Uktbdp Ghana PDF
Uktbdp Ghana PDF
Uktbdp Ghana PDF
The United Kingdom Tuberculosis Detection Programme (UKTBDP) involves the pre-departure testing of
tuberculosis (TB) for individuals who intend to apply for a UK visa for longer than six (6) months. The UK
Government designated the Migration Health Department of the International Organization for Migration
(IOM) to conduct the screening of applicants and issuance of certificates according to the UK Department of
Health Protocol.
The table below shows a list of visa categories which requires the pre-departure TB Screening.
Working Holiday Maker Applicants going to the UK on the working holiday maker program.
Select this category when the applicants visa category is not readily
Other (TIER 5)
The following are exempted from the TB testing requirement:
Attendance is by appointment and the full test fee is USD 75 (payable in USD or GHS equivalent).
It is advisable for applicants to do the TB test at least 10 weeks prior to their application because if
chest x-ray findings are suggestive of pulmonary tuberculosis, they will have to do further testing
(Sputum Smears/Culture) for 6-8 weeks before results will be available. Certificate will be issued to
applicants whose results are negative. If results are positive, the applicant will be referred for
treatment for a period of at least 6 months.
At the premises of MEDLAB GHANA LTD
17 Ridge Road, Roman Ridge
PO Box 5222
Tel: +233 (0)30 7012051, +233 (0)30 7012053, +233 (0)30 7012054
Map for the directions to IOM UKTB Centre
Test results:
The test results are given on the same day and a certificate issued.
Only certificates issued by the IOM clinic will be acceptable. At the IOM clinic, applicants will be tested for
pulmonary TB by chest X-ray and, as necessary, sputum smears (see Sputum Sample Collection
Instructions, next page). If free from infectious TB, the applicant will be issued with a certificate (valid for
six months) and the applicant can then submit his/her visa application formally. Applicants whose chest X-
rays are found to be suggestive of pulmonary TB will have to go through Sputum Smears/Culture tests.
Results of these tests will be available in 6-8 weeks.
A certificate will be issued to applicants whose results are Negative. Those found to have infectious TB
will be referred for treatment for a period of at least 6 months and will not normally be allowed to apply
for a visa until after they have been successfully treated and are certified to be free of TB infection.
Sputum Sample Collection Instructions:
Q: What is tuberculosis?
A: Tuberculosis is a highly communicable disease caused by the infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It can
affect most organs but is most commonly found in the lungs.
More details about this are available on the website of the UK's Health Protection Agency
A: Details of the International Organization for Migration clinics and their contact details are available on
the Website of the British mission for each country involved in the scheme.
Q: Who pays for the cost of testing?
A: Visa applicants are expected to pay for their screening and any subsequent treatment.
A: Pregnant women are offered the option of chest x-ray with abdominal shielding to protect the unborn
children or, to produce their sputum for three (3) consecutive days for smears tests.
A: They will be advised and referred to medical authorities in their respective countries and complete a
course of treatment by international standards. This usually takes six months. Once the tuberculosis is cured
they will need to be tested again. When they are free from disease, they will be able to apply for a visa.
Q: What happens if there is an urgent and compassionate reason to travel for someone who has
infectious tuberculosis?
A: It is unlikely that anyone applying to come to the UK for more than six months will fall into this
category. But, as with all visa applicants, if there are urgent and compassionate reasons for them to travel,
the authorities will take full account of their compassionate circumstances before they make a decision.
A: The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) supervises the UK's tuberculosis screening in the
countries where we currently test. We are a non-profit organisation with wide experience in this field.
Q: What are the health implications in terms of exposure if someone has taken chest x-ray in less than
3 months?
A: As with other medical procedures, x-rays are generally safe although there are minimal effects that can
be experienced if frequent radiation has been received previously. The amount of radiation used in most
examinations is very small and the benefits greatly outweigh the risks of harm if the necessary precautionary
measures are applied.
A: An applicant needs to provide a police report confirming that their certificate is missing. IOM will
provide the applicant with a duplicate copy of the original certificate.
A: No, applicants are required to sign on the certificate at the point of collection, except in the case of a
minor where a parent/guardian signs on their behalf.
A: We are located on the compound of the Medlab Building, #17 Ridge Road, Roman Ridge (see Map on
page 3).
Points Based Systems Introduced by the BHC to Control Migration to the UK
With effect from Thursday 27th November 2008, all skilled migrants who have been offered a job in the
UK will be able to apply for their UK visa under a new simplified but more secure system.
Under Tier 2 of the UKs new Points Based System, migrants who have been offered a job will need to be
sponsored by their prospective employer as part of their visa application. The new simplified application
process replaces the two stage work permit system and is designed to be more transparent for skilled
Under PBS, skilled foreign nationals will earn points for objective criteria such as qualifications, previous
earnings, age and UK experience. Only those with enough points can get a visa to work in the UK.
Tier 2 applicants will need to show a firm job offer before they apply for a visa. British-based companies
will have to prove they cannot fill skilled posts with a resident worker and must show that the job vacancy
has been advertised in the UK. Employers will need a licence from the UK Border Agency to offer jobs to
skilled workers.
The Home Office has also launched a new Business Visitor visa which clarifies what activities are permitted
during business visits to the UK. The new visa will allow visa nationals to stay for up to six months to
attend meetings, arrange deals, undertake fact finding missions, conduct site visits and undertake
promotional activities.
Tier 5 of the PBS, covering those traveling temporarily to the UK was introduced in 2008. It covers youth
mobility, sports people, entertainers and charity workers and works together with a new Special Visitor visa.
Many existing immigration categories such as working holidaymaker ceased to exist on 27 November
2008 and any applications should have been received by 26 November 2008. After this date, all
applications covered under this Tier will need to apply under the points-based system.
The introduction of Tiers 2 and 5 of the PBS follows implementation of the first Tier of the system for
highly skilled migrants without a job offer, which came into effect in early 2008. Tier 4, for students was
rolled out from April 2009.
From 27th November 2008, the age at which someone could sponsor, or be sponsored, as a spouse coming
for settlement was raised from 18 to 21. These changes are aimed solely at those spouses and partners who
are coming to the UK for settlement on the basis of a relationship with a British citizen or settled person.
1. The statement of intent for Tier 2 of the PBS can be found at:
2. The statement of intent for Tier 5 of the PBS can be found at:
3. The Statement of Intent for the Business, Entertainer and Special visa can be found at:
4. In March 2006 the Government published a Command Paper setting out the new PBS, A points-based
system: Making Migration work for Britain. The new system consolidates the many complex routes into just
five tiers. It is designed to facilitate entry to the UK of all those wanting to come to work, train and study. A
Statement of Intent for Tier 1 of the PBS was published in December 2007. The Command Paper and
Statement of Intent can be found at
5. Tier 2 is the second of five tiers of the PBS due to be rolled out over the next 12 months. It will be introduced
on 27 November, along with Tier 5, for temporary workers such as musicians, actors and sportsmen. Tier 1,
for highly skilled migrants, was introduced in February this year and Tier 4, which covers students, will
follow in 2009.
6. Tier 3, which covers low skilled routes, will only be used if specific shortages are identified that cannot be
filled from the UKs domestic or European labour force. Tier 3 is suspended.
Further details can be obtained from the British High Commission Visa Section. Telephone: +233-030-
7010650 or +233-030-221665.
Date of birth:
Male Female
Applicants Declaration:
I understand that:
a) I am required to undergo testing for pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), involving an X-ray and possibly sputum smears,
prior to applying for a visa to go to the UK;
b) In the event of pregnancy or possible pregnancy;
1. If there is a possibility I may be pregnant I will be offered a pregnancy test.
2. If I am pregnant I will be offered a chest X-ray with protective shield, or the option of producing sputum for
smear testing.
3. I acknowledge that submitting to a chest X-ray may involve health risks for pregnant women and I am advised
to consult a radiologist to determine and understand the risks before I take a chest X-ray. If I decide to submit to
an X-ray, this shall be solely at my own risk.
c) If my chest X-ray is abnormal, presenting changes compatible with tuberculosis, I will be asked to produce sputum
for smear testing. I need to return for sputum collection within seven (7) days. If I fail to return within seven days, I
will forfeit the opportunity to obtain a TB certificate. If the smear shows the presence of infectious TB bacteria, I
will be referred for TB treatment. Treatment shall be at my own expense; I will inform the TB treatment facility that
I have close family contacts, who may need evaluation for TB.
d) I have the right to refuse to undergo the TB assessment procedure and TB treatment, but accept such a refusal may
adversely impact on my UK visa application.
I hereby
a) Consent to undergo TB testing
b) Authorize IOM to store all relevant personal information collected during the assessment process, including health
records and chest X-ray.
c) Authorize IOM to share my assessment results with the UK immigration authorities and the UK Health Department
for use in the evaluation of my visa application.
d) Authorize IOM to share my assessment results with the health authorities of (name of the country) if the notification
is required by the countrys legislation.
e) I release and hold harmless IOM/the UK Government from any liability for loss/injury suffered during, or as a result
of, the TB assessment procedures
I have read/been translated this consent form, I was invited to ask questions to clarify what was not clear to me. I understand
the content of this declaration
Name (PRINT)
Important notes: (tick if applicable)
I refused the above assessment and understand that such refusal may negatively impact on my UK visa application.
Name (PRINT) .
Signature .. Date
Name (PRINT) ..
Signed:. Date .. ..
Name (PRINT) .