Apache Cassandra

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Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database designed for high availability and scalability across many servers with no single point of failure.

Apache Cassandra is a free and open-source distributed database that provides high availability with no single point of failure. It is designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers.

Some of Cassandra's main features include being decentralized without a single point of failure, supporting replication and multi data center replication, and being highly scalable.

Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed 1.0, released Oct 17 2011, added integrated com-
database management system designed to handle large pression, leveled compaction, and improved read
amounts of data across many commodity servers, provid- performance[14]
ing high availability with no single point of failure. Cas-
sandra oers robust support for clusters spanning multi- 1.1, released Apr 23 2012, added self-tuning
ple datacenters,[1] with asynchronous masterless replica- caches, row-level isolation, and support for mixed
tion allowing low latency operations for all clients. ssd/spinning disk deployments[15]

Cassandra also places a high value on performance. In 1.2, released Jan 2 2013, added clustering across
2012, University of Toronto researchers studying NoSQL virtual nodes, inter-node communication, atomic
systems concluded that In terms of scalability, there is batches, and request tracing[16]
a clear winner throughout our experiments. Cassandra
achieves the highest throughput for the maximum number 2.0, released Sep 4 2013, added lightweight transac-
of nodes in all experiments although this comes at the tions (based on the Paxos consensus protocol), trig-
price of high write and read latencies.[2] gers, improved compactions
Cassandras data model is a partitioned row store with 2.0.4, released Dec 30 2013, added allowing spec-
tunable consistency.[3] Rows are organized into tables; the ifying datacenters to participate in a repair, client
rst component of a tables primary key is the partition encryption support to sstableloader, allow removing
key; within a partition, rows are clustered by the remain- snapshots of no-longer-existing CFs[17]
ing columns of the key.[4] Other columns may be indexed
separately from the primary key.[5] 2.1.0 released Sep 10 2014 [18]
Tables may be created, dropped, and altered at runtime
without blocking updates and queries.[6]
2 Licensing and support
Cassandra does not support joins or subqueries, except
for batch analysis via Hadoop. Rather, Cassandra empha-
sizes denormalization through features like collections.[7] Apache Cassandra is an Apache Software Foundation
project, so it has an Apache License (version 2.0).

1 History 3 Main features

Apache Cassandra was initially developed at Facebook to Decentralized Every node in the cluster has the same
power their Inbox Search feature by Avinash Lakshman role. There is no single point of failure. Data is
(one of the authors of Amazons Dynamo) and Prashant distributed across the cluster (so each node contains
Malik. It was released as an open source project on dierent data), but there is no master as every node
Google code in July 2008.[8] In March 2009, it became can service any request.
an Apache Incubator project.[9] On February 17, 2010 it
graduated to a top-level project.[10]
Supports replication and multi data center replication
Releases after graduation include Replication strategies are congurable.[19] Cas-
sandra is designed as a distributed system, for
0.6, released Apr 12 2010, added support for inte- deployment of large numbers of nodes across
grated caching, and Apache Hadoop MapReduce [11] multiple data centers. Key features of Cassandras
distributed architecture are specically tailored for
0.7, released Jan 08 2011, added secondary indexes multiple-data center deployment, for redundancy,
and online schema changes [12] for failover and disaster recovery.

0.8, released Jun 2 2011, added the Cassandra Scalability Read and write throughput both increase lin-
Query Language (CQL), self-tuning memtables, early as new machines are added, with no downtime
and support for zero-downtime upgrades[13] or interruption to applications.


Fault-tolerant Data is automatically replicated to mul- 1. RandomPartitioner (RP): This partitioner randomly
tiple nodes for fault-tolerance. Replication across distributes the key-value pairs over the network, re-
multiple data centers is supported. Failed nodes can sulting in a good load balancing. Compared to OPP,
be replaced with no downtime. more nodes have to be accessed to get a number of
Tunable consistency Writes and reads oer a tunable
2. OrderPreservingPartitioner (OPP): This partitioner
level of consistency, all the way from writes never
distributes the key-value pairs in a natural way so
fail to block for all replicas to be readable, with
that similar keys are not far away. The advantage is
the quorum level in the middle.[3]
that fewer nodes have to be accessed. The drawback
is the uneven distribution of the key-value pairs.
MapReduce support Cassandra has Hadoop integra-
tion, with MapReduce support. There is support
also for Apache Pig and Apache Hive.[20]
6 Prominent users
Query language Cassandra introduces CQL
@WalmartLabs[24] (previously Kosmix) uses Cas-
(Cassandra Query Language), a SQL-like alter-
sandra with SSD
native to the traditional RPC interface. Language
drivers are available for Java (JDBC), Python Apple uses 75,000 Cassandra nodes, as revealed at
(DBAPI2), Node.JS (Helenus), Go (gocql) and Cassandra Summit San Francisco 2014,[25] although
C++.[21] it has not elaborated for which products, services or

4 Data model AppScale uses Cassandra as a back-end for Google

App Engine applications[26]
Cassandra is essentially a hybrid between a key-value and CERN uses Cassandra for its ATLAS experiment
a column-oriented (or tabular) database. to archive the online DAQ systems monitoring
A column family (called table since CQL 3)
resembles a table in an RDBMS. Column fam- Cisco's WebEx uses Cassandra to store user feed
ilies contain rows and columns. Each row is and activity in near real time.[28]
uniquely identied by a row key. Each row has
Cloudkick uses Cassandra to store the server metrics
multiple columns, each of which has a name,
of their users.[29]
value, and a timestamp. Unlike a table in an
RDBMS, dierent rows in the same column Constant Contact uses Cassandra in their email and
family do not have to share the same set of social media marketing applications.[30] Over 200
columns, and a column may be added to one nodes are deployed.
or multiple rows at any time.[22]
Digg, a large social news website, announced on
Each key in Cassandra corresponds to a value which is an Sep 9th, 2009 that it is rolling out its use of
object. Each key has values as columns, and columns are Cassandra[31] and conrmed this on March 8,
grouped together into sets called column families. 2010.[32] TechCrunch has since linked Cassandra to
Digg v4 reliability criticisms and recent company
Thus, each key identies a row of a variable number of el-
struggles.[33] Lead engineers at Digg later rebuked
ements. These column families could be considered then
these criticisms as red herring and blamed a lack of
as tables. A table in Cassandra is a distributed multi di-
load testing.[34]
mensional map indexed by a key.
Furthermore, applications can specify the sort order of Facebook used Cassandra to power Inbox Search,
columns within a Super Column or Simple Column fam- with over 200 nodes deployed.[35] This was aban-
ily. doned in late 2010 when they built Facebook Mes-
saging platform on HBase as they found Cassan-
dras eventual consistency model to be a dicult
5 Clustering
Formspring uses Cassandra to count responses, as
When the cluster for Apache Cassandra is designed, an well as store Social Graph data (followers, following,
important point is to select the right partitioner. Two par- blockers, blocking) for 26 Million accounts with 10
titioners exist:[23] million responses a day[37]

IBM has done research in building a scalable email Facebook moved o its pre-Apache Cassandra deploy-
system based on Cassandra.[38] ment in late 2010 when they replaced Inbox Search with
the Facebook Messaging platform.[36] In 2012, Facebook
Mahalo.com uses Cassandra to record user activity began using Apache Cassandra in its Instagram unit.[59]
logs and topics for their Q&A website[39][40]
Cassandra is the most popular wide column store,[60] and
Netix uses Cassandra as their back-end database in September 2014 surpassed Sybase to become the 9th
for their streaming services[41][42] most popular database, close behind Microsoft Access
and SQLite.[61]
Ooyala built a scalable, exible, real-time analytics
engine using Cassandra[43]

Openwave uses Cassandra as a distributed database 7 See also

and as a distributed storage mechanism for their next
generation messaging platform[44]
7.1 Academic Background
OpenX is running over 130 nodes on Cassandra
for their OpenX Enterprise product to store and BigTable - Original distributed database by Google
replicate advertisements and targeting data for ad
delivery[45] Distributed database

Plaxo has reviewed 3 billion contacts in [their]

Distributed hash table (DHT)
database, compared them with publicly available
data sources, and identied approximately 600 mil-
Dynamo (storage system) - Cassandra borrows
lion unique people with contact info.[46]
many elements from Dynamo
PostRank used Cassandra as their backend
database[47] NoSQL

Rackspace is known to use Cassandra internally.[48]

Reddit switched to Cassandra from memcacheDB 7.2 Popular Alternatives

on March 12, 2010[49] and experienced some prob-
lems in May due to insucient nodes in their Aerospike
Apache HBase - Apache Hadoop based distributed
RockYou uses Cassandra to record every single click database. Very similar to BigTable
for 50 million Monthly Active Users in real-time for
their online games[51] MongoDB
SoundCloud uses Cassandra to store the dashboard
of their users[52]
7.3 Other Alternatives
Talentica Software uses Cassandra as a back-end
for Analytics Application with Cassandra cluster of Apache Accumulo - Secure Apache Hadoop based
30 nodes and inserting around 200GB data on daily distributed database.
Berkeley DB
Twitter announced it was planning to move entirely
from MySQL to Cassandra,[54][55] though soon af-
ter retracted this, keeping Tweets in MySQL while Druid (open-source data store)
using Cassandra for analytics.[56]
Hypertable - Apache Hadoop based distributed
Urban Airship uses Cassandra with the mobile ser- database. Very similar to BigTable
vice hosting for over 160 million application installs
across 80 million unique devices[57] Riak

Wikimedia uses Cassandra as backend storage for

its public-facing REST Content API.[58]
7.4 Commercial Companies
Zoho uses Cassandra for generating the inbox pre-
view in their Zoho#Zoho Mail service DataStax

7.5 References [17] Eric Evans. "[Cassandra-User] [RELEASE] Apache Cas-

sandra 2.0.4. qnalist.com. Retrieved 11 December 2014.
[18] Sylvain Lebresne (10 September 2014). "[VOTE
SUCCESS] Release Apache Cassandra 2.1.0. mail-
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10 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

10.1 Text
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Edward, Ronz, Stefan, Ehn, Hashar, Cleduc, Bearcat, Alan Liefting, Msiebuhr, Neilc, Pgan002, Euphoria, Rich Farmbrough, Ben-
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gaswikian, Intgr, Tas50, FrankTobia, SamJohnston, Mipadi, Grafen, Wainstead, JLaTondre, Tommymorgan, Chris Chittleborough, Dan-
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