire is warming and is the element of the natural leader. In Chinese culture, fire is said to rule the eyes and intelligence because these show a person’s inner light. It is connected to the direction south, for the sun. Therefore libraries, schools, and other creative and intellectual endeavours, as well as any manufacturing that utilizes fire, should be oriented towards the south under the element of fire. Fire also represents summer and the colours of the red spectrum. In the life cycle, ire symbolizes youth. On the negative side, fire can be too hot and dangerous. When here is an overabundance of fire, it burns and can be destructive, Qualities of the fire element are found in the following sources: Things that represent light and fire, such as fireplaces, candles, direct sunshine and abundant natural light, lighting elements, and electrical devices, such as TVs, stereos and computers. « Art, objects and materials that represent the sun or fire. « Art, objects, or materials that represent animals and people. Animals, either pets or wildlife. Things that are made from animals or look as if they are, such as leather, wool, feathers, fur, or textiles in animal prints. + Shapes that suggest triangles, cones and pyramids. + The colour spectrum of red, pink and orange. Earth x The earth element provides stability and grounding. Therefore it is related to legacies, land, and real estate. It also represents the qualities of patience, honesty, and being methodical. Earth is connected to the center of all the directions and, in the life cycle, the teenage years. In the negative, when there is too much earth element present an environment can feel demanding, overly attentive, and suffocating. You will find the properties of the earth element in the following sources: « Earthenware objects, such as vases and pottery. * Ceramic objects, such as tiles, tableware and decorative pieces. . Builing materials made from stucco, adobe, brick and earthen tile. « Art, decorative fabrics, or textiles depicting a landscape, such as a Southwestern desert or canyon, or a field of flowing wheat. + Shapes, such as squares and rectangles. + The colours of the spectrum, featuring yellows, cream, earth tones and browns. Metal qq The metal element indicates business, prosperity, and financial success. Because metal symbolizes coins and rocks, one of the types of businesses that can benefit from the influence of this element is a jewellry shop. Hardware stores also fall under the category of metal. Buildings that house businesses that deal in money, such as banks and stock brokerages, are more likely to be successful when they are designed to include domes and arches because these represent the metal element. Although the positive side of metal is success, the negative side can indicate conflict and be destructive, such as with a sword. The colour related to the metal element is usually white; however, it can also be silver or gold. Metal is connected to autumn and the direction west, for the setting sun. In the life cycle, it represents adulthood. Qualities of the metal element are found in these sources: + All types of metals, such as iron, chrome, steel, aluminum, stainless steel, copper, brass, silver and gold. « Stone surfaces for flooring, patios, and countertops, including marble, concrete, granite, flagstone and river rock. + All natural rocks, boulders, stones, and gemstones, including crystals and precious gems. Art pieces and sculpture made from or depicting metal or stone. ¢ Moving metal, such as clocks, mobiles, and wind chimes. ¢ The shape of the circle, ovals, roundness and arches. + The colours white, silver, gold, brass and copper as well as pastels. Water e& The water element represents learning, communication, and travel. It relates to literature and the arts. Many of the world’s greatest cities of commerce are located next to water, such as Los Angeles, Hong Kong, New York, Delhi and London ete. Waiter can either be a gentle rain or a wild storm. The colour of the water element is black. It is associated with winter and the direction north. In the life cycle, water represents old age. Properties of the water element can be found in: + Bodies of water of every kind, including swimming pools, ponds, fish tanks, fountains, and natural rivers, lakes, oceans and streams. Objects and surfaces containing reflective glass, such as mirrors, cut glass and cut crystal. « Art that depicts the ocean, rain, or rivers and lakes. « Shapes that are asymmetrical and free flowing. The black and midnight spectrum of colours, including gray, charcoal and dark blue. Enhancing an element in your home In order to enhance an element in a given room, not only can you add objects that are the source of the element itself, you can also introduce objects to the room that hold attributes of the preceding element that nourishes it from the Cycle of Creation: « To enhance and balance wood, introduce wood and highlight with water. ¢ To enhance and balance fire, introduce fire and highlight with wood. ¢ To enhance and balance earth, introduce earth and highlight with fire. + To enhance and balance metal, introduce metal and highlight with earth. * To enhance and balance water, introduce water and highlight with metal. For a final touch, remove or avoid placing items related to the controlling element from the Cycle of Destruction in that same area of your home. Those would be counterproductive. Reducing a dominant element in your home In order to balance the impact of a dominant element in a given room, match that element with its controlling partner from the Cycle of Destruction. In addition, you can refine the balance by highlighting the area with the qualities of the two subsequent elements from the Cycle of Creation that the dominant element nourishes: * When wood predominates, introduce metal. Highlight the room with qualities of fire and earth. + When fire predominates, introduce water. Highlight the room with qualities of earth and metal. ¢ When earth predominates, introduce wood. Highlight the room with qualities of metal and water. + When metal predominates, introduce fire. Highlight the room with qualities of water and wood. ¢ When water predominates, introduce earth. Highlight the room with qualities of wood and fire. Balancing the 5 elements According to the Feng Shui tradition, people feel most comfortable in spaces that hold the five elements in balance. There the environment nourishes you and works in support of your creative intentions. When the five elements are out of balance, however, the environment can work against you. Too much water, for example, can sap you of energy, or internal fire. 10 quick and easy ways to enhance the 5 elements in any room : Remember to keep each element in balance with the others. 1. A bouquet of red roses introduces both fire (the colour red) and wood (the flowers). 2. A healthy indoor plant in a black pot incorporates both wood (the plant) and water (the colour black). 3. A zebra or leopard print throw and pillows on a chair, bed, or couch add fire. 4. Anarrangement of white candles in cut glass candlesticks brings a ay (the candles), metal (the colour white), and water (the lass). 5. q bowl of goldfish holds several elements: water (the glass bowl and the water), metal (the colour gold), and fire (the fish). 6. A painting of a desert landscape framed in woad introduces wood (the frame) and earth (the landscape). 7. A tabletop fountain with splashing water brings in the water element. 8. A chrome wind chime with a wooden clapper adds both metal (the chrome) and wood (the wooden clapper). 8. Ceramic tableware painted in yellows and blues introduces both anh (the pottery and the colour yellow) and water (the colour fue 9. Painting the walls of a room in yellow and cream tones, and draping your windows with curtains to match, adds the earth element. Calculating your personal element Depending on your year of birth, your personality will be affected by a particular element, which will influence your environmental relationship with the elements. To discover your personal element, take the last digit of the year in which you were born. Refer this to the list below to find your personal element. Number Element NOURWNRO Metal Metal Water Water Wood Wood Fire Fire Earth 8 9 Earth Using your personal element Eight Life Aspirations Pakua The elemental balance of zones and the use of colours and symbolic objects will be influenced by your personal element. Use this to your advantage to strengthen your personal characteristics or provide support where it is required. You can even try to temper dominant personality traits- if you tend to be an argumentative fire sign, temper the fire areas of your environment. If you were born in an earth year, you will feel most comfortable with objects made of earth: crystals, ceramics and so on. Fire will be the element to give you support, but wood things will have a negative influence. Metal will mitigate the stability of earth, useful if you feel you are too sensible and down-to-earth. You may also feel sympathies with the elemental colours: positive towards brown and yellow, orange and red; negative towards green. People born under the water sign are likely to be sensitive and intuitive. They will feel comfortable with water symbols, but metal may add useful strength. Wood will absorb some of the water qualities if they are too dominant, but earth will have a negative effect. Positive colours are blue, black, white, gold and silver; negative ones are brown and yellow. The positive and challenging people born in a wood year will relate well to wood or water, finding that water symbols give them more sensitivity. Those who are over-ambitious may temper their enthusiasm with fire, but should avoid metal, which could cut them down. Colours, which are most complementary, are green, blue and black. Dynamic fire people are likely to react well to strong colours - reds, oranges and purples -and avoid blue and black. If their personality is very fiery, they may need the purposeful direction of wood to support them, or even soften their passion with earth symbols. Water symbols will not find much of a place in their home. The strong-minded metal sign will gain additional support and stability from earth, or can be tempered and given more sensitivity by water symbols. Fire will weaken their strength. White, gold, silver, blue and black are positive colours; red and orange are negative. 10. . Insuch a plot, the house should be located in the centre. 12: SELECTION OF SITES . Location of a house and its surroundings play a crucial role in Feng Shui. . Buildings, trees, ponds, rivers, mountains, hills, roads, lampposts, electric poles, etc., effect the flow of ch’i. . A successful business house nearby suggests that beneficial ch’i is flowing through the area, and hence one can safely select a site here. . While selecting the site, it is important to check the soil, the surroundings, the prosperity of neighbors, the shape of the land, and the health conditions of animals living in the vicinity. . The grass surrounding should be a healthy green, which shows that ch’i is flowing freely. . Avoid a site, which cannot nurture plants. . The soil on top should be fairly clean and porous and not sandyor wet. . An elevated site is always beneficial to the owner, with the backside higher than the front. . It would be ideal to have the rear portion facing higher ground or a hill, while the front faces lower ground or sea or valley. A square or a rectangular plot is considered to be good. Ina circular plot, a square house in the centre brings fortune and 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. . An L-shaped plot may also bring in misfortune. 21. 22. wealth. In a triangular plot, not considered to be good, you can ward off evil by avoiding fixing a door that faces any corner, and by placing a plant or flagpole to hide the corners. Religious buildings are best suited to oval-shaped plots, since other buildings surround most of their boundary walls. In a plot, which resembles a trapezoid, if the front is narrow, design a curve, either a curved pathway, or a curved path of lawn etc. in front of the house. If it is wider in front’ locate the house in the narrower side of the plot. Jn a rhombus-shaped plot, it would be beneficial to build the house in the front or the centre of the plot, whereby the resident’s career prospects will be good. Ina semicircular plot, considered to be very good, the ideal location for the house would be the centre of the plot. A rounded front or a back of a square or rectangular house would indicate growth or a balanced life, respectively. Numerous problems crop up if you go in for a T-shaped plot. A south-facing plot is considered to be good according to the Feng Shui system. A house facing a large vacant or open space is deemed good, since the south winds in summer provide good, refreshing ventilation to the house. SHAPES AND TERRAINS The shape of the house with either protrusions or hollow parts has certain geomantic implications on the occupants depending on the location, as follows: NORTH protruded - can easily acquire friends; hollow - will meet accidents. It is best not to have protrusions or hollow parts in this direction. NORTHEAST protruded - likes to research and experiment; hollow - lacks planning in work. EAST protruded - daring and will undertake risky ventures, impatient; hollow - easily discouraged. SOUTHEAST protruded - need to exert much effort in work; hollow - daughters will have unsuccessful love affairs SOUTH protruded - will have good reputation; hollow - will meet bad friends. SOUTHWEST protruded - female members will be active while the males will be lazy; hollow -will have bad luck. WEST protruded - family will be happy; hollow - family members will have tendency to flirt. NORTHWEST protruded - likes to compete; hollow -tend to be quarrelsome. U4 ILa PROTRUSIONS OVER HOLLOWS PROTRUSION Houses with too much protrusions or hollow parts can also evoke the following readings deduced from the Ba-gua: NORTH son wants to be the leader at all times; may suffer from kidney and urinary tract problems; may have business failure. NORTHEAST son does not readily accept defeat and may suffer from abdominal problems and meet many obstructions. EAST son may suffer from hepatitis, meet obstruction and lose wealth. SOUTHEAST daughter may suffer from hepatitis, lose wealth and be childless. SOUTH daughter may suffer from heart problem, be involve in family quarrels and meet obstruction. SOUTHWEST mother may suffer from abdominal problems and meet obstruction. WEST daughter will suffer from respiratory problems, be unlucky and meet obstruction. NORTHWEST father will suffer from respiratory problems, be unlucky and meet obstruction. However, it should be mentioned that protrusions or hollow parts not exceeding one -third the length or dimension of that given side will not be affected by the above geomantic implications or readings. Before buying a lot, individual features of the land must be considered. The best shapes are either square or rectangular. Avoid odd - angled plot, because irregular shapes can mean trouble. It has adverse influence on health and can indirectly affect fortune, too. For rectangular lot with unusually long length, care must be exercised during construction to avoid the influence of bad ch’i, L-shape and dust pan shapes should be avoided. Shapes with many corners or triangles are unfavourable. Observe the terrain of the lot. Level or flat terrain is most favourable; while a terrain shaped like a wok, ascertains that there will be no flooding. Elevation or depression on one side of the terrain has the following implications: EAST elevation - slow progress; depression - fast and progressive specially if area is wide. SOUTH elevation - prone to illness; depression - helps develop intelligence. WEST elevation - enhance cooperation, depression - family members do not have good regard towards each other. NORTH elevation - will acquire many friends; depression - money will be spent liberally. 1, 2. In Feng Shui, the layout of roads, and their directions are essential, as they carry the ch’i. For a smooth and gentle flow of ch’i, the roads should follow natural contours and curve gently, whereas straight roads carry the ch’i quickly, thereby minimizing its effects. . Avoid building a house that faces a 1 junction of a road, for the resident will be beset with health and financial problems. 4. If your house is located at the dead end of a street, the ch’i effect will be weak, and the best cure would be to hang a mirror above the door, facing the road. 5. A house, which faces two or more roads, kills the ch’i, thus resulting in the residents always being on the defensive. 6. A road, which curves sharply in front of the house, slashes one’s good fortune in business. ai 7. One living in a house that faces the intersection of two roads in a V-shape, will experience health problems. 8. Shops with the entrance doors opening out to the road, which has heavy traffic is ideally situated. 2. A corner shop whose door opens at the corner is good for maximum business. EXTERNAL FACTORS OF HOUSE OR BUILDING External factors affect not only a person’s character but can also threaten an area's prosperity. The bend of a river, the shape of an over-pass, or the size, shape and angle of a building's corner can destroy the harmony of good ch’i. Because of this, house planning and awareness of the external conditions are important. The following Feng Shui guidelines apply to external factors affecting a house or building: 1, A T or Y-shaped road fronting the house is bad. 2. A house located at the dead-end of a road is unfavourable. 3. An inverted U-shaped road or river in front of the house is unfavourable. 4. House should not face a funeral parlour or cemetery. 5. House should not face a church or temple. 6. House should not face a chimney or water storage tank. 7. A big tree or electric post facing the house is bad. 8. House should not face hospital or police station. 9. Roof comer of neighbour’s house pointing towards house is unfavourable 10. A canal or river at the back of the house is unfavourable. 11. Avoid locating a house beside an overpass. 12. House should not face a bridge. 13. In case of doubt, it is advisable to consult a Feng Shui expert at the earliest stage to avoid unnecessary expenses. 14. House located at a scenic environment is favourable. CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION In any construction, the foundation or the base should be taken cared of diligently. Some people tend to pay more attention to the house’s architectural design or it’s interior decorations; not fully understanding the probable losses they may incur if the foundation for the building or house is weak. When planning to build your house, consider these pointers before construction: 1. Know the kind of soil you have. Is it solid, sandy, muddy or rocky? Ask your engineer about this matter. 2. Avoid the following conditions for residential sites, because these are unlucky: a) If the place was formerly a funeral parlor or a cemetery. b) If murder took place on the site. c) If the site was formerly a garbage dumpsite or garbage was bumed there. d) A big fire had occurred on the site. e) The place has several big, old trees. 3. Observe the area’s vicinity. Know the important facts like the zoning of the locality, the roads and the trail of sewers. Study the plots and shapes of the neighbouring houses. 4, When getting rid of the plants grown on the lot, be sure to abate the roots of the trees totally. 5. Consult a Feng Shui expert on the kind of structure that will be most favourable to you. For the owner to be lucky, it is best that the position of the rooms and other essential parts of the house be complimentary to each other. 6. Ask the expert for the time when it is best to begin the construction work. 7. During construction, when the foundation for the posts and other essential parts of the house is to be done, remember to include lucky objects in each diggings. This is done to enhance the good Feng Shui of the place. 8. Lastly, to attain smooth flow of work and good ch’i for the place, avoid any quarrels or entanglements with workers during construction. Renovation is almost as tedious as construction. Major repairs can cost a lot and it can alter the condition and the flow of the place’s ch’i. So that one can be sure that things are done correctly and for the benefit of the owner, he has to.. 1. Make sure that the year or the time of undertaking the renovation will not be counterproductive to the owner of the house. Simply said, choose the best time and day for renovation. 2. Take care not to destroy the good ch’i of the site when renovation is being done. 3. Renovation should be deferred when there is a pregnant woman in the house. 4. Broken pipeline or any water connections must be fixed immediately. When there are dead canals or dried up water passages, put filling materials on it and build a new water passage instead. 5. In case of doubts, consult a Feng Shui expert. FENCES, GATE AND GARRAGE The fence is the boundary that separates the house from the outside world. Upon entering a place, it is good omen to feel refresh, comfortable, and lighthearted. This implies that the place’s ch’i is flowing smoothly and everything is well coordinated. Usually, the following are observed with regards to height, range and orientation of the fence: 1. Fence or property wall should not be too close to the house. 2. Fence or property wall should not be higher than the house. 3. Avoid having fence with varying height. 4. Fence with sharp points towards the house is not advisable. Main gate’s Feng Shui on the other hand has the following guidelines: 1, It should not be covered with poison vines. 2. Installing barbed wire roll over the gate is unfavourable. 3. The slates of gate should be positioned vertically and not horizontally. 4. If there is a small gate beside the main one, the roofs of both gates should not have thorny plants growing on them. Garage is another part of the house that should be considered carefully. The major points to remember are: 1. This should not be located on top of the septic tank. 2. It should not be placed on the tiger side of the house. 3. Do not place the master bedroom on top of the garage. 4. The driveway should not face the main house’s door. BUILDING . The height of the building should be in consonance with the buildings around. . A higher building behind one’s own is considered to be good, as it provides protection. 3. Smooth flow of ch’i will be obstructed if one’s house lies between two taller buildings. image not available image not available 6. Floor level of the house should not be lower than the road. 7. Public drainage pipe should not pass under the house. 8. Roof of the house should not be too steep. 9. The walls should not have protrusions or hallow parts. 10. House should not be too stuffy or too dark. 11. Additional building or structure at the backside should not be lower than the house. 12. A U-shape house is not advisable. 13. Water tank at the center point of a lot or a house is unfavourable. image not available image not available image not available ee ee vertically or diagonally, one gets the number 15. . Each of these numbers, except number 5, represents one of the eight directions and eight trigrams. . Each number has relevance to a basic element, a family member, colour, quality, and season, and has both yin and yang characters. (K’an) North (K’un) Southwest = [4] [9] 2] -= == —— —— ——) —— 3 = (Chen) East E 13|5| 7) w — — 4 === (Sun) Southeast | 8] 1/6 | == N nw = 5 6 === (Chien) Northwest ——_ == 7 wm (Tui) West — — 8 === (Ken) Northeast == al e 9 am = (Li) South The Lo Shu, an old Chinese charm, lends its principles during construction of buildings, and has two formulas, one for males, and one for females. CALCULATION FOR MALES Subtract the last two numbers of the year of birth from 100. Divide this by 9. The remainder is the Annual Number. If there is no remainder, then 9 will be taken as the Annual Number. For example, Year of birth 1941 image not available image not available image not available 3. Main door should not face a post. 4. Main door should not be blocked by wall; this can confine good ch’i. 5. Main door should not face the back door. 6. Main door should not face a washbasin, sink or pipe from the water pump. 7. Main door should not face the door of any bedroom. 8. Upon entering the main door, toilet, water closet, stove m the fireplace should be out of view. image not available image not available image not available BEAMS AND COLUMNS . Since the beam in a room carries the load of the room, and creates compression, it is advisable not to keep the bed or office furniture directly underneath it, for it causes health problems. . A beam over the head causes headaches, pain over the abdomen, disorders of the stomach, and swelling of the feet. . Where it is not possible to change the furniture for want of space, the remedial measure would be to fix a mirror in the beam, or to have a false ceiling. . Columns or pillars should be constructed within the wall, or in corners, to allow free movement of ch’i. . Columns should be free of sharp edges, for this imbalance the ch’i and deadens it. image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. image not available aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. 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