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ACI 363.


Guide to Quality Control and Testing of

High-Strength Concrete
Reported by ACI Committee 363
John A. Bickley*

Pierre-Claude Atcin Said Iravani Henry G. Russell*

Scott D. Alexander Tarif M. Jaber Michael T. Russell*
Ronald G. Burg* Anthony N. Kojundic Kenneth L. Saucier
Joseph G. Cabrera Federico Lopez-Flores Surendra P. Shah
Shao-Huai Cai Mark D. Luther Ava Shypula
Irwin G. Cantor Barney T. Martin, Jr. Bryce P. Simons*
Nicholas J. Carino* Hesham Marzouk Eiichi Tazawa
Ramon L. Carrasquillo William C. Moore Houssam A. Toutanji
Judith A. Castello Jaime Moreno* Bradley K. Violetta
James E. Cook* Clifford R. Ohlwiler Dean J. White, II
Francois de Larrard Francis A. Oluokun J. Craig Williams
Kingsley D. Drake William F. Perenchio John T. Wolsiefer
A. Samer Ezeldin Michael F. Pistilli* J. Francis Young
Michael R. Gardner William F. Price Paul Zia
Neil R. Guptill Vaughn R. Randall
* Members of task groups that developed this guide.

The special quality control and testing needed to measure reliably the CONTENTS
strength of specimens of high-strength concrete and to achieve high-
strength concrete consistently are discussed. Preconstruction and construc- Chapter 1Introduction, p. 363.2R-2
tion procedures are covered, including planning trial mixtures, precon- 1.1Scope
struction meetings, batching, placing, curing, and testing. The concept of 1.2Objectives
prequalifying suppliers and laboratories is introduced. A method for the 1.3Definition of high-strength concrete
evaluation of data is included.

Chapter 2Planning, p. 363.2R-2

Keywords: batch-plant inspection; core tests; curing; high-strength
concrete; in-place testing; inspection; placing; preconstruction meeting;
2.2Preconstruction meeting
prequalification; quality control; sampling; testing; trial batches.
2.3Trial batches
2.4Prequalification of concrete suppliers and precon-
struction testing
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and
Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning, design- Chapter 3Quality assurance and quality control,
ing, executing, and inspecting construction. This document p. 363.2R-6
is intended for the use of individuals who are competent 3.1Introduction
to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content 3.2Concrete plant
and recommendations and who will accept responsibility 3.3Delivery
for the application of the material it contains. The Ameri- 3.4Placing
can Concrete Institute disclaims any and all responsibility for 3.5Curing
the stated principles. The Institute shall not be liable for any
loss or damage arising therefrom.
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract
documents. If items found in this document are desired by ACI 363.2R-98 became effective May 5, 1998.
Copyright 1998, American Concrete Institute.
the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract docu- All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
ments, they shall be restated in mandatory language for in- mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-
corporation by the Architect/Engineer. tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in
writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.


Chapter 4Testing, p. 363.2R-8 general usage only, and individual projects may require ad-
4.1Introduction ditional quality control and testing effort.
4.3Sampling 1.3Definition of high-strength concrete
4.4Amount of testing Since the definition of high-strength concrete has changed
4.5Compressive strength specimens over the years, the Committee defined a range of concrete
4.6Prequalification of testing laboratories strengths for its activities, as explained in ACI 363R. For the
purpose of this guide, high-strength concrete is defined as
Chapter 5Evaluation of compressive strength having a specified compressive strength of 40 MPa
test results, p. 363.2R-15 (6000psi), or greater, and it does not include concrete made
5.1Statistical concepts
with exotic materials or techniques. The word exotic indi-
5.2Strength evaluation
cates special concretes, such as polymer-impregnated con-
crete, epoxy concrete, or concrete made with artificial
Chapter 6References, p. 363.2R-17
6.1Cited standards normal-weight and heavy-weight aggregates.
6.2Cited references Although 40 MPa (6000 psi) is the current dividing line
between normal-strength and high-strength concrete, this
CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION compressive strength level is not associated with drastic
changes in material properties, production and inspection
1.1Scope techniques, or testing methods. In reality, changes occur
This guide discusses quality control and testing practices continuously from lower-strength to higher-strength con-
of high-strength concrete. High-strength concrete usually is cretes. However, experience shows that in most cases, the
associated with structures that have been optimized for per- special measures recommended in this guide should be ap-
formance. Therefore, a high degree of confidence in concrete plied for concrete with compressive strength greater than
quality must be achieved through the inspection and testing about 55 MPa (8000 psi).
process. This process can be conducted by the producer and
contractor as quality control and by the owner or the owners CHAPTER 2PLANNING
representative as quality assurance. Those involved in qual-
ity control and testing need to know the unique characteris- 2.1Introduction
tics of high-strength concrete to better assist the Architect/ Quality control and testing of high-strength concrete are
Engineer in evaluating the structures potential performance. more critical than is the case for normal-strength concrete,
Concrete with a specified compressive strength of 70 MPa because seemingly minor deviations from specified require-
(10,000 psi) can be produced from local aggregates in all ar-
ments can result in major deficiencies in quality or test re-
eas of the U.S.A. and Canada. When the specified strength
sults. For example, it is well documented (Carino et al. 1994)
substantially exceeds that produced previously in a particu-
that compressive-strength test results are more sensitive to
lar market area, special measures are necessary to make a
testing conditions as the strength of the concrete increases.
successful progression to the use of the higher-strength con-
crete. This guide details those measures. The quality of high-strength concrete is controlled by the
quality and uniformity of the ingredients, and by the mix-
ing, placing, and curing conditions. A high level of quality
The cement and concrete industrys interest in high- control is essential for those involved in the production,
strength concrete prompted the American Concrete Institute testing, transportation, placing, and curing of the concrete.
to form ACI Committee 363 in 1979. The mission of the com- Careful consideration of placing restrictions, workability,
mittee was to study and report information on high-strength difficulties during transportation, field curing require-
concrete. ACI 363R-84, State-of-the-Art Report on High- ments, and the inspection and testing process is required.
Strength Concrete, was the first document produced by this Thorough planning and teamwork by the inspector, con-
Committee. That report contained significant information re- tractor, Architect/Engineer, producer, and owner are essen-
garding material selection, mixing and placing, inspection tial for the successful use of high-strength concrete.
and testing, physical properties, structural design, economics, This chapter reviews critical activities prior to the start of
and examples of applications. It was updated in 1992. construction. A preconstruction meeting is essential to clari-
This guide is an extension of ACI 363R, and presents fy the roles of the members of the construction team and re-
guidelines to facilitate the proper evaluation of high-strength view the planned quality control and testing program.
concrete through correct quality control and testing. High- Special attention is required during the trial-batch phase to
strength concretes may be produced with innovative materi- assure that selected mixtures will perform as required under
als and procedures not covered in this guide. This guide is field conditions. Planning for inspection and testing of high-
not intended to restrict the use of new or innovative quality strength concrete involves giving attention to personnel re-
control practices or testing methods as they become avail- quirements, equipment needs, test methods, and the prepara-
able or necessary. The user is cautioned that this guide is for tion and handling of test specimens. Additional general

information on the inspection of concrete is contained in silica fume, or ground granulated blast furnace slag often are
ACI 311.4R. evaluated at 56 and 90 days. After the work has been com-
pleted in the laboratory, production-sized batches are recom-
2.2Preconstruction meeting mended because laboratory trial batches sometimes exhibit
Small variations in mixture proportions and deviations strengths and other properties different from those achieved
from standard testing practices can have greater adverse ef- in production. For instance, the efficiency of small laborato-
fects on the actual or measured strength of high-strength ry mixers is much less than that of production mixers, which
concrete than with normal-strength concrete. Therefore, can affect the dispersion and performance of chemical and
project participants should meet before construction to clar- mineral admixtures. Since high-strength concretes usually
ify contract requirements, discuss planned placing condi- contain both chemical and mineral admixtures, including sil-
tions and procedures, and review the planned inspection and ica fume, and a high volume of cementitious materials, they
testing programs of the various parties. The effects on the tend to be more sticky than conventional concrete mixtures.
concrete of time, temperature, placing, consolidation, and Production trials can be used to establish optimum batching
curing should be reviewed. Acceptance criteria for standard- and mixing sequences that can reduce problems prior to the
cured test specimens, in-place tests, and core test results start of the project. Where truck mixing is used, the maxi-
should be established. The capabilities and qualifications of mum load that can be mixed adequately should be deter-
the contractors work force, the inspection staff, and the test- mined, but practice has shown that this usually is less than 90
ing and batching facilities also should be reviewed. percent of the trucks rated mixing capacity. Based on expe-
The preconstruction meeting should establish lines of rience, batches of high-strength concrete smaller than 3 m3
communication and identify responsibilities. It is especially (4 yd3 ) should not be mixed in truck mixers.
important to review the procedures the inspector will follow
when noncompliance with contract requirements is found or 2.4Prequalification of concrete suppliers and
suspected. Such advance understanding minimizes future preconstruction testing
disputes, and allows members of the construction team to Bidders should be prequalified prior to the award of a sup-
participate in the quality process. Timely and accurate re- ply contract for concrete with a specified strength of 70 MPa
porting are important. Arrangements should be made to dis- (10,000 psi) or higher, or at least 7 MPa (1000 psi) higher
tribute inspection reports and test data as soon as possible. than previously produced in the market local to the project.
Trial production batches should have established a workable The implications of the project specifications, whether pre-
mixture, but it may be necessary to make adjustments due to scription- or performance-based, should be fully understood
site conditions, such as changing weather. Since high- by all bidders.
strength concrete relies on a low water-cementitious materi- Trial batchesThe complexity of the prequalification pro-
als ratio for strength potential, responsibility for field addi- cess depends on local experience. Where the specified strength
tion of water and admixtures should be discussed and has been widely produced for previous projects, a review of
defined clearly. The ready-mixed concrete producer is essen- available test data may adequately measure performance.
tial to that discussion since the producer is familiar with and When a strength higher than previously supplied is specified,
responsible for the product. Individuals should be identified, or where there is limited experience in the supply of that
such as the concrete suppliers quality control personnel, strength concrete, a more detailed prequalification procedure
who will have the authority to add admixtures or water at the should be carried out. This should generally include the pro-
site. To permit verification that the concrete provided con- duction of a trial batch of the proposed mixture proportions.
forms to established requirements, procedures should be es- The trial concrete should be cast into monoliths representative
tablished for documenting what, when, and how much was of typical structural sizes on the project. Fresh concrete should
added to the concrete at the site. be tested for slump, air content, and temperature. Hardened
concrete should be tested to determine compressive strength
2.3Trial batches and modulus of elasticity based on standard-cured cylinders
Data on some high-strength concrete mixtures used previ- and on cores drilled from the monolith. Strengths of cores and
ously are given in Tables 2.3.1 to 2.3.3. These data are pro- standard-cured cylinders tested at the same age should be cor-
vided only for guidance, and trial batches with local related. In massive elements, core strength may vary with dis-
materials would supersede these tables for specific projects. tance from the surface due to different temperature histories.
ACI 211.4R provides guidance on proportioning some high- Therefore, relationships should be established for a specific
strength concrete mixtures. core depth. If cores need to be removed during construction,
Where historical data are not available, the development the correlation allows interpretation of core strength results.
of an optimum high-strength concrete mixture requires a The monolith also should be instrumented to determine the
large number of trial batches (Blick et al. 1974; Cook 1982). maximum internal temperature and the temperature gradients
Materials and proportions initially should be evaluated in the developed throughout the cross section.
laboratory to determine the appropriate material proportions Qualified suppliers can be selected based on their success-
and their relative characteristics. Sufficient lead time should ful preconstruction trials. After the start of construction, fur-
be allowed, since high-strength mixtures containing fly ash, ther trials are desirable to confirm the field performance of

the submitted and accepted mixtures. Further testing may shortfall of in-place strength is better discovered early rather
also be required on full-scale mock-ups of structural subas- than late. If in-place testing is to be used, it is recommended
semblages to determine the potential for cracking problems, that a correlation with standard-cured cylinders be made at
such as at the interface between structural elements of differ- the prequalification trials. ACI 228.1R provides guidance on
ent thickness. the limitations of various in-place test methods.
Provisions in the project specifications for concrete with a Air entrainmentFor air-entrained mixtures, close control
specified strength of 70 MPa (10,000 psi) or higher, or at of air content is required. The air content and resulting air-
least 7 MPa (1000 psi) higher than previously supplied, void system in the hardened concrete is particularly impor-
should assign the concrete supplier responsibility for quality tant for high-strength concrete subjected to cycles of freez-
control of the mixed concrete and its ingredients. ing and thawing under moist conditions. High-strength
Variations in temperature and humidity during the project concrete has excellent resistance to freezing and thawing if it
may adversely affect the characteristics of the concrete. Lab- contains an appropriate volume of air and an adequate air-
oratory and field tests should be performed to evaluate the void system. ACI 201.2R gives requirements for total air
effects of environmental conditions on the properties of content and ACI 212.3R lists requirements for air-void pa-
freshly-mixed and hardened concrete. In particular, slump rameters for protection against damage from freezing and
loss between the batch plant and the project site should be thawing. ACI 212.3R characterizes a satisfactory air-void
evaluated to assure adequate slump at the time of placing. system as having a spacing factor of 0.20 mm (0.008 in.) or
During periods of high temperature or low humidity, it may less, and a specific surface of 24 mm2 /mm3 (600 in.2 /in.3 ) or
be necessary to adjust the concrete mixture using retarding greater. Some high-strength concretes, including concretes
or high-range water-reducing admixtures in varied dosage with low air contents (less than 4 percent) and coarse air-
rates and addition sequences. void systems (spacing factors greater than 0.20 mm or
In-place strengthIt is also useful to correlate accelerated 0.008in.) have proven durable in freezing and thawing envi-
and in-place tests with standard cured cylinders following the ronments (Philleo 1986). If a high-strength concrete does not
procedures in ACI 228.1R. The potential strength of concrete have an air-void system meeting the recommendations of
supplied to a site cannot be known too soon. Any serious ACI 201.2R and ACI 212.3R, its resistance to freezing and

Table 2.3.1Composition of experimental concretes produced in a ready-

mixed concrete plant (CPCA 1995)
Mixture Concrete type
ingredients and
properties Reference Silica fume fly ash Slag + silica fume
cementitious 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.25
materials ratio
Ingredients, kg/m3 (lb/yd 3)
Water 127 (214) 128 (216) 129 (217) 131 (221) 128 (216)
Cement ASTM 450 (759) 425 (716) 365 (615) 228 (384) 168 (283)
Type II
Silica fume 45 (76) 45 (76) 54 (91)
Fly ash 95 (160)
Slag 183 (308) 320 (539)
Dolomitic limestone
Coarse aggregate 1100 (1850) 1110 (1870) 1115 (1880) 1110 (1870) 1110 (1850)
Fine aggregate 815 (1370) 810 (1370) 810 (1370) 800 (1350) 730 (1230)
HRWR,* L/m3
15.3 (395) 14 (362) 13 (336) 12 (310) 13 (336)
(fl oz/yd3)
after 45 min, 110 (4 1/ 4) 180 (7) 170 (6 3/4) 220 (8 3/4) 210 (8 1/4)
mm (in.)
Average compressive strength
at 28 days,
99 (14,360) 110 (15,950) 90 (13,050) 105 (15,230) 114 (16,530)
MPa (psi)
at 91 days, 109 (15,810) 118 (17,110) 111 (16,100) 121 (17,550) 126 (18,280)
MPa (psi)
at 1 year, 119 (17,260) 127 (18,420) 125 (18,130) 127 (18,420) 137 (19,870)
MPa (psi)
*High-range water-reducer for these mixtures was a sodium salt of a naphthalene sulfonate.

thawing and deicer scaling should be evaluated by laboratory Temperature considerationsEach high-strength con-
testing according to ASTM C 666 and ASTM C 672. Sam- crete mixture has unique heat evolution and heat dissipation
ples for these tests should be obtained from concrete pro- characteristics for a particular curing environment. Maxi-
duced and placed in a manner consistent with anticipated mum temperatures and thermal gradients, and their effects
field methods. While there is some controversy among re- on constructability and long-term design properties, should
searchers as to exact limits, it is believed that only concretes be determined during preconstruction trials. Computer sim-
with exceptionally low water-cementitious materials ratios ulation of the likely thermal history can be used to establish
(less than 0.21) and high compressive strength (greater than appropriate curing and protection (Roy et al. 1993). In addi-
135 MPa or 20,000 psi) are likely to be resistant to freezing tion, temperature-matched curing systems may be used to
and thawing damage without air-entrainment. However, ex- evaluate the effects of temperature history on strength devel-
isting codes require air entrainment in concretes exposed to opment (Wainright and Tolloczko 1983).
freezing and thawing, irrespective of strength level. The higher cement contents of high-strength concrete de-
Achieving and maintaining a satisfactory air-void system velop high internal concrete temperatures and thermal gradi-
in high workability mixtures containing high-range water-re- ents in excess of 20 C/m (11 F/ft) are possible, especially in
ducing admixtures can be difficult, especially when the con- uninsulated mass placements. However, Burg and Ost (1992)
crete is placed by pumping (Lessard et al. 1996). Pumping have shown that thermal gradients were similar to those for
over long distances with upward or downward vertical runs conventional-strength concretes. Tests on 1 m (3 ft) square
can reduce the number of small air bubbles, and increase the columns (Cook et al. 1992) showed lower cracking tendency
number of larger ones. This can increase the spacing factor in high-strength concrete due to thermal gradients because of
to an unacceptable value. Therefore, it is important that the the higher internal tensile strengths at any given age. Burg
air-void characteristics be evaluated on hardened samples and Ost (1992) have shown that in-place strength and stiff-
taken at the point of placing the concrete. ness were not adversely affected where the maximum internal

Table 2.3.2High-strength concrete mixtures used for different projects

(CPCA 1995)
Mixture Mixture number*
ingredients and
properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
cementitious 0.35 0.37 0.27 0.31 0.25 0.25
materials ratio
Ingredients, kg/m3 (lb/yd3 )
Water 195 (329) 165 (278 135 (228) 145 (244) 130 (219) 134 (226)
Cement 505 (851) 451 (760) 500 (843) 315 (531) 513 (865) 416 (701)
Silica fume 30 (15) 36 (61) 43 (72) 34 (57)
Fly ash 60 (101)
Slag 137 (231)
Coarse 1030 (1740) 1030 (1740) 1100 (1850) 1130 (1900) 1080 (1820) 1100 (1850)
630 (1060) 745 (1260) 700 (1180) 745 (1260) 685 (1160) 710 (1200)
Admixtures, L/m 3 (fl oz/yd 3)
Water reducer 0.98 (25) 0.90 (23)
Retarding 4.50 (116) 1.80 (47) 0.450 (12)
Air-entraining 0.125 (3)
HRWR 11.25 (290) 14.00 (362) 5.90 (153) 15.70 (406) 5.00 (129)
Average compressive strength
at 28 days,
65 (9430) 69 (10,000) 93 (13,490) 83 (12,040) 119 (17,260) 75 (10,880)
MPa (psi)
at 91 days, 79 (11,460) 87 (12,620) 107 (15,520) 93 (13,490) 145 (21,030)
MPa (psi)
*Mixture number:
1 = Water Tower Place, Chicago (1975)
2 = Joigny Bridge, France (1989)
3 = La Laurentienne Building, Montreal (1984)
4 = Scotia Plaza, Toronto (1987)
5 = Two Union Square, Seattle (1988)
6 = Portneuf Bridge, Quebec (1992)

temperature during hydration reached 78 C (172 F). The Ar- Quality assuranceactions taken by an owner or the own-
chitect/Engineer should understand the effects of heat gener- ers representative to provide assurance that what is being
ation in the various structural elements and address these in done and what is being provided are in accordance with the
the project specifications (ACI 207.2R). Specifications for applicable standards of good practice for the work.
mass concrete often limit the temperature difference between Quality controlactions taken by a producer or contractor
the concrete interior and surface. On a high-rise project in Se- to provide control over what is being done and what is being
attle, Drake (1985) established a maximum acceptable differ- provided so that the applicable standards of good practice for
ential of 22C (40 F) between the center and exterior of a the work are followed.
1.8m (6 ft) cube. On a high-rise project in Montreal, Atcin These definitions are used in this guide. The duties of QA
et al. (1985) considered a gradient of 20 C/m (11 F/ft) to be and QC personnel should be defined clearly in the contract
acceptable. Ghosh and Bickley (1978) developed a method of documents, based on the principles set out in the ACI 116R
calculating the maximum temperature differential to control definitions.
cracking in the wall of the CN Tower. A temperature differ- Comprehensive and timely QA/QC permit confidence in
ential of 20 C (36F) was found to be acceptable for the 0.5 m the use of advanced design procedures, frequently expedite
(1.5 ft) thick walls. construction, and improve quality in the finished product.
Conversely, the results of poor QA/QC can be costly for all
CHAPTER 3QUALITY ASSURANCE AND parties involved. QA/QC personnel must be experienced
QUALITY CONTROL with their respective duties, including the batching, placing,
curing, and testing of high-strength concrete. QA/QC per-
3.1Introduction sonnel should be able to provide evidence of such training or
Quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) are de- experience, or both. Personnel in charge of QA/QC pro-
fined in ACI 116R as follows: grams should demonstrate capabilities at least equivalent to

Table 2.3.3Typical proportions in commercially available high-strength

concrete mixtures (70 to 140 MPa or 10,000 to 20,000 psi) (Burg and Ost
Mixture Mixture number*
ingredients and
properties 1 2 3 4 5 6
cementitious 0.280 0.287 0.290 0.220 0.231 0.320
materials ratio
Ingredients, kg/m3 (lb/yd 3)
Water* 158 (266) 160 (270) 155 (261) 144 (243) 151 (255) 141 (238)
Cement, 564 (950) 475 (800) 487 (820) 564 (950) 475 (800) 327 (550)
Silica fume 24 (40) 47 (80) 89 (150) 74 (125) 27 (45)
Fly ash 59 (100) 104 (175) 87 (147)
aggregate 1070 (1800) 1070 (1800) 1070 (1800) 1070 (1800) 1070 (1800) 1120 (1890)
aggregate 647 (1090) 659 (1110) 676 (1140) 593 (1000) 593 (1000) 742 (1250)
Admixtures, L/m 3 (fl oz/yd3)
HRWR, 11.6 (300) 11.6 (300) 11.2 (290) 20.1 (520) 16.4 (425) 6.3 (163)
Type F
HRWR, 3.2 (84)
Type G
1.12 (29) 1.06 (27) 0.97 (25) 1.46 (38) 1.50 (39)
Type D
195 (7 3 /4) 250 (9 3/4) 215 (8 1/2) 255 (10) 235 (9 1/4) 205 (8)
mm (in.)
Average compressive strength of 152 by 305 mm (6 by 12 in.) cylinders
at 28 days, 79 (11,400) 89 (12,840) 92 (13,330) 119 (17,250) 107 (15,520) 73 (10,600)
MPa (psi)
at 91 days,
87 (12,550) 100 (14,560) 96 (13,920) 132 (19,120) 119 (17,310) 89 (12,850)
MPa (psi)
*Mass of total water in mixture including water in admixtures
Maximum nominal aggregate size: Mixtures 1 to 5, 12.5 mm ( 1/ 2 in.); Mixture 6, 25.0 mm (1 in.)
High-range water-reducer meeting ASTM C 494

certification as an ACI Concrete Construction Inspector. Moisture content tests should be repeated after rain and the
Other quality control personnel should demonstrate capabil- other tests should be repeated after deliveries of new batches
ities at least equivalent to certification as an ACI Concrete of materials.
Field Testing TechnicianGrade I. High-strength concrete may rely on a combination of
This chapter reviews critical issues dealing with the qual- chemical and mineral admixtures to enhance strength devel-
ity of high-strength concrete and concludes with specific rec- opment. Certain combinations of admixtures and portland
ommendations for incorporation of these concerns into the cements exhibit different strength development curves.
QA/QC program. Some of these recommendations are not Therefore, it is important for QA/QC personnel to watch for
unique to high-strength concrete, but represent good practice deviations in the type or brands of mixture ingredients from
for quality concrete in general. However, as has been men- those submitted and accepted. Substitutions should not be al-
tioned, the quality of high-strength concrete can be affected lowed without the prior understanding of all parties. Refer-
adversely if care is not exercised in all phases of production, ence samples of cementitious materials should be taken at
inspection, and testing. least once per day or per shipment in case tests are needed
later to investigate low strengths or other deficiencies.
3.2Concrete plant Sources of additional mixture water such as wash water
QA/QC personnel should concentrate their efforts at the or any left-over concrete remaining in the truck drum prior
concrete plant until consistently acceptable batching is to batching should be identified. These should be emptied
achieved. Thereafter, spot checking the plant is recommend- from the truck prior to batching.
ed unless the complexities of the project demand full-time
monitoring. In many cases, full-time inspection at the batch- 3.3Delivery
ing facility is not necessary. Full-time inspection is recom- High-strength concrete can be successfully mixed and
mended for concretes with design strengths greater than transported in a number of ways. The QA/QC personnel
70MPa (10,000 psi). should recognize that prolonged mixing will cause slump
At the concrete plant, QA/QC personnel should ensure loss and result in lower workability. Adequate job control
that the facilities, moisture meters, scales, and mixers must be established to prevent delays. When practical, with-
(central or truck, or both) meet the project specification holding some of the high-range water-reducing admixture
requirements and that materials and procedures are as es- until the truck arrives at the job site or site-addition of high-
tablished in the planning stages. QA/QC personnel should range water-reducing admixtures may be desirable. Newer
be aware of the importance of batching high-strength con- high-range water-reducing admixtures with extended slump
crete, such as using proper sequencing of ingredients, es- retention characteristics may preclude the need for job-site
pecially when pozzolans or ground slag are used. Scales, additions of admixture to recover slump. Truck mixers
flow meters, and dispensers should be checked monthly should rotate at agitation speed while waiting for discharge
for accuracy, and should be calibrated every six months. at the site. Failure to do so may lead to severe slump loss.
Moisture meters should be checked daily. These checks When materials are added at the site, proper mixing is re-
and calibrations should be documented. Plants that pro- quired to avoid non-uniformity and segregation. QA/QC per-
duce high-strength concrete should have printed records sonnel should pay close attention to site mixing and should
for all materials batched. Entries showing deviations from verify that the mixture is uniform. ACI 304R contains infor-
accepted mixture proportions are provided with some mation on proper mixing.
plant systems. Truck mixers used to transport high-strength concrete
The QC or QA inspector should be present at the batching should be inspected regularly and certified to comply with
console during batching and should verify that the accepted the Check List requirements of the NRMCA Certification of
types and amounts of materials are batched. Batch weights Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities. Truck mixers
should fall within the allowable tolerances set forth by should be equipped with a drum revolution counter, and their
project specifications. ASTM C 94 and the National Ready fins should comply with NRMCA criteria.
Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) Plant Certification The concrete truck driver should provide a delivery ticket
plan contain weighing tolerances applicable to high-strength that contains the information specified in ASTM C 94. Every
concrete production. These tolerances should be followed if ticket should be reviewed by the inspector prior to discharge
not otherwise specified. of concrete.
When not witnessing the entire batching operation, QA/ Chemical admixtures can be used to increase workability
QC personnel should perform or witness the following tests time. High-range water-reducing admixtures often are used to
at least once daily (or once per eight-hour shift): increase the fluidity of concrete for a definite time period. QA/
Moisture content of fine and coarse aggregates in QC personnel should be aware of that time frame and should
accordance with ASTM C 566. know whether redosing with additional admixture is permit-
Aggregate gradations (fine and coarse) in accordance ted. If the batch is redosed, the amount of admixture added to
with ASTM C 136. the truck with a calibrated delivery system should be recorded
Material finer than the 75-m (No. 200) sieve in accor- and the truck drum should be turned at least an additional
dance with ASTM C 117. 30 revolutions at mixing speed. Therefore, the delivery

ticket should also provide a space for recording the fol- subjected to construction loading. Many acceptable methods
lowing information: for curing are available, as discussed in ACI 308. However,
Water or admixtures added by authorized personnel at high-strength concretes are extremely dense and imperme-
the job site. able. Therefore, appropriate curing methods for various
Approximate quantity of concrete in truck when addi- structural elements should be selected in advance. QA/QC
tional water or admixture is added. personnel should verify that the accepted methods are prop-
Number of drum revolutions at mixing speed after the erly employed in the work.
addition of water or admixture. High-strength concretes usually do not exhibit much
Addition of water at the job site should be permitted only bleeding, and without protection from loss of surface mois-
if this was agreed to at the preconstruction meeting and pro- ture, plastic shrinkage cracks have a tendency to form on ex-
vided that the maximum specified water-cementitious mate- posed surfaces. Curing should begin immediately after
rials ratio is not exceeded. finishing, and in some cases other protective measures
should be used during the finishing process. Curing methods
3.4Placing include fog misting, applying an evaporation retarder,
Preparations at the project site are important. In particular, covering with polyethylene sheeting, or applying a curing
the contractor should be ready for placing the first truckload compound.
of concrete. QA/QC personnel should verify that forms, re- Water curing of high-strength concrete is recommended
inforcing steel, and embedded items are ready and that the because of the low water-cementitious materials ratios em-
placing equipment and vibration equipment (including ployed. Klieger (1957) reported that concretes with low wa-
standby equipment) are in working order prior to the con- ter-cement ratios benefited more by the application of
tractor placing concrete. additional surface water than concretes with high water-ce-
High-strength concrete is typically produced with slumps ment ratios. Water curing of vertical members is usually im-
in excess of 200 mm (8 in.). Despite their fluid appearance, practical, and other curing methods should be employed,
these mixtures require thorough consolidation (Fiorato and such as leaving the forms in place. For interior columns, ad-
Burg 1991). All concrete should be consolidated quickly and ditional curing after formwork removal is usually is not nec-
thoroughly. Standby vibratory equipment is recommended, essary since durability is not a problem. The period during
with at least one standby vibrator for every three required vi- which the forms are in place may be adequate in such in-
brators. The provisions in ACI 309R should be followed for stances. When forms are released or removed at early ages
proper consolidation. (typically less than one day) the need to prevent thermal
In construction, different strength concretes are often cracking by providing insulation should be considered,
placed adjacent to one another. QA/QC personnel should be particularly in cold weather.
aware of the exact location for each approved mixture. When The inspector should monitor and record ambient temper-
two (or more) concrete mixtures are being used in the same atures and temperatures at the surface and center of large
placement, it is mandatory that sufficient control be exer- concrete components so that the design/construction team
cised at the point of discharge from each truck to ensure that can effectively make any adjustments, such as changes in
the intended concrete is placed as specified. mixture proportions or the use of insulating forms, during the
Many times mushrooming is performed over column course of the project. Concrete delivered at temperatures ex-
and shear wall locations when placing floor slabs; that is, ceeding specification limits should be rejected, unless alter-
high-strength concrete is mushroomed around those loca- native procedures have been agreed to at the preconstruction
tions to form a cap prior to placing lower strength concrete meeting. The inspector should monitor that curing proce-
around it in the slab. QA/QC personnel should be aware of dures are according to project specifications, particularly
how far the cap should extend. Since cold joints are not al- those at early ages to control the formation of plastic shrink-
lowed between the two concretes, the inspector should deter- age cracks.
mine that the high-strength mushroom is still plastic
enough to blend with the lower strength slab concrete. Plan- CHAPTER 4TESTING
ning is necessary to determine the best procedures. Consid-
eration should be given to the use of retarding admixtures. 4.1Introduction
The boundary between the high-strength concrete and lower- Measurement of mechanical properties during construc-
strength concrete should be consolidated thoroughly by vi- tion provides the basic information needed to evaluate
bration. The inspector should maintain field notes regard- whether design considerations are met and the concrete is ac-
ing mushroom placements so that there is a record of ceptable. Experience indicates that the measured strength of
placement. high-strength concrete is more sensitive to testing variables
than is normal-strength concrete. Therefore, the quality of
3.5Curing these measurements is very important. Factors having little
The potential strength and durability of high-strength con- or no effect on tests of 20 MPa (3000 psi) concrete can be
crete will be fully developed only if it is properly cured for significant on tests of high-strength concrete, especially for
an adequate period prior to being placed in service or being compressive strength.

This chapter provides guidance on the special consider-

ations for successful testing of high-strength concrete. The
chapter begins with background information on compressive
strength testing. This is followed by discussions of sampling,
amount of testing, and various details about test specimens.

In a research program on compressive strength testing of
high-strength concrete, Burg et al.* point out: The various
ASTM standards that prescribe the methods to cast, cure,
prepare specimen ends, and test concrete specimens were de-
veloped based on concretes with compressive strengths in
the order of 1500 to 6000 psi (20 to 40 MPa). Researchers
have long investigated various methods of determining com-
pressive strength and suggested different capping materials
and methods. Gonnerman (1924) studied the effects of cyl-
inder end conditions on measured compressive strength us- Fig. 4.2.1Interlaboratory variation of measured compres-
ing various capping materials, such as beaver board, cork, sive strength (based on unpublished study by Hooton and
lead, rubber, and white pine. The currently used sulfur-based
caps, along with caps made from plaster of Paris, hydros-
tone, and dry shot, were investigated by Troxell (1942).
Werner (1958) investigated the effects of rough cylinder
ends prior to capping and end planeness requirements, and
concluded that for compressive strengths exceeding 35 MPa
(5000 psi) the provisions of ASTM C 192 would require
Henning (1961) concluded that steel cylinder molds were
preferable to waxed paper molds when testing concretes with
strengths over 35 MPa (5000 psi). However, test standards
were not changed to reflect his recommendation.
Testing and acceptance standards based on past studies
may not be applicable to high-strength concretes that are
now commercially available. Sanchez and Hester (1990)
pointed out the requirement for strict attention to quality
control on projects incorporating concrete with strengths of
85 to 100MPa (12,000 to 14,000 psi). In a cover story on
testing high-strength concrete in Engineering News Record,
Fig. 4.2.2Within-laboratory repeatability and between-
it was noted that the availability and development of high- laboratory reproducibility from interlaboratory program
er strength concrete had out paced the updating of testing with 15 laboratories (5 replicates for each concrete mix-
practices to ensure reliable results (Rosenbaum 1990). ture), based on data by Kennedy et al. 1995
Inadequate testing techniques and interlaboratory incon-
sistencies have been found to cause more problems than under direct observation of the investigators. Thus, even
have actually occurred with the concrete. Hester (1980) when specimen fabrication is not a variable, wide variations
found differences in measured compressive strengths be- in measured strengths can occur.
tween laboratories to be as high as ten percent, depending
Kennedy et al. (1995) found that within-laboratory and
upon the mixture and laboratories used. In a series of tests at
between-laboratory standard deviation increased as the mean
four laboratories on cylinders from one load of high-strength
compressive strength of the concrete increased (Fig 4.2.2).
concrete, differences in measured strengths as high as 11
In that study, data were obtained from an interlaboratory pro-
percent at age 28 days, as shown in Fig. 4.2.1 were ob-
gram involving 15 laboratories, six mixtures, and five repli-
served. In that study, one laboratory fabricated the cylinders
cates per mixture. The data are compared with other
and ground their ends. The cylinders were subsequently
interlaboratory studies in Fig. 4.2.3. The data from Detwiler
shipped to the four laboratories for testing, which was done
and Bickley (1993) were based on blind testing of a similar
group of laboratories and are not directly comparable to the
interlaboratory study. In the blind testing, laboratory person-
* Burg, R. G.; Detwiler, G.; Jansen, D.; and Williams, T. J., An Interlaboratory
Study of the Factors Affecting Compression Testing of High-Strength Concrete, nel were not aware which specimens being tested be-
manuscript in preparation.
Private communication, R. D. Hooton and J. A. Bickley. longed to the interlaboratory program. The data by Gray

required to check the quality of the concrete at the point of

placement (as in pumped concrete) this should be established
at the preconstruction meeting.

4.4Amount of testing
Tests for air content, unit weight, slump, and temperature
should be made on the first truckload each day to establish
that batching is adequate. If adjustments are made to mixture
proportions, the first truck after these changes have been
made should be sampled. Subsequent tests should be per-
formed on a random basis. When visual inspection reveals
inconsistent concrete, it should be rejected unless additional
tests show it to be acceptable. Such test results should not be
counted in the statistical evaluation of the mixture unless
they are made on samples taken at random.
The Architect/Engineer can generally take advantage of the
Fig. 4.2.3Comparison of variability in three interlabora- fact that high-strength concrete containing fly ash or ground
tory studies (adapted from Kennedy et al. 1995). granulated blast-furnace slag develops considerable strength
at later ages, such as 56 and 90 days. It is common to specify
(1990) were from another interlaboratory program in British
more test specimens than would normally be required. The
technician should be prepared to take a large enough sample
Because of the inherent variability in measuring compres- to cast all test specimens. Under no circumstances should the
sive strength, ACI 214 and ACI 318 caution against reliance technician use other samples to top off test specimens. If the
on a single test result. Adequate planning, with review of sample is too small, the concrete should be discarded and an-
personnel and laboratory qualifications, and strict adherence
other sample taken. However, only a reasonable number of
to standard procedures should help prevent questions about
specimens can be made correctly within the correct time frame
the quality of testing during construction. The laboratory
for each sample. No more than nine specimens should be
should be accredited or inspected for conformance to the re-
made per sample unless sufficient personnel and facilities are
quirements of ASTM C 1077. Field and laboratory testing
available to handle them properly. While ACI 318 requires
personnel should be experienced and trained properly. They
two specimens, at least three specimens per test age are recom-
should have documented prior experience with high-strength
mended for high-strength concrete, with three held in reserve.
concrete testing and have demonstrated the capabilities
necessary for certification as ACI Concrete Field Testing Where later ages are specified for acceptance purposes it
TechnicianGrade I and Concrete Laboratory Testing may be desirable to make an early assessment of potential
TechnicianGrade I, or equivalent. strength by testing early-age specimens or specimens with
accelerated curing.
As discussed in Chapter 5, statistical methods are an excel- 4.5Compressive strength specimens
lent means to evaluate high-strength concrete. For such sta- Since much of the interest in high-strength structural con-
tistical procedures to be valid, the data (slump, unit weight, crete is limited to compressive strength, these measurements
temperature, air content, and strength) should be derived are of primary concern. The primary function of standard
from samples obtained through a random sampling plan de- laboratory-cured specimens is to provide assurance that the
signed to reduce the possibility that choice will be exercised concrete mixture as delivered to the job site has the potential
by the testing technician. Random number tables should be to meet contract specification requirements. The potential
used to select trucks that will be sampled during the placing strength and variability of the concrete can be established
operations. The samples taken from a truck should represent only by specimens made, cured, and tested under standard
the quality of concrete supplied. Therefore, composite sam- conditions.
ples should be taken in accordance with ASTM C 172. They 4.5.1 Specimen size and shapeASTM C 31 specifies the
should be combined and remixed to ensure uniformity before standard specimen as a cylinder with a diameter of 152 mm
testing the properties of the freshly-mixed concrete or cast- (6 in.) and a height of 305 mm (12 in.). This specimen size
ing test specimens. Random sampling, however, does not re- has evolved over the years from practical considerations, and
place the need to ensure that the first truckload of concrete the design and construction team is familiar with the em-
conforms to the specifications. pirical values obtained. This specimen size may lead to
These samples are representative of the quality of concrete practical problems when testing high-strength concrete be-
delivered to the site and may not truly represent the quality cause the crushing loads may exceed the capacities of
of the concrete in the structure, which may be affected by site available testing machines. However, 102 mm (4 in.) by
placing and curing methods. If additional test samples are 203 mm (8in.) cylindrical specimens have also been used

successfully to determine compressive strength (Forstie during the first 48 hours are important aspects for ensuring
and Schnormeir 1981). standard conditions, because the later-age strength of con-
Cook (1989) indicates that for a mixture with a design crete specimens can be sensitive to initial curing tempera-
strength of 70 MPa (10,000 psi), the strengths of 102 mm tures. Chamberlin (1952) studied the effects of initial and
(4in.) diameter cylinders were approximately five percent subsequent curing temperatures on the strength development
higher than those of 152 mm (6 in.) diameter cylinders. Burg of normal-strength concrete test cylinders. For specimens
and Ost (1992) found that, in the range of 70 MPa (10,000 with non-standard initial curing temperatures maintained for
psi) to 140MPa (20,000 psi), 102 mm (4 in.) diameter cyl- up to 24 hours prior to standard laboratory curing at 23 C
inder strengths generally were within about one percent of (73F), he reported that:
the 152mm (6 in.) diameter cylinder strengths. Carino et al. At age 28 days and later, the test cylinders with higher
(1994) found that the differences were less than 2 percent. initial curing temperatures had lower strength.
The latest edition of Canadian Standard CSA A23.1 requires At later ages, the strength was dependent upon the ini-
a 5 percent reduction in the measured strength where 100 tial temperatures, but was only slightly affected by the
mm by 200 mm (4 in. by 8 in.) cylinders are used. This re- length of time this temperature was maintained.
quirement is based on a definitive study by Day (1994). There are indications that the later-age strength of high-
The use of the smaller test cylinders is acceptable provid- strength concrete may not be as sensitive to the early-age
ed strength is determined in accordance with ASTM C 39. temperature as is normal-strength concrete. For example,
Recent unpublished research by Burg et al. suggests that Atcin and Riad (1988) indicate that the early temperature
where rigid upper platens are used the test results for both rise due to hydration of high-strength mixtures containing
specimen sizes are the same. Carino et al. (1994) suggest silica-fume with water-cementitious materials ratios below
that the strength differences between the two cylinder sizes 0.30 dramatically increases the 7-day strength without af-
may be related to differences in density. When 102 mm (4 fecting the 28-day strength. Those results were based on test
in.) diameter cylinders have been used for QA/QC testing in cylinders subjected to a temperature cycle similar to that ob-
the U.S.A., strength reductions have not been applied to the tained in two large high-strength concrete columns.
measured strengths. The curing of high-strength concrete in a structural ele-
Regardless of specimen size, the size used to evaluate trial ment normally varies from the curing of representative stan-
mixture proportions should be consistent with the size spec- dard specimens from samples obtained in accordance with
ified for acceptance testing, and should be acceptable to the ASTM C 172 and prepared and cured in accordance with
Architect/Engineer. If necessary, the relationship between ASTM C 31. The internal temperature of the concrete mem-
the compressive strengths of the two specimen sizes can be ber may greatly exceed the ambient temperature, while test
determined at the laboratory or field trial stage using the test- specimens are cured at about 23 C (73 F). Although standard
ing machine that will be used for the project. test specimens used to evaluate the potential strength of the
4.5.2 Mold typeMolds should meet the requirements of concrete may be cured at lower temperatures than the in-
ASTM C 470. The type of mold material, the ability to hold place concrete, studies (Day 1994) have shown that the
its shape, and its watertightness can have a significant effect 28-day strength of standard, laboratory-cured specimens is a
on measured compressive strength. Consolidation is more good indicator of potential strength. Furthermore, design
effective with rigid molds. Rigid single-use plastic molds equations were developed on the basis of compressive
with wall thicknesses of 6 mm (1/4 in.) or greater have been strength determined by standard-cured cylinders and struc-
used successfully for 70 MPa (10,000 psi) concrete (Forstie tural performance based on large scale specimens. If an ac-
and Schnormeir 1981). Plastic molds with wall thickness curate determination of the strength in a high-strength
less than 6 mm (1/4 in.) should have a cap to maintain a cir- concrete component is required, temperature-matched cured
cular shape. Close-fitting caps also can be used to minimize test specimens (Wainright and Tolloczko 1983) should be
loss of moisture. Flat caps should be avoided as they deform used instead of standard-cured test specimens.
the concrete surface. A domed cap providing a clearance of An adequate working area for specimen fabrication
at least 13 mm (1 /2 in.) should be used. In all cases loss of and an initial curing facility should be provided at the job
moisture must be prevented. Even high-quality cardboard site. It is more difficult to maintain the proper initial cur-
molds produce compressive strength results about 13 per- ing temperature with high-strength concrete specimens
cent lower than when steel molds are used (Blick 1973). than with lower-strength concrete specimens because of
Therefore, cardboard molds are not recommended. Because the higher heat of hydration. As a result, the temperature
of these noted differences, the mold type used for field spec- of the field curing environment can easily exceed the up-
imens should be the same as the mold type used to develop per limit of 27 C (80 F) allowed by ASTM C 31. The cur-
the design mixture. ing environment can be improved by providing
4.5.3 Consolidation of test specimensTest specimens ventilation around specimens, and by submerging the
should be consolidated properly. Applicable ASTM C 31 specimens in temperature-controlled water baths. The
and ASTM C 192 procedures should be followed. testing technician should monitor the ambient curing
4.5.4 Field handling and curingProper field handling temperatures in the field with maximum/minimum ther-
and initial curing of compressive-strength test specimens mometers or continuous temperature recorders. These

temperatures should be reported with the strength test is limited to 2mm ( 1/16 in.) (Lobo et al. 1994). However, not
data. all capping materials are satisfactory. For concrete strengths
Since work by Atcin and Riad (1988) established that above 70 MPa (10,000 psi), tests should be made to demon-
maximum temperatures just below 27 C (80 F) during hydra- strate the suitability of the capping material. Typically,
tion did not reduce ultimate strength, the ASTM limit of 27C capped cylinders are tested and compared with cylinders pre-
(80F) appears to be an appropriate upper limit for standard pared by end grinding. It appears that the compressive
field curing. The 1994 edition of CSA A23.1 requires initial strength of the capping material may not be the only, or even
(field) curing temperature for test cylinders of concretes with the most important, mechanical property; the elastic modu-
specified strengths of 70 MPa (10,000 psi) or higher to be 23 lus may be just as important.* Further research is needed in
2 C (73.5 3.5 F). this area.
Use of in-place testing is recommended to determine the Without prior experience, testing of sulfur mortars before
adequacy of curing, form removal time, or when a structure production testing of concrete is recommended to determine
may be put into service. Techniques for in-place testing are optimum melting temperatures and the time after casting re-
discussed in ACI 228.1R. However, field-cured cylinders are quired to develop adequate strength. Specimens should nev-
appropriate in the precast industry and, if they are to be used, er be tested immediately after capping. ASTM C 39 requires
the storage and handling of field-cured specimens should be at least 2 hours of waiting after capping; longer times may be
discussed at the preconstruction conference. needed for high-strength concrete (Lobo et al. 1994). Labo-
4.5.5 Transporting to laboratoryTest specimens should ratory technicians should practice with the designated cap-
be transported to the laboratory after 16 hours and before 48 ping material to produce a consistent 2 mm (1 /16 in.) thick
hours after casting. The technician should exercise caution to cap. The ends of test cylinders should be sawn or ground if
ensure that the specimens have gained sufficient strength to re- necessary to produce uniformly thin caps. This is especially
sist handling stresses before shipping to the laboratory. This is important when the finished ends of cylinders are rough or
particularly important when retarding or high-range water-re- not perpendicular to the cylinder axis. Caps should be sound-
ducing admixtures are added. During transportation, the spec- ed for air voids by tapping with a coin (see C 617) prior to
imens should be protected by adequate cushioning material to testing. Hollow caps should be removed and specimens re-
prevent damage from jarring and should be protected from capped. Sulfur mortars should not be reused.
damage by freezing temperatures or loss of moisture. The problems associated with capping can be eliminated
4.5.6 Laboratory curingStandard laboratory moist-cur- by grinding the ends of test cylinders using equipment made
ing after initial standard curing at the job site should strictly for that purpose. Pistilli and Willems (1993) suggested that
follow ASTM C 31. specimen ends be ground to a planeness of 0.025 mm
4.5.7 Specimen preparationASTM C 39 requires that (0.001in.) and 0.3 degrees perpendicularity for concretes ex-
the ends of test cylinders be ground or capped so that the ceeding design strengths of 70 MPa (10,000 psi). Cylinders
loading surfaces are plane to within 0.05 mm (0.002 in.). with ends prepared by grinding have less variable test results
When high-strength concrete cylinders are capped, the and a higher average strength for concrete stronger than 70
thickness and strength of the cap is more important than for MPa (10,000 psi).
lower-strength concrete. Gaynor and Wedding (1964),
Unbonded cap systems, composed of polymeric pads in re-
Saucier (1972), and Lobo et al. (1994) investigated the ef-
straining rings (Fig. 4.5.1), have been used successfully on
fect of the thickness of sulfur mortar caps on compressive
high-strength concrete up to 130 MPa (19,000 psi) (Pistilli
strengths of normal and high-strength concretes. A uniform
and Willems 1993). However, test specimens should be pre-
cap thickness of 2 mm (1 /16 in.) or less was found to be nec-
pared carefully so that poor end conditions do not have a
essary for high-strength concrete. Thicker caps result in re-
negative effect on the test results. ASTM C 1231 tolerance
duced measured compressive strength.
requirements for the planeness of ends should not be exceed-
Capping should comply with ASTM C 617. Sulfur mortars
ed and its other requirements should be followed. At present,
with 50 mm (2 in.) cube strengths between 55 and 70 MPa
ASTM C 1231 does not permit the use of unbonded caps for
(8,000 and 10,000 psi) at the time of testing are acceptable
acceptance testing of concrete with strength above 50 MPa
for high-strength concrete up to design strengths of 70 MPa
(7000 psi). However, the qualification testing procedure in
(10,000 psi). Above 70 MPa (10,000 psi), test strengths less
ASTM C 1231 can be used during the trial batch stage to
than the actual strength of the specimens may be obtained
demonstrate whether an unbonded cap system is suitable for
with greater variability in the test results (Rosenbaum 1990).
the particular concrete. Since unbonded caps result in explo-
Due to friction between the cap and steel platen, the cap is
sive failures of test cylinders, even when high-capacity, stiff
confined and has a higher strength than the 50 mm (2 in.)
testing machines are used, safety precautions should be used
cube strength. The beneficial effect of confinement was dem-
to avoid injury to laboratory personnel.
onstrated by Gaynor and Wedding (1964), who reported that
the compressive strength of 50 mm (2 in.) diameter cylinders
of capping compound increased as the height of the cylinder
* Vichit-Vadakan, W., undergraduate research study, NIST and Cornell University,
was reduced. Capping has been used successfully for manuscript in preparation.
Chojnacki, B, and Read, P., Compressive Strength Procedures for Testing High-
strengths up to 117MPa (17,000 psi) provided cap thickness Strength Concrete, Trow Consulting Engineers report to CANMET, unpublished.

Fig. 4.5.1Unbonded cap systems: (a) polymeric pads restrained by metal ring, and
(b) sand in rigid metal container (Boulay and de Larrard 1993, Boulay 1996).

An alternative unbonded capping method using dry sand by a proving device that measures the uniformity of straining
(Fig. 4.5.1) has been introduced in France (Boulay and de as a function of degree of misalignment.
Larrard 1993, Boulay 1996). Similar procedures were ex- British Standard BS 1881, Part 115, describes one proce-
plored in the U.S. in the late 1920s (Carino et al. 1994). In dure for evaluating the lateral stiffness of testing machines.
this approach, a steel mold is used to hold dry sand. The cyl- A metal tube instrumented with strain gages is positioned be-
inder is positioned in the sand using a jig similar to that used tween the loading platens at different amounts of eccentricity
for capping with sulfur. The sand is vibrated, and molten and the strain gage readings are recorded. A laterally stiff
paraffin is poured around the cylinder to keep the sand in machine can maintain uniform deformation of the tube with
place while the other end is prepared in a similar fashion. increasing eccentricity of the tube.
The compressive strength of cylinders tested using the sand The use of proper platen size and design is critical. The up-
box system have been found to be from 0 to 5 percent lower per platen should have a spherically-seated bearing block that
than ground cylinders, depending on strength level. The is able to rotate and achieve full contact with the specimen un-
method has been adopted as a standard in France. der initial load. However, to ensure uniform compression of
4.5.8 Testing apparatusDue to the higher loads carried the test specimen, the block should be fixed when approach-
by high-strength concrete test specimens, compression ing the ultimate load. The spherical bearing block and seating
machine characteristics influence results (Noguchi and should be kept clean and coated thinly with a light oil. The
Tomosawa 1996). Machine characteristics that may affect block will not become fixed properly if pressure-type greases
the measured strength include calibration accuracy, longitu- are used.
dinal and lateral stiffness, alignment of the machine compo- Fig. 4.5.2 shows the ASTM C 39 dimensional require-
nents, type of platens, and the behavior of the platen ments for the spherically-seated platen of a compression test-
spherical seating. Testing machines should meet the require- ing machine. Laboratories typically use the same platen for
ments of ASTM C 39. Based on practical experience, it is testing 102 mm (4 in.) and 152 mm (6 in.) diameter cylin-
recommended that the machine should have a load capacity ders. Work by Burg et al. indicates that load transfer from
at least 20 percent greater than the expected ultimate load of spherically-seated platens into test specimens can affect the
the cylinders. Premature damage to testing machines and measured strength. Some platens that meet the dimensional
loss of calibration have occurred as a result of large numbers requirements of ASTM C 39 produce non-standard load
of explosive failures at high loads. Testing machines should transfer into high-strength 152 mm (6 in.) diameter speci-
incorporate devices to protect personnel from concrete frag- mens, but can transfer load properly for 102 mm (4 in.) spec-
ments that may be propelled during explosive failures. imens. This may explain cases where 102 mm (4 in.)
Carino et al. (1994) summarized the desirable stiffness cylinders have higher measured compressive strength than
characteristics of testing machines: 152 mm (6 in.) cylinders. In those cases, the smaller diameter
Testing machine stiffness is an important factor in com- specimens may actually represent a more realistic measure
pressive strength testing. The effect of longitudinal stiffness of the compressive strength.
on the post-peak response is understood, and hard machines Fig. 4.5.3 shows the key dimensions of two spherically-
are needed to avoid explosive failures. On the other hand, seated bearing platens used in an interlaboratory study con-
the effect of longitudinal stiffness on strength is not under- ducted by Burg et al. to examine the effects of testing vari-
stood. There are conflicting opinions and data, so additional ables on the measured strengths of high-strength cylinders.
study is warranted. The effect of lateral stiffness on strength Both platens satisfy the minimum dimensional requirements
is understood. A laterally stiff machine assures uniform of ASTM C 39, however, one platen had a smaller ball radius
straining of the specimen in the presence of eccentric load- and a thinner bearing plate. In addition, the smaller platen
ing, due to either heterogeneity of the specimen or misalign- had a two-part bearing plate as shown in Fig. 4.5.3(b). In that
ment. The adequacy of the lateral stiffness can be evaluated study, a unique sensor system was used to measure the

contact stresses between the platens and ends of a 152 mm (6

in.) diameter aluminum cylinder. The sensor system allowed
comparison of the cylinder end stress distributions. Schemat-
ics of the measured distributions are shown in Fig. 4.5.3. It
can be seen that the smaller spherically-seated block resulted
in a concentration of the stress at the center of the cylinder,
while the larger and stiffer block showed the expected distri-
bution with higher stress at the perimeter.* Thus, the two
blocks resulted in drastically different distributions at the
end of the 152 mm (6 in.) diameter cylinder. Fig. 4.5.4 shows
the reduction in measured compressive strength of 152 mm
(6 in.) diameter cylinders tested with the less stiff spherical-
ly-seated platen compared with cylinders tested with the
stiffer platen. It is seen that the adverse effect of the inade-
quate platen increased with increasing concrete strength.
This study concluded that spherically-seated platens with
large ball diameters and thick bearing plates should be used
for testing 152 mm (6 in.) diameter cylinders.
Fig. 4.5.2Dimensional requirements for spherically- Correct positioning of the specimen is crucial to uniform
seated platen according to ASTM C 39. and accurate results. The permissible eccentricity of the test
specimen depends on the lateral stiffness of the testing ma-
chine. To determine the criticality of specimen positioning
for a particular testing machine, an aluminum cylinder the
same size as the proposed test cylinders and instrumented
with three strain gages at mid-height can be used. The cylin-
der is placed in the testing machine and loaded to the antici-
pated concrete cylinder failure load. Strain readings from
each gage are recorded as the aluminum cylinder is loaded.
If the specimen is properly positioned, strain readings should
be nearly identical around the periphery of the aluminum
specimen. If not, the specimen can be repositioned and the
loading repeated. Once an acceptable location is determined
it should be marked so that actual test specimens can be po-
sitioned properly.
Testing procedures and the condition and calibration of the
machine should be investigated if compressive strength re-
sults are lower than expected or highly variable.

4.6Prequalification of testing laboratories

A laboratory should be examined from two perspectives
(Bickley 1993): how it has performed in the past and how
well it is equipped to perform properly in the future. Past
test data for high-strength concrete analyzed in accor-
dance with ACI 214 will show within-test variability as a
measure of the testing consistency of the laboratory. The
qualifications and experience of technicians and inspec-
tors should be reviewed. The laboratory should be accred-
ited or inspected for conformance to the requirements of
ASTM C 1077. The Architect/Engineer should recom-
mend an acceptable testing laboratory.

* It is commonly assumed that there is a uniform pressure distribution on the end of

Fig. 4.5.3Dimensions of: (a) adequate, and (b) inade- a perfectly flat cylinder loaded through a thick steel plate. However, this is not true.
quate spherically-seated bearing blocks and approximate The pressure is higher near the perimeter and decreases to a relatively constant value
in the central region of the cross section, similar to the distribution in Fig. 4.5.3(a).
shape stress distributions on ends of cylinders (unpublished Additional information on the stresses in a loaded cylinder may be found in Carino et
study by Burg et al.). al (1994) and Ottosen (1984).

excellent degree of control, whereas a standard deviation

greater than 5MPa (700 psi) represents poor control. In the
case of high-strength concrete, defining quality-control cat-
egories based on absolute dispersion may be misleading,
since standard deviations greater than 5MPa (700 psi) are
not uncommon for 70MPa (10,000 psi) concrete on well-
controlled projects.
For practical comparisons, the coefficient of variation is
more useful for measuring the dispersion of compressive
strengths, especially for high-strength concrete. The coeffi-
cient of variation is the standard deviation expressed as a
percentage of the average strength. Anderson (1985) and
Cook (1989) have suggested that the coefficient of variation
be used because this value is less affected by the magnitude
of the strengths obtained and is more useful in comparing the
Fig. 4.5.4Effect of spherically-seated platen on measured degree of control for a wide range of strength levels. Sug-
compressive strength of 150 mm (6 in.) cylinders as a func- gested standards of quality control are listed in Table 5.1.1.
tion of concrete strength (adapted from an unpublished
study by Burg et al.). These standards of control are based on the analysis of
over seven hundred, 28-day compressive strength test results
(average of at least two cylinders). In practice, high-strength
A comprehensive internal quality control protocol that concrete has a lower coefficient of variation than normal-
covers test procedures; the use, care, and calibration of test- strength concrete, not because of the strength level, but be-
ing equipment; and the checking and reporting procedures to cause a higher degree of control is maintained in the produc-
be followed is a sign of a well-run laboratory. Records tion and testing of high-strength concrete. Continual review
should show that the protocol has been followed for previous of the field results and the maintenance of records in the form
projects. of control charts, or other means, is recommended to assess
Depending on the results of the review of the past and whether the desired level of control is being achieved.
potential performance of the laboratory, some tests of per- Early-age control of concrete strength may be achieved by
sonnel and equipment may be made to conclude the making and testing accelerated- cured specimens according
prequalification examination (Bickley 1993). to ASTM C 684, especially where later-age (56- or 90-day)
strength tests are the final acceptance criterion. Evaluation of
these data should follow job-specific criteria developed at an
early phase of concreting.
5.1Statistical concepts Where ages later than 28 days are specified for acceptance,
The first step in evaluating quality control procedures is ACI 214 evaluation procedures can be used.
determining whether the distribution of the compressive
strength test results follows a normal frequency distribution.
Cook (1989) suggests that skewed distributions may occur Table 5.1.1Standards of concrete control for
for high-strength concrete because the compressive strength specified compressive strength over 35 MPa
may be limited by the aggregate strength. This can be the (5000 psi)
case for concrete strengths exceeding 70 MPa (10,000 psi). Overall variation
The distribution should be investigated to determine if it de- Coefficient of variation for different control standards,
viates from a normal distribution. As suggested by Cook percent

(1989), the skewness and kurtosis (peakedness of the distri- Class of

operation Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
bution) are evaluated by calculating the third and fourth mo- General
ments of the distribution about the mean. Available data construction under 7.0 7.0 to 9.0 9.0 to 11.0 11.0 to 14.0 over 14.0
indicate that a normal frequency distribution is achieved for testing

concrete with compressive strength in the range of 40 to 70 Laboratory under 3.5 3.5 to 4.5 4.5 to 5.5 5.5 to 7.0 over 7.0
trial batches
MPa (6000 to 10,000 psi) (Cook 1982). Thus, the procedure Within-test variation
recommended by ACI 214, which assumes a normal distri- Coefficient of variation for different control standards,
bution, is usually a convenient tool for evaluating the quality percent
of production and testing of high-strength concrete. Class of
In the 1977 (Reapproved 1989) version of ACI 214, the operation Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor

numerical values of the standard deviation are related to Field control under 3.0 3.0 to 4.0 4.0 to 5.0 5.0 to 6.0 over 6.0
evaluations of the quality of the work represented. A stan- Laboratory
dard deviation less than 2.8 MPa (400 psi) represents an under 2.0 2.0 to 3.0 3.0 to 4.0 4.0 to 5.0 over 5.0
trial batches

5.2Strength evaluation Table 5.2.1Strength cores from 760 mm (30 in.)

ACI 318 recognizes that some strength test results are square columns (Cook 1989)
likely to be lower than the specified strength. However, Moist-cured cylinder strength at same age,
the ACI-318 acceptance criteria are based on normal- percent
strength concrete. It is recommended that high-strength Age at test, days Range Average
concrete be judged acceptable if the following require- 7 94 to 105 99
ments are met: 28 84 to 97 91
The average of all sets of three consecutive strength test 56 78 to 94 84
results equals or exceeds the required fc , and 180 78 to 94 86
No individual strength test (average of two cylinders) 365 93 to 107 98
falls below 0.90 f c. (This is different from the ACI 318
The latter criterion differs from the 3.4 MPa (500 psi) un- Table 5.2.2Strength of cores from
der strength criterion in ACI 318, because a deficiency of 3.4 1220 mm (4 ft) cubes (Burg and Ost 1992)
MPa (500 psi) may not be significant when high-strength 28-day moist-cured 152 x 305 mm
(6 x 12 in.) cylinder strength,
concrete is used. percent
High-strength concretes may continue to gain significant system Age at test, days Range Average
strengths after the acceptance test age, especially if fly ash or I 95 to 106 99
ground granulated blast-furnace slag are used. During the I + SF + FA 93 to 96 95
evaluations to establish mixture proportions, a strength de- I + SF 85 to 90 88
velopment curve should be established indicating potential I + SF 93 to 104 98
strength over time. However, if questions arise concerning I + SF + FA 102 to 105 103
the load-carrying capacity of a structure, ACI 318 allows in- I + SF + FA 107 to 110 108
vestigation by analysis using core test results or by load test- I + SF 109 to 123 117
ing. In cases where load testing a structure is not practical, I + SF + FA 104 to 106 105
analytical investigations using the strength results from I + SF 94 to 98 96
extracted cores, or in-place tests (ACI 228.1R), are more I + SF 100 to 111 107
appropriate. Tests to evaluate the durability of the concrete I + SF + FA 104 to 113 109
(see ACI 201.2R) should be performed separately on cores I + SF + FA 122 to 124 123
other than those used for strength tests. *I = Type I portland cement; SF = silica fume; FA = fly ash
As mentioned in Chapter 3, a correlation curve should be
established for each high-strength mixture to relate the
strength of extracted cores (normally 102 mm (4 in.) in di- Table 5.2.3Column core strength at later ages
ameter) to the strength of specimens used for acceptance (Bickley et al. 1991, 1994)
testing, that is, 152 by 305 mm (6 by 12 in.) or 102 by
Average 28-day moist-cured cylinder strength,
203mm (4 by 8 in.) cylinders. Then, if coring becomes nec- percent
essary, the relationship has been established, agreed upon, Age at test, years Range Average
and is ready for conclusive interpretation. In the absence of 1 90 to 109 97
correlation data, the provisions of ACI 318 should be used. 2 91 to 107 100
These provisions require that the average strength of a set of 7 97 to 100 99
three cores be equal to at least 85 percent of fc and no single
core be less than 75 percent of fc . Type I portland cement plus silica fume and ground granu-
Cook (1989) reported that tests of 102 mm (4 in.) diameter lated blast-furnace slag.
cores taken from 760 by 760 mm (30 by 30 in.) columns of Atcin and Riad (1988) reported 2-year core strengths
10,000psi (70 MPa) concrete resulted in average strengths from columns made with Type I cement and silica fume. The
as shown in Table 5.2.1. average 2-year core strength was 97 percent of the strength
of 28-day moist cured cylinders.
Burg and Ost (1992) reported on 102 mm (4 in.) cores
These data indicate that the acceptance criteria for core
drilled from 1220 mm (4 ft) cubes of concrete with
strengths specified in ACI 318 are also applicable to high-
compressive strength in the range of 70 to 140 MPa
strength concretes.
(10,000 to 20,000psi). Sets of three cores at 91 days
and 14 months produced average strengths as shown in
Table 5.2.2.
In tests at 1, 2, and 7 years of age on 102 mm (4 in.) diam- 6.1Cited standards
eter cores from columns made with 70 MPa (10,000 psi) con- The documents of the various standards producing organi-
crete Bickley et al. (1991, 1994) obtained the results shown zations referred to in this document are listed below with
in Table 5.2.3. The cementitious system in this concrete was their serial designations.

American Concrete Institute C 1077 Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete

and Concrete Aggregates for Use in Con-
116R Cement and Concrete Terminology
struction and Criteria for Laboratory Evalua-
201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete
207.2R Effect of Restraint, Volume Change, and Re-
C 1231 Practice for Use of Unbonded Caps in Deter-
inforcement on Cracking of Massive Con-
mination of Compressive Strength of Hard-
ened Concrete Cylinders
211.1 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions
for Normal, Heavyweight and Mass Concrete
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
211.4R Guide for Selecting Proportions for High-
Strength Concrete with Portland Cement and QC Manual, Section 3, Checklist for Certification of Ready
Fly Ash Mixed Concrete Production Facilities
212.3R Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
214 Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Canadian Standards Association
Strength Test Results of Concrete
CSA-A.23.1M Concrete Materials and Methods of Con-
228.1R In-Place Methods to Estimate Concrete
crete Construction
304R Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting
and Placing Concrete British Standards Institution
308 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete
Testing Concrete, BS 1881, Part 115, Specification for Com-
309R Guide for Consolidation of Concrete
pression Testing Machines for Concrete
311.4R Guide for Concrete Inspection
318 Building Code Requirements for Structural
The above publications may be obtained from the follow-
ing organizations:
363R State-of-the-Art Report on High-Strength
Concrete American Concrete Institute
P.O. Box 9094
American Society for Testing and Materials Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094
C 31 Practice for Making and Curing Concrete
Test Specimens in the Field
C 33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates
100 Barr Harbor Drive
C 39 Test Method for Compressive Strength of
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
C 94 Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete
C 117 Test Method for Materials Finer than 75-m
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
(No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by
900 Spring Street
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
C 136 Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and
Coarse Aggregates
C 172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Con-
Canadian Standards Association
178 Rexdale Boulevard
C 192 Practice for Making and Curing Concrete
Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1R3
Test Specimens in the Laboratory
C 470 Specification for Molds for Forming Con-
crete Test Cylinders Vertically
British Standards Institution
C 566 Test Method for Total Moisture Content Ag-
2 Park Street
gregates by Drying
London W1A 2BS
C 617 Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete
C 666 Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to
6.2 Cited references
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crete Surfaces Exposed to Deicing Chemicals 69-72.
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