CTBF 2010 Sunday Programme

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Sunday Programme

Dinosaurs or Dynamos: Is there a future for museums in South Africa? SA

14:00 - museums: challenges; opportunities. Speakers Steven Dubin, Sue Williamson,
16:00 Riason Naidoo and Andrew Lamprecht
Venue: National Gallery

The Eyes and Minds of the Boys behind the Birds and the Bees. A discussion,
hosted by John Ledger, with some of South Africa’s top wildlife writers and
10:00 - photographers, about how field guides and photographic reference books are
12:00 made. Cost R30.00 Book on www.strictlytickets.co.za
Venue: The Labia Theatre Orange Street
Organizer: Jacana Media

Solving Mathematics problems:A global solution. What can we learn from

international trends in Mathematics Experts with answers
10.00 -
Madeline Trollope, Mathematics Publisher, Heinemann Publishers
Elsbeth Khembo: President AMESA
Venue: Rm 1.41
Organizer: Heinemann Publishers

Exploring the right brain. A workshop on right brain creative writing. Speakers:
Felicity Keats & Dr Margaret Shabunga. Presented by Dancing Pencils
10:00 - Workshop
10:45 Venue: Rm 1.42
Organizer: Umzinzi

The British Council of South Africa

10:00 -
Venue: Rm 1.43 - 1.44
Organizer: British Council

Sunday Programme

Danie Marais, bekroonde digter, gesels met Andries Bezuidenhout oor sy bundel
rubrieke, Toeris in Hillbrow. Bezuidenhout se werk as musikant, digter en navorser
maak dat hy baie reis. Hy ontmoet mense in uiteenlopende plekke, van kroeë tot
10:00 -
fabrieke, mynhostelle tot veiligheidskomplekse. Hy praat vir ons almal, óók vir die
skoonmakers en die mynwerkers.
Venue: Dalro Forum
Organizer: NB Publishers

10:00 -
16:45 Wits University Press - Author Lecture Dr Wilmot James MP and guest speaker
Mampele Ramapele wiill discuss Nature's Gifts and genetics
Venue: Dalro Forum
Organizer: Wits University Press

Launch of Dancing Pencils Internet Teaching Site

10:30 -
Venue: Umzinsi Stand
Organizer: Umzinzi

11.00 -
Venue: IBBY Stand
Organizer: IBBY

Wits University Press: South Africa in 2010: Development of Decline. This panel
looks at the current state of government and politics in South Africa and the
implications for development and growth. Key issues to be discussed include
creating a democratic development state, service delivery, growing inequality, high
11.50 - poverty, unemployment and mal-governance, amongst other issues. The
12:45 potentials and challenges for constructing a democratic development state in
South Africa will also be explored.
Venue: Rm 1.63 - 1.64
Organizer: Wits University Press

Sunday Programme

Legacy of the 2nd UN Secretary General. A Presentation of the Roles and

Values. Speakers: Henning Melder DHF & Chris Saunders UCT. Presented by
11:00 -
Dag Hammarskjöld
Venue: Rm 1.62
Organizer: Dag Hammarsskjold

MNET Literacy Awards. Interviews with winners. Ruda Landman

11:00 -
Venue: Dalro Forum
Organizer: MNET

Community Publishing Project Book . The centre for the Bookwill facilitate CCP
11:00 - beneficiaries book launch- Short Stories and Novels
12:45 Venue: Rm 1.61
Organizer: National Library

Wits University Press: Thinking from The South - A panel discussion highlighting
some of the key current debates and themes relevant to the academics working in
South Africa today. The open forum format allows a platform for converstions
11h00 -
about everything from politics to literature, contemporary culture to knowledge
production and research in South Africa
Venue: Rm 1.63 - 1.64
Organizer: Wits University

Smart kids:Make the Smart choice for a brilliant future.For parents and
teachers of Grade R-3 learners. How parents can really support their child's
schoolwork in Literacy and Numeracy, and how teachers can feel secure in
11h00 -
recommending Smart Kids to their parents. Activities for children while you listen!
Venue: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman Stand
Organizer: MML

Sunday Programme

Longman South African Schools'e- Dictionary- Find out why the Longman
South African Schools' e-Dictionary is the best dictionary for South African
12:00 -
Venue: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman Stand
Organizer: MML

12:00 - Institute for Security Studies. In 2010, seventeen African countires celebrate 50
12:45 years of independence. Despite the economic and financial turmoil in Europe,
recent food crises and corruption on Wall Stree, the prospects for Africa's growth
and development have never been better. dr Cilliers will report back on the results
of the African union Summit concluding on 27th July 2010 in Kampala
Venue: Rm 1.41
Organizer: Institute for Security Studies

Chris van Wyk, the acclaimed author of Shirley Goodness and Mercy takes us
through the journey of writing his second memoir, Eggs to lay, chickens to hatch.
Venue: Rm 1.42
12:00 -
Organizer: Pan Macmillan

12:00 - Sindiwe Magona celebrates 20 years of writing

12:45 Venue: Rm 1.43 - 1.44

Jay Naidoo, author of Fighting for Justice inspires us to make a difference.

13:00 - Venue: Rm 1.42
13:45 Organizer: Pan Macmillan

Sunday Programme

Juta - Written Culture in a Colonial Context.

13:00 - Panel discussion
13:45 Venue: Rm 1.43 - 1.44
Organizer: Juta

Wits University Press

13:00 -
Venue: Rm 1.61
Organizer: Wits University Press

Hidden History Books by Gaby Magomola, Robert Edga and Peter Limb. A
13:00 - book Launch
13:45 Venue: Rm 1.62
Organizer: Unisa

13:00 -
Venue: Rm 1.63 - 1.64
Organizer: Jacana Media

Witboy en Vriende in Afrika - Johann Myburgh, omroeper van Radio Helderberg,

gesels met Deon Maas: Witboy in Afrika, Christiaan Bakkes: Stoffel in Afrika en
13:00 - Piet van Rooyen: Etosha, oor hul uiteenlopende ervarings in Afrika
13:45 Author Talk
Venue: Dalro Forum
Organizer: NB Publishers

Understanding Concepts in Maths and Science- Find out more about our new
13:00 - Understanding Concepts in Maths and Science Volume 2, a unique multilingual
14:00 resource for high school teachers and learners
Venue: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman Stand
Organizer: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman

Sunday Programme

Meet the Author /Book Signing: Dr Omano Edighedi, Editor of the seminal
collection Constructing a Democratic Development State in south Africa:
13:00 - Potentials and Challenges. This book is a must read for everyone interested in the
14:00 political future of South Africa
Venue: HSRC Stand
Organizer: HSRC

Copyright Lekgotla: Permissions-A copyright symposium focussing on

permissions. When does one have to get permission to use copyright protected
works and how does that process work? And what is Creative Commons and how
13:00 - do authors benefit from it? What about university copyright policies, what do they
16:00 provide for when it comes to use of university owned works? The Lekgotla will
seek to shed light on these issues.
Venue: Rm 1.41
Organizer: Anfasa

Paradox Of Victory . The Changing Nature of Trade Unions in South Africa.

Chair: Sakhela Bulunga ( Prof of Sociaology at UJ. Panelist Zweni. Presented by
UKZN Press
14:00 - Lecture
Venue: Rm 1.43 - 1.44
Organizer: UKZN Press

Jeshua: A Lifelong Search for Enlightenment. This two volume book plays out
the life of Jeshua the Christ in novel form, depicting his life and the missing ten-
years he grew from boy to man. A presentation of the Novel will be given by the
14:00 - author; MoonPony, author of "G.A.T University" and the "Speaking with Christ"
14:45 series, will give acount of her experiences and the inspiration that led her to the
seven year process of writing this unique two-part novel. This is then planned to
open to Questions and Answers followed by open discussions.
Venue: Rm 1.61

Sunday Programme

Book Launch - House Rules by Jodi Picoult - Jonathan Ball

14:00 -
Venue: Dalro Forum
Organizer: Jonathan Ball

Smart kids:Make the Smart choice for a brilliant future.For parents and
teachers of Grade R-3 learners. How parents can really support their child's
14:00 - schoolwork in Literacy and Numeracy, and how teachers can feel secure in
15:00 recommending Smart Kids to their parents. Activities for children while you listen!
Venue: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman Stand
Organizer: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman

Writing After Apartheid & Berlin Wall. How do we remember historical events
and periods of oppression? How do authors deal with questions of history and
identity? South African author and journalist Fred Khumalo and German author
14:00 - Ingo Shulze will read rom their works and discuss similariries and differences in
15:45 writing after the end of apartheid in South Africa and writing after the fall of the
Berlin Wall. Moderator - Jubeida Jaffer. Presented by the Goethe Institut SA
Venue: Rm 1.62
Organizer: Goethe Institut SA

14:00 -
14:45 Wits University Press- Author Sandra Swart will give a lecture on Riding High:
Horses, Humans and History in South Africa
Venue: Rm 1.42
Organizer: Wits University Press

Re-Imagining the social in South Africa. A Panel Discussion by UKZN Press

15:00 - with Peter Vale, John Higgins, Premesh Lulu, Andrew Nash & Heather Jacklin
15.45 Lecture
Venue: Rm 1.43 - 1.44

Sunday Programme

Join us for an Uber Awesome Judy Moody and Stink adventure. Children's event
15:00 - Venue: Stand Pan Macmillan
15:30 Organizer: Pan Macmillan

Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. Discussing the normative frameworks

by the United Nations. Henning Melber DHF & Mohamed Adhikiri UCT. Presented
15:00 -
by Dag Hammarskjöld
Venue: Rm 1.42

The self-publishing shift: moving your manuscript from drawer to bookshelf-it really
15:00 - is this easy. Presented by Crink
15:45 Venue: Rm 1.61

Lawrence Anthony, the author of The Elephant Whisperer, takes you through his
15:00 - charming and moving account of how he saved a herd of elephants.
15:45 Venue: Dalro Forum

Book Launch : Tsedimosa ka June 76 Uprising by Mabel Letsoa

Venue: Umzinsi Stand
15:00 - Organizer: Umzinsi

Platinum Grade 1-3- Discover how you can upgrade 1 to 3 learners' Numeracy
and Literacy skills with our innovative new series.
15:00 -
Venue: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman Stand
Organizer: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman

Sunday Programme

A Screening of Themba - A Boy Called Hope. Shuter & Shooter & the Goethe
Institut SA
15:00 -
Venue: Rm 1.63 - 1.64
Organizer: Shuter & Shooter, Goethe Institut SA

16:00 - So You Want to be A Proof Reader - A mini workshop by McGillivray &

16.45 Associates
Venue: Rm 1.62

16:00 -
16:30 Smart kids:Make the Smart choice for a brilliant future.For parents and
teachers of Grade R-3 learners. How parents can really support their child's
schoolwork in Literacy and Numeracy, and how teachers can feel secure in
recommending Smart Kids to their parents. Activities for children while you listen!
Venue: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman Stand
Organizer: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman

17:30 -
19:00 MML Literature Awards 2010 announcement- the announcement of the winners
of this year's competition for children's literature in all official languages.
Venue: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman Stand
Organizer: Pearson & Maskew Miller Longman

The Recurring Superslueth of Crime Fiction. Bennie Giessel, Dr Claire Hart

and Detective Kubu are some of the most popular sleuths on the local crime beat.
11:00 - Crime Author Mike Nicol asks their renowned creatores, Deon Meyer, Margie
12:00 Orford and Michael Stanley why this is so, and what it is about the genre that
lends itself to the much loved but flawed crime-buster
Venue: The Fish Bowl

Memoir and Biographies; Jane Katjavivi - Undisciplined Heart speaks to

13:00 - Sindiwe Magona. Modjaji Publishing
13:45 Venue: The Fish Bowl

Sunday Programme

Jodi Piccoult and the Birth of Issue - Driven Fiction.International sensation

Jodi Piccoult, best selling author of My Sister's Keeper and House Rules chats to
14:00 - Samantha Page, editor of O' magazine, about the increasing popularity of issue -
14:45 driven fiction and how she manages time and again to tap into the zeigeist and
deliver a number one best seller every time.
Venue: Dalro Forum

Meet international best selling author Jodie Picoult and get copies of your
15:00 - books signed.
15:30 Venue: Jonathan Ball Stand 11a
Organizer: Jonathan Ball

Chalk Hand Art - Come And Draw on our life size canvas and make your mark at
10:00 - the Cape Town Book Fair
18:00 Venue: Macmillan stand
Organizer: Macmillan

Jasper storytelling and fun activities. Come and meet Jasper and read about
all his adventures
10:30 - Venue: Macmillan stand
11:00 Organizer: Macmillan

Talking Stories - A Presentation and Demonstration with Kathy McCabe.

Presented by MacMillan Education publishers
Venue: Macmillan stand
12:00 -
Organizer: Macmillan

Sunday Programme

Jasper storytelling and fun activities. Come and meet Jasper and read about
14:30 - all his adventures
15:00 Venue: Macmillan stand
Organizer: Macmillan

12:00 - The Legacy Of Dennis Brutus. Various South African Poets reflect on
12:45 Dennis Brutus and his Literary Legacy. James mathews, Karen Press, Donald
Parenzee, Chaired by Abu Solomons.
Venue: Rm 1.62
Organizer: Rosa Luxemburg Siftung

16:00 - The Legacy Of Dennis Brutus. Various Writers and Activists reflect on
16:45 Dennis Brutus contribution to post apartheid political activism . Patrick Bond,
Neville Alexander, Chaired by Brian Ashley
Venue: Rm 1.42
Organizer: Rosa Luxemburg

EU Awards Ceremony. The Announcement of the winner of the prestigious EU

18:00 - Literary Award. Booking Essential www.strictlytickets.co.za
20:00 Venue: Old Town House Hotel
Organizer: Jacana

EU Literary Award Dinner at Five Flies restaurant. Booking Essential

20:00 - Late
Venue: FIVE Flies Restuarant
Organizer: EU Literary Award


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