7 Deadly Sins of Project Management
7 Deadly Sins of Project Management
7 Deadly Sins of Project Management
7 Deadly Sins of
Project Management
PM 7
As you read these pages, think about times when youve been
faced with similar challenges and issues. How did you handle
them? Have you witnessed other project managers commit
these sins? Is your organization committing them now - as a
whole - because certain best practices arent part of your
PMOs project management methodology or ongoing culture?
Are you personally committing these on some or all of your
projects currently? What other items might you consider to be
deadly sins or potential showstoppers on the path to project
Taking the Customer at Their
Taking the Customer at Like most of us out there, Ive learned some hard lessons in life
through relying on what normally would be common sense or
courtesy, only to find that others dont have the same
Their Word understanding and they dont always play by the same rules.
Buying a house from unscrupulous realtors during the housing
boom in Las Vegas was a learning experience, working in the
casino/gaming industry was sort of like Mr. Toads Wild Ride,
and customers are not always fully educated on what they
want and need AND theyre usually looking out for their own
interests first.
Im not saying customers are bad not by any means. But you
perceive them to be the experts in what they want and need
and that is often not the case. All they really truly know for sure
is that they have a need either because theyve figured that
out for themselves or their end users have told them that
through feedback or declining sales, etc. You may also perceive
them to be fair, but again, theyre looking out for their own
financial needs first and thats only fair. But whether youre an
independent consultant going in to run an implementation for a
customer or youre a project manager from a large organization
backed by a PMO ... either way dont think the customer wont
leverage things their way whenever they feel they need to.
What Im saying is, dont take anything with the customer for
Dont assume the customer understands their need
Go into any engagement with the customer with the blinders off.
Ask lots of questions, toss their requirements aside or if they
look halfway reasonable use them...but only as a starting
point. Never under any circumstances take customer-
provided requirements and run with them without questioning
them and drilling down deeper. Its your job as the trained questions and get to the heart of the issue. And all along, you
professional to ask the tough questions and get to the real have to look out for your own interests as well. Carefully word
issue. Often, what the customer comes to you with is only a signoff criteria and be sure to get official signoffs at all major
symptom of the real problem. milestones in order to ensure that you get the milestone and
deliverable payments that are due to you and/or your
Lets say a project sponsor comes to you asking for new reports organization.
to be created coming out of their timekeeping system because
accounting isnt getting the information they need to do their
job. If you ask enough questions and talk to the actual end
users, you may find that replacing the current timekeeping
system with a newer one will give accounting their own
interface to get the info they need and allow for future
expansion and scalability. Now youve solved todays AND
tomorrows problems.
Dont assume the customer has your back
The customer may be your friend during the engagement and
they may be as helpful as you can ever imagine a customer
being. However, if things go wrong, they will cover their own
needs. They will seek to replace team members on your project
team by complaining to your senior management. And they will
interpret signoffs to work in their favor as much as possible
and withhold payments until they are satisfied. Again, I am not
saying project customers are bad. They just have different
priorities than we do and they have their own dollars and
organizations to protect.
Without customer there would be no projects. They can turn out
to be our best friends...I stay in touch with many past clients all
the time. But you have to go into an engagement thinking
youre the expert and consider it a learning experience for you
that you have to make happen. You have to ask the right
Leaving Your Success in
Managements Hands
Unless you are working entirely as an independent contractor
Leaving Your Success in or have your own business, then youre working for someone.
And leaving your career entirely in someone elses hands is
Managements Hands never a good idea. There are things you cant help and you
have to rely on your direct supervisor for. And you definitely
need to submit to authority. Its part of your job, its the right
thing to do. But blindly following authority can have disastrous
consequences for you and sometimes your projects.
Ive found out the hard way on at least three occasions that my
manager did not have my best interests in mind when making
certain decisions. One had a negative impact on my career with
the company I was working for, another had a negative impact
on my working relationship with my direct supervisor and one of
my employees, and the third ended up causing one of my
customers to dump a project that I had been leading for nearly
a year.
I believe that our supervisors for the most part are trying to
do what is right for the individuals they lead... just as we as
project managers try to do what is best for our project team
members and our customers. However, they have many
obligations and constraints that they deal with every day. And
they have responsibilities to their leadership which,
unfortunately, can affect how they handle your needs and the
direction they give you and your teams.
What Im trying to say here is, we must take responsibility for
and control of our own careers. When you think your best
interests arent being served, you must be proactive. You may
even need to go over your managers head... a practice that
you dont want to make a common occurrence if you hope to
stay at your company very long. But if youre convinced that the
only way you can make progress on a major project issue
youre experiencing is to go around your manager do so.
Ultimately, youre serving your customer and youve been
tasked to do this by your management and by the customer. If
decisions above you seem to be negatively impacting your
ability to do your job, you must speak out. You must seek
additional help. You must go over someones head. To not do
that is deadly sin number #2.
Only we can look out for our own best interests. I am not saying
we need to always act selfishly. In fact, I dont believe that we
ever should really be acting selfishly. But we do need to
manage our own careers and assume that others may not
always be making the best decisions for what is happening on
our projects and the tasks we are assigned to complete. The
bottom line dont blindly follow leadership. Its ok to ask,
Trusting Team Members Without Question
Trusting Team Members Another mistake that we often make as project managers is to
put too much trust in our project resource. Or maybe a better
way to say it is we give them too much leeway. And by that I
Without Question mean taking their word for granted on whatever they tell us. We
know theyre highly skilled resources thats why theyre on our
projects. But as the project manager, it is always our job to
question almost everything whether its the customer, the
project team, or even sometimes our executive leadership, if
necessary. The project is our baby and we must protect its
success potential as such.
So what do we need to look out for from our project team?
What do we need to question? In my experiences, here are
some of the areas, some are obvious, some may not be so
Whether its figures provided for tasks at the beginning of the
project or for change orders that occur during the project, the
project manager must question all estimates that come in to
them. Developers are notorious for padding numbers (I should
know, I used to be one of them) and the last thing you want to
do is send a bloated development estimate off to a tech savvy
customer who calls you on it. For this very reason its best to
have tech savvy project managers running IT projects. Project
managers without a technical background are easily fooled by
developers when it comes to estimating timeframes and efforts.
In fact, I usually estimate a change order myself and then run it
by the developer to get their feedback. More than 90% of the
time Im almost dead-on.
Status updates and task progress Schedule conflicts
I was going to split these two up, but theyre really one and the If youre a project manager running several projects at once,
same. When you get status updates or progress reports on then its likely that your project team members are working on
tasks assigned to your team members, ask them questions. A more than one project at a time as well. Make sure youre up to
percent complete isnt always going to tell you if there is an speed on what other projects and tasks theyre assigned to. Be
underlying issue. Likewise, your team member may be the type looking out for conflicts that can appear on the horizon. If a
that doesnt raise the red flag until the last second when it may project team member is working on another project that is more
be too late to take corrective action. Ask plenty of questions visible than yours, know its status. Because if it runs into
about where things stand on the tasks your team members are problems and your team member is critical to it, understand that
assigned. The last thing you want is for the customer to ask you could lose this individual for a period of time. Keep that in
those questions of the team member during a weekly status call mind as a risk as you address your project schedule on a
and have them uncover an issue that you knew nothing about. weekly basis.
Customer interaction Summary
You may find that some of your project team members are We are usually blessed by being assigned the best individuals
interacting with the customer on topics and tasks that you knew available for the projects we are running. I can say that I have
nothing about. You cant let that happen and if it does happen personally enjoyed managing probably 98% of the resources
you cant let it continue. There are legitimate times when your that I have had the pleasure of working with on the projects that
team members must work directly with the customer, but you I have led over the years. But we must always manage a
must be aware of those efforts and be on top of the status at all project closely, track our team task assignments well, ask
times. questions to ensure they have proper understanding and are
staying on track with their assignments, and hold them
The problem you can run into is that if you have a developer accountable for what they are responsible for on our projects.
working directly with a customer contact, subtle bells and
whistles get requested without your knowledge. The developer
with a big ego and confident that a little extra development
work costs nothing can end up blowing your project budget
out of the water with extra work that the customer slips in
behind your back.
Taking a Shortcut on Project Planning
Taking a Shortcut on Like asking for directions on a long trip or reading directions
before putting something together, too many times our urge is
to dive right in and be productive long before we are really
Project Planning ready to do so. That is a mistake...and yes, a sin in the project
management world. We and our projects, customers, and
teams - are far better off if we put enough time in the project
schedule to plan appropriately for the engagement we are
about to embark on. Few things can be more damaging to a
project so quickly than to not do an adequate job of upfront
planning. And the problem here can be two-fold.
Not planning enough before beginning the engagement
Sometimes your senior management wants a high-profile
project kicked off as quickly as possible. Maybe theyre getting
pressure from above. Possibly, theyre getting pressure from
the customer. You may be even be getting direct pressure from
the customer to get started on the engagement. There can be
several pulls that youre getting that make it difficult to sit down
and spend the proper time planning your project at the
beginning before its even kicked off.
This planning portion that likely falls entirely to the project
manager because in many organizations the full project team
has not be assigned to the project yet is critical because it
involves getting handoff discussions and materials from Sales,
creating an initial project schedule, putting together kickoff
session materials, fully understanding the statement of work
(SOW), performing initial resource forecasting, and planning out
the project budget ... just to name a few. If the project manager
isnt allowed enough time for this type of planning to take place,
then the project will not be able to start off on the right foot and
the project manager will not be properly prepared to kickoff the
project and start managing the team, the budget, or even the
customer without some degree of frustration and that is no way to manage a project or put our career on the right
disorganization. path. Customers may push back, executives may push back,
but dont be afraid to put your foot down and insist that the right
Not allowing for enough team/customer planning in the amount of time be spent properly defining requirements and
planning phase of the project schedule planning for the project engagement.
The next type of planning concern involves creating enough
time in the schedule as a placeholder for the planning phase of
the project. This generally includes requirements definition and
creation of some sort of functional design document. These are
critical items and I will say once again that requirements are
the lifeblood of the project. If the project manager attempts to
move the project into design and development phases without
the proper requirements definition attention then the
engagement is likely headed toward scope issues that will
undoubtedly affect the budget, the project timeline and most
definitely customer satisfaction.
It is absolutely critical that enough time be set aside in the
schedule for proper project planning and requirements
definition. Shout this one from the rooftops no matter whos
pushing you to move forward more quickly. If its the customer,
remind them how important their $$ are and how quickly
problems will arise if requirements arent properly documented
and agreed upon. If its your senior management, remind them
how quickly the customer will become dissatisfied and shut
down the project when the project goes way over budget or you
have to present change order after change order to them to
cover all of the miscommunicated requirements. Customer
satisfaction will take an enormous hit if this is allowed.
Failure to plan really does = planning to fail. Without proper
upfront planning, we are relying on luck to pull us through...and
Getting Technically Out of Touch
Getting Technically Out of I come from a technical background and the projects that I have
managed have always been focused on some type of technical
solution. Ive long held that IT project managers need to come
Touch to the position with some technical expertise in their past. If
theyve been a developer or if theyve held some position that
allows them to know their way around a technical solution it will
lend that much more credibility to them with their customer and
their project team.
That said, in no way can past technical expertise carry you
through for 20 years or more of project management without
some attempt to remain somewhat current on technology.
Whether its trade magazines that you subscribe to, online
articles that you search through, conferences you attend, or
colleagues you network with, you must remain current if you
hope to remain viable in leading successful technical projects. If
you are out of touch technically, youre soon going to have
trouble connecting with your technical resources. Theyll lose
confidence in you, you wont be able to adequately assess their
work, confirm their estimates, and generally serve the best
needs of your team and your customer. Im not saying youre
going to be an utter failure unless you are a technical expert,
but you need to stay somewhat current. How do you do that?
For me, I take three routes in working hard to remain current
technically so as to best serve my teams, my customer, and my
career. I do this through...
Conferences and seminars
Ive been fortunate enough to attend thousands of dollars in
technical conferences for free this past year because I write
technical articles. Its a great way to seek out specific areas and
attend sessions to gain further understanding. Not everyone
can do that and not everyone lives in Las Vegas where nearly utilized on our project solution. And trust me, it is much easier
every conference imaginable is held at some time or another. to gain and keep the respect of your skilled technical resources
if you have an understanding of what solution you are
However, there is another way. I get at least 5-10 requests implementing. Ive witnessed the other side from watching
every week to sign up for some free seminar or webinar online colleagues who were out of touch technically...and it was not a
on a specific area of technical expertise. Search the web they pretty sight.
are out there. Be proactive ... learn ... take control.
Networking online and at work with technical experts is a great
way to learn new things. Waiting till the last minute to get up to
speed for a specific project may lead to resentment among your
team members, but asking them or their colleagues in advance
when things arent so critical for help understanding a new
technology or solution is a great way to learn. And they are
often more than happy to share their knowledge it feeds their
Finally, reading is probably my #1 way of staying current on
technical issues. For me its a must because Im also a project
manager who writes a lot and not just on PM issues. So
knowing things about where cloud computing is going, what
disaster recovery topics are hot right now, etc. are important.
But even if youre just trying to get some new technical
knowledge for yourself and not for what youre writing about
reading your trade journals is still a great way to stay current.
It is our responsibility to remain current as much as possible. As
project managers, we certainly do not need to be cutting edge
that is what our team is for. But we do need to have an
understanding of what is going on and what technology is being
Discounting Customer Satisfaction
Discounting Customer In terms of the projects we manage, customer satisfaction is
usually one of the three critical success measurements for
engagements within an organization.
Satisfaction What happens if we put too little stock in the customers
satisfaction level? Im here to tell you that nothing good can
come of it. Certainly, you dont do everything your customer
asks. And certainly you dont leave them unchecked to create
havoc on the project. As the project manager, you manage
them. But you must understand their needs and tend to those
needs to the best of your ability. It is, after all, their money that
is paying for the project. And unless this customer is too painful
to ever work with again, its likely that you want to keep them
around as a repeat customer. And you certainly dont want any
bad press from this customer because they are dissatisfied,
So how do you ensure they are satisfied? You dont. But you
stick to the basics good project management and good
customer management. Give them every reason to be
comfortable with you and your team. Schedule your standard
weekly project meetings and stick to the schedule. Deliver
weekly status reports. Keep them appraised of issues, risks,
and the project budget status. Its the little communication
things that we sometimes take for granted that can mean a lot
to the customer. The difference between a customer who feels
well-informed and one who feels like theyre being kept in the
dark is like night and day.
One more thing you can do as the project manager to help
ensure that customer satisfaction remains high is to get your
senior management involved in the project. And Im talking at a
very high level. But if its a visible project with an important
customer (arent all customers important?) have someone high
up in your organization sit in on a couple of project status
meetings with the customer. When the customer feels like their
project is important to you and your organization and they see
that portrayed by some senior management involvement, it can
make customer confidence and satisfaction soar.
Try to put yourself in the clients shoes and think about how you
would want to be treated and what information you would want
to see on a weekly basis for all the money youre spending.
Then go out and meet those needs. What happens next may
surprise you.
Nothing can guarantee project success. However, sticking to
project management best practices, keeping the customer well-
informed throughout the engagement, and working hard every
step of the way to ensure that your customer remains well
engaged on a weekly basis will go a long way in ensuring that
you continue to have a highly satisfied customer. That and
making sure you deliver a workable end solution that their users
can actually use.
Not Emphasizing Communication Enough
Not Emphasizing When the project manager considers communication as just
another soft tool, they run the risk of having everything fall apart
around them at any given time. In my opinion, the ability to
Communication Enough effectively and efficiently communicate with your project team,
your customer, your senior management and anyone else you
interact with while running your projects is the #1 skill you bring
to the table as a project manager. There are some things you
can fake or skate along without till you gain experience and
acquire more skills. Communication is not one of them. Too
many things on the project rely on good, solid communication:
Effective leadership
Customer satisfaction
Project team understanding
Senior management confidence and buy-in
Cohesive team performance throughout the
Customer participation
Etc. ... the list could go on and on...
So practicing effective communication on the project is not just
a nice to have ... its a gotta have. And to me, being an
effective communicator as a project manager involves the
Consistently communicating project status
Project status reports and project status meetings are more
important to your customer than you realize. They are far more
important that receiving an electronic copy of the revised
project schedule. Even if you really dont have much in the way other project managers they work with. Theyll feel like they are
of new information in a given week, still hold the meeting. Your on top of status because they are.
customer loves consistency and it certainly breeds
confidence. Canceling a meeting makes it easy for team For your customer, keep them informed, but you dont need to
members to get out of sync. Soon youll find it hard to get give them every internal detail. Give them the important stuff.
people together for meetings because they are expecting you to Too much of the daily detail leads to confusion and may
cancel them. And get the status report out consistently every decrease confidence when it shouldnt. Dont withhold important
week a day ahead of the weekly status call so that everyone information, but they dont need to or want to hear every detail.
has a chance to review it and get you an update if they see an Summary
error or omission.
Never take project communication for granted. A formal
Monitoring all major project communications communication plan may be overkill if your project is very small
Starting with the development of a Project Communication or very short...or both. But it will never hurt to have one and can
Plan, the project manager must lay the groundwork for how provide your customer with a great deal of confidence that you
communication is going to happen throughout the engagement. are being highly accountable in terms of project communication.
There needs to be a clear understanding that all important Communication is the single most important skill that the project
communication is funneled through the project manager and manager can bring to the table, in my opinion. A well-informed
the team and the customer need to understand what types of customer will stay engaged. A well-informed team will remain
formal communication will take place on the project and when. accountable. A well-informed executive management staff will
This formal communication involves project status reports, let you do your job.
project status meetings, adhoc status calls, internal project
team meetings, quarterly and phase project meetings, etc. That
all needs to be addressed in a plan that is documented and
signed off and followed throughout the project. Youll be
surprised how much customer confidence and satisfaction is
realized when they are comfortable that all participants are well
informed and that youre on top of all-important communication.
Encouraging a cohesive communication environment
This one is important. For your team, it involves having weekly
internal team meetings and disseminating all important project
info to the team quickly like through an email list. Be the
project manager who sends your team more emails than the
About the Author
Brad is married, a father of 10, and living in sunny Las Vegas, NV. You
can learn more about Brad or contact him through the following:
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bradegeland
Email: brad@bradegeland.com
About Project Smart