Seismic Design Considerations
Seismic Design Considerations
Seismic Design Considerations
2. Importance Factor
[11.5.1] [Table 1.5-2] [Table 1.5-1] [IBC Table 1604.5]
The Importance factor is based upon Risk Category and the
associated Life Safety, Hazard and Essential nature of the
structure. Both the ASCE 7 and IBC tables should be reviewed.
A typical building can sometimes evolve into an Ie equal to 1.25
or 1.5 when occupancy or use expands. Examples include
relatively small churches (occupancy greater than 300), or a
building where hazardous materials are stored. It should be noted
that for building design Ie = 1.0, 1.25, or 1.5 but for non-structural
Ip = 1.0, or 1.5 only [13.1.3] such that Ip may not equal Ie, and in
some instances Ip may be less than Ie.
4. R Factor
[Table 12.2-1 and 15.4-1, 2]
The Response Modification Coefficient, R, is
part of a concept where an elastic design may
be performed but with due consideration of the
overstrength and ductility inherent in the lateral
force resisting system. In order to assure
reliability in the overstrenght and ductility,
many requirements are triggered with each R
factor. The R Tables list the detailing
requirements triggered. The strings attached
to AISC R>3 structures and ACI Chapter 21
structures can be extremely significant.
5. Omega o
[Table 12.2-1]
When diaphragms are flexible, you are allowed
to reduce the Omega zero factor by 0.5. This
provision is listed in small print as footnote g,
and is often overlooked by inexperienced users
of ASCE 7.
6. Modal Response Spectrum Analysis Triggers
[12.3] [Table 12.3-1 Horizontal Irregularities]
[Table 12.3-2 Vertical Irregularities]
The above tables describe various irregularities
and thus trigger specific provisions. One such
provision is elimination of the option of the
Equivalent Lateral force Procedure [12.8] and
the need to perform a Modal Dynamic
Response Spectrum Analysis. The tables
require close review to interpret the triggers.
The ASCE Design Guide Seismic Loads: Guide
to the Seismic Provisions of ASCE 7-10 by
Finley Charney has a listing of the triggers in a
more user friendly format.
7. Omega o Triggers
[12.4] Load Combinations with Omega zero
[] Cantilever Columns
[] Collectors Light Frame, Wood
[] Columns, Beams Supporting
Discontinuous Walls
[] Pile Anchorage
[AISC where R>3, ACI Chapter 21, Appendix
D, etc.]
Omega zero is an amplification to the forces in
certain elements in the seismic load path. It is
required so as to prevent a weak link form
occurring prior to the full energy dissipation
Forces at lower floor diaphragms may be higher
than those used for the lateral force resisting
system [Eqn 12.8-12] Fx=Cvx V. This is due to
higher mode effects (i.e. modes higher than the
first mode) where the lower floors may be
accelerating higher than calculated in [Eqn
The diaphragm force equation [Eqn 12.10-1] is
similar to [Eqn 12.8-12], however Fpx
minimums of [Eqn 12.10-2] often govern for
the lower floors.
21. Fp Non-structural Components Chapter 13
Non-structural components may also experience
higher local accelerations due to higher mode
effects as well as amplification of the force
within the non-structural element itself.
Industrial structures often feature very large Fp
forces. It is unlikely that the Fp forces on two
different floors would occur at the same point in
time. Therefore one method of accounting for
the Fp forces in a computer model is to run two
Run V load combinations with the
weight of the equipment included in the seismic
weight of the floor and base shear distributed over
the height as per [Eqn 12.8-12].
Run Fp of piece of equipment only so as
to verify an adequate load path to the vertical
system and/or foundation.
Note also that when non-structural components
get very large, i.e. 25% of total structure mass,
then [15.3] Non-building Structure provisions
apply. For these heavy components, a
computer model capturing the stiffness and
design coefficients of both the component and
the primary structure must be considered
Note that it is necessary to apply Ev to Fp
combinations. And Rho (redundancy) = 1.0
and Omega zero does not apply to Fp load
combinations except in ACI Appendix D
The above listing of common errors was developed
by the author during frequent review of other
engineers work. This paper is based upon the
authors experience and should not be
misconstrued as a consensus document of the
ASCE 7 Seismic Committees. It is intended that
an engineer could read the list so as to review and
verify adequate knowledge of seismic design and
common errors, as well as on a per project basis
when checking a project designed by others.
ASCE 7-10, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings
and Other Structures, Third Printing, American
Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA
IBC 2012, International Building Code 2012,
International Code Council, Country Club Hills, Il
ASCE Charney Ph.D., P.E., Finley A.: Seismic
Loads: Guide to the Seismic Provisionsof ASCE 710, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston,